第四单元 单元写作



我们学的课文,大都有清晰的思路,要注意体会模仿。比如《再塑生命的人》是按时间顺序展 开思路的。
平时阅读课外读物,也要想着理清其思路。久而久之,你的思维会得到锻炼,表达也会清晰、 有条理。那么,有什么方法能让作文思路清晰呢?可以从以下方面人手。
一、整体构思 看到作文题目,你可能会有很多想法,会想到很多材料。这时别急于落笔,首先想清楚你要表 达的中心是什么,再据此取舍材料,并大致思考文章的整体结构。比如,要表达“他是一个热爱 学习的学生”这一中心,下面这些材料,你会用到哪些呢?大致采取什么样的结构呢?
三、列提纲 在头脑中形成作文的结构框架后,用提纲的形式把它呈现出来,有助于思路的清晰和完善。提 纲不仅要呈现文章的整体框架,也要包括文章各部分的内容要点。
叶圣陶先生说:“思想是有一条路的,一句一句,一段一段都是有路的,好文章的作者是决不 乱走的。”那些言之有物、言之成理的好文章,都是建立在思路清晰、言之有序的基础上的。
一、学会拟写作文提纲 写作是需要相对严谨的逻辑思维。写作前必须明确为什么写、写什么、怎么写,有一个清楚的 整体构思,这就如同盖楼房要先绘出“图纸”一样。有了写作提纲,文章就有了一个轮廓,写起 来心中有数,有条不紊。 不少同学不愿意拟写作提纲,觉得麻烦,耽误时间,结果想到哪儿写到哪儿,任意发挥,从而 出现条理不清、结构松散等弊病。为了减少盲目性,克服随意性,保证写作质量,我们一定要首 先学会写提纲。 记叙文写作提纲主要涉及:1.拟写标题;2.行文要点;3.思路结构;4.各层大意;5.表达技 巧。 1.拟写标题 文章标题如同人的眼睛,也是透视心灵的窗户。俗话说:“题好文一半。” 标题必须要有一定的作用:或是交代叙事要素,或是揭示文章主旨,或是蕴含深刻含义,或是 新奇别致吸引读者。 记叙文标题的拟写:或直接以人、事、物作题,或以时间、地点作题,或利用比喻拟人等修辞 作题。 2.行文要点 记叙文的行文要点包括时间、地点、人物、事件、起因、过程、结果、影响。


飞出了栅栏;有人受伤了,整个机舱乱成一团。空姐们不断安慰着大家的情绪,可这也无济于事。 李红说:“要不就迫降,总比坠毁好。”雷鸣面不改色:“不等到最后一刻,决不能做出这样的决定, 再等等。”
突然,飞机失去了控制,向深黑的海面坠去。机舱里一片嗷嚎。大家忍不住闭上了眼睛。 “咚——”的一声,飞机落到了海上。空姐有序组织大家快速调整好自己撤离,一个个救生艇都打开 了。人们拥挤在上面。最后一个离开机舱的是副机长李红。他的腿止不住的颤抖,一下子从机舱里栽 倒了下来。飞机慢慢地沉入了水中。可人们都得救了。
众人排队过桥时,老支书再次 因党性原则,“揪”出了抢在队伍 中的一个党员小伙子。
淘气包学习了《丁香 结》,想酿造“丁香蜜”
班长王寒冰发现教室门口 的丁香花越来越少了,通过侦 查,发现是淘气包 张明偷偷摘 花,她要告诉班主任。
班主任李军没有立刻 批评张明,询问原因
她“不安”的不是要不要把孤儿送回 去,而是担忧自己丈夫身上的生活重担, “揍我一顿也好!”
环境:开满丁香花的校园 人物:淘气包张明
雷厉风行的班长王寒冰 充满活力的年轻班主任李军
环境:冬日黄昏时车来人往的街头 人物:充满爱心的少年王天
依次登上了飞机,机场雷鸣,副机长李红也走进了驾驶室。 这是老机长雷鸣最后一次驾驶飞机了,这次飞行对他来说十分重要。旅客们安顿下来,飞机开始
滑行,冲刺,起飞,飞机咆哮着插入茫茫云海。 过了一会儿,飞机进入平稳期,开启自动驾驶模式。雷鸣躺在椅子上,跟刚进来不久的副机长李




























