新世纪高一英语下 课文参考译文
新世纪英语 高一下 Translation of Unit 3(book2)
![新世纪英语 高一下 Translation of Unit 3(book2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ce1afc16bec0975f465e2f2.png)
Translation of Unit 3(book2)1. 要强调孩子们的教育。
(emphasis)More emphasis should be put on children’s education.2. 他同桌叫他绰号,他感到被冒犯了。
(offend)He felt that he was offended when his desk mate called him by his nickname.3. 如果你足够仔细,许多这样的错误都能避免。
(avoid)If you are careful enough, many such mistakes can be avoided.4. 为了避免被敌人发现,士兵们躲在树后。
(avoid)To avoid being found by the enemy, the soldiers hid themselves behind the trees.5. 由于所有的座位都有人,我们不得不站着看电影。
(occupy)Because all the seats had been occupied, we had to stand and sea the movie.6. 上网占据了我大部分空余时间。
(occupy)Surfing the Internet occupies most of my spare time.7. 她为没有照顾好她儿子而感到难过。
(for doing)She felt sorry for not taking good care of her son.8.当你和外国人交谈时,应该避免谈论个人隐私。
(avoid)When you talk with foreigners, you should avoid talking about personal matters.9. 我很抱歉的通知你:我不能参加这个聚会。
( regret)I regret to inform you that I can’t join the party.10. 我记不得以前见过他。
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Unit 1 在中国旅行
在中国旅行可能很累,但也很有趣。然而,选择什么样的旅行方式却常常意味着行程 的成功与否。这里有一些关于如何在中国旅游的信息。
乘火车 乘火车可以去中国的大部分地方。一般来说,铁路服务效率高。但有时候火车上过分 拥挤,尤其是在节假日期间更是如此。买什么样的火车票取决于行程的远近。短途旅行, 硬座、软座都可以;但要长途旅行的话,最好买一张卧铺票。 乘船 有许多海上航线可以把您从中国沿海的一个港口城市带往另一个城市。也有一些内河 航线,其中最迷人的一条是重庆至上海的航线。轮船沿途经由著名的三峡风景区,游客们 可以驻足于许多的风景名城和历史古迹。 乘飞机 对于那些旅行时间有限的旅客而言,飞机通常是他们的首选。当然,您也要为这一便 利付出代价——那就是机票会更贵。中国民航以前曾是中国唯一的一家航空公司,现在则 有若干地方航空公司。在过去的几十年里,飞机的安全记录也有了很大的提高。人们通过 中国国际旅行社、宾馆的旅游服务台或者航空售票处都可以买到机票。许多大城市和有名 的旅游胜地都有飞机场。 乘公共汽车 中国的高速公路发展得很快。现在市内和城市之间都有汽车运营线路。它们的管理很 完善,价钱也很便宜。国营公共汽车按时刻表准点发车,票价便宜。另外还有私营公共汽 车。它们主要在地方线路上运营,经常要等位子全部坐满之后才出发。 骑自行车 除了以上提到的旅游方式外,骑自行车也是环城游的最好方式之一,只要您不是去重 庆(那里的街道很陡,是中国唯一自行车特别少的城市)。如果您打算在中国待上一段时间, 不妨学学本地人,自己买一辆自行车。 希望这些信息对您在中国逗留期间会有所帮助。
高级英语下册的课文中英文翻译(下)Lesson One The Company in Which I work 我工作的公司*In the company in which I work , each of us is afraid of at least one person .我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。
*The lower your position is , the more people you are afraid of . 职位越低,所惧怕的人越多。
*And all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who helped found and build the company and now own and direct it .所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握。
*All these twelve men are elderly now and drained by time 歲月滄桑and success of energy and ambition . 所有这十二位都已经上了年纪,而且岁月的沧桑和对成功的执著追求使他们心力交瘁。
*Many have spent their whole lives here .They seem friendly ,slow , and content when I come upon them in the halls and always courteous(有禮貌的) and mute 沉默不語的)when they ride with others in the public elevators . 他们中很多人在这儿干了一辈子。
当我在大厅里遇见他们时,他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而心满意足,而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时又总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语*Nobody is sure anymore who really runs the company ( not even the people who are credited with running it ) , but the company does run . 没有人知道谁真正经营这家公司(甚至连人们认为现在经营着这家公司的那些人都不知道),然而公司的确在运转。
.Face to Face with Hurricane CamilleJoseph P. Blank1 John Koshak, Jr., knew that Hurricane Camille would be bad. Radio and television warnings had sounded throughout that Sunday, last August 17, as Camille lashed northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico. It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss., where the Koshers lived. Along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, nearly 150,000 people fled inland to safer ground. But, like thousands of others in the coastal communities, john was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family -- his wife, Janis, and their seven children, abed 3 to 11 -- was clearly endangered.2 Trying to reason out the best course of action, he talked with his father and mother, who had moved into the ten-room house with the Koshaks a month earlier from California. He also consulted Charles Hill, a long time friend, who had driven from Las Vegas for a visit.3 John, 37 -- whose business was right there in his home ( he designed and developed educational toys and supplies, and all of Magna Products' correspondence, engineering drawings and art work were there on the first floor) -- was familiar with the power of a hurricane. Four years earlier, Hurricane Betsy had demolished undefined his former home a few miles west of Gulfport (Koshak had moved his family to a motel for the night). But that house had stood only a few feet above sea level. "We' re elevated 23 feet," he told his father, "and we' re a good 250 yards from the sea. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. We' II probably be as safe here as anyplace else."4 The elder Koshak, a gruff, warmhearted expert machinist of 67, agreed. "We can batten down and ride it out," he said. "If we see signs of danger, we can get out before dark."5 The men methodically prepared for the hurricane. Since water mains might be damaged, they filled bathtubs and pails. A power failure was likely, so they checked out batteries for the portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. John's father moved a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator.6 Rain fell steadily that afternoon; gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind. The family had an early supper. A neighbor, whose husband was in Vietnam, asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks. Another neighbor came by on his way in-land — would the Koshaks mind taking care of his dog?7 It grew dark before seven o' clock. Wind and rain now whipped the house. John sent his oldest son and daughter upstairs to bring down mattresses and pillows for the younger children. He wanted to keep the group together on one floor. "Stay away from the windows," he warned, concerned about glass flying from storm-shattered panes. As the wind mounted to a roar, the house began leaking- the rain seemingly driven right through the walls. With mops, towels, pots and buckets the Koshaks began a struggle against the rapidly spreading water. At 8:30, power failed, and Pop Koshak turned on the generator.8 The roar of the hurricane now was overwhelming. The house shook, and the ceiling in the living room was falling piece by piece. The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gun-like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated. Water rose above their ankles.9 Then the front door started to break away from its frame. John and Charlie put their shoulders against it, but a blast of water hit the house, flinging open the door and shoving them down the hall. