
温榆河综合治理工程施工第3标段欧阳光明(2021.03.07)护砌计划编制单位:中电建建筑集团有限公司通州区温榆河综合治理工程项目经理部编制人:审核人:日期:年月日第一章、工程概略: 2第二章、编制依据: 3第三章、铅丝石笼施工计划41、施工应具备的条件 42、施工计划 53、质量管理8第四章、浆砌石施工计划101、施工准备102、浆砌石护坡施工计划 12第五章、环境呵护151、水源的破坏 152、年夜气污染 163、噪音污染 164、生活垃圾污染 165、环境呵护具体办法 166、避免水污染办法 16护砌计划第一章、工程概略:温榆河属于海河流域北运河水系,北运河水系以通州区北关闸为界,北关闸以上成为温榆河,北关闸以下称为北运河。
第二章、编制依据:1《烧结普通砖》(GB 5101);2《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》(GB 50203);3《烧结多孔砖》(GB 135442000);4《浆砌石坝设计规范》(SL 25);5《水利水电工程天然建筑资料勘察规程》(SL 2512000);6《浆砌石坝施工技术规定》(SD 1201984);7《普通混凝土用砂、石质量及检验办法标准》(JGJ 52);8《混凝土用水标准》(JGJ 63);9《混凝土小型空心砌块建筑技术规程》(JGJ/T 14);10《多孔砖砌体结构技术规程》(JGJ/T 137);11《砌筑砂浆配合比设计规程》(JGJ/T 98);12 其它有关法令、律例、标准、规范、规程。

2020年8月'设计绿色空间的再造,重塑生物栖息地——以北京温榆河公园(一期)概念方案为例刘芳宏刘佩茹(岭南设计集团有限公司东莞分公司,广东东莞523000)摘 要:城市永续发展的核心,在于处理好城市与人、自然的关系。
当我们以生态文明理念为引领,深入践行“绿水青 山就是金山银山”理念,以生态视野在城市构建山水林田湖草生命共同体、布局高品质绿色空间体系,将“城 市中的公园”升级为“公园中的城市”,必然呈现人与自然和谐发展的新格局。
北京市温榆河公园,以绿色空 间的再造,重塑生物栖息地,通过生态修复和自然保育,实现城市更新的可持续发展。
关键词:绿色;生态;生物栖息地 文章编号:2095 -4085 (2020)08 -0024 -021项目背景温榆河公园(一期)位于北京市朝阳、顺义、 昌平三区交界的重要位置,位于城市第二道绿化隔离带中,承担着国际空港、艺术文化、科技创新、全球商贸和高端社区等多项功能,是国际职能的集中承载 地。
公园一期规划范围30. 8km 2,二期范围13.9km 2,项目总体研究范围223. 6km 2,公园不仅串联了城市的重要生态资源,更是大运河文化的重要展示点,规划总平面图见图1。
在研究区域内划定城市增长边界和生态保护红线,以绿心、绿环、绿廊、绿网的区域空间结构,构建完备 的新型生态系统,串联区域内各功能组团,加强区域内的“产业-公园”联动与融合,统筹三区,实现 区域协同发展与生态文明建设。
近年来,北京城市的圈层式发展带来了资源、环境、人口等一系列问题,限制了城市的可持续 发展;项目地处北京三区交界,紧邻首都国际机场,重要的地理区位承载了城市多项功能,是首都国际交 往的重要展示窗口;场地周边用地复杂,工厂、村庄 散布,与周边城市功能组团互动性差,产业协同作用不明显,带动作用小;多条城市道路、高架、铁路线 贯穿场地南北,切断场地内部间的联系,高压走廊、地震断裂带、沙土液化区等均成为场地内干扰因素; 温榆河和清河因水利防控需求,水利设施多,河道笔 直,渠化明显,驳岸过度硬化,导致水系统连通性较 差,加剧了洪水影响,水质污染严重;植被斑块化严 重,种类单一,不成群落,不成系统,土壤污染严 重,生物生存空间被侵占,生物多样性低。


建设项目环境影响报告表(试行)项目名称:昌平区温榆河流域左堤路(怀昌路-区界)大修工程建设单位(盖章):北京燕龙水务集团有限公司编制日期2016年3月国家环境保护部制建设项目基本情况项目名称昌平区温榆河流域左堤路(怀昌路-区界)大修工程建设单位北京燕龙水务集团有限公司法人代表程明博联系人郭瑞伟通讯地址北京市昌平区昌平路25号联系电话80109335-203 传真邮政编码102200建设地点北京市昌平区温榆河北侧,涉及昌平区沙河镇、小汤山镇、南邵镇、马池口镇、百善镇。
立项审批部门北京市昌平区发展和改革委员会批准文号昌发改函[2015]107号建设性质新建□改扩建√技改□行业类别及代码其他道路、隧道和桥梁工程建筑E4819占地面积(平方米) 270700绿化面积(平方米)总投资(万元) 16642.4其中:环保投资(万元)198.5环保投资占总投资比例1.19%评价经费(万元)预期投产日期2016年12月工程内容及规模:一、项目背景温榆河发源于北京市燕山南麓的昌平、延庆、海淀一带山区,东沙河、北沙河、南沙河三条支流在昌平区沙河镇汇聚成温榆河干流,沿途依次汇入蔺沟河、清河、龙道河、坝河、小中河等支流。


温榆河项目规划设计任务书集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]规划设计任务书项目名称:温榆河项目(暂名)项目地点:北京昌平小汤山镇土沟村温榆河边建设单位:北京首发房地产有限公司【设计任务书讨论稿编制说明】1、本设计任务书是甲方在基于对项目综合研判的基础上,对项目前期定位的总结和对规划设计要求提出的一些分析和结论性意见,对设计单位进行设计起指导作用;2、本设计任务书讨论稿仅作为首发地产公司和设计方进行项目设计第一轮沟通时的相关参考资料;3、本设计任务书讨论稿中确定的相关技术经济指标均为前期市场研判得出的结论性定位,设计单位可以在一定幅度内进行调整;4、本设计任务书主要针对首发温榆河项目整体规划提出。
目录:§1 项目概况一、基地情况二、气候及土壤资料三、基地社会概况及分析四、规划要求五、市政管线§2 市场定位及产品建议一、市场定位二、项目产品建议§3 概念分析研究结论一、概念设计研究方案简述二、设计目标三、规划方面的结论§4 方案设计中需要解决的问题一、规划方面的问题二、技术方面的问题§5 设计成果文件要求§6 基础资料一.项目地块红线图(AUTOCAD电子文件)二.项目地块照片(电子文件)三.概念设计方案总图§1 项目概况一、基地情况1.用地地点本项目位于规划北五环与北六环之间、昌平小汤山镇土沟村,东接规划的京承高速公路,西侧为小汤山镇土沟村,南临温榆河。

新北京的时代地标———温榆河生态走廊(朝阳段)规划设计()Ecology - as a permanent theme, is the primary factor to consider in planningLandscape - ecological planning in the landscape will create a new landscapeBeijing - the world city of the future, the concept of the global environment should be emphasized1 Analysis of the status quoIn the range of Wenyu River Ecological Corridor in the 45km2 below has great influence on some characteristics for planning:(1) the Wenyu River on the east side of the site and Qinghe interchange with ponds, pools of water, forming a natural wetland; site on the west side of the pond area status was a history of natural wetland; old bend zone environment in good condition. New water systems can be developed using these current wetlands and water systems.(2) Huang Gang Xiang and House floor is the current situation of farmland intensive areas, the existing land reserve should be considered.(3) the existing rivers have serious environmental pollution, river ecosystem degradation, loss of self purification capacity, simplification and even loss of river function; deterioration of hydrological characteristics caused by natural geomorphic changes. There are many ditches and shouldbe properly utilized.