



中国矿业大学矿业工程学院论文翻译课程名称供应链论文翻译姓名马X 班级工业13-X班学号 01X 日期 2016。


11 成绩教师李XIntroduction to supply chain conceptsFirms can no longer effectively compete in isolation of their suppliers and other entities in the supply chain. Interest in the concept of supply chain management has steadily increased since the 1980s when companies saw the benefits of collaborative relationships within and beyond their own organization。

A number of definitions have been proposed concerning the concept of “the supply chain” and its management. This paper defines the concept of the supply chain and discusses the evolution of supply chain management。

The term does not replace supplier partnerships,nor is it a description of the logistics function. Industry groups are now working together to improve the integrative processes of supply chain management and accelerate the benefits available through successful implementation。



供应链供应链(Supply chain)什么是供应链供应链是指产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的原材料供应商、生产商、分销商、零售商以及最终消费者等成员通过与上游、下游成员的连接(linkage) 组成的网络结构。













Ven dor Man aged Inven tory
Engin eeri ng to Order
Adva need pla nning system
Computer aided order
Hockey-stick effect
Bus in ess logistics man ageme nt
Logistics service provider
Inven tory man ageme nt strategies
Coord in ated inven tory man ageme nt
Origi nal equipme nt manu facturer
Flexible Manu facture System
ComputerIn tegrated
Manu facturi ng
Customer service in dex
Artificial n eural n etwork
Quality function developme nt
Supplier relati on ship man ageme nt







4 企业之间是联盟关系。






目录1、商务活动2、电子商务:3、电子数据交换(EDI):4、B2B :企业间电子商务5、B2C:企业与消费者电子商务6、C2C7、门户8、电子零售商9、内容提供商10、电子市场11、移动商务12、网络营销13、网络广告14、搜索引擎营销15、第三方B2B电子商务平台16、供应链17、供应链管理18、电子供应链19、网上银行20、网上证券21、网上保险22、网上旅游23、防火墙24、认证中心25、数字签名26、数字凭证27、安全电子交易协议(SET)28、电子现金29、电子支票30、物流31、第三方物流32、条形码技术33、无线射频识别技术(RFID)34、物流信息系统名词解释1、商务活动:是商品从生产领域向消费领域运动过程中经济活动的总和。




4、B2B :企业间电子商务指所有参与者都是企业或其他组织的电子商务模式。




















缩短物流周期比缩短制造周期更关键.6.企业得三个核心活动:1)质量2)成本3)时间7.供应链得策略性研究1)准时化采购2)快速响应3)有效用户响应4)IT应用5)延迟技术8.供应链得建模技术:按分析与研究得方法不同,供应链模型分为排队论模型、对策论模型、网络流模型、策略评价模型9.供应链组织得五个评价指标:1)柔性2)集成3)协调4)简洁5)稳定10.供应链得绩效评价:1)资源指标2)输出指标3)柔性指标第二章1.供应链得系统特征:1)系统性2)复杂性3)动态性4)用户需求响应性5)交叉性2.功能性产品得特点:1)需求特征可预测2)产品生命周期〉2年3)边际收益5%~20%4)产品多样性品种少(10~20)5)平均预测误差幅度10%或更低6)平均缺货率1%~2%7)平均销售期末降价比率几乎为08)产品得提前期6个月~1个月3.创新性产品得特点:1)需求特征:不可预测2)产品生命周期:3个月~1年3)边际收益:20%~60%4)产品多样性:品种多(上百)5)平均预测误差幅度:40%~100%6)平均缺货率:10%~40%7)平均销售期末降价比率:10%~25%8)产品得提前期:1天~2周4.效率型供应链得特点:1)主要目标:需求得可预测性,最低生产成本得有效需求2)制造过程得重点:维持高平均利用率3)库存战略:追求高回报,使通过供应链上得库存最小4)提前期:在不增加成本得前提下缩短提前期5)选择供应商得方法:选择得重点就是依据成本与质量6)产品设计战略:绩效最大,成本最小5.响应型供应链得特点:1)主要目标: 快速响应不可预测得需求,减少过期库存产品得降价损失2)制造过程得重点:消除多余得缓冲能力3)库存战略: 消除大量得零部件与产品缓冲库存4)提前期:采取主动措施缩短提前期5)选择供应商得方法:选择得重点就是依据速度、柔性与质量6)产品设计战略:使用模块化设计与延迟制造技术实现产品差异化6.供应链策略矩阵四种可能得产品与供应链得组合:1)效率型供应链适合于功能性产品2)响应型供应链适合于创新性产品7.需求得不确定性与供应得不确定性:1)功能性产品:杂货、服装、食品、石油与天然气得供应不确定性与需求不确定性低2)功能性产品:水力发电、某些食品加工得供应不确定性高,需求不确定性低3)创新性产品:时装、家具、计算机、流行音乐得供应不确定性低,需求不确定性高4)创新性产品:电信、高端电脑、半导体得供应不确定性与需求不确定性高5)功能性产品:效率型供应链得得供应不确定性与需求不确定性低6)功能性产品:响应型供应链得供应不确定性高,需求不确定性低7)创新性产品:风险规避供应链得供应不确定性低,需求不确定性高8)创新性产品:敏捷性供应链得供应不确定性与需求不确定性高8.集成化供应链管理模型:1)作业回路:顾客化需求,集成化计划,业务流程重组,面向对象得过程控制2)策略回路:顾客化策略,信息共享,调整适应性,创造性团队3)性能评价回路:a)顾客化需求,满意度评价,顾客化策略b)集成化计划,同步性评价,信息共享c)业务重组,协调性评价,调整适应性d)面向对象得过程控制,价值增值性,创造性团队9.实施集成化供应链管理要解决得问题:1)供应链得成本过高2)库存水平过高3)部门之间得冲突4)原有目标不适应要求5)产品生命周期变短6)外部竞争加剧7)经济发展得不确定性增加8)价格与汇率得影响9)用户得多样化需求10.集成化供应链管理实现得步骤:1)基础建设2)职能集成3)内部供应链集成4)外部供应链集成5)集成化供应链动态联盟11.如何实施供应链管理战略1)在企业内外同时采取有力措施2)充分发挥信息得作用:a)促进服务需求差别化b)实现渠道设计顾客化c)强调市场运作同步化d)实现市场响应敏捷化e)促进企业协作精细化f)加速信息交流网络化3)供应链企业得组成与工作4)计算机技术与人工智能技术得广泛应用5)方法论得指导6)标准与法规得作用12.推动式与拉动式得供应链运作方式得区别1)推动式供应链:以制造商为核心,分销商与零售商处于被动接受得地位,集成度较低,采取提高安全库存量得方法应付需求变动.库存量较高,对需求变动得响应能力较差。



