
支付给债权人 $F 企业价值 (X)
如果企业的价值大于$F, 股东的索 偿权是: Max[0,$X – $F] = $X – $F 债权人的索偿权是: Min[$F,$X] = $F. 两者之和 = $X
1.2 企业的三种基本法律形式
• 个体业主制 • 合伙制
– 一般合伙制 – 有限合伙制
投资于资产 (B) 流动资产 固定资产 企业发行证券 (A)
现金流量留存 (E)
企业创造 现金流量(C) 税收 (D) 支付股利和 偿付债务 (F) 长期负债 股东权益
最终,企业必须创造现金 流量。
企业创造的现金流量必须 超过从金融市场筹集的现 金流量。
法律责任(Liability) 存续期(Continuity)
有限责任 无限存续期
对股东双重征税(公司所得 税和个人所得税)
1.2 公司制企业
1.2.3 公司制
对于解决所面临的筹集大规模资金的问题来说,公司制是一种标准 的方式。
1.3 公司制企业的目标
1.1.3 财务经理的职责
公司必须通过购买资产创造超过其成本的现金(因此,公司创造的 现金流量必须大于它所使用的现金流量)。 公司必须通过发行债券、股票和其他金融工具产生超过其成本的现 金(因此,公司支付给债权人和股东的现金流量必须大于债权人和股东 投入公司的现金流量)。
用数学公式表示,债权人的索偿 权是:Min[$F,$X]


17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕 他们而 组织起 来。上 午9时4 分47秒 上午9时 4分09:04:4721 .7.4
July 2021
• 2、Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. (Richard Nixon, American President )命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。二〇二一年六月十七日2021年6月17日星期四
债务 权益
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1999
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。21 .7.421. 7.4Sund ay , July 04, 2021
10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出 的人谈 话。09:04:4709 :04:470 9:047/4 /2021 9:04:47 AM
简单/低 简单/难
集中 无限 有限 个人所得税
简单/低 难/难 集中 至少一人无限 有限 个人所得税
难/高 易/易 分散 有限 无限 公司、个人所得税
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1999
Fifth 1-3 Edition
图1-3 企业组织结构图

–(1)残值净收入 –(2)垫支营运资金收回
1.不考虑所得税时的计算 –各年营业NCF=收入-付现成本 =利润+非付现成本
=收入-付现成本-所得税 税前NCF
第四章 投资管理
一、现金流量的测算 二、常用决策指标 三、项目投资可行性分析 四、设备更新决策 五、证券投资价值评估
(一)现金流量的项目内容 (二)营业现金流量的测算
–(1)在固定、无形、递延等长期资产上的投资 –(2)垫支营运资金(流动资金)
第三章 财务评价
一、财务报告及其结构 二、财务能力评价 三、财务状况综合分析 四、上市公司财务比率
1.资产负债表:反映某一特定时点上的财务状 况
2.损益表:反映某一特定时期内的经营成果 3.现金流量表:反映某一特定时期内现金变动
=税后利润+非付现成本 =收入×(1-税率)-付现成本×(1-税率)+非付现成本×税率
(一)净现值(NPV) (二)年金净流量(ANCF) (三)内含报酬率(IRR) (四)回收期
1.经济性质 2.作用
i=10% A(2 年) B(3 年)A'(2 年) B'(3 年)
投资 每年 NCF
公司理财(第5版)第1章 公司理财导论

现代企业理论把企业视为利益相关者签订的一组契约的集 合,由于各个利益主体之间的利益目标存在着差异,公司理 财活动应该为谁服务是各种公司理财目标理论的主要内容。
雇员 其他公司 材料供应商
• 公司理财的目标就是创造和保持公司的价值。
• 重点概念
– 个人业主制;合伙制;公司制;股份有限公司;有限责任公司; 公司理财;公司投资;公司融资;盈利分配;营运资金管理;利 润最大化;股东财富最大化;公司价值最大化
• 思考与练习
– 1. 简述个人业主制、合伙制、公司制企业的定义和特征。 – 2.公司有哪些基本特征?有限责任公司和股份有限公司的主要区别
• 定义:
– 由单个自然人出资兴办,完全归个人所有和控制的企业。
• 特征:
– 开设、转让、关闭手续简单、费用低; – 所有权与经营权统一,利益冲突少; – 企业主控制企业全部资产,获得全部利润; – 不需要支付企业所得税,只需交纳个人所得税等。 – 风险大; – 规模受业主个人财富限制 – 企业寿命往往有限。
• 董事会必须对股东大会负责,接受股东大会监督。董事长 由董事会选举产生,董事长主持股东大会,召集并主持董事 会,在诉讼事务和非诉讼事务上对外均代表公司。
• (三)监事会
– 监事会(不设监事会的公司为监事)是公司的法定监督机构,负责检 查公司财务,并对董事、经理行为的合法性及是否损害公司利益进 行监督。
• (1)公司应该采取什么样的长期投资策略? • (2)公司应该如何为长期投资策略筹资? • (3)如何解决短期流动资金不足问题?

