Therefore, as I see it, although computers are widely used in education, teachers still play important role in the classroom.2.从上面所讨论的,我们会得出最后结论:公司应当鼓励55岁以上的人退休,从而给年轻一代更多的机会。
From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that company should encourage people above 55 years old to retire in order to give opportunities to a new generation.3.就像俗话所说,“有多少人,就有多少种观点”。
As the proverb goes, “So many people, so many minds.” It is quite understandable that people from different background have different interpretations of the same issue.4.随着社会的发展,越来越多的问题引起我们的注意,其中一个问题是:人们过多的使用电脑使人们的社会能力已经下降。
Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that people use computers so often that their social skills have been diminished.5.首先,科学家和艺术专家,如商人、语言学家、作家、历史学家和哲学家,为社会做出了同等的贡献。
雅思高分翻译练习及答案Issues related to the environment。
such as greenhouse gas ns。
have e the focus of public n。
XXX these problems.XXX funding。
which XXX-urban shift.A country's economic development depends on a sufficient number of young workers。
but the aging society has a negative impact on the workforce.Air freight has the potential to XXX.The rapid n of the n is the main cause of the enormous amount of XXX degrade.密度种植和其他强制性的农业实践对生物多样性造成了威胁。
Intensive farming。
along with other coercive agricultural practices。
This can help them to find work more easily after release and ce theXXX reoffending.XXX state of mind。
2019-雅思写作汉译英练习(1)-实用word文档 (1页)
2019-雅思写作汉译英练习(1)-实用word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思写作汉译英练习(1)1 许多人相信科技的最大弊端就是它可能会带来一些难以想象的消极影响。
参考答案:1 Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginative negative influences .2 计算机会使人们丧失想象和创造力这一事实使我相信其是祸而非福。
参考答案:2 The fact that computers deprive people of their imagination and creativity makes me believe that they are a curse rather than a blessing .3 毫无疑问互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药然而情况并非总是如此。
参考答案:3 It goes without saying that the eye - catching development of the Internet makes many people believe that it is cure - all solution . However , it is not always the case .4 无可否认博物馆可以扮演一个教育的作用,因为它给公众提供一个好的机会去研究他们国家的历史和传统。
参考答案:4 It cannot be denied that museums can play an educational role for the simple reason that they provide the public with a good opportunity to study their countries history andtradition .5 许多人没能够意识到这样一个重要的事实语言的多样性将会极大的推动文化的发展。
5.It is probable that the nocturnal trades(夜间的谋生)go way back in the ancestry of all mammals(哺乳动物).(剑7 Test 1 Reading1)6.It should be no surprise then that among mathematicians and architects, left-handers tend to be more common and there are more left-handed males than females.7.现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在学生毕业的时候教给他们所需要的所有知识。
5.越来越多的专家认为农民工(farmer laborers/rural emigrants)对城市的建设起到积极作用,然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨农民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,比如犯罪。
1.The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth.2.From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers,pizza being at that time the least popular fast food.3.If we are ever to see that potential realized, we ought to agree on three conditions.4.Those scientists are underestimating the damage done by passive smoking.5.The teacher walked about the classroom, using his hands to help his explanation.6.He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged in good order.7.Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about thecomputer.8.There are always lots of foreign students who come to china to study.9.As the saying goes,” give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish, and youfeed him for life.10.There are numerous examples in Africa, in particular, where corrupt governments do nothingto improve the plight of the people in terms of health, education and trade.11.This would definitely be detrimental to all the people who live and work within a five-mileradius of the airport.12.There has been some debate about the basis on which universities should accept students.13.Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influencedby the genetic science.14.We should ensure that we are still in a position where we are able to control technology.15.Curiosity and imagination are important qualities which help stimulate the discovery of newfacts and advance science.16.The United States is known for its supermarkets, where huge quantities of all kinds of foodand household articles are sold.17.I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring.18.As is announced in today`s papers, all the libraries will reopen on the first of next month.19.This is the house in which my father lived and which you visited ten years ago and whichbecomes the museum.20.We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the New East, where people firstlearned to write.21.The most important rule is that there must be no noise after 9pm.22.This data shows that there are very large inconsistencies between the levels of participationin education and science in developing and industrialized countries.23.I agree with the statement that improvements in health, education and trade are essentialfor the development of poorer nations.24.The role of advertising is to inform consumers of available products and to convince themthat their products are good and that they should buy them.25.It`s an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of childrensimply to save money by paying them less than adults.26.We become aware of the obvious fact that there are limits to growth.27.Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially.28.Plato expressed the idea that humor is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.29.Whether a joke gives pleasure or pain depends on a person`s outlook.30.If we encourage our children to cooperate, they will learn that winning isn`t everything andthere are other pleasures in life.31.It is well known that a person`s appearance depends largely on how their parents look.32.There has been an ongoing discussion as to whether a person is more influenced by natureor by nurture.33.In this essay, I would like to suggest why this problem has arisen and how governments couldbring the problem under control.34.My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons.35.We can only imagine what life was like in the 14th century or in the classical Greece.36.The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900and2000.37.The figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in somecountries.38.Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the “safe” patternsof behavior are no longer appropriate.39.It is important that children learn at an early age to use the Internet enthusiastically and withconfidence.40.The significant social changes reflected in the statistics are that over the period theproportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thirds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters.41.It goes without saying that prevention is better than cure.42.I am writing this letter to explain why I have been unable to return the three books I have outon three-day loan, which are now over-due.43.Countries can be faced with a population that is growing much faster than the nation`s foodresources or the employment opportunities and whose members can be condemned to poverty by the need to feed extra months.44.We should not lose the sight of the fact that significantly fewer women apply for seniorpositions in comparison with men.45.I think it is very important to make sure that we never become totally dependent on acompletely technological world.46.I certainly don`t think we need any more factual programmes like news and documentaries.47.You should be aware that this is designed for those who are in employment.48.It`s hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers.49.Richer nations should not have to take full responsibility for poorer nations because thewelfare of its citizens is the primary responsibility of each nation`s government.50.I believe that the only action of rich nations should be the withholding of aid so that corruptgovernments fall and the people of each nation rise to take care of themselves in a responsible manner.51.We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.52.As societies become more affluent, traditional values and activities tend to decline.53.While every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically duringthe second and third years of life.54.Once a location is established as a main tourist destination, the effects on the localcommunity are profound.55.Although tourism inevitably affects the region in which it takes place, the costs to thesefragile environments and their local cultures can be minimized.56.Merely restricting tourism can not be the solution to the imbalance, because people`s desireto see new places will not just appear.57.A player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career.58.Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the worldaround them for changing.59.We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be liketoday without them.60.You are feeling good about your body and enjoying life until, one day , you overhearsomeone say you are gaining weight.61.The weather was bad for some weeks, so that progress with the building of the power stationslowed down.62.Unless everyone gives up some of his freedom, no one can get along well with other people.63.As soon as I got home yesterday, an insurance agent visited and asked to discuss my carinsurance.64.Our bodied are built in such a way that the weight of all the air does not crush us.65.Once his curiosity has been aroused, he uses certain methods and procedures to gain newknowledge and greater understanding.66.If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons, it would be a good idea tocontrol his viewing of TV.67.I must solve the problem whether it takes me an hour or a day.68.I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.69.As he was making his experiments, he observed this physical phenomenon.70.Although accident, illness, and death are not pleasant subjects, each of us knows we facethese possibilities.71.Since frozen foods require so little time to cook, they have naturally become populareverywhere in the country.72.The foreign teacher spoke slowly in case we misunderstood him.73.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as theirtraining and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.74.It is always wiser and safer to face up reality, however painful it may be at the moment.75.What would civilization be like without the benefits of the education?76.If green plants should disappear some day, there would hardly be any life on the earth.77.If we had set out earlier, we wouldn`t be walking in the rain.78.It`s time that we took firm measures to protect our environment.79.If you hadn`t made that noise they would never have known we were here.80.The judge assented to the suggestion that the prisoner be sentenced to death.81.It is vital that enough money be collected to fund the project.82.If the families could raise children to be considerate of others and to be social, responsibleindividuals, the whole community would benefit.83.None of this would have happened without technology.84.If men and women were given equal opportunities to develop themselves, and contribute tosociety, there would less sexism.85.It would be better if I could do a course without taking too much time away from work.86.I was wondering if it was possible to join the library.87.You have only got to go into a bank when their main computer is broken to appreciate thechaos that would occur if computers were suddenly removed world-wide.88.After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else, whether it be plant or animal,dead or alive.89.I never contributed a penny to my family, nor was I required to do this by anyone.90.Small as atoms are, they are made up of still smaller units.91.Just as first impressions are memorable, so are last impressions.92.More important is the question of how to face the possibilities of illness, injury, death andfinancial loss.93.So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.94.No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to anyone country.95.Sooner had he got out of the court than the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.96.Sitting in front of the counter is the young father who wishes to purchase a life insurancepolicy and agrees to pay a sum of $200 per year for 40 years.97.The world`s birth rates are on the decline and so are the death rates.98.Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.99.Never did he expect that the project would completed so soon.100.Have you been more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided.101.Just as people differ in their ability to hear sound, as do they differ in their appreciation of sound.102.Low self-esteem also affects anyone they are in contact with, be it family, friends or co-workers.103.Had she had time, she would certainly have helped you.104.Had they not been working so hard, they would not have achieved so much.105.So vast is the number of planets that intelligence life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.106.So great is our passion for doing things for ourselves that we are becoming increasingly less dependent on specialized labor.。
