维修电工初级问答(Maintenance electrician primary quiz)
维修电工初级试题库及答案一、选择题1. 电工常用工具中,下列哪项不是用来剥线的?A. 斜口钳B. 尖嘴钳C. 剥线钳D. 钳子2. 下列哪种电线适用于家庭照明电路?A. BX型电线B. RV型电线C. BXV型电线D. RVV型电线3. 下列哪种设备属于低压配电设备?A. 变压器B. 断路器C. 电流表D. 电压表4. 家庭电路中,下列哪个环节发生短路会导致空气开关跳闸?A. 灯具短路B. 插座短路C. 电线短路D. 上述所有情况5. 下列哪种情况下,应使用万用表测量电压?A. 测量电源电压B. 测量负载电压C. 测量电流D. 测量电阻二、判断题1. 电工操作中,必须确保安全第一,遵循“先断电,后操作”的原则。
()2. 交流电源的相线与零线不能接反,否则会损坏电器设备。
()3. 钳形电流表可以直接测量电流,不需要断开电路。
()4. 在家庭电路中,空气开关跳闸后,必须先排除故障,再合上空气开关。
()5. 在测量电压时,万用表的红色表笔应接在电源的相线上,黑色表笔接在电源的零线上。
()三、简答题1. 简述家庭电路的组成及作用。
2. 简述照明电路的安装步骤。
3. 简述电气设备维护保养的基本内容。
二、答案部分一、选择题1. D2. D3. B4. D5. A二、判断题1. √2. √3. √4. √5. √三、简答题1. 家庭电路主要由电源、配电箱、开关、插座、灯具等组成。
2. 照明电路的安装步骤:(1)设计电路图,确定灯具、开关、插座等设备的位置。
初级维修电工考试题及答案一、选择题1. 以下哪种情况下可以直接接地维修?A. 电流过小的线路断路情况B. 电流较大的线路断路情况C. 电流过小的线路接触不良情况D. 电流较大的线路接触不良情况答案:C2. 在检修电路时,下列哪种保护措施是必要的?A. 低压断路器的使用B. 使用安全绝缘工具C. 佩戴防护手套D. 戴上防护眼镜答案:B3. 以下哪个工具适合用于测量电流?A. 电压表B. 电经C. 万用表D. 钳形电流表答案:D4. 以下哪个维修步骤是正确的?A. 先断电,再进行修理B. 先修理,再断电C. 边修理边断电D. 不需要断电,直接修理答案:A5. 发现电路短路时,应该采取的措施是:A. 停电,排除短路故障B. 加大负荷,消除短路C. 忽略短路,继续运行D. 尝试修复短路,不停电答案:A二、填空题1. 电流的单位是_________。
答案:安培(A)2. 电压的单位是_________。
答案:伏特(V)3. 防护手套的额定电压应该符合_________规定的要求。
答案:GB4. 大额电流的直流线路应当使用_________。
答案:电经5. 电流通过的载流导体的截面积越大,阻抗_________。
答案:越小三、简答题1. 简述电气绝缘的作用。
2. 请解释电阻的概念,并列举几种常见的电阻元件。
3. 什么是漏电保护器?它的作用是什么?答:漏电保护器是一种安全设备,用于监测电路中的漏电情况。
维修电工初级试题及解答一、名称解释:1、三相交流电:由三个频率相同、电势振幅相等、相位差互差120 °角的交流电路组成的电力系统,叫三相交流电。
6、空气断路器(自动开关):是用手动(或电动)合闸,用锁扣保持合闸位置,由脱扣机构作用于跳闸并具有灭弧装置的低压开关,目前被广泛用于 500V 以下的交、直流装置中,当电路内发生过负荷、短路、电压降低或消失时,能自动切断电路。
10 、变压器:一种静止的电气设备,是用来将某一数值的交流电压变成频率相同的另一种或几种数值不同的交流电压的设备。
11 、高压验电笔:用来检查高压网络变配电设备、架空线、电缆是否带电的工具。
12 、接地线:是为了在已停电的设备和线路上意外地出现电压时保证工作人员的重要工具。
维修电工初级工考试题库一、单选题1. 维修电工在进行电气设备维修时,首先应该做的是()。
A. 立即断电B. 检查设备故障C. 记录故障现象D. 询问操作人员2. 电流的单位是()。
A. 伏特(V)B. 安培(A)C. 欧姆(Ω)D. 瓦特(W)3. 电气设备发生故障时,维修电工应该使用()来检测电路。
A. 万用表B. 电压表C. 电流表D. 功率表4. 以下哪个不是电气安全操作规程的内容?()A. 断电操作B. 带电作业C. 佩戴绝缘手套D. 使用绝缘工具5. 维修电工在更换熔断器时,应该选择()。
A. 额定电流大于或等于电路工作电流的熔断器B. 额定电流小于电路工作电流的熔断器C. 任意型号的熔断器D. 额定电压大于电路工作电压的熔断器二、多选题6. 维修电工在进行电气设备维修时,需要遵守的安全操作规程包括()。
A. 断电操作B. 使用绝缘工具C. 佩戴绝缘手套D. 带电作业7. 维修电工在检查电路时,可以使用以下哪些工具?()A. 万用表B. 电压表C. 电流表D. 功率表8. 电气设备维修中,以下哪些情况需要立即断电?()A. 发现设备冒烟B. 发现设备有火花C. 发现设备有异常声音D. 发现设备有异味9. 维修电工在维修过程中,以下哪些行为是正确的?()A. 严格按照操作规程进行操作B. 根据经验进行操作C. 及时记录维修过程和结果D. 忽视安全措施10. 维修电工在更换电气元件时,需要注意以下哪些事项?()A. 确认元件型号和规格B. 确认元件的额定电压和电流C. 随意更换元件D. 确保元件安装牢固三、判断题11. 维修电工在进行电气设备维修时,可以不遵守安全操作规程。
()12. 维修电工在更换熔断器时,可以选择任意型号的熔断器。
()13. 维修电工在检查电路时,可以使用电压表来检测电流。
()14. 维修电工在维修过程中,不需要记录维修过程和结果。
()15. 维修电工在更换电气元件时,不需要确认元件的型号和规格。
维修电工(初级)试题(附答案)一、选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 以下哪一项不是电工工具的基本要求?A. 绝缘良好B. 手柄舒适C. 重量轻便D. 外形美观2. 下列哪种导线不能用于电气设备的维修?A. 铜导线B. 铝导线C. 铁导线D. 橡胶绝缘导线3. 交流电的电流方向每秒改变的次数称为?A. 电压B. 电流C. 频率D. 电阻4. 以下哪种工具用于切断导线?A. 剥线钳B. 电工刀C. 扳手D. 剪刀5. 以下哪种材料是良好的绝缘材料?A. 铜B. 铝C. 铁D. 塑料6. 电容器的基本参数包括电容值、电压和?A. 电流B. 电阻C. 电感D. 容量7. 以下哪种接线方式被称为串联接法?A. 火线接火线,零线接零线B. 火线接零线,零线接火线C. 火线接电压,零线接电流D. 电压接火线,电流接零线8. 以下哪种现象称为电气火灾?A. 电线短路B. 电线过载C. 电线老化D. 电线着火9. 以下哪种器件用于保护电路?A. 电容器B. 电阻器C. 电感器D. 熔断器10. 以下哪种工具用于测量电流?A. 万用表B. 电能表C. 电流表D. 电压表二、判断题(每题2分,共20分)11. 导线的绝缘层破损后,可以继续使用。
()12. 交流电的电流方向每秒改变的次数称为频率。
()13. 电气设备的维修工作必须由专业人员进行。
()14. 电容器可以储存电能。
()15. 熔断器可以在电路过载时自动断开电路。
()三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 请简述电气设备的维修步骤。
17. 请简述电气火灾的预防措施。
18. 请简述电路中的电流、电压和电阻的关系。
四、案例分析题(每题20分,共40分)19. 某工厂的一台电动机无法启动,请你作为维修电工,如何进行故障排查?20. 某家庭的电路出现短路,导致火灾,请你分析可能的原因,并提出预防措施。
一、选择题1. D2. C3. C4. A5. D6. A7. A8. D9. D10. C二、判断题11. ×12. √13. √14. √三、简答题16. 电气设备的维修步骤:(1)关闭电源,确保安全;(2)检查设备,确定故障原因;(3)维修或更换故障部件;(4)测试设备,确保正常运行;(5)整理工具,清理现场。
维修电工试题及答案一、选择题1. 在进行电器维修工作时,应该首先做的是:A. 关上电源开关B. 断开电源供应C. 检查电线接线状态D. 测量电压答案:B. 断开电源供应2. 以下哪种情况下,可以使用绝缘胶布进行修补?A. 电线外皮磨损B. 电线接头缺失C. 继电器失灵D. 电源线过热答案:A. 电线外皮磨损3. 当遇到突发情况需要紧急切断电源时,应该采取的措施是:A. 拔掉电器插头B. 利用开关进行断电C. 使用绝缘工具切断电线D. 拨动电表刀闸答案:B. 利用开关进行断电4. 以下哪种维修工具可以用来测量电流?A. 电压表B. 电流表C. 绝缘电阻表D. 高频示波器答案:B. 电流表5. 维修电工在处理漏电故障时应该做的第一步是:A. 使用绝缘工具检查电线连接B. 用绝缘胶布修补漏电现象C. 检查接地线的连接情况D. 断开电源供应答案:D. 断开电源供应二、填空题1. 电器维修中,要进行绝缘防护,可以使用_________进行包裹。
答案:绝缘胶布2. 测量电压时,应该使用________测量工具。
答案:电压表3. 在处理漏电故障时,应该首先进行的操作是________。
答案:断开电源供应4. 维修电工在处理电线故障时,应该使用的工具是________。
答案:绝缘电阻表5. 切断电源时,可以使用________刀闸进行断开。
答案:电表三、简答题1. 请简述绝缘胶布的主要作用及使用方法。
2. 请说明维修电工在遇到紧急情况时,选择使用开关断电的原因。