现值是指未来一定时间的特定货币按一定利率折算 到现在的价值。
终值是指现在一定数额的资金按一定的利率计算的 一定时间后的价值。
复利终值,是指一次性的收、付款项经过若干期的使用 后,所获得的包括本金和利息在内的未来价值。
因为永续年金无终止时间,所以不存在终值问题,永续 年金推倒公式如下:
不等额系列款项现值的计算:为求得不等额的系列付 款的现值之和,可以先计算每次付款的复利现值, 然后加总。
年金与不等额的系列付款混合情况下的现值:如果在 一组不等额的系列款项中,有部分是连续发生的 等额付款,则可分段计算其年金现值及复利现值, 然后加总。
式中: 是第j种证券的预期报酬率; 是第j种证券在全部投 资额中的比重;m是组合中证券种类总数。
组合投资的风险及度量。证券组合的风险不仅仅取决 于组合内各种证券的风险,还取决于各个证券之 间的关系。投资组合报酬率概率分布的标准差的 计算公式为:
式中:m是组合内证券种类总数; 是第j种证券在投资总额中 占的比例; 是第k种证券在投资总额中占的比例; 是第j种 证券与第k种证券报酬率的协方差。
资金合理配置原则 财务收支平衡原则 成本-效益原则 风险与收益均衡原则 利益关系协调原则
财务预测 财务决策 财务预算 财务控制 财务分析

《公司理财》目录公司理财(精华版)韩海燕,吴治成,李明第一章公司理财概述 1第一节股份公司概述 4一、股份公司的基本形式4二、股份公司的组成要素4三、股份公司的组织机构5第二节公司理财概念与内容7一、公司理财的概念8二、公司理财的内容8三、公司理财的基本环节与方法11第三节公司财务关系与公司理财目标13一、公司财务关系13二、公司理财的目标15三、公司理财的具体目标19第四节公司理财的环境20一、公司理财的法律环境20二、公司理财的金融环境21三、公司理财的经济环境24本章小结28思考题28第二章公司理财的财务基础31第一节货币的时间价值32一、货币的时间价值的含义32二、货币的时间价值计算中的几个概念33三、货币时间价值的计算34第二节年金35一、普通年金35二、预付年金37三、递延年金38四、永续年金38五、折现率、期间和利率的推算38第三节风险价值40一、风险及其衡量41二、风险报酬的计算46三、投资组合的风险47本章小结47思考题48第三章财务预算51第一节财务预算概述53一、全面预算及其内容53二、财务预算的含义与作用54三、财务预算的分类54四、财务预算在全面预算体系中的地位与作用55第二节全面预算的编制流程与方法55一、全面预算的编制流程55二、全面预算的编制方法56第三节财务预算的编制与例解61一、销售预算61二、生产预算62三、直接材料预算62四、直接人工预算63五、制造费用预算64六、销售及管理费用预算65七、产品成本预算66八、现金预算66九、预计财务报表的编制67本章小结69思考题69第四章财务控制73第一节财务控制概述74一、财务控制的含义与特征74二、财务控制的种类76三、财务控制的方式77四、财务控制的程序78第二节责任中心79一、责任中心的含义和特征79二、成本中心80三、利润中心82四、投资中心84第三节责任预算与责任报告85一、责任预算86二、责任报告89三、业绩考核91第四节责任核算94一、内部转移价格94二、内部结算97三、责任成本的内部结转99本章小结100思考题100第五章财务分析105第一节财务分析概述107一、财务分析的概念107二、财务分析的常用方法107第二节财务分析的基本内容109一、偿债能力分析109二、营运能力分析112三、盈利能力分析115四、发展能力分析120第三节全面财务分析121一、杜邦财务分析121二、综合财务分析123本章小结123思考题124第六章权益与权益交换性融资127第一节权益与权益交换性融资概述128一、资金成本128二、公司理财中的杠杆原理131三、资本结构135第二节直接投资137第三节留存收益138一、留存收益的主要类型138二、留存收益的经济用途139第四节普通股融资142一、股票及其种类142二、股票的发行143三、股票上市145四、普通股筹资评价146第五节优先股融资146一、优先股的特征147二、优先股的种类147三、优先股筹资评价148四、收益留用筹资148第六节可转债券融资149一、可转债的特征150二、可转债的发行主体151三、发行可转债的特点151本章小结153思考题154第七章负债性融资157第一节负债性融资概述159一、负债性融资的概念159二、负债性融资的类型与方式159第二节流动负债融资160一、流动负债融资的概念160二、短期借款161三、商业信用164第三节长期负债筹资166一、长期借款166二、债券筹资170三、融资租赁174本章小结180思考题180第八章证券投资决策183第一节证券投资概述184一、证券的概念185二、证券的分类185三、证券投资的概念及特征186四、证券投资的种类和程序187第二节证券投资的风险与报酬187一、证券投资的风险187二、证券投资的报酬189三、证券风险与报酬的关系189第三节债券投资191一、债券的种类、特点和投资目的191二、债券估价方法193三、债券投资收益率的计算194四、债券投资的优缺点195第四节股票投资196一、股票的分类和发行目的、特点196二、股票投资的估价201三、股票投资的优缺点203第五节基金投资203一、基金投资的含义和特点203二、基金投资的种类204三、基金投资的风险205四、基金投资的报酬206五、基金投资的优缺点207第六节证券投资中的投资组合207一、证券投资组合的意义207二、证券投资组合的风险及风险报酬208三、资本资产定价模型210四、证券投资组合策略211五、证券投资组合的具体做法213本章小结214思考题215第九章项目投资决策217第一节项目投资概述219一、项目投资及其特点219二、项目投资决策的一般程序221三、投资方案的现金流量分析222四、现金净流量的计算225第二节项目投资决策的评价方法229一、非贴现现金流量法229二、贴现现金流量法232第三节项目投资决策评价方法的运用240一、购置设备的决策分析240二、固定资产更新及改造决策241三、资本限量的决策分析242本章小结243思考题244第十章营运资金管理249第一节现金管理251一、持有现金的原因和成本251二、最佳现金持有量的确定254三、现金的日常管理258第二节应收账款管理259一、应收账款的功能与成本259二、信用政策的确定260三、应收账款日常管理265第三节存货管理269一、存货的功能与成本269二、存货的经济采购批量271三、存货日常控制274本章小结275思考题275第十一章公司的利润分配决策279第一节公司利润分配280一、公司利润分配的程序280二、公司支付股利的过程283三、股利分配的形式284第二节股利分配政策291一、股利分配政策概述291二、影响股利分配政策的因素292三、股利分配政策的评价与选择294四、股份公司的股利形式298第三节收益的分配程序299一、利润分配的程序299二、股利发放程序300本章小结301思考题301第十二章企业并购307第一节企业并购概述309一、企业并购的概念309二、企业并购的形式309三、企业并购的动因311四、企业并购的程序316第二节企业并购的财务分析318一、企业并购的收益分析318二、企业并购的成本分析321三、企业并购的风险分析322第三节企业并购的估价方法和支付方式325一、企业并购的估价方法325二、企业并购的支付方式327第四节被收购企业的防御策略328一、焦土策略328二、毒丸计划328三、降落伞计划329四、白衣骑士与锁定安排330五、帕克门策略330六、股票回购330本章小结331思考题331附录A 1元复利终值系数表334附录B 1元年金终值系数表336附录C 1元复利现值系数表337附录D 1元年金现值系数表339参考答案341参考文献350[2]。

PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。


2003年改组为华旗股份有限公司,总股本2 500万股。

第25章衍生品和套期保值风险25.1 本章要点1.衍生品与原品2.远期3.期货4.套期保值5.久期6.互换25.2 本章重难点导学一、衍生品、套期保值和风险1.衍生品与原品衍生品是一种金融工具,其盈利与价值来源于或取决于某些其他事项。
这类交易合约通常被称为期货合约(futures contact)。
罗斯 公司理财 第八版 17、18、26、27、28章答案

第十七章1、调整的净现值法(APV)如下:2、APV法用权益资本成本折现现金流得到无杠杆项目的价值,然后加上负债的节税现值,得到有杠杆情况下的项目价值;而WACC法则将UCF按R WACC 折现,而R WACC低于R0 。
6、该公司总投资为240万美元,平均每年的投资额为2,400,000/4=$600,000;全权益下NPV = –$2,400,000 + (1-0.30)($850,000)(P/A,13%,4) + (0.30)($600,000) (P/A,13%,4)=1358595债务带来的副效应下的NPV:平均每年费用支出 = $24,000/4= $6,000NPV = ($2,400,000 – 24,000) – (1 – 0.30)*(0.095)($2,400,000)(P/A,13%,4)-$2,400,000/(1.095)3+ 0.30*($6,000)(P/A,13%,4)= -217267.68APV = 1358595 -217267.68=1141327.327、(1)在扣除发行费用的情况下,贷款的净现值=贷款总额–税后利息和本金支付的现值=4250000-0.09*4250000*(1-0.4)(P/A,9%,10)-4250000(P/F,9%,10) =981,901.63(2) 发行费用=4250000*1.25%=53125平均每年的发行费用支出=53125/10=5312.5如果包括发行费用的情况下,贷款净现值=扣除发行成本的投资额-税后利息和本金支付的现值+发行费用的现值=(4250000-53125)-0.09*4250000*(1-0.4)(P/A,9%,10)-4250000(P/F,9%,10)+ 5312.5(P/A,9%,10)=7426391.25 8、先计算全权益下的NPV:NPV= –初始投资额+ PV[(1 – tC)(EBITD)] + PV(税收屏蔽)=–$25,000,000 + (1 – 0.35)($3,400,000)(P/A,13%,20)+(0.35)($5,000,000)(P/A,13%,20)=–$3,320,144.30融资所带来的副效应下的NPVNPV = $15,000,000–(1–0.35)*(0.05)*($15,000,000)(P/A,8.5%,15)– $15,000,000/(1.085)10=$6,539,586.30所以APV = –$3,320,144.30 + $6,539,586.30APV = $3,219,442.009、(1) VU= [(税前收益)(1 – tC)] / R0= = [($35,000,000)(1 –0.35)] / 0.20= $113,750,000每股价格= $113,750,000 / 1,500,000= $75.83(2)NPV = $40,000,000 – (1 – 0.35)(0.09)($40,000,000) /0.09NPV = $14,000,000所以资本结构调整后公司的价值为:V = $113,750,000 + 14,000,000V = $127,750,000由于公司并没有发行债券,所以权益的价值也是公司的价值$127,750,000。

