美国MBA文书范文What are your expectations of the MBA program? What contribution do you think you will make? How will your personal distinctiveness enrich our learning environment?First of all, I expect that I will be presented with a challenging educational environment in your highly respected MBA program. Your MBA program offers a solid course curriculum that will allow me to build on my previous extensive business experience to give me the skills that are required in the rapidly changing international business world.Although my business experience is important, it is not enough in the competitive business environment today to have only practical experience. I believe that through your MBA program, I can learn the theories behind successful business strategies as well as learn about other organization’s experiences through the reading of different types of case studies. Readingand understanding a wide variety of case studies will allow me to learn how to approach certain business situations as well as to learn how to avoid some business mistakes that others have made in the past.In addition to learning in a classroom situation from my professors, I know that I will learn much more than that by gaining the life experiences of living in a foreign country. The opportunity to learn by living and experiencing life in another country will make me a more complete business person by giving me the chance to look at the business world from anothercountry’s perspective. An international perspective is essential to being successful in business as the different countries in the global business environment become increasingly intertwined and interdependent.I will also expect to learn much valuable information from my classmates as we work our way through the MBA program together and become friends. Learning from the most elite students from many different cultures and developing lasting friendships with them will be another very attractive benefit of studying in your MBA program.My contribution to this established MBA program will be that of an experienced businessperson in the most populous and rapidly developing country in the world. My previous experience working in multinational organizations has given me a very useful working knowledge and first-hand knowledge of the methods of doing business in China. I have experience with both large and small businesses in China, both as an assistant engineer and a higher level manager. I have worked with some of the world’s largest companies in China, which gives me a unique perspective and the ability to contribute not only the Chinese viewpoint but also a multinational viewpoint to classroom discussions. These perse working experiences have given me a very broad-based, cross-functional knowledge of how to do business in China.My unique experiences in working as an assistant engineer in the computer center of Jin Jiang Industrial Co., Ltd. have given me a solid foundation in actual working knowledge of computer software and computer systems. As a sales representative for nearly four years with the multinational company 3M in the southwest region of China, I learned to analyze buying behaviorand develop a full marketing plan for our products. I also managed a distribution network, which involved inventory planning, marketing channel studies, incentive program development and training of new business partners.With Xerox China Co., Ltd., I performed the duties of a high-level sales consultant. This position involved analyzing major potential clients' needs and developing an XES (Xerox Engineering System) solution to fit the clients' technical specifications and budgetary needs. I also worked for three years with China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. My position as a Supplies Market Development Manager with the Consumer Business Unit required me to use my thorough understanding of all aspects of the marketing value chain, including the analysis of market dynamics and developing and implementing annual marketing plans for the entire business unit. My current position as a Business Director for , Inc., has allowed me to take full responsibility for developing the business of an e-commerce start up company involved with IT/office equipment and office consumable products.As you can see from my extensive and unique business experience in China, I have much to contribute to the learning environment of your MBA program. I believe that the learning environment can be greatly enhanced by classroom participation from the students, particularly in an MBA program such as yours that involves the best students from around the world. I am eager to thoroughly involve myself at the proper times to add my real-life experiences in the rapidly changing business world of China to give an international perspective to classroom discussions. I also believe that I can learn to develop a better international vision and a sense of future business trends while adding my ownexperiences to your MBA program.。
