



寒假作业三年级上册三年级数学上册寒假作业家长您好!近70天的寒假生活已经开始了,寒假既应该好好放松自己,也应该补充自己继续学习,为下学期做准备,请家长监督孩子完成以下寒假作业:一、填空1、把一个圆平均分成7份,每份是它的分之,写作这样的3份是个,就是它的分之,写作2、一杯牛奶,喝了它的,还剩下3、正方形的边长是它的周长的 4、一个分数,它的分子是4,分母是分子的2倍,这个分数是5、运动会从下午2:10分开始,开了1小时30分,到结束 6、鸟儿冬天到南方去过冬7、长方形长是20米,是宽的2倍,这个长方形的周长是米8、□÷8=6??,余数最大,余数是,被除数是9、直尺上1厘米中间有个小格,每一小格长毫米10、2袋水泥重100千克,那么袋这样的水泥重1吨11、填上适合的单位一角硬币的厚度是2 课桌高7 小红身高135 一节火车厢可装货60 汽车每小时行60 旗杆高10012、有两个长方形,长都是4厘米,宽都是2厘米,如果把它们拼成一个正方形,这个正方形的边长是厘米,周长是厘米13、小明从家到学校步行要20分钟,他要在7:45分到校,需从家出发14、足球比赛15:30分开始,17:10结束,比赛经过了时分15、3时=分 7分=秒 480秒=分二、真真假假:1、两个数相除,余数是6,除数最小是7 2、世界上每天都有人在死亡3、一个盒子里有红黄两种棋子,我任意摸一次一定能摸到红棋子4、把一张长方形纸分成7份,其中的3份是这张纸的5、分子与分母相等的分数等于1三、精挑细选:[在内写上正确的序号]1、分针从3走到7,经过分① 25 ② 20 ③ 402、一根绳子长92米,第一次用去34米,第二次用去26米,现在绳子的长度比原来缩短了多少米?正确的算式是①92-34-26 ②92- ③34+26 ④34-263、地球绕着太阳转①、一定②、可能③、不可能4、早晨人的影子在东西方向①、一定②、可能③、不可能5、把长为5厘米,宽为3厘米的2个长方形拼成一个新的长方形,新长方形比原来两个长方形的和①、不变②、增加了③、减少了四、展示自我:1、直接写出得数三年级上册寒假作业答案第1页、家庭安全隐患有哪些 ?1在做饭时会中途走开2.家庭没有灭火器,不知该放哪里3.家庭取暖器临睡前不断电. 第5页压岁钱的安排 1.存银行 2.买一份保险 3.用于有意义的事情,为爷爷奶奶买一份新年礼物第6页落叶树和非落叶数周围的动物落叶树:杨树旁的动物:蝉、喜鹊桃树旁的动物:蜜蜂、瓢虫柳树、旁的动物:燕子非落叶树:松树旁的动物:松鼠、老鹰腊梅旁的动物:麻雀蜜蜂冬青旁的动物蚯蚓、马蜂第7页让铅球浮在水面上的方法有哪些?1、铅球用线吊在水面2、把铅球做成空心的,球壁足够薄,球足够大3、铅球上绑泡沫、或木块我们在生活中,经常用到毛细现象来解决问题?给植物浇水,砖块吸水,毛巾吸汗,粉笔吸墨水第10页爸爸.妈妈.爷爷.奶奶小时候玩过的游戏有哪些?男孩有滚铁环打弹子打陀螺手枪斗鸡打弹弓拍香烟纸拍画片等等女孩有跳皮筋丢豆包跳绳抓筛子等等第13页放鞭炮很危险的方式有哪些?站在3米内燃放在室内燃放在瓶子里燃放在自己脚下燃放拿在手里燃放在高压电旁燃放在加油站前燃放放鞭炮的感想体会原本以为放鞭炮是一件很好的事,可是该我放了的时候,我有一些害怕了,不知是怎么回事,总是担心会出什么意外开始放了的时候,我还犹豫了五秒钟终于我点燃了鞭炮,随着震耳欲聋的炮声中,我作出了深刻的感想:“放炮是没有什么可怕的,我们要坚强起来,克服一切恐惧的心理,要学会尝试,因为没有大胆的尝试就不会有成功即使自己没有成功,也给自己留下了必要的经验第15页形容性格的成语!聪明伶俐善解人意积极进取好吃懒做胆小怕事诚实坦白第23页深水潜水员―――我的发现和解释用手轻轻挤压瓶子,“潜水员”向下运动松开手,又会发现,“潜水员”向上运动产生这一现象的原因是瓶子里面空气的气压变化造成的第28页含春字古诗国破山河在,城春草木深三年级上册寒假作业语文:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自买本子抄写书p128、p129生字,一个四个,组词两个3、完成三个作文,以写事为主,350字以上数学:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自己出应用题20道,口算题50道,用本子工整书写英语:1、抄写26个字母,一个写两排,并默写一次2、每天朗读课文十五分钟3、1-6单元单词,每个抄写两行三年级上册寒假作业语文:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自买本子抄写书p128、p129生字,一个四个,组词两个3、完成三个作文,以写事为主,350字以上数学:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自己出应用题20道,口算题50道,用本子工整书写英语:1、抄写26个字母,一个写两排,并默写一次2、每天朗读课文十五分钟3、1-6单元单词,每个抄写两行三年级上册寒假作业语文:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自买本子抄写书p128、p129生字,一个四个,组词两个3、完成三个作文,以写事为主,350字以上数学:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自己出应用题20道,口算题50道,用本子工整书写英语:1、抄写26个字母,一个写两排,并默写一次2、每天朗读课文十五分钟3、1-6单元单词,每个抄写两行三年级上册寒假作业语文:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自买本子抄写书p128、p129生字,一个四个,组词两个3、完成三个作文,以写事为主,350字以上数学:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自己出应用题20道,口算题50道,用本子工整书写英语:1、抄写26个字母,一个写两排,并默写一次2、每天朗读课文十五分钟3、1-6单元单词,每个抄写两行三年级上册寒假作业语文:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自买本子抄写书p128、p129生字,一个四个,组词两个3、完成三个作文,以写事为主,350字以上数学:1、认真完成寒假生活作业,并预习三年级下册的内容2、自己出应用题20道,口算题50道,用本子工整书写英语:1、抄写26个字母,一个写两排,并默写一次2、每天朗读课文十五分钟3、1-6单元单词,每个抄写两行小学三年级上学期语文寒假作业一、读一读,背一背1、每天阅读时间不少于1小时,假期至少阅读2本课外书籍并按读书笔记要求进行摘录推荐书目:《丁丁历险记》《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》《窗边的小豆豆》《夏洛的网》《大林和小林》《蓝鲸的眼睛》等2、坚持背诵古诗,共十首二、写一写,做一做1、练笔作业:五篇日记,内容自定,题目自拟,要求字数达标在250字以上,注意把事情叙述清楚,写具体,要合理分段,书写工整2、认真完成《寒假生活指导》三、综合实践1、搜集自己喜欢的十幅春联并背诵从中选2幅试着用毛笔在红纸上写下来,开学挂在班上进行展示2、办一份手抄报3、在春节期间,自己编写或摘抄优美的祝福语用手机短信的方式发给亲人和好友4、利用空余时间练习书法和绘画开学每人上交书法和绘画各一张最佳作品,班内展示并存入成长档案袋一、口算40e2= 49+23= 83-35= 5×80=二、填空我能行Ae7=9??