1.Abaqus 铝合金材料概述
2.Abaqus 铝合金材料的参数
一、Abaqus 铝合金材料概述
Abaqus 是一款广泛应用于工程领域的有限元分析软件,其强大的功
在Abaqus 中,铝合金是一种常见的材料,其特性与实际生活中的铝合金相仿,因此被广泛使用。
二、Abaqus 铝合金材料的参数
Abaqus 中的铝合金材料参数主要包括以下几个方面:
Abaqus 中的铝合金材料参数对材料的性能有着重要的影响。
总的来说,Abaqus 中的铝合金材料参数对材料的性能有着重要的影响。
假设材料的本构关系为线性弹性-塑性本构关系,通过拟合得到以下参数: - 弹性模量:70 GPa - 屈服强度:300 MPa - 屈服应变:0.2 - 硬化指数:0.1步骤四:材料参数输入在Abaqus软件中,定义材料属性并输入材料参数。
abaqus铝合金材料参数摘要:1.Abaqus 简介2.铝合金材料概述3.Abaqus 中铝合金材料的参数4.参数对材料性能的影响5.结论正文:1.Abaqus 简介Abaqus 是一款广泛应用于工程领域的有限元分析软件,它可以模拟各种复杂结构的力学行为,为工程师提供可靠的数值模拟结果。
在Abaqus 中,用户可以自定义材料的参数,以满足不同工程需求。
3.Abaqus 中铝合金材料的参数在Abaqus 中,铝合金材料的参数主要包括以下几类:(1) 弹性模量:描述材料刚性的指标,决定了材料在受到外力时的变形程度。
(2) 泊松比:描述材料在受到拉伸时的横向收缩程度,与弹性模量一起决定了材料的应力- 应变关系。
(3) 密度:描述材料单位体积的质量,影响材料的重量和刚度。
(4) 剪切模量:描述材料在受到剪切力时的变形程度,与弹性模量和泊松比一起决定了材料的应力- 应变关系。
(5) 硬度:描述材料抵抗划痕或穿透的能力,通常用布氏硬度或维氏硬度表示。
(6) 粘度:描述材料在高温下的流动性,影响铸造和焊接等加工过程。
4.参数对材料性能的影响(1) 弹性模量和泊松比:这两参数决定了材料的应力- 应变关系,影响材料的强度、刚度和韧性等性能。
(2) 密度:密度影响材料的重量和刚度,通常情况下,密度越大,材料的强度和刚度越高。
(3) 剪切模量:影响材料的剪切强度和韧性。
(4) 硬度:硬度影响材料的耐磨性和抗疲劳性能。
(5) 粘度:粘度影响材料的铸造性能和焊接性能。
5.结论通过对Abaqus 中铝合金材料的参数进行调整,可以实现对材料性能的调控,以满足不同工程应用的需求。
在ABAQUS中,可以通过以下步骤进行材料参数设定:1. 创建材料模型:选择合适的Hyperelastic材料模型,并为其分配一个名称。
abaqus 控制参数
abaqus 控制参数Abaqus 控制参数Abaqus是一款广泛应用于工程领域的有限元分析软件,可以模拟和分析各种结构的力学行为。
1. 控制步长控制步长是Abaqus中最基本的控制参数之一。
2. 收敛标准收敛标准用于判断仿真计算的收敛性,即计算结果是否达到稳定状态。
3. 材料模型材料模型是描述材料力学性质的数学模型。
4. 网格密度网格密度是指在有限元分析中将结构划分为小单元的数量。
5. 边界条件边界条件是指在仿真分析中对模型边界处施加的限制或加载。
6. 求解器和算法Abaqus提供了多种求解器和算法供用户选择,如标准求解器、显式求解器、隐式求解器等。
7. 后处理选项后处理选项用于对仿真结果进行可视化和分析。
Department of Engineering University of Cambridge > Engineering Department > computing helpABAQUS Materials Input1. 5. ABAQUS - Materials2. Q5.1 : How do I find what material properties are needed for a particular analysis ?Read the relevant section in Chapter 6 : Analysis Procedures (User's manual Vol. I). This gives an overview about the analysis and has more information about the material properties.Read also the following sections in Chapter 17 : Materials Introduction of the ABAQUS User's manual.▪Section 17.1.1 - Material Library : Overview▪Section 17.1.2 - Material Data Definition▪Section 17.1.3 - Combining Material PropertiesSection 17.1.3 lists the material model combination tables. Several models are available to define the mechanical behaviour (elastic, plastic).Some material options require the presence of other material options. Some exclude the use of the other material options. For example *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY completely defines the material's mechanical behaviour and should not be used with *ELASTIC.Once you have all the relevant keywords to define the material properties consult the keyword Manual for each of the keywords. This will explain what data is required for each of the keyword.3. Q5.2 : What material properties need to be specified in a thermal-electrical analysis ?Referring to Section 17.1.3 of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the heat transfer properties as well as the electrical properties. These are listed below :▪Heat Transfer properties▪*CONDUCTIVITY▪*LATENT HEAT▪*SPECIFIC HEAT▪*HEAT GENERATION▪Electrical properties▪*DIELECTRIC▪*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY▪*JOULE HEAT FRACTION▪*PIEZOELECTRICThis forms the complete set of properties. If Piezoelectric elements are not used then*PIEZOELECTRIC and *DIELECTRIC properties will not be required.If only the steady state heat transfer response is of interest then *SPECIFIC HEAT properties are not required. Similarly if there are no phase changes involved then *LATENT HEAT is not required.*JOULE HEAT FRACTION is used to specify the fraction of electrical energy that will be released as heat.Example problem 5.2.1 - thermal-electrical modelling of an automotive fuse illustrates the thermal-electrical analysis.ABAQUS allows for redundant material properties to be specified. It will simply ignore the material properties not required for the current analysis.Typical example of material properties :*MATERIAL, NAME=ZINC*CONDUCTIVITY0.1121, 20.00.1103, 100.0*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY16.75E3, 20.012.92E3, 100.0*JOULE HEAT FRACTION1.0*DENSITY7.14E-6*SPECIFIC HEAT389.04. Q5.3 : What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using temperature- displacement elements ?Referring to Section 17.1.3 of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the heat transfer properties as well as the mechanical properties. These are listed below :▪Mechanical properties▪*ELASTIC▪Additional properties which may be required : example plastic ▪Heat Transfer properties▪*CONDUCTIVITY▪*LATENT HEAT▪*SPECIFIC HEAT▪*HEAT GENERATION5. Q5.4 : What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using piezoelectric elements?Referring to Section 9.1.3 of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the electrical properties. These are listed below :▪Electrical properties▪*DIELECTRIC▪*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY▪*JOULE HEAT FRACTION▪*PIEZOELECTRIC6. Q5.5 : What material properties need to be specified in modeling concrete with reinforcements?Use the concrete model available with rebar to model the reinforcements.Section 1.1.5 of the ABAQUS Example's manual gives an example of the collapse analysis of a concrete slab subjected to a central point load.The data file for that example is collapse example.The complete set of ABAQUS input files can be obtained by using the following command :abaqus fetch j=collapseconcslab**CONCRETE3000., 0. abs. value of compressive stress, abs. value of plastic strain. 5500., 0.0015 " "*FAILURE RATIOS1.16, 0.0836This is used to define the shape of the failure surface (see section 11.5.1 of the ABAQUSUSER's manual Vol. II).The first parameter is the ratio of the ultimate biaxial compression stress, to the uniaxial compressive stress. Default is 1.16.The second parameter is the absolute value of the ratio of uniaxial tensile stress at failure to the uniaxial compressive stress at failure. Default is 0.09.7. Tension Stiffening*TENSION STIFFENING1., 0.0., 2.E-3First parameter is the fraction of remaining stress to stress at cracking. The second parameter is the absolute value of the direct strain minus the direct strain at cracking.This defines the retained tensile stress normal to the crack as a function of the deformation in the direction of the normal to the crack.8. Shear Retention*SHEAR RETENTIONNot used for this example.9. Reinforcement modelling*REBAR is used to model the reinforcement.*REBAR,ELEMENT=SHELL,MATERIAL=SLABMT,GEOMETRY=ISOPARAMETRIC,NAME=YYSLAB, 0.014875, 1., -0.435, 4*REBAR,ELEMENT=SHELL,MATERIAL=SLABMT,GEOMETRY=ISOPARAMETRIC,NAME=XXSLAB, 0.014875, 1., -0.435, 1Here SLAB is the element name or name of the element set that contains these rebars. The geometry is ISOPARAMETRIC. Other choice is SKEW. ELEMENT can be BEAM, SHELL, AXISHELL or CONTINUUM type. The following are the other parameters specified :▪cross-sectional area of the rebar.