

赛米控丹佛斯电子 IGD_8_424_P1F9_BH_FA 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 IGD_8_424_P1F9_BH_FA 数据表

Absolute maximun ratings T AMBIENT = T AIR COOLING = 40°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Conditions Unit I OUT MAX Maximum continuous output current A RMS V OUT MAX Maximum output voltageV AC V BUS MAX Maximum DC Bus voltage in operation V DCFOUT Inverter Output frequencyHz F SWMaximum switching frequencykHzElectrical characteristics T AMBIENT = T AIR COOLING = 40°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Conditions min typ max UnitI OUT RATED Rated output current 1 470A RMS V OUT Output voltage 400V AC P OUT Output power1 000kW F SW Inverter switching frequency 3kHz F OUTOutput frequency 50Hz SEMIKUBE - Size T3Three phase inverterV BUSRated DC voltage750V DC P LOSS INV4 830W η>99%Ordering No.08800448Filtering characteristics Description IGD-8-424-P1F9-BH-FA V BUS Rated DC voltage applied to the caps bank without switching 1 100V DC Option 8C 0N 0P K - 3EX - 3F2Featuresτd5%Discharge time of the capacitors (5%)565s C DC Capacitor bank capacity 9,6411,34mF Designed in regards to EN50178 and UL508C (600V)LTE Calculated LTE of the caps with forced air cooling > 100kH recommandations Stack Insulation RoHS compliantFast mounting and dismounting Very high life-time expectancyIntegrated voltage, current and temperature sensors Air cooled power stacksTypical ApplicationsIndustrial applications Solar InvertersFootnotes1) the user shall ensure that the ambiant air shall be ventilated in order not to create temperature hot spots.REMARKSValues 1 470900AC phase V BUS =750V DC , No overload,Tj<150°C, Power factor PF = 1, Cabinet airflow in operation at400m3/hFan airflow through heatsink at 900m3/h50050012,5IGBT Module stackTotal power losses Inverter efficiency DC Bus EfficiencyV DC CAPACITORMax DC voltage applied to the caps bank (max 30% of LTE)without switching1 100V DC B6CIThis technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.VFrame / Power stage AC/DC (insulation test voltage DC, 60s)V ISOL3 200Environmental conditions Characteristics Conditions mintypmaxUnitAmbient temperature 1)Humidity Installation altitude without derating 1 000m IEC 60529IP00-EN 501782-V SUPPLY Heatsink fan AC voltage supply230V AC P FAN at 50Hz Rated power at V SUPPLY(per heatsink fan)300W V SUPPLY Capacitor bank fan AC voltage supply230V AC SEMIKUBE - Size T3P FANat 50Hz Rated power at V SUPPLY per capacitor bank fan15WThree phase inverterGate Driver Characteristcs T AMBIENT =25°C unless otherwise specifiedSymbol Conditionsmin typ max UnitOrdering No.08800448Gate Driver / controler dataDescription IGD-8-424-P1F9-BH-FA V S supply voltage 21,62426,4V DC Option 8C 0N 0P K - 3EX - 3F2I SO Supply primary current No load270mA Max. Supply primary current1 200mA FeaturesViT+input threshold voltage HIGH 0.7 x V SV DC ViT-input threshold voltage LOW 0.3 x V SV DC Designed in regards to EN50178 and UL508C (600V)R INInput resistance 10k Ω recommandations C IN Input capacitance 1nF RoHS compliantMeasurement & protectionFast mounting and dismounting Scaling10mV.V -1Very high life-time expectancyAccuracy of analogue signal @ 600V / T a =25°C-4,5+4,5% Integrated voltage, current and temperature sensors Temperature coefficient0,03%.K -1 Air cooled power stacksmax. load current5mA Max. voltage range15V DC Typical ApplicationsMax measurable DC Link Voltage 1 000V DC Scaling3mV.A -1Industrial applications Accuracy of analogue signal-5+5% Solar InvertersTemperature coefficient0,07%.K -1Max. output current 5mA Max. voltage range15V DC FootnotesI TRIPSC Over current trip level3 000A PEAK Scaling100mV.°C -11) the user shall ensure that the ambiant air shall be Minimum measurable temperature25°C ventilated in order not to create temperature hot spots.Max. output current5mA Max. voltage range15V DC T tp Over temperature protection 95100105°C REMARKST th Threshold level for reset after failure event70°CClimaticMechanical IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 extended In operation-25Protection index °C IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3no condensation no icing5IGBT Module stackB6CI85%Thermal data kg145This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.DC link voltagesensingU DC analogue OUT Current sensingI analogue OUTTemperaturesensingT analogue OUT 55Pollution degree Total weight3-phase inverter, including DC clamps and heatsink fansPin Signal Remark1V S IN2GND3VSIN4GND 5V SIN6GND7[Reserved][Dominant/Recessive]8GNDGround for Signal Status OUT 9Signal Status 24V DC digital logicBidirectionalLOW (dominant) = "Not ready to operate"HIGH (recessive) = "Ready to operate"10General Purpose IO [Dominant/Recessive]11Temp. Analogue [Analogue output]OUT Nominal voltage range 0..10V12GNDGround for Temperature Analogue OUT 13U DC analogue [Analogue output]OUT Nominal voltage range 0..10V 14GND Ground for U DC Analogue OUT 15TOP IN24V DC digital logic input, push pull LOW = TOP switch OFF HIGH = TOP switch ON16BOT IN24V DC digital logic input, push pull LOW = BOT switch OFF HIGH = BOT switch ON 17[Reserved][Dominant/Recessive]18GNDGround for TOP IN and BOT IN 19I analogue OUT [Analogue output]Nominal voltage range -10..10V 20GNDGround for I analogue OUTSuitable female connector Manufacturer:Harting * For Bipolar DC clamps mounting, please refer to Work Instruction : IT10121602Terminal fan power supplyconnectionGround for Power SupplyX1(L1), X1(L2), X1(L3)Ground for Power Supply Power supply +24V DC Power supply +24V DC Power supply +24V DC Ground for Power Supply **This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee * For Bipolar DC clamps mounting, please refer to Work Instruction : IT10121602Max. Output current vs. DC bus voltage00,0020,0040,0060,0080,010,0120,014110100100010000Zth heatsink to ambientTimeheatsink[K .W -1][s]20040060080010001200140016002468101214[A R M S ][kHz]30°C 40°C 50°Cf sw I O U TCooling air temperature0200400600800100012001400160025303540455055[A R M S ]Fsw = 3kHz Fsw = 5kHz Fsw = 7kHzSwitching frequencyI O U TTair cooling [C]020*******8001000120014001600300500700900[V DC ]40°C 50°C 55°CV BUSI O U T[A R M S ]Cooling air temperatureSwitching frequency = 3 kHz。