( ),余数最大填( ),当余数最小时,A=( )三、我来当老师乘数末尾有几个0,积的末尾就有几个0 ( )四、填空题☆e5 =23??□□里最大填( ),☆里最大填( )五、实际问题体育室里有足球45个,篮球个数比足球少8个,两种球共多少个?六、用心思考,正确填写1分硬币的厚度大约是1( ),你的身高大约是140( )英语补全单词um_ _ _lla _ in_ _w ye_ _ow ze_ _a b_ ll_ _n一、看拼音写词语chuān dài jiǎ zhuāng hò di? yǒu q? shǐ jìn( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、形近字组词峰( ) 瓣( ) 钓( ) 绿( ) 耍( )蜂( ) 辫( ) 钩( ) 录( ) 要( )三选词填空争分夺秒争先恐后1.“110”的警察叔叔( )地抢救受伤的群众爱惜珍惜发现发明2.我( )王小华学习成绩赶上来,因为他现在变得( )时间,发愤学习了四.我会填古老的铜钟做游戏白发苍苍( )的草地跳( ) ( )( )的石级爬( ) ( )( )的天空想( ) ( )美术连线《夏邦蒂埃夫人和孩子们》中国宋苏焯《坐在柳条椅上的朵拉马尔》法国雷诺阿《豆花蜻蜓图》荷兰凡高一、口算26e2= 71-46= 65-29= 2×500=二、我会选每3人住一间房子,14人要住( )间A、5 B、4 C、6三、动手操作(1)画出长4厘米、宽2厘米的长方形.四、选择题小红从晚上8:00开始做睡觉,第二天5:00起床,小红睡了( )A、3小时B、13小时 C、9小时 D、无法计算英语按字母表顺序用小写形式重新排列下列大写字母D G I O K N P L A C F H M B E J一、给下面加点的字选择正确的读音,用“-”标出暑假( jià jiǎ ) 好奇( hǎo hào) 白发( fā fà )似的( sh ì sì ) 摇晃(huǎnɡ huànɡ) 朝霞(cháo zhāo)二、选词填空拣扶摔跑问拍我看到老奶奶( )到在地上,就立刻( )过去,把她( )起来,( )去她身上的尘土,帮她( )起掉在地上的东西,( )她有没有受三、习作天地题目: ( )的一天要求:1、把题目补充完整可填“快乐、幸福、难忘、难过??”2、围绕中心,把内容写具体美术填空1、面具的表现手法是2、三原色是指、、一、直接写出得数60e3= 200×5= 4×600= 110×8=二、我能行35的5倍是( ),35是5的( )倍三、我来当老师把一个苹果分成5份,每份是这个苹果的( )四、填空题□8>3968, □中可以填( )2、从上午9:00到下午4:00经过( )小时.五、实际问题森森小学操场长35米,宽25米,小明现在绕操场跑两圈共跑多少米?品德奶奶生病了,我会给奶奶倒开水,让奶奶吃药——————,我会—————————————————————————,我会—————————————————————————,我会———————————————————一、我会先比一比,再组词插( ) 仰( ) 倍( ) 奋( )播( ) 迎( ) 陪( ) 备( )二、在括号里填上合适的词一( )草地 ( )的石级 ( )地转动一( )报纸 ( )的朝霞( )地立着三、词语模仿秀例:嫩绿碧绿(含“绿”字)四、成语故事事半功倍战国的时候,有个大思想家叫孟子,他有很多的学生有一次他和他的学生公孙丑谈论统一天下的问题他们从周文王谈起,说当时文王以方圆仅一百里的小国为基础,施行仁政,因而创立了丰功伟业;而如今天下老百姓都苦于战乱,以齐国这样一个地广人多的大国,如能推行仁政,要统一天下,与当时周文王所经历的许多困难相比,那就容易得多了孟子最后说:“今天,像齐国那样的大国,如能施行仁政,天下百姓必定十分喜欢,犹如替他们解除痛苦一般所以,给百姓的恩惠只及古人的一半,而获得的效果必定能够加倍现在正是最好的时机呢!”后来人们便根据孟子所说的这两句话,引申为“事半功倍”,用来形容做事所花力量较小而收到的效果甚大音乐请你写出音乐中的三个速度记号?一、直接写出得数150×3= 31×3= 80e4= 36e3=二、用心思考,正确填写2米—4分米=( )分米 44厘米+26厘米=( )分米3千米—1000米=( )米 3000米+2000米=( )千米三、填空我能行1、250×4积的末尾有( )个02、一块油菜地的种白菜,剩下的种萝卜,种萝卜的地占整块地的( )四、判断题千克的海绵比5000克的黄金轻得多 ( )2.最大两位数乘最大一位数的结果是891 ( )3.乘数末尾有一个零,积得末尾一定只有一个零 ( )4.分母大的分数比较小 ( )英语选择合适的选项补全对话 1. Ben: How are you ? Alice:__________.2. Mr Li: Goodbye. Danny: ___________.3. Kitty: Hello! _____________. Alice: Hi! I’m Alice.4. Miss Fang: _____________? Ben: I’m Alice.: Good morning, Kitty. Kitty: ______________, Alice.A: I’m Kitty. B: Fine, thanks. C: GoodbyeD: Good morning. E: What’s your name?一、拼写词语,我最棒!zī r?n z ī shì liáo ku? zhang qua wǘ w?( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、形近字组词郊( ) 侧( ) 穷( ) 适( )胶( ) 测( ) 究( ) 括( )三、先读读词语,再选词填空坚决坚定1、年轻人( )地说:“我( )不使用麻醉药”气势汹汹蛮不讲理一拥而上不由分说2、一天,水稻田里发生了激烈的争吵一群杂草( )地要小稻秧把营养交出来小稻秧不愿意交出营养,这群杂草( ),( )地跟小稻秧抢营养,真是( )!四、词语模仿秀例:七上八下(含反义词)美术填空面塑制作的基本技法有、、、、、等一、口算31×3= 45+23= 6×70= 1000×0=二、用心思考,正确填写1、找规律,450,500,550,( ),( ),( )2、一个长方形切割成三个长方形,会增加( )条边3、8千克=( )克 6000克=( )千克三、解决问题大猴今年18岁,小猴今年14岁,当两人年龄和是64岁时,两人各是多少岁?四、认真读题,思考填空5480的最高位是( ),这个数读作( )英语快乐连一连1. 他是一位教师 A. Here you are.2. 她个子很高 B. Happy birthday to you.3. 给你 C. He’s my little brother.4. 祝你生日快乐 D. He’s a teacher.5. 他是我的小弟弟 E. She’s tall.一、拼写词语,我最棒!gǔ lìmáo d?n zhì huì chuí t?u sàng qì( ) ( ) ( ) ( )。