3. 请列举维修电工常见的测量工具,并说明其使用场景。
A、触发电压太大B、触发电压太小C、触发电流太大D、电阻太小正确答案:B5、已知单相全波整流器的输入交流电压为10V ,则每一整流管的耐压应为()。
1.在电源中,电动势的方向与电压的方向是(2.—般的金属材料,温度升高后,导体的电阻(5. 要测量电气设备的绝缘电阻,应选用(6. 我国电网交流电的频率是7. 正弦交流电的三要素是(8. 变压器可以用来改变(C 、频率9.移动式电气设备及手持式电动工具(III 类除外)必须安装(维修电工(初级)理论考试试题培训学校:姓名:、单项选择题(将正确答案前的字母填入括号内 O每题 3分,共45 分)A 、相同的B 、相反的C 成90度角D 任意A 、增加B 、减小C 、不变 D不定3.两个10uF 的电容并联后总电容量为( )uF 。
A 、 10B 、5C 、204.把额定电压为24V 的机床照明灯泡接到24V 的直流电源上,(A 、会烧毁灯泡B 、亮度降低C 、亮度正常D 灯泡不亮A 、电桥B 、兆欧表(摇表)C 、 万用表D 互感器A 、60B 、50C 、 80 100A 、最大值、频率、初相角 平均值、频率、初相角 C 、频率、周期、最大值D 最大值、有效值、角频率A 、直流电压和电流交流电压和电流 功率)A、电流互感器B、电压互感器C、仪表D漏电保护器10. 我国电力电网的低压供电系统中,线电压为( )。
A、380VB、220V C 220V 2 V D 380" 2 V11. 在机床电气中,红色蘑菇头按钮用于( )A、启动B、点动C、急停D、夹紧12. 把交流电变成直流电的过程叫( )。
A、整流B、逆变C、调制D整形13. 两个10欧姆的电阻并联后总阻值是( )欧姆。
A、10B、5 C 、15 D 、2014. 电机、变压器、继电器等的铁芯常用的硅钢片属于( )材料。
A、硬磁B 、矩磁C、软磁D、反磁15. 电流互感器二次侧的额定电流为( )安培。
A、5B、10 C 、20 D 100二、判断题(正确的划“V” ,错误的划“X”。
每题2分,共30分)( )1、电动势的方向是由电源的正极指向负极。
维修电工基础知识试题一、选择题1. 下列哪项是电流的单位?A. 欧姆(Ω)B. 伏特(V)C. 安培(A)D. 瓦特(W)2. 以下哪个元件用于存储电能并释放电能?A. 电感器B. 电阻器C. 电容器D. 开关3. 下列哪种设备可以将低电压提高到高电压?A. 电动机B. 发动机C. 蓄电池D. 变压器4. 在直流电路中,两个并联的电阻器电阻分别为 R1 和 R2,等效电阻 Rt 可以通过以下公式计算:A. Rt = R1 + R2B. Rt = R1 - R2C. Rt = R1 × R2D. Rt = R1 ÷R25. 以下哪个元件常用于保护电路中的其他元件不受过流损坏?A. 电容器B. 电源C. 继电器D. 保险丝二、填空题6. 电流通过导体时,导体内会产生______现象。
7. 电源的输出电压称为______。
8. ______和电阻是串联电路中电流的限制因素。
9. 电流的方向是由______极向______极流动。
10. 绝缘体的电阻非常______。
三、判断题11. 交流电的电流方向是不断变化的。
正确 / 错误12. 电阻越大,电路中的电流越大。
正确 / 错误13. 电动机可以将电能转换为机械能。
正确 / 错误14. 电容器可以存储电荷并释放电荷。
正确 / 错误15. 绝缘体具有良好的导电性。
正确 / 错误四、简答题16. 请解释什么是电阻?并说明它在电路中的作用。
17. 请简述直流电和交流电的区别。
18. 请说明电容器的作用和实际应用领域。
19. 请简要描述绝缘体和导体的区别,以及它们在电路中的作用。
20. 请解释什么是短路,并说明短路对电路的影响。
答案:一、选择题1. C2. C3. D4. D5. D二、填空题6. 电阻7. 输出电压8. 电阻9. 负极,正极10. 非常高三、判断题11. 正确12. 错误13. 正确14. 正确15. 错误四、简答题16. 电阻是指阻碍电流通过的物质特性。
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维修电工初级问答(Maintenance electrician primary quiz)1. Why the low voltage winding of the transformer is inside, while the high voltage winding is outside?A: the arrangement of transformer high and low voltage winding is determined by many factors. But for most transformers, the low pressure winding is placed in the high voltage winding. This is mainly about insulation. Theoretically, no matter how the high - voltage winding or low - voltage winding is arranged, it can become a transformer. But because the core of the transformer is grounded, because the low voltage winding is close to the core, it is easy to do from the insulation Angle. If the high voltage winding is close to the core, the voltage of the high voltage winding is high and the insulation requirement is required. This not only increases the volume of the winding, but also wastes the insulation material.Electrical community every day, Moreover, as a result of the transformer voltage regulation is to rely on change of the high voltage winding tap, namely change the number of turns, so the high voltage winding is placed in the low voltage winding outside, lead more easily also.How does the three-phase asynchronous motor rotate?Answer: after the three-phase alternating current flow into the three-phase stator winding, the stator cavity to produce a rotating magnetic rotation before often stationary rotor conductors under the effect of rotating magnetic field, the equivalent of the rotor conductors relative to cut magneticlines, which produced the induced current in the rotor conductors (electromagnetic induction principle). These conductors of the induction current occur in the production field (the effect of the current, the electromagnetic force). Because the inner conductor of the rotor is always arranged symmetrically, the electromagnetic force generated on the conductor is the opposite direction, forming an electromagnetic torque and turning the rotor. Since the current in the rotor conductor is generated by the stator rotating magnetic field induction, it is also known as induction motor. It is also known as the asynchronous motor because the rotor speed is always lower than that of the stator rotating magnetic field.3. Why doesn't the transformer make the direct current transformer?Answer: transformer can change voltage condition