Alu-pex: Cupper/steel:
Individual Room Temperature Control
对于一些 特殊尺寸 管子,如 20x2.3, 20x2.8等 ,可用相 近管材的 接头。
▪ 230V 或 24 V 50Hz 交流电源 ▪ 常开型或常闭型(NO/NC) ▪ 功耗 2W ▪ 保护等级 IP 41 ▪ 具有开关位置指示 ▪ 多种接口方式 ▪ 与丹佛斯分水器及RA-N阀相配的型号
为TWA-A系列,与RTD-N,RTD-G阀 相配的型号为TWA-D系列。丹佛斯还可 提供与其它品牌分水器控制阀相配的热 电驱动器。
Individual Room Temperature Control
FH-CWT 普通拨盘式
FH-CWD 普通液晶显示
Individual Room Temperature Control
➢ 具有地面温度传感器接口,可限制地面最高温度。地面温度设定范 围:20-45oC。(出厂设定为单温单控模式,即只根据房间温度进 行控制)。
➢ 具有断电记忆功能,重新通电时恢复至停电前温控器状态及设定。 内部有一钮扣电池,保证时钟不受断电影响。
➢ 具有温度传感器故障判断及显示功能
➢ 防护等级IP30,材质为阻燃材料
房间温控器TP5001 Si
➢ LCD液晶显示
➢ 电池或230V供电,1个单刀双掷开关(SPDT),开关最大电流为 3(1)A,具有NO和NC型驱动器接线端子,无电压开关输出
➢ 出厂房间温度设定范围为5-30oC,但可在5-40oC的范围内对温度



[0]关、[1]启动完整 AMA、[2]精简 AMA
D 轴电感(Ld)
1000RPM 时的后 EMF
激活参数 1-80 停止功能的速度 精确停止计数值
ETR 跳闸 1


KTY 传感器类型
KTY 热敏电阻源
KTY 传感器 1 无
KTY 阀值水平
直流夹持电流 直流制动电流 直流制动时间
Brake Release Time
Torque Ref Torque Ramp Time
0.00 0.2S
Gain Boost Factor
参考值/参考值极限/加 减速
3-0* 3-00 3-01 3-02 3-03 3-04 3-1* 3-10.[0] 3-10.[1]
文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.