- 阅读几本有趣的书籍,并写读书笔记或读后感。

- 练习汉字书写,每天写一定数量的生字和词语。

- 背诵一些古诗词,增加文化积累。

- 完成一定数量的语文练习题,如病句修改、造句等。

- 做一些口算和笔算练习,提高计算能力。

- 阅读数学故事或做数学游戏,培养数学思维。

- 完成数学练习题,巩固所学知识。

- 观察生活中的数学问题,并尝试解决。

- 观看英语动画片或听英语歌曲,培养英语兴趣。

- 背诵英语单词和简单的对话。

- 阅读简单的英语故事书。

- 可以尝试用英语写日记或描述日常生活。

- 观察并记录自然界中的现象,如天气变化、动植物等。

- 做一些简单的科学实验,如小制作、小探究等。

- 阅读科普书籍,了解一些科学知识。

- 参加体育活动,如跑步、跳绳、打球等。

- 培养兴趣爱好,如绘画、音乐、手工等。

- 帮忙做家务,如打扫卫生、整理房间等。

- 和家人一起度过愉快的时光,如看电影、玩游戏、旅行等。


2、一次博物馆 (如果有机会可以做一次讲解员那就太好了)
3、一次图书馆 (可观察图书馆的管理办法,我们学校的图书馆需要你)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ精心搜集整理,只为你的需要
1、角色心情日志 (可以是手账的形式 )



