大学英语六级阅读理解试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提高大家的阅读水平,下面是小编为大家带来英语六级阅读理解积累练习及答案,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!英语六级阅读理解积累练习:The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response towhat was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to astudent cheating in an examination. Although we have insufficient reliabledata about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effectivemanagement, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of commonsense and concepts with face validity.There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance ofcheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend.It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likelythan others to continue to act dishonestly with patients, colleagues, insurers,and government.The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There arefamilial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medicalschool. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribesand dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools inwhich neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating isrampant; there are homes which imbue young people with high standards ofethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful。
(全)大学英语六级真题卷-阅读理解长难句拆解,翻译大学英语六级真题卷-阅读理解长难句拆解,翻译Schools are not just a microcosm (缩影)of society: they mediate it too. 译文:学校不仅仅是社会的浓缩,它能反映最真实的现实。
The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside-- at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons.译文:一流大学既想减少(外部)社会带给学生的压力,又想让学生深刻得了解社会,深入得接触社会——两全其美:不让学生经历风雨又想丰富他们的见识。
while 即表示同时,又表示转折。
所以,at once 此处表述一个时间做两件事。
This is ambitious in any circumstances and in a divided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright(直接地).译文:这种完美的理想太难实现,而且在不和谐,贫富差距大的社会,会导致尖锐的矛盾。
六级考试英语阅读习题一The "paperless office" has earned a proud placeon lists of technological promises that did not eto pass. Surely, though, the re dest goal ofhe carbon-paperless office is within thereach ofmankind? Carbon paper allows two copies of a document to be made at once. Nowadays, acouple of keystrokes can do the same thing with a lot less fuss.Yet carbon paper persists. Forms still need to be filled out in a way that produces copies.This should not e as a surprise. Innovation tends to create new ches 合适的职业, ratherthan refillthose that already exist. So technologies may bee marginal, but they rarely goextinct. And today the little ches in which old technologies take refuge are ever re viableandaccessible,thanks to the Internet and the fact that production no longer needs to be somass; making all numbers of obscure items is growing easier.On top of that, a widespread Technology of nostalgia技术怀旧 seeks to preserve all theways people he ever done anything, simply bXXuse they are kind of neat. As a resulttechnologies fromall the way back to the stone age persist and evenflourish in the dernworld. According to What Technology ts, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders ofWired magazine, America'sflintknappers 燧石 produce over a million newarrow and spearheads every year. One of the things technology ts, it seems, is to survive.Carbon paper, to the extent that it may he a desire for self-preservation, may also takefort in the fact that, for all that this is adigital age, many similar products are hangingon,and even making ebacks. Indeed, digital technologies may prove to be re transient thantheir predXXssors. They are based on the idea that the medium on which a file's constXXent0s and1s are stored doesn't matter, and on Alan Turing's insightthat any puter canmimic any other, given mery enough and time. This suggests that new digital technologiesshould be able to wipeout their predXXssors pletely. And earlydigital technologies doseem to be vashing. The music cassette is enjoying a little renaissance, its very faithlessnessapparently part of itsrm; but digital audio tape seems doomed revolutionary digital technologies mayyet discard older ones to the dustbin. Perhapsthis will be the case with a remarkable breakthrough in lecular分子的technology thatcould, inprinciple, store all the data everrecorded in a device that could fit in the back of an. In this instance, it would not be a matter of the new extinguishing the old. Though it maynever hebeen used for MP3s and PDFs before, DNA has been storing data for over threebillion years. And it shows no sign of goingextinct.56. Which of the following is TRUE about the carbon paper?A It is the key to paperless office.B It will be replaced by the puter soon.C It is re troublesome than the puter.D It can hardly survive in the digital age.57. According to the passage, "viable" Line 4, Para. 2 means __A secureB dynamXX feasibleD flexible58. Why does the author mention the example of What Technology ts by Kevin Kelly?A To int out that old Technology of nostalgia will flourish in the dern world.B To illustrate the imrtance of flintknappers.C To show that flintknapping is one of the stone age technologies.D To prove that old technologies seemingly never die.59. What can be inferred about digital technologies?A Digital audio tape will be vashed bXXuse of its accuracy.B Digital technologies he been proved to outlive the old technologies.C Early digital technologies will never go extinct.D The future of digital technologies will be used for DNA research.60. The passage mainlyconcerned withA the difficulty of the realization of paperless officeB the fact that newest technologies may die out while the oldest surviveC the reason why old technologies will never be on the edge of extinctionD the imrtance of keeping improving technologies all the time六级考试英语阅读习题答案56.C。
全国英语六级阅读理解精粹试题及答案 task 1 The process of perceiving others is rarely translated (to ourselves or others) into cold, objective terms. She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt. More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint (强调) his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations, abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly—perhaps with a two-second glance. ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed person's behavior with the known others' behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for, deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person's responses to specific stimuli (刺激因素) , asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about him or her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person—question, self-disclosures, and so on. Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we won't ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It。
英语六级阅读理解练习:偷来火种的巨人普罗米修斯28. Prometheus1Ⅰ. 1. mortals 2. be of service 3 . watching over 4.disobedient Ⅱ. When the first campfire was lit on earth, thepeople were afraid of it. As they trusted Prometheus,they came closer and closer and enjoyed the firespleasant warmth and beautiful glow.阅读自测希腊神话中的普罗米修斯给人类送来了火种, 帮助人类缩短了向文明过渡的苦难斗争历程, 他被赋予人性, 是人类的好朋友。
然而, 这样做的代价则是: 为了人类生存和幸福而承受无尽的苦难, 可他心甘。
就是因为这样, 他渐渐被塑造成一种不屈不挠的英雄形象, 成为那些为正义而斗争的人们的偶像, 就连马克思也这样称赞他,“普罗米修斯是哲学的日历中最高尚的圣者和殉道者。
”参考答案Zeus2 told Prometheus to teach the mortals3anything they needed to know in order to live . Hewas also to teach them the arts, so that they couldbuild beautiful temples to honor the gods. Therewas, in fact, only one thing he could not teach them.“You may give the mortals any gift except the gift offire . ”Said Zeus.“ Fire belongs to the gods only, andmust be kept on Mount Olympus4 . ”Prometheus was happy to be of service5 to man. He taught people how to make their own toolsand how to build homes for themselves. He taught them how to plant and grow their own food,and how to use animals to make their work easier. He even taught them how to make musicand how to paint. But without fire, life on earth was very difficult. Food had to be eaten raw;houses could not be kept warm. Tools had to be of stone , because there was no fire forworking metal.Athena , daughter of Zeus, had been watching over6 Prometheus and had helped him in hiswork. Now, because Prometheus was kind and wanted man to be comfortable on earth, hecalled upon Athena to help him get fire from Mount Olympus. She knew that Zeus was away andpromised to lead Prometheus to Mount Olympus by a secret path...Just as he arrived Apollo came back from his days journey in his chariot7 of the sun.Prometheus lit a torch from the chariot and put the fire in a hollow stalk that he concealedunder his cloak. Then he stole away without being seen by any of the gods, and brought his fireto earth.When Prometheus lit the first campfire on earth, the people were afraid of it. But they trustedhim, and so they came closer and closer and enjoyed the fires pleasant warmth and beautifulglow.Prometheus knew that he would not have much time before Zeus discovered that he had beendisobedient. But he also knew that, powerful as Zeus was, once a god had given a gift it couldnot be taken away. So he quickly taught the mortals how to use the gift of fire.参考译文1. 在希腊神话中, 普罗米修斯因盗取天火予人触怒宙斯而受罚, 被锁在高加索山崖上, 遭神鹰折磨。
