


v.迫使 使人发疯/发狂 越……越……;愈…… adv.最近;不久前
n.友谊;友情 n.君主;国王 n.权力;力量 adj.首要的;基本的 n.大臣;部长
n.银行家 n.名声;声誉 adj.苍白的;灰白的 n.王后;女王
v.(仔细地)检查;检 conj.& adv.也不 既不……也不 n.王宫;宫殿 n.财富
v.乱扔 n.垃圾;废弃物 n.底部;最下部 n.渔民;钓鱼的人 n.煤;煤块
第 5 页,共 7 页
n.背包;旅行包 v.睡过头;睡得太久 (钟、铃等)鸣; 响
捎……一程 n.街区 (与……)成一排 n.工作者;工人 v.盯着看;凝视 n.不信;怀疑 prep.在……上面 adv.在 v.着火;燃烧 adj.着火的;燃烧的 adj.活着;有生气的 n.机场 prep.& conj.到;直到 adv.向西;朝西 adj.向西 n.奶油;乳脂 n.工作日 n.果馅饼;果馅派
九年级 Unit 1



1、 人名翻译法:即汉语拼音,姓的第一个字母需大写;单名的第一个字母需大写,双名的第一个字第一个字母大写,第二个字不用大写。

如果有英文名,则参考Mark Ma (前英文名后姓)
2、female 女性 male 男性
3月3日翻译为March 30, 1980 (一月January 二月February 三月March 四月 April 五月May 六月June 七月 July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December )

(房/室: Room ,如202房Room NO. 202 栋/楼:Building 路: Road 街:Street 区:District 小区/社区/楼盘:Residential Quarter 市:City 省:Province )
1、签发机关:分局Branch 公安局 Public Security Bureau





中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日notarialcertificatethisistocertifythatwangyun,female,wasbornonjuly12,1977insha nghai.herfatheriswangguorongandhermotherisyanglihong.shangh aixuhuidistrictnotarypublicofficethepeople’srepublicofchinaspecialsealformarriageregisterofhaidiandistrict,beijingcivilaffairsbureaumarriageregister:证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificateoftaxationregistrationmindishuishizhino.35220070 51925xxxnameoftaxationpayer:fujinaxxxxrealestateco.,ltd.leg alrepresenative:xxxxaddress:4/f,xxbuilding,xxjiaochengroad,dateofissuance:september6,2004underthesupervisionofstatetaxationadministra tionth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permitforopeningbankaccountrenyinhuguanzhengzi出生公证书(2010)浙开证外字第***号兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。



房产证翻译成英文房产证(Premises Permit)即通常所说的“房本”,是购房者通过交易取得房屋的合法所有权,可依法对所购房屋行使占有、使用、收益和处分的权利的证件。















