IEH 发布新的HRM系列连接器产品手册,0.075inch pitch, 2排,3排(1.905mm pitch间距) 高密度连接器
E+H压力变送器操作说明书(共41页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--cerabar S 压力变送器操作手册目录1、安全手册 ................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
设计用途 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
安装、调试和操作 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
操作安全性 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
安全惯例和图标的注释 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2、认证 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
仪表设计 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
供货范围 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.1 主要特点.................................................................................................................................7 2.2 设备标准.................................................................................................................................7 2.3 产品列表.................................................................................................................................8
四、 设备安装及说明...................................................................................................................13
4.1 机械安装...............................................................................................................................13 4.1.1 设备拆封........................................................................................................................13 4.1.2 设备安装........................................................................................................................13
第一章 IC: 積體電路
1﹑Information center 2﹑Integrated circuit 1﹑資訊中心 2﹑IC也就是一般人所常說 [晶片] 的專有名詞。集
體電路在現今的電腦資訊相關產業中扮演相當吃重 的角色﹐它不僅帶動了電子產業的大幅成長﹐也讓 資訊科技的技朮得以突破﹑創新。積體電路于1950 年代﹐ 由當時服務于德州儀器(TI; Texas Inst ruments)公司的Jack Kilby 以及Fairchild半導 體公司的Robert Noyce兩位人員所發明。它的原材 料是采用地殼中最常見的元素之一 [矽] ﹐并利用 矽的各種特性而造出今日的半導體世界﹐下列為半 導體的各項特性﹕ 溫度上升時﹐則電阻值下降。 整流(rectifying)效應。 光伏特(photovoltaic)效應。
電腦中所采用的中央處理器又可分為﹕精簡指令集 (RISC) 與復雜指令集(CISC)兩種﹐其間的差異在儲存 于中央處理器中的指令集(instruction set)數目不同。 精簡指令集電腦中的中央處理器擁有較少的處理指令,但 其優勢在于較快的執行能力以及較便宜的售價。反之﹐ 復雜指令集電腦的中央處理器擁有較多的指令﹐可處理 更強大的工作或是運算﹐但是執行速度相對于精簡型電 腦較慢﹐且售價較昂貴。
第三章 Slot1 & Slot2
由于微處理器架構上的差異﹐因此在主機板上的微 處理器插槽也就有不同的規格。微處理器制造商英特爾 (Intel)為了維持其在微處理器市場上的優勢﹐推出了兩 款擁有專利權的Slot1與Slot2插槽規格。由于Intel的專 利使得其他的微處理廠商(如AMD﹑Cyrix)無法與之竟爭。 Slot1的推出則代表著Socket7與Socket8兩種規格的地位 將被取代。第一款符合此架構微處理器為PentiumⅡ,共 擁有242根針腳﹐而微處理器的封裝方式則是采用單緣接 觸卡匣(SECC Singled Edge Contact Cartridge) 的型 式。另外﹐在Slot2規格方面﹐配合使用的微處理器為較 高階的[Xeon]。 Xeon微處理器所使用的晶片組雖然與 PentiumⅡ相同﹐Xeon的針腳數也增加至330根﹐但是 PentiumⅡ和Xeon之間的不同在于﹕第二階快取記憶體 (L2 cache)配置的方式。 PentiumⅡ僅能支援半速運作 或更慢的第二階快取記憶體﹐而Xeon則可以支援全速運 作的第二階快取記憶體。
EIM-HQ Series 电动执行机构使用手册说明书
![EIM-HQ Series 电动执行机构使用手册说明书](
请抄记铭牌资料EIM JOB NO. :MODEL NO. : SERIAL NO. :在调试和使用该设备前 敬请仔细阅读该手册EIM-HQ Series(HQ-015~HQ-300)使用手册目录1.0 概述 (3)2.0 电动执行机构与阀门的装配 (3)3.0 外部结构 (4)4.0 电气接线图 (5)5.0 供电电源 (6)6.0 工作制式 (6)7.0 手动操作 (6)8.0 机械限位的调整 (6)9.0 电气接线 (7)10.0 行程开关的设置 (7)11.0 力矩开关的设置........ (8)12.0 反向运动(逆时针关闭) (8)13.0 润滑 (8)14.0 机械位置指示器(MDPI)的调整 (9)15.0 一般保养 (9)16.0 储藏与存放 (9)17.0 机械接口详细说明 (10)18.0 驱动轴套详细说明 (11)19.0 故障诊断和排除 (12)20.0 HQ系列产品标准功能配置 (13)重要:EIM 公司在对该使用手册的编撰及修订时已经考虑了多方面的使用和应用,然而EIM 公司不保证该手册中的内容无任何错误,也无法对误操作或使用该手册而导致的产品损坏和连带损失负责。
EIM 公司有权利对本手册进行修改,请恕不另行通知。
1.0 概述EIM-HQ系列电动执行机构可以为90º旋转的阀门提供可靠和有效的控制,如球阀,蝶阀及风门挡板等。
20 mA 100 %
– 4...20 mA
z 0.0
0…100 %
㔯(gn) 0.5 s
4.0 mA
10 s ؍ᆈ
0. 0
0…100 %
㔯(gn) 4s
4.0 mA
Endress + Hauser
– 4...20 mA
A661 电子插件温度过高
电流输出的影响 优先级
22 mA
22 mA
22 mA
22 mA
3.8 mA 20.5 mA
故障 无测量值
红色 LED 指示灯闪烁
原因 无供电电压 信号线故障
电子插件故障 - FEI20 直接连接至 L1 和 N 标定错误 安装的杆式传感器损坏 液体电导率过低 报警 (A) / 警告 (W)
63 % 0.15 s
输出阻尼时间 延迟输出信号时间
t 25
技术参数 环境温度 Ta 过程温度 Tp
Ta Tp
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
–40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Tp
–10 –20 –30 –40
W (DN 15 - 65 / ½ - 2½")
捆绑式 捆绑式
捆绑式 ( 焊接螺栓 )
管壁厚度测量 传感器
捆绑式 捆绑式
行程数 2
1 2 1 2 2
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 –
说明 参考 《简明操作指南》和 CD 中的 《操作手册》 参考 《简明操作指南》和 CD 中的 《操作手册》 参考 CD 中的 《操作手册》
3 安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 安装条件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2 安装前的准备步骤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.3 确定所需安装距离 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.4 安装变送器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.5 连接电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.6 确定安装间距 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.7 机械准备工作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.8 安装传感器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.9 Prosonic Flow P 和 Prosonic Flow 93W
霍尔特电子产品有限公司 - THERMATTACH双面热接膜产品说明说明书
![霍尔特电子产品有限公司 - THERMATTACH双面热接膜产品说明说明书](
