
一、概述General1、结构特点Structural features驱动桥作为底盘传动系统的主要部分,其主要功用是增大由发动机传来的扭矩,将扭矩分配给左右驱动轮,并使两边车轮具有差速功能。
The main function of the driving axle, as the main part of the chassis system, is to enlarge the torque passed from the engine and distribute it to the left and right axles, making the wheels of two sides have differential function. Meanwhile, the driving axle needs to undertake various forces from the road-surface and the vehicle.Driving axle of T150Kmainly consist of the driving axle shell assembly, main reductor assembly, planetary reductor system, brake assembly, etc.. It is two grades of transmission. The first device is main reductor assembly drived by gleason bevel gear; the device is large in input torque, high in efficiency, stable in work. The second device is planetary reductor assembly drived by the planetary slowdown transmission structure with three planetary gears (NGW type), the device is high in rigidity, stable in output speed.2、工作原理Principle主机动力扭矩从输入法兰传入,由主减速器减速后,通过半轴将动力分别传给两侧轮边减速系统,再由轮边减速传动,将动力最终传给行星轮架,从而驱动轮胎滚动前进。
《Amarillo 轮子 Double Reduction Fan Drives 维修手册》说明书

Amarillo Double Reduction Fan Drives, if properly installed and maintained,should provide years of service with a minimum amount of maintenance.Repairs, when required, usually involve bearing or gear replacement. Whilethe job is not difficult, it should only be performed in an adequately equippedshop by capable personnel. It should be noted that any repairs made outsidethe factory on new drives without the consent of the manufacturer will voidthe warranty.Catalog DRR 6/09Post Office Box 1789 • Amarillo, Texas 79105 • 2401 Sundown Lane (79118) 806•622•1273 • FAX 806•622•3258 email:*********************© AGC 2009DOUBLE REDUCTION FAN DRIVES INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPAIRING Amarillo®Amarillo Gear Company®- ATTENTION -Please note that gear drives with a serial number above 231989 have all joints sealed with Loctite Gasket Eliminator 515 instead of gaskets. Loctite 515 is a formed in place gasket material, which provides superior sealing over conventional gaskets. After disassembly for repair or inspection, we recommend resealing with Loctite 515. However, gaskets may still be used. If a gasket is utilized between the horizontal carrier and the gear case for a gear drive originally built with Loctite, the flange thickness of bearing bushing (20) or hardened washer (201), if applicable, will have to be changed to maintain the proper position of the horizontal gear. To correct the horizontal gear position, increase the horizontal spacer thickness by the thickness of the gasket. If Loctite is used to re-seal the gear drive then no changes are required to the horizontal spacer.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage1.0. General Disassembly Instructions (1)2.0. Disassembly of Input Shaft Assembly (5)2.2. Models 1008 and 1110 (5)2.3. Models 1311, 1712, 1712.5 and 1713 (8)3.0. Disassembly of Intermediate Shaft Assembly (8)4.0. Disassembly of Output Shaft Assembly (8)5.0. General Assembly Instructions (10)6.0. Assembly of Output Shaft Assembly (10)7.0. Assembly of Intermediate Shaft Assembly (10)8.0. Assembly of Input Shaft Assembly (11)8.2. Models 1008 and 1110 (11)8.3. Models 1311, 1712, 1712.5 and 1713 (12)9.0. Installation of Assemblies into Gear Case (12)10.0. Adjustment of the Input Shaft Bearings (13)11.0. Backlash Check (13)12.0. Spiral Bevel Tooth Contact Pattern Check (16)13.0. Adjustment of the Intermediate Shaft Bearings (16)14.0. Adjustment of the Output Shaft Bearings (16)15.0. Completion of Assembly (17)16.0. Disassembly of the Oil Pump (17)17.0. Assembly of the Oil Pump (17)18.0. Disassembly of the Input Stem Pinion Assembly (19)19.0. Assembly of the Input Stem Pinion Assembly (19)20.0. Spiral Bevel Tooth Contact Pattern and Adjustment (20)21.0. Spiral Bevel Backlash Adjustment (20)22.0 Shaft Seals (23)Tables:1. Center Distance (1)2. Lift Point (1)3. “C” Values (15)Figures:1 Models 1008 and 1110 (2)2 Models 1311, 1712, 1712.5 and 1713 (3)3 Strong Back (4)4 1008 Horizontal Assembly (6)5 1110 Horizontal Assembly (7)6 Horizontal Assembly Without Gear Retainer (7)7 Horizontal Assembly With Inner Spacer (9)8 Horizontal Stem Pinion Assembly (9)9 Backlash Check (14)10 Oil Pump Assembly (18)11 Horizontal Stem Pinion Assembly (19)12 Correct Tooth Contact Pattern (21)13 Profile Error (21)14 Cross Contact (22)15 Shaft Angle Error (22)16 Input Shaft Seals (23)17 Output Shaft Seals (23)1712 1712.51712 1712.5MODEL 1311, 1712, 1712.5 & 17131712, 1712.5 and 17131712, 1712.5 and 1713 the slinger is mounted as shown in Fig. 7.1712, 1712.5 and 1713, the1712, 1712.5 and 1713, the(603) has started squarely into the bearing carrier in the gear case and has not cocked.10082.875 2.556 2.556 2.375 2.333 2.083 1.918 1.772 1.64511103.8573.5003.4542.9422.7502.4882.3032.1251.955131117121712.51713RATIO6.7:17.5:1 8:1 8.7:1 9:1 9.5:110:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 16.5:1 16.875:1 17:1 18:1 18.5:1 19:1 20:13.3753.0002.7502.5852.4002.2502.0663.7603.5123.1152.7862.6802.4832.3332.1022.0621.8563.7283.1152.7862.4832.3332.1413.7283.1152.7862.4832.3332.141should20. SHAFT SEALS22.1. Input Shaft Seals.22.1.1. Refer to Fig. 17 during installation.22.1.2. Install seals (802) in the oil seal plate (16) so the springs will be toward the gear drive. Coat the lips of theseals with a thin film of grease, as specified in step Install the seal plate (16) on the horizontal carrier (15). Use a shield to protect the seals from being cut bythe keyway in the shaft.22.1.4. Insert a grease fitting into one port on the seal plate (16) and fill the seals with grease until it emerges fromthe other port. Use Mobile Grease # Remove the grease fitting and install a plug in the bottom port.22.1.6. After testing the gear drive, wipe off any grease that may have been purged from the seals and install aplug in the top port.22.2. Output Shaft Seals22.2.1. Refer to Fig. 18 during installation.22.2.2. Install seals (815) in the vertical seal carrier (21) so the springs will be toward the gear drive. Coat the lipsof the seals with a thin film of grease, as specified in step Install the seal carrier (21) on the vertical cover Insert a grease fitting into one port on the seal carrier (21) and fill the seals with grease until it emerges fromthe other port. Use Mobile Grease # Remove the grease fitting and install a plug in the port.22.2.6. Pack the area above the top seal up to the shoulder of the shaft with grease.22.2.7. Apply a film of grease to the journal for the upper seal plate (11).22.2.8. Install the upper seal plate (11) and tighten the three set screws. Wipe off any grease that may have pushedout around the upper seal plate.22.2.9. After testing the gear drive, wipe off any grease that may have been purged from the seals and install a plugin the open port.Fig. 16Fig. 1723- ATTENTION -Please note that gear drives with a serial number above 231989 have all joints sealed with Loctite Gasket Eliminator 515 instead of gaskets. Loctite 515 is a formed in place gasket material, which provides superior sealing over conventional gaskets. After disassembly for repair or inspection, we recommend resealing with Loctite 515. However, gaskets may still be used. If a gasket is utilized between the horizontal carrier and the gear case for a gear drive originally built with Loctite, the flange thickness of bearing bushing (20) or hardened washer (201), if applicable, will have to be changed to maintain the proper position of the horizontal gear. To correct the horizontal gear position, increase the horizontal spacer thickness by the thickness of the gasket. If Loctite is used to re-seal the gear drive then no changes are required to the horizontal spacer.Post Office Box 1789 • Amarillo, Texas 79105 • 2401 Sundown Lane (79118) 806•622•1273 • FAX 806•622•3258 email:********************* © AGC 2009Amarillo Gear Company ®A Marmon Water/Berkshire Hathaway Company。