证件翻译大全---公司章程英文翻译样本Specially used for setting up of Executive DirectorArticles of AssociationFuzhou X X X Co., Ltd.Chapter One General ProvisionsArticle 1 To regulate the organization and the activities of the company and formulatea self-development and self-discipline mechanism and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders and the creditors, this Articles of Association is formulated in the spirit of P.R.C. Company Law and Regulations on Company Registration and administratio n .Article 2 Name of the company: Fuzhou X X X X Materials Co., Ltd.Article 3 Address of the company: Riverside to the back of Gangkou Technical School, Luoxing Tower, Mawei District, Fuzhou City.Article 4 Legal representative: X X X .Article 5 Scope of business: wholesale and retail of construction materials, steel,hardware and house appliances (the above scope of business shall be subject to the approval of the industry and commercial administration authority).Article 6 The Company takes the form of limited liability, wherein the shareholders assume liability towards the company to the extent of their respective capital contributionsand the company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of all its assets.Article 7 The Company shall possess the right to the entire property of the legalperson formed by the investments of the shareholders and enjoy the civil rightsand bear the civil liabilities in accordance with the law.Article 8 The Company shall conduct all its business activities within their registere dscope of business and, be subjected to the supervision and administration of industry and commerce administration bodies and the tax bureau.Article 9 The Company shall, with all its legal person assets, operate independently an dbe responsible for its own profits and losses according to law. The company shall be registere din the industry and commerce body and obtain the qualification of an enterprise legal perso n.Its lawful rights and interests shall be protected by the laws and regulations of the State.Chapter Two Registered Capital, Contribution: the Way, Amount and TermsArticle 10 The registered capital of the company is RMB500,000.00 yuan, among which the cash RMB500,000.00, the kinds 0 , non patent technology 0 , industry property right 0 ,land use right 0 . .Article 11 Name of shareholders, name of institution and way of contribution:(1) Name of shareholder: X X X ; Address: 63 Qi Lane, Yuanshan Rd., Mawei District,Fuzhou City; capital contributed: 300,000, taking up 60% of the total amount;(2) Name of shareholder X X X , Address: 49 Xichen, Kuai’an Village, MaweiTown, Mawei District, Fuzhou City; capital contributed: 200,000, accounting for 40%;Article 12 Time limitation of the registered capital:Each shareholder shall pay up its contribution to the registered capital of the Company in the following terms:1) Within 5 days from the date on which the Articles of Association is formulated,to contribute all the registered capital.2) Within years to contribute all the registered capital in installments; the first installment of , accounting for of the total registered capital,shall be paid within days after the formulation of this Articles of Associatio n;the secondinstallment , accounting for % of the total registered capital, shall bepaid before the date ; the third installment , accountingfor % of the total registered capital, shall be paid before the date ; and ; the fourth installment , accounting for of the total registered capital,shall be paid before the date .Article 13. Delay of contribution constitutes breach of contract and the breachingparty shall bear the resulting liabilities.Article 14 After the company is established, it shall issue a Certificate of CapitalContributionto the shareholders, which is not allowed to circulate and transact in the marke t.Chapter Three Shareholders and the Shareholders’ MeetingArticle 15 The shareholders of the Company enjoy the following rights and bearthe following responsibilities:I) The shareholders of the Company enjoy the following rights:1) to vote in proportion to its contribution of capital;2) to access to the information of the position and financial status of the company;3) to elect or to be elected as member of the board of directors, supervisors,or manager;4) to draw the dividends in proportion to its contribution of capital;5) to enjoy the priority in purchasing the capital contribution to be assigned byother shareholders;6) to enjoy the priority in subscription for new shares where the Company increasesits registered capital;7) to share the remaining property or bear the responsibilities from the risksof the Company in proportion to its contribution of capital upon the termination of the Compan y;8) to participate in the formulation and amending the Articles of Association, and9) other rights provided by the Articles of Association.II) The shareholders of the Company bear the following liabilities:1) to observe the Articles of Association;2) to pay up its contribution of capital in time;3) to bear the responsibilities of the Company to the extent of its contribution of capit al tothe company;4) not to withdraw the capital contributions once the company is registered.Article 16 The shareholders’ meeting is composed of all the shareholders and isthe organ of power of the company.It shall exercise the following functions and powers:1) to decide on the operation policy and investment plan of the Company;2) to elect and remove members of the executive director and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of the person;3) to elect or replace the supervisors who are representatives of the shareholders and to decide upon matters concerning the remuneration of the supervisors;4) to examine and approve the reports of the directors or the supervisors;5) to examine and approve the annual financial budget plan, final accounts plan;6) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of thecompany and on the assignment of capital contribution to a party other than shareholderof the company;7) to adopt resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, transformation,dissolution, termination and liquidation of the company;8) to amend the Articles of Association of the company.Article 17 The first shareholders; general meeting is to be presided by theshareholder with thelargest contribution; the regular and interim meetings shallbe presided over by the executive director.Where special circumstances precludethe executive director fromperforming his function, the meeting shall be presidedover by shareholder designated by the chairman.The shareholders shall exercisethe right to vote in proportion totheir contribution.Article 18 Resolution(s) of the shareholders’ meeting regarding the increase ordecrease of registered capital, division, merger, dismissal or change of company forms,amendment of it shall be adopted by shareholders of the company representing two-thirds or mo re of the voting rights.Chapter Four Executive Director and the General Manager.Article 19 The Company shall have an executive director, who shall beresponsible to the shareholders’ meeting.Article 20 The executive director exercises the following functions and powers:1) to be responsible for convening shareholders’ meetings and to report itswork to the shareholders’meetings;2) to implement the resolutions of the shareholders’ meetings and decide onthe businessstrategy and development plan and the formation of theadministration of the company;3) to decide on the establishment of the company’s internal management organs;4) to formulate the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company and plans for profit distribution and plans for making up losses of the company;5) to formulate plans for the increase or reduction of the registered capital ofthe companyand plans for major issues such as the merger, division, termination and liquidation of the company;6) to decide on the establishment of the company’s internal management organs;7) to appoint or dismiss the company’s general manager and other high rankingofficers of the company and decide their numeration;8) to formulate the basic administration system of the company.Article 21 The executive director of the company shall be elected with overhalf of the vote of the whole shareholders, which shall also be the conditions for removal. Article 22 The shareholders’ meeting have elected the executive director X X Xas the legal representative of the company, who shall represent the company to exercise the right of signing the legaldocuments. The legal entity shall bear the liability of the representative’s activities in the name ofthe company.Article 23 The Company shall have a General Manager, who is appointed by the shareholders’ meeting (or to be served by the executive director concurrently). The General M anager will be responsible for thedaily operation and management of the company and exercise the following functionsand powers:1) to be in charge of the daily operation and management of the company and toorganize the implementation of resolutions of the directors’ meeting;2) to organize the implementation of the company's annual business plan andinvestment plan;3)to propose plans for the putting in place of the company's internal management structure; basicmanagement system; and to formulate specific rules and regulations forthe company;4) to propose the appointment or dismissal of the company's deputy manager(s), financial officers anddepartment managers and management officers other than those required to be appointedor dismissed by the executive director;5) other powers conferred by the company's articles of association.Article 24 The Company shall have one supervisor, which shall be taken up byX X X The termof office of the supervisor is three years. At the end of a supervisor's term, the supervisor may serve another term,if reelectedThe supervisor exercises the following powers:(1) to inspect the company's financial situation;(2) to exercise supervision over the acts of the executive director and manager carried out whileperforming their corporate functions;(3) to demand remedies from the director or manager when the acts of suchdirector or manager are harmful to thecompany's interests;(4) to propose the convening of an interim shareholders' meeting;(5) other powers conferred by the company's articles of associationArticle 25 The directors, supervisors and the manager of the company shall not use theirpositions, functions and powers in the company to seek personal gains。



