
剑桥pet语法精讲精练摘要:一、引言1.剑桥PET 考试简介2.语法在PET 考试中的重要性3.本书《剑桥PET 语法精讲精练》的目标读者和内容概述二、PET 语法考试要点1.名词和冠词2.代词3.形容词和副词4.动词时态和语态5.非谓语动词6.介词和介词短语7.句子结构三、各章节内容概述1.名词和冠词2.代词3.形容词和副词4.动词时态和语态5.非谓语动词6.介词和介词短语7.句子结构四、本书的实用性和优势1.针对性强,专门针对PET 考试2.结构清晰,易于理解3.实例丰富,帮助巩固知识点4.提供练习题,有效检验学习成果五、结论1.总结本书的特点和价值2.对读者的建议和期望正文:《剑桥PET 语法精讲精练》是一本专门针对PET 考试的语法辅导教材。
PET 考试是剑桥大学英语考试中心设计的英语考试,旨在测试考生的英语实际应用能力。
在PET 考试中,语法知识是非常重要的一部分,因此掌握PET 语法考试要点是考生取得好成绩的关键。
本书从名词和冠词、代词、形容词和副词、动词时态和语态、非谓语动词、介词和介词短语、句子结构等方面,全面系统地讲解了PET 考试所需的语法知识。
本书的针对性强,结构清晰,实例丰富,既适合PET 考生自学,也适合作为培训机构的辅导教材。
对于考生来说,通过学习本书,可以有效提高自己的语法水平,为PET 考试做好充分准备。

剑桥pet语法精讲精练摘要:1.剑桥PET 语法精讲精练概述2.剑桥PET 语法精讲精练的主要内容3.剑桥PET 语法精讲精练的适用对象4.剑桥PET 语法精讲精练的特点和优势5.如何有效地使用剑桥PET 语法精讲精练正文:剑桥PET 语法精讲精练是一本针对英语学习者的语法辅导书籍,旨在帮助学生掌握英语的基本语法知识和技能,以便更好地应对PET(Preliminary English Test)等英语考试。
剑桥PET 语法精讲精练的主要内容包括:时态、语态、情态动词、被动语态、从句、介词、代词、形容词和副词等英语语法的基本知识点。
剑桥PET 语法精讲精练适用于准备参加PET 考试的学生,以及希望提高英语语法水平的学习者。
剑桥PET 语法精讲精练的特点和优势如下:1.针对性强:本书专门针对PET 考试的语法要求进行编写,帮助学生有针对性地进行学习和复习。
如何有效地使用剑桥PET 语法精讲精练?1.制定学习计划:根据自己的英语水平和时间安排,合理安排学习进度。
总之,剑桥PET 语法精讲精练是一本实用的英语语法辅导书,能够帮助学生系统地学习英语语法知识,提高英语水平。

一、表示时间介词注意点:1.in+一段时间=in+一段时间s time(与将来时连用)We will meet in three daysWe will meet in three days timewithin+一段时间(用于各种时态)如:You must finish reading the book within a week.你必须在一周内读完这本书。
2.on Christmas Day在圣诞节;at Christmas在圣诞节的几天中3.up to now=until now, from morning till night, for the time being 暂时,at times有时,day by day一天天地,in no time立刻。
二、注意一些表示地点场所介词短语的引伸、比喻含义in the mud在泥中,beyond hope绝望, in freezing在严寒天气中,in danger在危险中,in trouble在困境中,in public在公共场合中,under construction在建设中,on business出差,in the same boat处境一样,on sale在出售三、表示方式、手段、工具等介词(by,with,on,in)1.by: The blind men thought they could learn what the elephant looked like by touching it./ make a living by teaching/ by hand手工地,靠手工地,by letter, by post, by electricity, learn sth. by heart, struck by the beauty因美丽而着迷He was paid by the hour/ the day/ month/…他按时/日/月/…被付给工钱。

剑桥pet语法精讲精练【原创版】目录1.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练概述2.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练的主要内容3.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练的特点和优势4.如何有效地使用剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练进行学习5.总结正文【1.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练概述】剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练是一本针对英语学习者的语法参考书,旨在帮助学习者全面掌握 PET(Preliminary English Test)级别的英语语法知识。
【2.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练的主要内容】剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练共分为十个单元,涵盖了 PET 级别的所有重要语法点。
【3.剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练的特点和优势】剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练具有以下特点和优势:(1)针对性强:该书专门针对 PET 级别的英语学习者,内容紧密围绕 PET 考试大纲,能够满足学习者在备考过程中对语法知识的需求。
(3)结构清晰:剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练按照 PET 级别的语法知识点进行编排,使学习者能够系统地学习并巩固各项语法知识。
【4.如何有效地使用剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练进行学习】为了有效地使用剑桥 PET 语法精讲精练进行学习,建议学习者采取以下方法:(1)按照书中的顺序逐个学习单元,全面掌握各个语法知识点。

专题16 简单句-小学语法精讲精练(附口诀、练习和答案)

小学语法精讲精练专题16 简单句思考引入老师,我们上一课学了句子成分,那今天我们是不是学习如何用这些成分造句呀?是的!我们不仅要搞清楚句子成分,还要知道有哪些句型才能造句呢。
I have a basketball.我有一个篮球。
主语谓语My family and I live in China.我的家人和我都住在中国。
1. The bus comes.主语:__________________ 谓语:__________________2.I drink a cup of coffee.主语:__________________ 谓语:__________________答案:1.The bus comes 2.I drink二、简单句的五种基本句型根据不同的谓语动词以及句子成分的不同组成方式,简单句可分为以下5种基本句型。
1.主语+谓语Class begins.开始上课了。
Sarah laughs.萨拉笑了。
小学阶段常见的不及物动词有:3.主语+系动词+表语I am a student.我是一名学生。
He is a pilot.他是一名飞行员。
They are friends.他们是朋友。
4.主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语Tom gives me a book.汤姆给了我一本书。