六年级下册英语苏教版第四单元写作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favourite Animal - The Majestic ElephantHey there! I'm so excited to tell you all about my favourite animal - the elephant! These gentle giants have always fascinated me ever since I was a little kid. Let me share with you why I love elephants so much.First off, elephants are just massive! Can you believe that an adult elephant can weigh up to 6 tons? That's like the weight of a big truck! Their size alone makes them really impressive creatures. And yet, despite being so huge, elephants are known for being quite gentle, at least with humans. Of course, you wouldn't want to make one angry - those tusks can do some serious damage!Speaking of tusks, did you know that elephants use them for so many different things? They use their tusks to dig for food and water, to strip bark from trees to eat, to protect themselves, and even to lift and move heavy objects. Tusks are basically likemulti-purpose tools for elephants. An elephant without its tusks is kind of like us humans without our hands!Another amazing fact about elephants is their trunks. An elephant's trunk is actually a fusion of their upper lip and nose. It's made up of around 100,000 muscles, making it super strong yet flexible. Elephants use their trunks to breath, smell, grab things, drink water, and even give themselves dust baths. Imagine if we had to do all those things just with our noses - it would be chaos!Have you ever seen videos of baby elephants? They are just about the cutest things ever! Baby elephants, called calves, weigh around 200 pounds at birth and drink their mother's milk for around 2 years. Mother elephants are very nurturing and protective of their young. The whole elephant herd helps take care of the calves too. Just thinking about those adorable baby elephant videos makes me smile.Sadly, African and Asian elephants have faced threats like habitat loss and poaching over the years, putting some elephant populations at risk. It makes me sad to think of a world without these magnificent creatures roaming free. Conservation groups and animal lovers are working hard to protect elephant habitatsand crack down on poaching to ensure elephants don't go extinct.Elephants are just so unique and special. They are highly intelligent animals that live in tight family groups, have amazing memories, and can even show emotions like happiness, grief and rage. Some researchers have witnessed elephants seeming to mourn their dead. They are deeply caring animals with complex social lives.When I was younger, I used to love collecting little elephant figurines and stuffed animals. I would line them all up on my dresser and make up stories about their adventures together. As I got a bit older, I became interested in learning more facts about real elephants through books and nature documentaries. There's just something magical about these giants that continues to fascinate me.My dream is to one day go on an African safari and see elephants roaming freely in their natural habitat. How cool would it be to witness a huge herd of elephants quenching their thirst at a watering hole or see young elephant calves playing together? Of course, I would have to keep a very safe distance - you can never be too careful around such immense animals!Until I can make that dream a reality, I'll have to be content admiring elephants through pictures, videos and books. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to actually ride on the back of an elephant. Their leathery, wrinkled skin looks kind of rough, but also comfy in a strange way. I imagine going for an elephant ride would be quite the experience, getting to feel their slow, lumbering movements beneath you as they carry you along.A unique way to journey and see the world!In conclusion, elephants are truly majestic beasts that deserve our awe, respect and protection. Their size, unique features like trunks and tusks, raw strength yet gentle nature, tight family bonds, and high intelligence all contribute to making them one of the most amazing animals on the planet. Elephants have meant so much to me ever since I was a little kid building elephant figurine collections. Even as I get older, my fascination with these giants never fades. Here's hoping that future generations can experience and marvel at the wonder of elephants for years to come. These treasured animals must be cherished and protected so their populations can thrive once more.篇2Unit 4 - A World of WondersHi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 6th grader. Today I want to tell you all about Unit 4 in our English textbook. It's called "A World of Wonders" and it's super interesting!The unit starts off by introducing some of the natural wonders of the world. Can you believe there are places like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia? It's the largest coral reef system in the world! The pictures in our book show so many bright colors and different kinds of marine life. I wish I could go snorkeling or scuba diving there one day.Another amazing natural wonder is the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. They are colorful lights that dance across the sky near the North Pole. The book says they are caused by particles from the sun hitting the Earth's atmosphere. I've only seen photos but they look so magical! Maybe my family can take a trip to see them in real life someday.Then we learned about some man-made wonders like the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Those huge stone pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs thousands of years ago. Just imagining how they were constructed with such basic tools and manpower back then blows my mind! Our book has cool illustrations comparing the height of the pyramids to a modern office building. They're so tall!The Great Wall of China is another man-made marvel we studied. It's an enormous series of stone and earth fortifications that stretches across northern China. Some parts are even older than the Pyramids! The book says the Great Wall is over 13,000 miles long if you add up all its sections. Walking the whole thing would take months and months. I can't fathom how many workers toiled to build something so immense.As we continued through the unit, I was stunned to learn about places like Piopiotahi in New Zealand. It's a massive hole in the ground caused by extreme erosion over millions of years! The photos make it look like a perfect circle carved into the earth. Apparently the crater is over 600 feet deep - that's taller than a 60-story skyscraper! Humans are so tiny compared to the incredible natural forces that shaped places like that.My personal favorite part was reading about Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park in China. It has these bizarre but beautiful rainbow-colored rock formations. The book explained how the surreal patterns and colors come from millions of years of mineral deposits and erosion sculpting the landscape. It almost doesn't look real! I really hope I can travel there to see the Rainbow Mountains with my own eyes someday.Towards the end of the unit, we learned about some incredible engineering projects that humans have constructed in modern times. Like the Channel Tunnel linking England and France undersea. Or the Millau Viaduct in France, which is one of the tallest bridges in the world. There are so many photos and diagrams showing the massive scale and complexity of these building marvels. It's mind-boggling what people can create with enough money, labor and ingenuity!Throughout this whole unit, I kept having the same thought: The world is full of such amazing natural wonders created over eons by powerful forces we can scarcely comprehend. And yet, humans have an almost magical ability to dream up and build our own extraordinary, seemingly impossible creations too. From the ancient Pyramids to modern feats like Burj Khalifa - the world's tallest skyscraper - we find ways to leave our mark on this planet alongside the marvels of nature.Some of my friends think units on world geography and landmarks are boring. But to me, learning