商务英语函电 第一、二章 练习答案

5、沿袭用祖辈或父辈名,在名后缀以“小”--“Jr.”--junior 或罗马数字:Ⅰ、 Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ…以示区别。
例如: 肯尼迪总统之子:小约翰 ·肯尼迪 英国女王:伊丽莎白二世 John F. Kennedy Jr. Elizabeth II
5、传统西方女性婚后随夫姓,一般是自己的名加丈夫的姓. 例如: 安娜· 乔伊斯 Anna Joyce 与马丁· 亨特 Martin Hunt 先生结婚,婚后女 方姓名变为安娜· 亨特 Anna Hunt 。
1)Your comments(评语) on our products or any information on your market demand will be really appreciated .
2)We are looking forward to your specific(明确 的) inquiries .
1)We are leading company with many years’ experience in machinery export business.
2)We enjoy a good reputation(名誉) internationally in the circle of textile(纺织品).

The Writing Practice(needs to be printed)I.Choose the best Opening or Closing.1.a. This is to enquire at what address can we reach you.b. P1ease tell us your address.c. We should be pleased if you would let us know your address.2.a. We are writing to answer your questions.b. We sent to you this morning Our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of yesterday.c. We beg to state that your letter of October 2 has been given careful consideration.3.a. We received your 1etter Of May 5. Here is a copy of our price list you asked for.b. Here is our price list you asked for in your letter of May 5.c. We enclose herewith a copy of our price list for which you asked.4.a. We write in answer to your favour of February 10.b. We are plcased to say that we can accept your conditions in your letter of February 10.c. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of February l0 and wish to comment on your condit1ons.5.a. You will soon hear from this headoffice which has wide connections with 1arge groups of the wold, that your application for the job of a sales representative is being considered.b. We are pleased to tell you that your application for the position of a sales representative is accepted.c. We write with pleasure to inform you that we have considered your application favorabIy.6.a. Thanking you once again, we remainb. We wil1 consider your suggestions favourably.c. Assuring you of our favourable consideration, we remain7.a. Please be assured of our best attention.b. Thank you again.c. Once again, may we express our appreciation to you.8.a. Finally, may we thank you once again for your cooperation.b. Thank you again for your cooperation.c. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kind cooperation.9.a. Hoping to be able to keep in touch with your goodselves for the years to come, we remainb. We hope to have frequent contacts with you.c. Hoping to be in frequent contact with you and assuring you of our best attention.10.a. We have p1easure in acknowledging receipt of your letter dated May. 5.b. We are sending a copy of the maintenance manua1 you asked for in your letter of May 5. -c. We enclose a copy of our E-- 30 Air condition maintenance manua1 which you asked for in your letter of May 5.II.Choose the best diction expression:1. We are making you the following offer, subject _____ acceptance _____ us before April 20. A.to … reachB.with … reachingC.to … reachingD.with … Arrive2. We trust that you will find our goods _____.A.attractingB.to be attractiveC.attract your attentionD.attractive3. We look forward to _____ from you.A.hearB.hearingC.be heardD.hears4. Your letter has _____ our careful attention.A.beenB.been inC.receivedD.been received5. Please _____ our Head Office directly.A.contact withB.reachC.contact forD.contact6. We anticipate _____ the goods next week.A.shipB.to shipC.shippingD.shipped7. Mr. Ying could agree _____ D/P terms.A.withB.toC.thatD.From8. We request you to _____ that an L/C is opened by cable whenever an order is placed with us. A.see to itB.see itC.seeD.see for9. With _____ to Contract No. 1239, we agree to D/P payment _____.A.regards, termB.regard, termsC.regarding, termsD.regard, term10. We have not received the goods _____ our Contract No. 234.A.inB.underC.withD.To11. Since we have only 5 tons of green tea _____ stock, we can only make you this offer subject to _____ sale.A.from, priorB.in, beforeC.in, priorD.from, above12. We shall open the L/C _____ the bank of Boston.A.inB.throughC.forD.At13. It is requested that shipment _____ before the end of this month.A.be effectedB.is effectedC.should effectD.EffectsIII.Tick off the best choice for each of the following sentences by focusing on price terms.1. The term CIF should be followed by( )A.port of shipment B.port of originC.port of destination D.port of loading2.The commercial invoice is the most important( )A.arrangement B.certificationC.permit D.document3.Any information you may give us will be treated strictly( )A.secret B.for secretC.confident D.in confidence4.Considering the long-standing business relations between us,we accept( ) by D/P. A.inquiries B.invitationsC.installment D.payment5. The goods have all been dispatched and the shipping documents for the( )with us.A.arrangement B.consignmentC.amendment D.requirement6. As a special attraction to the customers, we are offering a free dryer for every( )exceeding USDl,000.A.order B.intentionC.instruction D.InstrumentIV.Identify the diction problems of the following sentences and then revise to improve. 1.Because your earlier complaint I inspected the goods personally.2.Regarding insurance, the premium is for ll0%of the invoice cost.3.We are looking forward to the arrival of the changed electronic toys.4.Neither the manager or the employee knows the answer to the question.5.Our company provides better after-sales service than all others in our province.6.The seller must effect at the 110%of the invoice price against the PIC of China.7. The price of the garments is so low,so that we can only gain a little margin profit.8.The date of dispatch would be postponed,since the late arrival of your letter of credit. 9.We believe from market analysis and strategy plans we will win better position in the market.10.Our company is lack communication skills to convince our clients to pay for theirgoods money.V.Identify the diction problems of the following letter and then revise to improve.Dear Sir,May we have the catalogue and price list concerning your products?Our company is going to buy machines which,if I am right,you have mentioned that your company supply.We would appreciate more detailed information to promote thedecision.It would be very much appreciated if you could mail as prior to April 7th,becausewe are in urgent need of the machines.Your kindly offer will surely push forward the good business relationship we have established long before.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.Yours truly,VI.Revise and Improve.We are importers of mailing machinery. We learnt from a friend that your new model RO--IO Mail Sorter is much more efficient. Your price remains the same.Right now, the post offices of this country is undergoing a technical reform. There is a demand for the machine.We wish to place a trial order for two sets only. lf your conditions are suitable, large orders will follow.Please confirm the sale. Please deliver soon.Please let us know your terms.Please reply quickly.VII.Rewrite to combine the following groups of short sentences into two sentences each.1. Fill in the enclosed order form. It takes only a moment. There is no need for a postage stamp. Never mind if you are not satisfied when you receive the purchase. You can return it to us. If it is within 15 days we wil1 refund your money. We will do so promptly.2. We hope you will place an order with us. You should order on the above mention terms. We feel sure you will be satisfied with this initial order. We ensure that you have full information on the wide range of fabrics we can offer. We will arrange for Mr. Cook to call on you. He will do so if you will. complete and return the enclosed order card. You can note on the card when it would be convenient.VIII.Paragraph the following passage.We regret to report that a consignment of silk piece goods under Order No.567 has not been delivered. The piece goods were collected by your carrier on October 4 for consignment by passenger train and should have been delivered by October 23.We hold your carrier's receipt No.567. As our customer is now urgently needing the goods, we must ask you to make enquires and let us know the cause of delay and when delivery will be made. Please treat the matter as one of extreme urgency.IX.Rearrange the following paragraph to achieve coherence, adding transitional words, if necessary.We regret to say that the rugs supplied to Order 456 have not yet reached us. You informed us on August 5 that the rugs had been despatched. You promised immediate delivery to ourcustomer. We expected them a week ago. Our customer naturally feel that we have let them down.X.Rearrange the sentences for clarity.We are glad to say that we have found a ship which we think wi1l serve you very well. The ship is now at Antwerp and can be ready to load at four or five days definite notice. We thank you for your enquiry of May 9. The ship is m. v. Camilia with a cargo capacity of about 5000 registered tons. And for a charter of l2 months the owners are prepared to consider a special rate. We wil1 prepare the charter party and send it to you as soon as we receive your cable confirmation.XI.Revise the passages to make them sound more natural.1. In re your letter of November 9, in connection with our order No. A2, we are enclosing herewith as per your demand, a certificate to the effect that the quantity delivered is less than ordered.2. We are of the opinion that we should explore every possible avenue of approach to the production problem at our plant and should touch all bases with top rnanagement before we arrive at a decision. Your plan for retooling may be worth its weight in gold, but if installation cost get too high. We may be unable to bear. Nevertheless, if you can demonstrate to my satisfaction that your plan wi1l work, I'll back it up.XII.P lease translate Chinese into English:1.货物于1998年7月间由上海海运至汉堡并允许分批装运和转运。
《 国际商务函电 》期末考试试卷附答案

《国际商务函电》期末考试试卷附答案Part Ⅰ 单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题4分,共60分)1. We have ____ a provisional agreement on technical cooperation.A. been interesting inB. entered intoC. interested inD. entering into2. We wish to offer you the new “Rose” paint we have ____ to the trade.A. givenB. recommendedC. introducedD. reported3. The purpose of a sales letter is to ____the prospective customer’s interest.A. encourageB. arouseC. attractD. secure4. We think much regret that we fail to complete the work ____the agreed contract time.A. forB. byC. toD. towards5. For ____ commodities as oil, sand and timber, rail transportation is cheaper than road transportation.A. unpackedB. large quantities ofC. unpackagedD. bulk6. Our _________ of sales are as shown.A. terms and conditionsB. termination and conditioningC. term and conditionD. terminations and conditionings7. We confirm ____ your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2009.A. have receivedB. having receivedC. had receivingD. having receiving8. A letter of credit would __ the cost of our imports.A. reduceB. raiseC. growD. drop9. Your terms are _____, so both of us are _____.A. satisfying, satisfyingB. satisfied, satisfiedC. satisfactory, satisfiedD. satisfied, satisfying10. Our client has agreed to _____shipment date of their L/C to August 30.A. enlargeB. expandC. expectD. extend11. Your terms are______, so both of us are ______.A satisfying, satisfyingB satisfied, satisfiedC satisfactory, satisfiedD satisfied, satisfying12. Our offer can only remain ______for three days.A. openedB. non-firmC. invalidD. valid13. We can hardly ______an agreement with you since your quotation is ______ to us.A. reach, acceptedB. reach, unacceptableC. arrive, acceptingD. arrive, acceptable14. The machines were shipped two weeks ago and ______you by now.A. should have reachedB. have reachedC. should reachD. shall reach15. We suggested that you ______ the matter and let us know your final decision.A. reconsidersB. reconsiderC. reconsideredD. reconsideringPart Ⅰ 商务术语考查(本大题共2题,共30分)Task 1缩率语写全称(每题2分,共10分)1. Corp. ______________________2. Encls _______________________3. sight L/C ______________________4. kg. ____________________5. FCL __________________Task 2将下列短语其与对应的汉语意思进行搭配。