拍卖英语一、拍卖词汇(一) 最基本词汇auction [名词]拍卖;auction trade 拍卖(行)业lot [名词]拍卖品/一份儿/一批auction items bid [名词/动词]出价/叫价/应价sold [动词]成交pass [动词]拍回,流标(二) 拍卖参与各方seller (client )[名词]卖家,委托人bidder (customer) [名词]竞买人,出价人buyer (purchaser 、vendee ) [名词] 买家,买受人auctioneer (auction master ) [名词]拍卖师、拍卖人auctioneers 拍卖行、拍卖人the auction house (company / fair )(三) 拍卖标的vehicles [名词]机动车real estate 房地产,不动产works of art 艺术品bankrupt enterprise 破产企业product selling right 产品经销权patent [名词]专利cultural relics 文物public property 公物intangible assets 无形资产(四) 拍卖的基本原则publicity (openness) [名词]公开fairness [名词]公平justice [名词]公正good faith 诚实信用(五) 拍卖方式及拍卖价格English system 英格兰式Dutch system 荷兰式starting price 起拍价hammer price (purchase price) 落槌价(成交价) reserve price 保留价,底价(六) 其它词汇absentee bid 委托竞标bidding paddle 竞买号牌auction announcement 拍卖公告auction calendar 拍卖日期auction location(s) 拍卖地点auction notice 拍卖须知confiscate [动词]没收充公confiscated properties 缉私罚没的财产defect [名词]瑕疵deposit [名词]保证金disposition [名词]处置entrust [动词]委托offer [动词][名词]报价own [动词]拥有/所有 ownerless [形容词]无主的transfer procedures 过户手续goods [名词]商品/物品/拍品catalogue [名词]拍卖目录register [动词]注册/登记welcome [动词]欢迎prefer [动词]喜欢,偏爱hold [动词]主持/召开/掌控be looking forward to 希望… good luck 好运congratulations [名词]祝贺certificate [名词]证件/证书issue [动词]发布/刊发pay [动词]支付/付款arrange [动词]约定/安排source [名词](标的)来源disclose [动词]公开/揭发(秘密)information [名词]信息/资料deliver [动词]移交/交付explain [动词]解释the right 权利enjoy 享有…be in dispute … 有争议the right of ownership 所有权the right of disposition 处分权the right of use 使用权the commission rate 佣金比例charges [名词]费用/支出CAA (China Association of Auctioneers)中国拍卖行业协会IA (International Association of Auctioneers)国际拍卖行业协会(1993年)NAA(The National Auctioneers Association )美国国家拍卖师协会the laws and regulations 法律法规the relationship 利益/权益inspect [动词]查看/查验/踏勘sign [动词]签字/签署the individual 个人domestic residents 境内人士/国内居民residents abroad 境外人士/国外居民ID (the Identification Card) 居民身份证passport [名词](公民)护照raise [动词]抬起/举起(号牌)on the spot 当场/现场deny [动词]反悔/否定… premium (commission) [名词]佣金price list 价格目录/价格单property evaluation (appraisal) 资产评估the appraisal institution 评估机构purchase confirmation 成交确认书purchased lot 成交物品/ 拍定物sale proceeds 成交价款/ 拍卖收益scale [名词](竞价)阶梯display [动词] [名词]展示viewing 看样auction results 拍卖结果auction contract 委托拍卖合同auction with reserve 有底价拍卖auction without reserve (absolute auction) (no reserve auction) 无底价拍卖(绝对拍卖)business conditions (the terms and conditions of the sale/auction) 业务规定(约定)/拍卖规则time and place for display of the objects of auction标的展示时间和地点the Auction Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国拍卖法二、报价数字拍卖师主持拍卖会是离不开数字的。





