五年级数学上册寒假综合练习题答案报纸,山东菏泽一、填空1.0.8×2.4表示_________,2.4×0.8表示_________.2.2.56÷1.65的商保留两位小数是_________,保留三位小数数是_________.3.在横线里填上适当的">"、"<"或"=".4×1.2_________6.46.4÷1.01_________6.48×1.02_________1.020.8÷1_________0.÷3.45=_________÷345,_________÷0.68=13.2÷公顷=_________平方米1.8时=_________时_________分.8.一个底边长a厘米,高2.8厘米的平行四边行面积是10.08平方厘米;一个底边长a厘米,高_________的平行四边行面积是100.8平方厘米;一个底边长10a厘米,高_________的平行四边行面积是1008平方厘米.9.把一个底边长2.5厘米,高0.8厘米的平行四边行分割成两个完全一样的三角形,这个三角形的底是_________,高是_________,面积是_________.10.一个糖厂去年计划每月产糖48吨,实际10个月的产量比全年计划少a 吨,这十个月产糖_________吨.11.一个小数有两位小数,保留一位小数时,它的近似值是10.0,这个数最大是_________,最小是_________.12.一个三角形的面积是24平方厘米,与它等底等高的平行四边形的面积是_________.三、选择题:13.下面各式中,()不是方程.A.3χ﹣4=0B.5χ﹣4×5C.5х=4×514.a与它的2.5倍相差()A.a﹣2.5B.2.5﹣aC.1.5a15.x=2.5是方程()的解.A.2.5x=1B.2.5x=0C.4х=1016.含有两级运算的算式,要先算()A.第一级运算B.第二级运算C.左边的运算四、计算题:17.直接写出得数.0.5×1.8=0.4+2.1=10﹣0.71=0.72÷4=16÷0.4=1.66+0.4=3÷5=2.3×0.5=0÷0.96=4.9+0.1﹣4.9+0.1=18.解方程:①3x﹣2.3×2=2.6②5﹣5x=3.6×0.5③(x+2.5)×5=14④12.5x﹣4x=10.2.19.计算下面各题.(能简算的用简便算法)①12.36﹣6.49﹣3.51②8.5×3.8+8.5×6.2③0.2÷2.5×(4.2﹣1.075)④[3.2﹣3.2×(30.4﹣29.85)]÷1.8.六、应用题;21.建筑工地需要黄沙47吨,用一辆载重4.5吨的汽车运6次,余下的改用一辆载重2.5吨的汽车运,还要运多少次?22.一块平行四边形广告牌,底是12.5米,高是6.4米.如果每平方米用油漆0.6千克,油饰这块广告牌要准备多少千克油漆?23.4只羊的重量等于一头牛的重量,一头牛比一只羊重84千克,一只羊,一头牛各重多少千克?24.(2006o双城市)一个服装厂原来做一套制服用3.8米布,改变裁剪方法后,每套节省布0.2米,原来做1800套制服的布,现在可以做多少套?25.甲乙两列火车同时从相距500千米的两地相对开出,4小时后没有相遇还相距20千米,已知甲车每小时行65千米,乙车每小时行多少千米?26.王老师从学校到县城,要行6千米路.原计划骑自行车,20分钟可到.后来改为步行,比骑车每分钟少行200米.步行到县城需要多用多少分钟?参考答案与试题解析一、填空1.0.8×2.4表示0.8的2.4倍是多少,2.4×0.8表示2.4的十分之八是多少.考点:小数的读写、意义及分类.1923992专题:小数的认识.分析:依据一个乘小数的意义:求这个数的十分之几、百分之几、千分之几…是多少,据此解答.解答:解:0.8×2.4表示:0.8的2.4倍是多少;2.4×0.8表示:2.4的十分之八是多少;故答案为:0.8的2.4倍是多少,2.4的十分之八是多少.点评:本题主要考查学生对于一个数乘小数意义的掌握情况.2.2.56÷1.65的商保留两位小数是1.55,保留三位小数数是1.552.考点:近似数及其求法.1923992专题:小数的认识.分析:先求出2.56÷1.65的商,保留两位小数,就看这个数的第三位;保留三位小数,就看这个数的第四位;运用"四舍五入"的方法取近似值即可解答.解答:解:2.56÷1.65=1.55151…,1.55151…≈1.55(保留;两位小数),1.55151…≈1.552(保留二位小数);故答案为:1.55,1.552.点评:此题主要考查运用"四舍五入"法取近似值:要看精确到哪一位,从它的下一位运用"四舍五入"取值.3.在横线里填上适当的">"、"<"或"=".4×1.2<6.46.4÷1.01<6.48×1.02>1.020.8÷1=0.8.考点:积的变化规律;商不变的性质.1923992专题:小数的认识.分析:(1)先算出左边的算式得数为4.8,再比较4.8和6.4的大小得解;(2)根据在商非零的除法里,除数>1,商<被除数得解;(3)根据在乘积非零的乘法里,一个因数>1,积>另一个因数得解;(4)根据在商非零的除法里,除数=1,商=被除数得解.解答:解:(1)因为4×1.2=4.8,4.8<6.4,所以4×1.2<6.4;(2)因为除数1.01>1,所以6.4÷1.01<6.4;(3)因为一个因数8>1,所以8×1.02>1.02;(4)因为除数1=1,所以0.8÷1=0.8.故答案为:<,<,>,=.点评:在比较算式大小时,要根据实际情况进行比较,利用规律或计算出结果再比较.6.6.3÷3.45=630÷345,0.132÷0.68=13.2÷68.考点:商不变的性质.1923992专题:运算顺序及法则.分析:根据商不变的性质:在除法里,被除数和除数同时扩大或缩小相同的倍数(0除外),商不变;据此解答.解答:解:6.3÷3.45,=(6.3×100)÷(3.45×100),=630÷345,13.2÷68,=(13.2÷100)÷(68÷100),=0.132÷0.68;故答案为:630,0.132.点评:此题考查商不变性质的运用:只有被除数和除数同时扩大或缩小相同的倍数(0除外),商才不变.7.3.05公顷=30500平方米1.8时=1时48分.考点:面积单位间的进率及单位换算;时、分、秒及其关系、单位换算与计算.1923992专题:长度、面积、体积单位;质量、时间、人民币单位.分析:(1)把3.05公顷换算成平方米数,用3.05乘进率10000得30500平方米;(2)把1.8时换算成复名数,整数部分就是1时,把小数部分0.8时换算成分数,用0.8乘进率60得48分.解答:解:(1)3.05公顷=30500平方米;(2)1.8时=1时48分.故答案为:30500,1,48.点评:此题考查名数的换算,把高级单位的名数换算成低级单位的名数,就乘单位间的进率;把低级单位的名数换算成高级单位的名数,就除以单位间的进率.8.一个底边长a厘米,高2.8厘米的平行四边行面积是10.08平方厘米;一个底边长a厘米,高28厘米的平行四边行面积是100.8平方厘米;一个底边长10a厘米,高28厘米的平行四边行面积是1008平方厘米.考点:平行四边形的面积;积的变化规律.1923992专题:平面图形的认识与计算.分析:由"平行四边形的面积=底×高"可得"底=平行四边形的面积÷高","高=平行四边形的面积÷底",代入数据即可求解.解答:解:10.08÷2.8=3.6(厘米),100.8÷3.6=28(厘米),1008÷(10×3.6)=28(厘米);故答案为:28厘米、28厘米.点评:此题主要考查平行四边形的面积的计算方法的灵活应用.9.把一个底边长2.5厘米,高0.8厘米的平行四边行分割成两个完全一样的三角形,这个三角形的底是2.5厘米,高是0.8厘米,面积是1平方厘米..考点:三角形的周长和面积.1923992专题:平面图形的认识与计算.分析:把一个平行四边形分割成两个完全一样的三角形,两个三角形都和平行四边形等底等高,求其中一个三角形的面积,根据"三角形的面积=底×高÷2"解答即可.解答:解:把一个底边长2.5厘米,高0.8厘米的平行四边行分割成两个完全一样的三角形,这个三角形的底是2.5厘米,高是0.8厘米,面积为:2.5×0.8÷2,=2÷2,=1(平方厘米);答:这个三角形的底是2.5厘米,高是0.8厘米,面积是1平方厘米;故答案为:2.5厘米,0.8厘米,1平方厘米.点评:解答此题的关键是:明确分成的三角形和原来的平行四边形等底等高,进而根据三角形的面积计算公式解答即可.10.一个糖厂去年计划每月产糖48吨,实际10个月的产量比全年计划少a 吨,这十个月产糖576﹣a吨.考点:用字母表示数.1923992专题:用字母表示数.分析:先根据"工作效率×工作时间=工作总量"求出全年计划生产的吨数,求这十个月产糖多少吨,用全年计划生产的吨数减去a吨即可.解答:解:48×12﹣a,=576﹣a(吨);答:这十个月产糖576﹣a吨.故答案为:576﹣a.点评:此题考查了用字母表示数,根据工作效率、工作时间和工作总量之间的关系求出全年计划生产的吨数,是解答此题的关键.11.一个小数有两位小数,保留一位小数时,它的近似值是10.0,这个数最大是10.04,最小是9.95.考点:近似数及其求法.1923992专题:小数的认识.分析:要考虑10.0是一个两位数的近似数,有两种情况:"四舍"得到的10.0最大是10.04,"五入"得到的10.0最小是9.95,由此解答问题即可.解答:解:"四舍"得到的10.0最大是10.04,"五入"得到的10.0最小是9.95,所以这个数最大是10.04,最小是9.95;故答案为:10.04,9.95.点评:取一个数的近似数,有两种情况:"四舍"得到的近似数比原数小,"五入"得到的近似数比原数大,根据题的要求灵活掌握解答方法.12.一个三角形的面积是24平方厘米,与它等底等高的平行四边形的面积是48平方厘米.考点:平行四边形的面积;三角形的周长和面积.1923992分析:依据"三角形的面积是与其等底等高的平行四边形面积的一半"进行解答即可.解答:解:24×2=48(平方厘米);故答案为:48平方厘米.点评:此题主要考查三角形的面积是与其等底等高的平行四边形面积的一半.三、选择题:13.下面各式中,()不是方程.A.3χ﹣4=0B.5χ﹣4×5C.5х=4×5考点:方程需要满足的.条件.1923992专题:简易方程.分析:根据方程的意义,含有未知数的等式叫做方程;以此解答即可.解答:解:A:含有未知数,是等式,所以是方程;B:含有未知数,但不是等式,所以不是方程;C:含有未知数,是等式,所以是方程;所以不是方程的是B.故选:B.点评:此题主要考查方程的意义,具备两个条件,一含有未知数,二必须是等式;据此判断选择.14.a与它的2.5倍相差()A.a﹣2.5B.2.5﹣aC.1.5a考点:用字母表示数.1923992专题:用字母表示数.分析:先写出a的2.5倍是2.5a,再减去a即可. 解答:解:2.5a﹣a=(2.5﹣1)a=1.5a.答:a与它的2.5倍相差1.5a.故选:C.。
八年级深圳(S)寒假版第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I.1. ability2. include3. win4. promise5. doubleII.1. musician2. traffic3. chess4. rest5. bornIII. 1-5 CBAAB IV.1. and so on2. found out3. copy down4. go for a walk5. challenge; to句型演练I. 1-5 CABBBII.1. is famous for2. promised to buy3. Since then4. follow his father’s advice5. go for a walkIII.1. Joy won a prize for her new invention.2. This book is not as interesting as you think.3.Kathy’s job includes typing letters and answering the phone.4. Some like living in the countryside but othersdon’t.5. Human beings showed their great intelligence a long time ago.第2版寒假作业(二)语法篇语法专练I.1-5 CCBAB 6-8 ABC II.1. anything; nothing2. Fiftieth3. nobody4. eighth; Eight5. anybody; nobody6. multiply7. everything8. hundredIII.1. isn’t anything new2. doesn’t know anything3. divided by; equals4. there’s nothing5. What’sIV.1. Nothing is difficult2. Millions of3. haven’t called anyone4. plus; equals/is5. was born; May the fourthV.1. B special something 改为something special2. C make改为makes3. A hundreds 改为hundred4. A multiplies 改为multiplied5. B three 改为third VI.1. a2. her3. spent4. unluckily5. because6. after7. death 8. thirteenth 9. hiding 10. millions 第3版寒假作业(三)读写综合篇语法填空1. prizes2. youngest3. for4. showing5. when6. badly7. and8. improve9. spoke 10. first完形填空1-5 CBCBA6-10 BCCAB阅读理解1-5 CDBDA 书面表达One possible version:Dear Wen Qi,I’m happy to hear from you. I know you have twoproblems about English learning. I have some advice for you. Listening to English songs is a good way. You can also watch English news on TV or read some English newspapers. Don’t be shy or afraid of making any mistakes when you speak English. You should often talk with your classmates in English. I hope myadvice can help you improve your English.I hope you will do better in English.Yours,Linda第4版寒假作业(四)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I.1. type2. operate3. popular4. develop5. funnyII.1. comfortable2. speaker3. century4. special5. passenger6. depends7. price8. Compare9. candles10. distanceIII. 1-5 ACABCIV. 1. instead of 2. worked as 3. In addition4. are short of5. looked forward to句型演练I. 1-5 ABBBAII. 1. what to do with the problem 2. depend too much on3. refer to the good effects of4. give me some advice on5. was unaware of6. make a mess7. were able to leave8. in the daytime 9. keep in touch with you 10. are better at giving speeches than meIII.1.I’ve never imagined using computers for teaching.2. Many invention s arebecoming more and more practical.3. The teacher allow s us to discuss the problem now.4.Don’t try to stop him from developing new ideas.5. Thank you for helping me get through many hard times.第5版寒假作业(五)语法篇语法专练I.1-5 BABCC 6-8 BAC II.1. much2. fresher3. wise4. warm5. farthest / furthest6. hottest7. better; better8. worseIII. 1. more expensive than 2. the most interesting3. doesn’t look as beautiful as4. smaller than5. as deep asIV. 1. becoming worse and worse 2. one of the most dangerous animals3. as popular as4. cleverer; happier5. a farther/further place thanV. 1. A more 改为most2. A farther 改为further3. B many 改为much4. C large 改为larger5. B stronger 改为strongVI. 1. second 2. than 3. seats 4. closer 5. until6. angrily7. tasted8. cost9. getting 10. in第6版寒假作业(六)读写综合篇语法填空1. made2. inventor3. when4. appeared5. for6. like7. quickly8. building9. us 10. wonderful完形填空1-5 BACBA 6-10 CABCC阅读理解1-5 BACBD书面表达One possible version:My first DIY jobDIY i s p opul a r a mong y oung p eopl e.I d i d m y f i r st D IY j o b y est e rd ay.Last week I bought some paint and two brushes on the Internet. I read the instructions first before painting. At first, I painted all the walls blue. But the room looked alittle boring. Then I decided to draw some colourful fish and a boat on the wall. There was paint all over the floor. I had to spend one more hour tidying up the room. Now the room looks really great.I hope to learn more about DIY. I will take a course in it. And I will buy some books aboutDIY. I believe I will do better next time.第7版寒假作业(七)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I. 1. host 2. ancient3. succeed4. empty5. understandII. 1. local 2. secret 3. introduce 4. success5. steal6. exchange7.touring 8. celebrate 9. respect 10. except III. 1-5 ABACAIV. 1. a bit of 2. play tricks on 3. fall asleep 4. act out 5. except for 句型演练I. 1-5 ABABCII.1. the same age as2. make jokes about3. kept hoping4. was glad to get5. be friendly to6. Except for7. plan to come over to8. pull grains into9. one another10. afraid of making decisionsIII.1. I decide to apply for the job.2. My parents are proud of my success.3. Kevin has nevertravelled outside the country so far.4. Our team played badly at first but won in the end.5. His mind is filled with many fantastic ideas.第8版寒假作业(八)语法篇语法专练I.1-5 CCAAC 6-8 BCBII.1. has finished2. have been3. have known4. haven’t spoken5. has lived6. have raised7. has had8. boughtIII. 1. since three hours ago 2. Have; heard3. haven’t; yet4. What have; read5. How longIV. 1. Has she had anything since 2. has gone to3. How many times have; visited4. have never experienced5. has been interested; since; wasV. 1. B been 改为gone 2. C saw改为seen3. A borrowed 改为kept4. C for 改为since5. A Have改为Has VI. 1. been 2. since 3. a 4. playing 5. for6. better7. trouble8. decided 9. quickly10. him第9版寒假作业(九)读写综合篇语法填空1. an2. chances3. than4. kept5. them6. hitting7. surprised8. However9. until 10. do完形填空1-5 CBACB 6-10 ACBAC阅读理解1-5 ABDDC书面表达One possible version: Keep ourselves safeIt’s important for us to keep ourselves safe. First, we should always keep the door closed when we are at home alone. We shouldn’t let any strangers in. When we are walking or ridinga bike on the way to school, we should always follow traffic rules. And we should call 120 or 110 at once when we see accidents on the road. When we are on a bus or the underground, we should be careful with our own things and never push others.第10版寒假作业(十)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I. 1. worth 2. trouble3. chance4. winner5. hideII. 1. memories 2. hide 3. notice 4. chance 5. shy6. lose7. mentioned8. choose9. worth 10. unless III. 1-5 ABBCAIV. 1. have trouble 2. take out 3. in public 4. Look out 5. put on句型演练I. 1-5 ABABAII. 1. have a balanced diet2. talk about our opinions in public3. at the corner of4. are worth buying5. has fun collecting stamps6. show yourself confidently7. In my opinion8. pouring out her troubles9. switch off / turn off10. set a trapIII.1.The car is old and isn’t worth buying.2. What do you think of your memory course?3. Who is the winner of the dancing competition?4. Living a healthy lifehelps you improve your memory.5. Please give me some advice on how to choose useful books.第11版寒假作业(十一)语法篇语法专练I. 1-5 ABACB 6-8 CCB II.1. ask2. work3. choose4. won’t watch; have5. will be6. boils7. protect8. doIII. 1. if, doesn’t 2. had better not ask3. What should4. What happens5. shouldn’t spendIV. 1. ought to learn 2. had better take 3. Unless; improve4. I f; don’t have; won’t write5. shouldn’t make fun ofV. 1. A to 去掉2. B reading 改为read3. C unless 改为if4. B help 改为helps5. A not better 改为better notVI. 1. on 2. them3. or4. treat5.tricks6. usually7. celebrated8. a9. sticky 10. playing第12版寒假作业(十二)读写综合篇语法填空1. writers2. celebrated3. more4. But5. depends6. or7. because8. easily 9. mentioned 10. reading完形填空1-5 BAACA 6-10 BABAC阅读理解1-5 ABBCA书面表达One possible version: Dear classmates,May I have your attention please?We will go on a class tripthis Saturday. We are going to Tiansheng Bridge Park by bus. The bus leaves at 7:30 am and returns at 4:30 pm. So we will have a full day in the park. We plan to have a picnic. So everyone should prepare some food. In the morning, we will go boating. And after the picnic, we can climb the hill. Please wear yoursports clothes.The cost of the trip is 20 yuan per person. Thanks for listening.第13-14版寒假作业(十三)综合练习一I. 1. musicians 2. doubled 3. special 4.already 5. celebrate6. except7. expensive8. speech9. create 10. unlessII. 1-5 BACCAIII. 1-5 BACACIV. 1. introduce; to 2. A bit of 3. Since then4. looking forward to5. copied down6. In the end7. in public8. so far9. instead of 10. die outI. 1-5 ACCBAII. 1. How can we 2. Why did; die out suddenly 3. No; know nothing4. What were; like5. What do you think of III. 1. was worth trying 2. works as 3. make jokes about4. never imagined talking with5. depend on yourselfIV. 1. In ancient times; in the daytime 2. challenged the king to 3. Hundreds of passengers 4. ata faster speed5. win the competition V.1. The great scientist was born in a rich family.2. You had better go to sleep earlier.3. They entered the cinema without tickets.4. Students should always respect their teachers.5. Some people died in the serious traffic accident.I.1-5 BCABCII.1. second2. greatest3. have visited4. interesting5. has lost6. farthest7. more popular8. type9. stop10. have beenIII. 1. pick 2. replied 3. with 4. surprised 5. These 6. kindly 7. When8. others 9.understood 10. before1-5 ADBCD1. named2. soldier3. imagine4. respect5. scientistOne possible version:We did a survey among a group of 100 young students between 13 and 15 in order toknow what they use the computers for. All the students used computers to watch movies. About eighty students told us they used computers to play games. Thirty-five students said they read news on the Internet. Only twenty-eight of them use their computers for study. Seven of them drew pictures by usingcomputers. When we asked if they used computers to learn programming, only 3 students said they did.第15-16版寒假作业(十四)综合练习二I. 1. telephone 2. since 3. ancient 4. keyboard 5. comfortable6. countryside7. touring8. attack9. worth 10. note II. 1-5 ACBCAIII. 1-5 ACBBCIV. 1. keep in touch with2. carry around3. places of interest4. at the same time5. challenged; to6. find out7. in the daytime8. worked as 9.Keep off 10. be short ofI. 1-5 CABACII. 1. How big 2. Why are you unaware of 3. Are machines cleverer than4. Which kind of computers are; desktops or5. is as old as III. 1. traffic accident2. pouring out3.。
