
《综合英语二》课程教学大纲一、课程基本情况课程中文名称:综合英语二课程英文名称:Comprehensive English II课程类别:外语技能课课程性质:必修课课程代码:ENGL 1009总学分数: 4总学时数:56 其中理论学时数:56 实践(实验)学时数:0适用对象:非英语专业本科生(分层B类)先修课程:无开课学期:第一学期开课单位:应用外语学院二、课程教学目的《综合英语》的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往屮能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。
第一章Introduction to the course(一)主要内容Introduction to teaching plan, course requirements etc.A discussion on college education and college English learning・(二)教学要求1.Introduce the teaching plan, course requirements, etc.2.Talk about the purpose of college education and English learning(三)重点和难点k Misunderstandings about college education2.Tips for successful college English study第二章Unit 1(一)主要内容Section A: Learning a Foreign LanguageSection B: Keys to Successful Online Learning(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about English learning experience;4.Reading: to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual clues;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph of cause and effect.(三)重点和难点1.Get the main idea of the passage and analyze the text structure2.Develop a cause-and-effect paragraph第三章Unit 2(一)主要内容Section A: Deep ConcernSection B: Is There a Generation Gap(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about generation gap;4.Reading: to distinguish between facts and opinions;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph using sequeneed order and time markers.(三)重点和难点1.Talk about the possible reasons for and solutions to generation gap2.Develop a paragraph with sequenced order of events第四章Unit 3(一)主要内容Section A: A Good Heart to Lean OnSection B: The Right Son at the Right Time(二)教学要求1 ・ Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3・ Speaking: to talk about views on marriage across nations;4.Reading: to find out key ideas in sentences;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph of general point supported by examples. (三)重点和难点1.Find out key ideas in sentences2.Develop a paragraph of general point supported by examples.第五章Unit 4(一)主要内容Section A: How to Make a Good impressionSection B: Body Language(二)教学要求1.Words and expressions: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Grammar: to practice the structures of “V・ing" and u so...(that)^;3.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;4.Speaking: to talk about tips to make a good impression;5.Reading: to identify general statement and examples in paragraphs;6・ Writing: to develop a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of examples. (三)重点和难点1.Understand the connotation of each tip to make a good impression;2.Find out the main idea of each paragraph in Section B;3.Correctly use V-ing structure;4.Write a paragraph supported by a list of examples.第六章Unit 5(一)主要内容Section A: A battle against AIDSSection B: The Last Dive at the Olympics(二)教学要求1・ Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3・ Speaking: to talk about the transmission and prevention of AIDS;4.Reading: to identify general statement and details in paragraphs;5.Writing: to develop a problem-solution paragraph by writing a statement and supporting it with details. (三)重点和难点1 • Talk about the transmission and prevention of AIDS2. Develop a problem-solution paragraph第七章Unit 6(一)主要内容Section A: The TrashmanSection B: The Company Man(三)教学要求1 • Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about prejudice in jobs;4.Reading: to understand idiomatic expressions;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph of a statement supported by a list of examples.(三)重点和难点1 ・ Identify general statement and examples2. Talk about prejudice in jobs第八章Unit 7(—)主要内容Section A: Face-to-Face with GunsSection B: Should I Have a Gun?(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about violence in the society and gun control;4.Reading: to learn to read between the lines;5.Writing: to write a paragraph of sequential actions;(三)重点和难点1 ・ Study the language points;2. Learn to talk about social problems;3・ Learn how to use new words and phrases in new contexts;4・ Learn to write a paragraph of sequential actions.