



高中英语写作书信类型及常用句式(精选五篇)第一篇:高中英语写作书信类型及常用句式书面表达类型及常用句式一、道歉信1.一切还好吗?How is everything going with you?2.我写信是为了向你道歉,因不能出席你的生日聚会。

I’m writing the letter to apologize to you for I can’t attend your birthday party.3.我相信如果你是我,你会做出相同的选择。

I believe if you were me, you would make the same choice.4.我真诚的希望你能接受我的道歉。

I sincerely/faithfully/truly hope you could accept my apology.二、感谢信1.我写信是为了向你表达我的感激,因为当我在美国时你给了我帮助和照顾。

I’m writing to express/show/c onvey/ my appreciation/thanks/gratitude to you for you gave me help and care when I was in America.2.每次我看到我们在美国拍的照片,我就情不自禁想起你为我做的事情。

Every time I saw the photos/pictures taken in America, I can’t help thinking of what you did for me.3.有了你的帮助,我适应了美国的新环境,这比我想象中要快。

With your help, I adapted to the new environment in America, which is much faster than my imagination.4.帮助我练习英语,你真是太善良了。



‎‎‎‎英语应用文‎开头结尾万‎能句子篇‎一:‎英语应用‎文作文通用‎句子英语‎写作范文之‎应用文的常‎用句型‎‎一、邀请信‎二‎、感谢信‎1、‎t hank‎you ‎v ery ‎m uch ‎f or 。


‎2、ma‎n y th‎a nks ‎f or y‎o ur 。


‎3、pl‎e ase ‎a ccep‎t my ‎s ince‎r e ap‎p reci‎a tion‎for ‎。


真挚‎的感谢‎ 4、i‎am t‎r uly ‎g rate‎f ul t‎o you‎for ‎。


‎,我真心感‎激您‎5、it‎was ‎g ood ‎(thou‎g htfu‎l) of‎you ‎。


‎6、you‎were‎so k‎i nd t‎o sen‎d。


‎7、tha‎n k yo‎u aga‎i n fo‎r you‎r won‎d erfu‎l hos‎p ital‎i ty a‎n d i ‎a m lo‎o king‎forw‎a rd t‎o see‎i ng y‎o u so‎o n. 再‎次感谢您的‎盛情款待,‎并期待不久‎见到您‎ 8、i‎find‎an o‎r dina‎r y th‎a nk-y‎o u en‎t irel‎y ina‎d equa‎t e to‎tell‎you ‎h ow m‎u ch。


‎9‎、i si‎n cere‎l y ap‎p reci‎a te 。


‎ 10、‎i wis‎h to ‎e xpre‎s s my‎prof‎o und ‎a ppre‎c iati‎o n fo‎r。

我‎对..深表‎谢意‎11、m‎a ny t‎h anks‎for ‎y ou g‎e nero‎u s co‎o pera‎t ion ‎谢谢贵方的‎真诚合作‎1.‎a let‎t er o‎f app‎l icat‎i on(申‎请信) d‎e ar s‎i r or‎mada‎m, im‎writ‎i ng t‎o you‎to i‎n quir‎e if ‎t here‎woul‎d be ‎a ny p‎o siti‎o n av‎a ilab‎l e fo‎r me ‎t o wo‎r k as‎an e‎n glis‎h tea‎c her ‎i n yo‎u rde‎p artm‎e nt.p‎l ease‎allo‎w me ‎t o gi‎v e yo‎u my ‎b rief‎refe‎r ence‎.。



英语作文写信万能句型Sure, here are some versatile sentence patterns that you can use in your English composition when writing a letter:1. Opening the Letter:I am writing to...I am reaching out to you regarding...I wanted to take this opportunity to...2. Expressing Gratitude:I would like to express my sincere gratitude for...I am truly thankful for...Your kindness has meant a great deal to me.3. Apologizing:I apologize for any inconvenience caused by...Please accept my apologies for...I regret any misunderstanding that may have occurred.4. Offering Assistance:If there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.Please let me know if there's anything I can assist you with.I am more than willing to lend a hand in any way I can.5. Requesting Information:I would appreciate it if you could provide me with more details regarding...Could you please clarify...?I am writing to inquire about...6. Expressing Agreement:I wholeheartedly agree with...I am in complete accord with your viewpoint on...Your perspective resonates with me greatly.7. Disagreeing Politely:While I respect your opinion, I must respectfully disagree with...I understand your perspective, but I see it differently because...Allow me to offer a differing viewpoint on...8. Closing the Letter:Thank you once again for your time and consideration.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Please feel free to contact me if you have anyfurther questions or concerns.9. Expressing Well Wishes:I hope this letter finds you well.Wishing you all the best.I hope for a swift resolution to...10. Closing Salutation:Best regards,。























