
小题满分练3一、单项选择题1.若集合M ={x|x<3},N ={x|x 2>4},则M ∩N 等于( ) A .(-2,3) B .(-∞,-2) C .(2,3) D .(-∞,-2)∪(2,3)【答案】 D【解析】 ∵N =(-∞,-2)∪(2,+∞),∴M ∩N =(-∞,-2)∪(2,3). 2.(2020·全国Ⅰ)若z =1+2i +i 3,则|z|等于( ) A .0 B .1 C. 2 D .2 【答案】 C【解析】 ∵z =1+2i +i 3=1+2i -i =1+i , ∴|z|=12+12= 2.3.已知向量a ,b 满足|a |=2,|b |=1,且|b +a |=2,则向量a 与b 的夹角的余弦值为( ) A.22 B.23 C.28 D.24【答案】 D【解析】 由题意可知,|b +a |2=b 2+2a ·b +a 2=3+2a ·b =4, 解得a ·b =12,∴cos 〈a ,b 〉=a ·b |a ||b |=122=24.4.(2020·全国Ⅰ)已知圆x 2+y 2-6x =0,过点(1,2)的直线被该圆所截得的弦的长度的最小值为( )A .1B .2C .3D .4 【答案】 B【解析】 圆的方程可化为(x -3)2+y 2=9, 故圆心的坐标为C(3,0),半径r =3. 如图,记点M(1,2),则当MC 与直线垂直时,直线被圆截得的弦的长度最小, 此时|MC|=22,弦的长度l =2r 2-|MC|2=29-8=2.5.(2020·新高考全国Ⅰ)基本再生数R 0与世代间隔T 是新冠肺炎的流行病学基本参数.基本再生数指一个感染者传染的平均人数,世代间隔指相邻两代间传染所需的平均时间.在新冠肺炎疫情初始阶段,可以用指数模型:I(t)=e rt描述累计感染病例数I(t)随时间t(单位:天)的变化规律,指数增长率r 与R 0,T 近似满足R 0=1+rT.有学者基于已有数据估计出R 0=3.28,T =6.据此,在新冠肺炎疫情初始阶段,累计感染病例数增加1倍需要的时间约为(ln 2≈0.69) ( )A .1.2天B .1.8天C .2.5天D .3.5天 【答案】 B【解析】 由R 0=1+rT ,R 0=3.28,T =6, 得r =R 0-1T =3.28-16=0.38.由题意,累计感染病例数增加1倍, 则I(t 2)=2I(t 1),即20.38et =10.382et ,所以()210.38et t -=2,即0.38(t 2-t 1)=ln 2,所以t 2-t 1=ln 20.38≈0.690.38≈1.8.6.已知a>0,b>0,若不等式m 3a +b -3a -1b≤0恒成立,则m 的最大值为( ) A .4 B .16 C .9 D .3 【答案】 B【解析】 因为a>0,b>0, 所以由m 3a +b -3a -1b≤0恒成立,得m ≤⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫3a +1b (3a +b)=10+3b a +3a b 恒成立, 因为3b a +3ab≥23b a ·3ab=6, 当且仅当a =b 时等号成立, 所以10+3b a +3ab ≥16,所以m ≤16,即m 的最大值为16.7.已知双曲线C :y 2a 2-x2b 2=1(a>0,b>0),直线x =a 与C 的交点为A ,B(B 在A 的下方),直线x =a 与C 的一条渐近线的交点D 在第一象限,若|AB||BD|=43,则C 的离心率为( )A.32 B .2 C.1+174 D.7 【答案】 B【解析】 将x =a 代入y 2a 2-x 2b 2=1,得y 2=a 2c 2b 2,即y =±ac b ,则|AB|=2acb.将x =a 代入y =a b x ,得y =a 2b ,则|BD|=ac b +a2b .因为|AB||BD|=43,所以2ac ac +a 2=43,即2e e +1=43,解得e =2. 8.(2020·重庆模拟)已知函数f(x)=x 3-3x +1,若∀x 1∈[a ,b],∃x 2∈[a ,b],使得f(x 1)=f(x 2),且x 1≠x 2,则b -a 的最大值为( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .6【答案】 C【解析】 令f ′(x)=3x 2-3=0,解得x =±1,易得当x ∈(-∞,-1)∪(1,+∞)时,f ′(x)>0,f(x)在(-∞,-1),(1,+∞)上单调递增,当x ∈(-1,1)时,f ′(x)<0,f(x)在(-1,1)上单调递减,且f(-1)=3,f(1)=-1,作出函数f(x)的图象如图, 令f(x)=3,解得x =-1或x =2, 令f(x)=-1,解得x =1或x =-2, 由图象可知,b -a 的最大值为2-(-2)=4. 二、多项选择题9.空气质量指数(简称:AQI)是定量描述空气质量状况的无量纲指数,空气质量按照AQI 大小分为六级:[0,50)为优,[50,100)为良,[100,150)为轻度污染,[150,200)为中度污染,[200,250)为重度污染,[250,300]为严重污染.下面记录了北京市22天的空气质量指数,根据图表,下列结论正确的是( )A.在北京这22天的空气质量中,按平均数来考查,最后4天的空气质量优于最前面4天的空气质量B.在北京这22天的空气质量中,有3天达到污染程度C.在北京这22天的空气质量中,12月29日空气质量最差D.在北京这22天的空气质量中,达到空气质量优的天数有7天【答案】ABC【解析】因为97>59,51>48,36>29,68>45,所以在北京这22天的空气质量中,按平均数来考察,最后4天的空气质量优于最前面4天的空气质量,即选项A正确;AQI不低于100的数据有3个:143,225,145,所以在北京这22天的空气质量中,有3天达到污染程度,即选项B正确;因为12月29日的AQI为225,为这22天中AQI的最大值,所以该天的空气质量最差,即选项C正确;AQI在[0,50)内的数据有6个:36,47,49,48,29,45,即达到空气质量优的天数有6天,所以选项D错误.10.(2020·山东新高考名校联考)某班期末考试数学成绩(满分150分)的频率分布直方图如图所示,其中分组区间为[80,90),[90,100),[100,110),[110,120),[120,130),[130,140),[140,150],根据频率分布直方图,判断下列说法正确的是( )A.估计本次考试数学成绩的平均数为114.8分B .估计本次考试数学成绩的众数为115分C .估计本次考试数学成绩的中位数为114分D .本次考试数学成绩110分以上的人数等于110分以下的人数 【答案】 ABC【解析】 由频率分布直方图可知,本次数学成绩的平均数为85×0.04+95×0.06+105×0.24+115×0.36+125×0.16+135×0.12+145×0.02=114.8,A 正确;由图易知本次考试数学成绩的众数为115分,B 正确;前三组的频率和为(0.004+0.006+0.024)×10=0.34,所以中位数应落在[110,120)之间,中位数为110+0.5-0.340.36×10≈114(分),C 正确;因为0.04+0.06+0.24<0.36+0.16+0.12+0.02,故本次考试数学成绩在110分以上的人数多于110分以下的人数.11.将函数f(x)=3cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2x +π3-1的图象向左平移π3个单位长度,再向上平移1个单位长度,得到函数g(x)的图象,则下列关于函数g(x)的说法正确的是( ) A .最大值为3,图象关于直线x =π12对称B .图象关于y 轴对称C .最小正周期为πD .图象关于点⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4,0对称 【答案】 BCD【解析】 将函数f(x)=3cos ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫2x +π3-1的图象向左平移π3个单位长度,得到y =3cos ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤2⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫x +π3+π3-1=3cos(2x +π)-1=-3cos 2x -1的图象;再向上平移1个单位长度,得到函数g(x)=-3cos 2x 的图象,对于函数g(x),它的最大值为3,由于当x =π12时,g(x)=-32,不是最值,故g(x)的图象不关于直线x =π12对称,故A 错误;由于该函数为偶函数,故它的图象关于y 轴对称,故B 正确; 它的最小正周期为2π2=π,故C 正确;当x =π4时,g(x)=0,故函数g(x)的图象关于点⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4,0对称,故D 正确. 12.(2020·济南质量评估)若实数a ,b 满足2a+3a =3b+2b ,则下列关系式中可能成立的是( ) A .0<a<b<1 B .b<a<0 C .1<a<b D .a =b【答案】 ABD【解析】 设f(x)=2x+3x ,g(x)=3x+2x ,f(x)和g(x)在(-∞,+∞)上均为增函数,且f(0)=g(0),f(1)=g(1).x ∈(-∞,0)时,f(x)<g(x);x ∈(0,1)时,f(x)>g(x);x ∈(1,+∞)时,f(x)<g(x).由函数f(x)与g(x)的图象可知,若f(a)=2a+3a =3b+2b =g(b),则b<a<0或0<a<b<1或a>b>1或a =b. 三、填空题13.⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫y x -3x 5的展开式中xy 2的系数为________. 【答案】 -270【解析】 ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫y x -3x 5的展开式中xy 2的项为C 35×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫y x 2×(-3x)3=-270xy 2,故其系数为-270.14.在如图所示的图形中,每个三角形上各有一个数字,若六个三角形上的数字和为20,则称该图形是“和谐图形”.已知其中四个三角形上的数字之和为14.现从1,2,3,4,5中任取两个数字标在另外两个三角形上,则恰好使该图形为“和谐图形”的概率为________.【答案】 15【解析】 由题意可知,若该图形为“和谐图形”,则另外两个三角形上的数字之和恰为20-14=6.从1,2,3,4,5中任取两个数字的所有情况有(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(3,4),(3,5),(4,5),共10种,而其中数字之和为6的情况有(1,5),(2,4),共2种,所以所求概率P =15.15.在四面体ABCD 中,AB ⊥平面BCD ,BC ⊥BD ,AB =BD =2,E 为CD 的中点,若异面直线AC 与BE 所成的角为60°,则BC =________. 【答案】 2【解析】 取AD 的中点F ,连接EF ,BF ,如图所示,则EF ∥AC ,∠BEF 为异面直线AC 与BE 所成的角,所以∠BEF =60°.设BC =x ,则BE =EF =x 2+42,BF =2,从而△BEF 为等边三角形,则x 2+42=2,解得x =2.故BC =2.16.定义p(n)为正整数n 的各位数字中不同数字的个数,例如p(555)=1,p(93)=2,p(1 714)=3.在等差数列{a n }中,a 2=9,a 10=25,则a n =________,数列{p(a n )}的前100项和为________.【答案】 2n +5 227【解析】 因为a 2=9,a 10=25,所以公差为d =25-910-2=2,所以a n =9+2(n -2)=2n +5.因为a 1=7,a 100=205,且a n 为奇数,所以当a n =7,9,11,33,55,77,99,111时,p(a n )=1;当a n =101,113,115,117,119,121,131,133,141,151,155,161,171,177,181,191,199时,p(a n )=2.在数列{a n }中,小于100的项共有47项,这47项中满足p(a n )=2的共有47-7=40(项),故数列{p(a n )}的前100项和为1×8+2×(40+17)+3×(100-8-40-17)=227.。

