Part Two:句⼦结构上⼀部分是希望让⼀个英语句⼦变得简洁,本部分则是希望让句⼦变得清晰且有逻辑。
因此,这⼀部分的错误将会⽐Part One 中的错误更难识别。
Part One中介绍过了冗余名词、⽆义名词与种类名词等,这些名词有时甚⾄会额外引⼊⼀些⽆意义的词,本章将主要介绍那些会对健康句⼦带来的「瘟疫」的抽象名词。
滥⽤抽象名词的句⼦The prolongation of the existence of this temple is due to the solidity of its construction.This temple has endured because it was solidly built原句中各个抽象名词的堆叠让整个句⼦都看起来⾮常别扭image packaging and impression managementdress to create a favorable impression解决⽅案可以将原有的抽象名词动词化,即直接写出来要做的事情即可,不必造作式地转换成名词叙述,例如:there can be no achievements in our workwe can achieve nothing将抽象名词换为动名词或者还可以将抽象名词换为动名词,这样可以将原有⽣硬晦涩的句⼦变得更有⽣机,⽽且使原来搭配的指向性更强。
economic revitalization will be an xxxrevitalizing the economy will be anbegan its issuance of xxissuing xxon agricultural reinforcementstrengthening agricultural还有⼀种⽅法是将抽象名词替换为对应的形容词或者副词,如下所⽰:for the unsoundness in organizationpoor organizationcorrectness of the policythe policy is correctAgainst blindness in actionagainst acting blindly添加宾语:有时可将抽象名词转化为其对应动词+(隐含的宾语),即将词的意思展开,使语义更加清晰明确。
误用平行结构弗雷特[p.212] 谈到“最致命的的问题就是想用匹配的结构却没用好”。
当把平行结构强加在那些逻辑上本不平行的成分中,其结果总会让人吃惊(例如,“Just like the Crowne Plaza, all rooms...”)。
乔森[p.9] 引用了这两个错误的平行结构“He took his hat and his leave”和“He bolted his door and his dinner”。
乔森暗示人们都是出于搞笑的意图才会写:“He keeps fit, sleep, and his word .”但是逻辑上不一致的问题常常是不经意产生的。
拉姆齐福勒和简·艾伦[p.354] 引用了一个误用的结构:The painting has subdued tone, great feeling, and a length of about three feet. 作者在这个毫无相似性的结构中无意间暗示了一种相似性。
克莱尔·库克[p.67] 给出以下这个引人深思的平行结构:The police found no alcohol in his bloodstream but a loaded gun in his car. 这一结构几乎没什么意义。
”如果你能记住以上这点建议,你就会避免拿破仑战争中那位法国退伍军人在叙述自己三次受伤经历时所犯的错误:Once in an ambush, once in the leg, and once in the Netherlands.对二十个例子的修改1)A:Economically, we are struggling for the democracy of distribution of food grain, reduction production.B:Economically, we are struggling to ensure the democratic distribution of grain,reduce rents and interest rates, increase wages, eliminate unemployment anddevelop production.句意为:从经济上说,我们正努力保证粮食的民主分配,减少租金和利率,增加工资,消除失业,发展生产。
The English Learner`s Guide to Chinglish. 中式英语之鉴——大家千万不要犯了哦~所谓[正]和[误],是为便于比较而设的形式而已,是想借此形式为学生学习巩固英语常用习惯用法起助记提醒之作用。
[误] With a comet like him,nothing can be accomplished.[正] With a jinx like him,nothing can be accomplished.注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。
在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。
英语的 comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即 jinx。
例:There's a jinxon/Someone'sput a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. “这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦”。
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.[正] Tastes differ.注: Tastes differ/vary 是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成 No dish suits all tastes 或 You can never make everyone happy 等。
一、About repetition(一)冗余词1.好的写作通常言简意赅。
Careful writers say what they mean in as few words as possible. -----p1 The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish2.冗余词的词义在句子的其他成分中已有体现。
Superfluous/unnecessary words (冗余词) they are redundant because their sense is already included or implied in some other element of the sentencee.g.Harvest implies agriculture harvest in agriculture (X)充当动词语义的形容词或名词均应提高至动词词性?adjective or nouns that do the verb work should be promoted to the rank of verb.Duplicate the sense/add nothing to3.对于重复语义的用词:例如,形容词本就是描述其修饰名词的特征,通常附有“in nature” 等范畴词。
A ny adjective describes the “nature” or “character” of the noun it modifies. E.g., these hardships are temporary in nature(X)4.冗余词不影响语义,删除该类词,并不有损语义,反而使语义更明晰some unnecessary words add nothing to the meaning of the sentence, whenthey are deleted the sense is not diminished, only clarified.5.不必要的修饰词-加强词:用一个能有力且准确地表达加强语与虚词两者语义的词。
Central-South China.