名词分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns)1.0 专有名词是表示具体的人、事物、地点、或机构等的专用名称。

如:Guangzhou, Mike, China, UNESCO(联合国教科文组织), the People’s Republic ofChina(中华人民共和国)等。


如:the Great Wall(长城)姓氏名如果采用复数形式,则表示该姓氏一家人(复数含义), 如:the Greens( 格林一家人)。

2.0 普通名词表示一类人、事物或抽象概念的名称。

如:police, egg, rice, pupil,family, man,foot. 等。


2.1 个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某一类人或某一类东西中的个体。

如:monkey,panda,ruler,boy 等。

2.2 集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示一群人或一些事物的总称。


集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数,如:people,police,cattle等本身就是复数,不能说 apeople, apolice, a cattle, 但可以说aperson, apoliceman, a head ofcattle .the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。

如:The Chinese are industrious and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的.注:当people翻译为人时,单复数同,若出现a people或peoples时就应翻译为民族或部落。


SEC 6 SEC 7 SEC 8 返回 SECTION 2 SEC 1 I. 试翻译下列英文。(1) (1) notify party (6) endorsement 背书 ( 7) check 支票 (8) proforma invoice 形式发票 (9) carrier 承运人 (10) beneficiary 受益人 SEC 3 通知方 SEC 4 (2) confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证 (3) collecting bank 托收 行 (4) shipping documents 单证 (5) draft/bill of exchange 汇票 SEC 5 SEC 6 SEC 7 SEC 8 返回 SECTION 2 SEC 1 I. 试翻译下列英文。(2) (11) port of loading (16) numbers of ori ginal bills of lading 正本提单份数 (17) transshipment 转运 (18) basic terms and conditions 基本条件 (19) free from particular average (FPA) 平 安险 (20) insurance premium 保费
page 2
SEC 3 装货港 SEC 4 (12) port of discharge 卸货港 (13) place of delivery 交货地点 (1 4) marks and nos. 唛头及件数 (15) description of goods 货物名称 SEC 5 SEC 6 SEC 7 SEC 8 返回 SECTION 2 SEC 1 Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子,注意译文与原文语序的调整。(1) (1) This Credit is available with any bank by negotiation of your drafts at 90 days after B/L date for 100 percent of invoice value on us marked as drawn under this credit and accompanied by the following documents. 本信用证凭按发票金额全 额向我方开具的提单日期后90天付款的汇票在 任一银行议付,汇票须注明依据本信用 证开具,并随附下列单据。 (2) We add our confirmation to this credit and undertake that drafts and documents drawn under and in strict conformity w ith the terms thereof will be honored on presentation. 我行对此证加具保兑, 且保证严格按照本信用证开具的汇票和其他单据 将在呈交时予以承兑。 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 6 SEC 7 SEC 8 返回 SECTION 2 SEC 1 Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子,注意译文与原文语序的调整。(2) (3) The Carrier, in accordance with the provisions contained in this document, undertakes to perform the entire transport from the place at which the goods are take n in charge to the place designated for delivery in this document. 乘运人承 诺按本提单规定条件完成货物由监管地至交货地的全程运输。 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 5 SEC 6 (4) In witness whereof the number of original Bills of Lading state d above have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the others are to be void. 为证明上述内容,特签发正本提单,凭其中一份提货,其余各份即行失 效。 SEC 7 SEC 8 返回 SECTION 2 SEC 1 Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子,注意译文与原文语序的调整。(3) (5) Delivery of 5% more or less than total contract quantity shall be allowed and settled. 允许溢短装5%,并据实结算。 (6) Please be informed that these goods have been shipped from Rotterdam to Dalian with mv Sea Nordica and Lindoe Maer