一、一般现在时1. We won’t go unless you_______ soon.A. comingB. cameC. will comeD. come2. Japan ________ to the east of China.A lieB lies C. lying D. lied3. The plane to Shanghai _________ at 8:30.A. leavesB. leavingC. will leaveD. leave二. 一般过去时4. It ______ Yang Liwei about 21hours _____ the earth 14times in his spaceship.A. spent; circlingB. took; traveling.C. spent; to travel.D. took; to circle.5. —Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it. —it’s 69568442.A didn’t B. couldn’t C. don’t. D. can’t.6. He said he______ me a present unless I ________ in doing the experiment.A. had not given; had not succeededB. would not give; succeed.C. will not give; succeedD. would not give; will succeed.7. There _____ no bus stop here year.A. isB. was.C. areD. were8. She said that they_____ a good time.A .had B. has C. have D. will have9. Mike _____ until his father came back.A. went to bed.B. doesn’t go to bed.C. didn’t go to bedD. wouldn’t go to bed.10. My sister________ and _____ herself when she was riding her bike yesterday.A. falls… hurt.B. falls…hurts.C. has fallen… hurt.D. fell…hurt.11. He __________ with us yesterday morning.A. doesn’t go swimming.B. goes swimming.C. didn’t go s wimming.D. went to swimming12. _____ your parents in Shanghai last year?A. IsB. AreC. WasD. Were13. Tom ______ (match) TV at home last night. He _____ (go ) nowhere.14. When I ______ (be) young, I often ______ (play) football. 15. He _______ (be) not with me at that time.16. She ______(give) Mary a present last Christmas.17. It ______ (happen) an hour ago.18. They ________ (go ) to the par last Sunday.19. I __________ (have) a good time last holiday.20. Mrs. Li _______ (live) here many years ago.21. ____ he ____ (do) his homework yesterday? No, he _____(not finish) it.22. Father_______ (get) a letter from my sister last week.23. Who ________ (break) the window just now?24. It was very cold, so he ________ on his coat (put).25. The bed wasn’t good, I_____ very well. (sleep).26. Bob was very wasn’t interesting. They____ in very much. (enjoy)27. I went to Lily’s flat, but she ________ there (be).28. He was in a hurry, so she __________time to cook for you (have).三. 一般将来时.28. When we get our tickets, be marked “first class” ______.A. it is to.B. it will.C. they were to.D. they will.29. Look! The woman with curl hair over there _____ us a talk about DNA.A. is about to give.B. would give.C. was going to give.D. had given.30. She ______ me _______ at the airport this evening.A. is seeing; out.B. is seeing; off.C. sees; off.D. will see; out.31. She _____ to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.A. went.B. would go.C. has gone.D. will go.32. There______ a basketball match in our school the day after tomorrow.A. will have.B. will be.C. is going to have.D. would be.33. They______ a new bridge over the river next year.A. have built.B. are going to build.C. are building.D. were going to build.34. We ______ to the Great Wall f it_____ tomorrow.A. don’t go; rains.B. won’t go; rains.C. are building.D. go; doesn’t rain.35. Either you or he_____ there tomorrow.A. go.B. goes.C. are going.D. is going.36. A present ______ to me by Mother next week.A. will give.B. is given.C. will be give.D. will be given.37. I won’t______ (be) free tomorrow.38. The students_____ (have) a meeting this weekend.39. Lily ______( stay) with me tonight.40. It’s going to _____(rain) this evening.41. We are going to ______ (visit) the Summer Palace next Monday.42. She is going to ______( help) Tim again on Sunday.43. Jim ______(see) a film tomorrow.44. We ______(visit) our teacher next Sunday.45. _______ you _______(need) me to help you?46. They ______(not go ) there if it snows tomorrow.47. There _______ (be) a meeting tomorrow morning.48. She_____ (come) here soon.四.过去将来时.49. They _______ the game when rain.A. were about to start.B. were about start.C. were to starting.D. was about to starting.50. He was 8. In two years he _____10.A. will goB. would goC. has goneD. goes51. The teacher said that she ______ us to the park the next day.A. will take.B. has taken.C. would take.D. is taking.52. Mr. Brown asked who ____ the message to Mr. Evans.A. was going to talkB. has takenC. could giveD. will tell53. —What did the scientist say?—He said he wondered if_____ into space by spaceship one day.A. he had to fly.B. he could fly.C. can he fly.D. could he fly.54. He said there_____ another new school near the soon.A was. B. had been. C. would be. D. was having.55. He told us that he_____(go) to London next month.56. She said there ______(be) a new play that evening. 57. Mrs. Lee hoped that her son_____(come) to see her very soon.58. We asked them what_____(happen) next.59. That woman bodyguard told when she ______( let) us in if we could show herthe passes.60. Tony wanted to know when she ______( visit) the exhibition again.五.现在进行时61. Dictionary __________ I have looked for it everywhere but still _________it.A. has lost; don’t find.B. is missing’ don’t find.C. has lost; haven’t found.D. is missing; haven’t found.62. My wife __________.A. has forever criticized me.B. forever criticizes me.C. does forever criticize me.D. is forever criticizing me.63. Look! Li Lei ______ Jim with his Chinese.A. is helping.B. has helpedC. is going to help.D. would help.64. Stay here boy Don’t go o ut It ______ now.A. will rain.B. is going to rain.C. has rained.D. is raining.65. The students of Class 3______ a football game now Let’s go and watch it.A. are having.B. will have.C. is having.D. will be had.66. Miss Gao _____ she’s w orking.A. isn’t sleeping.B. doesn’t sleepC. is sleepingD. sleeps.67. The child ____ on the same clothes?A. put on.B. putting onC. went.D. wearing.68. Are all the twins ______the same clothes?A. put on.B. putting on.C. wear.D. talls.69. The students____(read) English in the classroom now.70. “What are you doing here?” “I _____(wait) for Tom.”71. Those students ______ (work) in a factory these days.72. More and more American people______(give) up smoking.73. Ms Lee ____(come) to see us tomorrow And she ______ (leave) for Beijing theday after tomorrow.74. The Whites ______(go ) to the concert this coming Saturday.75. Look. A boy ______(write) on the wall.76. Listen The baby_______(cry).77. ______they _____ (do) their homework now?78. ——What ______he _______(play) now?——He_______ (play) basketball.79. Jenny ________(not watch) TV now.80. Don’t make any noise My father ______(sleep).六.过去进行时.81. ——I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday, why?——I ____for a long distance call then from my from my daughter in Canada.82. Mary _____a dress when she cut her finger.A. made.B. is making.C. was making.D. makes.83. As she _____ the newspaper Granny ____ asleep.A. read; was falling.B. was reading; fell.C. was reading; was falling.D. read; fell.84. James has just arrived but I didn’t know he______ until yesterday.A. will come.B. was coming.C. had been coming. D, comes.85. When the teacher came in the students______A talkB are talkingC were talkingD will talk86. ——Were you writing a letter at 9 last night? ——No, I ______.A. were.B. was.C. wasn’tD. weren’t.87. Wang Lin and Hong ________ for us when we got to the school gate.A. is waiting.B. were waiting.C. are waiting.D. was waiting88. My mother ______ breakfast while I ______ face this morning.A. cooked; was washing.B. was cooking; was washing.C. was cooking; washed.D. would cook; was washing.89. Joan ______ Tom with his lessons at this time yesterday.A. was going to help.B. was helping.C. would help.D. has helped.90. When I went to Linda’s She____ in bed reading.A. is lying.B. has lain.C. is going to lie.D. was lying.91. He ______(do) his homework at two o’clock yesterday afternoon.92. They_____(have) a meeting from 8 to 10 last night. 93. Mary_____(watch) TV when we came in.94. I ______( wash) my clothes this time yesterday.95. At that time the boy______(play) football.96. While we______ (talk) with Mr. Wang in English, a foreigner came up.七现在完成时.96. —What a nice bike! How long ____ you _____ it? —Just two weeks.A. will; buy.B. did; buy.C. are; having.D. have; had.97. —Do you know our town at all? —No this is the first time I________ here.A. was.B. have been.C. came.D. am coming.98. ——Have you ______ been to our town before?——No, it’s the first time I _____ here.A. even; come.B. even; come.C. ever; come.D. ever; have come.99. ——May I go to play tennis with you, Dad?——_____ you _____ your composition yet?A. Are; finishing.B. Did; finish.C. Will; finish.D. Have; finished. 100. You don’t need to describe her I ________ her several times.A. had met.B. have met.C. met.D. meet.101. ——I’m sorry to keep you waiting.——Oh, not at all. I _____ here only a few minutes.A. have been.B. had been.C. was.D. will be.102. Mr. Li isn’t here. He ____ to England.A. has been.B. have been .C. has gone.D. have gone. 103. Mike ______ several places since he came to Beijing.A. will visit.B. has visited.C. is visiting.D. visited.104. ——_____your brother_____ a new watch? ——Not yet.A. Have; was.B. Did; buy.C. Has; bought.D. Will, buy. 105. He _____ here in 1980. He _____ a teacher for over twenty years.A. came; was.B. came; has been.C. has come; is.D. has come; has been. 106. Lucy _____ many friends since she went to Paris.A . made. B. is going to make C. has made. D. makes.107. She _____ the dictionary to Alice yet.A. has retun ed.B. hasn’t retuned.C. would returnD. returned.108. She said, “I’m sorry to hear that he_____ ill for two weeks.”A. has been.B. had been.C. was.D. will be. 109. ——Mum? May I go out and play basketball?——______ you _____ your homework yet?A. Do; do.B. Are; doing.C. Did; do.D. Have; done. 120. He ______(go) to see Ms Lee and he’ll be back in two hours.121. Great changes ______ (take) place in my hometown since 1996.122. Ms Black ______(teach) maths for 21years.123. He ______(be) to Paris five times.124. He joined the army then he was 18. He _____(be0 an army man many years. 125. I don’t want to see the film because I ______(see) it I saw it last Monday.126. He______(live) in Beijing since he was born.127. We_______ (not hear) from them for a long time.128. The Greens______ (be) to Shanghai twice.129. Where is your father? He _____(go) to England.130. How long____ you____ (learn) English?131. They _____(not see)for years.八.过去完成时.132. The students____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office.A. had written; left.B. writing; has left.C. had written; had left.D. were writing; had left.133. I had hoped _____ my letter.A. her to answer.B. that she answer.C. that she would answer.D. her answering.134. By the time school _____ over, the rain_____, so I didn’t use my raincoat.A. has been.B. had been.C. be.D. would be.135. The film _____ on for ten minutes when Jack got to the cinema.A. has been.B. had been.C. be.D. would be.135.——Did you _____ the concert last night?——V ery much I _____ to a concert for a long time.A. enjoy; haven’t gone.B. enjoy; haven’t been.C. enjoy; hadn’t gone.D. enjoyed; didn’t go.136. It_____ nice to see John yesterday I ____ him for a long time.A. was; haven’t seen.B. had been; haven’t seen.C. was; hadn’t seen.D. had been; hadn’t seen.137. Last right I ____ studying at 9:30 Bill came at 9”50 By the time ca me I _____ my homework.A. finished; finished.B. would finish; finished.C. had finished; had finished.D. finished; had finished.138. He told me he ____ (meet) her before.139. She thanked me for what I ____( do) for her son.140. I ____(learn) 300 English words by the end of last month.141. He____ (leave) his office when I arrived there.142.She ____ (visit) the city three times before she died in 1997.143. They knew she _____ (borrow) a lot of money for her daughter.144. We _____(give) some flowers for our teachers last Teacher’s Day.145. What ______you_____(do)`tomorrow?146. I ______(drink) a bottle of orange yesterday.147. He______ (go) to the zoo last Sunday.148. Look Tom______(draw) a picture.149.Kate______(write) a letter now.150. Listen who _____(sing) an English song?151. She_____(catch) the first bus every morning.152. They often _____(fly) kites in spring.153. He_____(be) an American boy He _____(come) from New York.154. He is in Beijing now He often_____(write)letters to his in English.155. Don’t make any noise Your father_____(work).156. We_____(know) each other since ten years ago.157. I heard that Jim ______(go) to England the next year.158. They_____(take) that old man to the hospital last Monday.159. It______(rain0 hard when I went home the day before yesterday.160. When we got to the cinema, the film____ already ___(begin).161. Who ____(teach) us English next term?162. 