



The fastest to reach 20000 points, 5000 rebounds, 5000 assists, 1200 steals, and 600 blocks
Youngest career 28000 points
4000 points in the playoffs
Times goes by , the NBA Finals come.This is a new challenge for James.I wish James can take Heat to get the champion!Let the Miami Heat fire!
Won the NBA championship and four times the regular season MVP
Can you guess who they are?
Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant
Allen Iverson
Stephen curry
Lebron James
Chinese name:勒布朗·詹姆斯 English name:LeBron James Nick name:小皇帝(KING) Nationality :America
NBA average score in the history of third (27.6 points)
NBA third rookie season reached an average of 20
points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists
NBA second players in the history of the game to reach a total of three pairs



James is
James is dominance .He is the king .He love game and enjoy it.He is a genius .In my heart,James never change.I am amazed about his dream.He do it.He got it.I love him at every minutes,every seconds.He is a part of my life.He is my forever idol!
friends .
James is the choosen one in his high school.He is the first high school student to boared the face of the magazines
Lebron James 2003 firstround series first place by a knight.
Rookie of the Year in 2004
All star game MVP
The NBA regular season MVP in 2009,2010and2012
Beijing time 2010 July 9, Lebron James in peoples attention under, finally in local time 9 p.m. in ESPN and its subordinate radio has released new season in the bullring he joined heat


Scoring 2000 points over the last nine seasons
The fastest in the history of NBA reached 10000 points, 2500 rebounds, 2500 assists, 600 steals, a total of 300 shots (-10464 points, 2637 rebounds, 2518 assists, 676 steals, and 300 blocks)
Four NBA regular season MVP Three NBA finals MVP The two NBA all star game MVP The three NBA Championship The two Olympic champion Seven NBA Eastern champion Thirteen NBA all star 2004 rookie of the year Ten selected NBA first team Five times the best defensive lineup NBA The fifty-six best player of the week Thirty-four player of the month
The fastest to reach 20000 points, 5000 rebounds, 5000 assists, 1200 steals, and 600 blocks
) in his
high school.
2003 draft
The number one pick
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade (韦德:闪电侠)and Kris Bosh (波什).They are just like brother.The live together, play together and fight together.This is a home for Miami Heat!


勒 布 朗 詹 姆 斯
勒布朗· 詹姆斯(1984年12月30日—),职业篮 球运动员,司职小前锋,效力于NBA迈阿密热 火队。2003年NBA选秀大会上,18岁的詹姆斯 以选秀状元的身份被克里弗兰骑士队选中,在之 后的7个赛季里一直效力于骑士队,并且打破了 联盟一系列最年轻的纪录。2010年,身为自由 球员的詹姆斯选择加盟迈阿密热火队,与同届好 友德文· 韦德、克里斯· 波什并肩战斗。
中文名:勒布朗· 詹姆斯 外文名:LeBron Raymone James 别名:小皇帝,老北京 国籍:美国 出生地:美国俄亥俄州阿克伦 出生日期:1984年12月30日 毕业院校:圣文森特-圣马里中学六届 身高:2.03米/6英尺8英寸
运动项目:篮球 所属运动队:迈阿密热火队 专业特点:极为全能,统治力强! 主要奖项:两届NBA全明星赛最有价值球员奖 两届NBA最有价值球员奖 NBA年度最佳新秀奖 (2004年) NBA全明星赛 NBA得分王(2008年)
在奥尼尔之后NBA联盟已经很久没有为了某位 球星修改NBA篮球规则了,而詹姆斯成为继奥尼尔 之后再次迫使联盟修改NBA规则之人。詹姆斯使得 NBA将“走两步”变的合法化。 此前,NBA曾多次调整规则,包括扩大三秒区、 防守三秒等规则,但对走步规则作出调整还是第一 次。NBA进行这一个调整可以说是里程碑式的,因 为此前世界上任何篮球比赛都不会允许球员“走两 步”。 在“小皇帝”詹姆斯的比赛中,经常可以看到 他持球突破后都要走两步才上篮,他是不是走步的 问题一直以来饱受争议。詹姆斯美其名曰自己的动 作为“螃蟹步”,詹姆斯橄榄球式的突破几乎不可 阻挡,但他突破时的走步太过明显,这引起了诸多 球员的不满和抗议,有些时候他甚至需要裁判来帮 助其圆场。但对于别人眼中自己的走步,他认为是 无稽之谈。为了维护詹姆斯的形象,联盟对走步做 了进一步的更改,“走两步”变得合法化,这样让 詹姆斯的螃蟹步横行球场。



He joined the Cleveland cavaliers, and stayed there for seven seasons.
Beijing time on July 9, 2010, LeBron James announced that signed a contract with the Heat under the much-anticipated.
He was born in 1984 . When he was a child, he was interested in the basketball . His idol is Michael Jordan ,he often imitated him ,although he studyed not well .Through basketball, he made a lot of friends .
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade and Kris Bosh .They are just like brothers.They live together, play together and fight together.
In this team,LeBron is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three players in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank.
Irving and Kevin Love.They led the team in the NBA finals but failed.



