
南外英语能力测试预测题100题——小升初英语专题(三)1.What side of the road do drivers drive on in Hong Kong?A.The left side.B.The right side.2.How many zerosarethere in the number“one million”?A.5.B.6.3.One apple is1.5yuan.One orangeis2yuan.How much is2orangesand3applesaltogether?A.8.5yuan.B.9yuan.4.What is the main dish serveon Thanksgiving Day in the US?A.Eggs.B.Turkey.5.In which country is Vienna,“the city of Music”,l ocated?A.Austria.B.Austrilia.6.The world is becoming a so-called diqiu cun.How do you say diqiu cun inEnglishA.Global Village.B.Earth Village.7.Which of the SevenContinents hasthe largestarea?.B.Africa.8.Of the four seasons of the year,which one is the harvestseason?A.Spring.B.Autumn.9.Are horsesable to sleepstandingup?A.Yes.B.No.10.Which hasbigger ears,theAfrican elephantor theAsian elephant?A.The African elephant.B.The Asian elephant.11.The author of the famous fairy tale The Emperor’sN ew Clothes is from whichcountry?A.Italy.B.Denmark.12.John works13hours a day.Mary’swork hours are half as many as John’s.AndTom’swork hours are three more than Mary’s.How many hours does Tom work eachday?A.9hours.B.9.5hours.13.In what country did operaoriginate?A.ItalyB.Austria.14.Is aseahorsea horse?A.Yes.B.No.first stampissued?15.In which country wasthe world’sA.England.B.France.16.When wasthe first computer invented?A.1936.B.1946.17.Which kind of bird can run the fastest?A.The Ostrich.B.The robin.18.What is the mostwidely spokenlanguagein SouthAmerica?A.English.B.Spanish.19.What is the longestrunning racein the Olympic GamescalledA.The Marathon.B.The relay race.20.In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?A.France.B.England.is what kind of pollution?21.The main causeof the“greenhouse effect”A.Carbon monoxide(CO2).B.Carbondioxide(CO).22.If you sprinkle some salt on ice,will the temperature of the ice increase ordecrease?A.Decrease.B.Increase.This famous quotation is from which 23.“To be or not to be—that is the questions.”plays?of Shakespeare’sA.Hamlet.B.Macbeth.24.What decibel(分贝)level counts asbeing noise?A.More than60decibels.B.More than40decibels.25.Which of thesetwo island nationsis not a Europeancountry?A.The Maldives.B.Malta.26.Is naturalgas anon-renewableresource?A.Yes.B.No.water 27.Drinkable water resources constitute what percentage of the earth’sresources?A.5%.B.3%.28.The atmosphereis composedof78%of what gas?A.Nitrogen.B.Oxygen.29.Who is the composerof the ballet“Swan L ake”?A.JohannStrauss.B.Tchaikovsky.longest mountain range?30.What is the world’sA.The Andes.B.The Himalayas.31.The only presidentin America history to servefour terms are:A.Washington.B.Franklin Roosevelt.32.ReutersNewsAgency is from which country?A.America.B.England.33.For what shot story did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for Literature in1954?A.The Old Man and the Sea.B.Farewell to Arms.34.The gasin the atmospherethat makesthings burn is which gas?A.Nitrogen(N2).B.Oxygen(O2).35.The letter“K”is usedinternationally to designatethe quantity of gold.18K meansthat thequantity of gold is:A.65%.B.75%.36.What is the favorite danceof the peoplein Brazil?A.Tapdancing.B.The samba.37.How often is theAmerican presidentialelection heldA.Every five years.B.Every four years.38.The waltz originated in which country?A.France.B.Austria.mean?39.What doesthe phrase“afeather-weatherfriend”A.A trusty friend.B.An undependablefriend.40.What doesthe phrase“afifth wheel”mean?A.An unneed,extra person.B.A nosy person.41.The owl is the natural enemyof what animal?A.The snake.B.The mouse.42.The World Environment Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.June5th.B.May6th.43.Which of thesetwo animals doesNOT hibernatein winter?A.The bird.B.squirrel.44.What doesthe phrase“bad apple”mean?A.An evil person.B.An escapedperson.45.What doesa sharkuseto breathewith?A.Its gills.B.Its lungs.46.About how many tonsof water doesahuman being drink in a lifetime?A.50tons.B.80tons.47.The official national recommendedtemperaturesetting for air conditioning in thesummer is:A.24℃.B.26℃.48.What is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund?A.A tiger.B.A panda.49.Are ice,water and steamall the samesubstance?A.Yes.B.No.50.Which kind of pencil is the most environmentally friendly?A.The mechanicalpencil.B.The standardwooden pencil.51.Earth Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.April22.B.March22.Fairy 52.Of these two fairy tales,which one is a part of Hans Christian Anderson’sTales?A.SnowWhite.B.TheLittle Match Girl.53.What is the nameof China’sfirst researchstation at the SouthPole?A.The ZhongshanStation.B.The GreatWall Station.54.When we eata potato,what part of the plant arewe actually eating?A.The root.B.The stem.55.The headquarters of the United Nations I in what city?A.New York,America.B.Geneva,Switzerland.56.What country did the rock group“the Beatles”c ome from?A.America.B.England57.In Westerndining,the customis to:A.hold thefork in the left hand andthe knife in the right hand.B.hold the knife in the left hand andthe fork in the right hand.58.The authorof the Harry Porter books,J.K.Rowling is of what nationality?A.American.B.British.literature are Grimm’sFairy two most famous works of children’s59.The world’sTalesand what other work?Fairy Tales.A.Hans Christian Anderson’sB.Arabian Nights.60.What doesthe phrase“break a leg”mean?A.Fail.B.Succeed.61.What natural systemis known as“the kidneys of the earth”?A.The forests.B.The wetlands.62.The ozonelayer absorbsand filters out which kind of rays from the sun?A.Ultraviolet rays.B.Infra-red rays.63.Is thetemperaturehigher at the North Pole than at the SouthPole?A.Yes.B.No.64.“Winter h ascome,can spring be far behind?”This phraseis from which poet?A.Whitman.B.Shelley.65.Is champagnemadefrom grapes?A.No.B.Yes.66.Is thesnail considereda beneficial insect or a pestin agriculture?A.A beneficial insect.B.a pest.67.Which artist is considereda memberof the Impressionist School?A.Monet.B.Picasso68.The songMemory is from which musical?A.Cats.B.TheSoundof Music69.In what country wasthe first World Expo held?A.France.B.England.70.“The Little Mermaid”is the city emblem of which city?A.Copenhagen.B.Cyprus.71.The name“Guinness”in the Guinness Book of World Records is the name of what?A.A beerfactory.B.A mountain.72.Which of these countries is NOT a permanent member of the United NationsSecurity Council?A.Germany.B.France.73.In what medium doessoundtravel faster?A.Air.B.Metal.74.Who wasthe inventor the telephone?A.Edison.B.Bell.75.How canyou tell the ageof a hose?A.By looking at the teeth.B.By looking at the hooves.76.The word“humor”wasfirst translatedas“youmo”by which Chineseauthor?A.Lin Yutang.B.Qian Zhongshu.takesplace in which continent?77.The story of“Zorro”A.Europe.B.SouthAmerica.78.For which of thesetwo fields is thereNOT a Nobel Prize?A.Mathematics.B.Economics.79.Of the Four GreatChineseInventions,which one did not spreadto theWest?A.Papermaking.B.Printing.80.In which American stateis Hollywood located?A.California.B.Florida.Day.This customcomesfrom:81.April1in the Westis April Fool’sA.America.B.France.82.Weredinosaursreptiles?A.Yes.B.No.83.When did the Euro officially begin to be used?A.Jan1,1999.B.Jan1,1998.84.The toxic substancefrom how many cigarettescankill a cow?A.30.B.20.85.Turning down the air conditioner to the nighttime mode while you sleep canreducethe amount of electricity consumptionby what percentage?A.15%B.25%.GreatestTenors”Domingo is from which country?86.One of the“World’sA.Spain.B.Italy.87.Who wasthe leading actressin the classicmovie Casablanca?A.Ingrid Bergman.B.Vivian Leigh.leading type of pollution is what?88.The world’sA.Trashpollution.B.Air pollution.largest bearcan reach a size of up to three meterslong.What kind of 89.The world’sbear is this?A.The brown bear.B.The black bear.first written constitution was:90.The world’sA.The British Constitution.B.The American Constitution.91.Silicon Valley,the world’smost advancedIT industrial center is in what state of the US?A.Florida.B.California92.The world’sfirst subway was built in1863in which city?A.London.B.New York.93.A ton of usedcell phonescontains how much silver?A.300grams.B.3kilograms.94.The first country to usepapermoney was:A.England.B.China.95.The original meaning of Karaoke in Japanese is:A.Creative orchestra.B.Empty orchestra.96.What is the only continent that the International Date Line passesthrough?A.Australia.B.Antarctica.97.“Knowledge is power.”Who wrote this famous line?A.Golgi.B.Bacon98.How many piecesarethere on the international chessboard?A.32.B.23.99.The continent with the most countriesand regionsis:.B.Africa.100.Who invented the battery?A.Volt.B.Watt.参考答案1-5.ABABA6-10.AABAA11-15.BBABA16-20.BABAB21-25.BAAAA26-30.ABABA31-35.BBABB36-40.BBBBA41-45.BAAAA46-50.BBBAA51-55.ABBBA56-60.BABAB61-65.BAABB66-70.BAABA71-75.AABBA76-80.ABABA81-85.BAABA86-90.AABBB91-95.BABBB96-100.BBABA。

