(鲁迅《故乡》)It was late winter。
As we drew near my former home the day became overcast and a cold wind blew into the cabin of our boat.2、中国两国是近邻,只隔一衣带水,我们两国的关系已有一千多年的历史。
China and Japan are close neighbours separated by just a strip of water 。
The relations between our two countries have a history of more than 1,000 years。
(周恩来《我的修养原则》)Keep fit,lead a reasonable and regular life。
This is the material basis for personal training。
Lecture 10汉译英谓语的处理
![Lecture 10汉译英谓语的处理](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2f8b6fd36137ee06eff9189c.png)
Lecture 10
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 8、这时寂静无声。 • silent / silence • 参考译文:It is very quiet at the moment. • 9、屋里有一位客人。 • 参考译文:There is a guest in the room.
• 2、这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。 • There will build more apartment buildings. • Many more apartment buildings will be constructed here. • 参考译文:More apartment buildings will be built here.
Lecture 10
• ―You mean me? Well, yes, I think I could make people dance to my tune. But today it’s another story. It’s not me but others who have changed. People’s moods change everyday.‖
Lecture 9
After-class exercises
• 11、只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的 错误。 • The more cautions you pay, the less mistakes you will make. • Only if we being very careful, can we get rid of some errors. • 参考译文:Being very careful, you (we) can avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
Translation:(1)The janitor was so surprised that he turned to be foolish, gasped and went down the stairway unsteadily.(2)The janitor staggers down the stairway, stunned and gasping2他到了家,发现父亲已经走了He arrived the home, only to find thathis father has gone.(only to do表意想不到的结果)3他坐在沙发上听音乐He sat on the sofa, listening to music (伴随状语)4这个穷人去世了,没有给他儿子留下任何东西The poor man died, not having left anything for his son动名词)1)阿德莱德(Adelaide)属地中海型气候。
Adelaide enjoys aMediterranean climate.2)九寨沟风光,却又是另一番景象了。
Jiuzhaigou presents another view. 3)南京有层出不穷的风流人物和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。
Nanjing haswitnessed the continuous emergenceof many distinguished talents andnoble hearts as well as monumentalachievements.4)这面铜镜与普通铜镜一样,背面有图案,还有铭文。
Like ordinarybronze mirrors it bears patternsand inscriptions on the back.5)寺前有一溶洞,寺后有一石碑。
注:关键搭配——application of …
2) Challenges being addressed by modern environmental biotechnology range from the search for microbes that will reduce acid rain by removing sulfur from power coal to the biological production of biodegradable plastics.
长期咳嗽或嗓音嘶哑可能是肺癌或喉癌 的征兆。
3) There are a number of websites that can help you calculate your carbon footprint, or the quantity of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas) that is produced by your choices of food, heating, travel, and other activities.
Hale Waihona Puke 1) A significant portion of the human population nowadays suffers from arthritis or inflammation of the joints.
2) A persistent cough or hoarseness may indicate either lung cancer or cancer of the throat, known as laryngeal cancer.
The librarians have compiled a card-index catalogue so that they can afford facilities for reference. 为便于参考起见,图书馆馆员们编制了索引目 录卡。 No matter how hard he tried, he failed at last. 不管他怎样努力,最后还是没有成功。
这次周年纪念会应该是一个老老实实地评估 我们过去的失误的时机,同时也应该是一个表 达我们有同样决心要做好今后工作的时机。这 样,我们就可免遭挫折,并可把这次周年纪念 变成一种鼓舞和成就。当我讲这番话时,我相 信---今天上午我们听到的发言也使我相信--我是代表联合国每一位真诚和严肃的代表讲话 的。
English sentence patterns: Minor—Major Near—Far Specific---General Weak---Strong 汉语一般把重要的、语气强的词语紧靠中心词,而英语恰 恰相反。 His address is 3612 Market Street,Philadelphia, PA. 19109,USA. 他的地址是美国宾夕法尼亚州费城市场街3612号,邮政 编码19104。 My uncle passed away in hospital at 2: 30 a. m. on September 12,1999. 我的伯父于1999年,月12日凌晨2点30分在医院逝世。 一定要分清敌我。 We must draw a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy.
lecture 6 汉英句式翻译
![lecture 6 汉英句式翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/744b9ad1f90f76c661371ac5.png)
III. 存现句的翻译
• 存现句1.存现句含义 • 存现句,指的是说明某处或某时有某人物存在、出 现、消失的句子。 • 如: • ①河里漂着两只船。(存在) • ②前面来了两个客人。(出现) • ③昨天走了两个陌生人。 (消失)
• •
• • •
• 1. 有+名词+附加语(v., adj., phase etc. ) 1)译为英语存现句: 有人敲门。-There is someone knocking./ Some one is at the door. 有趟列车六点出发。-There is a train due to leave at six. 可能已有些疑点出现在他的案子中。 There could be a few doubts/suspicion in his case.
