Cap讲义turing Moments - Canyon ISD:捕捉瞬间,峡谷处




托福听力讲座lecture高频话题基础知识科普介绍:摄影艺术托福听力讲座lecture高频话题必备基础知识科普介绍:摄影艺术托福口语摄影艺术话题常用词汇解读说到摄影,可以先来看看photography这个单词.很明显,这个单词可以分为photo和graphy两部分,它们来自于希腊语,分别表示〝光〞和〝绘图〞的意思.因此摄影也就是以光来绘图,非常形象.这两个词缀在英语单词中也很常见,如photosynthesis.photocopier.geography.autography等等.照相机的基本组成有:机身(camerabody).镜头(lens).胶片(film/negative).观景器(view-finder).对焦装置(focusingsystem).快门(shutter).光圈(aperture)等,当然数码相机(digital camera)还少不了存储器(memorystick).在摄影中,我们经常会听到一些术语:如焦点(focus).光圈(aperture).快门速度(shutter speed).白平衡(whitebalance).ISOspeed(ISO感光度,国际标准规定的胶片感光度).光圈控制的是光进入镜头的量,对照片的景深和影像的凝结有影响.快门可以控制影像的清晰和流动,快门速度很快时,可以捕捉子弹运动的瞬间,速度很慢时则可拍出流动效果,如夜间的车流.白平衡主要在数码摄影中出现,简单来说就是调节色差,使影像真实反映其色彩.当然,托福考试涉及到摄影话题并不会专业得介绍摄影器材或技术,主要还是从历史的角度出发,做一个整体的介绍.甚至可以说,艺术话题的考察总是离不开历史,因此建议考生可以在准备背景知识时对各个话题的历史发展做一个了解.有关于摄影的发展,特别是胶片的发展,在巴朗第三套练习的Listening3中讲得非常清楚,在_年下半年的考题中也考到了类似的话题.在此,小编带考生们简单回顾一下摄影的发展历史.摄影艺术发展历史回顾人们对摄影的探索最早可以追溯到公元前五世纪,中国的哲学家墨翟通过对光学的研究,提出了说明光线通过针孔能形成倒像的理论,后人认为这为针孔摄像(pinholecamera)的概念奠定了基础.到了_世纪,随着光学(optics).化学(chemistry)的发展,人们发现一些银盐(silversalt)具有感光性,这便促使人们着手研究如何在涂有银的物体表面形成图像.早期的图像形成后并不能长久保存,在_26年法国发明家Joseph NicéphoreNiépce在家里拍摄了世界上第一张照片,显示的是从他家的窗户看到屋外的景象.由于他拍摄的方式需要大约8小时的曝光时间(e_posuretime),因此并不实际.Joseph死后,他的同事LouisDaguerre继续研究,在_37年发明了银板照相法(daguerreotype),并在_39年拍摄了第一张人物照片.在这之前,他研究了减少曝光时间的方法.而这种方法的发现也颇为离奇.Daguerre在做实验时把一些曝光过的板(e_posedplates)放在化学药剂橱(chemical cupboard)里.由于橱里的温度计(thermometer)破损,汞蒸气(mercuryvapor)和银发生反应,在板上形成了一个隐约可见的(latent)图像.得到启发后,Daguerre完善了这个过程:首先,把铜板(copperplate)暴露在碘(iodine)中使之发生反应形成感光(light sensitive)的烟雾(fume)碘化银(silveriodide);把铜板捕捉到的图像曝光10-20分钟,然后将铜板置于加热到75摄氏度的汞(mercury)上,使汞和银(silver)结合(amalgamate);一开始Daguerre使用普通的盐溶液(saltsolution)来修复图像,之后他使用了亚硫酸钠(sodium sulphite),最后用蒸馏水(distillwater)冲洗(rinse)铜板之后,图像就永久(permanently)存在于铜板上了.虽然这个过程存在不少缺陷,如无法复制(reproduce),影像颠倒(reversed),产生毒气等,但这为照片的发展奠定了基础.在_世纪中期,随着光学和化学的进一步发展,这些问题都得到了解决.人们开始使用溴化物(bromide)和碘来使底板感光,用氯(chlorine)来减少曝光时间;利用缩小镜头开口的方式减少光线的进入,使得拍摄人物肖像(portrait)的曝光时间减少到了20秒左右;底片(negativefilm)的发明使得照片得以复制.照片经历了从黑白(monochrome/black white)到彩色(color),底片(negativefilm)到数码(digital)的发展,现在人们不必去暗房(darkroom),在家也可使用打印机(printer)冲洗照片.世界上的第一张彩色照片是一位名叫James ClerkMa_well的物理学家拍摄的.早期摄影师一般需要利用三个装有不同颜色过滤器(filter)的照相机同时拍摄,再在暗房里合成.第一个成功投入商业市场的彩色底片(autochrome)是由大名鼎鼎的法国鲁米埃尔兄弟(LumiereBrothers)发明的,他们对电影的发展也有非常大的贡献.随着摄影技术的发展,人们开始不满足于对静态图片的欣赏,于是电影慢慢发展起来了托福听力要熟悉的六大出题点首先,Academic atmosphere.侧重学术是其重大特点,考题中4篇lectures 和两篇longconversations大都涉及到各个学科专业知识,仅在两篇长对话中会出现校园服务等一般性话题,数量较小.最常考的十五大学科为:Zoology, botany, biology or microbiology, geology, geography, meteorology,astronomy, archeology, physiology, law, business and economy, literature, arts(music and architecture), history,philosophy.因此,在考生正式进入听力练习之前,务必要先通过专业学术词这一关,推荐书籍为《词以类记》,选择报班上课的同学坚决不能〝裸听〞.其次,Degree ofdifficulty.新托福听力有难度是达成广泛共识的.听力时间为60-90分钟(根据有无加试题而定),大部分水平可以的考生,由于缺乏长时间持续性的专注练习,听到中后期就floatingin theair了,从而导致分数不高.其〝三不原则〞也是让考生觉得很茫然的,自然增加了难度--不可看,不可逆,不可改.考前看不到选项,只能前进不能后退,选完不能修改.寄期望于分析选项和前后联系选题的考生就要大大失望了,不过考前失望总比考后绝望要好的多,〝丑话总是说在前头〞嘛.第三,Macro andmicro.这是针对题型的,既有微观又有宏观题.考生在以往没见过的多选题(四选二,五选三),排序题,复听题等让考生眼花缭乱,所以对各种题型的分析和研究非常必要.这个蓝色DELTA和绿色的Barron都有分类专项练习.第四,Morecharacters.在考题中,考生会发现常常不是一个人或者两个人在讲,总是会一个教授和几个学生,或者好几个同学之间的讨论,角色多元是其另一大显著特点.第五,Focus on practical tests.因为是IBT(internet based test)考试,所以真正的实战就显得尤为重要.ETS唯一的官方教材OG(Official guidance), TPO (toefl practice on line),DELTA等套题或模考是考生必须要认真分析拿下的,因为新托福考试纸上的练习和上机练习有很大差别.顺便讲下,很多学生关注最新的CET四级和六级,其实新托福考试就是我们CET4和CET6的风向标,新的CET考试和听力相关的部分会占到70%,也是无法事先看到选项,采取网考的形式.另外,〝机经〞对于初识新托福的同学也会有较大的帮助,应该予以关注,这也是实战后的产物.最后,Note-taking.新托福听力每篇文章都在4-6分钟,长度是大部分考生之前没见过的,为了弥补短期记忆不足,就必须要记笔记.记什么,怎么记是笔记训练的关键.从美国文化角度透析托福听力第一步:Maintain your composure and yourconfidence(保持冷静和自信).要想彻底听懂托福听力的内容,或与老外进行无障碍交流,首先要对自己有信心,千万不要因为没听懂一两个单词而慌了手脚.这种良好的心理素质对提高听力能力相当关键.第二步:Make pictures andimages(学会形象化记忆).听力的过程中要学会把抽象的语言转变成形象的图画,并反映在脑海之中.有了动态图象的帮助,才有利于抓住语言的主要信息而非旁支末节.第三步:Model everything(善于模仿).不要盲目追求题海战术,不断地找新题目来练,而应该把注意力放在听过的题目上,进一步分析.研究,并认真模仿听力题目中的各种语音.语调.语气.习语.俚语等.第四步:Magnify the meaning and usage of the words andpatterns(掌握多义词).口语的最大特点是一词多义,这也是导致一些考生明明听出了是哪个词,却仍然搞不懂其在题目中确切含义的重要原因.因此,在平时练习中要注意掌握听力题目中常用词汇和句式的其他用法.第五步:Mine the cultural background and the way of English thinkingbehind thelanguage(了解美国文化背景和思维方式).语言是文化和思维的载体,努力挖掘听力题目中的美国文化背景和思维模式,就能在听力过程中变被动为主动.第六步:Memorizethem(不断记忆).托福听力题中一些语言点的重现率很高,考生需要将他们加以背诵和记忆.背的越多,就意味着熟悉度越高,同时也培养了良好的英语语感.托福听力备考水平的过程是一个不断丰富知识.发展技巧并同时锻炼分析.理解.推断能力的综合性训练过程,大家可以多了解一些托福听力背景,对备考有帮助.托福听力中关于听写的建议由于语音知识不扎实,不能在多次的〝听〞〝写〞反复过程中自我解决问题,不能自我发现和纠正差错.实践表明,对英语水平不高的初学者来说,一段录音不是一次听写就能完成的,前几遍的听写记录一般会有不少空白(听不出来是什么)和差错(有的自以为正确地听写出来,其实却是错的).这些空白和差错,需要经过不断的〝听〞〝写〞反复去发现和纠正.由于语音知识不扎实,往往〝听〞〝写〞了也发现不了.由于语音知识不扎实,即使把一句话全部正确地听写出来,也搞不清楚文法关系,分不出主句和从句,因而搞不懂原意.例如有这样一段话:They hearvoices that are not there.这句活的文法并不复杂.主句是they hear voices (他们听见声音),that are notthere是一个定语从句,形容voices.整个句子的意思是:〝他们在没有声音的地方听到声音〞.有的初学者由于搞不清楚that are notthere的文法作用,把整个句子理解为:〝他们不在的时候听到声音〞,理解完全不正确.听写过程中要有意识地锻炼根据内容和语感进行分段.断句和加注标点符号的能力.能不能根据录音进行正确的分段.断句和加注标点符号,是英语水平的一个方面.一般水平比较低的人写出来的记录,往往不分句,不分段,严重影响对于内容的理解,也难以发现差错.也许有人会问,只有录音没有文本,怎么知道分的段.断的句和加的标点符号是对的呢?其实这个问题并不难解决,只要自己分的段.断的句和加的标点符号不影响对于消息内容的理解,一般说来就是可以接受的.如果还没有把握,可以请英语水平高的人帮助检查一下,看看是不是正确,如果不正确,就要很好的分析和总结.也可找一些自己没有学过的教学录音带来听,先不看文字记录,听写完毕以后再与记录对比,看看自己分段.断句和加标点符号的准确性如何.如果自己在分段.断句和加标点符号等大体上都是正确的,说明自己已经有了相当的英语水平了.托福口语分数换算方法详解很多刚接触托福考试的考生对托福口语考试还不了解,对于托福口语的算分方法也很陌生.托福口语冲刺25+精选7条学习经验心得汇总托福口语如何冲刺25+.今天小编给大家带来了托福口语冲刺25+精选7条学习经验心得汇总,托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个托福.GRE/GMAT到底先准备哪个?今天小编给大家带来了如何备考托福和GRE?,希望能够帮。



小学下册英语第2单元真题(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call a small, simple house?A. MansionB. CottageC. ApartmentD. Villa2.The teacher is _____ the students to listen. (asking)3.My grandmother loves to feed the ______ (鸟) in her garden.4.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four答案:C5.The _____ (狐狸) is sly and clever.6.What is the opposite of 'big'?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. Tall答案:B7.What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. BrownD. Red答案:B8.I can ___ my favorite book. (read)9.Which insect makes a cocoon?A. ButterflyB. AntC. BeeD. Grasshopper10.The capital of Qatar is _______.11.What do you call a young owl?A. OwletB. ChickC. CubD. Kit12.The process of a solid turning into a liquid is called _______.13.Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.K. RowlingB. Roald DahlC. Mark TwainD. Agatha Christie14.The main component of bones is ______.15.Kale is a type of ______ (绿叶菜).16.Gardening can be a fun __________ (活动).17.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. The Last SupperC. The Girl with a Pearl EarringD. Mona Lisa答案:D18.I like to collaborate with friends using my ________ (玩具).19.What holiday do we celebrate on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year答案:C20. A gecko can climb up ________________ (墙壁).21.What do we call the season when flowers bloom?A. WinterB. SpringC. SummerD. Fall22.The __________ (历史研究) can influence current events.23.What is the term for a person who studies insects?A. EntomologistB. ZoologistC. BotanistD. Biologist答案:A24.I like to drink __________ on a hot day. (冷饮)25.The element with atomic number is __________.26.What do we call the process of saving money for future use?A. SpendingB. InvestingC. SavingD. Wasting答案:C Saving27.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. CocoaB. SugarC. MilkD. Vanilla答案:A28.Mixtures can be homogeneous or _____.29.My sister studies _______ (科目). 她觉得这个科目很 _______ (形容词).30.The ______ helps fish to swim.31.The ______ (小鸟) builds its nest high in the trees.32.I love to ______ (与家人一起) travel.33.In _____ (印尼), there are many active volcanoes.34.I enjoy ______ (与家人一起) playing sports.35.What is the name of the famous American park located in New York City?A. YellowstoneB. Central ParkC. YosemiteD. Grand Canyon答案:B36. A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more ______.37.I enjoy _____ with my friends. (playing)38. A cat’s whiskers are very ______ (敏感).39. A _______ can be used to measure the temperature of the air.40.I have a ________ that shares my secrets.41.I saw a _______ (movie) last night.42.The _____ (阴凉处) is great for relaxing on hot days.43.What is the main function of leaves?A. PhotosynthesisB. ReproductionC. DigestionD. Respiration答案:A44.We will _______ (travel) to Italy next summer.45.The ancient Romans made advancements in ________ and infrastructure.46.Baking soda is a common ______ used in baking.47.Which of these is a type of fabric?A. CottonB. WoodC. MetalD. Stone答案:A48.I like to have fun with my ____.49.The beach is _______ (适合游泳)。