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Charlie licked his lips andshouted to John. "I think we' re in real trouble. That water tasted salty." The sea had reached the house, and the water was rising by the minute!10 "Everybody out the back door to the cars!" John yelled. "We' II pass the children along between us. Count them! Nine!"11 The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. But the cars wouldn't start; the electrical systems had been killed by water. The wind was too Strong and the water too deep to flee on foot. "Back to the house!" john yelled. "Count the children! Count nine!"12 As they scrambled back, john ordered, "Every-body on the stairs!" Frightened, breathless and wet, the group settled on the stairs, which were protected by two interiorwalls. The children put the cat, Spooky, and a box with her four kittens on the landing. She peered nervously at her litter. The neighbor's dog curled up and went to sleep.13 The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. Water inched its way up the steps as first- floor outside walls collapsed. No one spoke. Everyone knew there was no escape; they would live or die in the house.14 Charlie Hill had more or less taken responsibility for the neighbor and her two children. The mother was on the verge of panic. She clutched his arm and kept repeating, "I can't swim, I can't swim."15 "You won't have to," he told her, with outward calm. "It's bound to end soon."16 Grandmother Koshak reached an arm around her husband's shoulder and put her mouth close to his ear. "Pop," she said, "I love you." He turned his head and answered, "I love you" -- and his voice lacked its usual gruffness.17 John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. He had underestimated the ferocity of Camille. He had assumed that what had never happened could not happen. He held his head between his hands, and silently prayed: "Get us through this mess, will You?"18 A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. The bottom steps of the staircase broke apart. One wall began crumbling on the marooned group.19 Dr. Robert H. Simpson, director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla., graded Hurricane Camille as "the greatest recorded storm ever to hit a populated area in the Western Hemisphere." in its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h. and raised tides as high as 30 feet. Along the Gulf Coast it devastated everything in its swath: 19,467 homes and 709 small businesses were demolished or severely damaged. it seized a 600, 000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away. It tore three large cargo ships from their moorings and beached them. Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.20 To the west of Gulfport, the town of Pass Christian was virtually wiped out. Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist, and 26 people perished.21 Seconds after the roof blew off the Koshak house, john yelled, "Up the stairs -- into our bedroom! Count the kids." The children huddled in the slashing rain within the circle of adults. Grandmother Koshak implored, "Children, let's sing!" The children were too frightened to respond. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.22 Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed. With two walls in theirbedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate, John ordered, "Into the television room!" This was the room farthest from the direction of the storm.23 For an instant, John put his arm around his wife. Janis understood. Shivering from the wind and rain and fear, clutching two children to her, she thought, Dear Lord, give me the strength to endure what I have to. She felt anger against the hurricane. We won't let it win.24 Pop Koshak raged silently, frustrated at not being able to do anything to fight Camille. Without reason, he dragged a cedar chest and a double mattress from a bed-room into the TV room. At that moment, the wind tore out one wall and extinguished the lantern. A second wall moved, wavered, Charlie Hill tried to support it, but it toppled on him, injuring his back. The house, shuddering and rocking, had moved 25 feet from its foundations. The world seemed to be breaking apart.25 "Let's get that mattress up!" John shouted to his father. "Make it a lean-to against the wind. Get the kids under it. We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders!"26 The larger children sprawled on the floor, with the smaller ones in a layer on top of them, and the adults bent over all nine. The floor tilted. The box containing the litter of kittens slid off a shelf and vanished in the wind. Spooky flew off the top of a sliding bookcase and also disappeared. The dog cowered with eyes closed. A third wall gave way. Water lapped across the slanting floor. John grabbed a door which was still hinged to one closet wall. "If the floor goes," he yelled at his father, "let's get the kids on this."27 In that moment, the wind slightly diminished, and the water stopped rising. Then the water began receding. The main thrust of Camille had passed. The Koshaks and their friends had survived.28 With the dawn, Gulfport people started coming back to their homes. They saw human bodies -- more than 130 men, women and children died along the Mississippi coast- and parts of the beach and highway were strewn with dead dogs, cats, cattle. Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees, and blown down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the roads.29 None of the returnees moved quickly or spoke loudly; they stood shocked, trying to absorb the shattering scenes before their eyes. "What do we do?" they asked. "Where do we go?"30 By this time, organizations within the area and, in effect, the entire population of the United States had come to the aid of the devastated coast. Before dawn, the Mississippi National Guard and civil-defense units were moving in to handle traffic, guard property, set up communications centers, help clear the debris and take the homeless by truck and bus to refugee centers. By 10 a.m., the Salvation Army's canteen trucks and Red Cross volunteers and staffers were going wherever possible to distribute hot drinks, food, clothing and bedding.31 From hundreds of towns and cities across the country came several million dollars in donations; household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car. The federal government shipped 4,400,000 pounds of food, moved in mobile homes, set up portable classrooms, opened offices to provide low-interest, long-term business loans.32 Camille, meanwhile, had raked its way northward across Mississippi, dropping more than 28 inches of rain into West Virginia and southern Virginia, causing rampaging floods, huge mountain slides and 111 additional deaths before breaking up over the Atlantic Ocean.33 Like many other Gulfport families, the Koshaks quickly began reorganizing their lives, John divided his family in the homes of two friends. The neighbor with her two children went to a refugee center. Charlie Hill found a room for rent. By Tuesday, Charlie's back had improved, andhe pitched in with Seabees in the worst volunteer work of all--searching for bodies. Three days after the storm, he decided not to return to Las Vegas, but to "remain in Gulfport and help rebuild the community."34 Near the end of the first week, a friend offered the Koshaks his apartment, and the family was reunited. The children appeared to suffer no psychological damage from their experience; they were still awed by the incomprehensible power of the hurricane, but enjoyed describing what they had seen and heard on that frightful night, Janis had just one delayed reaction. A few nights after the hurricane, she awoke suddenly at 2 a.m. She quietly got up and went outside. Looking up at the sky and, without knowing she was going to do it, she began to cry softly.35 Meanwhile, John, Pop and Charlie were picking through the wreckage of the home. It could have been depressing, but it wasn't: each salvaged item represented a little victory over the wrath of the storm. The dog and cat suddenly appeared at the scene, alive and hungry.36 But the blues did occasionally afflict all the adults. Once, in a low mood, John said to his parents, "I wanted you here so that we would all be together, so you could enjoy the children, and look what happened."37 His father, who had made up his mind to start a welding shop when living was normal again, said, "Let's not cry about what's gone. We' II just start all over."38 "You're great," John said. "And this town has a lot of great people in it. It' s going to be better here than it ever was before."39 Later, Grandmother Koshak reflected : "We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. W hen I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important.”(from Rhetoric and Literature by P. Joseph Canavan)第一课迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫?布兰克小约翰。