英语六级阅读理解模拟练习附答案六级阅读理解模拟练习一:Which is safer-staying at home, traveling towork on public transport,or working in the office?Surprisingly, each of these carries the same risk,which is very low. However, what about flyingcompared to working in the chemical industry?Unfortunately, the former is 65 times riskier thanthe latter! In fact, the accident rate of workers inthe chemical industry is less than that of almost anyof human activity, and almost as safe as staying at home.The trouble with the chemical industry is that when things go wrong they often cause deathto those living nearby. It is this which makes chemical accidents so newsworthy. Fortunately,they are extremely rare. The most famous ones happened at Texas City (1947),Flixborough(1974),Seveso (1976), Pemex (1984) and Bhopal (1984)。
Some of these are always in the minds of the people even though the loss of life was small.No one died at Seveso, and only 28 workers at Flixborough. The worst accident of all wasBhopal, where up to 3,000 were killed. The Texas City explosion of fertilizer killed 552. ThePemex fire at a storage plant for natural gas in the suburbs of Mexico City took 542 lives, justa month before the unfortunate event at Bhopal.Some experts have discussed these accidents and used each accident to illustrate aparticular danger. Thus the Texas City explosion was caused by tons of ammonium nitrate(硝酸铵),which is safe unless stored in great quantity. The Flixborough fireball was the fault ofmanagement, which tookrisks to keep production going during essential repairs. The Sevesoaccident shows what happens if the local authorities lack knowledge of the danger on theirdoorstep. When the poisonous gas drifted over the town, local leaders were incapable oftaking effective action. The Pemex fire was made worse by an overloaded site in anovercrowded suburb. The fire set off a chain reaction os exploding storage tanks. Yet, by amiracle, the two largest tanks did not explode. Had these caught fire,then 3,000 strongrescue team and fire fighters would all have died.1.Which of the following statements is true?A.Working at the office is safer than staying at home.B.Traverlling to work on public transport is safer than working at the office.C.Staying at home is safer than working in the chemical industry.D.Working in the chemical industry is safer than traveling by air.2.Chemical accidents are usually important enough to be reported as news because ____.A.they are very rareB.they often cause loss of lifeC.they always occur in big citiesD.they arouse the interest of all the readers3.According to passage, the chemical accident that caused by the fault of managementhappened at ____.A.Texas cityB.FlixboroughC.SevesoD.Mexico City4.From the passage we know that ammonium nitrate is a kind of ____.A.natural gas, which can easily catch fireB.fertilizer, which cant be stored in a great quantityC.poisonous substance, which cant be used in overcrowded areasD.fuel, which is stored in large tanks5.From the discussion among some experts we may coclude that ____.A.to avoid any accidents we should not repair the facilities in chemical industryB.the local authorities should not be concerned with the production of the chemicalindustryC.all these accidents could have been avoided or controlled if effective measure hadbeen takenD.natural gas stored in very large tanks is always safe参考答案:DBABC六级阅读理解模拟练习二:40 years ago the idea of disabled people doingsport was never heard of. But when the annualgames for the disabled were started atStokeMandeville, England in 1948 by Sir LudwigGuttmann, the situation began to change.Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven toEngland in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been askedby the British government to set up an injuriescenter at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries includedsport for the disabled.In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, fiveteams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come fromabroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held inRome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the OlympicGames for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games,although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held atStoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about40 countries took part. Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in LosAngeles, along with the other Olympics.The Games have been a great success in promoting international friendship andunderstanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you cant enjoy sport. Onesmall source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games,however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to includedisabled events at Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are stillneeded to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellowathletes should not be excluded.21. The first games for the disabled were held______after Sir Ludwig Guttmann arrived inEngland.A. 40 yearsB. 21 yearsC. 10 yearsD. 9 years22. Besides Stoke Mandeville, surely the games for the disabled were once held in______.A. New YorkB. LondonC. RomeD. Los Angeles23. In Paragraph 3, the word "athletes" means______.A. people who support the gamesB. people who watch the gamesC. people who organize the gamesD. people who compete in the games24. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an early organizer of the games for the disabled.B. Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.C. Sir Ludwig Guttmann is from Germany.D. Sir Ludwig Guttmann is welcomed by the British government.25. From the passage, we may conclude that the writer is ______.A. one of the organizers of the game for the disabledB. a disabled person who once took part in the gamesC. against holding the games for the disabledD. in favor of holding the games for the disabled 参考答案:21. D 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D。
英语六级阅读理解训练:金融体制的差异英语六级阅读理解训练:金融体制的差异There are spectacular differences between financial markets on the Continent of Europe on the one hand, and in Britain on the other hand. In Britain, the market is really the City of London. It is a free market, and it controls most of the flow of savings to investment. On the Continent, either a few banks or government officials direct the flow of funds to suit their economic plans. In Germany the flow is directed by all-powerful banks. In Britain there is more free interplay of market forces and far fewer regulations, rules and “red tape”. A French banker summed it up this way: “On the Continent you cant do anything unless youre been told you can; in England on the other hand you can do everything as long as you havent been told not to.”There are many basic reasons for these differences. One is that Continental savers tend to prefer gold, cash or short-term assets. They invest only 10% of their savings in institutions like pension funds or insurance companies. But in Britain 50% of savings goes to them, and they, in turn, invest directly in equity market. A far lower proportion of savings is put in the banks in the form of liquid assets than on the Continent. Continental governments intervene directly or through the banks to collect savings together and transform them into medium or long-term loans for investment. The equity market is largely bypassed. On the Continent economic planning tends to be far more