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1.()pear Wear bear dear

2.()with These mouth the

3.()sing Thank English bring

4.()cheap Great head easy

5.()lunch Ruler student pull

6.()mother Tomato clothes dollar


1)The hottest season S____________

2) The day before Friday T_______________

3) A place fo ball games and running P_____________

4) A room for cooking K______________

5)Go on footW____________

6)The last month of a year D_______________


()1. __________room is big and bright. They like it very much.

()2. A Tom and Sam B Tom’s and Sam

()3. C Tom and Sam’s D Tom’s and Sam’s

()4. Can you speak Japanese? Yes, only __________。

()5. A many B little C lots of D a little

()6. Please srite a letter__________ your pen pal __________ English.

()7. A to in B for on C at with D to of

()8. You’ll be late__________ you don’t start before 7:00 a.m

()9. A or B if C after D before

()10. –would you like some like? ---__________

()11. A Yes, I like B No, thanks C No, I don’t D Ok, I like ()12. Of the three boys, Jimmy runs__________

()13. A faster B fastest C the fastest D both B and C

()14. __________ is a very beautiful school. We can see lots of flowers and trees on the campus.

()15. A Hers B Its C Ours D both A and C

()16. Can you tell us __________ next, please?

()17. A to do what B how do it C what to do D how do what

()18. –Must I finish my homework before 5 this afternoon?

()19. –No, you__________. You may finish it tomorrow morning.

()20. A needn’t B mustn’t C can’t D may not

()21. Every one should respect__________ old and love__________ young

()22. A the the B an the C aa D ××

()23. She was so excited that she couldn’t say __________ at the meeting.

()24. A something B anything C nothing D everything

()25. Mr. Li is going to __________ about the movie this afternoon.

()26. A speak B say C tell D talk

()27. _______ beautiful your new school looks!

()28. A what B why C How D what a

()29. –Your father plays basketball very well, doesn’t he?

()30. -- _______。

()31. A Yes, he does B No, he does

()32. C Yes, he doesn’t D No, he isn’t

()33. He teaches _______ Chinese and _______ teaches _______ English.

()34. A her she him B she his him

()35. C his her her D him her she


1)A: Hello, this is Mike speaking. _______ _______ ?

2)B: This is Linda, Peter’s elder sister.

3)A: _______ her _______?

4)B: she is a nurse.

5)A: _______ _______ is this Jacket?

6)B: It’s fifty dollars.

7)A: _______ your uncle_______?

8)B: He’s tall and thin.

9)A: Thank you very much.

10)B: _______ _______ .

11)A: _______ and _______ were you born?

12)B: I was born on March6,2000 in Beijing

13)A: My hobby is collecting stamps. _______ _______ you?

14)B: I like making model planes.

15)A: A cup of coffee, please.

16)B: _______ _______ _______ , sir.

17)A: Shal we go by bus?

18)B: _______.Let’s go together.

19)A: _______ _______ this beautiful car?

20)B: It’s mine


1.May is the _______(five) month of a year

2.Whose is this computer? It’s_______ (he).

3.please _______(be) quiet. They’re having a test

4.My mother_______ (like) _______(read) books very much. She _______(read) a story book just


5.Jim stopped _______ (have) a rest after driving two hours.

6.It’s_______(sun) today. We’re singing_______ (happy) in the park.

7.Andrew lives in Toronto. He’s a _______ (Canada)

8.Lisa dances_______ (well) of all the girl students.

9.Thw movie is very _______. We’re _______(interest) in it.
