施工 最新合同中英文模板-construction-contract

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Construction Contract



Buye r:. Date of signature:




T his Purchase Order is made by and betwe en the Buyer and the Selle r: Whereby th e Buyer agree s to buy and the Seller ag rees to sell the under men tioned commod ity according to the terms and conditio ns stipulated below:


1. Scope of Su pply and Pric e


2. Technical Re quirement, Qu ality Require ment, Standar d & Warranty Period:

Selle r shall carri ed out the co nstruction in strict accor dance with th e National St andard and th e requirement s stipulated in the Techni cal Agreement No. ________which both pa rty signed (s ee attached d ocuments). Th e warranty pe riod shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in ser vice.


3. Job Sites:


4. Constr uction Equipm ent, Tools & Field Personn el Management:


(1) All the construc tion equipmen t and tools s hall be provi ded by Seller.


(2) Buyer will co ordinate and arrange the e lectricity an d water suppl y on the site.


(3) B uyer will be responsible f or all the li fting work du ring the cons truction on s ite.


(4) Seller sha ll be respons ible for the management of its field pe rsonnel safet y; Seller sho uld provide r easonable pro tection and i nsurance for its personnel’s safety. Al l the personn el injury and property dam age caused by Seller’s fai lure of manag ement shall b e borne by Se ller.


5. Constru ction Time, d elay and Post pone


(1)Buyer shall issue a Notic e to Seller a bout the cons truction one week prior th e date of the construction start.


(2) Constru ction period will be 15 da ys from the d ate of issuan ce of the ord er to commenc e the constru ction from Bu yer.


(3) Constru ction period may be postpo ned as Buyer agreed after he certified that the dela y not caused by Seller.


(4) The start t ime of the co nstruction sh all be subjec t to the orde r to commence by Buyer. Se ller shall un conditionally follow the o verall projec t schedule of Buyer. Buye r shall be en titled to eva luate and adj ust Seller’s construction plan.


(5)Liquidated D amage: If sel ler fails to complete the construction on time as st ipulated in t he Contract, Seller agrees to pay a pen alty at the r ate of 1% of the Total Val ue per day of delay. No bo nus for early completion.


6. Standard and method of acc eptance inspe ction:

Subje ct to the req uirement in t he Attached T echnical Agre ement.

验收标准、方法: 按照技术协议的要求进行验收。
