美国概况I.简要介绍【General Introduction】一、地理位置【Location】美利坚合众国【The United State of America】,又叫美国【the States/the US/USA】或者山姆大叔【Uncle Sam】美国主要大陆面积地处北美洲中部,北部与加拿大接壤,南部与墨西哥接壤。
美国大陆东临大西洋【the Atlantic Ocean】,西面太平洋【the Pacific Ocean】,南部则是墨西哥湾【the Gulf of Mexico】。
二、美国国旗【American National Flag】美国国旗最初于1777年7月14日面世,国旗上有13条条纹,象征着美国最初的13个州,现在的美国国旗上有50颗星星,象征着现在美国的50个州,美国国旗总共有三种颜色:白色、红色、蓝色。
美国最大的州是阿拉斯加【Alaska】,最小的州是罗德岛【Rhode Island】,美国大陆最大的州是德克萨斯州【Texas】,阿拉斯加和夏威夷于1959年成为美国第49和第50个州,是晚加入的两个州。
一、地理区域【Geographical Regions】包括夏威夷在内,美国可分为八个自然区域【physical region】,分别是:1.新英格兰地区【New England】2.大西洋中部诸州【the Mid Atlantic States】3.中西部地区【the Midwest】4.南部地区【the South】5.大平原地区【the Great Plain】6.落基山脉和山间地区【the Rockies and Intermountain Region】/ 美国西部地区【the American West】7.太平洋沿岸地区【the Pacific Coast】8.新建州【the New States】1. 新英格兰【New England】新英格兰地区是由东北部的6个州组成的,分别是:缅因州【Maine(位于美国东北角的州)】、新罕布什尔州【New Hampshire】、佛蒙特州【Vermont】、马萨诸塞州【Massachusetts】、罗德岛州【Rhode Island】、康涅狄格州【Connecticut】。
加拿大 爱斯基摩人
爱斯基摩人的冰屋是怎样起 到保暖防寒作用的呢? 首先,由于冰屋结实不 透风,能够把寒风拒之屋外, 所以住在冰屋里的人,可以 免受寒风的袭击。 其次,冰是热的不良导 体,能很好地隔热,屋里的 热量几乎不能通过冰墙传导 到野外。 再次,冻结成一体的冰 屋,没有窗子,门口挂着兽 皮门帘,这样可以大大减少 屋内外空气的对流。
有的地区,妇女穿的裤子 和靴子连成一体。儿童的 衣服多是从头到脚连成一 体,只在臀部部位开一个 洞,平时这部分自然叫冰屋更准确)。其建筑材料就是一条条长方形的 大冰块,建筑方法是先将冰块交错堆垒成馒头形的小屋,再在 冰块之间浇水,很快便冻成一体,密不透风。绝对称得上是无 污染建材,无公害施工。这是加拿大爱斯基摩人的独创,至今 仍可见到,但多用于旅游观光领域了。
北极主要的土著居民是爱斯 基摩人。生活于地球之颠的爱 斯基摩人,在北极这样恶劣的 自然条件下,所依赖的就是北 极的动植物。这种环境几乎没 有植物性食品,树木极少,食 物来源只靠驯鹿、海豹、海象、 鲸等肉类,鲸脂,以及鱼类。 爱斯基摩人主要以食海豹,鲸 和鱼类为主。平均一星期食2餐 鱼,一日食2餐海豹
面部宽大,颊骨显著突出,四肢短, 躯干大。 外鼻较突出,下颚骨强横长着,头盖 正中线像龙骨一样突出,面部模样呈五 角形
爱斯基摩人的衣服都采用动物的毛皮为原料,所以能 最好地抵抗北极的严寒。驯鹿皮、熊皮、狐皮、海豹皮, 甚至狼皮都是做衣服鞋子的主要材料。 通常上身只穿一件厚厚的皮袄,不穿内衣,皮袄很轻, 带有连衣帽 外出打猎或活动不多时,穿上宽大的风雪外套,这种 外衣的毛朝外,主要功能是防风雪。
ESKIMO in the
Polar region
CHAPTER1--CANADA(I)LAND AND PEOPLEOttawa,the capital city of Canada,is in the province of Ontario.解析:加拿大首都渥太华,位于安大略省。
Nowadays,the Canadian Indians and Inuit are the natives in Canada.解析:大多数加拿大人是英国血统和法国血统,本土人是爱斯基摩人,或称为因纽特人(Inuit)和印第安人(Indians)。
The Magic House and Other Poems described the harshness of nature as well as the crisis of Canada’s native peoples trapped by the white man’s world.解析:在《魔法屋》一书中,渥太华的邓肯·坎贝尔·史葛描述了大自然的严酷以及加拿大的土著人被白种人陷害的危机。
In Canada,it is difficult to do farming in Atlantic provinces because the growing season is short and the soil is poor.解析:在加拿大,由于生长季节短和土壤贫瘠的原因,很难在大西洋地区进行农业生产。
According to the textbook,wrence-Great Lakes provinces is the most highly developed region of Canada.解析:圣劳伦斯——大湖省是加拿大最发达的地区。
Toronto is the largest city in Canada.解析:安大略省的多伦多是加拿大最大的城市,其次是势均力敌的法语语言城市——魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,以及西部不列颠哥伦比亚的温哥华市。
Section A Finland Northern Lights The Northern Lights, also known as “Aurora Borealis(北极光)” or the “Dawn of the North”, never fail to take your breath away. The aurora borealis is one of the most sublime(超群的) and magnificent natural phenomena on Earth. Before scientists cracked(侦破) the mystery of the auroras, men were drawn(吸引) and fascinated(强烈地吸引住) by these dancing and magical lights that were often found in mythology(神话) and legends. In Roman Mythology, it is said that the