汽车常见的故障1. 油耗大有可能因为汽车故障问题,或发动机磨损老旧,或是胎压不足。
如果你的车不是很旧,或你是一个非常优秀的司机,胎压又丝毫没有问题,你就可以去检查一下故障问题了...相关英文:Oil change with oil filter replacement 换机油和油滤Air filter replacement 发动机空气滤芯更换Tune the engine 发动机调整Fuel system cleaning 油路清理Fuel filter replacement 燃油滤清器更换2. 空调不凉、有异味不凉的原因制冷剂不足或过多,制冷剂与冷冻机油含杂质过多造成堵塞,或压缩机风扇问题。
相关英文:Air conditioning repair/ adding Freon 空调修理或添加氟利昂Cabin filter replacement 换空调滤芯3. 行车过程中发动机温度超过正常标准原因:也许是冷却系统有严重的漏水情况,或是风扇传送带松脱,也可能是水泵轴与叶轮松脱,总之...送修吧...相关英文:Radiator repair 散热器修理Anti-freeze change 防冻液更换4. 刹车问题有时候刹车片薄了需要换,有时候刹车有尖锐的声音,等等刹车问题都需要认真对待哟。
相关英文:Break pads replacement 换刹车片Break fluid change 换刹车油Brake rotor resurfacing 刹车盘翻新Brake calipers adjustment 刹车卡钳调整Check level and refill brake fluid 检查添加刹车油5. 车打不着火如果你上车之后发现车子打不着火,那么很大的可能是你的电瓶坏掉了或是没电了...相关英文:Battery replacement 电瓶更换Alternator repair 交流发电机修理6. 轮胎异常磨损轮胎异常磨损虽然轮胎磨损是我们一定会面对的问题,但是不正常的轮胎磨损可能预示着你的爱车生病了。

Maintaining Guide Manualof the Air Disc BrakeContentCATALOGUE1. Summarize2. Maintaining description2.1 Safety briefing during maintaining2.2 Breaking function check2.2.1 Clearance check2.2.2 Adjuster check2.3 Brake pads check2.4 Rotor check3. Brake pads replacement4. Brake replacement5. Dust cap replacement5.1 Dust cap & bushing replacement5.2 Screw dust cap replacement6. Rotor check/replacement6.1 Rotor check6.2 Rotor replacement7. Brake chamber replacement7.1 Brake chamber removal7.2 Brake chamber installation8. Adjuster replacement9. Troubleshooting10. Exploded view11. List of mounting & maintaining toolsBrief introduction of YOUFINYOUFIN was established on May 20th, 1998. It is a Sino-Foreign joint-venture enterprise registered in Wuhan Economic and T echnological Development Zone with multi-investors among which private investors dominate. It is a professional company engaged in manufacturing disc brakes and serving the principal automobile manufacturers by providing modularized supply. The main prod ucts cover hydraulic disc brakes and air disk brakes in close to thirty sizes.YOUFIN developed the air disc brake autonomously and patented the product. So far we are the only manufacturer in China that can mass produce air discs to be used in long distance coaches and inner city buses. It is evaluated that the quality of our products is close to the advanced international level in field use. The product development is part of the National T orch Plan and is also sponsored by the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise T echnical Innovation Foundation of Chinese Ministry of S&T.Our Air Disc Brake products are on an absolute leading position in China and the same international level as far as the key technology is concerned.1. SummarizeYOUFIN Air Disc Brake has four sizes (16’’, 17.5’’19.5’’, 22.5’’). It can satisfy different vehicles. The brakes have compact structure; automatically wear compensation and can easily changing the brake pad.2. Maintaining descriptionSafety briefing during maintainingIt’s most important to ensure safety driving and breaking by goodcharacteristics of the brake.Observe brake pad and rotor wear limits. When they warned already to assigned smallest thickness, it need replace immediately, otherwise, it may cause the accident. The pads scorches, grinds or greases must replace immediately.Every pad on each bridge must replace at the same time.When services the brake, the vehicle must park in smooth gound and the wheel withstand with the block/ stone prevent rolls.Note:●Must guarantee it does not occur with careless brake. When replace brakepad don’t make the brake, otherwise, it will hurts the body!●Do not use the compressed air or other cleaning up equipment clean thebrake, in order to avoid injures the body.●Be sure your hands and fingers place outside the caliper, in order to avoidinjures the body.●When moves and installs the brake should have some assistance, avoids ittoo heavy to hurts the body.●When take off the brake to make maintenance, it must fix on the clamp withhigh strength bolt, in order to avoid hurts the body.●Only allowed genuine YOUFIN kits and pads permitted by YOUFIN. Duringthe first 50 miles driving after new pad replacement, should avoid promptlybrake and brake at a long distance, Prevent overhigh temperature.●Allowed genuine YOUFIN kits and brake pads permitted by YOUFIN.●Only can use the recommendation kits in service. Screws the bolt/nutaccording to the request moment of force.Brake Function checkClearance checkProcess:●T ake off the hexagon bolt (39), loosen the pad retainer (38).●Remove pad retainer (38) from caliper.●Remove 3pcs of pad clip (37).●Move the cable (40) to the side.●Push the caliper towards the wheel and check the clearance with tune-upgauge.0.5mm ≤ clearance ≤ 1.2mmNote: Insert tune-up gauge between the caliper (1) and the brake pad (35). Should check the adjuster while the clearance is out of standard.Adjuster checkProcess:●Remove the rubber cap (12).●Turn hexagon head (22) clockwise by wrench to ensure clearance larger than3mm. (Or remove the brake pad and the push board)Note:a. Need enough room (3mm<clearance) for turn adjuster preventing un-fit.b. Never force to adjust the hexagon head (22) and/or the adjuster!Push the pressure arm 5 times in small increments and observe the hexagon head (22). While the adjuster is in good condition, hexagon head (22) must rotate clockwise.c. As the regulated quantity increase, rotation angle decreases.If the adjuster hexagon head (22):a) Not running at allb) Only running at first pushc) Running, but stopped in the middleWhile considers adjuster failed. Y ou should replace the brake on the basis of section 4 or change the adjuster in accordance with section 8.●Keep the clearances at 1mm (section 3) after adjuster check is finished.●Reinstall the rubber cap (12).Brake pads wearing check●Scorches, grinds and greased brake pad must replaces immediately.●Brake pads at the same bridge must replace at the same time.●Brake pad and pad clip must replace at the same time.Rotor checkProcess:●Remove the brake pad according to section 3.●T est thickness of the rotor.Note: Observe the brake pads and the rotor attrition situation. Excessive attrition of the rotor and the brake pads will reduce their potency and causes the brake fail!CAUTION: Rotors on the same bridge must replace at the same time. Single side rotor replacement is unacceptable. Recommend installs new brake pads whilereplace the new rotors.Rotor Dimension limitsRotor jumpiness (↗) check:2.4.1 Process:●Installs division indicator on the bracket (dial guage).●Measure jumpiness (↗) through turns the wheel. Jumpiness (↗) should lessthan 0.15.●Replaces the rotor to satisfy the request of section 6.●Modified brake pad should fulfil the specific requirements in section Rotor test:At each change of Pads check the Rotor for grooves and cracks.The diagram at the right shows possible conditions of the surface.A = Small cracks spread over the surface are allowedB = Cracks less than 0.02in. (0.5mm) wide, running in a Radial direction, are allowedC = Grooves (circumferential) less than 0.06in. (1.5mm) wide are allowedD = Cracks in the vanes are not allowed and the Rotor MUST BE REPLACED.a = Pad contact area3. Brake Pad replacementNote: Do not use the pipe spanner/ board die! Keep your hands and fingers outside the caliper avoid the hurts of body!Brake Pad dismantle process:●T ake off hexagon bolt (39) from the Pad Retainer with spanner.●Remove the pad retainer from caliper (1).●T ake off the pad clip (37), which is above the pads (35,36) and push board (19).●Remove the sensor on brake pad.●T ake off the push board (19) & the brake pads (35,36).●Adjust hexagon head to make tappet back to the initial position.