about all these phenomenal places firing my imagination and curiosity like nothing else. I can't wait to see what other wonders await in future units!Studying this unit really opened my eyes to the incredible diversity of landscapes, environments and man-made structures around the globe. Sure, a lot of the reading was pretty dense for a 6th grader and some of the vocabulary was super advanced. But all the pictures, maps and diagrams made it easier to visualize and understand each wonder we explored. My personal favorite activities were the hands-on projects, like making a model of an erosion crater or sketching different architectural wonders.I'm so grateful my English textbook could take me on a virtual journey around the world to ponder these amazing natural and man-made marvels. Even though I've never actually traveled far from my hometown, I feel like I gained an appreciation for the astounding beauty and power of our planet - not to mention human creativity and perseverance. Who knew learning English could be a window into the wonders of the world?Well, that's my report on Unit 4! I still have a ton more to learn and discover, but at least this unit fired up my curiosity and excitement about the marvels waiting out there for me to hopefully experience for myself one day. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for reading.篇3My Fun Summer VacationWow, where do I even begin? My summer vacation was just SO awesome this year! I had such an amazing time. Let me tell you all about the cool things I did.First up, my family and I went on an epic road trip! We packed up the car and hit the road bright and early. Our first stop was my aunt and uncle's farm out in the countryside. I loved seeing all the animals - the cows, chickens, pigs and horses. My cousin even let me ride one of the horses, Buttercup. She was kind of smelly but riding her was a blast. I felt like a real cowboy!After a few days on the farm, we drove further west towards the mountains. We stayed in this cute little cabin right near a beautiful lake. The water was so clear and refreshing. We went swimming every single day. My little brother kept trying to skip rocks but he wasn't very good at it. I'm much better than him! One afternoon we rented a little rowboat and went fishing. I didn't catch anything but my dad reeled in a huge bass! For dinner that night, we cooked it over the campfire. It was delicious.My favorite part was when we went hiking up into the mountains. The trails were a little challenging in some spots but the views were just breathtaking. We saw lots of cool plants and wildlife too, like deer, squirrels, and once I even spotted a black bear from pretty far away! We made it all the way up to the top of Mount Morgan. From up there you could see forever. It felt like we were on top of the world. I took some amazing photos and videos to show my friends.After leaving the mountains, we headed back east towards the coast. We spent a few days at the beach near my grandparents' place. I love the beach so much! We had a ball playing in the waves, building sandcastles, and having picnics. My grandpa even took us out on his little boat one day. We spotted some dolphins swimming alongside! That was so neat. In the evenings, we would go get ice cream cones and walk along the boardwalk. Definitely my favorite summer treat.All too soon, it was time to head back home. I was pretty sad that our big trip was over, but I have so many fantastic memories. We saw and did so many fun things. Now I'm back at school sharing all my stories and experiences with my friends. Some of them are pretty jealous that my summer was so action-packed! I can't wait to make more amazing memories next summer.Hopefully, we can go somewhere even more exciting. Maybe a dude ranch in the Wild West? Or we could go on a cruise around the Caribbean? I'll just have to wait and see. But I know for sure it will be an adventure!篇4My Awesome Summer VacationSummer vacation is the best time of year! No school, no homework, just fun in the sun. This summer was one of the most amazing summers ever. I had so many incredible adventures and made so many wonderful memories with my family and friends.It all started on the last day of school. I was so excited for summer, I could barely sit still in class. I just wanted the final bell to ring so I could run home and start my vacation. When it was finally time to leave, I raced out of the classroom yelling "Freedom!" at the top of my lungs. Ah, the sweet feeling of having no responsibilities for two whole months!The first week of summer, my family didn't have any special plans. We just relaxed at home, sleeping in late, watching movies, and hanging out. My little brother and I had endless videogame marathons. We played our favorite games for hours on end, only stopping for meals and bathroom breaks. My thumbs were sorefrom all that controller action, but it was worth it to beat the boss levels.After a week of lazy lounging around, we decided to go on a road trip. We piled into our car bright and early one morning and headed for the mountains. The drive there took forever with my annoying brother constantly asking "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" But when we finally arrived, it was breathtaking! The towering peaks, the crisp fresh air, the sparkling streams—it was like a painting come to life. Simply gorgeous.We stayed in a cozy little cabin surrounded by forests of tall pine trees. We went on lots of fun hikes, seeing cool stuff like waterfalls, wildflowers, and once even a family of deer. I tried my hand at fishing in one of the rivers, but didn't catch anything. Typical beginner's luck! We also built a campfire every night, toasted marshmallows, and gazed up at the bright starry sky. I spotted a few shooting stars and made wishes on them.Once we got back from the mountains, it was time for summer camp. I went to day camp for two weeks at the community center. We did so many awesome activities like swimming, arts and crafts, field games, even a talent show. I'm not very talented, so I just told some jokes for my act. Here's one of them: Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself? It's two-tired! Getit? The camp was super fun overall and I made some new friends too.The biggest highlight of the summer though was definitely our trip to the beach! We went to a beautiful resort for five days and had a blast. I could spent every minute swimming, playing in the sand, and splashing in the waves. The ocean was so refreshing and relaxing. I spotted some little crabs scrambling along the shoreline, which was cute. For some reason, I also really enjoyed hunting for seashells and unique rocks. I have a small collection of them now at home to remember the trip by.We also went on some fun excursions, like visiting a nearby aquarium one day. It was amazing seeing all the different marine animals like sharks, rays, dolphins, and so many vibrantly colored fish. Another day we went on a glass-bottom boat cruise and got to see the ocean from right above it. The clear turquoise waters were filled with coral reefs, schools of fish, and other neat underwater sights. We even spotted a sea turtle!One night, the resort had a beachside campfire and all the kids did s'mores and listened to ghost stories. I wasn't scared at all by the silly stories, but some of the younger kids got pretty spooked! We ended our night by dancing around the campfire and singing silly songs. So much fun!On our last day at the beach, my brother and I had an epic sandcastle building contest. We spent hours molding and sculpting the perfect castle, decorating it with seashells and leaves. In the end, my castle was declared the winner by my parents, although I think my brother's was better. I'm still the champion though!When it was finally time to head back home, I was so sad to leave the beach behind. But I was also getting excited to see my friends again and swap summer adventure stories. I missed my neighborhood and my familiar surroundings too. And of course, getting back into my comfy bed after all that traveling felt amazing.In those last couple weeks of summer, I spent lots of time riding my bike around the neighborhood, having lemonade stands with my friends, and just savoring those last days of freedom before school started again. We played basketball, had water balloon fights, and stayed up late watching movies. My days were gloriously unscheduled and relaxed. Just pure fun!All too soon, summer was over. I was bummed to be heading back to school, but also excited to see my friends and learn new things. Plus I had a million memories from my awesome summer to look back on! Between the camping, the beach, the day camps,and all the adventures in between, it was one unforgettable couple of months. I had so many amazing new experiences and so much fun quality time with my family. This was a summer I'll never forget!