Aurora is the deity(神) of the dawn. In North America, the Inuits (爱斯基摩人)have many legends that explain them as spirits of the dead. They believed that the lights are the essences(精华) of deer, salmon(鲑鱼), seals and other animals that they hunted. Aristotle (亚里斯多德)thought it was glowing air gushing(喷出) from cracks in the sky. The appearance of the red aurora in medieval(中世纪的) times was feared as a bad omen (前兆) or a sign of God's anger. They believed the manifestation (显现)of the aurora indicated famine or war. Charles Hall (查尔斯·霍尔), a 19th-century polar explorer, exclaimed: "Who but God can conceive(想出) such infinite(无穷的) scenes of glory?" Oddly enough, the Maori (毛利人)thought that the displays were just reflections of acampfire(营火) or torches.Regardless whether you believe the scientific facts or the legends behind its existence, you’ll still be captivated(吸住) by these supernatural display of lights, and there are countless destinations where you can see the majestic phenomenon. Finland(芬兰), for example, should be a representative. Many visitors to Finland come with hopes of seeing the Finland Northern Lights. The best place to see the Northern Lights in Finland is in the northern Lapland region(拉普兰地区), which is almost entirely located within the realm(区域) of the Arctic Circle (北极圈). During the dark winter months here, when the sun rarely peaks(使达到最高峰) its head over the horizon, you can expect to see the Finland Northern Lights with regularity, and other peak(峰值) seasons include February through March and September through October. The time between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m. is the most intense period of the day. The highest probability within this timespan(时间间隔)to see the Finland Northern Lights is between 9 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., though they are certainly not restricted to this time frame. If you have never seen the Northern Lights wherever they commonly occur in the world, then you will be amazed the first time when you lay eyes on them.The Northern Lights are similar to a sunset in the sky at night, but appear occasionally in arcs(弧光)or spirals(螺旋形物)usually following the earth's magnetic(磁性的)field. They are most often light green in color but often have a hint of pink. Swirling(涡旋形的) shades of blue, green, and pink are most common when it comes to the Finland Northern Lights. Strong eruptions also haveviolet(紫罗兰色的) and white colours. Red northern lights are rare, but can sometimes be observed on lower latitudes(纬度).The Finland Aurora Borealis, while best seen in Lapland, can also be witnessed as far south as the capital city of Helsinki(赫尔辛基) from time to time, though on average, there are only some twenty days out of the year when viewing them is possible in most southern parts of the country. Part of the reason why it can be difficult to see the Northern Lights of Finland in Helsinki is because of the fact that it is hard to escape to dimly lit areas. The relative lack of city lights is just one of the reasons why