职通英语第二版综合教程2 unit2答案




最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigateearly childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours aday.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over time Americans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later Language Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for9) is awaiting10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual4) continuous2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.” This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinksare much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways. Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizing Language Focus VocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talenteda young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking tooproudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole thecomputer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. be Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape backinto it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data froma completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made himassociate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had alwaysdreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybridelectric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’ opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents. already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplishedsome very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1) will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage2) hybrid; transmissions3) crave; One indication; to distinguishII. Synonyms in Context1. also2. as well/too3. too4. also5. as well/too6. too7. also8. AlsoIII. Usage1. I’ve had enough。



高级职业英语第二版教程2答案第二单元1、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through2、What he said sounds _______. [单选题] *A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly(正确答案)D. wonderfully3、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *A. 评论B. 注意C. 悬挂D. 画(正确答案)4、Don’t play games on the computer all day. It’s ______ for your eyes. [单选题] *A. bad(正确答案)B. usefulC. helpfulD. thankful5、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] *A. told(正确答案)B. saidC. talkedD. spoke6、Nobody noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______. [单选题] *A. put outB. turn outC. give outD. go out(正确答案)7、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of8、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on9、Grandfather lives with us. We all _______ him when he gets ill. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look atC. look forD. look like10、--Shall we have a swim?--Yes, let’s _______ it at 9:00 next Sunday. [单选题] *A. putB. meetC. setD. make(正确答案)11、( )Keep quiet, please. It’s ________ noisy here. [单选题] *A. many tooB. too manyC. too muchD. much too(正确答案)12、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)13、It was _____ that the policy of reform and opening up came into being in China. [单选题] *A. in the 1970s(正确答案)B. in 1970sC. in the 1970s'D. in 1970's14、He didn't allow _____ in his room. Actually he didn't allow his family _____ at all. [单选题] *A. to smoke; to smokeB. smoking; to smoke(正确答案)C. to smoke; smokingD. smoking; smoking15、He spoke too fast, and we cannot follow him. [单选题] *A. 追赶B. 听懂(正确答案)C. 抓住D. 模仿16、The car _______ after forty minutes driving, so he didn’t have the interview on time. [单选题] *A. broke down(正确答案)B. broke inC. broke outD. broke up17、My mother and my aunt are both _______. They work in a big supermarket. [单选题] *A. actressesB. doctorsC. salesmenD. saleswomen(正确答案)18、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] *A. schedule(正确答案)B. schoolC. menuD. subject19、You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking, _______ you’ll get better soon. [单选题] *A. butB. afterC. orD. and(正确答案)20、12.Who will ________ the Palace Museum after Shan Jixiang retires? [单选题] *A.in chargeB.in charge ofC.be in charge of (正确答案)D.be in the charge of21、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look upC. take careD. look out22、You are getting too old for football.You had better _____tennis instead. [单选题] *A.take up(正确答案)B.take inC.take forD.take over23、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why24、Which do you enjoy to spend your weekend, fishing or shopping? [单选题] *China'shigh-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past fewyears.A. are growing(正确答案)B. have grownC. will growD. had grown25、76.—Could you tell me ________the bank?—Turn right and it's on your right. [单选题]*A.how get toB.how to getC.how getting toD.how to get to(正确答案)26、It _____ us a lot of time to do this job. [单选题] *A. spentB. madeC. took(正确答案)D. cost27、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] *A. thatB. when(正确答案)C. whileD. as28、He held his()when the results were read out. [单选题] *A. breath(正确答案)B. voiceC. soundD. thought29、The green shorts are _______ sale for $[单选题] *A. forB. on(正确答案)C. atD. with30、You can borrow my book, _____ you promise to give it back to me by the end of this month. [单选题] *A.even ifB. as long as(正确答案)C. in caseD. even though。