1 _____(not tell) him anything.163. ______ you ______(like) something to drink Mary?164 He_____(can come) earlier tomorrow morning.165. There ____(be) sure he______(find) a good job when he _____(return) to his home.166. I_____(be)sure he_____(find)a good job when he_____(return) to his home-town. 167. ——How many times _____ your sister _____(be) to the Summer Palace?——Twice She ____(go) there in 2003 and 2006168.I _____(be) sorry______(hear) that you ______(be) ill for two days,. If you ____(not feel) well tomorrow you _____(not go) to work..169. Look that boy_____ (make) faces.170. Tom draws best in his class _____he?171.One day a farmer______ (walk) in a mountain near his home when he_____(see) a ba-by bird.172. My mother said she ______(do) some waking if it ______( not rain) the next day. 173.Tom ____(go) to Shanghai already I think he_____-(write) to me as soon as he______(reach)there.174. I don’t know your friend Jack I _____never_____(meet)him.175. After he had read this book he _____(return)it to the library.176 .She always______(get0 on well with her classmates.177. Don’t worr y He______(catch) up with the other soon.178. The glass is broken It _______(break) by my brother.179. Students_____(have)ten minutes’ rest between classes.180. What_____ you______(do) when I called you yesterday evening?181. Look! The train ______ just_____(arrive).182. She_____ ______ (pick) apples in her garden when we went to see her yesterday. 183. Please be quick or you _____ (be) late for the meeting.184. I _____ (read) the book already How long____ you______(read) it?185. Could you tell me what time he____(come) tomorrow? Please let me know as b soon as he ____ (come) here tomorrow.186. There ____(be) great changes I our city since 1978.187. My son studies in CanadA I ______-(not hear) from him for a long time. 188. Thanks a lot It’s rainy a gain It_______(rain0 for a long time.189. Look! They ____(dig) potatoes in the fields.190.We_____(have) a good time in Kunming on May Day this year.191. In much of China winter_____(last) from November to January. 192.——Shall we go on a picnic this weekend?——Good idea unless it _____.A. rains.B. will rain.C. doesn’t rain.D. won’t rain.193. ——Hi Kate You look tired What’s the matter?——I _____ well last night.A .didn’t sleep B. don’t sleep C. haven’t slept D. won’t rain.194. ——Have you read this book?——Yes, I ____it two weeks ago.A. is reading.B. have read.C. will read.D. read.195. ——Is this your coat, sir?——No, Mine____ over there near the window.A. hangs.B. is hangingC. will read.D. read.197. Frank _____ a film he’s free next Saturday.A. see.B. saw.C. has seen.D. will see.198. Could you please tell me how soon______?A. is your brother back from BritainB. your brother is back from Britain.C. will your brother be back form Britain.D. your brother will be back from. Britain199. Bad luck! We______ Mount Emei when it rained heavily.A. climbed.B. were climbing.C. are climbingD. have climbed. 200. ——Is that Jack speaking?——Sorry, he______ London But he’ll be back in two days.A. has been to.B. has changed.C. has been in.D. went to. 201. ——Do you know where the twins are?——Yes They _____ Fuzhou.A. have gone to.B. have been toC. have borrowed.D. went to. 202. ——When did you borrow the English story –book?——I borrowed it last week I _____ in for a week.A. have been toB. has gone toC. has been inD. had.203. ——May I speak to Mr Green?——Sorry, he _____London But he’ll be back in two days.A. has been toB. has gone to.C. has been inD. went to. 204. Since 2000 Nanchang has become a new city Everything ______.A. is changed.B. was changedC. has changedD. had changed. 205. Mr Read knows Taizhou very well He____ here many times.A. is.B. will come.C. came.D. has been. 206. Henry ____ a birthday card for Sam yesterday.A. has bought.B. buys.C. bought.D. will buy. 207. It’s winter now but it _____ in my hometown.A. snows.B. isn’t snowingC. snowedD. doesn’t snow. 208. Tom ______ his homework after breakfast.A. don’t.B. doesn’t.C. don’t do.D. doesn’t do. 209. Jenny_____ a letter to her mother three days ago.A. wrote .B. writes. C .write. D. has written. 210. He____ with us yesterday morning.A. doesn’t go swimm ing.B. goes swimming.C. didn’t go swimming.D. went to swimming.211.Mr friend _____ the army in 1989.A. joins.B. join.C. joined.D. has joined. 212. There _____a basketball match in our school the day after tomorrow.A. will have.B. will beC. is going to haveD. would be. 213._______ you _____ us a talk this afternoon?A .Are; going B. Are; given C. Will; give D. Were; going to give 214. Don’t make any noise Grandma_____.A. has sleptB. is sleptC. will sleepD. is sleeping. 215. Mike______ several places since he came to Beijing.A will visitB has visitedC is visiting D. visited216 ——Where’s your father? ——He______ to ParisA goB goesC wentD has gone217 ——____your brother _____a new watch?——Not yetA. Have; bought.B. Did; buy.C. Has; boughtD. will; buy.218. Great changes ______ in our city since 1980.A. have taken placeB. has taken place.C. took placeD. will take place. 219. He______ here in 1980 He_____ a teacher for over ten years.A. came; was.B. came; has beenC. has come; is.D. has come; has been.220. She _____ the dictionary to Alice yet.A. has returned.B. hasn’t retuned.C. would return.D. returned.221. She said: ”I’m sorry to hear that he_____ ill for two weeks.’A. has been.B. had been.C. was.D. will be.222. Bill was listening to the radio while Ann _____TV.A. watched.B. has watchedC. was watching.223.As soon as I get there I ____you.A. telephone.B. telephoned.C. have telephoned.D. will telephone. 224. I ____ ill last week.A. am.B. will be.C. was.D. were.225. He said that he____ the book to the library.A. returns.B. returned.C. has returned.D. will return. 226. The teacher said the earth____ around the sun.A. move.B. moved.C. moving.D. moves.227. I’ll come to see you as I ______ back.A .will be. B. am being. C. was. D. am.228.I’m very glad because I have______ my lost key.A. founded.B. found.C. find.D. finded.229.It was said that the Second World War_____ out in 1939.A. break.B. found.C. broken.D. was broken. 230. When I ____ along the street I happened to meet an old friend.A. will come.B. is coming.C. are watchingD. watching.231. I’ll tell Mrs Green about it as soon as she_______ back.A. will come.B. is coming.C. are watching.D. watches.232. They usually_____ TV in the evening.A. watch.B. will watch.C. are watching.D. watches.243. ——He came early this morning didn’t he?——Yes, he diD He often ____to school early.A. come.B. comes.C. came.D. has come. 244. This is Miss Gao She___ your new teacher.A. be.B. does.C. isn’t.D. doesn’t.245. ——Hi Kate.——Hi Mary I____ you arte here.A. don’t knowB. don’t think.C. think.D. didn’t know. 246. Mother said that cooking ______much time every day.A. paid.B. spent.C. made.D. took.247. He_____ wait until the rain_______.A. won’t; will stop.B. won’t stop.C. will; stops.D. will; will stop.248. If it _____ tomorrow I’ll go by car.A. rainB. will rain.C. rains.D. would rain. 249. There_______ a table with three legs in Jenny’s room.A. isB. are.C. hasD. have.250. Mike had nothing for breakfast_______?A. does heB. did he.C. didn’t heD. had he.251. I don’t know if she ______me when she_______.A. tells; arrivesB. tells; will arrive.C. will tell; will arriveD. will tell; arrives.252. If she_____ get up early enough she will not be able to catch the early bus.A. doesn’t.B. didn’t.C. won’t.D. don’t.253. What did you did last night she will not be able to catch the early bus.A. doesn’t.B. didn’t.C. won’t.D. don’t.254. The Whites _____ many places of interest since they came to China.A. have visitedB. will visit.C. visited.D. visit.255. They _____ home two hours ago.A .go. B. went. C. going. D. goes.256.Never trouble me while I ______ in my room!A. will sleep.B. asleep.C. am sleeping.D. slept.257. ——Where’s Li Lei?——He_____ his sports shoes in the room He____ football with his friends.A. is putting on; is playing.B. puts on; will play.C. is putting on; will play.D. put on; played.258. He has____ for two years Two years____ a long time.A. left home; are.B. left home; is.C. been away from home; is.D. been away from home’ are.259 How long _____the film_______?A .did; begin. B. has; begun. C. has; been on. D. has; been. 260. ——How do you like Beijing Mr Black?——Oh, I ____________ Such a beautiful city.A. don’t visit.B. didn’t visit.C. haven’t visited.D. hadn’t visite d.261. ——I have bought an English – Chinese dictionary.——When and where ____you _____it?A. do; buy.B. did; buy.C. have; bought.D. will; buy.262.When_____ the accident______ ?A. was; happened.B. has; happened.C. did; happen.D. was; happening. 263.It’s seven o’clock Jim _____ lunch now.A. is having.B. are having.C. have.D. has.264. _____ he_____ the doctor the day before yesterday?A. Have; seen.B. Has; seen.C. Did; see.D. Does; see. 265.They won’t go to the Great Wall if it____ tomorrow.A. rain.B. raining.C. rains.D. will rain.266.Mr. Black _____China for many years.A. has been to.B. has gone to.C. has been in.D. has come to. 267. That building _____ two years ago but it looks quite old now.A. built.B. was built.C. is built.D. builts268. How long____ you______ the bicycle? About two weeks.A. have; had.B. have; bought.C. did; buy.D. have; get. 269.The old woman____ for ten years.A. has died.B. was dyingC. diedD. has been dead.270. I ___ you for a long time Where______ you_______?A. didn’t see; did; go.B. didn’t see; have; gone.C. haven’t seen; have.D. haven’t seen; have; gone been.271. ——Where were you I July last year?——This time last year my family and I _____my grand parents in New YorkA. was visiting B visited. C. had visited. D. were visiting.272. There ____ a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon.A .are. B. will have C. is going to be.273. He asked me______ during the winter holidays.A. where I had gone.B. where I had been.C. where had I gone.D. where had I been.274. I don’t think if he_______ here next week.A. comes.B. came.C. will come.275. He______ to your office tomorrow afternoon please wait for him.A. comingB. will.C. will come.D. come.276. Li Hua ______ in the factory since she left school ten years ago.A. works.B. worked.C. has workedD. had worked.277.She says that she ______ to Beijing next week.A. has gone.B. will go.C. goes.278.My uncle _____ to see me He’ll be here soon.A. is coming.B. comes. C .has come . D. came.279. Tudy ______ the Great Wall twice and now she still _____ to go there.A. went to; wanted.B. goes to; wants.C. has gone to; wants.D. has been to; wants.280.We______TV when the telephone_____.A watched ; was ringing. B. were watching; rang.C watch; rings.D are watching; rang.281. ——When ____ Mr. Harris _____the town for Sydney?——I think it_____ last December.A. did; leave; was.B. did; leave; is.C. has; left; was.D. does; leave; is. 282. Listen! Someone_______ in the next room.A. cryB. is crying.C. are crying.D. crying.283. Look! The bird_____ in the next room.A. cry.B. is crying.C. are crying.D. crying. 284. It’s seven o’clock Tim______ breakfast now.A. is havingB. are having.C. have.D. has.285. ——You’ re smoking No one______ me but you.——Only at home No one_____ me but you.A. is seeing.B. had seen.C. sees.D. saw.286. The class______ before Tom _______into the classroom.A. began; was talking.B. had begun; walked.C. begins; walks.D. was beginning; walked.287. Mr Li is out But he____ here ten minutes ago.A.went.B. has gone.C. has been.D. would go. 288. Miss Gao isn’t here She______ to the station to meet Mr Brown.A. went.B. has gone.C. has been.D. would go. 289. I ____ a letter from him since he left.A. didn’t haveB. haven’t got.C. didn’t have.D. haven’t heard. 290. If my parents_____ free tomorrow we_____ for a picnic.A. are; go.B. are; will go.C. will be; will go.D. will be; go. 二被动语态.291. Your bike needs_______.A. to repair.B. to be repaired.C. repaired.D. repairing. 292 Girls ______.A. are wanted.B. wanted.C. wanting.D. are wanting. 293. Enough_____ here of this issue.A. has been saidB. have been said.C. has said.D. was said. 294. China _______ in 1949.A. liberatedB. is liberatedC. was liberatedD. liberated. 295.Children ______ in China.A. is taken good care.B. have taken good care.C. are taken good care of.D. must take care of.296. The bridge______ by the peasants themselves in 1980.。
人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 2 单元语法精讲与精练(共10张PPT)