Dear Sir/Madam,。

I am writing to apply for the position of [职位名称] advertised in [招聘信息来源]. I am confident that my [相关技能或经验] make me a strong candidate for this position. In my current role at [目前公司或机构], I have been responsible for [工作内容或成就], which has allowed me to develop strong [相关技能]. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my [相关技能] to [目标公司或机构] and contribute to the team.I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my application with you in further detail. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of working with your team.Sincerely,。

[Your Name]二、邀请函。

Dear [姓名],。

I am writing to invite you to [活动名称] on [日期] at [时间]. We are excited to have you join us for this special event. The event will [活动内容或目的].We hope that you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you there. Please let us know if you are able to join us by [RSVP截止日期]. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [联系方式].We hope to see you at the event!Sincerely,。



高考英语应用文写作常用句型和范文一、邀请函【常用句型】1.I am writing to invite you to...- Example: I am writing to invite you to my graduation ceremony.- 翻译:我写信是为了邀请您参加我的毕业典礼。

2.It would be my pleasure to...- Example: It would be my pleasure to have you at my birthday party.- 翻译:能让您参加我的生日聚会是我的荣幸。

3.I would like to invite you to...- Example: I would like to invite you to our school's annual talent show.- 翻译:我想邀请您参加我们学校的年度才艺表演。

【参考范文】Introduction:I am writing to invite you to my graduation ceremony on June 15th.The ceremony will be held at the school's auditorium, and it would be my pleasure to have you there to celebrate this special day.Body:The ceremony will start at 10 AM, followed by a reception in the school garden.We will have speeches, performances, and awards presentations.Please feel free to bring your family and friends.The dress code is formal, so please wear appropriate attire.Conclusion:I hope you can make it to the ceremony.It would mean a lot to me to have you there.Please let me know if you can attend, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.I look forward to seeing you on June 15th.Sincerely,[Your Name]引言:我写信是为了邀请您参加我在6月15日的毕业典礼。



高考英语作文万能模板汇总应用文写作模板一. 邀请信【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。

1.I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union.我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。

2.An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6.我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在 8 月 6 号举行。

3.There will be a party in my garden on Sunday.周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。

4.I’d like to invite you to judge it.我想邀请你做它的裁判。

5.I’m writing to invite you to...我写信是邀请你......6.I wonder if you can come to...我想知道你是否能来......【篇中句】介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。

1.It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches.它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。

2.We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00.我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。

3.During the afternoon, we’ll .. together.下午,我们会一起......4.Remember to take water and lunch with you.记得带上水和午餐。

5.By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club.顺便说一下,你可以乘坐你家公寓前的 322 路公交车,它会直接把你带到俱乐部。



信件英语作文模板万能句型尊敬的读者:兹奉上信函英语作文模板,希望对您有所帮助:一、开头部分:1. 开门见山型:I am writing to inquire about/express my concern regarding/seek further information on...2. 自我介绍型:First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is [Your Name] and I am writing to...3. 引用经典句型型:As the saying goes, "First impressions are lasting impressions." Therefore, I am taking the opportunity to...二、内容详述部分:1. 陈述原因/目的:The main reason for my writing today is to.../I am writing this letter with the purpose of...2. 详细解释及说明:To elaborate on the matter, I would like to provide some additional information. Firstly,... Secondly,... Lastly,...3. 举例阐述:To illustrate this point, allow me to provide an example. For instance,...4. 表达关切/建议:I am concerned about... and I would like to suggest/implement... In my opinion,...5. 表达感谢/赞扬:I would like to express my sincere gratitude for... I truly appreciate...三、结尾部分:1. 期待回复:I am looking forward to receiving your prompt response/positive feedback/assistance on this matter...2. 再次感谢:Thank you once again for your attention and support. Your prompt response/action would be highly appreciated.3. 虚礼结束语:Yours faithfully/sincerely/respectfully,希望以上信函英语作文模板能够满足您的需求。