南京外国语学校小升初试题一、根据词义和上下文猜单词1.When you travel in Nanjing you want to take some photos, you need a c_____2.people buy it and read it every day to know what it happens around us, it’s N______3.to write it on the paper and you may not want people to see i t,it’s the D_____4.you are very hot when you don’t have water to drink, you will feel T_____5.FIFA World cup is hosted in A_______I _____ a singing contest last month2.At a party ,we are_____Pleasant Goat and big big wolf3.---Is that Jim speaking?-----no,he is not in.he is ____in the park4.My brother usually _____at home .sometimes he _____ in a park.三、首字母填空1.the life of the silkworm begins with e_____.2.through stems of plants absorb w________and nutrients near.3.banana trees live in r___forest.4.in food chain, the wolves eat rabbits and the rabbits want to eat g_________四、把下列动物名称填入对应旳空格内1.Squirrel2.cactus3.dolphin4.rabbit5.fox1.it lives in dry regions and absorb water through stems._____2.it lives in the tree, it hoards nuts for the winter._____3.it molts in winter, the fur will turns white _____4.it has long ears and wants to eat grass_____5.it walks with its tail in the sea._____五、选择题1.if we take railway from Nanjing to shanghai to visit the world expo,how many hours do we need?A.1hourB.2 hoursC.3 hours D7 hours2.A foreigner visits Nanjing by metro ,he takes memo line1 at first and transfer to metro line2.which station does he get off to transfer metro line 2 ?A.the statue of DR sun yet-senB.Nanjing train stationC.Nanjing libraryD.Nanjing foreign language school3.which one contains the most starch(淀粉)___?A .carrots B.oranges C.potatos D.apples E.tomatoes4. Which is not true?A.the water can be heated by electricity.B.drill wood can make fireC.water can make heatD.the sun can give off light5.what’s the name of the boy who was saved by Robinson?A.Thursday B Friday C.Monday D.Tuesday6.where can we see the polar day?A.Norway B .Egypt C.Brizil D.None7.Sally and Sally are barking cakes in the kitchen,sally’s mother is drinking water from glasswhen sally’s father comes in.“that’s a good smell”It is said from_______A.sallyB.sally’s motherC.sally’s father8.when did Zhenhe have voyages to the western seas?A.Qing DynastyB.Tang DynastyC.Ming DynastyD.Song Dynasty9.The family has a mother, father and seven sons.Every son has a sister.How many people are there in the family?A.9B.10C.1610.Which city doesn't have subway?A.NanjingB.ShanghaiC.Xi'an11.Micky Mouse was born in _______A.ChinaB.AmericaC.Japan.12.How many stars are there on the flag of the United States?A.49B.50C.51六. 中英文电影名称配对Avatar 冲浪季节Shrek3 忍者神龟Kids of the future 阿凡达Surf’s up 怪物史莱克Teenage mutant hero turtles 未来小子。

a. astrologist
b. audiologist
5. Listen to the recording and find out the points, connect all the points and what shape can you get? Answer it on the answer sheet(3%)
9. Reasoning(推理)(3%)
A boy has to go to the following classes: the swimming class, the reading class, the piano class and the baseball class. There are four clues follows: The piano class is on Thursdays. The reading and baseball classes are on the same day. The baseball class in three days before the piano class. The boy goes to the swimming class the day after the reading class. Question: On which day of the week does the boy go to each class?
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
8. Reasoning(推理)(3%)
Kelvin, Lemon, Nicola and Michael are gardener, designer, symphony conductors(音乐指挥家) and florist(花匠)respectively. Kelvin is allergic to pollen.(对花粉过敏) Lemon only likes pop music. Lemon and the florist are roommates Nicola, the symphony conductor and the gardener don’t know each other What is Michael’s, Nicola’s and Lemon jobs respectively? (Fill in the blanks with the capital letters of the jobs. E.g.: G for gardener.

南外小升初英语能力测试预测题100题南外英语能力测试预测题100题——小升初英语专题(三)1.What side of the road do drivers drive on in Hong Kong?A.The left side.B.The right side.2.How many zerosarethere in the number“one million”?A.5.B.6.3.One apple is1.5yuan.One orangeis2yuan.How much is2orangesand3applesaltogether?A.8.5yuan.B.9yuan.4.What is the main dish serveon Thanksgiving Day in the US?A.Eggs.B.Turkey.5.In which country is Vienna,“the city of Music”,l ocated?A.Austria.B.Austrilia.6.The world is becoming a so-called diqiu cun.How do you say diqiu cun inEnglishA.Global Village.B.Earth Village.7.Which of the SevenContinents hasthe largestarea?/doc/bb3069917.html.B.Africa.8.Of the four seasons of the year,which one is the harvestseason?A.Spring.B.Autumn.9.Are horsesable to sleepstandingup?A.Yes.B.No.10.Which hasbigger ears,theAfrican elephantor theAsian elephant?A.The African elephant.B.The Asian elephant.11.The author of the famous fairy tale The Emperor’sN ew Clothes is from whichcountry?A.Italy.B.Denmark.12.John works13hours a day.Mary’swork hours are half as many as John’s.AndTom’swork hours are three more than Mary’s.How many hours does T om work eachday?A.9hours.B.9.5hours.13.In what country did operaoriginate?A.ItalyB.Austria.14.Is aseahorsea horse?A.Yes.B.No.first stampissued?15.In which country wasthe world’sA.England.B.France.16.When wasthe first computer invented?A.1936.B.1946.17.Which kind of bird can run the fastest?A.The Ostrich.B.The robin.18.What is the mostwidely spokenlanguagein SouthAmerica?A.English.B.Spanish.19.What is the longestrunning racein the Olympic GamescalledA.The Marathon.B.The relay race.20.In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?A.France.B.England.is what kind of pollution?21.The main causeof the“greenhouse effect”A.Carbon monoxide(CO2).B.Carbondioxide(CO).22.If you sprinkle some salt on ice,will the temperature of the ice increase ordecrease?A.Decrease.B.Increase.This famous quotation is from which 23.“T o be or not to be—that is the questions.”plays?of Shakespeare’sA.Hamlet.B.Macbeth.24.What decibel(分贝)level counts asbeing noise?A.More than60decibels.B.More than40decibels.25.Which of thesetwo island nationsis not a Europeancountry?A.The Maldives.B.Malta.26.Is naturalgas anon-renewableresource?A.Yes.B.No.water 27.Drinkable water resources constitute what percentage of the earth’sresources?A.5%.B.3%.28.The atmosphereis composedof78%of what gas?A.Nitrogen.B.Oxygen.29.Who is the composerof the ballet“Swan L ake”?A.JohannStrauss.B.Tchaikovsky.longest mountain range?30.What is the world’sA.The Andes.B.The Himalayas.31.The only presidentin America history to servefour terms are:A.Washington.B.Franklin Roosevelt.32.ReutersNewsAgency is from which country?A.America.B.England.33.For what shot story did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for Literature in1954?A.The Old Man and the Sea.B.Farewell to Arms.34.The gasin the atmospherethat makesthings burn is which gas?A.Nitrogen(N2).B.Oxygen(O2).35.The letter“K”is usedinternationally to designatethe quantity of gold.18K meansthat thequantity of gold is:A.65%.B.75%.36.What is the favorite danceof the peoplein Brazil?A.Tapdancing.B.The samba.37.How often is theAmerican presidentialelection heldA.Every five years.B.Every four years.38.The waltz originated in which country?A.France.B.Austria.mean?39.What doesthe phrase“afeather-weatherfriend”A.A trusty friend.B.An undependablefriend.40.What doesthe phrase“afifth wheel”mean?A.An unneed,extra person.B.A nosy person.41.The owl is the natural enemyof what animal?A.The snake.B.The mouse.42.The World Environment Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.June5th.B.May6th.43.Which of thesetwo animals doesNOT hibernatein winter?A.The bird.B.squirrel.44.What doesthe phrase“bad apple”mean?A.An evil person.B.An escapedperson.45.What doesa sharkuseto breathewith?A.Its gills.B.Its lungs.46.About how many tonsof water doesahuman being drink in a lifetime?A.50tons.B.80tons.47.The official national recommendedtemperaturesetting for air conditioning in thesummer is:A.24℃.B.26℃.48.What is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund?A.A tiger.B.A panda.49.Are ice,water and steamall the samesubstance?A.Yes.B.No.50.Which kind of pencil is the most environmentally friendly?A.The mechanicalpencil.B.The standardwooden pencil.51.Earth Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.April22.B.March22.Fairy 52.Of these two fairy tales,which one is a part of Hans Christian Anderson’sTales?A.SnowWhite.B.TheLittle Match Girl.53.What is the nameof China’sfirst researchstation at the SouthPole?A.The ZhongshanStation.B.The GreatWall Station.54.When we eata potato,what part of the plant arewe actually eating?A.The root.B.The stem.55.The headquarters of the United Nations I in what city?A.New York,America.B.Geneva,Switzerland.56.What country did the rock group“the Beatles”c ome from?A.America.B.England57.In Westerndining,the customis to:A.hold thefork in the left hand andthe knife in the right hand.B.hold the knife in the left hand andthe fork in the right hand.58.The authorof the Harry Porter books,J.K.Rowling is of what nationality?A.American.B.British.literature are G rimm’sFairy two most famous works of children’s59.The world’sTalesand what other work?Fairy Tales.A.Hans Christian Anderson’sB.Arabian Nights.60.What doesthe phrase“break a leg”mean?A.Fail.B.Succeed.61.What natural systemis known as“the kidneys of the earth”?A.The forests.B.The wetlands.62.The ozonelayer absorbsand filters out which kind of rays from the sun?A.Ultraviolet rays.B.Infra-red rays.63.Is thetemperaturehigher at the North Pole than at the SouthPole?A.Yes.B.No.64.“Winter h ascome,can spring be far behind?”This phraseis from which poet?A.Whitman.B.Shelley.65.Is champagnemadefrom grapes?A.No.B.Yes.66.Is thesnail considereda beneficial insect or a pestin agriculture?A.A beneficial insect.B.a pest.67.Which artist is considereda memberof the Impressionist School?A.Monet.B.Picasso68.The songMemory is from which musical?A.Cats.B.TheSoundof Music69.In what country wasthe first World Expo held?A.France.B.England.70.“The Little Mermaid”is the city emblem of which city?A.Copenhagen.B.Cyprus.71.The name“Guinness”in the Guinness Book of World Records is the name of what?A.A beerfactory.B.A mountain.72.Which of these countries is NOT a permanent member of the United NationsSecurity Council?A.Germany.B.France.73.In what medium doessoundtravel faster?A.Air.B.Metal.74.Who wasthe inventor the telephone?A.Edison.B.Bell.75.How canyou tell the ageof a hose?A.By looking at the teeth.B.By looking at the hooves.76.The word“humor”wasfirst translatedas“youmo”by which Chineseauthor?A.Lin Yutang.B.Qian Zhongshu.takesplace in which continent?77.The story of“Zorro”A.Europe.B.SouthAmerica.78.For which of thesetwo fields is thereNOT a Nobel Prize?A.Mathematics.B.Economics.79.Of the Four GreatChineseInventions,which one did not spreadto theWest?A.Papermaking.B.Printing.80.In which American stateis Hollywood located?A.California.B.Florida.Day.This customcomesfrom:81.April1in the Westis April Fool’sA.America.B.France.82.Weredinosaursreptiles?A.Yes.B.No.83.When did the Euro officially begin to be used?A.Jan1,1999.B.Jan1,1998.84.The toxic substancefrom how many cigarettescankill a cow?A.30.B.20.85.Turning down the air conditioner to the nighttime mode while you sleep canreducethe amount of electricity consumptionby what percentage?A.15%B.25%.GreatestTenors”Domingo is from which country?86.One of the“World’sA.Spain.B.Italy.87.Who wasthe leading actressin the classicmovie Casablanca?A.Ingrid Bergman.B.Vivian Leigh.leading type of pollution is what?88.The world’sA.Trashpollution.B.Air pollution.largest bearcan reach a size of up to three meterslong.What kind of 89.The world’sbear is this?A.The brown bear.B.The black bear.first written constitution was:90.The world’sA.The British Constitution.B.The American Constitution.91.Silicon Valley,the world’smost advancedIT industrial center is in what state of the US?A.Florida.B.California92.The world’sfirst subway was built in1863in which city?A.London.B.New York.93.A ton of usedcell phonescontains how much silver?A.300grams.B.3kilograms.94.The first country to usepapermoney was:A.England.B.China.95.The original meaning of Karaoke in Japanese is:A.Creative orchestra.B.Empty orchestra.96.What is the only continent that the International Date Line passesthrough?A.Australia.B.Antarctica.97.“Knowledge is power.”Who wrote this famous line?A.Golgi.B.Bacon98.How many piecesarethere on the international chessboard?A.32.B.23.99.The continent with the most countriesand regionsis:/doc/bb3069917.html.B.Africa.100.Who invented the battery?A.Volt.B.Watt.参考答案1-5.ABABA6-10.AABAA11-15.BBABA16-20.BABAB21-25.BAAAA26-30.ABABA31-35.BBABB36-40.BBBBA41-45.BAAAA46-50.BBBAA51-55.ABBBA56-60.BABAB61-65.BAABB66-70.BAABA71-75.AABBA76-80.ABABA81-85.BAABA86-90.AABBB91-95.BABBB96-100.BBABA。