is that the original edge to ac electric potential to produce alternating magnetic flux, alternating magnetic flux will generate induced potential, at the edge of the deputy the size of the induction electric potential is proportional to the change rate of flux. When the transformer is in direct current, the current size and direction are the same, and there is no alternating magnetic flux in the iron core, which means that the magnetic flux is constant and the flux rate is zero. Therefore, the induction potential is also zero. At this point, the total dc voltage is added to the winding with a small resistance, causing the current to be very large, causing an approximate short circuit.The alternating current is changed alternately. When theprimary windings are connected to the ac, the magnetic flux generated in the iron core also changes, so that the secondary winding number is greater than the primary one, and the voltage can be raised. Conversely, the subloop number is lower than the initial time. Because of the size of the direct current (dc) and the direction does not change with time, so constant direct current into the primary winding, the core flux was constant, cannot in the secondary winding induction potential, so no pressure.What are the driving modes between motors and machinery?Answer: the back wheel type direct drive; Belt transmission; Gear transmission; The worm drive; The chain drive; 6. The friction wheel drive.5. What kind of inspection inspections should be made in the operation of the transformer?A: the sound is normal; Check the transformer for oil seepage. Oil leakage phenomenon.Oil color and oil level is normal; Whether the current and temperature of the transformer exceed the allowable value; If the transformer sleeve is clean, there is no broken crack and discharge marks. Whether the transformer is grounding or not.6. What are the methods of drying the transformer?Answer:. Induction heating method;Hot air drying method;The oven drying method.7. How to do the motor no-load test?Answer: before the test, the motor is checked, after no problem, connect to three phase power supply, so that the motor does not drag the load. Then check the running sound, the bearing operation and the three-phase current, and the general high capacity high speed motor's no-load current is the rated currentThe no-load current of 20-35% low speed motor is 35 ~ 50% of its rated currentNo-load current is too large and too small and three-phase equilibrium and no-load test time should not be less than 1 hour, should also measure the motor temperature rise at the same time, the temperature rise according to the grades of insulation shall not exceed the allowable limit.How to make short circuit test of motor?Answer: the short circuit test is to use the brake equipment, the rotor of its motor is fixed, the output voltage of the three-phase voltage regulator is gradually increased from zero. When the current reaches the rated current of the motor, the pressure is stopped and the voltage is called the short circuit voltage. The voltage rated at 380 volts is generally between 75 and 90 volts.9. What does transformer overhaul have?Answer: 1. Lift out of the body, the mandrel. Body (core. Coil.(2). Maintenance item cover. Storage tank. Safe airway. Heat pipe throttle and casing; (1). Maintenance of cooling devices and oil filters; For oil or oil change, dry treatment if necessary; 5. Maintenance control and measuring instruments. Signals and protective devices; To clean the shell and paint when necessary; To assemble and conduct prescribed measurements and tests.Daily electrical community! ).10. What are the advantages of the linear asynchronous motor compared with the squirrel cage asynchronous motor?Answer: the advantages of wound asynchronous motor can be through the collector ring and brush, plus resistor in series with the rotor loop, to improve the starting performance and can adjust speed change and resistance within a certain range. However, it is more complicated than the squirrel cage asynchronous motor, and the price is less reliable.11. When the motor is