美国大学ESSAY范文:ABoy’sFirstsTheboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriends cannoticehimamongtheheisso common thathedoesnot changehis girlfriend onetimeper month,justasplayboys do;andheis socommon thathisdailylifeisnomore special than thoselistentorockn’roll,betfor soccer games and seldom clean their rooms.However,theboyissomewhatspecial.Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonal achievements,along withown happinessand grievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,though hedoesnothaveaasgood-looking asBradPittorKeanu Reeves,orwhoever.First AwardItwassucha surprising giftfora12-year-old boytoknowthat hehad wonthefirstprizeinthenational mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification andlaughedlikeasun-flower bloomingina springmorning. Hespentthreemonths preparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweight buthewasveryhappy,ashappyyoucould imagine. Enjoyingthe paceof enterprising,hebegantobelieve“Nopainnogain”thatafternoon.First SetbackHuddling upinthequilt crying,theboywas introspecting Truehis haughtinessachievingthesecondprizeintheNational PhysicsCompetition,hedeservedtherankoflast5%infinal examination of7thgrade. Wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeing humble andsober.boy keptthe promise and became ayoung manofgreat maturity.First cooking“Quite atough work.”Theboysaidto himself,smearing soaponablister causedby theburningButasmallblisternevercouldstophimfromdoinghis “cookingresearch”. Theboystoodinofthegas-stove again,holding apancaketurner inhislefthand,hewastryingtofindoutcorrect timeof addingsalt andthe appropriate amountofother flavorings. Aftersomany failures,hefeltitwasnotasimple taskof cooking out palatable meals,nut achallenge of surpassing himself.theboy finally finished working one anda half hours later,heputa sweet smile onhisdirty face. Theboy wrote inhis diary,“keep working and you’ll win.”First LoveAttheageof16,theboyfellinlovewithasmartgirl.Eatingice-cream withtheintheice-cream baratthestreet,walkingon theboulevard handinhand,cyclingherhomekissing goodbye,heregarded loveastheholythinginhislife.Thus,theboy demonstrates afrom heart;hecares everyone nearby and wants themtobe beatific with their families. Aspeople say,angelic soul.First JobThe extremely hot summer holidayof16,theboywasexcited when hegotajobatthelocaltrain stationasaticket-taker. First working day,theboygotupsoearlythatwhenhearrivedatthestation,the previousticket-taker wasstillonhisin astonishment oftheboy’s Truethe ticket-taker didnotknowthat,theboywasjustsoastoget onthejobtoshow thathehad grown up.Soon a commonstudentwillhebe.Acommon onethatwill beassiduous inclassand passionate inthebasketball court;thatwillmake everyeffort torunforthe Chairman ofthe Student Unionbutmaystillface failure;that isnomore special thanthosewhospendhalfadayinlibraries andgotodinnerwhendo researchesinlabs.But somehowhewillbea uniquecollege student,hewill have hisown wayof fulfilling his dreams.And asyou may know,theboyisme.以上就是一篇标准的美国ESSAY范文,看懂这篇美国大学申请ESSAY的文章写作套路了吗?一、标题:也许,这个标题不算非常特别,但是它引人注目,一个男孩的第一次,可能我们想到更多的是一些“第一次”,联想到我们自己的“第一次”,兴趣自然就产生了!二、结构:结合了“第一次”的标题核心,下面分别以男孩生活、学习及工作中的各个第一次进行阐述,涉及的面比较全,包括感情,给人的感觉非常丰富且完整。
86店铺小编给大家搜集一些Essay题目的写作样本,大家可以借鉴一下:1、What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of and why?You can answer this question with a personal or professional achievement. If you are asked for more than one accomplishment, I recommend giving professional and non-professional examples. While you can certainly mention winning an award or honor if applicable, the essay focuses on what you did and why you consider it an accomplishment. What made it difficult? Why are you proud of it?Your accomplishment should reflect the qualities valued by MBA programs —leadership, team work, initiative, communications or social skills, analytical ability, persistence —though it does not have to reflect all of them. Ideally the readers should be able to conclude that you have these qualities after reading about the difficulties you overcame without you having to tell them explicitly that your accomplishment required those attributes.2、Discuss a failure and what you learned from the experience.Be honest. When did you really blow it? What did you learn from the experience? How have you changed as a result?Open by describing the situation and giving a brief picture of the scene or background. Then discuss your reaction when you realized that you had made a BIG mistake. What did you do to recover from the failure? Have you handled a similar situationsuccessfully? Bring evidence, like better grades, promotions, or increasing responsibility, to prove that you really changed your ways and turned failure into success.As I indicated above, the key to answering this question is candor and authenticity. Admissions people read thousands of essays. They can spot a fake "failure" from a mile away, and it irritates them. On the other hand, an honest essay telling a good story and showing growth engages and informs. It is exactly what they want to read.3、What are your professional goals and how will an MBA from First Choice B-School help you achieve them?To further bring out your experiences and add pieces to the jigsaw puzzle that is you, tie your future to your past with this school's program: Show how your aspirations stem from past experience and then discuss how the school's program will enable you to achieve your goals. Use