ForeFlight CAP 飞行训练访问说明说明书

ForeFlight CAP 飞行训练访问说明说明书

12 May 2021 CAP ForeFlight FAQ1.Who is eligible?1.1.CAP pilots with an active VFR Pilot in Ops Quals or higher. (This is your CAP VFRPilot qualification not your FAA Certificate.)1.2.The ForeFlight team will enroll all cadets currently participating in the Wings Program.1.3.Cadets that are funding their own training or utilizing Wing or other local scholarshipfunds will need to reach out to the CAP NHQ ForeFlight team(*********************)tobeaddedaftercoordinationwiththeirchainofcommand.1.4.CAP Glider Pilot Ops Qualification1.5.CAP Balloon Pilot Ops Qualification1.6.CAP Solo Pilot (Airplane, Glider, or Balloon) Ops Qualification2.What additional requirements are there for CADETS in Flight training to get access?2.1.Please have the Cadet answer the survey questions in FAQ #3.2.2.If the cadet is under 18, we need an email from a parent approving release of thecadet’s email to ForeFlight as a vendor providing services to CAP.2.3.We need an email with the Commander with concurrence that the cadet is on a flighttraining plan and should be provided a ForeFlight license.3.How do I get access to the CAP ForeFlight account?3.1.Email your responses to this ForeFlight Onboarding Survey to*********************.3.1.1.Please provide your Last Name:3.1.2.Please provide your CAPID:3.1.3.Please Select the option that best describes how you would like us to setup yourCAP ForeFlight Account: do not have a personal ForeFlight account, please set one up for meusing my eServices Primary email. do not have a personal ForeFlight account, please set one up for meusing my eServices Secondary email. do not have a personal ForeFlight account, please set one up for meusing my eServices ForeFlight Primary email. (You will need to enter that intoeServices member contacts, and provide below.) am not interested in receiving the CAP ForeFlight account. am interested in receiving the CAP ForeFlight account but do not own acompatible device. have a personal ForeFlight account, please move it over to the CAPparent account. The email address I use to log into ForeFlight is:3.2.ForeFlight Onboarding Survey Response Format3.2.1.**********************************************:st Name: Answer to question 3 above: address used to login, If you have an existing ForeFlight account: it currently under a subscription? it not under a subscription (expired)?4.Naming convention in ForeFlight accounts4.1.We need a quick way to see who we need to support, we ask that you leave the Namefield populated in this format: Last, First – CAPID4.2.Example: Templeton, Eric - 3254035.ForeFlight Support Pages contain lots of great images and videos to provide you withsupport for the application.5.1.ForeFlight Training is an extensive library of video and how to articles.5.2.Which iPad models are supported and if different what versions of ForeFlight aresupported by model?5.2.1.iPad Models for ForeFlight5.3.What iOS (operating system version) is required for ForeFlight to operate on mydevice?5.3.1.Operating (iOS) systems for ForeFlight5.4.Support (video) for Mil Training Routes (MTR)5.4.1.MTR video6.What ForeFlight service level is being provided?6.1.ForeFlight Military Electronic Flight Bag with Performance.6.2.This is ForeFlight’s highest level subscription.6.3.Please note that Jeppesen charts / plates an add service in the ForeFlight application isnot a funded option with this AF paid account.7.Who is paying for this “free” ForeFlight account?7.1.AF in its annual purchase for this fiscal year included CAP and CAP-USAF in its totalforce purchase.8.What if I already have a ForeFlight account that I am personally paying for.8.1.If you request we will move your personal paid account to the CAP parent account –CAP will use licenses that the AF paid for to cover the use of the application for thisfiscal year.8.2.Any funds you have unused (basic proration of your annual bill with ForeFlight) willbe held on account with ForeFlight, until such time that you return to a personally paidaccount.8.3.If you have just renewed (less than 31 days), ForeFlight may be able to refund yourpayment card for the full amount of your subscription.9.If I transfer my account, What happens to my data (Flights, Aircraft, Logbook).9.1.What belongs to you belongs to you!9.2.All your data, old and anything new you do, is only visible to you!9.3.You keep it with you after you move back to a personal paid account.10.Who can see my ForeFlight flights and ForeFlight logbook entries?10.1.Only you!10.2.CAP provides the account funding from the AF purchase, and provides the downloadof CAP specific materials.11.What information will CAP provide to me through ForeFlight?11.1.Aircraft models will be shared to all CAP accounts.11.1.1.Aircraft have been created for all CAP N-numbers.11.1.2.Aircraft Managers / Pilots – if you find items that need to be corrected on theAircraft setups, please email ********************* and let us know what needsto be updated. the N-number, issue that you feel needs to be corrected.11.2.CAP Documents folders will be available.11.2.1.Regulations, supplements, pamphlets, standards etc. right on your device!11.2.2.Checklists for Airframe and Avionics.11.2.3.Aircrew Training materials from NESA MAS.11.2.4.What gets downloaded to your device is your decision, select or de-select12.Will there be weight and balance information provided for each CAP aircraft?ers can create individual weight and balance profiles.12.2.Weight and balance profiles can be shared via email to individuals or groups.12.3.Weight and balance profiles can’t be synced from parent CAP account to individualaccounts.13.What steps do I need to do on my devices to transfer my personal account to the CAPaccount?13.1.Reply to the manual survey in FAQ #3 above.13.2.After you reply to the manual survey the CAP ForeFlight team will work with theForeFlight team to facilitate the account transfer. This process may take up to a week.13.3.After ForeFlight makes the account transition, your subscription will show asExpired.13.3.1.On each of your devices, tap "OK" on the Subscription Expired pop-up, thensign out of your ForeFlight account and sign back in, and the data from CAP(aircraft, documents, etc) should automatically sync to each device. 13.3.2.Sign Out / Sign In training available at: happens if I lose my CAP VFR Pilot status?14.1.We all understand that life happens – we are not pulling anyone’s access to ForeFlightimmediately if your medical, evaluation ride, or other requirement goes in-active.14.2.However we do need to be good stewards of the funds that are being spent by the AFfor access to ForeFlight.14.3.If you remain non-current for an extended period of time (for now that is defined asthree months) we will allow your access to continue during that period.15.Device Compatibility and access to devices.15.1.ForeFlight is an iOS only application.15.2.The AF has funded only the ForeFlight licenses, not purchasing of personal hardware.15.3.The application is available from the web and it’s not OS specific on the web.16.Jeppesen approach plates.16.1.ForeFlight or Jeppesen purchases of Jeppesen charts is not funded under this AFpurchase.16.2.If you need to keep your Jeppesen charts for any reason – keep your paid account, weare unable to move your Jeppesen subscription to the CAP account.17.Cloud storage17.1.CAP uses Dropbox to share the CAP specific documents with all the members of theCAP ForeFlight parent account.17.2.The application does not support linked cloud document sharing at the sub-parent level.17.3.If you have linked a personal (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Box) with your personalForeFlight account, when you transfer to the CAP account the link with bedisconnected.17.4.Your data stays with your Storage account, but is not available inside the ForeFlightapplication.17.5.You may optionally individually import the items into the App.17.6.You may use the native Dropbox, or Box applications to have the same data on yourdevice.。

Razer Ripsaw游戏捕捉卡说明书

Razer Ripsaw游戏捕捉卡说明书

Stream and capture all your incredible gaming experiences like a pro with the Razer Ripsaw Game Capture Card. With high-definition 1080p video capture at up to 60 frames per second, over USB 3.0, your audience is assured the smoothest streaming performance ever. Razer Ripsaw also comes with a second mix-in channel for mic or music for a more layered audio production. Compatible with PC, Razer Forge TV, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U and more.TABLE OF CONTENTS1. PACKAGE CONTENTS / SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (3)2. REGISTRATION / TECHNICAL SUPPORT (4)3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (5)4. DEVICE LAYOUT (6)5. SETTING UP YOUR RAZER RIPSAW (7)6. INSTALLING RAZER SYNAPSE FOR YOUR RAZER RIPSAW (11)7. CONFIGURING YOUR RAZER RIPSAW (12)8. SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE (13)9. LEGALESE (14)1. PACKAGE CONTENTS / SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PACKAGE CONTENTS∙Razer Ripsaw Game Capture Card∙USB 3.0 cable∙HDMI cable∙Component AV cable∙Component AV Multi cable∙ 3.5mm audio cable∙Important Product Information GuideSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS∙OS:o Windows® 10 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 7 ∙CPU:o Desktop – Intel Core i5-4440 3.10GHz or aboveo Laptop – Intel Core i7-4810MQ or above ∙GPU:o Desktop – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or aboveo Laptop – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 870M or above ∙Memory: 4GB minimum (8GB recommended)∙USB 3.0 (powered)2. REGISTRATION / TECHNICAL SUPPORTREGISTRATIONVisit /razer-id to sign up for a Razer ID now to get a wide range of Razer benefits. For example, get real-time information on your product’s warrant y status via Razer Synapse.To learn more about Razer Synapse and all its features, visit /synapse. If you already have a Razer ID, register your product by clicking on your email address within the Razer Synapse application and select Warranty Status from the dropdown list.To register your product online, visit /registration. Please note that you will not be able to view your warranty status if you register via the website.Your p roduct’s serialnumber can be found here.TECHNICAL SUPPORTWhat you’ll get:∙ 1 year limited manufacturer’s warranty.∙Free online technical support at .3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS∙Interface: USB 3.0 only∙Video input:o Digital – HDMIo Analog – Component∙Audio input:o Digital – HDMIo Analog – RCA L/R∙Audio mix-in input:o 3.5mm mic-ino 3.5mm aux-in∙Video output:o HDMI (pass-through from HDMI and Component input) ∙Max capture resolution: Uncompressed 1080p 60fps (60mbps)∙Supported resolutions:o1080po1080io720po576po576io480po480i∙Recommended software: Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) / XSplit APPROXIMATE SIZE & WEIGHT:∙Length 130 mm / 5.12 in∙Width 86 mm / 3.39 in∙Height 17 mm / 0.67 in∙Weight 183 g / 0.40 lbs4. DEVICE LAYOUTB 3.0 input portponent input portC.HDMI input portD.HDMI pass-through portE.Audio auxiliary input portF.Microphone input portG.Status indicatorB 3.0 cableI.HDMI cableponent AV cableponent AV Multi cable L. 3.5mm audio cable5. SETTING UP YOUR RAZER RIPSAWThe Razer Ripsaw is simple to set up, and makes it easy to capture any video sent to its input ports. Follow the instructions below based on your personal gaming set up.Note: Some PCs may require additional hardware to work. If you need further assistance with your setup, please visit the FAQ section at .CONNECTING TO YOUR DESKTOP PC OR GAMING CONSOLE1.Plug the included HDMI cable from your PC or gaming console to Razer Ripsaw’s HDMI input port.2.Plug the HDMI cable* from your HDTV or monitor to the HDMI pass-through port.3.Plug the USB 3.0 cable from Razer Rips aw’s USB 3.0 port to your recording PC.*not includedCONNECTING TO YOUR COMPONENT AV SYSTEM1.Plug your console’s component AV cable to Razer Ripsaw’s component cable.2.Plug the component cable to Razer Ripsaw’s component input port.3.Plug the USB 3.0 cable from Razer Ripsaw’s USB 3.0 port to your recording PC.CONNECTING TO YOUR PLAYSTATION 31.Plug the component AV Multi cable from your console to Razer Ripsaw’s component input port.2.Plug the included HDMI cable from the HDMI pass-through port to your HDTV.3.Plug the USB 3.0 cable from Razer Ripsaw’s USB 3.0 port to your recording PC.USING THE MIX-IN FEATUREProduce professional-grade videos by adding voice and secondary sounds.Plug any music player to the audio input port using the 3.5mm audio cable to add your custom music or sound effects.Plug in a microphone to the microphone input port and add audio commentary to your streams.Good job setting up your Razer Ripsaw. Now for the fun stuff: visit /ripsaw to download software for video recording and live streaming. We also have a fully comprehensive guide on how to get started streaming like a pro.6. INSTALLING RAZER SYNAPSE FOR YOUR RAZER RIPSAWStep 1: Make sure your Razer Ripsaw is connected to your computer.Step 2: Install Razer Synapse when prompted* or download the installer from /synapse.Step 3: Register for a Razer ID or log in to Synapse with an existing account. *Applicable for Windows 8 or later.7. CONFIGURING YOUR RAZER RIPSAWDisclaimer: The features listed here require you to log in to Razer Synapse. These features are also subject to change based on the current software version and your Operating System.The Razer Synapse configurator allows you to customize your device’s LED settings based on the selected recording software. Any changes made here is automatically saved to your PC and stored into the cloud servers.8. SAFETY AND MAINTENANCESAFETY GUIDELINESIn order to achieve maximum safety while using your Razer Ripsaw, we suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:1.Should you have trouble operating the device properly and troubleshooting doesnot work, unplug the device and contact the Razer hotline or go to . Do not attempt to service or fix the device yourself at any time.2.Do not take apart the device (doing so will void your warranty) and do notattempt to operate it under abnormal current loads.3.Keep the device away from liquid, humidity or moisture. Operate the device onlywithin the specific temperature range of 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F). Should the temperature exceed this range, unplug and/or switch off the device in order to let the temperature stabilize to an optimal level.MAINTENANCE AND USEThe Razer Ripsaw requires minimum maintenance to keep it in optimum condition. Once a month we recommend you unplug the device from the USB port and clean it using a soft cloth or cotton swab with a bit of warm water to prevent dirt buildup. Do not use soap or harsh cleaning agents.9. LEGALESECOPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2016 Razer Inc. Patent Pending. All Rights Reserved. Razer, the Razer Triple-Headed Snake logo, the Razer distressed word logo and other trademarks contained herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Razer Inc. and/or its affiliated or associated companies, registered in the United States and/or other countries.Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Razer Inc. (“Razer”) may have copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) concerning the product in this guide. Furnishing of this guide does not give you a license to any such copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. The Razer Ripsaw (the “Product”) may differ from pic tures whether on packaging or otherwise. Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may appear. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTYFor the latest and current terms of the Limited Product Warranty, please visit /warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYRazer shall in no event be liable for any lost profits, loss of information or data, special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential or incidental damages, arising in any way out of distribution of, sale of, resale of, use of, or inability to use the Product. In no event shall Razer’s liability exceed the retail purchase price of the Product.COSTS OF PROCUREMENTFor the avoidance of doubt, in no event will Razer be liable for any costs of procurement unless it has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and in no case shall Razer be liable for any costs of procurement liability exceeding the retail purchase price of the Product.GENERALThese terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Product was purchased. If any term herein is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such term (in so far as it is invalid or unenforceable) shall be given no effect and deemed to be excluded without invalidating any of the remaining terms. Razer reserves the right to amend any term at any time without notice.。