小题组合保分练3(时间:20分钟满分:26分)一、语言文字运用(15分)1.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)( )幽默,可以说是一个________的心灵,在精神饱满、生趣洋溢时的自然流露。
A.敏锐苦心经营左右逢源B.敏感苦心经营信手拈来C.敏锐费尽心机信手拈来D.敏感费尽心机左右逢源解析:选A 敏感:生理上或心理上对外界事物反应很快。
2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)( )A.现在的孩子不光缺少玩的时间,就是玩起来也很安静:他们和书本玩,和积木玩,和自己从来没说过话的布偶玩,很少气喘吁吁,大笑大叫。

19秋《大学英语(三)》练习_3 满分答案一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分 )1.The last half of the nineteenth century ___C____ the steady improvement inthe means of travel.(4分)A. has witnessedB. was witnessedC. witnessedD. is witnessed是否存疑2.You object _____D______, don’t you?(4分)• A. that they come• B. that they came• C. to their come• D. to their coming是否存疑3.This is the worst film __A__ I have ever seen.(4分)• A. that• B. which• C. who4.People appreciate __C____ with him because he has a good sense ofhumor.(4分)• A. to work• B. to have worked• C. working• D. having worked是否存疑5.This picture reminds me _B___ my hometown.(4分)• A. to• B. of• C. for• D. with是否存疑6.The manager spoke highly of such __A____ as loyalty, courage andtruthfulness shown by his employees.(4分)• A. virtue• B. features• C. properties7.He came back late, ___B____ which time all the guests had already left.(4分)• A. after• B. by• C. at• D. during是否存疑8.On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ____D_______ a day.(4分)• A. customers• B. supporters• C. guests• D. clients是否存疑9.The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at __D_____ chemist’s.(4分)• A. each• B. some• C. certain10.The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ___A___ himself.(4分)• A. injure• B. had injured• C. injured• D. would injure是否存疑11.Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he ___C____ hisopinion.(4分)• A. struck at• B. strove for• C. stuck to• D. stood for是否存疑12.I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t ___A____anything.(4分)• A. omit• B. leak• C. lack13.____A___, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed morerapidlythan a man whose command of language is poor.(4分)• A. Other things being equal• B. Were other things equal• C. To be equal to other things• D. Other things to be equal是否存疑14.Having decided to rent a flat, we __A____ contacting all theaccommodation agencies in the city.(4分)• A. set about• B. set down• C. set out• D. set up是否存疑15.Remember that customers don’t ____C____ about prices in that city.(4分)• A. debate• D. consult是否存疑16.Although he did not know London well, he made his way ___C_____ to theairport.(4分)• A. easy enough• B. enough• C. easily enough• D. enough easily是否存疑17.He gives people the impression __A____ all his life broad.(4分)• A. of having spent• B. to have spent• C. of being spent• D. to spend是否存疑18.Every year thousands of lives ___D_____ in road accidents because ofcareless driving.(4分)• A. lose• D. are lost是否存疑19.Friendship is needed by all, ___A__ plays an important role in people’slives.(4分)• A. which• B. that• C. who• D. it是否存疑20.____B___ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.(4分)• A. For• B. Since• C. Before• D. While是否存疑21.There are few electronic applications ____B___ to raise fears regardingfutureemployment opportunities than robots.(4分)• A. likely• B. more likely• C. most likely• D. much likely是否存疑22.Excuse me. If your call’s not too urgent, do you mind ___B____ mine first?(4分)• A. I make• B. if I make• C. me to make• D. that I make是否存疑23.Would you mind __B__ the computer game in your room?(4分)• A. him playing• B. his playing• C. him to play• D. him play24.After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute___D____ .(4分)• A. being settled• B. to be settled• C. had settled• D. as settled是否存疑25.Frequently single-parent children __D_____ some of the functions that theabsentadult in the house would have served.(4分)• A. take off• B. take after• C. take in• D. take on。

2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 评卷人
得分 一、填空题
1.如图3,在矩形A B C D 中,3,AB =3BC =,BE AC ⊥,垂足为E ,则ED =_______.(汇编年高考广东卷(文))(几何证明选讲选做题)
图 3E
2.如图, AB 与CD 相交于点E , 过E 作BC 的平行线与AD 的延长线相交于点P . 已知A C ∠=∠, PD = 2DA = 2, 则PE = ______. (汇编年高考陕西卷(文))(几何证明选做题)
E P A 评卷人
得分 二、解答题

苹果 ;就餐时,他拿出一盒自热小火锅,往下
C (填字母).
是 增强水的导电性
元素 (填“单
溶液、(NH4)2SO4 溶液
加 Ba(OH)2溶液,观察现象
鉴别①FeCl3 溶液、②稀硫
酸、③NaCl 溶液、④
NaOH 溶液