《函电》综合测试题(1)一.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. We _____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of Electric MotorsA. findB. believeC. thinkD. trust2. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue.A. sentB. enclosedC. givenD. presented3. This price is ____ of your 5% commission.A. includesB. coveringC. inclusiveD. including4. We will do our best to _____ shipment to meet your requirements in timeA. complyB. makeC. expediteD. arrange5. We _____ you of our readiness to serve you in this end all future businessA. ensureB. assureC. make sureD. see to6. It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we____ you this accommodation.A. extendB. extantC. increaseD. promote7.Your L/C for £2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has____.A、be arrivingB、been arrivingC、arrivedD、thanked8.Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____.A、appreciatingB、appreciatedC、thankingD、thanked9.We acknowledgment receipt of your letter dated 26th September_____ connection ______ the above subject.A. for, wit B、for, toC、in, withD、in, to10.We regret ______ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city.A、to beB、beingC、to have beenD、been11. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This wasapparently attributable to _____ packing. B. superiorC. faultyD. mistake12. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.A. settleB. to settleC. settlingD. settled13. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship andbusiness. B. promoteC. expandD. extend14. We cannot entertain your suggestion _____ it does not seem workable.A. becauseB. forC. soD. thereforeyour information, we have received a crowd of enquiries from buyers in otherdirections.A. OnB. ForC. ByD. At16. We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _____ duplicate.A. inB. forC. withD. through17. We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Brand Men'sShirts.A. ofB. atC. toD. foryou like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.A. In caseB. In the caseC. In this caseD. In that case19. Generally we cover insurance _____ definite instructions from our clients.A. in absence ofB. in the absence ofC. in no absence ofD. in all absence of20. We lodge a claim _____ you _____the short--weight.A. with…withB. for…forC. with…forD. for …with二、Fill in the following blanks with appropriate words(每空1分,共25分)1. Can you offer us machine tools _____ the following specification?2. To trade _____ the people of all countries _____ the basis of equality and mutualbenefit is our established policy.3. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are _____ exact accordance _____the terms of the Sales Contract.4. We shall certainly contact you, as soon as we are _____ a position to entertain newbusiness in your district.5. We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested _____ walnutmeat.6. Owing _____ unusual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goodsbeing unsold.7. There is always a ready market _____ Sewing Machines, provided they are _____good quality and competitive in price.8. We shall cancel the contract if you fail to open the relative L/C _____ the end ofthis year.9. We shall open an L/C _____ you favor _____ Barclay's Bank here _____ the extentof 15000.10. It is necessary _____ you to comply with our shipping instructions.11. We refer _____ you letter of May 2.12. It is our sincere hope that you will direct your efforts _____ the promotion of thisnew product in your market _____ our mutual benefit.13. We shall be glad to receive you offer _____ walnut meat, shipment,_____ September/October _____ transshipment at Hongkong.14. We prefer Chinese bicycles _____ Japanese bicycles _____ their fine quality.15. Will you send us _____ return mail pamphlets and price list _____ your exports?三、Translate the following into Chinese: (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. We regret that your counter-offer is not in keeping with the prevailing market.2. Samples and quotations will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.3. With regard to our order for 600 sets “Butterfly”Brand sewing Machines,Wehave already received your Sales Contract .4. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offerhas lapsed.5. We confirm having cabled you an offer of 30 metric tons Walnutmeat at RMB21,860 yuan per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment.6. We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is nopossibility of L/C extension.7. We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export.8. Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs,net andwhether you can ship our order from stock.9. Since the premium varies with the scope of insurance, extra premium is for buyer'saccount, should additional risks be covered.10. We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Vancouver within 30days after receipt of you L/C.四、Ⅳ.Translate the following into English: (本大题5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1. 按照你方要求,兹另邮寄中国棉布的样本二份2. 如果贵方愿意降价2%,我们可以成交。

Exam on International Business EnglishName: Score:Part I. Filling the blanks with following preposition(in, with, on, under, regarding, by, with, for, out of, against)1. Goods ____ Contract No. 112 were dispatched yesterday. (under/against)2. We are writing to inform you that your L/C No.1234 opened______ Standard Chartered Bank should be amended reading. (through/with)3. We have written to you ___ two occasions in the last two months ___ the establishment of the relevant L/C. (on, regarding/concerning)4. ___ examination of the credit, we find transshipment and partial shipments are not allowed. (On)5. If you are able to reduce the price ______ 5%, we shall place an order_____ you. (by, with)6. There is a heavy demand _____ bicycles now and we are running ___ ___ stock. (for, out of)7. Please insure ___ us ___ USD 10,000 ____ 100 cases of leather shoes ___ All Risks. (for, for, on, against)8. If goods are sold ___ CIF basis, we insure goods against All Risks ___ 110% of the invoice value. (on, for)9. You can file a claim against the loss or damage of the goods with the insurance agent___ your end. (at)10. We are glad to inform you that we have opened an irrevocable L/C No. 465 ____ your favor _____ US $ 4,000 ____ Barclays Bank plc, London, valid until 3 December. (in, for, with/through)Part II. Filling the Blanks with the Following Words(valid, indicated, expedite, entertain, draw, quotation, extend, subject, respectively, make)1. We are sending you our Enquiry and wish to receive your ___. ( quotation)2. Our offer is _______ for 10 days, _____ ____ your replay reaching us before April 20. (valid, subject to)3. We are unable to reduce the price to the level you ___. (indicated)4. While we appreciate your intention to do business with us, we regret that we cannot ________ any fresh orders. (entertain)5. The L/C authorizes you to ____ at sight on the Bank after shipment is made. (draw)6. Please ____ shipment and validity of the L/C to July and August 20 ____ with the amendment reaching us by June. (extend, respectively)7. The time of shipment is approaching. Please _____ the L/C as soon as you can. (expedite)8. We have received your L/C No.336 covering our Sales Confirmation No. 4789. We find that the price terms CIF have been mistakenly indicated as CFR. Please refer to the said contract and _______ the amendment accordingly. (make)Part III. Translate the sentences into English1. We have a lot of commitments on hand, and we are very sorry we cannot accept your order of immediate delivery.我们手头有很多工作,很遗憾不能接受你们立即装运的要求。

1、We have ()a provisional agreement on technical cooperation.entered into2、If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot()charge .free of3、Although ()not particularly high, good prices are obtained.sales is4、Payment is to be made on a six-month , with the first payment to be effected fifteen days prior to the date of shipment.basis5、The terms and conditions are (), so both of us are ().satisfactory, satisfied6、The first shipment proves (), we shall place a repeat order.to be satisfactory7、Your terms are _____, so both of us are _____.()satisfactory, satisfied8、We ()received the letter of credit when your letter arrived.had already9、As the goods ( ) within the scope of our business activities, please contact us immediately.fall10、____you fulfill the terms of the L/C we will accept the drafts drawn under this credit.()Provided11、A letter of credit would __ the cost of our imports.()raise12、When the export arranges shipment through a forwarding agent, the agent()the whole transaction.handles13、Our()of sales are as shown.terms and conditions14、To open a letter of credit, we need to put a ()in the bank.charge15、The quality is found inferior ()that of the sample.to16、()you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it. Now that17、We suggested that you ()the matter and let us know your final decision.reconsider18、With computer users linked to the Internet growing ()every year, business is trying to cash in on the world-wide network.by millions19、Your statement has been checked and found correct and we have instructed our Bank to make remittance().accordingly20、We can hardly ()an agreement with you since your quotation is ()to us.reach;unacceptable21、As we are in urgent need of the goods, please ()the goods ASAP.ship23、Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be ().covered24、The above offer can only remain ()for a week.valid25、For ____ commodities as oil, sand and timber, rail transportation is cheaper than road transportation. ()bulk。

《商务英语函电》课程复习资料一、Translate the following into English1.商品合同2.进口许可证3.主动报盘4.货物描述5.中国出口商品交易会6.财务状况7.有插图的目录本8.用包裹邮寄9.商务函电10.市场份额二、Translate the following into Chinese1the lowest quotation2initial order3Business Houses of the Same Trade4shipping documents5individual income tax6an incorporated company7dispatch date8without engagement9trade negotiation10registered airmail三、Complete the following sentences.1.We are one of the leading firms in the country and ___________________________________________________________(在该行业经验丰富).2.We ___________________________________________________________(承蒙中国银行告知贵公司名称和地址)at your end.3.We are sending you under separate cover _____________________________________________________________________(我方出口产品的最新目录和价目表).4.We enclose herewith ____________________________________________________(一本介绍本公司业务声望和概况的小册子).5.We can supply _______________________________________________________(你方询价单上所列的商品,8月份交货).四、Put the following sentences into Chinese.1.As the goods enjoy little popularity here, we cannot count on regular sales.2.We will be grateful if you send us an early favorable reply to our new arrangement.3.We are enclosing our Sales Contract No. 7011 in duplicate, please countersign and return onecopy for our file soon.4.Please advise us of full details of the trial order.5.We will manage to make shipment on or before March 6, 2006.五、Write an English business letter of about 80 words, using the hints given below. Key words: e-mail, be informed, a washing machine, leave us with a narrow profit margin, moreover, however, keep our friendly cooperation, commission, valid执事先生:很高兴收到你方7月2日的电子邮件。