20 年质保Danfoss ECflex 质保年限长达 20 年,不仅涵盖电缆更换,还承担安装和地面材料的费用。

安装简单、可靠、快速Danfoss ECflex 的特性• 通过 IEC 60800:2009 认证• PVC 外部护套• 圆形结构• 安装温度低至 -5°C • 360° 全屏蔽Danfoss ECflex 双导电缆中的电线是为了与相应的电阻值匹配而单独确定的。

XLPE 绝缘材料会使电缆具有一定的强度,在 190°C 的温度下,此材料被拉伸包覆于两根导线周围。


为了向 XLPE 绝缘材料提供所需硬度等级,电缆会多次通过容器。

01.超乎寻常的电缆的内部02.彻底冷却3设计目标在设计 ECflex 电缆的同时,我们还注重:- 强度更高- 灵活性更大- 可靠性更高34我们研发出一种配有由实电缆和冷线均设计为圆形,铝屏蔽、独立屏蔽导流线以及 XLPE 绝缘。


03. 凹槽中镀锡铜导线穿插到内部电缆 XLPE 的特殊凹槽中。

这是使 Danfoss ECflex 具有极大灵活性的关键。

04. 安全防护05. 快速包覆加蔽线安装到位后,会在四周缠上铝屏蔽层,从而完全屏蔽内芯和加蔽线,最大限度地达到防护目的。

电缆以平均每分钟 100 米的速度包覆上强韧、有弹性的 PVC – 红色代表 Danfoss Ecflex 和紫外线防护,黑色代表 Danfoss ECsafe 。

5新电缆通用性和易安装性的关键是其圆形结构以及富有弹性的 PVC 护套。

在所有全新和翻新修建工程中,包括混凝土地面、实木和强化地板,几乎都可采用 Danfoss ECflex ,不论是否使用 Danfoss Reflect 绝缘板。



Danfoss Ecflex 可在 -5°C 的低温下安装,极大程度地延长了安装季节,特别是在那些气候寒冷的国家。



没有分室控温 有分室控温
Individual Room Temperature Control
没有分室控温 有分室控温
分水器是否由 预设定阀门 供水温度控制 自动 – 使用电子式气候补偿器 自动 – 使用电子式气候补偿器 没有 有
230V电源输入 具有12路24V NC控制输出(TWA需选用24V类型,房间温控器类型不限, 但选用RMT230型时,补偿电阻这一路不能接) 可外加一继电输出,使控制器具备逻辑判断,即当有一个房间有供热需求时, 可启动锅炉或水泵,当房间没有供热需求时,停止水泵或锅炉
Individual Room Temperature Control
Individual Room Temperature Control
分室控温所需设备(采用普通分水器) 分室控温所需设备(采用普通分水器)
外接丹佛斯RA- N阀门,具有阻 力预调及控制功 能
Individual Room Temperature Control
WB12与RT52或TP5000或TP7000,TWA的接 线图
Microsoft Excel Worksheet
注:一个控制器可带多个TWA,但从温控的角 度,建议一个温控器最多只带二个TWA。
Individual Room Temperature Control
丹佛斯接线中心FH- 丹佛斯接线中心 -WC
走廊 Corridor 卧室 Bedroom 浴室 Bathroom 厨房 Kitchen 儿童房 Childrens room












赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK_120_GB_12F4_T 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK_120_GB_12F4_T 数据表