)1.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(A)A.《强军战歌》B.《黄河》C.《松花江上》2.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(B)A.《九九艳阳天》B.《乡恋》C.《黄土高原》3.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(A)A.《梁祝》B.《保卫黄河》C.《少女的祈祷》4.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(A)A.《我爱你中国》B.《春天里》C.《一抹夕阳》5.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(C)A.《大进行曲》B.《第五(命运)交响曲》C.《春》6.聆听音乐片段,该片段所属的民族是(B)A.藏族B.新疆维吾尔族C.蒙古族7.聆听音乐片段,该片段中的主奏乐器是(C)A.竹笛B.排箫C.管子8.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(A)A.《教我如何不想她》B.《菩提树》C.《彩云追月》9.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲名是(B)A.《云雀》B.《到琉森湖去》C.《你呀你呀》10.聆听音乐片段,该片段的主奏乐器是(A)A.单簧管B.长笛C.小号11.聆听音乐片段,该片段的主奏乐器是(C)A.单簧管B.长笛C.小提琴12.聆听音乐片段,该片段的主奏乐器是(B)A.高胡B.二胡C.马头琴13.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演奏乐器是(C)A.编钟B.古筝C.琵琶14.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演奏乐器是(A)A.钢琴B.扬琴C.木琴15.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演奏乐器是(A)A.古琴B.古筝C.柳琴16.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演奏乐器是(A)A.埙B.葫芦丝C.箫17.聆听音乐片段,该片段的主奏乐器是(C)A.竹笛B.笙C.排箫18.聆听音乐片段,该片段的主奏乐器是(B)A.马林巴琴B.西塔尔琴C.拇指钢琴19.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演奏乐器是(A)A.苏格兰风笛B.短笛C.小号20.聆听音乐片段,该片段的演唱形式是(C)A.男声合唱B.童声合唱C.女声合唱21.聆听音乐片段,该片段中没有出现的民族乐器是(A)A.唢呐B.扬琴C.二胡22.聆听音乐片段,该作品所属的国家是(A)A.日本B.印度C.朝鲜23.聆听音乐片段,该民歌的体裁是(B)A.号子B.山歌C.小调24.聆听音乐片段,该民歌流行的地区是(C)A.湖南B.江苏C.云南25.聆听音乐片段,该民歌流行的地区是(B)A.陕北B.江苏C.湖南26.聆听音乐片段,该作品的作者是(A)A.格林卡B.穆索尔斯基C.柴科夫斯基27.聆听音乐片段,该片段所属的戏曲是(C)A.豫剧B.京剧C.越剧28.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲艺形式是(B)A.苏州弹词B.京韵大鼓C.东北二人转29.聆听音乐片段,这首歌曲的体裁是(B)A.小夜曲B.艺术歌曲C.摇篮曲30.聆听音乐片段,该京剧唱段的曲名是(A)A.《海岛冰轮初转腾》B.《都有一颗红亮的心》C.《迎来春色换人间》31.聆听音乐片段,该片段的曲作者是(B)A.李斯特B.德彪西C.肖邦32.聆听音乐片段,该音乐的戏剧形式是(A)A.歌剧B.舞剧C.音乐剧33.聆听音乐片段,该音乐所属的民族是(B)A.苗族B.藏族C.蒙古族34.聆听音乐片段,该片段选自歌剧(C)A.《洪湖赤卫队》B.《卡门》C.《伤逝》35.聆听音乐片段,该片段的音乐情绪是(B)A.欢乐B.悲愤C.兴奋36.中国古代大型打击乐器编钟,在我国古代乐器“八音”分类中是(A) A.金B.石C.匏37.下列选项中不属于俄国作曲家柴科夫斯基的作品的是(C)A.《天鹅湖》B.《1812年序曲》C.《拉科奇进行曲》38.创作昆曲《牡丹亭》的剧作家是(C)A.关汉卿B.孔尚任C.汤显祖39.下列选项中不属于中国少数民族乐器的是(B)A.马头琴B.风笛C.热瓦甫40.下列作曲家中被誉为“钢琴诗人”的作曲家是(B)A.巴赫B.肖邦C.莫扎特41.下列乐器中不属于中国民族乐器分类中弹拨乐器组的是(A)A.曲笛B.柳琴C.扬琴42.多媒体交响协奏曲片段《打溜子》的曲作者是(B)A.吕其明B.谭盾C.施光南43.下列作曲家中不属于学堂乐歌代表人物的是(C)A.沈心工B.李叔同C.黄自44.下列作品中不属于协奏曲的是(C)A.《梁山伯与祝英台》B.《春》C.《1812年序曲》45.下列作曲家中不属于古典乐派代表人物的是(B)A.海顿B.格什温C.贝多芬二、判断题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。

50分阅读限时满分练(三)(限时35分钟)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)ASan Francisco Fire Engine ToursSan Francisco Winery TourRunning: February 1st through April 30thThis delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF.Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of the best wine San Francisco has tooffer.(Included in ticket price)Departing from the Cannery:Tour times upon requestDuration(时长): 2 hoursPrice: $90Back to the Fifties TourRunning: August 16th through August 31stThis tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco’s most fantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream.Departing from the Cannery: 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.Duration: 2 hoursPrice: $90Spooky Halloween TourRunning: October 10th through October 31stJoin us for a ride through the historical Presidio district.Authentic fire gear(服装) is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco.Departing from the Cannery: 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutesPrice: Available upon requestHoliday Lights TourRunning: December 6th through December 23rdThis attractive tour takes you to some of San Francisco’s most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.Departing from the Cannery: 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutesAdvance reservations required.1.Which of the tours is available in March?A.San Francisco Winery Tour.B.Back to the Fifties Tour.C.Spooky Halloween Tour.D.Holiday Lights Tour.2.What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tour?A.Go to Treasure Island.B.Enjoy the holiday scenes.C.Have free ice cream.D.Visit the Presidio district.3.What are tourists required to do to go on Holiday Lights Tour?A.Take some drinks.B.Set off early in the morning.C.Wear warm clothes.D.Make reservations in advance.B(2021·陕西高三模拟)It was a dark night. Thick, dark, gray clouds had made sure that there was no starlight or moonlight to greet me as I walked out on my porch. Still, I kept the porch light off because I didn’t want to be surrounded by bugs and moths(飞蛾) on this sticky summer evening. I stood there for a while letting my eyes adjust to the lack of light. My dog stood beside me waiting patiently for me to start her walk. It was then, though, that I saw them. First one blink of light at the far end of the meadow was followed by another and then another. I smiled. I recognised them at once as my firefly friends, who always showed up at this time of year.I got so much joy watching them first as a child and then as an adult. They never became dull or boring and they always filled me with delight. When I was little I used to sit in the grass and watch them slowly fly around blinking on and off. I never caught and put one in a jar as some kids did because I was afraid I might kill it and I never wanted to hurt these messengers(信使) of light. Their time on earth was so brief as it was. I tried to enjoy them each time they were here. It always saddened me when they disappeared in the fall and it always made my heart sing when they reappeared the next summer.I think I enjoy these little fireflies so much because I can see that we are like them in a lot of ways. Our time here on earth is brief. Often our light and love are more like blinks rather than a steady shine. Let’s share our light and love while we are here then.4.Why did the author turn off his porch light?A.To avoid some insects.B.To adapt to surroundings.C.To search for his dog.D.To greet special friends.5.What can we know about fireflies?A.They always frightened the author.B.Most kids caught and killed them.C.The author watched them every night.D.They usually brightened the author.6.What does the author mainly convey through the story?A.Value our short life in the world.B.Protect fireflies as well as possible.C.Devote ourselves as much as possible.D.Share as many inspiring stories as possible.7.What can be the best title for the text?A.A Special Summer NightB.Messengers of LightC.Human’s Best FriendsD.Fireflies — Shinning ForeverC(2021·河北唐山二模)A 293-million-mile journey of the NASA Perseverance rover(探测器) to Mars ended successfully on February 18, 2021, with a picture-perfect landing inside the Jezero Crater. The car-sized, six-wheeled rover, nicknamed Percy is the US space agency’s biggest and most advanced explorer to date. Its primary mission is to search for signs of ancient microbial(微生物的) life on Mars.Landing on Mars is extremely tricky. The Red Planet’s gravitational pull causes the approaching spacecraft to go faster to high speeds, while its thin atmosphere—just 1 percent of the Earth’s—does little to help slow it down as it approaches the surface.The scientists had to reduce Percy’s 12,000 mph speed to a safe landing speed of less than five mph—in just six and a half minutes. The target entry angle also had to be precise 12 degrees—any steeper, and the spacecraft would burn up; any flatter, and it would get lost in space. It is no wonder that the final approach is often referred to as the “seven minutes of terror”.Upon attaining a manageable speed, Percy briefly flew over the Martian surface to seek out the perfect landing spot. Its complex map-reading system rapidly scanned the area and matched it with maps in its database to find the best location.The NASA scientists spent the next two months testing Percy’s scientific instruments. Once ready, the rover would begin to carry out its mission.“Perseverance is the smartest robot ever made but confirming that microbial life once existed carries an unusually large burden of proof,” said Lori Glaze, director of NASA’s Planetary ScienceDivision.“While we’ll learn a lot with the great instruments we have aboard the rover, it may very well require the far more well-equipped laboratories and delicate instruments back here on Earth to tell us whether our samples carry evidence that Mars once harboured life.”8.What is the extraordinary challenge for the rover to land on Mars?A.The speed reduction.B.The atmosphere analysis.C.The location search.D.The time management.9.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.Ways to find the precise entry angle.B.Consequences of a wrong entry degree.C.Factors to survive “the seven minutes”.D.Reasons for the necessity of speed reducing.10.What does “it” refer to in paragraph 4?A.The spot.B.The area.C.The system.D.The surface.11.What can be inferred from Lori Glaze’s words?A.Instruments aboard the rover are not quite reliable.B.Perseverance is able to collect enough evidence needed.C.Man still has a long way to go to prove life was on Mars.D.Samples of Mars will be returned soon to our labs on Earth.DI told my friend Graham that I often cycled two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there was a big hill on the route. He replied,“You mean fortunately.” He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to complain as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationary exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote,“The character cannot be developed with ease. Only through experiences of suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards adversity. From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents and difficulties. Some are of our own making but many confront us through no fault of our own. While we cannot choose adversity, we can choose our attitude towards it.Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs cut off following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aviators in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said,“Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. Make up your mind, andyou’ll never use crutches or a stick, and then have a go at everything. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.”The biographies of great people are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the difficulties they faced. The common thread is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won. Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.12.Which of the following is true according to the author of the passage?A.Those who want to achieve success can’t expect to live an easy life.B.Climbing hills on bicycles is the best way to take exercise.C.Going to a gym is greatly beneficial to people’s health.D.People’s attitude towards hardships is the only factor of their success.13.By quoting what Douglas Bader said, the author intends to tell us “” .A.Failure is the mother of successB.A bad workman quarrels with his toolsC.Nothing is difficult to the man who will tryD.If you risk nothing, you will have nothing14.Following this passage, the author will further talk about .A.how his friend helped him to change his attitude towards the challenge he facedB.why it is important to keep optimistic in the face of troubleC.what steps to take to change your attitude towards the difficulties you faceD.what great people have in common15.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Different attitudes towards misfortuneB.Face difficulties with a smileC.Nothing is impossibleD.Life is full of adversityⅡ.七选五(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)(2021·安徽安庆高三二模)How to Make a Classroom Management PlanStudents need to feel comfortable and safe in order to learn effectively. As an educator, you need to manage your classroom in such a way that you create this sort of environment. A classroom management plan is a strategy you create and carry out. 16 It can help you deal with negative behaviours as well.17 Many classroom management plans begin with the teacher’s philosophy of motivation. Basically, it lays out what you believe about education and how students should learn. You can talk about the environment you want to create and how you plan to create that environment, both physically and emotionally.Set the tone on the first day of class. Start building relationships with your students by being friendly and getting to know each other. 18 So they know in advance how you expect them to behave.19 Get your students’ parents on board by laying out your basic rules. You can also tell them about the systems of rewards and consequences. That way, parents know what to expect throughout the year.Set the example.20 For instance, show you are respectful of each student’s ideas. It will let them know they can trust you.Be consistent. Probably the most important part of any classroom management plan is being consistent with how you carry it out. That means enforcing(执行) rules even when you don’t want to, as kids will come to understand that you mean what you say in the classroom.A.Determine your philosophy.B.Understand each child’s motivation.C.Create a formal letter for consequences.D.Write a letter about the plan to send home.E.Share the rules, rewards, and consequences.F.It is important that you follow the classroom rules, too.G.It can help you get and maintain control of the classroom.50分阅读限时满分练(三)【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。