●Clean the pad groove & push board and anchor surface with brush.Note: Don’t hurt the dust cap (5 & 10). Be sure of no grease on installation surface!●Check the adjuster on the basis of section 2.2.2.Note: Fix the key while checking & turning the adjuster cap to avoid screw rotate.●Check the rotor according to section Brake pad installing process:●Need enough room between the caliper & the rotor to insert brake pad.●Insert push board (19) at the place the caliper combine with the adjust screw.Note: Push board must on the bracket supporting surface. Adjust screw pin must in groove. Otherwise it will do harm to Adjuster mechanism. Ensure the dust cap untwisted by rotate the adjust screw.●Insert the cable sensor to pad groove. Fix cable on bearing (40).Note: The sensor contactor must face the brake disc and installs at the correctposition. Attention the wire trend to prevents the friction.●Insert new pad (36) at side of the push board.●Push caliper toward the wheel until the pad touch the rotor.Insert the brake padat wheel side.Note: Don’t adjust hexagon head violently.Note: Turn the adjuster counter-clockwise to decrease the clearance between pads.Don’t install the retainer before adjustment.Note: Check the rubber cap (12), be sure it is correctly seated.4. Brake replacementNote: Don’t use pipe wrench. Ensure your hands and fingers outside the caliperavoid hurt your body!Note: The Brake will supplies in assembly.CAUTION: The left brake and the right brake cannot exchange. Arrow direction on the brake is same as the forward direction of the wheel.4.1 Brake removal process:●Remove brake pad (see Section 3).●Release nut on the caliper, take of brake chamber.●Remove brake assessment from the bridge.●Check brake pad on the basis of section 2.3.●Check rotor on the basis of section Brake installing process:●Install the new brake over rotor on the bridge. Screwed bolt with the spanner.Note: The right install order of the bolt is screwed both side symmetry.●T ake down the flange protection cap on the brake chamber.Note:Air chamber installment position. Open the scupper faces the ground, and stops other mouths.●Install brake pad and push board on the basis of section 3.●Install the air chamber and tighten with spanner.●Adjust the clearance.5. Guide Pin dust cap replacementNote: Do not use the pipe spanner/ board die! Keep your hand & finger outside the caliper, in order to avoid injuries.Note: When replaces all dust cap of guide bushing, section 5.1 & 5.2 should unify to avoids repetitive work. Single bushing replacement according to 5.1 and 5.2 corresponding work orders.5.1. Dust cap & bushing replacement●T ake off the brake pad according to section 3.●Loosen the chamber bolt and remove the brake chamber from caliper.●Remove the caliper assessment from bridge.●T ake off the steel cap (11) from guide bushing (8 & 9) by suitable tools.Dismantle caliper (1) from the bracket (2).Note: Don’t hurt the hole, the lid while open the steel cap with tools.●Loosen the bolt (6 & 7); separate the caliper (1) from the bracket (2).Note: When caliper moves, it may hurt body.●Cleaning up the bracket bonding plane●Take off the guide pin (8&9) on caliper (1). Then remove the dust cap (5).●Presses out bushing 4 with mandril from caliper1.●Cleans up the guide pin hole of caliper.Installing process:●Long guide pin hole must press in two new bushings. Short guide pin holepress in one.●Guarantee the size in drawing.●Greases between them and the bushing●Install new dust cap in the guide pin hole.Note: Cleans up the guide pin hole and grease the edge of dust cap before install for easy installation. Ensure the dust cap installs steadily, without crease and inside the ring groove of the caliper.●Install long/short guide pin to each hole and dust cap upside set in guide pinring groove.●Put the caliper (1) on the bracket (2) and plug guide pin (8&9) in guide hole.●Plug new bolt (6&7) (long one for pin 8, short one for pin 9) and screwed onbracket (2) with spanner.Note: Assembly must be careful, don’t damage the dust cap (5). First, screws bolt on long pin (8), and then screws bolt on short pin (9).When service maintenance, remove the guide pin (8&9) and replace by new bolt (6&7)!●Move the caliper on guide pin (8,9) forward and backward to check whether thecaliper can move freely.●Put on new copper cap on caliper (1) hole and push it in with correct kits. Note: Avoids the hurts of surface.●Raising the guide pin dust cap (5) carefully for cancel the air pressure.●Install brake across the rotor on bridge. Screwed bolt with the spanner.Note: Correct install process of the hexagon bolt.●Install brake pads and adjust clearance. Implemented section 3, notice theexplanation.●Cleaning the install flange on caliper and grease inside the pressure arm ballsocket before reinstall the brake chamber.●Install the brake chamber and screwed with spanner.Note: After the installation of brake chamber, the lowest chamber hole face theground must open, other mouths stop up.5.2. Screw dust cap replacementNote: If only replace the screw dust cap, does not need to remove the caliper andthe air chamber.Process:●Remove brake pad and push board according to section 3.●Push the caliper towards to brake chamber.●T ake off screw dust cap (10) from the ring groove on adjust screw (21).●T ake down from dust cap base with screwdriver.●Check screw thread.●Turning the adjust bolt for 30mm clockwise with the spanner.●Inspection thread corrosion and whether is damaged.●Turning it clockwise, feeling its lubrication and check the adjust screw thread.●Clean the base of caliper dust cap (10). (Arrow pointed)●Push new dust cap (10) on adjust screw. Install it on the base with kits. Observes itinstalls whether arrived.●Grease on the edge of dust cap (10) and install it on the base of adjust screw (21).Note: Guarantees the dust cap steadily in place and does not have the corrugation in the adjust screw ring groove.Installation process:●Install the brake pad and adjust the clearance (see Section 3).6. Rotor check/replacement6.1 Rotor check Check the rotor (Section 2.4) If the rotor reached the minimumthickness, it must be replaced.6.2 Rotor replacementNote: Generally recommend use new brake pad while install new/machined rotor.6.2.1 Uninstall the rotor:●R emove the brake pad. (see section 3)●T ake off the brake chamber. (see section 7)●T ake down brake from bridge. (see section 4)●T ake off the wheel and the rotor.(Refer to V ehicle Manufacture’srecommendations)6.2.2 Rotor installation:●I nstall the wheel and rotor. (refer to V ehicle Manufacture’s recommendations)●D egrease the rotor.●T urn the wheel and check the installed rotor (Section 2.4).●A djust ABS sensor refer to V ehicle Manufacture’s recommendations.●I nstall the brake (see Section 4).●I nsert pad (see Section 3).●I nstall brake chamber (see Section 7).7. Brake chamber replacementNote: Don’t use pipe wrench! Ensure your hands and fingers outside the caliperavoid hurts body!Note: Can only use the chamber assigned by the Vehicle Manufacture.7.1. Brake chamber removal:●Bleeds off the compressed air.●Remove the upper air pipe of brake chamber.●Remove the chamber from caliper.7.2. Brake chamber installation:Note: According to the brake installment position, only can open the scupperunderneath.●Cleans the sealing plane of the pressure are ball socket (arrow) and caliper beforethe brake chamber installation.●Screwed the chamber mounting nut alternately with spanner in torque ratingrequired by the air chamber supplier.●Connection the air pipe.Note: Never twist the braking line, place it originally avoid fiction with other sets.While exist air leak, finds the leakage and check the connection.●Function and performance examination.8. A djuster replacement8.1 A djuster removal●Remove brake pad (see Section 3).●Remove brake chamber (see Section 7).●T ake off brake (see Section 4).●T ake off upper bolt by hexagon wrench.●Remove adjuster and other parts in the caliper.Note: Don’t hurt the screw dust cap.8.2 A djuster installation●Grease inside the caliper.●Put the return spring (18) at each side.●Install the needle assembly and the adjuster.●Puts the washer and top head, screwed the bolt with spanner according to theopposite angle principle.Note: Guarantee the bolt tighted the moment of force.9. Troubleshooting11. List of mounting & maintaining toolsYOUFIN is in the process of logo replacement, new logo will put into practice gradually. It with the original logo is still the YOUFIN’s product. Final interpret right for the logo belongs to YOUFIN.。