1.the word “China’s” in “China’s iron and steel industry ” is not necessary because we can understand it through the whole sentence;
5) We should actively expend the scale of
using foreign funds and introducing advanced technology. Analysis: “expend the scale of using… and introducing…” = “use… and introduce…”. (Pattern: unnec. verb + unnec. noun + third word).
8) Seeing that we had scored remarkable achievements in the transformation of the old
society, some people began to show a varying
degree of negligence (n. 疏忽;忽视;粗心大意 )
sectarianism ([sek'tεəriənizəm]n. 宗派主义;教派意识) in
handling personnel, so that specially trained talents are assigned to the units that deserlysis: “to correct this practice” is only the unnec. verb + noun form of “to eliminate”;
The Translator’Guides to Chinglish《中式英语之鉴》Joan Pinkham外语教学与研究出版社Unnecessary nouns:1)redundant (the meaning is included or implied in other parts of the sentence)A:to accelerate the pace of economic reformB:to accelerate economic reformA:there have been good harvests in agricultureB:there have been good harvestsA:living standards for the people in both urban and rural areas continued to riseB:living standards in both urban and rural areas continued to rise2) category nounsA:promoting the cause of peaceful reunificationB:promoting peaceful reunificationA: this, coupled with the factor of price instability, caused ⋯⋯B: this, coupled with price instability, caused⋯⋯Unnecessary verbs:A:It is impossible for us to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight.B: It is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight.A: they should conduct a careful examination of . B: they should carefully examine⋯..A:until China realizes industrial modernizationB:until China modernizes its industryMore unnecessary verbs:To give guidance to = to guideTo provide assistance to = to assistTo carry out the struggle against = to struggle againstTo conduct reform = to reformTo engage in free discussion of = to discuss freelyTo place stress on = to stressTo exercise control over = to controlUnnecessary verb phrasesA:it is especially necessary to make great efforts to assimilate the achievements of other culturesB:it is especially necessary to assimilate the achievements of other culturesA:all enterprises must pay attention to promoting excellent workers B:all enterprises must see to it that excellent workers are promoted Unnecessary modifiersA:that theory too is a valuable ideological treasure of the PartyB:that theory too is an ideological treasure of the Party’ s popular female pop star Madonna from A: Singapore will bar Americastaging a show in its territoryB: Singapore will bar America’ s pop star Madonna from staging a show in its territoryA:now the government is working hard to improve taxationB:the government is working hard to improve taxationA:previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggleB:we used to overemphasize the need for class struggleA:hundreds of transnational firms have started various businesses inChinaB:hundreds of transnational firms have started businesses in ChinaA:imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this yearB:imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year。
短语和从句的位置作者在书中提到:“The emphatic places in a sentence are beginning and end, the end being the more so.”也就是说,句子的开头和结尾往往会留给比较重要的内容。
例11. After more than twenty days of exhausting marches and heavy combat, they reached the Dabie Mountains in late August.2. They reached the Dabie Mountains in late August, after more than twenty days of exhausting marches and heavy combat.3. In late August, after more than twenty days of exhausting marches and heavy combat, they reached the Dabie Mountains.句子大意:经过二十多天的行军和战争,他们在八月底抵达了大别山。
从本次推文开始,我们将进入句子结构(sentence structure)部分,和大家一起看一看如何让句子的意思更清晰,更符合逻辑。
抽象名词开始之前,作者先比较了简明英语和中式英语的区别:Plain English is a language based on verbs. It is simple, concise, vigorous and, above all, clear. Chinglish is a language based on nouns—vague, general, abstract nouns. It is complicated, long-winded, ponderous, and obscure.也就是说,中式英语喜欢用模糊、宽泛、抽象的名词,会让句子变得很难懂。
