
小学日常英语口语100句1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!2. Good morning. 早上好。
3. Good afternoon. 下午好。
4. Good evening. 晚上好。
5. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
6. Glad to see you. 见到你很高兴。
7. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
8. You’re welcome.别客气。
9. That’s all right.不用谢。
10. Goodbye. 再见。
11. So long. 再见。
12. I’m sorry!对不起!13. Not bad. 还不错。
14. Good job! 做得好!15. I see. 我明白了。
16. I agree. 我同意。
17. This way, please. 这边请。
18. Stand up. 起立。
19. Sit down, please. 请坐。
20. Come on! 来吧!21. What’s the matter?你怎么了?22. May I use your pen?我能用你的钢笔吗?23. Follow me, please. 请跟我来。
24. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!25. Try again. 再试试。
26. Why not?为什么不?27. Shall we go to the library? 我们去图书馆好吗?28. Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?29. Can I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?30. It’s time for class.该上课了。
31. Just wonderful. 简直棒极了!32. We’re good friends.我们是好朋友。
33. Good luck! 祝好运!34. No problem! 没问题!35. Take it easy. 别紧张。
The Little Red Hen 小红母鸡

The Little Red Hen小红母鸡A Little Red Hen lived in a barnyard. She spent almost all of her time walking about the barnyard ,scratching everywhere for worms.农场上住着一只小红母鸡。
She dearly loved fat, delicious worms and felt they were absolutely necessary to the health of her children.小红母鸡非常喜欢肥肥的,味道鲜美的虫子,觉得它们对她的孩子们的健康来说是必需的。
A cat usually napped lazily , not even bothering herself to scare the rat who ran here and there as he pleased. And as for the pig ---- he did not care what happened so long as he could eat and grow fat.一只猫慵懒的在打着盹,甚至不愿意去吓唬一下随意四处奔跑的老鼠。
One day the Little Red Hen found some Seeds. They were Wheat Seeds. Carrying them about, she made many inquiries as to what they might be. She found they were Wheat Seeds and that, if planted, they would grow up and when ripe they could be made into flour and then into bread.一天,小红母鸡发现了一颗种子,一颗小麦种子。

二年级第二学期英语U n i t口语练习集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#词汇:hen母鸡?chick小鸡??duck鸭子??cow母牛??sheep绵羊pig猪??nose鼻子??orange橙??paper纸???? ground地面moo(牛叫声)?oink(猪叫声)?? quack(鸭叫声)? cluck(母鸡叫声)draw画画??see看见?hear听见??frog青蛙??bird鸟rabbit兔子??butterfly蝴蝶?bee蜜蜂?egg蛋???have got有farm农场??animal动物句子:1.Draw the hen and chick on the T-shirt.?2.Draw the duck on the balloon.3.Draw the sheep and cow on the paper.?4.Draw the bee on the egg.5.Draw the butterfly on the pig.? Draw the pig on the ground.6.Draw the orange on your left arm.7.What do you see? I see some frogs in the water.?How many frogs? Three.8.What do you see? I see some eggs on the ground.?? How many eggs? Three eggs.9.What do you hear? I hear some birds.10.What do you hear? I hear a pig.Is it thin? No, it is not.? It is fat.?Is it pink? Yes, it is.11.What do you hear? I hear a cow.? Is it fat? Yes, it is. 12.A cow goes "moo, moo".? A pig goes "oink, oink".A duck goes "quack, quack".? A hen goes "cluck, cluck". 13.I've got a chick and a hen.?14.I've got a pig and a cow.。