© by SEMIKRONRev. 2.0–02.09.20211SEMITOP ®3IGBT moduleSK 120 GB 12F4 T Features*•Compact design•One screw mounting module•Optimum heat transfer and isolation through AlN direct copper bonding (DBC)•Trench4 Fast IGBT technology •CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized, file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switching (not for linear use)•Inverter•Switched mode power supplies •UPSAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditionsValuesUnitInverter - IGBTV CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT s =25°C 174A T s =70°C143A I Cnom 120A I CRM240A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200VT j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse - DiodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT s =25°C 29A T s =70°C24A I FRM 30A I FSM 10ms, sin 180°, T j =150°C65A T j -40 (175)°C Module I t(RMS)∆T terminal at PCB joint = 30 K, per pin 60A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverter - IGBTV CE(sat)I C =120A V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.05 2.40V T j =150°C 2.59 2.85V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.800.90V T j =150°C 0.700.80V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 1013m ΩT j =150°C1617m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =4.5mA5.25.86.4V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 1.6mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0V f =1MHz 6.90nF C oes f =1MHz 0.56nF C res f =1MHz0.41nF Q G V GE =- 15 V...+ 15 V412nC R Gint T j =25°C 2.7Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =120A R G on =2.2ΩR G off =2.2Ωdi/dt on =2354A/µs di/dt off =2264A/µs V GE =+15/-15VT j =150°C 156ns t r T j =150°C 51ns E on T j =150°C 8.8mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 346ns t f T j =150°C 42ns E off T j =150°C 7.47mJ R th(j-s)per IGBT, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)0.22K/W2Rev. 2.0–02.09.2021© by SEMIKRONSEMITOP ®3IGBT moduleSK 120 GB 12F4 T Features*•Compact design•One screw mounting module•Optimum heat transfer and isolation through AlN direct copper bonding (DBC)•Trench4 Fast IGBT technology •CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized, file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switching (not for linear use)•Inverter•Switched mode power supplies •UPSCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse - Diode V F = V EC I F =15A chiplevel T j =25°C 2.38 2.71V T j =150°C 2.44 2.77V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.30 1.50V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 7281m ΩT j =150°C103111m ΩI RRM I F =120A di/dt off =2350A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 43.4A Q rr T j=150°C5.7µC E rr T j =150°C 2.04mJ R th(j-s)per diode, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)1.25K/W Module L CE -nHM s to heatsink 2.252.5Nm w29g Temperature Sensor R 100T c =100°C (R 25=5 k Ω)493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%K© by SEMIKRON Rev. 2.0–02.09.202134Rev. 2.0–02.09.2021© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 2.0–02.09.20215This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。



书房+过道 38 150 5700
2 Φ20x2.0 150
儿童房一+ 37
150 5550 热水地
Φ20x2.0 150
35 150 5250
2 Φ20x2.0 150
生间+衣帽 40
150 6000 板采暖
Φ20x2.0 150
单价 (元)




地暖主管道(联 1


分集水器接口件 德国


视听室 40
150 6000 板采暖
Φ20x2.0 150
25 150 3750
2 Φ20x2.0 150



720 600 60 15 10 4.8 600 500 36.0 10
1200 1000
95 24 16 7.6 1000 800 60.0 10
根据 DIN 2501
Qmax m3/h
m 3/ h
Q0.5%*) m3/h
+ 20℃到 +150℃(水平) (3.5m3/h 只到 130℃)
+ 20℃到 +120℃(垂直)
Danfoss A87F399.12.10.02
公称直径 DN
螺纹连接 额定流量 qp(Qn)m3/h 输出信号,脉冲 / 升
- G 11/4 B G 11/4 B -
60 60 60 100 100 150 250 400
12 12 12 20 20 30 50 80
9 9 20 20 30 50 80
0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.10
140 140 240 240 240 400 400 600 1000 1600
区域供热 / 锅炉应用
SONOCAL 2000 / 3000
Danfoss A87F383.10.10.02
DKIN.PK.022.C3.41 C Danfoss 06/2006
DANF OSS A87F388.10.10.02



多功能恒温阀 - MTCV
50 ˚C下 在 35 ˚C下
在 60˚C下
流 量 水 温 温 度 ˚C
水温 ˚C
流量温度 ˚C
B型 C型
数据表 计算举例
多功能恒温阀 - MTCV
8 个立管进行计算。

q1 =10
- 管路的尺寸 - 绝热层的材料 - 装管子处的环境温度 - 绝热层的效率和条件

Tsup = 55 °C

∆T= 5 K

l = 10 m

I 基本操作
• 每个立管中热量损失的计算
Qr = l立管x q = (10+10) x10 = 200 m
Qh= l 水平 x q = 10 x 10= 100 m
立管中 Qr
顶部 Qh
热量损失 每一部分的 总的损失
ΣQ 总
阀 – 基本型A型
阀体 ................................................Rg 5 O型密封圈 ...................................EPDM
. 不锈钢
高温杀菌模块 -B型
ESMB PT1000用插座
• 模块化升级。
• 好的温度传感器。
数据表 功能
多功能恒温阀 - MTCV
当水温比设定值高 5°
MTCV 是一种自力式比例控制的恒温控制

Danfoss 丹佛斯电地暖EFIT440温控器使用说明书

Danfoss 丹佛斯电地暖EFIT440温控器使用说明书
FH-CED 温控器使用说明
前视图-图 1 ①按键 ②按键
液晶显示符号—图 3 房间温度传感器 地面温度传感器
时钟 地面采暖-运行
后视图-图 2 安装用螺钉孔①
房间温度设定值 地面温度设定值 高级可编程定时器功能 定时器指示开/关 开/关定时功能