(4) the current status of agricultural production as the main industry, long-term consideration of the overall relocation of the ecological corridors, therefore, the employment of these people should be fully considered.2 programme originality and features2.1, four strategies2.1.1 function strategy -- regional integrationWe focus on the overall planning to grasp the Wenyu River Ecological Corridor from the area. Regional city is composed of several communities (community), each of which has the size of supporting modern economic life and urban infrastructure. In addition to the function of residence, each community has one or more special functions that serve the group - Industry and commerce, culture and education, finance and administration, recreation and recreation. The community is surrounded by a natural green belt that maintains a good environment and controls the spread of the community. The open space between communities will be permanently preserved and used only for agriculture, forestry and recreation. The convenient highway system is in all directions, and connects with the expressway which is not through the town, so the traffic is very convenient.According to the regional city view, in the scope of 110km2, the overall consideration of industry and space layout. Inaddition to the Wenyu River Ecological Corridor of the 65KM2 range, the planning of the 4 characteristics of the town, they will take on different function areas.2.1.2 -- nature ecological strategyFrom a sustainable point of view, the earth we inhabit is not ours, it is only borrowed from our descendants for the time being. What kind of earth will we return to the next generation? This is a problem that planners and builders must face up to. In the planning and construction of the Wenyu river ecological corridor, the first problem is how to build a "green environment for human attachment". Therefore, imitation of nature, "the concept of ecological design of water - Green -" three-in-one will run through the entire process of the project.2.1.3 transportation strategy -- organic evacuationOrganic evacuation theory, like the human body as a living evacuation overcrowded city, a group of organization of city life, the result is a group of functional layout type and dendritic road traffic system. In Wenyu river ecological corridor planning, we adopt the road traffic system, clear dendritic structure. The roadway is divided into clear road and service road two: high-speed road, expressway, trunk road of dredge Road, smooth, fast convergence, good relations with the center of the city; the roads and slip roads constitute the service road, directly to the land, there is enough parking space. Within the ecological corridor, a continuous pedestrian walkway system and a bicycle road are planned to meet the needs of people's recreational activities while satisfying trafficfunctions2.1.4 industry strategy -- chain structureWenyuhe area industrial development to solve problems in two aspects: one is the relocation of local agricultural residents, to properly solve the employment problem of this part; two is to introduce a new type of industry, the revitalization of the local economy. We put forward the concept of industrial chain, aimed at forming a corridor related to the ecological corridor parallel industries.2.2, five landscapeThe principles of landscape planning Wenyuhe ecological area is with water as the axis, green body, people-oriented".4 expressways (Chengde, Beijing Road, airport expressway, airport first channel) the ecological corridor is divided into5 different styles of functional groups, respectively, formed Island Township, Bu, Lin, Tian 5 landscape features, they will assume the residence, commerce, recreation, sports and other farming, comprehensive functions, to people or poetry, or song, or painting, or a dream, or different psychological feelings.2.2.1 Island - wetland landscape (Poetry)Wenyu River Ecological corridor,From the west, East is the "island" (wetland landscape