Westminster abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)

BFT词汇1、abbey 修道院,大教堂。
Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地)。
English kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey; Distinguished English subjects are buried in Westminster Abbey。
2、abolish,废除,取消.abolish slavery废除奴隶制. Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。
3.abortion 流产,堕胎.the highly charged issue of abortion. 关于堕胎引起的争议很大的问题。
We oppose the ban on abortion. 我反对这项关于流产的禁令。
What is your attitude to abortion? 你对堕胎有什么看法?Does the UN provide funding for abortion? 联合国为堕胎提供资金吗?4.accommodate,为...提供宿舍,容纳,使适应.I can accommodate you. 我能迁就你。
To have room for; accommodate. 为…留出空间;容纳How many passengers does it accommodate? 这架飞机可以载多少旅客?We must accommodate ourselves to circumstances.5.accusation,告发,控告,指控,谴责.a formal accusation against somebody. 针对某人的正式指控。
he angrily denied the accusation. 他愤怒地否决了指控。
He denied the accusation hotly. 他激烈地驳斥这个控告。
Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂

探索发现Westminster Abbey1威斯敏斯特教堂华中师范大学外国语学院张紫轩供稿Standing in the heart of London,Westminster Abbey is an important church of England and the resting place of many great people including Charles Darwin,Stephen William Hawking and so on.It has stood witness 2to the rise and decline 3of the nation and the changing course of arts and literature 4.This present Gothic -style 5abbey began on the orders of Henry Ⅲ(1216-1272),who was a weak yet generous King (in building this abbey).Through the course of so many years,royals 6and builders have changed their names,which results in some fixing and repairing.When the days of Henry Ⅷ(1509-1547)was reaching its end,he took the Abbey over in 1534and closed it in 1540.During that hard time,Westminster Abbey created an interesting expression “robbing Peter to pay Paul 7”,when money for this abbey was used for another famous church —St Paul ’s ter,it was under Elizabeth that Westminster finally played its present role:Collegiate 8Church of St Peter at Westminster under the leadership of a dean 9,who is appointed 10by the king or queen directly.Walking into the abbey,more careful steps are suggested,because many great people of different kinds take their long sleep there,from Kings to famous poets.And no matter how grand the abbey is,its space is limited.People have to save the room for future newcomers.So some memorials 11are stone slabs 12set in the floor.If you don ’t walk carefully,you may step on some memorials...And it happens,sometimes.It might sound a little terrible for those resting great people,but still,having a tiny space in this church would be the highest honor in England,as it reads on the memorial,“buried among kings ”.In addition,as the living symbol of England,Westminster is the place where many important events take place,including royal weddings.If you want to get a quick look at the English history,why not go on a pleasure trip to Westminster Abbey?Then you may find yourself walking through arts,time and the changing history of England.24. All Rights Reserved.【Notes 】美文欣赏探索发现芬·威廉·霍金等伟人的长眠之地。

1.“大本”钟(The Big Ben)泰晤士河畔议会大厦的北面,耸立着高高的钟楼,镶有大钟,名为“大本”。
Thames North of Parliament building, stands tall Bell Tower, with a clock, known as "Big Ben". Every other hour, heavy and loud noise issued under GMT clock, a few miles away can be heard bells rang. In 1859, the big clock by the then public works Minister Benjamin King of England? Hall-Jazz producer, Bell weighing 21 metric tons, when the casting cost 27,000 pounds. "Big Ben" clock as a symbol of London, where the people of tours to London, all around the clock tower, standing on a bridge in Parliament to appreciate this unique building in London.2.白金汉宫(Bukingham Palace)一七六二年英国王乔治三世购买了当时在现址上的一所房子作为私人住宅。

