对冲基金多头-空头策略实例 An Example of Long-short Strategy







一、多空对冲策略概述多空对冲(long-short hedging)策略是指投资者同时持有同一品种的多头和空头头寸,以平衡市场波动对投资组合的影响。



二、多空对冲策略应用指南1. 选择适合的品种:多空对冲策略适用于市场价格较为波动的品种,如股指期货、商品期货等。














2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Portfolio Management

2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Portfolio Management

Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management: An OverviewDescribe the portfolio approach to investing1.The portfolio perspective refers to evaluating individual investments by theircontribution on the risk and return of an investor’s portfolio.投资组合视角指的是通过投资组合对风险和回报的贡献来评估个人投资。

2.把所有钱用于买一只股票并不是一种portfolio perspective,把钱分散在多只证券中才能降低风险,增加收益。

3.One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It iscalculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.衡量多样化的好处之一是多样化比率。


4.If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and thestandard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18/25=0.72.Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each1.Individual investor个人投资者就是个人为了满足生活目标而进行理财的投资者,是牺牲当前消费以期获得未来更高水平消费的个人。


毕业于哈佛大学,曾任《财富》 毕业于哈佛大学,曾任《财富》记者
“臭名昭著的”对冲基金—量子基金 臭名昭著的” 臭名昭著的 量子基金
乔治·索罗斯(George Soros )
德国物理学家、量子力学创始人海森堡的量子力学测不准原理, 认为:在量子力学中,要准确描述原子的运动 是不可能的。 索罗斯认为:市场总是处在不确定和不停 的波动状态,很难去精确度量和估计,与不可预 料因素下赌,赚钱是可能的。
“臭名昭著的”对冲基金—老虎基金 臭名昭著的” 臭名昭著的 老虎基金
朱利安·罗伯逊(Julian Robertson )
*1980年设立,800万美元 *1998年夏,达到230亿美元的巅峰 *1998年大量卖空日圆,损失惨重 *1998年12月起,近20亿美元短期资金撤出 *2000年3月,被迫结束旗下六支基金业务,老虎基金倒闭
对冲基金投资经典案例—1992年狙击英镑 年狙击英镑
1979年,欧共体组成欧洲货币汇率连保体系 规定各国货币在不偏离欧共体“中央汇率”25%的范围 内允许上下浮动,如果某一成员国货币汇率超出此范围,其他各 国中央银行将采取行动出面干预。 德国马克在东西德统一后走坚,而英国经济不景气导致英镑相对 疲软 量子基金大笔借贷英镑,购买马克,后来英镑暴跌,量子基金在一 个多月净赚15亿美元
**可转债套利 **可转债套利---在可转债价格被市场低估时,可采用

cfa 对冲基金策略

cfa 对冲基金策略

1. 寻求从可转换债券、可转换优先股或认购权证的错误定价或市场异象中进行套利,可以同时进入多头和空头头寸,最典型的操作为买入低估的可转债同时卖空相应股票。

2. 收购不良债权,然后从企业破产清算或并购重组中获利,一般采取多头头寸。

3. 通过购买新兴市场的股票获利,一般为多头头寸。

4. 包括Mergar Arbitrage(长期持有已收购股票,短期做空收购方股票)和Distressed Securities(长期持有债券,短期做空股票)等子策略的Event-driven策略。

5. 包括Fixed Income Convertible(长期持有可转换债券,短期做空普通股股票)、Fixed Income(一般固定收益)、Asset Backed (资产支持证券)和Volatility(波动性)等子策略的Relative Value 策略。

6. Macro-strategy策略。

7. Market Neutral(市场中性)策略。

8. Fundamental Growth和Fundamental Value策略。

9. Quantitative Directional(量化分析)策略。



对冲基金使用的交易策略2010-06-07 09:36|(分类:金融前沿)街上的那些基金用的策略总是让我们感到无比神奇,或者说很是遥远,wilmott论坛上有个帖子说了这个事情,很多事情说明白了就没有那么神秘了,不过只是一个list,没有具体的用法,当然没有谁吧自己赚钱的所有东西都说出来,不过看看也大概知道quant最终应用是个什么样的了。

