是 供 高 中学 生 选修 选 考 的专 业 性科 目 , 其 考 试 成
绩是 申请名牌 高校相关专业 的重要指标 。每个
A P科 目, 均 由客观 题 和 主 观 题 两类 题 型组 成 , 一
美 国AP 英 语 语 言 与写 作 考试 写作 题 的 类型 及 其 特 征
朱 茵 冯 生 尧
【 摘 要 】 美国A P 英 语考 试的 写作题 型 包括议 论 文 写作 、 文学评 论 写作 和综 合性 写作三 类 , 每 类题 型各具 特
色, 但 都 强调 在 各 种 真 实 的 情 境 中评 价 学 生 应 用 语 言 的 能 力 。 本 文 以 近 几 年 的 美 国A P 英语 试题 为 例 , 对 三 类 写作题 进行 分析 并 归纳其 特征 , 以 期 为 我 国语 言 类 公 开 考 试 的 写 作 题 设 计 提 供 借 鉴 和 启 示 。
现 象 或 某 一 观 点 进 行 分 析 、评 论 。 学 生 可 以支
持、 反对或检验这一观点 , 但 一 定 要 给 出 详 细 的
论 证 过 程 。略有 不 同 的是 , 我 国 的议 论 文 写 作 常 是对“ 某问题或某事 件” 发 表 自己 的 观 点 , 而 A P
总体来 说 , A P考 试 中 的 议 论 文 写 作 与 我 国 高 考 的 材 料 写 作 题 区别 不 大 。不 同 的是 , 前 者 的 语 言 阅读 材 料 更 具 真 实 性 。 我 国高 考 材 料 作 文
和综 合性 写作 ( S y n t h e s i s E s s a y ) 三类 , 各 占 写 作
2013雅思考试评分标准 2013雅思评分标准各个分数水平概括:
AP 英语语言与写作满分为 5 分,4 分是一个不错的成绩。
要在 AP 英语语言与写作中获得 4 分,需要具备以下能力:
1. 对文本的分析和理解:能够准确理解和分析各种类型的文本,包括散文、小说、诗歌等。
2. 写作技巧:具备较高的写作能力,包括清晰的逻辑结构、准确的语法和拼写、恰当的词汇选择等。
3. 论据和论证:能够提出明确的论点,并通过恰当的论据和合理的论证支持自己的观点。
4. 文体和风格:熟悉不同文体的特点和要求,并能根据不同的写作任务选择适当的文体和风格。
5. 时间管理:在规定的时间内完成写作任务,包括阅读材料、构思、写作和修改。
要获得 4 分,需要在以上几个方面表现出色。
什么是AP课程和AP考试 AP考试所有考试科目一览.doc
什么是AP课程和AP考试 AP考试所有考试科目一览同学们对AP课程产生的一些常见问题包括:什么是AP课程和AP考试?我应该修几门AP课程?我可以不上AP课程就参加AP考试吗?它们值得参加吗?等等等等。
大家可以以这篇推文反思一下AP英语语言与写作中有哪些注意事项?先说总体注意事项1. 考试要求上说是用钢笔或中性笔写,实际上你用铅笔写也行,因为我们看的都是扫描版本的卷子,所以写的字迹清晰,扫描后能让阅卷老师看清楚即可。
2013 考研英语二平均分汇总
2013 考研英语二平均分汇总
1. 阅读理解:平均分为18分左右,难度较大,同时也是整个
2. 完形填空:平均分为24分左右,相对较容易,但是要求考
3. 翻译:平均分为10分左右,难度较大,对考生的翻译能力
4. 写作:平均分为8分左右,题目通常是关于时事或者社会热点的讨论,要求考生进行观点表达和论证。
标题:AP英语语言与写作和AP文学和写作学习要求和内容(一) 、学习AP英语语言和写作与AP英语文学和写作的原因我们首先谈谈高考改革对英语学习的意义。
MSE 考试对其划分的五个级别的英语水平在听、说、读、写各单项的标准都制定清晰的教学和考核目标。
美国的标准化英语考试除了上部分提到的托福、SAT、AP,还有有小托福(TOEFL Junior)和ACT考试。
国内ap 考试项目
国内ap 考试项目一、AP考试简介AP(Advanced Placement)考试是由美国大学理事会(College Board)组织的一项全球性考试,旨在衡量高中学生在大学水平的学科知识和技能方面的能力。
二、AP考试科目1. AP英语语言和文学课程AP英语语言和文学课程旨在发展学生作为读者和作家的能力。
2. AP数学和计算机科学课程AP数学和计算机科学课程涵盖了高等数学和计算机科学的基本概念和技能。
3. AP科学课程AP科学课程包括生物学、化学、物理学和环境科学等科目。
4. AP历史和社会科学课程AP历史和社会科学课程包括美国历史、世界历史、经济学、心理学等科目。
5. AP艺术课程AP艺术课程包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧和视觉艺术等科目。
四、参加AP考试的好处1. 获得大学学分AP考试成绩优秀的学生可以获得大学学分,减少大学学业的时间和费用。
2. 申请竞争优势AP考试成绩可以提高学生的申请竞争力,很多大学会倾向于录取AP成绩优秀的学生。
3. 提高学术能力AP考试要求学生具备高等水平的学科知识和技能,参加AP 考试有助于学生提高自身的学术能力。
10年级ap选课指南AP课程是由美国大学理事会(College Board)提供的一系列高中课程,旨在为学生提供更具挑战性和深入的学术经验。
以下是针对10年级学生的AP选课指南,供参考:1. AP英语语言和写作(AP English Language and Composition):这门课程侧重于提高学生的写作和阅读理解能力,培养分析和表达能力。
2. AP数学(AP Calculus AB或BC):这是一门高级数学课程,涵盖微积分和数学分析等内容。
3. AP物理(AP Physics 1或2或C):这是一门高级物理课程,涵盖力学、电磁学和热力学等内容。
4. AP化学(AP Chemistry):这门课程涵盖化学的基本原理和实验技巧,适合对化学和实验科学感兴趣的学生。
5. AP美国历史(AP United States History):这门课程涵盖美国历史的各个时期和重要事件,培养学生的历史分析和批判思维能力。
6. AP心理学(AP Psychology):这门课程涵盖心理学的基本理论和研究方法,适合对人类思维和行为感兴趣的学生。
7. AP外语(AP语言和文化课程):这门课程侧重于提高学生的口语和写作能力,适合对外语学习和跨文化交流感兴趣的学生。
除了以上课程,学生还可以根据自己的兴趣和职业规划选择其他AP 课程,例如AP经济学、AP环境科学、AP艺术史等。
1. 量化得分(0-50分)。
2. CEFR等级(“欧标”A1-C级)。
3. CSE等级(“中标”3-7级)。
4. 蓝思指数(只针对阅读部分)。
以一张成绩单为例,该考生Listening 听力部分得分44分,达到欧标C级,中标7级。
ap英语语言与写作,ap文学English: In AP English Language and Composition, students will engage in the critical reading and analysis of nonfiction texts, including essays, articles, speeches, and visual media. They will develop their skills in close reading, rhetorical analysis, and argumentation, and learn to craft effective written and oral arguments. Additionally, they will practice writing for specific purposes and audiences, and develop their ability to synthesize information from multiple sources. In AP Literature and Composition, students will explore the works of literature from a variety of genres and time periods, analyzing the language, structure, and themes of the texts. They will also study literary criticism and develop their own interpretations of the works through class discussions and analytical writing. Both courses will require students to engage in independent reading and writing, and to participate in class discussions and collaborative projects.中文翻译: 在AP英语语言与写作课程中,学生将参与对非小说类文本的批判性阅读和分析,包括散文、文章、演讲和视觉媒体。
ap英语语言和作文Title: The Importance of AP English Language and Composition。