三年级上册英语寒假作业2024年全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Winter Break Homework 2024Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 3rd grader. I'm so excited for winter break this year because I got a really fun homework packet from my English teacher, Mrs. Johnson. She gave us all kinds of cool activities to do over the holidays to practice our English skills. I can't wait to get started!The first thing in the packet is a winter vocabulary list with 50 new words. I have to learn the definitions and try to use each word in a sentence. Some of the words are really interesting, like "frosty," "sledding," and "hibernate." My favorite is "snowflake" because each one is totally unique and beautiful, just like me and my friends!Next up is a creative writing assignment all about my dream snow day. Mrs. Johnson wants us to describe what we would do if we woke up and saw a blizzard outside with several feet of fresh powdery snow covering everything. I'm going to write about building the most epic snowman ever, having anenormous snowball fight with my brothers, and drinking tons of hot chocolate to warm up afterwards. I'll use lots of descriptive words to paint a vivid picture.There's also a section on winter holidays around the world. We have to research how Christmas, New Year's, and a few other celebrations are observed in different countries, then compare the traditions. I think learning about other cultures is so fascinating. For example, did you know that in Russia, Santa is called "Grandfather Frost" and is accompanied by a helper named "Snow Maiden"? So cool!One of the pages has a bunch of wintertime idioms and phrases that we need to define and act out with our families. Idioms are those quirky sayings that don't make literal sense, like "killing two birds with one stone." Some of the winter ones are "cold feet," "snow job," and "circling the drain." I can't wait to see my little sister's reaction when I use them all in one conversation!The homework packet also includes several worksheets for grammar practice. There are mad libs, fill-in-the-blanks, and word scrambles to reinforce things like present tense verbs, conjunctions, and possessive nouns. Not quite as fun as the writing part, but still important to keeping our English skills sharp.For reading, we were assigned a novel called The Secret Winter Journal. It's about two kids who find an old diary hidden in the attic from someone who lived through an especially harsh winter in the 1800s. We have to read a few chapters each week and keep a log of new vocabulary words, figurative language examples, and comprehension questions. I already read the first two chapters and it's a real page-turner so far!Lastly, there's a section all about winter-themed arts and crafts. We can make paper snowflakes, homemade hot chocolate mix, salt dough ornaments, and more. We'll even learn simple ways to decorate plain mugs or t-shirts for holiday gifts. I've always loved art so I'm really looking forward to those cozy crafting sessions.Overall, I think this winter break homework from Mrs. Johnson is the perfect mix of fun and education. I'll get to be creative through writing and art while still practicing important English concepts. I might have to put in a little effort over my vacation, but at least it won't be boring! Plus, all the indoor activities will help me stay warm as the temperatures drop.I better get started on learning that vocabulary list. Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a very merry winter breakfilled with hot cocoa, good books, and maybe even a fresh snowfall or two!篇2My Amazing Winter Holiday!Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 3rd grader at Maple Elementary School. I just had the most incredible winter holiday and I can't wait to tell you all about it!It all started on the last day before our break. We had a huge holiday party at school with games, treats, and even a visit from Santa Claus himself! I was so excited, I could barely sit still. When the final bell rang, I raced home, dropped my backpack, and started making my holiday plans.First up was decorating the house with my mom and dad. We untangled strings of bright, twinkling lights and hung them along the railings and roofline. I loved watching the warm glow brighten up the cold, dark nights. Next, we set up the most beautiful Christmas tree! It was covered from top to bottom in shiny ornaments, tinsel, and candy canes. We topped it off with a shining star that lit up the whole living room. Our house looked so festive and cozy!A few days before Christmas, we had a big family dinner with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. The table was piled high with delicious holiday foods like roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, sweet yams, tart cranberry sauce, and buttery rolls. For dessert, we had pie--pumpkin and pecan! I ate so much, I could barely move. After dinner, we all gathered around the sparkling tree and took turns opening our gifts. I got some new books, art supplies, board games, and best of all--a brand new bike! I was over the moon.On Christmas morning, I woke up before the sun and raced downstairs to see what Santa had brought. Lo and behold, under the tree were a ton of perfectly wrapped gifts just for me! I tore them open one by one, squealing with delight at each new treasure. Santa had brought me everything from video games to cozy pajamas to a remote control robot. My favorite though was the gigantic teddy bear--he was almost as big as me!After the presents, my family and I snuggled up to watch holiday movies and nibble on leftovers all day long. We saw classics like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, and Elf. I laughed so hard my belly hurt. That night we bundled up and went for a ride around the neighborhood to see all the dazzling light displays. People really went all out this year!Some even had moving figures, dancing lights, and holiday music playing. It looked like a magical winter wonderland.A few days after Christmas, it started snowing--thick, heavy flakes that quickly covered the ground in a powdery white blanket. My friends and I spent hours outside, building snowmen, having rambunctious snowball fights, and going sledding down the biggest hill in the park. We'd come inside rosy-cheeked and shivering, then warm up with hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows. Pure heaven!As the old year came to an end, we rang in the new year with noisemakers, sparklers, and a spectacular fireworks show at midnight. I got to stay up way past my bedtime and everything seemed to sparkle and shine under the starry sky. When the fireworks were over, my dad lifted me onto his shoulders and I saw the brand new numbers: 2025! I made a wish for the new year as the final embers faded into the night. A whole new year, full of possibilities!The rest of my holiday was filled with cozy days at home, playing with my new toys and watching more classic movies. We made big batches of hot chocolate and backed sweet treats like snickerdoodles and fudge. Sometimes friends would come overfor indoor picnics and epic board game battles that ended with a bang! I never wanted the fun to end.But alas, all good things must come to an end. The night before heading back to school, I sadly packed away my new belongings and got my backpack and supplies ready. I was already missing the holiday magic and freedom. As I drifted off to sleep, I made another wish that time would freeze so I didn't have to go back just yet.Well, here I am on my first day back...but you know what? Even though the holidays are over, I have so many wonderful memories to look back on. Getting to spend quality time with my loving family, eating all my favorite foods, exchanging meaningful gifts, playing in the fluffy snow, watching fireworks explode篇3Winter Holiday Homework 2024Yay, finally the winter holidays are here! No more waking up super early and rushing to catch the school bus. I can stay in my pajamas all day if I want to. The holidays are the best time of the year!But before I can fully relax, I have to finish all my winter holiday homework assignments. My English teacher gave us a huge packet to complete over the break. I better get started on it so I'm not cramming it all in at the last minute.The first assignment is to write a short story using vocabulary words we learned this semester. Hmm, which words should I use? Maybe I can write a story about a greedy goblin who hoards toys in his treehouse. I'll use words like "stingy", "cluttered" and "perched" to describe him and his messy hideout. This could be a fun story to write!Next up is reading comprehension. We have to read two short novels and answer questions about the main characters, plot, setting and more. One book is about a magic treehouse that can transport you through time. The other is a mystery about a missing gemstone. I'll start with the magic treehouse book since it sounds the most exciting.Part way through there are some challenging vocabulary words I don't know, like "culprit" and "inscribed". I'll have to look those up in the dictionary. My mom bought me a huge new dictionary for my birthday. It's so thick and has tiny print, but it's helpful for finding definitions.After reading both books, I have to write a one-page book report on each novel. I'll summarize what happened in the beginning, middle and end of each story. Then I'll write whether I would recommend the book to a friend or not.The grammar section has me identifying parts of speech and diagramming sentences. Ugh, this is my least favorite part! It's so confusing trying to figure out whether something is a preposition, pronoun or adverb. Diagramming the sentence structure is even harder. I'll need to ask my parents for help with this.There are also worksheets on punctuation and capitalization rules. I have to correct the mistakes in each sentence. That doesn't seem too difficult. As long as I know things like capitalizing proper nouns and people's names, I should be okay.For the writing prompts, I have to write a few short paragraphs expressing my opinion on topics like "What is the most important trait for a friend?" and "If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?" My answers will be about how friends should be honest and wolves are the coolest animals.Lastly, there are a few creative projects to work on. One is to make a diorama illustrating a scene from one of the novels weread. I think I'll make a diorama of the magic treehouse with a few animal figurines inside. For the art project, I have to draw my favorite character from any book and decorate the picture with lots of colors and patterns. Maybe I'll draw the friendly dolphin from that one book about ocean adventures.Phew, this is a whole lot of homework to get through over the holidays! I'll pace myself and keep chipping away at it little by little each day. Hopefully I can still find some time to play outside, build snowmen and go sledding. The holidays just aren't the same without a chance to relax too!If I procrastinate too much, I'll end up feeling stressed out and rushing through the assignments at the last minute. That's no fun at all. Last year I waited until the night before school started again and I was up late scrambling to finish everything. This time I'll be smart and get my work done early so I can enjoy the rest of my break.Well, time to stop stalling and start working on this English homework packet. After I power through the assignments, I can go build a pillow fort and read comics all day. Let's get 'er done!