职通英语第二版unit2答案1、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well2、Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot. [单选题] *A. becauseB. soC. but(正确答案)D. unless3、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so4、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起5、Finally he had to break his promise. [单选题] *A. 计划B. 花瓶C. 习惯D. 诺言(正确答案)6、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练7、62.--There is? ? ? ? ? sale on in the shop today. Let’s go together.--Please wait? ? ? ? ? ?minute. I’ll finish my homework first. [单选题] *A.a; theB.a; a(正确答案)C.the; aD.the; the8、You should take the medicine after you read the _______. [单选题] *A. linesB. wordsC. instructions(正确答案)D. suggestions9、What _______ would you like, sir? [单选题] *A. otherB. else(正确答案)C. othersD. another10、Simon does not()his fellow workers because they often argue over trivial matters. [单选题] *A. get on with(正确答案)B. come up withC. do away withD. go on with11、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything12、Have you done something _______ on the weekends? [单选题] *A. special(正确答案)B. soreC. convenientD. slim13、93.Welcome ________ our school! [单选题] *A.to(正确答案)B.inC.atD./14、4.—Alice’s never late for school.—________. [单选题] * A.So am I.B.So was I.C.Neither am I. (正确答案)D.Neither have I.15、In many cities, a low-carbon lifestyle has become(). [单选题] *A. more popular and more popularB. more and more popular(正确答案)C. the most popularD. most and most popular16、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *A. buyB. buyingC. to buy(正确答案)D. to buying17、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane18、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think19、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves20、The teacher has his students_____a composition every other week. [单选题] *A.to writeB.writtenC.writingD.write(正确答案)21、His new appointment takes()from the beginning of next month. [单选题] *A. placeB. effect(正确答案)C. postD. office22、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die23、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make24、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing25、Fresh _______ is good for our health. [单选题] *A. climateB. skyC. weatherD. air(正确答案)26、Ordinary books, _________ correctly, can give you much knowledge. [单选题] *A. used(正确答案)B. to useC. usingD. use27、1.I saw ________ action film with my friend yesterday, and ________ film was amazing. [单选题] *A.a...aB.a...theC.an...the(正确答案)D.an...a28、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with29、Be _______ when you are driving. [单选题] *A. afraidB. careful(正确答案)C. clearD. clean30、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her。



Unit 1 Text A 职场时装潮流许多人天天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步伐一致。




















Text B波音公司行为准则波音公司行为准则为全部波音公司员工制定了必需遵守的行为规范。







全新版大学英语第二版综合教程 第二册课后答案
Unit 2
Part II Reading Task--Content Questions on P 37
1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.
Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”
Part TwБайду номын сангаас: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.
11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.
Ex.1 on P41-42
1) abrupt
2) emotional 3) bless
4) wear and tear 5) dated

职通英语综合教程:2 Weekdays and Weekends

职通英语综合教程:2 Weekdays and Weekends

Language Study
Step 1 Weekdays
Routines Tell the class. I … every day. I … once a week.
Weekdays and Weekends!
Step 1 Weekdays
My Day
Anna and Susan are in a café.
and then I walk to the bus stop. The bus leaves at twenty past seven, you see. S: Oh, dear. I don’t like early mornings. I never start work before quarter to ten.
And then it’s the same routine every day – but it’s never boring. I check my emails, have a meeting with the hotel manager and then I organise the hotel bookings. A: And when do you finish work? S: Well, I often work late. I sometimes work until half past eight in the evening and I often work at the weekend, too. I must be a workaholic!
is quiet. I can do a lot of work.
S: You start work at eight – so when do you get up?



最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively byoneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we shouldstrike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later Language Sense Enhancement(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.”This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches withoutbeing rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it. III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helped Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talenteda young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. beComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in afrank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computerstore to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easy Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growingup.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard thewelfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artisticmerit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents. already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert anSUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite。



Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate choice.
3. ABC Company is a joint _____ supported by both China and American government. A. company B. enterprise C. venture D. firm 4. _____ changed and continues to change our life dramatically. A. Global B. Globalize C. Globe D. Globalization
Unit 1 International Business
Vocabulary Grammar Translation Session 2
Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate choice.
1. Railway _____ is the most convenient as well as time-saving way to d. station C. transaction D. transformation 2. After the _____ crisis, China’s economy is still increasing steadily. A. fiscal B. financial C. economical D. economy
2 Complete the following sentences by changing the words from nouns into verbs. Make some changes where necessary. 1) As a business major, we should know how to ______ define (definition) business. 2) The purpose of our after-sales department is to _____ (service) our customers. serve 3) This company wants to ______ invest (investment) a great sum of money in this area. expect (expectation) to 4) We really _______ maintain long and friendly business relationship with your company. equipped (equipment)with is well _________ 5) Our firm __ high technology.



