商务英语阅读教程 2003

2003 Text 3In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other,merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Next year, after a series of merger s is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reduction s and better coordinate d service. Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks.But many shipper s complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such "captive" shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government's Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduce s everyone's cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. It's theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. "Do we really want railroads to be the arbiter s of who winsand who loses in the marketplace?" asks Martin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be his with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortune s, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10.2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrail's net railway operating income in 1996 was just $427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Who's going to pay for the rest of the bill? Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.51. According to those who support mergers railway monopoly is unlikely because ________.[A] cost reduction is based on competition[B] services call for cross-trade coordination[C] outside competitor s will continue to exist[D] shippers will have the railway by the throat52. What is many captive shippers' attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?[A] Indifferent.[B] Supportive.[C] Indignant.[D] Apprehensive.53. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that ________.[A] shippers will be charged less without a rival railroad[B] there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide[C] overcharged shippers are unlikely to appeal for rate relief[D] a government board ensures fair play in railway business54. The word "arbiters" (line 7, paragraph 4) most probably refers to those ________.[A] who work as coordinator s[B] who function as judges[C] who supervise transactions[D] who determine the price55. According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by ________.[A] the continuing acquisition[B] the growing traffic[C] the cheering Wall Street[D] the shrinking market重点词汇:merge /mE:dV/(v.合并)比emerge(v.出现;形成)少首字母e,merger/5mE:dVE/(n.合并)←merge+r名词后缀。

《《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案》来自南京廖华在线阅读本文:《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。

商务英语阅读教程3Business English Reading Course 3Unit 1: Sustainable Business PracticesIn today's global business landscape, sustainable business practices have become increasingly important. With growing environmental concerns and a greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility, companies are recognizing the need to adopt sustainable strategies. In this unit, we will explore some key concepts and examples of sustainable business practices.1. Definition of Sustainable Business PracticesSustainable business practices refer to strategies and actions taken by companies to minimize their negative impact on the environment and society, while also maximizing their long-term profitability. These practices aim to balance economic growth with social and environmental responsibility.2. Benefits of Sustainable Business PracticesBusinesses that adopt sustainable practices can enjoy several benefits. Firstly, they can enhance their reputation and brand image, as consumers are increasingly favoring companies that are environmentally and socially responsible. Secondly, sustainable practices can lead to cost savings through energy efficiency and waste reduction. Finally, these practices can help businesses comply with environmental regulations and mitigate the risk of legal issues.3. Examples of Sustainable Business Practicesa) Renewable Energy: Many companies are investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. By generating their own clean energy, they can lower their carbon footprint and decrease their energy costs.b) Waste Management: Implementing effective waste management systems can help companies reduce their environmental impact. This includes recycling, composting, and responsibly disposing of waste materials. Some companies even turn waste into a resource through initiatives like upcycling or converting it into biofuel.c) Supply Chain Management: Sustainable businesses prioritize suppliers who follow ethical and sustainable practices. Through careful selection and regular monitoring, they ensure that their supply chain is free from unethical labor practices or unsustainable sourcing. This enables businesses to minimize their social and environmental impact throughout their entire value chain.d) Stakeholder Engagement: Companies engage with their stakeholders, including employees, customers, and local communities, to foster positive relationships and address their concerns. This can involve community outreach programs, collaborative partnerships, and open dialogue to gain valuable feedback and ensure a sustainable business model.4. Case Study: PatagoniaPatagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, is renowned for its commitment to sustainability. They have implemented various sustainable business practices, including:- Product Lifecycle: Patagonia encourages customers to repair their items instead of buying new ones through their "Worn Wear" initiative. They also provide free repair guides to extend the lifecycle of their products.- Transparency: Patagonia publishes information about their supply chain, including the factories where their garments are produced. This allows customers to make informed decisions about their purchases.- Environmental Activism: The company actively supports environmental causes and campaigns for the protection of natural resources. They donate a portion of their sales to grassroots environmental organizations.Through these actions, Patagonia has built a strong brand image as a socially and environmentally responsible company, attracting customers who align with their values and commitment to sustainability.Overall, sustainable business practices are not only beneficial for the environment and society but also contribute to a company's long-term success. As companies increasingly recognize the importance of sustainability, incorporating these practices into their operations will become crucial for their competitiveness and growth.。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