我的摄影老师老浦拍的作品超级稀饭啊~ 老人家不玩网络。


不然就爆他博客了 @东川泥石流汽车拉力赛我的摄影老师老浦拍的作品超级稀饭啊~ 老人家不玩博客。


不然就爆他博客了 @东川泥石流汽车拉力赛相機: Nikon D700 曝光: 8 Aperture: f/2.8 焦距: 17 mm ISO 速度: 1600 曝光偏向: 0 EV 閃光: No Flash相機: Canon EOS 1000D 曝光: 1/4000 sec Aperture: f/1.8 焦距: 50 mm ISO 速度: 100 曝光偏向: 0 EV 閃光: Off, Did not fireCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.005 sec (1/200) Aperture:f/3.2 Focal Length:95 mm ISO Speed:800 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:Off, Did not fireCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.003 sec (1/400) Aperture:f/2.0 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:100 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:Off, Did not fireCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.008 sec (1/125) Aperture:f/1.6 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:500 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:On, FiredCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.001 sec (1/1000) Aperture:f/2.5 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:100 Exposure Bi as:0 EV Flash:On, FiredCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.006 sec (1/160) Aperture:f/9.0 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:500 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:Off, Did not fireCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.002 sec (1/500) Aperture:f/3.2 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:100 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:On, FiredCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.002 sec (1/500) Aperture:f/2.2 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:50 Exposure Bias: 0 EV Flash:On, FiredCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.002 sec (1/500) Aperture:f/2.2 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:50 Exposure Bias: 0 EV Flash:On, FiredCamera:Canon EOS 5D Mark II Exposure:0.002 sec (1/640) Aperture:f/2.0 Focal Length:85 mm ISO Speed:100 Exposure Bia s:0 EV Flash:On, Fired相機: Nikon D3 曝光: 15 Aperture: f/5.6 焦距: 120 mm ISO 速度: 800 曝光偏向: -1/3 EV 閃光: No Flash相機: Canon EOS 5D Mark II 曝光: 0.25 sec (1/4) Aperture: f/6.3 焦距: 24 mm ISO 速度: 1000 曝光偏向: 0 EV 閃光: Off, Did not fire /photos/floriopics/逆光就是很神圣嘛:) /photos/elisabethdunker/相機: Nikon D40 曝光: 0.01 sec (1/100) Aperture: f/22.0 焦距: 55 mm 焦距: 55.0 mm ISO 速度: 800 曝光偏向: 0 EV 閃光: No Flash /photos/bethannny//photos/made_in_england/相機: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III 曝光: 0.017 sec (1/60) Aperture: f/5.6 焦距: 24 mm ISO 速度: 100 曝光偏向: 0 EV 閃光: Off, Did not fire/photos/sheldonnalos/ photographer:Sheldon Nalosphotographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/photographer:Dustin Diaz flickr:/photos/polvero/。


61、se invented ________ (纸) during the Han dynasty. 填空题: The Chin
62、听力题: The party is at my ________.
63、What do we call the person who teaches students? A. Doctor B. Teacher C. Chef D. Engineer 答案: B
25、听力题: The stars are ______ in the night sky. (visible)
26、听力题: I like to ________ (network) with professionals.
27、听力题: We are going to ______ a party for her birthday. (have)
36、填空题: We had a great time at the ____ store. (玩具店)
37、听力题: A sound wave can be either _____ or transverse.
38、填空题: A ______ (植物的生态研究) can yield important information.
3、填空题: The _____ (玩具城堡) is huge.
4、填空题: The oak tree is a strong ______ (树种).
5、填空题: The flowers are _______ (五颜六色的).
6、填空题: We learn about ______ (数学) in school.
合肥“PEP”2024年小学5年级下册英语第6单元 真题试卷


A ll featu res ide ntical wi t h A uto Bell ows F2 , except t hat it is supp lied wi th th e Do u ble Cab le Re lease . Thi s be ll ows attac hm ent is des igned exc lu sively f o r use wi th the Yashica FX-3 and FX-7. • Size: 200 x 120 x 70 mm (7-7 /8 x 4-3 /4 x 2-3 /4 in .) • Weight: 660 grams (1.46 Ibs .)
Pr ic e Pri ce Price
Designed exclusively for use with the Auto Extension Bellows PC, this Slide Copier attaches to the mount on the base of the lensboard and permits convenient copying of mounted slides or color filmstrips. Features filmstrip trays and clip-on film holder for ease in setting the frame for copying . • Size: 131 x 97 x 180 mm (5-3/16 x 3-13/16 x 7-1/16 in.) • Weight: 374 grams (13.2 ozs.)

Getting the shot捕捉镜头

Getting the shot捕捉镜头

Getting the shot捕捉镜头作者:陈薇薇来源:《疯狂英语·新悦读》2021年第05期乔尔·萨尔托雷是一位作家、教师和摄影师,本文为对他的一篇访谈文章。

Joel Sartore is a writer, teacher and photographer. In 2015, his photos were projected onto the Empire State Building in New York. Some of his words and his beautiful images show his love of photography and of the natural world. He was National Geographics 2018 Explorer of the Year.Question 1:My first job was for a newspaper. After a few years there, I met a National Geographic photographer. He liked my photos and said I should send some to the magazine. So I did. That led to a one⁃day job, a nine⁃day job, and so on.Question 2:To get into National Geographic, you have to give them something they dont have. Its not enough just to be a great photographer. You also have to be a scientist, for example, or be able to dive under sea ice, or spend maybe several days in a tree.Question 3:Its now more difficult to work for magazines. Technology makes it easy to take good pictures,which means there are more photos and photographers. Also, the Web is full of photos from all around the world that are free, or cost very little. These photos are often good enough to be put in books and magazines that once paid for photographers and their photos.Question 4:Advice? Well, work hard. Be passionate about every project you work on. Take lots of pictures in different situations. Look at others photos thoughtfully and learn from them. And be curious about life. Theres something to photograph everywhere.But be a photographer for the right reasons. If you do it for the money, you probably wont really be happy. Do you want to make the world a better place, or make people see things in a different way? If so, youll enjoy the work much more.ReadingCheckⅠ. Choose the best answer for each question.1. What can we know about Joel Sartore?A. He once worked for a newspaper.B. He is also an outstanding novelist.C. His first job was with National Geographic.D. His typical work is the Empire State Building.2. What was Sartores main point in his answer to Question 3?A. Photographers need to use more technology.B. Putting your photos online can lead to other jobs.C. We can get free photos from the Web as we wish.D. Its hard to get paid work as a photographer currently.3. Which sentence has the closest meaning to the underlined sentence?A. Take more photos than you think you will need.B. Its important to learn from others as a photographer.C. With new technology, anyone can be a photographer.D. You can find interesting things in many different places.4. What is the main idea of paragraph 6?A. You should try to see people in different ways.B. If you work hard, you can make money as a photographer.C. You should ask yourself why you want to be a photographer.D. Passion and attitude play a key role in peoples career decisions.Ⅱ. Critical thinkingWrite four questions you would like to ask Joel Sartore to complete the interview. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LanStudyComplete the information using the words in the box.[enough project several situation spend cost]Stories behind the shotsJoel Sartore takes studio photos of animals as part of a 1. _________ called the Photo Ark. The aim is to raise awareness of endangered species. Sartore usually takes 2. _________ images of the same animal, but things dont always go according to plans. Joel Sartore took this photo of an ocelot (豹貓) at a zoo in the United States. He 3. _________a lot of time with the animal, but getting the shot was not easy. “They hardly ever hold still,” says Sartore. “So I really had to act quickly.” Many animals will stand still only long 4. _________ to get food. After they eat, the photo shoot is over.Behind this image is another great story. At an aquarium(水族馆), Sartore came across a very angry frog. While he tried to take a photo of it, it tried to bite him. He never thought he would be in a 5. _________where he was afraid of a frog!“First time for everything,” says Sartore.。

穿越机专业英语术语汇总 样本

穿越机专业英语术语汇总 样本

穿越机专业英语术语汇总样本Traversing the world of specialized English terminology within the realm of time travel technology can be as perplexing as navigating the twists and turns of a temporal paradox. From the intricacies of temporal displacement to the nuances of chronal manipulation, the lexicon of this field is as vast and enigmatic as the ever-expanding cosmos itself.Let us embark on a journey through the corridors of temporal science, where words take on new meanings and concepts defy conventional understanding. Our first stop on this linguistic odyssey is the foundational term: "temporal displacement." This term encapsulates the fundamental principle of moving through time, transcending the linear constraints of past, present, and future.As we delve deeper into the lexicon, we encounter terms such as "chronal dilation" and "temporal distortion." These concepts elucidate the warping of time itself, where moments stretch and compress like cosmic taffy, bending thefabric of reality itself. Such phenomena are not merely theoretical constructs but tangible effects observed in the empirical study of temporal mechanics.But what of the devices that facilitate such journeys through time? Here we encounter a plethora of specialized terminology, from the humble "chronometer" to the awe-inspiring "temporal displacement apparatus." These instruments serve as the conduits through which temporal travelers navigate the currents of time, charting a course through the chronal seas.Of course, no discussion of time travel would be complete without addressing the ethical and philosophical implications inherent in such endeavors. Terms like "temporal ethics" and "causal integrity" underscore the profound responsibility borne by those who dare to tamper with the fabric of reality. For every action in the temporal domain carries with it ripple effects that reverberate throughout history, reshaping the very course of events.Yet amidst the complexity and uncertainty, there exists a sense of wonder and possibility. Terms like "temporal exploration" and "chronal frontier" evoke the spirit of discovery that drives humanity ever onward, seeking to unlock the mysteries of time itself. For in the endless expanse of temporal possibility, there are infinite worlds to explore and untold stories waiting to be written.In conclusion, the world of temporal science is a tapestry woven from the threads of language and discovery. From the simplest terms to the most esoteric concepts, each word carries with it a wealth of meaning and possibility. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of time travel, let us never lose sight of the wonder that lies at the heart of our journey—a journey that transcends not only the boundaries of space and time but also the limits of imagination itself.。



小学上册英语第二单元真题(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 The chemical formula for magnesium sulfate is ______.2 What is the capital of Afghanistan?A. KabulB. KandaharC. HeratD. Mazar-i-Sharif答案: A3 We went to the ______ (circus) last week.4 How many hours are there in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 48答案:B5 The chemical formula for manganese(II) chloride is _____.6 A wheel helps reduce ______.7 What do you call a young goat?A. CalfB. KidC. FoalD. Lamb答案:B8 The boat is ___ (sailing) on the water.9 We have a _____ (聚餐) for Thanksgiving.10 The bee collects nectar to make ______ (蜂蜜).11 Which part of the body helps you see?A. EarsB. EyesC. NoseD. Mouth答案: B12 The pizza is ______ (cut) into slices.13 The ________ grows in clusters.14 The __________ was a significant event in the history of civil rights in America. (华盛顿大游行)15 What is 50 ÷ 10?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:B16 What is 10 - 3?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 817 The main function of chlorophyll is to capture _____ energy.18 The ________ blooms in many colors.19 Many _______ are edible and delicious.20 The bison roams the ____.21 My sister enjoys __________ (阅读) about different cultures.22 What do you call the feeling of being happy and excited?A. SadnessB. JoyC. AngerD. Fear答案:B23 A _______ is a reaction that occurs in the soil.24 What is the opposite of dark?A. BrightB. LightC. DullD. Shadow25 What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Tower BridgeC. The ShardD. London Eye答案: A26 What is the main purpose of a school?A. WorkB. LearnC. PlayD. Eat答案:B27 The jellyfish floats gracefully in the ______ (水).28 I can _____ my name in cursive. (write)29 The __________ (历史的细致观察) uncover truths.30 (77) is where the Great Plains are located. The ____31 Eclipses occur when the Earth, moon, and sun align in a ______.32 What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Philip Marlowe33 What is the term for a young emu?a. Chickb. Pulletc. Hatchlingd. Grown-up答案:a34 The ________ was a significant battle in the American Civil War.35 Did you see that _____ (小狗) digging in the dirt?36 What is the capital of Vietnam?A. Ho Chi Minh CityB. HanoiC. Da NangD. Nha Trang37 The __________ is a famous mountain in Japan.38 What is the capital of Russia?A. MoscowB. St. PetersburgC. KazanD. Novosibirsk答案:A39 My cousin is a great __________ (作曲家).40 My _______ (兔子) is very fluffy.41 What is the opposite of hot?A. WarmB. ColdC. CoolD. Chilly答案:B42 Kinetic energy is energy of ______.43 What is the color of a typical kiwi fruit?A. GreenB. RedC. YellowD. Blue44 The _______ (猫) purrs when happy.45 The __________ is where tectonic plates converge.46 The fish are swimming in the ________.47 What do we call the liquid that we drink?A. FoodB. WaterC. JuiceD. Soda48 We enjoy ______ (fishing) at the lake.49 Chlorine is used to disinfect ______.50 What is the opposite of ‘cold’?A. WarmB. HotC. CoolD. Chilly51 A _____ (小狼) howls at the moon.52 What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the electromagnetic spectrum?A. James Clerk MaxwellB. Albert EinsteinC. Heinrich HertzD. Nikola Tesla答案: A53 I saw a ________ jumping in the river.54 A ______ (植物的适应性) is crucial for ecosystem balance.55 The __________ is the outermost layer of the Earth.56 An object that spins will continue to ______ (spin) unless acted upon by a force.57 We had a _________ (玩具派对) where everyone brought their favorite toys.58 I want to _______ (学会) skateboarding.59 What do we call a sweet bread often eaten during holidays?A. PanettoneB. StollenC. BabkaD. All of the above60 I have a collection of toy _____ from around the world.61 I have a ________ that sings.62 _____ (生态平衡) relies on a variety of plants and animals.63 The bison grazes on the ____.64 A _______ is a reaction that occurs between a metal and an acid.65 What is the name of the largest animal on Earth?A. ElephantB. Blue WhaleC. GiraffeD. Hippopotamus66 A solution with a pH of is more ______ than a solution with a pH of .67 We are going to have a __________.68 A _______ (金鱼) can live for many years.69 The Milky Way is just one of billions of ______.70 What do we call the part of the plant that makes seeds?A. LeafB. FlowerC. StemD. Root答案:B71 What is the term for a planet outside of our Solar System?A. ExoplanetB. AsteroidC. CometD. Dwarf planet72 The clouded leopard is very _____ stealthy.73 An exothermic reaction releases ______.74 I enjoy reading ________ (小说) before bed.75 The process of separating a solid from a liquid using a filter is called _______.76 The baby is sleeping ___. (quietly)77 The __________ helps to maintain the earth's ecosystems.78 The flowers smell _____ (sweet/bad).79 The frog catches insects with its ______ (舌头).80 The symbol for arsenic is _____.81 Many animals hibernate during the ______.82 When the weather is nice, I like to ride my __________. (自行车)83 What is the name of the famous bear who loves adventures?A. Winnie the PoohB. PaddingtonC. BalooD. Yogi84 My uncle, ______ (我的舅舅), tells funny jokes.85 What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Marco PoloB. Christopher ColumbusC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Vasco da Gama答案:B86 A _______ can be a symbol of hope and renewal.87 The _______ can be a wonderful subject for photography.88 How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Four89 _____ (热带) plants often have large leaves.90 What do you call a baby lion?A. CubB. KitC. PupD. Calf91 The pelican has a big _________. (喙)92 A thermometer measures ______ changes.93 The ____ is often seen resting in the sun on warm days.94 The bee plays a critical role in ______ (授粉) plants.95 The chemical formula for arsenic trioxide is _______.96 What is the name of the famous mountain range in Asia?A. RockiesB. AndesC. HimalayasD. Alps答案:C97 Curtain symbolized the divide between ________ (东西方). The Kore98 The _____ (兔子) has long ears and a short tail.99 Have you seen a _____ (黑猩猩) at the zoo?100 A mixture that contains particles that remain suspended is called a _______.。