the Lapland region sees some 200 nightly occurrences every year, and one must also consider the region’s northern location. The lower reaches(区域) of the Arctic Circle are ideal for viewing the Northern Lights across the planet, which is why Canada and Alaska are good destinations in the Western Hemisphere(半球).For those who are wondering what causes the Northern Lights in Finland, solar flares(耀斑) are largely responsible. These flares effectively cause solar winds and solar storms, which create lingering(游移的) atmospheric particles or matter. The Aurora Borealis is just caused by these charged(带电的) particles(粒子) ejected(喷出) from the sun. When these particles reach the earth, they collide(碰撞) with gas atoms in the earth's atmosphere causing them to energise( 释放出能量) which results in a spectacular multi-coloured light show. As such(因此), scientists can often accurately predict when the best times are for viewing the Northern Lights in Finland by keeping an eye out for(留心) solar flares. ( 757 words)New Wordsaurora [ɔ:'rɔ:rə] n. 曙光[C]; 极光[C];【罗神】(大写)奥罗拉(即曙光女神)sublime [sə'blaɪm] a. 雄伟的;卓越的;壮丽的;超群的crack [kræk] v. 敲破; 破(案); 破解draw v. 吸引(注意等)fascinate v. 强烈地吸引住mythology [mi'θɔlədʒi] n. 神话deity ['di:iti] n. 神essence ['esns] n. 精髓,精华salmon ['sæmən] n. 鲑,大麻哈鱼gush [gʌʃ] v. 涌出,喷出medieval [medi'i:vəl] a. 中世纪的,中古(时代)的;原始的omen ['əumən] n. 前兆,预兆,兆头manifestation [,mænifes'teiʃən] n. 显现conceive [kən'si:v] v. 想像;想出infinite ['infinit] a. 无穷的,广大无边的campfire ['kæmp,faiə] n. 营火,篝火captivate ['kæptiveit] v. 吸住;迷惑住realm [relm] n.区域,范围peak vt. 使达到最高峰n. 最大量;巅值,峰值timespan n. 时间间隔arc [ɑ:k] n. 弧;弧光spiral ['spairəl] n. 螺旋形物magnetic [mæg'netik] a. 磁(性)的swirling [swə:l] v. (使)打旋; 盘绕violet ['vaiəlit] a. 紫罗兰色的latitude ['lætitju:d] n. 纬度reach n. 区域,领域,范围hemisphere ['hemisfiə] n. 半球flare [flɛə] n. (太阳的)耀斑,色球爆发lingering ['liŋgəriŋ] a. 逗留不去的;游移的charge v. 充(电)particle ['pɑ:tikl] n. 颗粒,微粒;粒子eject [i'dʒekt] v. 喷出collide [kə'laid] v. (车等)碰撞(with);(意志等)冲突,抵触(with) energise ['enədʒaiz] =energize(美)vt. 供给 ... 能量,使精力充沛vi. 释放出能量Useful Expressionstake one’s breath away 屏息凝神with regularity 经常地be restricted to 局限于lay eyes on 看到,看见a hint of 一丁点儿collide with (车等)碰撞;(意志等)冲突,抵触as such 这样;因此keep an eye out for 留心Proper NamesAurora Borealis 北极光the Inuit 因纽特人;爱斯基摩人Aristotle 亚里斯多德Charles Hall 查尔斯霍尔Maori 毛利人;毛利语Finland 芬兰Lapland region 拉普兰地区Arctic Circle 北极圈(北纬66度33分以北区域)Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Notes1.Aurora Borealis: 北极光--- "北端的光"由太阳风和地球磁场及上层大气交互作用产生。
把冰箱卖给爱斯基摩人的推销方案英文版According to the needs of different families and individuals, in addition to setting up fixed refrigerator sales points in the places where Eskimos live together, the refrigerator company also needs to set up a chain service center to provide each Eskimo family and individual using the refrigerator with services such as refrigerator rental, exchange for new, warranty return, storage, management and transportation of prey, and at the same time, use the store, wall Equipment and other media can also provide advertising services for refrigerators and other