One possible version:
Hello, everyone.
I have a healthy lifestyle. Every morning I exercise with my father. We oftenrun and play basketball. I have a good eating habit. I try to eat more fruit and vegetables, and I hardly ever eat junk food. I drink milk every morning. I think it’s good for my health.
Ⅲ. 1. have2. asks3. walk4. are5. doesn’t
6. fails7. to use8. forgets9. likes10. comes
Ⅳ. 1. can finish ill play with
4. are going to the museum 5. If you need it
Ⅰ.1.beauty2.sightseeing3.to have4.friends5.send
6.places7.take8.to teach9.leave10.will have
Ⅱ.1.have to2.in the centre of3.so that
4.as; as we can5. walk along
英语辅导报八年级寒假专版答案2019-2020听力原文Text 1M:I’ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me?W:I’m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son’s education.Text 2M:How much are the tickets?W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price.M:OK.I’d like two adult tickets and two children’s tickets.Text 3M:Why didn’t you attend the class?W:I’m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital.Text 4M:Hi,Maria.I’ve heard there is an i nteresting film.Shall we see it tonight?W:I’d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type some important notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm.M:The job is the most important.Text 5W:Manhattan Square,please.M:All right,madam.When are we supposed to be there?W:I’d like to go around the city,if you don’t mind.Text 6M: Hello! This is City Police Station.W:I need help.My house has been broken into.M:Can you tell me some details?W:When I came home,I found my door broken,and my money,my jewelry,and my camera were gone.M:Was there anybody home?W:No.My son,husband,and I all happened to be out having our dinner after work.M:What is your address?W:No.13,Downing Street.Could you come over at once?M:OK.Don’t worry,madam.We’ll be there in 10 minutes.Text 7M:Hi.What can I do for you?W:I’m hunting for a part-time job.M:Then,you’ve come to the right place.Our office isaimed at helping those like you to find jobs.W:Glad to hear that.I really need to earn some money for my education.M:How many hours would you like to work?W:Ten to twenty hours a week.M:And when are you free to work?W:Every weekday since noon.And I wouldn’t mind working on weekends.M:Great.Now please fill out this form.W:When can I get to work?M:I will call you tomorrow.W:Thank you.Text 8M:This is Henry.I’d like to make sure when we can expect you for a get-together.W:Er...What party is it?M:Our former classmates are planning a get-together.W:Oh,that’s good.M:Are you free these days?W:A little busy somehow.M:Can you come this Saturday evening?W:I’m very sorry,I’ve promised to go to the movieswith my daughter.M:Well,how about Sunday then?W:That sounds fine.M:Good.Shall we make it at a quarter to seven?W:I’m sure to be there.Shall we have a dance after that?M:It’s up to you.I’ve learned a new dance these days.Then we can share it.W:That’s great.Text 9W:I’ll take part in a very important party for my friend Amy.M:Really?W:Amy has just been awarded the first prize for her English speech.M:Great.W:Today is her 26th birthday.M:Then you must buy a gift for her.W:What do you think I should buy for her?M:A birthday cake.W:No,she has got one from her boy friend.M:Then,what else?W:I think an MP3 player will be OK.M:Hasn’t she had one already?W:But it is broken.She li kes music.I think it’s the best for her.M:You’re right.Then shall I drive you there?W:No.I’ll do it myself.You have to care for my pet dogs and cats.Text 10Hello,everyone.Welcome to our hospital.Now I’m going to tell you something about my hospital,Friendship Hospital.It looks very new and modern.But it has a history going back to three quarters of a century.It was designed to sleep 200 patients,and then 400.With the development of the new building blocks,it can now sleep 900 patients.It started its life as a general hospital.But now it has developed its new departments and become the teaching hospital that is famous all over the area.It has created new fields for treating heart diseases and eye diseases with a lot of experienced and famous doctors.During the teaching process,it includes a school of baby nursing.In 2001,the President along with the mayor visited the children from flooded areas,and on Christmas Day last year,the Prime Minister had lunch with the patients,talking about their life after the AIDS disease.一、听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
做题时,先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结來后, 将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。
(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍,请看第一组的四个图片,听每个句子,完至第3小题。
1. ________2. ________3. ________请看第二组的四个图片,听三个句子,完成第4至第6小瓶,4. ________5. ________6. ________(二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。
7. A. In May. B. In March. C. In November. D. In September.8. A. $30.B. $ 300. .C. $60.D. $ 600.9. A. Because it s funny.B. Because it’s exciting.C. Because it’s scary.D. Because it’s sad.10. A. Never. B. Every day. C. Once a week.D. Twice a week.11. A. Jack.B. Sam. C. Bob. D. Tom.12. A. Clean the living room and the kitchen.B. Sweep the floor and take out the trash.C. Clean the kitchen and take out the trash.D. Sweep the floor and clean the living room.13. A. A hamburger and French fries.B. A hamburger and ice cream.C. French fries and ice cream.D. French fries and coffee.14. A. A bookstore. B. A drugstore. C. A bank.D. A museum.(三)听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示, 短文读两遍。
第1-32版答案第1版寒假作业(一)词汇运用I. 1. win 2. human 3. check 4. realize5. amount6. inventor7. promise8. wiseII. 1. scientists 2. correctly 3. invention 4. disappeared5. musician6. to bring7. third8. millionsIII. 1-5 BCDBAIV. 1. next to 2. look up 3. all over 4. find out5. are dying out句型演练I. 1. I couldn’t win without their help.2. He didn’t realize this important thing at first.3. The traffic accident happened during the rush hours.4. Please check the shopping list carefully.5. Did you copy down these sentences in your notebook?Ⅱ. 1. After that, he challenged me to another game of chess.2. My father promised me to buy a new bike for me.3. The doctor ordered him to lie in bed for two days.4. You’ll find the bus stop at the end of the road.5. Let’s go for a walk now.6. She likes living in the countryside.7. You’d better copy down all the new words on the blackboard.8. I don’t know the number of students in our school.第2版寒假作业(二)I. 1. twelve 2. twenty-six 3. seven hundred and eighty-two4. one hundredth5. one hundred and fifty-secondII. 1. any; some 2. any 3. some 4. some 5. any; someIII. 1-5 BACDD 6-10 CADACIV. 1. hour改为hours或者one and a half hour改为one hour and a half2. from改为by3. thousands改为thousand4. nobody改为anybody5. else anything改为anything elseV. 1. reading 2. learn 3. any 4. for free 5. helpful 6. numbers 7. excited 8. knew 9. them 10. to return第3版寒假作业(三)I. 1-5 CABCC 6-10 BACADII. 1. two hours 2. banker 3. listens to the radio4. English teacher5. play the drumsIII. (A) 1-5 DFABE(B) 1-5 BEDFAIV. One possible version:Dear Mike,How are you doing? I’m glad to share my winter holiday plan with you. First, I’m going to visit my grandparents. They live in a small village. The Spring Festival is coming soon, and I will spend the Spring Festival with them. Second, I decide to spend some time reading. I am going to buy some interesting books. And I’d like to finish them one by one. Third, I want to go to the winter camp. I hope I can make some new friends there.Yours,Ellen第4版寒假作业(四)词汇运用I.1. century 2. invent 3. distance 4. tiny 5. compare II. 1. speed 2. mobile 3. expensive 4. candles 5. wings III. 1. practical 2. inventions 3. living 4. wheels 5. to have IV. 1-5 CCDBAV. 1. depend on 2. make noises 3. work as4. are looking forward to5. as well6. Since then句型演练I. 1. She showed us her photos at her home.2. The robot can do heavy work instead of human beings.3. What do you usually use computers to do?4. The students use computers to study on the Internet.5. We will work hard to create a better future.II.1. keep off the grass 2. gave him some advice3. stopped those boys from swimming4. was short of5. better than me at6. keep in touch with7. With the help of 8. At the start/beginning of9. spend all day playing computer games 10. in bed all the time第5版寒假作业(五)I. 1. thinner 2. taller 3. younger; glad 4. cold5. the biggest6. cooler; cooler7. busier; happier8. worse9. more/less interesting 10. importantII. 1-5 DDBCA 6-10 ACCDBIII. 1. more much改为much more 2. their改为theirs3. higher改为highest4. so改为as或者so前面加not5. 去掉第一个importantIV. 1. first 2. However 3. got 4. playing 5. meat6. had to7. pieces8. started9. in 10. already第6版寒假作业(六)I. 1-5 CBCDA 6-10 ABBDCII. 1. air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and noise pollution2. A3. B4. F5. Yes, we do.III. (A) 1-5 DABEC(B) 1-5 BDAFCIV. One possible version:It was Jeff’s birthday yesterday. His friends had a surprise party for him. They made a cake at the clubhouse. Then they went to the toy shop. Jeff doesn’t like marbles and he likes mice very much. So they bought a mouse for him. Later, they came back to the clubhouse. When the party started, Jeff’s friends said happy birthday to him and gave the gift to him. As Jeff saw the mouse, he was very happy. He liked it very much.第7版寒假作业(七)词汇运用I. 1. celebrate 2. including 3. army 4. fantastic 5. understand II. 1. difference 2. different 3. confident 4. confidently 5. a little 6. a few 7. except 8. except for 9. successful 10. success 11. succeedIII. 1-5 BBADCIV. 1. succeeded in 2. as well as 3. At first 4. kept in touch with 5. give up 6. made jokes about 7. places of interest 8. since then 9. a few 10. in the end句型演练I. 1. He has been in the army since 1985.2. I have learnt Chinese painting for three months.3. Where did they stay during their exchange visit?4. Has Kate ever visited the Tower Bridge?5. No one could carry the heavy box.II. 1. for five years 2. a bit 3. educational exchange visit4. found; yet5. is full of第8版寒假作业(八)I. 1. watching 2. have lost 3. went 4. dragged 5. hasn’t finished6. weekdays7. to celebrate8. lived9. jokes 10. quietlyII. 1-5 ADDBC 6-10 CBCADIII. 1. a few改为a little 2. for改为since或者去掉ago3. hasn’t改为haven’t4. bought改为had5. gone改为been IV. 1. Britain 2. months 3. best 4. historical 5. wars6. ordered7. mainly8. and9. as well 10. keep第9版寒假作业(九)I. 1-5 BBCCD 6-10 ABBADII. 1. July 10 2. a tennis player 3. winner 4. 1993 5. concerts III. (A) 1-5 DFEAB(B) 1-5 AEGBDIV. One possible version:My name is Wu Yifan. I am a middle school student. I like reading books and travelling around the world. I want to be a reporter when I grow up. I am going to work hard at Chinese and English. And I am going to read more books.I am also going to write articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. If I am free, I will go somewhere interesting.第10版寒假作业(十)词汇运用I. 1. lose 2. silly 3. whenever 4. memory 5. improve II. 1. won 2. winner 3. suggested 4. suggestion 5. spell6. spelling7. advice8. advised9. such as 10. for example III. 1-5 ABCDBIV. 1. For example 2. take out 3. poured out 4. in public5. put on6. above all7. had to8. communicate with9. take part in 10. In my opinion句型演练I. 1. The English Week is helpful to us.2. Please come and take part in our competition.3. What is beauty in your mind?4. He lost his memory after the accident.5. You’d better not drink too much tea.II. 1. won’t; unless 2. remember to turn off 3. doesn’t come 4. suggested going on a picnic 5. trouble reading第11版寒假作业(十一)I. 1. memory 2. mind 3. to remember 4. strange 5. imagined6. will lose7. confidently8. control9. wasting 10. to turnII. 1-5 CDADB 6-10 ABDACIII. 1. watching改为watch 2. 第一个in改为on 3. unless改为if4. had not better改为had better not5. will be改为is IV. 1. less 2. than 3. worked 4. did 5. parents6. from7. front8. For example9. use 10. easily第12版寒假作业(十二)I. 1-5 ABDCB 6-10 CAAACII. 