centralized than in Britain. In Britain it is possible to influence decisions affectingthe countrys economy from within the City. It attracts a skilled and highly qualified work force. In France, on the other hand, an intelligent young man who wants a career in finance would probably find the civil service more attractive.In Britain the market, or more accurately, money tends to be regarded as an end in itself. On the Continent it is regarded as a means to an end: investment in the economy. To British eyes continental systems with possible exception of the Dutch seem slow and inefficient. But there is one outstanding fact the City should not overlook. Britains growth rates and levels of investment over the last ten years have been much lower than on the Continent. There are many reasons for this, but the City must take part of the blame. If it is accepted that the basic function of a financial market is to supply industry and commerce with finance in order to achieve desired rates of growth, it can be said that by concentrating on the market for its own sake the City has tended to forget that basic function.1. What is the best title of the passage?A. Savings and the Growth Rate.B. Banking and Finance: Two Different Realities.C. Monetary Policy in Britain.D. The European Continent and Britain.2. What seems to be the most fundamental reason for this difference?A. The British tend to regard money as an end, whereas Continental European consider it a means to an end.B. The British invest only 10% of their savings in pension funds.C. On the Continent you cant do anything unless you have been told you can.D. Intelligent young men who want a career tend to go to civil service on the Continent.3. According to the passage, the Dutch way of finance and banking ___.A. is similar to that of the French.B. makes no difference whatever system it is compared to.C. is perhaps resembling that of the British.D. has a low efficiency.4. The word “outstanding” in Line 4, Para 3___A. beatingB. surplusC. noticeableD. seemingly5. In what way does the continental system seem better?A. The Continent maintains a higher growth rate and levels of investment.B. It has less proportion of savings in the form of liquid assets.C. It attracts intelligent young men.D. In functions properly despite the fact that the British discount it.参考答案:BACCA。
英语六级阅读理解专练题(一)In the United States, where“casualness”is considereda great virtue, people often sit with feet on chairs oreven desks. They sometimes sit with their backsides( buttocks) on tables and desks as a way ofexpressing their individuality or career attitude.They feel comfortable crossing their legs and sittingwith one ankle on the other knee . Poor posture —slumping oneself over while sitting in a chair and placing feet on whatever object is around — isa common U. S. behavior. It is designed to show that the perso n is casual, honest, sincere,and“ just one of the folks ”. In the United States, even millionaires, corporation presidents,government leaders, and movie stars try to pretend they are ordinary people by using“the U.S. slouch ”and“ the feet-on-the -furniture”maneuver.Unfortunately, other countries interpret this behavior as being sloppy and as reflecting ageneral lack of alertness, interest, and respect. People from the United States do not usuallyrealize that what they regard as casualness is viewed very differently and very negatively bymany people around the world.People in many cultures are expected to sit erect. Such cultures include many countriesin LatinAmerica, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. In the United States, slouching is acceptable and isa positive sign of being casual and friendly. In the United States, crossing legs is a sign of goodetiquette . Many cultures say thatcrossing legs is okay, but placing the ankle on the kneewhilecrossing one’s legs is totally unacceptable .One reason for not putting the ankle on the knee is that when you do so, one foot or the soleof the shoe is usually pointing at someone . This is a very severe insult in many countriesaround the world, especially Muslim countries. Under few circumstances should you point yourfoot at anyone , because the foot is cons idered the least sacred part of the body in manysocieties. In some countries such as Nepal, pointing the foot at a cow is an outrage , becausethe cow is a sacred animal. In Buddhist countries, pointing the foot at statue of the Buddha isa severe offense. Moving objects with the feet is very rude in Thailand, Nepal, and Taiwan. InBangladesh, you should not touch books with a foot or shoe; if you do, you must make anelaborate apology.As you can tell, posture is a very strong messenger. It conveys much about a particu larperson. Posture ( in many cultures) says something about the person’s honesty, alertness,intelligence, religiousness, respect, and overall decency — or the opposite of all of these !Posture tells people whether they want to get to know a stranger, and it also tells what to thinkabout the people already known.阅读自测Translate the sentences into English with the words in parentheses :1. 这座纪念碑是为内战中牺牲的烈士们而建立的。
英语六级阅读理解练习:The“V”Sign英语六级阅读理解练习:The“V”SignThe palm-forward“V”sign, formed by raising and spreading the first two fingers1 ,has three different meanings in American culture.The most popular meaning of the“V”sign was invented in 1941 by a Belgian, Victor De Lavalaye. Wanting a symbol for resistance to the Nazi2 occupation, he came up with the single letter“V”, which stood not only for his own first name3, but also for English victory, Flemish virijheid, and French victoire. The symbolism of the sign spread very quickly, and Winston Churchill4 used it constantly in public appearance. Thus throughout the 1940 s and 1950 s, the gesture meant simply“victory”.The second meaning came in the 1960 s. Because of its military implication, Americanantiwar protestors used the sign sarcastically against the arms, so that it became known as the“ peace sign”. In the 1970s, the“V”sign , which had lost its military implication, was a common greeting among freedom lovers, acid heads5, political radicals, and ultimately, young people in general. So by about the middle of the 1970s, it ceased to give clue to the users philosophy. The third meaning is the oldest and least common. American children jokingly put “V”, which resembles“ horns”, behind friendsheads in group snapshots. The are unknowingly reproducing something that southern Europeans would find highly offensive. This mischief, called “horns of the Devil”, is a variant of the European“ horns”gesture, which is obscene. Here the“V”sign means“Your wife has been cheating on you ”or, when placed behind anothers head,“His wife has been cheatingon him”. In the United States, the gesture is typically given with the palm facing the viewer. The British use both this version and an older, palm-backward version; the latter is obscene in American culture, and corresponds to the American“ finger”6 . Churchill got some surprised stares in 1941 when, evidently unaware of the vulgar usage, he gave the palm-backward“V”to British troops. In England today you could have to be a social hermit not to understand the distinction. Astonishingly, however, Margaret Thatcher7 repeated Churchills error after her victory in the 1979 election.阅读自测:Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with proper words :American children______________________ ( 开玩笑地) put“V”, which______________________ ( 类似)“ horns”,behind friendsheads in group ______________________( 快照) . They are______________________ ( 无意中地) reproducingsomething that southern Europeans would findhighly______________________ ( 无礼的) .This mischief, called“ horns of the Devil”, is a______________________( 变体) of the European“ horns”gesture, which is______________________ ( 淫秽的) .Ⅱ. Exp lain the fo llowing phras es in bold typ e in yo ur own words :1. If you kee p yo ur fin ge rs crossed , you ______________________.2. If you are all fin ge rs a nd thumbs , you ______________________ .3. If you ha ve a finger in every pie , you______________________ .4. If you thumb a lift, you______________________.参考答案1. jokingly / resembles / snapshots / unknowingly / offensive / variant / obscene2. 1. hope that something will happen the way you want2. are clumsy or awkward with your hands3. are involved in everything that is happening4. try to get a free ride in a motor vehicle ; hitchhike参考译文手势“V”掌心向外, 竖起食指和中指, 并向两边展开, 这样就构成了一个V 形手势。