英语函电试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common way to start a business letter in English?A) Dear Sir or MadamB) Hello everyoneC) GreetingsD) To whom it may concern2. Which of the following is NOT a part of a business letter?A) DateB) SalutationC) BodyD) Signature3. In a business letter, what should you do when you want to express gratitude?A) Use "Thank you very much."B) Use "I am grateful."C) Both A and B are correct.D) None of the above.4. How should you address a letter if you do not know the recipient's name?A) Dear Sir or MadamB) To Whom It May ConcernC) Dear Hiring ManagerD) Hello5. What is the purpose of a closing remark in a business letter?A) To express a desire for a replyB) To summarize the letterC) To provide contact informationD) To express a farewell二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)6. When writing a business letter, it is important to maintain a ________ tone.7. The ________ of a business letter should be clear and concise.8. In a business letter, the ________ is usually placed at the top right corner of the page.9. A business letter should end with a ________ that includes your name and contact information.10. If you are writing to someone for the first time, it is polite to use "Dear ________."三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)11. What are the three main parts of a business letter?12. Explain the purpose of a subject line in a business letter.13. Describe how to write a polite request in a business letter.14. How can you ensure your business letter is professional?四、写作题(共40分)15. Write a business letter to a supplier to request a quote for a new product. Include the following elements:- Your company's introduction- The product you are interested in- The quantity you are interested in purchasing- Your contact information for follow-up答案:一、选择题1. A2. D3. C4. B5. D二、填空题6. professional7. subject line8. date9. closing remark10. Madam or Sir三、简答题11. The three main parts of a business letter are the introduction, the body, and the closing.12. The purpose of a subject line in a business letter is to briefly summarize the main topic or purpose of the letter. 13. To write a polite request in a business letter, start with a courteous greeting, clearly state the request, provide necessary details, and end with a polite closing.14. To ensure your business letter is professional, use formal language, follow a clear structure, proofread for errors, and maintain a consistent format.四、写作题[写作题答案略,考生需根据题目要求自行撰写]。

一、选择题1. We shall lodge a claim for all the losses ______ as a result of your failure to ship our order in time.A. occurredB. reoccurredC. incurredD. damaged2. Enclosed are sample parts ______ some of the problems we enc ountered.A. which showingB. in which showC. from which showD. Showing3. As agreed ______ in our negotiations, payment is to be made b y letter of credit.A. toB. withC. ofD. Upon4. We thank you for attending ______ our request so promptly.A. atB. forC. toD. On5.S.S “Zhijiang” will arrive at London at the end of this month. H ere “S.S” is the abbreviation of ()A. shipping spaceB. seller’s shipC. steam shipD. sailing ship6.. ______ commission, 3% is the maximum we can allow. ()A. In regards toB. As regardsC. With regardsD. In this regard7.A vessel’s operator will pay ______ to a charter if loading is completed in less time than stipulated in the charter party. ()A. demurrageB. dispatch moneyC. storage chargeD. Rent8. We are writing to tell you that we will issue a purchase order document that will ____ the telephone order.A. conformB. consolidateC. confirmD. ensure9. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation.A. free offerB. firm offerC. non-firm offerD. offeree10. Owing to the delay of your L/C, the responsibility for any losses __________ will wholly rest with you.A. risenB. risingC. arisenD. arising11. If you fail to clear your account within 10 days, you will leave us no alternative __________ to take legal action.A. notB.asC. butD. so12. We are pleased to offer you items _______ the highest quality.A. forB. ofC. withD. At13. Owing to the _______ nature of our business, sometimes we may need emergency purchases.A. unpredictableB. unbelievableC. unmistakableD. unprincipled13. We are writing to confirm _______ from you the following products.A. being purchasedB. to have purchasedC. to purchaseD. having purchased14. It is possible that you couldn’t find the new patterns _______ you are looking in this catalogue.A. for whatB. whichC.for whichD.that19. We assure you that your order is executed with _______ delay.A. no least delayB. least possibleC. least anyD. the least possible20.We thank you for attending ___________ our request so promptly.A. withB. uponC. toD. at二、填空题21. Please ______ the shipment date to June 30 and validity of the L/C to July 15.22. The goods should also be insured ______ breakage at your cos t.23. You may ______ a trial order with us for this item.24. The bill of lading should be marked “______ prepaid”.25. We can allow you a special discount of 12% ______ orders ex ceeding $60,000.26. Since the T-shirts are intended for the niche market of collectio n, quality is ______ utmost importance.27. Please quote us your lowest price______ printed T-shirts CIF L agos.28. We will replace Type 102 ______ Type101 if you don t have objections.29. We are now ______ receipt of your inquiry ______ our newly developed T-shirts.30. As contracted, we will draw ______ you ______ the invoice va lue.31. We lodge a claim ______ you ______ the short-weight.32. The Bill of Lading is to be made out ______ order.33. Our quotation ______ 30,000 tons of corn is valid ______ 10 days.34. On October 15, our company entered ______an agreement ____ __ your firm for a purchase of 40,000 tons of wheat.35. We have no way but ______ ask for replacement ______ the o rder, because you sent us the wrong goods.36. We look forward to receiving a trial order ______ you.37. Some customers requested us to bring ______ our price because they consider it too high.38. We shall make reduction ______our price if you increase the q uantity to 50,000 M/T.39. Our distributor asked us for credit ______ the extent of $100,0 00 for a period of three months.21. We should appreciate ____________ if you would quote us your lowest price.22. You may refer ____________ the catalogue ____________ complete details of our mobile phone.23. The buyer will only accept a clean and shipped Bill of Lading made out____________ order.24. Any delay ____________ delivery will cause us much inconvenience.25. Our garments should be packed ____________ special water-proof cases.26. Our quotation ____________ groundnuts is valid ____________ five days.27. The S.S “Haihe” is scheduled to sail ____________ Shanghai ____________ the port of destination about April 10th.28. We are sending you herewith the required invoice ____________ triplicate.29. The premium varies ____________ the scope of insurance, and extra premium will be ____________ your account.30. We are glad to inform you that the goods ____________ Contract N0.6732 have arrived here ____________ good condition.31. You are not supposed to duplicate our design ____________ ourwritten approval.32. If any of the items in the booklet are ____________ interest to you, please let us have your specific enquiry.33. The goods have been ready ____________shipment ____________ a long time, but we still haven’t received your L/C.34. The insurance will be responsible ____________ the claim as far as it is ____________ the scope of cover.35. ____________ examination, we have found that some of the cases are severely damaged.36. We would like to pay you a commission ____________ 5% ____________ the net values of all shipments to Africa.37. We can not make you an offer as the goods are ____________ of stock.21. We have improved our packing __________ the result that our recent shipments have all turned out __________ the full satisfaction of our customers.22. All the items unsold at the end of the promoting period would be returned __________ our expense.23. Insurance is to be covered __________ the seller __________ 110% of the invoice value.24. The importer lodges a claim __________ us __________ shortdelivery.25. The goods consigned to Huafeng Trading Co. left here __________ rail last week.26. The cargo is to be insured warehouse __________ warehouse.27. We hope that the delay __________ delivery will not affect our future business dealing with you.28. We assure you that we will make shipment __________ the least possible delay __________ receipt of the L/C.29. You should draw a 60days’draft __________ our bank __________ the full invoice value.30. The letter of credit will expire __________ November 25 __________ Singapore.31. The quotation is made subject __________ our final confirmation __________ follows.32.__________ the CIF London basis, prices quoted include insurance and freight __________ London.33.We will place a trial order __________ you __________ your sewing machines.34.Payment is made __________ L/C payable __________ draft at sight.35. We decided to cut down the price __________ 5% as a special sign of encouragement.21. We write to you ______ the hope of entering ______ traderelations with you.22. The articles you require fall ______ the scope ______our business activities.23. We are in receipt of your letter of credit ______ which we thank you.24. Our invoice No.EN123 ______ duplicate will be sent to you ______ due time.25. We will arrange to effect shipment ______ two equal lots ______ direct steamer as soon as we receive your L/C.26. The equipment will be paid ______ three installments.27. The buyers shall open through a reputable bank an irrevocable L/C ______ sight ______ our favor.28. Our 20 tons walnuts have been consigned to you ______ rail yesterday.29. Please mark the cartons ______ our initials and the Contract number ______ follows.30. We assure you ______ our full attention ______ executing your order.31. Quotations and samples will be airmailed ______ receipt of your specific enquiry.32. Our clients emphasized that the quality is ______ outmost importance.33. We usually cover FPA insurance here ______ the absence ______ definite instructions from the buyers.34. We shall provide such coverage ______ your cost.35. Much ______ our regret, we can not insure the shipment for 130% of the invoice value.36. A factoring company is willing to take up our bills ______ an acceptable premium.37. The buyer made a bid ______ RMB2,500 per metric ton for walnutmeat.21.It is apparent that each sample has been subjected ______long periods ___________extreme sunlight.22.However, based ___________reports from our numerous sources of credit information, we can make shipments ___________you only when cash is received.23.We regret that we have to complain ___________the way ___________which the consignment just received has been packed.24.The goods should also be insured ___________breakage ___________your cost.25.___________receipt of your L/C we shall make shipment immediately.26.We apologize for the delay in shipment and hope you will understand that it is entirely due ___________the cause ___________our control.27.The users are ___________urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us ___________assurance of an early delivery. 28.The next direct steamer ___________Shanghai to your port sails ___________the beginning of next month.29.If the amount exceeds that figure, payment ___________L/C will be required.30.If our connoisseur coincides ___________our consumers, the attractive designs and the superior quality will surely find a promising market in our local areas.31.Such a growing demand can only result ___________ increased price.32.The goods are packed in special waterproof-lined cases and will be loaded _______board S.S. “Dongfang”, which leaves___________ New York on March 10.33.I have looked_______ your order, and I can assure you that everything is_________ schedule.34.Your quoted price is out ___________line with the prevailing level. That is why we feel confident that our suggestion of three percent ___________your present one is workable.35.Our new low-cost solutions may be___________ particular interest to you.21. _______ receipt of your L/C we shall make a shipment immediately.22. Because we value your satisfaction so much, we carefully looked _______ the handling of your order.23. We know that your leather computer cases will go _______ your upcoming computer promotion.24. We are lodging a claim _______ the shipment ex S. S. “Chang He” for short delivery.25. _______ the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim _______ this Policy immediate notice applying _______ survey must be given to the Company’s Agent as mentioned hereunder.26. If All Risks is desired, we can provide such coverage _______ a slightly higher premium.27. It was _______ great regret that we read your final remark, and we sincerely hope you will not consider it necessary to take such a drastic step.28. We can assure you _______ the perfect safety of this new medicine.29. We will effect insurance _______ All Risks as requested.30. The shipment covered _______ your credit No. 142 has been ready _______ some time, but the amendment _______ the relevant credit has not yet reached us.31. We confirm our sale of the following commodities _______ terms and conditions as set _______ below.32. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period would be returned_______ our expense.33. The position provides extraordinary benefits which I would be very eager to have you take full advantage _______ .34. The savings that result _______ this regulation are passed _______ to our customers.35. We can say _______ sure that our prices are very competitive.36. As you are our regular customer, we think we may concede _______ price provided you give us order _______ a minimum _______ 80 units.37. We wish to transship the products to Indonesia _______ Shanghai.21. Please ______ the shipment date to June 30 and validity of the L/C to July 15.22. The goods should also be insured ______ breakage at your cos t.23. You may ______ a trial order with us for this item.24. The bill of l ading should be marked “______ prepaid”.25. We can allow you a special discount of 12% ______ orders ex ceeding $60,000.26. Since the T-shirts are intended for the niche market of collectio n, quality is ______ utmost importance.27. Please quote us your lowest price______ printed T-shirts CIF L agos.28. We will replace Type 102 ______ Type101 if you don t have objections.29. We are now ______ receipt of your inquiry ______ our newly developed T-shirts.30. As contracted, we will draw ______ you ______ the invoice va lue.31. We lodge a claim ______ you ______ the short-weight.32. The Bill of Lading is to be made out ______ order.33. Our quotation ______ 30,000 tons of corn is valid ______ 10 days.34. On October 15, our company entered ______an agreement ____ __ your firm for a purchase of 40,000 tons of wheat.35. We have no way but ______ ask for replacement ______ the o rder, because you sent us the wrong goods.36. We look forward to receiving a trial order ______ you.37. Some customers requested us to bring ______ our price because they consider it too high.38. We shall make reduction ______our price if you increase the q uantity to 50,000 M/T.39. Our distributor asked us for credit ______ the extent of $100,0 00 for a period of three months.21. There is likely to be enquiry or order ______ men’s shirts.22. Thank you for your enquiry of May 17. We are now sendingyou our latest catalog and price list for your ______. 23. Please ______ the letter of credit to read “Allowing Transshipment”.24. You are required to open a letter of credit in our ______ ,arriving here ______the end of this month.25. As you will note in our illustrated catalog, our productsare superior ______ quality to any other competing product on the market.26. A growing demand can result ______ increased price.27. Our quotation is subject to change ______ previous notice.28. The goods are available ______ stock ______ prices as follows.29. Please refer ______ the catalog enclosed ______a list ofmodels and their specifications.30. We are offering you goods ______very high quality.31. To conclude this business , you need to lower your price at least ______5%.32. If your prices are reasonable, we’ll plan to place orders______ you______ the products.33. We regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable______us as the price we quote is quite realistic.34. The goods you enquired for are now out ______stock.35. We prefer your quotation ______ CIF San Francisco basis.36. As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment is to be made ______ letter of credit.37. After the contract is signed, we shall open______ the Bankof China here an irrevocable letter of credit at sight.38. We will inform our customers ______ the arrival of the shipment ourselves.39. ______ receipt of your letter of credit, we shall make shipment immediately.40. Regarding insurance, the coverage is ______ 110% of theinvoice value up to the port of destination.41. We lodge a claim with you ______ short-weight.22. We shall be pleased if you will arrange to insure the goods____our behalf____invoice value plus 10%.23. If you are not certain who should be responsible for the loss, you might file a claim____ the insurance agent there.24. We are afraid that we shall have to charge more for the designated packing, as it calls ____ extra labor and cost.25. Regarding payment, we prefer D/P at sight ____L/C at 90 days’ sight.26. We enclose a cheque____ partial payment for the goods shipped____consignment.27. Please keep us advised____the response to our products in your market.28. The supplier of low-cost personal computers today unveiled new models starting____$799, undercutting major PC makers____about 20 percent.29. They have expressed their interest in your products and inquired____the quality.30. If your price is reasonable, we will place a largeorder____you.31. I have looked into your project, and I can assure you that everything is ____schedule.32. CIF is a price term, meaning the price includes the cost of goods, the insurance and freight____carrying the goods ___________ the destination.33. 20 of 50 cartons were heavily dented and the contents had broken____pieces, leading____heavy losses.34. We have warned ____the beginning that the type of clothing you selected can not withstand exposure____sunlight.35. We would like to inform you that any furtherdelay____shipment will bring____adverse effect____our future cooperation.三、英汉翻译(每小题2分,共20分)36. We trust the above information will serve your purpose and awaityour further news.37. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places usin the most favorable position for doing business on the best possible terms.38. You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up a lot inthe last few months.39. We regret to inform you that the goods shipped to us on May 4th arenot in accordance with your samples.40. We will open an L/C if you promise to effect shipment one monthearlier.41. If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled tocancel it.42. With the sole agency in your hand, you could easily control themarket and make more profits.43. We make you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching usnot later than noon time, November 23.44. As you know, a lot of foreign businessmen are desirous of tradingwith us so as to expand the business in China.45. In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meetyour claim for the 35 tons shortweight.四、汉英翻译(每小题3分,共15分)46. 他们坚持,卖方应当用完好的货物来替换次品。