Lebron James
He was born in 1984 When still can't talk, he will in the basketball was interested. His idol is Michael He was born in 1984 When still can't Jordan . He often imitate Jordantalk, . Although he study he will in the basketball was not good , through basketball, heinterested. met a lot friends . Jordan . Hisof idol is Michael
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade and Kris Bosh .They are just like brother.The live together, play together and fight together.This is a home for Miami Heat!
In this team,James is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank.
James is
James is dominance .He is the king .He love game and enjoy it.He is a genius .In my heart,James never change.I am amazed about his dream.He do it.He got it.I love him at every minutes,every seconds.He is a part of my life.He is my forever idol!


In this team,James is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank.
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade and Kris Bosh .They are just like brother.The live together, play together and fight together.This is a home for Miami Heat!
He join the cavaliers.and stay there 8seasons.
death slam
Beijing time 2010 July 9, Lebron James in peoples attention under, finally in local time 9 p.m. in ESPN and its subordinate radio has released new season in the bullring he joined heat
He was born in 1984 When still can't talk, he will in the basketball was interested. His idol is Michael Jordan . He often imitate Jordan . Although he study not good , But through basketball, he met a lot of friends .



LeBron is the choosen one in his high school.He is the first high school student to board the face of the magazines.
In the 2003 NBA draft, LeBron James was first rank first drafted by the Cleveland cavaliers.LeBron has extremely good basketball talent, physical quality explode and high basketball IQ.His breakthrough is sharp.His shooting is relative technical soft rib, but enter alliance has been in progress.He can play Center outside of any position. In order to pay tribute to Jordan, he chose the number 23 as his shirt number.
He was born in 1984 . When he was a child, he was interested in the basketball . His idol is Michael Jordan ,he often imitated him ,although he studyed not well .Through basketball, he made a lot of friends .
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade and Krisபைடு நூலகம்Bosh .They are just like brothers.They live together, play together and fight together.


In this team,James is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank1.1
James in high school time namely reveal its astonishing basketball talent, James graduated from St. Vincent - holy Mali (St. Vincent - St. Mary (HS) high school, high school three consecutive obtain Ohio high school basketball sir, and lead the St. Vincent - holy Mali middle school four years three-time state championship.
At the beginning , they couldn't find out the right way to work together , then something happened between the players and coach . Everyone began to doubt them , and they lost many games , they didn't know who should be the commander , and the devision of labour was not clear .


Hale Waihona Puke 过去的23现在6号
• 勒布朗· 詹姆斯纹身:皇帝后背的“CHOSEN1”是 他第一个纹身,传言说这个纹身在他刚出生的时 候就有,据多方了解是高中时纹的(不过他本人 没解释这个纹身)。 • NBA官方解释这个纹身的意思是“天选之子”。 • 皇帝右胳膊上纹身,是一个狮子头,狮头LOGO 上面是KING,下面是JAMES,狮子头上面还有 “Gloria”以纪念他的妈妈Gloria James。
王 者 之 路
你必须去完成你的梦 想,我们都要做梦想家。 我们要年复一年的思考: 梦想到底是什么样的,要 去实现怎样的梦想。你的 选择会影响你的方向,如 果你把握不好,就不要责 怪身边的人,不要责怪你 身边的环境,更不要去责 怪上帝。你要做的,就是 把握你的人生……
和大多数黑人一样,詹姆斯出生在 黑人贫民窟里,父亲不知去向,母亲又 没有正式工作,生活颠沛流离。 九岁那年,他寄住在小学教师弗兰 克家里才第一次接触到了篮球。