鸡的英文谚语带翻译Be no chicken 〈俚语〉不是小孩子了,不年轻了2.spring chicken 〈美口〉没有经验的年轻人,毛孩子3.play chicken 〈美俚〉为吓倒对方进行挑战4.chicken pox 水痘5.chicken out 〈美俚〉因害怕而停止做某事,因胆小而放弃6.chicken feed 〈美俚〉微不足道的金额,为数甚微的款项7.chicken switch 紧急按纽,逃生开关8.chicken head 蠢人,笨蛋9.chicken-hearted 胆小的,软弱的10.chicken-and-egg 对先有鸡还是先有蛋之类的问题争论不休的11.count one’s chickens before they are hatched 过早乐观,打如意算盘12.hen party 俗妇女聚会13.wet hen 美俚讨厌的人,泼妇14.as mad as wet hen 美口非常生气15.sell one’s hens on a rainy day 做亏本生意16.a hen is on 美口策划着阴谋,酝酿着重大事件17.like a hen with one chicken 大惊小怪,唠唠叨叨,在小事上瞎操心18.old cock 旧时表示亲昵的称呼老兄19.cock of the school 学校里或运动场上称雄的学生20.That cock won’t fight 那一手行不通.1. 不知哪块云彩下雨2. 不知天高地厚3. 不拉屎占茅坑4. 不撞南墙不回头5. 苍蝇不叮没缝的蛋6. 挨着勤的没懒的7. 矮子面前不说短话8. 按下葫芦起来瓢9. 八抬大轿请不去10. 八字没一撇11. 拔根汗毛比腰粗12. 白披一张人皮13. 半斤对八两14. 半路上出家15. 饱汉不知饿汉饥16. 背着抱着一般沉17. 被人卖了还帮着数钱18. 笨鸟儿先飞19. 鼻子气歪了20.比登天还难1. 被人卖了还帮着数钱2. 不吃黄连,不知啥叫苦3. 不蒸馒头争口气4. 不吃羊肉惹身臊5. 不打不相识6. 不打无把握之仗7. 不打无准备之仗8. 不当家不知柴米贵9. 不到黄河心不死10. 不费吹灰之力11. 不分青红皂白12. 不够塞牙缝的13. 不管三七二十一14. 操心不见老15. 拆东墙,补西墙16. 常骂不惊,常打不怕17. 常说口里顺,常做手不笨18. 常在河边站,哪有不湿鞋19. 长他人志气,灭自己威风20. 长叹不如慢磨1. 比上不足,比下有余2. 比死人多口气3. 便宜没好货,好货不便宜4. 别人牵驴你拔橛子5. 兵败如山倒6. “小二”管“大王”7. 兵来将挡,水来土掩8. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒9. 病从口入,祸从口出10. 病急乱投医11. 炒豆众人吃,炸锅一人事12. 车到山前必有路13. 陈芝麻烂谷子14. 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的15. 成人不自在,自在不成人16. 成事不足,败事有余17. 成者王侯败者贼18. 秤杆离不开秤铊19. 饱汉不知饿汉饥20. 背着抱着一般沉感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

1. Chicken (鸡)
- Hen (母鸡)
- Rooster (公鸡)
- Chick (小鸡)
2. Duck (鸭)
- Drake (公鸭)
- Duckling (小鸭)
3. Turkey (火鸡)
- Tom (公火鸡)
- Hen (母火鸡)
- Poult (小火鸡)
4. Goose (鹅)
- Gander (公鹅)
- Goose (母鹅)
- Gosling (小鹅)
5. 饲养家禽的常用句子
- I am raising chickens in my backyard. (我在后院养鸡。
) - In the morning, I feed my ducks and geese. (早上,我喂我的鸭和鹅。
- Turkeys are very social animals and like to be around other turkeys. (火鸡是非常社交的动物,喜欢与其他火鸡在一起。
) - I incubate my own eggs and hatch my own chicks. (我自己孵化鸟蛋,孵出自己的小鸡。
- I clean out the coop every week to keep it sanitary for my chickens. (我每周清理鸡舍,让它保持卫生,适合我的鸡。
) 以上是一些常用的家禽饲养英语词汇和句子,学习它们可以帮助你更好地与其他饲养家禽的人交流,同时提高你的英语水平。