English is a global language that holds immense significance in today's interconnected world. Mastering English not only enhances communication skills but also opens up a plethora of opportunities in various fields. Advanced Placement (AP) English Language and Composition is a rigorous course designed to cultivate students' abilities in reading, writing, and critical thinking. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of AP English Language and Composition, exploring its benefits and how it contributes to academic and professional success.First and foremost, AP English Language and Composition fosters critical thinking skills. Through analyzing a wide range of texts, including essays, articles, speeches, and literary works, students learn to evaluate arguments, identify rhetorical strategies, and discern biases. Thiscritical lens enables students to approach information with skepticism, question assumptions, and form well-reasoned opinions—a crucial skill in navigating today'sinformation-saturated world.Moreover, AP English Language and Composition hones students' writing abilities. The course emphasizes various types of writing, such as argumentative, analytical, and synthesis essays, challenging students to articulate their ideas effectively and persuasively. By practicing writing under timed conditions and receiving feedback from teachers and peers, students develop clarity, coherence, and sophistication in their writing—an asset in both academic and professional endeavors.Furthermore, AP English Language and Composition enhances students' reading comprehension skills. Through close reading of complex texts, students learn to extract key information, analyze rhetorical devices, and discern underlying themes and perspectives. This deep engagement with texts not only broadens students' intellectual horizons but also equips them with the skills to engagecritically with diverse perspectives—a hallmark of a well-rounded education.Beyond academic benefits, AP English Language and Composition prepares students for success in college and beyond. The skills acquired in this course—critical thinking, effective communication, and analytical reasoning—are highly valued in higher education and the workforce. Whether students pursue majors in humanities, social sciences, or STEM fields, the ability to analyze and communicate complex ideas is indispensable.Additionally, success in AP English Language and Composition can lead to college credit and advanced placement. Many colleges and universities offer credit or placement for high scores on AP exams, allowing students to save time and money by fulfilling general education requirements or gaining entry into higher-level courses. This can accelerate students' academic progress and provide them with opportunities to pursue more advanced coursework or engage in extracurricular activities.Furthermore, AP English Language and Composition nurtures a lifelong love of learning and appreciation for language and literature. By exposing students to a diverse array of texts and encouraging them to engage critically with ideas, the course instills a curiosity and passion for intellectual inquiry. This enduring enthusiasm for learning serves students well beyond the confines of the classroom, enriching their personal and professional lives.In conclusion, AP English Language and Composition is a vital course that equips students with essential skills for success in academia and beyond. By fostering critical thinking, honing writing abilities, and deepening reading comprehension, the course prepares students to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and insight. Moreover, it opens doors to college credit, advanced placement, and a lifelong appreciation for language and literature. Therefore, students stand to benefit greatly from embracing the challenges and opportunities offered by AP English Language and Composition.。
AP文学你想知道的一切AP文学你想知道的一切1.AP英语两门课的区别College Board在AP English领域推出两个姊妹课程,分别为AP 语言与写作(AP English Language and Composition)和AP英语文学与写作(AP English literature and Composition),以下简称AP文学和AP语言。
针对大学的课程设置,CB开设了两种英语课,即AP文学和AP 语言。
CB 在官网上让老师考虑学生的以下因素,来决定选哪门课:首先,判断学生的兴趣所在。
初中英语作文评分等级表Composition Scoring Rubric for Junior High School EnglishLevel 5 - Excellent (25-30 points)- The composition demonstrates a high level of proficiency in English.- The content is creative, well-organized, and provides in-depth development of the topic.- The essay has a clear and compelling thesis statement.- Sentences are well-structured, varied in length and complexity, and free from grammatical errors.- Vocabulary usage is extensive and accurate, with appropriate idiomatic expressions.- Punctuation and spelling are flawless.- The composition effectively engages the reader and displays advanced writing skills.Level 4 - Good (20-24 points)- The composition shows a good level of English proficiency.- The content is well-organized and develops the topic adequately.- The essay has a clear thesis statement, although it may not be as compelling as in Level 5.- Sentences are generally well-structured, with some variety in length and complexity.