products. In addition, the local Eskimos have the most appropriate understanding of the living habits and consumer psychology of local residents. Recruiting local Eskimos to join the company not only increases the relationship between salespeople and local residents to promote the marketing effect, but also creates employment opportunities for local residents, thus driving the economic development of Eskimos. To support the refrigerator industry in Eskimo living areas is to support the development of Inuit people and promote the common progress of all ethnic groups in the world.The entry of the refrigerator into every Eskimo family will not only change the life of an Eskimo family, but alsochange the image of Eskimos in the eyes of people around the world, and improve and reshape the image of the Eskimo nation. Taking the refrigerator home means taking the modern civilization home. Eskimos are still habitually believed to live in the primitive world of drinking blood and eating raw meat. Therefore, Eskimos need to take the refrigerator as an important step towards the development, opening up and modernization of their nation. Children growing up in Eskimo families with refrigerators and other household appliances will proudly enjoy the edification of modern civilization and feel the pulse of modernization with children all over the world. One day in the future, when every Eskimo goes to areas outside the Arctic Circle, he can use the refrigerator skillfully and naturally, which will be an amazing honor for the Eskimo nation in front of friends in the world.The surge of globalization and modernization is irresistible. People all over the world are using refrigerators. Every Eskimo family needs a refrigerator. This is the inevitable development of contemporary reality. For their own sake, for their children, for the nation and for the world, every Eskimo family should hurry to have their own refrigerator.。
爱斯基摩人介绍 英文
There are two main groups that are referred to as Eskimo: Yupik and Inuit. A third group, the Aleut, is related. The Yupik language dialects and cultures in Alaska and eastern Siberia have evolved in place beginning with the original Eskimo culture that developed in Alaska Today the two main groups of Eskimos are the Inuit of northern Alaska, Canada and Greenland, and the Yupik, comprising speakers of four distinct Yupik languages and originating in western Alaska, in south central Alaska along the Gulf of Alaska coast, and in the Russian far east.
Pure white land owner
Eskimos (or Esquimaux) or Inuit–Yupik (for Alaska: Inupiat–Yupik)
peoples are indigenous people who have traditionally inhabited the circumpolar region from eastern Siberia (Russia), across Alaska(United states), Canada, and Greenland.
捕鱼活动一般是在大浮 冰上,更多时候在浮冰 下进行,不同的种族用 不同捕鱼工具,捕不同 类型的鱼:钓鱼钩,渔 网,捕鱼篓,鱼叉。因 纽特人在北极地区短暂 的夏天也从事采摘业, 是主要以肉食为主,他 们主要依靠海豹和加拿 大驯鹿生存。也是那些 动物的皮毛为因纽特人 提供了抵御严寒的衣服。
雪屋一度成为爱斯基摩人的标志之一,但建造起来讲究可大了!建造冰屋的 雪是常年积攒不化的雪,这些雪经过长时间的强风吹拂和日照,内部形成的 冰晶变成硬雪,有足够的建筑强度。更神奇的是,建造时完全不用任何辅助 材料,熟练的建造人一个人就能搞定三四人居住的房间!