area), the main function for living, leisure and sightseeingagriculture. The water system forms a self - circulation system in this region. Living in about 1/4 of the area, to high-grade low density community based, around the community around the wetland water system. The farmland accounts for about 1/3 of the area, and the rest is open wetland tourism area.Wenyu river ecological corridor to the east of the river, fish ponds, dense pool existing constitute a unique natural wetland landscape. In order to prevent the negative impact of human economic activity for the ecological function of wetland ecological engineering, but useful for wetland restoration and reconstruction, applying active positive intervention for existence and natural succession of wetland, in order to give full play to the ecological value of wetland. Therefore, the scheme restored the existing natural wetlands in the eastern side of the ecological corridor, and constructed a large number of artificial wetlands to form wetland areas. The island's high standard residential sites are lined up with a continuous, branching wetland system. Here the growth of a plant rich wetland lotus, reed, there are all kinds of fish and birds, the formation of a "wild goose sound Lu Ye old aesthetics, Heron shadow flower cold".2.2.2 Township - rural landscape (song)Maquanying Road West Beijing Road, east part of "Xiang" (rural landscape area), the main function is to live and agriculture. This is a new type of residential and farmland interwoven living form, near the residential area is a large modern farm. In this area there are 3 concentrated residential groups, residential development is mainly low density and high standards ofcommunity, a large lake can be shared between them, the lake from the Wenyu River system. Low density residential areas are intertwined with large tracts of farmland, and fields can be large modern farms. The new residential development complements the existing village atmosphere and creates a new form of residence - township. People walk out of the house, stroll through the soothing fields, see the green wheat fields, and experience the leisurely life of the country. All this is like a rustic idyll.2.2.3 port - dock landscape (painting)Between Beijing Road and airport road at high speed, "bu" (dock landscape) area, with the function of commercial entertainment. The area retains a status of the villa area. Here, according to the "Wenyuhe water" and other records and qingmingshanghetu provide city life picture, planning to restore a waterfront town. The town is bounded by bridges across the river. This is the central area of the Wenyu river ecological corridor, but also the public activities in the most intensive areas. Inside the small town restaurant, restaurants, shops, restaurants and other buildings, and karaoke bars and other leisure entertainment. The town is very popular and lively, whether it is day or night. Here the construction scale is not big, layout form is flexible, naturally - although planning, but as if spontaneously formed, has its own internal order.A beautiful arch bridge across the river, like a rainbow lying wave, with the Qingming Riverside bridge with the same name "Hongqiao". People can see the crowd on the bridge on both sides of The stream never stops flowing., can also see the boats onthe water, enjoy the taste of flourishing downtown -- of course also imperceptibly become the scenery on the bridge.2.2.4 forest - woodland landscape (dream)Between the airport expressway and the first channel of the airport is the "forest" (woodland landscape) area, which is mainly residential and sightseeing. Here is the old bend of the river, the historical and cultural atmosphere is strong, there are good preserved old trees and trees, planning to repair it, forming a forest landscape. We slightly comb the old river system, forming more rivers, between the river and dense forest, planning residential buildings. Residential buildings here