篇5My Favorite SeasonHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in the 6th grade. For our writing assignment this unit, my teacher asked us to write about our favorite season of the year. Well, my favorite season is definitely summer! I just love the warm weather, fun activities, and long vacation. Let me tell you all about why summer is the best.First off, the weather in summer is so nice. After the cold winter and rainy spring, it feels amazing when summer finally arrives. The sun shines brightly, warming everything up. The temperature gets hot, but not too hot. It's perfect weather to spend lots of time outside. I hate being cooped up indoors when it's gloomy and chilly out. But in summer, I can be outside all day long!My favorite thing to do in the summer is go swimming. Our community has a huge pool and I'm there every single day whenschool is out. I'm like a little fish, splashing around and playing games like marco polo with my friends. Swimming is not only fun, but good exercise too. I always take a quick dip in the pool after playing basketball to cool off.Speaking of basketball, that's another activity I love in the summer. There's a court right near my home and me and my buddies have three-on-three tournaments. The sunshine feels so nice as we're running around, dribbling and shooting hoops. Afterwards, we're always dripping in sweat but feeling accomplished.Summer is also great because there are so many fun places to go on trips and vacations. Every summer, my family goes on a road trip to visit my grandparents in another province. The drive there takes forever, but I don't mind because I can look out the window at all the cool landscapes. Last year, we stopped at this amazing lake and went swimming and hiking. We also love going to the beach in summer and playing in the ocean waves.Of course, my absolute favorite part of summer is having no school! Don't get me wrong, I love learning. But those long summer days with no classes, homework, or waking up early are just the best. I can stay up late, sleep in, and do whatever I wantall day. No schedule, no routines, just pure freedom. Thinking about it makes me want summer to start immediately!There are so many fun summer activities and traditions I look forward to every year. For example, we always have a huge barbecue with my extended family. Running around in the yard, playing games and sports, while amazing smells of burgers and corn waft from the grill. Yum! I also really enjoy going to the night markets in summer, wandering around snacking on fun foods and doing carnival games.Another thing I love is reading books and magazines during the summer. Since there's no homework, I can read just for fun. I pull up a lounge chair in the backyard and spend lazy afternoons getting lost in adventure novels and comic books. Sometimes I even build a fort out of blankets and read inside there with a flashlight. So cozy!One of my favorite summer memories is from two years ago when my family went camping in the mountains. We hiked up a trail to this beautiful clearing and set up our tents under the stars. In the evening, we built a campfire and roasted marshmallows. I'll never forget gazing up at the bright milky way while the fire crackled. We sang silly songs and told spooky stories. Though Igot bitten by a million mosquitoes, it was still an amazing experience.Summer also means lots of yummy summer foods and treats. Like ice cream! On hot days, I'll grab a popsicle or bowl of ice cream to cool down. My mouth waters just thinking about digging into a triple-scoop banana split. Corn on the cob, watermelon, lemonade - summer has the tastiest snacks and drinks. And you can't forget fairs and festivals with all their delicious fried food!As you can probably tell, I really look forward to summer every year. From splashing in the pool, to camping trips, to backyard barbecues - summer is just nonstop fun. The warm weather, long days, and time off from school create the perfect recipe for amazing memories. I have so many more summer highlights I could write about, but I'll have to stop here. Thanks for reading about why I love summer the most!篇6My Summer VacationThe summer vacation is my favorite time of the year. I love not having to wake up early for school and having so much freetime to do whatever I want. This summer was especially fun because my family went on an amazing trip!At the beginning of the summer, my parents surprised me and my little brother by telling us we were going to Thailand for two weeks! I was so excited because I had never been out of the country before. We started getting ready right away by packing our suitcases and making sure we had all our travel documents.The day we left, we woke up really early to catch our flight from Shanghai to Bangkok. The plane ride took almost 5 hours but it went by quickly because I watched movies and played games on the screen in front of my seat. When we finally landed in Bangkok, it was super hot and humid outside! The airport was really big and crowded with people.We took a taxi from the airport to our hotel. I couldn't believe all the traffic on the roads - there were cars, motorcycles, and tuk-tuks everywhere going every direction! Our hotel was right in the center of the city. It had a huge pool, a few restaurants, and even a kids' club with video games and activities. After unpacking, we went to explore the area around our hotel. There were so many markets and street food stalls. We tried mango sticky rice, pad thai, and other delicious Thai dishes.The next day, we took a tour to see some of Bangkok's famous temples like the Grand Palace and Wat Pho. They were absolutely breathtaking with all the colorful tiles, intricate carvings, and golden Buddhas. Our guide taught us that we had to dress modestly by covering our shoulders and knees to go inside the temples. Later that day, we went on a long-tail boat tour through Bangkok's canals and waterways. It was really cool seeing all the houses and buildings right along the water.After a few days in Bangkok, we flew down to the islands in the south of Thailand. We stayed in Phuket for a few nights at a beautiful beach resort. I had so much fun swimming in the warm ocean water, building sandcastles, and just relaxing on the beach. One day we took a boat out to go snorkeling at some nearby islands. I saw so many tropical fish and coral under the crystal clear water. It was like being in an aquarium!Our last stop in Thailand was the island of Koh Samui. This was definitely my favorite place – it was so laidback and peaceful compared to the hustle and bustle of Bangkok. We stayed in adorable little bungalows right on the beach. We spent our days kayaking, collecting seashells, and just hanging out by the pool. At night there were amazing fire shows and dance performances at our resort.After two wonderful weeks, it was time to head back home to Shanghai. I was really sad to leave Thailand because I had such an incredible time, but I was also excited to see my friends again and tell them all about my summer adventures.This was the best vacation ever! I made so many amazing memories exploring Thailand with my family. I hope I can go back again someday and maybe even learn some Thai phrases. For now, I'll just have to start dreaming about where my next summer trip will be!。


