1 All organizations create products for customers. Thus all organizations have a number of similarities that relate to the activities necessary to create goods and services. It is the role of production and operation management to acquire the necessary resources to create that product, to plan the specific steps through which those resources must pass to become a finished product and to make sure the product conforms to the standards of appearance, performance and reliability. conform, 使一致,使遵守
D. international trade _______________________
Unit Introduction
8. tell you exactly what you need to do to meet the ISO 9001∶2000 Quality Management Standard.
Unit Introduction
Check that you understand the following
professional words or expressions. Most of them are common when they are introduced in general English. But they would have particular meanings when they are used to describe production and operation

2003年考研英语阅读第二篇The second passage in the 2003 postgraduate entrance exam for English reading comprehension test discusses the impactof globalization on traditional cultures. The passage argues that while globalization has brought about economic development and technological advancements, it has also threatened the survival of traditional cultures.Globalization is seen as a force that homogenizes cultures, leading to the loss of unique traditions, languages, and customs. As local economies become integrated into the global market, traditional industries and practices are often replaced by modern, standardized methods. This can result in the marginalization of indigenous communities and the erosion of their cultural identities.Moreover, the spread of Western consumer culture through globalization has led to the dominance of Western values andlifestyles at the expense of local traditions. This has been particularly evident in the entertainment industry, where Hollywood movies and Western music have become more popular than local cultural productions.The passage also highlights the role of technology in accelerating the impact of globalization on traditional cultures. The Internet and social media platforms have facilitated the dissemination of Western media and ideas, further influencing the cultural preferences of people around the world. As a result, many traditional practices andbeliefs are at risk of being lost or forgotten.In conclusion, the passage suggests that while globalization has created opportunities for economic growth and technological progress, it has also posed challenges to the preservation of traditional cultures. It calls for greater efforts to protect and celebrate the diversity of global cultures in the face of increasing homogenization.。
商务英语阅读(第1册)第二版 Unit 4 Employees

Words and Expressions
empower v. to give sb. the power or authority to do sth. 授权 (CET-6)
The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes.
Words and Expressions
candid adj. saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts 坦率的;坦诚的 (TEM-8)
Natalie is candid about the problems she is having with Steve.
Learning Objectives
Explore the features of a good manager.
2 Understand how managers exert influence on their employees.
Explore the enlightened approach to developing the workforce
The process can be painful but it leads to greater selfawareness.
Words and Expressions
hallmark n. a feature or quality that is typical of sb./sth. 特征;特点 (TEM-8)
Words and Expressions
hijack v. to take over sth. and use it for a different purpose 强行接管(而移作他用)(CET-4) The organization had been hijacked by extremists.
商务英语阅读教程3 课后翻译

Unit 1Text A1. 经过数月在网上搜寻并研究西北大学和仔细询问到访过西北大学的朋友、老师和咨询顾问,玛克辛最终希望自己能被西北大学录取。
2. 对于像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。
3. 但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4 万美金费用的那部分申请者。
Text B1. 20 世纪80 年代和90 年代初期,私立中学的毕业生一生的预期收入比公立中学的普通毕业生多35%,研究人员发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所接受的教育,而非他们的背景。
2. 研究人员也尽量精确地描述私立中学施展魔力的办法:凭借更优秀的考试成绩,而不是凭借关系网带来的各种机会或者质量更高的诸如礼仪或领导方法等软技巧的教学。
3. 一位知情人士认为如下的操作不太可能:许多父母通过再抵押贷款来支付学费,但由于不稳定的房价和银行日益紧缩的信贷条件,这条路很快就走不通了。
Unit 2Text A1. 随着金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)以及其他新兴市场的经济影响力和自信不断增强,发展重点方面的差异一定会变得越来越重要。
2. 非政府组织试图提高贫困人民的生活水平,公司则渴望赢得具有巨大增长潜力的市场中的消费者,非政府组织和公司之间存在着利益趋同现象。
3. 要签署加入《联合国全球契约》,公司只需承诺履行十大主要准则,例如提高环保的责任意识,反对腐败,并且每年汇报一次他们所取得的进展。
Text B1. 在为数不多的出类拔萃、堪称日本企业典范的跨国公司中,索尼一直居于领导者的地位,从特丽珑电视到索尼随身听,这些产品的成功代表了电子消费品的品质,但这个品牌正随着过去成功势头的消退而日渐衰落。
2. 出井伸之提前一年离职的决定表明公司可能比预想的还要糟糕,而他定下的 2007 年利润恢复至 10%的目标更是遥不可及。
3. 年复一年,扩张造成了行动缓慢的大型化趋向,并且索尼公司也成了日本企业界停滞不前的案例。
商务英语阅读(第三版)Chapter 2products and pricing