There are many different ways to classify the strategies, so it may perhaps be best to start with some of the commonly recognized categories which are tracked by HFR indexes (see Hedge Fund Research):- Convertible Arbitrage:(可转换债券套利) A hot area for quants a few years back, this strategy finds and exploits mispricings in convertible bonds against the components they break up into. A typical example is buying an undervalued convert, hedging the credit and interest rate risk, then isolating the equity options so that it can be either be sold or delta hedged for cheap vega/gamma exposure. Calamos wrote the book on this subject.- Distressed Debt:(不良债权) These funds trade the debt of bankrupt, near-bankrupt, and restructuring companies, a bit past the horizon of what a stereotypical high-yield mutual fund might cover. The goal is to buy debt for pennies on the dollar for a reasonable assurance of getting nickels on the dollar, or shorting securities whose doom has not been fully priced in yet.- Long/Short Equity: (交易获利)HFR divides this group into "Equity Hedge" and "Equity Market Neutral", but this largest and probably most general group of managers do just about anything that involves buying some stocks/indexes and shorting others. In theory, these were supposed to be market neutral (buy the alpha, cancel out the beta) funds out there enforcing price efficiency, but real long/short funds are often net long, net short, and some times completely long or short.- Event-Driven:(事件获利)"Event Driven" typically refers to funds that specialize in betting on certain types of corporate events, be they M&A, FDA rulings, new technology stories, or just about anything you might hear about on CNBC accompanied by a double-digit move in a stock price. Often, these may be run by experts in a field (for example, former biochemists following drug stocks), but not always.- Global Macro(宏观套利): mdubuque’s call’s on Bush’s fiscal policy and the collapse of the US economy would fit right in here, as would Soros’s billion dollar P&L from the sterling’s fall in the early 90’s. The idea is to see the world top-down and be the first to profit when transoceanic damns break.- Merger/Risk Arbitrage: (并购套利)This is a bit of a oxymoron given that RA neither trades risk nor involves riskless arbitrage. The idea is related to event-driven funds, but focuses on value differences between tender offers/rumors and the ultimate value of a merged firm. The Palm/3Com example might be a classic example of where this didn’t work.- Relative value: (类比套利)Most strategies that would be descibed this way really fall under one of the other categories, be they L/S equity, FI arb, cap struct arb, etc.Other common strategies not covered by an HFR investable index:- Fixed Income Arbitrage(固定收益套利): One of LTCM’s tricks was to short on-the-run bonds and buy off-the-run bonds to exploit an apparent mispricing between the two. Other strategies trade the swap spread, the TED spread, inter-country spreads, government bonds of Euro countries vs. Euro contenders, etc. Thanks in part to these funds, many yield curves around the world can be traded very smoothly with little cost or concern for specifics.- Mortgage Arbitrage(抵押贷款套利):This (basically) extention of FI arb focuses on mortgage backed securities, pass-throughs, and sometimes related asset-backeds, in an attempt to outguess the pre-payment models of the sell-side.- Systematic Futures( 期货套利):These program trading strategies, traditionally focused on commodities, have attracted funds to their trend-following methods since at least the early ’80s.Strategies traditionally employed by prop desks, but also have hedge fund followers:- Index Arbitrage: (指数套利)Ever since indexes have become tradable themselves, through index futures and ETFs, there has been a high-volume, razor-thin-margin business in watching whenever the tradable index and its components trade out of line by a penny, and pair trading the difference. These desks make index futures and ETFs far more liquid than they look.- Statistical Arbitrage:(统计套利)Sometimes called "glorified technical analysis", these strategies provide plenty of liquidity in the markets as well as making sure most technical analysis does note work in those markets. Many of these techniques are run by computers and benchmarked to milliseconds to how quickly they can match a price pattern against a statistical analysis of mean reversion or trending, and get that 51% edge on the probability of it going up or down on the next tick. The relationship to technical analysis comes from words like overbought, oversold, and Bollinger bands.- CDO Arbitrage: (债务抵押债券套利)Basically this involves assembling a pool of credits (cash bonds or synthetic CDSs) that can be tranched and sold for more than the cost of the pool. The alternative to "Arbitrage CDO" is often refered to as "Balance sheet CDO", which banks use to get loans or bonds off their balance sheet in ways that investors find appealing.-CDS volatility arbitrage(信用违约互换波动性套利)-ABS relative value(资产抵押证券套利)。


▪ 信用计量模型(Credit Metrics)是J.P.摩根1997 年推出的风险管理产品。与1994年推出的量化市 场风险的RiskMetrics一样,该模型引起了金融机 构和监管当局的高度重视,是当今风险管理领域 在信用风险量化管理方面迈出的重要一步。
▪ 中国量化投资学会 理事长
▪ 《量化投资-策略与技术》作者 ▪ 《量化投资与对冲基金丛书》主编 ▪ 东航金控 财富管理中心 总经理
▪ 十大对冲基金简介 ▪ Bridgewater ▪ 摩根大通 ▪ 齐夫资本 ▪ 贝莱德 ▪ Baupost ▪ 保尔森 ▪ 安祖高顿 ▪ 文艺复兴科技 ▪ Elliot ▪ 法拉龙
▪ (1) 泛亚机会基金Pan Asia Opportunities Fund
▪ 选股模型使用先进的技术来识别泛亚洲 股票或市场的错误定价。这种策略通过跟踪少量 的动态数据的个别股票,运用多空仓来扑捉α收 益。为基金各个部分配置风险的时候,投资团队 会把基本面与量化相结合。
▪ 累计收益率:112.83% ▪ 年化收益率:19.45% ▪ 年化波动率:10.88%
▪ (4)卖空价值950, 000元的小盘股股指期货来对冲小盘股 市场风险。
▪ 结果是顾客保持了其固有的36%的大盘 股投资比例(初始的26%加上后来的10%道琼斯 500指数期货),并且可以获得小盘股的可转移 阿尔法收益
+ 26%