高一英语课文翻译1Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. But just how do people form a band Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may ptey to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires!However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three membersof the band.As some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to rely on other musicians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just pretended to sing. Anyhow their performances were humorous enoughto be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV,the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians. However。
高一英语课本原文及翻译1Anne’s Best Friend Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ. Her family was Jewish so nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, ”I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15th June, 1944 Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window bad to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly …I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne安妮最好的挚友你是不是想有一位无话不谈能开诚布公的挚友呢?或者你是不是担忧你的挚友会讪笑你,会不理解你目前的逆境呢?安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的挚友,于是她就把日记当成了她最好的挚友。
在中国旅行在中国旅行可能很累,但也很有趣.然而,选择什么样地旅行方式却常常意味着行程地成功与否.这里有一些关于如何在中国旅游地信息.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习乘火车乘火车可以去中国地大部分地方.一般来说,铁路服务效率高.但有时候火车上过分拥挤,尤其是在节假日期间更是如此.买什么样地火车票取决于行程地远近.短途旅行,硬座、软座都可以;但要长途旅行地话,最好买一张卧铺票.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习乘船有许多海上航线可以把您从中国沿海地一个港口城市带往另一个城市.也有一些内河航线,其中最迷人地一条是重庆至上海地航线.轮船沿途经由著名地三峡风景区,游客们可以驻足于许多地风景名城和历史古迹.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习乘飞机对于那些旅行时间有限地旅客而言,飞机通常是他们地首选.当然,您也要为这一便利付出代价——那就是机票会更贵.中国民航以前曾是中国唯一地一家航空公司,现在则有若干地方航空公司.在过去地几十年里,飞机地安全记录也有了很大地提高.人们通过中国国际旅行社、宾馆地旅游服务台或者航空售票处都可以买到机票.许多大城市和有名地旅游胜地都有飞机场.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习乘公共汽车中国地高速公路发展得很快.现在市内和城市之间都有汽车运营线路.它们地管理很完善,价钱也很便宜.国营公共汽车按时刻表准点发车,票价便宜.另外还有私营公共汽车.它们主要在地方线路上运营,经常要等位子全部坐满之后才出发.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习骑自行车除了以上提到地旅游方式外,骑自行车也是环城游地最好方式之一,只要您不是去重庆(那里地街道很陡,是中国唯一自行车特别少地城市).如果您打算在中国待上一段时间,不妨学学本地人,自己买一辆自行车.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习希望这些信息对您在中国逗留期间会有所帮助.悉尼海港大桥从悉尼海港大桥顶部鸟瞰悉尼市,感觉奇妙无比.我站在悉尼海港大桥底下,仰望这座世界上最著名地大桥之一.这座高达层地海港大桥矗立在壮观地悉尼歌剧院附近,鸟瞰澳大利亚最大地城市.这座大桥看上去自是壮观,但谁会心想去攀爬它呢?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习当然是我了!攀爬大桥实际是并不是很疯狂地事.游客于年开始攀爬大桥,现在这已经成为悉尼最受欢迎地一个景点了.为了攀爬大桥,我们一行人必须先上一堂特殊地课.首先我们把所有地个人财物都存放好,再换好专用攀爬服,接着组织者向我们演示如何使用安全带和如何攀爬陡峭地阶梯.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习我们甚至还带着小地个人无线电接收设备,以便在攀爬时接收到导游地提示.我们心中地期望越来越高,整个攀爬小组都激动了起来.一小时以后,我们准备完毕.我们首先经过路桥下面地狭窄通道.值得庆幸地是我不恐高.从通道上往下望,可以看到下面米(英尺)处地地面.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习接下来,我们沿着一直通往桥拱地阶梯往上爬.汽车在下面地马路上飞驰而过.我们爬得越高,风越大,城市也越来越多地映入我们地眼帘.一会儿,我们渐渐地靠近大桥地顶部.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习从顶上看,真是别有一番风光!在这里可以清楚地从各个方向鸟瞰悉尼市.向南看,可以看到城市地天际线、著名地悉尼歌剧院和大海.那简直是在欣赏一幅明信片,不同地是我们都在画中.每个人都为来到悉尼这个景点而自豪.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习到了下桥地时候,大家谁都不愿离开.桥上地两小时似是瞬间即逝,但曾经见到过如此独特画面地记忆将永远留在我们心中.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习恰当地使用英语如果你不想冒犯别人,你最好要知道哪些英文词可以用,哪些不能用.设想你现在在美国地一家饭店里,你想要点水,你就叫“女服务员”.一个女服务员来到你桌旁,但明显地很不高兴.你做错什么了吗?你实际上可能是因为叫她“女服务员”而冒犯了她.现在,很多人愿意使用“服务员”一词,而不是“女服务员”.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习为什么会出现这种情况呢?随着社会地变化,我们地语言也在变化.现在使用“服务员”一词更合适,因为这个词使人感到受尊重.恰当地使用英语是人们所做出地一种尝试,目地是为了让语言听上去对所有人都表示尊重.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习对于性别色彩太强地词要慎重,避免使用.这包括以和结尾地一些词.例如:飞机上地服务员现在被称作“航空服务员”而不是“女服务员”.在过去,只有女性才能做航空服务员,现在许多男性也进入了这一服务业.“航空服务员”一词更合适是因为它既可指男性,也可指女性.很多女性现在也进入了以前只有男性从事地职业,因此,像“(警察)”和“(主席)”等词现在已经被替代了.现在人们更愿使用“ (警察)”和“(主席)”.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习遗憾地是英语中没有(中性)单数代词可以用来代替“(他)”或“(她)”.这就产生了一些问题.没有这样一个代词,我们如何才能公正地称呼男女两性呢?一种办法就是使用复数形式.因此,人们不说“如果一个人想学习英语,他必须每天学”,取而代之地是,很多人或说“如果人们想学习英语,他们必须每天学.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习恰当地使用英语地范围不仅仅限于性别方面,还包括种族和残疾方面.例如,有人喜欢使用“某方面能力缺陷地人”,而不是说“残疾人”.“残疾”一词可能被认为是对人不尊重,因为它暗指一个人是不能自立地.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是,有些人在用词方面不喜欢听别人地.他们坚持不改变自己说法用词地方式,认为自己没有义务在用词方面使别人感觉更好.但大部分人都认为使用尊重所有人地语言是公平地.因此,人们确实是在与时俱进.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习目光交流午餐结束后,我主动提出送詹姆斯回宾馆.他说他是步行来我这里地,但还是很礼貌地接受了我地提议.我们驶过几个街区,来到他地宾馆,把车停在车道上.我下车赶快来到他地那一侧,打开车门,身体前倾,伸出一只手.这时,我地目光和他地目光相触.虽然他没说话,但我得到地信息却很明确,“你难道还敢想扶我下车吗?”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习我向后推开,詹姆斯走下车,对我笑了笑,以这种方式表示,“没问题,一切正常.”如果我们注意观察我们地观众地话,我们就会发现他们常常和我们进行非言语地交流.读懂这些人们眼中无声地信号是很重要地.如果你引入一个话题,它能使观众们活跃起来,你知道你已经引起了他们地注意,他们在位子上移动或与相邻观众进行目光交流.你下一步地行动应该以他们地反应为指导.当你继续进行你地演讲时,你根据自己对观众目光地理解,就知道应该放弃什么、修正什么和补充什么了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习如果你讲地笑话或故事效果不佳,观众可能会告诉你他们想听什么,不想听什么.这些信息应该能够使你对将要说地内容、使用地幽默和演讲地风格做一些调整.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习观众最明显地非言语反应就是对你所讲地内容不加以注意.打哈欠、看节目单、小声聊天,或是最糟糕地反应——打盹等,都是对你所讲地内容不感兴趣地警告.通过目光交流,你会第一个知道你是否仍吸引着观众地注意力.如果不是,你就要及时调整你地态度.不能及时改变态度并控制住局面地演讲者是不会受到尊重地.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但有些无声地信息也能传递好消息,例如观众们微笑、向前倾斜身体和聚精会神地观看等,都在告诉你道路畅通无阻,一路绿灯,所以你接着往下讲就可以了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习阿尔图罗·托斯卡尼尼阿尔图罗·托斯卡尼尼被誉为世纪上半叶最伟大地指挥家.他指挥了许多世界著名歌剧(如《奥赛罗》和《波西米亚人》)地首次公开演出.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习年月日托斯卡尼尼出生在意大利.他岁时进入一家音乐学校学习,年毕业,并在大提琴和作曲两门课中获得了优异成绩.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习岁时,托斯卡尼尼加入一个意大利乐队去巴西做巡回演出.在那次巡回演出期间,乐队指挥突然辞职.于是托斯卡尼尼被临时召来担任指挥.因此,当托斯卡尼尼跳上指挥台时,观众们嘲笑他也就不足为奇了.然而他对《阿依达》充满激情地指挥,激起了观众潮水般地欢呼声.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习托斯卡尼尼最与众不同地地方就是指挥时不看乐谱.他读过一篇乐谱后,即使过了许多年,仍还能回忆起其中地每一个音符.但仅仅有出色地记忆力还不足以使他成为一位伟大地指挥家.使他成为杰出指挥家地,是他所表现出地活力、对演出地严格态度以及他对作曲家本意地忠实.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在排练中,为了让乐队达到他所要地效果,托斯卡尼尼有时会跺脚,折断指挥棒,或把乐谱撕得粉碎.他试图用各种方式来阐释音乐.有一次,在试图给一个美国乐队描述乐章中地一种轻柔地效果时,他感到自己手足无措,因为他地英语很差.苦苦思索一会儿后,他从口袋里拿出一条丝质手帕抛向空中,和乐队一起看着它飘落到地板上,然后他说,“瞧,就那样演奏!”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习托斯卡尼尼要求自己就像要求乐队一样严格.若是乐队符合了他地要求,他会高兴得流泪.否则,乐队就免不了要受他惩罚.若是他自己很难得犯了一个错误,他会在乐队面前扇自己耳光.他甚至连自己也不宽恕.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在演出过程中,如果有人敢讲话,或迟到——这更糟糕,托斯卡尼尼会对他们大声斥责.托斯卡尼尼一生都是反法西斯主义地.由于他拒绝指挥演奏法西斯颂歌和反对希特勒对犹太音乐家地禁令,他于年受到了身体上地伤害.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习托斯卡尼尼年结束了指挥生涯,年去世,享年岁.电影特技在银幕上,美国演员汤姆·克鲁斯穿过一块窗玻璃扑出去,一辆汽车在他身后爆炸;当飓风把房子和牛群席地卷走时,女演员海伦·亨特在飞奔着以躲开飓风.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习当然,还有史泰龙正在做各种动作……近来在动作片里男女演员自己表演特技好像是很时髦地了,而大牌明星们地确是在亲自表演更多地特技.据一位导演说,有些男演员表演地特技,而最难以胜任地地惊险动作,一般都留给专业特技演员了.这些男女特技演员冒着生命危险来为动作片里地大牌明星们做替身,以此来谋生.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习不过,也有一位例外.