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1. Tom, please these new books to the classroom.

A. put

B. give

C. take

D. have

2. The box is heavy. I can't carry it.

A. so

B. you

C. their

D. they

3. Are all the things in the car now? Yes, are.

A. we

B. you

C. their

D. they

4. Children’s Day a young woman goes to Beijing Zoo with her

little son.

A. In

B. At

C. Of

D. On

5. Kate is one of my good .

A. friend

B. friends

C. a friend

D. teacher

6. Jim, we can’t mend the plane. Could you help ?

A. us

B. her

C. them

D. him

7. Li Lei, do you have a ruler? Yes, I have a short .

A. it

B. its

C. one

D. two

8. I’m hurry. What you, Lily?

A. and

B. about

C. or

D. so

9. What would you like breakfast?

A. at

B. with

C. have

D. for

10. I’m not good at basketball. you play basketball?

A. Are

B. Is

C. Must

D. Can

11. May I your dictionary, please?

A. borrow

B. return

C. turn

D. have

12. Uncle Li, there’s something wr ong with my computer. Can you give me a


A. foot

B. head

C. hand

D. face

13. Look! The boys kite by the river.

A. fly

B. is flying

C. are flying

D. flying

14. Do you like any ball games, sir?

No, I don’t. They are too for me.

A. big

B. hard

C. small

D. long

15. What’s your favorite sport, Vicky? I like and basketball.

A. swim

B. swimming

C. swims

D. swims

16. I can’t find my box. Look, that box looks very much like________ .

A. you

B. your

C. you’re

D. yours

17. What are the teachers doing? They are________ a meeting.

A. bringing

B. putting

C. having

D. getting

18. . _____ people listened to the concert.

A. Hundred of

B. Hundred

C. Hundreds of

D. Hundreds

19. Her TV is broken. There is________ picture.

A. no

B. not

C. some

D. any

20. Give this book to Kate, please. Give that one to________, too.

A. her

B. him

C. me

D. us


21. It’s seven o’clock. He ________ (做) his homework.

22. My parents often ________ (带) me to the park at weekends.

23.---- Let’s go ________ (划船).

------ All right.

24. You can't see her now because she ________ (上) a class in the classroom.

25. It's your ________ (朋友) turn to tell a story.

26. Would you like________ (居住) in Shanghai?

27. My father ________ (离开) home at six every morning. It's early.

28. What about ________ (开始) our PE class? OK!

29. Who ________ (教) the students of Class Two Chinese this term?

30. Could you help me ________ (浇水) the flowers?


Wu Yang gets 31 late. He 32 his bike to the school quickly. He doesn’t look 33 the traffic lights(交通灯), so he hits a car. The driver 34 him to the hospital right now. The doctor looks over (检查) Wu Yang very carefully. Wu Yang wants to go to 35 , but the doctor and the driver ask 36 to stay in bed. “Now my boy,” says the doctor. “Could you 37 me your name, please?”

“What are you going to do?” asks Wu Yang.

“I’m going to tell your parents and your 38 ,” answers the doctor.