在introduction的环节,我介绍“I am an auctioneer!”,连METEN英文学校的老师都一时没反应过来auctioneer是拍卖师。

我只得边做敲锤的手势,边说“the once;the twice;last chance!”他们恍然大悟。


今天的 homework 我就决定专门补习一下专业术语,明天晚上去教室推广拍卖!哈哈。

一、词汇1、基本词汇auction [名词]拍卖auction trade拍卖(行)业lot [名词]拍卖品/一份儿/一批bid [名词/动词]出价/叫价/应价sold [动词]成交pass [动词]拍回,流标2、拍卖参与各方seller (client )[名词]卖家,委托人bidder (customer) [名词]竞买人,出价人buyer (purchaser 、vendee ) [名词] 买家,买受人auctioneer (auction master ) [名词]拍卖师、拍卖人auctioneers 拍卖行、拍卖人3、拍卖标的vehicles [名词]机动车real estate 房地产,不动产works of art 艺术品bankrupt enterprise 破产企业product selling right 产品经销权patent [名词]专利cultural relics 文物public property 公物intangible assets 无形资产4、拍卖的基本原则publicity (openness) [名词]公开fairness [名词]公平ustice [名词]公正good faith 诚实信用5、拍卖方式及拍卖价格English system 英格兰式Dutch system 荷兰式starting price 起拍价hammer price (purchase price) 落槌价(成交价)reserve price 保留价,底价6、其它词汇absentee bid 委托竞标bidding paddle 竞买号牌auction announcement 拍卖公告auction calendar 拍卖日期auction location(s) 拍卖地点auction results 拍卖结果auction contract 委托拍卖合同auction with reserve 有底价拍卖auction without reserve (absolute auction) (no reserve auction) 无底价拍卖 (绝对拍卖)business conditions (the terms and conditions of the sale/auction) 业务规定(约定)/ 拍卖规则auction notice 拍卖须知display [动词] [名词]展示viewing 看样time and place for display of the objects of auction 标的展示时间和地点confiscate [动词]没收充公confiscated properties 缉私罚没的财产defect [名词]瑕疵deposit [名词]保证金disposition [名词]处置entrust [动词]委托offer [动词][名词]报价own [动词]拥有/所有ownerless [形容词]无主的premium (commission) [名词]佣金price list 价格目录 / 价格单property uation (appraisal) 资产评估the appraisal institution 评估机构purchase confirmation 成交确认书purchased lot 成交物品 / 拍定物sale proceeds 成交价款 / 拍卖收益scale [名词](竞价)阶梯the Auction Law of the Pe ople’s Republic of China中华人民共和国拍卖法transfer procedures 过户手续goods [名词]商品/物品/拍品catalogue [名词]拍卖目录register [动词]注册/登记welcome [动词]欢迎prefer [动词]喜欢,偏爱hold [动词]主持/召开/掌控be looking forward to 希望…good luck 好运congratulations [名词]祝贺certificate [名词]证件/证书issue [动词]发布/刊发pay [动词]支付/付款arrange [动词]约定/安排source [名词](标的)来源disclose [动词]公开/揭发(秘密)information [名词]信息/资料deliver [动词]移交/交付explain [动词]解释the right 权利enjoy 享有…be in dispute … 有争议the right of owenership 所有权the right of disposition 处分权the right of use 使用权the commission rate 佣金比例charges [名词]费用/支出CAA (China Association of Auctioneers) 中国拍卖行业协会IA (International Association of Auctioneers)国际拍卖行业协会(1993年)NAA(The National Auctioneers Association )美国国家拍卖师协会the laws and regulations 法律法规abide(by…) [动词]遵守/服从the relationship 利益/权益inspect [动词]查看/查验/踏勘sign [动词]签字/签署the individual 个人domestic residents 境内人士/国内居民residents abroad 境外人士/国外居民ID (the Identification Card) 居民身份证passport [名词](公民)护照raise [动词]抬起/举起(号牌)on the spot 当场/现场deny [动词]反悔/否定…Sotheby's苏富比(索斯比)拍卖行(Samuel Baker 1744年在伦敦成立)Christie's 佳士得拍卖行(James Christie 1766年在伦敦成立)二、报价数字1-10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty21-99 twenty-one twenty-two… thirty… forty… fifty… sixty… seventy… eighty…ninety-nine100 one hundred120 one(hundred) twenty140 one(hundred) forty1,000 one thousand1,100 one thousand (and) one hundred 或 eleven hundred10,000 ten thousand11,500 eleven thousand (and) five hundred12,000 twelve thousand100,000 one hundred thousand110,000 one hundred (and) ten thousand11,000,000 one million10,000,000 ten million100,000,000 one hundred million …有时,为简便起见,拍卖师有时对数字的提出与日常方式有别,例:“1600”报成“one thousand and six”,而日常应该是“1006”;“4200”报成“forty-two hundred”;“110”报成“one ten”;等等。