按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。


按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。 程序 1,第 2-4 时段:设定同第 1 时段。 温控器会基于当前时间和星期延续四时段计划。
按 键(图1③)接受这一设定。 程序 2,第 2-4 时段:设定同第 1 时段。 温控器会基于当前时间和星期延续四时段计划。
再按 键(图1③),“分钟”将闪烁;



时段3 起始时间 / 温度 21:00 20℃ 17:00 22℃
时段4 起始时间 / 温度 22:00 18℃ 22:00 18℃




VLT5000本地开环速度控制:相关参数设置:1.参数设置P002 设置成为操作器控制(LOCAL)P013 设置成为开环LCP控制(LOC CTRL/OPEN LOOP)P100 设置成为开环速度调节(SPEED OPEN LOOP)P102 设置成为相应的电机功率(参照电机名牌)P103 设置成为相应的电机电压(参照电机名牌)P104 设置成为相应的电机频率(参照电机名牌)P105 设置成为相应的电机电流(参照电机名牌)P106 设置成为相应的电机转速(参照电机名牌)P003 设置成为当前所需要的给定值(电机就会按此给定值运行)P207 设置成为当前所需要的上升时间(从0HZ到额定电机频率的加速过程)P208 设置成为当前所需要的下降时间(从电机的额定频率到0HZ的减速过程)2.启动变频器,电机将按照P003中的给定值运行。

远程开环速度控制:端子连线及相关参数设置:1.端子连线2.参数设置P002 设置成为远程控制(ROMOTE)P013 设置成为开环LCP数字控制(LOC+DIG CTRL/OPEN LOOP)P100 设置成为开环速度调节(SPEED OPEN LOOP)P102 设置成为相应的电机功率(参照电机名牌)P103 设置成为相应的电机电压(参照电机名牌)P104 设置成为相应的电机频率(参照电机名牌)P105 设置成为相应的电机电流(参照电机名牌)P106 设置成为相应的电机转速(参照电机名牌)P215 设置成为当前所需要的给定值(此参数中显示的为最大参考值P205的%数)P207 设置成为当前所需要的上升时间(从0HZ到额定电机频率的加速过程)P208 设置成为当前所需要的下降时间(从电机的额定频率到0HZ的减速过程)P302 设置成为启动(START)(参照本手册中关于数字输入列表中的选项)P304 设置成为惯性停机反逻辑(COAST INVERSE)(参照本手册中关于数字输入列表中的选项)3.首先在LCP操作面板上按下启动键(START),然后通过闭合18号端子来启动变频器。

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK35GD12T4ETE1 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK35GD12T4ETE1 数据表

