
1. 传统建筑结构设计的特点(1)木结构和砖石结构相结合传统建筑结构设计通常采用木结构或砖石结构,两者相结合,又称为“斗拱结构”。
2. 传统建筑结构设计的优点(1)环保节能传统建筑结构设计采用木结构和砖石结构相结合的方式,木材可再生性好,符合环保要求,能够有效地降低建筑能耗,从而实现节能减排的目的。
3. 传统建筑结构设计的不足(1)抗震性较弱传统建筑结构设计中使用的木结构和砖石结构在抗震性上较弱,可能存在一定的安全隐患。
4. 结论传统建筑结构设计在环保节能、文化价值等方面存在着很多优点,但在抗震性和空间利用方面还需要不断的优化和改进。

《会计英语(1)》课程教学大纲(Accounting English(one))课程编号:学分: 3学时: 45 (其中:讲课学时:45 实验学时:0 上机学时:0 )先修课程:大学英语后续课程:适用专业:会计开课部门:经济管理学院一、课程的性质与目标课程性质:本课程属于会计专业的专业必修课程。
二、课程的主要内容及基本要求第一课会计:一个信息系统(4 课时)[知识点]会计的定义、概念和功能的英语表达;财务会计与管理会计区别与联系。
第二课资产负债表的资产部分(4 课时)[知识点]资产的定义、概念和功能的英语表达;资产的分类及其特点。
[基本要求]通过学习,使学生掌握关于资产及其分类的基本的定义、概念、功能等的英语表达,以及资产负债表的基本结构第三课资产负债表的负债与所有者权益部分(4 课时)[知识点]负债的定义、概念和功能的英语表达;债务的分类及其功能。
第四课利润表(2 课时)[知识点]利润的定义、概念和功能的英语表达;利润的构成及其作用。
第五课分类账账户(2 课时)[知识点]分类账户的定义、概念和功能的英语表达;分类账的作用。
会计英语第三版课程设计 (2)

1. 会计基础
2. 会计准则和法规
3. 财务分析和财务管理
4. 听力和口语练习
5. 英语写作技巧

三、课程教学目标1、知识目标●掌握225个会计术语的英语表达;●掌握以下章节的英语基本表达:会计概述、会计循环(1、2)、金融资产、存货、非流动资产、负债、收入和费用、所有者和股东权益、财务报表;●掌握基本的财务分析思路英语表达.2、能力目标●能用英语做出一个会计循环;●运用英语做出一个财务分析报告.3、素质目标●掌握常用会计英语表达的习惯;●能基于本学期学过的够用的会计英语知识,运用互联网及会计英语资料,拓展会计英语知识.4、教学内容、教学要求及学时分配1、各单元知识点及考核要求1.财务报表概述;2.三种会计报表;3.编制财务报表的流1.熟记会计专业词汇和习惯用语; 11第十单元 财务报表程;4.会计部门的一项新 2.背诵有关的名词解释,如资产负 债表、利润表、现金流量表等; 3工作;5.财务报表附注披露;6.财务报表分析.3.训练并学会编制前两张报表.5、教学建议本课程中教学以理论课为主,实验课根据教学进度和所学内容插入安排。
教师在授课过程中,应深入省浅出,侧重重点,使学生完成课程目标和任务,同 时教师应注重学生自学能力和创新意识的培养,帮助学生了会计英语的最新发 展动态。
在教学方法上建议采用讨论式、启发式、自主式的方法以调动学生的思 维、激发学生的主动求知欲,力求让学生在轻松活泼的气氛中体会学习的快乐。
另外,多媒体课件可以增加一些声音和视觉的刺激以帮助学生加深对理论知识 的理解和领悟。

1、硬件要求:高性能计算机一台;2、软件配置: Windows XP及相关的操作系统软件。

一、设计原则会计专业英语教学大纲的设计应遵循以下原则:1. 全面性:大纲应涵盖会计专业所需的各个方面,包括财务会计、管理会计、审计、税务等。
2. 系统性:大纲应按照一定的逻辑顺序和层次进行组织,使学生能够逐步深入理解和掌握会计专业英语的知识体系。
3. 实用性:大纲应注重培养学生的实际应用能力,使他们能够运用所学的会计专业英语知识解决实际问题。
4. 灵活性:大纲应具有一定的灵活性,以适应不同学生的学习需求和教学环境的变化。
二、教学内容会计专业英语教学大纲的内容应包括以下几个方面:1. 会计基础知识:包括会计原理、会计准则、会计报表等基本概念和知识。
2. 专业词汇和术语:学生应学习并掌握与会计专业相关的词汇和术语,以便能够准确地理解和运用。
3. 专业写作技巧:学生应学习并掌握会计专业英语的写作技巧,包括报告、备忘录、信函等不同形式的写作。
4. 专业听说能力:学生应通过听取和参与会计专业相关的讨论、演讲等活动,提高自己的听说能力。
5. 专业阅读能力:学生应学习并掌握会计专业英语的阅读技巧,能够理解和分析与会计专业相关的文献和资料。
1. 教师讲授:教师可以通过讲解、示范等方式向学生传授会计专业英语的知识和技能。
2. 学生讨论:学生可以通过小组讨论、案例分析等方式,共同探讨和解决与会计专业相关的问题。
3. 实践活动:学生可以通过实践活动,如模拟实验、实地考察等,将所学的会计专业英语知识应用到实际情境中。

三、教学内容1. 会计英语基础•英语发音和语音基础•基本英语语法和句型•会计英语常用词汇和术语解析2. 会计英语听说•畅谈会计工作和业务•交流财务报表和财务分析•解读会计政策和国际会计准则3. 会计英语阅读•阅读会计文献和专业期刊•理解会计报表和财务报告•掌握财务分析和预算管理技能4. 会计英语写作•书写会计凭证和账簿•写作会计报表和业务汇报•撰写会计研究和专业文章四、考核方式本课程采用多种方式进行考核,包括作业、考试、演讲和论文等。
具体考核方式和成绩占比如下:•出勤率:15%•课堂参与和作业:30%•期中考试:20%•期末考试:25%•个人演讲:5%•论文撰写:5%五、参考教材1.Jubb, R. A. (2003). English for accounting. Cengage LearningEMEA.2.Bussmann, H. (2001). Dictionary of accounting: English-German, German-English. Walter de Gruyter.3.Wójcik-Mazur, A. (2016). The Role of the English Languagein the Globalization of Accounting and Auditing: HistoricalBackground and Contemporary Solutions. Springer.六、教学方法本课程采用分层教学、问题驱动、案例教学和讲授相结合的教学方法。