签证资料翻汇总–由走遍欧洲精心整理目录身份证 (3)行驶证 (4)企业营业执照副本 (5)户口本 (6)企业注册证 (10)结婚证 (11)房产证 (12)武汉网友提供的房产证模板 (14)存款余额证明 (20)单位证明样本 (21)个人收入证明参考样本 (22)准假信,收入证明,在职证明一体信 (23)意大利访友签证--个人邀请函样本 (25)法国访友签证- 邀请函样本 (29)父母探亲,准假条,邀请函英文格式(样本) (30)个人声明参考样本 (33)学位证/毕业证翻译 (34)退休证 (35)机构代码证 (36)机构代码证(另一个版本) (38)简历的中英文模板 (40)探亲邀请信的英文模板 (46)准假证明英文件 (47)公司派遣函 (48)申请表的翻译版本及填法模板 (49)企业营业执照 (51)企业营业执照–另一个版本 (52)Income/leave Certification (54)北京的行驶证翻译件 (55)事业单位法人证翻译样本 (56)独生子女光荣证(法语) (57)房产证+ 土地证(法语版) (60)银行余额证明 (62)房屋所有权证书 (63)委托书 (69)英文担保函 (70)工资表 (71)学生在籍及放假证明 (72)父母资金担保书 (74)身份证Name xxxxSex FemaleNationality HanD.O.B12 Jan 1983Address Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX ProvinceDate Issue31 Mar 2001Expiry10 YearsSerial No XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau行驶证THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C.Register Code: 粤B XXXXX Type: SedanOwner: XXXXAddress: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINAEngine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXXModel: V olks Wagon Passat SXXXXTotal Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kgPassengers: 5 personsRegister Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200XSize: 1234x5678x9100mmIssued By: Vehicle Management OfficeShenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal)企业营业执照副本BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON( DUPLICATE )No.11xxxx2Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd.Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, ShenzhenLegal Representative: xxxxxxRegister Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00)Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint)Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service. Branch: No branch.Business Term: From 8th xxxxt xxxx to 7th xxxxt xxxxDate of Set-up: 8th xxxx xxxxIssued By: The Bureau of Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration (seal) Date: 16th September 2009户口本Residence Type Non Agricultural Residence Name of House OwnerResidence Number AddressCertified Seal of Certified Seal of Guangdong Province Household Registration Office Public Security BureauFor Hukou certificate only Baomin Local Police StationShenzhen Public Security Bureau Undertaker’s Stamped signature : Issue Date: 01 July 2000Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relationwith TheHouseholderHouseholderFormer Name Sex Male Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number Height Blood GroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Moving intothe City/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/Town andDate of Moving into Present Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place BeforeMoving into the City/Town and Date ofMovingPrevious Dwelling Place in theCity/Town and Date of Moving intoPresent Dwelling PlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:Permanent resident population's registerName Householder r or Relation with TheHouseholderFormer Name Sex Place of Birth NationalityDate of BirthOther Dwelling Place in the City/Town Religious BeliefCitizen ID Number HeightBloodGroupHighest Academic MaritalStatusMilitaryServicePlace of Work Occupation Previous Dwelling Place Before Movinginto the City/Town and Date of MovingPrevious Dwelling Place in the City/Townand Date of Moving into Present DwellingPlaceSeal of Registrar:Issued Dart:企业注册证Foreign Investment Enterprise Representation Office Register CertificateRegister Number:Qi Du Yue Shen Ban Zi No. 7608XXThis representation office was approved to be registered and issue this certificate.Document No. 0059XXXName: Shanghai XX Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Representation officeAddress: Unit X, Block X, World Finance Center, 4003 Shennan Road East, Luohu Distric, ShenzhenLegal Representative: XXXScope of Business:Represent the Company to perform business expansion. Affiliate of:Shanghai XXX Co., Ltd.Valid from XX, 200X to XX, 202XIssued by:Shenzhen Administration for Industrial and Commercial (Seal)Date: XX, 2005People’s Republic of ChinaMarriage CertificateName: XXXGender: MaleDate of Birth: XX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: XXXGender: FemaleDate of Birth: XXX, 19XXNationality: HanID Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXX applied for marriage registration. After being examined, their application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China. We give them the permission to register and hereby issue this marriage certificate.Issue Department: Bureau of Civil Affairs at Shenzhen City (Seal)Issue Date: XX, 200XOwnerXXX (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)[100%]*******************LandLand nd areaPurpose of Land Residence Location area Futian District Land locationUsage period70 years, from XX, 199X to XX, 20XXShen Fang Di Zi No. 30XXXXX(Original)Shenzhen Municipal Planning and Land and Resources Bureau (Chop)Register date: XXX, 200XBuildings and fixturesBuilding nameBuilding area Building inside areaPurpose of building Residence Completion dateRegistered valueSummary of other rights and appendixTransferable building.1)Mortgaged to China XXXX Bank,广东这边的可能还需要用到:Property ownership certificate权属人property owner身份证号码identity card no.国籍nationality房屋所有权来源source of housing ownership **年×月购买purchased in **,****房屋用途usage of the house占有房屋份额share of the house ×栋×××号全套,××平米full owner of suite***,building no.** area:***square meters房屋所有权性质property of housing ownership土地使用权来源source of land-use right 出让assignment土地使用权性质property of land-use right 国有state-owned房地坐落site of the house房屋情况state of the house建筑结构architecture 钢精混凝土结构armoured concrete层数floors竣工日期date of completion建基面积area of the building base建筑面积building area其中住宅建筑面积domestic building area其中套内建筑面积room building area四墙归属ownership of four walls 东。