Lecture 3: Hedging and Hedging Strategies
A firm with $100m debt vulnerable to the combination of a weak economy and weak dollar (a US exporting firm). Without hedging with
Lecture 3: Hedging and Hedging Strategies
Non-linearity in tax system can create incentives to hedge. In particular, profits and losses are often treated differently. Electronics company exporting from Singapore into US, 40% income tax (assuming exchange rate does not affect quantity):
Lecture 3: Hedging and Hedging Strategies
运用杠杆效应。典型的对冲基金往往利用银行信贷以较高 的财务杠杆在其原始基金的基础上以几倍、几十倍甚至是 成百上千倍地扩大投资规模,从而达到最大程度地获取投 资回报的目的; 大量卖空交易。当对冲基金经理认为某一证券价值被高估 ,市场价格远偏离其真实的价值,预计该证券难以支撑如 此高的市场价格,价格必将下跌,于是对冲基金的投资经 理事先缴纳保证金从经纪商或机构投资者那里借入一定数 量的该证券,并将其全部出售,待价格下跌后,又在低价 买入,将购回的证券归还给经纪商或机构投资者,并由此 赚取证券差价收益。 大量使用金融衍生工具。
























基 金数 据 ,即 C S F B / T r e m e n t H e d g e F u n d I n d e x 。本 文 选用 了 自 T A S S数 据 库 创 立 伊 始 1 9 9 4年 1月 至 2 0 0 5年 1 2月共 l 4 4个 月度 数 据 。 由于对 冲基 金在 此 期 间异常 活跃 , 分 析该 时段 的对 冲基 金 走势 显得 更 有现 实 意义 : 既有 利 于投资 者充 分认 识 到对 冲基 金 在波 动频 繁 的市场 里 的所 表现 出 的风险 和收益 等 方 面本 质特 征 , 又有 利 于监管 机构 正 确认 识对 冲基 金 在危 机期 间对 系统 风险 的真实 影 响。
金便 可 以在除 息 日买 入该公 司股 票 , 待 次 日开 盘 后 不 久抛 出 。这 样 的隔 日交 易就构 成 了对 冲基 金 的股
关 键 词 :多 空 头 股 票 策 略 ; 运 用 ;对 冲 基 金
中图分类号 :F 8 3 0 . 9 1
文献标识码 : A
文章编号 :1 0 0 9—0 5 5 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3— 0 0 3 5— 0 7
多空头股 票 ( L o n g / s h o r t E q u i t y ) 对 冲基金 主要投 资于股票市场 , 多数情 况下也会根据 股票价格 决定机 制对 冲系统风险 , 即既有多头投资 , 也有空头投资 ; 并 且, 此类基金也 常常运用 期货和期权对 冲其认 可 的系 统风险。不 同的是 , 此类 多空头股 票对 冲基 金并不保

数 据 来 源 及 其 特 征
文选择了股票和债券等两个传统投资工具和方法的 时间序列数据作为参照物进行比较 , 以发现对冲基 金 的历史 表现 与传 统投 资方 法 的量 化差 异 。 _ 2



统计套利基金的数学模型都会利用历史数据进行检测并被证明在历史上是可行并可获利的,同时,在使用中还会根据市场情况定期对模型进行修正以保持模型的有效性。有时,市场急剧变化会使得过去成功的模型在新的市场情况下失效,从而导致基金投资损失。长期资本基金(Long Term Capital Management)破产就是一个著名的例子。长期资本基金利用模型检测全球各个固定收益证券市场的价格不均衡,一旦发现不均衡程度大于模型预测的限度,基金进行对冲交易以获利。在初建的几年,模型非常成功,基金净资产由1994年建立时的13亿美元增长到1998年的70多亿美元,期间从来没有发生过亏损。在1998年8月,在俄罗斯政府宣布卢布贬值并延期偿付其135亿美元的政府债券时,引发了全球固定收益证券市场的流动性问题。由于长期资本基金的模型没有考虑到市场的流动性问题,此时的市场流动性问题加上投资组合的过度杠杆交易给长期资本基金带来了巨额亏损并导致其破产。
(二) 套利策略



















申银万国-海外对冲基金系列报告之二:股票多空策略 国内最易实现的对冲策略-111104

申银万国-海外对冲基金系列报告之二:股票多空策略 国内最易实现的对冲策略-111104
本研究报告仅通过邮件提供给 博颐投资 上海博颐投资管理有限公司(boyitouzi@) 使用。1
或交易本报告提到的上市公司所发行的证券或投资标的,持有比例可能超过已发行股份的 1%,还可能为或争取为这些公司提供投资银行服务。本公司在知晓
范围内履行披露义务。客户可通过 compliance@ 索取有关披露资料或登录 信息披露栏目查询。客户应全面理解本报告
联系人 鲁炳良
地址:上海市南京东路 99 号 电话:(8621)23297818 上海申银万国证券研究所有限公司