THERMATTACH®Thermally Conductive Attachment TapesOrdering InformationTHERMATTACH ® Thermally Conductive Attachment TapesThese attachment tapes are available on continuous rolls.Ordering Information: Custom ConfigurationsPlease contact Parker Chomerics for a pre-assigned part number, for custom widths, lengths and part sizes, etc.Available options include:• Custom kiss cut parts on sheets, or as individual partsHANDLING INFORMATIONThese products are defined by Parker Chomerics as “articles” according to the following generally recognized regulatory definition for articles:An article is a manufactured item “formed to a specific shape or design during manufacturing,” which has “end use functions” dependent upon its size and shape during end use and which has generally “no change of chemical composition during its end use.”In addition:• T here is no known or anticipated exposure to hazardous materials/substances during routine and anticipated use of the product.• T he product’s shape, surface and design is more relevant than its chemical composition.These materials are not deemed by Parker Chomerics to require an MSDS. For further questions, pleasecontact Parker Chomerics at 781-935-4850.Minimum: 10 psi at room temperature for 15 seconds PREFERRED: 30 psi at room temperature for 5 secondsTHERMATTACH ® Thermally Conductive Attachment TapesTape Application Instructions: T404, T405, T405-R, T411, T412, T413, T414, T418MATERIALS NEEDED•Clean lint-free cloth rag • Industrial solvent • Rubber glovesFor optimal performance, Parker Chomerics recommends interface flatness of 0.001 in/in (0.025 mm/25 mm) to 0.002 in/in (0.050 mm/25 mm) maximum.Step 1: Ensure that bondingsurfaces are free from oil, dust or any contamination that may affect bonding. Using rubber gloves, wipe surfaces with a cloth dampened with industrial solvents such as MEK, toluene, acetone or isopropyl alcohol.Step 2: Cut tape to size* and remove a liner or remove pre-cut tape from roll.*Note: Due to variations in heat sink surfaces, Parker Chomerics’ dataindicates that it sometimes is beneficial to be cut slightly smaller than the area of the heat sink. See illustration.Step 3: Apply to center of heat sink bonding area and smooth over entire surface using moderate hand pressure / rubbing motion. A roller may be useful to help smooth the part to the surface by rolling from the center out to beyond the edges of the part. This ensures optimal contact between tape and heat sink.Step 4: Center heat sink ontocomponent and apply using any one of the recommended temperature/pressure options:More pressure equals better wetting out of the adhesive to the contact surfaces. A twisting motion during assembly of the substrates will typically improve wetting.Note that typically 70% of the ultimate adhesive bond strength is achieved with initial application, and 80-90% is reached within 15 minutes. Ultimate adhesive strength is achieved within 36 hours; however the next manufacturing step can typically occur immediately following the initial application.REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONSMaterials needed: Single-edged razor blade or a small, thin-bladed pocketknife; soft, thin metal spatula. Use safety precautions when handling sharp instruments and organic solvents.Step 1: Carefully insert the blade edge into the bond line at a corner between the heat sink and the component. The penetration need not be very deep.Step 2: Remove the blade and insert the spatula into the wedge. Slowly twist the spatula blade so that it exerts a slight upward pressure.Step 3: As the two surfaces start to separate, move the spatula bladedeeper into the bond line and continue the twisting motion and upward force.Step 4: After the two components are separated, the tape can be removed and discarded. If adhesive remains on the component surfaces, it must be removed. Wipe with a clean rag (lint-free) dabbed with MEK, toluene, or isopropyl alcohol. Use sufficient solvent to remove all adhesive.Step 5: Solvent cleaned components must be verified 100% free of cleaning solvent prior to reattachment of adhesive.* Not RecommendedThermally Conductive Attachment Tapes。
Eheim 2217 说明书
![Eheim 2217 说明书](
Over the years, the Classics have become the basic model of EHEIM external canister filters, they are known as an exceptionally reliable, high filtration unit at an excellent price. With their low power consumption these models have set the standard in their class. Permo-elastic silicon sealing ring, fixed on the pump head for easy and safe closing after cleaning. Accessories included with 2217:Spray Bar, Inlet Pipe, Hose and installation accessories.
Eheim canister filter 2217 manual
How often to clean eheim canister filter. How to clean eheim canister filter.
Home Shop Pages Cart Your Account Your Wish List Quick Overview Eheim 2217 Classic External Canister Filter w/Media. The Classic family of canister filters feature carefully tailored external canisters and are equipped with high quality components . Classic filters provide low cost reliable high filtration. You can't go wrong when you choose a Classic model. What's more, they feature EHEIM smooth, quiet operation and sophisticated functionality.