有些名词变复数,词尾变化要注意:“y”前字母是辅音,一律变“y”为“ie”;遇到“f / fe”,有时需要变“ve”少数名词不规则,特别情况靠硬记。
7.时间名词前所有介词的速记年月周前要用 in,日子前面却不行。
要说某日上下午,用 on 换 in 才能行。
午夜黄昏用 at,黎明用它也不错。
at 也在时分前,说“差”用 to,说“过”要用 past。
9.介词顺口溜in 在……里,out 在……外,在旁边的是 beside,靠近的为 by。

Little Red HenCHARACTERSNARRA TOR ONELITTLE RED HENLAMBCATPIG(Optional extra characters listed at the end of the script.)SETTING:Small farm.NARRATOROnce upon a time, a lamb, a cat, a pig, and a little red hen lived on an old farm on a flowery hill surrounded by fields of golden wheat. One day, the Little Red Hen found some grains of wheat scattered in the barnyard. LITTLE RED HENLook what I've found! Who will help me plant these grains of wheat? LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAnd so, she did. She knew that seeds need water to grow tall and strong.LITTLE RED HENWho will help me water these seeds?LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud.OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAnd so, she did. The Little Red Hen's basket was soon filled with wheat.LITTLE RED HENWho will help me take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour?LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud.OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAnd so, she did. The kind miller ground the wheat into powdery, velvety flour, and the Little Red Hen carried it home in a rough brown sack. LITTLE RED HENWho will help me make this bread into flour?LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAnd so, she did. The Little Red Hen mixed the flour into sticky dough and kneaded it into a smooth loaf.LITTLE RED HENWho will help me put this bread into the oven to bake?LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAnd so, she did. The kitchen filled with the delicious scent of baking bread, and the other animals came to see what was happening. The Little Red Hen took the warm, crusty loaf out of the oven, and set it on the table.LITTLE RED HENWho will help me cut this bread?LAMBNot I! I have to frolic in the sun!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATNot I! I have to take a nap!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGNot I! I have to roll in the mud!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENThen I’ll do it myself.NARRATORAt last, the bread was ready to eat. It was steaming hot and the Little Red Hen had cut it into heavenly slices.LITTLE RED HENWho will help me eat this fresh, tasty bread?LAMBI will!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Lamb!CATI will!OFFSTAGE PLAYERSSaid the Cat!PIGI will!Offstage PlayersSaid the Pig!LITTLE RED HENI’ll give you some this time, but next time you must all help!NARRATORThe next time the Little Red Hen found some grains of wheat, the Lamb planted it in the rich, brown soil, the Cat watered it carefully every day, and the Pig harvested the wheat when it had grown tall and strong. When the dough was baked, together the animals made hot chocolate and ate the fresh, warm bread. It was delicious! The animals lived happily ever after, cooperating and helping each other every day.CURTAINAdding CharactersTo expand the script, add other farm animals or double the animal characters. (Two cats, two pigs, etc.)HorseNot I. I have to gallop around the field.DogNot I. I have to bury this bone.MouseNot I. I have to hide this piece of cheese.RabbitNot I. I have to wiggle my nose.GoatNot I. I have to find some garbage to eat.DuckNot I. I have to swim around the pond.Activities for The Little Red Hen独自表演剧本告诉学生,你将朗读整个剧本,而他们则在表演中扮演所有发生的一切。

日常生活用语1. My treat. 我请客。
2. So do I. 我也一样。
3. Forget it! 休想! (算了)4. I decline! 我拒绝!5. I promise. 我保证。
6. Of course! 当然了!7. Slow down! 慢点!8. Take care! 保重!9. They hurt. (伤口)疼。
10. Try again. 再试试。
人物描述11.Do you have new teachers?你们有新老师吗?12.Yes./No.有/没有。
13.Who's your English teacher?谁是你的英语老师 ?14.Mary./Alison.玛丽/艾莉森15.What's she like?她长的什么样?16.She's tall and strong./She's young and pretty。
17.He's very funny.他很滑稽。
18.I know.我知道。
19.His class is so much fun.他的课很有趣。
20.Who's that young lady?那位年轻的女士是谁?21.She's our principal.她是我们的校长。
22.Is she strick?她严厉吗?23.Yes, she is.是的。
24.She's very kind.她很和蔼。
25.She's a university student.她是一位大学生。
26.Is she old?她年老吗?27.No, she's young.不,她很年轻。
星期28.What day is it?今天星期几?29.It's Wednesday.今天星期三。