神华和中煤——国内市场多空组合实例:为更具体的说明股票多空策略相比传 统策略的优势,我们依照国内市场的现实举出了一个实例。在这一例子中,我 们通过做多中国神华的同时做空中煤能源构建了一个简单的多空组合。同时, 我们选用了神华股价走势较好和走势较差的两段时间和传统策略进行了比较。 通过比较我们发现,多空组合相比传统投资组合在有着较高收益的同时风险较 低。未来,一旦转融通推出,融券成本降低,这一多空组合的收益率能够更高。
图 3 股票多空策略历史业绩优异
图 4 股票多空策略历史回撤率好于标普 500
在图 3 中,我们比较了 94 年以来的多空策略指数、标普 500 指数、J.P. 摩根全债指数的累积收益率。1994 年到 1999 年间,美国股市呈现牛市行情, 标普 500 指数几乎一路上扬,此时多空策略指数明显跟不上指数的上涨脚步。 然而,随着 2000 年网络泡沫的破灭,标普 500 指数急剧下跌,多空策略指数 开始显现出其下行风险较低的优势,其后走势一直好于股指。从过去 18 年的




方向型策略(Directional Strategy)
投资者在运用这些策略时的关键在于预测整个市场或市场某个部 分的未来走势,通过对未来价格的判断和预测来赚取利润,因 此,价格预测能力和择时交易是该策略获利的主要因素。 全球宏观(Global Macro) 全球宏观策略通过预测宏观经济走向来制定投资策略。 管理期货(Managed Futures) 管理期货策略侧重于商品和金融产品的期货市场。 新兴市场(Emerging Market) 采用新兴市场策略的对冲基金把大部分的资金投在发展中(新 兴)国家的公司证券或主权证券上。

总体来说,对冲基金的投资策略基于价格相对性理论, 通过持有相关联的头寸,寻求某种程度上的市场中性无 风险收益。然而作为一种特殊的投资工具,对冲基金也 具有很多独有的特点。
高杠杆 对冲基金普遍具有较高的杠杆,这主要有两方面原因。分别是 :通过借贷方式人为创造杠杆、通过隐形杠杆的方式提高收益 。 灵活的多空交易策略 该策略主要是结合股票的多头与空头,形成较低市场风险的投 资组合,进而获得比较稳定的高额回报。

多空头策略(Long/Short Strategy)
多空头策略是指同时拥有多头头寸(买入证券)和空头头寸(做空 证券)的投资组合,其目的是在多空头抵消部分或全部市场风险 的情况下,通过基金经理的择股能力获利。

股票市场中性(Equity Market Neutral)

通过多头、空头组合可以构造一个贝尔塔(beta)为零的投资组 合 偏空持仓(Short Bias) 偏空策略是在股价下跌中寻找获利的机会 统计套利(Statistical Arbitrage) 是指通过买进卖出存在价差的证券而获得无风险利润的过程。



“对冲基金”--用8个通俗例子告诉你!1、Mike同学看到搞金融的都巨赚钱,也想创一个对冲基金玩玩,于是他去了高盛提出申请,高盛的Sam大叔说,好,想搞基金没问题,我们这里没啥规矩,但得满足唯一一个条件,你得确保65%以上的投资者都得是有钱人,就算不是盖茨、焦不思之流,好歹也得身价百万,年入20W刀以上吧,否则搞个毛线,你无所谓穷人死活,美帝政府还在乎呢,这第一个特征,叫Accredited Investor(合格投资者)。



这第二个特征,叫Large Personal Stake(大型私人股权)。

3、Mike 再一想,光有这个超级富豪投资者钱还不够啊,隔壁星巴克端盘子的Jack倒是也想玩投资,这种拿着一万两万的平头老百姓要投我这基金,我受还是不受呢不行,第一我这里人手也不够,一个个处理小客户要累死。



这第三个特征,叫High Minimum(高门槛)。

4、好了,客户都招到了,基金规模4000万,Mike心里这个美啊,不过还是得防一手,有个投资者Kevin,臭名昭著,经常投资了以后过个礼拜就撤资逗别人玩,好歹也是几百万啊,我这在市场里来来回回倒腾,想要我亲命啊,所以定个规矩,投了我的基金,第一年你就别想取出来,是死是活全在我,这第四个特征,叫First Year Lock-In (第一年锁定期)。



Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management: An OverviewDescribe the portfolio approach to investing1.The portfolio perspective refers to evaluating individual investments by theircontribution on the risk and return of an investor’s portfolio.投资组合视角指的是通过投资组合对风险和回报的贡献来评估个人投资。

2.把所有钱用于买一只股票并不是一种portfolio perspective,把钱分散在多只证券中才能降低风险,增加收益。

3.One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It iscalculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.衡量多样化的好处之一是多样化比率。


4.If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and thestandard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18/25=0.72.Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each1.Individual investor个人投资者就是个人为了满足生活目标而进行理财的投资者,是牺牲当前消费以期获得未来更高水平消费的个人。


