首先,让我们通过一个具体的例子来体会一下,抽象名词如何让句子的语义变得模糊:A: The prolongation of the existence of this temple is due to the solidity of its construction.B: This temple has endured because it was solidly built.修改后的句子差不多只有第一句的一半长。
比如下面这个案例:A: In such a case, simple application of a screwdriver should be used to tighten screw. Failure to tighten the screw can eventually lead to disengagement of the handle.B: If this happens, simply tighten the screw with ascrewdriver; otherwise, the handle may come off.这个例子出自一份厨房用具使用说明。
开始之前,不要忘了检查一下自己有没有开启critical thinking模式哦!动词冗余第一类经典搭配:【没有太多含义的“万能动词”】+【传达真正含义的名词】在这类用法中,没有含义、或含义非常弱的“万能动词”只是占了虚位,而传达真正含义的任务被推给了后面的名词。
我们通过具体的例子来体会一下:It is impossible for us to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight.accomplish是一个非常有代表性的弱含义词语,对传达信息其实没有任何帮助。
我们来看一看修改后的句子:It is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight. 是不是更加清爽了呢?另外一个代表性的词是make,以后大家用这个词的时候可要好好考虑一番。
比如make an investigation of无非就是to investigate;把to make a decision改为to decide to反而会更好。
to carry out the restoration of the hotel当然可以改为to restore the hotel,意思不会有任何影响。
可如此好书,你看过了吗?看过之后,真的读透了吗?看到中式英语能辨别出来吗?知道如何利用书中的理论指导实践吗?如果被问住了,就让小编结合翻译实践,带你一起研读《中式英语之鉴》吧!对啦,别忘了带上critical thinking,相信每一次读,你都能有新的理解和感悟。
如果能够write concisely and powerfully,那为什么要去绕着弯说呢?第一类如果句子中其他成分里已经包括了一个名词的含义,这个名词就是多余的,如:There have been good harvests in agriculture.其中harvest的意思里面包括了农业,没有必要再用in agriculture这样的限定词。
I dined at home and Li-Chen cooked some food/something to eat.(来源:《董浩云日记》)这句话里就存在着我们刚才讲到的问题,cook和food的意思有重复,cook出来的东西肯定是food,那么some food或something to eat的含义已经隐含在cook里面了,这就是一个名词冗余的情况,我们可以大胆删去,直接说:I dined at home and Li-Chen cooked.比较:We also cooked some chips and onion rings to go with our steak.如果我们想表达煮了一些什么具体的东西,那就要说出来了,因为这个意思是没有隐含在cook里面的。
短语和从句的位置英文中,有很多词可以通过变换形式来变换词性,如read, reader, reading,也有很大一部分词语的一种形式就能够用作多个词性,如meet。
不过,词性归词性,一个单词在短语或句子中的位置可能会影响这个词与前后文的逻辑关系,我们来看一下作者举的例子,体会一下同为student,在短语中起到的作用有什么不同:the student wrote a letter 动作的发生者I addressed the student动作的直接宾语I wrote the student a letter 动作的间接宾语my letter to the student动作的对象可以看出,一个词语在短语中的位置,决定了它在短语中发挥的作用,以及和周围的词产生的联系。
此外,单词的顺序(word order)还是影响单词在意群中逻辑关系的一个重要因素。
我们来看下面这几个例子:•the achievement of this purpose 实现这个目的•the purpose of this achievement 成就的目的是什么•An army private 军队里面的一个普通士兵•a private army 私人军队•We soon came to that conclusion too. 很快就要得出结论了•We came to that conclusion too soon. 太早下结论了这一点相信大家早已经有所体会,词序对我们在英文中的应用也算不太上一个非常难的知识点。
作者在书中表示,短语和从句的位置会在两个方面对含义产生影响:1. logical order 逻辑顺序2. emphasis信息重心这周,我们先来看一下语序对逻辑顺序的影响。
《中式英语之鉴》第8周Exercise 71) we do not have the facilities necessary to produce alley steel.2) Unless you master essential skills, you will prove unequal to this kind of job.3) we must make them understand that the struggle in the North-east will be protracted.4) one reason is that we don't have a correct understanding of certain theories and principles, which is why we need to study more theory.5) At the same time, the U. S. government announced that it was severing its diplomatic relations with the Taiwan. authorities,terminating the U. S. -Taiwan Joint Defense Treaty," and withdrawing American troops from Taiwan.6) The principal criteria for judging the success of reform and the open policy are whether they help develop the productive forces of our socialist society, increase our country's overall strength, and raise the people's living standards.7) these different sectors of the economy will have to be transformed in different ways and at different at different speed.8) Cadres are being trained for the land reform and for the people's tribunals, and peasants' associations are being reorganized and expanded.9) "Zhang is always ready to help the farmers, who usually don't know how to plant and care far fruit trees," says Cai Lihong,a doctoral student under. Zhang's tutorship.10) To implement general policies in the transition period and to build socialism, we have to improve the health of ourpeople.11) In order to stabilize currency and prices, we had to balance national expenditures and revenues