Let’s Fly Outdoor 助行器的维修手册说明书

SERVICE MANUAL Let’s Fly Outdoor rollatorfrom TrustcareTABLE OF CONTENTSExchange of fender Page 3Exchange of rear wheel Page 4Exchange of rear wheel mounting plate Page 5Exchange of brake yoke Page 7Exchange of rubber springs Page 8Exchange of front wheel Page 9Exchange of brake housing and brake leverPage 10 Exchange of front fork and bearings Page 12Exchange of seatPage 13Exchange of brake wire Page 14Exchange of handle and handle tube Page 16Exchange of linkage arm Page 18Exchange of wire guide Page 19Exchange of height adjustmentPage 20Exchange of middle joint folding cross Page 21Page 22Art. No. 0468N Art. No. 0473NArt. No. 0474, 0475Art. No. 0476Art. No. 0480Art. No. LF304Art. No. LF306Art. No. LF318Art. No. LF301, LF302, LF324Art. No. LF305Art. No. LF307, LF308Art. No. LF312, LF321Art. No. LF313Art. No. LF320Art. No. LF326Art. No. LF311Exchange of unfold hook Adjustment of unfold hookAdjustment of brake/parking brake Art. No. LF311Art. No. LF306Page 23Page 23Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. 0468N.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017 Exchange of fender Let’s Fly.1. Unscrew the double screw A and the two screws B holding the fender.2. Pull out the rear wheel mounting plate just enough to free the fender.3. Unscrew the wheel cap and remove the damagedfender.4. Screw the new fender and the wheel cap in place.5. Turn the fender into correct position and tighten the wheel cap screw..6. Push the assembly into the rear leg and screw back the screws A and B.5. The wheel can be taken off and replaced with a new one.4. To replace the rear wheel, open the retaining ring (snap-ring) with a pliers.6. Use the pliers to lock the new snap-ring firmly into the groove on the axle.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. 0473N.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Exchange of rear wheel Let’s Fly.1. Unscrew the double screw A and the two screws B holding the fender.2. Pull out the rear wheel mounting plate just enough to free the fender.3. Unscrew the wheel cap and remove the fender.7. Screw the fender and the wheel cap back in place.8. Turn the fender in correct position and tighten the wheel cap screw.9. Screw back the screws A and B.9. Use the pliers to lock the snap-ringfirmly into the groove on the axle.1. Unscrew the double screw B and the two screws C holding the fender.4. Remove the yoke from the wire and the mounting plate.2. Put the handle in lowest position.3. Pull out the brake, sleeve, fender, and the wire guide from the rear leg.7. Remove the wheel from the old mounting plate 8. Put the wheel on the new mounting plate.5. Unscrew the wheel cap and remove the fender.6. To remove the wheel, remove the retaining ring (snap-ring) with a pliers.12. Check brake function when the wire has a loop, see picture.13. Attach the wire guide to the top of the sleeve.14. Make a loop on the wire.16. Mount the brake yoke and wire onto the wheel plate.15. Push the sleeve and wire guide into the rear leg.18. Push the whole assembly into rear leg and screw back the screws.17. Put the fender in place.10. Put back the fender and wheelcap.11. Mount the wire and the spring on the yoke.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. 0476.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20171. Push the handle down to lowest position.2. Unscrew the double screw A and the two screws B holding the fender.3. Pull out the mounting plate with the brake yoke from the rear leg.6. push the whole assembly into the rear leg including the fender.7. Screw the double screw A and the two screws B back in place.Exchange of brake yoke.4. Remove the damaged brake yoke and put in the new one.wheel mounting plate.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. 0480.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Exchange of rubber springs on rear wheel.1. Unscrew the double screw B and the two screws C holding the fender.2. Pull out the brake just enough so you can take away the rubber springs.5. Put fender in place and push the whole brake assembly into the rear leg including the fender.6. Screw the double screw B and the two screws C back in place.4. Don’t forget to put the distance sleeve into the yoke.3. Remove the damaged rubber springs and put in the new ones.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF 304.Exchange of front wheel Let’s Fly.1. Unscrew screw B and remove the C-clip at C.2. Remove the old wheel from the front fork. Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20173. Put the new wheel onto the axle including the two ball bearings.4. Lock the wheel with the C-clip and screw the hub cap in place over the hub with screw B.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF306.Exchange of brake housing, brake lever. Page 11. Unscrew the double screw B and the two screws Cholding the fender.2. To make is simple to remove the brake components you can use a hook tool like the one in the picture.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 3 – Okt 20193. Pull out the brake fender.4. Use the hook tool to pull out the sleeve and wire guide separately.6. Unscrew the screw on the handle and pull out the brake housing and brake lever .5. Unmount the brake from the wire.7. Dont remove the brake wire from the old brake handle.Exchange of brake housing, brake lever. Page 29. Attach the wire to the adjustment screw and screw the brake mechanism into the handle.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF306.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 201711. Make a wire loop on the wire guide. Put the wire on the yoke.12. Push the sleeve and wire guide into the rear leg.14. Push the whole assembly into the rear leg and screw back the screws B and C.13. Mount the yoke on the wheel mounting plate and turn the fender into correct angle.10. Screw the height adjustment mechanism back in place.8. Now the new lever and housing can be mounted.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF 318 LF322.Exchange of front fork and bearings Let’s Fly.1. Remove the plastic top cap.2. Unscrew the nut A and take out the front fork and bearings.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20173. Unscrew screw B, remove the C-clip and remove the wheel from the fork.4. Mount the wheel on the new fork with clip C and screw B including the two ball bearings.6. Put back the plastic top cap.5. Mount the new bearing into the front leg of the rollator and tighten nut A.5. Put the new seat into the tubes and put in the two metal rods. Make sure that the direction of the seat is correct. If necessary exchange the rods and dome nuts.6. Screw the dome nuts in place.7. Put the fabric band into the slot in the unfold hook.Adjust the length of the band so that the hook locks the rollator in open position and releases when you lift the seat in the middle opening.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF301, LF302. Art. No. LF324.