© by SEMIKRONRev. 1.0–24.04.20201®E1IGBT moduleSK35GD12T4ETE1Features*•Low inductive design•Press-Fit contact technology•Rugged mounting due to integrated mounting clamps•Heat transfer and insulation through direct copper bonded aluminium oxide ceramic (DBC)•Trench4 IGBT technology•Robust and soft switching CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Motor drives •Servo drives •Air conditioning •Auxiliary Inverters •UPSAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT 1V CES T j =25°C1200V I C λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)T j =175°C T s =25°C 49A T s =70°C 40A I Cλpaste =2.5 W/(mK)T j =175°C T s =25°C 60A T s =70°C 49A I Cnom 35A I CRM I CRM = 3 x I Cnom 105A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200VT j =150°C10µs T j-40 (175)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitDiode 1V RRM T j =25°C1200V I F λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)T j =175°C T s =25°C 41A T s =70°C 33A I F λpaste =2.5 W/(mK)T j =175°C T s =25°C 49A T s =70°C40A I Fnom 35A I FRM I FRM = 2 x I Fnom 70A I FSM 10ms sin 180°T j =25°C 170A T j =150°C170A T j-40 (175)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitModule I t(RMS)∆T terminal at PCB joint = 30 K, per pin30A T stg -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500V2Rev. 1.0–24.04.2020© by SEMIKRON®E1IGBT moduleSK35GD12T4ETE1Features*•Low inductive design•Press-Fit contact technology•Rugged mounting due to integrated mounting clamps•Heat transfer and insulation through direct copper bonded aluminium oxide ceramic (DBC)•Trench4 IGBT technology•Robust and soft switching CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Motor drives •Servo drives •Air conditioning •Auxiliary Inverters •UPSIGBT 1V CE(sat)I C =35A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 1.85 2.10V T j =150°C 2.25 2.45V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.800.90V T j =150°C 0.700.80V r CEV GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 3034m ΩT j =150°C4447m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =1.2mA5 5.8 6.5V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 1mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 1.95nF C oes f =1MHz 0.155nF C res f =1MHz0.115nF Q G V GE =-15V ... +15V 258nC R Gint T j =25°C 0Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =35AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =8ΩR G off =8Ωdi/dt on =825A/µs di/dt off =438A/µs dv/dt =4865V/µsT j =150°C 17ns t r T j =150°C 30ns E on T j =150°C 2.61mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 232ns t f T j =150°C 69ns E off T j =150°C 2.85mJ R th(j-s)per IGBT, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK)0.96K/W R th(j-s)per IGBT, λpaste =2.5 W/(mK)0.67K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitDiode 1V F I F =35A chiplevel T j =25°C 2.30 2.62V T j =150°C 2.29 2.62V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.30 1.50V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V r F chiplevelT j =25°C 2932m ΩT j =150°C4043m ΩI RRM I F =35A di/dt off =825A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 25A Q rr T j=150°C5.5µC E rr T j =150°C 2.27mJ R th(j-s)per Diode, λpaste =0.8 W/(mK) 1.34K/W R th(j-s)per Diode, λpaste =2.5 W/(mK)1K/W© by SEMIKRONRev. 1.0–24.04.20203®E1IGBT moduleSK35GD12T4ETE1Features*•Low inductive design•Press-Fit contact technology•Rugged mounting due to integrated mounting clamps•Heat transfer and insulation through direct copper bonded aluminium oxide ceramic (DBC)•Trench4 IGBT technology•Robust and soft switching CAL4F diode technology•Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Motor drives •Servo drives •Air conditioning •Auxiliary Inverters •UPSModule M s to heatsink 1.62.3Nm wweight25gCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitTemperature Sensor R 100T r =100°C493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%K4Rev. 1.0–24.04.2020© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–24.04.202056Rev. 1.0–24.04.2020© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–24.04.20207This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.8。



0 2 0
正常转矩 模式选择参数 1-00 异步 根据电机铭牌 根据电机铭牌 根据电机铭牌 根据电机铭牌 根据电机铭牌 [0]关、[1]启动完整 AMA、[2]精简 AMA 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 按照电机数据
500 0 100 15 0-250HZ 4.0-50.0HZ 0 0 100 100 100 0.10S 100 5MS 100 0 0.0048 0.0048 0 2 1 0 0 工厂推荐值 工厂推荐值 0-最大电动机电压 0-最大电动机频率
预置参考值[2] 预置参考值[3] 预置参考值[4] 预置参考值[5] 预置参考值[6] 预置参考值[7] 点动速度 加速/减速值 参考值位置 预置相对参考值 参考值来源 1 参考值来源 2 参考值来源 3 相对标定参考值源 点动速度 加减速 1 加减速 1 的类型 斜坡 1 加速时间 斜坡 1 减速时间 加减速 1 S 加减速比率 (加速时)启动 加减速 1 S 加减速比率 (加速时)终止 加减速 1 S 加减速比率 (减速时)启动 加减速 1 S 加减速比率 (减速时)终止 加减速 2 加减速 2 的类型 斜坡 2 加速时间 斜坡 2 减速时间 加减速 2S 加减速比率 (加速时)启动 加减速 2 S 加减速比率 (加速时)终止 加减速 2 S 加减速比率 (减速时)启动 加减速 2 S 加减速比率 (减速时)终止 加减速 3 加减速 3 的类型 斜坡 3 加速时间 斜坡 3 减速时间 加减速 3S 加减速比率 (加速时)启动 加减速 3S 加减速比率 (加速时)终止 加减速 3S 加减速比率 (减速时)启动
0 3RPM 0.0HZ 0 100000 10MS 4 0 0 0 0 80 50 50 10.0S 0RPM 0HZ 0

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SEMiX303GB12E4I50p 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SEMiX303GB12E4I50p 数据表

