事实是 难怪
it is generally considered that
it is well known that
大家都认为 大家都知道(众所周知)
it is a shame that
遗憾的是… 做某事是不应该的
it will be said that
it is an honor that
1. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessman to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.(1994.1)
(1) 名词做主语 1. Pessimists say that the human is facing extinction.
(2) 名词短语(做主语的名词带有后置定语)做主语 1. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years. 2. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. (1994.3)
请看下面例句:The fact that these people live near famous caves, which contain vivid paintings from Europe‟s early humans, leads him to the conclusion that they are extremely likely to be the most direct relatives of the first modern humans in Europe, who supposedly migrated from Africa. (46 words)我们需要做的就是把句子意群切开,化繁为简,分而治之。
专题1考研英语考什么?2015年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试卷结构表部分节为考生提供的信息指导语语言测试要点题型题目数量计分答题卡种类Ⅰ英语知识运用(10分)1篇文章(240~280词)英语词汇、语法和结构完形填空多项选择题(四选一)2010答题卡1(机器阅卷)Ⅱ阅读理解(60分)A4篇文章(共约1600词)英语理解具体信息,掌握文章大意,猜测生词词义并进行推断等多项选择题(四选一)2040B1篇文章(共约500~600词)英语理解文章结构选择搭配题510C1篇文章(约400词)5处划线部分约150词)英语理解的准确性英译汉510答题卡2(人工阅卷、机器登分)Ⅲ写作(30分)A规定情景英语书面表达应用文(约100词)110 B主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等英语书面表达短文写作(160~200词)120总计50+2100专题2考研英语如何复习?Today I believe---This wonderful lecture will completely change my life! Today I believe---That all my efforts will produce generous returns! Today I believe---CGRE English will be conquered this time!考研英语应试技巧Vocabulary:黑白灰,分实虚,四管齐下巧记忆Reading:把握主题,纵观全局,回归原文,信息定位,合情推理,水到成渠New Reading:四种题型,四种思路;步步为营找关联,反客为主抢先机Translation:把握词义,调整语序;纸面风平浪静,心中万箭齐发Writing:(1)Letter Writing:强化格式,明确目的,十句作文,五句给你(2)Graph Writing:记住“一二三四五”,你比考官都清楚(3)Traditional Writing:全新思路,经典范文,一旦拥有,别无所求硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题真题Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(40points)Text1If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in2006's World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk:elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year in the later months.If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks,you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.What might account for this strange phenomenon?Here are a few guesses:a)certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills;b)winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity,which increases soccer stamina;c)soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime,at the annual peak of soccer mania;d)none of the above.Anders Ericsson,a58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University,says he believes strongly in“none of the above.”Ericsson grew up in Sweden,and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology.His first experiment,nearly30years ago,involved memory:training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers.“With the first subject,after about20 hours of training,his digit span had risen from7to20,”Ericsson recalls.“He kept improving, and after about200hours of training he had risen to over80numbers.”This success,coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined,led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.In other words,whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize,those differences are swamped by how well each person“encodes”the information.And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully,Ericsson determined,was a process known as deliberate practice.Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task.Rather,it involves setting specific goals,obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits,including soccer.They gather all the data they can,not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers.Their work makes a rather startling assertion:the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.Or,put another way,expert performers--whether in memory or surgery,ballet or computer programming--are nearly always made,not born.[410words]21.The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to[A]stress the importance of professional training.[B]spotlight the soccer superstars in the World Cup.[C]introduce the topic of what males expert performance.[D]explain why some soccer teams play better than others.22.The word“mania”(Line4,Paragraph2)most probably means[A]fun.[B]craze.[C]hysteria.[D]excitement.23.According to Ericsson,good memory[A]depends on meaningful processing of information.[B]results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises.[C]is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors.[D]requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration.24.Ericsson and his colleagues believe that[A]talent is a dominating factor for professional success.[B]biographical data provide the key to excellent performance.[C]the role of talent tends to be overlooked.[D]high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture.25.Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?[A]“Faith will move mountains.”[B]“One reaps what one sows.”[C]“Practice makes perfect.”