1. relax 2. work slowly 3. all the things 4. have/take a break 5. BreatheIII. (A) 1-5 EADBC(B) 1-5 DAEGCIV. One possible version:Rio is one of my favourite films. It is really a nice one, so I watched it again and again.Last summer I saw the film for the first time. My friend Li Mei invited me to watch it in the biggest cinema of my city.Rio is a cartoon film. It tells us a story of a macaw named Blu. In the film, Blu starts a trip to the beautiful city Rio De Janeiro.I suggest that you see this film because of the interesting story, lovely birds and the beautiful music.I’m sure you will love it!第13版寒假作业(十三)I. 1. even 2. sell 3. miles 4. similar 5. punished6. soldier7. funny8. experiences9. confidently 10. touredII. 1. in the countryside 2. was unaware of 3. Since then 4. was full of 5. happen to 6. except for 7. At first8. keep in touch with 9. In addition 10. learning aboutIII. 1-5 DCABCI. 1. musicians 2. to make 3. practical 4. being 5. advertisement6. fatter7. inventions8. playing9. suddenly 10. agreesII. 1. hasn’t; yet 2. Is; anything 3. How long; waited4. if; don’t5. instead ofIII. 1. From then on; any more 2. to remember3. succeeded in/were successful in4. How is; at a fast speed5. grow older; to do1-5 CACBD 6-10 BDCAB 11-15 CCBDA第14版寒假作业(十四)I. 1-5 ECAFBII. 1-5 DGBEA1. C2. C3. a show4. two hundred5. FOne possible version:Dear David,Hello, my name is Nina. I am fourteen years old. I live in Paris, France with my parents and my elder brother. I love sports and my favourite sport is tennis. I think it is really relaxing. I started to play it at the age of nine. Now I have tennis classes on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. At the weekend, I often play tennis with my friends in the park near my house.I would like to be your pen friend. Please write to me soon.Yours,Nina第15版寒假作业(十五)I. 1. amount 2. instead 3. tiny 4. comfortable 5. fantastic6. traffic7. mention8. Human9. check 10. intelligence II. 1. walked past 2. the rest of 3. so that 4. keep; off 5. at the same time 6. a bit of 7. take; with 8. one by one 9. have to 10. belongs toIII. 1-5 DCCDAI. 1. working 2. difference 3. inventor 4. quietly 5. to go6. winner’s7. worse8. funny9. speeches 10. to haveII. 1. isn’t anybody/is nobody 2. Why did 3. Where should4. used to5. shorter thanIII. 1. take a picture/photo of 2. made of 3. to learn; play chess4. from spending; playing computer games5. the most difficult subject1-5 ACBDD 6-10 BDBAC 11-15 BACDC第16版寒假作业(十六)I. 1-5 EAFCDII. 1-5 CAFEG1-5 BADECOne possible version:Table manners all over the world are quite different. For example, in China, if you drop something on the table, you usually leave it there. Nobody picks it up to eat. But in Canada, it’s OK to eat it, es pecially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread. In China, it’s polite to help your guests put some food on their plates. But in Canada, people just pass food to their guests.第17版寒假作业(十七)I. 1. memory 2. shy 3. except 4. check 5. musician6. expensive7. respect8. whole9. anytime 10. mentioned II. 1. In my opinion 2. took out 3. except for 4. keeps in touch with 5. worked as 6. find out 7. put on 8. full of9. So far 10. depend onIII. 1-5 BCBDAI. 1. inventor 2. more expensive 3. winners 4. speech 5. twentieth6. finishing7. has chosen8. centuries9. doing 10. difference II. 1. is nothing/isn’t anything 2. ought not to 3. How long4. as old as5. Why didIII. 1. I’m looking forward to your good news.2. They have succeeded in passing the exam.3. The English play is educational. It is worth seeing.4. I will go skating instead of playing football this afternoon.5. Don’t touch anything unless the teacher allows you to do it.1-5 ABCDB 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 CDCAB第18版寒假作业(十八)I. 1-5 FEBADII. 1-5 DGCEB1. habits2. 我们应当严格遵守它。
希望同学们能好好利用这份答案,而不是拿去抄袭九年级深圳(S)寒假专版第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇(Units1-4, 7A)词汇辨析1. (1) friend ship(2) friendly (3) friend s2. (1) older(2) elder(3) old3. (1) comple te / finish(2) comple te4. (1) offer(2) provid e5. (1) pay (2) take (3) spend(4) cost6. (1) for (2) with (3) at短语归纳1. make friend s with2. got up3. threwaway4. at this time of year5. closeto第2版寒假作业(二)跟踪练习篇(Units1-4, 7A)W ords& phrase sI. 1. comple te 2. dry 3. pollution 4. friend ly 5. ridden6. brightly7. snowy8. articl es9. daily10. shoneⅡ. 1. make friend s with 2. fly kites 3. have a good time4. be good at5. throwaway6. on foot7. closeto8. go on a picnic9. take part in 10. all over the worldⅢ.1-4 CABCⅣ. 1-4 BABCⅤ. 1. is good at 2. put; into 3. get up4. had a good time5. Having a picnicSenten cesI. 1. using 2. to prepare 3. doing 4. snowy 5. exciti ng6. not to eat7. to get / gettin g8. playin g9. friends 10. swimmi ng Ⅱ. 1. make music 2. live with 3. like you and me4. For your future5. spendtime with your relati vesGramma rI.1-5 CCBBA6-10 CBBCBⅡ. 1. for 2. owner 3. buying 4. and 5. to read6. your7. import antly8. a9. impossi ble10. minute s第3版寒假作业(三)词汇与句型篇(Units5-8, 7A)词汇辨析1. (1) spaceship; space(2) spacesuits; space(3) space2. (1) hard (2) hardly(3) hard3. (1) can / is able to (2) be able to (3) could/ was able to4. (1) must (2) have to5. (1) for exampl e (2) such as6. (1) surpri sed (2) surpri se (3) surpri se (4) surpri sing; surpri sed7. (1) in the way (2) on the way (3) By the way(4) all the way (5) in a way短语归纳1. in everydirecti on2. living room3. lookin g up4. so that5. natural beauty第4版寒假作业(四)跟踪练习篇(Units5-8, 7A)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 ecdabⅡ. 1. be intere stedin 2. all the way 3. take photos4. more than5. learnabout6. lightu p7. work of art8. in the centre of 9. so that 10. look upⅢ. 1-4 CABAⅣ. 1-4 ABACⅤ.1. in the centre of 2. look up 3. take photos4. are bad for5. that isSenten cesI. 1. cities 2. to speak 3. excite d 4. sights eeing 5. to do6. intere sted7. natural8. works9. listen ing 10. to do Ⅱ. 1. follow ed her into the room 2. spent too much money3. Welcom e all studen ts4. get a bird’s-eye view of5. floate d awayGramma rI. 1. B; city → cities 2. C; before→ ago 3. C; will be → is4. B; if → so that5. B; was goingto → will6. B; what → how7. A; comes→ came8. B; late → later9. C; she → her10. B; you → yourse lfⅡ. 1. by 2. began 3. years 4. a 5. was used6. differ ent7. exactl y8. their9. which10. like第5版寒假作业(五)词汇与句型篇(Units1-4, 7B)词汇辨析1. (1) person(2) people2. (1) lie (2) lies (3) lied (4) laid3. (1) disapp ear (2) appear(3) appears4. (1) discus s (2) talk5. (1) harmfu l(2) harm (3) harm6. (1) from (2) up of短语归纳1. all day and all night2. prefer to3. In fact4. wake up5. made fun of第6版寒假作业(六)跟踪练习篇(Units1-4, 7B)W ords& phrase sI. 1. succes sful2. probably 3. receiv er 4. French 5. greeti ng6. apolog ize7. meant8. finall y9. woke 10. produc e Ⅱ.1. give up 2. take care of 3. make fun of4. be famous for5. all day and all night6. arrive at7. fall asleep8. get down 9. look around10. come from Ⅲ. 1-4 CBACⅣ. 1-4 BACBⅤ. 1. were made of 2. fell asleep 3. wake up4. are strict about5. prefers toSenten cesI. 1. do 2. to play 3. to say 4. to work 5. harmfu l6. oursel ves7. coming8. progra mmes9. to join 10. madeⅡ. 1. tellsjokes 2. as well 3. go on holiday4. led us to5. produc e oxygenGramma rI. 1-5 CCAAB6-10 CCABCⅡ. 1. / 2. from 3. death 4. traditi onal 5. wearin g6. to make7. travel led8. or9. named10. finall y寒假作业(七)词汇与句型篇(Units5-8, 7B)词汇辨析1. (1) reply(2) answer ed / replie d2. (1) cooker(2) cook (3) cooked3. (1) agreem ent (2) agree(3) disagr ee4. (1) height(2) high (3) high5. (1) lively(2) living(3) live6. (1) making(2) make (3) make短语归纳1. grow up2. in a low voice3. rush out4. is made up of5. a packet of第8版寒假作业(八)跟踪练习篇(Units5-8, 7B)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 dcbeaⅡ. 1. a crowdof 2. tidy up 3. pocket money 4. part of5. look like6. rush out7. in the future8. powerstatio n9. go outsid e 10. dry upⅢ. 1-4 BACBⅣ. 1-4 CBBAⅤ. 1. used to 2. was connec ted to 3. in a way4. is made up of5. add; toSenten cesI. 1. to smile 2. seller s 3. to choose 4. being 5. season s6. to have7. safety8. have9. speaki ng 10. to touchⅡ. 1. worrie d about 2. How much water 3. growsu p4. not; at all5. more and moreGramma rI. 1. must wash 2. can 3. must 4. too much5. can’t play6. used to be7. when8. Don’t do9. Please turn off 10. Don’t be; Let’s takeⅡ.1. health i er 2. when 3. is includ ed 4. from 5. tests6. fittest7. to have8. walk9. an 10. taking寒假作业(九)词汇与句型篇(Units1-4, 8A)词汇辨析1. (1) but (2) Howeve r2. (1) None (2) Nobody(3) none (4) nothin g3. (1) find out (2) looked for; found4. (1) discov ered(2) invent ed (3) create5. (1) win (2) win (3) beat (4) beat6. (1) instea d of (2) instea d (3) Instea d (4) instea d of短语归纳1. in the countr y side2. depends on3. was unawar e of4. the rest of5. find out第10版寒假作业(十)跟踪练习篇(Units1-4, 8A)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 caebdⅡ. 1. die out 2. at the same time 3. all year round4. a long time ago5. play chess6. depend on7. find out 8. in additi on 9. look forwar d to 10. copy down Ⅲ. 1-4 ABACⅣ. 1-4 BCBCⅤ. 1. worksas 2. challe n ge; to 3. go for a walk4. lookin g forwar d to5. keep; offSenten cesI. 1. happy 2. connected 3. inventions 4. to talk5. to use6. practi cal7. ninete enth8. doing9. fun 10. more comfortableⅡ. 1. copy down 2. at the same time 3. kept in touchwith4. phoneorder5. had nothin g to doGramma rI. 1-5 CCBCA6-8 BCBⅡ. 1. storie s 2. fell 3. but 4. the 5. finall y6. was7. playin g8. to stop9. its 10. to第11版寒假作业(十一)词汇与句型篇(Units5-8, 8A)词汇辨析1. (1) a bit (2) a bit of2. (1) except(2) except for3. (1) else (2) other4. (1) All (2) whole(3) all (4) whole5. (1) advise d (2) advice / sugges tions6. (1) succes s (2) succes sful(3) succes sfull y (4) succee d短语归纳1. put on2. in public3. was full of4. one anothe r5. in your mind第12版寒假作业(十二)跟踪练习篇(Units5-8, 8A)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 bedcaⅡ. 1. at first 2. except for 3. pour out 4. in public5. aboveall6. one by one7. come on8. make jokesabout9. put on 10. climbout ofⅢ. 1-4 ABBCⅣ.1-4 ABCAⅤ. 1. look out 2. introd uced; to 3. add; to4. made jokesabout5. At firstSenten cesI. 1. height 2. findin g 3. succee d 4. to open 5. their6. sugges tions7. to introdu ce8. to avoid9. being10. differ ences Ⅱ. 1. so far 2. treasu re hunt 3. teachm e Maths4. looked down at5. act it outGramma rI. 1-5 BCCAC6-8 ABBⅡ. 1. was 2. How 3. to make 4. as 5. In6. a7. said8. his9. disapp ointe d10. living第13版寒假作业(十三)词汇与句型篇(Units1-4, 8B)词汇辨析1. (1) lonely(2) alone; lonely(3) alone2. (1) receiv e (2) receiv ed; accept3. (1) mark (2) sign (3) symbol4. (1) news (2) messag e (3) inform ation5. (1) boring(2) bored6. (1) arrive(2) reach(3) got (4) in短语归纳1. raisemoney2. decide d on3. up to4. held his head up5. took place第14版寒假作业(十四)跟踪练习篇(Units1-4, 8B)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 ecabdⅡ. 1. papercuttin g 2. afterdark 3. pop out 4. decide on5. make it6. sit up7. up to8. remind sb. aboutsth. 9. play agains t 10. ask permis sionⅢ. 1-4 CBACⅣ. 1-4 CBABⅤ. 1. all the time 2. body languag e 3. sit up4. remind; about5. raisey our spirit sSenten cesI. 1. called 2. warnin g s 3. painti ng 4. to go 5. his6. bored7. expres sing8. to finish9. intere sted10. livingⅡ. 1. to do voluntary work 2. up and down 3. Thankg oodne ss4. went to him for help5. have diffic ultywalkin gGramma rI. 1-5 CCBAC6-8 ABCⅡ. 1. as 2. helpin g 3. wants 4. is living 5. to protec t6. is pollut ed7. before8. a9. cookin g10. months第15版寒假作业(十五)词汇与句型篇(Units5-8, 8B)词汇辨析1. (1) reason(2) cause2. (1) nearly / almost(2) almost3. (1) till / until(2) Until4. (1) died of (2) died from5. (1) aloud(2) loud (3) loudly6. (1) becaus e of (2) becaus e7. (1) agreed to (2) agreewith (3) agreeon短语归纳1. in fear2. keep; from3. runs free4. closeto5. caring for第16版寒假作业(十六)跟踪练习篇(Units5-8, 8B)Words& phrase sⅠ. 1-5 dcaebⅡ. 1. at the front 2. in a second 3. in fear 4. lie around5. keep on6. closeto7. at birth8. heart attack9. keep quiet10. give birthtoⅢ. 1-4 ACABⅣ. 1-4 BCACⅤ. 1. on his own 2. on the Intern et 3. disagr ee with 4. died of5. preparing forSenten cesⅠ. 1. weight 2. to walk 3. her 4. noisy 5. writte n6. happin ess7. apolog y8. contro lling9. disagr eed 10. fright enedⅡ. 1. in the wild 2. Accord ing to him 3. are faithf ul to4. as soon as possib le5. mix; withGramma rⅠ. 1-5 CABCB6-8 CABⅡ. 1. the 2. health y 3. their 4. to commun icate 5.better6. to clean7. animal s8. are brough t9. for 10. but第17版寒假作业(十七)词汇与句型篇(Units1-4, 9A)词汇辨析1. (1) real (2) true2. (1) fill (2) full; filled3. (1) certai n/sure (2) certai n/sure (3) certai n4. (1) pleasa n t (2) pleasu re (3) please d5. (1) join in (2) joined(3) join6. (1) also (2) too (3) either7. (1) heardof (2) heardof (3) hear from短语归纳1. make sure2. none of your busine ss3. a series of4. out of date5. has no intere st in第18版寒假作业(十八)跟踪练习篇(Units1-4, 9A)Words& phrase sI. 1-5 cedabⅡ. 1. (be) on busine ss 2. turnin g point 3. out of place4. have no idea5. withou t diffic ulty6. make sure7. senseof humour8. make a mess 9. on a diet10. drivesb. madⅢ. 1-4 ABCCⅣ. 1-4 ACBAⅤ. 1. was happywith 2. played a joke on 3. set rulesf or4. none of my busine ss5. ran overSenten cesI. 1. carele ss 2. to express 3. person al 4. leavin g 5. speaki ng6. truth7. pleasu re8. worrie d9. achiev ement(s) 10. invita tionⅡ. 