这位唯一不愿他人来完成其特技动作地男演员就是香港巨星成龙.他以自己完成动作电影里全部地特技而自豪.成龙表演他个人品牌地惊人武术已长达年之久.就体力上地承受能力而言,他无疑是个活生生地奇迹.当然,这种英雄行为同时也造成他身上地许多骨折,而且脑袋上还有硬币大地一个洞.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习美国动作片制片商并不想让明星们受到伤害,所以特技专家常常被召来完成一些需要特殊地才能方可完成地危险特技部分.与此同时,他们又尽力让观众相信每一个特技动作都是由那些著名演员在完成.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习男女演员也想让观众相信并非特技演员在替他们演特技,所以他们中有许多人坚持要亲自表演自己戏里地特技.于是事故不可避免.例如海伦·亨特在表演一个场景时被撞昏了——她打开一扇车门,在车子驰过一块玉米田时跳车.后来海伦承认说,“我有特技表演者地勇气,可是我并不具备他们地全部才能.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习对观众来说,当那些自己所喜爱地演员在电视谈话节目里吹嘘特技表演时,完全没有必要为他们担心.完全有可能是由他人代为受罪.正如海伦所说,特技演员要做地特技表演仍然还很多.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习头版新闻全世界每天有数以百万计地报纸售出.那么报摊上报纸地哪一部分最吸引你地眼球呢?毫无疑问,那就是头版,其内容通常是关于当天发生地最重要地事件.另外,头版通常还包括索引,帮助读者快速找到某一特定地部分.头版还简要刊登当天地天气预报.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习人们更多考虑是人头版地标题,它就像是文章地题目.人们认为标题应该信息量大而且能吸引人,应该能抓住读者地注意力.头版头条新闻地标题当然应该是最重要地.毕竟,它决定着人们能否被吸引而去买某一份报纸.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习尽管头版地重要性是显而易见地,但对于头版内容地侧重面还是有两种看法.一种看法认为头版是报纸地“橱窗”,因此强调“橱窗布置”地重要性.这种看法地问题在于它过分强调“橱窗”地重要性,从而降低室内陈列商品地价值.另一种看法认为报纸就像有很多橱窗地商店,每个橱窗都应该按同样高地标准来布置.报纸应该有一种整体感.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习一旦一份报纸确定了其头版地标题应该采取什么样地风格,编排内容就相当容易了.主要内容通常被称作头条新闻,它占据主要位置,即头版地左上角.一幅能真正体现头条内容地大照片占据中间正上方地位置.接下来就是按重要性排列地一些次要新闻,它们标题字体地大小以其重要性而定.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习每当有重大新闻时,报纸标题通常使用黑体字,从左至右占据整版地宽度.但是,报纸必须要注意引人注目和耸人听闻地区别.过分使用耸人听闻地手段来吸引人地报纸可能会失去自己地声誉.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习一份额外酬宾礼物?在舒适地起居室,安妮和乔·金坐靠在安乐椅中看着电视.安妮按动遥控器搜索他们感兴趣地节目.“我们为什么不看《家庭纠纷》?”安妮问道.“我讨厌看肥皂剧,”乔说,“尤其是这部夫妻俩为了钱而争吵地肥皂剧.”“好吧,”安妮说着,将节目调到频道.电视屏幕上出现地一个长相不错地播音员说道:“现在,全球性杂志《环球》自豪地公告它数量有限地礼品.你只要付比报摊价低一半地价钱,即低廉地美元,就可以订阅全年期地《环球》.请想象一下,你可以阅读让你惊奇地配着彩色插图地奇特故事.而且,如果你在月日午夜前订阅地话,我们会提供我们地《世界地图册》作为额外礼品,不增加任何费用.记住,这是限额礼品.这份地图册店里是买不到地.它里面除了有各国大城市和首都外,还有世界各大旅游景点.大千世界一手掌握,这是多么奇妙啊!要获得这份精美地礼品,请写信到‘内华达州雷诺市信箱,《环球杂志》礼品处,邮编’.务必在信中附上美元地支票或汇票.如果不尽满意,你仍可留下地图册,取消订阅.我们会很乐意退款.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习安妮说:“听起来挺有趣,实际上有本地图册很方便,尤其是当我想要去某个地方,或在报上看到某个地方,想要找一找它地具体位置时,尤其方便.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习于是他们寄出一封订阅信,两周后邮件便到,有一个小包裹.那是地图册.乔简直不能相信地问道:“这是送给我们地地图册吗?它看上去像是一张大邮票.”“在电视上看它似乎特别大.”安妮说道.乔说:“这地图册什么也不能查找——得有个显微镜才行.”。
4. Jim CorriganJim Corrigan, a well-built man in his late 20’s, works in a large hospital. Jim is an X-ray technician. It is his job to develop the many X-ray films that are taken of people’s lungs, stomachs and other body parts.Jim works in a darkroom, a room that is specially equipped fo r developing film. . @First he removes the film from the lead plates(金属片) that are used to hold it. Then he feed s the film into a developing machine.It takes about 90 seconds for it to develop. The film is then ready to be examined by a doctor.Jim’s work is important, and both doctors and patients eagerly, often worriedly, wait for the results of his work. Jim doesn’t keep them waiting too long. He is quick and orderly at his job. This would not be unusual except for the fact that Jim Corrigan is blind.“In the beginning it was tricky,” Jim explains, “The film comes in five different sizes. . @ And sometimes I would get them mixed up. But I have never let a mistake get out of the darkroom.” After some time, Jim learned to measure the film by running his fingers over the edges.“I have a system,” explains Jim, “so that I can find things easily in the darkroom. It’s a simple system. I just keep my materials in order and put them back in the same place after I use them. I don’t have to searc h for anything.”“Jim is quite capable and can be trusted,” says his boss, “I wouldn’t have him working here if he weren’t. And that brings me to the question of handicapped people. You can’t let yourself get upset about them. . @They want to be treated just like anybody else --- and they should be. They don’t want you to fell sorry for them.”No one has to feel sorry fo r Jim Corrigan.5. Starting a conversation with a foreigner in EnglishAs you rode on the bus one day, a foreigner sat down beside you. . @Finally, here was a perfect opportunity for you to practice speaking English with a foreigner, you thought to yourself. But no words came into your head. You were tongue-tied! After 15 minutes, the foreigner got off the bus and you didn’t utter a word! “What a shame!” you said to yourself.If you have had such an experience, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone. What you need is a lesson in small talk. Here are some tips that will show you how to get started. “HELLO” --- A STARTER First, exchange a “Hello” or “Hi” with the foreigner, but at the same time, pay close attention and see if he feels like chatting.Watch his facial expression and body language for cues. . @Having said his “Hello” or “Hi” in return, does he just stare out of the window or keep reading the book in his hand? That’s the cue for you to stop moving on. Don’t f orce a conversation on someone who wants to be left alone.But what if the person stops whatever he is doing and looks back or smiles at you? These are positive cues, indicating you can keep talking and start a conversation!SMALL TALK --- THE MAIN COURSE To start a conversation, you should choose a suitable topic. Then, what are the rules for choosing a suitable topic?Perhaps the most universal topic of any conversation is the weather. Everyone has an opinion to share about the weather! Don’t immediately launch into serious topics like politics or religion. And don’t talk about personal matters, either. Stick to familiar subjects of a casual nature such as movies, music, sports, favourite things, or one’s likes and dislikes.S. @mall talk flows naturally. R aise open-ended questions rather than yes-no questions to keep the conversation going. Try to find points of connection between you and the person you are chatting with. Offer short comments on what the other person says, and listen attentively when what you say is being commented on.If you get such comments as“That’s interesting.”, “I agree.”, or “Me too.” then you know you’re o n the right track.. @You can have a lot of fun chatting in English with foreigners. They will, too. Try it! Making small talk can be one of life’s pleasures.Word study:1. ride in/on sth. 搭乘交通工具(多为汽车、公共汽车或火车)翻译:这是他们第一次坐火车。
![新世纪高一下Unit 3 ADDITIONAL READION](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/634fca1ac281e53a5802ff23.png)
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expose (sb./sth. to ….) vt. 使暴露, 受到, 使曝光 留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。 Keep indoors and don’t expose your skin to the sun. 他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。 He exposed the plan to the newspapers. exposure n. 暴露, 揭露, 暴光, 揭发, 揭露 他在阳光下只晒了一会儿, 皮肤就开始变红了。 After only a short exposure to sunlight he began to turn red.
•The businessman’s attitude:
Take my course and you’ll be skillful in English soon.
•The teacher’s attitude:
Only by practice can you master English.
Para. 4
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这个医疗队是由两个医生和五个护士组成的。(make up) The medical team is made up of two doctors and five nurses. 他编造了一个借口说他女儿病了。(make up) He made up an excuse about his daughter being ill.
B • _________different kinds of books will expand your horizons. • A. Exposed to B. Being exposed to C. Exposing to D. Exposed yourself to • 我们应该让孩子们接触新思想。 • We should expose the children to new ideas.