apertureAperture: Exploring the World of PhotographyIntroductionPhotography is an art form that has captured our imagination for centuries. It allows us to capture and freeze moments in time, preserving memories that may never fade away. One of the most important elements in photography is aperture, which controls the amount of light that enters the camera. In this document, we will discuss aperture in detail, exploring its significance, how it affects the final image, and how it can be manipulated to create stunning photographs.What is Aperture?Aperture refers to the opening in the lens of a camera that allows light to pass through to the camera's sensor or film. It is measured in f-stops, with smaller numbers indicating a larger opening and thus more light passing through. For example, an aperture of f/2.8 is larger than f/11.Importance of ApertureAperture plays a crucial role in photography as it impacts three key elements: exposure, depth of field, and diffraction.Exposure: Aperture controls the amount of light that enters the camera, thus affecting the exposure of the image. A larger aperture allows more light, resulting in a brighter image, while a smaller aperture reduces the light, creating a darker image.Depth of Field: The depth of field refers to the range of distance within the image that appears sharp and in focus. Aperture is directly related to the depth of field. A larger aperture (small f-stop number) creates a shallow depth of field, where only the subject is in focus while the background is blurred. On the other hand, a smaller aperture (large f-stop number) increases the depth of field, resulting in a greater range of sharpness from the foreground to the background.Diffraction: When light passes through a small aperture, it tends to bend or diffract, causing a loss in sharpness and overall image quality. It is important to find the right balance between a small aperture for a greater depth of field andavoiding excessive diffraction that may compromise image clarity.Manipulating AperturePhotographers have the ability to control aperture settings manually or rely on the camera's automatic mode, depending on their requirements.Manual Mode: In manual mode, the photographer can select the desired aperture value, allowing them complete control over exposure, depth of field, and diffraction. This mode is often used by professionals and advanced enthusiasts to achieve specific creative effects.Shutter Priority Mode: In this mode, the photographer sets the shutter speed, and the camera automatically selects the corresponding aperture to ensure proper exposure. This mode is useful when photographing moving subjects, as the photographer can control the motion blur while the camera manages the aperture.Aperture Priority Mode: Here, the photographer sets the desired aperture, and the camera automatically adjusts theshutter speed for proper exposure. This mode is commonly used when controlling the depth of field is of utmost importance.Creative Effects with ApertureAperture also allows photographers to explore various creative effects, such as bokeh, starbursts, and sunbursts.Bokeh: Bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas in a photograph. By using a wide aperture, such as f/1.8, with a shallow depth of field, photographers can achieve a pleasing bokeh effect, where the background appears creamy and blurred while the subject remains sharp.Starbursts: When photographing subjects with small, intense light sources, such as streetlights or candles, a smaller aperture (higher f-stop number) can create stunning starburst effects, where the light source appears as a burst of rays.Sunbursts: Similarly, shooting directly into the sun with a small aperture can result in striking sunburst effects, adding a dramatic element to landscape photographs.ConclusionAperture is a fundamental aspect of photography that not only controls exposure but also plays a significant role in shaping the final image. Photographers can manipulate aperture to achieve desired effects such as controlling depth of field or enhancing creative elements like bokeh, starbursts, and sunbursts. Understanding aperture and its impact on photography is essential for photographers of all levels, as it helps them unleash creativity and capture captivating images that tell stories beyond words. So, grab your camera, adjust your aperture, and embark on the journey of capturing the world through your lens.。

CAP Unit Commanders Course Taking Command 1教程说明书

CAP Unit Commanders Course Taking Command 1教程说明书

Taking Command Lesson Objective: Comprehend the role and requirements of unit command.Desired Learning Outcomes (DLO):1. Explain unit commander roles, responsibilities, and accountability.2. Explain the Cadet Protection Policy and how to implement it.3. Explain how to develop/share a vision.4. Explain the importance of succession planning.Scheduled Lesson Time: 50 MinutesIntroductionCommand can be the most rewarding experience in a professional or volunteer career. How steep the learning curve is, depends on how well you are prepared for the role. Understanding the responsibilities of command and the programs you’ll be responsible for are the keys to a successful tenure.1. Roles, Responsibilities and AccountabilityMembers and the Chain of CommandCommanders are ultimately responsible for two things: Mission and People. Successful leaders maintain a balance between the two.Missions aren’t done without people. Commanders have a fiduciary responsibility to protect the physical and mental well-being of the membership. Having enough trained, competent and dedicated people to effectively do the job safely contributes to overall mission success.No one is perfect. However, as a commander, you need to know what you are personally responsible for - in practice and spirit.EquipmentWho owns the equipment we operate? The CAP Corporation owns all our equipment and, while it is assigned to the unit, and may be issued to individual members, the commanders are still ultimately responsible. The best way to avoid problems is to follow proper procedures for acquiring and issuing equipment.Things to think about:1. Conduct a fresh joint inventory every time supply officers change.2. Donations are encouraged, but can only be accepted by the WG/CC or higher.3. Annual inventories must be done using the checklist provided in ORMS.4. All disposed of property is documented in accordance with CAPR 174-1, PropertyManagement and Accountability.5. Lost, stolen, or damaged property must be immediately reported to the WG/CC who willappoint an investigator. This is done through the Report of Survey function in ORMS.6. When in doubt, consult CAPR 174-1.TransportationGenerally, members must be at least 21 years old, licensed in their state for the vehicle type, and have a valid CAP Driver’s License. Under limited circumstances cadets 18 years of age or older may drive certain CAP vehicles without passengers.Aircraft Maintenance:Keep aircraft operationally ready, while still accomplishing training.Financial ManagementAppropriated funds are taxpayer dollars funneled to CAP by the Air Force through our cooperative agreement, which is an annual grant. Appropriated funds can only be spent on certain items and activities as specified in the Agreement.Corporate funds are monies generated by CAP through membership dues, fundraising, contributions etc., and belong to the CAP Corporation. In other words, it is money we raise on our own outside of our grant from the Air Force.Commanders must ensure unit solvency, prompt payment of debts, and proper budgeting. Keys to proper financial procedures:1. Prompt appointment of a finance officer and committee.2. The finance officer and committee will track financial status regularly.3. A thorough knowledge of the unit’s financial status is key.Tips to ensure proper procedures are being followed.1. The commander cannot also be assigned as the finance officer.2. Unit Finance Officers may not be paid employees, a member of the commander’simmediate family or a member of the commander’s immediate household.3. The financial plan is mandatory.4. All units must have a Wing Banking account.• The unit may not have any bank accounts outside of the Wing Banking Program.5. Establish a finance committee, wings send quarterly financial statements for units toreview.6. Read CAPR 173-1, Financial Procedures and Accounting, to know your responsibilities,and call the wing finance officer for a briefing.7. Once in command: review the financials, and cut the Personnel Authorizations underyour signature. The sooner, the better.Core Values and EthicsCore values are the ethical foundation upon which you build your command.Core values are the tenets of CAP service and should be emphasized routinely and incorporated into all operations. They should not be debated, nor sacrificed for expediency. Commanders must lead by example; if you don’t follow core values, don’t expect your people to.Bottom line:Core Values = fair treatment + respect (defined and institutionalized).CAP’s Core Values Form the Foundation for its Ethical Standards. CAP’s ethical standards are provided in CAPR 1-1, Ethics Policy, and are outlined below:1. Responsible stewardship of CAP’s resources and assets.2. Avoid any conflicts of interest.3. Ensure working relationships are based on mutual respect, fairness and openness.4. Fair dealings in all external business relationships.5. Confidentiality.Resolving Complaints of Unethical Conduct. Promoting, maintaining, and enforcing high standards of ethical conduct in Civil Air Patrol is a command responsibilitySexual harassment, discrimination, equal opportunity, and hazingDefinitions1. Sexual Harassment: Any unwanted sexual advances or sexually oriented behavior byone person inflicted on another. It can be as simple as an unwanted stare or off-colorjoke up to actual sexual assault.2. Sexual Discrimination: Proffering of special treatment or withholding of fair treatmentor consideration based on an individual’s gender. It is also the preferential treatment in return for sexual favors, or the denial of consideration or rights of an individual because of their rejection of a sexual advance.3. Discrimination: Denial of consideration or rights because of an individual’s race,gender, color, religion, disability, or national origin.4. Equal Opportunity: Absence of discrimination, as in the workplace, based on race,color, age, gender, national origin, religion, or mental or physical disability5. Hazing: The act of subjecting members to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule.CAP will not tolerate discrimination or harassment and is guided by applicable laws and sound moral judgment. Commanders are the point people for ensuring fair and just treatment. Thosemembers who come forward with an allegation in any of these categories should be treated with dignity, respect, and in the strictest confidence.Those members who are harassing or discriminating against other members or their families should be reported immediately. CAPR 36-1 prescribes CAP’s policies.CAPR 60-2, Cadet Protection Program, provides guidance on sexual abuse, physical abuse, and hazing. Cadet Protection is discussed in the next section. If you should run into a situation like this, immediately contact your commander for advice and assistance!2. Cadet ProtectionThe best way to carry out the Cadet Protection Policy is to enforce its provisions before something happens!YOU must know the Cadet Protection Policy & reporting procedures.Cadet protection policies.1. CAPR 60-2.2. Hold recurring orientation sessions for parents, as well as members.3. Make sure your members receive this training.4. Work with the Professional Development Officer to schedule refresher training asprescribed in CAPR 60-2.5. Don’t let seniors work with cadets until they’ve been checked, cleared and completed therequired training.6. Exercise care when selecting seniors to work with cadets.a. Not all senior members are suited to work with cadets.b. Err on the side of caution and safety.7. Remember “Two-deep leadership”:a. Every cadet activity must be supervised by at least two adult leaders who are in“approved” status. There are three exceptions:i. Cadet flying as explained in CAPR 60-2.ii. Real-world operational missions (not training) conducted under CAPR 60-3, CAP Emergency Services Training and Operational Missions, andiii. Chance encounters, prior relationships, professional relationships,membership in other organizations, and children’s friends, as explained inCAPR 60-2.8. Remember that if an adult member is transporting cadets (exceptions outlined in CAPR60-2), at least three total members must be in the vehicle including the driver.9. Keep parents informed about CAP activities.If an incident is alleged…1. Report it to the WG/CC IMMEDIATELY. He/she will contact NHQ’s General Counsel(GC).2. If your wing commander isn’t available, call GC yourself and brief your WG/CC as soonas possible.It’s not your place to pass judgment; it’s your place to report allegations!DO NOT take any action yourself unless or until directed to do so by the GC or wing commander UNLESS the action is necessary to ensure the IMMEDIATE PROTECTION of the cadet (i.e. -attack in progress).A word about physical abuse:1. It is not tolerated by CAP.2. Report suspected incidents to the next higher echelon.3. One VisionIf you don’t know where you’re going, how can you be in a hurry to get there? Leadership is about being innovative, pursuing excellence, making the impossible possible for you members –in short, having vision. Commanders need to have a strategic vision for their squadron to succeed. What does “strategic vision” mean for commanders? It is more than just knowledge of how a task should be completed or an activity conducted. Your vision will focus the diverse talents of your members and provide a way to measure your success over time. This is expressed through Commander’s Intent (see lesson).PlanningSome aspects of your vision will be informed by your personal experiences prior to taking command. Reflect on the aspects of successful units that you’ve participated in as well as the challenges and how they were addressed, either successful or unsuccessfully.Seek out a mentor. Ask questions and seek feedback for your plans.Use SMART goals to measure your progress.S - SpecificM - MeasurableA - AttainableR - RealisticT - Time-based or TrackableCommunicatingTechnology gets better every day and our world is increasingly interconnected. Email lists, newsletters, websites, text messaging systems, social media, and staff meetings can all be used to share your vision, but may not increase any understanding of it. Do not lose sight of the value of direct and personal communication.Leading through a staffCommanders have a staff, even if it’s a small one, and you’ll have to get used to leading by directing others. To do this, the staff needs to believe in your leadership and your vision for the unit. Sometimes your staff will have great ideas, sometimes they will need guidance; you may want things done in a certain way, but don’t want to micromanage. How do you lead when using the staff as your instrument?Tip: Remember, if you assign a task, you must also give that staff member the authority to carry out the task. Let them do it their way; either they will learn something new in the process or you will.4. Preparing For SuccessionDefinitionSuccession Planning: Identification and development of potential successors for key positions in an organization, through a systematic evaluation process and training. Unlike replacement planning (which grades an individual solely on the basis of his or her past performance), succession planning is largely predictive in judging an individual for a position he or she might never have been in. Part of every leader’s job is to identify high-performing members and help them build their skills and experiences so they can move up the ranks. This includes identifying members who will be potential future commanders and replacements for your position.It is never too early to plan for succession.How to ensure effective succession planning:1. Establish measurable goals to guide the succession planning program.2. Prepare current job descriptions so that the work to be performed is clear.3. Identify potential successors to recommend4. Ensure continuity files are available for the person who is ultimately selected.5. Consider what you are going to do after you relinquish command.Lesson Summary and ClosureCommand is a continuous combination of task/mission completion and staff development. Actively engaging your members in SMART goals and communicating regularly up and down the chain of command gives your staff ownership of projects that move the unit forward while ensuring group/wing is aware of problems as they arise.Knowing what you’re responsible for when you sign on as commander does not guarantee an easy pathway to accomplishing those things, but it is essential in forming and communicating plans. And working closely with your staff and the wing positions everyone for success.。