Rev. 1.0–02.03.20201SEMiX ®3p shuntGB + shuntTrench IGBT ModulesSEMiX303GB12E4I50p Features*•Homogeneous Si•Trench = Trenchgate technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•High short circuit capability•Press-fit pins as auxiliary contacts •Current sensing shunt resistor •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Renewable energy systemsRemarks•Product reliability results are valid for T j =150°C•V isol between temperature sensor and power section is only 2500V•For storage and case temperature with TIM see document “TP(*) SEMiX 3p”Absolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT V CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT c =25°C 469A T c =80°C361A I Cnom 300A I CRMI CRM = 3 x I Cnom 900A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200 V T j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 378A T c =80°C284A I Fnom 300A I FRM I FRM = 2xI Fnom600A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C1485A T j -40 (175)°C Module I t(RMS)T c = 80°C600A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50Hz, t =1min4000VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT V CE(sat)I C =300A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 1.80 2.05V T j =150°C 2.20 2.40V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.80.9V T j =150°C 0.70.8V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 3.3 3.8m ΩT j =150°C5.05.3m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =11.4mA5 5.8 6.5V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 4.0mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 18.5nF C oes f =1MHz 1.22nF C res f =1MHz1.04nF Q G V GE =- 8 V...+ 15 V 1695nC R Gint T j =25°C2.5Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =300AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =1ΩR G off =1Ωdi/dt on =6200A/µs di/dt off =2400A/µs dv/dt =3400V/µs L s =21nH T j =150°C 165ns t r T j =150°C 50ns E on T j =150°C 22mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 440ns t f T j =150°C 110ns E off T j =150°C 37mJR th(j-c)per IGBT0.094K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.03K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT, pre-applied phase change material0.021K/W2Rev. 1.0–02.03.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMiX ®3p shuntGB + shuntTrench IGBT ModulesSEMiX303GB12E4I50p Features*•Homogeneous Si•Trench = Trenchgate technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•High short circuit capability•Press-fit pins as auxiliary contacts •Current sensing shunt resistor •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Renewable energy systemsRemarks•Product reliability results are valid for T j =150°C•V isol between temperature sensor and power section is only 2500V•For storage and case temperature with TIM see document “TP(*) SEMiX 3p”Characteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F =300AV GE =0V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.20 2.52V T j =150°C 2.15 2.47V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.30 1.50V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 3.0 3.4m ΩT j =150°C4.2 4.6m ΩI RRM I F =300A di/dt off =6500A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 350A Q rr T j=150°C50µC E rr T j =150°C 23mJR th(j-c)per diode0.15K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.046K/W R th(c-s)per diode, pre-applied phase change material0.037K/W Module L CE 20nH R CC'+EE'measured per switch, shuntexcludedT C =25°C 0.95m ΩT C =125°C 1.25m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling 0.009K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,Ts underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.014K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,Ts underneath module, pre-applied phase change material 0.010K/W M s to heat sink (M5)36Nm M t to terminals (M6)36Nm Nm w350g Temperature Sensor R 100T c =100°C (R 25=5 k Ω)493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%KCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitShunt R Shunt Tolerance = ±1 %, T c = 20°C0.50m Ωα50ppm/K T Shunt 170°C R th(r-c)3K/W P ShuntT c =80°C30W© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–02.03.202034Rev. 1.0–02.03.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMiX 3p shuntpinoutRev. 1.0–02.03.20205This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK40MD120CR03ETE1 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SK40MD120CR03ETE1 数据表