成长的足迹里饱含着亲情的关爱。难忘记忆 里儿时的童稚,骑在父亲脖子上撒欢儿,倚在妈 妈膝上数星星。睡觉时缠着他们讲大灰狼的故事, 半夜里被吓醒,生怕被狼叼走,就钻到妈妈的被 窝里,让妈妈紧紧搂住。不会忘记,在生病时, 送到面前的一片片药片,一杯杯开水,一声声问 候,那是同学们悉心的照顾。更不会忘记,在取 得成绩时,老师送来欣慰和赞许的眼神,考试失 败了她又送来鼓励的目光,增添了我与挫折斗争 的勇气。所有关怀我的人都与我同欢笑,共呼吸。
Байду номын сангаас例分析:
1.中心是说成长的足迹中饱含亲情的关爱,但是所 写材料却涉及同学友爱、老师关爱,这些内容都 偏离了中心。 2.最后一句是强调了关怀我的人与我同欢笑,共呼 吸。未突出亲情环绕的氛围对自己成长的作用。
方案一:将生病时同学的关爱和老师的关爱删除,增加在亲 人关爱下成长的事例。 方案二:作者在自己的成长中,能体会到他人对自己的关爱, 能意识到自己的成长离不开亲人、朋友们的关爱,这本身 就是思想认知上的加深,是成长中应该珍惜的精神财富。 如果能在意识到的同时写出知道自己该怎么去做,中心会 更鲜明突出。 方案三:将第一句中的‚亲情的‛删去,把最后一句改为 ‚我成长的每一步都离不开他们对我的关爱啊!‛之类的 语句,中心就明确集中了。但这种方案最好不采用,一是 因为这样改是未尊重作者本意的。二是因为这是修改中心 去适应材料,而没有修改材料来突出中心。
1、借助课文学会认识中心对于 一篇文章的重要性。 2、从读到写,学习并体会如何 突出中心。 3、通过回忆社会实践活动,围 绕中心立意,写出情感和思考。
下面三段文字是学校组织 夜行军后,小学三年级、小 学六年级和初中一年级同学 写的,请你猜一猜,这几段 文字分别是哪个年级的同学 写的,为什么?