Ⅰ、Choose the best answers.1.Our customers find your goods quite satisfactory2.Enclosed please find our Sales Confirmation in duplicate.3.If you make a reduction of 5% in your price, we intend to book an order with you for 1000 metric tons4.It isunderstood that L/C in. your favor will reach us within this week.5.Onreceipt of your instruction, we will carry out this order with the least delay6.Owing to heavy bookings, we are not ina position to accept any fresh orders.7.It is important that your client open therelative L/C not later than May 12, 2005.8.We think it impossible to have the L/C extended again.9.An L/Cshould be established in our favoravailable by documentary draft at sixtydays’ sight.10.A letter of credit is usually opened by the issuingbank.Ⅱ、Fill in the blankswith proper prepositions.1.In reply to your quotation of lastweek ,we are enclosing our Order No.942.2.Payment by L/C is required by this order.3.All the transactions are concluded on CIF basis.4.Please informed that the covering L/C in your favor has been issued.5.We trust you will honor our drafts on presentation.6.We extend to you this accommodation in viewof our friendly relations.7.We hope our payment arrangement is acceptable to you.8.You may draw on us for 100% of theinvoice value.9.We can’t supply you with this type on FOBterms.10.Payment is to be made by latter of credit payable by draft at sight.Ⅲ、Translate thefollowing sentences into English.1.我方付款条件是保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证,该信用证须于装运期30天前到达我方。
第一篇:国际商务函电复习题1.We learn from your Chamber of Commerce that you are in the market for ChineseTeapots.我们从贵国商会获悉你方想要购买中国茶具。
2.We hope you'll take this opportunity to expand your export.我们希望你方能够利用这一良机扩大出口3.We are airmailing you under separate cover our latest pricelist and catalogue. 现另航寄送我公司最新的价目表和目录4.从贵国驻我国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,你们是一家信誉良好的纺织品进口商。
6.在我国对优质食糖有大量的需求7.Dear sir or MadamWe have refer to your bank by Messrs.Smith Co place done about/vegavding cvedit appciated give which/that with contidenceWe are glad to inform you that you “panda”brand color TV sets have found a good market here 欣告近来你“熊猫”牌彩色电视机在我方市场很畅销We sill appveciate it if you can us the latest prilelist and sample books for our vefevence 如能寄来最新价目单和样本供我方参考,不胜感激Only the goods fine in quality but can intevest our customer只有质优价廉的产品才能吸引我方客户The offer is firm, subject to your confirmation reaching us before March本报盘为实盘,以你方的确认于三月五日前到达我方条件Relative samples and quotations were sent to you by separate airmail yesterday. 有关样品及报价已于昨日另航你方In view of your being our old customers,we agree to supply the goods at your price. 鉴于你是我们的老客户,我们同意按你方的价格供货We are offeving-the cavpioned goods without engagement as follows –关于标题商品,我们现报无约束力的发盘如下:If you have no dispute after receiving the sample it soon so that we can arrange production收到样品后,如无异议,请尽快确认以便我们安排生产We are acknowledging/in offering shipment inform you sales cost reduce market send,give ,showA reasonable reduction in price will at trace more cusstorner to order价格上的合理减让将会吸引更多的客户订购As your price is too high. We have to cancle the deal由于你方价格过高,我们不得不取消这笔交易It is hope that you can see your望设法按老价格接受我方订单,因为现价将使我们无利可图We veqvet that we can’t accept your counter-offer as our quotation for buttons is in line with the current market抱歉不能接受你们的还盘,因我方纽扣的报价与当前的市场行情相符As the price of raw matevids has been rising we regert that we can’t meet your requirement of a further price reduction由于原料价格不断上涨,歉难满足你方再次降价的要求There is every indication that the market will decline soon please further consider out counter-offer种种迹象表明近期行情将会下跌,望重新考虑我方还盘。
函电试卷 (商务英语函电)