Armed with long-term metrics, firms and analysts can assume a longer-term perspective on the brand, leading to improved profitability.
Short-term decreases reflect the time it takes for consumers to acclimate to the price changes and respond to the advertising. Without long-term brand-health measures, the analyst may have come to a misleading conclusion about the value of the brand.
real-time (para. 6) adj. technical a real-time computer system deals with information as fast as it receives it 〔某个过程或事件发生的〕实际 时间,实时
Do you agree that a short-term orientation may erode a brand’s ability to compete in the marketplace? Why (or why not)?
商务英语阅读(第三版)Chapter 1 Government and Trade

Read for Gist
According to the text, what revitalized trade policy may lead to a stronger U.S. economy?
sluggish economy _____________ trade deficit ____________ industrialized countries __________ international
specialization_________ trade surplus ____________
Phrase Translation
Give the Chinese equivalents to the following English terms.
full employment _____________ in-depth analysis _____________ free-trade agreement ___________ product differentiation________ determinative factor ____________
Why is freer trade rather than protectionism a better option for world economic growth?
Vocabulary Preview
Scan the text again and write down the key terms related to the topic.
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 2

Unit 2 Multinational CorporationPart I Pre-reading Questions1.Multinational corporations are business entities that operate in more than one country. One typical function is located in one country, while other facilities are located in other countries. In some circles, this type of corporation refers to a multinational enterprise or a transnational corporation.2. Multinational corporations have many branches at home and abroad, and their strategic objectives are oriented to the international market, aiming at maximizing global profits and controlling foreign companies through holdings.3. Corporate social responsibility refers to the responsibility for consumers, the community and the environment while creating profits for shareholders and the staff. The social responsibility of the enterprise requires taking the profit as the goal, emphasizing the concern of the human value in the production process and the contribution to the environment, consumers and society.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Going Global1.主旨归纳:The function of CSR has become more and more important in the world. Manycompanies begin to focus on the establishment of CSR. We are aware of the significance that CSR takes a part in obtaining certification and establishing the brand of a corporation. CSR will continue to expand across the globe if the market remains to open up.2.结构分析Part I The rich countries like Britain, America and Japan focus on different aspects of CSR. (Paras. 1-2)Part II The lead on CSR shifts from the rich world to the big emerging markets. (Paras. 3-13)A.India wants to improve basic services like schools and health care.B.China begins to redefine CSR to gain acceptability and build the brand.C.NGOs make great efforts to manage their reputation.Part III The conclusion: CSR has influenced the emerging countries, which will continue if markets stay open. (Paras. 14-18)3. 难句解析(1) Such differences in priorities are bound to grow in importance as the BRIC countries — Brazil, Russia, India and China — and other emerging markets gain in economic clout and confidence. (Para. 3)随着金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)以及其他新兴市场的经济影响力和自信的不断增强,发展优先性方面的差异一定会变得越来越重要。

掌握商务阅读中的常见错误和 注意事项,避免误解和误判。
《商务英语阅读》PPT课 件
商务英语阅读PPT课件是为了帮助学生掌握商务阅读的基础知识和技巧,并将 其应用到实际商务场景中。本课件分为四个部分,逐步引导学生提升商务阅 读能力。
通过实际案例分析,深入理解 商务阅读的应用。
商务阅读的目的是获取准确的信息,以支持决策和解决问题。方法包括快速阅读、针对性阅 读和全面理解。
掌握筛选关键信息和重点内 容的技巧,提高阅读效率。
根据具体需求,有针对性地 阅读文献,获取所需信息。
通过分析、归纳和总结,深 入理解商务文献的内容。

2003年 Text 1Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War II and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever too ls came to hand in the “great game” of espionage ——spying as a “profession.” These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well.如果Wild Bill Donovan 当时有互联网的话他肯定会喜欢网络的。
Donovan 相信,在谍报的“伟大游戏”当中,即间谍这一“职业”当中,可以使用任何可利用的手段。
注:其实espionage 和 spying是一个意思,spying是对espionage的解释,espionage主要用于政府军事公司团体,相对正式些,可以翻译成“谍报”;spying是普通用法,主要指公司或个人,所以可以译为“间谍”,“密探”均可。
The latest revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail. That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying. The spooks call it “open-source intelligence,” and as the Net grows, it is becoming increasingly influential. In 1995 the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the most data about Burundi. The winner, by a large margin, was a tiny Virginia company called Open Source Solutions, whose clear advantage was its mastery of the electronic world.最近的这次革命性的改变不仅仅是一个人偷看他人电子邮件的问题,这样的电子间谍活动已经存在了数十年。