应用文•1、投诉信• 1.1模板:Dear _____,____. I am sorry to occupy your precious time, but I really want to talk about____. (开门见山表明写信目的)——. First of all, _____. To make matters worse, _____. In addition, though_____. Last but not least, _____.(阐述现状,说明其不足之处)————————————————————————.(说明改进的重要性,建议收信人应怎样做)I am looking forward to your Reply.(期望对方回复)Best RegardsYours sincerely,Signature•2、建议信• 2.1 模板:•Dear_____,•I am very delighted to learn that _____. You have asked me for my advice with regard to _____, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. In my opinion, _____. On the one hand, _____. On the other hand, _____. (点明写信缘由,引出建议内容)•As to _____, I would like to suggest that_____. _____. _____ would be _____. In addition, _____. I am sure_____.(进一步表述建议)•Please inform me _____. I am looking forward to _____.(希望对方回复,表达本人的愿望)••Truly yours,Signature•3、私人信函• 3.1 模板•Dear _____,•I am most happy to receive your ____ letter and hear that _____.(表达收到信件和某人消息时的激动心情)•First of all, _____. Then, _____. What’s more, ______. By the way, ______.(就某事展开叙述或自己的打算或安排)•I advise you to ______. Remember to ______. And I will ______.(提醒朋友应注意的地方)•I am looking forward to your reply and wish you a good journey.(再次表达欢迎之意)•Best Regards.••Truly yours,Signature演讲辞模板——,First I’d like to extend ____ to ____ for ____. (简单的致谢)I’m sure I well ____. Since _____, I _____. More importantly _____. As far as_____ is concerned, _____. In addition, _____.(说明自己的条件和优势)If I were _____, I would _____. Moreover, _____. To sum up, _____. (阐明如果成功,我会怎么办)If you _____, please _____. Thank you for _____. (希望得到支持并致谢)导游辞•模板:•My dear friends,•Welcome to ____. It’s really a great pleasure to ____. (对游客表示欢迎)•The schedule for today is as follows: first, ____; after _____, _____. (说明今天旅游活动的安排)•_____, as the very symbol of _____, _____. _____ is regarded as _____. _____._____ is located at _____. Among _____, _____ is considered most impressive for _____.(介绍将要参观的景点)•Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy yourselves today. (表达对参观者的祝愿)招募书•模板:•Welcome to our club! Our _____ club aims at _____. There may be varieties of colorful activities almost every week in our club, such as _____, etc. (开门见山,指出社团的性质及主要的活动内容)•If you are accepted by our club, you will find you have made a wise choice. To begin with, you may _____. In addition, you may_____. Last but not least, you may _____. (分三点讲述参加该社团的好处)•If you feel interested in our club, please don’t hesitate to join us. You just need to fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. Our telephone number is_____, and if you have any problem, please call us. Thanks for your attention and we arelooking forward to your joining! (表明如何加入该社团,以及联系方式,最后表示感谢和期待)。



英语应用文写作万能模板一、咨询信★★★★★写作模式:Dear Sir or Madam,As a ……, I am writing to ask if …….…….I,d appreciate it if you could ……/I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.(两句皆可)Truly yours,Xiao xiang 二、投诉信★★★★★写作模式:Dear Sir or Madam,I write this to place a complaint against ……/ I venture to write to complain about ……(两句皆可) the quality of ……I bought …….During …… has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another . For one thing,……, For another,…….Therefore,I wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me a replacement as soon as possible. or I will demand a refund.Yours,Xiao xiang三、邀请信★★★★★写作模式:㈠发出的邀请信分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会.⑴邀请名人Dear ……,We should be very grateful if you could ……/May I take the opportunity to you to …….(两句皆可).Please let me know as soon as possible if you come and when you will be able to make it .Sincerely,Xiao xiang ⑵邀请参加聚会Dear ……,I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to ……. It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you. ……I am glad to tell you that ……. There are also arrangements for ……, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy.The dinner starts at …… so that we can have a nice and long evening.I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision .Love,Xiao xiang ㈡回复别人的邀请信一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信Dear ……,It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to …….…….I do hope I can have a chance to visit …….Regretfully,Xiao xiang (此种写信格式为顶格式写作在考研英语作文中比较少见但不失为一种新颖的写作方法可借鉴)另:附邀请信参考句式:①It would give me/us great pleasure to have your presence at the Reception /Dinner/Ceremony tobe held on …… (date) at ……(place)at ……(time).②It is my pleasure, on behalf of ……, to invite you to visit our university for a week/to presenta key-note speech on …….③We are having /planning a …… on …… (date) and we think it would be a good idea if you canjoin us.四、致歉信★★★写作模式:Dear Sir or Madam,I regret to tell you that I won,t be able to …….Consequently, I wish to know if it would be possible for you to ……. I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused, and thank you for your understanding. You can contact me at ……, or call me at …….Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang五、感谢信★★★写作模式:Dear ……,Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent together with you for ……, I very much appreciated your hospitality. …….I know the beautiful day will keep me happy for a long time. Thanks again for your warm hospitality and goodbye! I hope I can return your favors at ……very soon. Cordially,Xiao xiang六、推荐信★★★★★写作模式:To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人)In reply to ……(人名) request for a letter of recommendation, I have great pleasure to writethis letter in his favor.……(人名) was working with me for ……(three、four) years in the capacity of confidential clerk. We are once very good working terms. ……(人名) left me just because …….During the years he was in my service, his work was highly appreciated bye everyone in my firm.He was conscientious to his work and responsible for his clients. I am sure you will find him strictly honest hardworking and intelligent in the best sense of the word, as I found his here.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang七、辞职信★★★写作模式:Dear ……,I am writing to inform you of my intention of withdrawing form my current positionin …….Thank you very much for having given me this opportunity to take such a promisingposition in ……. Though having ……. I, unfortunately, find that…… .First of all, ……, moreover, ……. Therefore, I decided to quit this position after careful consideration. Iwish you will considek my request.I apologize in advance for any inconvenience it might bring to you.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang 另:附辞职信参考句式:①Looking back upon …….②my present job doesn,t fall in with my previous training and strength.③However, As a young man whose primary interest is …… rather than …….④I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, fromwhom I have received lots of help and have learnt much.⑤Please accept my sincere gratitude, as much as my regret for not being able to serve hereany longer.⑥I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to …….八、求职信★★★写作模式:Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position of …… you advertised in yesterday,s …….To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of ……university majoring in ……,and expect graduation this June, not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses,I also posses the rich experience of …… My interactive personal skill and teamwork spirit arealso appropriate for this post. My complete resume is attached.I would be grateful if you could arranger an interview at your earlist convenience.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang九、请求信★★★写作模式:Dear Sir or Madam,……,and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to/ I would like to apply for ……/ I wonder if you could spare some time to …….(三句皆可)…….Thank you for your time and patience./ Thank you for your consideration . I am looking forward to your reply./Looking forward to a prompt reply form you.(三句皆可)Sincerely Yours,Xiao xiang十、建议信★★★写作模式:To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人)As a ……, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be benifical to express my views concerning …….In the first place, ……. I would also recommend …….Last but not least, …….I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang十一、贺信★★★★★写作模式:Dear ……,I am much delighted to learn that …….This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement.…….not only ……, but also ……. I believe this position will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career.Please accept my most sincere congratulations!Best wishes,Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang。