▪spacing of the rebars in the plane of the shell▪position of the rebar. Distance from the reference surface. Here the mid-surface is the reference surface and the minus sign indicates that the distance is measured in theopposite direction to the direction of positive normal. The positive normal is defined by the right hand rule as the nodes are considered in an anti-clockwise sequence.▪edge number to which rebars are similar.10. Alternate Method o modelling REBAR ReinforcementsAlternatively REBAR can be modelled as follows :*NODE........**-------------------END NODES FOR REBAR BEAM ELEMENTS501, 0.0, 0.15, -0.02541, 1.5, 0.15, -0.02601, 0.0, 0.15, -0.07641, 1.5, 0.15, -0.07701, 0.0, 0.60, -0.02741, 1.5, 0.60, -0.02801, 0.0, 0.60, -0.07841, 1.5, 0.60, -0.07........**---------------------GENERATE INTERMEDIATE NODES*NGEN, NSET=BAR10TF701, 741, 2*NGEN, NSET=BAR10TB801, 841, 2......**--------------------GENERATE THE BEAM ELEMENTS*ELEMENT, TYPE=B31701, 701, 703801, 801, 803*ELGEN, ELSET=BAR10TF701, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1*ELGEN, ELSET=BAR10TB801, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1......**---------------------DEFINE THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES*MATERIAL, NAME=BAR8**** 8 mm dia bar***ELASTIC, TYPE=ISO197.E6, 0.3*PLASTIC354.E3, 0.364.E3, 0.0018****---------------------DEFINE THE SECTION PROPERTIES......*BEAM SECTION, SECTION=CIRC, MATERIAL=BAR10, ELSET=BAR10TF0.005*BEAM SECTION, SECTION=CIRC, MATERIAL=BAR10, ELSET=BAR10TB0.005...**--------------------DEFINE AN ELEMENT SET WHICH CONTAINS**--------------------THE ELEMENTS THROUGH WHICH THE REBAR**--------------------ELEMENTS PASSES.....*ELSET, ELSET=TOP, GENERATE5, 80, 5****--------------------*EMBEDDED ELEMENT,HOST ELSET=TOPBAR10TF,BAR10TB**11. Q5.6 : What material properties need to be specified in using the deformation plasticity model ?See section 11.2.11 of the users' manual (Vol. II). See also section 23.4.7 of the users' manual (Vol. III), keyword section.For example :*DEFORMATION PLASTICITY1.E3, 0.3,2., 3, 0.396Here the data line contains the Young's modulus, Poissons ratio, Yield stress, Exponent, Yield offset respectively. If it is necessary to define the dependence of these parameters on temperature then the 6th parameter will be the temperature. Then repeat the dataline for different temperatures as required.| Computing Help |[Finite Elements] | [Engineering Packages]© Cambridge University Engineering DeptInformation provided by Arul M Britto (amb2)Last updated: 28 September 2010。
表1 材料的弹性模量、泊松比、密度和热膨胀系数材料名称弹性模量EGPa泊松比ν密度ρkg/m3热膨胀系数α10-6/℃铝合金 70-79 0.33 2600-2800 23 黄铜96-110 0.34 8400-8600 19.1-21.2 青铜96-120 0.34 8200-8800 18-21 铸铁83-170 0.2-0.3 7000-7400 9.9-12混凝土(压)普通增强轻质17-31 0.1-0.2230024001100-18007-14铜及其合金110-120 0.33-0.36 8900 16.6-17.6 玻璃48-83 0.17-0.272400-2800 5-11 镁合金41-45 0.35 1760-183026.1-28.8镍合金(蒙乃尔铜) 170 0.32 8800 14 镍210 0.31 8800 13 塑料尼龙聚乙烯2.1-3.40.7-岩石(压)花岗岩、大理石、石英石石灰石、沙石40-10020-700.2-0.30.2-0.32600-29002000-29005-9橡胶0.0007-0.004 0.45-0.5 960-1300 130-200 沙、土壤、砂砾1200-2200 钢高强钢不锈钢结构钢190-2100.27-0.30785010-18141712钛合金100-120 0.334500 8.1-11 钨340-380 0.2 1900 4.3 木材(弯曲)杉木橡木松木11-1311-1211-14480-560640-720560-640表2 材料的力学性能材料名称/牌号屈服强度sσMPa抗拉强度bσMPa伸长率5δ%备注铝合金LY12 35-500274100-5504121-4519 硬铝黄铜70-550 200-620 4-60 青铜82-690 200-830 5-60铸铁(拉伸) HT150HT250 120-290 69-4801502500-1铸铁(压缩) 340-1400混凝土(压缩) 10-70铜及其合金55-760 230-830 4-50玻璃平板玻璃玻璃纤维30-1000707000-20000镁合金80-280 140-340 2-20 镍合金(蒙乃尔铜) 170-1100 450-1200 2-50 镍100-620 310-760 2-50 塑料尼龙聚乙烯40-807-2820-10015-300岩石(压缩)花岗岩、大理石、石英石石灰石、沙石50-280 20-200橡胶1-7 7-20 100-800 普通碳素钢Q215 Q235 Q255 Q275 215235255275335~450375~500410~550490~63026~3121~2619~2415~20旧牌号A2旧牌号A3旧牌号A4旧牌号A5优质碳素钢25 35 45 55 2753153553804505306006452320161325号钢35号钢45号钢55号钢低合金钢15MnV 16Mn 390345530510182115锰钒16锰合金钢20Cr 40Cr 54078583598010920铬40铬30CrMnSi 88510801030铬锰硅铸钢ZG200-400 ZG270-500 2002704005002518钢线280-1000 550-1400 5-40钛合金760-1000 900-1200 10 钨 1400-40000-4 木材(弯曲)杉木橡木松木30-5030-4030-5040-7030-5040-70。
Department of EngineeringUniversity of Cambridge? ? Engineering Department? ? computing helpABAQUS Materials Input5. ABAQUS - MaterialsQ5.1 : How do I find what material properties are needed for a particular analysis ?Read the relevant section in Chapter 6 : Analysis Procedures User's manual Vol. I . This gives an overview about the analysis and has more information about the material properties.Read also the following sections in Chapter 17 : Materials Introduction of the ABAQUS User's manual.Section - Material Library : OverviewSection - Material Data DefinitionSection - Combining Material PropertiesSection lists the material model combination tables. Several models are available to define the mechanical behaviour elastic, plastic .Some material options require the presence of other material options. Some exclude the use of the other material options. For example *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY completely defines the material's mechanicalbehaviour and should not be used with *ELASTIC.Once you have all the relevant keywords to define the material properties consult the keyword Manual for each of the keywords. This will explain what data is required for each of the keyword.Q5.2 : What material properties need to be specified in a thermal-electrical analysis ?Referring to Section of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the heat transfer properties as well as the electrical properties. These are listed below :Heat Transfer properties*CONDUCTIVITY*LATENT HEAT*SPECIFIC HEAT*HEAT GENERATIONElectrical properties*DIELECTRIC*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY*JOULE HEAT FRACTION*PIEZOELECTRICThis forms the complete set of properties. If Piezoelectric elements are not used then *PIEZOELECTRIC and *DIELECTRIC properties will not be required.If only the steady state heat transfer response is of interest then *SPECIFIC HEAT properties are not required. Similarly if there are no phase changes involved then *LATENT HEAT is not required.