Words & Expressions
sophisticated adj. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very cleverly designed and very advanced and often works in a complicated way (机器、系统、方法等)精密的;高级的,尖端的;复杂的 It includes a sophisticated plug-in solution that turns it into a true development platform. 它包含成熟的插件解决ybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect. 蜜蜂所使用的交流系统是昆虫中最复杂的之一。
Words & Expressions
surpass vt. to be better or greater than someone or something 超过;胜过 The unemployment rate will probably surpass 10 percent this year and remain above 9 percent well into next year. 失业率将有可能在今年超过10%,并在明年保持在9%以上。 There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute the contaminants to safe levels. 在那里,人为的污染物质日益超越了空气和水将污染物分解稀释到安全水平的能力。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。

2003考研英语阅读理解第一篇(最新版)目录1.2003 年考研英语阅读理解第一篇概述2.文章主要内容3.核心单词及短语正文一、2003 年考研英语阅读理解第一篇概述2003 年考研英语阅读理解第一篇是一篇关于美国情报机构历史的文章。

考研英语2003年第三篇阅读摘要:I.考研英语2003 年第三篇阅读的背景和重要性II.阅读理解文章的主要内容概述III.针对考研英语阅读的策略和方法IV.结论和建议正文:I.考研英语2003 年第三篇阅读的背景和重要性考研英语是很多中国大学生在追求更高学位的过程中必须面对的挑战。
2003 年的考研英语阅读理解第三篇阅读,对于当时的考生来说,无疑是一项重要的参考资料。