威斯敏斯特的本义是西部大教堂的意思。由于这座教堂在伦敦城的威斯 敏斯特大教堂西部,便得此名。曾有过一座自东撒克逊王塞伯特在公元 7世纪建造后便长期矗立的教堂。威斯敏斯特教堂在伦敦威斯敏斯特教 堂的现址上,当时,它本应建在托尼岛。该岛已经消失,因为泰晤士河 道变窄后它与岸地融为一体。这座教堂的建立似乎是遵循圣伯多禄的指 教,据说他曾在首位主教梅里图斯领行的封圣典礼上现身。从巴耶彩图 (彩织广景壁画,生动详细地记录了11世纪诺曼征服者威廉侵占英格兰 的过程。传说为威廉王后玛蒂尔达亲织,画中共有1152人和72幕场景) 上看,这座老教堂建有中心塔楼、交成十字横线的两侧耳堂和铅板屋顶。 威斯敏斯特教堂是由“忏悔者”爱德华(1042—1066年在位,因病未 能参加威斯敏斯特教堂的封圣典礼。威斯敏斯特教堂既非大教区的主教 堂,也不是教区里的教堂,而是人们所知的王室专属的教堂,行使管理 的教长与其法规都要由王室决定。
主要由教堂及修道院两大部分组成。威斯敏斯特教堂教堂平面呈拉丁十字形, 主体部分长达156 米,本堂两边各有侧廊一道,上面设有宽敞的廊台。本堂宽 仅11.6 米,然而上部拱顶高达31 米,是英国哥特式拱顶高度之冠,故而本堂 总体显得比例狭高,巍峨挺拔。耳堂总长62 米,与本堂交会处的4 个柱墩尺 寸很大,用以承托上部穹顶。穹顶以西是歌唱班的席位,以东是祭坛。教堂西 部的双塔(l735~1740 年)高达68.6 米。平衡本堂拱顶水平推力的飞拱横跨 侧廊和修道院围廊,形成复杂的支撑体系。
作为英国中世纪建筑的主要代表,威斯敏斯特教堂的建筑风格和特点,虽然在马拉松式的建造 年代中不断地推移变化,从诺曼式、哥特式,一直到早期文艺复兴的式样,不过它 的基本特色 仍属于哥特式,所以历经700 多年的修葺而犹能保持原貌,实在多亏了斯科特这样的建筑师。 教堂建筑为哥特式,数个由彩色玻璃嵌饰的尖顶并列在一起,显得别致动人。教堂中间还有一 处拥挤的墓场,埋葬有诸多伟大人物。由于人数众多,不得不将棺停竖起来埋放在地下。最终 还是无处插针,才开始将伟人们向圣保禄教堂转移。祭坛前面的尖背靠椅,是历代帝王在加冕 时坐的,据说那是700年前一直使用至今的古董。椅子坐板下有一块大石头,被称为“命运之 石”(Scone),它是爱德华一世在13世纪掠夺来的。原来是苏格兰王登基用的,据说现今苏格兰 人中,还有人发起要把这块石头取回去的运动。在最里面的亨利七世礼拜堂中,并排陈放着悲 剧性的女王玛丽,以及在伦敦塔惨遭杀害的年幼的爱德华五世及其胞弟的墓葬。威斯敏斯特教 堂威斯敏斯特的本义是西部大教堂的意思。由于这座教堂坐落在100年前伦敦的西部,便得此名。 早在8世纪这里便有教堂了,但只是在爱德华忏悔王建立起这座教堂之后,这一带才成为身份不 凡的地区。在这座教堂建成之后不过几日,忏悔王便死去了,也没有王位继承人。正当皇亲国 戚为此争吵不休之际,诺尔曼人威廉从法国而来,并一举压制、征服了英格兰。可是,怎样才 能向公众展示自己是爱德华王的正当继承者呢?最终他决定在爱德华王建造的这座教堂内举行 盛大的登基仪式。于是1066年,威廉在此登上了英国王位。从那以后,共有40位皇帝在此登基。
Westminster Abbey威思敏斯特教堂介绍