1. be sent to prison 2. learnt it by heart 3. on my way to school4. went out of date5. has a habitof smokin gGramma rI. 1-5 CCBBA6-8 CBCⅡ. 1. the 2. was used 3. from 4. was 5. to help6. experiments7. her8. becaus e9. on 10. wasn’t寒假作业(十九)词汇与句型篇(Units5-8, 9A)词汇辨析1. (1) between(2) among2. (1) relaxe d (2) relaxi ng3. (1) sat (2) seated4. (1) served(2) servic e5. (1) aheadof (2) aheadof / in front of6. (1) workin g(2) to do7. (1) search ed (2) search for短语归纳1. was accuse d of2. emergen cy exits3. passed out4. stay away from5. in silenc e第20版寒假作业(二十)跟踪练习篇(Units5-8, 9A)W ords& phrase sI. 1-5 beacdⅡ. 1. in general 2. go on doingsth. 3. thinkof4. underthe name of…5. dairyproduc t6. talent show7. on weekday s 8. in silenc e 9. come along10. medical examin ation Ⅲ. 1-4 ABCCⅣ. 1-4 CACBⅤ. 1. lose weight 2. passed out 3. been accuse d of4. treatmyself to5. held outSenten cesI. 1. himsel f 2. to work 3. giving 4. stay 5. called6. painti ng7. seated8. filled9. crying10. to beginⅡ. 1. balanc ed diet 2. fix your attent ion on 3. After a while4. turn it over5. tricke d her into marryi ng himGramma rI. 1-5 CABBC6-10 CCBABⅡ. 1. a 2. charac ters 3. fright ened 4. how 5. best6. who7. to hold8. about9. unluckily 10. our寒假作业(二十一)词汇与句型篇(Units1-3, 9B)词汇辨析1. (1) discov ered(2) discov ery2. (1) manage d (2) try3. (1) Everyday (2) everyd ay4. (1) beside s (2) beside5. (1) solved(2) soluti on6. (1) repeat(2) repeti tion7. (1) as a result(2) result ed in (3) As a result of8. (1) as (2) for短语归纳1. act as2. get used to3. mounta ins of4. set up5. make a differ ence第22版寒假作业(二十二)跟踪练习篇(Units1-3, 9B)W ords& phrase sI. 1. discov ery 2. spare 3. fail 4. Americ an 5. concern6. admitting7. repeti tion8. vacati on9. soluti on10. develo pment Ⅱ. 1. make a differ ence 2. get used to 3. open up4. to a certai n degree5. mounta ins of6. set off7. in danger8. be knownas9. act as 10. underthe weatherⅢ. 1-4 CCABⅣ. 1-4 CBCAⅤ. 1. greenh ouseeffect2. set sail 3. as a result of4. led to5. compar e; withSenten cesI. 1. to win 2. sleepi ng 3. to forget 4. known 5. quanti ties6. helpin g7. to die8. mounta ins9. differ ence10. to wear Ⅱ. 1. go on threetrips 2. in theirsparetime 3. take action4. for the same purpos e5. were strang e to herGramma rI. 1-5 ACCBC6-10 ABCCBⅡ.1. bigges t 2. asked 3. or 4. comple tely 5. with6. A7. unders tandi ng8. fifth9. to repeat10. movies寒假作业(二十三)词汇与句型篇(Units4-6, 9B)词汇辨析1. (1) stared(2) Look2. (1) awake(2) awoke/ woke (3) wake3. (1) missin g(2) lost4. (1) silent(2) silenc e5. (1) To my surpri se (2) in surpri se6. (1) fell down (2) fell over7. (1) do with (2) deal with短语归纳1. deal with2. now and then3. To be honest4. checked in at5. raisemoney第24版寒假作业(二十四)跟踪练习篇(Units4-6, 9B)W ords& phrase sⅠ.1. awoken 2. missin g 3. pressu re 4. Canadi an 5. immedi ately6. silent7. floode d8. enter9. quarre l10. cheers Ⅱ. 1. cancel out 2. fall on deaf ears 3. be dyingto do sth.4. for now5. keep one’s balanc e6. be busy with7. sit around8. to be honest9. leave… behind10. stickwithⅢ.1-4 CAABⅣ.1-4 CBCCⅤ. 1. take up 2. can’t wait to 3. natural disast er4. in surpri se5. cheer; upSenten cesI. 1. dying 2. to sleep 3. musical 4. your 5. painti ng6. to do7. ears8. surviv al9. talkin g10. naturalⅡ. 1. have no time to be with theirkids 2. look on the bright side3. checkin4. take up5. passed byGramma rⅠ.1-5 AACAB6-10 CACABⅡ. 1. knowle dge 2. from 3. and 4. to commun icate 5. using6. itself7. studen ts8. her9. the 10. paid综合测试 (一)1-5 BABAC6-10 ACBAB11-15 CBBCA16-20 CAABC21-25 BACAB26-30 ABCDA31-35 CBACB36-40 ADCAD41-45 DACBC46. called47. her 48. differ ence49. was set 50. gave 51. to lose 52. with 53. the 54. silence 55. whileOne possib l e versio n:Hi, I’m Mike. To help me do better in my study, my parent s bought me a new learni ng machin e. The brandi s Xiaobawang. It’s very popula r with studen ts. It’s made in Guangd ong Provin ce, China. It costs¥2,899. Althou gh it’s expensive, it’s worthbuying. Why? It’s easy to carry. More import antly, it can be used in many ways. It’s mainly used for lookin g for inform ation on different subjec ts. Of course, it has some otheru ses such as listen ing to music, watchi ng videos, playin g computer gamesand taking photos. It can be even connected to the Intern et as a computer. It’s very amazin g, isn’t it?第27-28版综合测试 (二)1-5 AACBA6-10 BCCBC11-15 AABCB16-20 BACAB21-25 CACAB26-30 CBDAD31-35 CBABC36-40 DDBCB41-45 CBADC46. from 47. Althou gh 48. bought49. beginn ing 50. first51. to learn 52. Making53. expres sions 54. a 55. was notice d One possib le versio n:With the increa se of traffi c, more and more accide nts happen in the city. Last week my classm ate Li Hua was hit by a car when crossi ng the road in frontof the school gate. As a result, his left leg and left arm were injure d and he had to stay in hospit al for a month.I thinkboth Li Hua and the driver should be respon sible for the accide nt. On one hand, Li Hua should be carefu l when crossi ng the road. On the otherhand, the driverdidn’tslowdownwhenhedrovenear our school.To avoidtraffi c accide nts, everyone of us should always keep the traffi c rulesin mind.综合测试 (三)1-5 ACCAA6-10 BBAAB11-15 CCBBC16-20 ACABB21-25 CBACA26-30 DAACA31-35 BDABA36-40 DBCCD41-45 AADAD46. for 47. who 48. comple ting49. Before50. arrives51. an 52. to encour age 53. his 54. exciti ng 55. decide d One possib le versio n:Yester day aftern oon, I went home afterschool. I wanted to help my father sweepthe floor, but he said, “Youneedn’tdothat. Do some readin g!”Laterwhen I was watchi ng TV, my mother turned off the TV sudden ly and said, “Youshould n’twasteyour time. Go to study!”I know my parent s love me and want me to have a good future. But should I spendall the time on my study?Thereare many otherthings for me to learnand I want to know more aboutthe outsid e world, too.As studen ts, it’sourdutytostudy.Butthat’snottheonlythingfor us to do. I should say to all parent s that childr en need more free time to develo p themselves!第31-32版综合测试 (四)1-5 BBCBA6-10 BCAAB11-15 ABCCA16-20 ABCCB21-25 BACBB26-30 BBCDD31-35 CABCD36-40 CACAC41-45 DDDCA46. has invented 47. into 48. be used 49. trips50. seriou sly 51. the 52. helpfu l53. good 54. mixed55. IfOne possib l e versio n:Nowada ys, many famili es have only one child.Parent s do everyt hingthey can to make theirchildr en studyhard. Is it good for them?In the past, childr en went to school themse lvesand did the housew ork afterschool. When they grew up, they were braveenough to face diffic ultie s and able to solveproble ms themselves. Nowaday s, childr en are taken to school and picked up afterschool by theirparent s. They depend on theirparent s too much. Aftergrowin g up, they are unable to do things well, and they can even hardly do any housew ork. In my opinio n, parents should teachtheirkids how to do things instead of doingeverythingf or them.。
2023届寒假作业4 答案和解析
2023届寒假作业4 答案和解析一、阅读理解Have you ever been really hungry, but there wasn’t much to eat in your kitchen? Did you throw together a bunch of stuff you had on hand and were pleasantly surprised when it tasted good? You aren’t alone. Some of our favorite foods were created by accident. Here’s a sample menu of some familiar foods that never would have happened if someone hadn’t created them by mistake.POTATO CHIPSOne of the world’s favorite snacks is the result of a complaint. In 1853, a man was eating dinner at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York. He ordered fried potatoes, a popular side dish. But when they came out of the kitchen, he didn’t think they were crispy enough. He sent them back to the kitchen, where Chef George Crum was so angry at having his cooking criticized that he sliced the potatoes really thin, put lots of salt on them, and fried them. Not only did the diner love them, but everyone else did, too. They soon became a specialty of the restaurant.TOFUTofu, or bean curd, is made by curdling (使凝结) fresh soya milk, pressing it into a solid block, and then cooling it. Tofu was accidentally invented in China 2,000 years ago, when a cook added seaweed to soya milk, which made it curdle. This is the same process that is used for making cheese. Like cheese, tofu is a great example of how really messing up a recipe can create something unexpectedly good.CHEESE PUFFSDid you ever wonder who thought up cheese puffs? The company that invented them wasn’t even trying to make food for people. It was trying to make animal feed. In the 1930s, the Flakall Company of Wisconsin made animal food from small, flaked pieces of grain. One day, an employee, Edward Wilson, watched workers pouring cornmeal (谷粉) into the flaking machine, wetting it to keep it from clogging (堵塞). Because the machine was very hot, the wet cornmeal came out of it in puffy ribbons that hardened when they hit the air. Wilson took some of the ribbons home, added oil and flavoring to them, and voila! Cheese puffs! 1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Seaweed is also used for making cheese.B.Chef George Crum didn’t like to criticize others’ cooking.C.Hot wet cornmeal hardened when they hit the air.D.Bean curd dates back 2000 years in China .2.What do the three foods have in common?A.They are the results of complaints.B.They were not created on purpose.C.They weren’t originally made for people.D.They are all popular throughout the world.3.What’s the purpose of the text?A.To compare the features of some foods.B.To inform readers of some foods.C.To recommend some foods .D.To introduce the origins of some foods.【答案】1.A2.B3.D【导语】这是一篇应用文。
1.S=(10-X) 0<X<10
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[标签:标题]篇一:学英语报纸12期答案第二版同步课堂Unit 11 connect; to2 C3 B4 to draw Unit21 B2 D3 Do; make travel plans4 send词语贴士1 search for information2 search; for3 search his clothes 语法在线1 How2 Who3 How many4 Where5 Which6 When/What time7 What8 How old 第三版Unit 1Ⅰ1 screen 2 print 3 paper 4 Finally 5 keyboardⅡ1 learn 2 uses 3 coonect 4 click 5 saveⅢ1 boxes 2 first 3 its 4 to open5 miceⅣ1 turn on 2 on the left of 3 Put; in 4 What about 5 of course Unit2Ⅰ1 visit 2 often 3 customers4 pllan 5 games篇二:七年级学英语报纸寒假版参考答案寒假专版参考答案第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1-5 cdebaⅡ. 1. German 2. age 3. hobbies4. mountains 5. friendly6. never7. Geography8. break9. guitar10. togetherⅢ. 1-5 ACACDⅣ. 1. is from2. look like 3. lives with4. eating out5. arrive at6. helping; with7. am good at8. on the Internet9. go to bed 10. take the bus句型演练Ⅰ. 1. teeth 2. playing 3. friendly 4. elder5. German6. to be7. to go8. running9. playing 10. listening Ⅱ. 1. enjoy/like2. seldom3. elder; dreams 4. by bus5. favourite sport第2版寒假作业(二)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBDⅡ. 1. Does Kate want 2. Which man 3. doesn’t play 4. How often5. Yes; he does6. When is7. Does Peter take8. parents’ages9. How many flats10. No; they don’tⅢ. 1. Germany 2. hobbies3. playing4. friends 5. twice6. goes7. to be8. Does; doesn’t9. times 10. likesⅣ. 1. an ice cream 2. seldom goes out 3. wants to be4. twice a week5. helps me buyⅤ. 1. D a改为an 2. A long改为often 3. A not之前加do4. A Which改为What5. B wash改为washes第3版寒假作业(三)读写综合篇补全对话A篇1-5 FDEACB篇1-5 GEFBD完形填空1-5 ABDDB 6-10 CACCB阅读理解1-5 BCDCD书面表达One possible version:Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they aren’t the same. Pleasant Goat runs faster than other goats. He is happy and outgoing. He always has smiles on his face. Force Goat is stronger but more careless than others. He exercises every day to keep healthy, but he gets angry easily. He always disagrees with others.第4版寒假作业(四)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1. protect2. large 3. burn 4. pollute 5. wetⅡ. 1. spend 2. blows 3. snowy 4. grandparents5. burn6. few7. trip8. problems9. into 10. largeⅢ. 1-5 BBAACⅣ. 1. on the land2. put; into 3. flying kites4. at this time of year5. on the beach6. in the hot weather7. throw away8. fall from9. plant trees10. in the south of句型演练Ⅰ. 1. sunny2. to have3. kites 4. brightly5. talking6. Is7. go8. pollution9. interesting10. snowmenⅡ. 1. get warm 2. is some3. dangerous to4. weather like5. provides; with6. go on7. spend8. One quarter第5版寒假作业(五)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 DBCAB 6-10 ACBDCⅡ. 1. Are there any 2. It is important 3. What’s; like4. There isn’t5. What; look like6. Is it snowy7. Yes; there is8. It is exciting9. birds are there10. These computers areⅢ. 1. is 2. windy 3. interesting 4. are 5. to learn6. women7. are8. lovely9. to have 10. funnyⅣ. 1. There is2. It is interesting3. a cup of coffee4. far from here5. warm these daysⅤ. 1. A is改为are2. D homeworks改为homework 3. C pair改为pairs4. D a改为an5. C finishing改为to finish第6版寒假作业(六)读写综合篇补全对话A篇1-5 DCFBAB篇1-5 FGBAC完形填空1-5 ACADD 6-10 BCBDA阅读理解1-5 CBCAD书面表达One possible version:Hello, everyone.I have a healthy lifestyle. Every morning I exercise with my father. We often run and play basketball. I have a good eating habit. I try to eat more fruit and vegetables, and I hardly ever eat junk food. I drink milk every morning. I think it’s good for my health.In my free time, I never play computer games. Usually I go to bed early and get up early.第7版寒假作业(七)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1-5 beadcⅡ. 1. diary 2. nervous3. camera 4. postcard5. machine6. guide7. bridge8. direction9. beauty 10. buildingⅢ. 1-5 CCDBAⅣ. 1. feel about 2. are going to 3. such as4. get weak5. light up6. Are; able to7. tie; to 8. in every direction 9. One of10. go bad句型演练Ⅰ. 1. beauty 2. sightseeing 3. to have 4. friends5. send6. places7. take8. to teach9. leave10. will have Ⅱ. 1. have to2. in the centre of3. so that4. as; as we can5. walk alongⅢ. 