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Part1. The main advantages and disadvantages of a long/short strategyA long/short equity strategy combines buying an undervalued stock and short selling an overvalued stock. When the long position outperforms the short positions, total return of this strategy is positive. The concept of long/short strategy could date back to 1949, when the world's first hedge fund was established. And at present, long/short strategy is among the most prevalent strategies in this field.According to the way they hedge downside risk, long/short strategies could be grouped into three categories, and I would like to discuss main advantages and disadvantages of each category.1.Make long and short direction bets based on fundamental researches.Buying securities which are supposed to rise in price while short-selling those that are supposed to decline in price. Basically, short position is used to generate additional returns. In practice, hedge fund managers use a variety of financial instrument such as index options, futures and ETFs to hedge downside risk, preventing the net exposure is too high.Main advantagesCompared with long-only investment, long/short strategy take advantage of those unattractive securities. Provided expected security returns are symmetrically distributed around the market return, long/short takes full advantage of this spread of returns (Jacobs and Levy, 1996). Total excess return of a long/short equity portfolio comes from the long position and short position. Once the price of the short equity declined, the short position contributes a part of profit to the portfolio.In addition, by using long/short strategies, portfolio managers are able to neutralize underlying market risk. Experienced hedge fund managers tend to consider long and short position integrally, because integrated optimization allows the portfolio to control risks more efficiently. For instance, the renewable energy stocks’ performance s are negative correlated to the traditional coal and oil stocks’. By longing one sector while short-selling another, at a limited risk level, investors can pursue higher returns.Main disadvantagesIf the manager wrongly predict directions, the losses could possibly be significant. Risk from long position is limited since the stock prices cannot be under zero; however, risk from short position is sometimes uncontrollable. When losses from short position offset profit from long position, the strategy fails.Considering the efficiency of market, influence of investors’ behaviours, barriers and conflictions, the real securities prices are quite hard to predict. Stock markets tend to overreact and winner-loser effect widely exists (Debondt and Thaler, 1985). And if a manager predicts and bets long/short directions based on an important event, the portfolio might lose money due to overreaction. If a manager predicts based on current price trend, the portfolio may also lose money in long run due to winner-loser effects.In conclusion, the performance of the first category long/short strategy heavily depend on the selection of stocks and hence the capability of portfolio managers.2.Simply hedge long positions with ETFs or derivatives to reduce market risk.Managers selects a diversified portfolio of long stocks via fundamental analysis, and then hedge market risk with a synthetic short position, for example long put plus short call (relating stock index options).Main advantagesWhen the short opportunities are limited or short selling is restricted, this technique enables hedge fund manager to construct long/short portfolio. In practice, borrowing certain amount of one specific stock from brokers might be hard and expensive; moreover, in several financial markets (for example China) short-selling is heavily restricted. Given these facts, this strategy exhibits its great advantage that it’s practicable. And the initial investments of constructing short positions are comparatively low (differences of option premiums).In addition, to hedge out market risk, the direct and efficient way is constructing short position using index options. When the options are in-the-money, the profit from short position is linear to index changes.Main disadvantagesThe short position may involve derivatives, which means the potential loss can be high. Portfolio managers have to control the amount of leverage in the long/short portfolio.Long put plus short call equals to short forwards. When the index rises significantly, considering the leverage, losses from short position is great, which might offset the profit from long position.3.Apply option-writing strategies, and sometimes may not even select stocks.For instance:Long position--holding a full diversified stocks portfolio, or index fund shares;Short position--selling index call options to make profit from the fluctuations in the market; meanwhile, long index put option to hedge the downside risks of market.Main advantagesThis strategy does not require much effort in selecting stocks, and it generates relatively stable profits because much of the profits of this category are gained by collecting option premiums. (Initial investment of the short position above is the put premium mines call premium, which is likely to be greater than zero.)It avoids or significantly reduces the risk of managers’ misjudgements.Main disadvantagesThe returns of these strategies distribute in a narrow spectrum, and the return level is relatively low. Because when the index goes up, parts of profit from stock market are necessarily offset by loss from option market, and the same scene with the opposite direction.Part2. The process of selecting stocksIn practice, hedge funds long/short managers have distinct stock selecting strategies. Some focus on specific geographic markets; others focus