诗人之角Poets’ Corner
诗人角,顾名思义就是诗人们聚集的角落。是的,迄今为止,这个角 落里已经安息了一百二十名英国历史上最有影响的艺术精英们的亡灵 。乔叟、莎士比亚、狄更斯等英国最伟大的头脑皆安葬于此。
乔 叟 的 石 棺
诗人之角里长眠的不仅仅只有文学家,此外还有著名的政治家、军事 家、科学家如丘吉尔、克伦威尔、达尔文、牛顿等。 牛顿之墓,墓碑由威廉· 肯特设计,麦克尔· 赖斯布拉克雕做,所用材 料为灰白相间的理石。石棺上镶有图板,描绘的是一群男孩在使用牛 顿的数学仪器。石棺上方为牛顿斜卧姿态的塑像,他的右肘支靠处, 绘列着他为人熟知的几项创举。他的左手指向一幅由两个男孩持握的 卷轴,卷面展解着一项数学设计。背景雕塑是一个圆球,球上画有黄 道十二宫和相关星座,还描绘着出现于1680年那颗彗星的运行轨迹。
基本简介 历史渊源 建筑风格 诗人之角
威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座本笃会隐修院 ,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至 1517年进行了重建。威斯敏斯特教堂在1540年英国国教与罗马教廷 决裂前,它一直是天主教本笃会即天主教的隐修院修会之一的教堂, 1540年之后,一直是伦敦的国家级圣公会教堂。
从 11 世纪胜利王威廉开始,除了爱德华五世和爱德华八世外,所有 英王都在此加冕登基,当今英女王伊丽莎白二世就是于1953 年6月在 威斯敏斯特大教堂里举行加冕典礼的。每当新国王加冕时,威斯敏斯 特大教堂布臵得焕然一新。各国代表、皇亲国戚上千人云集一堂,喇 叭齐鸣,圣诗班高唱圣诗。大主教将王冕戴在英王头上。

General Opening Times
• Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
– 9.30am - 4.30pm (last admission 3.30pm)
• Wednesday
– 9.30am - 7.00pm (last admission 6.00pm)
• To the west of the Palace of Westminster
Kings, queens, statesmen and soldiers; poets, priests, heroes and villains - the Abbey is a must-see living pageant of British history.
• The final resting place of seventeen monarchs
• The Abbey has been the coronation church since 1066 .
• Westminster Abbey is steeped in more than a thousand years of history.
1301, almost all the
monarchs 君主of
England are crowned here.
King Edward's Chair
The Crown Jewels
The Orb
Imperial State Crown
St. Edward’s Crown
Stone of Destiny

威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸,原是一座天主教本笃会隐修院,始建于公元960 年,1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至1517年进行了重建。

Westminster Abbey “美国文学之父”华盛顿·欧文. On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn, when the sha dows of morning and evening almost together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year.I passed several houses in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile; and. As I passed its threshold. It seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shad es of former ages.。