篇4My 2024 Winter Break English HomeworkHi there! I'm a third-grader and over this past winter break, I had a really fun English homework assignment to work on. Our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, gave it to us right before the holidays. She said it would be a great way to practice our English skills while also having a good time! I was pretty excited about it.The assignment was to make a mini picture book all about our winter break adventures. We had to write it completely in English and include illustrations too. Mrs. Johnson said the book could be anywhere from 10-20 pages long, so that gave us a lot of room to get creative.My book ended up being 15 pages. On the first couple of pages, I wrote about how thrilled I was when winter break finally arrived after waiting so patiently. I talked about the last day of school before the holidays and how my best friend Tommy and I could hardly sit still because we were so eager for vacation to start.Then I wrote about the fun things my family and I did to get ready for the holidays. We went to pick out a fresh Christmas tree together and I drew a picture of us bundled up, carrying it back to our car. My mom always makes the most delicious Christmas cookies, so I included a page with crayon drawings of the cookies and descriptions of how yummy they tasted.A few pages were dedicated to Christmas Day itself. I described waking up early and rushing to see the presents under the tree. My favorite gift was a brand new art set with colored pencils, markers, paints, and a sketchpad. I'm really into drawing and painting, so I was super thrilled! I drew my artistic supplies on one of the pages.After Christmas, my family took a little trip to visit my grandparents in another state. We drove there and stayed for a few nights. In the book, I wrote about the long car ride, singing songs together, and playing road trip games. I also talked about finally arriving and how excited my grandparents were to see us. My grandma gives the biggest, warmest hugs!At my grandparents' house, we did lots of fun things like baking sweet treats, watching movies while drinking hot chocolate, and playing board games. We even had a few snowball fights when it snowed one day! I made sure to include illustrations showing those activities.Eventually it was time to make the drive back home. I wrote about stopping at a fun diner for lunch on the way, where I got to have a yummy milkshake. When we finally returned, it felt so nice to be back in my own house and sleep in my cozy bed again.The last few pages covered ringing in the new year and getting ready to head back to school after break. We had a little New Year's Eve party at home, staying up late (a big deal for an 8-year-old!), watching the ball drop on TV, and blowing kazoos and throwing confetti when the clock struck midnight. I drew those memories too.Finally, there were some pages about my mixed feelings as winter break came to a close. I wrote about being sad that the fun was over, but also feeling rested and ready to see my friends and teachers again. Drawing and writing this book helped me hang on to the great holiday memories.When we turned our books in after returning from winter break, Mrs. Johnson said she loved how creative everyone got with their assignments. She kept the books for a while to read through them all, and then sent them back home with us a few weeks later. Now my winter break picture book gets to be a permanent reminder of the amazing holidays I had. What a fantastic way to practice my English skills!篇5My 2024 Winter BreakThe winter break from school was so much fun this year! It felt like it went by really quickly, but I got to do a lot of cool things. I'll try my best to tell you all about it.The break started on December 23rd after our last day of school before the holidays. My brother Jackson and I were so excited for no school and no homework for a few weeks. On Christmas Eve, we got to open one present each before bedtime.I got a new art set with colored pencils, markers, paints, and lots of other supplies. Jackson got a remote control car that could do flips and tricks. It was really neat!On Christmas morning, we woke up super early like always. My little sister Emma was the first one up at 5am! She came running into my room yelling "Santa came! Santa came!" We weren't allowed to go downstairs yet though so we had to wait for mom and dad to wake up. Finally, at 7am they let us head down to the living room. The tree had so many presents under it!I got an awesome new bike, a basketball hoop for my room, some books, and lots of fun games. My favorite present was the art supplies Santa brought too. Jackson got a big Lego set, some video games, and okay...I was a little jealous of the virtual reality headset he got. Emma got all kinds of dolls, stuffed animals, anddress up clothes. We spent the whole morning playing with our new toys.After lunch, we went over to grandma and grandpa's house with the whole family. We had a huge dinner with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, veggies, and way too many desserts. I think I ate three slices of pumpkin pie! We got to see our cousins, aunts, and uncles too which was fun. We played games, watched movies, and stayed up way too late.The day after Christmas, we slept in really late after getting home. Then in the afternoon, we went with mom and dad to see the new superhero movie at the theater. It was amazing! The special effects were so cool and there were a ton of action scenes.I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet though.Over the next few days, I spent a lot of time outside since it wasn't too cold out. Jackson, Emma and I had some epic snowball fights and built a couple of sledding ramps in the backyard. Our snowman this year was the best one yet - he had a carrot nose, a dad's old hat, and I used rocks to make him a smiley face. Such a happy little snow guy!For New Year's Eve, we got to stay up until midnight! We watched the ball drop on TV, played games, ate snacks, and I even got to have a couple sips of mom's sparkling cider atmidnight. When the new year started, we ran outside and made as much noise as possible banging pots and pans. It was absolute chaos but so much fun.After New Year's, we just had a few days left before heading back to school. I worked on a huge 1000 piece puzzle, read a couple books from my new collection, and played a ton of video games with Jackson. We even had a couple playdates with friends from school when the weather was nice enough.My favorite day might have been when we went indoor ice skating though. I was a little nervous at first because I'm not the greatest skater. But after falling down a bunch of times in the beginning, I started getting the hang of it. By the end of our session, I could glide around the rink without holding onto the wall at all. Jackson was a pro since he takes skating lessons, but he helped Emma and me out a lot.Too soon, it was time to go back to school on January 8th. I was really sad for the break to be over! It went by so fast. But I guess I was also excited to see my friends and teachers again. Maybe the teacher will go easy on us with homework for a little while after having such an awesome break!I just hope this summer break comes quickly because I'm already counting down the days until I'm out of school again.There's just so much fun stuff to do without classes, homework, and having to wake up early every day. This winter break was epic and I made so many amazing memories. Thanks for reading about my adventures - I hope you had just as great of a holiday!篇6Winter Break AdventuresYay, winter break is finally here! No more school for a few weeks. I love this time of year because it means spending lots of fun time with my family and friends. We always have such exciting adventures during the holidays.This year, my big plans for the break included going ice skating at the outdoor rink in the park near my house. I've been practicing skating at the indoor rink, but there's something extra special about being outside in the crisp winter air. My best friend Emily and I could spend hours gliding around on the ice, laughing and racing each other. We'd warm up afterwards with hot chocolate piled high with whipped cream and marshmallows. Mmm, I can taste it now!Another tradition my family loves is heading up to the mountains for a skiing weekend. We rent a cozy cabin in the woods and spend our days on the slopes. I'm still just a beginnerskier, so I stick to the bunny slopes and take lessons. My big brother is an expert though - he can go flying down the black diamond trails no problem. In the evenings, we sit by the fireplace playing board games and drinking hot apple cider. Those nights are my favorite.I also signed up for the community center's arts and crafts camp for a few days over the break. We'll be making all kinds of fun winter-themed projects like salt dough ornaments, melted crayon art, and papier mache snowmen. Art is one of my favorite subjects in school, so I'm really excited about the camp. I love getting my hands messy with paint, glue, and clay. Who knows, maybe I'll create a masterpiece to hang on our fridge at home!Another special event I'm looking forward to is watching the giant Christmas tree lighting ceremony downtown with my family. They always have singing performances, dance troupes, and a fireworks show at the end. It's such a magical experience. Afterwards, we'll wander around the outdoor holiday market, sipping steaming mugs of hot chocolate and admiring all the beautiful light displays and decorations. I might persuade my parents to buy me a box of fresh churros from one of the food trucks!On the last day before we go back to school, my family is planning to throw a big New Year's Eve party. We'll invite all our friends and relatives over for fun games, dancing, and a major feasting of all my favorite foods. I can't wait to stuff my face with pizza, chicken nuggets, mom's famous meatballs, and probably about a million cookies. When the ball drops at midnight, we'll blow kazoos, toot horns, and stomp our feet to make as much noise as humanly possible while we welcome the new year. What a great way to cap off my amazing winter break adventures!Those are just some of the cool highlights I'm looking forward to over this holiday vacation. Spending quality time with my awesome family and friends, making fun memories, and enjoying the crisp winter air is what it's all about. I have a feeling these next few weeks are going to be pretty epic. Bring it on, winter break!。