*JOULE HEAT FRACTION is used to specify the fraction of electrical energy that will be released as heat.Example problem - thermal-electrical modelling of an automotive fuse illustrates the thermal-electrical analysis.ABAQUS allows for redundant material properties to be specified. It will simply ignore the material properties not required for the current analysis.Typical example of material properties :*MATERIAL, NAME ZINC*CONDUCTIVITY0.1121, 20.00.1103, 100.0*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY16.75E3, 20.012.92E3, 100.0*JOULE HEAT FRACTION1.0*DENSITY7.14E-6*SPECIFIC HEAT389.0Q5.3 : What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using temperature- displacement elements ?Referring to Section of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the heat transfer properties as well as the mechanical properties. These are listed below :Mechanical properties*ELASTICAdditional properties which may be required : example plasticHeat Transfer properties*CONDUCTIVITY*LATENT HEAT*SPECIFIC HEAT*HEAT GENERATIONQ5.4 : What material properties need to be specified in an analysis using piezoelectric elements?Referring to Section of the ABAQUS User's manual you will require the electrical properties. These are listed below :Electrical properties*DIELECTRIC*ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY*JOULE HEAT FRACTION*PIEZOELECTRICQ5.5 : What material properties need to be specified in modeling concrete with reinforcements?Use the concrete model available with rebar to model the reinforcements.Section of the ABAQUS Example's manual gives an example of the collapse analysis of a concrete slab subjected to a central point load.The data file for that example is collapse example.The complete set of ABAQUS input files can be obtained by using the following command :abaqus fetch j collapseconcslab**CONCRETE3000., 0. abs. value of compressive stress, abs. value of plastic strain.5500., 0.0015 " "*FAILURE RATIOS1.16, 0.0836This is used to define the shape of the failure surface see section of the ABAQUS USER's manual Vol. II .The first parameter is the ratio of the ultimate biaxial compression stress, to the uniaxial compressive stress. Default is 1.16.The second parameter is the absolute value of the ratio of uniaxial tensile stress at failure to the uniaxial compressive stress at failure. Default is 0.09.Tension Stiffening*TENSION STIFFENING1., 0.0., 2.E-3First parameter is the fraction of remaining stress to stress at cracking. The second parameter is the absolute value of the direct strain minus the direct strain at cracking.This defines the retained tensile stress normal to the crack as a function of the deformation in the direction of the normal to the crack.Shear Retention*SHEAR RETENTIONNot used for this example.Reinforcement modelling*REBAR is used to model the reinforcement.*REBAR,ELEMENT SHELL,MATERIAL SLABMT,GEOMETRY ISOPARAMETRIC,NAME YY SLAB, 0.014875, 1., -0.435, 4*REBAR,ELEMENT SHELL,MATERIAL SLABMT,GEOMETRY ISOPARAMETRIC,NAME XX SLAB, 0.014875, 1., -0.435, 1Here SLAB is the element name or name of the element set that containsthese rebars. The geometry is ISOPARAMETRIC. Other choice is SKEW. ELEMENT can be BEAM, SHELL, AXISHELL or CONTINUUM type. The following are the other parameters specified :cross-sectional area of the rebar.spacing of the rebars in the plane of the shellposition of the rebar. Distance from the reference surface. Here the mid-surface is the reference surface and the minus sign indicates that the distance is measured in the opposite direction to the direction of positive normal. The positive normal is defined by the right hand rule as the nodes are considered in an anti-clockwise sequence.edge number to which rebars are similar.Alternate Method o modelling REBAR ReinforcementsAlternatively REBAR can be modelled as follows :*NODE........**501, 0.0, 0.15, -0.02541, 1.5, 0.15, -0.02601, 0.0, 0.15, -0.07641, 1.5, 0.15, -0.07701, 0.0, 0.60, -0.02741, 1.5, 0.60, -0.02 801, 0.0, 0.60, -0.07 841, 1.5, 0.60, -0.07 ........***NGEN, NSET BAR10TF701, 741, 2*NGEN, NSET BAR10TB801, 841, 2......***ELEMENT, TYPE B31701, 701, 703801, 801, 803*ELGEN, ELSET BAR10TF701, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1*ELGEN, ELSET BAR10TB801, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1......*MATERIAL, NAME BAR8**** 8 mm dia bar***ELASTIC, TYPE ISO197.E6, 0.3*PLASTIC354.E3, 0.364.E3, 0.0018****......*BEAM SECTION, SECTION CIRC, MATERIAL BAR10, ELSET BAR10TF 0.005*BEAM SECTION, SECTION CIRC, MATERIAL BAR10, ELSET BAR10TB 0.005...*******ELSET, ELSET TOP, GENERATE5, 80, 5*****EMBEDDED ELEMENT,HOST ELSET TOPBAR10TF,BAR10TB**Q5.6 : What material properties need to be specified in using the deformation plasticity model ?See section of the users' manual Vol. II . See also section of the users' manual Vol. III , keyword section.For example :*DEFORMATION PLASTICITY1.E3, 0.3,2., 3, 0.396Here the data line contains the Young's modulus, Poissons ratio, Yield stress, Exponent, Yield offset respectively. If it is necessary to define the dependence of these parameters on temperature then the 6th parameter will be the temperature. Then repeat the dataline for different temperatures as required.| Computing Help |[Finite Elements] | [Engineering Packages]Cambridge University Engineering DeptInformation provided by Arul M Britto amb2 Last updated: 28 September 2010。
以下是常规钢筋的ABAQUS本构参数:|钢筋类型 | 弹性模量E(GPa) | 屈服压应力fy(MPa) | 极限拉伸应力fmax(MPa) | 延伸率eT2(%) | 硬化指数n | 断裂应变εf(%) ||--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|| HRB335 | 200 | 300 | 415 | 14 | 0.03 | 25 || HRB400 | 200 | 360 | 480 | 14 | 0.07 | 20 || HRB500 | 200 | 435 | 630 | 14 | 0.12 | 10 |其中,HRB335、HRB400和HRB500是钢筋的型号,分别代表了钢筋的强度等级,其数值表示最小屈服试验跨度。
【文章】abaqus材料阻尼比参数含义1. 引言在工程领域中,材料的阻尼比是一个非常重要的参数,它对结构的振动特性和动态响应有着重要影响。
2. abaqus材料阻尼比参数含义的深度探讨abaqus中的材料阻尼比参数指的是在结构振动分析中描述材料内部耗散能力的一个重要参数。
3. abaqus材料阻尼比参数含义的广度探讨阻尼比参数在abaqus中有着广泛的应用,涉及到多个领域和行业。
4. 回顾与总结通过深度和广度的探讨,我们对abaqus材料阻尼比参数的含义有了更为全面和深入的理解。
5. 个人观点与理解作为一个工程师,我深知材料阻尼比参数的重要性。
第 4 章 岩土工程中常用的本构模型
模型。线弹性模型适用于任何单元。 1.各向同性弹性模型 各向同性线弹性模型的应力-应变的表达式为:
11 1/ E / E / E 1/ E 22 33 / E / E 0 12 0 13 0 0 0 0 23 / E / E 1/ E 0 0 0 11 22 33 1/ G 0 0 12 0 1/ G 0 13 0 0 1/ G 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
图 4-1
若勾选【No compression】和【No tension】复选框,可认为弹性模型不能受压或受拉。 (2)在 inp 输入文件中使用线弹性模型。 这三种弹性模型的关键字行语句是类似的,即:
注意:由于 ABAQUS 以拉为正,而岩土工程常受到压应力,因此为方便起见 ABAQUS 1 令 p trac(σ) 。 3 4.1.3 应力张量不变量和偏应力不变量 应力张量三个不变量为: I1 x y z 1 2 3
2 x y y z z x xy 2 yz 2 zx
这里涉及到的参数有两个,即弹性模型 E 和泊松比 v ,可以随温度和其他场变量变化。 提示:ABAQUS 中的大多数模型中的参数都可以与温度等场变量挂钩,从而实现参数在 分析过程中的变化。强度折减法就是利用了这一点。 2.正交各向异性弹性模型 正交各向异性的独立模型参数为 3 个正交方向的杨氏模量 E1 、 E2 和 E3 ,3 个泊松比 v12 、 v13 和 v23 ,3 个剪切模量 G12 、 G13 和 G23 ,其应力-应变的表达式为:
abaqus 1005种材料参数