六级英语阅读理解练习题1A controversy erupte...阅读理解是六级考试中的必考题型,在剩下的备考时间里必须抓紧阅读练习,下面我为大家带来,欢迎考生阅读练习。
六级英语阅读理解练习题1A controversy erupted in the scientific community in early 1998 over the use of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid ) fingerprinting in criminal investigations. DNA fingerprinting wasintroduced in 1987 as a method to identify individuals based on a pattern seen in their DNA,the molecule of which genes are made. DNA is present in every cell of the body except redblood cells. DNA fingerprinting has been used successfully in various ways, such as todetermine paternity where it is not clear who the father of a particular child is. However, it isin the area of criminal investigations that DNA fingerprinting has potentially powerful andcontroversial uses.DNA fingerprinting and other DNA analysis techniques have revolutionized criminalinvestigations by giving investigators powerful new tools in the attempt to trove guilt, not justestablishinnocence. When used in criminal investigations, a DNA fingerprint pattern from asuspect is compared with a DNA fingerprint pattern obtained from such material as hairs orblood found at the scene of a crime. A match between the two DNA samples can be used asevidence to convict a suspect.The controversy in 1998 stemmed form a report published in December 1991 bypopulation geneticists Richard C. Lewontin of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., andDaniel L. Hartl called into question the methods to calculate how likely it is that a matchbetween two DNA fingerprints might occur by chance alone. In particular, they argued that thecurrent method cannot properly determine the likelihood that two DNA samples will matchbecause they came from the same individual rather than simply from two different individualswho are members of the same ethnic group. Lewontin and Hartl called for better surveys of DNApatterns methods are adequate. In response to their criticisms, population geneticists Ranajit Chakraborty of theUniversity of Texas in Dallas and Kenneth K.Kidd of Yale University in New Haven, Conn.,argued that enough data are already available to show that the methods currently being usedare adequate. In January 1998, however, the federal Bureau of Investigation and laboratoriesthat conduct DNA tests announced that they would collect additional DNA samples formvarious ethnic groupsin an attempt to resolve some of these questions. And, in April, aNational Academy of Sciences called for strict standards and system of accreditation for DNAtesting laboratories.六级英语阅读理解练习题1.Before DNA fingerprinting is used, suspects____.A.would have to leave their fingerprints for further investigationsB.would have to submit evidence for their innocenceC.could easily escape conviction of guiltD.cold be convicted of guilt as well2.DNA fingerprinting can be unreliable when ____.A.the methods used for blood- cell calculation are not accurateB.two different individuals of the same ethnic group may have the same DNA fingerprintingpatternC.a match is by chance left with fingerprints that happen to belong to two differentindividualsD.two different individuals leave two DNA samples.3.To geneticists like Lewontin and Hartl, the current method ____.A.is not so convincing as to exclude the likelihood that two DNA samples can nevercome from two individualsB.is arguable because two individuals of the same ethnic group are likely to have the sameDNA pattern.C.Is not based on adequate scientific theory of geneticsD.Is theoretically contradictory to what they have been studying4.The attitude of the Federal Bereau of Investigation shows that ____.A.enough data are yet to be collected form various ethnic groups to confirm the unlikelihoodof two DNA samples coming from two individual membersB.enough data of DNA samples should be collected to confirm that only DNA samples formthe same person can matchC.enough data are yet to be collected from various ethnic groups to determine thelikelihood of two different DNA samples coming form the same personD.additional samples from various ethnic groups should be collected to determine thattwo DNA samples are unlikely to come from the same person5.National Academy of Sciences holds the stance that ____.A.DNA testing should be systematizedB.Only authorized laboratories can conduct DNA testingC.The academy only is authorized to work out standards for testingD.The academy has the right to accredit laboratories for DNA testing六级英语阅读理解练习题答案CBABB六级英语阅读理解练习题2Racket, din clamor, noise, whatever you want to call it, unwanted sound is Americas mostwidespread nuisance. But noise is more than just a nuisance. It constitutes a real and presentdanger to peoples health. Day and night, at home, at work, and at play, noise can produceserious physical and psychological stress. No one is immune to this stress. Though we seemto adjust to noise by ignoring it, the ear, in fact, never closes and the body still responds—sometimes with extreme tension, as to a strange sound in the night.The annoyance we feel when faced with noise is the most common outward symptom ofthe stress building up inside us. Indeed, because irritability is so apparent, legislators havemade public annoyance the basis of many noise abatement programs. The more subtle andmore serious health hazards associated with stress caused by noise traditionally have beengiven much less attention. Nevertheless, when we are annoyed or made irritable by noise, weshould consider these symptoms fair warning that other thing may be happening to us, some ofwhich may be damaging to our health.Of many health hazards to noise, hearing loss is the most clearly observable andmeasurable by health professionals. The other hazardsare harder to pin down. For many of us,there may be a risk that exposure to the stress of noise increases susceptibility to diseaseand infection. The more susceptible among us may experience noise as a complicating factorin heart problems and other diseases. Noise that causes annoyance and irritability in healthpersons may have serious consequences for these already ill in mind or body. Noise affects us throughout our lives. For example, there are indications of effects on theunborn child when mothers are exposed to industrial and environmental noise. During infancyand childhood, youngsters exposed to high noise levels may have trouble falling asleep andobtaining necessary amounts of rest.Why, then, is there not greater alarm about these dangers? Perhaps it is because the linkbetween noise and many disabilities or diseases has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.Perhaps it is because we tend to dismiss annoyance as a price to pay for living in the modernworld. It may also be because we still think of hearing loss as only an occupational hazard.六级英语阅读理解练习题1.In Paragraph 1, the phrase "immune to" are used to mean ___.A.unaffected byB.hurt byC.unlikely to be seen byD.unknown by2.The authors attitude toward noise would best be described as ___.A.unrealisticB.traditionalC.concernedD.hysterical3.Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?A.Noise is a major problem; most people recognize its importance.B.Although noise can be annoying, it is not a major problem.C.Noise is a major problem and has not yet been recognized as such.D.Noise is a major problem about which nothing can be done.4.The author condemns noise essentially because it ___.A.is against the lawB.can make some people irritableC.is a nuisanceD.in a ganger to peoples health5.The author would probably consider research about the effects noise has onpeople to be ___.A.unimportantB.impossible.C.a waste of moneyD.essential六级英语阅读理解练习题答案 ACCDD。