江苏省扬州中学2022-2023学年度10月双周练试题高三数学2022.10试卷满分:150分,考试时间:120分钟一、单项选择题:(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.已知集合2{|20}A x x x =--<,{|1}B x x m =-<<,A B A = ,则实数m 的取值范围为()A .(2,)+∞B .(1,2)-C .[2,)+∞D .(1-,2]2.已知1tan 3α=,则sin 2α=().A 45.B 35.C 310.D 1103.1"0,"3m ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭是“函数(31)4,1,(),1m x m x f x mx x -+<⎧=⎨-≥⎩是定义在R 上的减函数”的().A 充分不必要条件.B 必要不充分条件.C 充分必要条件.D 既不充分也不必要条件4.已知函数()y f x =的图象与函数2xy =的图象关于直线y x =对称,函数()g x 是奇函数,且当0x >时,()()g x f x x =+,则(4)g -=()A.-18B.-12C.-8D.-65.已知函数()sin()(0f x x ωϕω=+>,||2πϕ<,其图象相邻两条对称轴之间的距离为4π,且直线12x π=-是其中一条对称轴,则下列结论正确的是()A .函数()f x 的最小正周期为πB .函数()f x 在区间[6π-,]12π上单调递增C .点5(24π-,0)是函数()f x 图象的一个对称中心D .将函数()f x 图象上所有点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍,纵坐标不变,再把得到的图象向左平移6π个单位长度,可得到()sin 2g x x =的图象6.设a ,b ,c 都是正数,且469a b c ==,那么()A.2ab bc ac +=B.ab bc ac +=C.22ab bc ac=+ D.2ab bc ac=+7.已知0.21,ln1.2,tan 0.2e a b c =-==,其中e 2.71828= 为自然对数的底数,则()A .c a b>>B .a c b>>C .b a c>>D .a b c>>8.正实数x ,y 满足12(2)xye x y e -=+,则22x yx y x++的最小值为()A .2B C .7D .4二、多项选择题:(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.)9.某同学在研究函数()()1||xf x x R x =∈+时,给出下面几个结论中正确的是()A .()f x 的图象关于点(1,1)-对称B .()f x 是单调函数C .()f x 的值域为(1,1)-D .函数()()g x f x x =-有且只有一个零点10.已知随机事件A ,B 发生的概率分别为()0.3,()0.6==P A P B ,下列说法正确的有()A.若()0.18=P AB ,则A ,B 相互独立B.若A ,B 相互独立,则()0.6P B A =C.若()0.4P B A =,则()0.12P AB = D.若A B ⊆,则()0.3P A B =11.已知正数a ,b 满足14a b+=()A .1ab ab+最小值为2B .ab 的最小值为4C .4a b +的最小值为8D .4a b +的最小值为812.已知正方体''''ABCD A B C D -的棱长为2,Q 为棱'AA 的中点,点,M N 分别为线段'',C D CD 上两动点(包括端点),记直线,QM QN 与平面''ABB A 所成角分别为,αβ,且22tan 4tan αβ+=,则().A 存在点,M N 使得//'MN AA .B DM DN ⋅为定值.C 不存在点,M N 使得52MN =.D 存在点,M N 使得MN CQ⊥三、填空题:(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.)13.已知“R x ∃∈,使得21202x ax ++≤”是假命题,则实数的a 取值范围为________.14.已知cos 46πα⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭,则sin 2α的值为______.15.定义:在区间上,若函数=()是减函数,且=B ()是增函数,则称=()在区间上是“弱减函数”.若221cos )(kx x x f +=在(0,2)上是“弱减函数”,则k 的取值范围为.16.设a ∈R ,函数⎩⎨⎧≥+++-<-=ax a x a x ax a x x f 5)1(2)22cos()(22ππ,若函数f (x )在区间()+∞,0内恰有6个零点,则a 的取值范围是.四、解答题:(本题共6小题,共70分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)17.(本小题满分10分)已知:p 0161218541≤+⋅-xx ;().023:2<++-m x m x q R x ∈.(1)若p 为真,求实数x 的取值范围;(2)若p 是q 的充分不必要条件,求实数m 的取值范围.在ABC ∆中,设角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,sin sin 2B C a b B +==(1)求sin A ;(2)如图,点M 为边AC 上一点,,2MC MB ABM π=∠=,求ABC ∆的面积.19.(本小题满分12分)设()f x 是R 上的减函数,且对任意实数x ,y ,都有()()()f x y f x f y +=+;函数2()(,)g x x ax b a b R =++∈(1)判断函数()f x 的奇偶性,并证明你的结论;(2)若1,5a b =-=,且存在[]3,2t ∈-,不等式(()1)(3)0f g t f t m -++>成立,求实数m 的取值范围.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,侧面PAD ⊥底面ABCD ,PAD △是以AD 为斜边的等腰直角三角形.若E 为棱P A 上一点,且BE ∥平面PCD ,BC AD ∥,CD AD ⊥,22AD DC CB ==.(1)求P APE的值;(2)求二面角P BD E --的余弦值.21.(本小题满分12分)甲、乙两人组成“虎队”代表班级参加学校体育节的篮球投篮比赛活动,每轮活动由甲、乙两人各投篮一次。