6学时6 8学时

《会计英语》课程教学大纲适用班级:会计电算化(专科班)课程名称:会计英语学时数:4 X 16 = 64 (学时)教材名称及作者、出版社、出版时间:《会计英语基础教程》吴冰主编,任丽萍、赵蕊芬副主编,北京大学出版社出版,2005年7月第1版,21世纪全国高职高专财经管理类规划教材本大纲主笔人:白清意一、课程的目的、要求和任务:本课程的目的是培养学生运用专业英语进行财务会计工作的能力,要求学生学习和掌握会计专业的英语名词术语及其英文定义、常用会计科目英文名称、英文日记账的记录、过帐技能、用英文进行调帐和结帐、常用英文财务报表的编制。
大纲的基本内容及学时分配课题名称基本要求学时分配周次第5学期以下内容均为双语讲授、英文操作Chaper1The Fundamental Accounting 会计原则与概念会计分类及职能12 1-3Concepts & PrinciplesChapter 2Debits & Credits:The Double-Entry System 借记和贷记的规则、复式记账制度、记账操作复习与练习8 4-5Chapter 3 Jounalizing & Posting Transactions 普通日记账、特种日记账的概念日记帐记账操作分类账过帐操作复习与练习12 6-8Chapter 4Financial Statements 常用财务报表:损益表、资本变动表、资产负债表报表之间的关系报表编制复习与练习8 9-10Chapter 5 Adjusting & Closing Procedures 调帐和结帐程序调帐分录编写结帐分录编写复习与练习12 11-13Chapter 6 财务意识12 14-1Review:Financial Awareness 损益账户比较资产负债表现金流量表复习与练习6三、与其他课程的关系:本课程是会计电算化专业的骨干课程之一,是《会计原理》、《财务会计》的后续课程,是从事涉外会计工作不可缺少的专业技能课程。

三、教学条件多媒体设施四、教学内容及学时安排(一)单元Unit1: Investment教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 1 is to discuss investment. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to investment. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the term、phrase and expression about investment2. to be familiar with different forms of investment3.to know the relationship between investment and market、comparison principle and arbitrage教学重点难点:1. 4 different forms of investment2. Comparison principle教学方法:Inspiration-induced理论教学内容:1. Several categories of investment2. Investment analysis3. Investment and markets实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, students must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of investment.实验内容:Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of investment.实验内容:High Interest Investment Account3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of investment by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容: Exercises of the reading text(二)单元 Unit2: Marketing教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 2 is to discuss market and marketing.Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to marketing. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of marketing2. to be familiar with the concept and feature of marketing3. to know the essential and importance of price教学重点难点:1. Market and marketing2. Consumer products3. Price and pricing4. Price in the marketing mix教学方法:Case Study、Graphic Methods理论教学内容:1. Market2. Marketing3. Price and pricing实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of market and marketing.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of market and marketing.实验内容:The Ad for Michelin Product3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of market and marketing by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(三)单元 Unit3: Electronic Commerce教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 3 is to discuss Electronic Commerce and the Electronic Commerce revolution. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to electronic commerce. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of e-commerce2. to be familiar with the concept and categories and impact of e-commerce3. to know the history of development of e-commerce教学重点难点:1. The definition of EC2. The essence of EC3. The special terms of EC教学方法:Case Study、Graphic Methods理论教学内容:1. What is electronic commerce2. Categories of electronic commerce3. Impact of electronic commerce4. The internet revolution5. Next-generation markets实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of electronic commerce.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of electronic commerce.实验内容:Telegraphic Transfer3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of electronic commerce by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(四)单元 Unit4: Banking教学时数: 4.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 4 is to discuss the early development of banking and the investment in stock market. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to banking. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of banking2. to be familiar with the history of development of banking3. to know the investment in stock market教学重点难点:1. The development of Banking2. The characteristics of banking3. The special terms教学方法:Case Study、Graphic Methods理论教学内容:1. Goldsmiths become bankers2. Early banking in North America3. No national regulation of banking4. U.S. banking Legislation5. Investment in Stock Market实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of banking.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to thepassage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of banking.实验内容: Opening a Savings Account3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of banking by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(五)单元 Unit5: Unemployment教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 5 is to discuss the topic of unemployment. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to unemployment. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of unemployment2. to be familiar with the different reasons of unemployment3. to know the impact of unemployment on society and the economy教学重点难点:1. The causes of unemployment2. The impact of unemployment on society and the economy3. Special terms4. Language points教学方法:Case Study、Graphic Methods理论教学内容:1. Impact on society and the economy2. Cost3. Benefit4. Debate on unemployment实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ abil ity of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of unemployment.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of unemployment.实验内容: Talking about a Job3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of unemployment by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(六)单元 Unit6: WTO教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 6 is to discuss the topic of WTO. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to WTO. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of WTO2. to be familiar with the benefits of WTO trading system3. to know the history of WT0教学重点难点:1. To understand the benefits of the WTO trading system2. To get some basic information about WTO3. Special terms教学方法:Case Study理论教学内容:1. The system settles disputes constructively2. The system makes life easier for all3. The system gives consumers more choices4. World trade organization实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of WTO.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of WTO.实验内容: Over Coffee3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of WTO by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(七)单元 Unit7: Insurance教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 7 is to discuss the topic of insurance.Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to insurance. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of insurance2. to be familiar with the reasons and importance of insurance3. to know the different types of insurance教学重点难点:1. To understand the reasons and importance of insurance2. To describe different types of insurance3. Special terms教学方法:Case Study理论教学内容:1. Introduction2. Reasons for insurance3. The importance of insurance实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve s tudents’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of insurance.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of insurance.实验内容:An Exclusive Interview on Unemployment Insurance3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of insurance by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(八)单元 Unit8: International Trade教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 8 is to discuss the topic of international trade. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to international trade. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of international trade2. to be familiar with the reasons and benefits of international trade3. to know the types of trading教学重点难点:1. To understand the reasons and benefits of international trade2. Special terms教学方法:Case Study理论教学内容:1. Reasons for international trader2. Benefits of international trade3. Contract terms实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of international trade.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to thepassage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of international trade.实验内容: Confirming the Delivery3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of international trade by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(九)单元 Unit9: Logistics教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 9 is to discuss the topic of logistics. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to logistics. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of logistic2. to be familiar with the global logistics environment3. to know how to making strategy of logistic教学重点难点:1. The global logistics environment2. Special terms教学方法:Case Study理论教学内容:1. Multi-lateral trade organization2. Cultural issues in logistics3. Controlling the global logistics system实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of logistic.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of logistic.实验内容: Correcting a Mistake on Delivery3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of logistic by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text(十)单元 Unit10: Inflation教学时数: 3.5教学目标:The purpose of Unit 10 is to discuss the topic of inflation. Student would be to learn new words, phrases and expressions and information related to inflation. They also need analyze and apply the language points about the topic flexibly.1. to acquire the special terms and phases about the topic of inflation2. to be familiar with 3 categories of inflation3. to know the difference between high inflation and low inflation教学重点难点:1. Three categories of inflation2. Special terms教学方法:Case Study理论教学内容:1. Three strains of inflation2. Impact on income and wealth distribution3. Impact on economic efficiency实践教学内容:1.听力测试目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of listening, student must do spot dictation and choose the best answers to 3 questions by listening 2 passages about the topic of inflation.实验内容: Exercise 1 Spot dictation; Exercise 2 Listen to the passage2.朗读练习目的要求:In order to improve students’ ability of speaking, students following teacher would practice their spoken English in the class by a dialogue about the topic of inflation.实验内容: Dealing with Inflation3.阅读练习目的要求:Student would acquire the special phases、 terms and expressions about the topic of inflation by doing exercises of reading and understand these language points and translate some sentences.实验内容:Exercises of the reading text五、各教学环节学时分配六、考核方式及评分办法①考核方式及形式(方式:考试;形式:闭卷笔试)。