Material Name and Condition. Density Yng's Poisslb/in^3 Modul Ratio Strs S msi ksi k acrylic lucite 0.0430 0.43 0.400 6.0 1 aluminum pure 99.996 annealed 0.0970 10.00 0.330 1.8 aluminum pure 99.45-o condition 0.0980 10.00 0.330 4.0 1 aluminum pure-h12 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 12.0 1 aluminum pure-h16 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 16.0 1 aluminum 1060-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 4.0 1 aluminum 1060-h12 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 11.0 1 aluminum 1060-h18 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 18.0 1 aluminum 1100-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 5.0 1 aluminum 1100-h14 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 17.0 1 aluminum 1100-h18 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 26.0 2 aluminum 2011-t3 bar 0.1020 10.20 0.330 43.0 5 aluminum 2011-t8 bar 0.1020 10.20 0.330 45.0 5 aluminum 2014-o bar 0.1010 10.60 0.330 14.0 2 aluminum 2014-t6 sheet 0.1010 10.60 0.330 68.0 7 aluminum 2014-t651 0.1010 10.60 0.330 63.5 6 aluminum 2017-o bar 0.1010 10.50 0.330 10.0 2 aluminum 2017-t4 bar 0.1010 10.50 0.330 40.0 6 aluminum 2021-o sheet 0.1030 10.70 0.330 10.0 2 aluminum 2021-t31 sheet 0.1030 10.70 0.330 40.0 6 aluminum 2021-t81 plate 0.1030 10.70 0.330 63.0 7 aluminum 2021-t8151 0.1030 10.70 0.330 66.6 7 aluminum 2024-o sheet 0.1000 10.60 0.330 11.0 2 aluminum 2024-t3 sheet 0.1000 10.60 0.330 51.0 6 aluminum 2024-t4 sheet 0.1000 10.60 0.330 47.0 6 aluminum 2024-t851 plate 0.1000 10.60 0.330 68.0 7 aluminum 2025-t6 plate 0.1010 10.40 0.330 37.0 5 aluminum 2219-o sheet 0.1020 10.60 0.330 11.0 2 aluminum 2219-t31 sheet 0.1020 10.60 0.330 45.0 5 aluminum 2219-t62 sheet 0.1020 10.60 0.330 39.0 5 aluminum 2219-t851 sheet 0.1020 10.60 0.330 51.0 6 aluminum 2219-t851 0.1020 10.60 0.330 53.8 6 aluminum 2618-t6 sheet 0.1000 10.50 0.330 56.0 6 aluminum 3003-o sheet 0.0990 10.00 0.330 6.0 1 aluminum 3003-h12 sheet 0.0990 10.00 0.330 18.0 1 aluminum 3003-h14 0.0990 10.00 0.330 21.1 2 aluminum 3003-h18 sheet 0.0990 10.00 0.330 27.0 2 aluminum 3004-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 10.0 2 aluminum 3004-h32 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 25.0 3 aluminum 3004-h34 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 29.0 3 aluminum 3004-h38 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 36.0 4 aluminum 4032-t6 0.0970 11.40 0.330 46.0 5 aluminum 5050-o sheet 0.0970 10.00 0.330 8.0 2 aluminum 5050-h32 sheet 0.0970 10.00 0.330 21.0 2aluminum 5050-h38 sheet 0.0970 10.00 0.330 29.0 3 aluminum 5052-o sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 13.0 2 aluminum 5052-o 0.0970 10.20 0.330 12.0 2 aluminum 5052-h34 sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 31.0 3 aluminum 5052-h38 sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 38.0 4 aluminum 5083-o sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 22.0 4 aluminum 5083-o 0.0960 10.30 0.330 20.4 4 aluminum 5083-h12 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 44.0 5 aluminum 5083-h32 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 38.0 5 aluminum 5083-h34 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 45.0 5 aluminum 5083-h321 0.0960 10.30 0.330 34.1 4 aluminum 5086-o sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 19.0 4 aluminum 5086-o 0.0960 10.30 0.330 17.0 3 aluminum 5086-h32 plate 0.0960 10.30 0.330 30.0 4 aluminum 5086-h34 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 38.0 5 aluminum 5086-h34 plate 0.0960 10.30 0.330 38.0 5 aluminum 5154-o sheet 0.0960 10.20 0.330 16.0 3 aluminum 5154-h32 sheet 0.0960 10.20 0.330 31.0 4 aluminum 5154-h34 sheet 0.0960 10.20 0.330 38.0 4 aluminum 5154-h38 sheet 0.0960 10.20 0.330 43.0 4 aluminum 5454-o sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 16.0 3 aluminum 5454-o 0.0970 10.20 0.330 16.7 3 aluminum 5454-h32 sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 32.0 4 aluminum 5454-h32 0.0970 10.20 0.330 28.9 4 aluminum 5454-h34 sheet 0.0970 10.20 0.330 40.0 4 aluminum 5454-h32 plate 0.0970 10.20 0.330 38.0 4 aluminum 5456-o sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 25.0 4 aluminum 5456-o 0.0960 10.30 0.330 23.2 4 aluminum 5456-h24 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 41.0 5 aluminum 5456-h321 sheet 0.0960 10.30 0.330 37.0 5 aluminum 5456-h321 plate 0.0960 10.30 0.330 34.0 5 aluminum 6061-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 8.0 1 aluminum 6061-t6 sheet thick 0.0980 10.00 0.330 41.0 4 aluminum 6061-t6 sheet thin 0.0980 10.00 0.330 43.0 4 aluminum 6061-t6 0.0980 10.00 0.330 42.2 4 aluminum 6061-t651 plate 0.0980 10.00 0.330 39.0 4 aluminum 6063-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 7.0 1 aluminum 6063-t4 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 13.0 2 aluminum 6063-t6 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 31.0 3 aluminum 6063-t6 0.0980 10.00 0.330 31.0 3 aluminum 6063-t832 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 39.0 4 aluminum 6066-o sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 12.0 2 aluminum 6066-t4 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 30.0 5 aluminum 6066-t6 sheet 0.0980 10.00 0.330 51.0 5 aluminum x7005-o sheet 0.1010 10.30 0.330 12.0 2 aluminum x7005-t6 sheet 0.1010 10.30 0.330 46.0 5aluminum 7039-o sheet 0.1010 10.10 0.330 15.0 3 aluminum 7039-t6 sheet 0.1010 10.10 0.330 55.0 6 aluminum 7039-t61 plate 0.1010 10.10 0.330 48.0 5 aluminum 7049-t73 die forgings 0.1020 10.20 0.330 61.0 7 aluminum 7049-t73511 extrusions 0.1020 10.20 0.330 62.0 7 aluminum 7049-t75511 extrusions 0.1020 10.20 0.330 69.0 7 aluminum 7050-t73652 hand forging 0.1010 10.30 0.330 60.0 7 aluminum 7050-t736 die forgings 0.1010 10.30 0.330 60.0 7 aluminum 7075-o sheet 0.1010 10.30 0.330 15.0 3 aluminum 7075-t6 sheet 0.1010 10.30 0.330 76.0 8 aluminum 7075-t651 plate 0.1010 10.40 0.330 76.0 8 aluminum 7075-t73 sheet 0.1010 10.30 0.330 63.0 7 aluminum 7076-t61 0.1020 9.70 0.330 60.0 7 aluminum 7079-o sheet 0.0990 10.40 0.330 15.0 3 aluminum 7079-t6 sheet 0.0990 10.40 0.330 70.0 7 aluminum 7079-t651 plate 0.0990 10.40 0.330 77.0 8 aluminum 7178-o sheet 0.1020 10.40 0.330 15.0 3 aluminum 7178-t6 sheet 0.1020 10.40 0.330 75.0 8 aluminum 7178-t76 plate 0.1020 10.20 0.330 72.0 8 aluminum 7178-t651 plate 0.1020 10.40 0.330 84.0 9 aluminum wrought 1060 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 4.0 1 aluminum wrought 1060 h14 0.0980 10.00 0.330 13.0 1 aluminum wrought 1060 h18 0.0980 10.00 0.330 18.0 1 aluminum wrought 1100 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 5.0 1 aluminum wrought 1100 h14 0.0980 10.00 0.330 17.0 1 aluminum wrought 1100 h18 0.0980 10.00 0.330 22.0 2 aluminum wrought 1350 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 4.0 1 aluminum wrought 1350 h19 0.0980 10.00 0.330 24.0 2 aluminum wrought 2011 t3 0.1090 10.20 0.330 43.0 5 aluminum wrought 2011 t8 0.1090 10.20 0.330 45.0 5 aluminum wrought 2014 o 0.1010 10.60 0.330 14.0 2 aluminum wrought 2014 t6 0.1010 10.60 0.330 68.0 