1.写作格式首段:表明写信目的主体段:提出求助内容、陈述具体情况尾段:表示感激或希望2.常用句型(1) 说明写信原因①I am writing in the hope that you can give me some advice on ...①I wonder if you could help me with a problem.①Will you be kind enough to give me a hand with ...?①Hopefully you would be so kind as to give some suggestions on ...(2)描述遇到的问题①What bothers/annoys me most is that I don’t know what to do with ...①I still find it hard/difficult to ...①Faced with so many difficulties, I really don’t know how to solve ...①What makes things worse is that ...(3) 表示感激或希望①It would be appreciated if you could be so kind as to give me some useful tips/suggestions.①I’m eager to get your timely help.①I will be grateful if you can spare time to do me a favor.①I would like to thank you for your generous help in advance.3.写作模板Dear Sir/Madam,I'm________________.(自我介绍) I am writing to ask you to do me a favor. I have some difficulty in doing ..., which bothers me a lot. So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.First, ...Besides, ...What's more, ...(分层次说明自己的困难)Faced with so many difficulties, I have to ask you for some help. Would you like to ...so that ...?(请求一) In the meanwhile, I beg you to ...(请求二) Also, I would like you to ...(请求三) (根据实际情况选择)I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor and ...(表示感激). Looking forward to your reply.(表达期望)Yours truly,Li Hua二、咨询信1.写作格式首段:自我介绍并说明写信目的主体段:咨询详情尾段:表示谢意,期盼回复【注意】要就收信人能够提供的信息进行咨询,语气要委婉2.常用句型(1)写信目的①I am writing to ask for information about ...①I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding/concerning ...①I am interested in ... Could you please provide me with more details about ...?①I am writing in response to your advertisement about ...(2)咨询具体事宜①To begin with, I’d like to get some details of ... Additionally, I wonder if ... What’s more, I hope ...①First of all, what puzzles me most is ... Second, I also wonder if you could ... Finally, I’d be grateful if you could ...(3) 表示感激,期盼回复①I’d be greatly grateful if you could provide me with the relevant material regarding the above aspects.①I am expecting to receive your early reply.①Your prompt and favorable reply would be highly appreciated.3.写作模板Dear ,I am .(自我介绍)I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding .(要询问的内容)First of all, what are ? Secondly, when will ? Thirdly, is ?(要咨询的问题罗列) I would also like to inquire . Could you be so kind to send me some relevent booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?(附加问题) Thank you for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.(表示感谢)Yours sincerely,________三、建议信1.写作格式首段:说明写信目的主体段:阐述建议尾段:表达希望[注意] 提出的建议要合情合理,建议的角度要多样化,语言要礼貌得体2.常用句型(1) 表明写作目的①Learning that you are ... I am glad to give you some useful suggestions on how to ...①I am very glad to have received your e-mail. Now I am writing to give you some advice on how to ...①I know you have trouble/difficulty in ... after reading your letter, so I would like to give you some advice.①I am sorry to learn that you ... Here are my tips for you to solve the problem(2) 提出建议并阐明理由①常用的列举方式:Firstly, Secondly ... Finally; Besides; What’s more; Moreover; In addition; Above all等①You should/You’d better...①I will be of great help for you to ...①In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following actions.(3) 表达希望①I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.①I hope that the suggestions are practical for you.①I will be more than happy if you can take my suggestions into consideration.①I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in ...①表明写作意图②具体的建议及理由③指出采纳建议的好处3.写作模板Dear ________,(建议对象)I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to____________.(引出对方需要建议的主题)Here are a few suggestions.(引出作者建议) First, it is important to________.Then, it also helps to_______________.Besides, it should be a good idea to__________________.You can also________.I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua四、申请信1.写作格式首段:表明写信目的主体段:陈述申请理由尾段:表示感谢、期待或决心[注意]陈述申请理由时应说明相关优势,内容要真实、语言要简洁,要多使用陈述句。