《会计英语》教学大纲一、课程基本情况开课单位:工商管理学院课程编码:由学校统一编定总学时:48学时总学分:3修课方式:必修考核方式:考查先修课程:大学英语、中级财务会计、高级财务会计教材:《Accounting English》于久洪主编,中国人民大学出版社参考书:《会计专业英语》常勋等编著,立信会计出版社《会计英语》孟焰等编著,经济科学出版社二、课程的性质、任务与目的本课程是工科会计专生本类专业基础课程之一,也是专生本学生学习和掌握会计专业术语和西方财务会计基本内容的主要课程。
三、课程内容、基本要求与学时分配(一)OVERVIEW OF ACCOUNTING (3学时)1.Learning from What Is Accounting, Divisions of Accountants’Work.Understanding Accounting Concepts and Principles and Accounting Equation.2.Learning from Accounting Elements and Effect of Business Transactions upon the Accounting Equation.(二)ACCOUNTING CYCLE AND BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (9学时)1.Learning from What Is Accounting Cycle. Mastering The Ledger and Debit and Credit Entries. Understanding Double-entry Accounting and The Journal.2.Mastering Adjusting Entries and Closing the Accounts. Mastering The BasicFinancial Statements.(三) CASH AND MARKETABLE SECURITIES1.Learning from Cash concept. Understanding cash entries.2.Mastering Marketable Securities contents.(四) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE1. Understanding Accounts Receivable. Mastering Dealing With Uncollectible Accounts Receivable. Understanding Different Approaches to Estimating Credit Losses.2.Learning from Managing Accounts Receivable.(五) INVENTORY SECTION1.Mastering Two System of Inventory Accounting.2.Mastering Inventory Measurement. Learning from inventory control.(六) LONG-LIVED ASSETS SECTION1.Learning from Acquisition of Plant Assets.2.Mastering Depreciation methods. Mastering Disposal of Plant and Equipment.3.Mastering Intangible Assets and Natural Resources.(七) CURRENT LIABILITIES SECTION1.Mastering Accounts Payable and Notes Payable.2.Mastering Accrued Liabilities and Unearned Revenue.3.Understanding Loss Contingencies.(八) LONG-TERM LIABILITIES AND LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS1.Mastering Long-term Liabilities.2.Mastering Long-term Investments.(九) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS1.Learning from Purposes and Uses of the Statement of Cash Flows.2.Understanding Format of the Statement of Cash Flows.3.Mastering Preparation of the Statement of Cash Flows.(十) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS1.Mastering Horizontal Analysis and Vertical Analysis.2.Mastering Ratio Analysis.(十一) INTRODUCTION TO COST ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING1.Learning from Measurement Theory.2.Understanding The Role of the Management Accountant in the Management Process.3.Mastering cost accounting allocation methods, such as Job Order Costing Systemand Process Costing system.(十二) CAPITAL INVESTMENT DECISION1.Learning from Types of Capital Investment Decision.2.Mastering Non-discounting Methods and Discounting Methods.(十三) BUDGET PRAPARATION1.Learning from What Is Budget and Functions of Budget.2.Mastering Budget Preparation.(十四) INTRODUCTION TO PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTING AND CORPORATION ACCOUNTING1.Learning from Significant Features of a Partnership and Stockholders’Equity.2.Mastering Allocating Partnership Net Income among the partners, Admission ofa New partner and Liquidation of a Partnership.3.Mastering Authorization and Issuance of Capital Stock. Understanding Commonstocks and Preferred Stocks. Mastering Dividends and Treasury Stock.四、课程的其它教学环节←(宋体,加黑,小4号字,1.5倍间距)实验(上机、设计、参观)内容与基本要求:(一)Financial statement (2 hours)Mastering the preparation of statements and the analysis.(二)Accounting cycle (2 hours)Mastering how to operate the accounting cycle.(三)Investment making-decision sectionMastering discounting method and cases analysis.五、教学手段与教学方法教师教授主要知识点和专业术语,并进行会计英语核算练习和应用文写作,并进行课堂英语对话及演讲,同时进行专业术语听力,并对以前的讲解内容进行测验,对外企的账务处理进行实务练习,同时对成本会计和管理会计的基本术语进行介绍。