语法精讲 一、宾语从句(Ⅰ) 在复合句中,由一个句子充当宾语,这个句子叫作宾语从句。宾语从句需要 注意以下三点: 1.引导词 宾语从句的引导词,可用下面的歌诀记忆: 陈述 that 来引导,有时可以省略掉。 一般问句表“是否”,if 或 whether 作引导。 特殊疑问作宾从,疑问词连接就可行。
(3)如果宾语从句讲述的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象、名言、警句、 格言、谚语时,不管主句是什么时态,宾语从句都要用一般现在时。如: She said that light travels faster than sound. 她说光比声音传播得快。
二、感叹句 感叹句是用来表示人的喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子,句末通常用感叹 号,也可用句号。感叹句通常由 what 或 how 引导。 1.what 引导的感叹句,主要有以下几种: (1)What(+a/an)+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!如: What a beautiful school it is!这个学校太漂亮啦! (2)What+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!如: What hard-working students they are! 学生们多么用功呀! (3)What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!如: What fine weather it is!多好的天气呀!
二、用 that,what,how,if 或 whether 填空。 1.Li Hong told _t_h_a_t__ she was cooking at 7:00 yesterday morning. 2.I wonder ___if_/_w_h_e_t_h_e_r___ I can get some advice from you. 3.I don't know ___w_h_e_t_h_e_r___ or not they will come for our help. 4.__H__o_w__ useful the iphone 8 is!But I can't afford it. 5._W__h_a_t_ a wonderful talent show they performed in their school yesterday! 6._W__h_a_t__ nice children Lily and Lucy are!They help Mrs.Li clean the house every day. 7.Our geography teacher said __t_h_a_t_ the earth goes around the sun. 8.__W__h_a_t_ good advice they gave us!