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Exchange of seat and seat mounting set.1. Partly fold the rollator so that the seat is loose and not stretched.2. Screw off the dome nuts in one end, both sides of seat. Use allenkeys if necessary. Pull out the rods.3. Remove the fabric band from theunfold hook.4. If the seat is to be exchanged, pull out the seat fromthe metal tubes.Snap1. Unscrew the double screw B and the two screws C holding the fender.2. Unscrew screw A and remove the height adjustment.3. Pull out the brake, sleeve, fender, and the wire guide from the rear leg.6. Unscrew the screw on the handle and pull out the brake mechanism.4. Disconnect the wire and pull out the handle tube from the frame.5. Remove the bottom plug from the handle tube and take out the wire. 8. Remove the old brake wire entirely from the frame and the handle.7. Unscrew the wire adjustment screw and take out the brake wire.9. Insert the new wire in the handle tube from bottom and up.AHandle tube12. Put the brake wire and handle tube into frame.11. Put the wire into the bottom plug and push the bottom plug in place.10. Attach the wire to the adjustment screw and screw in the mechanism.14. Make a wire loop on the wire guide. Attach the wire to the yoke.16. Mount the brake yoke and wire onto the wheel plate.15. Push the sleeve and wire guide into the rear leg.18. Push the whole assembly into rear leg and screw back the screws.17. Turn the fender in place.13. Screw the height adjustment mechanism back in place.SnapLet’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF307 LF308.1. Unscrew the double screw B and the two screws C holding the fender.2. Unscrew screw A and remove the height adjustment.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20173. Pull out the brake, sleeve, fender, and the wire guide from the rear leg.6. Unscrew the screw on the handle and pull out the brake mechanism.4. Disconnect the wire and pull out the handle tube from the frame.5. Remove the bottom plug from the handle tube and take out the wire. 8. Remove the wire from the old handle tube.7. Unscrew the wire adjustment screw and take out the brake wire.9. Move the plastic bushing from the old handle tube to the new one.A12. Put the brake wire and handle tube into frame.11. Attach the wire to the adjustment screw and screw in the mechanism.10. Put the wire into the new handle tube all the way up to the handle.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF307.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 201716. Mount the brake yoke and wire onto the wheel plate.14. Make a wire loop on the wire guide. Attach the wire to the yoke.15. Push the sleeve and wire guide into the rear leg.18. Push the whole assembly into rear leg and screw back the screws.17. Put the fender in place.13. Screw the height adjustment mechanism back in place.1. Drill out the rivets or unscrew the screws that hold the plastic linkage arm to the metal frame of the rollator.2. Remove the plastic part. Do not forget the metal reinforcement bar that is inside.Let’s Fly Spare part. Right Art. No. LF321. Left Art. No. LF312.Let’s Fly Service Manual.Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Mounting of linkage arm.4. Mount the parts using screws, washers, and nuts.3. Mount the new plastic arm with the reinforcement bar inside. On the left side the hook for folding and the spring should also be mounted.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF313.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20171. Unscrew the double screw A and the two screws B holding the fender.2. Pull out the brake, sleeve, fender, and the wire guide from the rear leg.5. Push the sleeve and the wireguide into the rear leg.and springs to the mounting plate.7. Turn the fender into correct angleand tighten the wheelscap screw.8. push the whole assembly intothe rear leg including the fender.9. Screw the double screw A andthe two screws B back in place. Exchange of wire guide inside rear leg.3. Remove the damaged wireguide and put in the new one.4. Mount the new wire guide andmake a loop with the wire.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF320.Exchange of height adjustment Let’s FlyLet’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 20171. Unscrew screw A and remove the damaged height adjustment.4. Put in the adjust mechanism and screw the screw A in place.2. The new height adjustment consists of three parts.3. Check that the holes in the plastic bushing, the frame and the handle tube correspond.AA1. These are the parts of the joint and how they should be mounted together.2. The tubes of the folding cross should be placed between the washers in this order according to this sketch.3. Tighten the dome nut securely. Fix the nut with a drop of Loctite so it will not fall off. The metal sleeve serves as a fixture peg for the hook when the rollator is folded.Dome nut Metal sleeve Screwplastic washers Metal washerMetal washer Front side of rollator Rear side of rollatorMetal sleeveLet’s Fly Spare part Art. No. LF326.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Mounting the middle joint of the folding cross.3. Unscrew the two screws that hold the hook in place and remove the hook.4. Mount the new screws, the new hook and the spring. The spring must be placed around the two screws and locked into the hole in the hook at A.5. Adjust the screws so that the hook can easily rotate and still fits smoothly into the slot in the plastic linkage arm.Let’s Fly Spare part. Art. No. LF311.1. Partly fold the rollator so that the seat is loose andnot stretched.6. Put the fabric band into the slot in the unfold hook.Adjust the length of the band so that the hook locks the rollator in open position and releases when you lift the seat in the middle opening.Let’s Fly Service Manual. Revision version No: 2 – Aug 2017Exchange of the unfold hook.2. Remove the fabric band from the unfold hook.Let’s Fly spare part. Art. No. LF311.1. If the hook doea not lock or doeas not fit in the slot it can be adjusted with screw A. For tightening turn clockwise according to picture.2. If the hook is too tight, loosen it by screwing counter clockwise according to picture.Let’s Fly Servicemanual. Revision version nr: 2 – Aug 2017Adjustment of unfold hook Let’s Fly.Let’s Fly spare part. Art. No. LF306.Adjustment of brake/parking brake Let’s Fly.1. If the brake is to loose the wire tension can be increased by turning the screw B counter clockwise.2. If the brake is too hard the tension can be loosened by turning the screw B clockwise.。

2018-2019-1.5雨燕说明书-推荐word版 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==1.5雨燕说明书篇一:关于雨燕保养费用总结关于雨燕保养费用总结对于YY保养费用都是我们最关心问题,身边很多哥们在保养的时候,都被4s收了超额费用,或者增加很多不必要的保养项目,感觉很有必要对雨燕保养费用做个总结。
以下内容是我从各地儿收集的信息来给大家看看参考参考总的来说,雨燕,特别是 1.3雨燕的保养费用还是比较便宜的,特别是和大众、通用、丰田、日产等合资品牌比。
2. 对于用普通矿物机油的车友,可以选择5000公里在其他地方换机油机滤,1万公里再到4s做保养。
例如,1. 空气滤芯,4s价格在70元,网上价格通常在20到30块之间,差价2-3倍。
1. 汽油滤芯,原厂为索菲玛品牌,此品牌淘宝价格通常在35元左右,4s价格在110元左右,差价在3倍多。
2. 机油滤芯,原厂15元左右,网上有10元左右的滤芯,差价不大,可以继续用原厂滤芯。
【推荐】铃木雨燕,说明书,pdf-推荐word版 (7页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==铃木雨燕,说明书,pdf篇一:家用实用小车铃木雨燕解析铃木雨燕是一款定位于A0级的紧凑型小车,价位低、时尚的设计及较低的油耗,让它变成了新时代家用及操控两不误的实用车型。

④ 损伤 配 管 部
斜着组装 发生压损
组装时作业用手套 嵌入
斜着组装, 涂油不足 发生扭曲
因斜着组装 相对配件干涉 发生损伤
[现象] ① A/C ON 时 立刻看出低压压力受负荷. ② A/C 工作时, 随着工作时间低压压力 负荷增加.
标准 A/C
No 压缩机工作吗?
检查电路系统(amplifier 等)
高压侧:低 低压侧:低
高压侧:高 低压侧:高
高低压 无压力差
最小配件单位 (HOSE, TUBE)更换
[注意事项及检查 POINT]
· 先把接合部周围擦干净后再分解. · 有足够亮度的地方实施检查. · 为了防止 SEAL 面受损或掉进异物,
确认 O-RING 损伤及有无异物
确认配管, 膨胀阀 SEAL 面损伤
[原因] 因轴承内部渗透水分和皮带轮轴承承受的过渡涨紧力 引起的内部损伤等原因.
[措施] 只更换 ROTOR.
咔~音 发生 MECHANISM 及措施
[原因] 发生润滑不良的最大原因是因为压缩机在冷媒不足的状态下长时间工作.

雨燕1.3说明书篇一:雨燕保养使用手册20XX雨燕车主保养使用手册时尚外形的小车可以说是日系车中的擅长领域,Swift 雨燕便是于20XX年巴黎车展中正式亮相的小型车款。
因此,在最初的1000-20XX 公里磨合期内,必须严格按规定行驶。
InRow RC维修手册

安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
操作 ................................................................................... 3
동봉된 CD 안에 한국어 매뉴얼이 있습니다 .