installed and after the test, if it finds that the vibration exceeds the value of the regulation, what should be the reason?A. the rotor balance is not well balanced; The rotor balance is fast and loose; The shaft bends and deforms; The center of the coupling is unnuclear; . The base screws are loose. Thefoundation is uneven or not solid.12. When the motor is running, the bearing temperature is too high.Answer:. The lubricating ester number is not suitable; The quality of lubricated ester is bad or bad; Excessive or too little grease in the bearing room; . There is sundry in the grease; The rotation part is wiped with the stationary part; Bearing inner ring or outer ring; The bearing model is not correct or quality; The coupling is incorrect. Nine. The belt is too tight; The motor vibrates too much.13. Why is the motor rotor more balanced? Which type of motor rotor can only nuclear static balance?Answer: motor rotor in the production process,Due to the influence of various factors (such as uneven material of casting porosity or porosity, and parts of the weight of error and machining error, etc.) will cause the imbalance of rotor in weight, so the rotor school balance after completion of the assembly. The rotor of the motor or motor rated at above 6 poles can only be balanced by the rotor, and the other motor rotor needs to be balanced.14. What should the welder pay attention to before use?A: welding machine new or unused for a long time, often due to be affected with damp be affected with damp between winding. The windings of the insulation resistance between the casingand slash, likely to occur at the beginning of the use of short circuit and grounding, equipment and personal accident. Therefore, the insulation resistance of the meter should be checked before using.Before starting the new welder, check whether the electrical system contactor is in good condition, and the test run can be started when normal. Prove that there is no electric hidden trouble, can only run in the load condition, finally can put into normal operation.The dc welder should rotate according to the prescribed direction, and the rotation direction of the fan with the fan should be paid attention to whether the rotation direction of the fan is correct. To achieve the purpose of cooling the welding machine.15. What are the protections of small and medium sized asynchronous motors?Answer:. Short circuit protection: general fuse is short circuit protection device; Loss of pressure protection: the electromagnetic coil of the magnetic starter has a protective effect on the control circuit of the starting motor. The automatic air switch is equipped with the pressure-free tripping device to protect the motor in the above two situations. Overload protection: the thermal relay is the motor overload protection device.16. What should be noticed in the operation maintenance of asynchronous motor?Answer:. The motor should be kept clean. The voltage fluctuation of the general motors is allowed to be determined by the voltage fluctuation. 5. The difference of the three phase voltage shall not be greater than 5%, and the balance of each phase current shall not exceed 10% and shall pay attention to whether or not the phase operation is missing. To check the temperature rise of the motor regularly, the thermometer should be used to measure the temperature rise, and the maximum allowable value should not exceed the maximum allowable value. The monitoring of the bearing has no abnormal noise, the seal should be good, and the lubricating oil should be changed regularly, the oil change cycle, the general sliding bearing is 1000 hours, the rolling bearing 500 hours; 5. Pay attention to motor acoustics. Odors. Vibration conditions and driving conditions. In normal operation, the motor should be uniform, with no noise and special calls.How to remove the asynchronous motor properly?A; All preparations should be done before removal of the motor, such as tools used, pre-disassembly inspection and record work.Removal of motor steps: (1). Remove the pulley or the shaft coils, and should be marked before removing the pulley and the shaft, and remove the rust before installation. 