1. 时态。
- 一般现在时。
- 用法:表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,也可用于表示客观事实、真理等。
例如:The sun rises in the east.(rise,动词原形,发音:[raɪz],词性:动词)- 结构:主语 + 动词原形(第三人称单数作主语时动词加 -s或 -es)。
例如:He plays football every Sunday.(play,[pleɪ],动词)- 现在进行时。
- 用法:表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,或现阶段正在进行的动作。
例如:I am reading a book now.(read,[ri:d],动词,在这里是现在分词形式reading,[ˈri:dɪŋ])- 结构:be动词(am/is/are)+ 动词的现在分词形式。
- 一般过去时。
- 用法:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。
例如:She went to the park yesterday.(go的过去式went,[went],动词)- 结构:主语+动词的过去式。
- 过去进行时。
- 用法:表示过去某个时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。
例如:They were watching TV at 8 o'clock last night.(watch,[wɒtʃ],动词,这里是现在分词形式watching,[ˈwɒtʃɪŋ])- 结构:be动词(was/were)+ 动词的现在分词形式。
- 现在完成时。
- 用法:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或者表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。
例如:I have lived here for five years.(live,[l ɪv],动词,这里是过去分词形式lived,[lɪvd])- 结构:have/has+动词的过去分词形式。
- 过去完成时。
- 用法:表示在过去某个时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。
专题09 数词-小学语法精讲精练(附口诀、练习和答案)