expire 翻译

expire 翻译

expire 翻译expire 可以翻译为"过期"、"失效"、"结束"等含义。

以下是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. 过期商品:- This milk has expired, so we need to throw it away.(这瓶牛奶已经过期了,我们需要扔掉。

)- Don't consume any food that has expired.(不要食用任何过期的食物。

)2. 保质期:- The expiration date is printed on the packaging.(保质期日期印在包装上。

)- Please check the expiration date before purchasing any perishable items.(在购买易腐食品之前,请检查保质期。

)3. 合同到期:- Our lease agreement will expire at the end of this month.(我们的租赁协议将在本月底到期。

)- If you don't renew your subscription, it will expire on the 31st of this month.(如果你不续订会员,它将在本月31日到期。

)4. 证件过期:- My passport will expire in two months, so I need to renew it soon.(我的护照还有两个月就要过期了,所以我需要尽快续签。

)- Your driver's license has expired. You need to go to the DMV to get a new one.(你的驾驶执照已经过期了。


)5. 会员资格终止:- If you don't pay the annual fee, your membership will expire.(如果你不支付年费,你的会员资格将终止。



1、 人名翻译法:即汉语拼音,姓的第一个字母需大写;单名的第一个字母需大写,双名的第一个字第一个字母大写,第二个字不用大写。

如果有英文名,则参考Mark Ma (前英文名后姓)
2、female 女性 male 男性
3月3日翻译为March 30, 1980 (一月January 二月February 三月March 四月 April 五月May 六月June 七月 July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December )

(房/室: Room ,如202房Room NO. 202 栋/楼:Building 路: Road 街:Street 区:District 小区/社区/楼盘:Residential Quarter 市:City 省:Province )
1、签发机关:分局Branch 公安局 Public Security Bureau





护照信息以下是护照上常见的信息和其英文译法:1. 证件类型:Passport2. 护照号码:Passport Number3. 姓氏:Surname4. 名字:Given Name5. 性别:Sex6. 出生日期:Date of Birth7. 出生地点:Place of Birth8. 国籍:Nationality9. 签发国:Issuing Country10. 签发日期:Date of Issue11. 有效期至:Date of Expiry护照照片要求为了符合国际标准,护照照片需要满足以下要求:1. 照片尺寸:一般为35mm x 45mm2. 照片质量:清晰,明亮,无污点或瑕疵3. 照片背景:纯白色或浅灰色4. 个人面部特征:允许展现面部轮廓,不可有遮挡物5. 表情:面部表情自然,不可有过于夸张或不自然的面部表情6. 照片服装:不可穿戴眼镜或带有反光镜片的眼镜,不可佩戴帽子或头巾,不可有其他装饰品遮挡脸部特征护照办理流程1. 填写护照申请表:根据所要前往的国家和个人情况,填写相应的护照申请表。

2. 准备申请材料:包括身份证明、照片、申请费用等。

3. 提交申请:将申请表和相关材料提交给所在国家的护照办事处或领事馆。

4. 等待审批:申请提交后,需要等待一定时间进行审核和审批。

5. 领取护照:一旦申请获批准,可以前往指定地点领取护照。

护照使用注意事项在使用护照时,需要注意以下事项:1. 护照保管:护照是重要的身份文件,应妥善保管,防止遗失或被盗。

2. 签证申请:前往一些国家或地区可能需要额外申请签证,请提前了解相关要求。

3. 护照有效期:护照有一定的有效期限制,过期后需要重新办理,请及时续办。

Unit 11 各类证明书的翻译

Unit 11 各类证明书的翻译

实事求是 真实有效的信息 用语严谨
证件的英译SubjectFra bibliotekExam
Intensive Reading
Extensive Reading
English Composition 85
Modern English Grammar 82
Survey of USA & UK
Pedagogical Psychology
February 10, 2012
Personnel Office (seal) Sun Yat-sen University
可具体写明是何种事由的证明,如Schooling Record Certificate (学历业绩证明)、 Identity Certificate (身份证明)、Birth Certificate (出生证明),也可只注明 Certificate/Testimonial(证明)字样
标题 Heading
正文 Text
署名和日期 Signature and Date
在职证明 Certificate of Employment
Registration No.:
Official ID No.:
Test Time: (month/year)