雅思托福写作 翻译句子练习
中文:1. 旅游业不但给政府带来税收而且给很多人提供了就业机会。
2. 赌博不但对健康有害,而且会影响家庭和睦。
3. 打工不但能让学生赚零花钱,而且还能让他们学到人际交往的能力。
4. 现在很多学校的校服不但贵,而且还难看,质量不好。
5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,还要鼓励人们多使用公交车。
6. 老人们既不需要很多的钱,也不需要很大的房子,他们最需要的是子女的关心和照顾。
7. 我喜欢旅游,但是,我既没有钱,也没有时间。
8. 在老人院,老人既能够接受到医疗,又能够找到很多有共同话题,共同兴趣的的伙伴。
9. 缴税既是有有利于国家,也是有利于个人。
10. 打电脑游戏既浪费时间,又有害视力。
11. 打电脑游戏既能使人放松,又能锻炼大脑的灵活性,反映能力12. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。
13. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。
14. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。
15. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。
16. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。
17. 尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明飞机会造成灾难性的污染。
18. 没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。
19. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。
20. 我们应该不遗余力地保护我们的环境。
21. 现在,人们普遍认为22. 我同意后者,有如下理由:23. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。
24. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。
25. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。
26. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。
27. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。
雅思写作常用句子翻译80句(答案)写作翻译80句(答案)Day One1:经常做运动会提高人的自信。
Regular exercise can increase one's self-confidence.经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重要。
Participating in sports frequently can boost people's confidence, which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly。
2:依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。
Relying heavily on calculators will have a negative impact on mental arithmetic.过度依赖计算器可能会对人们的心算能力有负面影响,对孩子的智力发展有威胁。
The excessive reliance on calculators is likely to have an adverse impact on children' s mental arithmetic and pose a threat to their intellectual development智力发展.3:很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。
Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.很多女孩不愿意在男人为大多数的行业找工作,因为她们会面临在高职位升迁中的阻碍。
Numerous women are unwilling to find employment in a male-dominated world because they can face barriers to top-level promotion.4:环境问题已经成为公众关心的焦点。
雅思写作 IELTS 常用句型翻译练习 2
雅思句型翻译练习 (2)Day 61.许多人相信科技的最大弊端就是它可能会带来一些难以想象的消极影响。
(rather than)3.毫无疑问互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药,然而情况并非总是如此。
(goes without saying that…; solution)4.无可否认,博物馆可以扮演一个教育的作用,因为它给公众提供一个好的机会去研究他们国家的历史和传统。
(play a role in)5.许多人没能够意识到这样一个重要的事实:语言的多样性将会极大的推动文化的发展。
(diversity; enhance;on the verge of)6.毫无疑问,家庭成员之间的关系已经不像以前那么亲密。
(not as... as...)7.广告之所以盛行主要在于它们的信息容量很大。
(prevailing; informative)8.互连网是如此盛行因此没有人可以避免不受到它的影响。
(so… that…)9.可想而知,从事兼职工作可以培养学生的独立性和团队合作精神。
(results; far from)11.造成该现象的最主要原因在于过度工业化似乎已经成了一种无法避免的趋势。
(A is to B what C is to D)Day 713.造成该现象的原因有许多。
(when it comes to…)15.考虑到该问题的严重性,我们必须得想出一些切合实际的措施来解决它。
1 没有任何的一样东西能像电视这样毁誉参半。
参考答案:1 Nothing has received more praise and abuse than TV.2 毫无疑问,家庭成员之间的关系已经不像以前那么亲密。
参考答案:2 There is no doubt that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be.3 广告之所以盛行主要在于它们的信息容量很大。
参考答案:3 The reason why advertisements are so prevailing is that they are informative.4 互连网是如此盛行因此没有人可以避免不受到它的影响。
参考答案:4 So prevailing is the Internet that nobody can avoid being influenced by it.5 可想而知,从事兼职工作可以培养学生的独立性和团队合作精神。
参考答案:5 It is conceivable that students taking part-time jobs can cultivate their independence and team-work spirit.6 当前的教育模式远不能让人满意。
参考答案:6 The present educational patterns leave much to be desired.7 造成该现象的最主要原因在于过度工业化似乎已经成了一种无法避免的趋势。
参考答案:7 The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is thatover-industrialization seems to be an unavoidable trend.8 文化多元化对人类文明而言就如空气之对于地球。