小升初南外英语综合测试评估卷 (本考卷总分150分,答案请写在答题纸上。
考试时间90分钟)姓名_____________ 得分___________I. 联系上下文、完成歌曲(每小题1分,共8分)I love chocolateI drink milk, I eat cheese,I like nuts and I like greens,I like cereals, I like beans,These are things my body needs.But late at night,Under my bedclothes,I eat chocolate,And no-one knows.I eat vegetables, I drink juice,I like rice, I like fruit,I like pasta every way,I eat good things every day.I like honey on my bread,I like salad and I like eggs,I drink water all day long,All these things make me strong.II. 自然知识(每小题1分,共5分)1. Mammals are animals that give milk to their babies. They have got ___ warm ___ blood.2. Reptiles are animals that have got cold blood. They all lay _ eggs ____ and their skin is thick.3. ___ Insects ____ are animals that have got six legs. Most of them have got wings and can fly.4. Birds are animals that lay eggs. Many of them can fly. Their ___ blood ____ is warm.5. ____ Fish ___ are animals that live in water. Their blood is cold.III. 电脑常识(参见图1)(每小题1分,共6分)1.The ___ monitor ______ shows words and pictures.2.You use the ___ keyboard _____ for typing in information.3.The __ CD-ROM ___ records(记录)information.4.The ___ mouse ____ helps you to control(控制)the computer.5.We can hear the sound from the ___ speaker _____.6.We put disks into the ____ drives ____ in the main unit.图1. 图 2.IV. 面部表情(参见图2)(每小题1分,共12分)A.You can make the person burst out laughing by opening the mouth and showing the teeth. 2B.Frightened(吓坏了). Face is pale and bluish. Hair stands on end. Eyes are wide open. 8C.Frowning(皱眉的) forehead and drooping mouth make the person look worried. 11D.Winking. Mouth goes up on side where eyes is closed. 5E.Sly(狡计的). Eyes look sideways and mouth is small. 7F.Very angry. Mouth is wide open in a loud shout. 12G.Happiness is shown by a smiling mouth. Drawing the eyes as shown as gives a cheerful expression. 3H.Thoughtful. Eyes look up and sideways. 4I.Sad. Mouth and eyebrows (眉毛)droop. 1J.Angry. Use straight lines for the mouth and eyebrows. 9K.Yawning. Nose is pushed up to eyes, which are closed. Mouth is wide open showing teeth. 10 L.A wavy line for the mouth and drooping (消沉的)eyes give a bored look. 6V. 常见英文缩略(每小题1分,共14分)1.AD ___i___2. BC __g___3. C __k___4. e.g. __h___5. etc. __b___6.hr(s) ___a___7. i.e. ___l___8. kg __j___9. m __m___ 10. NB __n___ 11. no. ___f____ 12. sq cm___e___ 13. UN __c___ 14. wt. __d____a.hour(s)b. and the restc. United Nationsd. weighte. square centimetersf. numberg. before Christ’s birthj. kilogramme(s) k. Celsiush. for example i. after Christ’s birthl. that is, in other words m. metre(s) n. pay attention to, note wellVI. 宠物养护笔记(每小题1分,共15分)Hints on keeping pet fishWhy keep them?People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish cannot be friendly, but they canbe good pets. They have beautiful shapes and colours. They are a pleasure to watch as they swim intheir tanks.Why do they need?First of all, the fish need a suitable tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water. It is alsogood for them to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure. A few snails in the tankare a good idea, too. They will keep it clean.What about feeding them?There are many kinds of fish food on sale in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. Youshould feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just givethem as much as they can eat in about fifteen minutes. This will help them healthy.1.Reasons for keeping pet fish: beautiful __ shapes _____ and __ colours ____, and a ___ pleasure____ to ___ watch ____2.Needs of pet fish: suitable _____tank___, ____ suitable___ __water ___, and __ __water __ ____ plants __ and a __ few ____ ___ snails ____3.Feeding pet fish: feed them ____ once ___ a __ day_____, but not __ too, _____ ___much ___ food.VII. 礼貌用语(每小题1分,共6分)When you do something bad and you feel sorry, you apologize to others. An excuse is a for doingsomething bad.Arthur: Sorry I’m late, Tony, but the minibus broke down, and there were no taxis.Tony: That’s all right, Arthur. I’ve just got here myself, so I wasn’t waiting for long. Arthur: And, Tony, I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve forgotten to bring the tickets with me.Tony: Oh, don’t say that. How could you do that?Arthur: It’s my memory. It’s so bad these days. I can’t remember anything any more.Tony: Then you’d better do something about it, hadn’t you?1.How many times does Arthur apologizes to Tony?Two / 22.Which apology is stronger? I’m terribly sorry. Or The second one.3.How many excuses does Arthur give? Two, or Three.4.Which excuse does Tony accept(接受)? The first one. / Why he was late.5.Which excuse does Tony reject(拒绝、排斥)? The second one. / He forgot to bring the tickets.6. What suggestion(建议)does Tony make to Arthur? He'd better do something about his badmemory.VIII. 记忆现象(每小题1分,共6分)Three types of memorySome scientists believe that there are three kinds of memory - immediate, short-term and long-term.Immediate memory holds items of information coming into it from the five senses for less than asecond. Then it either rejects them or passes them into short-time memory.Short-term memory can hold about seven items of information at one time (e.g., telephone numbers ). It holds them for about thirty seconds. Then they are rejected ( i.e., forgotten ) or passedinto long-term memory.Long-term memory can hold information for the whole of our lives. Some scientists believe that long-term memory can be divided into two types. One type remembers events, that is things that happen to us. The other remembers knowledge ( e.g., the names of countries or the meanings of words ).____Immediate___ memory information ____rejected___ or passed on_____Short__memory information ______rejected___ or passed on_____Long__ memory information ____stored____IX. 采访报道(每小题1分,共28分)Protecting the innocentPansy: You say that you like working as a detective. Why?Ken: Let me tell you about a recent case that i dealt with, Pansy. Mr. Lee is a very rich man who lives alone and enjoys collecting things. He purchased a vase for two million yuan. Heshowed it to only two people - his friends Jill and Jenny. Then he locked it in the safe at hishouse. That night, someone stole it. Lee reported the theft, and I went to his house to look forclues.Pansy: Did you find any?Ken: Yes, a black pearl earring near the open safe and, outside the open window of the room I saw a lot of mud on the wet ground. Inside the room, the carpet was spotlessly clean.Pansy: So what did you do next?Ken: I interviewed Jill and Jenny. They both denied stealing the vase. But I noticed that Jill was wearing a black pearl necklace - but no earrings.Pansy: So Jill was the thief?Ken: I didn’t know. I needed proof. A good detective never jumps to conclusion. I showed Jill the earring, and she admitted it was hers. She said someone had stolen it from her house a monthbefore. I checked her story. It was true.Pansy: So Jill was no longer a suspect. But what about your other clue - the mud outside and the spotless carpet inside?Ken: That told me that probably no thief broke into Lee’s house. So I questioned Lee and, in th end, he admitted stealing his own vase. He had bought insurance for it. The insurancecompany would pay him two million yuan if the vase was stolen.Pansy: And who stole Jill’s earring?Ken: Lee did that as well. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him.Pansy: so now Lee is behind bars.Ken: Yes, and Jill is free. My job is to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. Thatlike working as a detective.A. 用此篇interview中的词完成日记A. admittedB. deniedC. purchasedD. caseE. proofF. Safe12 DecemberYesterday, I dealt with two cases. In the first case, the suspect, Zhong, at first ____B___ being a bankrobber. I showed him a photograph of himself in the bank at the time of the robbery, carrying a gun.This was all the ___E___ I needed and he ____A____ that he was guilty.In the second ___D__, the suspect. Brown, ___C___ a diamond for fifty thousand yuan. She paid forit with fake banknotes. Later she ___A___ she had printed the notes herself. When I searched her flat, I found half a million yuan in fake notes. She kept them in a ____F____ in the wall.B. 用interview中的词汇完成句子A. behind barsB. Jumps to conclusionsC. the innocentD. insuranceE. spotlesslyF. the guiltyG. cluesH. suspect1.A detective uses his eyes to look for _____G______ ( things that help to solve a crime )2.Ken questioned Jill because she was a __H_ ( person who might have committed a crime)3.Lee was put ____A____ ( into jail ).4.Ken is a good detective. He never ____B____ ( makes up his mind too quickly )5.In the case of the missing vase, Ken succeeded in finding _____F___ ( person who has done something wrong ) and protecting ____C____ ( person who has done anything wrong ).6.The carpet in the room was ____E____ ( completely ) clean.7.Lee bought ___D__ ( a promise to pay him money if someone stole his vase ) for his vase.C. 根据interview,正确配对fact 和conclusionFacts:1.Your phone is ringing. ____C____2.David’s face has become very dark. ___A____3.Alan is standing outside a cinema. _____B___Possible conclusions:A.He has been sunbathing.B.He is waiting for someone.C.Someone wants to speak to you.D. 用interview中的线索为Detective Ken 正确配对fact and conclusionFacts:1.Lee shows his vase to only two of his friends. ____C_____2.The ground outside was muddy, but the carpet was clean. ____A_____3.The earring near the safe belonged to Jill. ___D_____4.Lee bought insurance for the vase. ____E____5.Lee put Jill’s earring near the safe. ____B____Possible conclusions:A.The thief came from Inside Lee’s house.B.He wanted the police to believe that Jill had stolen the vase.C.One of them stole it.D.Jill stole the vase.E.Lee stole the vase.E. 根据interview的内容正确排序A.I checked Jill’s story about someone stealing her earring.B.I interviewed Lee’s friends Jill and Jenny.C.I discovered that Lee was guilty, and he was put into jail.D.I looked for clues and found an earring.E.I checked and found that Lee had bought insurance for the vase.__D___ ____B____ _____A__ ____E___ __C____X. 数学和思维(一共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1.What is the sum of all the positive integer factors(正整数)of 12 ?282.The average(平均)IQ of 4 people is 110. If three of these people each have an IQ of 105, what is the IQ of the fourth person ?1253.Of 60 students in a class 2/3 are girls, and 2/5 of the class are taking music lessons. What is the maximum(largest) number of girls that are not taking music lessons?364.The school library has 50 action adventure novels, 15 romances and 10 historical novels. Julie wants to take one of each type for her sick cousin to read. How many different choices(选择)of three books are available to her?75005.145 300 610 1230In the above sequence every term after the first is formed by multiplying(乘)by x and then adding y, where x and y are positive integers. What is the value (值)of x + y?126.A confectioner(糖果店)has 500 mint, 500 orange and 500 strawberry flavored sweets. He wishes to make packets containing 10 mint, 5 orange and 5 strawberry sweets. What is themaximum number of packets of this type he can make?507.In a certain game of 50 questions, the final score is calculated by subtracting(减去)twice the number of wrong answers from the total number of correct answers. If a player answered all questions and received(得到)a final score of 35, how many wrong answers did he give?58.On a map showing only four countries, A, B, C and D, A shares a border(边界)with B and C. Country D shares a border with B and C. But countries B and C and countries A and D do not share borders. If the map requires(需要)different colours for countries with common borders, what is the minimum (smallest)number of colours required to complete(完成)the map?29.If the sum of 7 consecutive(连续的)numbers is 0, what is the greatest of these numbers?310. A teacher wants to make a test containing 20 verbal(口头的)and 30 math questions. Each verbal question is to be allotted(分配)45 seconds to complete and each math question is to be given 1 minute 20 seconds. How many minutes should she allow(给与)for the whole test?5511.On a map 1 centimeter represents(代表)100,000 centimeters. What is the length(长度)ofa road in kilometers that measures 2.9 centimeters on the map?2.912.A right triangle(直角三角形)has perimeter(周长)12 and sides x, (x + 1) and (x + 2). What is the area(面积)of the triangle?613.A palindrome is a number which reads the same backwards as forwards (for example 101).What is the next greatest palindrome after 3443 ? 355314.Chen donates(捐赠)15 percent of his current salary(薪水)to charity(慈善机构). If his pay (工资)is increased(增长)by 10 percent and he still continues to donate 15 percent of the salary, by what percentage(百分比)do his charity contributions increase?1015.Joey starts reading at the top of page 103 and stops at the bottom of page 204. How many pages has he read?10216.A rectangular box is made by putting together pieces of the dimensions shown above. What is the volume(容积)of the resulting box?3017.Sam's test scores are History 76, Geography 74, Math 92, English 81 and Chemistry 80. If the average (arithmetic mean) score is M, and the median(中位数)score is m, what is the value ofM-m ?0.618.In a test a student got a mark(score) of 49. His report card showed that he had scored 70 per cent. What was the maximum(largest) mark on the test?7019.What is the largest odd number(奇数)that is a factor of 860 ?21520.A school charity sale raised(募集)$4800. One quarter of this was taken to cover expenses. Three quarters of the remainder(余数)was given to Charity A and the remainder to Charity B. How much did B receive(得到)?90021.A dry cleaner charges(收费)$2 for up to 3 pounds in weight(重量)of clothes, and 30 cents per pound or part thereof up to a maximum weight of 10 pounds per load. What is the cost in dollarsof cleaning six and a half pounds of clothes?6.522.The diameter(圆)of circle A is one quarter the diameter of circle B. The area(面积)of circleB is how many times greater than the area of circle A ?1623.Three apples and five oranges cost 85cents, and five apples and three oranges cost 83 cents. How much will it cost to buy one apple and one orange?2124.A bag contains(含有)2 red, 5 blue and 8 white beads. If one bead is drawn(拿出)from the bag what is the probability(可能性)that it is red or white?2/325. The shape above is to be cut out and folded along the dotted lines to form a cubic die. Dots areto be added to faces A, B and C so that the numbers of dots on opposite faces add up to 7. How many dots should appear on face A ?2。