carroons知识点总结History of CartoonsThe history of cartoons can be traced back to the early 1900s when animation techniques were first developed. One of the pioneers in the field was Winsor McCay, who created the popular Little Nemo in Slumberland comic strip and later produced the animated short film Gertie the Dinosaur in 1914, considered to be one of the first animated films.The 1920s and 1930s saw the rise of some of the most iconic cartoon characters, including Mickey Mouse, Betty Boop, and Popeye, as well as the creation of animation studios such as Walt Disney Studios and Fleischer Studios. These studios developed new animation techniques and produced popular cartoon series and films that are still beloved today.The 1940s and 1950s are often considered the golden age of animation, with the introduction of iconic characters such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig in Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes series and Tom and Jerry in MGM's animated shorts. This era also saw the introduction of new animation techniques, such as Technicolor and the use of sound, which further enhanced the appeal of cartoons.In the latter half of the 20th century, cartoons continued to evolve, with the introduction of new animation styles and the expansion of the medium to television. Saturday morning cartoon shows became a staple for children, with series such as The Flintstones, The Jetsons, and Scooby-Doo gaining widespread popularity.Modern cartoons have continued to push the boundaries of animation, with the introduction of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and 3D animation techniques. Popular animated films such as Toy Story, Shrek, and Frozen have captivated audiences around the world and have become a significant part of popular culture.Different Styles of CartoonsCartoons come in various styles, each with its unique characteristics and appeal. Some of the different styles of cartoons include:1. Traditional Animation: This style involves hand-drawn or hand-painted animation, where each frame is created by an artist. It is the oldest form of animation and has been used in classic cartoons such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Lion King.2. Stop-motion Animation: This style involves capturing individual frames of physical objects, such as clay figures or puppets, and then arranging them to create the illusion of movement. Popular examples of stop-motion animation include Wallace and Gromit and The Nightmare Before Christmas.3. Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): CGI involves creating animated images using computer software, allowing for more complex and realistic visuals. This style has beenwidely used in modern animated films and television series, such as Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.4. Anime: Anime refers to a style of animation that originated in Japan and is characterized by its colorful artwork, fantastical themes, and vibrant characters. Popular anime series include Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and Sailor Moon.5. Comic Strips and Webcomics: Cartoons also come in the form of printed comic strips and webcomics, which often feature recurring characters and storylines. Examples of popular comic strips include Peanuts, Garfield, and Calvin and Hobbes.Impact of Cartoons on Popular CultureCartoons have had a significant impact on popular culture and have influenced various aspects of society, including fashion, music, and even politics. Some of the ways in which cartoons have made their mark on popular culture include:1. Merchandise: Cartoons have been a driving force behind the sale of merchandise, including toys, clothing, and accessories. Characters such as Mickey Mouse, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Pokemon have become iconic brands and have generated billions of dollars in sales.2. Fashion: Cartoon characters have also influenced fashion trends, with their colorful and whimsical designs inspiring clothing collections, accessories, and even makeup lines. The rise of "nerd chic" and the popularity of graphic tees featuring cartoon characters are a testament to the influence of cartoons on fashion.3. Music: Cartoons have also had an impact on the music industry, with many animated films and series featuring memorable soundtracks and theme songs. The popularity of 80s and 90s cartoon theme songs, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Powerpuff Girls, has led to a resurgence of interest in retro music.4. Politics and Social Commentary: Cartoons have often been used as a medium for political and social commentary, addressing relevant issues in a lighthearted and approachable manner. Shows such as The Simpsons and South Park have been known for their satirical take on current events and societal norms.5. Education and Advocacy: Cartoons have also been used as educational tools, with many animated series aimed at teaching children important lessons about friendship, diversity, and environmental conservation. Additionally, cartoons have been used to advocate for social causes and raise awareness about important issues.In conclusion, cartoons have played a significant role in entertainment and popular culture, captivating audiences with their colorful characters, imaginative storylines, and diverse animation styles. Whether it's the classic comedic antics of Bugs Bunny or the heartwarming adventures of Pixar's animated films, cartoons continue to be a beloved formof entertainment for people of all ages, leaving a lasting impact on popular culture for generations to come.。


环节教三学:过程智慧之脑 Teaching Process
在水中看岸上的物体比实际 位置变高。
环节教三学:过程智慧之脑 Teaching Process
A、B和C三点产生的压强分别为pA、pB和pC,则( D )
光在同种但不均匀的介质中如何传播? 2、中子n:不带电,质量与质子相等。
凝固的条件:⑴ 达到凝固点。⑵ 继续放热。
B.该材料的密度为6 g/cm3
④在光的折射现象中,光路是可逆的 光路可逆
环节教三学:过程智慧之脑 Teaching Process
所以我们看到水中的物体是 它的虚像,比实际位置变浅。
环节教三学:过程智慧之脑 Teaching Process 1组
环节教三学:过程智慧之脑 Teaching Process



When it comes to personal hobbies,everyone has their own preferences and interests that they enjoy in their free time.Hobbies can be a great way to relax,learn new skills, and meet new people.Here are some common hobbies and the benefits they can bring to an individuals life.1.Reading:Reading is a hobby that can transport you to different worlds and times.It not only broadens your knowledge but also improves your language skills.Whether its fiction,nonfiction,or poetry,reading can be a quiet and peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.2.Gardening:For those who love nature,gardening can be a therapeutic hobby.It allows you to work with your hands and create something beautiful.The process of nurturing plants from seeds to full bloom can be incredibly rewarding and can also provide a sense of accomplishment.3.Cooking and Baking:These hobbies not only allow you to create delicious meals and treats but also to experiment with flavors and techniques.Cooking can be a creative outlet,and sharing your culinary creations with friends and family can be a joy.4.Playing Musical Instruments:Learning to play an instrument can be a challenging but immensely satisfying hobby.It requires patience and practice but can lead to a deep appreciation for music and the ability to express yourself through sound.5.Traveling:For the adventurous,traveling is a hobby that offers new experiences, cultures,and landscapes.It can be a way to learn about the world and oneself,fostering a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity.6.Photography:Capturing moments through a lens can be an artistic and technical hobby. Photography allows you to see the world from different angles and can be a way to preserve memories and tell stories.7.Sports and Fitness:Engaging in sports or fitness activities can be a hobby that not only keeps you physically healthy but also mentally sharp.It can be a social activity,allowing you to meet others with similar interests and compete or cooperate in various sports.8.Art and Craft:Creating art,whether its painting,drawing,knitting,or any other form of craft,can be a fulfilling hobby.It allows for selfexpression and can be a meditative activity that helps to relieve stress.9.Writing:Whether its journaling,blogging,or writing fiction,writing can be a way toexpress thoughts and emotions.Its a hobby that can help to improve language skills and can be a form of therapy.10.Volunteering:For those who want to give back,volunteering can be a meaningful hobby.It offers the chance to help others and make a difference in the community,which can be incredibly rewarding.In conclusion,hobbies are a personal choice and can greatly enrich ones life.They provide an opportunity for personal growth,enjoyment,and sometimes even a sense of purpose.Whether youre looking to start a new hobby or continue an existing one, remember that the most important aspect is that it brings you joy and fulfillment.。



2020年南平市建阳二中高三英语第一次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADive with Big SharksOur shark dive adventures make use of hookah systems and shark cages. A hookah system is a system of providing air from the surface to divers down below. Cage divers breathe by using a regulator connected to an air hose.Is SharkDiving Dangerous?Yes. You could get sunburnt. You could hit your head on the top bunk getting out of bed. You could fall overboard. As for a shark attack,according to the International Shark Attack File,you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or a deer.Pricing & DetailsOne day Cage Diver Adventure S 875Our expert shark diver team will accompany you to the best viewing areas within the Marine Sanctuary.There,we'll drop our cage and prepare to provide you with a view you'll never forget.No dive experience is necessary.Our cages sit just below the surface.You'll be able to breathe comfortably from your snorkel or air hose while you move about the cage,taking photos and having fun.Top Shark Adventure S 375If you want to see great white sharks but prefer them a little further away,we offer great top-side shark viewing from our observation deck. Help scan the horizon for fins and watch for sharks attacking their prey(猎物).Important NoteThere's No Shark GuaranteeAlthough we go to the best places at the best time of year, we cannot guarantee you'll see sharks. We've been very successful in past shark seasons and expect another incredible year. However, if we see nosharks, there is no refund.1.Which of the following isTRUEabout the two adventures?A.Top Shark Adventure makes use of hookah systems.B.Cage Diver Adventure offers you a view of the bottom of the sea.C.Cage Diver Adventure is less interesting than the other.D.Top Shark Adventure is suitable for those worried about danger.2.What is most likely to happen according to the advertisement? fail to achieve your purpose of the are out of breath deep down in the are hurt by a shark while diving there, suffer from lack of skill in shark diving.3.It can be inferred from the advertisement that shark diving is ________A.difficult but excitingB.challenging and tiringC.amazing and enjoyableD.expensive but popularBIf you think you’d like to live on Mars, you may have that possibility by 2023. A Dutch company called Mars One will soon advertise for people interested in colonizing (开拓) Mars. Ifyou have all the necessary skills, you could be one of the first colonists. Are you ready for the challenge?You won’t have to pay for the mission to Mars. Mars One has already received money from some donors and is hoping to get more from TV viewers who will become interested in the show where all applicants have a debate for the rare chances.The main responsibility of the first colonists is to create an artificial environment on Mars where there is no air to breathe and no land to farm. Scientists know it’s quite possible because something similar has already been done inAntarctica.Another problem is that space travel to Mars takes nearly a year to get to Mars and the colonists will live the rest of their lives there. When a human lives in an environment without gravity or with low gravity for a long time, the systems in the body weaken. Luckily, spinning (旋转) the spaceship can create artificial gravity, and artificial gravity can ease these problems. It will also be difficult for Mars colonists to be far from home, living in small spaces, and seeing the same people over and over. Colonists with depression could put the mission in danger. Fortunately, a few years ago, a joint Russian and European project called the Mars500 Mission studied people’s reactions in a Mars-like environment. It is viewed as a great success because scientists were able to see how people handle emotional and physical stresses.Recent studies show that seven percent of people would want to go on such an adventure.Mars One will soon start accepting its first colonists. Are you interested?4. What do we know about the applicants to Mars from the first two paragraphs?A. They will land on Mars in 2023.B. They can get money from donors.C. They will compete in a TV show.D. They do not need special skills.5. What will the first colonists do to solve the basic living problems on Mars?A. Create earth-like conditions.B. Build labs inAntarctica.C. Spin the spaceship.D. Start the Mars500Mission.6. What can the life of the first colonists be like according to the passage?A. Difficult and dangerous.B. Different but adaptable.C. Challenging and unbearable .D. Acceptable but depressing.7. What’s the best title for the text?A. Mars: our final destination?B. Ready to be Mars’ colonists?C. Space travel: a thrilling adventure?D. Are you a qualified Mars astronaut?CWhere do you find beauty? Fashion Magazines? Music Videos? One American photographer is finding beauty in unexpected places. And a new documentary about his work might help change the traditional standards of “who” is beautiful.Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashion photographer to turn his lens to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences. He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病)girl.“I was just tired of people telling me who was beautiful. Every season that face would change but I was always told who was beautiful. As an artist, I don't see beauty just on covers of magazines. I see it everywhere. So it was my initial intention that opened my eyes a little wider and wider.” Said Guidotti.Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not-for-profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public views and promote a world where differences are celebrated. Guidotti and Positive Exposure are featured in a new documentary called On Beauty.The cast and crew recently hosted a screening at Georgetown University in Washington. One of the women featured in the film is Jayne Waithera. “I never thought I was beautiful because nobody said that to me, but meeting him was my profound moment. I remember that particular day he took my picture and I felt so good like I felt there's somebody who, really loves me and sees me for who I am and who sees me more than my condition.” said Waithera.The documentary is the idea of producer Joanna Rudnick. After seeing Guidotti's photos, she decided to tell his story. Joanna and Guidotti are traveling from city to city to promote On Beauty. “As I travel from community to community, I'm taking photographs and I'm encouraging individuals with a positive sense of who they are. They're seeing beauty in their reflection but I'm also encouraging their families and they in turn are encouraging their communities as well. All is based on the philosophy of change how you see,see how you change.”8. What made Rick change his understanding of beauty?A. A girl diagnosed with albino.B. His job as a fashion photographer.C. The beauty on the covers of magazines.D. Influence from the people working with him.9. What can we infer about Jayne Waithera?A. She showed great interest in taking photos.B. She used to be disappointed at her work and life.C. She was greatly influenced by the experience with Rick.D. She believed Rick was the best photographer in the world.10. Which of the following words can best describe On Beauty?A. abstract and differentB. traditional and academicC. tolerant and encouragingD. creative and interesting11. What's the best title of the text?A. True Beauty In The Eye Of A PhotographerB. Beautiful Or Not Beautiful,That's A QuestionC. Be Who You Are Not Who You Want To BeD. A Different photographer, A Different MagazineDA single toy catches a child's attention for a limited period of time, but a box of items that allows a child to build their own toys will catch their imagination for years to come. This brilliant idea already exists in real product form, and it's called Toyi.Toyi is described as an eco-friendly creative building kit, and it recently won the well-known IF Design Award. It came from Istanbul, Turkish, where a young female designer named Elif Atmaca first came up with the idea for it when she wanted to help the kids living in disadvantaged areas. These children do not have access to the variety of interesting toys that wealthier children do.Toyi Atmaca's design allows children to transform what are around them into clever toys. It consists of sticks, junction parts, flexible connectors, toy body parts like feet, eyes, hands, and wheels that can be used to turn old water bottles, cups, boxes, towels, etc. into cute, clever, and unique playthings. This toy kit upcycles(升级利用) materials that would otherwise go to waste, turning a recycling bin into a treasure container.“Our initial target was to deliver Toyi kits to only disadvantaged children in Turkish,” Atmaca told the media. But during a research conducted with around300 children, .she realized that the restriction on being creative went beyond any boundary. “I saw that everything was planned and shaped by grown-ups, blocking the kids' imagination in a significant way,” said Atmaca.Atmaca concluded that each kid needed space where he or she could freely create. She explained the entire process should be left to kids’ creativity, reminding teachers and all grown-ups that child-led play was an excellent way for children to develop lifelong skills.Toyi's creators are now considering distributing the kits to as many children as possible around the world through different international NGOs. Atmaca notes that for each Toyi kit sold out, they will also donate one kit toa disadvantaged child through different partnerships around the world.12. Why did Atmaca design Toyi at first?A. To win the famous IF Design Award.B. To help poor kids make their own toys.C. To protect the environment in Istanbul.D. To recycle all the waste in the dustbin.13. Which is probably the product made with the toy kit of Toyi?A. A new picture of a young boy.B. A computer with high technology.C. A treasure container from a dustbin:D. A six-armed “robot” from a water bottle.14. How do the toy kits help improve the children's ability?A. It provides the kids various types of toys.B. It offers space for the kids’ creative minds.C. It changes the poor kids' living conditions.D. It teaches the kids to share joys with others.15. What is the new target for Atmaca and her partners?A. Donating toykits to more poor children.B. Selling toy kits to every kid in the world.C. Designing new toy kits for kids and adults.D. Doing further research on the kids' demands.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