第九章Unit 8(一)主要内容Section A: Birth of bright ideasSection B: Ways of increasing creativity(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about the students9 creative ideas;4.Reading: to scan and predict the content of a passage;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph of contrast・(三)重点和难点1.Discuss how one can become more creative2.Scan and predict the content of a passage第十章Unit 9(一)主要内容Section A: College Success Made EasySection B: A Major Question of Majors(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2.Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about the standard to judge a student;4.Reading: to learn different ways of previewing a passage;5.Writing: to develop a paragraph of a topic supported by details・(三)重点和难点1.Discuss how to judge a student in an appropriate way2.Develop a paragraph of a topic supported by details第--一章Unit 10(一)主要内容Section A: Being Honest and OpenSection B: Website Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating?(二)教学要求1.Words and expression: to grasp the key words and expressions;2・ Listening: to listen for the main idea and important details;3.Speaking: to talk about the importance of establishing and maintaining moral standards4.Reading: to understand idiomatic expressions;5.Writing: To develop a paragraph of a general principle supported by details.(三)重点和难点1.Discuss the importance of establishing and maintaining moral standards2.Develop a paragraph of a topic supported by details五、课程教学方法与手段1、传统教学与多媒体授课相结合,釆用课堂面授方式进行,充分利用现代教育技术,正确处理好多种媒体教材之I'可的关系。

综合英语1-4教学大纲综合英语(1)二、课程内容(一)课程教学目标《综合英语》是一门综合技能课, 其主要目的在于培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力。
本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头和笔头表达能力。
教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到新《大纲》所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。
Unit 1 Never Say GoodbyeUnit 2 The Fun They HadUnit 3 Whatever Happened to MannersUnit 4 Dealing with AIDSUnit 5 How to Be True to YourselfUnit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely ChildUnit 7 When lightning StruckUnit 8 My Forever ValentineUnit 9 HollywoodUnit 10 A Debt to DickensUnit 11 SalvationUnit 12 Gender Bias in LanguageUnit 13 The Light of DepressionUnit 14 Five Traits of the Educated Man本课程主要通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力, 了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头和笔头表达能力。
教师应鼓励学生积极参与课堂的各种语言交际活动以获得基本的交际技能, 并达到新《大纲》所规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。
通过该课程, 学生可以学到英语语言知识, 并能培养学生运用语言知识的综合能力。
综合英语 教学大纲

综合英语教学大纲编写综合英语教学大纲I. 引言教学大纲是指为了实现教学目标,规划和组织教学活动所使用的一种指导性文件。
II. 教学目标综合英语教学的目标是培养学生的听、说、读、写四项英语综合运用能力。
具体目标包括:1. 提高学生的听力理解能力,包括听懂日常生活和学习中的简短对话、广播或录音材料,并能从中获取所需信息。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力,包括能流利、准确地用英语进行交流,并就一定话题发表自己的观点。
3. 提高学生的阅读理解能力,包括能读懂简单的英语文章或报道,并从中获取所需信息。
4. 提高学生的写作能力,包括能准确地表达个人观点、组织文字,并在写作中正确运用语法、用词准确。
III. 教学内容教学内容应充分体现听、说、读、写四项技能的综合运用,并根据学生的实际需求和能力进行选择和安排。
教学内容包括以下几个方面:1. 听力:包括日常对话、新闻广播、电影或录音材料的听力训练。
2. 口语:以日常交流为主题,包括情景对话、小组讨论和演讲等。
3. 阅读:包括基础课文、新闻报道、短文等。
4. 写作:包括日记、作文等。
IV. 教学方法为了实现教学目标,教师应采用多种教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣并提高学习效果。
常用的教学方法包括:1. 情景引入法:通过创设真实的情景,帮助学生理解和运用英语表达。
2. 合作学习法:鼓励学生进行小组活动,促进彼此间的合作、交流和互助。

学时分配:《综合英语》(Integrated Skills of English)课程须完成268学时。
(2)《新编英语教程》-2, A New English Course 李观仪主编;上海外语教育出版社;1998年版(3)《朗文英语语法》Longman English Grammar L.G.亚历山大主编外语教学与研究出版社(4)《语言技能训练指导TEM4》邹申主编上海外语教育出版社(5)《新编英语教程》-3,李观仪等编著,上海外语教育出版社,1999年8月第二版(6)《新编英语教程》-4,李观仪等编著,上海外语教育出版社1998年版考核方式:闭卷考试。
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学习-----好资料《综合英语》课程教学大纲Comprehensive English总学时数:__256_ 学分数: _ 16__ 其中:实践学时:__ __适用专业:英语(商务)执笔者: _黄燕丽(讲师/硕士)编写日期: 2013.03一、课程的性质、目的和任务《综合英语》是英语(商务)专业的学科基础课程。
教学的具体要求如下:1.语音: 能按照音标读出单词,发音正确;能朗读句子、课文及相应的课外短文,语音语调正确。
2.词汇: 领会式掌握5000词汇及词组。
7.写作:掌握不同体裁文章(记叙文,议论文,应用文等)的写作格式, 做到语法正确,表达清晰,论点明确,有较强的思想性。