高一新世纪第二学期Unit 4中文
![高一新世纪第二学期Unit 4中文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6f8ac32fbd64783e09122b2b.png)
…放几周假来欢度21.…….?/ …….? 你认为。
挑剔,讲究U51. 四条腿的朋友2. 一群羊3. 给某人一个真实的画面4. 在历史上5. 充当卫士6. 抚养一个孩子7. 除了。
之外还有8. 在某种程度上9. 与某人分享某物10. 陪伴某人11. 依赖某人做某事/获取某物12. 把,,,区分开来13. 敏锐的嗅觉14. 克服困难15. 思考某事16. 走完了160公里的路17. 露面、出现18. 在隆冬19. 不是。
而是20. 改变习性21. 传递某物给某人22. 被感染。
23. 易传染的疾病24. 显示出。
症状25. 必然,一定会26. 阻止某人做某事27. 仍然。
28. 预防29. 携带一种疾病30. 跟往常一样31.遛狗32. 还是。
为好33. 很有可能做某事34 依次。
轮流35. 突然37. 发出喊叫声38. 朝。
艰难走去39. 在任何阶段40 高声喊叫41.吵吵闹闹U61.觉得做某事很难2. 用语言来表达他们的情感3. 努力寻找4. 新的表达请感的方式5. 除了6. 到19世纪末为止7. 与此同时8. 形成、产生9. 处置、处理10. 有趣的东西11. 一套幽默的连坏画12. 讲一个故事13. 成绩报告单14. 用一种很不同寻常的方式15. 被绑到。
新世纪A1 Unit1-Unit4翻译
![新世纪A1 Unit1-Unit4翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/83e7ad39cc17552707220851.png)
(disclose)The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim.2)老师费尽苦心务使我们全都理解他说的话。
(take pains to do sth.)The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.3)最近学校在学业优秀的学生中进行了一项调查。
(conduct,attain)Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who haveattained academic excellence.4)他说他要接受这份工作,我们要求他写封信证实。
(confirm)He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to confirm hisacceptance by writing us a letter.5)乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习的机会。
(make the most of)George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn.6)我们不能去。
(to begin with)We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’re busy.7)该是有人能公开讲清楚这些基本事实的时候了。
(speak up)It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths / facts.8)此时此刻你应该工作而不是在床上躺着。
Unit 1优等生的秘诀1 一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见得总能得高分。
2 在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个人人都可以轻易学到的基本原则。
3 学生还必须学会有条理。
4 对于学生们来说,合理安排时间也同样重要。
cycle ['saikl] v.骑自行车(或三轮车、摩托车)decade ['dekeid] n.十年depart [di'p2:t] v.离开,出发destination [.desti'nei54n] n.目的地determine [di't4:min] v.影响;决定efficient [i'fi54nt] adj.(指人)有能力的;能胜任的highway ['haiwei] n.公路,大路historical [his't3rik4l] adj.历史的;与历史有关的inexpensive [.iniks'pensiv] adj.不贵的;价廉的inland ['inl4nd] adj.内地的,内陆的journey ['d94:ni] n.(尤指)长途旅行,行程limited ['limitid] adj.有限的;不多的native ['neitiv] n.本地人,本国人a.出生地的,本地的rail [reil] n.铁路regional ['ri:d94nl] adj.地区的;区域的safety ['seifti] n.安全;平安seaport ['si:p3:t] n.海港;海港市镇site [sait] n.场所;遗址sleeper ['sli:p4] n.(火车)卧铺state [steit] n.国家;政府v.说明;陈述steep [sti:p] adj.陡峭的;险峻的waterway ['w3:t4wei] n.水路,航道depend on [] 依靠;依赖generally speaking [] 一般而言on schedule [] 按时the Three Gorges [] 长江三峡agency ['eid94nsi] n.代理处,代理approx [] adv.大约,大概aquarium [4'kwAri4m] n.水族馆arrange [4'reind9] v.安排atmosphere ['1tm4sfi4] n.气氛background ['b1kgraund] n.背景brochure ['br4u54] n.手册;小册子coach [k4ut5] n.(英式英语)长途汽车countless ['kautlis] adj.数不清的darling ['d2:li6] adj.惹人受的,心爱的n.宝贝duration [dju'rei54n] n.期间;持续时间entertaining [ent4'teini6] adj.使人愉快的;有趣的exhibit [ig'zibit] n.展览品,陈列品feature ['fi:t54] n.以……为主要内容;我写habitat ['h1bit1t] n.栖息地;产地jewelry ['d9u:4lri] n.珠宝;首饰marine [m4'ri:n] adj.海的;海产的marvelous ['m2:vil4s] adj.很好的;极好的mysterious [mis'ti4ri4s] adj.神秘的;难解释的option ['3p54n] n.选择outing ['auti6] n.短途旅行;远足permanent ['p4:m4n4nt] adj.永久的province ['pr3vins] n.省shark [52:k] n.鲨鱼sort [s3:t] v.将……分类;整理species ['spi:5iz] n.物种;种群spectacular [spek't1kjul4] adj.壮观的;富丽堂皇的surround [s4'raund] v.围绕workshop ['w4:k53p] n.车间in(great)detail [] (非常)详细地one-way ticket [] (美式英语)单程票round trip [] (美式英语)回程票shopping mall [] (有屋顶的(大型购物商场)sort out [] 解决;(从一批中)挑出tuour guide [] 导游within arm's reach [] 伸手可及的approach [4'pr4ut5] n.走近;靠近n.方法;手段arch [2:t5] v.拱廊;拱belongings [bi'l3:6i6z] n.动产;财产belt [belt] n.皮带;腰带climb [klaim] n.攀登;爬direction [di'rek54n, dai'rek54n] n.方向expectation [.ekspek'tei54n] n.期望;期待fiercely ['fi4sli] adv.猛烈地instant ['inst4nt] n.片刻,顷刻adj.马上的;立刻的ladder ['l1d4] n.梯子lifetime ['laiftaim] n.一生,终生locate [l4u'keit] v.位于;找出……的位置magnificent [m1g'nifisnt] adj.壮丽的;不凡的;堂皇的oranizer [] n.组织者skyline ['skailain] n.(建筑物等的)空中轮廓线spot [sp3t] n.地点,场所storey ['st3:ri] n.楼层;楼的一层unique [ju:'ni:k] adj.独一无二的,独特的a bird's eye view [] 鸟瞰come into view [] 映入眼帘,出现在眼前in all directions [] 向四面八方……in an instant [] 立刻;一会儿speed by [] 很快地过去;飞逝advertising ['1dv4taizi6] n.广告appreciate [4'pri:5ieit] v.赏识;鉴赏beach [bi:t5] n.海滨;湖滨beyond [bi'j3nd] prep.超出……范围;超出bureau ['bju4r4u] n.局;办公署café [] n.小餐饮;咖啡馆campaign [k1m'pein] n.(政治或商业性)活动;竞选运动collection [k4'lek54n] n.收藏品;收集物courteous ['k4:tj4s] adj.有礼貌的;谦恭的gigle [] n.咯咯地笑;傻笑v.咯咯地笑;傻笑greet [gri:t] v.问候;向……致意high-rise [] n.高层大楼hike [haik] v.远足;徒步旅行n.远足;徒步旅行intention [in'ten54n] n.意向;意图merchant ['m4:t54nt] n.(批发)商人mountainous ['mauntin4s] adj.多山的nationality [.n154'n1liti] n.民族rank [r16k] v.把……分等n.等级rental ['rentl] n.(汽车、房子等的)租赁;租借rightly ['raitli] adv.有道理地;有充分理由地romance [r4'm1ns, r4u-] n.传奇气氛;浪漫rude [ru:d] adj.无礼的;粗鲁的shopkeeper ['53pki:p4(r)] n.店主similarly ['simil4li] adv.同样地,相似地Thai ['t2:i(:)] n.泰国人;泰国语adj.泰国人的;泰国语的treat [tri:t] n.令人高兴的事v.对待;看待beyond words [] 无法用言词形容fall in love with [] 恋上;爱上have to do with [] 与……有关point out [] 指出attempt [4'tempt] n.试图;企图attendant [4'tend4nt] adv.服务员avoid [4'v3id] v.避免;逃避chairman ['t5A4m4n] n.主席chairperson ['t5e4pɜ:s(e)n] n.主席create [kri'eit] v.造成;创造disrespectful [.disris'pektful] adj.无礼的;失礼的emphasis ['emf4sis] n.强调;重点fair [fA4] adj.公平的;公正的fairly ['fA4li] adv.公正地gender ['d9end4] n.性别handicapped ['h1ndik1pt] adj.残废helpless ['helplis] adj.没用的;不能自立的imply [im'plai] v.暗示;意味occupy ['3kjupai] v.担任(职务或工作)offend [4'fend] v.冒犯;使……不愉快plural ['plu4r4l] adj.复数的pronoun ['pr4unaun] n.代词respectful [ris'pektful] adj.表示尊敬的;有礼貌的singular ['si6gjul4] adj.单数的stewardess [stju:4'des, 'stju:4dis] n.(轮船、飞机等)女乘务员structure ['str8kt54] n.结构waitress ['weitris] n.女服务生change with the times [] 随时代变化而变化flight attendant ['flait 4.tend4nt] 飞机上的空中服务员put emphasis on [] 强调singular pronoun [] 单数代词ad [1d] n.广告appropriate [4'pr4upri:4t] adj.合适的;恰当的broadcast ['br3:dk2:st] n.(电台或电视的)节目v.广播;播送club [kl8b] n.社团;俱乐部communication [k4.mju:ni'kei5n] n.交流;表达context ['k3ntekst] n.场合;环境cultivate ['k8ltiveit] v.培养;养成cure-all ['kjur.3l] n.尤灵药;灵丹妙药effect [i'fekt] n.作用;效果expose [ik'sp4uz] v.使接触(新事物)fluency ['flu4nsi] n.流利;流畅handle ['h1ndl] v.对待;掌握intonation [.int4'nei54n] n.单调;语调input ['input] n.(计算机)输入信息master ['m2:st4] v.掌握;精通neighbourhood ['neib4hud] n.街坊;社区pointless ['p3intlis] adj.无目标的;无意义的pronunciation [pr4.n8nsi'ei54n] n.发音;发音法recipe ['res4pi] n.秘方;秘诀shortcut ['53:tk8t] n.捷径;近路signpost ['sainp4ust] v.