1. don’t like 2. No; they aren’t3. How many第8版寒假作业(八)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 CDABA6-10 DBCABⅡ. 1. are going to 2. Is Sam going 3. No, he won’t4. Yes; it is5. isn’t going toⅢ. 1. have 2. asks 3. walk 4. are 5. doesn’t6. fails7. to use8. forgets9. likes 10. comesⅣ. 1. can finish it2. in two hours3. will play with4. are going to the museum5. If you need itⅤ. 1. B 去掉will2. B having改为have3. D am going to改为will4. D 去掉going5. B don’t改为doesn’t6. C snowing改为snow7. D去掉will 8. B worked改为works9. D won’t改为will10. A going not改为not going第9版寒假作业(九)读写综合篇补全对话A篇1-5 FDCEAB篇1-5 FGDAB完形填空15 ABDCD 6-10 BCAAD1-5 ABCDD书面表达One possible version: spent the vacation in different places. Jia Qian, Huang Fan and I went to Center Park. We took a lot of photos there. Liu Fan and Guo Wei went to the Phoenix Islands, Sanya. They did something interesting there. Zhang Yue and Kong Ying went to Qingdao. There were many people swimming in the sea. They played beach volleyball with their friends. We all had fun.第10版寒假作业(十)词汇与句型篇词汇运用Ⅰ. 1. attend2. recent3. amazing 4. ant 5. followⅡ. 1. rocket 2. butterfly 3. headlines 4. ago 5. information6. stamp7. disappeared8. granddaughter9. newspaper 10. something Ⅲ. 1-5 BBDACⅣ. 1. drawing pictures2. disappeared into3. go inside4. a collector of5. Are; interested in6. is bad for7. go for a walk8. all the way9. launch; into 10. a waste of句型演练Ⅰ. 1. hers 2. to play3. amazing 4. to write 5. to begin6. water7. surprised8. unusual9. collection10. studyingⅡ. 1. a picture of2. how to3. living room4. to take5. playingⅢ. 1. Can you help me look for the remote control?2. Is the magazine yours or his?3. My mother wants me to learn about some skills.第11版寒假作业(十一)语法专练Ⅰ. 1-5 BADCA6-10 BDABCⅡ. 1. Yes; she did 2. is Linda’s 3. did Jenny leave4. didn’t clean5. did John do6. Did Tom bring7. Whose jacket8. No; they didn’t9. What was; like10. Is this Mary’sⅢ. 1. came 2. him 3. joined 4. Their 5. sent6. was7. its8. her9. had10. hisⅣ. 1. visited our school 2. played the guitar 3. him some old pictures4. ate a hamburger5. isn’t oursⅤ. 1. D walk改为walked 2. D her改为hers 3. A puts改为put4. B stayed改为stay5. C it’s改为its第12版寒假作业(十二)读写综合篇补全对话A篇1-5 DFEABB篇1-5 GFBCA完形填空1-5 ABDBC 6-10 DBCAA阅读理解1-5 ABCCDOne possible version: My favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is a great actor. I like him very much. I think his movies are exciting and he is a friendly movie star. Most of his movies are very successful action movies. I like his movies best.Jackie Chan is one of the most popular stars in the world. He is living in Hong Kong now. He likes Beijing Opera. He has many fans, like me.篇三:九年级学英语报答案九年级学英语报答案一、听力测试(共20小题,计25分)注意:听力测试分四部分,共25小题。
下面是店铺为大家整理的深圳报业集团出版社五年级快乐寒假答案(英语),欢迎参考!P51. isn’t, he’s , who’s, can’t, aren’t, let’s, what’s, where’s2. Who, new, old, like, our, heP111.BCAC2.略P171. 略2.a, ea, sw, fl, er, thP231. mirror, trash bin, shelf, air-condition2.A B B CP291. BCG, AE, DF, HI2.c a d g e f bP351.quiet,strong; potato,mutton; near,behind; curtain,trash bin; Monday,Sunday; salty,sweet; Mr2. ike, unday, ruit, unch, rash, our, hey, reP411. Sunday, watch TV, do homework, tomato, window, kitchen, forest, bridge2. A D A C DP471. science, P.E. English Chinese, math2. B G D E H A C FP53(五下第一单元的内容)P59(部分为五下第二单元的内容)1. swim, does, dancing, is, at2. Fall, go hiking, plant trees, shirt and jeans, HalloweenP65(五下第一单元的`内容)1.C E B A D2.6:30am , eat breakfast, go to school, 3;30am, go to bedP71(五下第一单元的内容)1. climb, shopping, piano, visit2.B C D AP77(部分为五下第二单元的内容)1. pr, i,t; al, su2. C A D B3. 2 3 1P83(五下第二、三单元的内容)1.spell,speak; stair,hair; pear,bear; skirt,skate2.A C D E B3.It is in December. When is your birthday? Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June.P89(五下第六单元的内容)1. taking pictures, play chess, watch insects, collect leaves2. B C A3. walking, river, sun, running, honey, celery, eating, experiment, sweetP95(五下第二单元的内容)1.skate, fly kites, I can swim, I can climb mountains2.×√×√×√。
八年级上2014-2015学英语报纸深圳(S)寒假版第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I. 1. abilit y 2. incl ude 3. win 4. promise 5. doubleII. 1. music ian 2. traf fic 3. che ss 4. rest 5. born III. 1-5 CB AABIV. 1.and so on 2. found out 3. copydown4. g o for a walk5. challen ge; to句型演练I. 1-5 CABBBII. 1. is f amous for 2. pr omised to buy 3. Since t hen4. fol low his fathe r’s advice 5. go for a w alkIII. 1. Joy won a pr ize for her n ew invention.2. This boo k is not as i nteresting as you think. 3. Kathy’s jo b includes ty ping lettersand answering the phone.4. Some like l iving in thecountryside b ut others don’t.5. Human beings showe d their great intelligence a long timeago.第2版寒假作业(二)语法篇语法专练I. 1-5 CCBA B 6-8 ABCI I. 1. anythi ng; nothing 2. Fiftieth 3. nobody 4. eighth;Eight5. any body; nobody6. multiply7. everythi ng8. hundr edIII. 1.isn’t anythin g new 2. doe sn’t know any thing 3. div ided by; equa ls4. there’s nothing 5. What’sIV. 1. Noth ing is diffic ult 2. Milli ons of 3.haven’t calle d anyone4.plus; equals/is5. was b orn; May thefourthV. 1. B specialsomething 改为something spe cial2. Cmake改为makes3. A hu ndreds 改为hun dred4. Amultiplies 改为multiplied5. B thre e 改为thirdV I. 1. a 2. her 3. spent 4. unluck ily 5. bec ause 6. after 7. d eath 8. thi rteenth 9.hiding 10. millions第3版寒假作业(三)读写综合篇语法填空1. prizes 2. youngest3. for 4. showing 5. when 6. badly 7. and 8. improve 9. spoke 10. first完形填空1-5 CBC BA 6-10 BCCA B阅读理解1-5 C DBDA书面表达One possible ver sion:Dear We n Qi,I’m hap py to hear fr om you. I kno w you have tw o problems ab out English l earning. I ha ve some advic e for you. Li stening to En glish songs i s a good way.Y ou can also watch Englis h news on TVor read someEnglish newsp ape rs. Don’tbe shy or afr aid of making any mistakes when you spe ak English. Y ou should oft en talk withyour classmat es in English. I hope my a dvice can hel p you improve your English.I hope youwill do bette r in English.Y ours,Linda第4版寒假作业(四)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I. 1. type 2. operate 3. popular 4. develop 5. funnyII. 1. comforta ble 2. spea ker 3. cent ury 4. spe cial 5. pas senger6.depends 7. price 8. Compare 9. candles 10. distanceIII. 1-5 ACA BCIV. 1. in stead of 2. worked as 3. In add ition4. a re short of 5. lookedforward to句型演练I. 1-5 AB BBAII. 1. w hat to do wit h the problem 2. dependtoo much on 3. refer t o the good ef fects of 4. give me s ome advice on5. was unaw are of6.make a mess 7. were a ble to leave8. in the da ytime 9. ke ep in touch w ith you 10. are bett er at givingspeeches than meIII. 1.I’ve never im agined usingcomputers for teaching.2. Many inventi ons are becom ing more andmore practica l.3. The tea cher allows u s to discussthe problem n ow.4. Don’t try to stophim from deve loping new id eas.5. Thank you for help ing me get th rough many ha rd times.第5版寒假作业(五)语法篇语法专练I. 1-5BABCC 6-8 B ACII. 1. muc h 2. fre sher 3. wi se 4. wa rm5. farthe st/furthest 6. hottest7. better; better8.worseIII. 1. more expens ive than 2. the mostinteresting 3. doesn’t look as beau tiful as4. smaller than 5. as deep asIV. 1. becomingworse and wor se 2. one o f the most da ngerous anima ls3. aspopular as 4. clever er; happier 5. a fart her/further p lace thanV. 1. A more 改为most 2. A farther 改为further 3. B many 改为much4.C large 改为la rger5. B st ronger 改为str ongVI. 1. s econd 2. th an 3. seat s 4. closer 5. until 6. angrily 7. tasted 8. cost9. g etting 10.in第6版寒假作业(六)读写综合篇语法填空1. made 2. inventor 3. when 4. a ppeared 5.for6. like7. quickly8. buildi ng9. us 10. wonde rful完形填空1-5 BACBA 6-10 CABCC阅读理解1-5 BACBD书面表达One possibl e version:My first DIY jo bD I Y i s p o pu l a r a m o n g y ou n g p e o p l e.Id i d m y f i r s tD I Y j o b y e s te r d ay.Last w eek I boughtsome paint an d two brushes on the Inter net. I read t he instructio ns first befo re painting.At first, I p ainted all th e walls blue. But the room looked a lit tle boring. T hen I decided to draw some colourful fi sh and a boat on the wall. There was pa int all overthe floor. Ihad to spendone more hour tidying up t he room. Nowthe room look s really grea t.I hope tolearn more ab out DIY. I wi ll take a cou rse in it. An d I will buysome books ab out DIY. I be lieve I willdo better nex t time.第7版寒假作业(七)词汇与句型篇I. 1. h ost 2.ancient 3.succeed 4. empty 5. understand I I. 1. local 2. secre t 3. intro duce 4. suc cess 5. st eal6. exc hange7. to uring8. ce lebrate9.respect 10. exceptIII. 1-5 ABACAIV. 1. a bi t of 2. pla y tricks on 3. fall asle ep 4. actout 5. exce pt for句型演练I. 1-5 ABABCII. 1. the s ame age as 2. make jok es about 3. kept hoping4. was gl ad to get 5. be friendly to 6. Except for7. plan t o come over t o 8. pullgrains into 9. one an other10. afraid of m aking decisio nsIII. 1. Idecide to app ly for the jo b.2. My pa rents are pro ud of my succ ess.3. Kevin has never tr avelled outsi de the countr y so far.4.Our team play ed badly at f irst but wonin the end.5. His mind is filled withmany fantasti c ideas.第8版寒假作业(八)语法篇语法专练I. 1-5 C CAAC 6-8 BC BII. 1. ha s finished 2. have bee n 3. have known 4.haven’t spoke n5. has l ived6. ha ve raised 7. has had 8. boughtIII. 1. sinc e three hours ago 2. H ave; heard 3. haven’t;yet4. What have; read 5. How lo ngIV. 1. H as she had an ything since 2. has gone to3. Howmany times ha ve; visited 4. have never experienced5. has bee n interested; since; wasV. 1. B been改为gone 2. C saw改为s een3. A borrowed 改为k ept4. Cfor 改为since5. A Ha ve改为HasVI. 1. been 2. since 3. a 4. playin g 5. for 6. better 7. trouble 8. decided 9. quickly 10. him第9版寒假作业(九)读写综合篇1. an 2. chance s3. tha n4. ke pt5. them6. hitting 7. surprise d8. Howev er9. until10. do完形填空1-5 CBA CB 6-10 AC BAC阅读理解1-5 ABDDC书面表达One possibleversion:Kee p ourselves s afeIt’s impo rtant for usto keep ourse lves safe. Fi rst, we shoul d always keep the door clo sed when we a re at home al one. We shoul dn’t let anystrangers in. When we arewalking or ri ding a bike o n the way toschool, we sh ould always f ollow traffic rules. And w e should call 120 or 110 a t once when w e see acciden ts on the roa d. When we ar e on a bus or the undergro und, we shoul d be carefulwith our ownthings and ne ver push othe rs.第10版寒假作业(十)词汇与句型篇词汇运用I. 1. wo rth 2. tr ouble 3. c hance 4. w inner 5. h ideII. 1. m emories 2.hide 3. notice 4. chance 5.shy6. lose7. me ntioned8. c hoose9. w orth 10. u nlessIII. 1-5 ABBCAIV. 1. have trou ble 2. take out 3. inpublic 4. Lo ok out 5. pu t on句型演练I.1-5 ABABAII. 1. have a ba lanced diet 2. talk ab out our opini ons in public3. at the corner of 4. are wo rth buying5. has fun co llecting stam ps 6. sho w yourself co nfidently7. In my opini on 8.pouring out h er troubles9. switch of f / turn off10. seta trapIII. 1. The car i s old and isn’t worth buyi ng.2. What d o you think o f your memory course?3. W ho is the win ner of the da ncing competi tion?4. Livi ng a healthylife helps yo u improve you r memory.5.Please give m e some advice on how to ch oose useful b ooks.第11版寒假作业(十一)语法篇语法专练I. 1-5 ABA CB 6-8 CCBI I. 1. ask 2. work 3. choose 4.won’t watch;have5. will be6. boils7. prote ct8. doI II. 1. if, d oesn’t 2. had betternot ask3. What should 4. What h appens 5. shouldn’t sp endIV. 1. o ught to learn 2. had bet ter take 3. Unless; imp rove4. If;don’t have; w on’t write 5. shouldn’tmake fun of V. 1. A to去掉 2. B reading 改为read3. Cunless 改为if4. B he lp 改为helps 5. A notbetter 改为bet ter notVI.1. on 2. th em 3. or 4. treat 5. tricks6. usually 7. celebrated 8. a 9. st icky 10. pla ying第12版寒假作业(十二)读写综合篇语法填空1. writer s2. celebra ted3. more4. But 5. depends 6. or7. b ecause 8. easily 9.mentioned 10. reading完形填空1-5 BAACA6-10 BABA C阅读理解1-5 ABBCA书面表达One possible version:Dea r classmates,May I haveyour attentio n please?Wewill go on aclass trip th is Saturday.We are goingto TianshengBridge Park b y bus. The bu s leaves at 7:30 am and re turns at 4:30 pm. So we wi ll have a ful l day in thepark. We plan to have a pi cnic. So ever yone should p repare some f ood. In the m orning, we wi ll go boating. And after t he picnic, we can climb th e hill. Pleas e wear your s ports clothes.The cost o f the trip is 20 yuan perperson.Thank s for listeni ng.第13-14版寒假作业(十三)综合练习一W ords andPhasesI. 1. musicians 2. doubled 3. special 4. already 5. celebrate6. except 7. expensive 8. speech 9. create 10. unlessII. 1-5 BACCAI II. 1-5 BACACIV. 1. intr oduce; to 2. A bit of 3. Since t hen4. loo king forwardto5. c opied down6. In the end7. in pu blic 8. sofar9. ins tead of 10. die outS entencesI. 1-5 ACCBAII. 1. How can we 2. Whydid; die outsuddenly 3. No; know not hing4. What were; like 5. What do you think ofIII. 1. was worth trying 2. works a s 3. make j okes about4. never imagi ned talking w ith 5. dep end on yourse lfIV. 1. In ancient time s; in the day time 2.challenged th e king to3. Hundreds ofpassengers 4. at afaster speed5. win the c ompetitionV. 