- Vocabulary usage is appropriate, with a few errors in word choiceor idiomatic expressions.- Punctuation and spelling errors are minimal and do not detract from the overall quality.- The composition is engaging and demonstrates competent writing skills.Level 3 - Fair (15-19 points)- The composition indicates a moderate level of English proficiency.- The content is somewhat organized, but may lack depth in the development of the topic.- The essay's thesis statement may be present but is not clearly articulated.- Sentences are mostly simple and may lack variety or show some grammatical errors.- Vocabulary usage is adequate, but with some errors in word choice or idiomatic expressions.- Punctuation and spelling contain some errors, which may slightly hinder comprehension.- The composition is generally coherent but lacks engagement and sophistication in writing style.Level 2 - Poor (10-14 points)- The composition reflects a low level of English proficiency.- The content is poorly organized, with limited development of thetopic.- The essay lacks a clear thesis statement.- Sentences are simple and often contain grammatical errors.- Vocabulary usage is limited, with frequent errors in word choice or idiomatic expressions.- Punctuation and spelling are problematic, which can impede comprehension.- The composition is difficult to follow and shows weak writing skills.Level 1 - Very Poor (0-9 points)- The composition shows a very low level of English proficiency.- The content is disorganized, lacking a clear focus and development of the topic.- Sentences are often incoherent and filled with grammatical errors.- Vocabulary usage is inadequate, with significant errors in word choice and idiomatic expressions.- Punctuation and spelling are rampant, making the composition difficult to understand.- The essay lacks structure, clarity, and demonstrates a lack of basic writing skills.。
该课程以美国大学理事会(AP College Board)的要求为基础,旨在让学生掌握批判性思维和跨文化交流的能力。
考试要求AP英语语言与写作的考试由美国大学理事会(AP College Board)组织,是一个全球性的标准考试。
ap 英语语言与写作题型
ap 英语语言与写作题型Title: The Essence of English Language and Writing.English, a global language, holds a unique position in the realm of communication. It transcends borders, bridging cultural divides and fostering understanding among diverse populations. The essence of English language and writing lies in its adaptability, expressiveness, and the rich tapestry of its vocabulary.Adaptability is a hallmark of English. Its flexible nature allows it to evolve and incorporate new words, phrases, and concepts with ease. This adaptability is evident in the way English has borrowed words from other languages, incorporating them into its vocabulary and grammar. Whether it is the influx of Latin or Greek roots in scientific terminology or the infusion of loanwords from other languages, English has demonstrated an incredible capacity to grow and change.The expressiveness of English is another crucial aspect. The language is rich in figurative language, allowing speakers to convey their thoughts and feelings with nuance and precision. Metaphors, similes, and analogies enable writers to paint vivid pictures with words, evokingemotions and engaging the reader's imagination. The use of rhetorical devices such as irony, sarcasm, and parallelism adds depth and complexity to English writing, making itboth powerful and persuasive.The vocabulary of English is vast and diverse, offering a nearly limitless array of words and phrases to express a wide range of concepts and ideas. This vast vocabulary allows writers to convey their thoughts precisely and to explore complex ideas with nuance and clarity. The breadthof English vocabulary also reflects the historical and cultural influences that have shaped the language over time.In addition to its linguistic features, the essence of English language and writing lies in its utility and practicality. English is the lingua franca of international business, science, technology, and academia, making it acrucial tool for communication and collaboration in these fields. The ability to write effectively in English is essential for success in these domains, as it facilitates the exchange of ideas, the dissemination of knowledge, and the promotion of innovation.Moreover, English writing is a powerful form of expression that can inspire, motivate, and transform. Through the written word, individuals can share their stories, their perspectives, and their vision for the world. English writers have the ability to shape culture,influence opinion, and create lasting impacts on society. The power of English writing lies in its ability to connect with readers, to evoke emotions, and to inspire action.In conclusion, the essence of English language and writing is multifaceted, encompassing its adaptability, expressiveness, vast vocabulary, and practical utility. English is a language that transcends boundaries, fostering understanding and communication among people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Its writing is a powerful toolfor expression, inspiration, and transformation. The studyof English language and writing is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it is about understanding human communication, exploring ideas, and connecting with the world.。