7 aluminum wrought 2017 o 0.1010 10.50 0.330 10.0 2 aluminum wrought 2017 t4 0.1010 10.50 0.330 40.0 6 aluminum wrought 2024 o 0.1010 10.60 0.330 11.0 2 aluminum wrought 2024 t3 0.1010 10.60 0.330 50.0 7 aluminum wrought 2024 t4 or t351 0.1010 10.60 0.330 47.0 6 aluminum wrought 2024 t361 0.1010 10.60 0.330 57.0 7 aluminum wrought 2036 t4 0.1000 10.30 0.330 28.0 4 aluminum wrought 2219 o 0.1030 10.60 0.330 11.0 2 aluminum wrought 2219 t31 or t351 0.1030 10.60 0.330 36.0 5 aluminum wrought 2219 t81 or t851 0.1030 10.60 0.330 51.0 6 aluminum wrought 3003 o 0.0990 10.00 0.330 6.0 1 aluminum wrought 3003 h12 0.0990 10.00 0.330 18.0 1 aluminum wrought 3003 h14 0.0990 10.00 0.330 21.0 2 aluminum wrought 3003 h18 0.0990 10.00 0.330 27.0 2aluminum wrought 3004 h32 0.0980 10.00 0.330 25.0 3 aluminum wrought 3004 h34 0.0980 10.00 0.330 29.0 3 aluminum wrought 3004 h38 0.0980 10.00 0.330 36.0 4 aluminum wrought 3105 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 8.0 1 aluminum wrought 3105 h14 0.0980 10.00 0.330 22.0 2 aluminum wrought 3105 h18 0.0980 10.00 0.330 28.0 3 aluminum wrought 3105 h25 0.0980 10.00 0.330 23.0 2 aluminum wrought 4032 t6 0.0970 11.40 0.330 46.0 5 aluminum wrought 5005 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 6.0 1 aluminum wrought 5005 h14 0.0980 10.00 0.330 22.0 2 aluminum wrought 5005 h18 0.0980 10.00 0.330 28.0 2 aluminum wrought 5005 h38 0.0980 10.00 0.330 27.0 2 aluminum wrought 5050 o 0.0970 10.00 0.330 8.0 2 aluminum wrought 5050 h34 0.0970 10.00 0.330 24.0 2 aluminum wrought 5050 h38 0.0970 10.00 0.330 29.0 3 aluminum wrought 5052 o 0.0970 10.20 0.330 13.0 2 aluminum wrought 5052 h34 0.0970 10.20 0.330 31.0 3 aluminum wrought 5052 h38 0.0970 10.20 0.330 37.0 4 aluminum wrought 5083 o 0.0960 10.30 0.330 21.0 4 aluminum wrought 5083 h321 or h116 0.0960 10.30 0.330 33.0 4 aluminum wrought 5086 0 0.0960 10.30 0.330 17.0 3 aluminum wrought 5086 h32 or h116 0.0960 10.30 0.330 30.0 4 aluminum wrought 5154 o 0.0960 10.20 0.330 17.0 3 aluminum wrought 5154 h34 0.0960 10.20 0.330 33.0 4 aluminum wrought 5154 h38 0.0960 10.20 0.330 39.0 4 aluminum wrought 5252 h25 0.0960 10.00 0.330 25.0 3 aluminum wrought 5454 o 0.0970 10.20 0.330 17.0 3 aluminum wrought 5454 h32 0.0970 10.20 0.330 30.0 4 aluminum wrought 5454 h34 0.0970 10.20 0.330 35.0 4 aluminum wrought 5456 o 0.0960 10.30 0.330 23.0 4 aluminum wrought 5456 h24 0.0960 10.30 0.330 41.0 5 aluminum wrought 5456 h34 0.0960 10.30 0.330 37.0 5 aluminum wrought 5657 h25 0.0970 10.00 0.330 20.0 2 aluminum wrought 5657 h38 or h28 0.0970 10.00 0.330 24.0 2 aluminum wrought 6061 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 8.0 1 aluminum wrought 6061 t451 0.0980 10.00 0.330 21.0 3 aluminum wrought 6061 t651 0.0980 10.00 0.330 40.0 4 aluminum wrought 6063 o 0.0970 10.00 0.330 7.0 1 aluminum wrought 6063 t4 0.0970 10.00 0.330 13.0 2 aluminum wrought 6063 t6 0.0970 10.00 0.330 31.0 3 aluminum wrought 6066 o 0.0980 10.00 0.330 12.0 2 aluminum wrought 6066 t4 0.0980 10.00 0.330 30.0 5 aluminum wrought 6066 t6 0.0980 10.00 0.330 52.0 5 aluminum wrought 6101 t6 0.0970 10.00 0.330 28.0 3 aluminum wrought 7001 o 0.1030 10.30 0.330 22.0 3 aluminum wrought 7001 t6 0.1030 10.30 0.330 91.0 9aluminum wrought 7075 t6 or t651 0.1010 10.30 0.330 73.0 8 aluminum wrought 7075 t73 0.1010 10.30 0.330 63.0 7 aluminum wrought 7178 o 0.1020 10.40 0.330 15.0 3 aluminum wrought 7178 t6 or t651 0.1020 10.40 0.330 78.0 8 aluminum wrought 7178 t76 or t7651 0.1020 10.40 0.330 73.0 8 beryllium s-65 0.0670 42.00 0.029 30.0 4 beryllium s-200f 0.0670 42.00 0.029 35.0 4 beryllium 1319 0.0670 42.00 0.029 35.0 5 beryllium 1162 0.0670 42.00 0.029 25.0 3 beryllium qmv 0.0670 42.00 0.029 30.0 5 beryllium-copper 10 dead soft 0.3190 20.00 0.310 20.0 3 beryllium-copper 10 planished 0.3190 20.00 0.310 25.0 3 beryllium-copper 10 h temper 0.3190 20.00 0.310 55.0 7 beryllium-copper 10 at temper 0.3190 20.00 0.310 80.0 10 beryllium-copper 10 ht temper 0.3190 20.00 0.310 100.0 11 beryllium-copper 10 htr temper 0.3190 20.00 0.310 110.0 12 beryllium-copper 10 htc temper 0.3190 20.00 0.310 50.0 7 beryllium-copper 25 dead soft 0.3020 19.00 0.310 28.0 6 beryllium-copper 25 planished 0.3020 19.00 0.310 30.0 6 beryllium-copper 25 1/4 h temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 60.0 7 beryllium-copper 25 1/2 h temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 75.0 8 beryllium-copper 25 h temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 90.0 10 beryllium-copper 25 at temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 140.0 16 beryllium-copper 25 1/4 ht temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 150.0 17 beryllium-copper 25 1/2 ht temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 160.0 18 beryllium-copper 25 ht temper 0.3020 19.00 0.310 165.0 19 brass cartridge cu.7 zn.3 1/2 hard 0.3080 16.00 0.330 52.0 6 brass cartridge cu.7 zn.3 1/4 hard 0.3080 16.00 0.330 40.0 5 brass cartridge cu.7 zn.3 annealed 0.3080 16.00 0.330 19.0 5 bronze commercial cu.9 zn.1 1/2 hard 0.3180 17.00 0.330 45.0 5 bronze commercial cu.9 zn.1 annealed 0.3180 17.00 0.330 12.0 3 copper cold rolled 0.3220 17.00 0.330 45.0 5 copper hot rolled 0.3230 17.00 0.330 10.0 3 copper oxygen free (99.92) annealed 0.3210 17.00 0.330 10.0 3 gold pure (99.9) annealed 0.6980 12.00 0.420 1.0 1 gold pure (99.9) cold rolled 0.6980 12.00 0.420 30.0 3 inconel x annealed 0.3000 31.00 0.330 50.0 11 inconel x hot rolled 0.3000 31.00 0.330 120.0 18 iron gray cast 0.2600 13.00 0.300 32.0 3 iron ingot (99.9+) annealed 0.2840 30.10 0.290 19.0 3 iron ingot (99.9+) hot rolled 0.2840 30.10 0.290 19.0 3 iron wrought hat rolled 0.2780 29.00 0.290 30.0 4 lead pure 0.4100 2.00 0.420 1.9 magnesium az31b-h24 0.0640 6.50 0.350 22.0 3 magnesium hk31b-h24 0.0650 6.40 0.350 29.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 0.016/0.249 0.0643 6.50 0.330 32.0 4magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 0.250/0.374 0.0643 6.50 0.330 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 0.375/0.500 0.0643 6.50 0.330 27.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 0.501/1.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 24.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 1.001/2.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 23.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h24 sheet 2.001/3.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 21.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 0.250/0.374 0.0643 6.50 0.330 30.0 4 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 0.375/0.438 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 4 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 0.439/0.500 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 4 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 0.501/0.750 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 4 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 0.751/1.