Key to Exercises of College English Book 2全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程2课后练习答案Unit 1★Text AVocabularyI.1.1) insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) Inretrospect 5) initial 6) phenomena7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not…in the least 11) promote 12) emerged2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards ofliving in the north of the country and the south.2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) The city’s importance as a financial center hasevolved slowly.4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is agood lawyer.5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-centuryItalian poet have found their way into someEnglish magazines.3. 1) be picked up, can’t accomplish, am exaggerating2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they applyto3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superiorII.1. 1) continual 2) continuous 3) continual 4)continuous2. 1) principal 2) principal 3) principle 4) principles 5) principalIII.1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/ by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExerciseI. Cloze1. 1) contrast 2) exaggerating 3) priority 4) on the other hand 5) promoting6) pick up 7) assist 8) accomplish 9) on occasion 10) neglecting11) worthwhile 12) superior2. 1) end 2) perform 3) facing 4) competent 5) equipped6) designed 7) approach 8) rest9) definitely 10) qualityII. Translation1.1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was boldenough to give a performance in front of a largeaudience.3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.4) Assuming (that) this painting really is a masterpiece,do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it? 5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2. To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing,listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.★ Text BComprehension check: c c d a c bLanguage Practice1.g h e c f a b d2.1) adopt 2) account 3) from your point of view 4)ended up 5) furthermore 6) fund 7) annual 8) keeping track of 9) pace 10) intends11) perspective 12) deviseUnit 2★Text AVocabularyI. 1. 1) abrupt 2) emotional 3) bless 4) wear and tear 5) dated6)consequences 7)seemingly 8) in contrast to9) Curiosity 10) genuine 11) primarily 12)sentiments2. 1) When you are confronted with more than oneproblem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) Water is vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) There is still some confusion among the studentsabout what to do after class to follow up on thesubject.4) As a person of simple living habits, he needsnothing more than a job and an apartment to behappy.5) It tickled him to think that she’d come to as hisadvice.3. 1) a lingering, fabricating, sentiments2) fill out, every item, vital, consequences3) be denied, tangible, cherish, attainII.1.It’s a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2.She arrived early and took a front row seat.3.Don’t take me for a fool.4.It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5.My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arcticthis summer.6.He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7.Kevin took second prize in the weight-liftingcompetition.8.If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III.1.hanging2. to give3. to return4. beingpraised 5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helped Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) well-off/affluent 2) dated 3) falling into 4)bracket 5) deny6) tangible 7) pursuit 8) cherishes 9) out of place 10) abrupt11) focus 12) donations2. 1) consume 2) fueled 3) annual 4) plain 5) physically 6) security7) indicates 8) equally 9) traditional 10) followsII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had acommercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin tostammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in ourfamily. That’s why my parents never took me todinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to thebest private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he losthis job and thus had to go through another difficultphase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parentsare rather poor, but they have always tried hard to。



最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity. 11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for9) is awaiting10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual4) continuous2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enoughto give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age.(4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization.A Salvation Army bell ringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.” This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested in what’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was stillmaterial goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poormainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms of life.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice 3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations 2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations had a commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by herfather.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom. Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interferenceLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedly II. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. be Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed down the possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns. (3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned. 2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighborslost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.”In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel anaversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, and attacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory. Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier.I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click ofthe mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work forit!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best.9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smiling too, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) startled(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions10) ashamed of11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue her education to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business. 2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth andhelped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mind and work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’ opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion that women can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities. 2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering.because she craved independence from her parents.already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in the foreign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight。



Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate choice.
3. Food production and _____ are vital to society. A. sales B. distribution C. retail D. promotion
Unit 2 Business Expansion
Language Focus
Grammar Focus
Translation Session 2
Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate choice.
1. China has a vast _____ market which guaranteed its rapid economic growth. A. inland B. international C. home D. domestic 2. Future _____ of the business calls for two new factories. A. expansion B. expand C. expansive D. expansionary
Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate choice.
9. A factory must try to _____ for further development. A. diversify B. diverse C. diversion D. diversity
10. Therefore, to make continuous efforts to protect the environment remains an important _____ task. A. strategically B. strategize C. strategy D. strategic