take the layout of the end of the road, residential and jungle blend, forming a fairy tale quiet and mysterious mood. The old bay planning public area, intersection of old cove and Wenyu River to form a larger park. People can play along the old river bend, in this coherent public space, in accordance with historical legends set different attractions, the historical legend and beautiful scenery as one.2.2.5 Tian -- pastoral landscape (love)To the west of the first channel of the airport is the "Tian" (rural landscape) area, with sightseeing, agriculture and sports and leisure functions as the main functions. This is the noise affected area of the airport, so it does not arrange the living community here, but retains the attributes of its farmland. At the same time, existing fish ponds and ponds are retained and expanded to form irrigation water areas. In addition, wetlands are formed at the westernmost end of theecological corridor, echoing the wetlands on the East side. There is an ecological farm equipped with modern farming tools, built on the site of the former village. In addition, here with the planning of sports leisure, along the Wenyu river opened the racecourse, fitness runway and other sports facilities.The feeling of this area is very wide.The scheme retains the status quo as a modern farm landscape area. The vertical horizontal road network show "Qianmo traffic" spectacular, modern mechanization of agricultural production will be used here. Reserve existing ponds, as crabs and other aquatic animal breeding areas, in the future will be held here "crab Festival" and other agricultural tourism projects. And on the basis of the original village built farms, buildings and sports facilities, the region into Beijing sightseeing agriculture and sports leisure demonstration field.2.3 Characteristic TownsWithin the scope of 65KM2's expansion, we have planned 4 towns with different functions and styles, with vast farmlands and green spaces between the towns. From the east to the West are high-tech industries, small towns, commercial and trade towns, domestic service towns, agricultural tourism town.2.3.1 hi tech industry townIn the Beijing Chengde expressway between and Laiguangying road is a high-tech industrial town, area of 2.33km2, which canaccommodate 18 thousand people. In this area, we will arrange high-tech industrial clusters and residential land. The environment in this region can continue the "island", that is, the environmental features of wetland landscape, and create a green ecological environment, so as to attract well-known high-tech enterprises at home and abroad settled in the park. In the middle of the town are sports and fitness facilities and Convention centers.2.3.2 commercial townIn between, West Road and Beijing Road, is a commercial trade town. The area is 3.34km2, which can hold 26 thousand people. This area is mainly commercial, trade and residential land. The whole town is Wenyuhe regional commercial and Trade Center, there are supermarkets, shopping malls, commercial streets, markets, hotels and other commercial buildings. It has a convenient connection with the port (Waterfront Business District).Commercial trade town is very easy to form a position through the "city - Wangjing - trade - port town (Waterfront Business District) - Airport commercial trade corridor, it is an important part of the industrial chain, but also Wenyuhe areas of commercial and trade center. The landscape style of the town is dominated by lively and popular commercial style.2.3.3 housekeeping service townIn the north east of the village shop long Wenyuhe Avenue South of town is home service. The area is 2.04km2, which can hold16 thousand people. This area is mainly residential and integrated community facilities for land use. There are international schools and hospitals in the town. There are various domestic service companies and landscaping units in the town, which can provide modern housekeeping services for the