E-Man Hybrid 用户指南说明书
![E-Man Hybrid 用户指南说明书](
Getting Started with E-Man Hybrid ™Figure 1E-Man Hybrid Controls and Indicators LCDBattery Tray (beneath display)CC KeyMODE Key Plunger ButtonVolume LockLever Tip Ejector Button Activate the BatteryE-Man Hybrid is shipped with a plastic strip isolating the battery ter-minal. Remove this strip by pulling straight out from the battery tray. Press the plunger button to begin operation and clear “PrES”. Set the VolumeI Unlock the volume lock by moving the lever counterclockwise. ISet the desired volume by rotating the plunger button. The dis-play changes as you rotate the button. I Stop at the desired volume and lock the volume lock to operate.Display Modes Press the MODE and CC keys for these modes.MODE KEY: Scrolls through these three display modes.Pipet Mode:Same operation as standard pipettes, see over. Track Mode:TRACK is displayed. The volume of sample in the tip is shown in real time as the plunger button is depressed.When pressed beyond the 1ST STOP position the display reads “bLo” to indicate the Blowout part of the stroke.Titrate Mode:TITRATE is displayed. The LCD shows the volume of sample dispensed from the tip in real time, as a negative num-ber relative to the upper set volume (at the set volume the LCD shows 0.0).CC KEY: Turns on or off the cycle counter, and clears the count.Figure 2Operation in PIPET ModeBefore pipetting valuable samples, it is a good idea to practice aspirating and dispensing water.Go to PIPET mode by pressing the MODE key1.Unlock the volume lock and set the desired volume. Lock thevolume lock lever to begin measurements. When locked, the volume display will not change, just like in a standard pipette 2.Attach a new RAININ tip by pressing the shaft into the tip withsufficient force to make a good seal. For E-Man Hybrid LTS models, press until the positive stop is reached.3.Press the plunger button to the firststop. The word PICKUP is shown onthe display as an aid to locate theHOME position. Hold the plungerbutton in this position.4.Holding E-Man Hybrid vertically, place the tip into the sampleand relax thumb pressure on the plunger button. The light pis-ton spring will move the piston upward, aspirating sample. Do not let go of the plunger button, or the piston may snap up quickly, resulting in inaccurate measurement.5.Pause briefly with the tip end still in the sample to ensure thatthe full volume of sample is drawn into the tip.6.Withdraw the tip from the sample. If any liquid remains on theoutside of the tip, wipe it carefully with a lint-free tissue, taking care not to touch the tip orifice.Dispensing:1.Touch the tip end against the side wall of the receiving vesseland press the plunger slowly, past the first stop (PICKUP will appear on the LCD as you reach the 1ST STOP) to blowout (bot-tom of stroke.) Wait 1 second for volumes to 300 μL, 1-2 sec-onds for 1000 μL and larger.2.Still holding the plunger button, withdraw the tip, sliding it alongthe wall of the vessel.3.Release the plunger button and press the tip ejector button light-ly to discard the tip. Use a new tip for each sample to prevent carry-over. Repeat for the next pipetting cycle.Sleep ModeAfter 3 minutes of no activity the display will go to sleep to conserve battery life. To operate the pipette again simply touch any key or press the plunger button through the 1ST STOP.Read the ManualSee the manual for detailed information on E-Man Hybrid operation.。
Installation, Operation, andMaintenance ManualModel e-HMTable of Contents Table of Contents1 Introduction and Safety (2)1.1 Introduction (2)1.2 Inexperienced users (2)1.3 Safety terminology and symbols (2)1.4 Warranty (2)1.5 Spare parts (2)1.6 Declaration of Conformity (2)2 Transportation and Storage (2)2.1 Inspect the delivery (2)2.2 Transportation guidelines (3)2.3 Storage guidelines (3)3 Product Description (3)3.1 Pump design (3)3.2 Application limits (3)3.3 The data plate (3)4 Installation (3)4.1 Facility requirements (4)4.1.1 Pump location (4)4.1.2 Piping requirements (4)4.2 Electrical requirements (4)4.3 Install the pump (5)4.3.1 Install the pump on a concrete foundation (5)4.3.2 Electrical installation (5)5 Commissioning, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown (5)5.1 Prime the pump (5)5.2 Check the rotation direction (three-phase motor) (5)5.3 Start the pump (6)6 Maintenance (6)6.1 Service (6)7 Troubleshooting (6)7.1 Troubleshooting table (6)1 Introduction and Safety1.1 IntroductionPurpose of this manualThe purpose of this manual is to provide necessary information for:•Installation •Operation •MaintenanceCAUTION:Read this manual carefully before installing and using the product. Improper use of the product can cause personal in-jury and damage to property, and may void the warranty.NOTICE:Save this manual for future reference, and keep it readily available at the location of the unit.1.2 Inexperienced usersWARNING:This product is intended to be operated by qualified person-nel only.Be aware of the following precautions:•Persons with diminished capacities should not operate the prod-uct unless they are supervised or have been properly trained by a professional.•Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play on or around the product.1.3 Safety terminology and symbolsHazard levelsHazard categoriesHazard categories can either fall under hazard levels or let specific sym-bols replace the ordinary hazard level symbols.Electrical hazards are indicated by the following specific symbol:Electrical Hazard:Hot surface hazardHot surface hazards are indicated by a specific symbol that replaces the typical hazard level symbols:CAUTION:Description of user and installer symbols1.4 WarrantyFor information about warranty, see the sales contract.1.5 Spare partsWARNING:Only use original spare parts to replace any worn or faulty components. The use of unsuitable spare parts may cause malfunctions, damage, and injuries as well as void the guar-antee.For more information about the product's spare parts, refer to the Sales and Service department.1.6 Declaration of ConformityWe at,Xylem Inc./Goulds Water Technology 1 Goulds Drive Auburn, NY 13021Declare that the following products: NPE, MCS, MCC, 3642/3752,3656, 3656 SP, GB, e-SV, SVI, NPO, Prime Line SP, HB, e-HM, HMS, LC,NPV, LB, LBS comply with Machine Directive 06/42/EC. This equipment is intended to be incorporated with machinery covered by this direc-tive, but must not be put into service until the machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the actual provisions of the directive.Nick DaddabboIndustrial Product Engineer2 Transportation and Storage2.1 Inspect the delivery1.Check the outside of the package.2.Notify our distributor within eight days of the delivery date, if the product bears visible signs of damage.3.Remove the staples and open the carton.4.Remove the securing screws or the straps from the wooden base (if any).5.Remove packing materials from the product. Dispose of all pack-ing materials in accordance with local regulations.6.Inspect the product to determine if any parts have been damaged or are missing.7.Contact the seller if anything is out of order.1 Introduction and Safety2.2 Transportation guidelinesPrecautionsWARNING:•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Crush hazard. The unit and the components can be heavy. Use proper lifting methods and wear steel-toed shoes at all times.Check the gross weight that is indicated on the package in order to se-lect proper lifting equipment.Position and fasteningThe unit can be transported either horizontally or vertically. Make sure that the unit is securely fastened during transportation, and cannot roll or fall over.2.3 Storage guidelinesStorage locationNOTICE:•Protect the product against humidity, dirt, heat sources, and me-chanical damage.