最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案课后练习答案Unit1 Ways of LearningPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing.2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly.4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education andto throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself.7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.8. The manner in which the Chinese staff saw the need to teach the child by guiding his hand in the characteristic of a broader attitude to education, one that stands in contrast to the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.9. One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a day.10. Americans think that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chinese think that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired, and there is no hurry to promote creativity.11. This is mainly due to the difference in their way of thinking.12. The author makes the suggestion that we should strike a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) The text begins with an anecdote.2) His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West.3) He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.2. Chinese1) Show a child how to do something, or tech by holding the hand2) Give greater priority to developing skills at an early age, believing that creativity can be promoted over timeAmericans1) Teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems2) Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up laterLanguage Sense Enhancement(1) Summarizing(2) value originality and independence(3) contrast between(4) in terms of(5) harbor(6) fearful(7) comparable(8) promote creativity(9) emerge(10) picked upLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) insert2) on occasion3) investigate4) In retrospect5) initial6) phenomena7) attached8) make up for9) is awaiting10) not; in the least11) promote12) emerged2.1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south.2) is said to be superior to synthetic fiber.3) as a financial center has evolved slowly.4) is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.5) by a little-known sixteen-century Italianpoet have found their way into some English magazines.3.1) be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating2) somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to3) assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superiorII1.1) continual2) continuous3) continual4) continuous2.1) principal2) principal3) principle4) principles5) principalIII1. themselves2. himself/herself3. herself/by herself/on her own4. itself5. ourselves6. yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) contrast(2) exaggerating(3) priority(4) on the other hand(5) promoting(6) pick up(7) assist(8) accomplish(9) occasion(10) neglecting(11) worthwhile(12) superior2.0-(2) perform(3) facing(4) competent(5) equipped(6) designed(7) approach(8) rest(9) definitely(10) qualityII. translation1.(1) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition.(2) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.(3) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. (4) Assuming this painting really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy it?(5) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.2.To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering English.Unit2 ValuesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. The Salvation Army is a religious charitable organization. A Salvation Army bellringer is a volunteer who help it collect donations.2. The boy asked him: Are you poor? He did it simply out of confusion and curiosity. Obviously he knew nothing about the Salvation Army bell ringer.3. He said, “I have more than some people, but not as much as others.” This means that he was neither poor nor rich.4. The boy’s mother scolded him because the question was social inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor.5. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives ina small basement apartment. He doesn’t even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.6. No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.7. He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.8. She told him that she was interested inwhat’s on the inside. but after he took her to his poorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely.9. It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.10. Commercial can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.11. Because December is the time for to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.12. The boy’s question has helped the writer realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1) a.√2) the essay is meant to explain something that is, the author’s view of life.3) That one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.2.Part One: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “are you poor?”Part Two: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.Part Three: In conclusion, the writer thinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) attain(2) wear and tear(3) dependable(4) modest(5) primarily(6) minimal(7) exceptionally(8) illness-free(9) spirited(10) energizingLanguage FocusVocabularyI1.1) abrupt2) emotional3) bless4) wear and tear5) dated6) consequences7) seemingly8) in contrast to9) Curiosity10) genuine11) primarily12) sentiments2.1) confronted with more than one problem, try to solve the easiest one first.2) vital to the existence of all forms oflife.3) some confusion among the students about what to do after class to follow up on the subject.4) nothing more than a job and an apartment to be happy.5) tickled him to think that she’d come to ask his advice3.1) a lingering; fabricating; sentiments2) fill out; every item; vital; consequences3) be denied; tangible; cherish; attainII1. It is a long trip and will take us five hours by bus.2. She arrived early and took a front row seat.3. Don’t take me for a fool.4. It takes a lot of imagination to fabricate such a story.5. My uncle will take me (along on his trip) to the Arctic this summer.6. He took the dinner plate I passed to him.7. Kevin took second prize in the weight-lifting competition.8. If you don’t take my advice, you will regret it.III1. hanging2. to give3. to return4. being praised5. not having written6. to say7. to open8. being helpedComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) well-off/affluent(2) dated(3) falling into(4) bracket(5) deny(6) tangible(7) pursuit(8) cherishes(9) out of place(10) abrupt(11) focus(12) donations2.