小学语法精讲精练专题09 数词思考引入太棒了!我最喜欢情态动词了,因为的时候,谓语动词都是原形,不用变来变去的。
知识概览知识精讲一、基数词1.基数词的构成(1)基数词1~12,拼写形式各不同1 2 3 4 5 6one two three four five six7 8 9 10 11 12seven eight nine ten e leven twelve(2)基数词13~19,词尾加-teen(13,15和18拼写较特殊)13 14 15 16 17 18 19thir teen four teen fif teen six teen seven teen eigh teen nine teen(3)基数词20~99①整十数基数词词尾加-ty(20,30,40,50和80拼写较特殊)ni nety ei ghty s e venty sixty fifty forty thirty t w enty90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20②非整十数基数词由“整十数基数词+个位数基数词”构成,中间用“-”连接n inet y-n ine n ine t y-e igh t nin et y-seven e ighty-s ix sev e nt y-si x99 98 97 86 76(4)基数词100~999①整百数基数词由“个位数基数词+hundred”构成②非整百数基数词由“整百数基数词+整十数基数词+个位数基数词”构成,百位数和十位数之间用and连接,十位数和个位数之间用“-”连接(5)基数词1000及以上,先将数字从右往左数,每三位数用“,”隔开。
从右往左第一个逗号表示“千”读作thousand;第二个逗号表示“百万”读作million;第三个逗号表示“十亿”读作billion2.基数词的常见用法(1)表示数量There are nineteen boys in our class.我们班有十九个男生。
人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 1 单元语法精讲与精练(共13张PPT)