APC 法律免责声明
美国电力转换公司不保证本手册所提供信息的权威性、正确性和完整性。本出版物并不能代替具有操作性的和 针对现场的详细发展规划。因此,美国电力转换公司不承担由于使用本出版物而导致的任何损坏、违规、错误 安装、系统故障或任何其他问题。 本出版物中提供的信息未经任何改动,仅用于评估数据中心的设计和构造。本出版物由美国电力转换公司真诚 提供,然而,对于其中所含信息之完整性或准确性,美国电力转换公司不作任何明示的或暗示的陈述或担保。 在任何情况下,对于因使用或无法使用本出版物及其内容所导致的、引发的或与之相关的任何直接的、间接 的、后果性的、惩罚性的、特殊的或附带的损害 ( 包括但不限于经营亏损、合同遗失、收入减少、数据丢失或 业务中止所造成的损害 ),美国电力转换公司均不承担任何责任,即使美国电力转换公司已被明确告知上述损害 的可能性。美国电力转换公司保留在不进行通知的情况下随时更改或更新出版物及其内容或格式的权利。 文中的版权、知识产权或其他所有权 ( 包括但不限于软件、音频、视频、文本和图片 ) 归美国电力转换公司或 其许可人所有。保留文中无明确归属的所有版权。不存在任何权利的转让或让与行为,任何接触到此信息的人 也无权拥有其中的任何权利。
【最新】雨燕,说明书-范文模板 (11页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雨燕,说明书篇一:雨燕保养使用手册201X雨燕车主保养使用手册时尚外形的小车可以说是日系车中的擅长领域,Swift雨燕便是于201X年巴黎车展中正式亮相的小型车款。

汽车原厂维修手册汽车原厂维修手册全套500G 汽车维修资料详细目录以下是资料详细目录全车系维修手册本田飞度原厂维修手册2009 本田思域原厂维修手册2009 本田新雅阁原厂维修手册2008 本田CR-V电子版维修手册单项资料版2007本田CR-V原厂维修手册2004 本田CR-V文档版维修手册本田CR-V(05款)用户手册本田款新CR-V原厂维修手册2007 本田本田CR-V原厂维修手册2001 本田奥德赛维修手册2002 本田奥德赛 ODYSEEY维修手册2006 本田本田飞度原厂维修手册2004年本田飞度原厂维修手册2009 本田飞度原厂维修手册2006 本田飞度原厂维修手册2008 本田时韵原厂维修手册2002 本田时韵原厂维修手册2004 本田思迪原厂维修手册2006 本田思迪原厂维修手册本田思域原厂维修手册2006 本田civic电子版维修手册本田CIVIC混合动力版原厂维修手册本田civic原厂维修手册(92-04款) 本田本田雅阁原厂维修手册98 本田2.3原厂维修手册本田2.0 2.4 3.0原厂维修手册2003款本田雅阁原厂维修手册2006 本田雅阁 2.0 R20A3发动机维修手册本田CD7_CD9英文维修手册新款广州雅阁维修手册本田讴歌原厂维修手册2007 本田讴歌 TL 中文原厂维修手册2009丰田威姿原厂维修手册2007 丰田雅力士原厂维修手册2008 丰田RAV4 英文原厂维修手册2006 丰田RAV4培训教材2009丰田大霸王小客车结构图解与维修规范丰田大霸王发动机彩色电路图丰田大霸王汽车故障码检修流程丰田新款大霸王培训丰田大霸王原厂维修手册2000款丰田1RZ 2RZ-E原厂维修手册丰田大霸王2AZ-FE发动机原厂维修手册丰田新大霸王原厂维修手册丰田汉兰达原厂维修手册2007 丰田汉兰达新车培训2007丰田台湾花冠原厂维修手册2001 丰田花冠AE111,EE111,SEP原厂维修手册1998丰田花冠原厂维修手册(04年英文)丰田花冠原厂维修资料扫描版丰田花冠轿车原厂维修手册丰田柯罗那发动机电路图2007 丰田1ZZ-FE.3ZZ-FE发动机(花冠)维修手册丰田威驰花冠特锐检修专辑丰田花冠NZE12.ZZE12原厂维修手册丰田新皇冠维修手册2006丰田新皇冠Crown新车型培训2010 进口丰田皇冠汽车结构图解与维修规范一汽丰田皇冠培训丰田新皇冠原厂维修手册2006 凌志LS400皇冠CROWN3.0轿车电脑控制系统结构与维修丰田新皇冠维修手册丰田卡罗拉维修手册(04年英文) 丰田新卡罗拉培训资料丰田卡罗拉原厂维修手册2007 丰田凯美瑞轿车原厂维修手册2006 丰田凯美瑞原厂维修手册混合动力2010年丰田佳美ACV30L-AEPNKW原厂维修手册丰田佳美轿车结构图解与维修规范丰田佳美原厂维修手册ACV3.MCV30 2001年丰田佳美.大霸王维修手册丰田佳美2.4原厂维修手册丰田凯美瑞原厂维修手册2006 丰田凯美瑞特性丰田凯美瑞维修手册丰田新款佳美维修手册丰田四川考斯特客车丰田酷路泽原厂维修手册丰田陆地巡洋舰检修专辑2005 丰田新霸道PRADO新车型培训2010丰田陆地巡洋舰 1FZ-FE .3RZ-F.3RZ-FE杌械,电器维修手册6654321丰田陆地巡洋舰检修专辑丰田陆地巡洋舰结构图解与维修规范丰田沙漠王子原厂维修手册丰田陆地巡洋舰原厂维修手册4500 丰田霸道4000和陆地巡洋舰4700汽车原厂维修手册丰田陆地巡洋舰3400原厂维修手册丰田陆地巡洋舰4500原厂维修手册丰田丰田普瑞斯原厂维修手册2003-04 丰田普锐斯新车型培训2010 丰田普瑞斯原厂维修手册2006 丰田普锐斯丰田混合动力丰田新锐志原厂维修手册2009 丰田REIZ新车特征 05年丰田锐志原厂维修手册2005 丰田特锐原厂维修手册丰田威驰培训丰田威驰原厂维修手册丰田威姿原厂维修手册丰田Avalon丰田亚洲龙原厂维修手册雷克萨斯1991 ES 250 原厂维修手册雷克萨斯1993 ES 300 原厂维修手册雷克萨斯1993 ES 300 原厂维修手册雷克萨斯1997 ES 300 原厂维修手册雷克萨斯2001 ES 300 原厂维修手册英文雷克萨斯2005 ES 330 原厂维修手册英文雷克萨斯2005 ES330原厂维修手册雷克萨斯ES350原厂维修手册英文07 雷克萨斯GS430.GS300原厂维修手册丰田凌志GS430-300培训资料雷克萨斯IS250原厂维修手册雷克萨斯is300 原厂维修手册2000-05 雷克萨斯IS300 原厂维修手册2004 雷克萨斯LS400原厂维修手册雷克萨斯LX470 2004雷克萨斯LS_430雷克萨斯LS600h混合动力车型培训雷克萨斯LS400皇冠CROWN3.0轿车电脑控制系统结构与维修日产阿蒂玛原厂维修手册2003日产碧莲原厂维修手册1999年日产A32风度原厂维修手册1994-1998 日产A33风度原厂维修手册2001 日產CEFIRO(A33)原厂维修手册台灣(00年)\ 日产CEFIRO、风度、蓝鸟、阳光原厂维修手册日产风度维原厂维修手册日产Y50风雅原厂维修资料2006年日产尼桑贵士原厂维修手册2005年日产 E24佳奔旅行车原厂维修手册1987 日产 E25佳奔原厂维修手册2001 日产骏逸原厂维修手册2006年日产350Z原厂维修手册英文跑车2002 日产350Z Z33原厂维修手册2006年日产蓝鸟U13原厂维修手册1992 日产风神蓝鸟轿车维修手册\日产风神蓝鸟(EQ7200-II型)原厂维修手册日产蓝鸟原厂维修手册2003 