清楚地表明simply ['simpli] adv.仅;只useless ['ju:slis] adj.无用的;无效的workplace [] n.工作场所bear in mind [] 记住have an effect on [] 对……起作用out of style [] 不再流行out-of-date ['aut4v'deit] 不合时宜pen pal [] 笔友quite a few [] 很多arouse [4=rauz] n.唤起;激起attentively [4'tentivli] v.聚精会神地back [b1k] (使)后退;(使)退出block [bl3k] n.街区阻碍;阻止clue [klu:] n.线索;迹象content [k3ntent;k4n'tent] n.内容doze [d4uz] v.打瞌睡;打盹driveway ['draivwei] n.私人车道;汽车道honour ['3n4] v.尊敬n.荣誉;名誉lean [li:n] v.倾身;屈身obstacle ['3bst4kl] n.障碍(物);妨碍reaction [ri(:)'1k54n] n.反应shift [5ift] v.移动;转移n.转移;转变signal ['signl] n.信号;暗号v.用信号发出;标志yawn [j3:n] v.打哈欠n.呵欠be clear of [] 清除了……的,不接触……的call for [] 需要go down [] 下沉go down well [] 被接受;受欢迎in a low voice [] 低声pull into [] (火车等)到达;到站the worst [] 最糟的部分aware [4'we4] adj.知道的;察觉的bump [b8mp] v.碰;撞complicated ['k3mplikeitid] adj.复杂的concept ['k3nsept] n.概念;观念confidence ['k3nfid4ns] n.自信;信心constantly ['k3nst4ntli] adv.不断地;时常地convey [k4n'vei] v.传达;传递delighted [di'laitid] adj.高兴的dishonest [dis'3nist] adj.不诚实的;欺诈的elder ['eld4(r)] adj.年龄较大的n.长者;前辈goodness ['gudnis] int.(表示惊讶、生气等)天哪;啊呀impolite [imp4'lait] adj.无礼的incredible [in'kred4bl] adj.极妙的;难以置信的move [mu:v] n.挪动地方;移动位置performance [p4'f3:m4ns] n.演出;演奏posture ['p3st54] n.姿势;姿态shy [5ai] adj.害羞的space [speis] n.空间status ['steit4s] n.地位;身份unsure ['8n'5u4] adj.缺乏信心的;无把握的become/be aware of [] 意识到;注意到believe it or not [] 信不信由你body language [] 身势语bump into [] 无意中遇到in doubt [] 不确定的;未确定的put one's finger on [] 准确地证明或指出run into [] 偶遇sell some body out [] 背叛anthem ['1n74m] n.颂歌anti- ['1nti] (前缀)表示“反”,“抗”ban [b1n] n.禁止;禁令v.禁止baton [b1't4n] n.乐队用指挥杖cello ['t5el4u] n.大提琴composition [k3mp4'zi54n] n.作曲;写作conductor [k4n'd8kt4] n.(合唱团、乐队等的)指挥demand [di'm2:nd] n.要求;请求fascist ['f15ist] adj.法西斯主义的;法西斯党的n.法西斯主义者,法西斯分子float [fl4ut] v.浮动;飘动handkerchief ['h16k4t5i:f] n.手帕interpret [in't4:prit] v.演奏interpretation [in.t4:pri'tei54n] n.演奏Jewish ['d9u(:)i5] adj.犹太人的;犹太教的leap [li:p] v.跳;跳跃loyalty ['l3i4lti] n.忠诚;忠实musician [mju:'zi54n] n.音乐家;乐师;作曲家note [n4ut] n.音符orchestra ['3:kistr4, -kes-] n.管弦乐队passage ['p1sid9] n.(文章、乐曲等的)一段;一节passionate ['p154nit] adj.热情的;激昂的quit [kwit] v.放弃recall [ri'k3:l] v.回忆;想起rehearsal [ri'h4:s4l] n.排练;试演score [sk3:, sk34] n.乐谱slap [sl1p] v.掌击;掴snap [sn1p] v.突然折断stamp [st1mp] v.跺(脚);用脚践踏tear [ti4; te4] v.扯破;撕裂thus [08s] adv.因此weep [wi:p] v.哭泣;流泪at a loss [] 困惑;不知所措at very short notice [] 提前很短时间通知spare somebody fron [] 使某人免于……tear…to pieces [] 把……撕成碎片think hard [] 努力思考throw…into the air [] 把……抛向空中with the highest honours [] 成绩优秀without the help of [] 不依赖;不靠aggressive [4'gresiv] adj.有进取精神的;有干劲的awake [4'weik] adj.清醒的;醒着的boredom ['b3:d4m] n.无聊;厌倦competitive [k4m'pet4tiv] adj.好竞争的folk [f4uk] n.(可用作称呼,常用复数)各位;人们journalist ['d94:n4list] n.新闻工作者;新闻记者meanwhile ['mi:nwail; (US) 'minhwail] adv.同时;期间miserable ['miz4r4bl] adj.痛苦的;不幸的oriented ['3:rientid, '4u-] adj.以……为方向的pianist ['pi4nist, 'pj1nist] n.钢琴家;钢琴演奏者rock'n'roll [r3kn'r4ul] n.摇滚乐(舞)romantic [r4'm1ntik] adj.富于浪漫色彩的slip [slip] v.滑落;滑掉soloist ['s4ul4uist] n.独奏者;独唱者sonata [s4'n2:t4] n.奏鸣曲stand [st1nd] v.忍受;容忍sweaty ['sweti] adj.满身是汗的symphony ['simf4ni] n.交响乐,交响曲tune [tju:n] n.曲调;旋律bow tie [] 蝶形领结can't stand [] 极讨厌;无法忍受frankly speaking [] 坦率地说get straight A's [] (成绩)得全优not for long [] 不久second to none [] 首屈一指的slip through one's fingers [] (机会)被错过talk somebody into doing something [] 劝服某人做某事the other day [] 不久前某一天absolutely ['1bs4lu:tli] adv.绝对地admit [4d'mit] v.承认;供认brag [br1g] v.自夸;吹牛brand [br1nd] n.品牌;商标dangerous ['deind9r4s] adj.危险的director [di'rekt4, dai'rekt4] n.导演dramatic [dr4'm1tik] adj.戏剧性的endurance [in'djur4ns] n.忍耐exception [ik'sep54n] n.例外explode [iks'pl4ud] v.爆炸heroism ['her4uiz4m] n.英雄行为hurricane ['h8rik4n, -kin] n.飓风individual [.indi'vidju4l] n.个人adj.个人的inevitable [in'evit4bl] adj.不可避免的injury ['ind94ri] n.伤害;损害instance ['inst4ns] n.事例;实例martial ['m2:54l] adj.军事的miracle ['mir4kl] n.奇迹numerous ['nju:m4r4s] a为数众多的phenomenon [fi'n3min4n] n.现象;特殊的人stunt [st8nt] n.特技;绝技unconscious [8n'k3n54s] adj.失去知觉的action movie ['1k54n 'muvi] 动作片;武打片big name [] 名人;名流brag about [] 为……吹嘘for instance [] 例如make a living [] 谋生martial arts [] 武术on behalf of [] 为某人的利益sweep up [] 打扫;扫除take the fall [] 代人受罪talk show [] (音译)脱口秀(即谈话类节目)there be no need to do something [] 没有做……的必要acting ['1kti6] n.演技adventure [4d'vent54] n.激动人心的经历album ['1lb4m] n.唱片award [4'w3:d] v.授予,给予n.奖,奖品comedy ['k3midi] n.喜剧creation [kri'ei54n] n.创造物creature ['kri:t54] n.生物;动物effectively [i'fektivli] adv.有效地emotion [i'm4u54n] n.感情;情感gifted ['giftid] adj.有天资的;有天赋的horror ['h3r4] n.令人恐怖的事物image ['imid9] n.影像;图像initial [i'ni54l] adj.开始的;最初的inspiring [in'spai4ri6] adj.激励人心的IQ [] n.智商landscape ['l1ndskeip] n.陆上风景lifelike ['laiflaik] adj.栩栩如生的limitations [] n.局限;限制magic ['m1d9ik] n.魔力;魅力mystery ['mist4ri] n.推理小说pastime ['p2:staim] n.消遣;娱乐preference ['pref4r4ns] n.偏爱的事物(或人)relaxtion [] n.放松release [ri'li:s] v.发行;上映somehow ['s8mhau] adv.由于某种未知的原因stereo ['steri4u] n.立体声音响trilogy ['tril4d9i] n.三部典box office ['b3ks .3fis] 票房line of work [] 行业bold [b4uld] adj.(字等)粗笔画的;黑体的emphasise [] v.强调;着重eye-catching [] adj.引人注目的;显著的happening ['h1p4ni6] n.事情;事件heading ['hedi6] n.标题;题目headline ['hedlain] n.标题;大标题index ['indeks] n.索引informative [in'f3:m4tiv] adj.提供大量消息的lead [li:d;led] n.头条新闻newsstand ['nju:zst1nd] n.报摊obvious ['3bvi4s, -vj4s] adj.明显的;显著的position [p4'zi54n] n.位置;地点prime [praim] adj.主要的;首位的reputation [.repju(:)'tei54n] n.名誉,名声sensational [sen'sei54n4l] adj.引起轰动的shock [53k] n.震惊standard ['st1nd4d] n.标准;水平tempt [tempt] v.吸引;打动tend [tend] v.倾向;易于unity ['ju:niti] n.统一(性);一致(性)value ['v1lju:, -ju] n.价值;价格width [wid7] n.宽度aim at [] 以……为目的catch one's eye [] 引起某人注意front page [] (报纸的)头版in brief [] 简言之the top left-hand corner [] 左上角amusing [4'mju:zi6] adj.有有趣的;好玩的applaud [4'pl3:d] v.喝彩;鼓掌欢迎ballot ['b1l4t] n.(尤指无记名的)投票bid [bid] n.努力;争取blow [bl4u] v.吹奏;鸣喇叭blolevard [] n.大马路category ['k1tig4ri] n.各类;部属cell [sel] n.细胞chant [t52:nt] v.反复(单调)地说(或唱)classify ['kl1sifai] v.将……分类;将……分等级clone [kl4un] v.克隆;无性繁殖contract ['k3ntr1kt] n.契约;合同cram [kr1m] v.把……塞满;把……挤满crash [kr15] n.(汽车、飞机等的)事故disbelief ['disbi'li:f] n.不信;怀疑distant ['dist4nt] adj.远的;久远的ddreadful [] adj.糟透的;非常讨厌的eliminate [i'limineit] v.(比赛中)淘汰express [iks'pres] v.表达;陈述horn [h3:n] n.喇叭host [h4ust] v.做东;款待indifferently [in'dif4r4ntli] adv.漠不关心地;冷淡地negatively ['neg4tivli] adv.否定地;消极地pour [p3:, p34] v.涌流;倾泻puzzle ['p8zl] n.(游戏的)猜谜react [ri'1kt] v.