1.我妈妈经常骑自行车去上班,我总是乘地铁上学。 My mother often goes to work _b__y__ __b_i_k_e__. I always go to school __b_y__ ___su__b_w_a_y__. 2.—你怎样备考?—我通过小组合作学习。 —__H__o_w__ do you study for a test? —I study __b_y__ _w__o_r_k_in_g__ with a group.
2.动名词在句中作宾语 动名词在句中作宾语时,一般放在某一及物动词或介词之后充当这一动词或 介词的宾语。 (1)后接动名词作宾语的及物动词有: finish,enjoy,keep,stand(忍受),suggest,advise,practice,mind,imagine 等。如: The tourists enjoy staying in Kunming all the year round.游客们喜欢一整年都 待在昆明。 Do you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗?
now. A.speak
B.to speak
the old that he gave up his loudly when I passed by just
( D )3.(广州中考)Sarah,you'd better drink moБайду номын сангаасe water after
些善于独立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的人。2022年4月上午2时49分22.4.1902:49April 19, 2022 • 3、书籍—通过心灵观察世界的窗口.住宅里没有书,犹如房间里没有窗户。2022年4月19日星期二2时49分10秒02:49:1019 April 2022
核心语法知识夯基01 名词(精讲精练)(解析版)

名词(讲义)名词的分类名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是人名、地方、国名、季节月份、机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,the Christmas Day等等。
4)抽象名词:指动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:honesty, courage。
例如:monkey-monkeys holiday-holidays2)以-o结尾的名词,变复数时:a.加-s,如:photo-photos piano-pianos radio-radios zoo-zoos;b.加-es,如:potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoesc. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如:zero-zeros/zeroes3)以-f或-fe结尾的名词变复数时:a.加-s,如:belief-beliefs roof-roofs safe-safes gulf-gulfs;b.去f或fe,加-ves,如:half-halves knife-knives leaf-leaves wolf-wolves. 名词复数的不规则变化1)child-children foot-feet tooth-teethmouse-mice man-men woman-women注意:由一个词加man或woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men和-women,如an Englishman,two Englishmen, a policeman, two policemen。

2022年高考英语语法精讲与精练(句子成分和基本句型)5.Traditional festivalsenableusto learn fine Chinese values成分:主语谓语宾语宾语补足语句型结构总结:主语+谓语+复合宾语(宾语+补语)小结:从以上的练习中可知英语中的句子成分包括:主语,谓语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾语补语二、句子成分和基本句型精讲(一)、句子成分:1、主语: 说明句子所谈的是:“什么人”或“什么物”,主语通常由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当。
EG:Lucy likes her new car very much. 露西喜欢她的新车。
【名词作主语】He goes to and from schoolby bike every day.他每天都起得很早。
(代词作主语)To learn English well is a challenge.学好英语是一项挑战性工作。
【不定式短语作主语】2、谓语: 说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”,英语中谓语只能用动词充当。
例如:We work hard.我们努力工作。
The boy caught a bird. 那个男孩逮住一只鸟。
He is like his father. 他像他父亲。
EG:Music is the utmost pleasure in life.音乐是人生最大的快乐。
As I take each bite, the sweet and mild flavour of the red bean filling slowly fills my mouth.3、宾语: 宾语是动作的对象。
EG:Tom bought a story-book.汤姆买了一本故事书。

hsk语法精讲精练HSK语法精讲精练一、HSK简介HSK,即汉语水平考试(Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì),是中国对外汉语教育的国家性标准化考试。
二、HSK语法精讲1. 语序汉语的语序是主谓宾结构,即主语+谓语+宾语。
2. 时态汉语的时态有现在时、过去时和将来时。
”3. 动词的使用在汉语中,动词的使用非常灵活,一个动词可以表示多种不同的意思。
4. 量词在汉语中,名词前面通常要加上一个量词才能完整表达。
5. 介词汉语中的介词用来表示名词与名词、名词与动词之间的关系。
”三、HSK语法精练1. 完成下列句子。
- 你昨天去哪儿了?- 我昨天去了超市买东西。
- 你喜欢什么颜色的衣服?- 我喜欢穿黑色的衣服。
- 你家有几口人?- 我家有四口人。
2. 选择正确的词语填空。
- 我们______每天都要去上课。
(A. 通常 B. 昨天 C. 每天)- 他______要学习汉语。
(A. 现在 B. 昨天 C. 将来)- 你______喜欢吃什么水果?(A. 现在 B. 昨天 C. 将来)3. 根据图片选择正确的量词。
- 一______书 (A. 本 B. 个 C. 条)- 两______苹果 (A. 个 B. 本 C. 条)4. 将下列句子按正确的顺序排列。

剑桥pet语法精讲精练摘要:1.剑桥PET简介2.语法精讲a.名词和冠词b.代词c.形容词和副词d.动词时态e.被动语态f.情态动词g.非谓语动词h.从句3.精练部分a.填空题b.选择题c.改错题d.完成句子题4.提高语法技能的方法正文:剑桥PET(Preliminary English Test )是英语作为外语的一种水平测试,旨在评估学习者的英语能力。

从属连词that:在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有任何意思,只起连接作用,因此往往可以省略从属连词if, whether:在从句中不充当任何成分,有意义,不可以省略连接代词who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, whichever, what, whatever, whose:在从句中充当成分,有意义,不可以省略连接副词where, when, why, how:在从句中充当成分,有意义,不可以省略一、主语从句1.由从属连词引导的主语从句:①Whether the country should build a nuclear power station is something we must discuss.那个国家是否应该建立核电站……②That light travels in straight line is known to all .光以直线传播2.由连接代词引导的主语从句:①What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是……②Whichever book you choose doesn’t matter to me.无论你选哪本书……③Whoever comes will be welcome.无论谁来……3.由连接副词引导的主语从句:①When the plane is to take off hasn’t been announced.飞机什么时候起飞……②Where he has been is still a puzzle.他到过哪儿……③How much water is flowing can be measured easily.水的流量是多少……4.关于形式主语it①It + be +形容词+ that-从句It is necessary that…有必要……It is important that…重要的是……It is obvious that…很明显……It is likely that….很可能②It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句It is believed that…人们相信……It is known to all that…众所周知……It has been decided that…已决定……③It + be +名词+ that-从句It is common knowledg e that………是常识It is a surprise that…令人惊奇的是……It is a fact that…事实是……可应用于此句型的名词还有fact / shame / honor / question/pity等。
核心语法知识夯基04 代词(精讲精练)(解析版)