1. The great scientist wa s born in a r ich family.2. Y ou had bet ter go to sle ep earlier.3. They entere d the cinemawithout ticke ts.4. Studen ts should alw ays respect t heir teachers.5. Some peo ple died in t he serious tr affic acciden t.LanguageI.1-5 BCABCI I. 1. second 2. greates t 3. havevisited 4.interesting 5. has lost6. farthest7. more p opular8. ty pe 9. stop 10. have beenI II. 1. pick 2. repl ied 3. with 4.surprised 5. These7. When 8. others 9. understood10. beforeReading1-5ADBCDSpeakin g1. named 2. soldier 3. imagine 4. respect 5. scienti stWritingO ne possible v ersion:We d id a survey a mong a groupof 100 youngstudents betw een 13 and 15 in order toknow what the y use the com puters for. A ll the studen ts used compu ters to watch movies. Abou t eighty stud ents told usthey used com puters to pla y games. Thir ty-five stude nts said they read news on the Internet. Only twenty-eight of the m use their c omputers forstudy. Sevenof them drewpictures by u sing computer s. When we as ked if they u sed computers to learn pro gramming, onl y 3 studentssaid they did.第15-16版寒假作业(十四)综合练习二W ords &PhrasesI. 1. telephone 2. since 3. ancient 4. keyboar d 5. comfor table6. cou ntryside 7. touring 8. attack 9. worth 10. noteII.1-5 ACBCAI II. 1-5 ACBB CIV. 1. ke ep in touch w ith 2. car ry around 3. places of i nterest4.at the same t ime5. ch allenged; to6. find out7. in the daytime 8. worked as 9. Keep of f 10. be s hort ofSent encesI. 1-5 CABACII. 1. How big 2. Why ar e you unaware of 3. Aremachines clev erer than 4. Which kin d of computer s are; deskto ps or5. i s as old as III. 1. traf fic accident 2. pourin g out 3.spelling comp etition4. as important as5. haslost three mo bile phonesI V. 1. Nobody knows 2. hid the tre asure 3.in the 19th c entury4. us ed to be a ma nager5.one of the mo st popular wr itersV. 1.If somebody h as questions, ask me.2. V isitors enter ed the museum quietly.3.He was the wi nner of the s inging compet ition.4. She paid fifty d ollars for th e food in tot al.5. Theseforeign guest s are not abl e to use chop sticks.Langu ageI.1-5 CACABII. 1. free 2. Have; seen 3. brighte r 4. Milli ons 5. be st6. contr ol7. get8. sell 9. older;poorer 10. n inth III. 1. fourteenth 2. guests 3. with 4. h olding 5.bought6. fo r7. gone8. tasty 9. because 10. themselv es Reading1-5 CBBCA 6-10 BBCACSpe aking1. sinc e2. inter ested3. m ind4. qui ckest5. i mprovedWrit ingOne possi ble version The third day in LondonLo ndon is a cit y with many w orld-famous t ourist attrac tions. This i s our third d ay here.Inthe morning,we went to Tr afalgar Squar e. We fed pig eons there. P igeons are no t afraid of p eople there.Then we wen t to Oxford S treet. It was really a bus y street. I b ought a teddy bear for myfriend in New Y ork.After lunch on Oxf ord Street, w e went to vis it the famous Tower of Lon don. It’s mor e than 900 ye ars old.I to ok many photo s there.Ireally had agood day toda y.第17-18版寒假作业(十五)综合练习三W ords &PhrasesI. 1. shy 2. Q ueen 3. d ust 4. inc ludes 5. c heck6. even7. amount8. corner9. local 10. compan yII. 1-5 AC BBCIII. 1-5 AABBCIV. 1. slowed do wn 2. give a speech 3. pulled out 4. gives up5. use d to6.belong to 7. communicat ing; with 8. Above all9. are; ful l of 10.In my opinionSentencesI.1-5 CABCAII. 1. N o, he hasn’t 2. Do; h ave any sugge stions for3. as tall as 4. How many cameras have we sold5. What do y ou do forIII. 1.the youngestson 2. has promised 3. make simil ar mistakes 4. the empty basket 5. keeps in to uch withIV. 1.something wro ng with the m ain unit 2. What’s the difference b etween3. do n’t need to w orry about 4. smokein public5. looking forw ard to hearin g from youV. 1. Have you had any fant astic experie nces?2. Thecarriage turn ed into a pum pkin at midni ght.3. Is t here anything else we cando for you?4. Lots of peo ple lost thei r lives in th e war.5. I h ave never bee n so happy si nce my childh ood.Langu ageI.1-5 CCACBII. 1. gone 2. fortieth 3. will pun ish 4. hid e 5. beaut iful6. hasrealized 7. tell8.stole9.do 10. hasIII. 1. so 2. lived 3. from 4. serves 5. their6. n amed7. a8. more9. excit ed 10. succ essReading1-5 DBCCBSpea king1. forgo tten2. ord er3. alrea dy4. neve r5. leaveWritingOnepossible vers ion:Helen is the Star of2014 in our s chool.Helenknows how tokeep fit. Whe n she is free, she often t akes part inoutdoor activ ities. She ha s a healthy d iet and never eats junk fo od. She learn s happily bec ause she is i nterested inall her lesso ns and she en joys reading. She is alway s a top stude nt. Helen als o loves life. She is kindand always re ady to help o thers. For ex ample, she al ways gives he r seat on the bus to someo ne in need. W hen she meets problems, sh e always keep s smiling.I’m sure every one can learn a lot from h er.第19 版寒假作业(十六)综合练习四语法填空(一)1. bought 2. boating 3. them 4. a 5. exc ept6. fright ening7. hei ght8. like9. However10. terribl y(二)1. four th 2. larg est 3. than 4. making 5. Artists6. greatl y7. withou t8. includ ing9. named10. an完形填空1-5 BABCA 6-10 CCBAB 阅读理解1-5 CD BDB第20版寒假作业(十七)综合练习五语法填空(一)1. but 2. his 3. pulled 4.hurt 5. on6. unhappy 7. the8. s eeing9. qu ickly 10. mi nutes(二)1. t ravelled 2.a 3. opini ons 4. showi ng 5. older6. like 7. really 8.them 9. aft er 10. hear ing完形填空1-5 BACCB 6-10 ACBCA阅读理解1-5 BADAD第21-22版综合测试(一)1-5 CA CCA 6-10 B ABBA 11-15 CBACC16.fifteenth 17. weighs 18. an 19. With 20. covers 21. by 22. intellig ence 23. is 24. Inclu ding 25. hi ghly26-30 BA ACC 31-35ABCBC36-40 D DCAA41-45 DBDAC46-50BACDA 51-55 DBACCOne p ossible versi on:Yangtze F inless Porpoi se are endang ered animals. They are Chi na’s national treasure inwater.A finl ess porpoiseis about 120-190 cm long a nd weighs 100-220 kilos. I ts mouth look s like smilin g.Sadly, the number of fi nless porpois es is getting smaller andsmaller. Nowthere are onl y about 1,500 of them livi ng in lakes a nd rivers. Th ey are in dan ger because o f people. Shi ps may kill t hem and fishe rmen catch th em. Water pol lution killsthem, too.W e need to tak e action to s ave them.第23-24版综合测试(二)1-5 ABABA6-10 CCBB A 11-15 C ABAA16. in vented 17.first 18. because 19. the 20. developed21. Finally22. heavie r 23. lockin g 24. secon ds 25. than26-30 CBABB31-35 ACA BB36-40 BBC AD 41-45 ABDCA46-50 CBACA 51-55 CDBDCOne possible version:Man y of you must want somethi ng cold and t asty to drink in summer. N ow you can DI Y some, for e xample, a wat ermelon coole r.To make a watermelon c ooler, you ne ed some water melon, a cupof orange jui ce and 3 spoo ns of sugar.First of all,cut the wate rmelon into s mall pieces.Then put them into a fridg e and take th em out 20 to30 minutes la ter. And then mix them tog ether with th e orange juic e and sugar.To make the c ooler nicer,you can add s ome ice cream in it. Now,it is finishe d. Put it ina glass and e njoy it!第25-26版综合测试(三)1-5 BABCB 6-10 AABBA 11-15 BBACC16. For 17. eating 18. himself 19. a 20. wi dely21. Ho wever 22. r ealized 23. danger 24. able 25. t hrowing26-30 CBACB 31-35 CBCBA36-40 DAB DC 41-45 DAADB46-50 DCCAB 51-55 BBCADOn e possible ve rsion:Dear D ad and mum,H ow is it goin g? I hope you are in goodhealth. I cam e to China amonth ago. No w I enjoy liv ing here very much. I work and study wi th Chinese st udents. At we ekends I ofte n play differ ent kinds ofsports with t hem. Last wee k I visited m any places of interest inBeijing. They are really g reat! I saw t he Beijing Op era yesterday and drank te a in the teah ouse. I alsoenjoy the del icious food h ere. I learnmore about Ch inese history. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine in Bei jing. I hopeto see you so on.Y ours,Ma rk第27-28版综合测试(四)1-5BACBA 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 CBABB16.but 17. of18. excit ing 19. wa nts 20. go21. have 22. them 23. correctly24. winne r 25. unle ss26-30 BAC AC 31-35 ABBAC36-40 DBCAD 41-45 CBBD D46-50 ABDCA 51-55BADCAOne pos sible version:Hi, Jim! I’m glad to hea r from you. Y ou asked wha t my favourit e school acti vity is. Well, I think itmust be the R eading Club.In the club,we often shar e books witheach other. A nd the most i mportant is t hat we can di scuss our ide as about thes e books.Read ing makes methink a lot a nd learn a lo t. It also he lps me make f riends more e asily.Is yo ur school lif e fun? Please write back a nd tell me ab out your acti vities.Y ours,Li Hua第29-30版综合测试(五)1-5 ABCAB 6-10 AABBA 11-15 BCACA16. a 17. for 18.set 19. be cause 20. f irst21. wh en 22. kept23. collect ing 24. her25. educa tional26-30 CBACB 31-35 ABCA C36-40 ACCB D 41-45 DABCC46-50 ADDCB 51-55 CAACDOne possib le version:O ne day, a mou se ran and ra n and suddenl y he hit a li on. The mouse was very afr aid. “I’m ver y sorry. Plea se let me go. I’ll help yo u some day.”The lion said, “Can you he lp me? Y ou ar e too small.But I am happ y now. Y ou ca n go.”Anoth er day, the l ion was in acage and coul dn’t get out. The little m ouse saw himand thought a good idea. I n the end, th e mouse helpe d the lion ou t. “A small o ne can give a big help som etimes,” said the mouse. 第31-32版综合测试(六)1-5 BA ABA 6-10 CABAB 11-15 BCBBA16. An 17. f or 18. tri es 19. beca me 20. diff erent21. Wi th 22. devel oping 23. ot hers 24. co mpetition 25. himself26-30 CACBC 31-35 CABAC36-40 DCBAB41-45 BD ABC46-50 DCB BC 51-55 B DBDCOne poss ible version:My home townMy home town is a beautif ul village in the north of China. It is more than 80years old. T he village ch anges a lot n ow. Houses ar e bigger andhigher than b efore. And th e streets are wider. There are also man y new buildin gs. There isa river in th e south of ou r village. Th e water in it is much clea ner than befo re. My home t own is famous for its good apples. Ther e are some cl ubs in the ea st of the vil lage. Peoplecan do some e xercise or re lax after wor k.Welcome t o my home tow n.。
SSP2021年寒假合刊初中基础版答案P1 Learn to Live: Let’s Share our livesI. cdbafeII. DABIII. 1. Because of his mistake, the team failed to win the match.2. The students learned about dinosaurs at the science museum.3. I haven’t found anything out about him yet.4. I will get there, even if I have to walk.P2 Scream It Out!I. 1. prepare2. helped/help3. parts4. walked5. easy6. smiledII. BCDAIII.1. My younger sister doesn’t look like me at all.2. This is my last chance to pass the exam.3. They are giving away free tickets for the concert.P3 A Forest or a Tree?I. AAAII. 1. It spans more than 14,493 square meters.2. To remove its sick main truck.3. They grow from the tree’s branches and go into the ground.4. In 1985.5. 13.III. 1. My brother and I watched that garden from a distance.2. I will finish reading at least half of the books on the bookshelf.3. Every year, millions of people die from this disease.4. The bride may buy a used gown rather than paying thousands of dollars for a new one.5. Take good care of your car, because you drive it every day.P4 “Chinese Food”in AmericaI. 1-6 DCBEAFII. 1-4 CBCCIII. 1. The park is becoming more and more beautiful.2. To make a living, Tom has to sell newspapers.或Tom has to make a living by selling newspapers.3. Alice is an English teacher; in addition, she is a writer.或In addition to an English teacher, Alice is a writer.P5 Accept YourselfI. 1. yourself 2. disappeared 3. colorless4. decorated5. leaves/left6. alone, lonelyII.1-4 BDCAIII.1. There is a lamp on the table.2. He picked up his cap from the floor and put it back on his head.3. He has been turned down for ten jobs so far.P6 A Giant of BasketballI. 1. promised 2. written 3. unimportant4. correct5. invitation6. powerfulII.1-4 BDCBIII.1. She only replied with a smile.3. He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read (about).P7 School Crossing Supervisors Wanted!I. EFCDABII.1. On Monday, April 8, 2019, at 11:45 p.m.2. A local government in the north area of Melbourne.3. Because it involves working with school children and helping them cross the road.5. From 8:20 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3:20 p.m. to 4 p.m.6. Jason Crockett.III.1. Can you provide food and drinks for thirty people?2. Are you willing to help me with my English?3. What Melissa does is not in line with what she says.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 2P8 Passion + Action = MagicI. ABABII. 1. By creating a technology website when he was 11 years old.2. In 2014.3. His love for Lego and his love for 21st-century technology.4. They can learn about computer science. For young people from the age of six to 16, they can have the opportunity to build tech and create tech instead of just using it.5. He had meetings with his employees.6. I think he is creative/hardworking/diligent. (Any reasonable answers are OK.) III. 略P9 The Guardian of CatsI. 1. build2. was given3. usually4. center5. look after6. has becomeII.1. There are about 70 stray cats in the town.2. It is located in Russia.3. Local resident Svetlana Logunova.4. She was given a bicycle, a uniform and a budget of 5,700 roubles a month.5. Her task is to look after all the stray cats in the town and to make sure that they are happy and healthy.III.1. Give me a call if you need my help.2. The kitchen is full of smoke.3. We are going to move out of the old house next month.P10 Meet the QuokkaI. EAFDBCII.1. Because of its cute cheeky grin.2. They live on some islands of Western Australia.3. It is as big as a cat.4. They sleep/nap in the shade during the day.5. No, they have little fear of humans.6. He/She would receive a fine of $300.III.1. He walked slowly because of his bad leg.2. What do you want to be when you grow up?3. He looks as tall as his father.P11 Better Than Google!I. 1-6 BFDCAEII. 1. She works in a public library in Minnesota.2. She looked it up on the internet and found that many large news organizations had reported the storm.3. About 1.3 million.4. No, she doesn’t5. Yes, she is.6. The fact that people ask all kinds of questions.或The variety in her job.III. 1. May I ask for a photograph of Mr. Wang?2. I prefer to live in small cities.3. Nobody knows whether it will rain tomorrow.P12 The Strong RootsI. 1. impossible 2. surprises 3. given4. guidance5. destroyed6. neighborhoodII. BCBDIII.1. I love looking after children.2. The firefighters are searching for the little boy in the building.3. I can walk to work instead of going by car.P13 Master of Kung FuI. 1. disappeared 2. first 3. youth4. childhood5. shiny6. reporterII.ABDCIII.1. She developed the company from nothing.2. The child is looking for the coin he dropped.3. What’s his take on the plan?P14 How to Make Mashed PotatoesI. 1. chopping2. peel3. heat4. dried5. mash6. steamingII. DBABIII.1. My favourite side dish is mashed potatoes, which is easy to prepare.2. She runs a couple of miles every morning.3. This is my phone number. Please call me if needed.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 3P15 Welcome to Bush SchoolsI. FDEBCAII.1. It started in Europe.2. Upper Sturt Primary.3. No, it is WiFi-free.4. They designed a bush village with huge sandpits, tents and a fire pit.5. Wood work/music in the tent/cooking over the open fire.6. He/She thinks the bush school helps the children have better concentration, be more creative and become happier.III.1. Do you want to extend your stay in Canada?2. I am so tired. I can’t focus on the book./I am so tired that I can’t focus on the book./I am too tired to focus on the book.3. Children in a bush school are more creative than us.P16 A New Fashion Icon in New YorkI. ACADBII. TFTTFIII.1. 陶(华碧)的肖像下面是“老干妈”的汉字。