(1) consume(2) fueled(3) annual(4) plain(5) physically(6) security(7) indicates(8) equally(9) traditional(10) followsIII. Translation1.1) The company denied that its donations hada commercial purpose.2) Whenever he was angry, he would begin tostammer slightly.3) Education is the most cherished tradition in our family. That’s why my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaurants, but sent me to the best private school.4) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through another difficult phase of his life.5) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried to meet our minimal needs.2.With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material satisfaction.Unit3 The Generation GapPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. There are seven characters---Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins.2. No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassing them.3. To buy a guitar.4. To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.5. He knew his father was going to embarrass him.6. It was unnecessary and embarrassing.7. He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom.8. He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call.9. She felt humiliated.10. Because the Thompson had just moved.11. He tried to let her know how exceptionally talented a young woman Heidi was.12. Because she couldn’t bear being embarrassed by her father.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. A fast-food restaurant2. The Thompson family dining room3. An office at a high school2.Scene One: Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.Scene Two: Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a colleague into pressing his son to ask her to the senior prom.Scene Three: Father embarrassed Heidi by boating to an official at her new school about how talented she was.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) once in a while(2) for(3) the problem(4) he thinks(5) humiliated(6) class president(7) have(8) Actually(9) stop to think(10) interference Language Focus VocabularyI1.1) typical2) dumb3) junior4) glorious5) welfare6) came over7) interference8) fading9) narrowed down10) frank11) schemes12) at any rate2.1) consists of five generals and four police officers.2) will be in a location overlooking the lake.3) was humiliated by her comments about my family background in front of so many people.4) have any proof that it was Henry who stole the computer?5) was exhausted after the long cycle ride.3.1) hysterical; was handed down by; should have known better than2) twisted; over and over; talented son3) patience; not to keep him in suspense; assured; repeatedlyII. Collocation1. adequate2. anxious3. certain4. content5. crazy6. likely7. fortunate8. keenIII. Usage1. be admitted2. live3. be postponed4. buy5. be banned6. be Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) typical(2) welfare(3) constant(4) frank(5) talent(6) dumb(7) know better than that(8) repeatedly(9) dread(10) interference(11) bet(12) assure2.(1) despite(2) really(3) same(4) contact(5) admitted(6) attempt(7) not(8) tend(9) different(10) mannerII. Translation1.(1) Have scientists found proof of water on Mars?(2) The planning committee has narrowed downthe possible locations for the nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.(3) Sam not only lost his job but also both legs; he had to live on welfare for the rest of his life.(4) A jury consisting of 12 members voted in unison that Mary was guilty.(5) Sean felt humiliated to hear his talent being questioned.2.George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer gamessoftware from his classmates.Unit4 The Virtual WorldPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer.2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with colleagues via the Internet, too.3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only t get mail, newspapers and groceries.4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and life seems to be unreal.5. That people who grew used to a virtual life would feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing.6. She gets overexcited, speaks too much, and interrupts others.7. She is bad-tempered, easily angered, andattacks everyone in sight, all because she has long become separated from others and lacks emotional face-to-face exchanges with people.8. She fights her boyfriend, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by their typed dialogue.9. Because we rely on co-works for company.10. She calls people, arrangers to meet the few friends remaining in the City, gets to the gym, arranges interviews for stories, doctor’s appointments---anything to get her out of the house and connected with others.11. No, she doesn’t feel happy. She feels being face to face is intolerable.12. She makes her excuses and flees, re-enters her apartment, runs to the computer, clicks on the modem, and disappears into the virtual world again. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.1. 2-32. 1,4-10,133. 114. 122.The first paragraph describes the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells of the author’s escape back into it. Together, they bring out the dilemma people at present are in: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but find both unsatisfactory.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) routine(2) for company(3) unemployment(4) externally(5) drug abuse(6) restore(7) fled(8) gym(9) set apart(10) appointmentsVocabularyI1.1) conversely2) but then3) symptom4) spitting5) abusing6) tone7) took; in8) editing9) have arranged10) in sight11) stretched12) data2.1) smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) find themselves getting sucked in.3) has arranged for a technician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) fled their country to avoid military service/fled to other countries to avoid militaryservice.5) restore people’s confidence in it.3.1) the virtual; on line; via2) nightmare; routine; any appointment; arrange for3) cue; remarks; his tuneII. Collocation1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vacation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise. III. Usage1. hard2. difficult3. impossible4. tough5. hard6. easyComprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) Internet(2) click(3) virtual(4) routines(5) arrange(6) nightmare(7) annoying(8) connection(9) crawls(10) take in(11) spit(12) data(13) sucked into(14) At times(15) flee(16) on line2.