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 26.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 1.001/1.500 0.0643 6.50 0.330 25.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn h26 sheet 1.501/2.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 24.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn o sheet 0.016/0.060 0.0643 6.50 0.330 22.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn o sheet 0.061/0.249 0.0643 6.50 0.330 23.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn o sheet 0.250/0.500 0.0643 6.50 0.330 22.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn o sheet 0.501/2.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 22.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3-al 1-zn o sheet 2.001/3.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 21.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr h24 sheet 0.016/0.125 0.0647 6.50 0.330 30.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr h24 sheet 0.126/0.250 0.0647 6.50 0.330 30.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr h24 sheet 0.251/1.000 0.0647 6.50 0.330 31.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr h24 sheet 1.001/3.000 0.0647 6.50 0.330 29.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr o sheet 0.016/0.250 0.0647 6.50 0.330 20.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr o sheet 0.251/0.500 0.0647 6.50 0.330 19.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr o sheet 0.501/1.000 0.0647 6.50 0.330 18.0 3 magnesium wrought hk31a 3.2-th 0.7-zr o sheet 1.001/3.000 0.0647 6.50 0.330 17.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t8 sheet 0.016/0.250 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t8 sheet 0.251/0.500 0.0643 6.50 0.330 30.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t8 sheet 0.501/1.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t8 sheet 1.001/2.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 25.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t8 sheet 2.001/3.000 0.0643 6.50 0.330 26.0 3 magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn t81 sheet 0.125/0.312 0.0643 6.50 0.330 30.0 3 magnesium wrought az31b 3.0-al 1.0-zn temper-f extrusion 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 3 magnesium wrought az61a 6.5-al 1.0-zn temper-f extrusion 0.0650 6.50 0.330 33.0 4 magnesium wrought az80a 8.5-al 0.5-zn temper-f extrusion 0.0650 6.50 0.330 36.0 4 magnesium wrought az80a 8.5-al 0.5-zn temper-t5 extrusion 0.0650 6.50 0.330 40.0 5 magnesium wrought hm31a 3.25-th 1.2-mn temper-t5 extrusion 0.0653 6.50 0.330 39.0 4 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-f extrusion 0.0661 6.50 0.330 40.0 4 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-t5 extrusion 0.0661 6.50 0.330 44.0 5 magnesium wrought az31b 3.0-al 1.0-zn temper-f tubing 0.0643 6.50 0.330 24.0 3 magnesium wrought az61a 6.5-al 1.0-zn temper-f tubing 0.0650 6.50 0.330 24.0 4 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-f tubing 0.0661 6.50 0.330 34.0 4 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-t5 tubing 0.0661 6.50 0.330 40.0 5 magnesium wrought az31b 3.0-al 1.0-zn temper-f forging 0.0643 6.50 0.330 28.0 3 magnesium wrought az61a 6.5-al 1.0-zn temper-f forging 0.0650 6.50 0.330 26.0 4 magnesium wrought az80a 8.5-al 0.5-zn temper-f forging 0.0650 6.50 0.330 31.0 4 magnesium wrought az80a 8.5-al 0.5-zn temper-t5 forging 0.0650 6.50 0.330 34.0 5 magnesium wrought az80a 8.5-al 0.5-zn temper-t6 forging 0.0650 6.50 0.330 36.0 5magnesium wrought hm21a 2.0-th 0.8-mn temper-t5 forging 0.0643 6.50 0.330 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-t5 forging 0.0661 6.50 0.330 30.0 4 magnesium wrought zk60a 5.5znh 0.45-zr temper-t6 forging 0.0661 6.50 0.330 39.0 4 magnesium cast am100a 10.0-al 0.3-zn temper-f 0.0654 6.50 0.330 12.0 2 magnesium cast am100a 10.0-al 0.3-zn temper-t4 0.0654 6.50 0.330 13.0 4 magnesium cast am100a 10.0-al 0.3-zn temper-t6 0.0654 6.50 0.330 16.0 4 magnesium cast am100a 10.0-al 0.3-zn temper-t61 0.0654 6.50 0.330 22.0 4 magnesium cast az63a 60.0-al 3.0-zn temper-f 0.0663 6.50 0.330 14.0 2 magnesium cast az63a 60.0-al 3.0-zn temper-t4 0.0663 6.50 0.330 14.0 4 magnesium cast az63a 60.0-al 3.0-zn temper-t5 0.0663 6.50 0.330 15.0 2 magnesium cast az63a 60.0-al 3.0-zn temper-t6 0.0663 6.50 0.330 19.0 4 magnesium cast az81a 7.5-al 0.7-zn temper-t4 0.0650 6.50 0.330 12.0 4 magnesium cast az91a 8.7-al 0.7-zn temper-f 0.0654 6.50 0.330 14.0 2 magnesium cast az91a 8.7-al 0.7-zn temper-t4 0.0654 6.50 0.330 13.0 4 magnesium cast az91a 8.7-al 0.7-zn temper-t6 0.0654 6.50 0.330 19.0 4 magnesium cast az92a 9.0-al 2.0-zn temper-f 0.0657 6.50 0.330 14.0 2 magnesium cast az92a 9.0-al 2.0-zn temper-t4 0.0657 6.50 0.330 14.0 4 magnesium cast az92a 9.0-al 2.0-zn temper-t5 0.0657 6.50 0.330 17.0 2 magnesium cast az92a 9.0-al 2.0-zn temper-t6 0.0657 6.50 0.330 22.0 4 magnesium cast ez33a 2.5-re 3.2-zn temper-t5 0.0660 6.50 0.330 16.0 2 magnesium cast hk31a 3.2-th 0.3-zn temper-t6 0.0646 6.50 0.330 15.0 3 magnesium cast hz32a 3.2-th 2.1-zn temper-t5 0.0660 6.50 0.330 15.0 2 magnesium cast k1a 0.7-zr temper-f 0.0629 6.50 0.330 8.0 2 magnesium cast qe22a 2.5-ag 2.2-re 0.7-zr temper-t6 0.0654 6.50 0.330 28.0 3 magnesium cast qh21a 2.5-ag 1-re 1.1-th 0.7-zr temper-t6 0.0657 6.50 0.330 30.0 4 magnesium cast ze41a 4.2-zn 1.25-re 0.7-zr temper-t5 0.0657 6.50 0.330 20.0 3 magnesium cast ze63a 5.75-zn 2.6-re 0.7-zr temper-t6 0.0672 6.50 0.330 28.0 4 magnesium cast ze62a 5.7-zn 1.8-th 0.75-zr temper-t5 0.0669 6.50 0.330 25.0 4 magnesium cast zk51a 4.6-zn 0.75-zr temper-t5 0.0654 6.50 0.330 24.0 4 magnesium cast zk61a 60.0-zn 0.8-zr temper-t6 0.0660 6.50 0.330 28.0 4 molybdenium drawn 14 min. 0.3680 42.00 0.320 60.0 21 monel sand cast ni.63 cu.32 si.012 0.3120 19.00 0.330 35.0 8 monel wrought ni.67 cu.30 annealed 0.3190 26.00 0.360 35.0 7 monel wrought ni.67 cu.30 cold drawn 0.3190 26.00 0.360 80.0 10 monel wrought ni.67 cu.30 cold rolled hard 0.3190 26.00 0.360 100.0 11 monel wrought ni.67 cu.30 hot rolled 0.3190 26.00 0.360 50.0 9 nickel silver cu.65 zn.2 ni.15 1/2 hard 0.3140 18.00 0.310 62.0 7 nickel silver cu.65 zn.2 ni.15 annealed 0.3140 18.00 0.310 19.0 5 nickel silver cu.65 zn.2 ni.15 full hard 0.3140 18.00 0.310 75.0 8 nickel wrought (99.0) annealed 0.3210 30.00 0.310 20.0 7 nickel wrought (99.0) cold drawn 0.3210 30.00 0.310 70.0 9 nickel wrought (99.0) cold rolled hard 0.3210 30.00 0.310 95.0 10 nickel wrought (99.0) hot rolled 0.3210 30.00 0.310 25.0 7 palladium commercial (99.5) annealed 0.4320 17.00 0.390 5.0 3 palladium commercial (99.5) cold rolled 0.4310 17.00 0.390 32.0 4 platinum pure (99.99) annealed 0.7220 21.00 0.390 10.0 2 platinum pure (99.99) cold rolled 0.7720 21.00 0.390 27.0 3plutonium alpha 0.6970 14.00 0.190 plutonium delta 0.5710 6.00 0.290 16.0 2 polycarbonate 0.0430 0.34 0.380 8.0 1 polyethylene type iii 0.0440 0.15 0.450 1.8 silver pure (99.9) annealed 0.3790 11.00 0.370 12.0 2 silver pure (99.9) cold rolled 0.3790 11.00 0.370 38.0 4 steel wrought stainless 201 sheet annealed 0.2800 28.60 0.290 55.0 11 steel wrought stainless 201 sheet 10% cr 0.2800 28.60 0.290 90.0 13 steel wrought stainless 201 sheet 40% cr 0.2800 28.60 0.290 165.0 19 steel wrought stainless 202 sheet annealed 0.2800 28.60 0.290 50.0 10 steel wrought stainless 202 sheet 10% cr 0.2800 28.60 0.290 98.0 12 steel wrought stainless 202 sheet 40% cr 0.2800 28.60 0.290 155.0 18 steel wrought stainless 203 ez 1 in. bar annealed 0.2840 28.60 0.290 45.0 8 steel wrought stainless 203 ez 1 in. bar cd 0.2840 28.60 0.290 80.0 11 steel wrought stainless 203 ez 1 in. bar full hard 0.2840 28.60 0.290 140.0 17 steel wrought stainless 301 sheet annealed 0.2860 29.00 0.290 40.0 12 steel wrought stainless 301 sheet 10% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 88.0 15 steel wrought stainless 301 sheet 40% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 170.0 19 steel wrought stainless 301 sheet 60% cr 0.2860 27.00 0.290 230.0 23 steel wrought stainless 302 sheet annealed 0.2870 27.90 0.290 40.0 9 steel wrought stainless 302 sheet 10% cr 0.2870 27.90 0.290 92.0 10 steel wrought stainless 302 sheet 40% cr 0.2870 27.90 0.290 132.0 15 steel wrought stainless 302b plate anealed 0.2870 27.90 0.290 40.0 9 steel wrought stainless 303 1 in. bar annealed 0.2900 28.00 0.290 37.0 9 steel wrought stainless 303 1 in. bar 10% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 45.0 10 steel wrought stainless 303 1 in. bar 40% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 80.0 17 steel wrought stainless 303 se 1 in. bar annealed 0.2860 28.00 0.290 35.0 9 steel wrought stainless 303 se 1 in. bar half hard 0.2860 28.00 0.290 105.0 13 steel wrought stainless 303 se 1 in. bar full hard 0.2860 28.00 0.290 137.0 17 steel wrought stainless 304 bar annealed 0.2900 28.10 0.290 34.0 8 steel wrought stainless 304 bar 10% cr 0.2900 28.10 0.290 70.0 9 steel wrought stainless 304 bar 40% cr 0.2900 28.10 0.290 135.0 14 steel wrought stainless 304l bar annealed 0.2860 28.00 0.290 32.0 8 steel wrought stainless 304l bar 10% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 73.0 10 steel wrought stainless 304l bar 40% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 137.0 15 steel wrought stainless 305 sheet annealed 0.2860 28.00 0.290 33.0 8 steel wrought stainless 305 sheet 10% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 70.0 9 steel wrought stainless 305 sheet 40% cr 0.2860 28.00 0.290 130.0 14 steel wrought stainless 308 sheet annealed 0.2900 28.00 0.290 33.0 8 steel wrought stainless 308 sheet 10% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 64.0 9 steel wrought stainless 308 sheet 40% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 128.0 15 steel wrought stainless 309 sheet annealed 0.2900 29.00 0.290 37.0 8 steel wrought stainless 309 sheet 10% cr 0.2900 29.00 0.290 57.0 8 steel wrought stainless 309 sheet 40% cr 0.2900 29.00 0.290 124.0 13 steel wrought stainless 310 sheet annealed 0.2870 28.20 0.290 45.0 8 steel wrought stainless 310 sheet 10% cr 0.2870 28.20 0.290 67.0 10 steel wrought stainless 310 sheet 40% cr 0.2870 28.20 0.290 138.0 15steel wrought stainless 316 sheet annealed 0.2870 28.10 0.290 38.0 8 steel wrought stainless 316 sheet 10% cr 0.2870 28.10 0.290 70.0 9 steel wrought stainless 316 sheet 40% cr 0.2870 28.10 0.290 128.0 14 steel wrought stainless 316l sheet annealed 0.2840 28.00 0.290 37.0 7 steel wrought stainless 316l sheet half hard 0.2840 28.00 0.290 90.0 12 steel wrought stainless 316l sheet full hard 0.2840 28.00 0.290 127.0 16 steel wrought stainless 317 1 in. bar annealed 0.2900 28.00 0.290 38.0 8 steel wrought stainless 317 1 in. bar 10% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 57.0 10 steel wrought stainless 317 1 in. bar 40% cr 0.2900 28.00 0.290 134.0 14 steel wrought stainless 321 sheet annealed 0.2850 28.00 0.290 32.0 9 steel wrought stainless 321 sheet 10% cr 0.2850 28.00 0.290 70.0 10 steel wrought stainless 321 sheet 40% cr 0.2850 28.00 0.290 133.0 15 steel wrought stainless 347 sheet annealed 0.2860 28.20 0.290 40.0 9 steel wrought stainless 347 sheet 10% cr 0.2860 28.20 0.290 77.0 10 steel wrought stainless 347 sheet 40% cr 0.2860 28.20 0.290 138.0 15 steel wrought stainless 348 bar 0.2900 28.20 0.290 37.0 9 steel wrought stainless 19-9dl sheet annealed 0.2870 29.50 0.290 67.0 11 steel wrought stainless 19-9dl sheet hr+sr at 1200f 0.2870 29.50 0.290 103.0 12 steel wrought stainless 21-6-9 sheet annealed 0.2830 29.40 0.290 68.0 11 steel wrought stainless 21-6-9 sheet cr 0.2830 29.40 0.290 130.0 14 steel wrought stainless 21-6-9 sheet 60 %cr 0.2830 29.40 0.290 182.0 20 steel wrought stainless 22-13-5 sheet annealed 0.2850 28.00 0.290 86.0 12 steel wrought stainless 22-13-5 sheet 60% cr 0.2850 28.00 0.290 199.0 21 steel wrought stainless 18-2mn 0.25 in bar annealed 0.2850 28.00 0.290 65.0 12 steel wrought stainless 18-2mn 0.25 in bar 20% cr 0.2850 28.00 0.290 135.0 17 steel wrought stainless 18-2mn 0.25 in bar 60% cr 0.2850 28.00 0.290 224.0 26 steel wrought stainless 400 sheet anealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 32.0 6 steel wrought stainless 405 sheet annealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 47.0 6 steel wrought stainless 405 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 65.0 9 steel wrought stainless 405 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 125.0 13 steel wrought stainless 430 sheet annealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 52.0 7 steel wrought stainless 430 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 65.0 9 steel wrought stainless 430 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 125.0 13 steel wrought stainless 442 sheet annealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 52.0 8 steel wrought stainless 442 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 70.0 9 steel wrought stainless 442 sheet ??% cr 0.2800 29.00 0.290 100.0 11 steel wrought stainless 446 sheet annealed 0.2700 29.00 0.290 52.0 8 steel wrought stainless 446 sheet ??% cr 0.2700 29.00 0.290 70.0 9 steel wrought stainless 446 sheet ??