英语作文应用文模板1. 介绍信Dear ______,The bearer of this letter,Ms. / Mr.(姓名),is (relation,与自己的关系),/ I am writing to introduce Ms. / Mr.(姓名) who is going to (地点) / has been assigned to (新职位或任务) at (place 地点).Ms. / Mr. (姓名) is presently working for (company 单位)/ graduated from (school 毕业院校).She / He is (comment 评价).Since this will be her / his first time there,she / he will possibly (可能遇到的问题或需要的帮助可能遇到的问题或需要的帮助).Any assistance you may show her / him concerning (帮助、关照的方面帮助、关照的方面) will be esteemed as a great favor forme.Thank youYours sincerelyLi Ming2. 投诉信Dear ______,I am (自我介绍).I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to makea complaint about __________.The reason for my dissatisfaction is (总体介绍).In the first place, (抱怨的第一个方面抱怨的第一个方面).In addition, (抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances,I find it (感觉) to (抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).I appreciate it very much if you could (提出建议和请求),preferably (进一步的要求进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by (设定解决事情最后期限设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to you reply.Yours sincerely,LiMing3. 推荐信Dear ______,I take great pleasure in recommending (姓名),one of my (学生 / 员工) for admission into (学校) / as a candidate for the vacancy in (新单位).Ms. / Mr.(姓名) was admitted in (年代) / joined our company in (年代).She /He impressed me (起始时间/事件).In my experience with her / him,I was impressed with not only her / his (优秀特质优秀特质 1) but also (优秀特质 2).I am sure that Ms. / Mr.(姓名) will be outstanding (身份) in (项目/单位).I would like to support her / him firmly in her / his quest for recommendation./I would greatly appreciate it if you decide to accept her / him as she / he wishes.Yours sincerely,LiMing4.祝贺信Dear ______,Here you are graduating from (学校)/The word that (好消息)made my day /It’s great that (庆贺事宜) .Congratulations [ on (庆贺事宜) and good luck to you (所祝福的事件)]!This is a notable day in your life and for (其他相关人士).It’s a time for rejoicing and I rejoice with you on this happy occasion.I wish you well / success / all the best in (祝福的事件 1) and (祝福的事件2).Yours sincerely,LiMing5. 求助信Dear Sir or Madam /To whom it may concern,(以下开头两句选一句)I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you can help me.As I amplanning to (计划要做的事),I have decided to (已经决定做的事).Would you be so kind as to furnish me with some related information?I would be grateful if you could be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following aspects.First of all,(信息1)Secondly,(信息2)Thirdly / Lastly,(信息3)(以下结尾三句选一句)I shall be very grateful if you could kindly take into consideration my request and grand me a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond word.I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible.Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely assistance,which I will never forget.Yours sincerely,LiMing6.求职信Dear Sir or Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in (报纸名称) of(广告发布事件)Not only do I have the qualification for this job,but I also have the right personality for a (工作名称).In the one hand,(第一个原因).On the other hand,(另一个原因)Should you grant me a personal interview,I would be most grateful.If you need to know more about me,please feel free to contact me at any time at (电话号码).Thank you for considering my application,and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,LiMing7. 邀请信Dear _______,There will a (内容) at / in (地点) on(时间).We would be honored to have you there with me.The occasion will start at (具体时间).This will be followed by a (进一步的安排进一步的安排).At around (时间),(另一个安排).I really hope you can make it.RSVP before(通知你的最后期限)Yours sincerely,LiMing8. 感谢信Dear ________,I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for (感谢的原因).If it had not been for your assistance in (对方给你的具体帮助),I fear that I would have been (没有对方帮助时的后果).Everyone agrees that it was you who (给出细节).Again,I would like to express my warm thanks to you!Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerelyLiMing9. 求学信Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to study at your prestigiousuniversity.My plan is to start my course next term,and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First,what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at yours university?I already have a (学位)from (大学),but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second,how much are the tuition fees?(打算自费,询问奖学金情况打算自费,询问奖学金情况).Third,what is the situation ad regards accommodation?I look forward to your reply,and to attend your esteemed institution.Yours sincerelyLiMing10.请求信Dear _______,I am writing to formally request to (请求的内容).The reason for ___________is that (给出原因).I ______,so I (给出细节).I would also like to request (提出进一步的要求 ).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions,do not hesitate to contact me at (电话号码).I look forward to a favorable reply.Yours sincerelyLiMing11. 道歉信Dear _______,I am excessively sorry to say/tell you that________.(直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定)Now,I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret _______.(表达歉意) Please accept my sincere apology ________.(诚恳希望对方能接受道歉诚恳希望对方能接受道歉)I fear you aredispleased at _______(表达出自己的心情,并请求对方原谅).I hope you will understand me and excuse me for ________ (总结出自己道歉的原因总结出自己道歉的原因)Therefore it’s not in my power to _______.(希望下次再次实现愿望希望下次再次实现愿望) Naturally,I want to suggest _______.I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you _______.We may meet again and I hope to See you soon.(约定下次约会的时间地点).Yours sincerelyLiMing12. 备忘录TO:___________FROM:___________DATE:___________SUBJECT:__________I would like to draw your attention to (问题/主题).Since (问题)/We have (已完成的工作)/We are (将进行的工作).If (建议①及可能的效果).If (设想),please(解决方案/建议 2).Please(安排).13.报告TitleReporter and DateOn(日期),survey was conducted among (调查对象).The purpose of the survey was to(目的).The survey was conducted by means of (方法).It was concerned with (调查主题).From the table of data,The most significant items areas follows:(发现).If any conclusions may be drawn from the data,they are,perhaps,as follows:(结论).。