Capote《卡波特(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本Hello?有人吗?Nancy?南西?Exactly.没错Butatleastbehonestaboutthefacts.至少要诚实面对事实That"swhatI"msaying.Who"shonest?我就是这个意思谁是诚实的?I"mhonest.我就是IamhonestaboutwhatIwriteabout.我对我写的东西都很诚实I"llletyouknowifit"sautobiographical,orifit"saboutme,orifit "snot.我会让你知道这是否为自传式作品是否关于我本人AndIfindautobiographicalstoriesatthisjunctureofmylifetobequ iteboring.但我觉得我生命里这段时期的自传式故事挺无聊的...sayI"monething,butactuallyyou"reanotherthing.假设我是这样但实际上却不是这样Ithinkbeingtruetowhoyouareisimportant.我认为对自己诚实很重要I"mnotsayingyouneedtobepsychoanalyticalaboutthewholemess.并不是说你得用精神分amp;hearts;析amp;hearts;来看待这一切Butdon"tbeafraid.Yeah,I...Butdon"tbeafraid.但不要害怕对但不要害怕IhadlunchwithJimmyBaldwintheotherday.那天我和吉米鲍德温一起吃午饭Howishe?He"salovelyman.他这人怎样?他人很和善Andhetoldmetheplotofhisnewbook.他跟我说了他新书的情节Andhesaidtome,quot;ButIjustwanttomakesure...他对我说:quot;我只是想确定"snotoneofthoseproblemnovels.quot;这不会成为问题小说quot;AndIsaid,quot;Jimmy...我说:quot;吉米...yournovel"saboutaNegrohomosexualwho"sinlovewithaJew.qu ot;你的小说讲的是黑人同性恋爱上了一个犹太人quot;quot;Wouldn"tyoucallthataproblem?quot;quot;难道这还不叫问题吗?quot;AndhelookedatmeandhelaughedbecauseheknewIwasright.他看了看我笑了因为他知道我是对的I"msaying,youknow,ifyou"regonnawritesomethinglikethat...我是说如果你要写类似的东西...atleastbehonestwhyyou"rewritingit.至少要诚实面对你写作的理由Can"twejustbehonest?诚实有这么难吗?Well,Idon"tthinkyouactuallyneedtobehonest.我认为你其实不必诚实Butdon"tcomeaskingsomewhitemanfromtheSouth...但别问一个来自南方的白佬...whetheryourbookaboutablackmanfuckingsomeJew...你那本关于黑人跟犹太人上amp;hearts;床amp;hearts;...whenthey"rebothofthesamesex...且他们还是同性的书是否...isanissue!有问题!Don"taskmethat!别来问我!Oh,no,it"snotanissue,Jimmy.噢不是问题吉米Everyone"sgonnabequitepleasedwiththattopic.大家会很喜欢那题材喔Sohowaboutyou,TrumanDoyouadmitit?那楚门你呢?你是同性恋吗?Well,I"mnotnearlythatcontroversial.我可没那么有争议I"mnot!I"mnot!Iamnot.我不是!我不是!I"mnotnearlythatcontroversial.我没那么有争议啦Oh,comeon.拜托Hi.It"sTrumanforWilliamShawn,please.喂我是楚门请找威廉尚恩HaveyoureadthearticleaboutthekillingsinKansas...你看到《纽amp;hearts;约amp;hearts;时amp;hearts;报amp;hearts;》头版...inthefrontsectionofTheNewYorkTimes?关于堪萨斯州命案的新闻了吗?Ithinkthat"swhatIwanttowriteabout.那正是我想写的Iwanttogotonight.我今晚就想去Ifiguredyou"dmissedit.I"msorry.我以为你没赶上车抱歉That"sallright.IthoughtIwasheadingtoKansasbymyself.没关系...我以为得单独去堪萨斯州了呢God,I"mgladyouagreedtocome.天啊真高兴你愿意同来You"retheonlyoneIknowwiththequalifications...你是我认识的人中唯一有资格...tobebotharesearchassistantandapersonalbodyguard.身兼研究助理和个人保镖的Thankyou.谢谢NowI"mnervous.现在我开始紧张了Yes?谁呀?Mr.TrumanCapoteandMissNelleHarperLee?请问是楚门卡波特先生和妮欧哈波李小姐吗?That"sus.Wherewouldyoulikethese,sir?是的请问行李要放哪?Youcanputthatrighttherebetweenthedoors.就放在门边吧Whatalldidyoubring?你带了什么呀?Justafewthings.一点东西Thankyougreatly,sir.Thankyou.非常感谢您谢谢You"rewelcome.不客气It"sanhonortohaveyouwithus,sir...很荣幸有您搭乘这班车...andIhopeyouwon"tmindmesaying...希望您不介意我这么说...butIthoughtyourlastbookwasevenbetterthanthefirst.但我认为您的上一本书比第一本好太多了Thankyou.谢谢Imean,justwhenyouthinkthey"vegottenasgoodastheycanget.您的每本书都青出于蓝Thankyouverymuch.Ma"am.非常谢谢你女士You"repathetic.你真可悲What?Youpaidhimtosaythat.什么?你付钱叫他这么说的Youpaidhimtosaythat.你付钱叫他这么说的Howdidyouknow?你怎么知道的?quot;Justwhenyouthinkthey"vegottenasgoodastheycangetquot ;?quot;您的每本书都青出于蓝quot;?Ithoughtthatwasagoodline.我以为那句词很棒呢Doyouthinkthatwastoomuch?Yeah,abit.你认为太过头了吗?对有点Yourkeys.你的钥匙Signhere,please.Thankyou.请在这签名谢谢AlvinDewey...艾尔文敦伊...KansasBureauofInvestigation.堪萨斯调查局..KBIHi.I"mlookingforAlvinDewey.嗨我要找艾尔文敦伊Hi.嗨Mr.Dewey.TrumanCapote,fromTheNewYorker.敦伊先生我是《纽约客》的楚门卡波特Bergdorf"s.Sorry?柏克多夫买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;的什么?Thescarf.Oh.围巾噢Nice.Thankyou.不错谢谢Mr.Dewey,Iwonderwhenwecouldarrangeaninterview,sometimetotal k.敦伊先生不晓得能否安排一个访谈?Aboutwhat?谈什么?Well,we"renotlookingforanyinsideinformation.我们不是要找内amp;hearts;幕amp;hearts;消息Youknow,Idon"tcareonewayoranotherifyoucatchwhoeverdidthis.我完全不关心你们能否抓到凶手I"mwritinganarticleonhowtheClutterkillingsareaffectingtheto wn.我要写篇稿子...描述克拉特命案对整个镇的影响Youknow,howyouallarebearingup.以及大家对此事的感受Icare.我关心Excuseme?Icare.什么?我关心Icareagreatdealifwecatchwhoeverdidthis.我非常关心能否抓到凶手Oh,Isee.噢了解Asdoalotoffolksaroundhere.Oh,ofcourse.这里的很多人也都关心噢当然Doyouhavepresscredentials?你有记者证吗?What"saNewYorker?Magazine.纽约客是什么?是杂amp;hearts;志amp;hearts;Magazinesdon"tgiveout...不会泄露...Youcancometothenewsconferencewiththerestofthem.你可跟大家一起参加记者招待会Sears,Roebuck.西尔斯罗巴克牌的Theboywas16?那男孩16岁?Hewas15.他15岁Nancywas16.南西才是16岁Andit"sherfriendthatfoundthem?是她朋友发现他们的吗?LauraKinney.Canyouspellthat?萝拉柯尼能否请你拼出来?Iassumeyou"reokaywiththeLaurapart.我想萝拉怎么拼应该没有疑问K-l-N-N-E-Y.柯-尼But,please,leaveherbe.但请别烦扰她There"stalkofabunchofMexicans.AwholebunchofMexicans.谣传是一大群墨西哥人干的Hello,George.嗨乔治It"sgoodtoseeyouagain.真高兴又看到你Idohaveanopinionwhetherthiswastheworkofoneman...我对本案是否为一人所为或者如你所言...orquot;awholebunch,quot;asyousaid...是由一大群人做的的确有所定见...butitdoesn"tmatterawholelot...但重点并不在于...whetheritwasMexicansorMethodistsorEskimos.是墨西哥人公会教amp;hearts;徒amp;hearts;或爱斯基摩人所为We"regonnafindwhoeverdidthis.我们都会找出凶手Now,fourgoodpeoplefromourcommunityaredead.我们社区里的四位好人死了Solet"srememberthat.大家谨记这点吧TheWestKansasFarmCommittee...西部堪萨斯农委会...isofferinga$1,000reward...提拨1千美金悬赏...forinformationleadingtoanarrest.给任何对逮捕有利的线索Pleaseprintthat.请记下这点Andthankyouallforcoming.感谢各位光临Hewasfoxywiththatoldman.他对那老人很狡猾ThismakeyoumissAlabama?这会让你想念阿amp;hearts;拉amp;hearts;巴马州?Notevenalittlebit.才不会呢Youlie.Idon"tlie.你说谎我不说谎Goodmorning.Hi.早安嗨CananyofyoutellmewhereI"dfindLauraKinney?你们哪位可以告诉我萝拉柯尼在哪里?Isthather?Withtheboy?那就是她?跟男孩在一起的?Yeah,withDannyBurke.对那是丹尼伯克DannyBurke?丹尼伯克?Laura?萝拉?Thankyou.谢谢你Truman.楚门I"mgonnafindoutwherethatgirllives.我要查出那女孩住哪CanIdothatalone?我自己去行吗?Allright?好吗?Okay.好IthinkIscaredafriendofyoursthismorning.我想我今天早上吓到你的一个朋友了ShecamelookingforyouwhenIwaswriting.她在我写作时跑来找你Youhatemyfriends.No,Iwouldn"tsayquot;hate.quot;你讨厌我朋友不至于到quot;讨厌quot;啦Justaslongastheydon"tknockonmydoor.只要他们不来敲我的门就好Isawthebodiestoday.我今天看到尸体了Which?TheClutters.谁的?克拉特家人的Ilookedinsidethecoffins.我往棺材里看That"shorrifying.太可怕了Itcomfortsme.那让我安心Somethingsohorrifying...那么可怕的事...It"sarelief.是个解脱Normallifefallsaway.正常生活消逝了Butthen,Iwasnevermuchfornormallife.但正常生活我也不是很有兴趣啦No.嗯Yeah,peopleherewon"ttalktome.对这边的人不肯跟我说话Theywantsomeonelikeyou,likeNelle.他们要像你或妮欧那样的人Me,theyhate.他们讨厌我Ican"tthinkofasinglequalityIsharewithNelle.我想不出自己和妮欧有任何共同点Well...Maybemanliness.噢...或许是男子气概吧Goodmorning,Henry.Goodmorning,sir.早安亨利早安先生Let"sgo.走吧Bye.拜Hi,Danny.I"mHarperLee.嗨丹尼我是哈波李Nancywasyourbestfriend?南西是你最要好的朋友?Yeah,shewasmybestfriend.对她是我最要好的朋友HowhasDannybeen?丹尼最近如何?Prettyshattered.烦乱极了Nothingterriblehaseverhappenedtohimbefore.过去他从未经历过这么可怕的事Dannywasthelastoneatthehousethatnight.丹尼是当天晚上最晚离开的That"swhyMr.Deweykeepsinterviewinghim.因此敦伊先生才一直来找他谈Theydon"tthinkthathehadanythingtodowithit.他们不认为他与此案有关It"sjusttoseeifheremembersanythingunusual.只是想知道他是否记得任何不寻常的事Peopleintowndoseemtowonderifhewasinvolved.镇上的人似乎都觉得他有涉案Yeah.That"sbeenreallyhardforDanny.对丹尼真的很不好受Oh,it"sthehardestwhensomeonehasanotionaboutyou...最困难的是别人对你有成见...andit"simpossibletoconvincethemotherwise.而完全不可能被说服改变EversinceIwasachild,folkshavethoughttheyhadmepegged...我从小就被当成异类...becauseofthewayI...只因为...ThewayIam.因为我不一样Youknow,thewayItalk.你知道我的说话方式Andthey"realwayswrong.他们永远是错的YouknowwhatImean?你懂我的意思吗?Yeah.懂Iwannashowyousomething.我想给你看样东西Maybethiswillgiveyouabetterpictureofwhathappened.或许这有助于你们了解当晚发生的事Whatisthis?It"syourdiary.这是什么?是你的日记quot;DannyheretonightandwewatchedTV.quot;quot;丹尼今晚过来一起看电视quot;quot;Sonicejusthavinghimsitwithus.quot;quot;有他跟我们在一起真好quot;quot;Leftat11:00.quot;quot;11点时离开quot;quot;P.S.He"stheonlyoneIreallylove.quot;quot;附注:他是我唯一爱的人quot;Andthatwasthat.就这样了DidLaurasayquot;shatteredquot;?萝拉有说quot;烦乱quot;吗?quot;Prettyshattered.Nothingterriblehaseverhappenedtohim before.quot;quot;烦乱极了quot;quot;过去他从未经历过这么可怕的事quot;YouknowIhave94%recallofallconversations?你知道我可以记下所有对话的94%?I"vetestedmyself.我自我测验过的Well...那...howdidthathappen?怎么做到的?ApparentlyDetectiveFoxy"swifehasreadfiction.显然狡猾探长的太太看过小说That"sgreat.太好了We"rein.有门路了Wearein.In.有门路路Youcame.Hi.你来了嗨Thankyouforhavingus.Thankyou.谢谢你接待我们谢谢Getyourselvesinhere.快请进Alvin,getyourpantson.They"rehere.