[D]“Like father,like son”Text2For the past several years,the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called“Ask Marilyn.”People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant,who at age10had tested at a mental level of someone about23years old;that gave her an IQ of228-the highest score ever recorded.IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies,to envision paper after it has been folded and cut,and to deduce numerical sequences,among other similar tasks.So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe(whose IQ is100)as, What's the difference between love and fondness?Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence?It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.Clearly,intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test.Just what does it means to be smart?How much of intelligence can be specified,and how much can we learn about it from neurology,genetics,computer science and other fields?The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score,even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be.The test comes primarily in two forms:the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales(both come in adult andchildren's version).Generally costing several hundred dollars,they are usually given only by psychologists,although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible,because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers,rather tan simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by100.Other standardized tests,such as the Scholastic Assessment Test(SAT)and the Graduate Record Exam(GRE),capture the main aspects of IQ tests.Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life,argues Robert J.Sternberg.In his article“How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”.Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge,components also critical to problem solving and life success.Moreover,IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change.Research has found that IQ predicted leadership sills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions,but under high-stress conditions.IQ was negatively correlated with leadership--that is,it predicted the opposite.Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters,whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip. [451words]26.Which of the following may be required in an intelligence test?[A]Answering philosophical questions.[B]Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.[C]Telling the differences between certain concepts.[D]Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.27.What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph3?[A]People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence.[B]More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.[C]The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different.[D]Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence.28.People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant's because[A]the scores are obtained through different computational procedures.[B]creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now.[C]vos Savant's case is an extreme one that will not repeat.[D]the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.29.We can conclude from the last paragraph that[A]test scores may not be reliable indicators of one's ability[B]IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated.[C]testing involves a lot of guesswork.[D]traditional tests are out of date.30.What is the author's attitude towards IQ tests?[A]Supportive.[B]Skeptical.[C]Impartial.[D]Biased.Text3During the past generation,the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure has been transformed by economic risk and new realities.Now a pink slip,a bad diagnosis.or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.In just one generation,millions of mothers have gone to work,transforming basic family economics.Scholars,policymakers,and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes,but few have looked at the side effect:family risk has risen as well.Today's families have budgeted to the limits of their new two-paycheck status.As a result,they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback--a back-up earner(usually Mom)whospiral could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick.This “added-worker effect”could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times.But today,a disruption to family fortunes can not longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.During the same period,families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income.Steelworkers,airline employees,and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates,stock market fluctuation,and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money.For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savings-account model,with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families,the picture is not any better.Both the absolute cost of healthcare and share of it borne by families have risen--and newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers,with much higher deductibles and a large new does of investment risk for families’future healthcare.Even demographics are working against the middle class family,as the odds of having a weak elderly parent--and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance--have jumped eightfold in just one generation.From the middle-class family perspective,much of this,understandably,looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility,and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun,and the political fallout may not be far behind.