书信类:Dear [Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to [state the purpose of your letter]. As [provide background information], I have [conclusion or next action].I would appreciate it if you could [request]. Thank you for your time.Best regards,[Your Name]通知类:Notice:We would like to inform you that [notification details]. Please make sure to [action required]. Thank you for your cooperation.演讲稿类:Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you for being here today. I would like to talk about [topic of speech]. It is important to note that [emphasis or viewpoint]. We must also recognize that [counterargument or further explanation]. In conclusion, [summary or call to action]. Thank you.电子邮件类:Subject: [Subject Line]To: [Recipient's Email Address]From: [Your Email Address]Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to [state the purpose of your email]. As [provide background information], I have [conclusion or next action].Thank you for your time.[Your Name]。



高中书信类应用文常用开头结尾句型1几种常见的信件开头句型(1)回信常见开头:I am very glad to hear from you.Thank you for your letter/e-mail.Your letter/e-mail of … has been received.It is a pleasure for me to get your letter/e-mail.I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer your last letter/e-mail.(2)求职信:I have learned from your advertisement that you need a…(某职位). I'm writing to apply for the job.(3)祝贺信:I'm writing with delight to congratulate you on…(4)征求建议信:I'm writing to ask for your advice on how to…(5)建议信:I am writing in r eply to…I would like to suggest that…I am writing to express my views concerning…You have asked me for my advice with regard to…, and I will try to make some suggestions.(6)感谢信:I'm now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for…I am wri ting to extend my sincere gratitude for…I am writing to express my thanks for…I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for…I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for…(7)慰问信:I'm extremely sorry to hear about your illness. /I felt very sorry indeed to hear of your illness.(8)道歉信:I am terribly sorry to tell you that I…I am writing this letter to express my regret…I am writing to apologize for…I would like to give you my apology for…I am very sorry to say that…I must apologize about(not)doing sth…Please accept my sincere apology for…I am writing to say sorry for…I am terribly sorry, but…2几种常见的信件结尾句型(1)感谢信:I must thank you again for your generous help.I am most grateful for your selfless donation.I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.(2)道歉信:Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please allow me to say sorry again.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.(3)建议信:I hope you will find thesesuggestions/proposals/recommendations helpful/practical/useful.I would be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.(4)求职信:I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, by telephone at…, or by e-mail at…I would be glad to have a personal interview.Thank you for your time and consideration.Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to talking with you.I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.。



01普通书信开头I was delighted/glad to receive your letter. 很高兴收到你的来信。

Your letter came to me this morning. 我今天早上收到了你的来信。

I have received your letter of June the 29th. 我收到了你于6月29日的来信。

How nice to hear from you again. 很高兴再次收到你的来信。

How is it going?最近怎么样?You asked me about(problem,question...),now let me give you some advice. 你在来信中询问我……,现在,让我给你一些建议。

It has been a long time since we met. 我们很久没见面了。

How time flies!It's three months since I saw you last time.时间过得真快!我们有三个月没见面了。

I'm writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 我写信是为了感谢你对我在美国期间的帮助。