surrounding communities. At the same time, providenon-agricultural employment opportunities for relocated agricultural residents. Residential development in the town to multi-storey residential buildings mainly, relatively high density. The style of landscape architecture in the small town is integrated, and many styles can coexist under a unified tone.2.3.4 agriculture, tourism, townIn the east of the first channel of the airport, both sides of the road are planned to be agricultural and tourist towns. The area is 2.02km2, which can hold 16 thousand people. The main function of the town is to live, residential multi-storey buildings based, mainly for residents relocated. The architectural style has the traditional characteristic, in the town forms some has the ancient town amorous feelings small street, the town center is the commercial street. The residents here are mainly engaged in agricultural production and processing of handicrafts. Housing is generally pre - store and post - residence, and tourism trade is thriving.3 ecological environment3.1 water system planningSpecial emphasis for landscape planning and water treatment,in order to be based on the original Wenyu River system, and re opened up a new water temperature and parallel to the river. Landscape treatment of the original river bed, the formation of river bed Park, combined with people's sightseeing activities, as a landscape display area.The principles and practices of regional Wenyuhe water system planning:(1) retaining existing channels and embankments, leaving no lining for river courses, slopes and rivers.(2) open up new artificial wetland ecological corridor in the western region, in order to increase the capacity of flood storage, at the same time with the original natural wetland to form rich wetland landscape.(3) diverting water from the canal. In the local area, a new channel is excavated to warm the water of the elm River into each living group, or to form a lake surface at the node so as to increase people's water surface. At the same time, the new system can also increase the flood and climate effect.(4) reconstruction of drains. Status quo of Wenyuhe area drainage ditches are arranged in a crisscross pattern, village level of nearly 50, has great influence on the water system and landscape area. Based on the field investigation in combination with site planning, put forward new ideas on the drains, in maintaining the status quo of the drainage system to meet the requirements under the premise of flood control and drainage, appropriate transformation drains, make comprehensive floodcontrol, drainage, water purification, biological landscape, entertainment and other functions.3.2 green planning(1) try to preserve native vegetation on existing sites, and use indigenous species of Beijing as far as possible.(2) along the Wenyu River edge,Plan minimum width of 100m shelterbelt to form natural edge. Traffic shelterbelt in the forest belt is connected on both sides of highway and expressway, the formation of forest system, it formed a green wedge into the city, connecting the Wenyu River and the city green corridor.(3) along the Wenyu river flow direction, according to the actual situation of the land, forming the island, township, port, forest, fields 5 planting patterns. Such as "island" in the region to the wetland system as the foundation, aquatic and wetland plants layout of forest group; in rural areas formed the farmland forest belt and interspersed with each other form; form courtyard planting form in the port area.(4) according to the law of succession of organisms, the proportion of fast-growing trees and dominant trees should be rationally allocated. The formation of Shelterbelts offast-growing trees such as poplar, willow, Salix, Fraxinus, Ailanthus altissima, composed of Paulownia in the near future, in the long term to form dominant species such as ginkgo, locust, walnut, pine and other species as the main body, the stabilityof the ecological corridor.3.3 ecological planning(1) organic revetment. All the river banks and the bottom of the river are not made of hard lining.