[421words]31.Today's double-income families are at greater financial risk in that[A]the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.[B]their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.[C]they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.[D]they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.32.As a result of President Bush's reform,retired people may have[A]a higher sense of security.[B]less secured payments.[C]less chance to invest.[D]a guaranteed future.33.According go the author,health-savings plans will[A]help reduce the cost of healthcare.[B]popularize among the middle class.[C]compensate for the reduced pensions.[D]increase the families’investment risk.34.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that[A]financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.[B]the middle class may face greater political challenges.[C]financial problems may bring about political problems.[D]financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.35.Which of the following is the best title for this text?[A]The Middle Class on the Alert[B]The Middle Class on the Cliff[C]The Middle Class in Conflict[D]The Middle Class in RuinsText4It never rains but it pours.Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles,and improved their feeble corporation governance,a new problem threatens to earn them--especially in America--the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite:data insecurity.Left,until now,to odd, low-level IT staff to put right,and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel,information protection is now high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year--from organizations as diverse as Time Warner,the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California.Berkeley--have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.“Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset,”says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University's business school.“The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value,which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.”Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP),perhaps it is time for GASP.Generally Accepted Security Practices,suggested Eli Noam of New York's Columbia Business School.“Setting the proper investment level for security,redundancy,and recovery is a management issue,not a technical one.”he says.The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss.Surely it should be obviousto the dimmest executive that trust,that most valuable of economic assets,is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore--and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands.The current state of affairs may have been encouraged--though not justified--by the lack of legal penalty(in America,but not Europe)for data leakage.Until California recently passed a law,American firms did not have to tell anyone,even the victim,when data went astray,That may change fast:lots of proposed data-security legislation now doing the rounds in Washington.D.C.Meanwhile.the theft of information about some40million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June17th.overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America's Federal Trade Commission(FTC)that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.[416words]36.The statement:“It never rains but it pours”is used to introduce[A]the fierce business competition.[B]the feeble boss-board relations[C]the threat from news reports.[D]the severity of data leakage.37.According to Paragraph2,some organizations check their systems to find out[A]whether there is any weak point.[B]what sort of data has been stolen.[C]who is responsible for the leakage.[D]how the potential spies can be located.38.In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that[A]shareholders’interests should be properly attended to.[B]information protection should be given due attention.[C]businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.[D]the market value of customer data should be emphasized.39.According to Paragraph4,what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to[A]see the link between trust and data protection.[B]perceive the sensitivity of personal data.[C]realize the high cost of data restoration.[D]appreciate the economic value of trust.40.It can be inferred from Paragraph5that[A]data leakage is more severe in Europe.[B]FTC's decision is essential to data security.[C]California takes the lead in security legislation.[D]legal penalty is a major Solomon to data leakage.第一部分考研英语词汇全攻略I.如何计算自己目前的词汇量?请迅速浏览下列词汇及其后所给意思选项,凭借你的第一印象,做出选择,然后结合后面所给正确答案统计出你作对的题目个数记为N.1.agree A.欢迎 B.赞同C反对D赞许2.beautiful A.美丽的 B.丑恶的 C.美女D奇妙的3.business A.繁忙 B.事务 C.匆忙D懒惰4.color A.劳动 B.可可C颜色 D.冒号5.did A.工作 B.小伙子 C.做 D.表示6.enjoy A.欣赏 B.羡慕 C.高兴 D.嘱咐7.fish A.完成 B.盘子 C.鱼 D.愿望8.glass A草地.B玻璃. C.班级 D.眼镜9.high A.低的 B.长的 C.重的D高的10.join A.参加 B.约翰 C.大块肉D开玩笑11.live A.生命 B.生活 C.活波的D肝12.moon A.中午 B.月亮C很快D语气13.object A.事物 B.主观C障碍D主语14.plan A.俚语 B.平面的C计划D飞机15.really A.实现 B.已经C现实D真正地16.sell A.告诉B买C自己的D销售17.sold A.说出B老的C售完D冷的18.such A.许多B接触C推D如此19.thought A.虽然 B.通过C携带D思想20.various A.