结尾I am looking forward to receiving your letter. 我期待你的来信。

Thank you in advance. 提前谢谢你。

Please write to me as soon as possible. 请尽快回信。

Good luck./Wish you the best of luck. 祝你好运!With best wishes. 致以我诚挚的祝福。

Wish you success. 祝你成功。

Wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。



英语高考应用文写作万能模板一、邀请信【开头句型】1. I am writing to invite you to participate in...我写信是想邀请你参加……2. I am delighted to invite you to attend...我很高兴邀请你来参加……3. It would be a great pleasure to have you join us for...如果你能和我们一起来参加……那将非常荣幸4. I am certain that an evening with the... will be unforgettable.我确信与……共度一个晚上将会是难忘的。

【结尾句型】1. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.请尽快确认你的参加。

2. I look forward to your acceptance of this invitation.我期待你接受这个邀请。

3. I would be delighted to have you company at the...我很高兴你能来参加……二、道歉信【开头句型】1. I am writing to express my apologies for...我写信是为了对……表达我的歉意。

2. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于造成的不便,我深感抱歉。

3. I must apologize for the mistake I made.我必须为我犯的错误向你道歉。

4. I feel remorseful for what I did/said yesterday.我对昨天所做/所说的事情感到懊悔。

【结尾句型】1. Please accept my most profound apologies for any shortcomings on my part.对于我个人的过失,请接受我最诚挚的道歉。



英文写信作文万能句式1. Introduction。

I am writing to inquire about...I would like to bring to your attention...I am writing to express my concern about...I am writing to request information about...I am writing to apply for the position of...I am writing to follow up on our previousconversation/meeting/email...2. Requesting Information。

Could you please provide me with more details about...I would appreciate it if you could clarify... Can you tell me more about...I am interested in learning about...Could you send me information regarding...3. Making Suggestions。

It might be a good idea to...Have you considered...Perhaps you could...I suggest that...Why not try...4. Expressing Opinions。

From my perspective...I believe that...It seems to me that...I think that...5. Making Apologies。

I apologize for...I am sorry that...Please accept my apologies for...I regret that...6. Expressing Gratitude。



七大类写信万能句式写信篇(开头)1.Dear Sir or Madam / Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms.2.The time flies, we haven' t seen each other for a long time. All the things here are going on pretty well, I just miss you so much!时间过得很快,我们已经很久没见了。


3.It is so great to hear from you again.能再次收到你的来信我很开心。

6.It is a great pleasure for me to have this wonderful chance to put pen to paper and send greetings to you.很高兴我有这样的机会提笔给你写信,寄给你我的问候和祝福。

写信篇(中间部分)1.Give advice: (建议信)In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following action.在下认为,如果你能采取以下措施,将是一种明智的选择。

I hope you will not find it too forward for me to suggest that you...请原谅我的直接,不过,希望你能…2.Gratitude (感谢信)I truly appreciate your kindness. 我很欣赏你的仁慈。

It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more that I can say.你对我如此慷慨,真是对您感激不尽。

3.Apology (道歉信)Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology.请接受我最诚挚、最深刻的道歉。




以下是一些常用的万能句子,它们可以用于各种不同类型的信件或作文中:1. 开头部分(Introduction):I am writing to inquire about...I am reaching out to you regarding...I am writing to express my gratitude for...I am pleased to inform you that...With reference to your recent correspondence...2. 表达目的(Stating the Purpose):I am writing to bring to your attention...I am writing to seek clarification on...I am writing to propose a solution to...I am writing to request your assistance with...I am writing to express my concerns about...3. 提供细节(Providing Details):Firstly, it is important to consider...Secondly, I would like to address...Furthermore, I would like to highlight...In addition to this, it should be noted that... Moreover, I believe it is worth mentioning...4. 表达观点(Expressing Opinions):From my perspective, it is evident that...In my opinion, it would be advisable to...I strongly believe that we should...It is my contention that...It is clear to me that...5. 提出建议(Making Suggestions):I would like to suggest that we...It might be beneficial to consider...I propose that we explore the possibility of...Perhaps we could consider alternative options such as...It would be wise to take into account...6. 总结部分(Conclusion):In conclusion, I trust that...To sum up, I am confident that...In closing, I would like to reiterate...I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for considering my proposal.7. 结束语(Closing Remarks):Yours sincerely,。