2. Remove the cover: remove the bearing cap, remove the cover, and mark the front and rear cover, and the installation should be marked reset; (3). Remove the rotor: wear-resisting of thick paper between the stator should be fitted to prevent damage to the stator winding, if the rotor is very heavy, lifting equipmentinstallation available when the rotor to check whether there is sundry, inside the stator and shaft extension end end cover put on first, then the rotor load along with the fan and the back cover.18.How to determine the fault cause from the abnormal vibration and sound of the asynchronous motor?Answer: asynchronous motor produces abnormal vibration and abnormal sound mainly has mechanical and electromagnetism two reasons.Daily electrical communityMechanical reasons: (1) the screw loose of the blade of the motor blades or the fastening blades of the wind blade is loose, causing the wind blade to be touched by the blade of the wind, and the sound that it produces is small when the impact of the noise is heavy; Due to the failure of the spotter or the improper axis, the rotor of the motor will be fixed when the rotor eccentricity is serious. The rotor phase friction will cause the motor to produce violent vibration and uneven touching. The electric motor has caused an abnormal vibration under the action of electromagnetic torque due to the loose screw or foundation of the foot screws. A long-term use of an electric motor is caused by a lack of lubricating oil in the bearing and the steel ball in the bearing is damaged, thereby making the motor bearing room with an abnormal hissing or purr.Electromagnetic reasons: (1). Suddenly appear abnormal sound, normal operation of the motor in the load running speed decreases significantly, while a low along the roar, may be unbalanced three phase current, the heavy load or single phase operation; 2. Normal operating motor, if stator. A short circuit fault in the rotor winding or a high-low weng sound at the time of electric opportunity. The fuselage also vibrates.19. What is the bearing temperature of the asynchronous motor over the shell temperature?Answer: the motor bearing due to chronic lack of oil running, the friction and loss aggravate the bearing overheating. In addition, when the motor runs normally, too much or too much oil can cause the bearing to overheat. (2). When replacing lubrication, the bearing abrasion of the bearing may be damaged due to the impurity of the impurity or bearing in the lubricating oil. Because of the improper assembly, the fixed end cover screws are less elastic, causing the center of the two bearings not to be balanced on a straight line or in the outer ring of the bearing. It makes the bearing turn not flexible, so that the friction increases after the load. If the belt is too tight or the motor is not in the same line as the center of the mechanical shaft, it will increase the bearing load. The bearing is chosen improperly or in poor quality, such as the rust of the inner and outer rings of the bearing, the individual steel beads are not round, etc.; The bearing of the motor is damaged, causing the bearing to overheat.20. Why is the squirrel cage asynchronous motor rotor winding on the ground without insulation and the rotor winding of thecoil induction motor must be insulated?Answer: the squirrel cage rotor can be thought of as a multiphase winding, the phase number is equal to a pair of zhang very conducting bar number, number of turns per phase is equal to 1/2 turn, because each phase rotor induction electric potential is generally small, and silicon steel sheet resistance is greater than the resistance of the copper or aluminum, so most of the current through a conductor, different ground insulation.In the winding rotor winding, the phase number and the stator winding are the same, and the number of turns per phase is also more, according to the formula E 2 = 4.44 K 2 f 2 W 2 & psi; It can be seen that the coil rotor is very large in each phase, and if the ground is not insulated then the ground will be