this essay to bring out elements of your experience not discussed elsewhere and reflect back on what you liked and disliked. Then demonstrate knowledge of the school's program while showing how it is the perfect bridge between the past and the future.In discussing the school's program, please include specifics and don't use the same essay for all the schools. If you do, your essay will blend into the monotonous blur of flowery compliments and platitudes about "exciting (or quiet) location, top faculty, outstanding reputation, and diverse student body from which I can learn so much as I too contribute." They don't need you to tell them how wonderful they are. If they weren't wonderful, you wouldn't be applying in droves.Write about the school's special features. If one of the professors is an expert in the area in which you are particularlyinterested, mention that you would like to study with him or her. If this school has unusual opportunities or programs that appeal to you, discuss how they will help you to achieve your goals. Show that the school has a unique appeal to you.When revealing your goals and plans for the future, be realistic. Demonstrate an understanding of typical career paths in your field. For example, unless you have some very responsible position now, you can't expect to manage a multi-billion dollar portfolio upon graduation. But you may plan to be an analyst upon graduation and after a few years manage increasingly large portfolios, perhaps specializing in an area of particular interest. If you have a long-term goal that even you acknowledge is a long shot, you can still discuss it, but I suggest you refer to it as a dream (dreams are great!) and also discuss some down-to-earth goals — goals you are likely to achieve as a result of your past experiences and the MBA you hope to receive from First Choice B-School.4、Discuss an ethical dilemma you faced and how you dealt with it.Probably the most troublesome question. Let's first review the nature of a dilemma. According to Webster, a dilemma is a "situation involving choice between equally unsatisfactory alternatives." No obvious or right solution exists for a dilemma. Every choice has undesirable consequences.The first step in approaching this question is choosing a situation to discuss. Were you ever asked to do anything on the job that you felt was unethical, but where refusal to act would cost you your job? Were you ever asked to withhold information damaging to a client? Did a colleague tell you in confidence something that would be very harmful or helpful to youremployer? Did you ever face a situation where following the rules would have unintended, and possibly unconscionable, consequences? Any of these situations represents an ethical dilemma.After you choose the situation, your first step in writing your response is to describe it and briefly paint a picture of the pressures that surrounded the dilemma or the history that led up to it. Then describe the pros and cons of the options you faced. If the question calls for it, discuss how you resolved your dilemma. Conclude either with the lessons you learned from facing this situation or your opinion today of your actions then.。
2022美国留学MBAessay写作要求一览表去美国读MBA,是必须要准备好自己的essay的,那么写作essay需要做好哪些基础的准备呢?接下来就由来介绍2022美国留学MBA essay写作要求一览表。
申请美国MBA留学的Essay要怎么写很多学生选择去留学美国MBA,那么美国的MBA Essay要怎么写?很多学生都不知道如何写,那么就来给大家讲讲美国MBA Essay 的写作事项。
1、GPA本科阶段的GPA成绩是申请研究生的主要标准之一,出色的GPA 成绩是申请美国MBA者综合学术素质的反映。
FailedInternetStartup[Prompt:Weallexperiencedefiningmoments,significanteventstha tcanhaveamajorimpactonourlives.Brieflydescribesuchaneventan dhowitaffectedyou.]Thepresidentofourcompanyannouncedthefinalvote:fivetothreein favorofendingthebusiness.Instantly,thetumultuousadventureof Versaworksabruptlyended.Thisweb-basedcompanywehadfoundedaim edtopromoteanonlinereservationsystemforrestaurants.Planning torunthecompanypart-timewhilewesoughtinitialbusinesscontrac tstogeneratesomebaserevenue,wehadhopedtoattractenoughinvest orstoprovidefundingfortheteamtoworkfull-time.Intheend,howev er,ourinabilitytosolidifyrelationshipswithrestaurantsledtothevoteonclosingthebusiness,andthevotesoutcomewaswhateveryon ehadexpected.However,closingthischapterinmylifeallowedmetoopenanewone,as itcausedmetore-evaluatemycareergoals.Iaskedmyself,whywasIso motivatedtostartabusinessinthefirstplaceWhydidIfinditspossi bilitiesmorerewardingthanmysuccessfulengineeringcareerIcame torealizethatwhileengineeringallowedmetoapplymytechnicalski llstodevelopingadvancedtechnology,IbelievedIhadtheopportuni tyandprivilegetoenhancepeopleslivesmoreeffectivelybyguiding acollaborativeeffort,awholecompanydirectedtowardsprovidingf ortheneedsofitscustomers.Inaword,todayIunderstandthatmylong-termcareergoalistomaximi zemycontributiontosociety.ThroughmyVersaworksexperience,Iga inedanewperspectiveonwhatittakestostartabusiness.Theclosing ofthatprojectcompelledmetorefocusonmygoalsandevaluatewhatIn eedinordertoachievethem.Today,IknowthatthepursuitofanMBAedu cationisthenextstepImusttake.作者通过对自己曾经的失败创业经历的描述,并且通过这次失败的经历,使得自己明确了目标,重新为自己的未来的目标确立了更新更细更有规划性的理念。
美国商科专业留学essay写作步骤及常见题目美国留学申请需要出示的材料中,商科专业是非常的重视essay 的写作的,大家在进行准备的时候一定要提前开始准备。
一定要学会写Essay 前,先要分析别人的Essay。
☆ESSAY:1-3篇,学校会大致划定题目,经典题目“Why our school?”