•The product must be stored at an ambient temperature from -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to 140°F).3 Product Description3.1 Pump designThe pump is a multistage, non-self priming pump. The pump can be used to pump:•Cold water •Warm water Intended useThe pump is suitable for:•Civil and industrial water distribution systems•Irrigation (for example, agriculture and sporting facilities)Improper useDANGER:Do not use this pump to handle flammable and/or explosive liquids.WARNING:Improper use of the pump may create dangerous conditions and cause personal injury and damage to property.NOTICE:Do not use this pump to handle liquids containing abrasive, solid, or fibrous substances, toxic or corrosive liquids, potable liquids other than water, or liquids not compatible with the pump construction material.An improper use of the product leads to the loss of the warranty.3.2 Application limitsTable 1: Pressure and temperature limitsSeal Code 1HM, 3HM5HM10HM,15HM,22HM2-6 Stages 7+ Stages 2-5 Stages 6+ Stages All StagesBQE 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F BQV 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F QQE 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F 235PSI at 194F QQV 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F147PSI at 248F235PSI at 194F235PSI at 194FBVE147PSI at 194FNot Avail-able 147PSI at 194F Not Avail-able Not Avail-able3.3 The data plateThe data plate is a label on the pump. The data plate lists key productspecifications.1.Goulds Water Technology Catalog Number2.Capacity range3.TDH range4.Rated speed5.Rated horsepower6.Maximum operating pressure7.Maximum fluid temperature8.Pump serial numberIMQ or other marks (for electric pump only)Unless otherwise specified, for products with a mark of electrical-relat-ed safety approval, the approval refers exclusively to the electrical pump.3 Product Description4 InstallationPrecautionsWARNING:•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Use suitable equipment and protection.•Always refer to the local and/or national regulations,legislation, and codes in force regarding the selection of the installation site, plumbing, and power connections.4.1 Facility requirements4.1.1 Pump locationDANGER:Do not use this unit in environments that may contain flam-mable/explosive or chemically aggressive gases or powders.GuidelinesObserve the following guidelines regarding the location of the prod-uct:•Make sure that no obstructions hinder the normal flow of the cool-ing air that is delivered by the motor fan.•Make sure that the installation area is protected from any fluid leaks, or flooding.•If possible, place the pump slightly higher than the floor level.•The ambient temperature must be between -30°C (-22°F) and +40°C (+104°F) unless otherwise specified in the data plate.•The relative humidity of the ambient air must be less than 50% at +40°C (+104°F).Installation above liquid source (suction lift)The theoretical maximum suction height of any pump is 34 ft. In prac-tice, this is not achieved due to the following conditions affecting the suction capability of the pump:•Temperature of the liquid•Elevation above the sea level (in an open system)•System pressure (in a closed system)•Resistance of the pipes•Own intrinsic flow resistance of the pump •Height differences NOTICE:Do not exceed the pumps suction capacity as this could cause cavita-tion and damage the pump.4.1.2 Piping requirementsPrecautionsWARNING:•Use pipes suited to the maximum working pressure of the pump. Failure to do so can cause the system to rup-ture, with the risk of injury.•Make sure that all connections are performed by quali-fied installation technicians and in compliance with the regulations in force.•Do not use the on-off valve on the discharge side in the closed position for more than a few seconds. If the pump must operate with the discharge side closed for more than a few seconds, a bypass circuit must be instal-led to prevent overheating of the water inside the pump.Piping checklist•Pipes and valves must be correctly sized.•Pipe work must not transmit any load or torque to pumpflanges.4.2 Electrical requirements•The local regulations in force overrule these specified require-ments. In the case of fire fighting systems (hydrants and/or sprin-klers), check the local regulations.Electrical connection checklistCheck that the following requirements are met:•The electrical leads are protected from high temperature, vibra-tions, and collisions.•The power supply line is provided with:•A short-circuit protection device •A main disconnect switch.The electrical control panel checklistNOTICE:The control panel must match the ratings of the electric pump. Improp-er combinations could fail to guarantee the protection of the motor.Check that the following requirements are met:•The control panel must protect the motor against overload and short-circuit.•Install the correct overload protection (thermal relay or motor pro-tector).Pump TypeProtectionSingle phase standard electric pump up to 3 HP•Built-in automatic reset thermal-overload protec-tion•Short circuit protection (must be supplied by the installer)Three-phase electric pump•Thermal protection (must be supplied by the instal-ler)•Short circuit protection (must be supplied by the installer)•The control panel must be equipped with a dry-running protec-tion system to which a pressure switch, float switch, sensors, or other suitable device is connected.•The following devices are recommended for use on the suction side of the pump:•When the liquid is pumped from a water system, use a pres-sure switch.•When the liquid is pumped from a storage tank or reservoir,use a float switch or sensors.•When thermal relays are used, relays that are sensitive to phase failure are recommended.The motor checklistUse cable according to rules with 3 leads (2+earth/ground) for single phase versions and with 4 leads (3+earth/ground) for three-phase ver-sion.4 Installation4.3 Install the pump4.3.1 Install the pump on a concrete foundation1.Piping support2.On-off valve3.Flexible pipe or joint4.Check valve5.Control panel6.Do not install elbows close to the pump7.Bypass circuit8.Eccentric reducere wide bends 10.Positive gradient11.Piping with equal or greater diameter than the suction port e foot valve13.Do not exceed maximum height difference 14.Ensure adequate submersion depth1.Anchor the pump onto the concrete or equivalent metal structure.