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3. Relevance theory and translation
Gutt用关联理论中的语境概念、最佳关联、 语言的解释性使用等一些基本概念,对翻译 进行阐释.
Question in p332: How do you explain the notion of interpretive resemblance and its application to translation? P326;
Gutt and 源自文库is cognitive approach to translation
Ernst-August Gutt (格特): a pioneer to begin Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context (1991) Theoretical orientation: relevance theory
Some basic concepts: The inferential nature of communication (交际的 推理性) Informative intention (信息意图) Communicative intention (交际意图) Semantic representation语义表征 A mental representation (or cognitive representation)心理或认知表征 Propositional forms命题形式 …
So Charles has lost his car keys. After all, Charles has lost his car keys.
Wife to husband: Fred has broken a window. Wife to husband: Your son has broken a window. Original utterance Mary: The back door is open. Original context If the back door is open, thieves can get in.
1.3 语境效果与认知努力对交际的影响 Contextual effects and processing effort Processing effort p311-312
Contextual effect 语境效果是话语提供的信息和语境之间的 一种关系。
话语蕴含的新信息和现有的语境假设(旧信 息)有三种可能的关系,产生三种不同的语境 效果: p313 1.新信息和现有语境假设相结合,产生新的 语境含义 2.新信息加强现有语境假设; 3.新信息与现有语境假设互相矛盾,排除现 有语境假设
2.1认知语境是交际的前提 Context in relevance theory Cognitive context What is it and what does it include? P310-311
2.2 互明(Mutual manifestiness)是交际的 必要条件 由于个体所处外部环境和认知能力的差异 ,个体的概念表征就会存在差异。关联理 论指出,成功的交际不是建立在共有知识 基础之上,而是以相互显映为必要条件, 即“互明”。“互明”使交际双方对交际的认知 环境能彼此明白,从而对交际时认知环境 中的事实或假设在心理上做出共同的认知 和推理。
2. relevance theory
by Sperber and Wilson Emerged since 1980s in the field of linguistic philosophy in the west
Relevance and cognition
Relevance is the universal goal of cognition while cognition is the necessary condition of achieving the relevance. The principle of relevance is a cognitive and communicative principle.
话语是否具有关联性,可从它对认知环境产 生的语境效果来看。 p316 relevance=contextual effects/processing effort
1.4 Principle of relevance Optimal relevance p316
关联原则作为交际的指导原则 关联理论认为所有话语都是有关联的,只是有大有 小的问题。话语的理解就是寻找关联的过程,在较 小的语境总找不到,就得借助大的语境,直到找到为 止。因此,关联是一个相对的概念,它依赖于交际主 体的认知能力和认知语境。 人们的交际是受关联原则指导的。关联原则是人 们交际的指导原则,并不是说,人们总是以其来有意 识地衡量自身的交际行为, 它是一种下意识的行为 。人们总是希望用最小的认知努力获取最大的话 语关联,即追求交际的最佳关联,这是人与生俱来的 本能。
1. Introduction
What is cognition? P302;306
Translation and cognition The process of translation is cognitive process.(p302)
The cognitive approach to translation The beginning The interdisciplinary contributions (the progress) P302-303 The shift from…to… (p303;307)