2023届山东省高考模拟练习(三)数学试题一、单选题:本题共8小题 每小题5分 共40分。
在每小题给出的四个选项中 只有一项是符合题目要求的.1、设集合{}22,3,23A a a =-- {}0,3B = {}2,C a =.若B A ⊆ {}2A C = 则a =( ) A.3-B.1-C.1D.32、已知复数 20232022i 2i 1i z =+ i 为虚数单位, 则复数z 在复平面内所对应的点位于( ) A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C. 第三象限D. 第四象限3.已知向量a b 满足a b a b ==- 则a b +与a 的夹角是( ) A .6π B .4π C .2π D .56π 4.中国国家大剧院是亚洲最大的剧院综合体 中国国家表演艺术的最高殿堂 中外文化交流的最大平台.大剧院的平面投影是椭圆C 其长轴长度约为212m 短轴长度约为144m .若直线l 平行于长轴且C 的中心到l 的距离是24m 则l 被C 截得的线段长度约为( )A .140mB .143mC .200mD .209m5.已知多项式34761278(2)(1)(1)(1)(1)x x a x a x a x a +-=+++++++ 则78a a +=( ) A .0B .32C .16D .16-6.对于命题“若x z ⊥ y z ⊥ 则x y ∥” 要使得该命题是真命题 x y z 可以是( ) A .x y z 是空间中三个不同的平面 B .x y z 是空间中三条不同的直线C .x z 是空间中两条不同的直线 y 是空间的平面D .x y 是空间中两条不同的直线 z 是空间的平面7.在ABC △中 内角A B C 所对应的边分别为a b c 且2c = cos 3b A = 则tan C 的最大值是( ) A .24B .64C .23D .338.若22772e e 7a -⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭74ln 123b = 52ln 63c =- 则( )A .c b a >>B .a b c >>C .b a c>>D .a c b >>二、选择题:本题共4小题 每小题5分 共20分.在每小题给出的选项中 有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分 部分选对的得2分 有选错的得0分.9.已知角α的终边与单位圆交于点03,5y ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,则sin 2cos 3sin cos αααα+=-( )A.109B.109-C.215-D.1510.若函数13()f x x = 且12x x < 则( ) A .()()()()12120x x f x f x --> B .()()1122x f x x f x ->-C .()()1221f x x f x x -<-D .()()121222f x f x x x f ++⎛⎫> ⎪⎝⎭11.已知点P 在圆O :222x y +=上 点(22,0)A (0,22)B 则( )A .点P 到直线AB 的距离的最小值是22B .PA PB ⋅的取值范围是[62,62]-+C .BAP ∠的取值范围是5,1212ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦D .当APB △为直角三角形时 其面积为312.佩尔数列是一个呈指数增长的整数数列.随着项数越来越大 其后一项与前一项的比值越来越接近于一个常数 该常数称为白银比.白银比和三角平方数、佩尔数及正八边形都有关系.记佩尔数列为{}n a 且10a = 21a = 212n n n a a a ++=+.则( ) A .10985a =B .数列{}1n n a a +-是等比数列C .112(21)(21)4n n n a --⎡⎤=-+⎣⎦ D 21三、填空题:本题共4小题 每小题5分 共20分.13.已知52345012345(2)mx a a x a x a x a x a x -=+++++ 若340a = 则m =______.14.已知非零向量a b c 满足a b a c ⋅=⋅ a 与c 的夹角为2π3||2c = 则向量b 在向量a 上的投影向量的模为________.15.函数2y x =在点()()2*,n n n ∈N 处的切线记为nl直线1,n n l l +及x 轴围成的三角形的面积记为S n 则1231111nS S S S ++++=________.16.已知双曲线()2222:100x y C a b a b-=>>,右顶点为A 若以点A 为圆心 以b 为半径的圆与双曲线C 的一条渐近线交于M N 两点 点O 为坐标原点 且5OM ON = 则双曲线C 的离心率为_______.四、解答题:本题共6小题 共70分。

word格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持七年级上册英语练习(三)一、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)( )1. We often say '________' to our parents before we go to bed.A. Good morningB. Good afternoon C . Good evening D. Good night ( ) 2. There is ____ “u” and _____ “s” in the word “bus”.A. a, theB. a, /C. a, anD. the, /( ) 3. I can’t play _____piano, but I play ____volleyball very well.A. /…/B. the…/C. / … theD. the …the( )4. He asks me for ________ money, b ut I don’t have ________ .A. some, someB. any, someC. some, anyD. any, any ( )5. Can you _________your pet dog at the weekend?A. look upB. look atC. look afterD. look for ( )6. —Do you think they are _______ football players?—Yes, they can play football very ________.A. good; goodB. good; fineC. fine; goodD. good; well ( ) 7. —What ________ Lucy ________?— She is tall and slim.A. is; look likeB. does; likeC. does; lookD. is; like( )8. ______ your best friend good at ______ ?A. Do, danceB. Does, dancingC. Are, dancingD. Is, dancing( )9.. Where ______ his new classmates ______ from?A . is, come B. are, come C. does, come D. are, /( )10. We should ______ “thank you” when someone lends(借给)something to us.A. tellB. speakC. sayD. talk ( )11. The students at our school meet _______ every lunchtime.A. /B. inC. atD. on ( )12. --- _______ do you go shopping? --- Three times a week.A. How oftenB. How many timesC. How longD. How much ( )13.Lucy with Kitty _____ good at English. We often help them ____ their English.A. is, withB. aren’t, forC. aren’t, withD. isn’t, with( )14.Thank you for ______ me _____ my maths.A. help; atB. helping; onC. help; withD. helping; with ( )15. —Your skirt is very nice. —__________.A. Not niceB. Thank youC. Here you areD. Here it is二、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)A11:25 a.m. Have lunch alone(独自) Have lunch with friends 11:55 a.m. Have a short rest Play basketball6:00p.m Have dinner while readingnewspapers Have dinner while talking to parents7:00 p.m Do homework carefully Watch TV9:00 p.m Go to bed Do homework in a hurry10:30 p.m Be asleep Go to bed1. Mike _________ at 6:00 in the morning.A. gets upB. does morning exercisesC. is still in bedD. reads newspapers2. John has lunch_________.A. by himselfB.with his friendsC. with MikeD.at 11:55a.m.3. Mike ________ after lunch.A. has a restB. goes to bedC. plays basketballD. talks to his parents4. Mike always goes to bed at__________.A.9:00p.m.B.10:30p.m.C. 6:00p.m.D.7:00p.m.5 .Which of the following is John’s bad habit(习惯)?A.Getting up late and hurrying to school.B. Going to bed at 9:00 p.m.C. Doing homework in a hurry.D.Having dinner while reading.(B)One day an old man is selling(卖) an elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly(慢慢地). The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “ Don’t say anything about the elephant before I sell it, then I’ll give you some meat.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man some meat an d says, “ Now, can you tell me how you find the bad ears of the elephant?” “ I didn’t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why do you look at the elephant slowly?” asks the old man. The young man answers, “Because I never see an elephant before(以前), and I want to know what it looks like.”( ) 1. ______ the elephant.A. The young man buysB. The old man sellsC The two men sell D. The old man buys( ) 2. The young man looks at the elephant. He wants to find _________.A. bad earsB. some meatC. a good elephantD. what it looks like( )3. We know that the _______.A. two men are not goodB. young man is not a bad manC. old man is a good manD. elephant is a very good animal( ) 4. The young man _________.A. knows the elephant isn’t goodB. finds the bad ears but does not say itC. looks after the elephantD. gets some meat( ) 5. The young man looks at the elephant slowly, because he _________.A. likes the elephantsB. wants to find somethingC. helps the old manD. never sees an elephant before三、补全对话。

新高考模拟练(三)(时间:90分钟,满分:100分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12N 14O 16P 31Cl 35.5Ti 48Mn 55Cu 64一、选择题:本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
1.下列叙述所涉及的实验操作为蒸馏的是()A.制取食盐:又淮场地面有日晒自然生霜如马牙者,谓之大晒盐B.制青蒿素:青蒿一握,以水二升渍,绞取汁C.精制酒精:用浓酒和糟入甑,蒸令气上,用器承取滴露D.精制砒霜:将生砒就置火上,以器覆之,令砒烟上飞着覆器2.从石油原料到口罩的生产过程中,下列变化不涉及化学变化的是()A B C D石油催化裂解得到丙烯丙烯催化聚合生成聚丙烯聚丙烯熔融后喷丝压成熔喷布利用环氧乙烷与微生物蛋白质发生烷基化反应消毒243W、X、Y、Z、Q为原子序数依次增大的短周期主族元素。
下列叙述错误的是() A.简单气态氢化物的热稳定性:Y>XB.W与Z可形成离子化合物ZWC.简单离子半径:Q->Y2->Z+D.常温下,XW3Q为气态,且X、W、Q均满足8电子稳定结构4.研究发现,在CO2低压合成甲醇的反应(CO2+3H2===CH3OH+H2O)中,Co氧化物负载的Mn氧化物纳米粒子催化剂具有高活性,显示出良好的应用前景。
高考 英语 语言知识运用练(三)