•If the liquid temperature exceeds 50°C, the unit must be anchored only by the motor bracket side and not also by the side of the inlet supporting bracket•If the transmission of vibrations can be disturbing, then pro-vide vibration-damping supports between the pump and the foundation.2.Remove the plugs covering the ports.3.Assemble the pipe to the pump threaded connections.Do not force the piping into place.4.3.2 Electrical installationPrecautionsElectrical Hazard:•Make sure that all connections are performed by quali-fied installation technicians and in compliance with the regulations in force.•Before starting work on the unit, make sure that the unit and the control panel are isolated from the power sup-ply and cannot be energized.Grounding (earthing)Electrical Hazard:•Always connect the external protection conductor to ground (earth) terminal before making other electrical connections.Connect the cable1.Connect and fasten the power cables according to the wiring dia-gram under the terminal box cover.a)Connect the ground (earth) lead.Make sure that the ground (earth) lead is longer than the phase leads.b)Connect the phase leads.NOTICE:Tighten the cable glands carefully to ensure the protection against the cable slipping and humidity entering the terminal box.2.If the motor is not equipped with automatic reset thermal protec-tion, then adjust the overload protection according to the nominal current value of electric pump (data plate).5 Commissioning, Startup,Operation, and ShutdownPrecautionsWARNING:Make sure that the drained liquid does not cause damage or injuries.NOTICE:•Never operate the pump below the minimum rated flow.•Never operate the pump with the delivery ON-OFF valve closed for longer than a few seconds.•Do not expose an idle pump to freezing conditions. Drain all liq-uid that is inside the pump. Failure to do so can cause liquid to freeze and damage the pump.•The sum of the pressure on the suction side (water mains, gravity tank) and the maximum pressure that is delivered by the pump must not exceed the maximum working pressure that is allowed (nominal pressure PN) for the pump.•Do not use the pump if cavitation occurs. Cavitation can damage the internal components.5.1 Prime the pumpH>0H<0+H-H121231.Fill plug2.Drain plug3.FunnelInstallations with liquid level above the pump (suction head)Close the on-off valve located downstream from the pump.Installations with liquid level below the pump (suction lift)Open the on-off valve that is located upstream from the pump and close the on-off valve downstream.5.2 Check the rotation direction (three-phase motor)Follow this procedure before start-up.1.Start the motor.2.Stop the motor.3.If the rotation direction is incorrect, then do as follows:a)Disconnect the power supply.b)In the terminal board of the motor or in the electric controlpanel, exchange the position of two of the three wires of the supply cable.c)Check the direction of rotation again.5 Commissioning, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown5.3 Start the pump1.Start the motor.2.Gradually open the on-off valve on the discharge side of the pump.At the expected operating conditions, the pump must run smoothly and quietly. If not, refer to Troubleshooting (page 6).3.If the pump does not start in correctly in 30 seconds, then do the following:a)Switch off the pump.b)Reprime the pump.c)Start the pump again.4.Switch off and on the pump (for about 30 seconds of continuos running) and make sure that all the trapped air is bled out by re-peating this 2–3 times.NOTICE:Make sure that the pump has bled away all the trapped air. Failure to do so can harm the product.6 MaintenancePrecautionsElectrical Hazard:Disconnect and lock out electrical power before installing orservicing the unit.WARNING:•Maintenance and service must be performed by skilled and qualified personnel only.•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Use suitable equipment and protection.6.1 ServiceThe pump does not require any scheduled routine maintenance. If the user wishes to schedule regular maintenance deadlines, they are de-pendent on the type of pumped liquid and on the operating conditions of the pump.Contact the local sales and service representative for any requests or information regarding routine maintenance or service.7 TroubleshootingIntroductionAlways specify the exact pump type and identification code when re-questing information or spare parts from the Sales and Service depart-ment.For other situation not mentioned in the table, refer to the Sales and Service department.7.1 Troubleshooting tableProblem Cause and solutionThe pump does not start.•The thermo-overload protection in the single-phase motor has tripped; it will automatically reset when the motor cools down.•Check the power supply wiring to see that the connections are all tight•Check to see that the circuit breaker or ground-fault protection device has tripped. Or replace any fuses that may have blown.•Check to see if any protection device installed for dry running protection has tripped or hung up.Problem Cause and solutionThe pump starts up but the ther-mal protector is triggered after a short time or the fuses blow.•The power supply cable is damaged, the motor short circuits or thermal protector or fuses are not suited for the motor current. Check and re-place the components as necessary.•The thermo-overload protection (single phase)or of the protection device (three-phase) trips due to excessive current input. Check the pump working conditions.•A phase in the power supply is missing. Check the power supply.•The pump is clogged with solids and the impel-ler becomes bound. Clean the pump.The pump starts but does not de-liver any liquid.•Air is entering the suction piping, check the liq-uid level, the tightness of the suction pipes and the operation of the foot valve.•The pump is not correctly primed. Repeat the instructions in Prime the pump (page 5).The pump’s de-livery is re-duced.•Check for restrictions in the piping system.•Wrong rotation of the impeller (three-phase).Check the direction of rotation.•The pump is not correctly primed. Repeat the instructions in Prime the pump (page 5).6 MaintenanceXylem |’zīləm|1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots2) A leading global water technology companyWe're 12,000 people unified in a common purpose: creating innovative solutions to meet our world's water needs. Developing new technologies that will improve the way water is used, conserved, and re-used in the future is central to our work. We move, treat, analyze, and return water to the environment, and we help people use water efficiently, in their homes, buildings, factories and farms. In more than 150 countries, we have strong, long-standing relationships with customers who know us for our powerful combination of leading product brands and applications expertise, backed by a legacy of innovation.For more information on how Xylem can help you, go to Xylem Inc.2881 East Bayard Street, Suite A Seneca Falls, NY 13148USATel: (866) 325-4210Fax: (888) 322-5877Visit our Web site for the latest version of this document and more informationThe original instruction is in English. All non-English instructions are translations of the original instruction.© 2013 Xylem IncGoulds is a registered trademark of Goulds Pumps, Inc. and is used under license.。