第三章1.各种财务比率如下表流动比率0.75 速动比率0.44 总资产周转率 1.54 存货周转率19.22 应收账款周转率30.57 负债比率0.49负债权益比0.96 权益乘数 1.96 利息倍数7.96 销售利润率7.51% 资产收益率11.57% 权益收益率22.70%2.流动比率低于行业的中位数,表明该公司流动性较差,也可能意味着现金和其他短期资产运用的效率较高。
3.ROE=7.51%×1.54×1.96=22.70%b=3865200/9663000=0.4可持续增长率=ROE×b/[1-ROE×b]=0.2268×0.4/(1-0.2268×0.4)=10%EFN=83550000×10%-40980000×10%-7.51%×0.4×128700000×(1+10%) =5280美元4.公司要求实现20%的增长率,销售利润率必须提高。

A:企业与所有者的关系 B:企业与债权人的关系 C:关系企业与受资人之间的关系 D:企业与债务人的关系答案:D2.企业面向社会公开发行股票,属于()。
A:利润分配活动 B:筹资活动 C:资金营运活动 D:投资活动答案:B3.没有通货膨胀时,()的利率可以视为纯粹利率。
A:公司债券 B:短期借款 C:金融债券 D:国库券答案:D4.财务管理的外部环境包括()。
A:经济环境 B:社会文化环境 C:金融市场环境 D:法律环境答案:ABCD5.在对股东财富最大化进行一定约束后,股东财富最大化成为财务管理的最佳目标。
()A:对 B:错答案:A第二章测试1.下列各项年金中,只有现值没有终值的年金是()。
A:预付年金 B:永续年金 C:普通年金 D:递延年金答案:B2.根据资金时间价值理论,在普通年金现值系数的基础上,期数减1、系数加1的计算结果,应当等于()。
A:预付年金现值系数 B:永续年金现值系数 C:递延年金现值系数 D:普通年金现值系数答案:A3.甲企业持有一项投资,预计未来的投资收益率有两种可能,分别为10%和20%,概率分别为70%和30%,则该项投资的期望报酬率为()。
A:13% B:30% C:15% D:12.5%答案:A4.下列各项,属于可分散风险的有()A:生产事故风险 B:通货膨胀风险 C:研发失败风险 D:利率变动风险答案:AC5.递延年金现值大小与递延期无关,故计算方法和普通年金现值是一样的。
()A:对 B:错答案:B第三章测试1.下列各项中,不属于速动资产的是()。
A:其他流动资产 B:货币资金 C:应收账款 D:应收票据答案:A2.企业大量增加速动资产可能导致的结果是()。
A:提高流动资产的收益率 B:减少资金的机会成本 C:增加资金的机会成本 D:增加财务风险答案:C3.在杜邦财务分析体系中,综合性最强的财务比率是()。

资金合理配置原则 财务收支平衡原则 成本-效益原则 风险与收益均衡原则 利益关系协调原则
财务预测 财务决策 财务预算 财务控制 财务分析
经济体制 经济周期 产业及行业特征 通货膨胀
投资组合的β系数是投资组合中个别证券的β系数的加权平均 数。其计算公式为:
至此,我们可以将证券组合投资风险归纳如下: 1.证券组合投资后的风险是由两部分组成,即可分散风险和不可 分散风险, 2.可分散风险可以通过证券组合来消减。 3.股票的不可分散风险由市场变动所产生,它对所有股票都有影 响,不能通过证券组合而消除,应当通过β系数计量后,在投资报 酬中得到补偿。
资金的时间价值,是指资金在使用过程中,随着时 间的变化所发生的增值,也称为货币的时间价值 。
资金的时间价值是评价投资方案的基本标准 。 资金的时间价值可以用绝对数表示,也可以用相对
利息率(rate of interest) 简称利率,是一定时期内 利息额同借贷资金额的比率,即资金的增值额同投 入资金价值之比率。金融市场的国际化
自由现金流量法就是以自由现金流量为基础来评估公司价 值的方法
计算公式为:经济增加值 = 投资成本 ×(投资成本回报率 - 加权平均资本成本)

Chapter 25: Derivatives and Hedging RiskCONCEPT QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 2525.1 ∙ What is a forward contract? An agreement to trade at a set price in the future.∙ Give examples of forward contracts in your life.A forward contract is formed when you contract an artisan to construct a banjo and agree to pay him $1,200 on delivery.25.2 ∙ What is a futures contract? Futures contracts are like forward contracts except that:1. They are traded on organized exchanges.2. They let the seller choose when to make delivery on any day during the deliverymonth.3. They are marked to market daily.∙ How is a futures contract related to a forward contract?In both contracts, it is the obligation of both the buyer and seller to settle the contract at the future date.∙ Why do exchanges require futures contracts to be marked to the market?Because there is no accumulation of loss, the mark to the market convention reduces the risk of default.25.3 ∙ Define short and long hedges.A short futures hedge involves selling a futures contract. A long futures hedge involves buying a futures contract.∙ Under what circumstances is each of the two hedges used?Short hedges are used when you will be making delivery at a future date and wish to minimize the risk of a drop in price. Long hedges are used when you must purchase at a future date and wish to minimize the risk of a rise in price.∙ What is a rolling stock strategy?A rolling stock strategy involves buying a short-term futures contract and simultaneouslyselling a long-term futures contract. After the short-term elapses, the rolling stock involves buying another short-term futures contract. The strategy is implemented over a series of short-term contracts.25.4 ∙ How are forward contracts on bonds priced? The same as any other cash flow stream – as the sum of discounted cash flows:P FORW.CONT = (1 + r 1)[∑t=1 (I t /(1+r t )t + PAR/(1 + r T )T ]∙What are the differences between forward contracts on bonds and futures contracts on bonds?Futures contracts on bonds have the following characteristics:1.They are traded on organized exchanges.2.The seller can make delivery on any day during the month.3.They are marked to market daily.