日产新蓝鸟原厂维修手册日产骊威原厂维修手册2007日产D22帕拉丁原厂维修手册1998-2003 日产郑州日产 P27原厂维修手册2005 日产郑州帕拉丁原厂维修手册2002日产郑州奥丁原厂维修手册2007日产帕拉丁原厂维修手册2003日产郑州帕拉丁原厂维修手册日产 T30奇骏原厂维修手册2001日产 T30奇骏原厂维修手册2003日产骐达颐达原厂维修手册2005日产(千里马)原厂维修手册2004日产锐骐原厂维修手册日产东风日产尼桑新天籁原厂维修手册2004~06 日产尼桑天籁原厂维修手册2005日产新天籁原厂维修手册2006日产新天籁4缸2.0原厂维修手册2007 日产尼桑天籁原厂维修手册2008年日产Y61 途乐原厂维修手册日产Q45(无限)原厂维修手册2002 日产无限QX4原厂维修手册日产西尔维亚 S14 SR20DET原厂维修手册1994 日产F50西玛原厂维修手册2004-05年日产西玛(CIMA)原厂维修手册2004 日产逍客原厂培训资料日产原厂逍客原厂维修手册日产轩逸原厂维修资料2006日产 B14阳光原厂维修手册1994-97 日产N16阳光原厂维修手册2002年日产N16阳光EQ7202原厂维修手册2003年日产阳光原厂维修手册2005款日产英菲尼迪 EX35培训手册中文原厂2008 日产英菲尼迪 EX35原厂维修手册中文原厂2008 日产英菲尼迪 Y50原厂维修手册中文原厂2009 日产御轩原厂维修手册(C24)YUMSUN系列2008 日产郑州奥丁原厂维修手册2007马自达Mazda RX-8原厂维修手册马自达2 原厂维修手册 2008 马自达M2培训手册马自达福美来原厂维修手册2003 马自达新M3原厂维修手册2006 马自达长安马自达3 M3两厢原厂维修手册2010马自达长安M3培训手册马自达海马福美来原厂维修手册进口马自达3原厂维修手册马自达5参数配置表(终版发布) 马自达M6轿车学习手册马自达M6原厂维修手册06-08款马自达M6 睿翼原厂维修手册09 马自达m6原厂维修手册一汽M6原厂维修手册一汽马自达M6原厂维修手册-07年海南马自达MPV原厂维修手册马自达MPV原厂维修手册马自达普利马原厂电路及原厂维修手册新一代普力马培训手册斯巴鲁森林人原厂维修手册2007 斯巴鲁富士力狮原厂维修手册2007年斯巴鲁森林人原厂维修手册软件版2009 斯巴鲁翼豹原厂维修手册中文版斯巴鲁富士云雀GHK7071原厂维修手册斯巴鲁MY富士森林人原厂维修手册2004 斯巴鲁MY 力狮原厂维修手册2005 斯巴鲁MY力狮原厂维修手册2006 斯巴鲁弛鹏0207 斯巴鲁富士森林人2008斯巴鲁森林人原厂维修手册( 05款 ) 斯巴鲁森林人原厂维修手册( 06款 ) 三菱新戈蓝培训手册三菱格蓝迪原厂维修手册2004三菱格蓝迪原厂维修手册2006 三菱格蓝迪原厂维修手册2010三菱格蓝迪_原厂维修手册2008 三菱格蓝迪原厂维修手册2007 三菱格蓝迪车间维修光盘2007三菱蓝瑟原厂维修手册2007三菱三菱蓝瑟翼豪陆神原厂维修手册2009年10月三菱长丰猎豹汽车CS6原厂维修手册三菱长丰猎豹汽车原厂维修手册三菱猎豹CJY6421D及CJY2030原厂维修手册三菱猎豹汽车车间维修手册三菱猎豹维修维修培训三菱新猎豹CS6原厂维修手册07款三菱长丰CS7原厂维修手册09款三菱猎豹越野车原厂维修手册三菱欧蓝德原厂维修手册2004三菱欧蓝德原厂维修手册2008三菱欧蓝德原厂维修手册2009年10月三菱欧蓝德维修手册2009三菱欧蓝德自学教材三菱PAJERO原厂维修手册2008 三菱帕杰罗英文原厂维修手册2006 三菱帕杰罗V86V93V98W原厂维修手册2009年10月三菱帕杰罗V87V97V93原厂维修手册2010 三菱Pajero Pinin原厂维修手册2000-2001 三菱帕杰罗V87V97V93原厂维修手册2010三菱帕杰罗原厂维修手册2006三菱帕杰罗原厂维修手册2002三菱帕杰罗原厂维修手册(06年英文) 三菱帕杰罗速跑原厂维修手册2002 三菱Pajero原厂维修手册1999-2000 三菱帕杰罗(速跑)原厂维修手册(02年) 三菱帕杰罗蒙太罗MONTERO V75 英文原厂维修手册三菱V73 6G72发动机电控系统检修. 三菱V73车间检修手册(发动机与变速箱机械) 三菱帕杰罗V73V75原厂维修手册三菱L200原厂维修手册1999-2001 三菱车系-Montero车型发动机针脚电压1994 三菱4G6FF发动机三菱电喷系统维修手册三菱伊柯丽斯原厂维修手册2010 三菱菱绅(原厂维修手册)三凌4G64发动机维修培训三菱Carisma原厂维修手册1997-2000 三菱MONTERO原厂维修手册V75三菱MONTERO原厂维修手册V75(04年英文 ) 三菱V73全车检修手册三菱发动机维修资料三菱伊柯丽斯原厂维修手册2009东南4G63 4G64S4 MPI维修手册\东南得利卡汽车维修手册东南富力利中文维修手册东南戈蓝原厂维修手册东南凌绅原厂维修手册东南凌帅维修手册东南菱帅原厂维修手册东南新菱绅台湾版大众CC原厂维修手册2010款大众CC培训大众宝来原厂维修手册大众宝来01年维修资料大众宝来02年维修资料大众宝来03年维修资料大众宝来04年维修资料大众宝来05-06年维修资料大众新宝来原厂维修手册2008 大众宝来培训资料2004大众宝来运动版培训教材大众宝来维修资料大众波罗1.4中文原厂维修手册2001-2003大众劲情劲取原厂维修手册2007 大众POLO 原厂维修手册大众POLO 1.6原厂维修手册大众上海波罗维修手册大众GOL原厂维修手册(2003) 大众高尔原厂维修手册大众golf-a4教案大众一汽高尔夫A6原厂维修手册2009 大众一汽高尔夫A6维修手册+3月版2010大众Golf A4 培训资料大众辉腾培训资料大众甲克虫原厂维修手册大众新甲壳虫原厂维修手册大众捷达柴油电喷发动机培训资料大众大众捷达柴油捷达配书光盘大众捷达SDI原厂维修手册大众捷达轿车包括柴油车培训一汽大众捷达柴油车原厂培训08大众捷达1.6L四缸汽油发动机(BJG)机械部分大众捷达1.6L四缸汽油发动机(BJG_BWG)自诊断大众捷达LPG 机械部分大众捷达双燃料CNG LPG 电器部分大众捷达双燃料CNG 机械部分大众捷达双燃料CNG LPG 电器部分大众捷达双燃料CNG LPG 机械部分大众捷达柴油机电子控制系统大众Jetta双燃料喷射系统大众捷达(2V)轿车发动机数据流分析大众捷达(5V)轿车发动机数据流分析大众捷达.