小学英文顺口溜butterfly,butterflyBee,bee是蜜蜂Bee,beeSnail,snail是蜗牛snail,snailEarthwormEarthworm是蟋蟀Earthworm, Earthworm Ant, ant 是蚂蚁,ant, antSpider,Spider是蜘蛛Spider,SpiderCricket,cricket是蚯蚓Cricket,cricketFly,fly是苍蝇Fly,flyMosquito,mosquito是蚊子mosquito,mosquitochick chick 叽叽叽小鸭小鸭嘎嘎嘎duck duck 嘎嘎嘎小鹅小鹅哦哦哦goose goose 哦哦哦小羊小羊咩咩咩sheep sheep 咩咩咩小牛小牛哞哞哞calf calf 哞哞哞小猫小猫喵喵喵cat cat 喵喵喵小狗小狗汪汪汪dog dog 汪汪汪小鸟小鸟喳喳喳birdbird 喳喳喳小鱼小鱼水里游fishfish 水里游小猪小指呼呼呼pigpig 呼呼呼红苹果 青苹果, apple apple 苹果大桔子 小桔子, orange orange 桔子黄黄的梨子pear ,梨子梨子pear长长的香蕉banana , 香蕉香蕉banana芒果的名字最简单,mango mango 是芒果菠萝苹果有点像,pineapple pineapple 大菠萝孙悟空偷桃子, peach peach 是桃子八戒的肚子像西瓜, watermelon watermelon 大西瓜--Hi,Bob--hi,Tom--How are you ?--I’m fine ,thanks.and you ?--I’m fine ,too.--Hello--hello--nice to meet you.--Nice to meet you ,too.--How old are you?(你几岁?)--I am nine.我九岁。
牛津小学英语2B Unit1口语练习题

二年级第二学期英语Unit1口语练习词汇:hen母鸡chick小鸡duck鸭子cow母牛sheep绵羊pig猪nose鼻子orange橙paper纸ground地面moo〔牛叫声〕 oink〔猪叫声〕quack〔鸭叫声〕cluck〔母鸡叫声〕draw画画see看见hear听见frog青蛙bird鸟rabbit兔子butterfly蝴蝶bee蜜蜂egg蛋have got有farm农场animal动物句子:1.Draw the hen and chick on the T-shirt. 2.Draw the duck on the balloon. 3.Draw the sheep and cow on the paper. 4.Draw the bee on the egg. 5.Draw the butterfly on the pig. Draw the pig on the ground.6.Draw the orange on your left arm.7.What do you see? I see some frogs in the water.How many frogs? Three.8.What do you see? I see some eggs on the ground.How many eggs? Three eggs.9.What do you hear? I hear some birds.10.What do you hear? I hear a pig.Is it thin? No, it is not. It is fat.Is it pink? Yes, it is.11.What do you hear? I hear a cow. Is it fat? Yes, it is.12.A cow goes “moo, moo〞. A pig goes “oink, oink〞.A duck goes “quack, quack〞. A hen goes “cluck, cluck〞.13.I’ve got a chick and a hen.14.I’ve got a pig and a cow.。