北仑职高2011年第一学期高复三《商务英语函电》第二次模拟考试题Ⅰ. Choose the correct answer.(1 point each, 20 points in all)( ) 1. I wish to ___ your attention to this matter.A.drawB. payC. askD. catch( ) 2. We hope you will ___ the payment by D/A for a trial order.A.agreeB. agree withC. agree toD. agree on( ) 3. We understand that the goods can be shipped ___ stock.A.inB. fromC. out ofD. on( ) 4. We ___ you urgently as we are in bad need of your goods.A. keep in touch withB. keep in touch toC. get in touch toD. get in touch with( ) 5. The buyer refused to pay because of the gloves _____ too small.A.areB. beC. beingD. is( ) 6. ___ is an ideal payment term for the importer.A.Cash against documentsB. D/PC. Payment in advanceD. D/A( ) 7. We are pleased to inform you that your order No. 156 ___ 3000 washing machines has been dispatched___ S.S “East Wind”.A.of; byB. for; byC. under; byD. under; through( ) 8. The ship is due to ______ London port on April 8th,2007.A.arrive inB. reach toC. getD. call at( ) 9. We are glad to tell you that we have the goods you ordered ___.A.dispatchB. dispatchingC. dispatchedD. be dispatched( ) 10. As we are __ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.A.in badly needB. badly in needC. urgent in needD. in urgently need( ) 11. This will enable us ___ speedy passage through customers on arrival of the consignment.A.arrangeB. arrangedC. to arrangeD. arranging( ) 12. Please ___ delivery of the goods when they arrive.A.makeB. takeC. effectD. carry( ) 13. They did not ship the goods per s/s “Red Star” because they ___ to book the shipping space.A.failB. was failedC. have failedD. had failed( ) 14. There ____________ no direct steamer to your port the goods will have to be transshipped.A.hasB. had beenC. beingD. are( ) 15. As there is no direct steamer for your port, the goods________ transshipped.A.is to beB. will beC. ought to beD. will have to be( ) 16. ___ your repeated requests and in view of the small amount of this trial order, we would grant you such favorable terms of payment ___ D/A 45 days.A.Through; asB. On; withC. Because; byD. Since; by( ) 17. We will accept our bid ___ L/C is opened within the week..A.owing thatB. on condition thatC. as soon asD. in case that( ) 18. We shall ____ your offer in the form of proforma invoice.A.thankB. be obligedC. be thankfulD. appreciate( ) 19. We can ship your goods__ m/v “Seal” scheduled to sail from Guangzhou___ July 22.A.ex; onB. per; aboutC. by; ofD. by; after( ) 20. Goods will be shipped within two months____ receipt of your order.A.beforeB. onC. afterD. uponⅡ. Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. (1.5 point each, 15 points in all)1.潜在市场________________________________2. 向某人开立汇票________________________________3.凭单付现____________________________4. 舱位______________________________________5.原产地证书_________________________________6. 不可转让提单_________________________________7.准时装运___________________________________8. 在这种情况下__________________________________9.额外费用__________________________________ 10. 满足某人要求___________________________________Ⅲ. Translate the following terms from English into Chinese. (1 point each, 10 points in all)1.regular sales_________________________________2. give priority to__________________________3. payment in advance ___________________________ _4. Telegraphic Transfer _________________________5.survey report __________________________6.shipping schedule________________________7. assure sb. of sth. __________________________ 8. gross weight_______________________________8. make further consideration with___________________10. Amend L/C to read…___ ____________________Ⅳ. Complete the following sentences. (4 point each, 20 points in all)1.Please see to it that the L/C should be opened at the beginning of next month, ________________________________(允许分批装运和转船).2.Doing business on D/P basis would ________________________________________ (节省很多的时间和费用).3.Before the carrying vessels arrives at your port, _________________________(务请你方做好装船的必要准备).4.Referring to our previous letters, we wish to call your attention to the fact that_________________________________(到目前为止我们还未收到你方有关装运上述合同项下货物的消息).5.When we placed the order, __________________________(我们就指出及时装运是极为重要的).Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (2 point each, 10 points in all)1.We should be grateful if you kindly give priority to the consideration of the above request and send us an early favorablereply.2.When you get the shipment of our order ready, including the freight space which has been booked, please let us know assoon as possible.3.Enclosed please find one set of shipping documents covering this consignment.4.We hope you will make every effort to effect shipment within the stipulated time as any delay would causes much troubleand financial loss.5.If you desire an earlier delivery, we can only deliver 60 cases in Oct. and the remainder in Nov.Ⅵ. Read the passage and find the best answer to complete each of the following statements. (2 point each, 10 points in all) Dear Sirs,We highly appreciate your Order No. 8802 for 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Washing Machines and are pleased to confirm that the goods can be supplied from stock. We are confident that you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods.As for method of payment, we quite agree with you that you establish a confirmed irrevocable L/C for a sum not exceeding US$ 72, 000 and valid till August 10. Upon receipt of confirmation of the L/C from the National Bank, your order will be ready for shipment to await your agent’s shipping instructions.We hope that the goods will reach you in good time and that we may have further orders from you.Yours faithfully, ( )1. The letter is mainly about_____.A.cancellation of an orderB. execution of an orderC. declining an orderD. withdrawing an order( )2. It is stated in the letter that______.A. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Washing Machines under Order No.8802 can be available from stock.B. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Washing Machines under Order No.8802 are out of stock.C. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Sewing Machines under Order No.8802 can be available from stock.D. 600 sets of Double Happiness Brand Automatic Sewing Machines under Order No.8802 are out of stock.( )3. The quality of the goods is said to be______.A. inferiorB. lowC. satisfactoryD. unreasonable( )4. As for payment terms,___________________.A. both parties agrees to pay by a confirmed, irrevocable L/CB. the buyer ask for payment by a confirmed, irrevocable L/CC. the seller ask for payment by a confirmed, irrevocable L/CD. both parties agrees to pay by a confirmed, irrevocable L/C( )5. Arrange the right order for the following events:①the agent send shipping instructions②the buyer receive confirmation of the L/C③the order is ready for shipment④the buyer ask for the establishment of the L/CA.④①②③B. ②④①③C. ④②①③D. ④②③①Ⅶ. Write an English letter of about 70 words, using the key words and hints given below. (15 points in all)Key words: overdue, in accordance with, the first lot, cancel the order敬启者:提到第672号订单的20台GF型机器,今提醒你方其交货期早已过期。

Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations一、填空business negotiate expand step establish relationsA letter to business is a piece of writing to find and witha new partner. It is the first for a company to its business.(A letter to establish business relations is a piece of writing to find and negotiate with a new business partner. It is the first step for a company to expand its business.)二、连线搭配quotation/make offers 1、交易会enclose 2、出口商extend 3、附上exporter 4、扩展fair 5、报价(53421)三、汉译英1. 我们从驻伦敦的商务参赞处得知,你公司有兴趣与我们进行交易。
We've come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.2. 为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随信寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅。
To give you a general idea of our various kinds of Textiles available for export, we are enclosing a samples book and a price list for your reference.3. 本地的中国银行国外部推荐你公司有兴趣与一家中国公司建立贸易关系,以推销你们的轻工业产品。