作出反应;反应reproduce [.ri:pr4'dju:s] v.繁殖;生殖survivor [s4'vaiv4] n.幸存者;生还者vote [v4ut] v.投票;表决at the top of one's voice [] 尽全力提高噪门be alive with [] 充满burst into [] (情绪的)突然发作electronic media [] 电子媒体in disbelief [] 怀疑in the first round [] 第一轮light up [] 照亮on the hour [] 准点;按整点print media [] 印刷媒体altas [] n.地图集bargain ['b2:g4n] n.特价商品;便宜货bonus ['b4un4s] n.奖金;红包cozy ['k4uzi] adj.惬意的enclose [in'kl4uz] v.附寄;随函封入extra ['ekstr4] adj.额外的;外加的handy ['h1ndi] adj.便利的microscope ['maikr4sk4up] n.显微镜midnight ['mid.nait] n.午夜;子夜postage ['p4ustid9] n.邮资subscribe [s4b'skraib] v.订阅订购subscription [s8b'skrip54n] n.订阅费;订购费tremendous [tri'mend4s] adj.巨大的,极大的easy chair [] 安乐椅have something at one's fingertips [] 精通;熟知in that case [] 如果那样;在那种情况下soap drama [] 肥皂剧advisable [4d'vaiz4bl] adj.可取的;适当的avenue ['1v4nju:, '1vinju:] n.大街;大道cater ['keit4] v.满足需要;迎合column ['k3l4m] n.专栏compete [k4m'pi:t] v.竞争;对抗current ['k4:r4nt] adj.现时的;当前的dry [drai] adj.枯燥乏味的dull [d8l] adj.乏味的;单调的editor ['edit4] n.主编;编辑educate ['edju(:)keit] v.教育empire ['empai4] n.大企业;帝国employ [im'pl3i] v.雇佣entertain [.ent4'tein] v.使欢乐;使娱乐expressive [iks'presiv] adj.表现的;表达的v.特点;特征flourish ['fl8ri5] v.繁荣;兴旺glance [gl2:ns] v.一瞥;扫视hardship ['h2:d.5ip] n.艰难;困苦informative [in'f3:m4tiv] v.通知;告知pleasing ['pli:zi6] adj.令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的pressure ['pre54(r)] n.压力;压迫profit ['pr3fit] n.利润;盈利publication [.p8bli'kei54n] n.出版物;刊物significance [sig'nifik4ns] n.重要性;重要visuals [] n.视觉资料well-educated ['wel'edju:keitid;-d9u-] adj.受过良好教育的witness ['witnis] v.是发生……的时间或地点be popular with [] 受欢迎care for [] 喜欢cater for [] 为……提供所需;顾及every other week [] 每两周;每隔一周glance at [] 一瞥;扫视no fewer than [] 不少于take out ['teik aut] 获得;得到the general public [] 公众to name just a few [] 仅举数例。
8. How do different cultures around the world celebrate theNew Year?. @Get ready to say good-bye to the old, hello to the new! What’s the occasion? The coming of the New Year.Many Western cultures measure their days with the solar calendar. Therefore, they observe the coming of New Year on January 1. Cultures in Asia and Middle East use other calendars, such as t he more ancient lunar calendar. They celebrate the New Year at other times.Events and ceremonies vary from country to country. But in each places, New Year celebrations are a big meal.Most world cultures have been celebrating the New Year for centuries. The earliest New Year celebrations took place during spring or harvest time. With better weather ahead, or plenty of food to eat in winter, people naturally felt like having a party!. @As the days became longer and as nature renewed itself, people also felt like they could have a new start.Past disappointments could be forgotten. The New Year could bring better fortune, more opportunities and new challenges. Such universal themes remain the same today.Some cultures have unusual New Year traditions. Italians throw old things out of their windows at midnight,symbolizing the departure of the old. Mexicans fire guns into the air to keep away misfortunes.New Year celebrations also involve having fun. . @S ome cultures view the New Year as an opportunity to let off fireworks.In New York City’s Times Square, thousands gather on December 31 to count down the last seconds of the year. A giant silver ba ll is lowered at the stroke of midnight.London, England, hosts an annual New Year’s Day parade that draws nearly a million spectators. The largest parade in Europe, it features bands and enormous balloons. These balloons are so huge that they tower over nearby buildings!How will you celebrate the New Year. @? Think about the themes you find meaningful during this season. Do you hope for a new start or a chance to turn over a new leaf? whatever the case, we wish you well. Happy New Year!Find out the following phrases in the text:1、和。
高级中学课本英语(新世纪版) NEW CENTUTY ENGLISH高中一年级第二学期(试用本)Module OneUnit 1TRA VELLING ROUND CHINA HIGHLIGHTSthemeTravellina around China StructuresThe passive voice:The passive voice of phrasal verbs FunctionsTalking about modes of transportationAsking for information about travellingTaskPlanning a three-day trip for a foreign friend in ChinaREADINGA Preparing for readingA1 In which city or province is each of the following located?1. the Great Wall2. the Three Gorges3. Jinmao Building (Tower)4. the Lijiang River5. West LakeA2 Scan the text and answer the following questions.1. What kind of train ticket do you buy if you go on a short journey?2. What can you see along the water route from Chongqing to Shanghai?3. Is CAAC the only airline in China? What service does CITS provide?4. Why is Chongqing not a good place for cycling?B Moving on to readRead the text and complete the following table about the advantages and disadvantages of differ- ent forms of transportation in China.Advantages Disadvantages1.________By train 2.________3, Fairly comfortable1.________ along the coastBy ship 2. "Chongqing-Shanghai waterway" Not mentioned takes you to________1. Can save peopleBy air 2.________has improved3. Good service provided by ________1.________By bus 2. A variety of choices:________ buses and ________ones Not mentioned3. Services are well managed andcheapNot a good choice forBy bicyele________________________travelling in cities________TextTravelling Around ChinaTravelling around China can be tiring but fun as well. However, how you travel often determines whether your travel will be a success or a failure. Here is some information about how it can be done.BY TRAINMost parts of China can now be reached by rail. Generally speaking, the train service is efficient. However, the trains are sometimes overcrowded, especially on national holidays. The kind of ticket you need depends on the distance of your journey. A hard or soft seat is fine for a short journey. For long journeys,a sleeper ticket is a better choice.BY SHIPA number of sea routes exist that can take you from one seaport to another along the coast of China. There are also a few inland waterways. The most attractive one is that from Chongqing to Shanghai. Along this route ships pass through the famous Three Gorges and stop at many beautiful towns and historic sites.BU AIRThis is often the first choice for those who have limited time to spend on a journey. But, of course, this time-saving advantage has to be paid for—tickets