部编版语文七年级上册第4单元单元写作指导 思路要清晰课件

部编版语文七年级上册第4单元单元写作指导 思路要清晰课件

• (三)

? 勇敢地尝试一次,你不仅会获得人际交往的经验,还可能收获满满的自信。
记得提前做点儿准备,列出你的访问提纲。访问完成后,以《对 的一次访问 》为题,写一篇作文,跟同学分享你访问的经过和感受。
老妈对“我”的爱之深 欲扬先抑

④听了亚凌老师的回答,我不由得对眼前这位处世不惊、肃然淡 雅的女子多了几分敬意。
⑤随着与老师交流的不断深入,我更是被亚凌老师的人格魅力所 吸引,谈话也愈加自然。最终,我抛出了在心中埋藏已久的问题:“ 亚凌老师,您认为创作过程中最重要的是什么?”亚凌老师淡淡地笑 笑,向我娓娓道来:“写作者的心动了、心热了,语言自然细腻得铺 排成了画面,文字结构自然浑然天成。”
对点评析 开头介绍故事产生的环境。 第②段点明故事产生的时间。 引出主人公妇人。 通过对妇人的动作和衣着的描写,为下文作铺垫。 第⑥段写出妇人看到梨掉在地上时的担忧。 第⑦~⑨段详写大家对妇人的帮助。 第 段点明文章的中心,写“我”收获了真情。