(1) companion(2) deliver(3) access(4) enables(5) customers(6) delights(7) provides(8) small(9) remote(10) informationII. Translation1.1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A show Internet connection speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2.Perhaps you envy me for being able to work fromhome on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.Unit5 Overcoming ObstaclesPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. Because the pole was set at 17 feet which was three inches higher than his personal best.2. Because pole-vaulting combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.3. His childhood dream was to fly. His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up.4. Because he believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it!5. Michael's mother wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!"6. He began a very careful training program.7. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches. He was very calm.8. He began to feel nervous when the bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. 9. What his mother had taught him about how to deal with tension or anxiety helped him overcome his nervousness.10. The singing of some distant birds in flight made him associate his final jump with his childhood dream.11. He could imagine the smile on his mother’s face. He thought his father was probably smilingtoo, even laughing. However, in fact, his father hugged his wife and cried like a baby in her arms.12. Because he was blind.Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: Michael faced the most challenging competition in his pole-vaulting career.Part Two: Michael’s childhood was marked with dreams and tough training.Part Three: Michael topped his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record.2.(1) It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.(2) All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.Language Sense Enhancement1.(2) bale of hay(3) off(4) intensity(5) shaking the tension(6) tense(7) description(8) out of nowhere(9) pictured(10) scaredVocabularyI1.1) startled2) mere3) motion4) sweating5) stretched out6) vain7) On the occasion8) anxiety9) emotions11) In my mind’s eye12) recurring2.1) coincides with her husband’s.2) sends the prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) of alternate sunshine and rain.4) have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics at university.5) Tension came over her3.1) media; dedication to; grace2) his competitors; in excitement; hug him; congratulate him on3) emotions; numerous; intensity; passion forII. Collocation1. Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2. In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue hereducation to acquire still another degree.3. There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility to safeguard the welfare of animals.4. Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5. Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III. Words with Multiple Meanings1. I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2. Florence has worked as a cleaner at the factory for five years.3. The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4. The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5. It is difficult to understand how humanminds work.6. To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7. The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8. The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExercisesI. cloze1.(1) In my mind’s eye(2) groan(3) competitor(4) intensity(5) anxiety(6) tense(7) sweat(8) tension(9) soaring(10) recurring(11) brought me back to earth(12) fantasy(13) sweat(14) congratulate(15) number(16) media2.(1) engineer(2) forget(3) convinced(4) how(5) build(6) accident(7) thought(8) only(9) sharp(10) touched(11) instructions(12) finallyII. Translation1.1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the company into a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of the office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2.Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought meback to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”Unit6 Women, Half the SkyPart II Reading TaskComprehensionContent QuestionPair Work1. They liked girly toys such as a miniature kitchen, and Barbies.2. To convert a gas-guzzling SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.3. Because she didn’t know anything about cars and was afraid of being cheated by the mechanic.4. She was craving independence and wanted to live away from home for some time.5. It helped her earn six engineering credits, which of course made it easier for her to become an engineering major.6. Five years.7. In her view, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it does not mean you’re not good at it. It just means you have to set your mindand work harder to get good at it.8. Because he had confidence in her abilities believing she could have done better if she had studied more.9. No, she wasn’t always confident. She had moments of panic, worried that as a woman she would be unable to understand thermodynamics.10. She considers it wrong because it is based on a faulty premise.11. It is flexible and more powerful than we imagine.12. What she means is not to accept others’opinions blindly but to use one’s own judgment. Text OrganizationWorking On Your Own1.Part One: The author describes how she stumbled into engineering.Part Two: The author writes about how she has overcome obstacles, including the bias against women, on her way to success.Part Three: The author draws the conclusion thatwomen can do anything men can so long as they believe in their own abilities.2.1) she was not a tomboy.not to an engineering department.she didn’t know the first thing about engineering. because she craved independence from her parents. already earned her six credits in engineering.2) math and design.she participated in a national competition to convert an SUV into a hybrid electric vehicle.work harder at it.that she should study more.had to work hard at courses she found difficult, which encouraged her to keep going.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) limit(2) denying(3) favor(4) others(5) relevant(6) translating(7) hard and fast conclusions(8) focus(9) incredibly flexible(10) consider the possibilityVocabularyI1.1) cultural/culture2) indication3) miniature4) ironic5) stumbled into6) decent7) buzzing8) abnormal9) mechanical10) Shuddering11) implied12) leap2.1) convert RMB into US dollars in theforeign exchange office at the airport.2) didn’t know the first thing about cooking as she looked puzzled as to how to cook rice with the rice cooker.3) their faulty equipment the team had accomplished some very useful work.4) allowing me to work flexible hours as long as I work eight hours a day.5) couldn’t help thinking the book must be quite fascinating.3.1) will not panic/feel panic; ’ll be at a disadvantage2) hybrid; transmissions3) crave; One indication; to distinguishII. Synonyms in Context1. also2. as well/too3. too4. also5. as well/too6. too。