南京外国语学校英语综合能力测试模拟试卷1、本试卷满分150 分,考试时间90 分钟。
Part One 英语小乐园(共41 分)Ⅰ. Phonetics (5%)ⅰ. Finish the following rhymes.(3%)AThe ZooAt the zoo we saw a bearHe had long, dark fuzzy h.We saw a lion in a c.He was in an awful rage.We saw the big, long-necked g,And the silly monkeys made us laugh.But my favorite animal at the zooIs the elephant--how about y?BSquirrelsWisky, frisky,. hippity, hopUp he climbs to the tree t.Whirly, twirly, round and roundDown he scampers(奔跑 ) to the g.Where's his supper?In a shellSnappy, cracky, out it fell.ⅱ. Complete the followingTongue twister.(2%)AMy Friend GladysOh, the sadness of her sadness when she's sad.Oh, the gladness of her gladness when she's g.But the sadness of her sadness,and the gladness of her gladness,Are nothing like her m when she's madBThere is no need to light a night light on a light like tonight, for a bright night light is just like a slight(微弱的 ).II. Vocabulary(22%)A.Read the sentences. Write the missing words. These words are all end with letter””(4%)1.Susan has got a mouse in her p_______.2.Whales sometimes e ______ penguins.4.Kate has got a p_______. His name is Fang.5.There are a lot of trees in a f_________.6.I p_______ my book on the table.7.Elephants eat a _______ of food.8.My friends go to school by bus, but I go on f _______.B.What’s wrong with you? Can you fill the gaps?(3%)1.If you eat ten hamburgers and six pizzas you will have a _______.2.If you have a temperature, a runny nose, and sneeze and cough a lot, you have probablygot a ______.3.If you have a lot of spicy food or sweet food. You got a pain in your tooth. You thinkyou have probably got a _______.C.Words fun.(15%)a.Add a letter to the word from the clue you are given and you can make a new word.1. H+ what we breathe = Something that grows out of your head.H+ _______= _______2.p + what‘s in a pen?= A colour. P+ _________=_________3.H + not feeling well= A mound( 小土堆 ). H+ _________= _________b.Change one letter1.Change one letter from the word ?free‘to describe a large woody plant, usuallywith branches. __________________2.Change one letter from the word ?sent‘to form a word which describes what yousit on. It can be another word for chair. ___________3.What is it ?(2%)(1)This can come from a cow, a goat, or even a coconut!_________(2)My first is in TEACH and in CHIP.My second is in BEG but not in BUG.My third is in AREA but not in REED.My fourth is in CARRY but not in CASH.My last is in MOST and in BOTH.My whole is a vital organ ( 重要器官 ) _________4.How can you use the letters in NEW DOOR to make one word? ________5.What has roots that nobody sees,Is taller than trees,Up, up it goes,Yet it never grows? ______________6.Before Mount Everest(珠峰 ) was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?_______c.Can you correct the wrong word with its homophony?(找出句中用错的词并用其同音词来改正,写在横线上 )1.I can‘tsea you. __________2.The man was find for parking next to a fire hydrant(消防栓 ) ________3.Do you like to play bored games? ____________4.I blue air into a balloon. _______________5.Don‘t walk buy the river. ____________IV . Grammar and altuations.(14%)a. Match 1—7 to a — g. Make seven sentences.(7%)1.boa snakes ----2.A caterpillar ---3.sometimes, a polar bear ---4.We---5.A snake ---6.Caterpillars7.Susan--- a.--- eats frogs.b. --- eat leavesc. --- likes petsd. --- live in forests.e.--- changes into a butterflyf.--- eats penguinsg. --- play football at school.b. Look at the leaflet. Complete it with the verbs below(用以下动词完成游乐园卡片,不要重复哦)(2%)fly drive ride goWelcome to the World‘s Createst Activity Centre!Try these amazing activitlese:1.__________ in a hot air balloon.2.__________ on a banana boat.3.__________ a motorbike or mountain bike.4._________ a go- kart.And have fun!c. Where does each conversation probably happen?(写出地点,首字母已给 )(5%)1. A: Logan Airport, please. I‘ve got to be there by 10:00.B:You‘ll be there in plenty oftime. In the t _________.2.A: I ‘m sorry but I really have to leave.B:Well, thank you for coming and dancing with me.A:Thank you. We really had a good time.At a p____________.3.A: How would you like your steak?B: Medium, please.A:Baked, fried or mashed potatoes?B:Mashed, please.In the r__________.4. A: What size are you?B: I ‘m an extra large.A:Would you like to try this one on?In the s ____________.5.A: Hold on please. Sorry, he‘s not here.B:Can you leave the message?On the p________.Part Two 智力大观园(共80 分)Ⅰ.Math Problem( 1-15 每题 2 分 ,16-25 每题 3 分 ,共 60 分)1、 The sum of two positive integers is 10 times the sum of their reciprocals(倒数 ), what is theproduct of these two numbers ?2、 A rectangle whose area is 20*K (K<20) can be divided into four squares with different integer sides, How many kinds of K can be valued?3、 Your father's age plus 52.8, multiply by 5, minus3.9343, divided by 0.5, minus 10 times of your father's age, what is the result?4、 The ratio of the distance on map and the actual distance is 1:15000000.Then how many kilometers does the actual distance if it is 3 cm on the map?5、 There are four people A,B,C and D. A said: only one of us is lying, B said: there are two people lying, C said: the number of lying people is odd, D said: there are even person lying. Howmany people is lying?A, 2B, 1 or 2C, 2 or 3D, 46、 Anne is 35 years old if all the weekends are not included, what is her age?7、A rectangular paper with side 6*8 is folded into a cylinder, What is the volume of the cylinder?. (∏ =3)8、 There is a pool of water and four water pipes,. It takes 2 hours to fill the poll for the first pipe.And three hours for the second , four hours for the third , 6 hours for the fourth . How many9、 As following picture shown, how many squares can you find in all?10、 Look at the following patterns △△ □☆★△△ □☆★△△ □☆★ ⋯⋯ The30th pattern is ________(from left to right).11、In physical education, 30 students are stand in a row,. Karry is the thirteenth if they are counted from the left to the right. Then if they are counted from the right to the left, Karry shouldbe_______?12、There is a three-digit number(三位数 ) which is divided by 7,8 and9.The sums(总和) of the3 remainders(余数 ) is 21. Then the three-digit number is ______________.13、6 apples and 4 bananas cost 7.8 yuan, 7 apples and 9 bananas cost 13 yuan. What is the price of an apple and a banana?251334、⋯is known. Count the numbers from14、A series of regular(有规律的 ) number 1、、、、382155left to right , what is the sixth number ?15、There are 100 eggs in basket A, 28 eggs in basket B. We take out some eggs from basket A to put them into basket B. After we do this nine times, the eggs in each basket are the same. If the number of the eggs we take from basket A each time are the same, then how many eggs do we take each time?16、Fill in the 8 circles with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Make sure that thesum of 3 vertexes(顶点 ) of each triangle equals to the sum of 4 vertexes ofthe square. The sum of the top circle and the bottom circle is ___________.17、a*b= (a+b) / (a-b); then (2012*1) *1=?18、 Tom has a farm. If he grazes( 放牧 )21 horses, the grass on the farm can be eaten out in 12 weeks. If he grazes 23 horses, the grass can be eaten out in 9 weeks. Tom has 27 horses. Inhow many weeks can the grass be eaten out?19、Tom and Ann study in the same school. Their teacher asks them:― Do you live near our school?‖Tom says,― It takes me 10 minutes to get home from school.‖Ann says:― It takes me 14 minutes to get home.‖ The teacher:asks―Whoagainwalk faster. Annsays: ―Iwalk more slowly. Tom walks 14 meters more than I every minute. But the way to myhome is 1/6 longer than (比) to Tom ‘ s. Do you know how far away they live from the school?20、There are 3 doctors and 3 nurses assigned(分配) to give students physical examination(体检) for three primary schools, and each school will be arranged a doctor and a nurse. Howmany different distribution methods(分配方法) ?21、As is shown in the figure, an ant started to crawl 爬( ) from point A along the three sides of the triangle. The speed on each side is 2cm/s 4cm/sand 12cm/s respectively. What‘ s the average speed of the ant‘ s travel?22、m/n +m=m/n ×m, which one of the following value is fixed? A .m * n B .m/n C .m+nD.m-n or n-m23、A will cost 5 days to finish a project alone, and B needs 6 days ,C needs 8days. Now starting from C, everyone works for a day by the order of C, A, B. Then how long will it take to finish the project?24、Separate number 14 into the sum of some natural numbers, and calculate the product of these numbers. To make the product the largest, the product is.25、The pattern (图案 ) below is a kind of cipher (密码 ). For example, the symbol (符号 )stands for the letter W.stands for M.stands for the letter I.Please decipher these sentences请(解释下面句子 ):1)2)Ⅱ. 思维与百科 ( 每题 1 分,共20分)1.Which of the following poem there is no mention of the "bird"?A 、《宿新市徐公店》(杨万里)B、《山行》(杜牧)C、《春夜喜雨》(杜甫)D、《绝句》(杜甫)2.The opening there of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is 8:00 p.m. in Beijing . When do American watch the opening ceremony in their local time? _____________A. At noonB. At nightC. In the early morningD. In the evening3.Which of the following is Not the part of long jump( 蹲踞式跳远 )?A. Run— up(助跑 )B. Landing( 落地 )C. Taking off (起跳 )D. Getting feet together(并脚 )4.The folk(民歌 ) song, Red River Valley(红河谷 ) is from ________.A. IndonesiaB. FinlandC. CanadaD. the Soviet Union(苏联 )料)?________A. Chinese art paper (宣纸 )B. writing paper made from bamboo (毛边纸)C. calendered paper(蜡光纸 )D. tissue(餐巾纸 )6.Who wrote this ?‖等闲识得东风雨 ,万紫千红总是春‖A. 杜牧B. 贺知章C. 叶绍翁D. 朱熹7.Which of the following energy ( 能源 ) is not renewable(是不可再生的 )?_________A. Solar energy(太阳能 )B. Hydroenergy. (水能 )C. Natural gas(天然气 )D. Wind energy source(风能 )8.__________ are NOT influenced by day and night 受(昼夜影响 )?A. Tulips( 郁金香 )C. Morning glories( 牵牛花 )B. Rape flowers (油菜花 )D. Silk trees(合欢树 )9. Which one is NOT included(包含 ) in the control panel(控制面板 ) ?_________A. Mouse (鼠标 )B. Microsoft Paint ( 画图 )C. Date and Time (日期和时间 )D. Computer font (字体 )10. We can write at most 最(多 ) ___________ characters 字( ) on Sina MicroBlog ( 新浪微博 ).A. 120B.140C. 150D. 13011.In the basketball game, the Distance of a Three –Point Shot is about ( 得 3 分的投篮距离大约在)__________A. 5 metresB. 4 metresC.6 metresD. 7 metres12. Here are some clues: Harvard, New York Knickerbockers, Asian ,who can you think of?______A . 易建联 B. 姚明 C. 林书豪 D. 王治郅13._________ wins The 84th Annual Academy Awards for the best picture(获 84 届奥斯卡电影节的最佳影片 ).A. Hugo(《雨果》 )B. Iron lady( 《铁娘子》 )C.Mission Impossible(《碟中碟 4》)D. The Artist ( 《艺术家》 )14.In order to environmental protection(环保 ), in the famous Nanjing Jinling Hotel they don't cook ____________ any more since February.A. fins(鱼翅 )B. bear‘s paws (熊掌 )C. globefish( 河豚 )D. soft-shelled turtles(甲鱼 )15. Which is ―transport soldiers ―of a human body(人体的‖运输兵‖)? ___________A. heart ( 心脏 )B. vessel(血管 )C. lungs(肺 )D. Blood ( 血液)16. The fossil(化石 )of ________ appeared in more ancient stratum(出现在比较古老的地层中).A. amphibian(两栖动物 )B. reptiles (爬行动物 )C. Fossil Fish(鱼类化石 )D. mammals(哺乳动物 )17.Kylin and Mythical wild animal( 麒麟和辟邪 )are both the mascots in ancient China. The one at Zhongshan gate is called_________(in Chinese). It has _______ horns(角) on the head.18._________ belong(s) to Plucked instruments group(弹拨乐器组 ), while _________ belong(s) to percussion group.(打击乐器组 ).(可多选 )A. 板鼓B. 小三弦C.扬琴D. 琵琶19.________ trained the child running in the snow with few clothes(在暴雪中训练孩子裸跑 ).A. Wolf DaddyB. Tiger MamaC. Eagle DadD. Deer Mummy20.In the poetry ―剑外忽传收蓟北‖蓟北 is located in ().C. Shanxi province (陕西省 )D. Hubei provincePart Three 阅读百花园( 29% )I. Read and match.( 5% )Animals were very important for different reasons. Some animals were for food, some for pets, some were dangerous. Match the animals to the reasons根.(据上下文 ,请把动物名称填写在相应的横线上 .)a) This animal was man‘s best friend.It was used as a pet, but also for hunting and guard duty.b)This animal was dangerous in the Revier Nile and grew up to six meters in length.c)This animal was socred. People used it to catch mice and rats.It was a demlgod and symbollsed by the Goddess Bast.d)This is a male sheep. It was kept for meat, milk, skins and wool.e)This huge animal was a danger to boats and people on the River Nile.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions.用(介词填空 ).(6% )The thief went _____(1)______ the road. _______(2)_____ the pavement. ______(3)the gate, into the garden, along the path, up______(4)_______ the front door. Round the side of the house, _______(5)______ the house, through the back window, out of the house at one side._______(6)________ two trees, out of the garden , through the back gate.III.YOG is coming. Let ’s try our best to make Nanjing more beautiful. What do you know about new ways of transport? Try this quiz! Choose the right answer from the box(4%. )A. e---bikesB. electric carsC. one-person carsD. fold –up bicycles1)These are 97% cleaner than normal cars.___________2)These are similar to normal bikes but have a small motor._________4) This is the car of the future –a personal electric vehicle!! _________Ⅳ .根据图表及文字内容,完成下列各题。