雅思写作 -IELTS- 常用句型翻译练习 -3雅思写作 -IELTS- 常用句型翻译练习 -3[Day11]1.美洲虎(jaguars)拥有多身体特点使得他适丛林的生活,如迅速奔跑的能力和优秀的力 (sight)。
(a variety of⋯; allow; such as)2.代人面多力的根源,比方的力,的力,和快的生活奏。
(source; such as)3.只有在公共交通便利的城市,才能通鼓舞人少使用私人来达到保的目的。
(onlyin ⋯ can)4.考到巨大的文化差别,来自不一样国家的工在同一个企业有效率地工作,是很了不起的。
(considering; truly amazing)5.在代社会当杜任何形式的暴力,包含家庭暴力。
(rainstorm; significant)7.在吵的境中,我是不自地被旁的人干。
(unconscious; distract)8.个(trend)意味着到2050年,地球上的数目将10 倍于人的数目。
12. 在古希腊 (Greece) ,奥林匹克运会每四年一次,延了数百年。
(continue to be⋯.)13. 今日的大部分棋游(board games) ,都是古代明的不一样化种。
(variation)14. 日本是采取西式服饰最早的亚洲国家之一,因为他们在19 世纪中期进行了全面的社会改革。
(popular; spread)16. 固然看起来人们工作很忙碌,可是研究表示,我们的空暇时间也比过去都长。
雅思写作基础段十大原则翻译参考答案1. 举办奥运会能增加国家收入,创造更多的就业机会。
Hosting the Olympic Games can increase the government revenue and create more employment.2. 旅游业的发展对当地的经济有积极的影响。
The development of tourism exerts positive influence on the local economy.3. 旅游业的发展刺激经济的增长,通过产生大量的就业机会和增加外汇收入。
The development of tourism stimulates economic growth by generating enormous employment opportunities and increasing foreign exchange earnings.4. 政府的首要职责是帮助人民消除贫困,疾病和文盲。
The primary responsibility of a government is to help its people eliminate poverty, disease, and illiteracy.5. 改善人民的福利是政府的责任。
Improving people’s welfare is the government’s obligation.6. 许多人强烈反对太空探索,因为他们认为对于发展中国家而言,这是个奢侈和浪费的做法。
Many people are strongly against space research because they think it is an extravagant and wasteful project for developing countries.7. 许多人还苦苦挣扎在贫困线上,缺乏食物和栖身之所。
写作翻译80句(答案)Day One1:经常做运动会提高人的自信。
Regular exercise can increase one's self-confidence.经常参加体育活动能够提高人们的自信心,这不但对年轻人而且对老人很重要。
Participating in sports frequently can boost people's confidence, which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly。
2:依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。
Relying heavily on calculators will have a negative impact on mental arithmetic.过度依赖计算器可能会对人们的心算能力有负面影响,对孩子的智力发展有威胁。
The excessive reliance on calculators is likely to have an adverse impact on children' s mental arithmetic and pose a threat to their intellectual development智力发展.3:很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。
Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.很多女孩不愿意在男人为大多数的行业找工作,因为她们会面临在高职位升迁中的阻碍。
Numerous women are unwilling to find employment in a male-dominated world because they can face barriers to top-level promotion.4:环境问题已经成为公众关心的焦点。
小作文三大句型翻译练习1. 主(The number of... )+ 谓(increased/decreased)+ from...to...男性抽烟者的数目在1960 年到 2000 年之间从 21%降落到 17%。
The number of male smokers decreased from 21% in 1960 to 17% in 2000.数据增加强烈,而且在1990 年的时候达到峰值400。
The number increased dramatically and then peaked at 400 in 1990.数据强烈降落,在1998 年达到谷值 100。
The number plummeted, reaching the bottom at 100 in 1998.职工的均匀收入与昨年对比增加了50%。
The average income of the staff increased by 50 percent compared with last year.婚姻的数目在接下来10 年内稳固在这个水平。
The number of marriages remained stable at this level over the next decade.在这 25 年时期,牛羊肉的耗费降落显然,分别到了100 克和 50 克。
During this 25- year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively.相同地,保险花销有一个上升的趋向,从只有2%上升到 8%在 2001 年的时候。
Similarily, the cost of insurance saw a rising trend, growing from only 2% to 8% by 2001.对比之下,家具的花销体现了一个相反的趋向。
单句翻译练习–Day 11.该项计划经过了广泛的讨论。
(conscious of)3.对他独特的思维方式,老师们大加赞赏。
(unique; praise)4.每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。
(access to education)5.只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。
(Only when...can you)6.令我们大家感动的是,这位科学家身在异乡仍心系祖国。
(think of)7.大火过后,这所房子所剩无几. (remain)8.在最近的十年中,我国经历了历史性的变化.(experience)9.我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论.(before)10.多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素.(lack; Vitamins)11.他从来没有意识到,题目越容易就应该越仔细.(occur)12.只有通过亲身实践,你才能真正理解志愿服务的重要性.(Only…; volunteer service)单句翻译练习 - Day21.所有的公共汽车驾驶员都必须对每个乘客的安全负责. (responsible)2.如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激.(appreciate)3.中国在国际事务中正发挥着越来越重要的作用.(role)4.任何想让台湾独立的人必将以失败告终.(end up)5.毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很大的影响.(doubt)6.他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素.(Seldom)7.你不吃早餐也无助于减肥.(skip)8.边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的.(against)9.成功由三个重要因素组成: 天才,勤奋加上运气.(consist of)10.许多市民中意乘地铁,是因为它不会发生交通拥堵.(in favor of)11.许多人进行体育运动不仅是为了保持健康,也是为了缓解压力.(not only)12.研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量.(concern)单句翻译练习 - Day31.这部有关战争的影片值得一看。