各种各样的 B.继续 C.担忧的 D.单一的21.aim A.目的B是的C援助D救济金.22.basket A.木桶 B.火箭C篮子 D.曲棍球23.calm A.手掌 B.平静的 C.罐头D棕榈fort A.向前走 B.前进 C.起飞 D.舒适25.deck A.甲板 B.颈 C.鸭子 D.码头26.editor A.事物 B.编辑 C.计算器 D.记者27.feed A.野草 B.种子 C.喂养 D.感觉28.goes A.脚趾 B.斧头 C.鞋子 D.走29.improve A.证明 B.改进 C.反正 D.延伸30.likely A.高兴地 B.喜欢 C.类似的 D.可能的31.mix A.混合 B.最大值 C.最小值 D.牛奶32.parent A.双亲 B.专利 C.天才 D.肃静33.possibly A.具有 B.邮局 C.也许 D.邮筒34.range A.跑步 B.范围 C.围墙 D.角度35.satisfy A.牺牲 B.使满意 C.使熟悉 D.使伤心36.skirt A.郊区 B.跳跃 C.裙子 D.衬衫37.style A.典型 B.型号 C.风格D偷窃38.tip A.顶部 B.钢笔尖 C.一小口 D.小费39.weak A.虚弱 B.星期 C.顶峰D寻求40.yield A.电场 B.场地 C.电焊D让步41.agent A经理B代理人C店主D商人42.basis A基础B三级管C脸盆D基本的43.capable A首都B可能的C有能力的D无能的44.conflict A使面临B混淆C限制D斗争45.dame A游戏B一角线C同样的D少女46.drift A草图B漂流C简短D悲伤47.expedition A探险B过程C超过D实验48.fright A飞行B正确的C恐怖D高度49.hesitate A踌躇B匆忙C说明D国度的50.invent A阻碍B无效C发明D专利51.lodge A对数B逻辑C圆木D供人住宿52.museum A博物馆B展览馆C大会堂D音乐53.performance A表演B完成C实验D成立54.proof A屋顶B防水C同意D证明55.retreat A处理B欺骗C退却D进攻56.sew A看见B播种C缝合D母猪57.stiff A钢铁B硬的C偷窃D偷看58.tool A池塘B工具C器件D傻子59.wherefore A无论哪里B理由C先前进D然而60.yonder A蛋黄B较年轻C美国人D那边61.advocate A广告B提倡C装饰D利益62.banker A资金B宴会C银行家D河堤63.butcher A屠夫B单身汉C管家D灌木64.code A结尾B竹竿C冷却D电码65.creation A生物B创造C债主D创造着66.discipline A门徒B原理C阿司匹林D纪律67.emerge A显露B合并C紧急D能量68.flush A闪光B新鲜C奔流D刷子69.goddess A女神B上帝C好的D货物70.horizon A地平线B垂直线C交叉线D对角线71.jail A果酱B尾巴C罐子D监牢72.loyal A皇家的B守法的C忠实的D土壤73.mood A语气B月球C运动D沼泽74.painter A痛苦的人B熊猫C绷带D画家75.pope A主教B教皇C流行音乐家D傀儡76.reference A会议B参考C干涉D区别77.satisfactory A满意的B稳定的C工厂的D人造的78.soften A沙发B土壤C软化D安全79.sunny A星期天B儿子的C和煦的D总的80.tramp A陷阱B践踏C象鼻D电车81.alliance A同盟B断言C允许D诱惑82.bitterness A一点点B咬C苦难D污渍83.cigar A砂糖B雪茄烟C吉他D圆84.cough A咳嗽B粗糙C坚韧的D面团85.dispatch A分离B驱散C配药D发送86.explosion A开发B爆炸C考察D阐明87.glue A手套B球状物C阴暗D胶水88.hog A狗B猪C钩子D对数89.knave A小刀B骑士C恶棍D刮胡须lionaire A百万B百万周年纪念C蜈蚣D大富翁91.openly A公开的B可能的C椭圆的D能开的92.plump A不景气B水泵C李子D肥胖的93.relax A选择B索引C松弛D静电复印94.selection A选择B选举C解放D决定95.steak A木杖B牛排C粘住D僵硬96.tempest A企图B引诱C暴风雪D锻炼97.unconscious A不合理的B不值得考虑的C未料想到D无意识的98.vacant A牛痘B假期C空的D真空99.wrist A花圈B手腕C失事D包装100.zeal A热心B蜂蜡C致命的D斑马101.advertise A副词B倒转C登广告D忠告102.athletic A运动的B交替的C大西洋的D大气的103.bonnet A女佣人B禁止C香蕉D罩子104.chat A高雅B闲谈C追赶D节俭的105.constable A经常的B不变的C警官D构成的106.deliberate A解放B移交C使高兴D细想107.alert A改变B高架铁路C淘气鬼D留心的108.falter A肥胖B错的C摇晃D落下109.glen A高兴B滑走C瞥见D峡谷110.holder A支持B占有者C洞穴D家庭111.insane A精神病的B无感觉的C插进的D不诚实的112.limitation A模拟B石灰C刺激D限制113.mice A大米B老鼠C很好D地雷114.northward A南北的B向南的C向前的D向西的115.peaceable A一片的B刺穿的C和平的D孔雀116.postal A广告B邮费C柱子D邮政的117.rebuke A非难B叛逆的C拒绝D弹回118.rosy A嘈杂的B上升的C玫瑰色的D念珠119.signature A手势B签名C图章D信号120.spun A脊柱B经过的C旋转D匙子121.almighty A可能的B有为的C浑身难过的D全能的122.bald A香油B无毛的C民歌D痛苦123.calamity A钙粉B平静C灾害D甘菊passion A怜悯B压缩C罗盘D周围125.deceit A诈欺B明白C决心D衰落126.earthworm A蚯蚓B土工C热情D向下127.expel A消费B压缩C吐气D驱逐128.generously A大概B大方C整个的D产生的129.hoop A跛行B铁环C吊钩D线圈130.jurisdiction A正义B辩护C审判权D起诉131.manure A菜谱B手工的C制造D肥料132.myriad A金字塔B神秘C无数D山桃133.parrot A牧师B教区C萝卜D鹦鹉134.proclamation A要求B信息C程序D宣言135.retirement A退回B恢复C退休D沉默136.shipment A航行B装船C船厂D航运137.stork A鹳B传说C坚固D储存138.totally A完全B高高地C频繁地D艰难地139.vassal A船只B容积C诸侯D巨大140.writhe A书写B扭歪C皱起D手腕141.accidental A接近的B必然的C接受的D偶然的142.artificial A艺术的B表面的C人造的D农林方面的143.anoint A涂油B镇痛C取消D告示144.artisan A艺术家B巧计C商品D工匠145.balk A无毛的B阻碍C货物D讨厌146.benefactor A施主B利益C德行D弯曲147.blooming A流血的B金色的C盛开的D洪水的148.buckwheat A大麦B荞麦C公羊D手柄149.capacious A广阔的B有能力的C重要的D连续的150.chiffon A首领B谐音C薄绸D子孙151.collective A选择的B集合的C正确的D大学的152.confirmation A证实B资料C确信D宣告153.conveniently A方便地B交替地C相反地D常规地154.creative A巨大的B生物的C积极的D创造性的155.decency A决心B凋谢C正派D拒绝156.determined A减少的B废止的C分离的D坚决的157.disfigure A轻视B脱离C破相D图像158.random A无序的B冷淡的C缓慢的D相反的159.emphatic A皇帝的B永久的C基础的D加强了的160.ether A或者B乙醚C质子D介子161.fantasy A幻想B展开C运动D饥饿162.fitting A固定B装修C坚实的D点火163.fortification A两星期B好运C筑城D修饰164.gangster A工头B笨人C生姜D歹徒165.godlike A信神的B类似的C善良D神似的166.hack A习惯B劈C沼池D出租马车167.heighten A提高B高度C地狱D手柄168.housekeeping A管马的B有秩序的C良好的D家务管理169.impel A阻止B逼近C推动D冲击170.infect A传染B事实C幼儿D差的171.intrude A侵入B采用C减少D加标题172.juicy A果汁B果酱C判断D多汁的173.lea A茶B草地C躺D依靠174.lordly A贵族的B大声的C放松的D口头的175.manual A方式B粪便C用手的D庄园176.mica A老鼠B微型的C仪表D云母177.mop A地图B自由集会C拖把D士气178.nebula A无能的人B星云C家牛D镍179.noticeable A声名狼藉的B显著的C理论上的D可得到的180.ordeal A兰花B演说者C严峻考验D果园181.pancake A薄煎饼B茶盘C小册子D嵌板182.pending A刑事的B补偿C悬而未决的D修补183.picket A口袋B尖桩C挖D小环184.polo A投票B柱子C地极D水球185.prestige A假装B威信C推测D漂亮的186.prowess A机首B船首C梅干D英勇187.rational A全国的B理性的C关联的D转动的188.reiterate A再处理B退却C反复讲D离开189.revision A苏醒B颠倒C反转D修改190.ruthless A无情的B不生锈的C不粗糙的D不转动的191.scornful A轻视的B有成绩的C灼热的D有影响的192.sewer A缝制B更少的C阴沟D更新的193.syrup A天狼星B陛下C胆小鬼D糖浆194.solicitor A律师B硅C熟悉D隐居者195.squarely A平行地B悲惨地C成直角地D粗糙地196.structural A斗争的B结构上的C规矩的D麻木的197.survival A测量员B环境C幸存D克服198.termination A决心B限制C期限D终点199.topmost A最高的B讨论的C过分的D湿气200.turmoil A转动B骚动C废话D意味参考答案及计算公式:1—10B A B C C A C B D A11—20B B A C D D C D D A21—30A C B D A B C D B D31—40A A C B B C C D A D41—50B A C D D B A C A C51—60A A D C C B B B D61—70B C A D B D A C A A71—80D C A D B B A C C B81—90A C B A D B D B C D91—100A D C A B C D C B A101—110C A D B C D D C D B111—120A D B A C D A C B C 121—130D B C A A A D B B C131—140D C D D C B A A C B141—150D C A D B A C B A C 151—160B C A D C D C A D B161—170A B C D D B A D C A171—180A D B A C D C B B C 181—190A C B D B D B C D A191—200A C D A C B C D A B你的词汇量=50n-<50(200-n)/3>,其中n=你做正确的题目数量,由于中国大学英语学习的特点是以阅读为主,有些课文所学词汇其实较生僻,所以大家计算出来的词汇量建议加上500(非常用但你已从课本或工具书中记住的词)应该是你目前已认知的词汇总量。