GH DRIVERCTB资料编号:Z L-14-808-I B C NB E I J I N GC T B S E R V O C O.,L T D.GH DRIVER使用说明书交流伺服驱动器型号:BKSC-□□□□GHX400V级 1.5~315KW (2.5~460KVA)请将此使用说明书,交给最终用户,并妥善保存CTB TECHNOLOGY北京超同步伺服股份有限公司序 言感谢您惠购北京超同步伺服股份有限公司生产的GH系列交流伺服驱动器。
G H系列交流伺服驱动器是交流感应电机(I M)及交流永磁同步电机(PM)的交流伺服驱动器,可对各种交流伺服电机的位置、转速、加速度和输出转矩方便地进行控制,G H系列交流伺服驱动器采用双32位C P U,配置丰富的控制功能模块,可以实现各种机床的控制功能。
配置G H系列交流伺服驱动器的机床,其力矩特性、加减速特性、精度特性以及效率特性都将表现非凡,并可以轻松地实现准停、C轴、刚性攻丝、电子换挡、多轴同步等功能。
G H系列交流伺服驱动器,可广泛应用于数控铣床、立式加工中心、卧式加工中心、数控镗床、数控车床、立车、重型卧车、龙门机床等产品的驱动,是各种机床动力轴的首选驱动产品。
在使用G H系列交流伺服驱动器之前,请您仔细阅读该手册,以保证正确使用。
HR10A-10R-12SB(71)608028-2High performance, miniature circular connectors HR10 SeriesFeatures Array1.A simple, yet highly reliable design forcompact, high density applicationsAlthough small in size, the HR10 series are fullfeatured connectors with a well integrated design.2. E xtremely easy mating/unmatingoperationsEasy to operable, the single-action push-pull lockstructure allows for quick and efficient locking andunlocking.12015.1wHR10 Series●High performance, miniature circular connectorsProduct Number StructureHR10A-7P-3P C(**)q w e r t y uq Model name: Indicates the HR10A Series. The part type is identified as follows.HR10A: Lower cost typeHR10G: Shield typeHR10B: Coaxial contact typew Shell size: The shell size is the outer shell diameter or the mating interface end of the plug.e Shell typeP: PlugR: ReceptacleJ: Jackr Number of contactst Contact formP: Male contactS: Female contacty Contact termination method:None: Solder terminationC : Crimp terminationu Other specifications: A two-digit character is added to indicate other specifications as needed. 2HR10 typeHR10 type connectors, use a gold plated contact as the standard plating specification. Silver plating is used on the contacts for other series such as HR10A and HR10G. To avoid mixing gold and silver contacts, please be sure to confirm the plating specification when using HR10 type connectors with HR10A or HR10G connectors.PlugØDA MaxØCØB(Representative example)HR10-7P-6S(73)ReceptacleE(HEX)DA5.76.3ØCØBRemarks: For mounting holes, see page 20.(Representative example)HR10-7R-6S(73)3HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsReceptacle (PCB dip type)D(HEX)CDip post dia.Ø0.55G F5.7EØAØBRemarks: 1. For mounting holes, see page 20. 2. For dip post arrangement, see page 15.(Representative example)HR10-7R-6SA(73)JackØD5.5A MaxØBØC(Representative example)HR10-7J-6S(73)4HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsPlug (Solder type)ØB ØCØDA(Representative example)HR10A-7P-6P(73)Plug(Crimp type)ØCØBØDA(Representative example)HR10A-7P-6PC(73)HR10A •10G TypesHR10A connectors are a lower-cost version, yet still provide a high "Value Add" while preserving the superior characteristics of the HR10 connectors. Cable clamps are crimped using a special crimping tool, and the shells have a rubber boot which provides a flexible design that helps to prevent cable twisting.The HR10G connector is a shielded type connector which has an internal contacting structure between the plug shell and receptacle shell.Contacts in both HR10A and 10G connectors are silver plated as standard.5HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsReceptacle (Solder type)E(HEX)DØBØCA 5.76.3(Representative example)HR10A-7R-6S(73)Receptacle (Crimp type)C D(HEX)EFØBØA(Representative example)HR10A-10R-12SC(71)6HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsDust capBØA10.2ØDØC ØE2HR10-7R-CReceptacle (Dip type)D(HEX)CDip post dia.0.2∞0.5ØAØBG F5.7ERemarks: 1. For mounting holes, see page 20. 2. For dip post arrangement, see page 15.(Representative example)(Representative example)HR10A-7R-6SB(73)7HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsJack (Solder type)ØCØB5.5AØD(Representative example)HR10A-7J-6S(73)Jack (Crimp type)ØCØBDAØE(Representative example)HR10A-7J-6SC(73)8HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsPlugHR10B Type ConnectorThe HR10B c onnec tor c ombines 10 signal lines and one c oaxial c ontac t in the standard number 10 shell. Elec tric al performance are same as HR10A connector except coaxial contacts. Performance specifications for the coaxial contacts areon the next page.Ø14.7AØB(Representative example)HR10B-10P-10PC(73)Receptacle13(HEX)M11∞0.75Ø11.9Ø146.312Remarks: For mounting holes, see page 20.(Representative example)HR10B-10R-10SC(71)9HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsPlug(clamp)Ø3.87.118.05Ø4.2Ø1.1(Representative example)HR10B-2.5CP(73)Jack(clamp)Ø2.657.2518.2Ø4.2Ø1.14.15.2 3.6(Representative example)HR10B-2.5CJ(73)Coaxial contactsThe coaxial contacts shown here are for use with the HR10B connector.These contacts have locking barbs and are inserted from the rear of connector.Please use the following information to select the correct terminals.MaterialPerformanceCable connecting methods11±0.51.4±0.23.7±0.2(2.5)Slit cable outer jaket 2 pieces (180° reverse side)1. Dimensions for cable end treatment are shown in Fig 1.2. Termination is described below.(1) Strip cable outer jacket as indicated.(2) Slit outer jacket on both sides per Fig.1.(3) Fold back outer cover.(4) Remove insulator from cable.1. Cable end treatmentFig.1Male pinSolderingShould fix flushContact fixing jig such as vise1.S older male pin to cable center conductor as indicated in Fig.2.(1) Pre-solder the solder pot of pin with Ø0.5mm string solder.(2) Male pin should fit flush against the cable insulator as s h own.(3) Remove any excess solder from the pin with a knife.This surface must be smooth.(4) A properly soldered terminal will yield 500gf when stretched.2. Soldering male pin to cable center conductor15±0.21.I nsert the cable into the connector and make sure to push it all th e way in. To confirm th at th e cable is fully inserted, make sure that the depth is 1.5 ± 0.2mm by measuring from th e end of th e connector to th e tip of th e male contact by using a vernier calipers or other suitable measuring device.2.U se th e HR10-TC-01 tool to crimp th e metal fitting to th e cable.3. Crimping cable outer conductorFig.3HR10B-2.5CP(73)HR10B-2.5CJ(73)HR10A-( )T Type (Threaded Coupling Type)HR10A-( )T connector is a new product having a threaded coupling locking mechanism. Electric parformance is same as HR10 and HR10A push-pull locking type connectors.Plug (Crimp type)43Ø7Ø17Ø9.5M 13∞0.75HR10A-10TP-12PC(73)(Representative example)(Representative example)Plug (Solder type)ØCB ØA DØEHR10A-10TP-12P(73)*Waterproof plug need resin fi lling inside when connector assembly.When mated, the connector against water penetration.Remarks: 1.For mounting holes, see page 14. However, 7TR size shell be referred to page 20 on the shell size 7. 