接下来就一起分享小编为大家整理的英语六级阅读理解专题练习吧!英语六级阅读理解专题练习练习一They're still kids, and although there's a lot thatthe expertsdon't yet know about them, one thingthey do agree on is that what kidsuse and expectfrom their world has changed rapidly. And it's allbecauseof technology.To the psychologists, sociologists, and generational and media expertswho study them,their digital gear sets this new group apart, even from theirtech-savvy (懂技术的) Millennialelders. They want to be constantlyconnected and available in a way even their older siblingsdon't quiteget. These differences may appear slight, but they signal an all- encompassingsensibility that some say marks the dawning of a newgeneration.The contrast between Millennials and this younger group was soevident to psychologistLarry Rosen of California State University that he hasdeclared the birth of a new generation in anew book, Rewired: Understandingthe ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month.Rosen says thetech-dominated life experience of those born since the early 1990s issodifferent from the Millennials he wrote about in his 2007 book, Me,MySpace and I: Parenting theNet Generation, that they warrant thedistinction of a new generation, which he has dubbedthe ingeneration.。
Naturally, m a group of animals as diverse as thesnakes, and with so many varied enemies. there arenumerous defensive reactions and devices. There is.however, one general pattern of behavior. In thepresence of suspected enemy the first reaction isto try to escape observation; if this fails, the nextresort is the flight co some inaccessible retreat, but if this is not possible, or iscircumvented. various kinds of intimidatory gestures and warning devices are broughtinto play; in the last resort the snake attacks. This pattern vanes with the circumstances;some stages may be omitted or combined unpredictably whilst all some notoriously irasciblespecies may dispense with all the preliminaries and attack almost at once. though seldom ornever without some provocation.Amongst the factors that increase aggressiveness are hunger, the mating season and surprise,with the last mentioned the commonest; when hunting for food or for mate. activity and theaggressive instinct are both at their peak. Owing to their poor sense of hearing snakes arevery liable to be, quite literally, caught napping and a similar situation arises during theirperiods of temporary blindness just before sloughing (蜕皮)begins. By far the greatestnumber of snake-bit accidents result from the unwitting disturbance of resting snakes. and thishazard is much increased with species that are well disguised and whose natural instinct is totrust to this concealment as their principal defense. As well as differences in aggressivenessbetween individuals ofthe same species according to the circumstances and conditions, thereare also notable differences between species, even closely allied species; and the reports ofthose who have been attacked may understandably be lacking in objectivity. So it isimpossible to forecast. even in outline, how any encounter will develop.The Hamadryad, for example, is usually credited with being amongst the most aggressive ofsnakes. and there are many accounts of unprovoked attacks, yet on one occasion fourteenmen and seven dogs passed and returned within two yards from a nest and no snake was seenalthough the female. which guards the nest, could not have been far away.蛇的品种繁多。
六级英语阅读真题练习1Questions 31 to 35 ...阅读理解在英语六级试卷中占有很大的分值,为了帮助大家提高英语阅读能力,下面我为大家带来,供各位考生阅读练习。
六级英语阅读真题练习1Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy,typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears is likelyto apologize, even when a devastating (毁灭性的) tragedy was the provocation. The observerof tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring. Butjudging from recent studies of crying behavior, links between illness and crying and thechemical composition of tears, both those responses to tears are often inappropriate andmay even be counterproductive.Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution hasgiven rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume thatcrying has oneor more functions that enhance survival.Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to elicit assistance from others(as a crying baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help.Vocal cries would have been quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention. So, itappears, there must be something special about tears themselves.Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in alleviatingstress. University of Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition oftears have recently isolated two important chemicals from emotional tears. Both chemicalsare found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion. Tears shed because ofexposure to cut onion would contain no such substance.Researchers at several other institutions are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means ofdiagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.At Tulane Universitys Teat Analysis Laboratory Dr. Peter Kastl and his colleagues report thatthey can use tears to detect drug abuse and exposure to medication (药物), to determinewhether a contact lens fits properly of why it may be uncomfortable, to study the causes of"dry eye" syndrome and the effects of eye surgery, andperhaps even to measure exposureto environmental pollutants.At Columbia University Dr. Liasy Faris and colleagues are studying tears for clues to thediagnosis of diseases away from the eyes. Tears can be obtained painlessly without invading thebody and only tiny amounts are needed to perform highly refined analyses.六级英语阅读真题练习31. It is known from the first paragraph that ________.A) shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to AmericanB) crying may often imitate people or even result in tragedyC) crying usually wins sympathy from other peopleD) one who sheds tears in public will be blamed(A)32. What does "both those responses to tears" (Line 5, Para, 1) refer to?A) Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.B) The embarrassment and unpleasant sensation of the observers.C) The tear shedders apology and the observers effort to stop the crying.D) Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.(C)33. "Counterproductive" (Lines 5, Para, 1) very probably means "________".A) having no effect at allB) leading to tensionC) producing disastrous impactD) harmful to health(D)34. What does the author say about crying?A) It is a pointless physiological response to the environment.B) It must have a role to play in mans survival.C) It is meant to get attention and assistance.D) It usually produces the desired effect.(B)35. What can be inferred from the new studies of tears?A) Emotional tears have the function of reducing stress.B) Exposure to excessive medication may increase emotional tears.C) Emotional tears can give rise to "dry eye" syndrome in some cases.D) Environmental pollutants can induce the shedding of emotional tears.六级英语阅读真题练习答案31. A 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A六级英语阅读真题练习1It is no secret among athletes that in order to improve performance youve got to work hard.However, hard training breaks you down and makes you weaker, it is rest that makes youstronger.Improvement only occurs during the rest period following hard training. This adaptation isaccomplished by improving efficiency of the heart and certain systems within the musclecells.During recovery periods these systems build to greater levels to compensate for the stressthat you have applied. The result is that you are now at a higher level of performance.If sufficient rest is not included in a training program, imbalance between excess trainingand inadequate rest will occur, and performance will decline. The "overtraining syndrome(综合症)" is the name given to the collection of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptomsdue to overtraining that has persisted for weeks to months. It is marked by cumulativeexhaustion that persists even after recovery periods.The most common symptom is fatigue. This may limit workouts and may be present at rest.The athletes may also become moody, easily imitated, have altered sleep patterns, becomedepressed, or lose the competitive desire and enthusiasm for the sport. Some will reportdecreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent muscular soreness,increased frequency of viral (病毒性的) illnesses, and increased incidence of injuries.The treatment for the overtraining syndrome is rest. The longer the overtraining has occurred,the more rest required, therefore,early detection is very important. If the overtraining hasonly occurred for a short period of time (e.g. 3-4 weeks) then interrupting training for 3-5 daysis usually sufficient rest. It is important that the factors that lead to overtraining be identifiedand corrected. Otherwise, the overtraining syndrome is likely to recur. The overtrainingsyndrome should be considered in any athlete who manifests symptoms of prolonged fatigueand whose performance has leveled off or decreased. It is important to exclude anyunderlying illness that may be responsible for the fatigue.