宝来五气门发动机电控系统的维修大众捷达2V电喷车维修手册大众捷达LPG燃气原理大众捷达SDI 发动机维修诊断手册[原厂] 大众捷达电喷系列轿车维修手大众捷达都市先锋维修手册大众捷达两阀电喷轿车维修手册大众捷达前卫数据流分析大大众一汽大众开迪维修手册及培训资料大众朗逸4缸汽油发动机(1.6升4缸链式) 大众迈腾原厂维修手册2007大众迈腾警车原厂维修手册大众PASSAT领域原厂维修手册2007 大众帕萨特B5培训资料大众上海帕萨特B5轿车电系故障检测与维修大众国产帕萨特全车维修手册大众帕萨特B5 1.8T维修手册大众帕萨特使用手册大众上海大众桑塔纳3000原厂维修手册大众桑塔纳2000轿车电控与电气系统检修图解大众桑塔纳入2000原厂维修资料2004款大众桑塔纳2000原厂维修手册大众桑塔纳GLI 世纪新秀原厂维修手册大众桑塔纳2000结构与维修大众速腾原厂维修手册2006 大众速腾电气系统培训09大众途安原厂维修手册2004 大众途安原厂维修手册2005 大众途安Touran多用途乘用车产品手册大众途安Touran培训教材大众途锐自学手册长安铃木燕雨原厂维修手册铃木吉姆尼原厂维修手册铃木SOLIO(所力歐)1.3L原厂维修手册羚羊轿车原厂维修手册羚羊世纪星轿原厂维修手册铃木天语SX4原厂维修手册铃木维特拉原厂维修手册新奥拓YC5原厂维修手册长安奥拓轿车原厂维修手册长安铃木初级技术培训教材铃木羚羊CNG原厂维修手册铃木全新天语SX4维修手册五十铃UBS英文原厂维修手册江铃陆风(JX6474E)原厂维修手册江铃皮卡原厂维修手册江铃全顺4G64原厂维修手册江铃全顺客车全车电路图江铃全顺原厂维修手册江铃陆风SUV龙腾版(配VM发动机)培训教材江铃陆风风华原厂维修手册2007 江铃陆风风尚原厂维修手册2006五十铃T型皮卡REDEO9(竞技者)原厂维修手册江铃全顺欧III发动机原厂维修手册2006 江铃N系列欧III发动机原厂维修手册2007 江铃T系列欧三发动机原厂维修手册2007 江铃全顺欧III发动机原厂维修手册2007 江铃汽车09款T系列(N301)原厂维修手册2008 江铃T系列欧三原厂维修手册江铃电喷柴油T系列欧三原厂维修手册轻骑兵 Isuzu Trooper 英文原厂维修手册庆铃600P原厂维修手册五十铃N系列发动机维修说明五十菱原厂维修手册大宇蓝龙原厂维修手册大宇希望原厂维修手册大宇蓝龙新巧龙旅行家典雅轿车原厂维修手册大宇(DAEWOO)王子超级沙龙轿车电控燃油喷射系统原厂维修手册大宇Daewoo贵族希望ESPERO轿车电喷系统原厂维修手册大宇貴族原厂维修手册大宇蓝龙发动机电控系统检修起亚东风悦达福瑞迪原厂维修手册起亚嘉华骄车原厂维修手册起亚嘉华原厂原厂维修手册进口嘉华原厂维修手册起亚千里马原厂维修培训手册起亚普莱特原厂维修手册起亚锐欧G 1.4 DOHC原厂维修手册2009 起亚赛拉图汽车维修电路图起亚赛拉图原厂维修手册起亚狮跑维修手册起亚2009狮跑原厂维修手册起亚狮跑原厂维修手册起亚sorento索兰托原厂维修手册起亚威客 G3.8原厂维修手册 2006 起亚威客G3.8DOHC(VVT)原厂维修手册 2007起亚远舰原厂维修手册起亚远舰新车技术培训教材现代XG君爵XG原厂维修手册现代劳恩斯原厂维修手册2009 现代领翔NFC原厂维修手册2009 现代领翔NFC 培训手册现代美佳(FC)原厂维修手册2009 现代瑞风与风行检修专辑2005年瑞风英文原厂维修手册瑞风与风行检修专辑2005年现代新圣达V6原厂维修手册2008 现代圣达菲培训资料现代圣达菲维修手册现代索纳塔AT原厂维修手册2007 现代北京索纳塔原厂维修手册北京现代索纳塔发动机培训北京现代索纳塔原厂维修手册北京现代索纳塔专辑现代华泰现代特拉卡原厂维修手册2002 华泰现代培训现代特拉卡柴油发动机原厂维修手册现代特拉卡原厂维修手册现代途胜维修手册2009现代途胜培训教材现代途胜维修手册现代维拉克斯维修手册2008 现代雅科仕维修手册现代雅申特原厂维修手册2009 现代雅绅特维修手册现代雅尊维修资料2009 现代悦动维修手册2008 现代伊兰特维修手册2009 现代伊兰特维修手册现代NF御翔原厂维修手册2005 富豪VOLVO S80原厂维修手册 VOLVO S80检修专辑-迪威2004,12.pdf宝马X3 E83培训资料宝马X5 E53培训教材宝马X5 培训教材2003 宝马X5 培训教材2004 宝马新X5E70底盘培训宝马08新七系培训教材宝马BMWE65培训教材宝马E65-原厂2001宝马新一代发动机 N73培训教材宝马E38 E39原厂维修手册宝马E65-E66新系统原厂维修手册宝马745 E65原厂维修手册宝马E65系列保养灯归零宝马745控制系统检修专辑2004年宝马E 90 培训教材宝马E90培训教材宝马E90培训教材宝马3系培训手册宝马E60 E61培训教材宝马华晨新5系培训教材宝马MINI和E60培训教材宝马525i维修手册宝马国产维修手册华晨宝马新5系原厂中文维修手册宝马99 培训教材宝马BMW525i维修手册新宝马5系使用手册-原厂保时捷Boxster车间维修手册保时捷卡宴维修手册保时捷汽车培训与自学习保时捷 993 911 车间维修手册保时捷911维修手册保时捷968维修手册保时捷968原厂维修手册 Maybach迈巴赫车间维修手册奔驰BENZ-06BENZ奔驰培训教材奔驰SLK 171培训教材奔驰W210培训教材奔驰W211娱乐系统培训奔驰W220车间维修手册奔驰600车间维修手册奔驰w202车间维修手册奔驰W203,W210系统检修奔驰轿车维修数据(35 43 59 79奔驰车系电脑控制检修技术资料库奔驰BENZS320维修手册2006 奔驰s系使用手册奔驰车系电脑控制检修技术资料库奔驰车系维修手册标致206-406原厂维修手册标致306原厂维修手册标致307原厂维修手册标致307综合资料东风标致206原厂发动机电喷系统培训东风标致408培训标致307-607维修软件系统标致系列中文.nrg东风标致307 2004-2006 新雅途EPS维修资料捷豹Jaguar Tis 2004 捷豹JAGUAR XK8 1997电路图捷豹维修手册 XJ6 - XJ40 拉古娜英文原厂维修手册梅甘娜英文原厂维修手册雷诺新风景2英文原厂维修手册雷诺轿车维修手册(英文) 雷诺RENAULT维修手册欧宝新款欧美佳原厂维修手册欧宝赛飞利英文原厂维修手册欧宝汽车维修手册欧宝赛飞利培训欧宝威达原厂维修手册欧宝威达VECTRA-B英文原厂维修手册欧宝威达VECTRA-C英文原厂维修手册欧宝雅特英文原厂维修手册欧宝CECTRA-B原厂维修手册萨博9-3 原厂维修手册进口绅宝轿车修理手册机工2000 绅宝车系维修手册斯柯达法比亚原厂维修手册斯柯达昊锐培训教材斯柯达技术通报斯柯达新明锐培训教材PICASSO原厂维修手册2007 雪铁龙c2培训与电路图雪铁龙C2培训-原厂雪铁龙爱利舍原厂维修手册雪铁龙爱丽舍轿车雪铁龙毕加索轿车原厂维修手册雪铁龙新毕加索课堂练习图册雪铁龙毕加索萨拉改进型技术资料-美河提供雪铁龙富康电气维修资料东风雪铁龙凯旋雪铁龙凯旋维修手册雪铁龙塞纳维修手册雪铁龙世嘉培训内容1-1 雪铁龙世嘉车型介绍路虎Land Rover RAVE 原厂维修手册(英文)路虎发现者和自由人原厂维修手册路虎拦胜原厂维修手册陆虎更早陆虎览胜车间手册路虎览胜车主手册2006 英国陆虎英文原厂维修手册路虎维修手册(修理指南别克陆尊原厂维修手册别克GL8 2.5L原厂维修手册2006 别克GL8陆遵原厂维修手册2005 别克GL8原厂维修手册2001 别克昂科雷原厂维修手册别克新君威原厂维修手册2008别克君威原厂维修手册2003别克新君威2。
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