• 至于居住形式, 传统的是雪砖垒
成的圆屋顶的房 屋-雪屋。然而, 雪屋这个词不仅
屋或泥土块屋子 里。
技术高超的爱斯基摩人, 在建造雪屋时,通常先 选择一块合适的雪地, 画好墙线,把地面压实 整平。有些雪屋在做地 基时还会向下挖一个大 坑,利用大坑本身的围 合来保温。然后再将雪 块依次呈螺旋上升摆成 圆圈的形状,最终封顶。 合理的设计,圆顶雪屋 很温暖,屋内的温度甚 至可以达到16°C。
英语"ESKIMO"是 我们常用的形式。
他们和印第安人 一样,只是晚一 些从白令海峡来 到美洲。因纽特 人主要表现出蒙 古人的种族特征。
他们在海岸边安家落户,主要靠猎捕海生哺乳动物(主要是海象,独角鲸和 各类鲸)和陆地哺乳动物为食(鸭子,加拿大驯鹿,白熊,麝牛,极地狐和 北极熊)。
捕猎的方法 有很多种, 虽然步枪取 代了传统武 器,但鱼叉 还是一种有 效的补充工 具。因纽特 人也从事渔 业。主要捕 食海鱼(鲨, 鳕鱼,庸鱼 菜,肉色像 鲑鱼的鳟鱼 和红鲑鱼)。
爱斯基摩人(Eskimo):北极地区的土著民族,自 称因纽特人,分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格 陵兰的北极圈内外,分别居住在格陵兰、美国、 加拿大和俄罗斯。属蒙古人种北极类型,先后创 制了用拉丁字母和斯拉夫字母拼写的文字。多信 万物有灵和萨满教,部分信基督教新教和天主教
爱斯基摩人属于亚洲民族,与美洲印第安人不同之处在于具有更多的亚洲人 的特征,如手足较短小,此外,还有一些不太明显的区别特征。爱斯基摩人 的另一与众不同之点是ABO血型中的B型人数之比例十分可观,而印第安人中 几乎没有B型血型。由于血型是遗传特征中最为稳定的一个因素,现在学者 们多认为,至少有一部分爱斯基摩人同印第安人族源不同,因而不能像早期 学术界宣称的那样,把爱斯基摩人看作是单纯地另外发展于极北地带的一支 印第安民族。
北美地区的因纽特人(Inuit)有个更为外界 熟知的名字:爱斯基摩人(Eskimo),意 为“吃生肉的人”。他们不喜欢这种带有 歧视性的称呼,更愿意称自己为Inuit,即“真正的
人”“土地的主人”。 2017年7月,我第三次赴格陵兰岛,乘坐极地邮
轮跨越大西洋,进入加拿大的北极地区,沿着纽芬 兰和拉布拉多省一路南下直到纽芬兰岛。由于交通
然而,有一项因纽特人古老的技能传承了下来。 位于北纬54°的小镇里戈莱特(Rigolet)——我来到 世界上最南端的因纽特人定居点,正是在这里,第一 次听到因纽特人传统的喉音唱法(Throat Singing), 他们将其称作“Katajjaq”。两个十几岁的当地女孩 子(一个患有侏儒症,看起来像六七岁)面对面,
All Rights 最 Re早se的rv供e给d.服务中心迅速发展起
来。到了20世纪50年代,大约150 个来自Nutak和Hebron的因纽特人定 居在此。那时政府需要在马库维克岬修 建一个远程预警线雷达站,一段时间里为当地 提供了一些就业机会。
加拿大北极地区自然条件恶劣,就业机会极少。 曾经有段时间,因纽特人受雇建设军事基地和雷达 站。然而工程结束后,没有技术特长的因纽特人便失 去了生活来源。到了50年代末期,甚至一半人只能依 靠政府救济,生活困顿。也就是从那时开始,加拿大 政府才重视起因纽特人,开始在定居点建立学校,开 办医院。如今因纽特人在住房、交通、医疗、教育等 方面享受加拿大政府的福利。
Canadian Eskimo Dog爱斯基摩犬
Dogs played an integral role in the annual routine of the Inuit. During the summer they became pack animals, and in the winter they pulled the sled. Yearlong they assisted with hunting by sniffing out seals' holes and pestering polar bears. They also protected the Inuit villages by barking at bears and strangers.