(2) the grass into the water to aquatic plants and willow, Metasequoiaglyptostroboides waterlogging tree revetment.(3) the city expressway across the region caused by fracture of ecological corridor, so the intersection of road and traffic planning in biological corridor ecological setting interchange, to ensure the accessibility of biological transport corridor.4 traffic organizationThe scheme adopts the bus priority strategy.Wenyuhe area currently has 2 rail transit planning system, the light rail line 3 and the suburban railway line 1 (capital airport line), public transport lines of the two large capacity is "V" shape through the Wenyu River area, constitute the central regional transportation system.In addition, Jing Cheng, Jing Jing, airport expressway, airport first channel and Beijing Expressway, 5 equal highways, closely link the region with the city proper. Between the 5 longitudinal road, and Wenyu River Road, landscape road, West Road, long road north 3 transverse village main road, the formation of "main road five vertical and three horizontal" system. The fast bussystem on these roads is based on the principle of rapid access to the district to increase the operational advantages of public transport.On both sides of the main road on both sides of Expressway and wide green belt arranged in the bicycle lanes, bicycle lanes with the city's cohesion, to facilitate the safety of city residents smoothly reach the Wenyu River Ecological corridor.Along the Wenyu River, Wenyu River Ecological Corridor internal drainage, continuous pedestrian system planning, pedestrian system with public transportation system has very good convergence, it can be very convenient to the area around the scenic spots.5 industry planningIn Wenyu River Ecological Corridor (Chaoyang section) "the social and industrial development planning, the future development of the ecological corridor making policy in general, and put forward the implementation of Wenyu River Ecological Corridor" rural city "and" ecological environment "and" modernization "and" internationalization of construction "four major construction projects target". Wenyu river ecological corridor planning industry to focus on solving two problems, namely, the overall relocation of residents of agricultural ecological corridor, also is the "rural city" problem; Wenyuhe area economic development, that is "the industrial modernization". In view of these two problems, we put forward the industrial strategy of "industrial integration", and plan a "industrial chain"".For the "rural city" problem, can adopt the "government organization, the operation of enterprises, combined with the housing reform, the old village relocation and the principle of project operation, its purpose is through the transformation of old villages and move and improve the living conditions of farmers, promote employment opportunities through the development of the new town real estate, promote the Wenyu River area economic development, improve people's living conditions. The concrete method is "land arrangement", which is an effective way to realize the dynamic balance of cultivated land total quantity, and the goal is to realize the sustainable utilization of land. For the "industrial modernization", should fully implement the Chaoyang District government's "opening" policy to attract a wide range of strong domestic and foreign well-known enterprise to enter the area of investment; broaden the field, opening up, guide foreign investment focus on ecological industry, high-tech industries, modern services, real industry, tourism industry, cultural tourism and leisure education of sports industry, urban industry and agriculture etc.."Industrial chain" will effectively integrate these modern agriculture, modern service industry, commercial trade and high-tech industries, forming a "integration" development trend.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------。