Syllabus and review for final examIntroduction:This is an introductory course in financial accounting intended for students with no previous exposure to financial accounting. It aims at providing the necessary tools for students to read, understand, analyze and extract information from financial statements. The course adopts a user approach of accounting by emphasizing the relation between accounting data and the underlying economic events that generated them, and how this knowledge is helpful in decision-making.The course focuses initially on how to record economic events in the accounting records and how to prepare and interpret the primary financial statements (i.e., the balance sheet,the income statement, and the statement of cash flows).Main Course Objective:Provide tools to read, understand, and analyze financial statements.Question 1 costing method for inventory Stylish Jeans Company markets blue jeans and uses a perpetual inventory system to account for its merchandise. The beginning balance of the inventory and transactions during the year were as follows:January 1: Balance: 350 units at €52 eachMarch 12: Purchased 175 units at €61 each.May 21: Sold 260 units for a selling price of €112 each.July 8: Purchased 300 units at €73.October 31: Sold 320 units for a selling price of €112 each.Required1. Calculate cost of goods available for sale and units available for sale for the year.2. Calculate units remaining in ending inventory.3. Calculate the currency value of cost of goods sold and ending inventory usinga) FIFOb) Weighted averageRound to two decimal places.1.Beg. 350 units @ €52= €18,200Mar. 12 175 units @ 61 = 10,675July 8 300 units @ 73 = 21,900UnitsAvailable 825 units €50,775Cost of goods available for sale2. Units in ending inventory:Units available 825Less: Units sold 580Ending Inventory 2453.(b) Weighted-average perpetualQuestion 2 accounting for bad debtsBeleVu Supplies showed the following selected adjusted balances at itsDecember 31, 2011 year end:During the year 2012, the following selected transactions occurred:1. Sales totalled €2,960,000, of which 25% were cash sales (cost of sales€1,804,000).2. Sales returns were €114,000, half regarding credit sales. The returnedmerchandise was scrapped.3. An account for €24,000 was recovered.4. Several accounts were written off; €39,000.5. Collections from credit customers totalled €1,880,000 (excluding the recovery in(3) above).Requireda. Prepare the December 31, 2012 adjusting entry to estimate bad debts, assuming that uncollectible accounts are estimated to be 1% of net credit sales.b. Show how accounts receivable will appear on the December 31, 2012 statement offinancial position.c. What will bad debts expense be on the statement of comprehensive income for theyear ended December 31, 2012?d. Prepare the December 31, 2012 adjusting entry to estimate bad debts, assumingthat uncollectible accounts are estimated to be 3% of outstanding receivables.e. Show how accounts receivable will appear on the December 31, 2012 statement offinancial position.f. What will bad debt expense be on the statement of comprehensive income for theyear ended December 31, 2012?a. Dec. 31 Bad Debt Expense 21,630 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 21,630 2,220,000 – 57,000 = 2,163,000 2,163,000 × 1% = 21,630b. Current assets: Accounts receivable € 742,000 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (23,310) € 718,690 ORCurrent assets: Accounts receivable (net of €23,310 estimated uncollectible accounts) € 718,690c.d. Dec.31 Bad Debt Expense ................................................... 20,580 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts .................... 20,580 742,000 × 3% = 22,260 – 1,680 = 20,580Calculations:× 3%€22,260e.Current assets:Accounts receivable €742,000Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (22,260) €719,740 ORCurrent assets:Accounts receivable (net of €22,260estimated uncollectible accounts) €719,740f. €20,580Question 3 accounting for trading investmentExtel Company’s fair value through profit or loss investments as of December 31, 2011 are as follows:Cost MarketKlondike ordinary shares €11,250 €14,875Kaffner ordinary shares 56,070 55,950IDEA ordinary shares 12,400 10,800Western ordinary shares 35,400 30,220RequiredPart 1Prepare the journal entries to record the adjustments to fair value for the fair value through profit or loss investments as per the requirements of IAS 39.Part 2Illustrate how the fair value through profit or loss investments will be reported on the statement of financial position on December 31, 2011.Illustrate what effect your adjustments would have on the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended December 31, 2011.Part 1Cost Market Difference Klondike ordinary shares €11,250€14,875€3,625Kaffner ordinary shares 56,070 55,950 (120)IDEA ordinary shares 12,400 10,800 (1,600) Western ordinary shares 35,400 30,220 (5,180)2011Dec. 31 FVPL investments — Klondike shares 3,625Unrealized gain on FVPL investments 3,625€14,875 –€11,250 = €3,62531 Unrealized loss on FVPL investments (120)FVPL investments — Kaffner shares (120)€55,950 –€56,070 = (€120)31 Unrealized loss on FVPL investments ...................................... 1,600FVPL investments — IDEA shares .................................... 1,600 €10,800 –€12,400 = (€1,600)31 Unrealized loss on FVPL investments ...................................... 5,180FVPL investments — Western shares ................................ 5,180 €30,220 –€35,400 = (€5,180)Part 2Statement of Financial Position:Current assets:Fair value through profit or loss investments .................................... €111,845 Total fair or market values = €14,875 + €55,950 + €10,800 + €30,220Statement of Comprehensive Income:Other Income and Expenses:Unrealized loss on fair value through profit or loss investments....... €3,275Net unrealized loss = €3,625 –€120 –€1,600 –€5,180 = (€3,275)Question 4 accounting for fixed assetsShield Corporation purchased a used machine for €282,000 on January 7, 2007. It was repaired the next day at a cost of €12,500 and installed on a new platform that cost €2,000. The company predicted that the machine would be used for six years and would then have a €16,200 residual value. Depreciation was to be charged on a straight-line basis. A full year’s depreciation was charged on December 31, 2007. On June 25, 2012 it was retired.Required1. Prepare journal entries to record the purchase of the machine, the cost of repairingit, and the installation. Assume that cash was paid.2. Prepare entries to record depreciation on the machine on December 31 of its firstyear and on September 30 in the year of its disposal. (Round calculations to the nearest whole dollar.)3. Prepare entries to record the retirement of the machine under each of thefollowing unrelated assumptions:a) It was sold for €42,000;b) It was sold for €32,000; andc) It was stolen and the insurance company paid €37,500 in ful l settlement of theloss claim.4. Explain the purpose of recording depreciation. If depreciation is not recorded, whatis the effect on the statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position?Part 12007Jan. 7 Machine ........................................................ 282,000Cash .................................................... 282,000 To record purchase of machine.8 Machine ........................................................ 12,500Cash .................................................... 12,500 To record capital repairs on machine.8 Machine ........................................................ 2,000Cash .................................................... 2,000 To record installation of machine.Part 2Dec. 31 Depreciation Expense, Machine .................. 46,717Accumulated Depreciation, Machine ........................................................46,717To record depreciation;(296,500 – 16,200)/6 = 46,717. 2012June. 25 Depreciation Expense, Machine .................. 23,359Accumulated Depreciation, Machine ........................................................23,359To record partial year’s depreciation; 46,717 × 6/12 = 23,359.Part 3(a)25 Accumulated Depreciation, Machine 1 ......... 256,944 Cash .............................................................. 42,000Gain on Disposal 2............................... 2,444 Machine .............................................. 296,500Sold machine for €42,000.Part 3(b)25 Accumulated Depreciation, Machine ........... 256,944 Cash .............................................................. 32,000 Loss on Disposal 3 ......................................... 7,556Machine .............................................. 296,500Sold machine for €32,000.Part 3(c)25 Accumulated Depreciation, Machine256,944 Cash37,500 Loss on Disposal4 2,056Machine296,500 Received insurance settlement.Dep. for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.Dep. for 2012.1 Accumulated depreciation = (46,717 × 5 years) + 23,359 = 256,9442Gain (Loss) = Cash Proceeds – Book Value= 42,000 – (296,500 – 256,944) = 2,4443 Gain (Loss) = Cash Proceeds – Book Value= 32,000 – (296,500 – 256,944) = (7,556)4 Gain (Loss) = Cash Proceeds – Book Value= 3,7500 – (296,500 – 256,944) = (2,056)Part 4Depreciation is the process of allocating the cost of property, plant, and equipment in a rational and systematic manner over the assets’ useful life. It is required by the expense recognition principle. If depreciation is not recorded, net income will be overstated on the statement of comprehensive income. On the statement of financial position, assets and equity will be overstated.Question 5 accounting for bonds payableApplet Inc. issued bonds on January 1, 2011, that pay interest semi-annually on June30 and December 31. The par value of the bonds is €80,000, the annual contract rateis 8%, and the bonds mature in 10 years.RequiredFor each of these three situations, (a) determine the issue price of the bonds, and (b) show the journal entry that would record the issuance, assuming the market interestrate at the date of issuance was1. 6%2. 8%3. 10%Part 1a.Par value 0.5537 €80,000€44,296Interest (annuity) 14.8775 3,200 47,608Total €91,904Premium € 11,904* The table values are based on a discount rate of 3% (half the annual market rate)and 20 periods/payments.b.2011Jan. 1 Cash......................................................................... 91,904Premium on Bonds Payable .............................. 11,904Bonds Payable ................................................... 80,000 Sold bonds on original issue date.Part 2a.Par value 0.4564 €80,000 €36,512 Interest (annuity) 13.5903 3,200 43,488 Total €80,000* The table values are based on a discount rate of 4% (half the annual market rate)and 20 periods/payments.b.2011Jan. 1 Cash......................................................................... 80,000Bonds Payable ................................................... 80,000 Sold bonds on original issue date.Part 3a.Par value 0.3769 €80,000€30,152Interest (annuity) 12.4622 3,200 39,879Total €70,031Discount €9,969* The table values are based on a discount rate of 5% (half the annual market rate)and 20 periods/payments.b.2011Jan. 1 Cash ......................................................................... 70,031Discount on Bonds Payable .................................. 9,969Bonds Payable ................................................... 80,000 Sold bonds on original issue date.Entry for period 6 interestDR interest expense 3585CR cash 3200CR discount 385Question 6 accounting for shareholders equityMajestic Inc. was authorized to issue 250,000 €1.00 noncumulative preference shares and an unlimited number of ordinary shares. During Majestic’s first month of operations, May 2011, the following selected transactions occurred:May 1 10,000 preference shares were issued at €15.00 for cash.May 5 9,000 of the ordinary shares were issued for a total of €9,000 cash.May 6 14,000 ordinary shares were issued in exchange for land valued at €30,000.The shares were actively trading on this date at €2.00 per share.May 26 The corpora tion’s promoters were given 14,000 ordinary shares for their services in organizing the corporation. The directors valued the services at€70,000.May 31 The Board of Directors declared and paid a total dividend of €12,000.May 31 The €120,000 credit balan ce in the Income Summary account was closed. May 31 The cash dividends declared were closed to retained earnings.Required1.Prepare the journal entries to record the above transactions.2.Prepare the shareholders’ equity section of the company’s statemen t offinancial position as of May 31, 2011.Part 2Majestic Inc.Partial Statement of Financial PositionMay 31, 2011Shareholders’ EquityContributed capital:Preferred shares, €1.00, non-cumulativeAuthorized: 250,000Issued and outstanding: 10,000 € 150,000 Ordinary sharesAuthorized: unlimitedIssued and outstanding: 37,000 107,000 Total contributed capital ............................ €257,000 Retained earnings ............................................... 108,000 Total shareholders’ equity .......................................... €365,000Question 7 the statement of cash flowHolliday Corp.’s statement of financial position and statement ofcomprehensive income are as follows:HOLLIDAY CORP.Comparative Statement of Financial Position InformationDecember 31Assets 2012 2011Cash ............................................................................ €150,850 €214,550 Accounts receivable ..................................................... 182,000 138,950 Merchandise inventory ................................................. 766,500 707,000 Prepaid expenses ........................................................ 15,050 17,500 Equipment .................................................................. 446,600 308,000 Accumulated depreciation ........................................ (96,950) (123,200) Total assets ................................................................. €1,464,050 €1,262,800Liabilities and Shareholder s’ EquityAccounts payable ......................................................... €246,750 €326,550 Short-term notes payable ............................................. 28,000 17,500 Long-term notes payable ............................................. 262,500 150,500 Ordinary shares ........................................................... 563,500 437,500 Retained earnings ........................................................ 363,300 330,750 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity ...................... €1,464,050 €1,262,800HOLLIDAY CORP.Statement of Comprehensive Incomefor year ended December 31, 2012Sales ............................................................................ €1,389,500 Cost of goods sold ....................................................... 700,000 Gross profit .................................................................. €689,500 Operating expenses:Depreciation expense ............................................. €52,500Other expenses ...................................................... 382,200Total operating expenses ....................................... 434,700 Income from operations ............................................... €254,800 Loss on sale of equipment ........................................... 14,350 Income taxes ............................................................... 33,950Net income ................................................................... €206,500 Other information regarding Holliday Corp.:a. All sales are credit sales.b. All credits to accounts receivable in the period are receipts from customers.c. Purchases of merchandise are on credit.d. All debits to accounts payable in the period result from payments formerchandise.e. The other operating expenses are cash expenses.f. The only decrease in income taxes payable is for payment of taxes.g. The other expenses are paid in advance and are initially debited to Prepaidexpenses.Additional information regarding Holliday Corp.’s activities during 2012:h. Loss on sale of equipment is €14,350.i. Equipment costing €131,250,with accumulated depreciation of €78,750, issold for cash.j. Equipment costing €269,850is purchased by paying cash of €70,000 and signing a long-term note payable for the balance.k. Borrowed €10,500 by signing a short-term note payable.l. Paid €87,850 to reduce a long-term note payable.m. Issued 7,000 ordinary shares for cash at €18 per share.n. Declared and paid cash dividends of €173,950.HOLLIDAY CORP.Statement of Cash FlowsNote A:The company purchased equipment for €269,850 by signing a €199,850 long-term note payable and paying €70,000 in cash.Note 2 retained earnings330,750+ profit 206,500 - 173,950(n) = 363,300Name______________ Student Number___________________HOLLIDAY CORP.Statement of Cash Flows。