人教版三年级数学上册寒假作业(5篇范文)115-24=11+22=60×9=8×51=564-12=456+45=30×4=81÷9=70÷7=45-23=12+24=420÷6=100×26=2400+300 =5600÷7 =320+780=400×5=209×4=8652+36 =9×12=4020×10=1、一个长方形的周长与边长是9厘米的正方形周长相等,长方形的长比宽多14厘米,这个长方形的长和宽各是多少?2、两盒玻璃球,甲盒比乙盒少19个,小明从乙盒中取出5个球,送给小花3个,剩下的放入甲盒,这时乙盒个数是甲盒的2倍.甲、乙盒原来各有玻璃球多少个?3、王老师带了8000元钱,买一台电脑用去了6387元,买一台打印机用去986元,还剩多少元?4、三、四年级同学一共收集树种65千克,三年级同学收集6袋,每袋5千克,四年级心理学收集了多少千克?5、电视机厂第一天上午生产电视机274台,下午生产196台,如果第三天生产510台,第一天比第二天少生产多少台? 456-12=879+54=13×3=270÷3=730-459= 157+405=360×2=280÷7=640-181=559+67=38×4=360÷6=350-90=2657+79=380×5= 72 ×2=×9 =–87=– 96=384 –312=1、家具厂上个月生产单人木床1500张,双人木床1850张,铁床2500张,铁床比木床少生产多少张?2、手帕厂原计划八月份生产手帕3280打.采用新的生产流水线后,生产的手帕运走了2960打,还剩875打.比原来计划增产多少打?3、少先队员割草.第一小队割草46千克,第二小队割草54千克,第三小队比第一、二小队割草总数少39千克,第三小队割草多少千克?4、第一养鸡场养鸡2670只,第二养鸡场比第一养鸡场少养980只,两个养鸡场一共养鸡多少只?5、食堂九月份烧煤300千克,十月分比九月份节约用煤40千克.两个月共烧煤多少千克?120×4=480÷8=160×6=12×7 =900÷10= 160×5=480+321=300-299=1000-72=180×5= 689×5≈5430÷9≈3976÷8≈2080×4≈263×8≈240+372 =578-525 =577-149 =89×10=899-220=1、冬冬和明明帮老师搬书,一共有26本书,冬冬先抢着搬了一部分,明明不服气,抢走一半,冬冬又从明明处抢回一半,明明不肯,冬冬还他5本,这时冬冬比明明少搬2本,问最初冬冬准备搬多少本?2、甲乙两船从AB两地同时相向出发,在距A地700处第一次相遇,两船继续航行,到达对岸后返航,在返航途中,距乙地400处,第二次相遇,求AB两地距离是多少?3、洗衣机厂九月份上半月生产洗衣机845台,下半月生产968台,八月分生产1560台.九月份比八月份多生产多少台?两个月共生产多少台?4、张大伯家有8袋化肥,每袋重50千克,用去315千克,还剩多少千克?5、饲养小组养灰兔75只,养的白兔是灰兔的5倍.两种兔共多少只? 106×9 =465-451=280×6 =213+268=72+287= 389-350=925+440=985-257=165-42 =2300-409= 528+323 =1100×5=555-377=298+4590 =220×8= 1970-289=415×9=500-251=666×3=288×9=1、饲养小组养灰兔75只,是白兔的5倍.这个饲养小组共养兔多少只?2、一个小组有9个工人,同时加工塑料封面,平均每人加工105个.把其中的850个装在箱子里,还剩下多少个?3、商场有白汗衫8箱,每箱560件.有花汗衫2600件.花汗衫比白汗衫少多少件?4、一箱桔子重15千克,一箱苹果的重量是桔子的2倍.8箱这样的苹果重多少千克?5、供销社收购鸡蛋1300千克,收购的鸭蛋比鸡蛋多2500千克.收购的鸡蛋和鸭蛋共多少千克? 269+987=570-381=1500-711=420×2=990÷3=770÷7=660÷3=960÷3=180÷9=659+15=560+114=206×6=380×6=844+123=700÷7=744+158=288+999=183+695=2340+606=212+297=677-499=1、书法小组有6个同学,每人每天写24个大字,照这样计算,一星期,这个书法小组共写多少个大字?2、玩具厂每个工人每小时可以制作6个玩具,9个工人工作小时,可以制造玩具多少个?3、缝纫小组有8个工人,每人每天做4套衣服.6天可以做衣服多少套?4、一个网球约重60克,一个少年排球的重量是网球重量的4倍.9个少年排球重多少千克?5、一只蜻蜓一小时最多能吃840只蚊子,照这样计算,4只蜻蜓2小时最多能吃蚊子多少只? 660÷6=800×2=500÷5=3×800=420÷7=3×220=480÷4=589+33=420-20=93÷3=645-936=2008-2000=615×5=385×7=170×5 =7371×4=162-85=437×6=4500×36 =1、童装厂九月份计划生产童装2060套,结果上半月生产1208套,下半月生产1395套,超过计划多少套?2、同学们去植树.三年级3个班,每班种 45棵,四年级种的棵数是三年级总数的2倍.四年级种了多少棵?3、一个小组生产一种零件.前5天平均每天生产125个,第六天生产135个.这个小组一星期(五天)生产这种零件多少个?4、第一小队参加学校劳动,每人每次搬砖6块,9人4次可搬砖多少块?5、林场有2800棵杨树,柳树比杨树多1500棵,松树比柳树少120棵.松树有多少棵?880÷4=1200-299=111×7=808-46=7950+51=810÷9=0×85=1478×2=5×900=416×6= 3656×4=800177=142×4=788-336=75+217=415+2120 =78×7=150-48=360+1578 =918-97 =1、学校举行美术作品展览.一、二年级展出48幅,三年级展出的图画是一、二年级总数的2倍.三个年级共展出多少幅?2、供销社采购了一批书包.红书包有65只,黄书包的只数是红书包的2倍,花书包比黄书包少30只,花书包有多少只?3、菜场运来西红柿和黄瓜共重400千克,其中西红柿4筐,每筐38千克.黄瓜有多少千克?4、新风村修一条路,平均每天修150米,修了4天,还剩80米没修.这条路长多少米?5、电视机厂第一天装配电视机215台,第二天上午装配108台,下午装配136台.第二天比第一天多装配多少台? 238×6=876×3=417×6=753×5=2×178=439+460=248+8970=375×5=67×6=3940-120 = 450-75=268+29=315-345 =948-13 =560-124 =756+235=1780-264=485+121=7178-777=149+789=1、水果店有苹果64千克,梨是苹果的4倍,把这些梨平均装在8个筐里,每个筐里有多少千克?2、电影院楼下有8排,共有428个座位,楼上有9排,每排28个座位,楼上比楼下少多少个座位?3、印刷厂计划每天印1350本书,实际5天印了7000本,实际每天比计划多印多少本?4、提高题:a.一幢六层楼,每层之间有20级楼梯,从楼下走到5层,要走多少级楼梯?b.在一道减法算式中,已知被减数、减数与差的和是100,那么被减数是多少?80÷4=100÷2 =100×4 =240÷6 =360÷4 =560÷7=78+32=280+60=740-300 =210×4 =63÷9=506×4=561×4=642-206 =72+240=25+276=63÷7=50×6=420-80=1、有48个学生参加三项体育比赛,但参加的每项活动的人数不一样,而人数都有一个数字“6”,参加三项体育比赛的各有几人?`2.龙龙和亮亮去公园玩,想买票,但是他们没有足够的钱。