目录:§1 项目概况一、基地情况二、气候及土壤资料三、基地社会概况及分析四、规划要求五、市政管线§2 市场定位及产品建议一、市场定位二、项目产品建议§3 概念分析研究结论一、概念设计研究方案简述二、设计目标三、规划方面的结论§4 方案设计中需要解决的问题一、规划方面的问题二、技术方面的问题§5 设计成果文件要求§6 基础资料一.项目地块红线图(AUTOCAD电子文件)二.项目地块照片(电子文件)三.概念设计方案总图§1 项目概况一、基地情况1.用地地点本项目位于规划北五环与北六环之间、昌平小汤山镇土沟村,东接规划的京承高速公路,西侧为小汤山镇土沟村,南临温榆河。

北京妫河建筑创意园概念规划设计方案征集文件主办方:北京市延庆县人民政府北京市建筑设计研究院2009年6月前言第一部分应征须知1.项目概况 (1)2.征集单位 (1)3.应征人 (2)4.征集文件 (2)5.时间安排 (3)6.应征方案 (4)7.应征方案的审核和评审 (5)8.奖项设置、奖金及相关费用的说明 (6)9.保密协定 (7)10.其他条款 (8)第二部分设计任务书1.项目概述 (10)2.现状及规划设计条件 (10)3.项目定位 (13)4.项目功能及拟建内容 (14)5.设计目标 (18)6.设计要求 (18)7.成果提交 (22)8. 附件为贯彻落实《北京城市总体规划(2004-2020年)》,北京市委、市政府要求组织编制全市各新城规划。

Plan regulations
方案特点 Plan regulations
● 碧水 ● 绿廊 ● 休闲小镇
● "碧水"指由温榆河向区内引入水系,蜿蜒向南贯通整个区域。
尽量利用公共绿地(滨河绿带、沿路绿带和高压走廊)布置水系,不占 用地块内的土地面积,使区域内的每个地块都能够方便的接入这些水资源, 然后再灵活的加以利用。这样既方便一级土地开发商在操作中进行控制,又 使二级土地开发商兼具利用的可能性和可选择性。
● "休闲小镇"指沿裕园路形成的火沙路南侧的商业核心区休闲小镇
休闲小镇以创造最丰富最难忘的体验为设计原则,以水为主题,组织了一系 列与水相关的度假、休闲、娱乐设施。它吸取欧洲小镇的街区风格,营造亲切的 空间尺度及街区形象;它浓缩温榆河独有的文化特征,创造流动的水岸文化景观, 使人们体验到小镇浪漫休闲的艺术氛围。此外,休闲小镇的功能共享可以为本区 域带来整体价值的增值,同时它又能辐射周边地区,使本区域发展成为更广范围 内的区域中心。
休 闲 小 镇
Conceptual Planning
项目区位 Project Location
温榆河绿色生态走廊空港城西段 位于北京市区东北部,属于温榆河绿 色生态走廊规划的组成部分,占地 727公顷。本项目地处城市经济发展 重心位置,经济基础雄厚,交通十分 便利,距规划国际会展中心5公里可 至,距首都机场仅需1公里。
土地 配套
导出 导出 导出 支持

Abstract:The Wenyu River and its adjacent ecological area is to become the model project for 21st century urban ecological planning for the City. The 42 sq.km project aims to revitalize the Wenyu River Area as an ecological sensitive district. Whereby considerations for sound property development, recreation opportunities, and ecological restoration are well balanced, inducing the proper transformation of Wenyu river Ecological Area into a truly world-class ecological lifestyle community, reconnecting the legacy of the role of the Mother River with the city and its people.内容:未来温榆河的荣枯,将取决于对其整体生态环境的保育与治理的态度,而科学的方法与态度更是不可或缺的构筑与诊疗手段。


新型生态格局引导下的温榆河公园(一期)概念性规划设计谭喆; 刘环【期刊名称】《《城市住宅》》【年(卷),期】2019(026)009【总页数】6页(P59-64)【关键词】城市公园; 新型生态格局; 景观规划; 多功能复合湿地【作者】谭喆; 刘环【作者单位】中国建筑设计研究院有限公司景观生态环境建设研究院【正文语种】中文1 建设背景温榆河公园(一期)位于北京市东北郊,跨顺义、昌平、朝阳3区(见图1),是北京第2道绿化隔离地区的重要组成部分。
2 区域视角下的规划定位温榆河公园(一期)概念性规划阶段将研究范围扩大至223.6km2,周边有未来科学城、天通苑组团、空港经济区、文化创意片区等用地,形成以郊野游憩、科技创新、国际交流、市民休闲、文化创意为主的城市功能板块包裹中心公园的结构。
图1 温榆河公园区位分析图2 温榆河公园(一期)概念性规划鸟瞰效果规划以“绿心、绿环、绿廊”的结构串联区域公共空间,形成绿色、共享的开放空间体系(见图3),完善公园配套服务设施,服务于城市组团。

目录第一章编制依据 (3)第二章编制原则、目的、适用范围 (3)2.1编制原则 (3)2.2编制目的 (3)2.3冬季施工适用工程范围 (3)第三章工程概况 (3)3.1工程简介 (3)3.2承包范围 (3)3.3成立冬期施工领导小组 (4)3.4冬季施工劳动力需求计划表3.4-1 (4)3.5冬季施工主要施工机械设备用量计划表3.5-1 (4)3.6冬季施工主要冬季施工材料配置计划表3.6-1 (4)第四章冬季施工特点和一般规定 (5)4.1冬季施工特点 (5)4.2冬施规定 (5)4.3气温特点 (5)第五章冬季施工技术措施 (5)5.1冬施准备工作 (5)5.2冬季施工技术措施 (6)第六章冬季施工重点部位技术措施 (10)6.1冬季桥梁砼结构的施工 (10)6.2管道及桥梁下部结构冬季施工 (12)第七章冬季施工质量保证措施及保证体系 (12)第八章冬季施工现场安全措施及保证体系 (13)第九章文明施工措施 (19)第十章现场环保措施 (20)第十一章冬季施工应急预案 (20)11.1编制目的及适用范围 (20)11.2应急准备及响应的相关内容及对环境、职业健康安全的影响 (21)11.3应急准备及响应组织机构 (21)11.4应急器材的配备 (21)11.5紧急联络电话及联络员 (21)11.6火灾、爆炸应急措施 (22)11.7化学危险品、油品泄漏应急措施 (24)11.8高空坠落伤害应急(救急)措施: (25)11.9触电应急(急救)措施 (25)11.10职业病危害事故应急措施: (26)11.11环境污染应急措施 (27)11.12项目年度及重大节日活动的应急准备和保卫方案 (27)11.13上报 (27)11.17定期检查 (28)第一章编制依据北京市市政工程设计研究总院提供的温榆河大道(机场南线~朝阳北路)道路工程5#标段施工设计图纸。
现行有关技术规范、标准及图集第二章编制原则、目的、适用范围2.1 编制原则施工组织设计能保证施工质量的要求。

适用文档温榆河综合治理工程施工第 3 标段土方开挖及填筑方案编制单位:中电建建筑企业有限企业通州区温榆河综合治理工程项目经理部编制人:审查人:日期:年月日土方开挖方案 . ...............................................错误!不决义书签。
一、工程概略:. (3)二、编制依照 . (4)三、施工特征 . (4)四、植被清理、垃圾清运 . (5)1.植被清理 . (5)2.垃圾清运 . (5)五、土方开挖 . (5)1.河流开挖的设计要求 . (6)2.边坡的开挖 . (6)3.建筑物基础的开挖 . (7)4.开挖前准备工作 . (7)5.开挖要求 . (8)六、土方填筑 . (9)1、料源复核 . (9)2、现场生产性试验 . (9)3、填筑料的装运 . (14)七、谨防填筑 . (15)1、岸堤基础办理 . (15)2、填筑一般要求 . (15)3、填筑施工 . (15)八、建筑物周边回填 . (17)九、质量检查和查收 . (18)1、填筑前的质量检查和查收 . (18)2、施工期的质量检查和查收 . (19)土方开挖及填筑方案一、工程概略:温榆河属于海河流域北运河水系,北运河水系以通州区北关闸为界,北关闸以上成为温榆河,北关闸以下称为北运河。
北运河河流干流长,总流域面积 6051k ㎡。
北京市界内主河长,流域面积 4250k ㎡,占总面积 70%。
温榆河通州境内河流长,流域面积 25.5k ㎡,是通州与旭日的界限河。
北运河干流段河流治理标准为50 年一遇,通州新城的防洪标准为 100 年一遇,新建宋庄蓄滞洪带,蓄滞超出50 年一遇的洪水,使通州城市副中心段温榆河可达到100 年一遇防洪标准。