《会计英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:一、课程说明1. 课程代码2. 课程类别专业选修课3. 适应专业及课程性质财务管理专业专业选修本大纲适用于财务管理、会计学及相关专业。
4. 课程目的(1)课程是在《中级财务会计》的基础上 , 以企业会计人员岗位能力为核心,对会计从业人员专业英语术语及会计循环处理能力的培养为主体。
(4)5. 学时与学分本课程课内学时为36学时,学分为2。
6. 建议先修课程本课程的先修基础课程为《大学英语》及专业相关课程《基础会计学》、《成本会计》、《管理会计》和《财务管理》。
二、课程教学基本内容及要求(1)会计概述 An overview of accounting计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握会计定义与种类(2)掌握会计要素的确认和计量要求(3)掌握会计的基本前提假设(4)掌握会计信息质量教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计要素的确认和计量;会计信息质量(2)难点:会计的基本前提假设基本内容:(1)会计与会计职业(2)会计假设(3)会计确认和计量(4)会计质量特征思考题:1.How does the job of a bookkeeper differ from that of an accountant?2.Why are ethics crucial in accounting?3.What is the basic requirement of accrual basis of accounting? What other accounting concepts or principles does this assumption interrelate?4.What does matching principle mean? Why is it important to income measurement?(2)会计循环 Accounting cycle计划学时:6 学时基本要求:(1)掌握恒等式与复式记账会计术语英语表达(2)掌握会计循环基本过程(3)掌握日记帐、总分类帐(4)掌握结账与试算平衡表编制教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计循环基本过程;掌握日记帐、总分类帐(2)难点:结账与试算平衡表编制基本内容:(1)会计等式及复式记账法(2)会计循环概述(3)日记帐及总分类帐(4)调整分录与试算平衡思考题:1.What is the significance of introducing 'accounts' in accounting?2.Describe the difference between an unadjusted trial balance, an adjusted trial balance , and a post-closing trial balance.3.At what stage of accounting cycle are the journals used ?4.Discuss the significance of using subsidiary ledgers.5.Specify the types of adjustments that need to be made at the end of each accounting period.6.What are the major steps in preparing closing entries?7.Explain the uses of the trial balance.(3)财务报表 Financial statements计划学时:6 学时基本要求:(1)掌握资产负债表英语表达(2)掌握利润及现金流量表表达(3)掌握财务报表附注(4)运用财务指标进行财务状况分析教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计报表(资产负债表,利润表,现金流量表)英语表达形式(2)难点:运用相关财务指标分析基本内容:(1)资产负债表(2)利润表(3)现金流量表(4)财务报表附注(5)财务报表分析思考题:1.Briefly describe the significance of financial statements.2.In what sense does the balance sheet be arranged?3.How can the items of an income statement be classified?4.What are the principal sources of debits and credits to Retained Earnings?5.Explain the difference between the direct and indirect methods of preparing cash flow statements .6.What are the widely used ratios? How to calculate them and what do they indicate or measure?课内实践活动计划学时:4 学时1.实践内容:阿兹利康公司财务报表分析/Financial statements analysis of AstraZeneca2.课内实践目的:通过课内实践学习学生应:1.理解相关外文年报资料2.掌握分析报告基本写作方法3.运用所学财务指标分析法对阿兹利康公司进行分析4.通过小组协作培养团队意识3.课内实践目的:(4)流动资产 Current Assets计划学时:4 学时基本要求:(1)掌握流动资产相关科目基本概念(2)理解现金管理与控制制度(Cash and Its control)应收帐款管理制度(Receivables Management)及存货管理制度(Inventory managements)(3)运用不同方法计算存货成本教学重点及难点:(1)重点:现金管理与控制制度应收帐款管理制度及存货管理制度(2)难点:存货成本计量基本内容:(1)现金及其控制(2)应收帐款(3)存货思考题:1.When do accounts receivables arise?2.Describe the procedures in which the requested balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is determined by aging the accounts receivable.3.What is meant by cost flow assumption?(5)非流动资产与投资 Non-Current Assets and Investments计划学时:4 学时基本要求:(1)掌握非流动资产(Non-Current Assets)相关科目基本概念(2)掌握长期投资(Investments)相关科目基本概念(3)运用不同方法计算折旧教学重点及难点:(1)重点:非流动资产与长期投资相关科目英语表达(2)难点:折旧计算基本内容:(1)固定资产(2)固定资产折旧(3)无形资产思考题:1.How is the cost of plant and equipment determined?2.When are post-acquisition costs capitalized rather than expensed?3.What are the causes of depreciation?4.How should R&D costs be accounted for?(6)负债Liabilities计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握流动负债(Current Liabilities)相关科目基本概念(2)掌握非流动负责(Non-current Liabilities)相关科目基本概念教学重点及难点:重点:流动负债相关科目英语表达非流动负责相关科目英语表达基本内容:(1)流动负债(2)非流动负责思考题:1.Define liability, current liability and non-current liability.2.What are bonds? Identify the types of bonds.(7)所有者权益 Owners’ Equity计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握不同企业所有者权益核算(2)理解企业不同形式教学重点及难点:(1)重点:企业不同形式(2)难点:不同企业所有者权益核算基本内容:(1)企业组织形式(2)不同企业所有者权益核算思考题:1.Distinguish between par value and marked value.2.What is treasure stock. and why do companies acquire it ?(8)收入与费用 Revenues and expenses计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握收入科目基本概念(2)掌握费用科目基本概念教学重点及难点:重点:收入科目英语表达费用科目英语表达基本内容:(1)收入(2)费用思考题:1. Clearly define expenses.2. What is the difference between direct expenses and indirect expenses?(9)其他相关会计 Other Accounting areas计划学时:1 学时基本要求:(1)掌握管理会计和成本会计基本概念(2)相关会计英语表达教学重点及难点:(1)管理会计和成本会计(2)相关会计职业及作用基本内容:(1)管理会计(2)成本会计(3)国际会计思考题:1.What is the purpose of cost accounting?2.Describe the role of management accounting in a business.(10)审计 Auditing计划学时:1 学时基本要求:(1)掌握审计流程(2)掌握内控制度教学重点及难点:(1)审计概念(2)审计流程(3)内部控制制度基本内容:(1)审计概论(2)审计流程(3)审计报告(4)内部控制思考题:1.Explain each type of audit procedures.三、课程学时分配本课程计划36学时,其中理论教学34学时,课内实践2学时。
会计英语 教学大纲