六级英语阅读真题练习36. The first paragraph of the passage tells us that ________.A) the harder an athlete trains, the better his performance will beB) rest after vigorous training improves an athletes performanceC) strict systematic training is essential to an athletes top performanceD) improvement of an athletes performance occurs in the course of training37. By "overtraining" the author means ________.A) a series of physical symptoms that occur after trainingB) undue emphasis on the importance of physical exertionC) training that is not adequately compensated for by restD) training that has exceeded an athletes emotional limits38. What does the passage tell us about the "overtraining" syndrome?A) It occurs when athletes lose interest in sports.B) It appears right after a hard training session.C) The fatigue it results in is unavoidable in the athletes training process.D) It manifests itself in fatigue which lingers even after a recovery period39. What does the phrase "level off" (Line 5, Para. 4) most probably mean?A) Slow down.B) Become dull.C) Stop improving.D) Be on the decline40. The author advises at the end of the passage that ________.A) overtraining syndrome should be treated as a serious illnessB) overtraining syndrome should be prevented before it occursC) an athlete with overtraining syndrome should take a lengthy restD) illness causing fatigue should not be mistaken for overtraining syndrome六级英语阅读真题练习答案36. B 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. D。
大学六级英语阅读理解真题大学六级英语阅读理解真题Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with tenblanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes an adult when he_26_a real job.”To cognitive researchers like Piaget,adulthood meant the beginning ofan_27_.Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world ofwork,their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.The_28_of such ideals,without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession,rapidly leads adolescents to become _29_ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way.Piaget said:“True adaptation to society comes_30_when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”Of course,youthful idealism is often courageous,and no one likes to give up dream s.Perhaps,taken_31_out of context,Piaget’s statement seems harsh.What he was_32_,however,is the way reality can modify idealistic views.Some people refer to such modification asmaturity.Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of _33_,adolescents may be especially hard hit.Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents_34_about their roles in society.Forthis reason,community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically_35_but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense of worth.A)automatically I)incidentallyB)beneficial J)intolerantC)capturing K)occupationD)confused L)promisesE)emphasizing M)recessionF)entrance N)slightlyG)excited O)undertakesH)existence英语六级阅读理解解题技巧一、事实细节题识别:题目往往会以wh-疑问词(如what, who, which, when, where, why, how)提问。
2023年12月英语六级第三套卷目录1.阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)(共2篇)2.完形填空(Cloze Test)3.选词填空(Word-Fill)4.信息匹配(Matching Information)5.翻译(Translation)1. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)(共2篇)Passage 1Key Points•Topic: Importance of exercise for mental health•Main idea: Regular exercise can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.•Supporting details:–Research studies have shown that exercise can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are known as mood boosting chemicals.–Regular exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety by increasing the body’s production ofserotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood.–Exercise can also improve sleep quality and promote a sense of well-being.•Conclusion: Incorporating regular exercise into one’s daily routine c an greatly benefit mental health.Passage 2Key Points•Topic: The impact of social media on self-esteem•Main idea: Social media can negatively affect self-esteem due to the tendency to compare oneself to others and the pressure to portray a perfect life.•Supporting details:–Many people feel inadequate or inferior when comparing themselves to the idealized versions ofothers’ lives portrayed on social media.–Social media platforms often prioritize vanity metrics such as likes and followers, which can lead toa constant need for validation.–The need for validation from social media can detract from one’s self-worth and overall confidence.•Conclusion: It is important to use social media mindfully and recognize its potential negative effects on self-esteem.2. 完形填空(Cloze Test)Key Points•Topic: The benefits of reading•Main idea: Reading is beneficial for personal growth and development.•Supporting details:–Reading broadens one’s perspective and fosters empathy by exposing readers to differentcultures and experiences.–Reading improves cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.–Reading enhances vocabulary and language skills.–Reading reduces stress and promotesrelaxation.•Conclusion: Incorporating regular reading habits can have a positive impact on personal growth and well-being.3. 选词填空(Word-Fill)Key Points•Topic: Sustainable living•Main idea: Sustainable living practices are crucial for preserving the environment and combating climate change.•Supporting details:–Conserving energy and water resources can help reduce carbon emissions and protect naturalhabitats.–Recycling and reducing waste can minimize the impact on landfills and encourage the use of recycledmaterials.–Promoting renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can decrease reliance on fossil fuels.–Adopting eco-friendly transportation options such as walking, cycling, or using public transport canreduce air pollution.•Conclusion: Embracing sustainable living practices is essential for a greener and more sustainable future.4. 信息匹配(Matching Information)Key Points•Topic: Strategies for effective time management•Strategies:1.Prioritize tasks: Identify the most importanttasks and start with those.2.Set goals and deadlines: Establish clear goalsand deadlines for each task to stay organized andmotivated.3.Break tasks into smaller steps: Breaking tasksinto smaller, manageable steps can make them lessoverwhelming.4.Avoid multitasking: Focus on one task at a timeto improve productivity and concentration.5.Minimize distractions: Eliminate or minimizedistractions like social media or noisy environments.6.Take breaks: Schedule short breaks to rest andrecharge, which can improve focus and productivity.7.Delegate responsibilities: Delegate tasks thatcan be done by others to free up time for moreimportant tasks.8.Learn to say no: Set boundaries and prioritizeyour own tasks to avoid taking on too much.5. 翻译(Translation)Key Points•Passage: The benefits of learning a second language •主要内容:–提高认知能力:学习第二语言可以训练思维能力,提高注意力和记忆力。
英语六级阅读理解练习题及答案 (细选2篇)
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英语六级阅读理解练习题及答案(细选2篇)英语六级阅读理解练习题及答案1英语六级阅读理解练习题及答案2英语六级阅读理解练习题及答案 (菁选2篇)扩展阅读大学英语六级阅读理解练习题2英语六级考前阅读理解冲刺练习题2英语六级考试阅读理解的练习题1英语六级考试阅读理解的练习题2初中英语阅读理解练习题及答案1英语六级阅读理解真题及答案2英语六级阅读理解真题及答案3英语六级英语阅读理解技巧11 确立主题,明确主旨.圈定关键,找出主线.2 扫读文章,定位关键.跳读剩余,删除多余.3 无词定位,分析选项.逻辑判断,排除干扰.4 顽固不化,无法推出.各段首末,进行反推.扫读文章,定位关键.关键词的特点:1 名词或名词词组(人名,地名,时间,数字都是特别好找的)2 如名词重复太多,或不突出,也可以找动词3 实在没有选择之下,也可以考虑用题目中的形容词和副词作为关键词4 注意,用过的关键词在另外一道题目就不要再用了5 词组永远比一个单词好用,因为比较容易找。
不需要阅读的部分:1 题目后段落通过最后一题所在的位置,判断文章后面的段落是没有出题,如果没有出题,就全部省略不看。
2 例子先不看例子的存在是为了前面的句子,更重要的是看例子前句的内容.可是当题目中涉及了例子涉及的内容的时候,要仔细阅读.3 地点,特别是连续的地点不看,属于无法考核的内容。