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Therefore, as I see it, although computers are widely used in education, teachers still play important role in the classroom.2.从上面所讨论的,我们会得出最后结论:公司应当鼓励55岁以上的人退休,从而给年轻一代更多的机会。
From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that company should encourage people above 55 years old to retire in order to give opportunities to a new generation.3.就像俗话所说,“有多少人,就有多少种观点”。
As the proverb goes, “So many people, so many minds.” It is quite understandable that people from different background have different interpretations of the same issue.4.随着社会的发展,越来越多的问题引起我们的注意,其中一个问题是:人们过多的使用电脑使人们的社会能力已经下降。
Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that people use computers so often that their social skills have been diminished.5.首先,科学家和艺术专家,如商人、语言学家、作家、历史学家和哲学家,为社会做出了同等的贡献。
First and foremost, both scientists and art specialists, such as businessmen, linguists, writers, historians and philosophers, contribute equally to society.6.第二,对现代技术的过度使用使娱乐活动变得筋疲力尽而不是轻松。
Secondly, the overuse of modern technology in recreational activities makes such activities exhausting rather than relaxing.7.显而易见,我们可以的下出这样的结论,中学生应该在17岁以前学习普通课程而不是特殊课程。
It is obvious for us to conclude that high school students should study general subjects instead of special subjects before they are 17 years old.8.所以,如果我们认真的考虑一下,不难得出结论:大学应该在每个学科种招收同等数量的男生和女生。
So, if we take careful consideration, it is not difficult to get the conclusion that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students for studying in every subject9.基于上述讨论和分析,我们可以看到商科专业的人才可以为国家的发展做出巨大贡献,因此也应得到政府的支持。
Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that the talented students who have majored in business can make great contributions to the development of the country, so they should get support from the government too.10.此现象最坏的方面,在我看来,是巨大的工作压力对人们精神健康的逐渐影响。
The worst aspect of this phenomenon, in my opinion, is that the huge pressure of work will gradually affect people’s mental health.11.它是如此的重要,以至于我们不能出一点差错。
It is so crucial that we cannot afford to make a single mistake. However, it is not always easy to make a prudent satisfying choice. Sometimes we find ourselves involved dilemmas.12.现在我们正在进入一个充满机遇和革新的新时代,人们对一些传统做法的态度产生了很大的变化。
Now we are entering a brand-new era full of opportunities and innovations, and greater changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practices.13.多亏了中国改革开放政策的实施,在过去的二十年中,经济和社会取得了巨大的进步,人们的生活水平提高了。
Thanks to China’s policy of reform and opening-up, there has been earth-shaking economic and social progress in the past two decades and people’s living standard has improved, but at the same time it gives rises to/brings about a host of serious social problems.14.不管这个体系多么的不好,我们不能忽略这一事实:它给我们带来更多的是好处。
In spite of disadvantages of the system/ No matter how bad the system is, we cannot pay no heed to the fact that it brings us more advantages.15.尽管他们的论点是如此的合理和吸引人,但这些观点却经不起进一步的分析。
Sound and attractive as their arguments may seem, they cannot bear closer analysis.16.考虑到所有的因素,我们可以合理的得出结论:对妇女的歧视导致了较高的年轻女性犯罪的比率。
Taking all these factors into account, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that discrimination against women contributes to the high rate of crime committed by young women.17.此外,以他们自己的方式生活,在很大程度上,年轻人不得不自己面对和解决困难。
Moreover, living on their own means, to a large degree, young people have to face and overcome difficulties by themselves.18.在我看来,十几岁的人的当务之急是把他们有限的时间用在同那些比他们拥有更多社会经验的其他家庭成员的互相沟通上。
From my point of view, what teenagers are in urgent need of is to spend their limited spare time learning from two-way communication with other family members, many of whom have more social experience than they do.19.从上面我们所谈到的,我们能很清楚的看到人们的性格受到他所成长的环境的强烈影响。
From what has been mentioned above, we can clearly see that people’s characters are strongly influenced by the place where they grew up.20.所有的证据证明了一个不可动摇的观点:深厚的传统可以教化一个国家,政府应该资助音乐家、艺术家、演员和戏剧公司。
All the evidence supports an unmistakable/unshakable conclusion that strongcondition can civilize a country and the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies.21.在仔细的比较了优缺点之后,最有力的结论就不言而喻了。
When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident.22.在我看来, 儿童参加有偿劳动没有错误。