☆Cover Letter:用于材料打包
芝加哥商学院是商学院中的“理论”派,在MBA申请中,essay 的写作具有很重要的作用,所以我们今天就来为大家分析一下芝加哥商学院的essay题目。
Essay 1: What are your short- and long-term goals, and how will a Chicago Booth MBA help you reach them? (600 words)Essay 1 a) Re-applicants only: Upon reflection, how has your thinking regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words)布斯商学院本申请季再次调整了其开篇短文,要求MBA申请人在600字内描述其MBA毕业后的职业目标以及对布斯商学院MBA课程感兴趣的原因。
哈佛大学申请Essay范文(四)学校名称:美国哈佛大学(剑桥) Harvard University (Cambridge) 所在位置:美国,86 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138创建时间:1636年QS排名:1USNEWS排名:2学费:39849录取率:0.058下面给大家提供一篇申请美国哈佛大学商学院mba的ESSAy范文及分析,希望对申请哈佛大学商学院的读者提供帮助。
Harvard Business School Essay:What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?1.During my third year in college, I set up the first student-run legal aid hotline in my city, offering legal assistance to female migrant workers, many of whom were plagued by domestic violence and unequal treatment in the workplace.Shocked by their situation when doing social work, I came up with the idea of a legal aid hotline. I recruited a team of law students, led the initial fundraising of $1500, and secured time commitment from our professors for legal advice. The hotline started operation two months later.The success of the first case was a huge encouragement. A young girl, who lost her finger in a work accident, was refusedcompensation by her employer, citing no formal contract. I spent months traveling across the city and going through papers to collect evidence of contractual relationship, and finally won her the deserved compensation.I continued to lead the hotline until my graduation, when it had grown to handle more than 400 calls a year and won funding from several Foundations. Fourth year in operation, it is now part of the largest NGO network in my province. This accomplishment fulfilled my dream of helping the underprivileged.2.I was the only "amateur" of a seven-girl team that won the gold for women's gymnastics in the Beijing University Games.After an injury in the team, the coach asked me to join because I was the "best amateur". But I quickly discovered the big gap with a professional. Seeing my teammates easily bend their legs over head or jump with a perfect split, I could barely keep up with their pace.I was extremely nervous to become a drag to the team, and ruin their "golden dream". So were my teammates. I begged the coach for extra intensive training in body flexibility. Everyday I trained two hours more than the team in the midst of heavy law curriculum. I got blisters on both feet and almost injured myself from forcing too hard on a split. The rest of the team gradually changed their attitude towards me and we bonded more closely.Four months later, I could perform as well as anyone else in the team. When we finally won first place, the team threw me in the air. Tears in my eyes, I could see big smile on everyone's face. Through relentless effort I earned respect from the team and together we achieved the best.3.In my second year as a consultant, I helped a multinational pharmaceutical company bring affordable medicine to more than one million people in rural China.The project was to find new growth areas for the company. Accustomed to "the usual ways of business", the client initially only focused on large cities. However, my experience told me that "capturing rural China" would not only pose a long-term growth opportunity, but also fill a major gap of medical supply in rural areas. I convinced the client to make "rural growth" a priority.The most challenging part was to design a cost-effective model to serve the vast and dispersed rural market. Having selected thirty representative rural areas, I led a client team across China to interview local distributors, pharmacies and hospitals. Armed with firsthand knowledge, I proposed a model using innovative tools like mobile clinics, makeshift workshops and promotion-on-the-van. We further backed up our ideas with concrete cost-benefit analysis.The CEO was impressed by the "local ways" of selling medicine. He authorized a pilot model in five areas across China.The initial results showed good financial return, but more importantly, brought access to quality medicine for over one million rural people.点评:Three most substantial accomplishments(三个最重要的成就)是美国哈佛大学商学院mba申请essay最经典的题目,而且已经持续了多年。
essay分析 - MIT
Cover Letter: Prepare a cover letter seeking a place in the MIT Sloan MBA Program. Describe your accomplishments and include an example of how you had an impact on a group or organization. Your letter should conform to standard business correspondence and be addressed to Mr. Rod Garcia, Director of MBA Admissions. (500 words or fewer)Clear Admit:Rod Garcia has long likened the MBA application process to the recruiting process; MBA aspirants, just like job applicants, need to demonstrate that they know how to market themselves. This is why the school requires a cover letter as part of their application.As you approach this assignment, keep in mind that many of the standard cover letter themes need to be discussed – your attributes and skills, why you are interested in joining the ‘company’ (MIT/Sloan), and what you feel you could contribute. These certainly intersect with the ideas covered by other schools’ “career goals” essays, so much so that it may be tempting to simply tack a greeting onto the beginning of a career goals essay you’ve prepared for another program. MIT’s request for these ideas in cover letter format, however, actually makes it very easy to spot recycled material, so it’s important that you tailor your response to the school’s unique process. A potential outline for this essay might open with a‘greeting’ to the committee followed by a statement of your interest in MIT and what you would bring to the school, then a short statement of your career goals with a summary of the ways in which your experience to date has prepared you, then a “why MIT” section explaining why it is the best place for you in terms of what you need from an MBA and your fit with the school, concluding with a thank you.With the “impact” angle, there’s a good deal of