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AP ® English Language and Composition2013 Scoring GuidelinesThe College BoardThe College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. Each year, the College Board helps more than seven million students prepare for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success — including the SAT® and the Advanced Placement Program®. The organization also serves the education community through research and advocacy on behalf of students,educators, and schools. The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.© 2013 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, SAT and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners.Visit the College Board on the Web: .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program:.Question 1The essay score should reflect the essay’s quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 15 minutes to read the sources and 40 minutes to write; the paper, therefore, is not a finished product and should not be judged by standards appropriate for an out-of-class assignment. Evaluate the paper as a draft, making certain to reward students for what they do well.All essays, even those scored 8 or 9, may contain occasional lapses in analysis, prose style, or mechanics. Such features should enter into a holistic evaluation of an essay’s overall quality. In no case should an essay with many distracting errors in grammar and mechanics score higher than a 2.____________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 9 Essays earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for the score of 8 and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument, thorough in development, or impressive in their control oflanguage.8 – EffectiveEssays earning a score of 8 effectively examine the factors a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They develop their argument by effectively synthesizing* at least three of the sources. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and convincing. The prose demonstrates a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless.7Essays earning a score of 7 meet the criteria for the score of 6 but provide more completeexplanation, more thorough development, or a more mature prose style.6 – AdequateEssays earning a score of 6 adequately examine the factors a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They develop their argument by adequately synthesizing at least three of the sources. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and sufficient. The language may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.5 Essays earning a score of 5 examine the factors a group or agency should consider inmemorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They develop their argument by synthesizing at least three sources, but how they use and explain sources is somewhat uneven, inconsistent, or limited. The writer’s argument is generally clear, and the sources generally develop the writer’s position, but the links between the sources and the argument may be strained. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the student’s ideas.Question 1 (continued4 – InadequateEssays earning a score of 4 inadequately examine the factors a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They develop their argument by synthesizing at least two sources, but the evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient, or unconvincing. The sources may dominate the essay’s attempts at d evelopment, the link between the argument and thesources may be weak, or the student may misunderstand, misrepresent, or oversimplify the sources. The prose generally conveys the student’s ideas but may be inconsistent in controlling the elements of effective writing.3 Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of4 but demonstrate less success in examining the factors