具体目标包括:1. 掌握会计专业的基本词汇和表达方式;2. 理解和运用会计英语的基本语法和句型;3. 能够阅读、理解和分析会计文献和报告;4. 能够撰写和演讲会计相关的文稿和演讲稿;5. 培养跨文化沟通和交流的能力。
二、教学内容会计英语教学的内容应包括以下方面:1. 会计基础知识:包括会计准则、会计原则、会计报表等相关知识;2. 会计词汇:学习和掌握与会计相关的专业词汇,如资产、负债、利润等;3. 会计语法和句型:学习和掌握会计英语的基本语法和句型,如被动语态、条件句等;4. 会计文献阅读:培养学生阅读和理解会计文献和报告的能力;5. 会计写作和演讲:培养学生撰写和演讲会计相关文稿和演讲稿的能力。
三、教学方法为了提高学生的学习效果,会计英语教学可以采用以下方法:1. 多媒体教学:通过使用多媒体教学工具,如投影仪、电脑等,展示会计案例、图表和报表,提升学生的视觉和听觉体验;2. 实践教学:组织学生参观实际的会计工作场所,如会计师事务所、企业财务部门等,让学生亲身体验会计工作的实际操作;3. 互动教学:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等互动方式,促进学生之间的交流和合作,提高学生的口语表达能力;4. 案例分析:引入实际案例进行分析和讨论,培养学生的问题解决能力和分析思维;5. 语言实践:鼓励学生参加会计相关的英语角、讲座或研讨会,提高学生的语言实践能力。
四、学习效果的提高为了提高学生的学习效果,可以采取以下措施:1. 个性化教学:根据学生的英语水平和学习需求,设计个性化的教学计划,提供针对性的辅导和指导;2. 多元评估:采用多种评估方式,如考试、作业、小组项目等,全面评估学生的学习成果;3. 反馈机制:及时给予学生学习反馈,鼓励学生发现自己的问题并加以改进;4. 学习资源:提供丰富的学习资源,如教材、参考书、学习网站等,帮助学生扩展知识和提高技能;5. 学习支持:为学生提供学习支持和辅导,如学习小组、学术指导等,帮助学生解决学习中的困难。