% cr 0.2700 29.00 0.290 109.5 11 steel wrought stainless 18 sr sheet annealed 0.2700 29.00 0.290 65.0 8 steel wrought stainless 261 e-brite strip annealed 0.2770 29.00 0.290 46.0 6 steel wrought stainless 261 e-brite strip 20% cr 0.2770 29.00 0.290 88.0 9 steel wrought stainless 261 e-brite strip 60% cr 0.2770 29.00 0.290 116.0 12 steel wrought stainless 403 bar annealed 0.2780 29.70 0.290 45.0 7 steel wrought stainless 403 bar temper 1200f 0.2780 29.70 0.290 85.0 11 steel wrought stainless 403 bar temper 600f 0.2780 29.70 0.290 140.0 18steel wrought stainless 410 1 in. bar temper 1000f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 104.0 11 steel wrought stainless 410 1 in. bar temper 600f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 143.0 18 steel wrought stainless 410 1 in. bar temper 300f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 148.0 18 steel wrought stainless 414 bar anealed 0.2800 28.50 0.290 90.0 11 steel wrought stainless 414 bar temper 1200f 0.2800 28.50 0.290 105.0 12 steel wrought stainless 414 bar temper 800f 0.2800 28.50 0.290 150.0 20 steel wrought stainless 416 bar anealed 0.2780 29.00 0.290 35.0 6 steel wrought stainless 416 bar temper 1200f 0.2780 29.00 0.290 90.0 11 steel wrought stainless 416 bar temper 600f 0.2780 29.00 0.290 140.0 18 steel wrought stainless 420 1 in. bar anealed 0.2770 29.00 0.290 50.0 9 steel wrought stainless 420 1 in. bar temper 1400f 0.2770 29.00 0.290 70.0 11 steel wrought stainless 420 1 in. bar temper 400f 0.2770 29.00 0.290 215.0 25 steel wrought stainless 422 bar anealed 0.2810 29.80 0.290 74.0 9 steel wrought stainless 422 bar temper 1400f 0.2810 29.80 0.290 90.0 12 steel wrought stainless 422 bar temper 1200f 0.2810 29.80 0.290 125.0 14 steel wrought stainless 422 bar temper 800f 0.2810 29.80 0.290 168.0 23 steel wrought stainless 431 1 in. bar anealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 95.0 12 steel wrought stainless 431 1 in. bar temper 1100f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 115.0 14 steel wrought stainless 431 1 in. bar temper 500f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 149.0 19 steel wrought stainless 440a bar anealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 60.0 10 steel wrought stainless 440a bar temper 600f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 240.0 26 steel wrought stainless 440b bar anealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 62.0 10 steel wrought stainless 440b bar temper 600f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 270.0 28 steel wrought stainless 440c bar anealed 0.2800 29.00 0.290 65.0 11 steel wrought stainless 440c bar temper 600f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 275.0 28 steel wrought stainless 440f bar temper 600f 0.2800 29.00 0.290 275.0 28 steel wrought stainless 12 mov sheet annealed 0.2790 29.00 0.290 65.0 10 steel wrought stainless 12 mov temper 900f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 195.0 24 steel wrought stainless 12 mov temper 700f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 188.0 23 steel wrought stainless greek ascolony bar tmpr 1000f 0.2840 29.00 0.290 137.0 16 steel wrought stainless greek ascolony bar tmpr 500f 0.2840 29.00 0.290 175.0 20 steel wrought stainless 17-14 cu-mo bar 1350f wq 0.2870 29.00 0.290 41.0 8 steel wrought stainless hmn bar annealed 0.2790 29.00 0.290 56.0 11 steel wrought stainless hmn bar age 1400f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 110.0 17 steel wrought stainless hmn bar age 1300f 0.2790 29.00 0.290 135.0 18 steel wrought stainless 17-7ph sheet annealed 0.2820 29.00 0.290 40.0 13 steel wrought stainless 17-7ph sheet th 1050 0.2760 29.00 0.290 185.0 20 steel wrought stainless 17-7ph sheet rh 950 0.2760 29.00 0.290 220.0 23 steel wrought stainless 17-7ph sheet ch 900 0.2770 29.50 0.290 260.0 26 steel wrought stainless ph 15-7 mo sheet annealed 0.2820 29.00 0.290 55.0 13 steel wrought stainless ph 15-7 mo sheet th 1050 0.2770 29.00 0.290 200.0 21 steel wrought stainless ph 15-7 mo sheet rh 950 0.2770 29.00 0.290 225.0 24 steel wrought stainless ph 15-7 mo sheet ch 900 0.2770 29.00 0.290 260.0 26 steel wrought stainless ph 14-8 mo sheet annealed 0.2830 28.30 0.290 55.0 12 steel wrought stainless ph 14-8 mo sheet srh 1050 0.2830 28.30 0.290 205.0 21 steel wrought stainless ph 14-8 mo sheet srh 950 0.2780 28.30 0.290 220.0 23。
abaqus铝合金材料参数摘要:一、铝合金材料概述1.铝合金的定义2.铝合金的分类3.铝合金的应用领域二、abaqus 软件中的铝合金参数设置1.铝合金材料模型选择2.铝合金材料属性设置3.铝合金材料参数调整三、铝合金材料参数对abaqus 分析结果的影响1.材料弹性模量的影响2.材料泊松比的影响3.材料密度的影响四、总结与展望1.铝合金材料参数的重要性2.abaqus 软件在铝合金材料分析中的应用前景正文:一、铝合金材料概述铝合金是一种以铝为主要元素,加入其他金属元素形成的合金材料。
铝合金主要分为三类:Al-Si 系铝合金、Al-Cu 系铝合金和Al-Mg 系铝合金。
其中,Al-Si 系铝合金以硅为主要合金元素,具有良好的铸造性能;Al-Cu 系铝合金以铜为主要合金元素,具有良好的强度和耐腐蚀性能;Al-Mg 系铝合金以镁为主要合金元素,具有较高的比强度和良好的耐腐蚀性能。
二、abaqus 软件中的铝合金参数设置在abaqus 软件中,用户可以根据实际需求选择不同的铝合金材料模型。
例如,对于Al-Si 系铝合金,可以选择Aluminum-Silicon (Alloy 6061) 模型;对于Al-Cu 系铝合金,可以选择Aluminum-Copper (Alloy 2024) 模型;对于Al-Mg 系铝合金,可以选择Aluminum-Magnesium (Alloy 7075) 模型。
在abaqus 中设置铝合金材料属性时,需要输入以下参数:弹性模量、泊松比、密度等。
这些参数将直接影响abaqus 分析结果的准确性。
三、铝合金材料参数对abaqus 分析结果的影响1.材料弹性模量的影响弹性模量是描述材料弹性变形能力的重要参数。
在abaqus 中,弹性模量的设置会影响到材料的应力- 应变曲线、屈服强度、极限强度等力学性能分析结果。
1. 弹性模量:弹性模量是描述砂土抗弯刚度的参数,表示砂土单位应力变形的能力。
弹性模量的取值通常在1-100 MPa之间,取决于砂土的颗粒特性和含水量等因素。
2. 剪切模量:剪切模量是描述砂土抗剪切变形的参数,表示砂土单位剪应力变形的能力。
剪切模量的取值通常在10-100 MPa 之间,取决于砂土的颗粒结构和密实度等因素。
3. 泊松比:泊松比是描述砂土体积变形特性的参数,表示砂土在一方向应变时,在垂直方向的应变比例。
4. 黏聚力:黏聚力是描述砂土抗抗剪强度的参数,表示砂土在无效应力状态下的抗剪强度。
黏聚力的取值通常在0-100 kPa之间,取决于砂土的颗粒特性和孔隙水含量等因素。
因此,在进行abaqus 模拟时,需要根据具体情况选择合适的砂土本构参数。
硅胶材料abaqus参数1. 硅胶材料简介硅胶是一种无机高分子材料,由SiO2和H2O组成,具有优异的物理性能和化学稳定性。
2. 硅胶材料的力学行为硅胶材料在力学行为上表现出非线性、弹性和粘弹性等特点。
3. 硅胶材料abaqus参数设置3.1 杨氏模量(E)硅胶材料的刚度可以通过设置杨氏模量来描述。
在abaqus中,可以使用以下命令设置硅胶的杨氏模量:*MATERIAL, NAME=Silicone*ELASTIC, TYPE=ISOTROPICE = 2e6NU = 0.45其中,E表示杨氏模量,单位为Pa(帕斯卡)。
3.2 泊松比(ν)泊松比描述了硅胶在受力时横向收缩与纵向伸长的比例关系。
在abaqus中,可以使用以下命令设置硅胶的泊松比:*MATERIAL, NAME=Silicone*ELASTIC, TYPE=ISOTROPICE = 2e6NU = 0.45其中,NU表示泊松比。
3.3 密度(RHO)硅胶材料的密度是指单位体积内所含质量的大小。
在abaqus中,可以使用以下命令设置硅胶的密度:*MATERIAL, NAME=Silicone*DENSITYRHO = 1.2e3其中,RHO表示密度,单位为kg/m^3(千克/立方米)。
3.4 屈服应力(SYS)硅胶材料的屈服应力是指在受力过程中开始发生塑性变形的临界应力值。
在abaqus中,可以使用以下命令设置硅胶的屈服应力:*MATERIAL, NAME=Silicone*PLASTIC, HARDENING=ISOTROPICSY = 10e6其中,SY表示屈服应力,单位为Pa。
3.5 剪切模量(G)剪切模量描述了硅胶材料在受剪切力作用下产生变形的能力。
在abaqus中,可以使用以下命令设置硅胶的剪切模量:*MATERIAL, NAME=Silicone*ELASTIC, TYPE=ISOTROPICE = 2e6NU = 0.45G = E / (2 * (1 + NU))其中,G表示剪切模量,单位为Pa。
第一节:空材料参数的定义与特征1.1 空材料参数的概念空材料参数,顾名思义,即材料中的空隙或空气所具有的特殊性质。
1.2 空材料参数的主要特征空材料参数的主要特征包括低密度、高孔隙度、低热导率、低声速等。
第二节:力学领域中的空材料参数2.1 空材料参数在结构强度上的应用由于空材料参数具有低密度和高孔隙度的特点,使得其在结构强度方面具有独特的优势。
2.2 空材料参数在减振与隔音领域的应用空材料参数的高孔隙度和低声速特征使其在减振与隔音方面具有巨大的潜力。
第三节:热学领域中的空材料参数3.1 空材料参数在热障涂层中的应用由于空材料参数具有低热导率的特点,使得其在热障涂层等领域有着广泛的应用。
3.2 空材料参数在节能领域的应用空材料参数的低热导率和低密度特征使其在节能领域有着重要的应用前景。