on several sectors they are familiar with. In this coursework, I select my long/short equities according to my analysis on sectors.I select long position stocks from Chinese Health Care Sector and select short stocks from U.S. Bank Sector. Then I would like to discuss the two sectors in detail.1.Chinese Health Care SectorIn a global scale, health care sector has great value. As the material living standard improving, people have more disposable income and care more about health care services. In recent decades, pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment manufacturers around the world have been earning good profits. Meanwhile, in financial market, health care sector has good performances even in the crisis (betas usually less than 1). Especially, Chinese health care sector exhibits bright perspectives.The reasons are as follows:•In China, health care expenditure counted around 4% of GDP, which is far less than 20% in US and other developed countries;•Facing serious population aging trend and the influence of one-child policy, China’s health care expenditure is likely to increase significantly in the next one or two decades; •Government has been making great efforts to promote health care services in vast rural area; •In urban area, policies about health care insurance have been refined, which is good news for pharmaceutical companies;•Chinese people firmly believe in Chinese traditional herb medicines;•Often several generations of a family have good impression on the leading pharmaceutical companies that hold precious traditional prescriptions;•Threatened by a worldwide outbreak of bird flu, Chinese health care companies are making breakthroughs in vaccine developing and researches;•Free cash flows in Chinese health care industry are adequate, and dividends are relatively high;Given these facts, it’s reasonable to inves t in Chinese health care sector.2.U.S. Bank SectorAmerican bank system is highly sophisticated. Top bank corporates have good reputation and global influence. However, some bank corporates’ performances have long been disappointing. I would like to choose several U.S. banks with poor perspectives to construct my short position. The reasons I short them are as follows:•Since the 1970s, business environment of U.S. bank corporates has deteriorated; •Because of interest rates liberalization, traditional retail bank business has become less profitable;•With the development of financial market, total value of bond market has exceeded that of bank loan;•The major clients of U.S. banks have been small enterprises or individuals; •Unsuccessful operating strategies could lead to long-term decline in profit, which leads toshrink in stock price and hence market value;•Under this circumstance, U.S. bank corporates tend to seek for opportunities in highly risky fields, such as asset securitization and interest rate related derivatives, and external financial liberalization distributed the risks in a worldwide scale;•As a result, some U.S. bank corporates with poor risk management systems suffer from great losses from off balance sheet business;Based on what I listed above, it’s rational to short some U.S. bank stocks with unsatisfied performances.3.Stock Selection with Bloomberg's equity screening toolBasic steps: Login Bloomberg→【EQS<GO>】→ Add criteria→ Generate results→output--Excel.There are 12 stocks that satisfy all the criteria; consider the se corporates’ reputation and influence, finally I selected 7 of them to construct long position.There are 17 stocks that satisfy all the criteria; comparing these corporates’ key financial ratios and searching relative news, I decided 3 of them to construct short position.Part3. Fundamental analysis of long/short stocks1.Long stocksFirstly, I collect fundamental data of 16 health care companies (including some of long companies) whose industrial positions and market capitals are similar to the selected long stocks and construct Health Care Industrial Index as a benchmark1. In fundamental analysis part, I will compare the financial data of long stocks with industrial data which is from comprehensive calculation the 16 companies.000538 CH Equity YUNNAN BAIYAO-AYunnan Baiyao started from a Chinese herb medicine store with more than 150 years history. Main products are a series of Y unnan Baiyao powders, capsules, plasters, and aerosols, which are incredible cures to injuries and wounds. Enjoying a great reputation, the prescription of Yunnan1Constituent stocks of this self-constructed Health Care Industrial Index: 600196 600664 600267 600276 600812 000999 600062 600623 600380 600518 000650 600129 600867 600216 600252 600329.Baiyao is a top secret in the industry and is highly protected by the government. In recent years, the YB engages in developing health products consisting of toothpastes, itching-relieving etc., which have become a new profit booster.Liquidity and leverage ratio of YB2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013QUICK_RATIO 0.93 0.94 0.88 0.93 0.83 1.05 1.41 1.11 0.98 1.05 1.11 CUR_RATIO 1.73 1.78 1.79 1.77 1.72 1.97 2.24 2.14 2.07 2.30 2.33 TOT_DEBT/TOT_CAP 13.58 13.88 16.96 21.96 19.06 14.01 10.14 7.80 8.12 7.38 6.59Around 2009, liquidity indices and leverage have obvious changes. Since 2010, cash ratio and quick ratio have reduced, whereas current ratio has risen, which is caused by the rise of inventory. Furthermore, total debt/total capital significantly fell in 2009. Company decided to lower its leverage, which is a reaction to the impact of financial crisis.Industrial liquidity ratioAfter financial crisis, health care companies commonly chose to keep more cash, which we can figure out from table. Liquidity indices in this industry climbed from 2009 and slightly fell in 2012.Compared with industrial data from 2007 to 2012, current ratio