复习卷I.Translate the following words and phases:1. 试订购2. 优惠价3. 流动资金4. 价格单5. 报盘6. 折扣7. 订购8. 优惠活动9. 药店10. 拉肚子11. 上海菜系12. 移民13.免费食物和酒水14. 奶昔milkshake15. 普通话16.安检17.。
国内航班18. 普通标准间19. 海景房20. 空姐II. Choose the best answer:1、We are __ in Chinese cotton piece goods, details as per our Enquiry Note.A fondB interestedC gladD happy2、We __ by email a catalog of electric goods we export.A sendB are sendingC are sentD is sending3、Cell phones __ within our scope of business.A fallB fallsC fallingD is falling4. We are happy to receive your letter __ a catalogue of our products.A requestingB enquiringC payingD asking5. Your early reply will be highly __.A.appreciatingB. appreciatedC. appreciateD. appreciation6. This model is our __ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller7. This model is our __ item.A. saleB. fast sellsC. best-sellingD. leading seller8. Claims are _______ only for that part of the loss, that is over 4%.A. chargeableB. raisedC. lodgedD. payable9.Our _________ of sales are as shown.A. terms and conditionsB. termination and conditioningC. term and conditionD. terminations and conditionings10. We ____ your S/C dated Feb. 23, 2004.A. have receivedB. having receivedC. had receivingD. having receiving11. This is our rock-bottom price and we are not in a position to __ it any more.A. reduceB. raiseC. growD. drop12.In order to ___ our market share, we are now seeking new partners.A. expandB. extentC. extendD. expire13. If the first shipment proves ______, we shall place a repeat order.A. satisfactoryB. satisfactionC. satisfiedD. satisfy14.The joint venture company will be the dedicated wholesaler of Chinese textiles in the Australian ____.A. marketingB. marketedC. marketD. market for15. _______ you have entered your new office building, you probably would like to refurnish it.A. Now thatB. So thatC. ForD. Because16. Please ______ that the order should be dispatched as scheduled.A. seeingC. lookingD. Look to it17.___ your letter of May 5, we are sorry that we cannot advance the time of delivery.A. With reference toB. Refer toC. ReferringD. With refer to18. Our price is in line ___ the prevailing international market.A. toB. besidesC. withD. for19. Your terms are _____, so we _____ them.A. satisfying, acceptableB. satisfied, acceptC .satisfactory, acceptD. satisfied, acceptable20.Our offer can only remain ____for three days.A. openedB. non-firmC. invalidD. valid21.We can hardly _____an agreement with you since your quotation is ____ to us.A. reach,acceptedB. reach,unacceptableC. arrive,acceptingD. arrive,acceptable22.We shall appreciate ___ if you will ______ that the amendment is cabled without delay.A. it, see to itB. you, see to itC. you, see in itD. it, see to them23.Our delay in payment was ______ temporary accounting difficulties.A. owe toB. due toC. becauseD. since24.In this case, the buyer reserves the right to ____ the contract.A. callB. cancerC. came25.As we are in urgent need of the goods, please ____ the goods ASAP.A. payB. shipC. insureD. packIII. Fill in the blanks:1. The first lot will be delivered by June/July. You will receive the remainder _________ the end of the year.2. Due ______ the present price level, we are unable to change the price of our offer.3. Your delay ______ delivery has forced us to obtain the goods elsewhere. We are returning your shipment at your expense.4. We’ll sign the contract ___ condition that the packing instructions of the users are observed.5. We shall place a large order __________Men’s Shirts with you, if the time of delivery is acceptable to us.6. We trust you will accept our offer without any delay as the demand ______our cotton shirts is heavy.7. Our goods enjoy a high ___ in the world market.8. If the quality of the material delivered does not come __ to that of the sample, we are ready to replace the unsold part of the batch.9. Pleas fax us the shipping ___ immediately, notify the name of the vessel and the ETA10.This price is inclusive ___ your 5% commission.11.Please let us have your lowest quotation on the ___ of CFR London.12. We confirm your order of October 16 ______ 2000MT of coal.13. We wish to draw your attention ____ the fact that the date of delivery is approaching.14.We are sorry that we are not ___ a position to accept your counter-offer.15. We found it is difficult to accept your price, as it is ____the high side.16. Due ____ heavy demand, we regret our inability to accept any fresh orders at present.17. Please keep us informed ______the customer’s response to our new products.18.We are pleased to learn_______ your letter of 8 May, 2008 that you are purchasing our goods.19. We are looking for a supplier ___ our trade partners.20. For your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries ___buyers in other directions.IV. Complete the following letters with the given choices:Part ADear Mr. Amelio,____ 1____and I would like to thank you for your interest in our products.____ 2____which describe our full line of products that serve the automobile industry. This should help to familiarize you with _____3____.If you have any further questions, ____4________5___Yours faithfully,A. Thank you again for your interestB. please call us at our toll-free number, (800) -86942845.C. Your letter of inquiry regarding our product line has been brought to my attentionD. I have enclosed a price list and data sheetsE. our family of products and the high quality of our equipmentPart BDear Mr. Simpson,We are pleased to go into business with the Smith & Sons Co. Ltd., __6__.We have been informed that __7__. We would appreciate it if __8__:__9__? How promptly are terms met? Is there any account that is currently outstanding? We assure you that __10__ and we shall be glad to reciprocate the favor at any time.Yours faithfully,A. you could advise us about their business practices by providing us the following informationB. What credit limit have you placed on their accountC. who has given us your name as a referenceD. any information you may give us will be treated in strict confidenceE. you have had business relations with Smith & Sons Co.,Ltd. for many yearsPart CADear Mr. Bezzole,We regret to inform you that __11__. We do not anticipate having inventory on this item for another four weeks.__12__. Model A is the professional model with automatic pressure and digital readout used by many hospitals. Model B is typically sold for home use. __13__ and hope that __14__.__15__. Thank you for your patience in this matter.Sincerely yours,A. Unless you notify me otherwise, I will assume that you still want us to ship Model C as soon as it arrives in our warehouseB. one of them will be satisfactory for youC. I am enclosing brochures on both of these productsD. However, we do have two other models that may answer your needsE. the Model C blood pressure cuff you ordered is temporarily out of stockPart DDear Mr. Meavy,Re: 50 metric tons of Green BeanWe enclose herewith your Statement of Claim No.C453 together with __16__.__17__ that the damage is attributed to rough handling whilst the goods were in the carrier’s custody. __18__, the carrier should have delivered the packages in good condition as they were at the time of shipment. Therefore, __19__.We return herewith the documents and suggest that __20__.Yours faithfully,A. the carrier should be held entirely responsible for the damage in transit for an amount of USD 2,437 on invoice value basisB. As there are no adverse remarks on the Bill of LadingC. You will note from the enclosed survey reportD. the relevant supporting documents in respect of damage to the subject goodsE. you take up this matter with the carrier in due courseV. Filling in the blanks with proper words in the following mail见课本Chapter 13 ExercisesVI. Translate the following into Chinese:1. Founded in 2002, we are specialized in the import and export of cow product.2. All the prices in the list are subject to our final confirmation.3. We would like to know your other products, please airmail your brochure and pricelist.4. We have 25 retail outlets nationwide. We now command 30% of the market in the home appliance.5. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know so that we may give it our careful study.6. Our products are beautiful in pattern, elegant in style, matching in colors and skillful in workmanship.7. Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal?8. We are prepared to place a trial order for the following products as per the terms and conditions in your letter. We shall appreciate it if you can dispatch them by rail immediately.9. We have the right to cancel the order unless your goods can reach us before Oct.23.10. Enclosed is our S/C in duplicate. Please counter-sign and return one copy.11.We wish to charter a ship of about 6000 tons for single voyage from San Francisco to Qingdao, China for coal.12. Your counter-offer is too low and out of line with the prevailing market price.13. Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated.VII. Translate the following into English:1. 我们将完全按照你们的指示包装货物。

商务函电考试卷(总9页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--函电考试卷一、answering the questions(10题,每题2分)1.Through what channels can one obtain the desired names and addresses of the companies to bedeal with2.Please give six or seven channels.1).advertisements in the media;2). Market survey’3). Trade negotiation;4). Investigation to the foreign country;5). Exhibitions and Trade Fair;6). Banks;7). Trade directory;8). Chambers of commerce;9). Commercial Counselor’s Office;10). Trade press.3. Why does the buyer want to make an enquiry?4.5.To make a purchase of some goods and get information about the price, samples, catalogues, discount, delivery date, terms of payment, insurance, claim and other terms.6.Is the enquiry usually addressed to the company or to an individual7.Why?8.To the company. Because if you address the letter to an individual the letter may be delayed due to his or her absence. Or you may make a mistake and send it to the wrong person who is not in charge of the matter.9.What should be included in a firm offer?10.11.The description of the commodity, the unit price, quantity, specifications, the time of shipment, the mode of payment, the detailed information of the goods etc should be included in a firm offer.12.After receiving an offer must be buyer accept it13.What can the buyer do if he finds any terms in the offer unacceptable?14.No. if the buyer finds any terms in the offer unacceptable he can negotiate with the seller and make a counter-offer to show his disappointment to the price, packing, quantity or the date of delivery and state his own instead.15.What are the most important elements of an effective sales letter?16.17.An effective sales letter consists of four essential elements: 1) arouse interest; 2) create desire; 3) carry conviction; 4) induce action.18.when will a seller use a “follow up” letterWhen a seller receives no response from his customer concerning the offer he made previously, he writes a “follow up” letter to ascertain the reason. Sometimes no order has been received from an old customer, a “follow up” letter may be sent to inquire into the reason for his silence.19.When should be the seller write an acknowledgement What should be included in anacknowledgementThe seller should write an acknowledgement when the order is from a new customer. The acknowledgement should1) Acknowledge the order with the expression of thanks;2) restate the shipping instructions, the terms of payment;3) add a favorable comment on the goods ordered;4) draw attention to other products likely to be of interest;5) Hope for further orders.20.What is the different between packing and packaging?21.22.Packing, also named as outer or large packing, is designed not only to protect goods from damages and theft, but also to facilitate transport, loading and stowage. Packaging, also named as inner or small packing, is a marketing term for the presentation of goods, . the manner in which they are wrapped or displayed.23.What advantage does the documentary credit have for both the exporter and importer?24.25.The documentary credit provides the most satisfactory method of obtaining payment in foreign trade. It provides security of payment to the exporter, and enables the importer to ensure that he receives the goods as ordered and delivered in the way he requires.26.Why is All Risk the most comprehensive of the three basic kinds of insurance coverage?27.28.Under this coverage, the insurer is responsible for all total or partial loss of, or damage to the goods insured either arising from sea perils or general external causes.29.What does the agency agreement generally included?30.31.1). The names, scopes, contents, price ranges, terms of payment, kinds of foreign currency of the entrusted import commodity, and other terms that shall be specified;2) The extent of the right of the agent authorized by the principal;3) The rights and obligations of both parties as well as the expenses that they shall bear;4) The agency commission and other stipulations on the sharing of other economic interests;5) The settlement of disputes;6) The period of validity of the agency agreement.32.Under what circumstances can the buyer/importer complain to the seller/exporter?33.34.the buyer/importer can claim against the seller/exporter if any damages to the goods are found, or the specifications and /or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations in the contract, except when the responsibilities lie with the insurance company or shipping company.二、Choose the best choice.(10题,每题1分)1. We are looking forward to ______A____A. hearing from you soonB. receive your reply soonC. receive from you soonD. you reply soon2. We have learnt your corporation from your CCPIT____A_____ we have been in good business relations for many years.A. with whichB. whichC. with thatD. that3. We believe there is a ____B_______ market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned above.A .promised B. promising C. promise D. promoting4. Samples of plastic kitchen-ware ___ B ____you asked in your enquiry of September 3 are being sent to you today.A. whichB. for whichC. to whichD. in which5. If the prices are ___A__, we trust important business can materialize.A. In lineB. in the lineC. on lineD. on the line6. We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed price list for the goods you __D___ in your letter.A. InformedB. saidC. toldD. required7. I am sorry to say the items you required are __A___, but we’ll e-mail you as soon as the articles are available.A. Out of stockB. sold upC. in stockD. committed8. We can grant you a special discount of 5%__D___ repeat orders.A. inB. ofC. for D on9. Thank you for your ______C___ in our range of luggage. We shall be pleased to supply your requirements.A. likeB. AgreementC. interestD. favor10. We can supply wooden cloth ranging ___B___ white through red ______black.A. /…andB. from…toC. from…andD. from… till11. We were very pleased to receive your letter inquiring ____D__ leisure products.A. /B. intoC. onD. for12. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products ___C___.A. With requestB. as requestC. upon requestD. at request.13. Our silk garments are durable __A____ use, beautiful______ design and rich______ traditional Chinese art.A. in, in, in b. in, to, for c. to, for d. for, in ,on14. Time of shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at the port of ___B___A. UnloadingB. loadingC. destinationD. transshipment15. Should the event occur, the insurance company agrees to pay the ___B___ a part or whole of the ______ sum.A. Insured… insuringB. insured…insuredC. insuring…insuredD. insuring…insuring16. There is a considerable demand for your products here, and we would do our utmost to push the sale on your behalf if you are disposed to __D____ our commission rate.A. AgreeB. consentC. thinkD. entertain三、Correct the mistake(10题,每题1分)1.We are willing to enter (enter into) business relations with your firm on thebasis of equality and mutual benefit.2.we have been in business as importers of general merchandise since 1965 and canparticularly boast of having vast and wide experience on (in) the business line of bamboo products.3.We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrate (demonstrated) at the recentGuangzhou Trade Fair and should be glad to have details of your export terms.4.Our company is a subsidiary of Union Garments and we specialize on (specialize in)the import and export of garments.5.Please let us know what quantities you are able to deliver in regular intervals(at regular intervals), quoting your best price shanghai.6.Your name was given to us by “china’s foreign trade corporations andorganizations”, of which (with which) we have been doing business for many years.7.Also to separate post (by separate post) we are sending you some samples and feelconfident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.8.if you need any further information Please contact with (contact) us, and we areready to answer any of your questions.9.we have sent you a price list, together along (together with) detailedspecifications and packing.10.Our offer is firm, subject to your acceptance reach (reaching) here by the end ofthis month.11.we offer firm c&f, New York shipment after (within) 30 days, subject to yourreply reaching here before 10 . our time.12.we acknowledge with thanks receiving (receipt) of your letter of , informing usof your delivery date.13.with(upon) receipt of your previous letter, we immediately got in touch with themanufactures and pressed them for prompt delivery.14.we will affect (effect) insurance against all risks, charging premium and freightto the consignees.15.Unit 1116.please advise (please advise us) if you are interested in representing us, and ifyou think the volume of business you can do would warrant our granting you the sole agency for your company.17.On going into the matter we find a mistake was indeed made in the packing by(through) a confusion in numbers, and we have arranged for the right goods to be dispatched to you at once.四、Translate into English(10题,每题2分)1.我公司是中国最大的电器用品进口商,谢谢贵公司8月3日的来函,我们十分愿意与贵公司建立直接贸易关系。

