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The lid margin is marked laterally
An estimate of the amount of margin to be removed is made,and the lid is marked.The ventral end of the triangle is marked 10to14mm below.
【surgical method】
As the conjunctiva is not involved, it is not removed. Incisions are outlined by dotted lines. The incisions are marked on the patient with a plastic surgery marking pen. The vertical sides of the triangles are 20 per cent longer than the vertical incisions adjacent to the tumor to allow for wound contraction.
The first incision is made with straight Mayo scissors
The second incision is made
The triangular piece is removed.
Note that the conjunctival defect is smaller, justifying one layer of sutures in the skin in some cases.
➢The tarsal gland adenoma, as with most tumors of the canine eyelid,is clinically benign,and surgical excision is usually curative.
➢Cryosurgery using 1iquid nitrogen at -20℃ can also be used to treat these tumors.
钳夹长度与内翻睑缘相等,宽度依内翻程度而 定(钳夹时眼睑应有一定程度的外翻)。
用力钳压皮肤或用持针钳钳压止血钳, 使去除止血钳后皮肤仍皱起
用4号丝线结节缝合皮肤创缘。缝合 要密,保持针距2mm。
➢患眼涂布或滴入抗生素眼膏或 抗生素眼药水,3~4次/d。
距睑外 翻下缘 2~3mm 处切一 “V”形 切口
从其尖端 向上分离 皮瓣,用 镊子将皮 瓣提起, 再用剪刀 钝性分离 “ V” 形 皮肤切口 周围皮下 组织
从尖端 向上作 “ Y” 形缝合。 边缝合 边向上 移动皮 瓣,直 至外翻 矫正为 止。
矫 正 后 的 下 眼 睑
【术式二】 Modified procedure
【术式】 1.用组织钳夹住增生物包膜外 引使充分暴露。 2.以小型弯止血钳钳夹蒂部。 3.再以小剪刀或外科刀剪除或 切除。
4.尽量不损伤结膜及瞬膜,用青霉素 液冲洗创口,3~5min后去除夹钳, 灭菌干棉球压迫局部止血。也可剪 除增生物后立即烧烙止血,但要用 湿灭菌纱布保护眼球,以免灼伤。
5.以青霉素40万IU肌注抗感染。术后 也可用新霉素眼药水点眼2~3d。
The wound sutured with 6~0 silk.
【术后护理】 ➢患眼涂布或滴入抗生素眼膏或抗生
素眼药水,3~4次/d。 ➢颈部安装颈圈,防止自我损伤病眼 ➢术后10~14d拆线。 ➢术后数日内局部肿胀可逐渐减轻
四、 Excision of Eyelid Tumors
➢Eyelid tumors are common in the dog.
➢The tarsal gland adenoma is the most frequently diagnosed eyelid tumor in the dog.
➢Less commonly found are adenocarcinomas,melanomas and papillomas.
➢颈部安装颈圈,防止自我损伤 病眼。
➢术后10~14d拆线。 ➢术后数日局部肿胀可逐渐减轻
【适应症】下眼睑外翻。 【保定和麻醉】俯卧保定,全 麻或浸润麻醉 【术式一】
Outturned lid
Conjunctival congestion and inflammation
第七章 眼部手术
一、眼睑内翻矫正术 【适应症】下眼睑内翻。 【保定和麻醉】俯卧保定,全身麻
Secondary uveitis and hypopyon if lesion is severe
Blepharospasm Inturning Excoriation Purulent discharge
Severe conjunctivitis
Miosis(especially if the cornea is ulcerated)
edema ulceration
Dermis hydrated
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ inturning
用镊子距睑缘2~4mm提起皮肤,并用直止血 钳或弯止血钳将其夹住
身麻醉,先以噻胺酮复合麻醉剂做浅麻醉, 再以加有青霉素液的注射用水(每l0ml加青 霉素10万IU)冲洗眼结膜,然后滴入加有肾 上腺素的局部麻醉剂。
脂肪组织。腺体组织分泌的液体经多个导 管抵至球结膜表面,提供大约30%的水性 泪膜。具有保护角膜、除去角膜上异物、 分泌和驱散角膜泪膜及免疫等功能。有作 者认为不宜切除第三眼睑腺(除非组织学证 实为恶性肿瘤或严重损伤),否则易引起角 膜结膜炎和干性角膜结膜炎。