and guarantee sufficient supplies of goods.12) We shall abolish this class by utilizing, restricting, and transforming the capitalist economy.13) In the nine months since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, practice has proved that it was correct to reform prices.14) We estimate that once the money supply in the localities has been reduced, prices throughout the country will become stabilized by November 25.15) unless these problems are handled satisfactorily, our policies cannot be successfully implemented.16 ) The Asian 17evelopment Bank on Wednesday approved two loans, totaling $256 million, to finance projects to alleviate water shortages and reduce air pollution.17) "It is to our advantage to have an efficient system for developing and managing residential property," said Tan Kian Siew, executive deputy general manager of BJ Minghua Properties.18 ) He made these remarks during a talk with Sakurauchi Yoshio and other leading members of the delegation from the Japanese Association for Promotion of International Trade.19) This practice has helped ensure that no needy students will drop out because they are unable to pay their own tuition.20 ) "The authorities in charge of administering State assets should help promote the process,”said Zhang at a seminar organized by the Chinese Institute for Management of State Property.Exercise 81)The West really wants unrest in China. It wants turmoil not only in China but also in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.2) China is estimated to possess 69.4 billion tons of onshore ail reserves, but only 25 per cent of them have been verified.3) Right now the Korean people are confronted with difficulties, but they are holding on courageously, fighting a guerrilla war in the youth and putting up resistance in the north.4) After a successful revolution each country must build socialism according to its own conditions.5 ) No one would come here and invest without getting returns on his investment.b) "The registered capital of the holding company is$30 million, so we lave a,commitment to more investments here,”Wendin said. But he didn't elaborate on when the new joint projects .will be launched. The company reported sales averaging$50 million a year.7 ) Old China was dependent on imperialism not only in the economic sphere but also in the spheres of culture and education; it was exploited economically and polluted ideologically. That was very dangerous. It is now time to expose and eradicate the evil influence of imperialism.8)During the peak season,peasants, compete to sell their eggs, while during the off-season eggs are usually in short supply in the cities.9)Foreign trade has been developing rapidly in Fuxin. It has been continuously growing in variety and volume. Many of Fuxin’s quality products are welcome on the international market.10)During the Japanese and puppet regimes, mast of these position were held by Japanese. But after August 15,1945,the Japanese were replaced by Chinese.11)All these are problems left over from the past. They are acute now because the longstanding semi-colonial, semi-feudal economy hag undergone radial changes. Although these change bring some hardship with them, they are not bad in themselves.12)China's growth has peaked and is expected to slow down next year. Even so, China's economy wilt remain one of the fastest developing in the world.13) At present our government organs are overstaffed. Not all employees have to stay on in government offices; some of them can be transferred to enterprises.14) Yesterday two friends from the former Whampoa Military Academy talked about the March 20th Incident and the Southern Anhui Incident. I was interested in what they had to say, but i had to leave after an hour and a half because of other engagements.15) It cannot be said that every paragraph of this speech I am making today has Peen discussed by the Central Committee. Of course, some of the ideas have been discussed,but others are my own opinions.16) The problem now facing