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听力部分要求考生听懂有关日常生活中所熟悉的话题,如:问路、搭车、准备报告、读书、天气、找借口拒绝活动、看电影、出差、面试、大城市与小县城的生活比较。与往常相同,听力部分中有10段听力材料,其中的5段较短,另5段则较长。话题覆盖面广,对话内容逻辑清楚,话语流畅。所考查的听力微技能包括:理解主旨和要义,获取事实性的具体信息,对所听内容作出简单推断,理解谈话人的意图、观点和态度。设问涉及多个方面,多个角度,采用where-, when-, why-, how-, what-等多种疑问句。

录音人:男:Kris Chung; 女: Laura Estelles






从2014年的10段材料来看,Text 10材料较长,有些句子结构比较复杂,有些句


考点:2014年高考英语听力全国卷的20 个小题中,理解主旨与要义有1 个题,获取事实性的具体信息有9 个题,对所听内容作出推断有7个题,理解说话者的意图、



W: Excuse me. This is the address. How do I find it?

M: Right, you’ll need a street map. Here is one, and I will show you where it is.


1. What does the woman want to do?

A. Find a place.

B. Buy a map.

C. Get an address.


从对话中女士说“This is the address. How do I find it?”可知女士想找个地方。


W: Oh, my. My car broke down, and I have to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon. M: You’re lucky. I can drop you off on my way.


2. What will the man do for the woman?

A. Repair her car.

B. Give her a ride.

C. Pick up her aunt.


由对话中男士说“I can drop you off on my way.”可知,男士将送女士一程。


W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?

M: Yes. So I called all of the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program.


3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?

A. A new professor.

B. A department head.

C. A company director.


对话中男士说今天早上已经叫了各部门负责人到他办公室,他们需要向Mr. Peterson汇报工作。由此可知,Mr. Peterson 是公司负责人。


W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.

M: I had the same doubt at first, but once I started I simply couldn’t put it down.


4. What does the man think of the book?

A. Quite difficult.

B. Very interesting.

C. Too simple.


由对话中男士说“… once I started I simply couldn’t put it down”可知男士认为书很有趣。【答案】B

W: What is going on? It’s May. And we still have to wear warm clothes.

M: Well, there’s some good news on the radio. You probably can wear shorts tomorrow.


5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Weather.

B. Clothes.

C. News.






(Text 6)