17年英语二test2长难句In the 2017 English Test 2, there was a section that focused on long and complex sentences. This section aimed to test the candidate's understanding and ability to analyze and comprehend intricate sentence structures. The following passage presents a few of these challenging sentences:1. "Despite the adverse weather conditions, the team managed to complete the project on time and within the allocated budget."This sentence highlights the team's ability to overcome unfavorable circumstances and accomplish the project successfully. It implies that, despite facing challenging weather conditions, the team was able to complete the project within the set time frame and without exceeding the budget. It showcases the team's determination and resourcefulness in adverse situations.2. "The correlation between the increase in global temperature and the melting of polar ice caps is a significant concern for environmentalists worldwide."This sentence focuses on the cause-and-effect relationship between the rise in global temperatures and the subsequent melting of polar ice caps. It states that environmentalists worldwide are greatly concerned about this correlation. It suggests that the increase in global temperature has a direct impact on the melting of the polar ice caps, which in turn has significant environmental consequences.3. "The government's decision to raise taxes on luxury goods has sparked a fierce debate among economists and policymakers."This sentence highlights the government's decision to increase taxes on luxury items, which has resulted in a heated debate among economists and policymakers. It implies that this decision has significant economic and political implications. The sentence suggests that the tax hike on luxury goods has stirred differing opinions and perspectives among professionals in the field.4. "Having studied the market trends and analyzed the consumer behavior, the marketing team developed a strategic plan to launch the new product."This sentence emphasizes the marketing team's efforts to thoroughly examine the market trends and consumer behavior. It suggests that the team took the necessary steps to understand the market and the preferences of the target audience. The sentence further states that the team formulated a strategic plan to successfully introduce the new product. It highlights the importance of market research and analysis in the development of effective marketing strategies.5. "Despite the initial setbacks and challenges, the athlete's determination and perseverance led him to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games."This sentence highlights the athlete's resilience and strong willpower. It suggests that the athlete faced initial obstacles and difficulties but overcame them through sheer determination. As a result, the athlete ultimately won the gold medal in the Olympic Games. This sentence showcases the athlete's perseverance and ability to overcome adversity.In conclusion, the 2017 English Test 2 presented various challenging sentences that tested the candidates' comprehension and analysis of complex sentence structures. These sentences covered a range of topics, including overcoming challenges, cause-and-effect relationships, debates, strategic planning, and perseverance. Mastering the ability to understand and interpret such intricate sentences is essential in achieving success in the English language.。
如果说英文水平可以划分为如下五个层次:acceptable level(可接受), communication level(可交流), accurate level(准确理解), fluent level (流利表达)and proficient level(精通), 希望可以短时间内提高到accurate level,并且为达到更高的水平打下基础。
3.题材广泛:有文学评论, 美国历史, 生命科学,经济分析等。
4.写作方法多样:有argument[评论],proposition[命题],description [描述]等。
祝同学们学习愉快,金榜题名!考研语法教材全真题演练第一部分简单句第一章简单句的核心第一节简单句的核心构成●Smaller species survived. (2006, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 3)●More apparent reasonableness followed. (2014,Reading Comprehension, PartA Text 1)●Everybody loves a fat pay rise. (2005, Reading Comprehension, PartA, Text1)●Many students experience both varieties. (2011, Reading Comprehension, PartB)●…very few women have 15 children. (2000, Reading Comprehension, Part AText 2)● Several of his staff members have military-intelligence backgrounds. (2003, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 1)● They gave justices permanent positions...(2012, Use of English)●… railroadscharged all customers the same average rate... (2003, Reading Comprehension, Part A T ext 3)● You always keep your eyes open...(2004, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 1)●The spooks call it "open source intelligence,"...(2003, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 1)●This is a dangerous game... (2005, Reading Comprehension, PartA, Text2)考研真题中常出现的系动词,总结如下:真题演练:请用下划线标出谓语动词的部分,并判断谓语动词的种类及简单句的种类。
• To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.
第二课 难点稍露尖尖角 并列句...................................................................................................7 一 什么是并列句?.................................................................................................................7 二 并列连词及与其同义的逻辑关系词.................................................................................7 三 并列句的考点分析.............................................................................................................7
• There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.