short-circuited or even burned the meter.21. How to repair the general failure of the rotor shaft of the asynchronous motor?Shaft bending: answer: (1). If they are found in the operation of the motor shaft extended terminal have beat phenomenon, is the shaft is bent, shaft bending serious when, the stator is going to happen. The phenomenon of mutual friction between the rotor, shaft bending,The rotor should be taken out and corrected according to the specific situation; The iron core wear of the shaft: since the time operation of the electric captain can sometimes cause the iron loose and iron core of the shaft to loosen, and the shafthas not rolled over the flowers. In this case, consideration should be given to rolling flowers in conjunction. If the lower core has the possibility of displacement on the shaft, a circular groove should be opened on the shaft of both ends, and two curved keys are put in place and welded together with the shaft. . Axis wear: bearing broken down many times, it will wear out the diameter of the shaft, generally can be used in the diameter of roller. If the wear is serious, it can also be deposited at the axial area of the welding pile, and the recar bed can be processed and required to be sized; Shaft crack: if the transverse crack of the axle is not more than 10 ~ 15% of the diameter of the axial crack, it shall not exceed 10% of the shaft. The new axle must be replaced if the shaft cracks are seriously damaged or broken.Why should ac contactors overheat when they operate frequently?A: starting, ac contactor, because of the large space between the core and armature reactance is small, can through the coil excitation current is very big, is often greater than the working current of more than a dozen times, such as frequent starting, the excitation coil through a large starting current, thus causes a coil overheating phenomenon, serious when coil burned.23. What is the regulation of the control cable of the import tray?Answer: (1). The import tray cabinet is arranged in a neat arrangement, which is not crossed, and should be fixed, so that all terminals are not subjected to stress; The cable should notenter the cabinet and the steel belt should be tightened. For the control cables used for transistor protection, control, etc., when the shielded cable is used, the shielded cable shall be connected to the ground when the cable is not shielded. The rubber insulated wire shall be protected by the jacket insulation. 5. The cable core of the tray. Horizontal vertical, non-crossed, the spare conductor has the appropriate leeway.24. What are the rules for cable tube?Answer: when laying the cable, if the cable should be put into the cable pipe, it should comply with the following requirements: the cable and lead cable shall not be inserted into the same pipe; A cable tube is only allowed to penetrate into a power cable; Power cables and control cables shall not be inserted into the same pipe; In the case of bare lead cable, the cable should be protected by the use of hemp or other soft materials.Every electrical community ()25. How to connect the hard bus?Answer: the hard bus usually adopts pressing or welding. Pressing is to use screws to press the bus wire to make it easy to refit and dismantle. Soldering is used for welding or gas welding and is used for non-detachable areas. No tin welding shall be adopted.26. Under what circumstances should a cable be added to the tube for protection? How to choose the pipe diameter?Answer: at the following points: (1). The cable introduces the building, the tunnel, the floor and main walls; (2) the ground is two meters high and 250 mm deep underground; The distance between the cable and the underground pipe is not specified; The intersection of cable and road, tram rail and rail; The factory area may be subject to mechanical damage and accessible location of pedestrians.When selecting pipe diameter, the inner diameter is 50% larger than the outside diameter.27. What are the phase sequence and color of the bus?A: the phase sequence of the busbar (see from the front of the device) is as follows:From left