本工程治理起点为温榆河干流通州界,终点为新北关闸拦河闸,治理段河流总长度约,此中主河流长度为,因为温榆河新建尹各庄拦河闸段(桩号 7+367-8+067)已归入宋庄蓄滞洪区二期工程,故主河流治长度为;支沟治理范围为尾端新北关闸分洪闸至通畅道,治理长度为。

名目:§1 项目概况一、基地情形二、气候及土壤资料三、基地社会概况及分析四、规划要求五、市政管线§2 市场定位及产品建议一、市场定位二、项目产品建议§3 概念分析研究结论一、概念设计研究方案简述二、设计目标三、规划方面的结论§4 方案设计中需要解决的咨询题一、规划方面的咨询题二、技术方面的咨询题§5 设计成果文件要求§6 基础资料一.项目地块红线图(AUTOCAD电子文件)二.项目地块照片(电子文件)三.概念设计方案总图§1 项目概况一、基地情形1.用地地点本项目位于规划北五环与北六环之间、昌平小汤山镇土沟村,东接规划的京承高速公路,西侧为小汤山镇土沟村,南临温榆河。
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目录:§1 项目概况一、基地情况二、气候及土壤资料三、基地社会概况及分析四、规划要求五、市政管线§2 市场定位及产品建议一、市场定位二、项目产品建议§3 概念分析研究结论一、概念设计研究方案简述二、设计目标三、规划方面的结论§4 方案设计中需要解决的问题一、规划方面的问题二、技术方面的问题§5 设计成果文件要求§6 基础资料一.项目地块红线图(AUTOCAD电子文件)二.项目地块照片(电子文件)三.概念设计方案总图§1 项目概况一、基地情况1.用地地点本项目位于规划北五环与北六环之间、昌平小汤山镇土沟村,东接规划的京承高速公路,西侧为小汤山镇土沟村,南临温榆河。
但是温榆河是地上河,受高差影响,有临河无水景的缺点4. 用地面积规划用地143.9公顷;建设用地约100.14公顷;5. 基地简况本项目基地形状为“L”型,基地内的规划“丁”字形市政道路,将整个基地划分为B区(位于用地东南部)、C区(位于用地西南部)、D区(位于用地北部)三块,及位于用地东南角的A区。
6. 地理概况周边自然资源十分丰厚,区内现状地貌为农田与耕地,缺乏可保留的自然植被,小区内以人工造景为主,毗邻温榆河水系,外围拥有大面积原生植被、大量成树,外环境较为有利。
原有地貌平缓,落差约2米,为温榆河北岸一片农田,适合植物生长三.基地社会概况及分析3.1 目前目前基地所在区域生活配套设施缺乏,周围2公里范围内没有商场、超市,但离高速公路不远,便利的交通条件可有限弥补。
3.2 基地位于规划温榆河绿色生态走廊,为将来的旅游、休闲、度假区,成为北京的旅游休闲景观带。
4. 1容积率: 0.44. 2限高:A、B地块限高 12 米C、D地块限高 9 米五市政管线6. 1给水:远期供水昌平区自来水管网供给,近期由独立自备井供给绿化用水、道路用水及建造厕所用水由中水供给6. 2雨水:经调蓄后排入温榆河6. 3污水:采用分散的小型处理装置为中水6. 4供热:采用地热、电力或空气源热朋泵机组等清洁能源供热6. 5供电:引自北七家110千伏变电站6. 6燃气:采用天然气,引自北七家调压站6. 7垃圾处理:垃圾分类收集,无害化处理6. 8温泉:自打温泉井两口,日出水量800吨。
§2.市场定位和产品建议一.市场定位1.项目总体定位1. 1项目市场定位1.1.1市场形象定位全功能休闲生活特区/原生态别墅公园/中坚领袖的梦想家园◆全功能休闲概念——商务休闲,居住休闲,运动休闲,景观休闲,旅游休闲;◆原生态别墅公园——别墅是稀缺的,也是珍贵的,别墅生活是一种高品质生活,是成功人士的生活模式,高格调定位有利于烘托气氛,使人们期望值攀高,为低价入市制造驱动力,公园生活主要指环境,以建筑生长在公园里为意象来营造一个公园社区;◆中坚阶层多元化的价值趋向,希望有相应宽容写意的生活模式可选,体现多元化主题。
1. 2项目竞争优势◆良好的自然景观创造的地段优势◆便捷的直入交通创造的地段优势◆温榆河生态走廊规划创造的地段优势◆丰富的地热资源◆高速公路服务区的优势1. 3项目目标市场以北京广大的市场中产阶级为主,以新兴财富阶层为辅1. 4目标客户构成及特征2.项目产品建议2. 2产品的户型配比建议2. 3公建配套2.3.1停车位◆联排别墅、双拼别墅:庭院停车,每户一辆◆独立别墅:室内停车,每户一辆,预留庭院停车◆顶级别墅:室内停车,每户两辆2.3.2商业◆总建筑面积:约12,000平方米;其中集中商业 10000平方米,分散商业2000平方米◆集中商业占地10000平方米,结合高速公路服务区及度假酒店统一设计,可以借助服务区及酒店形成较好的商业气氛◆商业布局以带状集中式布局为佳2.3.3学校◆学校为九年一贯制学校,规划18班,小学12班,中学6班◆占地面积26000平方米,建筑面积13000平方米◆预留相应的停车位,标准位5个/班◆考虑住宿走读结合◆学校的规划要考虑分期发展的可能性,为下一步学校的扩大留有余地2.3.4幼儿园◆幼儿园占地面积6000平方米,建筑面积2000平方米◆预留发展用地2.3.5酒店◆五星级度假酒店◆酒店主题:酒店以温泉为主题,衍生出健康、休闲、渡假、会议功能;主要为会议、渡假客流服务,同时兼顾本项目住宅区内住户的需要◆规划建设于规划用地的A区◆客房总数约300间,总建筑面积32000平方米◆占地面积约41000平方米2. 4销售卖场安排◆销售展示包括商业中心、会所、样板组团◆销售展示区应接近酒店和高速公路服务区◆样板组团采用现楼方式,位置接近主入口及温榆河畔休闲运动公园§3.概念分析研究结论一.概念设计研究方案简评应附文:简要分析各方案的优势、劣势;如有意向方案,应陈述选择意向方案的理由及深化调整方向。
二.设计目标2. 1规划目标◆有效的利用温榆河畔的位置◆创造令人舒适的空间视觉◆引导高尚的生活素质◆明确分期开发战略◆高效的土地利用◆宁静、安全的生活环境◆合理、高效的人车交通系统2. 2景观目标◆河畔休闲运动新天地◆中央公园亲水景观绿轴◆溪水乡村环境◆山水人居意境◆人性化、标志化社区出入口◆绿色景观大道◆亲人尺度的组团内景观2. 3建筑目标◆创造一个原生态的独立house社区◆独特的建筑形态和风格◆建筑风格在和谐统一的基础上满足多元化、个性化的需求◆创造一个高满足度的居住空间三.规划方面的结论3.1 用地布局根据基地价值分析,高价值区域布置高附加值产品,功能分区与产品类型分布见附图:功能分区与产品类型分布图3.2道路交通4.2.1 主入口位置✧车行主入口设于基地东、西、南侧✧人行主入口设于基地东侧,结合商业布局综合考虑4.2.2人车关系✧小区整体人车合流✧中心景观人车分流✧HOUSE组团人车共存✧TOWNHOUSE组团人车分隔3.3 首期销售卖场✧一期占地约150亩✧销售卖场包括商业中心展示区、会所展示区、样板组团展示区、河畔休闲运动公园展示区✧商业中心展示区,销售厅设置于此,建筑面积3000平方米,占地面积4000平方米,为线状商业✧会所展示区建筑面积1500平方米,占地2500平方米✧样板组团展示区:a.Townhouse展示区,建筑面积2600平方米,占地面积4000平方米;b. House展示区,建筑面积2300平方米,占地面积4000平方米✧河畔休闲运动公园,占地面积30000平方米3.4 组团管理模式✧小区为整体开放社区✧组团封闭管理✧HOUSE组团大小约70~100户✧TOWNHOUSE组团大小约100~150户§4.方案设计需要解决的问题一.规划方面的问题1.1 用地布局(1) 依据功能分区与产品类型分布结论,进行布局设计(2) 依据主要公共空间的功能和特点的描述进行空间设计1.2 道路交通(1)满足人车关系要求与停车要求(2)满足消防要求(3)进行用地路网设计、道路分级模式设计、道路断面设计1.3 销售卖场(1)销售卖场销售氛围的营造(2)根据销售卖场形态、功能、面积与大体位置要求深化设计1.4 组团与管理(1) 依据组团规模确定组团基本单元,进行组团设计(2) 根据物业管理模式进行组团管理设计:组团围墙范围、入口设置、门卫数量、人车管理等1.5 环境景观(1)景观设计具备明确的主题(2)景观结构设计:景观轴线与景观重点的考虑,集中绿地与组团绿地的关系,步行景观路线的组织(3)景观的功能明确,景观提供停留的功能、景观提供观赏的功能;同时注重景观对人的行为的影响与景观的参与性(5)现状景观的利用方式(6)当地形出现高差时,应进行景观视线的竖向分析1.6 酒店的总图布置1.7 商业中心(1)商业中心的总图布置(2)商业气氛的营造和聚集1.8 学校、幼儿园总图布置二.技术方面的问题2.1 技术配套设施形态与位置设计:煤气调压站、变电站、垃圾中转站、水泵房、采暖用房、物业管理用房、空调机房、通风机房、污水处理设备等2.2 新技术新材料:要求在新技术新材料应用方面提供建议、技术和成本的参考数据等§5.设计成果文件要求一.. 彩色规划总平面图一份,比例1:500二.总体模型一个,比例1:1000,能够反映规划构思及地形特征三. 规划方案设计文本四本,规格为A3幅面,内容至少包括:3.1 设计说明,表达规划设计构想,设计意向及各种专业说明(详见附录一);3.2 规划总平面图;3.3 交通分析图(道路与停车场);3.4 规划结构分析图;3.5 景观分析图;3.6 视线分析图;3.7 住宅选型设计,要求小区内主要户型(不少于三种)的两种支持平面、立面、剖面,包括立面材料与说明。