are more expensive. While CAAC used to be the only airline service in the country, there are now a number of regional airlines. The safety record has also improved much over the past decades. Air tickets are available through CITS, at hotel travel desks or in air ticket offices. Most large cities and many popular tourist destinations have their own airports.BY BUSHighway networks in China are developing very fast. There are both inner-and inter-city bus services. They are well managed and cheap. State-owned long-distance bus services operate on schedule and are inexpensive. There are also private buses. They run mainly on local routes, and often will not depart until they are completely filled up.BY BICYCLEBesides what is mentioned above, cycling is also one of the best ways for travelling around town, unless you are in Chongqing—the only city with very few bicycles because of its steep streets. If you plan to stay in China for some time, buy one as the natives do.Hope you will find this information helpful during your stay in China.C Discovering meaningsC1 The following are explanations of some of the words in the text. Match each item with the right word. The first one has been done for you as an example.1. length; the amount of space between two points or places (e.g. distance)2. a way from one place to another3. of a local area or a particular part of a country which is far from the capital4. able to be used because it can be found or bought easily5. not controlled by the state, but owned by an individual person or groupC2 The following is a tourist's report about the means of travelling around in China. It hasbeen divided into two parts. Complete each part by using the correct forms of the phrases given in the right-hand margin of that part.Speaking of mu travels in China, I think if you are not oressed for time travelling________1)is,________2), more fur than travelling by air It helps you learn more about the country and the people. Except________ 3), the trains are ueually not very crowded, so during the journey you can really relax while enJoying the passing scenery.Travelling by ship is also a wonderful way to get around. Among the many ________4) in China, think one one from Chongqing to Shanghai is a must for foreign tourists. ________5), you can appreciate the oeauty of the Three Gorges and enjoy the view of tne many beautiful towns and ________ 6).along this routeby railgenerallyspeakinghistorical sitesinlandwaterwayson nationalholidaysOver the past decades, the ________7) in China has been greatly expanded. Taking a bus, you can go all over China. Nowadays, both state- owned and private buses offer fairly good services: they operate________ 8) and are not very expensive. One orobtem with private buses is that they run mainly ________9).If you plan to stay in China for more than six months, I suggest that you buy a bicycle. With a bicycle, you can certainly enjoy the freedom of ________10).n brief, if you make careful and detailed plans, you can have a wonderful time in this ancient country.freewaynetworkon scheduleon local routestravel aroundtownD Thinking about readingD1 Among)the different means of transportation mentioned in the text, which is your favourite and why?D2 Have you ever done any travelling? Can you describe one of your most unforgettable travel experiences?NOTES TO THE TEXT1 本课文是对中国境内游的一篇简介,其读者对象为外国或境外来华旅游者,文中的“you”统指外国或境外来华旅游人士。
课文翻译UNIT1TEXT A 人在自然界1.人类生活在大自然的王国里。
上海新世纪英语高一课文讲解(初三衔接高中):1. People from all walks of life .doc
![上海新世纪英语高一课文讲解(初三衔接高中):1. People from all walks of life .doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/01c8bdbddaef5ef7ba0d3c6f.png)
2)重点词组例题讲解3)基础语法:(初三衔接高中)4)重点语法5)Additional Reading的讲解词汇1. People from all walks of life@When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places. A society is thus made up of all walks of life. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? The following introductions may give you some idea.TEACHER Teachers are professionals. They work in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They try their best to help students gain(get)new knowledge and become useful people in society. @Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers.At the end of every term, they mark test papers and give grades to their students. Actually teachers do more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives.SURGEON Surgeons, like teachers, are also professionals. As a special group of doctors, surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that no longer work properly. Hospitals are their work places. After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient’s medical treatment until he gets well. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the differences between life and death.SECRETARY A secretary works in an office. The job of a secretary often involves writing letters, answering telephone calls, and receiving people. A secretary stores information on a computer and puts papers in good order in file cabinets. As a link between the boss and the visitors, a secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables. @Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries.FASHION MODEL Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes and show them to us through television, newspapers and magazines. Fashion show programmes usually have a large audience. @The clothes and hairstyles of fashion models may seem strange to the elderly, but a large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models. They collect fashion pictures and admire those superstars of the catwalk.@Would you like to be one of the people introduced here? What do you want to do in the future?Word study:1. occupation ( n. ) 职业;占领e.g. What is your occupation?e.g. The country is under enemy’s occupation.这个国家被敌人所占领。
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Unit 1在中国旅行在中国旅行可能很累,但也很有趣。
Unit 2悉尼海港大桥从悉尼海港大桥顶部鸟瞰悉尼市,感觉奇妙无比。
Unit 3恰当地使用英语如果你不想冒犯别人,你最好要知道哪些英文词可以用,哪些不能用。
很多女性现在也进入了以前只有男性从事的职业,因此,像“policeman (警察)”和“chairman(主席)”等词现在已经被替代了。
现在人们更愿使用“police officer (警察)”和“chairperson(主席)”。
Unit 4目光交流午餐结束后,我主动提出送詹姆斯回宾馆。
Unit 5阿尔图罗·托斯卡尼尼阿尔图罗·托斯卡尼尼被誉为20世纪上半叶最伟大的指挥家。
Unit 6电影特技在银幕上,美国演员汤姆·克鲁斯穿过一块窗玻璃扑出去,一辆汽车在他身后爆炸;当飓风把房子和牛群席地卷走时,女演员海伦·亨特在飞奔着以躲开飓风。
Unit 7头版新闻全世界每天有数以百万计的报纸售出。