第 2 题:智力题 1.From 0 to 9,which number is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“w“? 2.In four seasons,which season is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“n“? 3.Which month is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“e“? 4.Which day in a week is pronounced with a silent(不发音的)“d“?
第 12 题: It's known:1x2x3+2x3x4+3x4x5 = 1 x3x4x5x6= 90
4 Calculate: 1x2x3+2x3x4+3x4x5++97x98x99=?
A.22356748 B.22524826 C.23527350 D.24736542
第 13 题:It's known, S=1+2+3+…+n= n(n +1) , 2
第 1 题:诗歌题 The lion is big and the mouse is _______. Cinderella is beautiful in the ball. Bobby is short and Sam is _______. I like them _______.
第 3 题:根据规律写单词
3.water-waiter pace-_______

hen laid an egg in Mr.Black’s1.Mrs.Green lives next to Mr.Black.Mrs.Green’sgardenoneday.Whosewas the egg?A.The hen’sB.Mr.Black’sC.Mrs.Green’sD.Mr.Green’sas long as Line CD.Line CD is as long as Line EF.Line GH is 2.Line AB isn’tlonger thanLine CD.Which line is the longest one?A.Line AB. B.Line CD.C.Line EF.D.Line GH.3.Which day comes two daysafter the day which begins with the sixth letter of thealphabet?4.In2004,16Junefalls on a Wednesday.On what day of the week will16Junefallin2010?5.My grandfather is60yearsold this year.She’sf ive times as old as me.Then howold am I now?6.First,study the discipline(规律)behind the group of numbers,and then fill in thebracket with a suitableone:1,4,13,40,(),1217.Two brothers walk from home to factory.It takes the elder brother forty minutes,and it takesthe young brother thirty minutes.If the elder brother leaveshome five minutes earlier than the younger brother,in how many minutes will the younger brother catchup with the elder brother?8.A line is cut its one fifth,then add five meters to it.Now it is three twentiethsshorter than before.How long is theline now?9.Half the apple pie was missing,but who had eaten it?That was the questionmother put.“Elaine didn’tAlbert said.take it,”take it,”p ut in Billy.“And I know Diane didn’tsaidCharles.“Billytook it himself,”“Diane took it,”s aid Elaine.takeit,”D iane added.“Anyway,Albert didn’tClearly someonemust be lying.As it so turned out,mother did finally discoverfour of the five children had,in fact,spoken the truth.Only one of the statements madewas a lie.Which of thefive children had stolen the apple pie?10.There are five balls with different weights.Every ball is less than(少于)100g.Now weigh(称)every two balls,and you will get113,116,110,117,118,114, 112,121,120and115g.What is theweight of the heaviest(最重的)ball?天文地理题:多读课外书是硬道理每年南外英语能力测试都会涉及到几道天文地理题。

8.Reasoning推理3%》-Kelvin,Lemon,Nicola and Michael are gardener,designer,sy phony-conductors音乐指挥家and florist花匠respectively..-Kelvin is allergic to po len.对花粉过敏-Lemon only likes pop music.-Lemon and the florist are roommates Nicola,the symphony conductor and the gardener don't know each other-What is Michael's,Nicola's and Lemon jobs respectively?-Fill in the blanks wit the capital letters of the jobs.E.g.:G for gardener.-120S
2.Homophones:fill the blanks with two words that sound same-according to he sentences and answer on the answer sheet.8%-1.-can I the shoes?-Everyo e-clown has a big red-3.Mum come-_can you-the song?-4.Although of our tea members got a red card,we still the game.-50S
5.Listen to the recording and find out the points,connect all the-points nd what shape can you get?Answer it on the answer sheet3%-NFL写-B-D-E-G-H0S