a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They are less perceptive in their understanding of the sources, or their explanation or examples may be particularly limited or simplistic. The essays may show less maturity in control of writing.2 – Little SuccessEssays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in examining the factors a group or agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument. They may merely allude to knowledge gained from reading the sources rather than cite the sources themselves. These essays may misread the sources, fail to develop a position, or substitute a simpler task by merely summarizing or categorizing the sources or by merely responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. Essays that score 2 often demonstrate consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of control.1 Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation, weak in their control of writing, or do not allude to or cite even one source.0 Indicates an off-topic response, one that merely repeats the prompt, an entirely crossed-out response, a drawing, or a response in a language other than English.— Indicates an entirely blank response.∗ For the purposes of scoring, synthesis means using sources to develop a position and citing them accurately.Question 2The score should reflect the essay’s quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 40 minutes to read and write; the paper, therefore, is not a finished product and should not be judged by standards appropriate for an out-of-class assignment. Evaluate the paper as a draft, making certain to reward students for what they do well.All essays, even those with scores of 8 or 9, may contain occasional lapses in analysis, prose style, or mechanics. Such features should enter into a holistic evaluation of an essay’s overall quality. In no case should an essay with many distracting errors in grammar and mechanics score higher than a 2.____________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 9 Essays earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for the score of 8 and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument, thorough in their development, or impressive in their control of language.8 – EffectiveEssays earning a score of 8 effectively analyze* the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separation between people and nature. They develop their analysis with evidence and explanations that are appropriate and convincing, referring to the passage explicitly or implicitly. The prose demonstrates a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless.7 Essays earning a score of 7 meet the criteria for the score of 6 but provide more completeexplanation, more thorough development, or a more mature prose style.6 – AdequateEssays earning a score of 6 adequately analyze the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separation between people and nature. They develop their analysis with evidence and explanations that are appropriate and sufficient, referring to the passage explicitly or implicitly. The essay may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.5 Essays earning a score of 5 analyze the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separation between people and nature. The evidence or explanations used may be uneven, inconsistent, or limited. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the student’s ideas.Question 2 (continued4 – InadequateEssays earning a score of 4 inadequately analyze the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separation between people and nature. These essays may misunderstand the passage, misrepresent the strategies Louv uses, or may analyze these strategies insufficiently. The evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, in sufficient, or unconvincing. The prose generally conveys the student’s ideas but may be inconsistent in controlling the elements of effective writing.3 Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of4 but demonstrate less success in analyzing the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separationbetween people and nature. They are less perceptive in their understanding of the passage or Louv’s strategies, or the explanations or examples may be particularly limited or simplistic. The essays may show less maturity in control of writing.2 – Little SuccessEssays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in analyzing the rhetorical strategies Louv uses to develop his argument about the separation between people and nature. These essays may misunderstand the prompt, misread the passage, fail to analyze the strategies Louv uses, or substitute a simpler task by responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. The essays often demonstrate consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of control.1 Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation, or weak in their control of language.0Indicates an off-topic response, one that merely repeats the prompt, an entirely crossed-outresponse, a drawing, or a response in a language other than English.