商务函电期末考试复习资料佣金commission一式三份in triplicate一式两份in duplicate一式两份,请签回一份供我方存档:in duplicate ,of which please counter sign and return one copy for our file允许你放分批装运:you will allow partial shipment如你想按发票金额的13%投保:if you hope to cover insurance at/for13$ of the value业务范围:business scope试销订单:trail order付款交单:D/P承兑交单:D/A记名提单:straight B/L标题货物:subject/caption goods销售确认书:sales confirmation国际惯例:international practice如蒙寄来贵公司的产品目录和价格单以货物未经售出为准:if you will send us your catalogues price list subject to the goods are being unsold 分批装运:partial shipment比如说5%就能达成交易:by say 5% , the deal will be closed concluded 价格太高,跟现在的市场不一致:price too high and out of line with present market下月的仓位已经没有了:the shipping space next month is not available 我方愿在平等互利的基础上与你公司建立贸易关系:we are willing toenter into business relationship with you on the basis of equality mutual商务函电复习资料Lesson 11.learn from从某人/某处得知某事2.be in the market for想要购买3.avail oneself of 利用4.approach sb for与某人联系5.enter into开始,缔结6.look forward to期待1我们从贵国商会获悉你方想要购买中国茶具。

词组订单order经营handle/deal in习惯做法usual practice 商品目录catalogue价格表pricelist佣金mission缺货out of stock发盘人offeror受盘人offeree规格specification畅销sell well 专营specialized in通函circular样品sample折扣discount单价unit price库存stock运费freight综合险All Risks板条箱crate险别coverage保险费premium保险人insurer散装货bulk cargo收货人consignee转船transshipment毛重gross weight信汇mail transfer装箱单packing list铁箍metal strapping报价quote/quotation易燃液体inflammable商会chamber of merce另邮by separate cover/post 付款条件terms of payment 具体询盘specific enquiry 欲购be in the market for优先报盘preferential offer 可撤销报盘revocable offer 价格适中moderate in price 现货供给supply from stock 拳头产品knock-out product 质量上乘superior in quality 打九折give a 10% discount试订购place an trial order销售合同Sales Contract形式发票Proforma Invoice会签counter-signayure支付条款terms of payment即期信用证sight L/C货到付款pay on delivery分期付款pay in installment电汇telegraphic transfer知识性标志indicative marks塑料纸polythene sheet请勿挂钩use no hook发票金额invoice value投保to cover insurance安排装船arrange shipment起运港port of loading目的港port of destination分批装运partial shipment即期装运prompt shipment另封邮寄under separate cover 潜在客户potential customers 价格合理reasonable in price 确认报盘confirming an offer 商业发票mercial invoice达成交易conclude transaction 销售确认书Sales Confirmation 水渍险WPA(With particular)预定舱位booking shipping space备妥待运be ready for shipment最新的商品目录latest catalogue供你方参考for your reference深受青睐met with warm reception 报盘的有效期限duration of an offer平安险FPA(Free from Particular Average) 见票30天议付的信用证30 days’ L/C 商务参赞处mercial counselor’s office 有权先售的报盘offer subject to prior sale保兑的、不可撤销的信用confirmed, irrevocable L/C海洋运输货物保险条款Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses〔伦敦保险协会〕协会货物条款Institute Cargo Clauses(ICC) 词汇nude cargo裸装货air waybill航空运单E.T.A.预抵期M.V.机动轮E.T.D.预离期S.S.蒸汽轮fragile goods易碎品debit note借记通知total loss全部损失Marine Losses海损partial loss局部损失endorsement背书stipulate规定as requested按要求expire到期for one’s file供…存档in triplicate一式三份rest assured放心by-product副产品as per根据按照out of stock缺货favorable price优惠价格original offer原发盘non-firm offer虚盘quotation报价discount折扣original sample原样sample样品specialize in专营head office总部importer进口商exporter出口商insurance clause保险条款insurance amount保险金额insurance policy保险单business scope业务围be in the market for欲购trade directory贸易行名录reference sample参考样品high quality品质优良general enquiry一般询盘prompt reply立即回复appeal to引起...的兴趣business line业务围superior in quality质量上乘descriptive leaflet简介说明substantial order大宗订单withdraw offer撤回发盘novel in design设计新颖special allowance特殊优惠work fast迅速做决定be subject to以…为准acknowledgement确认regular order定期订单repeat order续订订单fulfill an order执行订单arrange shipment安排装运with reference to关于country of origin原产国radioactive辐射性的equally assorted平均搭配flexible container集装袋seaworthy packing海运包装neutral packing中性包装ishipping advice装运通知in duplicate一式两份insurance certificate保险凭证shipping documents装运单据insurance endorsement保险批单after-sale service售后效劳CFR Singapore新加坡本钱加运费价excellent in craftsmanship工艺精湛pare favorable with比…要好fulfillment of contract履行合同establishment of L/C开立信用证in favor of 以…为受益人bona fide holder合法持有人forwarding agent货运代理人illustrated catalogue插图目录in your favor以你方为受益人nsurance coverage保险围shipping instruction装运指示stable performance性能稳定establish business relations建立业务关系enter into business relations建立业务关系in accordance/conformity with与…一致corrugated cardboard box波纹瓦楞纸盒assemblage outer packing集合外包装payment by D/P 30 days30天期限的付款交单Unit 21.B We will contact you as soon as the crop es to the market.2.B We deal with in decorative fabrics of in different varieties.3.A We shall do everything possible to assist you in developing a mutually beneficial trade.4.B The design of the goods is very nice but the color does not appeal to us.5.D Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co. of Canada, with whom we have donebusiness for many years.6.A I’ m sure that the qual ity of our new products will satisfy you in every aspect.7.B Should your products prove satisfactory in quality and reasonable in price, I trust substantialorder will follow.8.A The goods you offered are out of line with the business scope of our clients.9.C It will be appreciated if you can give us your favorable reply.10.D We shall appreciate it if you will quote us the best price.Unit 31.B We thank you for your letter of March 12 and the enclosed catalogue.2.D We shall appreciate it if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.3.A We are aware of the fact that the market is declining.4.D If you are interested , we will send you a sample lot free of charge.5.A While making an enquiry, you ought to enquiry to quality, specifications and price etc.6.B We enquire for glassware available for export.7.D We regret our inability to entertain your order foe our Green Beans as we are in short supply atpresent.8.A We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied from stock.9.C Please reply as soon as possible, stated stating the earliest shipment date and terms of payment.10.D We are pleased to have your enquiry of Jun 15 for or our toys.Unit 41.C If you could make a reduction of 5% in quotation, please let us know.2.B Much to our regret, we are unable to reduce the price to your level.3.D It is regrettable that the matter should still be hanging unsettled.4.B We think it advisable for you to make a price reduction if you wish to remain petitive.5.C We will place an order without delay if you would reduce your price by5% in your cottonshoes.6.C You may be aware that some Indian dealers are lowering their prices. No doubt there is keenpetition in the market.7.C What we can do best is to meet you half way.8.A Information indicates that some parcels of similar quality from other sources are being sold at alevel about 8% lower than yours.9.B If you could see any chance to reduce the price to our level, there is a possibility to conclude thebusiness.10.A Information indicates that the market is declining, so we remend your acceptance.Unit 51.B No discount will be granted unless you could place an order of more than 10,000 dozens.2.A If you can make us a firm offer at a petitive price, we will place an order with your pany.3.C As it involves only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.4.D We can allow you a special discount of 15% on orders exceeding $50,000. The word “allow〞can be replaced by the following words except permit.5.A We assure you that the goods can be supplied from stock if you order early.6.D We can supply men’s shirts from stock.7.C In view of the large demand of the goods, we suggest you to work fast and place an order withus as soon as possible.8.C We are sending you with pleasure by fax the latest illustrated catalogue of our “Canon〞Brand printers.9.B A set of literature about our new products has been sent to you by separate cover and we thinkit to your advantage to purchase them.10.DSuperior in quality, moderate in price, novel in design, our portable puters sell fast all over thecountry.Unit 61.A We are confident that such an arrangement will prove satisfactory.2.A We hope you will give your best attention to the execution of this order.3.COwing to heavy mitments, we cannot accept any fresh orders.4.B The enclosed order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later thanthe first day of march.5.C According to the terms of payment in the contract, we have established an L/C in your favor.6.C We hope to book with you a repeat order for the following lines at USD210 per set CIFLondon.7.D We must apologize to you about being unable to fill your present order.8.B We would like to suggest that you place orders for Christmas gifts earlier.9.BAs requested in your fax, we have sent you the latest catalogue.10.C If you had informed us earlier, we would have reserved the goods for you.Unit 71.B From the enclosed copy of invoice you will see that price of USD1000.00 is well within themaximum figure you stated.2.D We shall be glad if you agree to ship the goods to us as before on Cash against Documentsbasis.3.C Payment should be made by sight draft.4.B Mr. Wang could agree to D/P terms.5.D We have opened an L/C inn your favor for the amount of 10000.00.6.B An L/C should be opened in our favor available by documentary draft at 30 days’ sight.7.B If the amount exceeds that figure, payment by L/C will be required.8.C We make purchase for our own account.9.C We advised our bank to amend L/C No. TF-512 to read transshipment to be allowed.10.C Our terms of payment have been stipulated in the relative Sales Contract.Unit 81.C We usually pack the water pumps in wooden case padded with soft materials.2.A We will not be responsible for any damage which results from rough handing.3.B Please indicate the initials of the consignee on the outer packing.4.B Each case should be lined with a polythene sheet and secured by overall metal strapping.5.D We are in a position to supply all the modities you required from stock.6.A Seaworthy cartons are not only easy to handle, but also well protected against moisture.7.D The goods are packed in cartons lined with water-tight materials.8.CAs requested, we are faxing you our latest packing method for the export cargo.9.A100 cases arts and crafts you sent us were found to be badly damaged due to faulty packing.10.B The goods under L/C No. 561 left here in prime condition.Unit 91.C Since most of the voyage is in tropical weather and the goods are liable to go to moldy, we think it advisable to have the shipment covered against the risk of mould.2.C Buyer’s request for insurance to be covered up to inland city can be accepted on condition that such extra premium is for buyer’s account.3.D Since the insurance policy taken out buy you does not include such a risk, you naturally have no right to claim on the insurance pany for loss caused buy it.4.B Since we have entered into a long-term contract with the PICC, under which all our imports and exports are to be insured with them, we have to request you to send us another quotation on CFR terms.5.A We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 10% above invoice value, therefore the extra premium will be for our account.6.A Will you please arrange to take out all risks insurance on the following consignment of ElectricPumps from our warehouse at the above address to Boston.7.C The package is stenciled ABC London and insured FPA for 10%over the invoice amount.8.B We thank you for your instruction to arrange the shipment of special paper. We take it that you wish us to insure the goods against the usual risks, for the value of the goods plus freight.9.D The premium varies with the extent of insurance. Should additional risks be covered, the extra premium is for buyers’ account.10.B We have to invite your attention to your L/C No. 789 covering shipment of 100 tons of Peanuts. Unit 101.B The use of containerization in transportation greatly facilitates carriage of goods.2.C Time of shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at the port of loading.3.C In our letter of October 20, we made it clear that shipment is to be effected in November.4.A Please tell us where the goods will be transshipped.5.C Although we have been making great efforts to booking ship space on time, but much to our regret, we were told there were no shipping container before July 20.6.B We request you to have the validity of the L/C extended in later than Dec. 10.7.B We trust this transaction will bring you a good profit and result in your future order.8.CSea transport is undoubtedly the most economical means of transportation particularly when bulk modities are involved.9.D It has to be stressed that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit, as a further extension will not be considered.10.A As you have failed to deliver within the specified tome, we have no alternative but our order to cancel.句子英译中Unit 21.We have been handling light industrial products for 20 years.我们公司经营轻工产品已有20年。