南外英语能力测试预测题100题——小升初英语专题(三)1.What side of the road do drivers drive on in Hong Kong?A.The left side.B.The right side.2.How many zerosarethere in the number“one million”?A.5.B.6.3.One apple is1.5yuan.One orangeis2yuan.How much is2orangesand3applesaltogether?A.8.5yuan.B.9yuan.4.What is the main dish serveon Thanksgiving Day in the US?A.Eggs.B.Turkey.5.In which country is Vienna,“the city of Music”,l ocated?A.Austria.B.Austrilia.6.The world is becoming a so-called diqiu cun.How do you say diqiu cun inEnglishA.Global Village.B.Earth Village.7.Which of the SevenContinents hasthe largestarea?.B.Africa.8.Of the four seasons of the year,which one is the harvestseason?A.Spring.B.Autumn.9.Are horsesable to sleepstandingup?A.Yes.B.No.10.Which hasbigger ears,theAfrican elephantor theAsian elephant?A.The African elephant.B.The Asian elephant.11.The author of the famous fairy tale The Emperor’sN ew Clothes is from whichcountry?A.Italy.B.Denmark.12.John works13hours a day.Mary’swork hours are half as many as John’s.AndTom’swork hours are three more than Mary’s.How many hours does Tom work eachday?A.9hours.B.9.5hours.13.In what country did operaoriginate?A.ItalyB.Austria.14.Is aseahorsea horse?A.Yes.B.No.first stampissued?15.In which country wasthe world’sA.England.B.France.16.When wasthe first computer invented?A.1936.B.1946.17.Which kind of bird can run the fastest?A.The Ostrich.B.The robin.18.What is the mostwidely spokenlanguagein SouthAmerica?A.English.B.Spanish.19.What is the longestrunning racein the Olympic GamescalledA.The Marathon.B.The relay race.20.In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?A.France.B.England.is what kind of pollution?21.The main causeof the“greenhouse effect”A.Carbon monoxide(CO2).B.Carbondioxide(CO).22.If you sprinkle some salt on ice,will the temperature of the ice increase ordecrease?A.Decrease.B.Increase.This famous quotation is from which 23.“To be or not to be—that is the questions.”plays?of Shakespeare’sA.Hamlet.B.Macbeth.24.What decibel(分贝)level counts asbeing noise?A.More than60decibels.B.More than40decibels.25.Which of thesetwo island nationsis not a Europeancountry?A.The Maldives.B.Malta.26.Is naturalgas anon-renewableresource?A.Yes.B.No.water 27.Drinkable water resources constitute what percentage of the earth’sresources?A.5%.B.3%.28.The atmosphereis composedof78%of what gas?A.Nitrogen.B.Oxygen.29.Who is the composerof the ballet“Swan L ake”?A.JohannStrauss.B.Tchaikovsky.longest mountain range?30.What is the world’sA.The Andes.B.The Himalayas.31.The only presidentin America history to servefour terms are:A.Washington.B.Franklin Roosevelt.32.ReutersNewsAgency is from which country?A.America.B.England.33.For what shot story did Hemingway win the Nobel Prize for Literature in1954?A.The Old Man and the Sea.B.Farewell to Arms.34.The gasin the atmospherethat makesthings burn is which gas?A.Nitrogen(N2).B.Oxygen(O2).35.The letter“K”is usedinternationally to designatethe quantity of gold.18K meansthat thequantity of gold is:A.65%.B.75%.36.What is the favorite danceof the peoplein Brazil?A.Tapdancing.B.The samba.37.How often is theAmerican presidentialelection heldA.Every five years.B.Every four years.38.The waltz originated in which country?A.France.B.Austria.mean?39.What doesthe phrase“afeather-weatherfriend”A.A trusty friend.B.An undependablefriend.40.What doesthe phrase“afifth wheel”mean?A.An unneed,extra person.B.A nosy person.41.The owl is the natural enemyof what animal?A.The snake.B.The mouse.42.The World Environment Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.June5th.B.May6th.43.Which of thesetwo animals doesNOT hibernatein winter?A.The bird.B.squirrel.44.What doesthe phrase“bad apple”mean?A.An evil person.B.An escapedperson.45.What doesa sharkuseto breathewith?A.Its gills.B.Its lungs.46.About how many tonsof water doesahuman being drink in a lifetime?A.50tons.B.80tons.47.The official national recommendedtemperaturesetting for air conditioning in thesummer is:A.24℃.B.26℃.48.What is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund?A.A tiger.B.A panda.49.Are ice,water and steamall the samesubstance?A.Yes.B.No.50.Which kind of pencil is the most environmentally friendly?A.The mechanicalpencil.B.The standardwooden pencil.51.Earth Day falls on what dateeachyear?A.April22.B.March22.Fairy 52.Of these two fairy tales,which one is a part of Hans Christian Anderson’sTales?A.SnowWhite.B.TheLittle Match Girl.53.What is the nameof China’sfirst researchstation at the SouthPole?A.The ZhongshanStation.B.The GreatWall Station.54.When we eata potato,what part of the plant arewe actually eating?A.The root.B.The stem.55.The headquarters of the United Nations I in what city?A.New York,America.B.Geneva,Switzerland.56.What country did the rock group“the Beatles”c ome from?A.America.B.England57.In Westerndining,the customis to:A.hold thefork in the left hand andthe knife in the right hand.B.hold the knife in the left hand andthe fork in the right hand.58.The authorof the Harry Porter books,J.K.Rowling is of what nationality?A.American.B.British.literature are Grimm’sFairy two most famous works of children’s59.The world’sTalesand what other work?Fairy Tales.A.Hans Christian Anderson’sB.Arabian Nights.60.What doesthe phrase“break a leg”mean?A.Fail.B.Succeed.61.What natural systemis known as“the kidneys of the earth”?A.The forests.B.The wetlands.62.The ozonelayer absorbsand filters out which kind of rays from the sun?A.Ultraviolet rays.B.Infra-red rays.63.Is thetemperaturehigher at the North Pole than at the SouthPole?A.Yes.B.No.64.“Winter h ascome,can spring be far behind?”This phraseis from which poet?A.Whitman.B.Shelley.65.Is champagnemadefrom grapes?A.No.B.Yes.66.Is thesnail considereda beneficial insect or a pestin agriculture?A.A beneficial insect.B.a pest.67.Which artist is considereda memberof the Impressionist School?A.Monet.B.Picasso68.The songMemory is from which musical?A.Cats.B.TheSoundof Music69.In what country wasthe first World Expo held?A.France.B.England.70.“The Little Mermaid”is the city emblem of which city?A.Copenhagen.B.Cyprus.71.The name“Guinness”in the Guinness Book of World Records is the name of what?A.A beerfactory.B.A mountain.72.Which of these countries is NOT a permanent member of the United NationsSecurity Council?A.Germany.B.France.73.In what medium doessoundtravel faster?A.Air.B.Metal.74.Who wasthe inventor the telephone?A.Edison.B.Bell.75.How canyou tell the ageof a hose?A.By looking at the teeth.B.By looking at the hooves.76.The word“humor”wasfirst translatedas“youmo”by which Chineseauthor?A.Lin Yutang.B.Qian Zhongshu.takesplace in which continent?77.The story of“Zorro”A.Europe.B.SouthAmerica.78.For which of thesetwo fields is thereNOT a Nobel Prize?A.Mathematics.B.Economics.79.Of the Four GreatChineseInventions,which one did not spreadto theWest?A.Papermaking.B.Printing.80.In which American stateis Hollywood located?A.California.B.Florida.Day.This customcomesfrom:81.April1in the Westis April Fool’sA.America.B.France.82.Weredinosaursreptiles?A.Yes.B.No.83.When did the Euro officially begin to be used?A.Jan1,1999.B.Jan1,1998.84.The toxic substancefrom how many cigarettescankill a cow?A.30.B.20.85.Turning down the air conditioner to the nighttime mode while you sleep canreducethe amount of electricity consumptionby what percentage?A.15%B.25%.GreatestTenors”Domingo is from which country?86.One of the“World’sA.Spain.B.Italy.87.Who wasthe leading actressin the classicmovie Casablanca?A.Ingrid Bergman.B.Vivian Leigh.leading type of pollution is what?88.The world’sA.Trashpollution.B.Air pollution.largest bearcan reach a size of up to three meterslong.What kind of 89.The world’sbear is this?A.The brown bear.B.The black bear.first written constitution was:90.The world’sA.The British Constitution.B.The American Constitution.91.Silicon Valley,the world’smost advancedIT industrial center is in what state of the US?A.Florida.B.California92.The world’sfirst subway was built in1863in which city?A.London.B.New York.93.A ton of usedcell phonescontains how much silver?A.300grams.B.3kilograms.94.The first country to usepapermoney was:A.England.B.China.95.The original meaning of Karaoke in Japanese is:A.Creative orchestra.B.Empty orchestra.96.What is the only continent that the International Date Line passesthrough?A.Australia.B.Antarctica.97.“Knowledge is power.”Who wrote this famous line?A.Golgi.B.Bacon98.How many piecesarethere on the international chessboard?A.32.B.23.99.The continent with the most countriesand regionsis:.B.Africa.100.Who invented the battery?A.Volt.B.Watt.参考答案1-5.ABABA6-10.AABAA11-15.BBABA16-20.BABAB21-25.BAAAA26-30.ABABA31-35.BBABB36-40.BBBBA41-45.BAAAA46-50.BBBAA51-55.ABBBA56-60.BABAB61-65.BAABB66-70.BAABA71-75.AABBA76-80.ABABA81-85.BAABA86-90.AABBB91-95.BABBB96-100.BBABA。

考试内容:共12页的试卷,总分150分,考试时间 1.5小时。
4.小学3- 6年级科学、社会、音、体、美书本图画部分,几何图形翻转、推理判断、空间想象、抽象思维、逻辑思维、创新思维。
Which is the western instrument?16.打雷时应该如何保护自己?17.一张非洲地图,设置了不同的关口,结合数学的知识找到胜利的终点。

Part one 英语小乐园(满分53分)一、热身吧唱儿歌,填缺词。
(7分)Don’t be late againOne,two,three,fourFive ,six,seven,eight,Nine,ten,nine,ten,Don’t be late________.Twinkle,twinle,little starTwinkle,twinkle,little star,________I wonder what you are.UP above the world so________,Like a________in the sky.Twinkle,tinkle,little star,How I_______what you are.二:创新吧根据释义和所给的第一个首字母写出相应的单词。
(4分)1.f______can’t remember sth2.s_______more than two but fewer than many3.e________having nothing inside4.s_______speak or cry out in a loud voice5.b________the day you were born6.d_______come to end of life7.M________second day of the week 8.m________the satellite(卫星)of the earth三:从下面五组字母中每组各找出一个多余的字母丢进垃圾筒再将它们组成五个数词并将垃圾桶里的五个字母组成一个数次,必要时可加连字符号。

1.That g_______g_______the answer on her first try.2.I p_______him on the stairs at half p_______two.3.You a_______my a_______.I cannot go with you.4.He a_______e_______eggs by himself yesterday.5.I usually b_______things b_______bike.6.They could h_______a noise from h_______to there.7.We have an h_______to finish o_______homework.8.The dog's n_______k_______all the smells in the world.二.反义词填空完成句子,首字母已给出。
1.The room is too d_______,please c_______it up.2.She's a_______friendly and n_______angry with us.3.T_______this away and b_______another one for me.4.A b_______farmer has little f_______time.5.This is not very e_______,actually,it is very c_______!三.选择合适的词构成合成词填空,使句意完整,每词限用1次。
lunch break foot rain fire home up snow bow man work stairs room fast ball fall1.The meals at the school_________taste good.2.She doesn't eat much_________.3.I'm not a big_________fan.4.I have a dream with blue sky and_________in it.5.A brave_________saved the woman.6.A heavy_________blocks(阻塞)the main road.7.Finish your_________before you go out.8.She went_________to get dressed.四.根据括弧内释义填写合适的对应词,使句意完整。