参考译文Unit 1 参考译文国际商务的范围国际商务是指任何类型的跨国商务活动。
它可以分为4种类型: 对外贸易、服务贸易、有价证券投资和直接投资。
20 世纪以来,事实证明,广泛的商务关系覆盖全球。
全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试英语阅读(二)试题课程代码:00596Ⅰ. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)A B1. accrue A. using force, threats of punishment2. intensive B. lasting for only a period of time3. erase C. continuous, without break4. constant D. to rub or scrape out5. coercion E. to pass, flow or spread into every part of6. vulnerable F. that is liable to be damaged7. permeate G. to speak or argue in support of8. contemporary H. to become larger or more by addition9. plead I. the quality of keeping secret10. confidentiality J. growing too much in a limited piece of landⅡ. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)11. What breathtaking impertinence to advertise 1p OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever.A. transmissionB. rudenessC. distractionD. politeness12. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, in collaboration with a number of other European Laboratories, orbited a telescope.A. along withB. in the light ofC. in agreement withD. regardless of13. If they fall behind too far on these obligations, they run the risk of having their houses, cars or other items taken over or repossessed by the lenders.A. homogeneityB. appropriatenessC. responsibilitiesD. probabilities14. As a source of power, water is virtually inexhaustible.A. inaccessibleB. insufficientC. abundantD. extinguishable15. Astrid and I kept talking and the man continued to swing and lurch over us, thanking us profusely.A. increasinglyB. confidentiallyC. attributablyD. repeatedly116. If the greenhouse effect produces lasting climatic change, national color preferences could radically reorientate.A. changeB. come to an endC. renewD. start again17. If you are animated, you are more likely to see animated listeners.A. dull and stupidB. active and livelyC. annoyedD. respected18. These countries fear that their industries will not be able to survive such drastic cuts and that their national economies will suffer as a result.A. sudden and severeB. slow and continuousC. clear and simpleD. far and wide19. More pe ople report they “feel” on the verge of a nervous breakdown.A. on top ofB. instead ofC. on the point ofD. on behalf of20. She was taken aback at the news that her brother had a car accident.A. overjoyedB. happyC. sadD. greatly surprisedⅢ. Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. exact; accurate (1)22. statement explaining the meaning of a word or expression (1)23. general (1)24. to provide more details about something in order to make it clearer (1)25. to have or use something together with someone else (2)26. being everywhere at the same time (2)27. information, usually in the from of facts or statistics that one can analyze (2)28. to join or bring something or people together so that they become one (3)29. to plan, prepare, decide on all the details of something (3)30. to change something into a different form (3)Passage 11. Communication networks are arrangements of hardware and software that allow users to exchange information. This very broad definition will help you begin learning about one of the fastest-growing areas in electrical engineering and computer science. Once we examine some common communication networks, we will develop a more precise definition. We will elaborate on the importance of this field.22. The telephone network is the most familiar and ubiquitous communication network. It is designed for voice transmission. An office computer network is a communication network used by organizations to connect personal computers and workstations so they may share programs and data and to link those computers to printers and, possibly, to some other peripherals(e.g., file servers that provide mass storage or plotters). Computer networks also are used in manufacturing plants to connect machine tools, robots, and sensors. The Internet is a network of computer networks that covers most of the world and allows millions of users to exchange messages and computer files and some limited video and audio signals.3.Although all these systems are communication networks, they are quite different in the information that they transmit and in the way they are used. Nevertheless, they operate on similar principles. The unifying characteristics of all networks help us develop a definition of communication networks that describes the arrangements of hardware and software that we study in this text. Each system described is designed to exchange information, which may be voice, sounds, graphics, pictures, video, text, or data, among users. Most often the users are humans, but they also can be computer programs or devices. Before the information is transmitted, it is converted into bits(zeros or ones). Then the bits are sent to a receiver as electrical or optical signals (electromagnetic waves, to be more precise). Finally, the information is reconstructed from the received bits. This transmission method, called digital transmission, reduced the transmission errors.SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION(40 points)IV. Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage and judge whether they are True or False. Write the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)Passage 21.Everybody feels pain sometimes: the pain in the head that comes after eating ice cream or drinking cold water; the sudden muscular pain; the “stitch”that attacks long-distance runners or others whose activities have put great demands on the oxygen supply of the body. These transient pains are not cause for alarm; they usually disappear quickly, return rarely and signify very little.2.In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a doctor, who can determine whether or not they require special care. Angina pectoris(pain of the chest) is a heart pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctor’s understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition.3.Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These originate at one point, but are felt at another to which they have been carried by the nerves. A person with continuous3pain becomes irritated, tired easily, has difficulty in sleeping, loses appetite, and may even become the victim of what has been called an anxiety state or nervous breakdown. Few diseases develop without pain at some state, and many involve so characteristic a pain as to make diagnosis certain. Whenever a pain is so severe, so prolonged, and so unusual as to arouse alarm, a doctor should be consulted.31.Transient pains should usually be investigated.32.All chronic pains require special care.33.Angina pectoris would probably be classified as unusual.34.Chronic and referred pains are alike in that both last for a long time.35.Pains can be useful as a signal of the presence of disease.36.Transient pains are different from referred pains.37.Pains can serve as an aid in the diagnosis of disease.38.A person with continuous pains is usually good-tempered.39.Chronic pains are felt some distance from their source.40.All chronic pains can be identified and treated.V. Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each)Passage 31.Every year a great number of babies and young children die or are injured in fires. One out of every five fires is caused by careless smoking or by children playing with matches and lighters. Don’t tempt children by leaving matches or lighters a round a room.2.Never leave a child alone in a house. In just a few seconds they could start a fire. Or a fire could start and trap them. A child will panic in a fire and will not know what to do. Unless a parent is around to help, a child may try to hide under a bed or in a closet. Home fire drills are a sound idea. The best way to stop panic in case of fire is to know what to do before a fire breaks out.3.Your first thought in a fire should always be escape. Far too many people become victims because they do not know the killing power and speed of fire. If a fire is very small and has just started, you can put it out yourself. Do this if you have the proper tools on hand. In any case always send the children outside first. Smoke, not fire, is the real killer in a blaze. According to studies, as many as eight out of ten deaths in fires are due to inhaling fumes long before the flames ever came near the person.4.Burns are another hazard to tots. Fireplaces, space heaters, floor furnaces, and radiators have all caused horrible burns to babies. Since you cannot watch your child all the time, you must screen fireplaces. Put guards around heaters and radiators.5.Some people use a vaporizer or portable heater in a child’s room. If you do, be sure you4place it out of reach. Be sure, too, that it is not placed too close to blankets or bedclothes.e care in the kitchen. It is not safe to let an infant crawl or a small child walk around the kitchen while you are preparing meals. There is danger of your tripping and spilling something hot on the child. There is even danger of a child pulling in a hot pot off the stove on to herself. Also, do not use tablecloths that hang over the table edge. Children can easily pull the cloth and whatever is on the table down. Be aware of these dangers and protect your child.41. The best title of the passage can be ________.A. Better Safe Than SorryB. How to Protect ChildrenC. Escape From FireD. Be Careful in the Kitchen42. Careless smoking or children playing with matches and lighters causes ______.A. most deaths of childrenB. one out of five firesC. eight out of ten deaths in firesD. five out of ten fires43. A child will probably do the following in a fire EXCEPT ______.A. panickingB. not knowing what to doC. trying to hide under a bed or in a closetD. calling for help44. In paragraph 2, the word “sound” is closest in meaning to ________.A. healthyB. safeC. sensibleD. thorough45. The best way to stop panic in the case of fire is to ________.A. call a neighborB. be preparedC. call a policemanD. run away46. When caught in a fire, a person’s first thought should always be ________.A. panicB. preventionC. escapeD. putting out the fire47. The real killer in a fire is _________.A. smokeB. flamesC. fuelD. blaze48. Burns can be caused by _______.A. harmful toysB. bedclothesC. blanketsD. space heaters49. Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Never leave a young child alone at home.B. Burns can be very dangerous to children.C. Place heaters out of the reach of children.D. Do not work in a kitchen when a child is in it.50. From the passage, we can infer that _______.A. adults know how to handle fires5B. many children start fires in a houseC. some fire fighters are not well trainedD. adults are always very careful about fire.Passage 41. When Jules V erne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864, there were many conflicting theories about the natur e of the earth’s interior. Some geologists though that it contained a highly compressed ball of incandescent gas, while others suspected that it consisted of separate graphite shells, each made of a different material. Today well over a century later, there is still little direct evidence of what lies beneath our feet. Most of our knowledge of the earth’s interior comes not from mines or bore holes, but from the study of seismic waves—powerful pulses of energy released by earthquakes.2. The way that seismi c waves travel shows that the earth’s interior is far from uniform. The continents and the seabed are formed by the crust—a thin sphere of relatively light, solid rock. Beneath the crust lies the mantle, a very different layer that extends approximately halfway to the earth’s center. There the rock is the subject of a battle between increasing heat and growing pressure.3. In its high levels, the mantle is relatively cool; at greater depths, high temperatures make the rock behave more like a liquid than a solid. Deeper still, the pressure is even more intense, preventing the rock from melting in spite of a higher temperature.4. Beyond a depth of around 2,900 kilometers, a great change takes place and the mantle gives way to the core. Some seismic waves cannot pass through the core and others are bent by it. From this and other evidence, geologists conclude that the outer core is probably liquid, with a solid center. It is almost certainly made of iron, mixed with smaller amount of other elements such as nickel.5. The conditions in the earth’s core make it a far more alien world than space. Its solid iron heart is subjected to unimaginable pressure and has a temperature of about 9,000°F. Although scientists can speculate about its nature, neither humans nor machines will ever be able to visit it.51. The word “conflicting” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.A. controllingB. outdatedC. importantD. opposing52. The geologists _________ about the nature of the earth’s interior.A. agree with each otherB. disagree with each otherC. are sureD. have found enough evidence53. Seismic waves are _________ .A. pulses of energyB. sound wavesC. electromagnetic wavesD. radio waves654. The way that seismic waves travel shows that ________.A. the interior of the earth is rockB. the interior of the earth is divided into different layersC. the interior of the earth is metalD. the crust and the mantle are composed of exactly the same