暑假期间,晓明随同学一起参加以“寻找人类足迹”为主题的夏令营活动,以下是他们的活动中的情景,据此回答13—15题:13、经过讨论他们决定先到我国境内已知最早人类的遗址所在地,他们到了 A.云南元谋B.北京周口店C.西安半坡D.浙江河姆渡14、一周后,晓明和同学们来到了长江流域某原始农耕时代的居民遗址参观,这一古代居民是A 北京人B山顶洞人C 半坡原始居民D河姆渡原始居民15、某电视剧里有描绘半坡原始居民生活的四个镜头,晓明同学认出了其中的哪个镜头是错误的A.用火把肉烤熟吃B.使用陶制器皿C.穿着麻布缝的衣服D.使用铁制农具开垦荒地16、被华夏儿女尊称为“人文初祖”的是A黄帝B炎帝C大禹17、禹传子,“公天下”变成“家天下”。



他由此回忆起哪一个历史事件?A 炎黄部落打败蚩尤部落B 商汤灭夏C 牧野之战D 国人暴动20、夏商西周灭亡的共同原因是A.自然灾害严重,使社会经济遭到破坏B.王朝后期国王昏庸残暴 C.爆发平民大起义D.少数民族入侵21、“周幽王烽火戏诸侯”、“孔子周游列国”,与“诸侯”“列国”的产生相关的制度是 A.禅让制B.世袭制C.分封制D.郡县制22、“对内整顿朝政,对外‘尊王攘夷’,终于成就了春秋五霸之首的伟业。

”材料中的这位历史人物应是B.晋文公C.宋襄公D.楚庄王23、齐桓公即位后,任用谁为相在齐国进行改革A.重耳B.姜子牙C.管仲D.商鞅 24下列成语与吴越争霸有关的是A老马识途 B退避三舍C卧薪尝胆D 尊王攘夷25、在历史课上,同学们畅所欲言,内容涉及:立木为信、国家承认土地私有和奖励耕战等。



1. 阅读一本你喜欢的书,并写一篇读后感。


2. 观察身边的事物,写一篇小短文。


3. 学习写一首简单的诗歌,可以模仿课本中的诗歌形式,也可以自己创作。


4. 练习书写汉字,每天写一篇汉字,注意笔画顺序和字形结构。


5. 搜集一些春联,并试着自己写一副春联。


6. 观看一部你喜欢的电影或动画片,并写一篇观后感。


7. 完成一份手抄报,内容可以是关于春节、元宵节等传统节日的介绍,也可以是关于你喜欢的动物的介绍。





1 蝴蝶勇气观察手掌绒毛孔雀坪坝使劲
4 (1)居然(2)果然(3)忽然(4)鲜红(5)鲜艳(6)奇怪好奇(7)好奇
7 (6、3、2、4、1、5)
9 (1)画蛇添足马不停蹄鼠目寸光守株待兔生龙活虎对牛弹琴狐假虎威一马平川
10 (1)jué nán








16分jīnɡ xīn pīn mìnɡ mò fánɡ dǒu dònɡbō luó jǐn zhānɡ chuí tóu sànɡ qì⼆、⽐⼀⽐,组词。

10分遥( ) 倍( ) 异( ) 梅( ) 紧( )摇( ) 陪( ) 导( ) 枚( ) 紫( )三、给词语找伙伴,连⼀连。


5分天对 , ⽩,⾬对 , 红,⼤陆对 。


⼭花对 ,⾬中 落,对苍穹。

灯下 鸣。









(1)《夜书所见》的作者是( )代诗⼈( )。

后两句诗的意思是:(2)《九⽉九⽇忆⼭东兄弟》的作者是( )代诗⼈( )。


4分( )它的茎像个绿⾊的圆球,仿佛挺着个圆圆的“⼤肚⼦“( )这些花有⽩的,也有黄的。

( )茎上长满了⼩刺,还开过⼏次花。

( )我外公家有⼀盆仙⼈球。







三年级寒假作业单一、语文作业1. 阅读理解:阅读故事《小红帽》,并回答相关问题。

2. 作文:以寒假游玩为题材,写一篇日记。

3. 诗歌背诵:背诵一首自己喜欢的古诗。

二、数学作业1. 算数题:完成练册第3单元的题。

2. 运算练:将下列计算题计算出结果。

a) 56 + 23b) 105 - 37c) 8 × 6d) 40 ÷ 5三、英语作业1. 单词拼写:将下列单词拼写正确。

a) appleb) elephantc) yellowd) pencile) orange2. 语法练:选择正确的形容词填空。

a) The sky is __________ today.b) Lucy has __________ eyes.c) The dog is __________ than the cat.四、科学作业1. 实验报告:观察并记录植物的生长变化,写一份实验报告。