会计英语备课教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握会计基本术语和概念;(2)了解会计报表的编制和分析方法;(3)熟悉会计准则和国际会计标准。
2. 技能目标:(1)能够运用英语进行会计信息的收集、整理和分析;(3)提高会计专业英语阅读和交流能力。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的团队合作意识和跨文化交际能力。
二、教学内容1. 第一课时:会计基本概念与术语(1)会计的定义和目标;(2)会计要素及其分类;(3)会计基本假设和原则。
2. 第二课时:会计科目与账户(1)会计科目的设置;(2)账户的分类及其特点;(3)会计分录的编制。
3. 第三课时:会计报表(1)资产负债表的编制;(2)利润表的编制;(3)现金流量表的编制。
4. 第四课时:会计分析与评价(1)财务比率分析;(2)财务趋势分析;(3)企业绩效评价。
5. 第五课时:会计准则与国际会计标准(1)我国会计准则体系;(2)国际会计准则概述;(3)会计准则的国际趋同。
三、教学方法1. 任务驱动法:通过完成具体任务,引导学生主动探究会计知识;2. 案例分析法:精选会计案例,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力;3. 小组讨论法:鼓励学生分组讨论,提高团队合作意识和沟通能力;4. 互动教学法:教师与学生互动,激发学生学习兴趣和积极性。
四、教学评价1. 平时成绩:考察学生课堂参与、任务完成和小组讨论表现;2. 期中测试:测试学生对会计知识的掌握和运用能力;3. 期末考试:全面评估学生对本门课程的理解和应用水平。
五、教学资源1. 教材:选用权威、实用的会计英语教材;2. 课件:制作精美、生动的课件,辅助教学;3. 案例:收集国内外典型会计案例,用于分析讨论;4. 网络资源:利用互联网获取最新会计资讯,拓宽学生视野。
六、教学步骤1. 导入新课:通过引入实际案例,引发学生对会计英语的兴趣,介绍本节课的教学目标和内容。
2. 知识讲解:讲解本节课的主要知识点,包括会计基本概念、会计科目与账户、会计报表等,并结合实际案例进行分析。


课程教学内容第一章会计基础1.1 会计基本概念1.2 会计基本制度1.3 会计核算基础第二章财务会计2.1 财务报表2.2 资产负债表2.3 利润表和现金流量表第三章管理会计3.1 成本会计3.2 预算管理3.3 绩效评价第四章税务会计4.1 税收基本原理4.2 税务管理4.3 税务筹划第五章国际会计5.1 国际会计准则5.2 国际财务报告5.3 国际税务管制课程教学方法本课程采用多种教学方法,包括讲授、讨论、案例分析、小组合作学习、听力练习、口语演练、阅读理解等。
课程参考资料1.Warren C.S., Reeve J.M. and Duchac J.E. (2016). FinancialAccounting, 25th Edition. Cengage Learning.2.Horngren C.T., Datar S.M. and Rajan M.V. (2015). CostAccounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 14th Edition. Prentice Hall.3.Bertrand M.L. and Robb J.K. (2016). International Accountingand Multinational Enterprises, 7th Edition. South-Western CollegePub.4.王华清等编 (2018). 会计英语, 第二版. 清华大学出版社。