substance55. The word “there” at th e end of Paragraph 2 refers to the ________.A. seabedB. crustC. mantleD. earth’s center56. What is true about the mantle?A. It is similar to the crust.B. It is a very thin layer of the earth.C. It is cooler as it goes deeper.D. It is a completely different layer from the crust.57. The phrase “gives way to” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.A. runs alongB. rubs againstC. turns intoD. floats on58. The word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the _________.A. mantleB. coreC. changeD. depth59. The inner core of the earth is NOT __________.A. liquidB. made of ironC. solidD. mixed with nickel60. Why does the author state that the earth’s core is “more alien” than space?A. Because government funds are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.B. Because scientists are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.C. Because the pressure and high temperature there prevent scientists from doing research.D. Because the earth’s core is made of elements that are dangerous to humans.Ⅵ. Directions: Passage 5 is taken from the TEXTBOOK. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 points for each)Passage 51. In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation, relations with the Third World (developing nations), pressures to preserve the environment, and international cooperation on political, social, economic, and monetary problems.2. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food7demand and supply may become dependent on new dietary patterns. Reduced consumption of meat, increased use of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.3. As the population grows, prices of commodities will fluctuate. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise.4. Growth of trade will depend greatly on availability of energy sources. There may still bea trillion barrels of recoverable oil in the Middle East. But the oil crisis of 1974 has led to renewed interest in coal and to a search for alternative sources of energy. Solar, geothermal, and nuclear energy will play a large role in the years to come.5. Solar energy is available in various forms. Buildings can be heated and cooled by direct use of solar radiation, crops and trees, which are the most efficient converters of sunlight into energy, can be grown for their energy potential, wastes can be burned as fuel, sunlight can be converted into DC (direct current) electricity, electric power can be derived from the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean (ocean thermal power), lastly, solar radiation can be converted to heat that will drive electric power generators (solar thermal power). Serious problems still remain as to transportation and storage of solar energy.6. Geothermal energy is the energy contained within the earth. Heat is abundantly available deep in the earth’s core and is constantly being produced. How ever, this heat is usually located at too deep a level for commercial exploitation. Sometimes heat comes to the surface in the form of lava and geysers. In short, very little is know on the use of geothermal energy, and it has barely been exploited.7. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants. At these plants atoms of uranium are split, thus releasing masses of energy. Another source of energy under development is the nuclear fusion of certain atoms of hydrogen. This could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy.8. In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries.9. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.10. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off. The rate of population growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling-off eventually leads to static non-growth markets. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go? Herman Kahn, in his book The8Next 200 Years, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. No longer is the creation of money and jobs essential, it is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern. Today pollution is of major concern for industrialized nations. Environmentalists are worried about the relationship between industrial objectives and preserving the environment. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored for the sake of development.11. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. A so-called welfare society will emerge. The unemployed in the new welfare society will be taken care of by the employed through generous contributions to the social welfare system.12. Political questions remain as to the world’s future. We can only speculate as to whether organized markets such as the Common Market and COMECON could eventually merge. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect. Obviously a merger between the Western and Eastern European markets would greatly enhance world trade.13. International monetary cooperation will have a significant impact on future trade. If the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the years to come, international trade may become too risky for some companies to get involved in . If the IMF is unable to create sufficient international liquidity reserves in the future, there may not be enough liquidity to sustain growth in trade.14. However, growing international consultation and cooperation in economic, monetary, and political matters will certainly contribute to the flourishing of world trade for years to come.61. If population growth continues at its present pace, how can people keep the balance between food demand and supply?A. People should increase the consumption of meat.B. People should increase the consumption of low protein food.C. People should turn to new dietary patterns.D. People should produce more crops.62. Trade growth will depend greatly on ___________.A. energy sourcesB. dietary patternsC. increased consumption of soybeansD. increased yields on existing croplands63. The oil crisis of 1974 caused ___________.A. countries to depend more on oilB. countries to find other energy sources to replace oilC. coal and nuclear energy to become less popularD. countries to become more and more indifferent to coal64. The problem with solar energy is that _________.9A. sunlight cannot be used directly for heating buildingsB. sunlight cannot be used to drive electric power generatorsC. it is difficult to transport and store solar energyD. it is difficult to convert sunlight into DC electricity65. Geothermal energy has not been exploited because ____________.A. it is located too deep in earth’s core for commercial useB. it is not sufficient enoughC. little is known about exploratory technologyD. it often comes to the surface in the form of lava and geysers66. Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 8?A. Third World countries export their mineral deposits so as to get foreign exchange.B. Workers in Third World countries emigrate to developed countries.C. Tourism will contribute much to the development of Third World countries.D. Some developing countries will absorb large numbers of foreign workers to work in theircountries.67. Industrial nations show great concern for ____________.A. creation of new jobsB. pollution and environmental preservationC. high unemployment and low wagesD. the decreasing economic growth rate68. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 10?A. Western nations are facing economic saturation.B. Developing countries pay much attention to the problem of pollution.C. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to speed up.D. A welfare society will emerge in developing nations.69. In a welfare society ______________.A. people don’t need to work but can enjoy the welfare provided by their countriesB. more people will be laid off with the rapid growth of the economyC. rate of unemployment is very low due to low economic growthD. people who are out of work will be taken care of economically by their countries70. We can conclude from Paragraphs 12,13 and 14 that _________.A. the Common Market and COMECON would eventually mergeB. the future of the international trade will depend on international consultation and cooperationC. there would be monetary cooperation between Western and Eastern European countriesD. future international liquidity reserves would influence growth in tradeSECTION 3 QUESTIONS AND TRANSLATION (30 points)Ⅶ. Directions: The following questions are closely related to Passage 5. Write a brief answer (one to three complete sentences) to each of the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Pay10attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers. (15 points, 3 points for each)71. What energies will play a large role in the future?72. Which energy could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy?What energy is it classified as?73. Why is it the key point in future trade to develop the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations?74. Herman Kahn says in his book The Next 200 Years that a shift will occur for industrialized nations. What is the shift?75. What will happen if the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the future?Ⅷ.Directions: Translate the following sentences (taken from passage 5) in to Chinese and write the Chinese version in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 3 points for each)76. Reduced consumption of meat, increased used of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered. 77. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise.78. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.79. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go ?80. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect.11121314。
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Unit 1
Text A: The New International Style of Management Jennifer 2014-09
Warm-up questions
1.Can you mention some of the multinational companies in China?
2.Do you want to be a member of these multinational companies? Why?
3.What are the differences between these multinational companies and the local companies in China?
Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information
Three questions: 1.Why should we do Business English Reading? 2.What does Business English Reading mainly deals with? 3.How can we do the Business English Reading effectively?
Text Analysis
Questions 1.What is the new international style of management? 2.If you were Andy Klump, how would you handle your one-on-one assessment of your boss?
3.What is the common ground of the multinational companies?
4.What is the entrepreneurial cultures according to Rohit?
5.According to the last part of the passage, what does a multinational company do?
6.According to the last part of the passage, what does globalization do?
Notes on the Text
1. transnational road warriors:此处指从事跨国商务活动的人。
road warrior:飞车勇士。
2. ... say Harvard Business School faculty and alumni. alumni: alumnus (男校友)的复数形式。
alumni可兼指男女校友,如:Harvard Alumni Association哈佛大学校友会。
3. On the other hand, beneath a deceptive veneer of familiarity, culture gulfs often remain hidden. 另一方面,在看似通晓的外表之下往往隐藏着文化鸿沟。
4. ... they share an expectation that differences will be set aside in order to advance with common purpose toward a larger goal-getting the task at hand done right. ……
set aside:搁置,放在一边。
5. The integration of the global economy is such that no one anywhere is insulate. 经济一体化达到了这种程度,使世界各地没有人与世隔绝。
such that ...:如此…。
如:Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep.他们如此焦虑,难以入睡。
1. If each country’s business had a national style or personality, what wo uld the Chinese business personality be? Discuss how business in China typically operates.
Discuss the last time you had to strike a balance in order to reach an agreement about something? 3. Report on the similarities and differences in management of the mult
inationals (IKEA, TESCO, Walmart, P&G, etc.) in China. 4. Read Text B
Text B: New Thinking for Successful Entrepreneurs
Structure Introduction: Deternining what success means to you is a crucial element in early stages of new venture planning. Body: 1.Defining success through personal evaluation 2.Success can be measured through our personal values
3.Visioning and goal setting for business success Conclusion: The 4 shared personality traits of the extraordinarily successful companies.
1.What are the three crucial components for a successful new venture?
2.What are the three ways we usually use to measure success?
3.Why does the author say “How we define success significantly influences our selection of a business to start.”?
4.What is vision and what is goal-setting? What is the relationship between them?
5.What are the features of goal?
6.What are the first stages of new venture planning?
Note on the Text
1. Enrolling in college is one step toward fulfilling our vision of the future.进入大学是完成将来梦想的第一步。
enroll in:登记入学,入伍,入会等。
如:It's too late to enroll in that class.现在报名进那个班太晚了。
2. Goal-setting involves developing a list of things you would like to achieve in your personal or professional lives-your goals.设立目标包括列出一些你在个人生活和职业生活中想要完成的事情——即你的目标。
3. Understanding what success means to you
and the level of success you are willing to accept in life is one of the first stages of new venture planning.理解成功对你的意义和生活中你想获得的成功水平是计划新事业的第一步。
1.Summarize the main idea of the the Supplementary Reading on P9 with no more than 50 words.
2.Finish P10 Part V Test Yourself。