ground to cover in this essay. The best way to satisfy this requirement might be to build a brief professional accomplishment into the overall career background narrative. It will also be important to conduct a fair amount of research on the program in order to efficiently reference the most relevant programs and offerings. Taking the time to learn about MIT’s curriculum, special programs and extracurricular activities – whether through a visit to campus, conversation with alumni or reading the Clear Admit School Guide to MIT Sloan– will pay dividends here.Veritas prep:While th is isn’t an essay in the traditional sense, the cover letter is a rite of passage of MIT Sloan applicants every year. Over the past couple of years the prompt has evolved slightly to place more emphasis on your “impact on an organization.” This wording was introduced a couple of years ago, and remains the same this time around. Given that the wording has not changed in a while, it’s safe to assume thatthis phrasing has been working well for the Sloan admissions team. In other words, assume that they’re loo king for a lot of evidence of impact in your cover letter! Amerisa:For many, when they think of Sloan, they think immediately of the infamous cover letter essay assignment. Like the other infamous MIT admissions tradition –the behavioral interview – the cover letter is a great way for Sloan to figure out who has dexterity of skill and intelligence, rather than just rote portrayal of those traits. Rod Garcia, the man to whom the cover letter must be addressed, has often stated that MIT Sloan is looking for that which has predictive value. End of story. If they can’t learn something predictive, it’s not worth anything. It’s part of the reason they don’t have a goals essay – they find little predictive value in you merely telling them what you plan to do. They want to know WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. They want to know WHO YOU ARE. So tell them! The cover letter is not a hard essay –it’s a gift from the MBA gods. You get to sit down and say “here is who I am and what I want.” Don’t try to turn this into your goals essay. Don’t turn it into a love letter to MIT. Can you mention your goals? Sure. Can you mention why you want to go to Sloan? Of course. But this letter should sum you up. It should tell them what you want (a spot in the class) and it should tell them who you are and what you have done (focusing on making an impact). Our rule of thumb is this: if they would not be able to admit you solely off the cover letter, you don’t have a good MIT Sloan cover letter.Mba missionYou will note that unlike most schools, Sloan does not ask its applicants to discuss either future goals or “why Sloan.” This is not an oversight! In keeping with its conviction that past behavior is the best predictor of future success, Sloan wants candidates to emphasize their past actions and thought processes in their essays, rather than their long-term aspirations. In fact, in an interview with Fifteen, the MIT Sloan newspaper, Director of MBA Admissions Rod Garcia explained that the “admissions committee does not explicitly ask applicants for their future goals to prevent candidates from telling stories that they think the admissions committee wants to hear.” Garcia added, “That’s why we don’t ask the ‘Why Now?,’ ‘Why MBA?,’ and ‘Why Sloan?’ type of questions that every other business school asks because these questions are leading questions, i.e. they lead the interviewees to tell the interviewer what the interviewer wants to hear. So, to go around this trickery, we ask candidates to talk to us about past examples instead.”Our advice? If you believe that you absolutely must outline your goals in your cover letter to provide context for your stories, do so, but discuss them as minimally as possible. Similarly, explaining “why Sloan” is neither expected nor encouraged, but if you feel you absolutely must address this topic anyway, again, keep your statement(s) brief, relevant and specific.Essay 1: Please describe a time when you went beyond what was defined, expected, established, or popular. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)Clear Admit:This prompt calls for an anecdote in which a candidate sets him- or herself apart from the pack by demonstrating the confidence to deviate from the norm or explore new channels, or the ability to see a situation or problem in a different light. Fitting topics might include developing an innovative solution through a nontraditional avenue or challenging the status quo with an eye for how operations could be enhanced. Ideally, the end result would be one in which you reached new insight or perspective, created a new process, or established a new process or standard in a professional or extracurricular setting.Veritas prep:This question carries over unchanged from last year. Once again, Sloan must have liked what it saw in applicants’ responses. Just as the cover letter prompt has evolved to place more emphasis on impact, this change suggests that Sloan is really looking closely for evidence of how you have gone beyond your regular job description to make a positive impact on those around you. We consider this as one of the key ingredients of leadership, and Sloan clearly wants to see more of it in its applicants.Mba mission:For this essay, candidates typically consider times when they possessed a bold vision and achieved ambitious goals, despite discouragement from others, or times when no one else had even realized an opportunity existed. Either circumstance is reasonable as a starting point, but we suggest that applicants also consider instances when they demonstrated themselves to be independent thinkers, capable of finding their own path and/or adhering to morals and principles they hold dear. No matter which event from your past you choose to discuss, by creating a clear picture of what was expected of you and then contrasting your choice—by describing your actions and outlining your reasoning and thoughts—you can present a compelling picture of yourself as a strong-minded and adventurous “hero.”Essay 2: Please describe a time when you convinced an individual or group to accept one of your ideas. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)Clear Admit:This prompt calls for a discussion of how the applicant handles opposition or resistance to an idea, while managing potential interpersonal fall-out in navigating the situation. In providing a detailed description of the situation and the steps takento garner support from others, applicants should highlight their ability to persuade and inspire others to accept their ideas, as well as their sensitivity and receptiveness to others’ concerns and suggestions.In doing so, applicants will highlight their problem-solving and leadership skills, thus showing the adcom that they possess the abilities to succeed through challenges at MIT Sloan and in their future careers.Veritas prep:This question was new last year, and it is yet another example of how Sloan is really looking for leaders in its applicant pool. If you just read that last sentence and thought, “Oh no, I’ve never managed anyone or been a team lead,”that’s okay. That’s not how Sloan (or any top MBA program) defines leadership. One practical definition of leadership is the ability to positively influence others, and Sloan directly asks for an example of that ability with this question. Even if your example feels fairly mundane (such as an engineer convincing other engineers to pursue a certain technical solution), you will be successful if you can show real skill maturity in HOW you go it done.Mba mission:We suspect that this essay is likely less about convincing than it is about persuading. The admissions committee wants to fully understand your people skills, and especially your level of diplomacy. The committee probably does not want to read about how you forced an opposing group or individual to accept defeat. So, you should focus on describing a time when you encountered a problem and explain how you maneuvered to gain consensus and solve the problem, or a time when you conceived of an idea, sharing how you advocated for it to achieve mutually beneficial ends. Describing a classic “win-win”situation is likely ideal, but you could just as successfully deviate from this approach and instead identify a complex situation in which you were able to persuade others to mitigate losses (though one could perhaps argue that such a situation would still be “win-win”).Regardless of the situation you choose to discuss, be sure to concentrate on describing your actions and the thought processes behind them, rather than the results.Essay 3: Please describe a time when you had to make a decision without having all the information you needed. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)Clear Admit:A new addition for this admissions season, this prompt centers on the applicant’s decision-making process, requiring a discussion of a time he or she had to make a choice or choose a path without having all the facts. Making decisions based on incomplete information is often a necessity in the fast-moving business environment, and while an MBA program will no doubt impart some useful tools in this area, theSloan adcom is likely seeking students who demonstrate a strong set of baseline skills and good instincts in this area. It would therefore behoove applicants to showcase their sound judgment and, if applicable, willingness to consult others in arriving at a highly defensible (and ideally beneficial) decision, walking the reader through their attempts to track down the information they needed and their ultimate weighing of the options.Veritas prep:This question is new this year, and it gets at another dimension that admissions officers look for in applicants: analytical ability. If you just read that and thought, “numbers and spreadsheets,” think again. It really means having the ability to take a pile of information — whether it’s numbers, words, charts, or anything else — and being able to pull out key insights, even though you probably won’t be able to answer every question that you have. This is an especially hot topic among MBA admissions officers these days, as witnessed by GMAC’s addition of the new Integrated Reasoning section to the GMAT next year. When thinking about your past experiences, don’t feel a need to make your story a quantitatively-slanted one, although we do recommend that you try to make it a work-related story. What was the situation? What questions did you ask? What answers were you not able to get? Despite the lack of key info, how did you make your decision? What was the outcome, and what did you learn from it? Plan on answering all of these questions in this essay.Amerisa:See the big picture behind Essay 3. MIT has a new question for Essay 3 this year. It reads: Please describe a time when you had to make a decision without having all the information you needed. Translated: show us you can navigate ambiguity. This is the most beautiful essay question that any school has introduced in quite some time. Why? Because this entire process is an exercise in navigating ambiguity. There are not easy answers to everything. You can’t go on a forum and gain certainty through consensus of opinion. You can’t know for sure that you are always making the right decision. The people who succeed in this process (and I’m referring to people who work with us, so they have already added an expert to the equation) are the ones who can plant their feet, stand tall, and make a decision. They can ultimately say “yes, this is the right story for this essay” or “thank you for presenting me with X, Y, Z, now I am going with my gut here.”They are the ones who roll with the punches in an interview, understanding that it won’t be perfect, but it can still be good. They set their recommenders up for success by sitting down for coffee, sharing information, and then trusting that person to do the job (rather than getting involved and turning the rec letter into a essay with someone else’s name on it). In years of doing this, what we have noticed more than anything is that some people have the courage of their convictions and some people are just leaves blowing