南京外国语学校小升初英语英语智力测试(IQ)Intelligencetest 1.Canyou move just two matches createseven squares? 2.Whatword can makenew words? DAY SHINE BEAM Answer:SUN Whichnumber completes eachtriangle, multiply centrenumbers, digitresult, eachtriangle Whatappears once second,once month,once century,yet Whatpercentage Answer:25% 6.Whatnumber should replace questionmark? Answer:6(提示:49=36) sameshape. Write correctletter eachpiece. statementsbelow.Then answer fourJones brothers sameheight.No brother tallerthan brotherwho older.Thebrothers‟names tallerthan Dan olderthan shorterthan Dick.Which brother olderthan Dan youngerthan Dave? Answer:Dick 9.Sevencows went walkaround pasture.Theblack cows horns,thewhite cows blackcows spotswent.The black cows without horns whitecows without spots also went.Name didn‟tgo. Answer:Belle four-letterword makeanother five words. 11.Whatkind tablecan 12.Ifthree cats can kill three mice threedays, how many cats can kill one hundred mice onehundred days? forty-eightstudents class?How many students come livingthings can fill missinglink foodchain? 15.Twobuses were leaving oppositedirections, moving away from one another. One bus 5milesper hour, milesper hour. milesapart Aftertwo hours, how far apart were Whatnumber comes next sequenceabove? 17.Adoctor gives you three pills telling you takeone every half hour.How many minutes would pillslast? 18.Theday before daybefore yesterday threedays after Saturday.Whatday 19.Pleasefind oddone out: 20.Ifyou throwa white stone RedSea, 21.Whitney (旋转盘)shownbelow. shespins(使旋转), what shemost likely Answer:2.(Because three2s 22.Mr Green‟s boss allows him 10 holidays during year.Three Fridays.How many times yeardoes Mr Green get3-dayweekend? cowcame out itsshed (牛棚) walkedten steps towards east.She tooktwo steps walkedfour steps backwards. After shemade eight steps west.Which direction cow‟stail pointing? pointingdownwards. (Because cow‟stail always points downwards.) 24.Look middlehas been made from othertwo words. Complete sameway. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE Answer:GOAL well-knownproverb has been divided threeletters beenplaced wrongorder. Find ESTHON OBI LTWONE RDS WIT KIL Answer: Kill two birds onestone. 26.What number can replace (代替) questionmark? Answer:___88___ 27.Trousers 1/2off have greentag (标签). Trousers 1/4off have yellowtag. Stephen bought two green-tagged trousers originally priced £10each, oneyellow-tagged trousers originally priced £16.How much did he pay histrousers? Answer: £22 28.Here cube(立方体).How many nearest ways from canyou find? 29.Mark loved pink pencils more than he loved red ones. He didn‟t like orange pencils whilehe liked yellow pencils, he couldn‟t say hereally loved them. Which Heliked red pencils less than orange pencils. Heliked yellow pencils more than red pencils. Heliked pink pencils more than yellow pencils. 30.Why roomfull marriedpeople empty? Answer:Because singleperson 31.Jack finds goodjob. He moonabout moon”.(You may answer wordSEASON code(代码) 135146.What‟s wordNOSE? Answer:6413 根据代表SEASON中每个字母的数字得出 33.Look brothershas sister.Altogether, how many kids 34.Fill crosswordso missingwords (acts, flag, food, oats) Youhave been given one letter from clue(线索). 35.Each cube samecube (每个方块为同一个方块的五个不同角度的图示). What twomissingnumbers? 36.—Ben, listen bignews, secret.So don’t let catout bag.OK? catout bag”.(You may answer secret(泄密) 37.Claire, Nick Chriswear blue shorts. Nick, Caroline Suewear white shirts.Sue, David Carolinewear blue jeans. David, Caroline Clairewear red sweaters.Chris, David Clairewear blue shirts. Sue, Nick Chriswear blue sweaters.Who wears whiteshirt, blue jeans redsweater? 38.Tim can run from trainstation hisparents’ eightminutes. His brother Ray can run samedistance (距离) eight times onehour. Who faster(更快)? Answer:Ray. missingshape(形状) Answer:Twelve 40.See youcan draw three overlapping rectangular boxes (重叠的方框), so youcan divide (分开) marbles(玻璃子弹) fivegroups. Each group has three marbles. Answer:如右图 2002年初一初赛 41.Whatdoes mean?(Youcan answer verypoor(贫穷的)boy,but now he veryrich(富有).Every dog has its day. Translate sentenceunderlined fivegroundhogs (土拨鼠).One badegg.Can you find out?Clues:1.It doesn‟t wear(戴)glasses. 2.It doesn‟t have anything around(围绕)its neck (脖子). 3.Itdoesn‟t wear tallhat. Answer:B 44.—Youspeak English youlive (居住)in London.You‟re English.。