艾尔文快准备一下他们来了Hey,littleDeweys.Hi.嗨小敦伊嗨Hi.嗨Shakeitwithyourwrist.用手腕摇Useyourwholearm.用整条手臂More.用力一点YouthinkI"mkiddingaround,butI"mserious.你以为我在乱开玩笑但我是认真的Mamawould"veputinhalfthebottle.Shehadtobuyitbythecrate.我妈放了半瓶她只得大箱大箱的买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;Alvin"sgonnahatethis.艾尔文不会喜欢的Ihavetostop.我得停止了Oh,Icannotbelieveyou"refromNewOrleans.真不敢相信你是从纽奥良来的Imissitsomuch.我好想念那里Well,Ionlylivedthereforashortwhile,butmymamawasbornandbred.我只在那里住过一阵子但我妈是在那里长大的Youknowsomething?你知道吗?Alvinpretendshedoesn"tknowwhoyouare,buttheminuteyoucamet otown...艾尔文假装不认识你但你一来到镇上...hereadyourbooks.No!他就看了你的书不会吧?HehadoneofhismenpickupBreakfastatTiffany"sinKansasCity...他还请属下到堪萨斯市去买amp;hearts;amp;hearts;《第凡内早餐》..."causeit"sbannedinthelibraryhere.因为那是这边图书馆的禁书Andhesaid,quot;Ifeellikeyou"respitingme.quot;他说:quot;我觉得你在刁难我quot;Isaid,quot;DoyouthinkItookthisjobtospiteyou?quot;我说:quot;你认为我做这个工作就为了刁难你?quot;Iwaswritingthescriptastheywerefilming,allthattimein Italy...他们拍电影时我还一直在意大利写剧本...andI"dworklikemadalldaylong...我日夜不停地写作...andthendashdowntothebararoundmidnight...然后在午夜冲进酒吧...tohandinthenextday"sscenes.交出第二天的戏稿AndHumphreyhadjustaboutmovedintothehotelbar...当时亨佛莱正要入住旅馆酒吧...HumphreyBogart.亨佛莱鲍嘉...whereheandJohn...他和约翰就在那...JohnHuston.约翰休士顿...had.有了...Theydrankeverynight.他们每晚喝酒AndImeandrank,youknow,likefamishedwaterbuffaloes.我是说真的豪饮像饿坏了的水牛Well...然后...I"donlyjusthandedthemthefinalscenewhenthebellhoptoldme Ihadaphonecall.我才刚交出最后一幕戏稿侍者就说有人打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;找我Anditwasmystepfather,JoeCapote...是我继父乔卡波特打来的...callingtosaythatmymotherhaddied.说我妈过世了IflewhometoNewYork,terriblydistraught...我飞回纽约心烦意乱得不得了...butwhenIgottotheapartment...但我来到公amp;hearts;寓amp;hearts;时...IcouldseethatJoewasinevenworseshapethanIwas.发现乔比我还要沮丧Hegrabbedmyhandandhesaidtome...他抓住了我的手说...quot;Talk.quot;quot;说话quot;quot;Talkaboutanything.quot;Youknow?quot;随便说什么都好quot;你们知道吗?quot;Imean,anysubjectintheworld.quot;quot;任何话题都行quot;quot;Don"tworrywhetherit"llinterestmeornot.quot;quot;别管我会不会有兴趣quot;quot;Justtalk...quot;只要说话... quot;soIwon"tbreakdown.quot;quot;我才不会崩溃quot;Hecouldn"tbeartobealonewithhisthoughts.他无法独处Itwastoopainful.太痛苦了It"sbeenahardcoupleofweeksforAlvin.这几周来艾尔文也很不好受HeandHerbClutterweregoodfriendsfromchurch.他和赫伯克拉特是教堂老友了Oh,Marie.噢玛莉Oh,comeon,Alvin.Thesearegoodpeople.别这样艾尔文他们都是好人Whywouldtheyputapillowundertheboy"shead他们既然要射杀那男孩justtoshoothim?为什么还先在他头下面放个枕头?WhywouldtheytuckNancyin?为什么要把南西放到床上去?Somanyofmyfriendswouldlovetomeetyou.我还有很多朋友都很想见你Oh,that"dbefine.Youdon"thavetoworry...噢没问题的你不必担心..."causeI"mnotgoingtowriteaboutthistilleverything"sover.因为在事情尚未解决前我不会写出来的Well,I"mnotworried.我并不担心Iknowwhatroomyou"reinatthehotel,我知道你在旅馆住哪间房amp;hearts;andIknowwhereyouliveinBrooklyn.也知道你在布鲁克林区住在哪里You"recelebrating.你们在庆祝Well,rememberNelle"smanuscriptshesentmeinNewYork?记得妮欧寄到纽约给我的原稿吗?Yeah.Mockingbird.KillingaMockingbird.记得《梅岗城故事》Yousaiditwasgood.AndIwasright.你说那很棒我没说错ShejustheardLippincottwantstopublishit.她刚听说立滨卡特出版社想要出版Well,Jesus.哇天哪Jesus,well,that"sterrific.Tellhercongratulationsfromme.天哪那实在太棒了请代我说声恭喜Congratulations.恭喜Thankyou.Jealous.谢谢忌妒WillyoubehomebyChristmas?Iwannacomehome.你圣诞节会回家吗?我想要回家Iwannacomehome.Ido.Ijust...我真的想要回家只是...thoughtiftheycatchwhoeverdidthis,whoknowswhat?如果他们抓到凶手谁知道会怎样呢?I"llprobablybeheretillnextChristmas.I"mgonnaletyougo.我大概会在这待到下个圣诞节我要挂断了I...我...No,don"tgo.不别挂断We"llgoawaynextspringtowrite.我们明年春天出发去写作MaybeSpain.Yeah.或许去西班牙好Okay,I"mgonnaletyougo.Jack...我要挂断了杰克...Jack,Ipromise.We"llgoawaythisspringtowrite.杰克我保证我们明年春天就出发去写作MaybeSpain.Okay.或许去西班牙好Allright.好了Mywifeworkedthere,too.我太太也在那工作过Whatdidshedointhehouse?她做些什么呢?Cleaning.Cookingalittlebit.打扫偶尔也煮饭Quiet,quiet.Quiet,quiet.安静安静安静quot;Girdleup.Noextrabulges.quot;quot;扎好没有多余突起quot;quot;Ifyou"redressedright,whenhegetshome...quot;如果他回家时你的打扮对了...quot;therestoftheeveningshouldbesmoothsailing.quot;quo t;接下来的夜晚就一切顺利啦quot;quot;Bonvoyage,gals.quot;quot;祝好运女孩们quot;Ican"tbelieveyougotthatwholepage.Ionlyreaditonce.真不敢相信你把整页都背诵出来了我只念了一次I"vetestedmy...Testedmyself.我自我...测验过的Ihave94%.Percentrecall.我可以记下...所有对话的94%Cutthatout.Cutthatout.别这样别这样Cutthat...别这...Cutthatout.别这样Isn"tthatsomething,Alvin?艾尔文他很厉害吧?Oh,it"simpressive.真的很厉害Thankyou.谢谢I"msorry.He"supset.What"sheupsetabout?对不起他很沮丧沮丧什么呢?Theyknowwhodidit.他们知道是谁干的Twomen.两个人Youknow,theypassedthroughKansasCitylastweekwritingbadchecks.他们上周在堪萨斯市用空头支票BythetimeAlvin"sboysgotupthere,theyweregone.等艾尔文的下属赶过去时他们已经走了Skippedout.溜掉了Yeah.Theydon"tknowwhere.对他们不知道去了哪里Noidea.毫无头绪Oneofthemhadacellmatewhogavehimupforthe$1,000reward.其中一个有个牢友为了1千美金的赏金出amp;hearts;卖amp;hearts;amp;hearts;amp;hearts;了他Dotheyknowthenameofthecellmate?他们知道牢友的名字吗?No.No,Idon"tknow.Alvinknows.不我不知道艾尔文才知道Iguessthisisn"ttheappropriatetimetogoaskhim.我猜现在并非问他的好时机He"sbesidehimself.他心情很不好Hello?哈罗?Alvin,getinhere.小艾快进来Dad,it"sthetelephone.Notnow,Alvin.爸是电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;现在不接小艾Goddamnit.可恶Getoverhere.快过来Dad!Alvin,notnow.爸!小艾现在不接Sit.坐Dad?Dad?爸?爸?YouneedtocalltheChiefofPoliceinLasVegas.你要打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;给拉斯维加斯的警长Alvin,what"dyousay?Hesaidyouneedtocallthemimmediately.小艾你说什么?他说要你立刻打电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;过去TrumanCapote.DorothySanderson.楚门卡波特桃乐西山德森Ifiguredyou"dbeleftalonethismorning我猜今早你那勤奋工作的老公bythathardworkinghusbandofyours...一定把你一个人留在家里...soIhavebreakfast,andIhavenews,andIhaveliterature.所以我带来了早餐新闻还有书籍Myfriend,Jack,mailedmethatbookyouwanted...我朋友杰克把你想要的书寄来...andIinscribeditmyself.我亲自在上面题了词quot;TothemaidenoftheMidwest,thepriestessoftheplains...quot;仅将我的第一本小说献给中西部之女...quot;thequeenofthekitchen,myfirstnovel.Truman.quot;quo t;旷野之祭司厨房amp;hearts;之皇后楚门敬上quot;You"eonin.Oh,thankyou.你真好请进噢谢谢Gointothelivingroom.Haveaseat.去客厅吧请坐Letmegetthat.It"sbeenringingallmorning.我去接电amp;hearts;话amp;hearts;已经响了一早上了Hello?喂?Truman,Imeantinhere.楚门我是指这里That"sthewomen"scell.那是女牢房amp;hearts;It"shardlyeverused,buttheywantedthemseparate.很少用到但他们想把他们分开关Let"ssitinthelivingroom.我们去客厅坐吧Theyputyouinthewomen"scell.他们把你放进女牢房amp;hearts;Doyouhaveanyaspirin?你有阿斯匹灵吗?Mylegs.我腿痛Truman?楚门?Please.拜托I"msorry.对不起InthematteroftheStateofKansasv.RichardEugeneHickock...关于堪萨斯州对李察尤金希卡克...andPerryEdwardSmith...以及派瑞艾德华史密斯的诉讼...thiscourthasbeeninformedbycounsel,Mr.Weeks...辩护律师魏克先生已告知本庭...thatthedefendantswishtowaivetheirrighttoapreliminaryhe aring.被告希望放弃初次审讯之权Hismindissomewhereelse.他并不专心Mr.Hickock,isthatyourwish?希卡克先生这是你的希望吗?Yes,sir.是的庭上Whyaretheydoingthat?他们为何要这么做?Mr.Smith.史密斯先生Iaskthatthewaiverbeeffectuated.我要求实行弃权quot;Effectuatedquot;?实行?Sonoted.记下了Removetheprisoners.把犯人带走Wasityourchoicetowaivethehearing?是你选择要放弃审讯的吗?Doyoustillneedsome?你还要药吗?Givemeyourhand.把手给我Icouldkillyouifyougottooclose.如果你距离太近我可以杀掉你Now,wouldyoulikesomewater,or...你要不要喝点水还是...Mrs.Sandersonlentyoumybook.山德森先生把我的书借给你了Hesaidwe"dcurryfavorwiththejudge...他说如果我们放弃权利...ifwewaivedourrights.就会让法官有好感Whodid?谁说的?Thelawyer.律师Yourpicture"sundignified.你的照片不够庄重Peoplerecallfirstimpressions.第一印象是很深刻的What"sbeenyourfirstimpression?你的第一印象是什么?Hello.喂Mr.Shawn.Truman.尚恩先生楚门I"mwritingabook.我要写书It"stoomuchforasinglearticle.单篇报道写不了这么多内容Thistown,thekillersmostofall.这个镇最重要的还有凶手YouwillbestunnedbyPerrySmith.派瑞史密斯会让你震惊Why,what"shappening?哦怎么了?Well,notmuchyet,butIknow.Icansensehim.没怎样但我知道我感觉得出来He"sdesperatelyIonely,frightened.他非常孤独恐惧Ihaveaquestion.我有个问题Areyouready?准备好了吗?Woulditmatter?No.有差吗?没有Howmuchmoremoneycanyousendme?你还能给我多少钱?AndhowquicklycouldyougetDickAvedonoutheretotakesomepictu res?还有你多快能请狄克艾佛顿过来这里拍些照片?Whoareyousmilingatrightnow?你在对谁笑?I"msmilingatyou.我在对你微笑Youknow,Dick"saveryfamousfashionphotographer.狄克是很有名的流行摄影师World-famous.世界知名AmIgonnabeinafashionmagazine?我要登上流行杂amp;hearts;志amp;hearts;吗?Sothere"snoworryofhavingabadpicture.这样你才不用担心照出来不好看Whowereyoucloserto,yourmomoryourdad?父母亲里你跟谁比较亲近?What"sthat?Whowereyoucloserto...什么?父母亲里...yourmomoryourdad?Well,both.你跟谁比较亲近?都很亲Yeah?Yeah.是吗?对Haveyoutalkedtothem?Yeah.你跟他们谈过吗?有Who"dyoutalktofirst?你会跟谁先谈?Perry,honey,youlookterrific,baby.派瑞甜心你看来棒极了Thatwasgood.那很好Canyoushowusthetattooonyourchestthen?