∙Give examples of hedging with futures contracts on bonds.Your partnership has just leased commercial space in a downtown hotel to a department store chain. The lessee has agreed to pay $1 million per year for 8 years. Youcan hedge the risk of a rise in inflation (and hence a fall in the value of the leasecontract) over this period by forming a short hedge in the T-bond futures market.25.5∙What is duration?The weighted average maturity of a cash flow stream in present value terms.∙How is the concept of duration used to reduce interest rate risk?By matching the duration of financial assets and liabilities, a change in interest rates hasthe same impact on them value of the assets and liabilities.25.6 ∙Show that a currency swap is equivalent to a series of forward contracts.Assume the swap is for five year at a fixed term of 100 million DM for $50 million each year. This is equivalent to a series of forward contracts. In year one, forexample, it is equivalent to a one-year forward contract of 100 million DM at 2DM/$.Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems25.1 a. A forward contract is an agreement to either purchase or sell a specific amount of aspecific good on a specific date at a specific price. It represents an obligation on both parties—the party agreeing to buy in the future at a specified price and the party agreeing to sell in the future at a specified price.b. A futures contract is identical to a forward contract in that it is an agreement toeither purchase or sell a specific amount of a specific good on a specific date at aspecific price. It represents an obligation on both parties—the party agreeing to buy in the future at a specified price and the party agreeing to sell in the future at aspecified price. The difference between futures and forwards is that futures are standardized contracts trading on exchanges with daily resettlement while forwards are agreements tailored to the needs of the counterparties.25.2 1. Futures contracts have standard features and are traded on exchanges, whileforward contracts are less standard and are not traded on exchanges.2. Risk positions in futures are generally reversed prior to delivery, while forwardcontracts usually involve delivery.3. The futures market is largely insulated from default risk by features such as mark- to-market and margin call provisions. 25.3 a. i) $5.10 ii) $5.00iii) $0.03 + $0.05 + $0.04 - $0.02 - $5.10 = -$5.00 b. i) $4.98 ii) $5.00iii)$0.03 + $0.05 + $0.04 - $0.02 - $0.12 - $4.98 = -$5.0025.4 Cont.ForwP = Face value (1 + 1r ) / (1 + 11r )11Both 1r and 11r decreased, but 11r has 11th power. Thus, (1 + 11r )11 has more effect of downward shift. Therefore, the price of the forward contract will increase. 25.5 a. Sell a futures contract.b. A short hedge is a wise strategy if you must hold inventory, the price of which may change before you can sell it.c. Buy a futures contract.d. A long hedge is a wise strategy if you are locked into a future selling price for agood.25.6 Mary Johnson is investing on wheat futures not on commodity wheat. Since she believesthat wheat futures price will fall in the future, she will take a short position on the wheat futures contract.25.7 Your friend is a little naive about the capabilities of hedging. Hedging will reduce risk, but itcannot eliminate it. There can be a difference in basis between the prices in two different locales. The random nature of the basis adds risk to hedging. A party to a futures contract is also subject to mark-to-mark risk. Finally, very few contracts ever make delivery. Without assured delivery, the basis risk may be magnified. For example, a farmerscontracts for wheat on the Chicago exchange, but is unable to deliver to Chicago. He must sell his wheat on the local market. The local prices may be very different from the Chicago prices. The text discusses these differences more fully.25.8 a. P = 50 (1.048) / (1.050) 2 + 50 (1.048) / (1.052) 3 + 50 (1.048) / (1.055) 4+ 1050 (1.048) / (1.057) 5 =$968.84b. i). The value of the forward contract should fall. ii) P = 50 (1.048) / (1.053) 2 + 50 (1.048) / (1.055) 3 + 50 (1.048) / (1.058) 4+ 1050 (1.048) / (1.060) 5 = $918.3225.9Strategy Today’s cash flow Cash flow at maturity 1. Buy silver -S 0 S 1 2. Long on futures 0 S 1 - F Lend $F / (1 + r f ) -F / (1 + r f ) FPayoff for the two strategies are the same in one month at the maturity of the futurescontract.Therefore, S0 = F / (1 + r f)or F = S0 (1 + r f)25.10 Since she needs US dollars one year later, she should buy US dollar futures to hedgeagainst exchange rate risk.25.11 a. $300,000 = C2010.0A = 8.51356 CC = $35,237.89b. Interest rate changes.c. Hedge by writing a futures