2. 探究练:回答下面的问题。

a) 为什么太阳会升起和落下?b) 什么是水的三态?c) 为什么冬天会下雪?五、思维训练1. 数独:完成给定的数独题目。

2. 推理题:猜测下面的图案是什么。

六、阅读任务1. 阅读《小侠盗》,并写一篇读后感。

2. 阅读一本自己喜欢的书籍,写一份读书笔记。

七、艺术创作1. 绘画:用画笔和颜料画一幅冬天的景色。

2. 手工制作:用纸张、剪刀和胶水制作一朵花。








七、1降落伞 2傻瓜 3机床 4铅球 5偷笑 6借光 7天书 8纸老虎9医生 10结果第2天三、1恒心 2耐心 3细心五、1小猴子避雨 2小猴子玩耍遇上天下雨,他们想办法进小木屋避雨的事。



2送礼物35 分别拿着自己的“财产”当礼物送人 5金币,知识第8天三、竟然果然突然?五、1迷路犹豫雪糕冰棍沙砾泪六、狗猪鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡第9天五、略第10天三、1?×2?×3?×4?×五、栏圈笼池圈圈窝巢第11天一、1?②①①②2?①①②②3?②①②①?四、1?因为……所以……2?既然……就……3?不但……而且……第12天三、1.略2.幼儿园小学中学大学研究生院3.桃花花植物生物?四、1.昨天刮了一天的风。











序号:3第一部分:阅读理解序号:3.11. 配对阅读:阅读短文,完成相关的题目,要求学生能够准确理解文章内容,抓住文章的中心思想,并从中获取所需信息。

序号:3.22. 阅读理解:阅读相对复杂的短文,要求学生能够运用自己的语文知识和阅读技巧,理解文章中的深层次意义,分析和归纳文章中的信息,认识文章的构造和写作特点。

序号:4第二部分:写作序号:4.11. 记叙文写作:引导学生根据老师所给的写作题目,以及自己的亲身经历,进行对照、推理,写一篇充满个人感情色彩的小记叙文。

序号:4.22. 图画作文:以一副图画为基础,对图画中所描述的事件进行合理推断,进行联想和想象,并进行适当的发挥,进行题材创作写一篇优美的小作文。

序号:5第三部分:语文练习序号:5.11. 语文练习卷:包括词语理解、语法运用、阅读理解、作文题等多个部分,旨在巩固学生在上学期所学习的知识和技能,为新学期的学习打下坚实的基础。

序号:6第四部分:综合能力序号:6.11. 作文批改:学生不仅需要写作文,还需要对其他同学的作文进行批改,让他们在分析和批改他人作文的过程中,更好地理解并掌握语文知识点和写作技巧。

序号:6.22. 诗词鉴赏:选择经典的古诗词,让学生感受我国传统文化的魅力,培养他们的审美意识和语文修养。





小学三年级上册数学寒假作业(最终五篇)第一篇:小学三年级上册数学寒假作业第一天1、口算800×2=50÷5=3×800=420÷7=26+9=2、竖式计算825+258 =9864-98=3、应用题1.商店有4筐苹果,每筐55千克,已经卖出135千克,还剩多少千克苹果?2.美术组有24人,体育组的人数是美术组的4倍,两个组共有多少人?第二天1、口算60×5=2×44=840÷4=800+7=2×200=2、竖式计算760 ×15 = 3700÷5=3、应用题1.每盒粉笔1元3角4分,每瓶墨水6角2分,学校买了6盒粉笔5瓶墨水,共花多少钱?2.有篮球9个,足球的个数是篮球的8倍,足球有多少个?第三天1、口算80-46=0×85=330÷3=3×23=64÷2=2、竖式计算49×78=133÷4=3、应用题1.商店有黄气球19个,红气球比黄气球少7个,花气球的个数是红气球的2倍,花气球有多少个?2.同学们做习题,小华做了75道,小明做了85道,小青比小华和小明的总数少30道,小青做了多少道?第四天1、口算:38+25= 12×5= 87+35= 46÷5=2、竖式计算40×20 =11×80 =3、应用题1.学校有14棵杨树,杨树的棵数是松树的2倍,柳树比松树多4棵,有多少棵柳树?2.三年级(1)班有46人,其中21人是女生,男生比女生多多少人?第五天1、口算44+81= 98-76= 38+53= 75×2=2、竖式计算640÷8 =240÷6 =3、应用题1.甲有140元,甲的钱数是乙的2倍,甲乙共有多少元?2.一列火车早上5时从甲地开往乙地,按原计划每小时行驶120千米,上午11时到达乙地,问火车实际行驶多少千米?第六天1、口算200÷4 =42+9 =32×20 =15×6=22÷2=2、竖式计算54×63=5×38=3、应用题1、暑假里小利坚持每天写36个大字,30天她一共能写多少个大字?2、张林带了10元钱,买了一副乒乓球拍和一盒乒乓球,一副乒乓球拍7元,一盒乒乓球2元,应找回多少钱?第七天1、口算3×10=80×40=18×5=40×60=2、竖式计算508÷2=370÷5=3、应用题1、一块长方形菜地长45米,宽28米,这块地的周长是多少?2、一桶油重30千克,用去一半后,还剩多少千克?第八天1、口算70÷5=25×4=15×6=630÷9=2、竖式计算4=450÷5=13×64×28=820÷3=3、应用题1.一辆汽车早上8点从甲地开往乙地,每小时行驶60千米,中午12时到达乙地。















摄影(sèshè)钥匙(yuèyào)一缕(lǚlǔ)促使(cùzù)纳闷(lànà)沉默(mèi mò)3.比一比,再组词。











6.(1)精明(2)精美(3)精光(4)尽管……仍然……(5)因为……所以……2.小学3年级上册寒假作业答案(语文)篇二一、燃烧荒山掩映环绕纯净窗帘建造波涛词典墙角二、dào zhěng bēng qīng rǔshuǎng三、略四、烈日当空骄阳似火连绵不断湖光山色千帆竞发美不胜收五、好像特别立刻映衬六、略七、1、童话书被小明带回家2、猎人把小鹿的后腿打伤了。
































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