the authorities in Shanghai is to obtain adequate supplies of rice and cotton, and the key question is whether they can mobilize enough transport facilities.17 ) I spent a year in a university after I graduated from senior middle But I didn't learn very much there, because it was the time of the May 4th Movement.18)Prosperity is the common objective of all our nationalities, and we must never lose sight of it.19)Following the Wuchang Uprising of 1911,the Hubeimilitary government set forth the idea of changing the farm of government by establishing a republic of five nationalities, an idea that was also advocated by Dr.Sun Yat-sen.20 ) Summary of a speech made at a national forum of representatives of Customs personnel. It first appeared in People's Daily on October 26, 1949.。
中式英语之鉴内容介绍English Answer:A Mirror for Chinglish is a compelling and insightful exploration into the linguistic phenomenon of Chinglish, a hybrid form of Chinese and English that has emerged in the context of globalization and increased intercultural communication. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the complexities and nuances of this unique language.Through a comprehensive analysis of Chinglish usage in various domains, including business, advertising, and popular culture, the author uncovers the factors that contribute to its formation and the ways in which it reflects the evolving relationship between China and the West. The book offers a comprehensive overview of the linguistic, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that have given rise to Chinglish.One of the key strengths of this book is its interdisciplinary approach, which draws on insights from linguistics, sociology, and cultural studies to provide a holistic understanding of Chinglish. The author effectively demonstrates how Chinglish is not simply a linguistic curiosity but a reflection of the complex social andcultural dynamics at play in contemporary China.Moreover, the book provides practical guidance for navigating the challenges posed by Chinglish. It offers advice on how to communicate effectively in this hybrid language and how to avoid potential misunderstandings. This practical dimension makes the book useful for professionals, students, and anyone who interacts with Chinglish in their daily lives.Overall, A Mirror for Chinglish is a highly recommended read for anyone interested in the fascinating world of language and culture. Its insightful analysis, interdisciplinary approach, and practical guidance make it an invaluable resource for understanding and navigating the complexities of Chinglish.中文回答:《中式英语之鉴》是一本引人入胜且富有洞察力的作品,探讨了中式英语这一语言现象。
The English Learner`s Guide to Chinglish. 中式英语之鉴——大家千万不要犯了哦~所谓[正]和[误],是为便于比较而设的形式而已,是想借此形式为学生学习巩固英语常用习惯用法起助记提醒之作用。
[误] With a comet like him,nothing can be accomplished.[正] With a jinx like him,nothing can be accomplished.注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。
在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。
英语的comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即jinx。
例:There's a jinx on/Someone'sput a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. “这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦”。
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.[正] Tastes differ.注:Tastes differ/vary 是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成No dish suits all tastes 或You can never make everyone happy 等。
Thank you!
垂悬成分 平行结构
原译:We must make an improvement in our work.(多余动词 +名词)
这是极具中国特色的表达方式:“make”在此句中没有明确意义, 作用很弱,而该句要表达的实际含义,已通过名词improvement表 达。既然make这个动词没有给句子增添任何实际含义,我们就可以 将它删除,将原句改为:We must improve our work.同样的例子还 有:
这本书十分系统地探讨了中式英语这一非 常普遍的现象。作者把这些加以归类,然 后提供大量的该类别中式英语实例,并逐 一修改,同时还扼要地加以分析。每一章 后面还附有练习,并提供参考答案。
多余的词 多余的名词和动词
多余的修饰 同意堆叠
重复两次 重复提及
句子结构 名词肿胀
代词与先行词 短语与子句的位置
原译:to accelerate the pace of(赘余名词)economic reform 改译:toaccelerate economic reform 原译:following the realization of(空洞名词)mechanization... 改译:following mechanization... 原译:opposing the practice(类别式名词)of extravagance... 改译:opposing extravagance...