职通英语2unit2答案1、Medicines are to be taken according to the doctor’s advice. [单选题] *A. 发放B. 提取C. 配方D. 服用(正确答案)2、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after3、Nowadays schools should care for the full _______ of a student’s talents. [单选题] *A. satisfactionB. development(正确答案)C. communicationD. preparation4、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)5、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *A. balance(正确答案)B. chanceC. placeD. memory6、67.—What can I do for you?—I'm looking at that dress.It looks nice.May I ________?[单选题] *A.hold it onB.try it on(正确答案)C.take it offD.get it off7、Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] *A. someB. something(正确答案)C. anyD. anything8、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *A. amongB. between(正确答案)C. onD. next9、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music10、25.A watch is important in our life. It is used for ______ the time. [单选题] * A.telling (正确答案)B.sayingC.speakingD.holding11、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. wasD. were12、Becky is having a great time ______ her aunt in Shanghai. ()[单选题] *A. to visitB. visitedC. visitsD. visiting(正确答案)13、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice14、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined15、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a16、You can ask()is on duty there tonight. [单选题] *A. WhatB. whomC. whoever(正确答案)D. whomever17、—______ my surprise, Zhu Hui won the first prize in the speech contest. —But I think he could, because he kept practicing speaking.()[单选题] *A. To(正确答案)B. AboutC. ForD. In18、With all the work on hand, he _____ to the cinema last night. [单选题] *A.should goB.must have goneC.might goD..shouldn’t have gone(正确答案)19、The man lost his camera and he ______ it now.()[单选题] *A. foundB. is findingC. is looking forD. looks for(正确答案)20、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?21、—______ do you pay for it? —Over the Internet. ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. How muchC. How(正确答案)D. When22、—______ you speak French?—Yes, I can.()[单选题] *A. NeedB. Can(正确答案)C. MightD. Must23、My English teacher has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. storiesB. suggestions(正确答案)C. messagesD. practice24、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *A. active(正确答案)B. quietC. lazyD. honest25、_____ yuan a month _____ not enough for a family of three to live on today. [单选题] *A. Five hundred; is(正确答案)B. Five hundreds; areC. Five hundred; areD.Five hundreds; is26、23.Susan doesn’t like cartoons. She would rather ______ Space War”. [单选题] * A.see (正确答案)B.seesC.seeingD.to see27、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] *A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./28、—What do you think of Animal World? —______. I watch it every day.()[单选题] *A. I don’t mind it.B. I like it.(正确答案)C. I can’t stand it.D. I don’t like it.29、51.People usually ________ the prices before they buy something. [单选题] * A.receiveB.payC.spendD.compare(正确答案)30、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new。