• 如果不是篮球,詹姆斯的童年只剩下关于贫穷、 动荡的记忆。勒布朗快3岁时,他得到人生中的第 一个篮球。格利亚和男友埃迪给勒布朗买了一套 篮球装置玩具。这个晚上,勒布朗的外婆、42岁 的弗雷达死于突发心脏病。勒布朗的童年时光在 阴郁中度过。这期间,他爱上了迈克尔· 乔丹,爱 上了篮球,他为自己挑选了印有23号的球衣。詹 姆斯总是说:“童年太糟糕了,我不知道自己应 该站在街头抽烟还是回到教室,甚至不知道自己 该不该做个小偷……但当我走到球场上时,我知 道我只需要做一件事:打好篮球!”在勒布朗那 间狭小的卧室里,贴满了飞人乔丹的海报。


er 30 ,1984
High School:St.SV Mary
Postion:Small Forward(小前锋)
He was born in 1984 When still can't talk, he will in the basketball was interested. His idol is Michael Jordan . He often imitate Jordan . Although he study not good , But through basketball, he met a lot of friends .
When talking about basketball , who would appear in your mind ?
Chinese name:勒布朗·詹姆斯
English name:LeBron James
Nick name:小皇帝(KING)
Nationality :America Ohio Cleveland Akron
He join the cavaliers.and stay there 8seasons.
death slam
Beijing time 2010 July 9, Lebron James in peoples attention under, finally in local time
James is the choosen one in his high school.He is the first high school student to boared the face of the magazines


勒布朗詹4年12月30日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国职业篮球运 动员,现效力于NBA洛杉矶湖人队,场上司职小前锋。
高中时,詹姆斯就读于阿克伦圣文森特高中。高中期间,詹姆斯3次成为俄亥俄州篮球 先生,3次入选今日美国全美最佳阵容一队,3次拿到俄亥俄州三级联赛州冠军,2次 当选佳得乐全美高中年度球员,2次成为今日美国高中男子篮球年度球员,2次当选 Parade高中篮球年度球员,2次入选Parade全美最佳阵容一队,1次入选麦当劳全美 最佳阵容,1次入选乔丹全美最佳阵容。
2003年,詹姆斯参加NBA选秀,于首轮第一顺位被克里夫兰骑士选中,成为当年状元 秀。2003-2004菜鸟赛季结束之后,詹姆斯当选为NBA年度新秀。从2003年迄今, 詹姆斯曾4次当选为NBA常规赛MVP,4次当选为总决赛MVP。
詹姆斯先后10次闯入总决赛,并4次夺冠,其中从2010-2011赛季开始,连续八年进入 总决赛。此外,詹姆斯共计19次入选NBA最佳阵容,6次入选NBA最佳防守阵容。 2022年,詹姆斯和乔丹等人入选NBA75周年75大巨星。]2023年2月7日,在湖人对阵 雷霆的比赛中,詹姆斯打破近40年的纪录,以38390的总得分超越卡里姆 阿卜杜勒 贾 巴尔,成为NBA历史得分榜第一人。在国际赛场,詹姆斯三次代表美国出征奥运会, 2004年拿到奥运会铜牌,2008年和2012年两次拿到奥运会金牌。
NBA记者克里斯-海恩斯透露,詹姆斯不确定是否会在23-24赛季回归球队,并且正 考虑退役。[13]
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At the beginning , they couldn't find out the right way to work together , then something happened between the players and coach . Everyone began to doubt them , and they lost many games , they didn't know who should be the commander , and the devision of labour was not clear .
He was born in 1984 When still can't talk, he will in the basketball was interested. His idol is Michael Jordan . He often imitate Jordan . Although he study not good , But through basketball, he met a lot of friends .
In this team,James is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank.
He join the cavaliers.and stay there 8seasons.
death slam
Beijing time 2010 July 9, Lebron James in peoples attention under, finally in local time 9 p.m. in ESPN and its subordinate radio has released new season in the bullring he joined heat
He was born in 1984 When still can't talk, he will in the basketball was interested. His idol is Michael Jordan . He often imitate Jordan . Although he study not good , But through basketball, he met a lot of friends .
James is the choosen one in his high school.He is the first high school student to boared the face of the magazines
Lebron James 2003 first-round series first place by a knight,James has extremely good basketball talent, physical quality explode, basketball IQ extremely high, breakthrough sharp, shooting is relative technical soft rib, but enter alliance has been in progress, little emperor have than ordinary point guard better vision and passing technology. The defensive and transverse moving relatively poor, single concerning physical quality, can control center outside of any position.
The Big Three,LeBron James ,Dwayne Wade and Kris Bosh .They are just like brother.The live together, play together and fight together.This is a home for Miami Heat!
James in high school time namely reveal its astonishing basketball talent, James graduated from St. Vincent - holy Mali (St. Vincent - St. Mary (HS) high school, high school three consecutive obtain Ohio high school basketball sir, and lead the St. Vincent - holy Mali middle school four years three-time state championship.
Whentalkingaboutbasketball,whow ouldappearinyourmind?
Chinese name:勒布朗·詹姆斯 English name:LeBron James Nick name:小皇帝(KING) Nationality :America
Ohio Cleveland Akron Birthdate:December 30 ,1984 High School:St.SV Mary Height:2.03meters Weight:113.4KG Postion:Small Forward(小前锋)