in the wind. You can guess which group does well. Embrace this essay, and this application, and this wholeprocess with the courage of your convictions. Show that you can navigate ambiguity. Share with Sloan –and with everyone, for that matter –that you can survey the landscape, do your best to acquire info, and then charge forward with passion, confidence, and determination. It will be your gift to the school, to your consultant, and to yourselfMba mission:The only change to Sloan’s application questions from last year is this one for Essay 3. Although choosing a situation to discuss that appropriately fulfills the requirements of the question is of course important, the key in this essay will be showing your thought process and truly conveying the how element of your decision making. In the business world, one must regularly make judgment calls without the benefit of all the desired data, and even though this is a skill that candidates will have the opportunity to hone while in business school (and particularly at those schools that use the case method to a large degree), we suspect that the admissions committee wants to know that you already have good instincts in this respect and the willingness to make a decision and stand behind it. Sharing a story about a situation in which your decision proved to be the right one and resulted in positive outcomes would be ideal, but no matter what the final outcome was of the incident you choose to discuss, be sure to focus on demonstrating the thoroughness of your contemplation and outlining the reasons you made the decision you did. No one always makes the right choices in life or business, but showing that you seriously considered your options and made a reasoned, rational and well-founded final decision will indicate to the admissions committee that you took the responsibility seriously and put forth your best effort.。
为各位打算申请美国名校MBA的同学整理了美国十大名校MBA申请Essay 的题目,希望这个分享能够帮助到大家。
1、哈佛大学 Harvard UniversityIntroduce yourself.Note: Should you enroll at HBS, there will be an opportunity for you to share this with them.2、哥伦比亚大学Columbia UniversityEssay 1:Short Answer Question:What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal (50 characters maximum)Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals going forward, and how will the Columbia MBA help you achieve them (Maximum 500 words)Essay 2:Columbia Business School’s location enables us to bridge theory and practice in multiple ways: through Master Classes, internships, the New York Immersion Seminars, and, most importantly, through a combination of distinguished research faculty and accomplished practitioners. How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business” (Maxi mum 250 words)Essay 3:CBS Matters, a key element of the School’s culture, allows the people in your Cluster to learn more about you on a personal level. What will your Clustermates be pleasantly surprised tolearn about you (Maximum 250 words)3、耶鲁大学Yale University1)Required EssayThe Yale School of Management educates individuals who will have deep and lasting impact on the organizations they lead. Describe how you have positively influenced an organization, as an employee, a member,or an outside constituent. (500 words maximum; reapplicants from last year may resubmit their essay from that application)2)Optional EssayIf any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation (unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, academic performance,promotions or recognitions, etc.), please provide a brief deion here.(200 words maximum)4、芝加哥大学Chicago University (Booth)2015-16Essay: Chicago Booth values individuality because of what we can learn from the diverse experiences and perspectives of others. This mutual respect creates an open-minded community that supports curiosity,inspires us to think more broadly, take risks, and challenge assumptions. At Booth, community is about collaborative thinking and tapping into each other's different viewpoints to cultivate new ideas and realize breakthrough moments every day.Using one of the photos provided, tell us how it resonates with your own viewpoint on why the Booth community is the right fit for you.5、宾尼法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)(Required) What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA.(500 words)(Optional) Please use the space below to highlight anyadditional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to know about your candidacy.(400 words)6、西北大学Northwestern University (Kellogg)Leadership and teamwork are integral parts of the Kellogg experience. Describe a recent and meaningful time you were a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn (450 words)Pursuing an MBA is a catalyst for personal and professional growth. How have you grown in the past How do you intend to grow at Kellogg (450 words)If needed,use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances(e.g. unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders,inconsistent or questionable academic performance, etc.) (no word count)7、达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College (Tuck)What are your short and long-term goals Why do you need an MBA to achieve those goals Why are you interested in Tuck specificallyTell us about your most meaningful leadership experience and what role you played. How will that experience contribute to the learning environment at Tuck(Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators,weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes,etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application.