— Indicates an entirely blank response.* For the purposes of scoring, analysis refers to explaining how the author’s rhetorical choices develop meaning or achieve a particular effect or purpose.AP® ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION 2013 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 3 The score should reflec t the essay’s quality as a whole. Remember that students had only 40 minutes to read and write; the paper, therefore, is not a finished product and should not be judged by standards appropriate for an out-of-class assignment. Evaluate the paper as a draft, making certain to reward students forwhat they do well. All essays, even those scored 8 or 9, may contain occasional lapses in analysis, prose style, or mechanics. Such features should enter into a holistic evaluation of an essay’s overall quality. In no case should an essay with many distracting errors in grammar and mechanics score higher than a 2.________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 9 Essays earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for the score of 8 and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument, thorough in their development, or particularly impressive in their control of language. 8 – Effective Essays earning a score of 8 effectively develop a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and convincing, and the argument is especially coherent and well developed. The prose demonstrates a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless. 7 Essays earning a score of 7 meet the criteria for the score of 6 but provide a more complete explanation, more thorough development, or a more mature prose style. 6 – Adequate Essays earning a score of 6 adequately develop a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and sufficient, and the argument is coherent and adequately developed. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear. 5 Essays earning a score of 5 develop a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. The evidence or explanations used may be uneven, inconsistent, or limited. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but it usually conveys the student’s ideas. 4 – Inadequate Essays earning a score of 4 inadequately develop a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. The evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient, or unconvincing. The argument may have lapses in coherence or be inadequately developed. The prose generally conveys the student’s ideas but may be inconsistent in controlling the elements of effective writing. © 2013 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web:.AP® ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION 2013 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 3 (continued 3 Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for the score of 4 but demonstrate less success in developing a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. The essays may show less maturity in control of writing. 2 – Little Success Essays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in developing a position on the relationship between ownership and sense of self. These essays may misunderstand the prompt, or substitute a simpler task by responding to the prompt tangentially with unrelated, inaccurate, or inappropriate explanation. The prose often demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such as grammatical problems, a lack of development or organization, or a lack of coherence and control. 1 Essays earning a score of 1 meet the criteria for the score of 2 but are undeveloped, especially simplistic in their explanation and argument, weak in their control of language, or especially lacking in coherence. 0 Indicates an off-topic response, one that merely repeats the prompt, an entirely crossed-out response, a drawing, or a response in a language other than English. — Indicates an entirely blank response. © 2013 The College Board. 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