英语作业答案Unit 1Ⅰ.Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or False.1. The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. (T) 英伦三岛包括英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
2. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. (F) British3. Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language. (F)4. In terms of population and area,Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. (F) 英格兰是面积最大,人口最多的5. The longest river of Britain originates in Wales. (T) The River Severn:赛文河6. Because of political troubles,Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. (T)1. The two main islands of the British Isles are .不列颠群岛是由两个大岛组成的:不列颠和爱尔兰A.Great Britain and IrelandB.Great Britain and ScotlandC.Great Britain and WalesD.Great Britain and England2. is the capital city of Scotland.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff3. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom,is the smallest.A.EnglandB. ScotlandC.WalesD. Northern Ireland4. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element ofwords to English.A. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek5. The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence.A. NormanB. DutchC. GermanD. Danish6. Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of .A. grammarB. handwritingC. spellingD. pronunciationA. halfB. a quarterC. One thirdD. one fifthIII. Give brief answers to the following questions·1. What is the full name of the U.K.?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. Why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery, to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsman wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3. How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.Ⅳ. State your understanding of the following questions in about 100 words.1. who are British people?2. What is Standard English?Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern England; it is widely used in media and taught at schools. It is preferred by the educated, middle-class people. Is has developed and has been promoted as a model for the correct British English. It is also the norm(标准) carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.Unit 2I. Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or False.1. The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. (T)2. The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. (T)3. The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe— the Britons. (T)4. The Anglo—Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. (T) (不考)5. The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.(F)6. The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century. (T)7. Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France (T)8. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. (F)9. The Hundred Years’ War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for trade and territory. (F)1.The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in0.A.Norman B.DanishC.Celtic D.Germanic2.By the late 7th century,became the dominant religion in England.A.Celtic Christianity B.Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC.Germanic Christianity D.Roman Christianity3.Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂) was built at the time of .A.St.Augustine B.Edward the Confessor(忏悔者爱德华)C.William the Conqueror D.Alfred the Great4.The marked the establishment of feudalism(封建制度) in England.A.Viking invasion B.signing of the Magna Carta5.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of .A.the House of Valois B.the House of YorkC.the House of Tudor(都铎楼) D.the House of Lancaster出身于族徽为红玫瑰的兰开斯特家族的亨利·都铎结束了玫瑰战争,登上了英国王位,称亨利七世6.Th e direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’S effort to .A.divorce his wife B.break with RomeC.support the Protestants D.declare his supreme power over the church7. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between .A.Protestants and Puritans B.Royalists and ParliamentariansC.nobles and peasants D.aristocrats and Christians8.was passed after the Glorious Revolution(光荣革命).A.Bill of Rights B.Act of SupremacyC.Provisions of Oxford D.Magna CartaA.17th B.18th C.19thD.20th0.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the century.A.17th B.18th C.19thD.20thIII. Give brief answers to the following questions.2. What were some of Queen Victoria’s major achievements?3. What were the two camps in Europe in World WarⅠ?4. Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after World WarⅡ? Answers:1. They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.4. Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.Ⅳ. State your understanding of the following questions.1. What were the results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain?2. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire?Answers:1. The Industrial Revolution changed Britain in many ways. First, industrial productivity increased dramatically. Britain became the most advanced industrial country and also the financial center in the world. Second, urbanization took place. Many new cities sprang up. Third, it caused great changes in the class structure. The old social classes declined, and new ones emerged and developed. The conflict between the capitalists and the proletarians became the most important political issue.2. Colonization of Newfoundland, the first British colony overseas, in 1583 marked the beginning of the British Empire. By 1837, Britain had long been an empire which included the colonies in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and many small states in the West Indies. By the end of the 19th century, the British Empire included a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. Before World WarⅠ, Britain had the largest colonial empire in the world. However, Britain suffered great loss to its manpower in the two World Wars and exhausted its reserves of gold, dollars and overseas investment. Most of Britain’s colonies gained independence since the 1940s, which inevitably led to the fall of the Empire.Unit 4 Politics and Government of UKI.Read the following statements carefully and decide whether they are True or False.2.The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.F3.In reality,the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.F4.British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦国家).F5.Lords Spiritual(上议院神职议员) and Lords Temporal(上议院世俗议员) are all members in the British Upper House(上议院).T6.The members in the House of Commons(下议院) are appointed rather than elected.F上议院是指派的,下议院是选举的。
威斯敏斯特 教堂墓志铭


一、英国圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul s Cathedral)圣保罗大教堂,坐落于英国伦敦,位于伦敦泰晤士河北岸纽盖特街与纽钱吉街交角处,巴洛克风格建筑的代表,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂,它模仿罗马的圣彼得大教堂,是英国古典主义建筑的代表。
圣保罗大教堂最早在604年建立,后经多次毁坏、重建,由英国著名设计大师和建筑家克托弗.雷恩爵士(Sir Christopher Wren)在17世纪末完成这伦敦最伟大的教堂设计,整整花了45年的心血。
圣保罗教堂另一个建筑特色,是少数设计、建筑分别仅由一人完成,而非历经多位设计、建筑师的教堂之一,目前教堂内还有一个雷恩的墓碑,上书“If you seek his monument, just look around”。
大教堂内还有两座存放着中世纪武士勋章、圣迈克尔和圣乔治骑士团勋章和英帝国勋章的小教堂, 另有一座为纪念第二次世界大战中在英国牺牲的美国人的纪念堂。

the Big Ben 大笨钟
“大笨钟 ”坐落于泰晤士河畔 议会大厦的北面,耸立着高高 的钟楼,镶有大钟,名为“大 本”。每隔一小时,大钟根据 格林威治时间发出沉重而铿锵 的响声,在数英里之外也能听 到钟声的回荡。
The Big Ben has situated in the north of parliament big building in Thames river bank,inlaying big bell,the name is big notebook.At intervals of an hour,big bell streams heavy and ring sound according to Greenwish,in count mile beyond can hear the bell resound.
British Museum 大英博物馆
大英博物馆位于伦敦中心,闹区的格雷·拉塞尔大街北侧。它 是一座规模庞大的古罗马柱式建立,气魄雄伟、十分壮观。这 里珍藏的文物和图书资料是世界上任何一个博物馆所不能比拟 的。每年有四、五百万游客参观这所世界上最著名、令人赞叹 不已的博物馆。 The British Museum is situated
Hampton Court Palace 汉普顿宫
汉普顿宫只要半天的时间就可以仔细地看完。它位于泰晤士河畔,完 成建造于1514年。在1986年曾经遭大火侵袭,不过现在已完全修复。 从雄狮和独角兽守卫的大门进入来到护城河岸上的石兽前,整个王宫 看上去像个皇家城堡。它是一座宫殿,而不是城堡。
Just half day can you pay a full visit on Hampton Court Palace .It locates beside Thames River ,built in 1514.Suffered the balefire in 1986 make a sneak attack on , but has renovated completely now . David’s door the animal guarded from male lion and single corner enter before the stone animal in ashore of moat , the whole palace looks like the castle of imperial family .It’s a castle , not a palace r the animal guarded from male lion and single corner enter before the stone animal in ashore of moat , the whole palace looks like the castle of imperial family .It’s a castle , not a palace .
Westminster abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)