2.For dip post arrangement, see page 15.Receptacle (Solder type)AF(HEX)C ØDB5.7E Remarks: For mounting hole, see page 14(10TR,10WTR) 20(7TR).HR10A-10TR-12S(73)(Representative example)Receptacle (Crimp type)DE F(HEX)ØABCRemarks: For mounting hole, see page 14HR10A-10TR-12SC(73)(Representative example)Receptacle (Dip type)C D(HEX)BDip post HØAE5.7FG HR10A-10TR-12PB(73)(Representative example)Jack (Solder type)*Waterproof jack need resin fi lling inside when connector assembly.When mated, the connector against water penetration.DØABØC(Representative example)HR10A-10TJ-12S(73)Panel mounting hole dimensions (Screw coupling)The mounting hole dimensions shown below are for connectors to be tightened by a hexagonal nut from the back of the panel. The dimensions below apply only to the HR10A-( )T and not the 7TR. For the dimensions of connectors of other types, see page 20.9.6+0.10Ø11.1+0.10Ø10.6+0.10Ø14.1+0.10Type HR10A-10TR (Panel thickness 1 to 2mm)Type HR10A-10TR (Panel thickness 1 to 2mm)9.6+0.1Type HR10A-10WTR (Panel thickness 1 to 2mm)8.6+0.11.6+0.10Type HR10A-13TR(Panel thickness 1 to 1.5mm)Male contactFemale contactAA1.151.2110AA1011.151.2Receptacle dip post arrangement dimensionsContactRemarks : 1. Use cables with a coating outside diameter of 1mm or less. 2.L oose piece terminal are available in packs. Each pack contains 100 terminals. Strip terminals are availab le in reels. Each reel contains 10,000 terminals.Remarks : 1. Use cables with a coating outside diameter of 1mm or less. 2.L oose piece terminal are available in packs. Each pack contains 100 terminals. Strip terminals are availab le in reels. Each reel contains 10,000 terminals.Remarks : 1. T he above fi gures are views from the mating side and pin inserts from the wiring-connection side. 2. D imensional tolerance of ±0.05 is recommended for the board arrangement. 4 cores7-size 6 cores 10-size 10 cores10-size 12 cores13-size 20 cores1.Ø0.8(4 Places)Ø0.8(6 Places)Ø0.8(10 Places)Ø0.8(12 Places)Ø0.8(20 Places)23411. 5 coresØ0.8(5 Places)235411623452.52.58 2.382.380.950.952.752.110.550.482.852.850.950.951.11.382.52.55 2.55111 1.77 1.770.82.440.82.442.71 2.711112910876543221567891016151413121117181920343456712111098Tools(HR12-SC-TC)Hand Crimp Tool(HR10A-TC-02)Hand Cable Crimp Tool(HR10B-TP)Coaxial Contact Removal Tool(HR12-SC-TP)Auto Crimp Tool CM-105(RP6-SC-TP)Extraction ToolHow to use a connectorHR10-10P-T02HR10-10J-T04PanelPlug CableReceptacle APanelPlugCableReceptacleAPanelBPlug connection sleeve CablePanelPlug connection sleeveBCableConnecting toolsWhen terminating the wires, use the jigs noted below for easy assembly / disassembly of the connector parts.Cable assembly procedure on plug sideThis applies also to the jack side assembly procedure.No special procedure is given here for the receptacle side because no special procedure is necessary.For any question on using the plugs, contact our sales or engineering department.P shell unitPlug bodyBifurcated partClamp washerTightenerCableFace BFace A Spanner jaw distanceAbout 2CDiagrams of Connectors in Combination(HR10 • HR10AHR10G Type Receptacle) (HR10 Type Plug)(HR10 Type Jack) (HR10A Type Plug)(HR10A Type Jack)(HR10B Type Receptacle) (HR10B Type Plug)(HR10A-[ ]T Type Receptacle) (HR10A-[ ]T Type Plug)(HR10A-[ ]T Type Jack) Notes1 : When using a plug with male terminal, be sure to use a receptacle or jack fi tted with female terminal.2 : Standard fi nish of the terminal is gold plating for the HR10, and silver plating for the HR10A and HR10G.Be sure to use male and female connectors of the same plating.2-6-3,Nakagawa Chuoh,Tsuzuki-Ku,Yokohama-Shi 224-8540,JAPAN TEL: +81-45-620-3526 Fax: +81-45-591-3726The characteristics and the specifications contained herein are for reference purpose. Please refer to the latest customer drawings prior to use.The contents of this catalog are current as of date of 1/2015. Contents are subject to change without notice for the purpose of improvements.Recommended Mounting HoleMounting hole dimension shown here is tight by hexagon nut from back side.Precautions1. S witch off the power of the circuit before disconnecting or plugging-in the connector.2. U se a connector with socket contacts at the power side of the circuit.3. M ake sure that the coupling is in completely locked position.4. C able clamping, cable rotation, and other forces may vary with the cable construction. Please make sure that your cable is suitable for use with these connectors before usage and production.Contact ArrangementABØCNotes 1. The contact arrangement shown here is the mating surface of socket insert assembled.2. The withstanding voltage shown here is test voltage value.3. The isulation resistance value is measured at DC100V.4. The contact resistance value is measured at DC1A.20HR10 Series ●High performance, miniature circular connectorsHR10A-10R-12SB(71)608028-2。
SMH-50 50 50-150-XL 硬體操作說明書说明书
![SMH-50 50 50-150-XL 硬體操作說明書说明书](
SMH-50/50/50-150-XL 硬体操作说明书匯出日期:2023-10-19修改日期:2021-04-19•••••••••••••••••••••••目录序言适用机型硬体规格说明外观介绍外形尺寸驱动器规格搬运与安装搬运安装环境条件与注意事项配线与信号周边装置接线图驱动器的连接器与端子说明各式配线图串列向量配线图新代编码器外接类比温感配线图多台四合一串联说明回生电阻选用简易回生电阻选择详细回生电阻选择KTY84温感器与过温度保护功能安装驱动器参数设定版本号编修日期编修内容作者审查核准V1.22022-6-30修正为SMD-34B-50150-xx 硬体操作说明书带电池盒乃维V1.12020-7-23刪去電容吸收能量Ec黃揚程V1.02018/10/04新增SMD-34B-50150-xx 硬体操作说明书杨娟HomePageSYNTEC伺服操作说明书文件资讯文件履历文件资讯文件履历1 序言感谢您长期对本公司产品的使用与支持。
2 适用机型本操作手册适用於新代 3KWX3+18.5KW四合一驱动器3 硬体规格3.1 说明每部驱动器在出厂前均经过详细品管检查与防撞包装处理,请使用者收到产品後应先检查外观有无撞击损伤,并将外盒与产品上之序号做比对是否一致,若有不符,请第一时间与本公司联络。
型号说明3.2 外观介绍SMH-50/50/50-150-XL驱动器功能模块说明A外供电源输入接点连接380V~440V三相交流电(RST) B马达驱动电源输出接点连接马达侧提供马达电源(UVW)由右至左分别为第一至第四轴C煞车电阻接点煞车电阻接点(P-B)D MIII串行通讯接孔连接上位控制器(MIII讯号)连接串行驱动器 (MIII讯号) E Mini USB接孔连接个人计算机调机使用F I/O讯号端口外接电池端口连接I/O设备(急停、警示灯…等)连接绝对型编码器供电电池G STO讯号端口STO接口,2组安全输入,1组安全功能回授H编码器回授接孔由上至下分别为第一至第四埠。
4.4.2 起吊搬运 ........................................................................................... 22 4.5 安装挂板..................................................................................................... 23
1 安全说明 ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 拆包检查....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 安装安全....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 电气连接安全 ................................................................................................ 2 1.4 运行安全....................................................................................................... 3 1.5 维护安全....................................................................................................... 4 1.6 报废安全....................................................................................................... 4
EMC25HREH中文资料(List Unclassifed)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
![EMC25HREH中文资料(List Unclassifed)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」](
D =双 H =半满负荷
.431 [10.95]
.025 [0.64]
.100 TYP. [2.54]
Dimensionsin [ ] are in millimeters, all othersin inches.