八年级下册英语第四单元写作范文大全作文1:The Importance of Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental protection is of great importance to our daily life and the future of the planet. With the rapid development of industry and technology, the environment has been seriously polluted, which has led to a series of problems such as global warming, air and water pollution, and the destruction of ecosystems.First and foremost, environmental protection is vital to our health. Air and water pollution can cause respiratory diseases and other health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce emissions of harmful substances and protect our water resources. In addition, environmental protection is closely related to the survival of all living things. The destruction of the environment not only affectshuman beings, but also endangers many other species. If we do not take action to protect the environment, many species may become extinct.Moreover, environmental protection is crucial for the sustainable development of society. With the depletion of natural resources, it is necessary to develop renewable energy sources and promote sustainable production and consumption. We should also raise awareness of environmental protection and encourage people to develop green and low-carbon lifestyles.In conclusion, environmental protection is essential for our health, the survival of all living things, and the sustainable development of society. We should take action to protect the environment and create a better future for ourselves and the planet.作文2:My Plan for Reducing Plastic WastePlastic waste has become a serious environmental issue, and it is important for us to take action to reduce the use of plastic and protect the environment. Here is my plan for reducing plastic waste.First of all, I will start by reducing my own use of plastic. I will use reusable bags for shopping and avoid using disposable plastic bags. I will also use a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water, and I will avoid using plastic straws and utensils.Furthermore, I will raise awareness of the issue and encourage others to join me in reducing plastic waste. I will talk to my friends and family about the importance of reducing plastic use and encourage them to make changes in their own lives. I will also participate in environmental protection activities and volunteer to help clean up plastic waste in my community.In addition, I will support businesses and organizations that are working to reduce plastic waste. I will choose to buy products with minimal packaging and support companies that use eco-friendly materials. I will also encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their use of plastic.In conclusion, reducing plastic waste is important for protecting the environment, and I am committed to taking action to make a difference. By reducing my own use of plastic, raising awareness of the issue, and supporting businesses that are working to reduce plastic waste, I hope to contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet.作文3:The Importance of Biodiversity ConservationBiodiversity conservation is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and the survival of all living things. Biodiversity provides many benefits to human beings,including ecosystem services, genetic resources, and cultural and aesthetic values.First of all, biodiversity conservation is important for ecosystem services. Ecosystems provide us with clean air, water, and fertile soil, and they also play a crucial role in regulating the climate and preventing natural disasters. By conserving biodiversity, we can ensure the stability of ecosystems and the provision of these essential services.Furthermore, biodiversity conservation is essential for preserving genetic resources. Many species have genetictraits that are valuable for agriculture, medicine, and other fields. By conserving biodiversity, we can maintain a rich genetic pool that can be used for the development of new crop varieties, pharmaceuticals, and other products.In addition, biodiversity conservation is important for preserving cultural and aesthetic values. Many people rely on biodiversity for their traditional livelihoods and culturalpractices, and the natural beauty of diverse ecosystems provides inspiration and enjoyment for people around the world.In conclusion, biodiversity conservation is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, preserving genetic resources, and safeguarding cultural and aesthetic values. It is important for us to take action to protect and conserve biodiversity, and to recognize the importance of biodiversity for our well-being and the future of the planet.。



• ⑶刻画人物的语言、动作、神态、心理活动。例如《穷人》。 • ⑷从一个侧面、一个瞬间之中,捕捉生活,表现主题。例如《在柏
林》。 • ⑸戏剧性地设计情节,埋下伏笔,结尾出人意料——情节引人入胜。
拟题撰写 拟写题目
源于生活 的艺术!
“班长,我知道你讨厌不爱护植物的人,但没有证据可不要乱给别人定罪 啊!”张明极力挣扎着,想要挣脱王寒冰的手。但是,别看班长是个女生, 她的手可真像是千年寒冰,力气大极了,张明的手被她死死拽住,他无计可 施,只得跟着王寒冰既不情愿地迈步向办公室。
到了办公室,王寒冰抢着把张明如何摘花,又如何狡辩的不良行为一五 一十地报告给了班主任李老师,李老师听完后点点头,又问张明:“小明, 是班长说的这样吗?”
环境:开满丁香花的校园 人物:淘气包张明 外号“小辣椒”的班长王寒冰 充满活力的年轻班主任李军
环境:冬日黄昏时车来人往的街头 人物:充满爱心的少年陆天 流浪狗朵朵
类似性格的同学/邻居/朋友/老师/弟 弟妹妹/爷爷奶奶/你自己
环境:月光下的村庄 人物:铁蛋 铁蛋体弱多病的爷爷
“当然不是了!我根本没摘花!”张明高声回应。 “李老师您看,他还在为自己狡辩!”王寒冰不服气地反驳张明。 “好了,你们也不用吵,我们去实地看看就知道了,让事实说话吧!” “可是,我明明看见......”王寒冰看着张明胸有成足的样子,不禁暗想, 难道真的冤枉他了吗?
午休时,校园里静悄悄的,偶尔听见一两声鸟鸣,仿佛是沉睡的校园做了美 梦,笑出了声。
佳作赏析 鸟巢风波
夜里,刮了一夜的风,下了一夜的雨...... 第二天早上,风停了。校园中的丁香树虽落了一地花瓣 ,却又开 出新花苞;小草从地上探出脑袋起来,重新挺起胸膛,湿润的泥土里 冒出许多新芽,雨后的校园,到处都有新生命的痕迹。 张明一个人悄悄地溜到丁香树旁,嘴里一边嘟嚷着, 一边蹑手蹑 脚地鼓捣着什么。他的眼睛紧紧盯着手上的动作,丝毫不被玩闹的 同学打搅。一会皱着眉,一会眯着眼,又10分钟过去了,张明终于 舒了口气,笑了。 他的怪异举动被班长王寒冰看见了,王班长心中暗想:这个淘气 包张明!肯定在摘花,我要告诉老师!想到这,王寒冰冲上前拉着 张明就往老师的办公室跑。