2017年考研英语一text 4 长难句
![2017年考研英语一text 4 长难句](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/11617b47df80d4d8d15abe23482fb4daa58d1d26.png)
主题:2017年考研英语一text 4 长难句分析一、背景介绍2017年考研英语一text 4是一篇关于石油资源的文章,其中包含多个长难句。
二、长难句分析1. 第一段第一句"Mesopotamia, now the southern part of Iraq, will be seen in years toe as the birthplace not only of cities and writing but also of the modern petroleum industry--a story brightly and solidly told in Daniel Yergin's new book, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power."这是一句包含多个限定性定语从句和并列结构的复杂句子。
在长难句中,有多个限定性定语从句修饰名词“Mesopotamia”,其中包括“now the southern part of Iraq”和“brightly and solidly told in Daniel Yergin's new book, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power”。
2. 第二段第一句"Today, the reach of Middle Eastern turmoil--ending in the Gulf War--and the larger threat of conflagration in the region have forced the oil industry and the consuming countries to rethink the world in terms of risk and reliability."这是一句包含多个介词短语修饰和并列结构的长难句。
一、句子扩展:修饰成分加长(一)钻石句型①主谓宾句型The boy (主语) likes (谓语) English (宾语).1.主语扩展:The clever boy likes English.The boy with a book in his hand likes English.The boy who is full of imagination likes English.The clever boy who is full of imagination with a book in his hand likes English.注:主语中心词为the boy, 可以通过加形容词、介词短语、定语从句及其组合等成分使主语复杂化,从而增加理解难度。
2.谓语扩展:The boy likes English very much.The boy likes English out of interest.The boy likes English influenced by his parents.The boy likes English, hoping that one day he can go abroad.The boy liked English when he was five years old.注:谓语动词like通过添加副词短语、介词短语、现在分词短语、过去分词短语、状语从句等进行扩展,从而使句子变得复杂,增加了理解难度。
将复习目标分解为具体的每日、每周任务,合理安排时间,确保计划的可 行性。
针对自己薄弱的长难句类型,进行有针对性 的练习,提高解题技巧。
从权威出版社、历年真题等渠道获取高质量 的模拟题,确保练习的有效性。
在练习过程中,及时总结错误和不足,调整 复习策略和方法。
将练习中出现的错题和难以理 解的长难句记录下来,便于后 续复习。
对错题和难点进行深入分析, 找出根本原因,并总结长难句 的规律和特点。
根据总结的经验教训,调整复 习计划和方法,不断优化长难 句分析的技巧和能力。
确定句子中的补足语成分,如不定式、分词等,完善 句子的意义。
并列结构识别与处 理
分析句子中的并列连词,如 “和”、“或”等,确定并列关 系的成分。
从句类型识别与处 理
识别句子中的从句类型,如定语 从句、状语从句等,并对其进行 相应的处理。
明确主句与从句之间的逻辑关系, 如因果、转折等,以便更好地理 解句子意义。
通过具体的翻译实践,让考生掌握长难句的翻 译方法和技巧,提高翻译能力和水平。
设定清晰、可量化的复习目标,如每天分析一定数量的长难句,提高阅读 速度和理解能力等。
I don’t think people are capable of that anymore. (2016, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 4)
断开长难句 – 考场攻略 攻略 1:先找从句,但先看主句
攻略 2:不要纠结从句
… when we come to think back on it, we can’t remember the journey well because we didn’t pay much attention to it. (2015, Translation)
On one hand, that viewpoint is a logical product of America’s evolution. (2018, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 1)
断开长难句: 标点/连接词 – 练习 Twenty‐seven students were told which pens were electrified; another twenty‐seven were told only that some were electrified. (2018, Use of English)
(2010, Reading Comprehension, Part A Text 1)
The hardest task that television asks of anyone is to turn the power off after பைடு நூலகம்e has turned it on. (英语一, 2012, Reading Comprehension, Part B)
2017 赵敏 考研英语一基础精讲长难句
![2017 赵敏 考研英语一基础精讲长难句](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b5941c36bcd126fff7050b2a.png)
细中求全,全中求稳,稳中求精,精中求胜!2017考研英语基础精讲--语法长难句主 讲:赵敏备战考研英语需要具备的三大能力Sample 1:The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.【译文】:美国的经济体系基本上是围绕着私企和以市场为导向一种经济体系所构成,在这个体系中,消费者们通过在市场上消费来获得他们最想要的产品和服务的方式,很大程度上决定着应当生产什么。
【难点】:①定于从句;②介词短语作状语;③宾语从句【难度级别】★★★☆Sample 2:Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which states that language imprisons the mind, and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.【译文】:沃尔夫逐渐相信了一种语言决定论,这种语言决定论陈述了语言禁锢思维,并且陈述了在一个语言中的语法模式对于一个社会的文化来说能够产生深远的影响。
【难点】: ①定于从句;②宾语从句的并列使用;③介词短语状语;④介词短语定语【难度级别】★★★★Sample 3:Influenced by the view of some twentieth-century feminists that women’s position within the family is one of the central factors determining women’s social position, some historians have underestimated the significance of the woman suffrage movement.【译文】:一些历史学家们由于受到了一些二十世纪女权主义者观点的影响,该观点认为:在家庭中女士的地位是决定女士社会地位的中心因素之一,所以他们已经低估了女士选举权运动的重要性。
2017考研英语真题中6类长难句及解析必背 (1)
![2017考研英语真题中6类长难句及解析必背 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/55a10440b9d528ea80c779aa.png)
1、复合句When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.[结构分析]本句的主干是it is advisable to find out... for... it is possible that...,句首的When引导一个时间状语从句,句中的for... it is possible... (至句末)是一个并列分句,表示原因,其中for后面的however +形容词farfetched and unreasonable引导状语从句,表示让步。
在主干it is advisable to find out...中,it是形式主语,后面的不定式结构to find out what its advocates are aiming at是真正的主语。
2、并列句While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “wares”and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.[结构分析]这也是一个并列句,包含两个分句。