—Susan,go and join your sister cleaning the yard.—Why me?John is sitting there doing nothing.①句子中代词作宾语或宾语补足语时,与所替代的名词在人称、数、格以及意义上一般要保持前后一致。
The thief was thought to be he.(the thief是主格,故用he替代)They took me to be her.他们误以为我是她。
I met her in the hospital.→It was her who I met in the hospital.①在比较级的句子中than、as后用主格、宾格都可以。
如:He is taller than me(I).但在下列句中有区别:I like Jack as much as her.=I like both Jack and her.I like Jack as much as she.=I like Jack and she likes him,too.(2)两个以上的人称代词并列,其次序排列原则:在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序为:二三一(人称)。
You,she and I will be in charge of the case.Mr. Zhang asked Li Hua and me to help him.物主代词(1)注意名词性和形容词性物主代词各自的语法功能。

高中英语语法精讲精练(一) 倒装句与强调结构1._______ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.A. Was he given upB. Had he given upC. Did he give upD. If he gave up2. Only when he had done it _______ that he had made a mistake.A. he then realizedB. did he realizeC. beforeD. he realized3. Not until he got off the bus ______ that he had got his wallet stolen.A. he foundB. did he findC. he had foundD. had he found4. Hardly ______ when it started raining.A. the game had begunB. the game beganC. did the game beginD. had the game begun5. Nowhere else in the world _____ more friendly people than in China.A. you will findB. can you be able to findC. you may have foundD. can you find6. ______ did the students realize they were mistaken.A. It was untilB. It was not until thenC. Not until thenD. Not until7. Not only ______ a promise, but he also kept it.A. did he makeB. he madeC. had he madeD. he had made8. --- What happened to his new car?--- No sooner _______ it than someone ran into it.A. had he boughtB. did he boughtC. he boughtD. he had bought9. _______ from the top of the building when the policeman shot at him.A. Jumped down the murdererB. Down the murderer jumpedC. The murderer jumped downD. Down jumped the murderer10. _______ lies Japan.A. To the east of ChinaB. East of ChinaC. On the east of ChinaD. In the east of Chi na11. ______ that we all went out, lying in the sun.A. The weather so fine wasB. So fine was the weatherC. So the weather was fineD. So was the fine weather12. ______ are the days when women were looked down upon.A. GoneB. GoC. To goD. Going13. Your brother promised to help me and ____________ the next day.A. neither he did and neither did youB. so he did and so did youC. neither did he and neither you didD. so did he and so did you14. _______ , he knew a lot of things.A. A child as he wasB. Child as he wasC. A child was heD. As child was he15. _______ as soon as the bell rang.A. Out the children rushedB. Out did the children rushC. Rushed out the childrenD. Out rushed the children16. _______ for your help, we would be in a very difficult position.A. If it didn’tB. Was it notC. Were it notD. Were not it17. --- Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife? --- I don’t know, _________.A. nor don’t I careB. nor do I careC. I don’t care too.D. I don’t care also18. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life ______ so happy.A. did I feelB. I feltC. I had feltD. have I felt19. _______ can you expect to get a pay rise.A. With hard workB. Although work hardC. Only with hard workD. Now that he worked hard20. Jack is a clever a student and he studies hard at English, ________.A. It was the same with MikeB. So it is with MikeC. So is MikeD. So does Mike21. In such a hurry _______ his office that he forgot to lock the door.A. did he leaveB. he leftC. he had leftD. has he left22. Now __________. A. comes your turn B. your turn comesC. does your turn comeD. your turn coming23. Often ______ them not to smoke here.A. we advisedB. advised weC. did we adviseD. had we advised24. _______ going to join the army.A. Not only are you but also I amB. Not only you but also I amC. Not only you but also I areD. Both you and I am25. Little ______ that the police are about to arrest him.A. he is knownB. did he knowC. does he knowD. is he known26. Was it ______ the professor regarded as the brightest ones?A. them whichB. them whoC. he whoD. that that27. Was it because it snowed last night ______ you didn’t come?A. whenB. thatC. soD. what28. Why was it ______ he wanted the book he gave you?A. whatB. thatC. whyD. how29. It was _______ she was about to leave for work _____ the telephone rang.A. when, thatB. so, thatC. before, thenD. when, before30. It was ______ he said _____ disappointed me.A. what, thatB. that , thatC. what, whatD. that, what31. It was in the lab_____ was taken charge of by professor Black _____ they did the exp eriment.A. that, whereB. which, thatC. whom, thatD. which, where32. It was at the school _______ was named after a hero_____ he spent his childhood.A. which, thatB. where , whereC. that, whereD. which, wher e33. What color is it _______ you have painted your house?A. whatB. whereC. whichD. that34. I’ve already forgotten _____ you put the dictionary.A. that it was whereB. where it was thatC. where was it thatD. that was it that35. It was _______ that I found my books.A. where I had left themB. whereverC. in the place that I had left themD. in the place36. It was in the village ______ now is a big city _______ the earthquake occurred.A. where , whichB. which, whereC. which, thatD. that, where37. It was _____ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.A. we being lateB. our being lateC. we were too lateD. because we were late。
高考英语语法精讲与精练-代词一、代词讲前练:代词语篇填空训练What on earth does happiness mean?I can’t give you its exact definition, but I’m sure if you love and help [1]___________, you will get it. I’ll never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone.It’s said that her husband and her son died in a road accident years ago.[2]_______life is bitter, but she often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, [3]________ is always the first to clean the paths.She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of [4]_______. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.But I’m sad to see some people getting [5]________ happiness in bad ways. They talk noisily in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy[6]__________and they laugh at [7]_______ shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality already. Now I know [8]_________ happiness is.[9]_________ means kindness,love and unselfishness. Aboveall, I have come to understand that bringing happiness to others is getting [10]___________ happiness.Keys:1. others 2. Her 3. she 4.them 5.their 6.themselves 7.others’8.what 9. It 10.ourselves二.代词考点精讲1. 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词的用法:含有反身代词的短语有:be oneself (人)处于正常状态by oneself 独自地; 单独地come to oneself苏醒过来; 醒悟过来; 恢复理性for oneself 为自己; 独力地; 亲自地seat oneself 坐下speak to oneself 自言自语dress oneself 自己穿衣devote oneself to 致力于....enjoy oneself 过的快活help oneself to 随便吃、随便用teach oneself 自学make oneself at home 不受约束say to oneself 心里想2.指示代词及疑问代词1)指示代词主要有:①近指:this这个,these这些;也可指下文将要谈到的人或物。