(2019·唐山一模)Whenever I had nothing to do, a familiar depression would climb on my back. I’d been this way for months. So I went to my friend for __1__,who lived on the top of a steep hill.My friend wasn’t in. The fog was rolling in. So I was __2__ outside her house waiting. Suddenly I saw a __3__ dashing out of the house next door. Holding up his __4__ hand, the man approached me, __5__.“Help! Fi nger. Cut.”I dialed 911 immediately. While waiting for the __6__,I noticed he hadn’t taken his cut finger and asked,“Where is it?” Frozen for a while, he said with __7__,“Maybe upstairs.”Hurrying into the house I began to __8__ the finger. In the kitchen a table saw lay on the floor. I lifted up each foot and looked underneath to ensure I wouldn’t __9__on it. Having searched carefully, I __10__it lying beside the table saw. I grabbed a paper towel, placed it __11__ the finger and picked it up cautiously. After getting outside, I __12__ the man “Hang tight! The ambulance is on its way.”__13__ the ambulance arrived. I handed the finger to the nurse and they __14__ away. Suddenly I felt __15__ helping someone in need, even if pushing three buttons on a __16__ was all I did. I would __17__ doing it.Then one day after the finger __18__,I realized I had completely forgotten to be __19__ as I’d been busy playing the role of local hero. I wished I could see him again to __20__ him, because when he lost his finger, he saved my life.1.rmation B.convenienceC.strength D.help2.A.found B.stuckC.struck D.hurt3.A.figure B.nurseC.woman D.friend4.A.trembling B.lostC.clever D.bleeding5.A.whispering B.cheeringC.crying D.saying6.A.taxi B.ambulanceC.vehicle D.car7.A.patience B.interestC.uncertainty D.guilt8.A.discover B.examineC.observe D.locate9.A.step B.leaveC.fall D.hit10.A.recognized B.spottedC.accepted D.realized11.A.under B.overC.in D.against12.forted B.treatedC.assisted D.protected13.A.Eventually B.ConsequentlyC.Initially D.Temporarily14.A.wandered B.walkedC.drove D.dragged15.A.angry B.strangeC.good D.upset16.A.door B.phoneC.watch D.television17.A.keep on B.depend onC.set about D.give up18.A.event B.effectC.operation D.incident19.A.excited B.confusedC.depressed D.shocked20.A.help B.congratulateC.greet D.thank第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

30分语言运用限时满分练(三)(限时25分钟)Ⅰ.完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)(2021·山东济南高三高考适应性考试)Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n)1 guest using his pool. A large moose(驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end, 2 in the solar cover(太阳能覆盖膜).“I looked out in the backyard and there was the moose absolutely panicked and3,” Koch told The Dodo. “She stepped on the solar cover and put her 4 through it and she was 5 trying to get free.”Koch noticed some wildlife around his home in Ottawa,6 he had never seen an animal 7 impressive before. He rushed outside and pulled the solar cover off the 8 moose, who continued paddling 9 the pool, proving to be a surprisingly skilled swimmer.The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool, so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could 10 a hand. “She looked so pitifully sad out there that my wife said, ‘I want to give her a 11.’”Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot, but they couldn’t 12it until she was out of the water. “The best thing that happened was that after 3.5 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and 13 the fence,” Koch said.The moose 14 unscratched, but the same can’t be said for Koch’s pool, which now has two hoof-sized holes in the 15.rmal B.ordinaryualD.uninvited2.A.abandoned B.wrappedC.removedD.forbidden3.A.struggling B.shakingC.shoutingD.searching4.A.shoulder B.footC.faceD.back5.A.narrowly B.likelyC.desperatelyD.unwillingly6.A.for B.soC.butD.or7.A.this B.wellC.almostD.rather8.A.relaxed B.happyC.tiredD.poor9.A.around B.beneathC.outsideD.beyond10.A.donate B.hurtC.lendD.cure11.A.lift B.hugC.smileD.credit12.A.update B.witnessC.cancelD.manage13.A.watched out B.cut downC.jumped overD.dived into14.A.escaped B.participatedC.hesitatedD.insisted15.A.top B.bottomC.wallD.coverⅡ.语篇填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)(2021·宁夏银川高三教学质量检测)Connect Online to meet OfflineIn our information technology society, we often have 16.(much) communication online than offline. For example, just compare the number of people to 17. you have sent online messages with that of people you 18.(meet) in the past two weeks.However, there are now mobile apps which allow you 19.(connect) with strangers online and then meet in person, and I’m not talking about dating apps! Rather, I’m referring to apps which help to connect people with similar interests who live in the same city. To begin with, get online and find a group that 20.(interest) you. Then, simply join 21. group. As long as you’re in a group with like-minded people, you will be able to enjoy 22.(do) the same activities together. You can do this 23. free, although some apps will ask you to pay if you want to create an interest group.There is a wide 24.(vary) of interest groups out there, such as those for hiking, football, photography, board games, poetry, or dog owners. You name it, and they’ve got it! This is 25.(real) a great way to network and meet people if you’re new to a city, or simply to make new friends.30分语言运用限时满分练(三)【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。

部编版三年级上册《第15课搭船的鸟》同步练习卷(3)一、解答题(共1小题,满分3分))1. 给加点字选择正确的读音,画“________”。
二、读拼音,写字、词.)2. 这位老人dā________了fù qīn________ 的船回乡下。
3. 翠鸟张开zuǐ ba________,一下子就把小鱼tūn________进去了。
4. 辨别形近字填空。
5. 辨别形近字填空。
6. 选择恰当的动词,填在括号里,只填序号。
7. 仿写词语我最棒。
静悄悄(ABB式)________沙啦(拟声词)________六、句子训练营.)8. 难道它要和我们一起坐船到外祖父家里去吗?(补全句子)难道________?9. 我和母亲坐着小船。
(把两句话连成一句)________10. 船夫摇着橹。
(扩句)________七、判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”.)11. 《搭船的鸟》的作者是郭风。
________(判断对错)12. “搭船的鸟”其实是一只美丽的鹦鹉。
________(判断对错)13. “搭船的鸟”中的“搭”字使鸟儿具有了灵性,体现了鸟与人在自然中的和谐。
________(判断对错)14. (《搭船的鸟》)课文回眸室(根据课文内容填空)。
15. 课内阅读。

(第 7 题) 6.已知函数 f(x)=sinx(x∈[0,π])和函数 g(x)=12tanx 的图象交于 A,B,C 三点,则△ABC 的面 积为________. 7.如图,在圆柱 O1O2 内有一个球 O,该球与圆柱的上、下底面及母线均相切.记圆柱 O1O2 的体积为 V1,球 O 的体积为 V2,则VV12的值是________. 8.已知函数 f(x)=mx3x++x22+,mx>,1,0≤x≤1,若函数 f(x)有且只有两个零点,则实数 m 的取值范围是 ________.
11.(本小题满分 16 分) 某农场有一块农田,如图,它的边界由圆 O 的一段圆弧 MPN(P 为此圆弧的中点)和线段 MN 构成.已知圆 O 的半径为 40 米,点 P 到 MN 的距离为 50 米.现规划在此农田上修建两个温 室大棚,大棚Ⅰ内的地块形状为矩形 ABCD,大棚Ⅱ内的地块形状为△CDP,要求 A,B 均在 线段 MN 上,C,D 均在圆弧上.设 OC 与 MN 所成的角为 θ. (1)用 θ 分别表示矩形 ABCD 和△CDP 的面积,并确定 sinθ 的取值范围; (2)若大棚Ⅰ内种植甲种蔬菜,大棚Ⅱ内种植乙种蔬菜,且甲、乙两种蔬菜的单位面积年产值 之比为 4∶3.求当 θ 为何值时,能使甲、乙两种蔬菜的年总产值最大.
一、填空题:本大题共 8 小题,每题 5 分,共 40 分. 1.已知复数 z 满足(z-2)i=1+i(i 为虚数单位),则复数 z 的共轭复数 z 在复平面内对应的点位 于第________象限. 2.设集合 A={x|y=ln(x2-3x)},B={y|y=2x,x∈R},则 A∪B=____________. 3.若 θ∈(0,π4),且 sin2θ=14,则 sin(θ-π4)=________. 4.已知一个正方体的外接球体积为 V1,其内切球体积为 V2,则VV12的值为________. 5.记等差数列{an}的前 n 项和为 Sn.已知 a1=3,且数列{ Sn }也为等差数列,则 a11=________. 6.在▱ABCD 中,∠BAD=60°,E 是 CD 上一点,且A→E=12A→B+B→C,|A→B|=λ|A→D|.若A→C·E→B=12A→D 2,则 λ=________. 7.设函数 f(x)=lnx+mx ,m∈R,若对任意 x2>x1>0,f(x2)-f(x1)<x2-x1 恒成立,则实数 m 的 取值范围是__________. 8.已知实数 x,y 满足 x2+y2=1,则(x-1y)2+(x+1y)2的最小值为________. 二、解答题:本大题共 4 小题,共 60 分.解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步 骤. 9.(本小题满分 14 分) 在平面四边形 ABCD 中,∠ADC=90°,∠A=45°,AB=2,BD=5. (1)求 cos∠ADB 的值; (2)若 DC=2 2,求 BC 的值.

