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I. Classification of the Vowels(元音归类):

(1) 单元音:



(2)双元音: ____________________________________

II. 以元音音素打头的字母有: ______________________________________

______ opening ceremony ______ one-way road ______ eighteen-year-old boy ______ European university ______ unusual day _______ usual day

______ honest boy half _____ hour _____ SPCA officer _____ UFO

III. 冠词用法:

A. 不定冠词a/an 的用法


___________________(电脑) is a great invention in modern times.

___________________(大象) is bigger than a horse.


* Mr. Fei only called me telling _____________(一位家长) wanted to see me.

(3)表示数量,有“一”/“每” 的含义(=one/every)

*His father always says he is ____________________(败家子) in his family.

*Rome was not built ___________________(一天内).

*Dorothy and Elizabeth go back home ___________________(每周两次).

(4) 表示第一次提到某物或人。

________________(一场事故) happened in Taihu Lake in April.


_____________________ heavy snow there was yesterday!

Mary has ____________________________________(历史知识渊博).

They used to keep themselves warm by ___________________(生火).

B. 定冠词the 的用法


You will perform an experiment. ____________________________(实验的目的) is to discover the effects of static electricity.

(2) 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。

_________________(病毒) has had an impact on our daily life.

(3) 指谈话双方都知道所指的人或物。

Would you mind turning down _______________(收音机)? She is sleeping.

(4) 用在世界上独一无二的事物前。

_________________(月球) turns around the earth.

(5) 用在江、河、海洋、山脉等专有名词前。

There are several bridges ______________________________(在黄浦江上).

the Thames River, the Alps

___________________________(英吉利海峡)separates France from the UK.

(6) 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前或国家全称前。

_______________________(长城) is located northwest of Beijing.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea sent up a rocket into space.

the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the United States (the US),

the United Kingdom (the UK)

(7) 表示一类人: the + adj. /p.p.(过去分词)

the rich/poor, the elderly, the dead, the wounded/injured

_____________________(行动不便的人) should be taken good care of. (8) 用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或…夫妇。

_____________________(魏姓一家人)have been used to the life in Sweden.

(9) 用在乐器名称前。

Do you like playing _____________(鼓)/_____________(吉他)/piano?(10) 用在序数词和形容词最高级以及形容词only, same 之前。

__________(第三十二届) Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo this summer.

Dolphins are one of ___________________________(最聪明的) animals.

Xuan is not __________________(唯一的) child in her family.

(11) 形容词比较级前, (常在两者比较中表示“较…的一个”时使用)。

__________________(大一点的) of the two islands is Britain.

the + 比较级,the +比较级.

____________________, ___________________. (越快越好。)

(12) 用在一些表示方向、方位、时间等词组中。

on the left/right, in the middle

in/on/to the east/west/south/north

in the beginning/end, at the end/beginning of…

in the morning/afternoon/evening

(13) 表示年代

All of them were born in ______________________(二十世纪九十年代).

C. 不用冠词的用法


What did you do __________________(在母亲节)?