英语六级阅读理解模拟练习附参考答案六级阅读理解模拟练习一:The Look Younger DietIs the Fountain of Youth a myth? Not entirely,many experts in nutrition now believe, "Age fast, orage slow—it's up to you. " declares Dr. KennethCooper, president and founder of the Aerobics Centerin Dallas. Jeffrey Blumberg, associate director ofthe U. S. Department of Agriculture's HumanNutrition Research Center on Aging at TuftsUniversity in Boston, agrees, " Research shows that many so-called age-related declines inphysiological function seem to have less to do with aging than with environmental factors likediet and exercise. "Obesity 过度肥胖 is one of the leading causes of accelerated aging, according to Cooper, "Ifyou lose weight, stop smoking, and exercise," he says, "you can slow the aging process—andmake dramatic changes in your looks in a relatively short period of time. "A 37-year-old sales director for a Boston computer-distribution company is a primeexample. Over six feet tall, he had been considerably overweight most of his like. Then hebegan to worry that his appearance could be hurting his career. "I got tired of people thinkingI was the same age as my brother, who's nearly nine years older," he says, "When you're fat,people in the business world assume you're out of control. "Determined to change, the sales director entered a hospital-based diet program anddropped over 70 pounds. "I feel—and look—ten years younger. " he says.At 82, Clarice R. Mc Williams, a retired business owner in Dallas, has the appearance, skintone 肤色 and mental agility of someone many years younger. "Most people think I'm in my60s. " she boasts.Mc Williams admits genes play some role in the way she looks, but believes diet is animportant factor. "It doesn't matter how good the genes are if you don't eat properly and takecare of yourself," she says. "If you want to look good, get plenty of rest, exercise every day, eatmostly raw fruits and vegetables—and quit worrying. "Says Blumberg, "There's certainly a link between good nutrition, apositive attitude andimproved quality of life. People can have a say in what's going on with their bodies by selectinga healthful diet. "Skin. Nowhere do the signs of aging manifest themselves more clearly than in thecondition of the skin. When your weight fluctuates, the skin stretches with each up cycle, but itmay not completely shrink back to its original size in the down cycle. As a result, the skin maysag松弛下垂.A severely deficient diet can lead to skin disorders, dramatically affecting one'sappearance. By the same token, a well-balanced diet with ample supplies of nutrients isthought by many experts to produce a glowing, younger look.Zinc and vitamin A are important for normal, healthy skin. Zinc helps the skin repair itself,and vitamin A aids in keeping skin supple, preventing dryness and helping shed dead cells.Good sources of zinc are beef, eggs and seafood, while many dark-green leafy vegetables arerich in beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Other foods containing ampleamounts of beta carotene include carrots, cantaloupe, winter squash, sweet potatoes, sweet redpeppers, apricots and mangoes.Vitamin C helps improve the blood supply to the skin and aids in forming collagen胶原 ,the fibrous protein that lies beneath the skin's surface and gives it a smooth appearance.Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, snowpeas, red and green peppers, broccoli, white and sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon,honeydew melon and cantaloupe.Greens are excellent sources of skin-preserving nutrients and, generally, the darker theleaves, the more nutritious. Romaine lettuce, for example has about six times as muchvitamin C and eight times as much beta carotene as iceberg lettuce.How food is prepared matters too. The longer vegetables cook, the greater the loss ofvitamins and texture. Don't soak vegetables when washing them, since water-soluble vitaminssuch as C will be lost.Blumberg also recommends drinking six to eight glasses of water or other fluids each day tohelp keep skin and other tissues hydrated. "That'sespecially important for older people," hesays, "who are at risk for dehydration because their thirst drive becomes blunted with age. "Coffee,colas and tea aren't the best sources, since they contain caffeine, a diuretic thatinduces water loss.Hair. Healthy, shining hair is second only to vibrant skin for making one look younger. Yetmany people unwittingly mistreat their hair by eating an unbalanced diet.When a 33-year-old employee at a Texas corporation decided to lose weight quickly, shewent on a fad diet, high in fiber and bulk, but low in protein. Over three months, she lost a lotof weight. She also lost a good deal of her hair.Dermatologist 皮肤病学家 David Alkek, a clinical professor at the University of TexasSouthwest Medical Center at Dallas, sees too many caseslike this woman's. When diets don'tcontain enough amino acids, the building blocks of protein, there's dramatic increase in hairloss as the body breaks down its own protein.Hair and skin cells are constantly reproducing and are, therefore, very sensitive tonutritional deficiencies, explains Dr. Alkek. Foods high in amino acids include meats, eggs, milk,grains and legumes. Just remember that the body cannot store protein. So foods high inprotein must be ingested daily. Under Alkek's care, the woman began eating nutritionallybalanced meals, and her hair was restored in about eight months.Immune system. Vitamins E and C and beta carotene, known as antioxidants 抗氧化剂 ,are considered powerful disease-fighters, capable of slowing down or preventing a number ofailments typically associated with aging.A growing body of evidence suggests that aging and decline in immune function mayresult in part from accumulated damage to cells caused by certain toxic compounds called freeradicals 自由基. Antioxidants seem to counteract or impair the ability of these substances toattack healthy cells, thus avoiding at least some of the damage. Foods containing thesenutrients are being linked—by science rather than myth—to the control and prevention ofheart disease and cancer, stroke, cataracts and to the body's ability to ward off infectiousdiseases.Good general nutrition is essential to maintaining a healthy, youthful appearance. Andthe key to good general nutrition is balance. Proteins should make up roughly ten percent ofyour daily calorie intake; no more than 30percent should come from fats; and the remainingcalories should come mostly from complex carbohydrates.1. The passage primarily tells us how to lose weight so as to improveone's appearance.2. Dark-green leafy vegetables are good sources of beta carotene.3. When one gains weight, the skin becomes loose.4. It is particularly important for the old to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water to help keep skinand other tissues hydrated.5. Food low in protein is harmful to hair.6. Free radicals play an important role in immune function.7. In order to look younger, one should cut back on fats.8. Amino acids are the building blocks of______.9. Genes are______than diet in determining one's looks.10. The body changes______into vitamin A.参考答案:1. N2. Y3. N4. Y5. Y6. N7. NG8. protein9.less important 10. beta carotene六级阅读理解模拟练习二:As we know, it is very important that a firmshould pay attention to the training of its staff asthere exist many weak parts in its variousdepartments. Staff training must have a purpose,which is defined when a firm considers its trainingneeds, which are in turn based on job descriptionsand job specifications.A job description should give details of theperformance that is requiredfor a particular job, and a job specification should giveinformation about the behavior, knowledge and skills that are expected of an employee whoworks in it. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification.This specifies what the Training Department must teach for the successful performance of thejob, and also the best methods to use in the training period.There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages ofall of them. Successful training programmes depend on an understanding of the differencebetween learning about skills and training in using them. It is frequently said that learningabout skills takes place "off the job" in the classroom, but training in using these skills takesplace "on the job", by means of such activities as practice in the workshop.It is always difficult to evaluate the costs and savings of a training programme. Thesuccess of such a programme depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality ofthe staff who do the training. A company can often check oh savings in time and cost byexamining the work performed by the workers and technicians who have completed a trainingprogramme. The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.21. To be successful in our training programmes, we must understand the differencebetween______.A. a job description and a job specificationB. what is taught and how it is taughtC. learning about skills and training in using themD. the savings in time and the savings in cost22. The success of a training programme depends on_________.A. the places where the training takes placeB. the correct evaluation of the costs and savings of the programmeC. the performance of the workers and technicians trained in the programmeD. the training methods and the quality of the training staff23. A training specification specifies_______.A. the performance required for a certain jobB. the behavior, knowledge, and skills expected of an employeeC. the training contents and methodsD. the costs and savings of the programme24. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. As there exist weak parts in different departments of a firm, the training of its staff ishighly necessary.B. A training specification is based on the information collected from a job descriptionand a job specification.C. Training in using skills and learning about skills usually do not happen at the same place.D. It is easier to evaluate management training than to evaluate the training of workersand technicians.25. The best title for this passage might be_______.A. A Successful Training ProgrammeB. How to Describe and Specify a JobC. Staff TrainingD. The Importance of Training Workers and Technicians参考答案:21. C 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. C感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
大学英语六级阅读试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提高大家的阅读水平,下面是小编为大家带来英语六级阅读理解模拟练习,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!英语六级阅读理解模拟练习:能源问题It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot dowithout. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demandfor commercial products of all kinds. Moreover. an increase in industrialproduction is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energysupply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustibleand economical source of power and chat it is therefore essential for anindustrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages inthe use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power. except for accidents, isclean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run andmaintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclearreactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whateverthe anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitivesources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear energy point out that nuclearpower stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also tocivil liberties.Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is acheap source of energy. There have. for example. been very costly accidents。
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心之所向,所向披靡心之所向,所向披靡2011年12月英语六级阅读理解训练(1)As Sesame Street kicks off its 40th anniversary season Tuesday, with first lady Michelle Obama and Broadway star Lin-Manuel Miranda as guests, it is indisputably the most beloved children’s show in history, and on e of television’s biggest and most enduring success stories.The series holds a record 122 Emmy Awards, not including a lifetime-achievement trophy (奖±) award, and has been adapted in more than 120 countries and territories around the globe. An estimated 100,000 Sesame products have been made available internationally, from T-shirts and costumes to high-tech toys such as Elmo Live.Sesame’s cross-cultural, multi-generational appeal has a lot to do with the specific age group it targets. “The bulk of our audience is in the 2s and 3s, though we shoot for 2 to 4,”says executive producer Carol-Lynn Parente. At that early stage, says Spinney — who is 75, and has been with the show since Day 1 (he plays Oscar as well) —“children are basically the same, an d have been through the years.”But if preschoolers’fundamental needs and sensibilities haven’t changed much, the world around them has —not least of all on the media landscape, where Sesame Street now competes with many other kids’shows and an ever-expanding array of new media.In 2000, the Children’s Television Workshop, the organization through which creator Joan Ganz Cooney launched Sesame Street on PBS predecessor NET, changed its title to Sesame Workshop, to reflect its expansion into the digital, interactive age.Content and presentation continue to evolve on TV as well. The show’s famously catchy theme song, Sunny Day, now has a hip-hop beat and a jazzier arrangement. Parente stresses that it’s just as important “to keep our curriculum current. The ABC’s and 123’s are always there, but we stay relevant by incorporating other things that are interesting and meaningful.”“We focus on all aspects of development —cognitive needs, social and emotional needs, health needs —and bring in advisers who are experts in each area, to make sure we’re age-appropriate,”says Rosemarie Truglio, vice president of education and research, Sesame Workshop. “But we never talk down to children, and we’re not afraid to explore sensitive topics.”Sesame has had its critics in the academic community as well.For Mary Lynn Crow, a clinical psychologist and professor of education at the University of Texas-Arlington, “shows like Sesame Street lack the potentially deep, personal emotional imprint (影响) that can and should occur between a student and teacher in an early educational experience.”On the other hand, Crow considers Sesame Street “a beautiful model of what I call high-tech learning. They can teach children about letters, numbers, color and size through repetition in ways traditional education can’t, and provide early information about attitudes, values and relationships.”1. What do we learn about Sesame Street from the first two paragraphs?A) It rose to fame because of the first lady’s role.B) It’s successful and gains international popularity.C) It still has to win a lifetime-achievement award.D) It is the most successful show in American history.2. What’s Spinney’s opinion on the target audience of Sesame Street?A) They are completely different than they were 40 years ago.B) Many of them are devoted fans of the performance.C) Their basic needs haven’t changed much through years.D) They continue to watch the show when they have grown up.3. The author says that in the current world, Sesame Street _______.A) has slight edge over other shows targeting childrenB) has made some changes so as to keep up with the timesC) tries to cater to adults who accompany their children to the showD) is doomed to fail due to its out-dated content and presentation4. What can be inferred about Sesame Street from Rosemarie Truglio’s words?A) It tries to prepare children both for school and life’s lessons.B) Its writer has changed the theme of the story for kids.C) Children seem to be looked down upon in the show.D) Sensitive topics have always been banned in the show.5. Mary Lynn Crow is negative about Sesame Street because she thinks it _______.A) only touches up superficial relationshipsB) is too complicated for children to understandC) goes against ways of traditional educationD) repeats basic knowledge over and over again(2)There he was America’s first President with a MBA, the man who loves to boast about his business background, whose presidential campaign raised unprecedented sums from corporate wallets and whose cabinet is stuffed with chief executives. Faith in the integrity of American business leaders was being undermined(破坏),George Bush said fiercely, by executives "breaching trust and abusing power". It was time for "a new ethic of personal responsibility in the business community". He was going to "end the days of cooking the books, shading the truth and breaking our laws"。