红色小母鸡英语故事Once upon a time, in a small farm nestled among rolling hills and green meadows, there lived a little red hen. She was the smallest of all the hens in the farm, but she had the biggest heart. Her feathers shimmered like flames in the sunlight, earning her the name Little Red. Little Red was not just any ordinary hen; she was adventurous and curious, always eager to explore the world beyond the farmyard.Every morning, as the golden rays of the sun painted the sky, Little Red would be the first to wake up. With a cheerful cluck, she would peck at the ground, searching for tasty grains and insects to eat. While her fellow hens lazily lingered in the coop, Little Red would venture out into the fields, her tiny feet leaving delicate imprints in the dew-kissed grass.One day, while scratching at the earth for food, Little Red stumbled upon a shiny object half-buried in the soil. With a curious tilt of her head, she dug it out and discovered it was a small golden key. Excitedly, she clutched the key in her beak and hurried back to the farmyard, eager to show her discovery to the other animals.As she approached the coop, she spotted her friends gathered around the water trough, gossiping and pecking at the ground. With a triumphant crow, Little Red proudly displayed the key to the other hens. They gasped in amazement, their eyes widening with curiosity."What do you think it unlocks?" one hen chirped."I bet it's the key to the farmer's treasure chest!" another exclaimed.Filled with excitement and anticipation, the hens hatched a plan to find out where the key led. Under the cover of darkness, they sneaked out of the coop and followed Little Red through the moonlit fields. The night air was alive with the sounds of crickets and rustling leaves as they journeyed deeper into the unknown.Finally, they reached the edge of the forest, where a towering oak tree stood sentinel over the land. In the moon's soft glow, Little Red spotted a tiny keyhole nestled among the roots of the tree. With trembling wings, she inserted the key and turned it with all her might.To their astonishment, the ground began to shake, and the earth rumbled beneath their feet. With a loud creak, the tree split in half, revealing a hidden passage leading underground. Without hesitation, Little Red led the way, her friends following close behind.As they descended into the darkness, they were greeted by a breathtaking sight. The underground chamber was filled with glittering treasures of every kind jewels, coins, and precious artifacts adorned the walls. The hens gasped in wonder, their eyes wide with disbelief.But amidst the treasure, they found something even more precious a clutch of golden eggs, shimmering like stars in the darkness. With joyful clucks, they gathered the eggs and carefully carried them back to the farmyard.From that day on, the little red hen and her friends lived happily ever after, sharing the bountiful treasures they had discovered. And though they may have been small in size, their hearts were as vast as the sky, filled with courage, curiosity, and the spirit of adventure.。
幼儿园英语故事教案:The Little Red Hen 幼儿园英语故事

而《The Little Red Hen》(小红母鸡)这个经典的英语故事,既富有教育意义,又寓意深刻,适合用来教学。
本教案就是针对《The Little Red Hen》这个故事进行的一次课堂教学设计。
二、故事简介《The Little Red Hen》是一个经典的寓言故事,讲述了一只小红母鸡找到一粒小麦种子并决定要将它种下去,而其他动物都不愿意帮助她。
三、故事课堂教学设计1. 目标:- 通过讲述《The Little Red Hen》,激发幼儿对英语故事的兴趣,帮助他们了解劳动的意义,培养勤劳、自立自强的品质。
2. 时间安排:- 故事时间:大约15分钟。
- 故事后的讨论和活动时间:大约25分钟。
3. 故事教学过程:- 导入:老师向孩子们介绍故事《The Little Red Hen》,并简要介绍故事的内容。
- 讲述:老师讲述故事,用生动的语言和肢体语言,让孩子们更容易理解和记住。
- 讨论:老师与孩子们一起讨论故事中表现出来的劳动精神和付出的重要性,并引导他们思考小红母鸡的行为是否正确。
- 活动:安排孩子们分组,让他们模拟小红母鸡的情景,通过角色扮演的方式加深对故事的理解,并在活动中融入相关的英语表达。
4. 教学内容:- 故事内容- 英语表达- 劳动的重要性四、故事教学的意义和方法通过讲述《The Little Red Hen》,可以在很大程度上启发幼儿的思维,激发他们对劳动和努力的认识和体验。

