派 遣 函

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)XXXX年XX月XX 日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

XXXXXXXXX(公司名称)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

有限公司年月日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣XXXX先生(小姐/女士)于XXXX年XX 月XX日至XX月XX日前往XXXX[国家名称]XXXX[城市名称]参加(/进行)XXXXXX [活动内容,商务目的]。
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)负责人职位:亲笔签名:XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。
派 遣 函

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date)。

1. **年*月*日-*月*日: 关于**产品的*****交流和谈判,拜访其他客户。
2. **年*月*日-*月*日: 关于**产品的*****交流和谈判,拜访其他客户。
3. **年*月*日-*月*日: 商务会议与讨论。
4. **年*月*日-*月*日: 商务会议与讨论。

派遣函英文样本和中文样本网艺出国签证中心客服随时帮您解答. 浏览5228 发布时间10/04/21派遣函中英文(范本,使用公司抬头纸)表2XX,XX ,2007To Egypt Embassy, Beijing, China,CONFIRMATION OF EMPLOYMENTThis letter is to confirm that Mr./Ms.XXX, Sex M, Born xx/xx/xx(日月年), Curre ntly holds the position of sale representative in this company since she/he has joined in the company from XXXX(年月). We agree to send him/her to joint the I nterbuild 2007 and Egypt/China Trade & Investment Conference. Her/His business travel cost to the Egypt will be covered by Egypt government. Her salary is XXX X RMB per month. We guarantee Mr./Ms.XXX will conform to local laws during her/ his stay in the Egypt and are in no doubt of her/his prompt return to her /his duties in China upon completion of her/his planned itinerary.Name of company: XXXX Co., LtdADD:Tel: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx Fax: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx派遣函兹证明申请人XXX出生于X年X月X日,性别X,从XXX年X月X日起在本公司工作,任本公司XXX职务,月薪人民币XXXX元.公司派遣XXX赴埃及开罗参加Interbuild 2007建筑展及埃中贸易投资洽谈会,机票、3晚酒店等费用由埃及政府提供.我公司保证其在埃及期间遵守当地法律,并在商务活动结束后按期回国,继续在我公司任原职.如XX未征得主办方许可未按期回国,我单位愿承担相关责任及法律纠纷所引起的费用。

Unit Dispatch Letter (English Version)(1 Page)[Your Company Letterhead][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],Subject: Unit Dispatch LetterI am writing to you on behalf of [Your Company Name], a leading provider of [Your Industry/Services]. We are pleased to inform you that we have dispatched a unit to your location for [Purpose of Dispatch]. We believe that this unit will meet your needs and provide you with the best possible service.The unit dispatched is a [Type of Unit] and has been carefully selected to ensure that it meets your specificrequirements. Our team has taken great care in preparing the unit for dispatch, and we are confident that it will perform to the highest standards.We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future. Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name].Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name]Unit Dispatch Letter (English Version) (1 Page)[Your Company Letterhead][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],Subject: Unit Dispatch LetterOur team has meticulously prepared the unit for its journey to ensure that it arrives in optimal condition, readyto perform at its best. We understand the importance of this unit to your operations, and we are confident that it will contribute positively to your productivity and efficiency.Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We look forward to a continued partnership and are confident that our services will exceed your expectations.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name]Unit Dispatch Letter (English Version) (1 Page)[Your Company Letterhead][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],Subject: Unit Dispatch LetterThe unit dispatched is a [Type of Unit] that has been specifically chosen to meet your unique requirements. Our team has taken great care in preparing the unit for its journey to ensure that it arrives in optimal condition and is ready for immediate use.Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We look forward to a continued partnership and are confident that our services will exceed your expectations.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name]。

英文出国派遣函模板大全Dear Sir or Madam,This is to certify that Ms./ Mr.(被派遣人英文全名,英文名必须与护照一致),XXXX(被派遣人职务)of XXXXX (被派遣人所在学校/单位正式英文全称)with a salary of RMB. XXXX(被派遣人月收入), will participate the ELT Teacher Training Programme in the United Kingdom for three weeks.Sincerely yours,XXX(校长/单位领导手写签名,中文或英文均可)XXX(校长/单位领导姓名的英文,打印字体,非签名)XXXXX(校长/领导职务,打印字体,英文)XXXXXX(学校/单位正式英文全称)Address: XX(门牌号),XX Street(路名),XX District(区),XX City (市),XX Province(省/自治区/直辖市), P.R. China, XXXXXX(邮编)(学校/单位地址)Tel: 86-区号-领导电话Fax: 86-区号-领导传真英文出国派遣函模板【中英文对照】兹证明***(姓名)女士自***(时间)起一直在***(公司)工作。
This is to certify that Ms. *** (name), has been working in*** (company) since *** (year), she is working as *** (position), her annual income is around *** RMB.我公司决定派遣***(姓名)女士去***(国家)做3天专业培训。