of Yunnan Baiyao is much higher, while cash ratio and quick ratio are lower which is also contributed by inventory rises. In medical industry, inventory is an important signal for risk-resistance and companies’ future development.Profitability and GrowthWith Y unnan Baiyao launching a series of household care products such as Baiyao toothpaste which is proven to be highly popular, sales growth and net income growth improved significantly in 2003. From 2004 to 2012, sales performances fluctuated,and net income growth exhibited three cycles.ROE and EBIT of YBCQ4 2006 CQ4 2007 CQ4 2008 CQ4 2009 CQ4 2010 CQ4 2011 CQ4 2012EBIT_MARGIN 10.62 10.60 9.43 9.22 10.21 11.88 13.11industrial net profit, it shows that the company faces relatively heavy tax burden and interest burden.Quality of ProfitThe cash flow statements also present there are three business cycles in the recent ten years. 2009 is a special year, and except forthis year, the quality of income is high.CQ4 2005 CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012CASH_FLOW_TO_NET_INC 2.40 2.14(0.58) 4.28(3.04) 3.06(0.22)0.76600594 CH Equity GUIZHOU YIBAI-AGuiZhou YiBai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995. Its products, including Anshen syrup, Antelope cold capsules etc., are widely used in healing colds and coughs, dizziness, fever, and sore throat. In addition, it is involved in the manufacture and distribution of raw drug materials. Recently, the company makes effort to explore mechanical products, medical services and capital market investment.Industrial Leverage ratioLeverage of GYGuiZhou YiBai has very low leverage, and hence financial risk is relatively low. After the crisis, the leverage of health care industry fluctuates in a narrow range, from 0.40 to 0.44. And GY’s leverage ranges from 0.13 to 0.20.CQ4 CQ4 CQ4 CQ4 CQ4 CQ4 CQ4 CQ42005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012TOT_DEBT_TO_TOT_ASSET 26.94 35.32 27.41 20.98 20.34 19.21 13.85 13.48Sales and Profitability of GYIn 2006 and 2007, there is a dramatic rocket in net income growth which is not supported by great changes in sales. This abnormal jump comes from M&A. Starting from 2006, GY conducted a series of M&A most of which proven unsuccessful in later year. Experience low tide period in 2008 and 2009, GY’s sales performance has been flat in the recent five years. Fluctuations of net income usually are caused by the poor operations of its sub companies.Profitability and BurdenCQ4 2006 CQ4 2007 CQ4 2008 CQ4 2009 CQ4 2010 CQ4 2011 CQ4 2012TAX_BURDEN 100.31 84.71 84.18 84.10 92.64 81.67 82.51 INT_BURDEN 109.34 99.46 76.61 84.82 87.86 96.68 99.61 EBIT_MARGIN (17.16)11.07 13.35 13.22 16.58 17.90 18.26 Except for 2006, ROE of GY is above industrial level, and EBIT margin is comparatively high, which contributed by the profit generated from investing activities. Tax burden is on an average level while interest burden is not very high.Quality of ProfitCQ4 2004 CQ42005CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012CF _INV_ACT (13.14)(8.10)(8.26)(10.60)(39.46)(11.90)(3.03)(65.04)(546.7) CF _FNC_ACT (3.57)101.17 (94.03)(6.11)71.64 (63.25)(53.75)(35.55)74.89 Free Cash Flow (27.05)(48.72)0.82 36.60 26.17 31.09 10.13 44.74 (95.75)Annual cash flow statements report positive cash flow in most years. But when closely examined quarter financial reports, I find that usually cash flows from operation are negative. There is a probability that GY uses various methods to adjust its cash flow before the disclosure of annual reports. The data of free cash flow is also not convincing.In conclusion, GY is not an ideal company to invest in long-term. Growth of sales and net income are not robust; high ROE and EBIT are driven by M&A and investment activities rather than operating activities; cash flow is not reliable and thus the quality of earning is questionable.002038 CH Equity BEIJING SL-ABeijing SL Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets genetic engineering drugs, biological drugs, chemical drugs and medicine preparations.Growth of Sales and Net Income Beijing SLROA and ROE of Beijing SLQ4 2006 Q4 2007 Q4 2008 Q4 2009 Q4 2010 Q4 2011 Q4 2012RETURN_COM_EQY 11.21 8.67 6.28 4.87 3.95 2.84 2.27•2006-2010, sales and net profit increased consistently;•2010-2012, sales boosted sharply while net income fell slightly;•During the past seven years, ROA and ROE kept declining;•ROA and ROE are significantly below the industrial average;•Leverage of Beijing SL is very low (values of ROA is very slightly less than values of ROE). Analysis of financial conditions shows that SL has applied good strategies in operation, which lead to an upward trend in business performance; however, sub companies have disappointing performances in recent years, which is the main cause of the decline in ROA and ROE.600276 CH Equity JIANGSU HENGRU-AJH attracts attention in the past a few years because of its global strategy and anti-cancer research.Main Financial Data of JHCQ4 2003 CQ42004CQ42005CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012NET_INC_GROWTH 94.23 (3.33) 1.26 56.55 226.52 (10.22)30.00 (16.60)27.34 33.27 RETURN_COM_EQY 12.69 16.07 N/A 28.77 23.29 28.93 24.16 23.03 22.83 N/A EBIT_MARGIN N/A N/A N/A 18.49 26.06 23.07 22.68 22.69 24.04 N/A DEBT_TO _ASSET 28.16 7.56 3.84 3.29 5.51 0.34 0.33 0.51 0.42 0.17 CF_CASH_FROM_OPER N/A N/A N/A 75.80 (63.75)23.63 61.20 115.46 94.56 280.70•Sales and net income growth fluctuated intensively compared with the industrial average; •ROA and ROE continuously creep up since 2003;•ROE and EBIT after 2007 are largely higher than the industrial level;•Leverage of JH has been going down steadily from 2003 to 2012;•Debt to Asset ratio largely decreased in 2008;•Cash flow from operating activities and free cash flow have been sufficient since 2008;In conclusion, JH