“ All About Westminster Abbey ”
国经121 周灵悦
Architecture (建筑) History
1.Some part of abbey(教堂)
1.The first monarch(君王) 2.Coronations(加冕) and royal(皇室) wedding
Event Chinese temple
1.Century wedding(世纪婚礼)


四种教堂的区别搞清了Church教堂;Cathedral大教堂;Priory修道院:Abbey 大修道院。
Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大修道院威斯敏斯特大修道院,又被称作西敏寺,位于伦敦的政治中心区,毗邻英国议会大厦和唐宁街10号首相府邸,它是一座早期的歌特式建筑。

1 概述威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂通称威斯敏斯特修道院(Westminster Abbey,意译为“西敏寺”),本义是西部修道院的意思,因为这座教堂所在的位置在当时伦敦的西部。
[2]2 地理位置威斯敏斯特大教堂(Westminster Abbey) 坐落在英国伦敦议会广场西南侧。
[3]3 自然气候终年受西风带影响,所以全年温和多雨。
4 旅游景区4.1 爱德华一世加冕宝座威斯敏斯特教堂宝座高踞在教堂祭坛前的高台上,从1301年开始,除爱德华五世和爱德华八世外历代的英国国王都是坐在这把椅子上加冕的。
宝座下原有一块被称为“命运之石” (Scone)的圣石,它原是苏格兰国王传统的加冕座位,是其权力的象征。
1297 年,爱德华一世将它带到了伦敦。
4.2 亨利七世礼拜堂位于教堂的后端,建于16世纪,是英国中世纪建筑的代表作品,装饰华丽,其巨大的扇形垂饰和拱顶设计异常大胆和巧妙。
4.3 教堂墓地威斯敏斯特教堂有20多位英国国王埋葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的墓地。