Inuit Art艺术
Art played a big part in Inuit
society and continues to do so
today. Small sculptures of
animals and human figures,
usually depicting everyday
T极h地e typical Inuit diet 因纽特人饮食
The Inuit have traditionally been fishers and hunters. They still hunt whales , walrus(海象), caribous(北美驯鹿), and seals. The traditional Inuit diet is very high in fat. While it is not possible to cultivate plants for food in the Arctic, the Inuit have traditionally gathered those that are naturally available. Grasses, tubers(块茎), roots, berries, and seaweed were collected and preserved depending on the season and the location.
USA: “melting pot” Throw off their old customs, languages and
traditions and turn to “American” Canada: “mosaic” 1.Different cultures are equal 2.Overlap not overwhelm 3.A multicultural society within a bilingual
with capital and entrepreneurial skills
Along with the purely economic concerns that have informed immigration policy make Canada look hardheaded rather than humanitarian
Members:郭娟娟、刁黎黎、汪丽、冉 霞、黄慧
.Brief Introduction of Mosaic .The First Canadians .The Settlers .French Canadians .The Story of a Canadian
About Mosaic (məu'zeiik )
French-speaking province of Quebec has thought that its linguistic and cultural heritage is threatened by remaining in a country thaபைடு நூலகம் is mainly English-speaking
is a kind of material decorating buildings Used in dealing with videos, films or images when
新标准大学英语3 Cultural childhood
1、L. P.哈特利
莱斯利哈特利,称为 L. P.哈特利,英国小说家和短篇故 知 名 的 小 说 是 1947 年 出 版 的 t he Eust ace and Hilda t r ilogy 和 1953 年发表的 The Go-Between 《送 Go-Between 是英国作家 L. P. Hartley 的代表作, 于 1953 小说以倒序的手法讲述了一个让人难以忘怀的故事。故 “ The past is a foreign country, they do things 信人》 。 The 年在伦敦出版。 事开篇的那句 differently 事作家。他的最
there.”“往昔是异国他乡,那里有不同的习俗 ”非常有名,几乎成为家喻户晓的谚语。
The Go-Between《送信人》
12 岁的 Leo 应同学 Marcus 的邀请到他的家乡渡假,乡间的田原风光 风景如画,Leo 感到非常新鲜。他惊讶的是,Marcus 的姐姐 Marian 貌美 热情,她常带他去市场购物。Marcus 出麻疹,不能陪 Leo 玩,Leo 只好独 自玩。他无意中来到黑色农场,农夫 Ted 让他带一封信给 Marian,Leo 非 常高兴。他每给 Marian 送—次信,就能得到她感激的微笑。Leo 很愉快充 当送信的人。Leo 与退伍兵 Hugh Trimingham 交上了朋友,Hugh 常讲故 事给听他。Leo 发现 Marian 和 Ted 的信件是情书,并得知 Maudsley 夫人 要把女儿嫁给 Hugh 时,就拒绝当送信的使者了。许多年过去了,Leo 又 来到 Marcus 家, Marian 孀居在家, 她还是那样漂亮热情。 她再次要求 Leo 做送信人,给她的孙子送信。 这部作品于 1970 年被改编成电影,由哈罗德·品特担任编剧,荣获 1971 年第 24 届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖,并于 1999 年入选英国电影协会的 百部最佳英国电影。之后也多次以舞台剧的形式上演。