I. 主谓谓语句(sentence with a subject-predicate phrase as predicate)的翻译
(Topic-prominent structure VS Subject-prominent structure)
• 1) 大小主语是总体和部分的关系:大主语译成 定语,小主语改为句子主语 • (1) 我国的国民经济,工业和农业都是基础。 • Both industry and agriculture are the foundation of national economy in our country. • (2) 总共五个人,三个病了干不了活。 • Three of five persons in all are not able to work because of illness. • (3) 敌人活着的,全都缴械投降。 • All of the still living enemy surrendered their arms. (laid down their arms and surrendered.)
Lecture 10 分译与扩展
![Lecture 10 分译与扩展](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/64574a8fa0116c175f0e4895.png)
逆序法(换序法) 逆序法(换序法)
例1 It was certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO. 人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。这一点是可以肯定的。 人类最后必将解开不明飞行物之谜。这一点是可以肯定的。 例2 The earth’s revolution around the sun is known to all of us. 我们都知道,地球绕太阳运行。(或者:地球绕着太阳转, 。(或者 我们都知道,地球绕太阳运行。(或者:地球绕着太阳转, 这是众所周知的。) 这是众所周知的。) 例3 The heaviest load on his mind, //after s conversation with the slave trader, //lay in the foreseen necessity //of breaking to his wife the arrangement contemplated.
特殊表达方式,需拆离, 特殊表达方式,需拆离,增词完善结构
例1 His addition complete the list. 把他的名字添上,名单就完备了。 的名字添上 把他的名字添上,名单就完备了。 例2 She inspected the table for dust with her finger. 她伸出一个手指抹了一下桌子,看看有没有灰尘。 她伸出一个手指抹了一下桌子,看看有没有灰尘。
类型: 类型:
词义分译 词或短语脱句单译 从句与主句分离, 从句与主句分离,单独成句
“一拖二” 一拖二” 一拖二 两个词, 两个词,分别搭配
例1 But this naval competition strained the Liberal Government’s principles as well as their budgets. 但是,这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说 原则无法自圆其说, 但是,这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说, 也使其预算捉襟见肘 预算捉襟见肘。 也使其预算捉襟见肘。 例2 Do not apply body lotions or perfumes while wearing silk garment; chemicals are harmful to silk. 穿丝绸服装不宜抹润肤露 洒香水之类 抹润肤露、 之类, 穿丝绸服装不宜抹润肤露、洒香水之类,化学产品对丝 绸有害。 绸有害。
Lecture 10 笔记总结
![Lecture 10 笔记总结](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ea9cab33b90d6c85ec3ac695.png)
Lecture 10 笔记总结句子结构转换•为分可构结其按子句语英•句单简•句杂复•英语的简单句并不总是等同于汉语的简单句(常可译成复句)。
• E.g.•Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.•司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是没有尽到责任。
(转换成汉语偏正复句的假设句)•Differences between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approachment and co-operation.•各国社会制度不同,但不应妨碍彼此接近与相互合作。
(转换成汉语偏正复句的转折句)•With the fear of largely imaginary plots against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him.•由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导,他似乎完全丧失了自信,但所谓的阴谋在很大程度上是他自己假想出来的。
•Mr. Murdoch, (who once described classified revenues as “rivers of gold”,) said: “Sometimes rivers dry up.”•默多克先生一度把报纸分类广告形容为“黄金之河”,但他说“有时河流也会干涸。
Lecture 6 句法翻译1
![Lecture 6 句法翻译1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/856ebb58be23482fb4da4cbd.png)
English College
Try to translate the following sentences: 今天食堂吃饺子。
2011-5-4 5 English College
到底 “谁” 吃“谁”?! 这种紊乱的施事(Agent Agent)与受事(Object Object)关系在 Agent Object 英语中简直是离经叛道,却在汉语里显得那么自然。 (今天食堂有 Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. ( 饺子吃) ) Eat with chopsticks if you can’t (do it well) with a fork. ( (用叉子吃不好就用筷子吃吧) ) The food served in the canteen doesn’t taste (在食堂吃的饭菜味道不好) good. ( ) 英语上述各句中的“吃”都隐含有逻辑主语(即施事 者)“人”,而原文句中的主语功能都变成了施事的 方式或场所。 2011-5-4 6 English College
2011-5-4 14 English College
2).问遍千家成行家。 Learn from numerous advisers , and you will become a master.