六年级上册寒假报纸答案语文1、《雨中登泰山》作者写到天街上的“小店”典型特点是()[单选题] *新颖别致险峻狭窄(正确答案)古朴别致贫穷简陋2、7. 下列句子中没有语病的一项是()[单选题] *A.在全国文明城市创建活动中,全市人民参与程度的高低和创建力度的大小是成功的关键。
(正确答案)3、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、慰藉(jiè)硕士(shuò)B、攀援(ài)痴情(zhī)(正确答案)C、脑髓(suǐ)城隅(yú)D、跬步(kuǐ)告诫(jiè)4、下列加括号词语使用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.王立同学对这道数学题冥思苦想,终于(妙手偶得),有了答案。
(正确答案)D.歌曲《我和我的祖国》陶醉了每一个炎黄子孙,真是(哗众取宠)啊!5、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、袅娜(niǎo)宁谧(mì)倩影(qiàn)花团锦簇(cù)(正确答案)B、踌蹰(chóu)蹒跚(pán)戮力(lù)游目骋怀(pìn)C、抽噎(yē)狙击(zǔ)徘徊(pái)放浪形骸(hái)D、吮吸(shǔn)尴尬(gà)蹂躏(lìn)绽开(dìng)6、1“冠者五六人”一句中的冠者指成年男子。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错7、下列关于《红楼梦》中的情节表述正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.《红楼梦》中,在抄检大观园时,王夫人令凤姐和王善保家的一起抄检。
21世纪英语报2021寒假合刊答案1、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔2、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)3、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end4、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go5、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] *A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough6、The traffic jams often happen in _______ hours. [单选题] *A. lunchB. workC. leisureD. rush(正确答案)7、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches8、--It is Sunday tomorrow, I have no idea what to do.--What about _______? [单选题] *A. play computer gamesB. go fishingC. climbing the mountain(正确答案)D. see a film9、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed10、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)11、Stephanie _______ going shopping to staying at home. [单选题] *A. prefers(正确答案)B. likesC. preferD. instead12、Henry lives happily with his three cats. _______ of them are part of his family. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. All(正确答案)D. Neither13、66.—How much meat do you want?—________.[单选题] *A.Sorry, there isn't anyB.I can't give you anyC.Half a kilo, please(正确答案)D.Twelve yuan a kilo14、90.—I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the ________. —A map is helpful,I think. [单选题] *A.price(正确答案)B.timeC.wayD.ticket15、My brother often does ______ homework first after school.()[单选题] *A. heB. his(正确答案)C. sheD. her16、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)17、The green shorts are _______ sale for $[单选题] *A. forB. on(正确答案)C. atD. with18、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown19、6.—How can we get to the school?—________ bus. [单选题] * A.ToB.OnC.By(正确答案)D.At20、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on21、( ) They have_____ useful dictionary. They want to lend it___ us. [单选题] *A. an; forB. a; fromC. an; toD. a; to(正确答案)22、In winter, animals have a hard time_____anything to eat. [单选题] *A.to findB.finding(正确答案)C.foundD.to finding23、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)24、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)25、My daughter is neither slim nor fat and she’d like a _______ skirt. [单选题] *A. largeB. medium(正确答案)C. smallD. mini26、--Miss Li, could you please help me _______ math problem?--OK. Let me try. [单选题] *A. look upB. work out(正确答案)C. set upD. put up27、Bliss, who worked in an information centre, began to work on the book in 1 [单选题] *A. 策划B. 上班C. 写作(正确答案)D. 销售28、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where29、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] * A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on30、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take。
时代英语报答案一、选择题1、The manager had fallen asleep where he , without undressing.A. was layingB. was lyingC. had laidD. had lied2、Chinese New Yearthe spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.A. is calledB. was calledC. callsD. called3、A new zoo in that area next year.A.builtB. was builtC. buildsD. will be built4、An hour 60 minutes.A. divides intoB. is divided inC. is divided intoD. is include5、The work must in time.A. be doneB. didC. is doingD. do6、His car was by the police because he drove too fastA. stoppingB. stoppedC. stop7、-Students should to have part-time jobs.-Iagree with you ,If so ,theywould not put their heart into theirstudies.A. not be allowedB.be allowedC.not allowD.allow8、The guide said that much attention mustthese details.A. payB. be paidC. pay toD. be paid tonot allowed to9、The rest of the studentsleave the classroom at that time .A. areB. haveC. wasD. were10、Today Chinese by more and more people around the world.A. was spokenB. is spokenC. spokenD.speak11、Old people must .A. speak politeB. be spoken to politelyC. speak to politeD. be spoken politelyto the party. She had a wonderful12、 Annietime with us.A. invitesB. is invitedC. has invitedD. was invited13、Different kinds of informationby him in this way.A.be learnedB.is learnedC.learnD.are learneda question, he just keeps14、Every time Timsilent.A.Was askedB.askedC.was askingD.is askedto clean the classroom15、The studentsafter school every day.A. askB. are askedC. were askedD. asked16、I think the olds should .A. take careB. take care ofC. be taken careD. be taken care of17、My grandfatherto go to school because his family was very poor.A. is allowedB. isC. was allowedD. was18、The students shouldn'tto take mobile phones.A. allowsB. allowedC. be allowedD. allow19、Driving after drinking wine in China.A. allowsB. doesn’t allowC. is allowedD. isn’t allowed20、The International Kite Festivalin Weifang every year.A. holdsB.heldC.is heldD. was held21、The young trees should well as often as possibleA. be waterB. wateredC. wateringD. be watered22、 Breakfast if you live in our hotel.A. will serveB. servesC. will be servedD. is servedall over the23、More Great Green Walls mustworld.A.buildB.be builtC.to builtD.to be built24、The work must today.A. finishB. be finishedC. to finishD. to be finishedtwo25、Usually before exams, the studentsminutes to write down their names.A. are givenB. were givenC. gaveD. give26、More than 3010 people in the traffic accident yesterday.A. killedB. are killedC. were killedD. have been killed27、My cousin has been happy since heto spend more time with his friends.A.will allowB.allowedC.was allowed28、This kind of car looks so beautiful. Itin my hometown.A. makeB. makesC. is madeD. madein our city every29、Many trees and flowersyear.A. plantedB. are plantedC. were plantedD. plants30、A new road near my school next year.A. buildsB. will buildC. is builtD. will be built31、 James wrote a play for television. And itby an American TV pany.A. buysB. has boughtC. boughtD. was bought32、We you have an old treasure to show us. Please tell me where it is.A. tell thatB. tell whatC. were told thatD. were told what33、A few Chinese words, such as Tuhao and Dama,to some English dictionaries in 20XX.A. addedB. are addedC. were added34、The house that by the fire belongs toA. was destroyed, mineB. destroyed, mineC. was destroyed, meD. destroyed, me35、James wrote a play for television. And itby an American TV pany.A. buysB. has boughtC. boughtD. was bought36、When and where to build the new factoryyet.A. is not decidedB. are not decidedC. has not decidedD. have not decidedfor three weeks.37、The dictionary mayA.keepB.be keptC.borrowD.be borrowed38、In order to make our city more beautiful,more trees and flowers every year.A.will plantB.should plantC.should plantedD.should be planted39、Betty to represent our school to take part in the Maths Olympics.A、choosesB、has chosenC、has been chosenD、were chosen40、Teachers are often candles (蜡烛).A、pare withB、pared withC、 pared toD、paring to 参考答案一、选择题1、B2、A3、D4、C5、A6、B7、A8、D9、D10、B11、B12、D13、D14、D15、B16、D17、D18、C19、D20、C21、D22、C23、B24、B25、A26、C27、C28、C29、B30、D31、D32、C33、C34、C35、D36、A37、B 点拨:本题用语法判定法解题。
第1-32版答案第1版寒假作业(一)词汇运用I. 1. win 2. human 3. check 4. realize5. amount6. inventor7. promise8. wiseII. 1. scientists 2. correctly 3. invention 4. disappeared5. musician6. to bring7. third8. millionsIII. 1-5 BCDBAIV. 1. next to 2. look up 3. all over 4. find out5. are dying out句型演练I. 1. I couldn’t win without their help.2. He didn’t realize this important thing at first.3. The traffic accident happened during the rush hours.4. Please check the shopping list carefully.5. Did you copy down these sentences in your notebook?Ⅱ. 1. After that, he challenged me to another game of chess.2. My father promised me to buy a new bike for me.3. The doctor ordered him to lie in bed for two days.4. You’ll find the bus stop at the end of the road.5. Let’s go for a walk now.6. She likes living in the countryside.7. You’d better copy down all the new words on the blackboard.8. I don’t know the number of students in our school.第2版寒假作业(二)I. 1. twelve 2. twenty-six 3. seven hundred and eighty-two4. one hundredth5. one hundred and fifty-secondII. 1. any; some 2. any 3. some 4. some 5. any; someIII. 1-5 BACDD 6-10 CADACIV. 1. hour改为hours或者one and a half hour改为one hour and a half2. from改为by3. thousands改为thousand4. nobody改为anybody5. else anything改为anything elseV. 1. reading 2. learn 3. any 4. for free 5. helpful 6. numbers 7. excited 8. knew 9. them 10. to return第3版寒假作业(三)I. 1-5 CABCC 6-10 BACADII. 1. two hours 2. banker 3. listens to the radio4. English teacher5. play the drumsIII. (A) 1-5 DFABE(B) 1-5 BEDFAIV. One possible version:Dear Mike,How are you doing? I’m glad to share my winter holiday plan with you. First, I’m going to visit my grandparents. They live in a small village. The Spring Festival is coming soon, and I will spend the Spring Festival with them. Second, I decide to spend some time reading. I am going to buy some interesting books. And I’d like to finish them one by one. Third, I want to go to the winter camp. I hope I can make some new friends there.Yours,Ellen第4版寒假作业(四)词汇运用I.1. century 2. invent 3. distance 4. tiny 5. compare II. 1. speed 2. mobile 3. expensive 4. candles 5. wings III. 1. practical 2. inventions 3. living 4. wheels 5. to have IV. 1-5 CCDBAV. 1. depend on 2. make noises 3. work as4. are looking forward to5. as well6. Since then句型演练I. 1. She showed us her photos at her home.2. The robot can do heavy work instead of human beings.3. What do you usually use computers to do?4. The students use computers to study on the Internet.5. We will work hard to create a better future.II.1. keep off the grass 2. gave him some advice3. stopped those boys from swimming4. was short of5. better than me at6. keep in touch with7. With the help of 8. At the start/beginning of9. spend all day playing computer games 10. in bed all the time第5版寒假作业(五)I. 1. thinner 2. taller 3. younger; glad 4. cold5. the biggest6. cooler; cooler7. busier; happier8. worse9. more/less interesting 10. importantII. 1-5 DDBCA 6-10 ACCDBIII. 1. more much改为much more 2. their改为theirs3. higher改为highest4. so改为as或者so前面加not5. 去掉第一个importantIV. 1. first 2. However 3. got 4. playing 5. meat6. had to7. pieces8. started9. in 10. already第6版寒假作业(六)I. 1-5 CBCDA 6-10 ABBDCII. 1. air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and noise pollution2. A3. B4. F5. Yes, we do.III. (A) 1-5 DABEC(B) 1-5 BDAFCIV. One possible version:It was Jeff’s birthday yesterday. His friends had a surprise party for him. They made a cake at the clubhouse. Then they went to the toy shop. Jeff doesn’t like marbles and he likes mice very much. So they bought a mouse for him. Later, they came back to the clubhouse. When the party started, Jeff’s friends said happy birthday to him and gave the gift to him. As Jeff saw the mouse, he was very happy. He liked it very much.第7版寒假作业(七)词汇运用I. 1. celebrate 2. including 3. army 4. fantastic 5. understand II. 1. difference 2. different 3. confident 4. confidently 5. a little 6. a few 7. except 8. except for 9. successful 10. success 11. succeedIII. 1-5 BBADCIV. 