2024-2025学年七年上册语文单元写作:第四单元 写作思路要清晰

2024-2025学年七年上册语文单元写作:第四单元 写作思路要清晰

























开篇从中国的传统节日形式多样写起, 继而转入要写的端午节,点明写作对象, “难忘”总领全文。
总写今年的庆端午活动让我们兴奋不已。 今年的端午,我们在学校参加了庆端午活动,这让我 们兴奋不已。一进门,迎接我们的是一个打扮成古代男子 模样的老师,他用雄黄酒在我们的额头上写了一个 “王 ”字,据说这能起到避邪的作用。然后,又给我们每个人 发了一个香袋,据说这能驱虫。
① 先浏览这段文字,看看写的内容是否保持了话题的统一。可 以加写一个中心句来统领整段话。
② 调整不合理的句子顺序。比如,可以把具体的例子放在要表 达的观点后面,“爸爸单位……把机器修好了”应该放在“ 爸爸不仅上班忙工作,下了班都在惦记工作”的后面,这就 是调整句子的顺序。
③ 重写时,可以补充一些关联词、提示性语句、过渡句等,使 句子之间衔接自然。
修改后的文段,加入了中心句“爸爸既非常热爱自 己的工作,又很爱家人”,使文段围绕一个中心,保 持了话题的统一。同时加入了一些过渡句,使句子衔 接紧密,语意连贯。
前后话题 的统一。
围绕一个话题 的各个句子, 还应该有合理 的顺序。
语言连贯还应该注 意句子间的衔接过 渡。(运用关联词、 提示语或过渡句)
简要介绍端午节的来历。引用屈原的名言,突 出表现了屈原的精神品质。













































First and foremost, the unit focused on expanding our vocabulary and improving our ability to express ourselves fluently in English. We learned a wide range of new words and phrases, and practiced using them in context through speaking and writing exercises. This has been particularly beneficial for me as I often struggled with finding the right words to convey my thoughts. The unit has equipped me with a more diverse vocabulary, allowing me to communicate more effectively.
Unit 4 English Composition
Unit 4 of our English course has been an eye-opening and enriching experience for me. Throughout this unit, we have delved into a variety of topics and language skills, and I have gained a deeper understanding of the English language. In this composition, I would like to share my reflections on the unit, as well as the progress I have made.

九年级英语第四单元写作范文3篇How I`ve changed!

九年级英语第四单元写作范文3篇How I`ve changed!

九年级英语第四单元写作范文3篇How I`vechanged!初三英语优秀作文:How I’ve changed 篇1When I was a little girl ,I used to play with my friends all day and all night , I was very happy .But now ,I m growing up ,I just wand to be alone , so I become worried . I used to like planting flowers ,but now I don t have any time to do that , I only study and do my homework every day .I used to like watching Tv , and ofen watch cartoon ,but now I m more interested in sports games and English programmes.I didn t use to reading books ,now ienjoy reading magazines ,because I think that the more books I read , the more knowledge I get . I usde to make my mother be angry with me ,now I m obedient to her . I used to be afraid of the dark , but now I like to think about my problem in the dark and enjoy the dark instead How much I have changed !But what changed my life ? The time ,time could change everything.初三英语优秀作文:How I’ve changed 篇2Things in the world are changing. People are changing and every creature is changing. Changing is a neutral word.We can’t judge it is good or bad in general, because every coin has two sides. But sometimes we need to change, because it is good for us. Sometimes we will meet some difficult or uncomfortablesituation. When we are not able to change it, we need to change ourselves. If both of us refuse to budge, the problem would not be solved. Sometimes we need to change our life attitude; sometimes we need to change our views of seeing things; sometimes we need to tolerant; sometimes we need to be strong.Changing ourselves according to the specific situation is good for us.初三英语优秀作文:How I’ve changed 篇3I have changed a lot. I used to be short and had a large build. But now I am much taller and thinner. I was lazy before and I didn't like doing housework. But now I am a hardworking person and I often help my parents do some housework, such as, cleaning the room, washing the dishes, doing the shopping and so on. I think doing the housework can help me grow up and to be indepent. I work hard at my study so I can get better grade than before. I think I am becoming lovely, energetic and easy-going.。

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选材就像蜜蜂采花, 不是所有的花都能酿蜜,只有精心挑选、精心酿制的,才有甘甜可口的蜂蜜。










因此, 我们写作文就应选真事抒真情。















”大哥说: “我一分钱也没带,不信你们翻。