ThoughtsinWestminsterAbbey威斯敏斯特教堂遐思Thoughts in Westminster AbbeyJoseph Addison (1672-1719)When I am in a serious humour, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey, where the gloominess of the place, and the use to which it is applied, with the solemnity of the building, and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind of melancholy, or rather thoughtfulness, that is not disagreeable. I yesterday passed a whole afternoon in the churchyard, the cloisters, and the church, amusing myself with the tombstones and inscriptions that I met with in those several regions of the dead. Most of them recorded nothing else of the buried person, but that he was born upon one day, and died upon another: the whole history of his life being comprehended in those two circumstances, that are common to all mankind. I could not but look upon these registers of existence, whether of brass or marble, as a kind of satire upon the departed persons; who had left no other memorial of them, but that they were born and that they died. They put me in mind of several persons mentioned in the battles of heroic poems, who have sounding names given them, for no other reason but that they may be killed, and are celebrated for nothing but being knocked on the head. The life of these men is finely described in Holy Writ by “the path of an arrow,” which is immediately closed up and lost.Upon my going into the church, I entertained myself with the digging of a grave; and saw in every shovelful of it that was thrown up, the fragment of a bone or skull intermixt with a kind of fresh mouldering earth, that some time or other had a place in the composition of a human body. Upon this, I began toconsider with myself what innumerable multitudes of people lay confused together under the pavement of that ancient cathedral; how men and women, friends and enemies, priests and soldiers, monks and prebendaries, were crumbled amongst one another, and blended together in the same common mass; how beauty, strength, and youth, with old age, weakness and deformity, lay undistinguished in the same promiscuous heap of matter.After having thus surveyed this great magazine of mortality, as it were, in the lump; I examined it more particularly by the accounts which I found on several of the monuments which are raised in every quarter of that ancient fabric. Some of them were covered with such extravagant epitaphs, that, if it were possible for the dead person to be acquainted with them, he would blush at the praises which his friends have bestowed upon him. There are others so excessively modest, that they deliver the character of the person departed in Greek or Hebrew, and by that means are not understood once in a twelve month. In the poetical quarter, I found there were poets who had no monuments, and monuments which had no poets. I observed indeed that the present war had filled the church with many of these uninhabited monuments, which had been erected to the memory of persons whose bodies were perhaps buried in the plains of Blenheim, or in the bosom of the ocean.I could not but be very much delighted with several modern epitaphs, which are written with great elegance of expression and justness of thought, and therefore do honour to the living as well as to the dead. As a foreigner is very apt to conceive an idea of the ignorance or politeness of a nation, from the turn of their public monuments and inscriptions, they should be submitted to the perusal of men of learning and genius, before they are put inexecution. Sir Cloudesly Shovel’smonument has very often given me great offence: instead of the brave rough English Admiral, which was the distinguishing character of that plain gallant man, he is represented on his tomb by the figure of a beau, dressed in a long periwig, and reposing himself upon velvet cushions under a canopy of state. The inscription is answerable to the monument; for instead of celebrating the many remarkable actions he had performed in the service of his country, it acquaints us only with the manner of his death, in which it was impossible for him to reap any honour. The Dutch, whom we are apt to despise for want of genius, show an infinitely greater taste of antiquity and politeness in their buildings and works of this nature, than what we meet with in those of our own country. The monuments of their admirals, which have been erected at the public expense, represent them like themselves; and are adorned with rostral crowns and naval ornaments, with beautiful festoons of seaweed, shells, and coral.But to return to our subject. I have left the repository of our English kings for the contemplation of another day, when I shall find my mind disposed for so serious an amusement. I know that entertainments of this nature are apt to raise dark and dismal thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy; and can therefore take a view of nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve myself with those objects, which others consider with terror. When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon atombstone, my heart melts with compassion; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow; when I see kings lying by those who deposed them, when I consider rival wits placed side by side, or the holy men that divided the world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions and debates of mankind. When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great day when we shall all of us be contemporaries, and make our appearance together.。

Westminster Abbey1. Show them a video2. ask some question about the video3. then introduce the content of the video4. first tell student the geographical position of Westminster Abbey5. then tell them Architectural style of Westminster Abbey6.show them some picture and introduce something about Westminster Abbey8. Reading9. The answer exchange.10.The end.Westminster, the home of the British Parliament(议会,国会)for more than a thousand years, is one of the most beautiful parts of London.The Collegiate Church(牧师会主持的教堂)of St Peter at Westminster, popularly known as Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church (哥特式教堂),in the City of Westminster, London, located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is the traditional (传统的)place of coronation (加冕礼)and burial site (埋葬地,墓址)for English monarchs (君主,帝王).First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045-1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same site. It was built as anrebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding aIn 1579, Elizabeth I re-established (重新建立)Westminster as a "royal" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign (君主;最高统治者),rather than the Archbishopof Canterbury(大主教;主教长) -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Since then, the head has been not a bishop (基督教某些教派管辖大教区的主教) (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean (主任牧师),appointed by the monarch. Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament (圣约书)and the last half of the New Testament were translatedWilliam the Conqueror (征服者,占领者)was the first monarch crowned (为…加冕)in the Abbey and all subsequent (随后的)English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations(加冕礼)have been crowned there. The Archbishop of Canterbury is thein the coronation ceremony (典礼,仪式).The church contains the bones (骨头)of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons.1.Read the passage and find out what happened during the following years.(1)In 1045(2)In 1065(3)In 1245(4)In 1503(5)The 19th century2. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the information in the passage.(1)Westminster Abbey is located to the west of the Palace ofWestminster.(2)Westminster Abbey is first built by Edward the Confessor between1045 - 1065 in the gothic style.(3)Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar"(4)The head of the abbey is a bishop.(5)The first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the lasthalf of the New Testament were translated in the WestminsterAbbey.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。