Chapter 1An Overview of Written Business Communication商务书面交流概述Training and Simulation练习与模拟(I)根据上述课文的内容回答下面的问题:1.当前的英文商务书面往来主要有哪三种形式,各自有那些特点?参考答案:书信、传真、电子邮件。
3.商业通信中常见的三种书写格式是什么?参考答案:Full Block Style(完全齐头格式)、Semi-block Style with Indented Paragraphs(半齐头式)、Indented Style(缩行格式)4.商业通信的拟写所遵循的七“C”原则是什么?参考答案:Clearness, Conciseness, Correctness, Concreteness, Courtesy, Consideration, Completeness5.商业通信的结构主要有哪几部分?参考答案:商业书面交流一般采用“四部曲”的书写结(Structure),包括:(1) Introduction、(2) Action、(3) Response和 (4) Close(II)根据所给信息按要求完成模拟练习:1. 根据所给寄信人和收信人名址按英文信封格式填写相关内容。

英语函电期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在商务英语函电中,以下哪个选项不是正式的称呼方式?A. Dear Mr. SmithB. Dear Sir or MadamC. Hello, JohnD. To Whom It May Concern答案:C2. 以下哪个短语在商务信件中表示“感谢您的来信”?A. Thank you for your letterB. I am writing to thank youC. I am sorry to hear thatD. I am looking forward to your reply答案:A3. 在商务函电中,“Enclosed please find”后面通常跟什么?A. 附件的详细描述B. 附件的数量C. 附件的名称D. 附件的尺寸答案:A4. 当需要请求对方提供信息时,以下哪个表达方式较为礼貌?A. Tell me more about your product.B. Could you please provide more details about your product?C. I want to know more about your product.D. Send me more information about your product.答案:B5. 在商务函电中,以下哪个选项是正确的结束语?A. Best regardsB. Yours faithfullyC. Yours trulyD. All the best答案:A6. 如果需要在信件中表达“期待您的回复”,以下哪个短语是正确的?A. I am looking forward to hearing from you.B. I am waiting for your reply.C. I hope to receive your reply soon.D. All of the above.答案:D7. 在商务函电中,以下哪个选项不是有效的商务信件格式?A. Block formatB. Modified block formatC. Indented formatD. Random format答案:D8. 当需要在信件中表达“请考虑我们的建议”时,以下哪个短语是合适的?A. Please consider our proposal.B. We suggest you to consider our proposal.C. We are suggesting you to consider our proposal.D. We are proposing you to consider our proposal.答案:A9. 在商务函电中,以下哪个表达方式是正确的?A. We are pleased to inform you that...B. We are happy to tell you that...C. We are glad to let you know that...D. All of the above.答案:D10. 当需要在信件中表达“随函附上”时,以下哪个短语是正确的?A. Enclosed herewithB. Enclosed isC. Attached please findD. All of the above.答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在商务信件中,我们通常在信件的开头使用_________来称呼对方。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一、短语中英互译题close a deal 达成交易
application form申请书
ill-founded complaint无理的抱怨
packing department包装部门
promotion of sales促销
light industrial products轻工业品
draft/Bill of exchange 汇票
S/C=Sales conformation 销售确认书
ATM 自动取款机
price list价目单
deal in 经营
establish business relation 建立业务关系。
long-term partner长期伙伴
dead line最后期限
survey report调查报告
extra charges额外费用
personal computer个人计算机
take action行动
terms and conditions条件
purchase division采购部门
1 Buyers(C)are interested in your new products will write us for samples.
A they
B which
C who
D them
2(C)we want to know is the name of ship.
A That
B Which
C What
D Who
3 We are considering(C)Chinese men’s shirts.
A buy
B to buy
C buying
D purchase
4 We (C)in canned food, wild vegetables and milk products.
A special
B specially
C specialize
D specialized
5 We plan to introduce your new products(B)our market.
A from
B into
C at
D with
6 We wish to establish business(D)with you.
A relation
B relationship
C relatives
D relations
7 We anticipate(C)sending us some catalogues.
A you
B your
C yours
D /
8 We(A)the shipment to arrive in good condition
A expect
B anticipate
C look forward to
D think
9 We regret(A)to make you an offer at present.
A our inability
B unable
C fail to
D being able
10 At your request, we will hold our offer open(B)30%.
A from
B till
C before
D on
11 The question is(B)the goods will be packed.
A what
B how
C that
D which
12 The buyer faxed us again, (C)more offers.
A request
B requests
C requesting
D requires
13 Offers will be made(B)enquiries are received.
A before
B the moment
C in case
D although
14 I wish to(A)your attention to this matter.
A draw
B pay
C ask
D catch
15 Up till then, we(D)nothing from you.
A hear
B heard
C have heard
D had heard
16 Your competitors allow a discount of 10% (B)this article.
A for
B on
C to
D with
17 The above prices are(C)to be CIF Karachi, net.
A /
B quoted
C understood
D allowed
18 For FOB and CFR sales, insurance(B)covered by buyers.
A has
B is to be
C will be
D must be
19 This risk is coverable(A)a premium of 2%.
A at
B with
C on
D to
20 You may deduct your 2% commission from the L/C(C).
A opened
B being opened
C to be opened
D will be opened
(a ) 1 We are in the hope of opening an account with you. ( b ) 2 You will be satisfied with our services.
( c) 3 We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. ( d) 4 Your early reply will be appreciated.
( e ) 5 We will be much obliged for your introduction. d早日复函,不胜感激。
1、 We regret that your prices are too high for the market.
2、The sudden increases in freight rate has caused the rise
in our prices.
3、 We are looking forward to your acknowledgement.
4、 We are enclosing our purchase order No. YL0211.
5、 We trust you will open the relative L/C as requested. A我们相信你们会按要求开具有关信用证。
B我们随函寄去No. YL0211号订单.
Letter A
A) in which B) while C) out of line with D) but
E) that F) since G) at this stage H) not at all
I) unless J) in our mutual interests
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your E-mail of yesterday, (A) you offer us Steam Electric Irons.
(B) we appreciate the quality of your products, we have to point out that your price is on the high side,(C) the prevailing market level. Similar (D) well- established goods from Japan are available locally at US $ 25 per piece. And you raised your price nearly by 8% compared with (E) under Contract No. 9988 we concluded with you this February.
(F) there is no upward tendency of market price for the merchandise (G), the increase in price is (H) understandable to us. It is impossible to come to terms (I) you bring your price down to a level comparable with that of your competitors in this market.
We believe that (J) you will consider our counter- offer most favorably and E-mail us your early reply.