to right, the left-hand side is A phase,B in the middle andC in the right.From top to bottom, the upper side is A phase, the middle is B, and the lower side is C.From the distance to the nearest arrangement, the distance is A phase, the middle is B phase, and the other is C phase.Colour: A - yellow, b-green, c-red, neutral line unearthing purple, positian-chu color, negative - blue, grounding line - black.28. What are the advantages of each pole of the high voltage isolator for two blades?Answer: according to the principle of electromagnetism, two parallel conductor when current flows through the same direction, will produce electromagnetic force close to each other, the size of the force and the distance between the parallel and current, due to the circuit switch control operation, a failure occurs, the blade will flow through the big electric current, make the two blades with a lot of pressure clamp tightly to the fixed contact, which will help the blade due to vibration from the risk of expanding the in situ, on the other hand, due to the effect of electromagnetic force, make the blade (dynamic contact) and close contact between the fixed contact, contact resistance decrease, reason is not caused by fault current flows through contact welding phenomenon.29. What is the length of insulation bandage of the cable head of the indoor cable?Answer: the length should be taken as needed, but not below:Voltage (kv) minimum insulation binding length (mm) 1 below 1603, 2106, 27010, 31530. What kind of electrical equipment should be installedaccording to the explosion danger area?Answer: the junction box used in the electrical wiring box. The pull box should be in accordance with the following. In addition to this circuit, the q-2 level is applied to any type of explosion-proof type; Q - 3. G-2 can be used to prevent dust; The level and group of the pull box are not lower than the level and group of the explosive mixture in the site. The safety of this circuit can be used to prevent dust.31. What are the regulations on the installation of explosion-proof flexible pipes in explosive dangerous places?Answer: there should be no crack in the explosion-proof flexible connection pipe. Hole. Mechanical damage. Deformation and other defects should meet the following requirements in installation. The q-1 level. G-1 level USES the isolation type; The explosion-proof safety type can be used at the q-2 level; Dustproof types used in other explosive places; The class and group of explosion-proof flexible connections used in the q-1, q-2 level should not be lower than the explosive mixing group and level of the site; . Environmental temperature should not exceed & plusmn; 40 ℃. The radius should not be less than five times the diameter of the tube.32. What are the requirements for the grounding of the 10kV transformer (distribution)?Answer: transformer. Metal shell of switch equipment and transformer (PT. CP), distribution cabinet. Control protective disk. Metal frame. Lightning protection equipment. Cable headand metal screen. The docking ground device has the following requirements: (1). The indoor Angle steel foundation and the bracket shall be no less than 25 & times. The flat steel of 4mm2 is connected to the grounding trunk, then the outdoor is connected with the outdoor grounding device. 2. The grounding body should be three meters away from the wall of the transformer. The distance of the grounding body is 2.5 meters and the distance between the two ground bodies shall be 5 meters. In the form of closed loop in the form of the ground network, it can attach the external lead earthing when the grounding resistance fails to meet the requirements. The grounding resistance of the whole grounding network should not be greater than 4 o.33. How to connect different sections,Cable core of different metals?Answer: connect different metals, different sections of cable, should make the resistance of the junction point small and stable. The same metal material shall be used for the same metal material as the cable conductor, and the connecting tube shall be used for the connection