English College
2.汉语的散点思维 2. 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 , , , Version A :His daughter works in Beijing has been called, His and she would come back tomorrow. B:He Version B He has a daughter, working in Peking, who we have given a call and we hear of that she will come back tomorrow. 汉语句子变换了主语,并将其省略。补出主语后句子是这样的: 他有个女儿,(她)在北京工作,(有人)已经打电话去了,( 人们)听说(她)明天就能回来。 可以看出两例的译文基本没有摆脱原文形式的束缚,主语选择不 符合英语表达习惯。 It is heard of that his daughter who works in Beijing will come back tomorrow. 2011-5-4 16 English College
1. The dockers were seen unloading the chemical fertilizer from S.S. “Apollo”.
2. The Finnish Trade Mission was given a warm welcome by their counterparts.
2. His address is 518 Wenhua Road, Guzan Town, PA626001, Kangding. 他的地址是康定县姑咱镇文化路518号,邮编编码 626001。
3. They were badly defeated at Luding in November, 1945. 他们于1945年11月在泸定附近大败。
+post-) both his two sisters (pre- + central + post-)
我的三位朋友 她的许多本书
Fourth, general principal for placing several attributive modifiers before noun in Chinese:
predeterminer + central determiner + postdeterminer
all the four teachers (pre- + central + post-) all your three books (pre- + central + post-) all these last few days (pre-+central+post-
Lecture 10 词语的搭配、语法形式与翻译
![Lecture 10 词语的搭配、语法形式与翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b1ae507a21614791711283f.png)
3) Thomas Edison surround himself with great thinkers and was friend with some the most successful people of his day. He would have valued many of their ideas, some very similar to his own and others in contrast to his thinking. 爱迪生的周围聚集了许多伟大的思想家,他 的朋友包括了当时一些最成功的人士。他们 有些想法与爱迪生的想法不谋而合,有的却 大异其趣,但他们的许多想法或许都曾得到 了爱迪生的重视。
1) The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 第二个方面是全体社会成员——从政府官员到 普通公民——都要使用科学家在他们的工作中 所使用的那些特殊的思考和行动的方法。 注:关键搭配——application of …
2) During the Dark Ages, anyone who believed in science would be burned as a heretic. 在中世纪,谁要是相信科学就会被视为 异教徒而被烧死。 注:关系从句暗含假设意义。
汉英谓语及其他成分的翻译问题1.1 汉英谓语对比谓语(predicate)是对主语的陈述,说明主语的情况。
例如(1). 她大大的眼睛,皮肤白皙,很是甜美可人。
I teased him for young as he was he dared a great mischief.(3)他请假回家看望父母。
英语的主谓关系有三种:(1)施动者与动作的关系;语言结构表现为“主谓一致”上(2)受动者与动作的关系;语言结构表现在语态上(3)主题与述题的关系;语言结构体现在系动词to be 的使用上1.2 谓语的翻译汉译英时,有时可以选择与原文对应的谓语,但是大多数情况下,我们往往既不能照搬原文主语,也不能照搬原文谓语,而需作调整,或另觅主谓。
1.2. 1.谓语英译时,要考虑搭配、习惯表达方式、逻辑语法关系等多种因素。
例如,动物的叫声,因主语的不同需用不同的动词表示,狮叫(to roar)、虎叫(to growl)、狼叫(to howl)、狗叫(to bark)、猫叫(to mew)、鸭叫(to quack),等。
虎啸猿啼:the tigers roar and monkeys cry.她们逐渐镇定下来,有了自信。
a.they gradually calmed down, restored self-confidence,b.They gradually calmed down, regained self-confidence.1.2. 2.注意汉英语言“动”“静”的转化。
Southwest University
School of Foreign Languages
2. 增补非人称的或强势句中的it it可以指天气、时间,还常用来表示强调、代替不定式等。 汉语中的许多表达方法,翻译成英语时需要增补it。如: • 三点钟了。 It is three o’clock now. • 我们这样做都是为了你好。 It was for your benefit that we did all that. 3. 增补做宾语的代词或先行宾语it • 汉语里只要从上下文能看清楚,宾语常常可以省略,但英 语中凡是及物动词都得有宾语,因此要增补宾语。如: • 我真的认为学好英语很重要。 I do think it important to learn English well. • 把这些故事看完以后,用你自己的话讲一遍。 After you have read these stories, tell them in your own words.