《会计专业英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:040242032课程英文名称:Accounting English课程总学时:32讲课:32实验:0上机:0适用专业:会计学大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.11一、大纲使用说明(一)课程的地位及教学目标会计专业英语是会计学专业开设的一门培养学生会计英语读写能力的专业选修课。
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《会计英语》课程教学大纲课程编号:一、课程说明1. 课程代码2. 课程类别专业选修课3. 适应专业及课程性质财务管理专业专业选修本大纲适用于财务管理、会计学及相关专业。
4. 课程目的(1)课程是在《中级财务会计》的基础上 , 以企业会计人员岗位能力为核心,对会计从业人员专业英语术语及会计循环处理能力的培养为主体。
(4)5. 学时与学分本课程课内学时为36学时,学分为2。
6. 建议先修课程本课程的先修基础课程为《大学英语》及专业相关课程《基础会计学》、《成本会计》、《管理会计》和《财务管理》。
二、课程教学基本内容及要求(1)会计概述 An overview of accounting计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握会计定义与种类(2)掌握会计要素的确认和计量要求(3)掌握会计的基本前提假设(4)掌握会计信息质量教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计要素的确认和计量;会计信息质量(2)难点:会计的基本前提假设基本内容:(1)会计与会计职业(2)会计假设(3)会计确认和计量(4)会计质量特征思考题:1.How does the job of a bookkeeper differ from that of an accountant?2.Why are ethics crucial in accounting?3.What is the basic requirement of accrual basis of accounting? What other accounting concepts or principles does this assumption interrelate?4.What does matching principle mean? Why is it important to income measurement?(2)会计循环 Accounting cycle计划学时:6 学时基本要求:(1)掌握恒等式与复式记账会计术语英语表达(2)掌握会计循环基本过程(3)掌握日记帐、总分类帐(4)掌握结账与试算平衡表编制教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计循环基本过程;掌握日记帐、总分类帐(2)难点:结账与试算平衡表编制基本内容:(1)会计等式及复式记账法(2)会计循环概述(3)日记帐及总分类帐(4)调整分录与试算平衡思考题:1.What is the significance of introducing 'accounts' in accounting?2.Describe the difference between an unadjusted trial balance, an adjusted trial balance , and a post-closing trial balance.3.At what stage of accounting cycle are the journals used ?4.Discuss the significance of using subsidiary ledgers.5.Specify the types of adjustments that need to be made at the end of each accounting period.6.What are the major steps in preparing closing entries?7.Explain the uses of the trial balance.(3)财务报表 Financial statements计划学时:6 学时基本要求:(1)掌握资产负债表英语表达(2)掌握利润及现金流量表表达(3)掌握财务报表附注(4)运用财务指标进行财务状况分析教学重点及难点:(1)重点:会计报表(资产负债表,利润表,现金流量表)英语表达形式(2)难点:运用相关财务指标分析基本内容:(1)资产负债表(2)利润表(3)现金流量表(4)财务报表附注(5)财务报表分析思考题:1.Briefly describe the significance of financial statements.2.In what sense does the balance sheet be arranged?3.How can the items of an income statement be classified?4.What are the principal sources of debits and credits to Retained Earnings?5.Explain the difference between the direct and indirect methods of preparing cash flow statements .6.What are the widely used ratios? How to calculate them and what do they indicate or measure?课内实践活动计划学时:4 学时1.实践内容:阿兹利康公司财务报表分析/Financial statements analysis of AstraZeneca2.课内实践目的:通过课内实践学习学生应:1.理解相关外文年报资料2.掌握分析报告基本写作方法3.运用所学财务指标分析法对阿兹利康公司进行分析4.通过小组协作培养团队意识3.课内实践目的:(4)流动资产 Current Assets计划学时:4 学时基本要求:(1)掌握流动资产相关科目基本概念(2)理解现金管理与控制制度(Cash and Its control)应收帐款管理制度(Receivables Management)及存货管理制度(Inventory managements)(3)运用不同方法计算存货成本教学重点及难点:(1)重点:现金管理与控制制度应收帐款管理制度及存货管理制度(2)难点:存货成本计量基本内容:(1)现金及其控制(2)应收帐款(3)存货思考题:1.When do accounts receivables arise?2.Describe the procedures in which the requested balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is determined by aging the accounts receivable.3.What is meant by cost flow assumption?(5)非流动资产与投资 Non-Current Assets and Investments计划学时:4 学时基本要求:(1)掌握非流动资产(Non-Current Assets)相关科目基本概念(2)掌握长期投资(Investments)相关科目基本概念(3)运用不同方法计算折旧教学重点及难点:(1)重点:非流动资产与长期投资相关科目英语表达(2)难点:折旧计算基本内容:(1)固定资产(2)固定资产折旧(3)无形资产思考题:1.How is the cost of plant and equipment determined?2.When are post-acquisition costs capitalized rather than expensed?3.What are the causes of depreciation?4.How should R&D costs be accounted for?(6)负债Liabilities计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握流动负债(Current Liabilities)相关科目基本概念(2)掌握非流动负责(Non-current Liabilities)相关科目基本概念教学重点及难点:重点:流动负债相关科目英语表达非流动负责相关科目英语表达基本内容:(1)流动负债(2)非流动负责思考题:1.Define liability, current liability and non-current liability.2.What are bonds? Identify the types of bonds.(7)所有者权益 Owners’ Equity计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握不同企业所有者权益核算(2)理解企业不同形式教学重点及难点:(1)重点:企业不同形式(2)难点:不同企业所有者权益核算基本内容:(1)企业组织形式(2)不同企业所有者权益核算思考题:1.Distinguish between par value and marked value.2.What is treasure stock. and why do companies acquire it ?(8)收入与费用 Revenues and expenses计划学时:2 学时基本要求:(1)掌握收入科目基本概念(2)掌握费用科目基本概念教学重点及难点:重点:收入科目英语表达费用科目英语表达基本内容:(1)收入(2)费用思考题:1. Clearly define expenses.2. What is the difference between direct expenses and indirect expenses?(9)其他相关会计 Other Accounting areas计划学时:1 学时基本要求:(1)掌握管理会计和成本会计基本概念(2)相关会计英语表达教学重点及难点:(1)管理会计和成本会计(2)相关会计职业及作用基本内容:(1)管理会计(2)成本会计(3)国际会计思考题:1.What is the purpose of cost accounting?2.Describe the role of management accounting in a business.(10)审计 Auditing计划学时:1 学时基本要求:(1)掌握审计流程(2)掌握内控制度教学重点及难点:(1)审计概念(2)审计流程(3)内部控制制度基本内容:(1)审计概论(2)审计流程(3)审计报告(4)内部控制思考题:1.Explain each type of audit procedures.三、课程学时分配本课程计划36学时,其中理论教学34学时,课内实践2学时。