© by SEMIKRONRev. 0.8–22.01.20211®E1Sixpack Open Emitter (Full SiC)Engineering Sample SK40MD120CR03ETE1Target Data Features*•Optimized design for superior thermal performance•Low inductance design•Press-Fit contact technology •1200V Planar Gen3 SiC MOS•Simple to drive with +15V gate voltage •Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switched Mode Power Supplies •Energy Storage Systems •Electric Vehicle charging •UPS •Motor DrivesRemarks•Recommended T j,op =-40 ...+150 °C •Recommended turn-off / turn-on gate voltage V GS = -4...0/+15VFootnotes1)SEMIKRON Exclusive High Performance Thermal Paste (HPTP), available as pre-appliedAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitMOSFET 1V DSS 1200V I D T j =175°CT s =25°C 49A T s =70°C41A I DMPulse width t p limited by T jmax120A I DM,repetitive60A V GS Max. transient gate - source voltage-8...19V T j-55 (175)°C Integrated body diode I FMPulse width t p limited by T jmax120A I FM,repetitive60AAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitModule I t(RMS)∆T terminal at PCB joint = 30 K, per pin30A T stg -40...125°C V isolAC, sinusoidal, t =1min2500V2Rev. 0.8–22.01.2021© by SEMIKRON®E1Sixpack Open Emitter (Full SiC)Engineering Sample SK40MD120CR03ETE1Target Data Features*•Optimized design for superior thermal performance•Low inductance design•Press-Fit contact technology •1200V Planar Gen3 SiC MOS•Simple to drive with +15V gate voltage •Integrated NTC temperature sensor •UL recognized file no. E 63 532Typical Applications•Switched Mode Power Supplies •Energy Storage Systems •Electric Vehicle charging •UPS •Motor DrivesRemarks•Recommended T j,op =-40 ...+150 °C •Recommended turn-off / turn-on gate voltage V GS = -4...0/+15VFootnotes1)SEMIKRON Exclusive High Performance Thermal Paste (HPTP), available as pre-appliedCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitMOSFET 1V (BR)DSS V GS =0V,I D =0.1mA, T j =25°C 1200V V GS(th)V DS =V GS , I D =11.5mA, T j =25°C I DSS V GS =0V,V DS =1200V, T j =25°C 1mA I GSS V DS =0V,V GS =15V,T j =25°C 100nA R DS(on)V GS =15V I D =41AchiplevelT j =25°C 3243m ΩT j =150°C 50m ΩC iss V GS =0V,V DS =1000V, f =0.1MHz 3400pF C oss V GS =0V,V DS =1000V, f =0.1MHz 130pF C rss V GS =0V,V DS =1000V, f =0.1MHz 10pF R Gint T j =25°C1.7ΩQ G V DD = 800 V, V GS = -4 V ... 15 V, I D =41A 118nC t d(on)V DD =600V V GS =15/-4V I D =40AR Gon =10ΩR Goff =4.2Ωdi/dt off =6.5kA/µs di/dt on =5.0kA/µsdv/dt =52kV/µsT j =150°C 21ns t d(off)T j =150°C 56ns t r T j =150°C10ns t f T j =150°C 6ns E on T j =150°C 0.57mJ E off T j =150°C0.26mJ R th(j-s)per MOSFET, λpaste =2.5 W/(mK) 1)1.02K/W Integrated body diodeV F = V SD -I D =21AV GS =-4V chiplevelT j =25°C 4.6V T j =150°C 4.3V V F0 = V SD0chiplevel T j =25°C 3.8V T j =150°C 3.6V r F = r SD chiplevelT j =25°C 39m ΩT j =150°C 34m Ωt rr V DD =600V -I D =40A V GS =-4V R Gon =10Ωdi/dt off =5.0kA/µsT j =150°C 32ns Q rr T j =150°C 0.8µC I rr T j =150°C 50A E rrT j =150°C0.18mJCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitModule L CE 18nH M s to heatsink 1.62.3Nm wweight25gCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitTemperature SensorR 100T r =100°C493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%K© by SEMIKRON Rev. 0.8–22.01.202134Rev. 0.8–22.01.2021© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 0.8–22.01.20215This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.In accordance with the quality guidelines of SEMIKRON, we would like to point out that the products are engineering samples. These engineering samples are not yet produced under quality conditions approaching those of series production, and are at the present time not included in the SEMIKRON quality monitoring and control process. Neither the product nor the production process has to date gone completely through the SEMIKRON internal authorization procedure. SEMIKRON may make any amendments without any prior notification. SEMIKRON cannot and shall not promise or commit itself to release and/or make available a final version or series product after the development phase. SEMIKRON cannot and will not assume any responsibility with regard to freedom from defects, functionality, and adaptation to and interaction with possible applications of the user or with regard to any other potential risks resulting from the use of engineering samples. Therefore SEMIKRON explicitly excludes any warranty and liability; as far as legally possible. The customer shall fully indemnify and hold harmless SEMIKRON from any and all risks, damages, losses, expenses and costs directly or indirectly resulting out of or in connection with the commissioning, operation, system integration, sale, dissemination or any other kind of use of engineering samples by the customer and/or any third party, which has come into possession of engineering samples through or because of the customer. All know-how and all registerable and non-registerable copyrights and industrial property rights arising from or in connection with these engineering samples remain the exclusive property of SEMIKRON.6。

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Biblioteka 设计日期:2014年5月16日
建筑概况 序号 楼层 采暖区域 房间 面积 ㎡ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 汇总 编制: 半地下 室 书房 桌球室 34 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 71 34 可铺 面积 ㎡ 34 设计参数 设计 参数 W/㎡ 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 ---总热量 单线热量 W 4080 3360 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 8520 ------2 W 2135 设计选型 单线线长 m 118 数量 条 2 总热量 W 4270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---单位总 热负荷 W 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 湿法水泥敷设 ----施工方案 铺设方式 铺线 间距 mm 144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 EFIT440 -----温控 数量 线控器型号 备注