Southwest University
School of Foreign Languages
• • • • • • •
6. 增补介词 英语中的介词比汉语中活跃得多,因而汉译英时需适当 的增加介词。如: 你白天还是晚上飞广州? Do you fly to Guangzhou in the daytime or at night? 我们应该逐步消灭城乡差别。 We should try to eliminate the difference between town and country. 7. 增补冠词 人为万物之灵。 Man of all creatures is the one endowed with intelligence. 他不把他当岳母,而当作亲娘。 She considered him not a mother-in-law but a mother.
在汉语中,动词也可以直接充当主语,翻译时,我们 如果要以该动词主语来充当英语译文的主语时,必 须要使用这个动词的动名词形式或者不定式形式。
帮助真正的穷人,要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值 。帮助下层社会的人重新回到社会主流中来,符合 所有人的利益。 Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities. And helping the lower class rejoin mainstream of society is in the interests of all.
Her eyes tell me that something must have happened. 她的眼神告诉我,一定出了什么事儿了。
1.以原句主语做译文主语 2.增补主语 3.重新确定主语
英语句中的主语只能是名词、主格人称代词 或名词性词语。当汉语原文有明确的、由名 词或主格人称代词充当的主语时,可保留原 主语。
中国的饮食文化具有悠久的历史。 China has a long history in her diet culture.
他的身材魁梧,生一副大长方脸,嘴巴阔大,肌肤呈 着紫檀色。 He was a giant of a man with a long square face, a wide mouth and a complexion suffused with the color of red sandalwood.
(4) 当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。 At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors. (5) 她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。 She is justifiably proud of her achievements.
Lecture 6
汉语句子英译之二 (化散为整)
汉语行文形式连接少,多用散句。英语句子形式严密。(diffusive vs. compact) 汉译英如何化散为整? 意义合并的手段 : 1 形合法 参见 汉语流水长句的翻译(lecture5) 2 化散为整
1. 使用具有连接作用的结构, 如and, so that, who, that 等 2. 短语结构:分词短语,动词不定式,介词短语 名词短语或名词性短语 名词或名词性短语与标点符号连用 , : --- 对前面(也包括后面)的名词进行解释说明,一般称为同位结构 3. 副词 4. 使用名词化的结构来合并句子
(3)房子位于荒废的小巷里,破败陈旧,一片凄凉。 The old and dilapidated house in the deserted lane made a dismal picture. (注意意义的整合) (4)议会解散以后,出现了动荡局面。 Congress dissolution saw violent scenes. (5)他的健康状况很差,无法实现他的梦想。 Poor health incapacipated (disabled) him from realizing his dream.
小句表达的意思用动名词短语表达 他将中国人民最钟爱的古典小说以通俗易懂的方式引荐给西方读者,为中国和英国人民架起一座文化的桥梁,他的贡献将永为世人铭记。 He will always be remembered for bringing the Chinese people's favourite classical novel closer to western readers, making it readable and understandable, and for building a cultural bridge between the Chinese and British people. …
我几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片 和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。 My finger lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.
这地方是个长潭的转折处,两岸是高大壁立千丈的山,山 头上长着小竹子,常年翠色逼人。 This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew small bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round.
England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventure.
朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的青年 面前,用平稳的语调,说明自己的身份和经历。 Ignoring the chair offered him, Zhu De stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was and what he had done in the past.
3. Fast food is not wholesome, after all.
4. Samsung Brand cell phones look beautiful. 5. History is made by the people. 6. He is good for nothing but hijacking vehicles and looting the goods by killing the drivers with his gun.
5. 我们有过这样的经 4. make mistakes of succumbing to individualism 验 5. It was our experience that. . . 6. 热烈祝贺亚运会
6. Hail / Greet the Asian Games 7. 争取运动成绩与精 7. For better (athletic) records 神文明双丰收 and sportsmanship .
1. 问题解决了。 2. 大家都觉得这样做不妥。 3. 必须采取某些措施来控制水污染。
4. 明天下午两点开教学研究会,全体教
1. The problem has been solved. 2. It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 3. Measures have to be taken to control the water pollution. 4. There will be a Teaching Symposium at 2:00 p. m. tomorrow.All the faculty is expected to attend.