小题满分练3一、选择题1.(2022·黄山质检)已知集合S ={s |s =2n +1,n ∈Z },T ={x ||x |<3},则S ∩T 的真子集的个数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .4 答案 C解析 ∵S ={s |s =2n +1,n ∈Z },T ={x |-3<x <3}, ∴S ∩T ={-1,1},∴S ∩T 的真子集个数为22-1=3.2.已知复数z =2+i 3-4i ,i 为虚数单位,则|z |等于( )A.55 B.15 C.12 D.22答案 A解析 因为z =2+i3-4i =(2+i )(3+4i )(3+4i )(3-4i )=2+11i 25,所以z =2-11i25, 所以|z |=22+(-11)225=55.3.(2022·宣城模拟)设α,β是两个不同的平面,a ,b 是两条不同的直线,如果a ⊂α,α∥β,那么“a ⊥b ”是“b ⊥β”的( ) A .必要不充分条件 B .充分不必要条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 答案 A解析 由α∥β,b ⊥β,可得 b ⊥α, 又a ⊂α,则有b ⊥a .由a ⊂α,α∥β,a ⊥b ,不可得到b ⊥β.则“a ⊥b ”是“b ⊥β”的必要不充分条件.4.(2022·信阳模拟)冬季奥林匹克运动会,是世界规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,自1924年起,每四年举办一届.第24届由中国于2022年2月在北京举办,分北京赛区、延庆赛区、张家口赛区三个赛区,共15个比赛项目.为了宣传奥运精神,某校组织了甲、乙两个社团,利用一周的时间对外进行宣传,将每天宣传的次数绘制成如图所示的频数分布折线图,则以下说法不正确的是( )A .甲社团宣传次数的众数小于乙社团的众数B .甲社团宣传次数的极差大于乙社团的极差C .甲社团宣传次数的平均数大于乙社团的平均数D .甲社团宣传次数的方差大于乙社团的方差 答案 C解析 A 选项,甲社团宣传次数的众数为2,乙社团宣传次数的众数为3,所以A 正确; B 选项,甲社团宣传次数的极差为3,乙社团宣传次数的极差为2,所以B 正确; C 选项,甲社团宣传次数的平均数为2+2+3+2+5+4+37=3,乙社团宣传次数的平均数为2+2+3+4+3+3+47=3,故两社团宣传次数的平均数相等,所以C 错误;D 选项,由图可知,甲社团宣传次数的频数的波动性较大,故其宣传次数的方差大于乙社团的方差,所以D 正确.5.(2022·衡水模拟)在药物代谢动力学中,注射药物后瞬时药物浓度C (t )(单位:μg/ml )与时间t (单位:h)的关系式为C (t )=C 0e -kt ,其中C 0为t =0时的药物浓度,k 为常数.已知给某患者注射某剂量为1 050 mg 的药物后,测得不同时间药物浓度如下:t (h) 1.0 2.0 C (t )(μg/ml )109.7880.35则k的值大约为(ln 1.258≈0.253,ln 1.35≈0.300,ln 1.38≈0.322,ln 1.39≈0.329)() A.0.287 B.0.312C.0.323 D.0.356答案 B解析由题意得C(1)=C0e-k=109.78,C(2)=C0e-2k=80.35,两式相除得e k=109.7880.35≈1.366,所以k≈ln 1.366∈(0.300,0.322).故B选项符合题意.6.(2022·北京模拟)2022年北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”和冬残奥会吉祥物“雪容融”一亮相,好评不断,这是一次中国文化与奥林匹克精神的完美结合.为了宣传2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会,某学校决定派小明和小李等5名志愿者将两个吉祥物安装在学校的体育广场,每人参与且只参与一个吉祥物的安装,每个吉祥物都至少由两名志愿者安装.若小明和小李必须安装不同的吉祥物,则不同的分配方案种数为()A.8 B.10 C.12 D.14答案 C解析由题意可知应将志愿者分为三人组和两人组.先将小李、小明之外的三人分为两组,有C13C22=3(种)分法,再将小李、小明分进两组,有A22=2(种)分法,再将两组分配安装两个吉祥物,有A22=2(种)分法,所以共有3×2×2=12(种)分配方案.7.(2022·酒泉模拟)某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为()A.163 B .4 C .8 D.83 答案 A解析 由三视图可得该几何体为四棱锥,其直观图如图所示,四边形ABCD 为矩形,∠AEB =90°,AD ,BC ⊥平面ABE ,AD =BC =4,AE =EB =2, 故AB =2AE =22, 取AB 的中点F ,连接EF , 则EF ⊥AB ,EF =12AB =2,∵EF ⊂平面ABE , ∴BC ⊥EF ,∵AB ∩BC =B ,AB ,BC ⊂平面ABCD , ∴EF ⊥平面ABCD ,∴该几何体的体积V E -ABCD =13S ▱ABCD ·EF=13AB ·BC ·EF =163. 8.(2022·洛宁模拟)已知△ABC 的三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且6a =5c +6b cos C ,则cos B 等于( ) A.78 B.56 C.34 D.23 答案 B解析 由6a =5c +6b cos C 及正弦定理得 6sin A =5sin C +6sin B cos C , 又sin A =sin(B +C ),所以6sin(B +C )=5sin C +6sin B cos C , 展开得6sin B cos C +6cos B sin C =5sin C +6sin B cos C , 所以6cos B sin C =5sin C , 因为sin C >0, 所以cos B =56.9.(2022·宝鸡模拟)已知函数f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x +2,x ≤0,x +1x ,x >0,且f (f (a ))=2,则a 等于( )A .0或1B .-1或1C .0或-2D .-2或-1答案 D解析 当x ≤0时,函数f (x )单调递增,有f (x )≤f (0)=2, 当x >0时,x +1x≥2x ·1x=2, 当且仅当x =1x ,即x =1时取等号,因此有f (0)=f (1)=2,令f (a )=t ,则f (t )=2,因此t =0,或t =1, 当t =0,即f (a )=0时,显然a ≤0, 因此a +2=0⇒a =-2,当t =1,即f (a )=1时,显然a ≤0, 因此a +2=1⇒a =-1, 综上所述,a =-2或-1.10.(2022·广州模拟)已知函数f (x )=sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x +π3+cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6,则下列结论错误的是( )A .f (x )的最大值为2B .f (x )在⎣⎡⎦⎤-π8,π12上单调递增 C .f (x )在[0,π]上有4个零点D .把f (x )的图象向右平移π12个单位长度,得到的图象关于直线x =-π8对称答案 B解析 因为f (x )=sin ⎝⎛⎭⎫π2+4x -π6+cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6=2cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6,故A 正确; 当x ∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-π8,π12时,4x -π6∈⎣⎡⎦⎤-2π3,π6,故函数f (x )=2cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6在⎣⎡⎦⎤-π8,π12上先单调递增后单调递减,故B 不正确;令2cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6=0,即4x -π6=π2+k π,k ∈Z ,得x =π6+k π4,k ∈Z ,因为x ∈[0,π],所以k =0,1,2,3,故C 正确;把f (x )=2cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π6的图象向右平移π12个单位长度后得到y =2cos ⎣⎡⎦⎤4⎝⎛⎭⎫x -π12-π6=2cos ⎝⎛⎭⎫4x -π2=2sin 4x 的图象,当x =-π8时,y 取得最小值-2,故D 正确. 11.(2022·桂林模拟)如图,四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,E 是边BC 的中点,点F 在线段CD 上,且CF =2DF ,AE 与BF 交于点P ,若AP →=λAE →,则λ等于( )A.34B.58C.38D.23 答案 A解析 连接AF (图略),因为B ,P ,F 三点共线, 所以AP →=mAB →+(1-m )AF →=mAB →+(1-m )·(AD →+DF →), 因为CF =2DF ,所以DF →=13DC →=13AB →,所以AP →=2m +13AB →+(1-m )AD →,因为E 是BC 的中点,所以AE →=AB →+12BC →=AB →+12AD →,因为AP →=λAE →,所以2m +13AB →+(1-m )AD →=λ⎝⎛⎭⎫AB →+12AD →, 则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧2m +13=λ,1-m =12λ,解得λ=34.12.(2022·西宁模拟)设双曲线x 216-y 29=1的左焦点为F ,点P 为双曲线右支上的一点,且PF与圆x 2+y 2=16相切于点N ,M 为线段PF 的中点,O 为坐标原点,则|MN |-|MO |等于( ) A.12 B .1 C.32 D .2 答案 B解析 由题意知,双曲线x 216-y 29=1的焦点在x 轴上,a =4,b =3,c =5,设双曲线的右焦点F 2(5,0),左焦点F (-5,0), 由OM 为△PFF 2的中位线, 得|OM |=12|PF 2|,又PF 与圆x 2+y 2=16相切于点N , 则△ONF 为直角三角形,∴|NF |2=|OF |2-|ON |2=25-16=9, 则|NF |=3,∴|MN |=|MF |-|NF |=|MF |-3, 又|MF |=12|PF |,∴|MN |-|MO |=12|PF |-3-12|PF 2|=12(|PF |-|PF 2|)-3=12×2a -3=1, ∴|MN |-|MO |=1.二、填空题13.(2022·高州模拟)已知f(x)=(x+1)e x,则函数f(x)的图象在x=0处的切线方程为____________.答案2x-y+1=0解析由f(x)=(x+1)e x得f′(x)=e x+(x+1)e x,所以在x=0处的切线的斜率为f′(0)=e0+(0+1)e0=2,又f(0)=1,故切点坐标为(0,1),所以所求的切线方程为y-1=2x,即2x-y+1=0.14.(2022·南宁模拟)已知抛物线C:y2=2px(p>0)的焦点为F,点A,B分别在C及其准线l 上,△ABF是面积为93的正三角形,则p=________.答案 3解析如图所示,因为△ABF是正三角形,所以|AB|=|AF|.由抛物线的定义可知,AB⊥BK,过F作FD⊥AB,又知|KF|=p,所以|BD|=p,所以|AB|=2p,则|DF|=3p.由△ABF 的面积为93可知, 12×2p ×3p =93, 所以p =3.15.(2022·马鞍山模拟)在三棱锥P -ABC 中,△P AC 与△ABC 均为边长为23的等边三角形,平面P AC ⊥平面ABC ,则该三棱锥的外接球的表面积为________. 答案 20π解析 等边△P AC 和等边△ABC 的高均为sin π3×23=32×23=3,等边△P AC 和等边△ABC 的外接圆半径均为3×23=2,设O 1,O 2分别是等边△P AC 和等边△ABC 的中心,设O 是三棱锥P -ABC 的外接球的球心,R 是外接球的半径, 则R 2=OA 2=22+12=5,所以该三棱锥的外接球的表面积为4πR 2=20π.16.(2022·华师大二附中模拟)已知数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a n -n ,a n >n ,a n +n ,a n ≤n (n ∈N *).设b n 为a 1,a 2,…,a n 中取值为1的项的个数,则b 1+b 2+…+b 2 022=________. 答案 12 525解析 当m ≥1时,若a m =1,则a m +1=1+m , a m +2=1+m +(m +1),依此类推,可归纳证得a m +2k -1=m +2-k , a m +2k =2m +1+k (1≤k ≤m ), 从而a 3m +1=1.因此,a n =1,当且仅当n =3k -12(k ∈N *),从而b n=[log3(2n+1)],故恰有3k个b n=k,则b1+b2+…+b2 022=1×3+2×32+…+6×36+7×(2 022-36-35-…-3)=12 525.。
高三英语摸底练习题(含答案) (3)