1.Unlike Uber,Didi’s users can select a taxi,private car,shared car,shuttle van or busto pick them up.2.In an unusually stilted performance,Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump forpresident.(We made polite,stilted conversation.)3.Responding to Sir Malcolm’s demand for legal safeguards for countries not in theeuro,several ministers said it would be absurd to give Britain a veto over euro-zonecountries’policies.4.Left,until now,to odd,low-level IT staff to put right,and seen as a concern only ofdata-rich industries such as banking,telecoms and air travel,information protection isnow high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety.5.Basic to any understanding of Canada in the20years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth.写作句型:Basic to any understanding of A is B.B is basic to any understanding of A.例句:Basic to any understanding of Chinese youngsters’choice to be the civil servants are the good salary,the stable position and the generousbenefits.6.Among the firms making the biggest splash in the new world is Straitford,Inc.,aprivate intelligence-analysis firm based in Austin,Texas.Among firms making the biggest splash in the online education market is the Wendu Education Group located in the city of Beijing.(何凯文是最佳员工)7.Well established among segments of the middle and upper classes by themid-1800,this new view spread throughout in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century.8.More recently,Consumer Reports,a publication owned by a consumeradvocacy and independent testing centre in Yonkers,New York,got an eye-opener during a visit to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)laboratory.Notes:1.主语位于句子的中部。
An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication.译文:最近大量研究表明,和不良的卫生习惯一样,良好的卫生习惯也是通过社交在朋友圈中传播。
分析:该句的主干是…research shows that…。
在that引导的宾语从句中,positive health habits是主语,spread是谓语,两个破折号之间的部分是插入语,起解释说明的作用;through networks of friends和via social communication都是方式状语,表示“通过……的方式”。
【词汇指南】friend [frend](n.)(可用作称呼)朋友,友人(中考词汇)(fr=father-父亲;神父,天父,i-连字符;end=ent-名词后缀,表人→像“天父、神父”一样,值得信赖的人——即“朋友,友人”。
) via ['vaiə](prep.)经由;经过,通过;凭借(CET-4)(2012年-阅读1)(vi=way-路[w-v简写、a-i元音变化、y-简化掉],a-后缀,表示“一”→“路”就是一条让人“经过、通过”的东西。
) The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.译文:上周,这家新英格兰的主要能源供应商宣布将停止履行“遵守该州严格的核能管理法规”这一长期承诺,这激起了佛蒙特州合情合理的公愤。
考研语法长难句复习指导第 2 讲-非谓语动词
![考研语法长难句复习指导第 2 讲-非谓语动词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/94292302bcd126fff7050bc3.png)
分词-真题演练 2 (2017 年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 3) This isn’t surprising, considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of the vast academic possibilities…... 考虑到基础性的高中必修课程无法让学生们很好地理解学术上的巨大可能性,这 就并不奇怪了。
不定式 to do 相关的写作句型:
It is …+ to do
It is of/for sb + to do v. (believe, consider, feel, find) + it + 宾补 + to do The government consider it imprudent to abolish the death penalty. 政府认为废除死刑是轻率之举。 It is of great significance to uphold traditional culture. 弘扬传统文化意义重大。
动词不定式-真题演练 1 (2013 年考研英语一阅读理解 Part A Text 3) But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come. (设题点 ) 但是,我们现在拥有的知识足以帮助我们减少很多早期人类面临的生存危险,同 样,也足以改善后人的命运。
课程安排:方法论讲解;难句解析;考试实战演练第一部分方法论讲解引子我们为什么要精读句子1.精读能力的要求(消除障碍的阅读)自由笔记区目标:准确【重要】精读2.泛读能力的要求(广泛获取信息的阅读)目标:快速技能:高职阅读的实际过程是什么知识:本科Input(英文)-mind(句子层面)-output(中文)思维:研究生思想:博士阅读在句子层面的障碍1.含义2.语序简单句的障碍来源简单句:只有一套谓语的句子基本句型包括:主+谓,主+谓+宾,主+谓+双宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,主+系+表定语,状语,同位语,插入语简单句的障碍识别及处理方法定语:在句子中修饰名词的成分 problem-定义-细化-solution(思维方式)前置定语:adj+名词后置定语:形容词短语:形容词+介词+名词 this is a book useful for your futureVing a woman walked on the road Ved a painting painted by Jane n. + to do a way to solve the problem介词短语:介词+名词 a bottle of water on the table表语形容词:alive a cat alive 解决方案:前置P .S :I want to be part of something big. Something 属于不定代词。
【不定代词定语置后】定语从句(不属于简单句范畴)关系代词:人称代词:who whom which that as +非完整句 引导词 物主代词:whose +完整句关系连(副)词:where why when how +完整句介词+关系代词:1宾语+非完整句 This is the expert/( to whom )we areturning.2状语+完整句 There is something([ by the virtue of]which)(指代something) the man is the man .3定语+完整句 There are a lot of problems (of which )thefetching fresh water is the forest.【 1拆分 2找指代 3定成分】同位语:在句子中和名词处于相同位置的成分。
• 穿自己的鞋不仅方便而且还确保一点,不用去管别人的感受。 • 问题的关键是谁应该为道德的沦丧负责呢? • 外表看起来非常邋遢的他其实内心很高尚。 • 那些全力以赴去实现梦想的人,即使最终没有成功也不会感到遗憾,这很重要。 • 上课不集中精力,而又想通过考试的同学,往往会发现结果差强人意。
• My husband enjoys talking with other young ladies, which really gets me go mad.
• As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive--there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas.