(To be completed by all re-applicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally.8、纽约大学New York University (Stern)Essay 1: Professional Aspirations(750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)Why pursue an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life What actions have you taken to determine that Stern is the best fit for your MBA experienceWhat do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduationEssay 2: Personal ExpressionPlease describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.9、杜克大学Duke University (Fuqua)What are your short-term goals, post-MBAWhat are your long-term goalsLife is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a career requires you to be adaptable. Should the short-term goals that you provided above not materialize what alternative directions have you considered Share with us your list of "25 Random Things" about YOU.Why Duke: When asked by your family, friends, and colleagues why you want to go toDuke, what do you tell them Share the reasons that are most meaningful to you.At the end of your 2 years at Fuqua, if you were to receive an award for exemplifying one of the 6 Principles listed below, which one would it be and why Your response should reflect your knowledge of Fuqua and the Daytime MBA program and experience, and the types of activities and leadership you would engage in as a Fuqua student.1)Authentic Engagement:We care and we take action. Weeach make a difference to Team Fuqua by being ourselves and engaging in and supporting activities about which we are passionate.2)Supportive Ambition: We support each other to achieve great things, because your success is my success. The success of each individual member of Team Fuqua makes the whole of Team Fuqua better.3)Collective Diversity: We embrace all of our classmates because our individuality is better and stronger together.4)Impactful Stewardship: We are leaders who focus on solutions to improve our communities both now and in the future. We aren’t satisfied with just maintaining the status quo.5)Loyal Community: We are a family who looks out for each other. Team Fuqua supports you when you need it the most.6)Uncompromising Integrity: We internalize and live the honor code in the classroom and beyond. We conduct ourselves with integrity within Fuqua, within Duke,and within all communities of which we are a part.10、密歇根大学University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)What are you most proud of and why How does it shape who you are today (400 words)What is your desired career path and why (400 words)。
美国大学ESSAY范文:ABoy’sFirstsTheboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriends cannoticehimamongthecrowd;heissocommon thathedoesnot changehis girlfriend onetimeper month,justasthose playboys do;andheis socommon thathisdailylifeisnomore special than those who listentorockn’roll,betforsoccergamesandseldomcleantheirrooms.However,theboyissomewhat special.Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonal achievements,along withhisownhappinessandgrievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,though hedoesnothaveafaceasgood-looking asBradPittorKeanu Reeves,orwhoever.First AwardIt wassucha surprising giftfora12-year-old boytoknowhehadwonthefirstprizeinthe national mathematics competition. The boyclutched the certification and laughedasun-flower bloomingina springmorning. Hehadspentthreemonths preparingforthat competition andhadlost5kgweight buthewasveryhappy,ashappyasyoucould imagine. Enjoyingthe paceof enterprising,hebegantobelieve“Nopainnogain”that afternoon.First SetbackHuddling upinthequilt crying,boywasintrospecting Truehis haughtinessafterachievingthesecondprizeintheNational PhysicsCompetition,hedeservedrankoflast5%inthefinal examination of7thgrade. Wipingupthe tears,heset himselfpromise of being humble andsober. Theboy keptthe promise and became ayoung manofmaturity.First cooking“Quite atough work.”Theboysaidto himself,smearing soaponacausedbytheburningoil.Butasmallblisternevercouldstophimfromdoinghis “cookingresearch”.boystoodinfrontofthegas-stove again,holding apancaketurner inhislefthand,hewastofindoutthe correct timeof addingsalt andthe appropriate amountofother flavorings. Afterso many failures,hefelt thatitwasnota simple taskof cooking out palatable meals,nutachallenge of surpassing himself. Whentheboy finally finished working oneandahalf hours later,heputa sweet smile onhis dirty face. The boy wrote inhis diary,“keep working and you’ll win.”FirstLoveAttheageof16,theboyfellinlovewithasmartgirl. Eatingice-creamthegirlintheice-cream baratthe street,walkingon theboulevard handinhand,cyclinghome and kissing goodbye,he regarded loveas theholy thinginhislife. Thus,theboydemonstrates alovefrom heart;hecares everyone nearbyandwantsthemtobebeatificwiththeir families.Aspeople say,an angelic soul.First JobThe extremely hot summer holiday of16,theboywasexcited when hegotajobatthelocaltrain stationasaticket-taker. First working day,theboygotupsoearlythatwhenhearrivedatthestation,the previousticket-taker wasstillonhiswork,in astonishment oftheboy’s Truethe ticket-taker didnotknow that,theboywasjustsoastoget onthejobtoshow thathehad grown up.Soon a common collegewillhebe.A common onethatwill beassiduous inclassand passionate inthe basketballthatwill make everyeffort torunforthe Chairman ofthe Student Unionbutmaystillfailure;that isnomore special thanthosewhospendhalfadayinlibraries and forgettotodinnerwhendo researchesinlabs.But somehowhewillbea uniquecollege student,becausewill havehisown wayof fulfilling his dreams.And asyou may know,theboyme.以上就是一篇标准的美国ESSAY范文,看懂这篇美国大学申请ESSAY的文章写作套路了吗?一、标题:也许,这个标题不算非常特别,但是它引人注目,一个男孩的第一次,可能我们想到更多的是一些“第一次”,联想到我们自己的“第一次”,兴趣自然就产生了!二、结构:结合了“第一次”的标题核心,下面分别以男孩生活、学习及工作中的各个第一次进行阐述,涉及的面比较全,包括感情,给人的感觉非常丰富且完整。
以下我选用了三所顶级商学院的2010年Essay题目分析,共各位参考:1、沃顿商学院沃顿商学院要求申请人完成4篇申请论文,第5篇为选择性申请论文:Essay 1 (750-1000 words)As a leader in global business, Wharton is committed to sustaining "a truly global presence through its engagement in the world." What goals are you committed to and why? How do you envision the Wharton MBA contributing to the attainment of those goals?这道题如果用简单的语言表达,就是what's your goal? why this goal? Why Wharton MBA? (你的目标是什么?为什么有这样的目标?为什么申请沃顿商学院?) 。
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1,What is your most significant achievement in your life times?
2,Please briefly describe your leadership experience and how does it
influence your personal development.
3,Describe an ethical dilemma that you have personally encountered. What
alternatives did you consider, and why?
4,Why School? What is your career goal? How does our university will help
you to achieve your goals.