小升初南外英语综合测试评估卷 (本考卷总分150分,答案请写在答题纸上。
考试时间90分钟)姓名_____________ 得分___________I. 联系上下文、完成歌曲(每小题1分,共8分)I love chocolateI drink milk, I eat cheese,I like nuts and I like greens,I like cereals, I like beans,These are things my body needs.But late at night,Under my bedclothes,I eat chocolate,And no-one knows.I eat vegetables, I drink juice,I like rice, I like fruit,I like pasta every way,I eat good things every day.I like honey on my bread,I like salad and I like eggs,I drink water all day long,All these things make me strong.II. 自然知识(每小题1分,共5分)1. Mammals are animals that give milk to their babies. They have got ___ warm ___ blood.2. Reptiles are animals that have got cold blood. They all lay _ eggs ____ and their skin is thick.3. ___ Insects ____ are animals that have got six legs. Most of them have got wings and can fly.4. Birds are animals that lay eggs. Many of them can fly. Their ___ blood ____ is warm.5. ____ Fish ___ are animals that live in water. Their blood is cold.III. 电脑常识(参见图1)(每小题1分,共6分)1.The ___ monitor ______ shows words and pictures.2.You use the ___ keyboard _____ for typing in information.3.The __ CD-ROM ___ records(记录)information.4.The ___ mouse ____ helps you to control(控制)the computer.5.We can hear the sound from the ___ speaker _____.6.We put disks into the ____ drives ____ in the main unit.图1. 图 2.IV. 面部表情(参见图2)(每小题1分,共12分)A.You can make the person burst out laughing by opening the mouth and showing the teeth. 2B.Frightened(吓坏了). Face is pale and bluish. Hair stands on end. Eyes are wide open. 8C.Frowning(皱眉的) forehead and drooping mouth make the person look worried. 11D.Winking. Mouth goes up on side where eyes is closed. 5E.Sly(狡计的). Eyes look sideways and mouth is small. 7F.Very angry. Mouth is wide open in a loud shout. 12G.Happiness is shown by a smiling mouth. Drawing the eyes as shown as gives a cheerful expression. 3H.Thoughtful. Eyes look up and sideways. 4I.Sad. Mouth and eyebrows (眉毛)droop. 1J.Angry. Use straight lines for the mouth and eyebrows. 9K.Yawning. Nose is pushed up to eyes, which are closed. Mouth is wide open showing teeth. 10 L.A wavy line for the mouth and drooping (消沉的)eyes give a bored look. 6V. 常见英文缩略(每小题1分,共14分)1.AD ___i___2. BC __g___3. C __k___4. e.g. __h___5. etc. __b___6.hr(s) ___a___7. i.e. ___l___8. kg __j___9. m __m___ 10. NB __n___ 11. no. ___f____ 12. sq cm___e___ 13. UN __c___ 14. wt. __d____a.hour(s)b. and the restc. United Nationsd. weighte. square centimetersf. numberg. before Christ’s birthj. kilogramme(s) k. Celsiush. for example i. after Christ’s birthl. that is, in other words m. metre(s) n. pay attention to, note wellVI. 宠物养护笔记(每小题1分,共15分)Hints on keeping pet fishWhy keep them?People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish cannot be friendly, but they canbe good pets. They have beautiful shapes and colours. They are a pleasure to watch as they swim intheir tanks.Why do they need?First of all, the fish need a suitable tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water. It is alsogood for them to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure. A few snails in the tankare a good idea, too. They will keep it clean.What about feeding them?There are many kinds of fish food on sale in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. Youshould feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just givethem as much as they can eat in about fifteen minutes. This will help them healthy.1.Reasons for keeping pet fish: beautiful __ shapes _____ and __ colours ____, and a ___ pleasure____ to ___ watch ____2.Needs of pet fish: suitable _____tank___, ____ suitable___ __water ___, and __ __water __ ____ plants __ and a __ few ____ ___ snails ____3.Feeding pet fish: feed them ____ once ___ a __ day_____, but not __ too, _____ ___much ___ food.VII. 礼貌用语(每小题1分,共6分)When you do something bad and you feel sorry, you apologize to others. An excuse is a for doingsomething bad.Arthur: Sorry I’m late, Tony, but the minibus broke down, and there were no taxis.Tony: That’s all right, Arthur. I’ve just got here myself, so I wasn’t waiting for long. Arthur: And, Tony, I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve forgotten to bring the tickets with me.Tony: Oh, don’t say that. How could you do that?Arthur: It’s my memory. It’s so bad these days. I can’t remember anything any more.Tony: Then you’d better do something about it, hadn’t you?1.How many times does Arthur apologizes to Tony?Two / 22.Which apology is stronger? I’m terribly sorry. Or The second one.3.How many excuses does Arthur give? Two, or Three.4.Which excuse does Tony accept(接受)? The first one. / Why he was late.5.Which excuse does Tony reject(拒绝、排斥)? The second one. / He forgot to bring the tickets.6. What suggestion(建议)does Tony make to Arthur? He'd better do something about his badmemory.VIII. 记忆现象(每小题1分,共6分)Three types of memorySome scientists believe that there are three kinds of memory - immediate, short-term and long-term.Immediate memory holds items of information coming into it from the five senses for less than asecond. Then it either rejects them or passes them into short-time memory.Short-term memory can hold about seven items of information at one time (e.g., telephone numbers ). It holds them for about thirty seconds. Then they are rejected ( i.e., forgotten ) or passedinto long-term memory.Long-term memory can hold information for the whole of our lives. Some scientists believe that long-term memory can be divided into two types. One type remembers events, that is things that happen to us. The other remembers knowledge ( e.g., the names of countries or the meanings of words ).____Immediate___ memory information ____rejected___ or passed on_____Short__memory information ______rejected___ or passed on_____Long__ memory information ____stored____IX. 采访报道(每小题1分,共28分)Protecting the innocentPansy: You say that you like working as a detective. Why?Ken: Let me tell you about a recent case that i dealt with, Pansy. Mr. Lee is a very rich man who lives alone and enjoys collecting things. He purchased a vase for two million yuan. Heshowed it to only two people - his friends Jill and Jenny. Then he locked it in the safe at hishouse. That night, someone stole it. Lee reported the theft, and I went to his house to look forclues.Pansy: Did you find any?Ken: Yes, a black pearl earring near the open safe and, outside the open window of the room I saw a lot of mud on the wet ground. Inside the room, the carpet was spotlessly clean.Pansy: So what did you do next?Ken: I interviewed Jill and Jenny. They both denied stealing the vase. But I noticed that Jill was wearing a black pearl necklace - but no earrings.Pansy: So Jill was the thief?Ken: I didn’t know. I needed proof. A good detective never jumps to conclusion. I showed Jill the earring, and she admitted it was hers. She said someone had stolen it from her house a monthbefore. I checked her story. It was true.Pansy: So Jill was no longer a suspect. But what about your other clue - the mud outside and the spotless carpet inside?Ken: That told me that probably no thief broke into Lee’s house. So I questioned Lee and, in th end, he admitted stealing his own vase. He had bought insurance for it. The insurancecompany would pay him two million yuan if the vase was stolen.Pansy: And who stole Jill’s earring?Ken: Lee did that as well. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him.Pansy: so now Lee is behind bars.Ken: Yes, and Jill is free. My job is to protect the innocent as well as find the guilty. Thatlike working as a detective.A. 用此篇interview中的词完成日记A. admittedB. deniedC. purchasedD. caseE. proofF. Safe12 DecemberYesterday, I dealt with two cases. In the first case, the suspect, Zhong, at first ____B___ being a bankrobber. I showed him a photograph of himself in the bank at the time of the robbery, carrying a gun.This was all the ___E___ I needed and he ____A____ that he was guilty.In the second ___D__, the suspect. Brown, ___C___ a diamond for fifty thousand yuan. She paid forit with fake banknotes. Later she ___A___ she had printed the notes herself. When I searched her flat, I found half a million yuan in fake notes. She kept them in a ____F____ in the wall.B. 用interview中的词汇完成句子A. behind barsB. Jumps to conclusionsC. the innocentD. insuranceE. spotlesslyF. the guiltyG. cluesH. suspect1.A detective uses his eyes to look for _____G______ ( things that help to solve a crime )2.Ken questioned Jill because she was a __H_ ( person who might have committed a crime)3.Lee was put ____A____ ( into jail ).4.Ken is a good detective. He never ____B____ ( makes up his mind too quickly )5.In the case of the missing vase, Ken succeeded in finding _____F___ ( person who has done something wrong ) and protecting ____C____ ( person who has done anything wrong ).6.The carpet in the room was ____E____ ( completely ) clean.7.Lee bought ___D__ ( a promise to pay him money if someone stole his vase ) for his vase.C. 根据interview,正确配对fact 和conclusionFacts:1.Your phone is ringing. ____C____2.David’s face has become very dark. ___A____3.Alan is standing outside a cinema. _____B___Possible conclusions:A.He has been sunbathing.B.He is waiting for someone.C.Someone wants to speak to you.D. 用interview中的线索为Detective Ken 正确配对fact and conclusionFacts:1.Lee shows his vase to only two of his friends. ____C_____2.The ground outside was muddy, but the carpet was clean. ____A_____3.The earring near the safe belonged to Jill. ___D_____4.Lee bought insurance for the vase. ____E____5.Lee put Jill’s earring near the safe. ____B____Possible conclusions:A.The thief came from Inside Lee’s house.B.He wanted the police to believe that Jill had stolen the vase.C.One of them stole it.D.Jill stole the vase.E.Lee stole the vase.E. 根据interview的内容正确排序A.I checked Jill’s story about someone stealing her earring.B.I interviewed Lee’s friends Jill and Jenny.C.I discovered that Lee was guilty, and he was put into jail.D.I looked for clues and found an earring.E.I checked and found that Lee had bought insurance for the vase.__D___ ____B____ _____A__ ____E___ __C____X. 数学和思维(一共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)1.What is the sum of all the positive integer factors(正整数)of 12 ?282.The average(平均)IQ of 4 people is 110. If three of these people each have an IQ of 105, what is the IQ of the fourth person ?1253.Of 60 students in a class 2/3 are girls, and 2/5 of the class are taking music lessons. What is the maximum(largest) number of girls that are not taking music lessons?364.The school library has 50 action adventure novels, 15 romances and 10 historical novels. Julie wants to take one of each type for her sick cousin to read. How many different choices(选择)of three books are available to her?75005.145 300 610 1230In the above sequence every term after the first is formed by multiplying(乘)by x and then adding y, where x and y are positive integers. What is the value (值)of x + y?126.A confectioner(糖果店)has 500 mint, 500 orange and 500 strawberry flavored sweets. He wishes to make packets containing 10 mint, 5 orange and 5 strawberry sweets. What is themaximum number of packets of this type he can make?507.In a certain game of 50 questions, the final score is calculated by subtracting(减去)twice the number of wrong answers from the total number of correct answers. If a player answered all questions and received(得到)a final score of 35, how many wrong answers did he give?58.On a map showing only four countries, A, B, C and D, A shares a border(边界)with B and C. Country D shares a border with B and C. But countries B and C and countries A and D do not share borders. If the map requires(需要)different colours for countries with common borders, what is the minimum (smallest)number of colours required to complete(完成)the map?29.If the sum of 7 consecutive(连续的)numbers is 0, what is the greatest of these numbers?310. A teacher wants to make a test containing 20 verbal(口头的)and 30 math questions. Each verbal question is to be allotted(分配)45 seconds to complete and each math question is to be given 1 minute 20 seconds. How many minutes should she allow(给与)for the whole test?5511.On a map 1 centimeter represents(代表)100,000 centimeters. What is the length(长度)ofa road in kilometers that measures 2.9 centimeters on the map?2.912.A right triangle(直角三角形)has perimeter(周长)12 and sides x, (x + 1) and (x + 2). What is the area(面积)of the triangle?613.A palindrome is a number which reads the same backwards as forwards (for example 101).What is the next greatest palindrome after 3443 ? 355314.Chen donates(捐赠)15 percent of his current salary(薪水)to charity(慈善机构). If his pay (工资)is increased(增长)by 10 percent and he still continues to donate 15 percent of the salary, by what percentage(百分比)do his charity contributions increase?1015.Joey starts reading at the top of page 103 and stops at the bottom of page 204. How many pages has he read?10216.A rectangular box is made by putting together pieces of the dimensions shown above. What is the volume(容积)of the resulting box?3017.Sam's test scores are History 76, Geography 74, Math 92, English 81 and Chemistry 80. If the average (arithmetic mean) score is M, and the median(中位数)score is m, what is the value ofM-m ?0.618.In a test a student got a mark(score) of 49. His report card showed that he had scored 70 per cent. What was the maximum(largest) mark on the test?7019.What is the largest odd number(奇数)that is a factor of 860 ?21520.A school charity sale raised(募集)$4800. One quarter of this was taken to cover expenses. Three quarters of the remainder(余数)was given to Charity A and the remainder to Charity B. How much did B receive(得到)?90021.A dry cleaner charges(收费)$2 for up to 3 pounds in weight(重量)of clothes, and 30 cents per pound or part thereof up to a maximum weight of 10 pounds per load. What is the cost in dollarsof cleaning six and a half pounds of clothes?6.522.The diameter(圆)of circle A is one quarter the diameter of circle B. The area(面积)of circleB is how many times greater than the area of circle A ?1623.Three apples and five oranges cost 85cents, and five apples and three oranges cost 83 cents. How much will it cost to buy one apple and one orange?2124.A bag contains(含有)2 red, 5 blue and 8 white beads. If one bead is drawn(拿出)from the bag what is the probability(可能性)that it is red or white?2/325. The shape above is to be cut out and folded along the dotted lines to form a cubic die. Dots areto be added to faces A, B and C so that the numbers of dots on opposite faces add up to 7. How many dots should appear on face A ?2。

1.We enjoyed a long w______vacation this year.2.Schools begin to r______after the COVID-19.3.China's f______Mars exploration mission is named Tianwen-1.4.A p______is the first people to do something.5.We can use a s______to fasten pieces of paper together.6.Scientists found that the COVID-19virus came from n______.7.Zebra's stripes can make the animal very d______to see.8.Your g______are the parents of your father or mother.9.Zhuge Liang can borrow arrows with s______boats.10.Mars is also called the Red Planet because of its c______.11.F______fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins12.China started to remeasure Everest's h______in May2020.二.挑选字母补全单词,每个字母限用一次。
Example:AID THEY SORE→AND THEN SOME1.ON TIE WINK→________________2.AOL SHE MIME→________________3.SOME GO SNOW→________________4.FRY FOUR BEAT→________________5.HIVE TO IDEL→________________四.根据左栏线索,右栏填写与air押韵的词。

第 1 页,共 9 页01 根据提示写单词。
1. In the alphabet , which letter is part of a person's body ?2. Among the 12 months , which month begins with "F"?3. Among the four seasons , which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet ?4. Among the initial words of seven days , which one appears the latest in the alphabet ? 02 类比题1. Working is to office as cooking is to .2.Letter is to word as word is to .3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .03 根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式1.M2.C3.F4.A5.W6.P04 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。
2017 南外面测真题are animals with long tails which run around the house. is where you watch films. is filled with plants , trees , and land. is your dad's or mum's sister. are used when birds are flying. is a person who plays the piano. (job)05 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。
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1.We enjoyed a long w______vacation this year.
2.Schools begin to r______after the COVID-19.
3.China's f______Mars exploration mission is named Tianwen-1.
4.A p______is the first people to do something.
5.We can use a s______to fasten pieces of paper together.
6.Scientists found that the COVID-19virus came from n______.
7.Zebra's stripes can make the animal very d______to see.
8.Your g______are the parents of your father or mother.
9.Zhuge Liang can borrow arrows with s______boats.
10.Mars is also called the Red Planet because of its c______.
11.F______fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins
12.China started to remeasure Everest's h______in May2020.
1.ON TIE WINK→________________
2.AOL SHE MIME→________________
3.SOME GO SNOW→________________
4.FRY FOUR BEAT→________________
5.HIVE TO IDEL→________________
1A large,strong wild mammal
2A sweet fruit
3A shape with four equal sides
4two things of the same type
5A place to walk up or down
6A piece of furniture(家具)
1.Drinking______water is good for your health.
2.--Why shouldn't you believe a man in bed?
--Because he is always______.
3.--Why does water-melon have so much water?
--Because it is planted in______.
4.Mom is closer to you,because dad is______.
1.If something happens______,it happens every day.
2.______are often dressed in white,with wings.
3.A______is sweet food eaten at the end of a meal.
4.When you______,drops of liquid come through your skin.
5.A______can copy the human voice,and it looks like a vegetable.
1.At sunrise,riverside flowers are______than fire.
2.A flock of______egrets(鹭)flies into the blue sky.
3.By the hotel,the willows are all fresh and______.
4.Some children run in haste to catch a______butterfly.
5.Lonely sail,distant(远)shadow,vanish(消失)in______emptiness.
There are seven steps to wash hands correctly:
①Wash your palms.
②Wash the back side finger joints.
③Wash the palm side finger joints(关节).
④Wash your fingers.
⑤Wash your thumb.
⑥Wash your fingertips.
⑦Wash your wrists and arms.
1.In the poem"七月在野,八月在宇,九月在户",which animal shows
the change of seasons and the fall in temperature?
2.The Eight Trigrams(八卦)are a set of symbolic signs created in ancient China. Which of the following represents the sky?