小学生常用的100个英语口语,每天陪孩子学两句!100句少儿英语口语1. Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2. How are you?-I'm fine. Thank you. and you?你好吗?我很好。
谢谢,你呢?3. Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。
4. Excuse me。
(sorry. I'm sorry)打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)5. Thank you!谢谢你!6. You are welcome. 不用谢。
7. How are you today? 今天还好吗?8. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
9. What's your name? 你叫什么名子啊?10. My name is×××. 我叫×××。
11. What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?12. What's wrong with you? (What’sthe matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)13. It's time for class. 该上课了。
14. Come in please. 请进。
15. Let's get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!16. Line up please! 排队!17. Attention please! 立正!18. At ease. 稍息。
19. Turn left/right! 向左/右转!20. One bye one please.no pushing. 一个一个来。
21. Let's go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。
22. It's time for (breakfast lunch supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了23. Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。

英语小故事100字:小红母鸡的故事A little red hen once found a grain of wheat. “ Who will plant this wheat?” she said. “I won’t,” says the dog.“I won’t,” says the cat.“I won’t,” says the pig.“I won’t,” says the turkey.“Then I will,” says the little red hen . ”cluck! cluck!” So she planted the grain of wheat.小红母鸡找到一粒小麦。
“克拉克!克拉克!”Very soon the wheat began to grow and the green leaves came out of the ground . the sun shone and the rain fell and the wheat kept on growing until it was tall, strong, and ripe.小红母鸡把那粒小麦种好了。
“who will reap this wheat?” says the little red hen.“I won’t,” says the dog.“I won’t,” says the cat.“I won’t,” says the pig.“I won’t,” says the turkey.“I will, then,” says the little red hen. “Cluck! Cluck!”So she reaped the wheat.小红母鸡又问大家:“谁愿意收麦子?”狗说:“我不收。

用小鸡仔英语单词造一个英语句子1.A Young Chicken Is Called A Chick.小鸡又叫作鸡娃儿。
2.Mother Hens Protect Their Young By Instinct.母鸡保护小鸡出于本能。
3.As The Old Cock Crows, The Young Cock Learns.老鸡报时小鸡学习。
4.That Hen Wants To Sit.那只母鸡要孵小鸡。
5.The Hen Brought Off A Brood Of Young.母鸡孵出了一窝小鸡。
6.The Hen Hatches Her Young By Sitting On The Eggs.母鸡伏在蛋上孵小鸡.7.The Hen Brought Off A Hood Of Young.母鸡孵了一窝小鸡。
8.A Hen Hovers Her Chicks.一只母鸡在孵小鸡。
9.What Are You Doing, Little Red Hen?小鸡,你在干什么?10.So Miss Hen Took The Chocolate Pie And Gave It To The Baby Chick.所以母鸡小姐拿出巧克力派给小鸡.11.The Chicks / Caterpillars / Grubs Have Hatched ( ` Out ).小鸡[毛虫/小蛆]孵出来了.12.A Young Fowl, Especially A Turkey, Chicken, Or Pheasant.幼禽年幼的家禽,尤指小火鸡、小鸡或小雉13.Rooster, We Have Chicks Now.公鸡先生,我们现在有小鸡了。
14.The Sound Made By A Hen (As In Calling Her Chicks).母鸡(呼叫小鸡时)发出的独特声音。
15.He Was Not Able To Hatch Chickens While The Hen Could.母鸡能孵出小鸡来,而他却不能。