各学期的具体教学内容如下(注:任课教师每学期可在以下教学内容中筛选5-6单元):教学内容:第一册:1.UNIT 1TEXT I Never Say GoodbyeTEXT II The Dinner Party2.UNIT 2TEXT I The Fun They HadTEXT II The Laugher3.UNIT 3TEXT I Whatever Happened to Manners?TEXT II An Educator's Moral Responsibility4.UNIT 4TEXT I Dealing with AIDSTEXT II AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)5.UNIT 5TEXT I How to Be True to YourselfTEXT II Becoming a Child of Nature: It's a Twofold Task of Parents and Children 6.UNIT 6TEXT I Is an Only Child a Lonely Child?TEXT II Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads7.UNIT 7TEXT I When Lightning StruckTEXT II Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in Life8.UNIT 8TEXT I My Forever ValentineTEXT II Make Today Count更多精品文档.学习-----好资料9.UNIT 9TEXT I HollywoodTEXT II The Disney Company10.UNIT 10TEXT I A Debt to DickensTEXT II The Companionship of Books11.UNIT 11TEXT I SalvationTEXT II The Capture of Kunta Kinte12.UNIT 12TEXT I Gender Bias in LanguageTEXT II The Difference Between Sex and Gender13.UNIT 13TEXT I The Light of DepressionTEXT II Remaining Positive When Facing a Chronic Illness14.UNIT 14TEXT I Five Traits of the Educated ManTEXT II When Does Education Stop?第二册:1.UNIT 1TEXT 1 We've Been Hit!TEXT 2 Rethinking Skyscrapers2.UNIT 2TEXT 1 The Virtues of Growing OlderTEXT 2 Closing the Gap3.UNIT 3TEXT 1 My Stroke of LuckTEXT 2 A New Attitude to Gratitude4.UNIT 4TEXT 1 Cultural Encounters更多精品文档.学习-----好资料TEXT 2 Does Your Body Betray You?5.UNIT 5TEXT 1 Fourteen StepsTEXT 2 The Power of Belief6.UNIT 6TEXT 1 The Diary of the Unknown SoldierTEXT 2 Life Goes On7.UNIT 7TEXTI Letter to a B StudentTEXT 2 College Pressures8.UNIT 8TEXT 1 Focus on Global WarmingTEXT 2 The Villain in the Atmosphere9.UNIT 9TEXT 1 What Is Happiness?TEXT 2 The Art of Unhappiness10.UNIT 10TEXT 1 The Jeaning of AmericaTEXT 2 Happy Birthday to You11.UNIT 11TEXT 1 Open the Door to ForgivenessTEXT 2 Forgiveness12.UNIT 12TEXT 1 The Importance of Moral Intelligence in Children TEXT 2 Across America, Grief and Horror13.UNIT 13TEXT 1 Speech at the Graveside of Karl MarxTEXT 2 Reminiscences of Karl MarxTEXT 1 The Wedding Story更多精品文档.学习-----好资料TEXT 2 Gossip第三册:1.UNIT 1TEXT I Fresh StartTEXT II A University Stands and Shines2.UNIT 2TEXT I The Company ManTEXT II Time to Take It Easy3.UNIT 3TEXT I Out of StepTEXT II Skylines and Skyscrapers4.UNIT 4TEXT I Fun, Oh Boy. Fun. You Could Die from ItTEXT II The Age of Thrills5.UNIT 5TEXT I The Real Truth about LiesTEXT II To Lie or Not to Lie? -- The Doctor's Dilemma 6.UNIT 6TEXT I How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No Effort TEXT II The Interpretation of Poetry7.UNIT 7TEXT I The ChaserTEXT II Young Men and Elderly Men8.UNIT 8TEXT I Knowledge and WisdomTEXT II How to Become a Man of Genius9.UNIT 9TEXT I Chinese FoodTEXT II Chinese Food in America10.UNIT 10更多精品文档.学习-----好资料TEXT I The TransactionTEXT II Some Self-Analysis11.UNIT 11TEXT I On Becoming a Better StudentTEXT II The Art of Acknowledgement12.UNIT 12TEXT I Take Over, Bos'n!TEXT II WarTEXT I Our Schedules, Our SelvesTEXT II The Unhappy American Way14.UNIT 14TEXT I HomelessTEXT II The Ideal of the Family versus the Ideal of Personal Individualism第四册:1.UNIT 1TEXT I Never Give In, Never, Never, NeverTEXT II Winston Churchill2.UNIT 2TEXT I Space InvadersTEXT II Space and Distance3.UNIT 3TEXT I Alienation and the InternetTEXT II America Online: Losing the Battles, but Winning the War4.UNIT 4TEXT I A View of MountainsTEXT II Statement at the 2003 Session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission 5.UNIT 5TEXT I The Tapestry of FriendshipTEXT II My Daughter, My Friend更多精品文档.学习-----好资料6.UNIT 6TEXT I A French FourthTEXT II Stuck in the Middle7.UNIT 7TEXT I The MonsterTEXT II Simple Habits, Deep Thoughts8.UNIT 8TEXT I The Discus ThrowerTEXT II A Rage Against Dying9.UNIT 9TEXT I How I Found My V oiceTEXT II Thank You, Mr. Chips10.UNIT 10TEXT I The Idiocy of Urban LifeTEXT II The City11.UNIT 11TEXT I The Story of an EyewitnessTEXT II Memories of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire12.UNIT 12TEXT I A Case of Severe Bias13.UNIT 13TEXT I MarriageTEXT II Why I Want a Wife14.UNIT 14TEXT I Under the Sign of Mickey Mouse & Co.TEXT II Into the Unknow教学重点:V ocabulary, Text Structure Analysis, Reading Skills and Structured Writing:Grammatical Structure Analysis, Writing and Listening Skills Training 教学难点更多精品文档.学习-----好资料四、课程各教学环节要求1. 课堂教学要求课堂教授中应注意知识的层层递进,具有连续性,语言点突出,讲解清晰准确,通过典型例句解释语言现象。