第四课 定语和定语从句...................................................................................................................3 一 什么是定语...........................................................................................................................3 二 定语的成分...........................................................................................................................3 三 定语的位置...........................................................................................................................4 四 定语从句...............................................................................................................................4 五 定语从句的特殊用法...........................................................................................................6 六 区分定语从句和同位语从句.............................................................................................. 7 七 定语从句的至难点...............................................................................................................7 八 考点分析...............................................................................................................................8
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考研英语长难句课程讲义课程简介:1.内容:考研真题长难句2.原因:长难句贯穿完形,阅读,翻译,对写作也有借鉴作用3.目标:看得懂长难句(阅读)➡会翻译长难句(翻译)➡会写长难句(写作)4.课时安排:8月份5次课I.理论+区分主从句II.翻译技巧与定语从句专题III.名词性从句专题IV. 长难句中的并列专题V. 特殊的长难句(倒装句省略句等)和综合练习学习方法:1.长“难”句难在哪儿?生词+复杂结构(主从/修饰关系)2.如何看懂长难句?两步走:第一步(宏观):分清主句从句第二步(微观):定位主句和从句内部的修饰成分(定/状语为主)3.简单复习语法:谓语与动词的区别:谓语是句子成分,动词是词性,谓语一定是动词。
定语与状语的区别:定语修饰主语和宾语(名/代),状语修饰动词,形容词和句子什么是简单句?一切复杂句(并列句/复合句/复杂复合句)都是由五种简单句而来:i.主语+谓语My skin burns.ii.主语+谓语(系动词)+表语I am a teacher./You l ook good.iii.主语+谓语+直接宾语I l ove you.iv.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语The firm gave Sam a watch.v.主语+谓语+直接宾语+宾语补足语You make me happy.什么是并列句?一般由并列连词and, but, so, yet连接,或者由“;”连接。
举例:I know you, and/but/so/yet I hate you.什么是主从复合句?形容词性从句(定语从句):从句作定语,修饰名词,代词或整个句子。
定语从句常见引导词有which, that, who, whose, whom, when, where, as, whereby例子:A d octor examined the astronauts who returned from space today.名词性从句:主要包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。
名词性从句常见引导词:which, what, who, whom, that, when, where, howI.表语从句:I am what I am.II. 主语从句:Whether we find a joke funny or not largely d epends on where we have been brought up.III. 宾语从句:Anthropol ogists wond ered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peopl es now living in the Pacific Islands came from.IV. 同位语从句:Peopl e who work in offices are frequently referred to as “white-collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.点播:发现定语从句和名词性从句的区别了么?名词性从句在主句中做成分(是主句的一部分),而定语从句修饰主句(与主句可以切割开)。
状语从句常见引导词:when, whil e, as, before, after, since, until, where, because, for, so that, in ord er to, so as to, if, unl ess, although, though, even if, than, the way等例子:Four days after setting out, whil e the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was sudd enly spotted.读懂长难句“两步走”第一步:宏观——分清主句从句关键:区分主从句关键在于找到谓语(动词),并区分主从句谓语(动词)技巧:1. 需要学会区分谓语动词与动词的非谓语形式(i.e.不定式,动名词,尤其是过去分词)2. 区分主句谓语动词与从句谓语动词:顺着该谓语动词往前找,先遇到引导词说明该谓语为从句谓语,先遇到其他谓语(或无谓语也无引导词),则该动词就是主句动词。
3. 将从句圈起来,宏观上确定主句各种成分(五种基本句型之一:主谓宾/表/补语)第二步:微观——定位句内修饰成分关键:明确主句和从句各自内部的修饰关系(定语/状语/同位语/插入语)定语:修饰主语/宾语(名词/代词),紧跟被修饰的中心词1. 前置定语:形容词/名词e.g. a great/science book翻译技巧:一般情况下,前置定语都很短,可以与所修饰的主语/宾语看做一体,翻译的时候也一般不涉及语序的调整。
2. 后置定语:紧跟所修饰的名词后出现,可以充当后置定语的词和结构包括:1)形容词短语 a book useful for the future2)现在分词短语(-ing)a leaf fl oating on the river3)过去分词短语(-ed)a picture painted by Picasso;a presid ent privileged to receive the Nobel Peace Prize4)to d o短语(不定式)a way to d eal with chronic hunger in Africa5)介词短语:a plague beyond control/a scar on my heart技巧:一定要加深对后置定语的理解,因为汉语中不喜欢把定语后置,所以在翻译的时候,一般的处理方法就是:后置定语较短,调结构甩到中心词前面;若定语太长,就将定语变成一个句子,适当地补充/重复主语。
I. She sings beautifully.II. China’s l ong-term mod ernizationprogramund erstandably and necessarily focuses on economic growth.技巧:在翻译单个副词状语的时候,也常常会发现直接将副词翻译成汉语的“**地”加在动词前会很奇怪。
Thanks to China’s reform and opening-up policy, millions upon millions of Chinese peopl e have been pull ed out of poverty in an unpreced entedly short time of 30 years.思考下unpreced ented这个词怎么翻译比较合适?2)介词短语真题例句:In public, bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubl es.3)过去分词短语:Found ed in 1694, the Bank of England has centuries of experience in d ealing with financial troubl e.4)现在分词短语:真题例句:Science and technol ogy woul d cure all the ills of humanity, l eading to lives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.5)to d o短语(不定式):真题例句:To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interestingcompositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.6)独立主格:独立主格本身非句子,因为无谓语,形式上是为现在/过去分词短语增加名词“主语”,在这个结构中,没有真正的主语和谓语动词,但又在逻辑上构成主谓或主表关系。
真题例句:Not long ago, with the country entering a recession and Japan at its pre-bubbl e peak, the US workforce was d erid ed as poorly educated and one of the primary causes of the poor US economicperformance. (with引导的独立主格,with可省略)插入语:可跳读。
例子:Parents, in a word, should never l ose sight of the sid e-effects of computer games on their children.点播:一定要有意识地在作文中使用单个副词/(介词)短语组状语插入语。
China has been the fastest growing economy in the worl d for over a d ecad e.Doubtl essly/Und oubtedly/Beyond question/Beyond d oubt, China…注意积累可以做插入语的副词/(介词)短语同位语:解释说明性名词结构,用于修饰名词。
例子:The American Law Institute, a group of judges, lawyers and acad emies whose recommendations carry substantial weight, issued new guid elines for patent law.点播:学会在作文中使用同位语,会使表达更多样化,行文更错落有致,也会增加使用高难词汇的机会。