lion 狮子
monkey 猴子 bear 熊
park 公园 in the park 在公园里 colour 颜色,涂颜色 What colour is it ? It’s … blue 蓝色 red 红色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 orange 橙色 black 黑色 pink 粉红色 golden 金色 brown 棕色 white 白色
1.-Good morning. -Good morning. 2.– Nice to see you. – Nice to see you, too. 3.-Give me a ruler, please. –Here you are. 4.–Here you are. – Thank you. 5.– How are you? - Fine, thank you. 6.– Touch your mouth. – This is my mouth. 7.– This is my nose. – Yes. This is your nose. 8.– What can you do? - I can dance. 9.– What can your grandmother do? --She can read. 1.– Who is he? -- He is Danny. He’s my friend. 1.–who is she? - She’s my aunt.
this that it is bear pear panda pencil red read quack peep moo oink
1.Hello, I’m Kitty. 2.Give me a pen, please. 3.A rubber, a ruler, for you and me. 4.I can see a knife. 5.I can see five books. 6.Look! This is your mouth. 7.I can read a book. I can draw a flower. 8.This is my grandfather. This is me.
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Now, this is a story about the little red hen and she was a hard worker・
Oh, she didn't mind wroking・ But, now, she did have some lazy friends・
There was old duck, who wanted to just hang around the old muddy pond・
There was a dog, who was always chasing his tail around the tree・
And then, of course there was Miss Kitty, who was real prim and proper.
Now, Littie Red Hen decided one day that she wanted to plant some wheat
At first, she went to Mr. Duck and she said,z01d Duck, will you help me plant this garden?And the old duck said, Z/Now, look here light-eyed gir 1. Do you see I'm chillin and I ain't got no time to help in no garden."
Well, she went over to the dog and he was barking around that tree, chasing his tall.
She said, z,old Dog, would you help me plant this garden?,z Dog said, "Not me gir 1・ I ain^ tgot no time・ Can,t you see me busy round here barking around this tree, chasing my tail?"
So then, she went on and she called on Miss kitty. She said, "Miss Kitty. "And Miss Kittysaid, "Yes, darling!"She
said , "Will you help me plant my garden?z/Miss Kitty said,,z0h,
darling, I just had my nails done, and I can't get my nails dirty ・〃
Well, the littie red hen said,guess I’11 just do it myself・"And, sure enough,she planted that garden and she tended that garden and took good care of that garden,untill it was time for harvest・
And again she went to her so-called friends .At first, she went back to Mr. Duckand shesaid, 〃01d duck, come on and get out of that pond and help me harvest my garden. "Duck said, "Girl, I ain,t got no time ・I 'm chill in. 〃
Then she went over to the old dog and she asked the dog, ''Dog, are you still running around that same old tree?z/Dog, could you
just help me harvest my wheat?And the dog said, /z Ain' t got no time, gir L Don't you see T m busy?T m chasing my tail! z,She said, /z Uh-huh, real busy・"
So then she went to Miss Kitty and she said, "Miss
Kitty,how you doing today?Miss Kitty, can you please help me
harvest my garden?,,And Miss Kitty said, "Now honey, you know I could, but I'm in the middle of a facial
Well, Hen said, "Well, I' 11 just have to do it myself."
Well now, after she got it all harvested, and took it to the mill and had it ground up, because none of her friends would help her with that either・
She came back and she made it into some nice, fine, light bread ・0h, yes she did .Baked itwith some cinnamon and little
honey and lots of butter .And I mean you could smellit all over the place!Oh, take a sniff now!
Whoo, r m telling you, old duck smelled it down there in the old muddy pond・
And all of a sudden, he came squawking, wadding into the kitchen・
Then there was the dog, who was chasing his tail around the tree.He said, z,Whas that T m smelling? Smells mighty fine. " And he followed his nose to the kitchen.
Then Miss Kitty, who was upstairs taking one of them long aftermoon naps, came down and said z,0hh, it smells so delicious down here・"And she came into the kitchen.
And the little red hen was in there, busy baking her breads and as she took it out thearoma-ohhh it just filled the air everywhere・I mean people could smell it all over theplace・ well now, all of her so-called friends all of a sudden wanted to help・ The old ducksaid,Quack, quack quack Hey Little red GHrl I think i got a lit tie time now. I can help you with that bread・"
And then the old dog said, z,Ahhh, Red, 1^ m the man for ya, I can help you with that bread, gir1. "And Miss Kitty said, "Well, you know Red honey, I just won' t worry about my diet today and T 11 just help you with some of that bread・〃
"I realize^, Red said to them, "how thoughtiess i was to bother you all when you were all when you were all so busy・
I don't know what I was thinking about when I asked you to help me plant my garden, harvest the wheat, take it to the mill to grind it into flour and to bake it into bread? Oh, please forgive me.
What kind of friend am I?
I sure would like to apologize for being so thoughtiess, but now since I have come tomy right mind, i wouldrf t dare take up your precious time to eat my bread・No, not I.。