contract on Treasury bonds.25.12 a. i) $35,237.89 2012.0A = $263,207.43ii) Interest rate ↑⇒ T bond ↓ and Short position in T bond ↑⇒ Mortgage ↓iii) The loss on the mortgage is entirely offset by the gain in the futures market.The net gain or loss is zero.b. i) $35,237.89 2009.0A = $321,670.69ii) The opposite to ii) in a.iii) The net gain or loss is zero.25.13 a. A: $1,000 / 1.11 = $900.90B: $1,000 / 1.115 = $593.45C: $1,000 / 1.1110 = $352.18b. A: $1,000 / 1.14 = $877.19B: $1,000 / 1.145 = $519.37C: $1,000 / 1.1410 = $269.74c. A: -($900.90 - $877.19) / $900.90 = -0.0263 = -2.63%B: -($593.45 - $519.37) / $593.45 = -0.1248 = -12.48%C: -($352.18 - $269.74) / $352.18 = -0.2341 = -23.41%25.14Year Payment Present value Relative value1 $100 $100 / (1 + r) {$100/(1+r)}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)2 $100 $100 / (1 + r)2{$100/(1+r)2}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)23 $100 $100 / (1 + r)3{$100/(1+r)3}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)34 $100 $100 / (1 + r)4{$100/(1+r)4}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)4. . . .........100 / r 1.0Duration = 1 ⨯ r / (1 + r) + 2 ⨯ r / (1 + r)2 + 3 ⨯ r / (1 + r)3 + 4 ⨯ r / (1 + r)4 + ...= r [1 / (1 + r) + 2 / (1 + r)2 + 3 / (1 + r)3 + 4 / (1 + r)4 + ...] Duration / (1 + r)= r [1 / (1 + r)2 + 2 / (1 + r)3 + 3 / (1 + r)4 + ...]Duration - Duration / (1 + r)= {1 - 1 / (1 +r)} Duration= r [1 / (1 + r) + 1 / (1 + r)2 + 1 / (1 + r)3 + 1 / (1 + r)4 + ...]= r (1 / r)= 1Therefore, {r / (1 + r)} Duration = 1or Duration = (1 + r) / rr = 12%Duration = (1 + 0.12 )/ 0.12= 9.333 yearsr = 10%Duration = (1 + 0.10 )/ 0.10= 11.0 years25.15 a. A: $70 / 1.1 +$70 / 1.12 + $70 / 1.13 + $1,070 / 1.14= $904.90B: $110 / 1.1 + $110 / 1.12 + $110 / 1.13 + $1,110 / 1.14= $1,031.70b. A: This bond is selling at par. Its price is $1,000.B: $110 / 1.07 + $110 / 1.072 + $110 / 1.073 + $1,110 / 1.074= $1,135.49c. A: ($1,000 - $904.90) / $904.90 = 0.1051 = 10.51%B: ($1,135.49 - $1,031.70) / $1,031.70 = 0.1006 = 10.06%d. The 7% bond has a higher duration since more of its total repayments occur in thelater years. Bond with higher duration have greater percentage changes in theirprices than do low duration bonds for a given percentage change in the interest rate.25.16Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$90 $82.5688 0.08257 1 0.0825790 75.7512 0.07575 2 0.151501,090 841.6800 0.84168 3 2.525042.75911Duration = 2.76 years25.17Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$90 $82.5688 0.08257 1 0.0825790 75.7512 0.07575 2 0.1515090 69.4965 0.0695 3 0.20851,090 772.1835 0.7722 4 3.08883.5315Duration = 3.53 years25.18Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$50 $47.6190 0.04762 1 0.0476250 45.3515 0.04535 2 0.0907050 43.1919 0.04319 3 0.129571,050 863.8376 0.86384 4 3.455363.72325Duration = 3.72 years25.19Year Payment PV Relative value1 0 0 02 0 0 03 $20,000 $13,150.32 0.304584 $20,000 $11,435.06 0.264855 $20,000 $9,943.53 0.230306 $20,000 $8,646.55 0.20027$43,175.47 1.0000Duration = 1 ⨯ 0 + 2 ⨯ 0 + 3 ⨯ 0.30458 + 4 ⨯ 0.26485+ 5 ⨯ 0.23030 + 6 ⨯ 0.20027= 4.33 years25.20 a. Dollar amounts are in millions.0 ⨯ ($43 / $1,255) + 0.33333 ($615 / $1,255) + 0.75 ⨯ ($345 / $1,255)+ 5 ⨯ ($55 / $1,255) + 15 ⨯ ($197 / $1,255)= 2.943 yearsb Dollar amounts are in millions.0 ⨯ ($490 / $1,110) + 1.5 ($370 / $1,110) + 10 ⨯ ($250 / $1,110)= 2.752 yearsc. No. Besdall is not immune to interest rate risk since the product of market valuetimes duration is different for assets than for liabilities.25.21 a. 2.943 ⨯ $1,255 million = duration ⨯ $1,110 millionLiability duration = 2.943 ($1,255) / $1,110= 3.327b. Duration ⨯ $1,255 million = 2.752 ⨯ $1,110 millionAsset duration = 2.752 ($1,110) / $1,255= 2.43425.22 a. Duration of assets= 0 ⨯ $100 / $1,800 + 1 ⨯ $500 / $1,800 + 12 ⨯ $1,200 / $1,800= 8.278 yearsDuration of liabilities= 0 ⨯ $300 / $1,200 + 1.1 ⨯ $400 / $1,200 + 18.9 ⨯ $500 / $1,200= 8.242 yearsb. No, it is not immunized from interest rate risk.Duration of asset ⨯ market value of asset= 8.278 ⨯ $1,800= $14,900.4Duration of liability ⨯ market value of liability= 8.242 ⨯ $1,200= $9,890.0To be immunized from interest rate risk, either (1) increase the duration ofliabilities without changing the duration of the assets or (2) decrease the duration ofassets without changing the duration of liabilities.25.23 a. Yes, there is an opportunity for the Miller Company and the Edwards company tobenefit from a swap. Miller has the comparative advantage in the Fixed-rate marketwhile Edwards