派遣函模板英文以下是一个派遣函的英文模板:[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to formally request the assignment of an employee from [Your Company Name] to [Recipient's Company Name] for a temporary period. This request is in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in our mutual agreement.The purpose of this assignment is to provide [Recipient's Company Name] with the necessary expertise and support in [specific area/task]. We believe that our employee, [Employee's Name], possesses the required skills and experience to successfully fulfill this role.The details of the assignment are as follows:- Start Date: [Date]- End Date: [Date]- Expected Work Schedule: [Number of hours per day/week]- Job Responsibilities: [Detailed description of the tasks and responsibilities]- Reporting Structure: [To whom the employee will report]- Compensation and Benefits: [Specify any changes in compensation or benefits, if applicable]During this assignment, [Employee's Name] will remain an employee of [Your Company Name] and will continue to receive his/her regular salary and benefits. [Your Company Name] will also provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure the success of this assignment.We believe that this collaboration will be mutually beneficial and contribute to the growth and development of both our companies. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to a positive response.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company Name]请注意,这只是一个模板,您需要根据具体情况进行修改和调整。

派遣函中英文(范本派遣函中英文(范本,使用公司抬头纸)表2XX,XX ,2007To Egypt Embassy, Beijing, China,CONFIRMATION OF EMPLOYMENTThis letter is to confirm that Mr./Ms. XXX, Sex M, Born xx/xx/xx(日月年), Currently holds the position of sale representative in this company since she/he has joined in the company from XXXX(年月). We agree to send him/her to joint the Interbuild 2007 and Egypt/China Trade & Investment Conference. Her/His business travel cost to the Egypt will be covered by Egypt government. Her salary is XXXX RMB per month. We guarantee Mr./Ms. XXX will conform to local laws during her/his stay in the Egypt and are in no doubt of her/his prompt return to her /his duties in China upon completion of her/his planned itinerary.Name of company: XXXX Co., LtdADD:T el: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx Fax: 0086-xx-xxxxxxxx派遣函兹证明申请人XXX出生于X年X月X日,性别X,从XXX年X月X日起在本公司工作,任本公司XXX职务,月薪人民币XXXX元.公司派遣XXX赴埃及开罗参加Interbuild 2007建筑展及埃中贸易投资洽谈会,机票、3晚酒店等费用由埃及政府提供.我公司保证其在埃及期间遵守当地法律,并在商务活动结束后按期回国,继续在我公司任原职.如XX未征得主办方许可未按期回国,我单位愿承担相关责任及法律纠纷所引起的费用。

自XX年XX月进本公司任职,目前月薪/年薪人民币XXXXX 元。
XXXXXXXXXXXXX公司(落款及印章)XXXX年XX月XX日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(Mrs./Ms.) XXXX(Passport No.XXXXX) is a regularemployee of our company and acts as XXXXXXX of the XXXXXXX department of our company. He/She has been working at the company for XX years since XXXX, his/her current monthly salary is RMB XXXXXX.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(Mrs./Ms) XXXX to XXXXX, Turkey from XXXXXX to XXXXX, XXXXXXto attend XXXXXXXXXXXX. All the costs of Mr. (Mrs./Ms.)XXXXXXXXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures thatMr.( /Mrs./Ms.)XXXXXX willabide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day) (date)。

有限公司年月日派遣函标准格式(英文)Letter of DispatchWe hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport No.XXXXX ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company.Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.)XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal)XXXX(year)X X(month)XX(day)(date)。
Dispatch Letter (英文派遣函)

********************** (派遣单位英文抬头)**************************(派遣单位的英文地址)Tel: +86-***-******** Fax: +86-***-********Dispatch LetterVisa Section of Consulate General of ****(出访目的国), ****(受理签证的领馆所在城市)Dear Visa Section Officer,Our company is *************** (派遣函签发单位的单位简单情况介绍)We would like to confirm that the following person is working in our company as ****** (被派遣人的职位)and he has been working in***********(被派遣人在派遣单位的工作部门)since ****** (入职年月). His salary is ********** (月薪或年薪).As the guest invited by ******(邀请签发方单位名称),************** (邀请方的单位地址,电话), he will go to your country for ************ (出访目的或内容、出访的起止日期以及滞留在受访目的国天数). His details as below:Name Sex Date of Birth Passport No. Date of Expiry Place of Issue XXX Male 26th Mar,1972 E01545169 1st July,2022 Zhejiang We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for the following items for him.1.All expenses for this trip to including the cost of air tickets, traffic expenses, insuranceand accommodation will be covered by ********* (邀请方的名称或者派遣方自己的名称,具体看实际的费用承担方是谁);2.He will abide by laws and rules of your country;3.He will return to China on time, and continue his work in our company.Thank you in advance!Yours Sincerely,On & behalf of***************************** (派遣单位名称)(派遣单位有权签署人的中文签名与公司公章)******** (派遣单位签署人的中文拼音名)******** (派遣单位签署人的职位)。