你能否把胸膛上的刺青露出来给我们看?Yeah.好WheredidPerrygettheartset?派瑞怎么拿到艺术册的?Membersofthejury,haveyoureachedaverdict?陪审团做出判决了吗?Yes,sir.是的庭上Defendants,rise.被告请起立PerryEdwardSmithandRichardEugeneHickock...派瑞艾德华史密斯李察尤金希卡克...youstandaccusedoffourcountsofthecrimeofmurderinthefirs tdegree.两位被控杀害四人的一级谋杀罪Haveyoureachedaunanimousverdict?你们是否做出一致的判决?Wehave,YourHonor.是的庭上Whatisyourverdict?判决是什么? Guiltyonallfourcounts.杀害四人均有罪Haveyouunanimouslyreachedasentence?你们是否达成一致的判刑结果?Wehave,YourHonor.是的庭上Whatisthesentence?判刑结果是什么?Death.死刑Ineedtoseehimbeforewego.在走之前我要去看他Perry.派瑞They"regoingtotransferyouuptoLansingtoday.他们要把你转到兰辛监狱You"llhavetomakesuretoputmeonthevisitorslist.你必须记得把我列入访客名单OtherwiseIcan"tseeyou.否则我就见不到你了I"mgoingtohelpfindyouaproperlawyer.我要替你找适合的律师Youneedaseriouslawyerforanappeal.你需要好律师帮你上诉NowtheytookDicklastnight.他们昨晚把狄克带走了AndIneedyoutogethimtodothesamething...我要你叫他也这么做...andjustputmeonthevisitorslist.把我列入访客名单AndIthought,quot;Wheredoesthefamilyeat?quot;Youknow?我心想:quot;这家人在哪吃饭?quot;你知道吗?Imean,doeshe,like,reachhishandthroughthebars...是他把手伸出铁栅...andhavedinnerwitheveryonearoundthetable?然后跟餐桌上的大家一起吃吗?Nelle,kudoson...KilltheBird,isit?妮欧恭喜你啦!那本书叫《梅港》是吧?That"sclose.Thankyou.That"smarvelous.Who"syourpublisher?很接近了谢谢太好了是哪家出版社?Lippincott.Yes.It"sachildren"sbook,right?立滨卡特出版社对那是本童书吧?Yes.No,no.It"saboutchildren.是的不不是关于孩子的书Yes.Yes,I"veheardalotaboutit.是的我常常听说呢Good.Congratulations.很好恭喜Thankyou.Ididn"tevenknowshewrote.谢谢我根本不知道她有写作He"ssadandhe"sshy.他很难过且害羞Andhe"sterrified.而且吓坏了Theyshotgunnedtheentirefamilyintheface.他们拿步amp;hearts;枪amp;hearts;往全家人的头部开枪AndIthought,atfirst,quot;I"mgonnabescaredofthesemen.quot;我本来以为:quot;这两人会让我害怕quot;quot;I"mgonnarun,runrighthome.quot;quot;我要马上逃回家quot;Actually,thebrotherinthefamily...但实际上那家中的小弟...Kenyonishisname...名叫肯安的...theyhadplacedapillowunderhishead...他们还把枕头放在他头部下方...andthenshothimpoint-blankintheface.然后直接往他脸上开枪Almostasiftheywereputtinghimtosleep...简直就像他们要先让他睡着...andthenshothim.然后才射杀他Thisisthestartofagreatloveaffair.这是伟大恋情的开始Yeah.TrumaninlovewithTruman.对楚门爱上了楚门ThebookI"mwritingwillreturnhimtotherealmofhumanity.我要写的这本书会让他重拾有人性的一面It"sthebookIwasalwaysmeanttowrite.这是我一直以来就想写的书Well,hehasn"tactuallywrittenawordofityet...他还没写下一个字...buthesaysit"sthenonfictionbookofthedecade...但他说那会是一部重要的非虚构小说所以...So...所以...whathaveyoubeendoing?你最近做了些什么事?AndI"lltellyou...告诉你哦...IwasinMarilyn"sapartmentjustlastweek,talkingaboutmovie s,art.上礼拜我在玛莉莲的住处谈论电影和艺术FinallyIhadtobreakittoher最后我实在不得不告诉她thatofthefourMatisseshangingonherwall...她墙上那四幅马蒂斯画作...twowereupsidedown.有两幅挂颠倒了CanIhaveanother,please?再来一杯好吗?Toansweryourquestion,I"mfollowingBreakfastatTiffany"s...来回答你的问题吧相较于《第凡内早餐》...byblazingadifferentpath.我以截然不同的方式写这本书Byinventinganentirelynewkindofwriting.我发明了全新的写作方式Thenonfictionnovel.非虚构小说Youhaveasubject?Yes.你有题材了吗?有OnthenightofNovember14...11月14日的晚上...twomenbrokeintoaquietfarmhouseinKansas两个男人闯入堪萨斯州的一栋宁静农庄andmurderedanentirefamily.谋杀了农庄全家Now,whydidtheydothat?他们为什么要这么做?Twoworldsexistinthiscountry.这国家中有两个世界Thequiet,conservativelife,andthelifeofthosetwomen.一个是宁静保守的生活另一个是这两人的生活Theunderbelly.Thecriminallyviolent.边缘人犯罪暴amp;hearts;力amp;hearts;Andthoseworldsconvergedthatbloodynight.这两个世界在那血腥的夜晚会集Now,Ispentthepastthreemonths...过去三个月来...interviewingeveryoneinKansastouchedbythatviolence.我访谈了堪萨斯市里每个跟那件暴amp;hearts;力amp;hearts;案子有关的人士NowIspenthourstalkingtothekillers...花了数小时跟凶手交谈...andI"llspendmore.我还会继续下去"Causeresearchingthisworkhaschangedmylife.因为研究这件事已经改变了我的人生Youknow,it"salteredmypointofviewaboutalmosteverything.几乎改变了我对一切事情的观点Yeah.对AndIthinkthosewhoreaditwillbesimilarlyaffected.我认为只要看过这件案子的人都会受到类似的影响Soyoufindthemanewlawyer.所以你替他们找了新律师Well,they"refacingexecutioninsixweeks.他们六周后就要被处决了Youknow,theyneedsomeonetoarguewhetherornotthat"sright.他们需要有人来争辩这样是否正确Okay.好AndI"dalsoliketoseethemalive.我也希望看到他们活着Well...Yeah.哦...对Yeah,Ineedtoheartheirstories.对我要听他们的故事Well,justbecarefulwhatyoudotogetwhatyouwant.嗯要小心进行取得你想要的东西I"mfindingthemalawyer.我要替他们找律师Truman,you"refindingyourselfalawyer.楚门你是在替自己找律师No,I"mfindingthemalawyer.不我要替他们找律师There"sadifference.这是不同的TheWardenwillseeyounow.典狱长可以见你了Well,wedoallrightbyourboys.我们对待犯人很好Showersonceaweek.Feedthemgood.每周一次淋浴供食充足We"llbefeedingPerrySmithintheinfirmarysoon如果派瑞史密斯再不吃东西ifhedon"teat.我们很快就得送他进医务室了Tryandgetthefoodinthroughhisarm.试着从手臂静脉注射食物I"msorry,whatareyoutalkingabout?对不起你在说什么?Well,hehasn"teateninamonth.他已经一个月没吃东西了Itain"thisrighttokillhimself.他没有自杀的权利It"stherightofthepeople.那是人amp;hearts;民amp;hearts;的权利Thepeopleofthisstate.本州的人amp;hearts;民amp;hearts;Andthat"swhoIworkfor,thepeople.而我为人amp;hearts;民amp;hearts;工作Noonetoldme.Yeah,hewon"teat.没人告诉我对他不肯吃WhencanIseehim?Well,letmesee.我何时能见他?我来看看Howaboutyoucoming3:00,Thursdayafternoon?星期四下午3点来怎么样?No.不That"snogood.这样不好Ineedtoseethemnow.我现在就得见他们ThenwheneverIwant,foraslongasIwant.而且时间随我定想见多久就见多久Well,that"sjustnothowwedothingsaroundhere,Mr.Capote.卡波特先生我们这里做事情自有规矩Yeah,Iunderstandwhataburden...对我能了解无限探访...unlimitedvisitationmightbeonthisinstitution...对这座监狱以及...andonthepeoplewhopayforit.对纳税人amp;hearts;民amp;hearts;造成的重担AndIwanttobeclear...我想说清楚的是...thatIdon"texpectthecitizensofLeavenworthCounty...我认为莱芬沃斯郡的公民...tohavetoshoulderthatburden.不该共同承受那个重担Thisistobedispensedasyouseefit.这些就让你自amp;hearts;由amp;arts;支用Youknow,Ididn"tknowwheretocountyourboyatfirst...刚开始我并不知道如何将你朋友归类...himbeinghalf-lndian.因为他有一半印地安人血统ButIdidhimafavor.Icountedhimasawhiteman.但我帮了个忙把他当成白人You"reakindandgenerousman.你真是仁慈又大方Spreadyourfeet.双腿张开Thisway.这边走Hey,hey.Yeah,hello.嘿哈罗Hey,thanksalotforyourhelpwiththelawyer.嘿非常谢谢你帮忙找律师Oh,that"sfine.噢那没什么Wow.Youmustbereallydesperateforastorytocomeallthewayouthere.哇你一定超想写报道才会大老远跑来这里YouwanttogoseePerry,goahead.你想看派瑞去吧Thankyou.谢谢Youwantmyadvice,though,Mr.Capote...给你个建议卡波特先生...he"sjusttryingtoprovetheinsanitydefense.他只是在装疯卖amp;hearts;amp;hearts;傻来逃避刑责It"sokay.没事的It"sokay.没事的It"sTruman.It"syourfriend.我是楚门你的朋友It"sokay.没事的Thisisbeforeshehadus.这是她生我们之前的Beforeshestarteddrinking.在她开始酗酒之前Whotookcareofyouasachild?你还小的时候由谁照顾?Orphanage.孤儿院MeandLinda.我和琳达Andthat"syoursister?那是你姐姐?Youknow,we"renotsodifferentasyoumightthink.你我之间并没有你想像中那么不同Yeah,Iwasabandonedrepeatedlyasachild.对我小时候不断被人遗弃Mymamawoulddragmealongtosomenewtown...我妈会带着我到新城镇...soshecouldtakeupwithanothermanshe"dmet.好跟另一个男人交往Nightafternight,she"dlockmeinthehotelroomalone.每晚她都把我独自一人锁在旅馆房amp;hearts;间Mamawouldturnthelatchandtellthestaffnottoletmeoutnomatterwh at.我妈会拉上门栓并告诉管amp;hearts;理amp;hearts;员amp;hearts;无论如何不能让我出去AndIwasterrified.我吓坏了AndI"dscreammyheadoff...我大声叫喊...untilfinallyI"dcollapse...最后崩溃在...onthecarpetnexttothedoorandI"dfallasleep.门边的地毯上然后睡着Thenafteryearsofthis...这样过了几年之后...shejustleftme...她把我丢给...withrelativesinAlabama.阿amp;hearts;拉amp;hearts;巴马州的亲戚Whoraisedyouup?谁扶养你长大?Myaunts.我阿姨Andthat"swhereImetNelle.因此我认识了妮欧Andshelivednextdoor.她就住在隔壁YourmotherwasIndian?你妈是印地安人?Cherokee.柴罗基族Sodrinkingwasnotagoodthingforher.那喝酒对她可不是好事了Notoleranceforit.完全没酒量We"reonsuicidewatch.我们受到自杀监控That"swhytheyleavethelightsonatnight.所以他们才整夜不关灯Ihopewe"repastthatnow.希望那念头已经过去了Ido.真的BecarefulofRicardo.小心李察Ithinkhewantsyoualltohimself.我想他要独占你的注意Allright.好的Buthe"snaturallymendacious.但他天性虚伪Nottobetrusted.不要信任他Ifhehad$100,he"dstealastickofchewinggum.如果他有100元美金就会去偷一条泡泡糖Perry,Iwanttotakeyournotebookswithme.派瑞我要带走你的日记本Iwanttoreadthem.我想好好看看IfIleaveherewithoutunderstandingyou...如果我在不了解你的情况下离去...theworldwillseeyouasamonster...全世界都会把你当成怪物...always.直到永远Idon"twantthat.我不想那样"Causehetrustsme.Imean,that"swhyhegaveittome.因为他信任我所以才会把日记给我Andhe"sgivenmeabsolutelyeverything.他把一切都给我了Andhewantssobadlytobetakenseriously...他极度想要被重视...tobeheldinsomeesteem.被人尊重Doyou?你呢?DoIwhat?我什么?Doyouholdhiminesteem,Truman?楚门你尊重他吗?Well...这...he"sagoldmine.他是个金矿Andhe"stoldmehisentirelife.他告诉了我他的一生Hisdeadmother.他死去的母亲Hehadabrotherandasisterkillthemselves.他还有一个哥哥和一个姐姐都自杀了Awful.好惨Didyoutellhimyourmamadidthesamething?你有没有说你妈也有那么做?See,Ican"ttellhimeverything.我不能什么都讲We"vebeentalkingourheadsoffforthepastmonth.过去这个月来我们谈了一大堆Andsometimes...有时候...whenIthinkhowgoodmybookcanbe...。

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