高三摸底考试英语练习题(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1.If I had ______,I’d visit Europe,stopping at all the small interesting places.A.a long enough holidayB.an enough long holidayC.a holiday enough longD.a long holiday enough2.It Was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood_______to her mother.A.closeB.closelyC.closedD.closing3.The_______means of getting from place to place inthe city is the bus.A.most commonly useful publicB.most commonly public usedC.public used more commonlyD.most commonly used public4.Alice is going camping with_______girls.A.1ittle two otherB.two other littleC.two 1ittle otherD.1ittle 0ther two5.Where have you been_______A.all last these few C.1ast all few these days?B.these all last few D.all these last few6. It’s foolish _____ Jack to do _____ thing. ( )A. for, so foolish aB. of, such a foolishC. of, so foolishD. for, such a foolish7. I was surprised at the way _____ he treated his father.( )A. which ifB. by whichC. in whichD. about which8. It ____ five years since he ____ to study French.( )A. was, beganB. is, has begunC. will be, beginsD. is, began9. Father _____ today’s newspaper yet. ______ to bring it to him.( )A. hasn’t read, Don’t forgetB. didn’t read, Not forgetC. hadn’t read, Didn’t forgetD. doesn’t read, Do forget10. ---- I only told Tom about it.( )---- You _______ anyone about it.A. won’t have toldB. mustn’t have toldC. shouldn’t have toldD. wouldn’t have told11. We think ____ no use ____ with Selma. Let’s tell his father.( )A. this, to quarrelB. it, to quarrelC. this, quarrelingD. it, quarreling12. The man in blue must be your brother, ____ ?( )A. mustn’t heB. needn’t heC.it is heD. isn’t he13. ---- They have done a good job.( )----- _________. _________.A. So have they. And so you haveB. So they have. And so have youC. So they have. And so you haveD. So have they. And so have you14. ______ does he play chess well ____ he plays the piano well.( )A. Not only, but alsoB. Neither, norC. Either, orD. Whether, or15. _____ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.( )A. Having been toldB. Though had been toldC. He was toldD. Having told16.When Ken came home, his mother__ in the kitchen.( )A. was cookingB. Cook isC. he cookedD. would cook17.He jumped into the cold water__we could stop him ( )A. A anB. beforeC. It isD. afters18.The teacher went out of the reading room,__by his students.( )A. Follow ofB. to be followC. followedD. to have followed19.Have you ever been to the factory_____ they talked about the other day.( )A. What ifB. Where areC. thatD. Has is20.- Can you send text messages with sound and pictures to me? ( )- should be able to. i just.how to do it yet.A. don't work outB. didn't work outC. haven't worked outD. can't work ou二、翻译(共6小题,共计18分)1. Every coin has two sides.2.It is known to all that exercises are good for health.3.Our teacher always encourages us to speak English bravely.4. You must always remember not to cheat in exams.5.我认为人类很可能进入外太空,这一点已证明是真的。
2014届高考化学三轮复习简易通(广东专用)三级排查大提分Word版训练:专题三 离子反应 氧化还原反应

A.离子所带正负电荷数总和相等B.原子的总数相等C.元素的种类相同D.离子的总数相等答案 D2.(仿2012广东高考,10)下列物质的用途,应用了氧化还原反应的是()。
答案 B3.(仿2013广东高考,8)下列离子组能大量共存的是()。
A.Ba2+Cl-SO2-4K+B.Mg2+SO2-4Na+Cl-C .H + CO 2-3 Al 3+ Cl -D .K + Fe 2+ NO -3 H +解析 Ba 2+和SO 2-4因生成沉淀而不能共存,A 错误;CO 2-3与H +、Al 3+不能共存,C 错误;Fe 2+与H +和NO -3因发生氧化还原反应而不能共存,D 错误。
答案 B4.(仿2013新课标Ⅱ全国高考,10)能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式是( )。
A .用铜做电极电解CuSO 4溶液:2Cu 2++2H 2O=====电解2Cu +O 2↑+4H +B .钠与CuSO 4溶液反应:2Na +Cu 2+=== Cu ↓+2Na +C .明矾溶于水产生Al(OH)3胶体:Al 3++3H 2O=== Al(OH)3↓+3H +D .向FeCl 3溶液中加入Mg(OH)2:3Mg(OH)2+2Fe 3+=== 2Fe(OH)3+3Mg 2+ 解析 用铜做电极电解CuSO 4溶液,阳极Cu -2e -=== Cu 2+,阴极Cu 2++2e -=== Cu ,A 错;钠与CuSO 4溶液反应,Na 先与水反应,生成的NaOH 再与硫酸铜反应,B 错;铝离子水解不能进行到底,中间用可逆符号,生成的是Al(OH)3胶体,不写沉淀符号,C 错。

”孟氏父子舍然无愠.容,曰:“吾知之矣,子勿重言!”(节选自《列子·说符》) [注] ①干:求。
1.下列句子朗读节奏划分不正确的一项是(2分)( )A.羡/施氏之有B.孟氏/之一子之秦C.当今/诸侯力争D.遂/宫而放之2.解释文中加点词的含义。
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1.甲湖西部蓝藻多于东部,形成此差异的主要原因是( )
2.在农业社会时期,甲湖蓝藻易发生在( )
3.半个多世纪以来甲湖水生植物覆盖率大幅度下降的主要原因是( )
4.洞里萨河出现“河水倒流”奇观的季节时( )
5.洞里萨河“河水倒流”带来的有利影响有( )
这里聚集有400多家酒庄和1 500多个葡萄园。
6.纳帕谷葡萄品质优良主要得益于当地的( )
A.气候 B.土壤 C.地形 D.水源
7.影响纳帕谷众多酒庄聚集的主要原因是( )
8.与法国AOC制度相比,美国AVA制度主要有利于( )
下图表示 2007~2013 年新疆伊犁河谷地区三大产业绝对联动程度。
9.该地区第一、第三产业绝对联动程度远大于第二、第三产业的主要原因是( )
10.该地区第一和第二产业绝对联动程度不高主要受制于( ) A.生态环境恶劣B.干旱缺水严重C.加工水平低D.基础设施落后11.为提升伊犁河谷地区产业联动程度,应该( )
A.①② B.②③
C.③④ D.②④
答案 1.B 2.A 3.D
答案 4.C 5.D
答案 6.A 7.D 8.C
答案9.D 10.C 11.B