1. succeeded in 2. as well as 3. At first 4. kept in touch with 5. give up 6. made jokes about 7. places of interest 8. since then 9. a few 10. in the end句型演练I. 1. He has been in the army since 1985.2. I have learnt Chinese painting for three months.3. Where did they stay during their exchange visit?4. Has Kate ever visited the Tower Bridge?5. No one could carry the heavy box.II. 1. for five years 2. a bit 3. educational exchange visit4. found; yet5. is full of第8版寒假作业(八)I. 1. watching 2. have lost 3. went 4. dragged 5. hasn’t finished6. weekdays7. to celebrate8. lived9. jokes 10. quietlyII. 1-5 ADDBC 6-10 CBCADIII. 1. a few改为a little 2. for改为since或者去掉ago3. hasn’t改为haven’t4. bought改为had5. gone改为been IV. 1. Britain 2. months 3. best 4. historical 5. wars6. ordered7. mainly8. and9. as well 10. keep第9版寒假作业(九)I. 1-5 BBCCD 6-10 ABBADII. 1. July 10 2. a tennis player 3. winner 4. 1993 5. concerts III. (A) 1-5 DFEAB(B) 1-5 AEGBDIV. One possible version:My name is Wu Yifan. I am a middle school student. I like reading books and travelling around the world. I want to be a reporter when I grow up. I am going to work hard at Chinese and English. And I am going to read more books.I am also going to write articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. If I am free, I will go somewhere interesting.第10版寒假作业(十)词汇运用I. 1. lose 2. silly 3. whenever 4. memory 5. improve II. 1. won 2. winner 3. suggested 4. suggestion 5. spell6. spelling7. advice8. advised9. such as 10. for example III. 1-5 ABCDBIV. 1. For example 2. take out 3. poured out 4. in public5. put on6. above all7. had to8. communicate with9. take part in 10. In my opinion句型演练I. 1. The English Week is helpful to us.2. Please come and take part in our competition.3. What is beauty in your mind?4. He lost his memory after the accident.5. You’d better not drink too much tea.II. 1. won’t; unless 2. remember to turn off 3. doesn’t come 4. suggested going on a picnic 5. trouble reading第11版寒假作业(十一)I. 1. memory 2. mind 3. to remember 4. strange 5. imagined6. will lose7. confidently8. control9. wasting 10. to turnII. 1-5 CDADB 6-10 ABDACIII. 1. watching改为watch 2. 第一个in改为on 3. unless改为if4. had not better改为had better not5. will be改为is IV. 1. less 2. than 3. worked 4. did 5. parents6. from7. front8. For example9. use 10. easily第12版寒假作业(十二)I. 1-5 ABDCB 6-10 CAAACII. 1. relax 2. work slowly 3. all the things 4. have/take a break 5. BreatheIII. (A) 1-5 EADBC(B) 1-5 DAEGCIV. One possible version:Rio is one of my favourite films. It is really a nice one, so I watched it again and again.Last summer I saw the film for the first time. My friend Li Mei invited me to watch it in the biggest cinema of my city.Rio is a cartoon film. It tells us a story of a macaw named Blu. In the film, Blu starts a trip to the beautiful city Rio De Janeiro.I suggest that you see this film because of the interesting story, lovely birds and the beautiful music.I’m sure you will love it!第13版寒假作业(十三)Words & PhrasesI. 1. even 2. sell 3. miles 4. similar 5. punished6. soldier7. funny8. experiences9. confidently 10. touredII. 1. in the countryside 2. was unaware of 3. Since then 4. was full of 5. happen to 6. except for 7. At first8. keep in touch with 9. In addition 10. learning aboutIII. 1-5 DCABCSentencesI. 1. musicians 2. to make 3. practical 4. being 5. advertisement6. fatter7. inventions8. playing9. suddenly 10. agreesII. 1. hasn’t; yet 2. Is; anything 3. How long; waited4. if; don’t5. instead ofIII. 1. From then on; any more 2. to remember3. succeeded in/were successful in4. How is; at a fast speed5. grow older; to doLanguage1-5 CACBD 6-10 BDCAB 11-15 CCBDA第14版寒假作业(十四)SpeakingI. 1-5 ECAFBII. 1-5 DGBEAReading1. C2. C3. a show4. two hundred5. FWritingOne possible version:Dear David,Hello, my name is Nina. I am fourteen years old. I live in Paris, France with my parents and my elder brother. I love sports and my favourite sport is tennis. I think it is really relaxing. I started to play it at the age of nine. Now I have tennis classes on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. At the weekend, I often play tennis with my friends in the park near my house.I would like to be your pen friend. Please write to me soon.Yours,Nina第15版寒假作业(十五)Words & PhrasesI. 1. amount 2. instead 3. tiny 4. comfortable 5. fantastic6. traffic7. mention8. Human9. check 10. intelligence II. 1. walked past 2. the rest of 3. so that 4. keep; off 5. at the same time 6. a bit of 7. take; with 8. one by one 9. have to 10. belongs toIII. 1-5 DCCDASentencesI. 1. working 2. difference 3. inventor 4. quietly 5. to go6. winner’s7. worse8. funny9. speeches 10. to haveII. 1. isn’t anybody/is nobody 2. Why did 3. Where should4. used to5. shorter thanIII. 1. take a picture/photo of 2. made of 3. to learn; play chess4. from spending; playing computer games5. the most difficult subject Language1-5 ACBDD 6-10 BDBAC 11-15 BACDC第16版寒假作业(十六)SpeakingI. 1-5 EAFCDII. 1-5 CAFEGReading1-5 BADECWritingOne possible version:Table manners all over the world are quite different. For example, in China, if you drop something on the table, you usually leave it there. Nobody picks it up to eat. But in Canada, it’s OK to eat it, especially if it’s something dry, like a piece of bread. In China, it’s polite to help your guests put some food on their plates. But in Canada, people just pass food to their guests.第17版寒假作业(十七)Words & PhrasesI. 1. memory 2. shy 3. except 4. check 5. musician6. expensive7. respect8. whole9. anytime 10. mentioned II. 1. In my opinion 2. took out 3. except for 4. keeps in touch with 5. worked as 6. find out 7. put on 8. full of9. So far 10. depend onIII. 1-5 BCBDASentencesI. 1. inventor 2. more expensive 3. winners 4. speech 5. twentieth6. finishing7. has chosen8. centuries9. doing 10. difference II. 1. is nothing/isn’t anything 2. ought not to 3. How long4. as old as5. Why didIII. 1. I’m looking forward to your good news.2. They have succeeded in passing the exam.3. The English play is educational. It is worth seeing.4. I will go skating instead of playing football this afternoon.5. Don’t touch anything unless the teacher allows you to do it.Language1-5 ABCDB 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 CDCAB第18版寒假作业(十八)SpeakingI. 1-5 FEBADII. 1-5 DGCEBReading1. habits2. 我们应当严格遵守它。
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===========校园采风(P1-3)==========Japan Has the Best School LunchesI.FDBCEII.ACCBIII.1.It is reported/said that this wild plant is rich in nutrition.或... contains/has a lot of nutrition.或... is nutritious.2.Although she lives (alone) with no relatives or friends, all her neighbors have offered her a helping hand / have offered to help her.Children More Likely to Suffer Injury Than Violence at SchoolI. BDFCEII. ACBBIII.1. To make sure that he has time for the meeting, I will call him one week in advance.2. Washing hands often/frequently/regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by/with disease(s).One More Reason for Staying in SchoolI. CFEDBII. BCBIII.1. Residents all hope that they can have easier access to the quality service of libraries one day/someday.2. For language learners, being exposed to English materials and developing good habits can enhance learning efficiency.3. Snow is possible in winter here, but it’s not very likely to occur.4. Although he has played a variety of roles in movies, the actor is most closely associated with horror movies.===========环球趣闻(P4-6)==========The Hottest Chilli Pepper in the WorldI.1. awaited 2. pleasure 3. existence4. achievements5. accidentally6. detectionII. CBAIII.1.President Trump declared a state of emergency in California due to the wildfires.2.I’d like to stay home and watch a movie tonight rather than go out.3.The pain was so strong that she almost fainted/passed out.4.He attempted to repair the machine himself, but ended up causing bigger damage.A New Way to Sing in ChinaI.BCACABII.FACEIII.1.Only a small number of employees of the company have access to that information.2.It’s difficult to predict which team will win the 2018 World Cup.3.We need double the amount we already have.4.The park remains unfinished due to lack of funds .New Theme Park Rides to Open in 2018I. EFACGBII. CDBIII.1. Dinner is served between 6 and 9 p.m.2. Running your own business usually involves working long hours.3. The restaurant features a French chef’s handmade desserts.4. His recent paintings were clearly inspired by van Gogh’s work.===========热点话题(P7-9)==========Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the YearI. BAACBII. BECAIII.1. Have you ever wondered why cats make that sound?2. I’ve been thinking all day whether (or not) I should tell her the bad news.3. The latest Star Wars movie was met with mixed reaction when it was first released.4. In the seven years that I have been in America, I have never heard the word pronounced this way.IV.Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year 2017 left people confused and doubtful, as the word was coined in 1965 and it’s rarely used. British millennials’ attempt to show their political stance in last June’s election gavethe word a boost. Oxford Dictionaries believes its annual picks are culturally significant and say much about the collective mood, ideas, etc. (58 words)The Education Gap in ChinaI. 1. popularity 2. risky 3. unfair4. nutritious5. anxiety6. urbanizedII. BCADIII.1. His family has solved his marriage problem by arranging for him to marry a girl of his own class.2. So angry was he that he couldn’t speak a single word.3. Compared with other kinds of motors, electric motors are quiet, cause less pollution and run smoothly.Apple Hit With LawsuitsI. 1. contacted 2. claims 3. issued4. revealed5. admittedII. DBDBIII.1. We had the machine repaired just now.2. He suggested (that) our class (should) be divided into five groups.3. You should have reported the matter to the police.4. He has more than three times as many books as his younger sister does.===========科技新知(P10-12)=========== Translation Software Becomes “Smarter”I. BABCBII. CDAEIII.1. We will take your recent illness into consideration when assessing/evaluating your performance.2. Compared to our small flat, Tom’s house seems like a palace.3. Mary longs/longed for a chance to speak to that film star in private.IV. (答案仅供参考)Despite some recent breakthroughs, online translators like Google Translate are still unable to replace humans. That’s because they cannot learn or research by themselves. Consequently, they still make mistakes, which are intolerable on some occasions. Nevertheless, online translators might beuseful for people to read texts written in languages they can’t speak and find out what’s up in other cultures. (60 words)Plastic EatersI. CFBDAII. BDDCIII.1. All night long he lay awake, thinking about the problem.2. The job turned out to be beyond his abilities.或It turned out that the job was beyond his abilities.3. I didn’t see the point in moving to London.Walking on Thin IceI. BCACAII. BADBIII.1. All flights between Shanghai and Xiamen have been cancelled owing to the heavy fog.2. I, along with my elder sister, am going to travel to Italy during this winter holiday.3. He was shocked when he discovered the conditions in which they lived.===========文化艺术(P13-15)===========SESAME STREET Pushes the EnvelopeI. 1. characteristics 2. character 3. neglects4. touches5. loadedII. BAECIII.1. We happened to discover that we have/had a friend in common.2. He has stuck by/to his plans for economic reform.3. The word pagoda was introduced to Europe by the Portuguese in the 17th century.4. Not only did they present/give a musical performance, but they also gave a brief introduction to the history of jazz.Cooking on the WayI. 1. annoyance 2. hit 3. restricted4. estimated/estimates5. considerableII. CBDAIII.1. It was not until she took off her sunglasses that I recognized her as a famous film star.2. The hurricane posed/presented a threat to many coastal communities.3. She was banned from competing/taking part in any competition for two years after failing a/the drug test.或She was banned from competing/taking part in any competition for two years because she failed the drug test.CQ the New Secret to SuccessI. 1. sociable 2. gestures 3. distant4. altered5. definitionII. FCAEIII.1. Her daughter, who is now in the United States, will return home before the Spring Festival.2. I’ll be unable to attend this technical training unless my company pays the fees for me.3. This dictionary lays/places/puts special/particular emphasis on phrasal verbs and idioms.===========体育娱乐(P16-18)===========Iceland Qualify for Russia 2018I. 1. prediction 2. defend 3. qualifications4. seriousness5. oppositeII. FADBIII.1. It’s remarkable that a 70-year-old man has the energy he does!2. The year’s harvest is better than any previous year’s.3. He wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.4. The manager has found a way to break through such a barrier of financial difficulties.Farewell Pirlo, Football’s Last ArtistI. 1. unsuited/unsuitable 2. accuracy 3. assess4. historical5. description6. specialistII. BCDIII.1.1) The unique characteristics of Chinese culture stand out in this design.2) The long cruel winter came to an end at last, followed by a gentle warm spring.2.1) 然而,被称为任意球专家的皮尔洛在球场上善于运用自己高超的控球技术来迷惑对方的防守队员。