Joan Pinkham,美国职业翻译,毕业于哥伦比 亚大学巴纳德学院。曾先后在世界卫生组织联 合国总部担任双语秘书,外文出版社和中央编 译工作过8年,专门给中国翻译工作者翻译的 英译文作修改和润色。8年中她积累了大量的 典型中式英语实例,她根据这些例子把中式英 语的具体表现科学地加以分门别类。
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Exercise 71) we do not have the facilities necessary to produce alley steel.2) Unless you master essential skills, you will prove unequal to this kind of job.3) we must make them understand that the struggle in the North-east will be protracted.4) one reason is that we don't have a correct understanding of certain theories and principles, which is why we need to study more theory.5) At the same time, the U. S. government announced that it was severing its diplomatic relations with the Taiwan. authorities,terminating the U. S. -Taiwan Joint Defense Treaty," and withdrawing American troops from Taiwan.6) The principal criteria for judging the success of reform and the open policy are whether they help develop the productive forces of our socialist society, increase our country's overall strength, and raise the people's living standards.7) these different sectors of the economy will have to be transformed in different ways and at different at different speed.8) Cadres are being trained for the land reform and for the people's tribunals, and peasants' associations are being reorganized and expanded.9) "Zhang is always ready to help the farmers, who usually don't know how to plant and care far fruit trees," says Cai Lihong, a doctoral student under. Zhang's tutorship.10) To implement general policies in the transition period and to build socialism, we have to improve the health of our people.11) In order to stabilize currency and prices, we had to balance national expenditures and revenues and guarantee sufficient supplies of goods.12) We shall abolish this class by utilizing, restricting, and transforming the capitalist economy.13) In the nine months since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, practice has proved that it was correct to reform prices.14) We estimate that once the money supply in the localities has been reduced, prices throughout the country will become stabilized by November 25.15) unless these problems are handled satisfactorily, our policies cannot be successfully implemented.16 ) The Asian 17evelopment Bank on Wednesday approved two loans, totaling $256 million, to finance projects to alleviate water shortages and reduce air pollution.17) "It is to our advantage to have an efficient system for developing and managing residential property," said Tan Kian Siew, executive deputy general manager of BJ Minghua Properties.18 ) He made these remarks during a talk with Sakurauchi Yoshio and other leading members of the delegation from the Japanese Association for Promotion of International Trade.19) This practice has helped ensure that no needy students will drop out because they are unable to pay their own tuition.20 ) "The authorities in charge of administering State assets should help promote the process,”said Zhang at a seminar organized by the Chinese Institute for Management of State Property.Exercise 81)The West really wants unrest in China. It wants turmoil not only in China but also in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.2) China is estimated to possess 69.4 billion tons of onshore ail reserves, but only 25 per cent of them have been verified.3) Right now the Korean people are confronted with difficulties, but they are holding on courageously, fighting a guerrilla war in the youth and putting up resistance in the north.4) After a successful revolution each country must build socialism according to its own conditions.5 ) No one would come here and invest without getting returns on his investment.b) "The registered capital of the holding company is$30 million, so we lave a,commitment to more investments here,”Wendin said. But he didn't elaborate on when the new joint projects .will be launched. The company reported sales averaging$50 million a year.7 ) Old China was dependent on imperialism not only in the economic sphere but also in the spheres of culture and education; it was exploited economically and polluted ideologically. That was very dangerous. It is now time to expose and eradicate the evil influence of imperialism.8)During the peak season,peasants, compete to sell their eggs, while during the off-season eggs are usually in short supply in the cities.9)Foreign trade has been developing rapidly in Fuxin. It has been continuously growing in variety and volume. Many of Fuxin’s quality products are welcome on the international market.10)During the Japanese and puppet regimes, mast of these position were held by Japanese. But after August 15,1945,the Japanese were replaced by Chinese.11)All these are problems left over from the past. They are acute now because the longstanding semi-colonial, semi-feudal economy hag undergone radial changes. Although these change bring some hardship with them, they are not bad in themselves.12)China's growth has peaked and is expected to slow down next year. Even so, China's economy wilt remain one of the fastest developing in the world.13) At present our government organs are overstaffed. Not all employees have to stay on in government offices; some of them can be transferred to enterprises.14) Yesterday two friends from the former Whampoa Military Academy talked about the March 20th Incident and the Southern Anhui Incident. I was interested in what they had to say, but i had to leave after an hour and a half because of other engagements.15) It cannot be said that every paragraph of this speech I am making today has Peen discussed by the Central Committee. Of course, some of the ideas have been discussed,but others are my own opinions.16) The problem now facing the authorities in Shanghai is to obtain adequate supplies of rice and cotton, and the key question is whether they can mobilize enough transport facilities.17 ) I spent a year in a university after I graduated from senior middle But I didn't learn very much there, because it was the time of the May 4th Movement.18)Prosperity is the common objective of all our nationalities, and we must never lose sight of it.19)Following the Wuchang Uprising of 1911,the Hubei military government set forth the idea of changing the farm of government by establishing a republic of five nationalities, an idea that was also advocated by Dr.Sun Yat-sen.20 ) Summary of a speech made at a national forum of representatives of Customs personnel. It first appeared in People's Daily on October 26, 1949.。