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研究结论:轨下垫层刚度在50~80kN/mm范围内为宜,C A砂浆弹性模量对钢轨与轨道板及底座板的位移影响不是很明显,地基弹性系数宜采用190MPa/m,通过建立路基上板式无柞轨道梁一板有限元模型计算得到的弯矩值,根据容许应力法并结合上述弯矩值对无柞轨道混凝土底座进行配筋计算。计算结果表明,路基上板式无砟轨道混凝土底座的配筋主要由最小裂缝宽度决定。



The track is the important part which bears load directly and guide the train running, so the track should have enough strength and stability. Whit he development of high-speed railway, ballasted track cannot adapt to the development because of its own disadvantages. It is necessary to design reasonable ballast-less track structure to meet the high speed requirement of high-speed railway.

Research method: Use the Finite Element Analysis to establish beam-slab-slab model of slab ballastless track ,and solve the model with the help of large scale application software-MIDAS, do the work of track slab and base reinforcement design and verification.

Research method: Use the Finite Element Analysis to establish beam-slab-slab model of slab ballastless track ,and solve the model with the help of large scale application software-MIDAS, do the work of track slab and base reinforcement design and verification.

Research results: Sum up the force influence of the loading position, fastener stiffness, the width of track slab, CA mortar elastic modulus, foundation elastic coefficient and other major parameters,and seek the most unfavorable moment of track plate and base plate under vertical loads.

Keywords:Slab ballastless track, Finite element, Beam-slab model, Reinforcement


1 绪论 0

1.1 无砟轨道概述 0

1.2 无砟轨道主要技术特点 0

1.3 世界各国无砟轨道发展情况 (3)

1.4 国内无砟轨道结构研究与工程实践 (4)

1.5 板式无砟轨道的结构与类型 (7)

2 我国的板式无砟轨道 (15)

2.1 我国客运专线主要无砟轨道结构型式介绍 (15)

2.1.1 CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道 (15)

2.1.2 CRTSⅡ型板式无砟轨道 (17)

2.1.3 CRTSⅢ型板式无砟轨道 (19)

2.1.4 CRTSⅠ型双块式无砟轨道 (20)

2.1.5 CRTSⅡ型双块式无砟轨道 (21)

2.1.6 岔区轨枕埋入式无砟轨道与岔区板式无砟轨道 (22)

2.2 板式轨道的技术要求 (22)

2.3 板式无砟轨道设计 (24)

2.4 板式无砟轨道结构设计原理 (26)

2.4.1 弹性地基梁理论 (26)

3.3.2 弹性地基叠合梁理论 (27)

3.3.3梁-板-板弹性支承弯曲理论 (28)

3.3.4 梁-板-体弹性支承弯曲理论 (29)

3 板式无砟轨道的设计和计算 (29)

3.1 MIDAS介绍 (29)

3.2 模型的选择 (30)

3.3 模型的建立 (30)

3.4 计算参数 (30)

3.5 无砟轨道梁板模型的荷载工况 (31)

3.6 MIDAS运行结果及分析 (32)