has the comparative advantage in the floating rate market.In the floating rate market, the lender usually has the opportunity to review thefloating rates every 6 months. If the creditworthiness of Edwards Company declined,the lender has the option of increasing the spread over LIBOR that is charged.b.The Strategy:ler borrows at fixed rate loan of 10%.2.Edwards borrows at floating rate loan of LIBOR +2.0%3.Enter into a swap (with a notional principal)Miller: 3 sets of interest-rate cash flows.1.It pays 10% per annum to outside lenders.2.It receives 11.65% per annum from Miller.3.It pays LIBOR +0.15% to Edwards.Edwards: 3 sets of interest-rate cash flows.1.It pays LIBOR +2.0% per annum to outside lenders.2.It receives LIBOR +0.15% from Miller.3.It pays 11.65% to Miller.Miller ⇒ Borrowing at LIBOR +0.15% floating rate (cheaper by 0.15% than itwould have to pay if it borrows directly from the floating rate market.)Edwards ⇒ B orrowing at 11.65% Fixed (cheaper by 3.35% than it would pay if it borrows directly from the fixed rate market.)Both sides are better off by 1.50% per annum.。
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Chapter 25: Derivatives and Hedging RiskCONCEPT QUESTIONS – CHAPTER 2525.1 ∙ What is a forward contract? An agreement to trade at a set price in the future.∙ Give examples of forward contracts in your life.A forward contract is formed when you contract an artisan to construct a banjo and agree to pay him $1,200 on delivery.25.2 ∙ What is a futures contract? Futures contracts are like forward contracts except that:1. They are traded on organized exchanges.2. They let the seller choose when to make delivery on any day during the deliverymonth.3. They are marked to market daily.∙ How is a futures contract related to a forward contract?In both contracts, it is the obligation of both the buyer and seller to settle the contract at the future date.∙ Why do exchanges require futures contracts to be marked to the market?Because there is no accumulation of loss, the mark to the market convention reduces the risk of default.25.3 ∙ Define short and long hedges.A short futures hedge involves selling a futures contract. A long futures hedge involves buying a futures contract.∙ Under what circumstances is each of the two hedges used?Short hedges are used when you will be making delivery at a future date and wish to minimize the risk of a drop in price. Long hedges are used when you must purchase at a future date and wish to minimize the risk of a rise in price.∙ What is a rolling stock strategy?A rolling stock strategy involves buying a short-term futures contract and simultaneouslyselling a long-term futures contract. After the short-term elapses, the rolling stock involves buying another short-term futures contract. The strategy is implemented over a series of short-term contracts.25.4 ∙ How are forward contracts on bonds priced? The same as any other cash flow stream – as the sum of discounted cash flows:P FORW.CONT = (1 + r 1)[∑t=1 (I t /(1+r t )t + PAR/(1 + r T )T ]∙What are the differences between forward contracts on bonds and futures contracts on bonds?Futures contracts on bonds have the following characteristics:1.They are traded on organized exchanges.2.The seller can make delivery on any day during the month.3.They are marked to market daily.∙Give examples of hedging with futures contracts on bonds.Your partnership has just leased commercial space in a downtown hotel to a department store chain. The lessee has agreed to pay $1 million per year for 8 years. Youcan hedge the risk of a rise in inflation (and hence a fall in the value of the leasecontract) over this period by forming a short hedge in the T-bond futures market.25.5∙What is duration?The weighted average maturity of a cash flow stream in present value terms.∙How is the concept of duration used to reduce interest rate risk?By matching the duration of financial assets and liabilities, a change in interest rates hasthe same impact on them value of the assets and liabilities.25.6 ∙Show that a currency swap is equivalent to a series of forward contracts.Assume the swap is for five year at a fixed term of 100 million DM for $50 million each year. This is equivalent to a series of forward contracts. In year one, forexample, it is equivalent to a one-year forward contract of 100 million DM at 2DM/$.Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems25.1 a. A forward contract is an agreement to either purchase or sell a specific amount of aspecific good on a specific date at a specific price. It represents an obligation on both parties—the party agreeing to buy in the future at a specified price and the party agreeing to sell in the future at a specified price.b. A futures contract is identical to a forward contract in that it is an agreement toeither purchase or sell a specific amount of a specific good on a specific date at aspecific price. It represents an obligation on both parties—the party agreeing to buy in the future at a specified price and the party agreeing to sell in the future at aspecified price. The difference between futures and forwards is that futures are standardized contracts trading on exchanges with daily resettlement while forwards are agreements tailored to the needs of the counterparties.25.2 1. Futures contracts have standard features and are traded on exchanges, whileforward contracts are less standard and are not traded on exchanges.2. Risk positions in futures are generally reversed prior to delivery, while forwardcontracts usually involve delivery.3. The futures market is largely insulated from default risk by features such as mark- to-market and margin call provisions. 25.3 a. i) $5.10 ii) $5.00iii) $0.03 + $0.05 + $0.04 - $0.02 - $5.10 = -$5.00 b. i) $4.98 ii) $5.00iii)$0.03 + $0.05 + $0.04 - $0.02 - $0.12 - $4.98 = -$5.0025.4 Cont.ForwP = Face value (1 + 1r ) / (1 + 11r )11Both 1r and 11r decreased, but 11r has 11th power. Thus, (1 + 11r )11 has more effect of downward shift. Therefore, the price of the forward contract will increase. 25.5 a. Sell a futures contract.b. A short hedge is a wise strategy if you must hold inventory, the price of which may change before you can sell it.c. Buy a futures contract.d. A long hedge is a wise strategy if you are locked into a future selling price for agood.25.6 Mary Johnson is investing on wheat futures not on commodity wheat. Since she believesthat wheat futures price will fall in the future, she will take a short position on the wheat futures contract.25.7 Your friend is a little naive about the capabilities of hedging. Hedging will reduce risk, but itcannot eliminate it. There can be a difference in basis between the prices in two different locales. The random nature of the basis adds risk to hedging. A party to a futures contract is also subject to mark-to-mark risk. Finally, very few contracts ever make delivery. Without assured delivery, the basis risk may be magnified. For example, a farmerscontracts for wheat on the Chicago exchange, but is unable to deliver to Chicago. He must sell his wheat on the local market. The local prices may be very different from the Chicago prices. The text discusses these differences more fully.25.8 a. P = 50 (1.048) / (1.050) 2 + 50 (1.048) / (1.052) 3 + 50 (1.048) / (1.055) 4+ 1050 (1.048) / (1.057) 5 =$968.84b. i). The value of the forward contract should fall. ii) P = 50 (1.048) / (1.053) 2 + 50 (1.048) / (1.055) 3 + 50 (1.048) / (1.058) 4+ 1050 (1.048) / (1.060) 5 = $918.3225.9Strategy Today’s cash flow Cash flow at maturity 1. Buy silver -S 0 S 1 2. Long on futures 0 S 1 - F Lend $F / (1 + r f ) -F / (1 + r f ) FPayoff for the two strategies are the same in one month at the maturity of the futurescontract.Therefore, S0 = F / (1 + r f)or F = S0 (1 + r f)25.10 Since she needs US dollars one year later, she should buy US dollar futures to hedgeagainst exchange rate risk.25.11 a. $300,000 = C2010.0A = 8.51356 CC = $35,237.89b. Interest rate changes.c. Hedge by writing a futures contract on Treasury bonds.25.12 a. i) $35,237.89 2012.0A = $263,207.43ii) Interest rate ↑⇒ T bond ↓ and Short position in T bond ↑⇒ Mortgage ↓iii) The loss on the mortgage is entirely offset by the gain in the futures market.The net gain or loss is zero.b. i) $35,237.89 2009.0A = $321,670.69ii) The opposite to ii) in a.iii) The net gain or loss is zero.25.13 a. A: $1,000 / 1.11 = $900.90B: $1,000 / 1.115 = $593.45C: $1,000 / 1.1110 = $352.18b. A: $1,000 / 1.14 = $877.19B: $1,000 / 1.145 = $519.37C: $1,000 / 1.1410 = $269.74c. A: -($900.90 - $877.19) / $900.90 = -0.0263 = -2.63%B: -($593.45 - $519.37) / $593.45 = -0.1248 = -12.48%C: -($352.18 - $269.74) / $352.18 = -0.2341 = -23.41%25.14Year Payment Present value Relative value1 $100 $100 / (1 + r) {$100/(1+r)}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)2 $100 $100 / (1 + r)2{$100/(1+r)2}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)23 $100 $100 / (1 + r)3{$100/(1+r)3}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)34 $100 $100 / (1 + r)4{$100/(1+r)4}/($100/r) = r/(1+r)4. . . .........100 / r 1.0Duration = 1 ⨯ r / (1 + r) + 2 ⨯ r / (1 + r)2 + 3 ⨯ r / (1 + r)3 + 4 ⨯ r / (1 + r)4 + ...