schools in Nanjing.
Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of
the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel.
the Western preference for leaving the child to explore and learn unaided.
One example is of children at the age of 5 or 6 painting flowers, fish and animals
in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes
toward creativity.
Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.
skillfully and confidently; in a second example, calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were
producing works; and in a third, young artists work on perfecting their craft for several hours a
the poles of creativity and basic skills.
Text Organization



State your name, address, and telephone number first.
Administrative Assistant, Blue Ribbon Technologies, Inc., Pasadena, CA, April 2006 to Present
Heading Job Objective Educational Background Work Experience References
Marjorie Barnes
State job objective or general career goal in a few
9931 Sargasso Terrace Pasadena, CA 91050
Wuhan University
Personal Data: Born:
Sex: Health: Marital status: References:
February, 1980, in Wuhan, Hubei Province Female Excellent Single References are available upon request.
Write a resume according to the information
given below:
何静,女,未婚,健康状况良好,1980年2月出生 于湖北武汉,2003年7月从北京外国语大学英语系毕 业,获文学学士学位。
Boswell Secretarial College, Pasadena, CA, 1999 Associate in Applied Science. Specialized in Accounting, Business and Office Management.


?Extended Exercises violence on viewers
5. Write about the effect of something
Lesson 1
Lesson 1 Lead-in
Sitcom: Have You Chosen a Movie Yet? Scene 1
Exercise A
Exercise B
Exercise A
Answer the following questions according to what you hear.
1. Why is Cheryl late?
Cheryl is late because she couldn't find a parking space.
Cheryl doesn't want to see The Last Train to Hong Kong
because it's too violent
What does Marie think of
Marie says that On the Bridge is very romantic.
a. More than half
b. Half
c. Less than half
5. Viewing violent movies and playing violent video games can make people ____.
5. Why does Cheryl say the movie tickets are her treat?
Because she wants Paul and Bob to stop acting out the movies and attracting attention in the restaurant.
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职通英语第二版综合教程2 unit2答案
1、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *
A. 后来
B. 以后
C. 终于
D. 最近(正确答案)
2、—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.—I can’t, either. We have to ______ new ways to solve the problem.()[单选题] *
A. come up with(正确答案)
B. get on with
C. make up with
D. catch up with
3、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *
D.to take
4、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *
A. as if
B. so that(正确答案)
C. until
D. after
5、—Can you play the violin at the art festival?—No, I ______. But I am good at playing the drums.()[单选题] *
A. can
B. can’t(正确答案)
C. do
D. don’t
6、--The last bus has left. What should we do?--Let’s take a taxi. We have no other _______ now. [单选题] *
A. choice(正确答案)
B. reason
C. habit
D. decision
7、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *
A. how
B. which
C. that(正确答案)
D. what
8、20.Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. [单选题] * A.heavy
9、—______?—He can do kung fu.()[单选题] *
A. What does Eric like
B. Can Eric do kung fu
C. What can Eric do(正确答案)
D. Does Eric like kung fu
10、The three guests come from different _______. [单选题] *
A. country
B. countrys
C. countryes
D. countries(正确答案)
11、Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day [单选题] *
A. ever since
B. even if
C. soon after
D. in case(正确答案)
12、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *
A. 聪明的
B. 凶恶的
C. 野生的(正确答案)
D. 珍贵的
13、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *
A. a
B. an(正确答案)
C. the
D. /
14、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *
B. until…when
C. not until…that(正确答案)
15、Jim, it’s dark now. Please _______ the light in the room. [单选题] *
A. turn on(正确答案)
B. turn up
C. turn off
D. turn down
16、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *
17、The children ______ visiting the museum. [单选题] *
A. look over
B. look forward to(正确答案)
C. look for
D. look after
18、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *
A. 拥有(正确答案)
B. 经营
C. 工作
D. 了解
19、The managing director took the()for the accident, although it was not his fault. [单选题] *
A. Guilt
B. charge(正确答案)
C. blame
D. accusation
20、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *
A. Class Second
B. the Class Two
C. Class Two(正确答案)
D. Second Two
21、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *
A. message(正确答案)
B. letter
C. sentence
D. notice
22、14.He is cutting the apple ________ a knife. [单选题] *
23、—Look at those purple gloves! Are they ______, Mary?—No, they aren’t. ______ are pink. ()[单选题] *
A. you; I
B. your; My
C. yours; Mine(正确答案)
D. you; Me
24、His picture is on show in London this month. [单选题] *
A. 给...看
B. 展出(正确答案)
C. 出示
D. 上演
25、Don’t swim in the river. It’s too _______. [单选题] *
A. interesting
B. easy
C. difficult
D. dangerous(正确答案)
26、6.—How can we get to the school?—________ bus. [单选题] * A.To
27、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *
B. well
C. kind(正确答案)
D. glad
28、He doesn’t smoke and hates women _______. [单选题] *
A. smokes
B. smoke
C. smoked
D. smoking(正确答案)
29、Hearing that he had passed _____ health examination, he immediately made _____ call to his parents. [单选题] *
A. a; /
B. the; /
C. the; a(正确答案)
D. a; the
30、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *
A. take; off
B. see; off(正确答案)
D. put; away。