of the connected core wire. When the cables of different metals need to be connected, such as copper and aluminum connection, the contact potential difference between the two metal standard electrode positions is large (copper is + 0.345 volts and aluminum is -1.67 volts). When the presence of electrolytes, will form the cathode for aluminium, copper anode of the battery, make aluminum to produce electrochemical corrosion, which lead to an increased contact resistance, so the connection of two different metal cable,besides should meet the requirements of contact resistance, also some anticorrosion measures should be taken. The general method is to apply a layer of tin and then press the copper pressure.34. When the explosion-proof electrical equipment is completed and accepted, what items should be inspected in detail?Answer: when the explosion-proof electrical equipment is completed, the following points must be paid attention to. Explosion-proof certificate no. & rdquo; ; 2. Theexplosion-proof electrical equipment should be in type. The electrical equipment should be free of crack in the shell. The junction box should be fastened, and the fixing bolts and anti-loose devices should be complete. The oil and gas tank should not leak oil and the oil level is highly qualified. The excess incoming line of electrical equipment should be sealed according to the regulations. The installation of the sealing device of the electrical wiring shall comply with the requirements;For the distribution of safety spark electrical equipment, the line direction should meet the design, and the line should have blue color; The grounding or zero of the electrical installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the design requirements.35. What are the requirements for the installation of the kit cabinet?Answer: 1. The handcart push-pull is flexible and light, no cardresistance collision phenomenon; (2). The center of the movement and the contact center is consistent, the contact is close, the hand is pushing into the work position, meeting the product requirement; The switching contact of secondary circuit auxiliary switch should be accurate and reliable. The mechanical locking device should be accurate and reliable. The cabinet is fully illuminated; 6. The security baffle switch is flexible, and the door of the car is in and out. The position of the control cable in the cabinet should not hinder the carriage of the handcart in and out, and firmly fixed; The grounding contact between the handcart and the cabinet should be close to the cabinet. When the handcart is pushed into the cabinet, the grounding contact should be connected to the head before the main contact, as opposed to pulling out.36. Preparation before installation of the switchboard (cabinet)?A: the installation of the switchboard should be finished in the interior of the room, the foundation shall be the strength of the requirements, and the cleaning will be carried out after cleaning. 2. Before installation, the distributor shall check and check for the model of the switchboard, whether the electrical components in the disk meet the requirements and whether there is any mechanical damage; (3). Under the base steel should cooperate with civil good up, top of the base steel should be 1020 mm above ground level, the level of the basis of the same places the same horizontal plane steel error should not exceed 1/1000 of the length of the maximum error of the level should not be more than 5 mm, car type steel should be the basis of power distribution cabinet and the room on the ground isflat.37. How to repair the general failure of an asynchronous motor shaft?Answer: 1. Bend: take out the rotor and calibrate it according to the specific situation; The iron core of the shaft is worn: it should open a circular slot on the shaft at both ends of the core.The two arc keys are added and welded together with the shaft. Neck wear: usually at the neck of the shaft. If the abrasion is serious, it can be used to build up a layer of electric welding at the neck of the shaft. The shaft cracks: should be replaced seriously.。