is a valuable company with good fundamental. It’s rational to hold it when the P/E ratio is relatively low.600196 CH Equity SHANGHAI FOSUN-AMain Financial Data of SFCQ4 2003 CQ42004CQ42005CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012NET_INC_GROWTH (67.83)175.01 N/A N/A 387.54 (76.08)243.41 (55.29)(21.95)380.00 DEBT_TO_ASSET 35.78 29.10 32.85 32.34 32.14 22.86 25.16 27.86 28.20 20.71 CF_ OPER (103.40)71.80 67.74 160.78 32.79 206.63 238.64 142.76 111.04 17.66•Growth of sales and net income fluctuates intensively in the observation period;•Since Q3 2009 sales growth are positive;•Net income Growth exhibits highly instability;•Debt to asset ratio of SF is very high;•Cash flows from operating activities are adequate, whereas cash flows from financing are usually negative, which lead to a tight free cash flow;•In certain degree, SF can be regarded as a financial constrained company.ROE, EBIT and Interest Burden of SFROE increases continuously and is approaching the industrial average; EBITs are far behind the industrial level, and interestburden is abnormally heavy, which lead to a low net income level.CQ4 2003 CQ32005CQ42005CQ12006CQ22006CQ32006CQ42006CQ12007CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012CQ12013CQ22013CQ32013INT_BURDEN 531.90 183.14 186.18 173.51 221.94 320.38 352.05 398.48 N/A N/A N/A N/A 347.79 309.37According to financial statements analysis, fundamental of SF is not very satisfying. Expected P/E ratio should not be too high although SF is always popular in stock market.600518 CH Equity KANGMEI PHARMA-AIn past five year, KP actively promotes the hospital pharmacy trust business, which is financially safe and stably profitable. Additionally, KP invests large amount of fund in the construction of medicine basements. Its perspective heavily depends on profitability of the news medical services business and new basements in northern China.Growth and Profitability of KPCQ4 2003 CQ42004CQ42005CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012NET_INC_GROWTH 116.13 28.34 (6.01)31.58 213.86 41.63 61.39 35.07 49.27 19.39•Sales have been growing dramatically since 2008, and accordingly, net income growth rates are very high;•Gross margins are slightly below the industrial level;•From 2007 to 2012, EBITs are around 20%, which are relatively high in the industry;Debt and Interest Burden of KPDebt to asset ratio is significantly above the industrial levelCQ3 2003 CQ32004CQ32005CQ42006CQ42007CQ42008CQ42009CQ42010CQ42011CQ42012INT_BURDEN N/A N/A N/A N/A 104.75 101.59 97.15 97.62 91.04 86.24Cash Flows of KPCash flows from operating activities are sufficient; however because of the large amount of investment, free cash flows arebasically negative.CQ4 2007 CQ4 2008 CQ4 2009 CQ4 2010 CQ4 2011 CQ4 2012CASH_FLOW_TO_NET_INC 1.25 (0.89)0.03 1.11 0.77 (0.43)A good portion of KP's shares are held by Treasury Social Insurance Fund. From the fundamental data, we can see its value in the next a few years.600216 CH Equity ZHEJIANG MEDI-ADuring 2011 to 2013, operating performances of ZM are not very satisfying. Due to decline in the price of vitamin and VE, profitability of ZM has been consistently falling. But the strategy that participating in bio-pharmacy manufacture is a hope for the company's booming.•Net income growth bias intensively in the past ten years;•In the past five years, net income growth is usually negative;•From 2008 to 2011, ROE are greatly higher than industrial level, and then profitability continuously fell down after 2011;•Before 2009, debt to asset ratio is abnormally high (over 50%);•Cash flow from operating activities gradually grows to be adequate since 2008.2.Short stocksCZBS US Equity, HWBK US Equity and WVFC US Equity share some common features in internal financial condition:•Revenue Growth keeps negative, intensive bias in net income growth;•Asset, loans and deposit usually present negative growth;•Cash flow growths in recent several years are negative.These features represent that profitability of the three bank corporates are instable, which has a negative impact on their basic value.Part4. Portfolio evaluationBased on fundamental analysis from 2003 to 2013, I construct long/short equity portfolio in three time period. In the beginning of each period, I decide the weight of each stock and the net exposure.Assumptions:•Max initial investment in Chinese market is 1,000,000 CNY;•Initial investment in US market is zero—borrowing stocks from brokers;•Annual interest rate of borrowing stocks is 10% of the stock’s initial market value; •Transaction cost and portfolio management fee is 5% of the total profit.1.Portfolio A--01/01/2007 to31/12/2008Profit / loss from long position (USD)=(1264265/6.8345)-(691480/7.8075)= 96,416.68Profit / loss from short position (USD) =207153.5-137380.00= 69,773.50Interest of borrowing stocks= 207153.5*10%*2=41,430.7Total profit=96,416.68+69,773.50-41,430.7= 124,759.48Return of portfolio (annual) = 124,759.48*(1-5%)/ (691480/7.8075)]/2= 66.91%2.Portfolio B—01/01/2009 to 30/12/2011Profit / loss from long position (USD) =135174.0046Profit / loss from short position (USD) = 4018.2Interest of borrowing stocks=13183.5Total profit=126008.7046Return of portfolio (annual) =36.20%Part5. Summery and discussionTo conduct successful long/short strategy, it’s essential to collect information from all aspects. Macro-economy, industrial financial conditions and specific events all have great impacts on the performance of long/short strategy. Stock selecting and fundamental analysis are important. According to the changes of economic climate and other factors, long/short portfolios have to be rebalanced dynamically, which will lead to extra transaction costs. Hedge fund managers should consider the behaviours of investors and frictions in the highly complicated financial market.。