= r [1 / (1 + r) + 2 / (1 + r)2 + 3 / (1 + r)3 + 4 / (1 + r)4 + ...] Duration / (1 + r)= r [1 / (1 + r)2 + 2 / (1 + r)3 + 3 / (1 + r)4 + ...]Duration - Duration / (1 + r)= {1 - 1 / (1 +r)} Duration= r [1 / (1 + r) + 1 / (1 + r)2 + 1 / (1 + r)3 + 1 / (1 + r)4 + ...]= r (1 / r)= 1Therefore, {r / (1 + r)} Duration = 1or Duration = (1 + r) / rr = 12%Duration = (1 + 0.12 )/ 0.12= 9.333 yearsr = 10%Duration = (1 + 0.10 )/ 0.10= 11.0 years25.15 a. A: $70 / 1.1 +$70 / 1.12 + $70 / 1.13 + $1,070 / 1.14= $904.90B: $110 / 1.1 + $110 / 1.12 + $110 / 1.13 + $1,110 / 1.14= $1,031.70b. A: This bond is selling at par. Its price is $1,000.B: $110 / 1.07 + $110 / 1.072 + $110 / 1.073 + $1,110 / 1.074= $1,135.49c. A: ($1,000 - $904.90) / $904.90 = 0.1051 = 10.51%B: ($1,135.49 - $1,031.70) / $1,031.70 = 0.1006 = 10.06%d. The 7% bond has a higher duration since more of its total repayments occur in thelater years. Bond with higher duration have greater percentage changes in theirprices than do low duration bonds for a given percentage change in the interest rate.25.16Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$90 $82.5688 0.08257 1 0.0825790 75.7512 0.07575 2 0.151501,090 841.6800 0.84168 3 2.525042.75911Duration = 2.76 years25.17Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$90 $82.5688 0.08257 1 0.0825790 75.7512 0.07575 2 0.1515090 69.4965 0.0695 3 0.20851,090 772.1835 0.7722 4 3.08883.5315Duration = 3.53 years25.18Payment PV Relative value Maturity Duration$50 $47.6190 0.04762 1 0.0476250 45.3515 0.04535 2 0.0907050 43.1919 0.04319 3 0.129571,050 863.8376 0.86384 4 3.455363.72325Duration = 3.72 years25.19Year Payment PV Relative value1 0 0 02 0 0 03 $20,000 $13,150.32 0.304584 $20,000 $11,435.06 0.264855 $20,000 $9,943.53 0.230306 $20,000 $8,646.55 0.20027$43,175.47 1.0000Duration = 1 ⨯ 0 + 2 ⨯ 0 + 3 ⨯ 0.30458 + 4 ⨯ 0.26485+ 5 ⨯ 0.23030 + 6 ⨯ 0.20027= 4.33 years25.20 a. Dollar amounts are in millions.0 ⨯ ($43 / $1,255) + 0.33333 ($615 / $1,255) + 0.75 ⨯ ($345 / $1,255)+ 5 ⨯ ($55 / $1,255) + 15 ⨯ ($197 / $1,255)= 2.943 yearsb Dollar amounts are in millions.0 ⨯ ($490 / $1,110) + 1.5 ($370 / $1,110) + 10 ⨯ ($250 / $1,110)= 2.752 yearsc. No. Besdall is not immune to interest rate risk since the product of market valuetimes duration is different for assets than for liabilities.25.21 a. 2.943 ⨯ $1,255 million = duration ⨯ $1,110 millionLiability duration = 2.943 ($1,255) / $1,110= 3.327b. Duration ⨯ $1,255 million = 2.752 ⨯ $1,110 millionAsset duration = 2.752 ($1,110) / $1,255= 2.43425.22 a. Duration of assets= 0 ⨯ $100 / $1,800 + 1 ⨯ $500 / $1,800 + 12 ⨯ $1,200 / $1,800= 8.278 yearsDuration of liabilities= 0 ⨯ $300 / $1,200 + 1.1 ⨯ $400 / $1,200 + 18.9 ⨯ $500 / $1,200= 8.242 yearsb. No, it is not immunized from interest rate risk.Duration of asset ⨯ market value of asset= 8.278 ⨯ $1,800= $14,900.4Duration of liability ⨯ market value of liability= 8.242 ⨯ $1,200= $9,890.0To be immunized from interest rate risk, either (1) increase the duration ofliabilities without changing the duration of the assets or (2) decrease the duration ofassets without changing the duration of liabilities.25.23 a. Yes, there is an opportunity for the Miller Company and the Edwards company tobenefit from a swap. Miller has the comparative advantage in the Fixed-rate marketwhile Edwards has the comparative advantage in the floating rate market.In the floating rate market, the lender usually has the opportunity to review thefloating rates every 6 months. If the creditworthiness of Edwards Company declined,the lender has the option of increasing the spread over LIBOR that is charged.b.The Strategy:ler borrows at fixed rate loan of 10%.2.Edwards borrows at floating rate loan of LIBOR +2.0%3.Enter into a swap (with a notional principal)Miller: 3 sets of interest-rate cash flows.1.It pays 10% per annum to outside lenders.2.It receives 11.65% per annum from Miller.3.It pays LIBOR +0.15% to Edwards.Edwards: 3 sets of interest-rate cash flows.1.It pays LIBOR +2.0% per annum to outside lenders.2.It receives LIBOR +0.15% from Miller.3.It pays 11.65% to Miller.Miller ⇒ Borrowing at LIBOR +0.15% floating rate (cheaper by 0.15% than itwould have to pay if it borrows directly from the floating rate market.)Edwards ⇒ B orrowing at 11.65% Fixed (cheaper by 3.35% than it would pay if it borrows directly from the fixed rate market.)Both sides are better off by 1.50% per annum.。