身份证正面姓名Name:性别民族Sex: Male Ethnicity:出生Date of birth:住址:Residential Address:公民身份号码:Citizen ID Number:身份证反面中华人民共和国居民身份证Citizen Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China签发机关苏州市公安局工业园区分局Authority: Public Security Sub-Bureau of XX District (County), XX City, XX Province有效期限2013.01.21—2033.01.21Valid through: 2013.01.21--2033.01.21常住人口登记卡Information of Member户号No.姓名户主或与户主关系户主Name: Householder him/herself or Relation to the householder: Householder himself 曾用名/ 性别男Former name(If available)/ Sex: Male出生地湖南省凤凰县民族土家Place of birth: Fenghuang County of Hunan Province Ethnicity: Tujia籍贯湖南省凤凰县Ancestral native place: Fenghuang County of Hunan Province出生日期Date of birth:本市(县)其他住址/ 宗教信仰/Other residential address in this city (county): / Religious belief /公民身份证件编号身高173血型/Citizen ID Card Number:Stature 173 cm Blood Group: /文化程度大学本科婚姻状况已婚Educational degree: University degreeMarital status: Married兵役状况/Military service status: /服务处所职业/Employer: Occupation /何时由何地迁来本市(县)When and from where immigrated to this city (county):何时由何地迁来本址When and from where moved in current residential address:承办人签章登记日期2016年01月15日Registrar:Date of register: 15 JAN 2016家庭基本信息Basic Information of Household户别家庭户户主姓名Type of Household: Household Name of Householder: ZHONG.LI 户号Household Number:住址Current residential address:Registrar:Date of register:。




房产证titre de propriétéimmobilière营业执照licence d'exploitation户口簿livret de famille; bulletin d'état civil身份证carte d'identité驾照permis de conduire准建证permis de construire旅行证titre de voyage出生证acte de naissance死亡证明acte de décès国籍证明certificat de nationalité结婚证certificat/acte de mariage惯例证明certificat de coutume单身证明certificat de célibat; attestation de célibat居住证carteyuanfr de résident大学毕业证书diplôme de fin d'études universitaires护照passeport入境签证visa d'entrée出境签证visa de sortie过境签证visa de transit公证书acteyuanfr notarié遗产证明acte de succession无犯罪记录casier judiciaire vierge全权证书pleins pouvoirs国书lettres de créance1.Ce repas va-t-il te rassasier ?英文:Is this meal going to satisfy you?中文:这顿饭能让你吃饱不?2. Merci, mais je suis rassasié.英文:Thanks, but I'm full.中文:谢谢,我已经吃饱了。



〔一〕常用词汇〔中英〕证badge护照passport注册,报到register采购代表purchasing agent邀请函invitation身份证ID card驾照driving license办证make the badge补办证re-apply a new IC card 〔re-application〕个人有效证件personal document 个人近照most recent photo电子请帖E-invitation重要通知单Important Notice网上预申请回执Notice forPre-registered名片Business card / name card 采购商号码Buyer NO. 采购商报到表〔即蓝表〕Buyer registration form行李寄放处Luggage office穿梭巴士Shuttle bus柜台Counter易通卡E-Pass卡易通卡持有者E-Pass holders填写采购商表格fill the buyer’s registration form港澳身份证/回乡证H.K./Macao ID Card /Home-Return Permit 台胞证Taiwan Compatriot Travel Certificate 有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照A Chinese passport with overseas employment visa valid for over one year由广交会发出的邀请函Invitation issued by CIEF /sent by Canton Fair /from Canton Fair〔二〕验证组常用英语1,麻烦出示护照Hello,passport,please2,请问您是否第一次来吗Is this your first time to come here?3,您是丢了采购商证吗?Do you lose your IC card/badge?4,您需要补办吗You need to re-register5,您有身份证和护照复印件吗Do you have an ID card and copy of your passport?6,请去咨询台,让我们的同事向您的酒店确认您的护照号Please go to the “information desk〞and then our colleague will confirm with your hotel about your passport number.〔三〕咨询台常用语句Is it the first time for you to come here?这是您第一次来广交会吗?Do you have invitation?请问您有邀请函吗?Has your company registered here before?您的公司之前在这里注册过吗?May I have your business card?/ can you show me your card?你可以出示你的名片吗?Did you pre-register on line before?您之前有网上预注册吗?please make sure that you bring your passport and photo请确认你带上了您的护照及照片I’d like to contact the hotel that you stay in and confirm your passport number!我需要联络您所在的酒店及确认您的护照号码。

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澳大利亚新西兰等国则要求翻译件必须由NAATI资质的译员翻译,并加盖NAATI 蓝色方形印章。