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Lecture 10 汉译英中谓语的处理一.汉英语言谓语的差异1.英语谓语的基本特征1)英语谓语必须以动词为基础和核心,除了动词,任何其它次类都不能取代谓语动词这个主体成分。
构成英语主谓一致这一规范的原则包括:A.语法原则(Grammatical Principle)例:Trousers often bag at the knees.裤子常在膝盖处松垂得像个袋子。
B.逻辑原则(Logical Principle)例:Half the boys are here.(可数)Half the vehicle has been damaged.(不可数)C.靠近原则(Principle of Proximity)谓语动词的人称和数可以与最靠近它的词语取得一致。
例:Not only the students but the teacher objects to the plan.例:Either my children or I am going.D.惯用法原则(Principle of Idiomaticness)例:There is more than one opinion in this case.例:Five times eight is forty.例:Only one out of five were present.2.汉语谓语的独立性、自足性较强所谓“独立性”,指谓语可以不受主语人称与数的支配,保持形态上的“原形”。
(招:动词)Honesty wins over wider patronage. (patronage: customers’ support for a shop, restaurant, etc.) 例:这种行为很不道德。
(不道德:形容词)This conduct is immoral.例:你们厂里情况怎么样?(怎么样:不定代词)What do you think of your factory?例:七月二十二日她生日。
(她生日:名词词组)July 22 is her birthday.例:老秤一斤十六两。
(十六两:数量词组)Sixteen “liang”makes one “jin”by the old system of weights.例:那个侦探足智多谋。
(足智多谋:联合词组)The detective is very resourceful.例:河畔草青青。
(青青:修饰语)The grass is green by the riverside.二.汉译英中谓语转换的对策1.对应汉译英中谓语对应式翻译的情况并不少见,在公文、经贸、科技文体中尤其如此。
The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people.例:耶鲁大学是中美教育合作的先行者。
Yale is a forerunner in Sino-US educational exchanges.2.调整例:令行禁止Orders and prohibitions are made to be enforced.(语态调整)例:包袱放不下,工作就搞不好。
The load must be taken off your mind before you can work well.(语态调整)例:红脸好唱,白脸不好唱。
Positive characters are easy to be performed while the negatives ones difficult.例:纪律松懈The discipline is weak.(词类调整)例:银根奇紧Money is getting tighter and tighter. (词类调整)3.补充汉语缺乏形态标定,句子可以非常简约(或缺主,或缺谓,或主谓皆缺)。
”)“You mean me? Well, yes, I think I could make people dance to my tune. But today it’s another story. It’s not mebut others who have changed. People’s moods change everyday.”三.汉译英中谓语的处理由于缺乏形态标记,汉语动词在句子中占明显优势。
例:看一步,走一步wait and see例:大吃大喝eat and drink to one’s heart’s content例:刷牙洗脸上床睡觉brush one’s teeth, wash oneself and go to bed例:丢人现眼(融合)make a fool of oneself例:动手动脚(融合)get fresh with somebody例:他每天都是会客赴宴。
He receives visitors and attends dinner parties as a routine.但对于那些看似并列的谓语形式要多加小心,按时间顺序并列出现的汉语谓语动词在英译时只需一个谓语动词,其他动词以分词或不定式的形式表达。
They seek to attract, retain and develop other people to their full abilities.例:我批上衬衫,带上门,悄悄离开了。
Putting on my shirt, I left the room quietly, leaving the door closed.例:我站在他旁边,手指放在按钮上,等候命令。
I stood by him, my finger on the button, waiting for the order.例:总裁一读报告,就铁青着脸,带着我急冲冲地朝工厂赶去。
On seeing the report, the president became livid with rage and hurried to the workshop accompanied by me.课堂练习:1.他特别喜欢吃面条,一天三顿也不厌。
He loved noodles and was never tired of them.B.从属式连动句汉语连动谓语句动词之间可以存在多种逻辑关系,如条件、目的、方式、对象等。
(条件关系)You may go home as soon as you finish your homework.例:他每天早上都开窗换气。
(目的关系)He opens the window to let in the fresh air every morning.例:被警察用枪指着,劫匪只有举手投降了。
(方式关系)Being aimed at by the police, the robber had to put up his hands to surrender.例:你找我干什么?(对象关系)What do you ask me for?课堂练习:1.我知道多少就告诉你多少。
I will tell you as much as I know.2.我今天早起赶头班车。
I got up early today to catch the first bus.3.她从来不用筷子吃饭。
She never uses chopsticks when dining.4 她的丈夫是某酒店的点心师,每天清晨4点便起床上班。
(pastry cook)Her husband was a pastry cook working for a hotel. Every morning he had to get up at four o’clock to go to work.C.链接式连动句这是较为复杂的谓语连动形式。
She has asked for a leave to go home by air to see herfamily.例:咱们哪天打电话约个时间见面谈谈好吗?Why don’t we fix an appointment over the phone to meet for a chat some time?例:每星期天一早,从七点开始,人们就起身上馆子,边喝茶,边吃早饭,边和朋友聊天。
On Sunday people in Guangzhou are up since 7 o’clock and are already chatting with friends while sipping tea and having breakfast in resturuants.课堂练习:1 我放下笔,三步两步奔到厨房。