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应用文万能模板辞职信模板1:Dear ,I am writing to inform you about the decision to resign from my current position. There are a few factors involved.First and foremost, . Secondly, . Last but not last, .I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the rewarding experience that I have enjoyed during my employment.I sincerely wish you could approve of my resignation, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience thus caused.Sincerely yours,Li Ming模板2Dear ,I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as . Though I have enjoyed working with you and other colleagues in the company / organization, there are a few reasons that force me to give up my current work. For one thing, . For another, . Moreover / Besides / In addition, .I appreciate the plenty of help and encouragement from you constantly, and I am very sorry for any inconvenience thus caused. I promise that I will stay through the next month to help you find a replacement for my position.Sincerely yours,Li Ming请求信模板1:Dear ,I am . I’d like to ask if you have / can provide me with the information of . The reasons for my urgent need of are as follows: 1) ; 2) ; 3) .Therefore, I will be much obliged if you can help me . Please feel free to call me at for further questions.Thank you for your time and patience, and I look forward to your prompt reply. Yours,Li Ming模板2:Dear ,My name is , and I am . I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that you can furnish me with the information regarding .At the present I am preparing / doing , and am in lack of that is crucial for the work / project / program. Therefore, it would be of great help if I can have your help for . Please get back to me at your earliest convenience as I have to soon.I am praying for your reply with full appreciation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming建议信模板1:Dear ,I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions about in order to .From my point of view, . Also, to you, I highly recommend that . On the one hand, . On the other hand, . Besides, it is unnecessary for you to . Consequently, I believe that .I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for more questions.Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板2:Dear ,I am writing to express my views concerning . In the first place, I would like to say thank you for the help and everything else you have been offering to us. Meanwhile, I also want to make some advice to better .Firstly, we have found that . Secondly, we want to . Finally, we hope that .I am looking forwards to your consideration about my proposals. Thanks in advance for that.Yours sincerely,Li Ming求职信模板1:To Whom It May Concern,I have learnt from yesterday’s newspaper that you are employing . I wish to be considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows:I am years old, a major student of University / College. During my academic years, I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class scholarship each year. In addition to my educational background, I have the rich work experience in the fields of . Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company.Enclosed is my resume for your reference, and I shall be glad to call at your office if you desire an interview. Thank you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板2:Dear ,I learned from my university BBS that there is a vacancy for , a position which I am very interested in.I am a senior student from University, majoring in . Under the influence of the courses I have taken, I develop a special interest in . Moreover, I have attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field due to my internship at . It seems to me that all these have prepared me ideally for the role of in such a company as yours.For further information please refer to my attached resume. I should be please to attend for an interview at your convenience.Yours sincerely,Li Ming道歉信模板1:过去没有完成的事情Dear ,I am writing this letter to apologize to you for my failing to . The reason is that . I am sorry that I cannot finish in time, but is it possible that I make up the loss by ? If so, I will put everything else aside to .I do hope that you can understand my situation and accept my apology.Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板2:将来不能做的事情Dear ,Much to my regret / I am terribly sorry that I am unable to . It is mainly because at that time I will be full occupied by which is quite out of my expectation, and that conflicts with your . Therefore I am forced to adjust my schedule and cannot make my presence on your . I sincerely hope that you will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we have dinner together some time next week?I hope to see you soon.I am really sorry again and I trust that you will understand.Yours sincerely,Li Ming感谢信模板1:Dear ,I should like this message to be taken as an expression of heartfelt gratitudeto you and . If it had not been for your assistance in giving me aidand , I fear that . During the , you have given me generoushelp and continuous guidance by .Thus, I really appreciate , and I hope that I may repay your kindnessby .Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板2:Dear ,On behalf of , I would like to extend our most sincere gratitudefor . We appreciate greatly your aid in not only , butalso .It is said that your that we could enjoy such a wonderful trip / arriveat such splendid achievements, and we will never forget your painstaking labor andfull cooperation / warm hospitality.With this letter we would also like to formally invite you to , sothat . WE look forwards to hosting you .With personal regards.Yours sincerely,Li Ming申请信模板1:To Whom It May Concern,I would like to apply for the master’s program in department of your university, an opportunity that I have dreamed since .To briefly introduce myself, I am a senior student majoring in from University. During my undergraduate study I have demonstrated excellent academicability, which is reflected in my grades and accomplishment. I have attached to thisletter my resume, a complete transcript, and three recommendation letters.I would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly consider my application. Ifyou require more information, please feel free to contact me at .Looking forwards to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板2:Dear Prof. :I am a senior student in the Department of , University of .My major interests are , and I understand your university has a good programin those fields. Therefore, I would like to apply for a place at your graduate school.It would be great if you can mail me copies of the required application forms. Meanwhile, I also would like to apply for a scholarship, so could you please sendme this application form as well?Your assistance will be highly appreciated. I am looking forwards to hearingfrom you.Sincerely yours,Li Ming投诉信模板1:Dear Manager,Last week I bought at your store and when I got it home it did not workat all. When I tried to return it to the store, I was told that I could not getrefunded.The sign in your store says that money is returned within 7 days of purchaseif any problem exists, and I did that within the said time. Thus I insist that Ishould have my money back by return the to you store。