Ëz对于C 43ðRE ^ h -S13
0.000050"镍 0.000050"镍 0.000050"镍 0.000050"镍
0.000050"镍 0.000050"镍 0.000050"镍
修饰(咨询工厂) 省略为标准
-S13 =卡扩展器.062"[1.58毫米]厚PCB -S93 = .093"2.36 mm]厚PCB
0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700
0.900 1.100 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.700
1.800 1.900 2.100 2.200 2.400 2.500
2.700 2.900 3.000 3.400 3.500 3.900
4.200 4.300 4.800 4.900 5.100 5.900
5.175 5.275 5.775 5.875 6.075 6.875
+_ 0.20
7.62 10.16 12.70 15.24 17.78
Liquicap M FTI51, FTI52
BA00299F/00/ZH/13.10 71222387
Liquicap M FTI51, FTI52
1 安全指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 指定用途 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 安装、调试和操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 操作安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 安全符号和图标 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
索引 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
பைடு நூலகம்
Liquicap M FTI51, FTI52
1 安全指南
1.1 指定用途
Liquicap M FTI51 和 FTI52 是一款一体式限位开关,用于液体的电容限位检测。
Liquicap M FTI51, FTI52
1.4 安全符号和图标
使用下列符号强调本文档中的安全操作步骤或替代操作步骤,在空白处使用相应的图标 标识。
Soliphant M FTM50, FTM51, FTM52
电源 电气连接
电子插件FEM55—(8/16 mA)
·直 流电 压 :11...36 V DC ·功 率消 耗 :< 600 mW ·极 性反接 保护 ·隔 离电 压 :3.6 kV ·FEM55的过 压 保护 :过 压保 护等 级III
电源 电气连接
Soliphant M FTM50, FTM51, FTM52
·交 变电 压 :19...25 3 V,50/ 60 Hz或交 流 电压 :19 ...55 V ·功 率消 耗 :m ax. 1 .5 W ·极 性反接 保护 ·隔 离电 压 :3.6 kV ·FEM54的过 压 保护 :过 压保 护等 级II
电源 电气连接
报警信号 连接负载
Soliphant M FTM50, FTM51, FTM52
·供 电电 压 :19...25 3 V AC ·功 率消 耗 :<1 .0 W ·残 余电 流 消耗(IR):<4 mA; 短叉 体时 为5.5 mA(开 关瞬 间(1 00 m s)为<1m A) ·短 路保护 ·隔 离电 压 :3.6 kV ·FEM51的过 压 保护 :过 压保 护等 级II
电源: 请注意交/直流(AC/DC)的不同供电范围。
输出: 连接高阻抗仪表时,请使用火花吸收器以保护 继电器触点。 短路现象发生时,保险丝(与连接的负载类型 相关)保护继电器触点。 两路继电器触点同时开关。
IEH 发布新的HRM系列连接器产品手册,0.075inch pitch, 2排,3排(1.905mm pitch间距) 高密度连接器
![IEH 发布新的HRM系列连接器产品手册,0.075inch pitch, 2排,3排(1.905mm pitch间距) 高密度连接器](
IEH 发布新的HRM系列连接器产品手册,0.075inch pitch, 2排,3排(1.905mm pitch间距) 高密度连接器
HRM系列连接器为0.075英寸(1.905mm)间距的高密度连接器,主要为2排、3排连接器,为hmm 系列的同一家族系列产品。
1. 0.075英寸(1.905mm)pitch间距的高密度连接器;
2. 满足美军标MIL-DTL-55302;
3. 0.024英寸(0.6mm)的线簧孔接触件,单针能够过3amp的电流;
4. 过电压为750 vac rms @sea level水平面; 250 vac rms @70,000ft高空;
5. 2排的有10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90和100针;
6. 3排的有11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 80, 89, 92, 104, 122, 152和206针可选;
7. 全系列产品都满足美军标55302标准。
8. 主要应用在对可靠性要求很高的航空航天,航海兵器防御的军工应用,以及对可靠性要求高和抗震动、插拔配合次数要求高的工业应用。
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IEH 发布新的HRM系列连接器产品手册,0.075inch pitch, 2排,3排(1.905mm pitch间距) 高密度连接器
HRM系列连接器为0.075英寸(1.905mm)间距的高密度连接器,主要为2排、3排连接器,为hmm 系列的同一家族系列产品。
1. 0.075英寸(1.905mm)pitch间距的高密度连接器;
2. 满足美军标MIL-DTL-55302;
3. 0.024英寸(0.6mm)的线簧孔接触件,单针能够过3amp的电流;
4. 过电压为750 vac rms @sea level水平面; 250 vac rms @70,000ft高空;
5. 2排的有10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90和100针;
6. 3排的有11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 80, 89, 92, 104, 122, 152和206针可选;
7. 全系列产品都满足美军标55302标准。
8. 主要应用在对可靠性要求很高的航空航天,航海兵器防御的军工应用,以及对可靠性要求高和抗震动、插拔配合次数要求高的工业应用。