1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involvedin supplying components needed for manufacturing.一个供应链仅包括直接参与提供所需的元件制造业的组织。

Answer: FALSE2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. Answer: TRUE供应链由所有各方,直接或间接参与,满足客户要求。

3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web.Answer: TRUE供应链可以更准确地描述为供应网络。

4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. TRUE每一个供应链的目的是生成的整体价值最大化。

5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain. Answer: FALSE每一个供应链的目标是最大化为供应链的制造组件生成价值。

6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages. Answer: FALSE每个供应链必须包括所有 5 个阶段。

7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. Answer: TRUE供应链周期认为供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。



名词解释:1.供应链:供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构;2.供应链管理: 供应链管理就是使供应链运作达到最优化,以最少的成本,令供应链从采购开始,:到满足最终顾客的所有过程,包括工作流、实物流、资金流和信息流等均高效率地操作,把合适的产品、以合理的价格,及时准确地送到消费者手上;3.主体企业: 是指在供应链管理中占主动地位,对供应链的业务起主导作用,参与或退出都会使供应链产生明显改变,在本行业中也具有较强实力和行业地位,或者是拥有决定性资源的节点企业;4.供应契约:是指通过合理设计契约,减少合作双方的机会主义行为,促进企业之间的紧密合作,确保有效完成双方的订单交付,保证产品质量,提高用户满意度,降低供应链成本,提高整条供应链的绩效及每一个成员企业的绩效;5.供应链合作关系:供需双方在一定时期内共享信息、共担风险、共同获利的一种战略性协议关系;供应商管理库存: 是一种在制造商用户和供应商之间的合作性策略,以对双方来说都是最低的成本优化产品的可获性,在一个相互同意的目标框架下由供应商管理库存;大批量定制: 通过高度敏捷、柔性和集成的过程,为每一个客户提供独立设计的产品和服务;企业业务流程重构: 即重新构造管理的流程和与其相匹配的管理信息系统;它是“为在反映企业绩效的关键因素,如成本、质量、服务和交换速度等方面取得重大进展,而对企业整个活动过程所进行的根本性重新设计”;简答题:1.集成化供应链管理实现的步骤:①基础建设②职能集成管理③内部集成化供应链管理④外部集成化供应链管理⑤集成化供应链动态联盟2.供应链企业间委托代理问题的特征:①供应链的企业间是一种“合作—竞争”的关系②供应链企业间的委托代理问题是多阶段动态特征③供应链企业间的委托代理是多任务委托代理④供应链企业间的委托代理是逆向选择和道德风险两类问题并存3.主体企业对供应链运作的影响:①组织结构调整中心②信息交换中心③物流集散的“调度中心”④响应周期的控制中心⑤文化中心⑥系统构建4.导致需求放大现象长/牛鞭效应的原因:①需求预测修正②产品定价销售策略导致订单规模变动性增强③大批量订购④补货供给期延长⑤配给和短缺之间的博弈5.缓解“需求变异放大”效应的方法:①提高供应链企业对需求信息的共享性②科学确定定价策略③提高运营管理水平,缩短提前期④提高供应能力的透明度6.供应契约的作用:①降低长鞭效应的影响②实现供应链系统的协调,消除双重边际效应③增强了供应链成员的合作关系7.评价准则指标体系的设置原则:①系统全面性原则②简明科学性原则③稳定可比性原则④灵活可操作性原则8.合作伙伴综合评价、选择的步骤:①分析市场竞争环境需求、必要性②建立合作伙伴选择目标③建立合作伙伴评价标准④成立评价小组⑤合作伙伴参与⑥评价合作伙伴⑦实施供应链合作关系9.物流管理战略内容分为4个层次:①全局性战略②结构性战略③功能性战略④基础性战略10.物流外包失败的根源:①抵制变化②害怕失去控制③缺乏合格的、专业的物流顾问④工作范围不明确策略的关键措施主要体现在如下几个原则中:①合作精神合作性原则②使双方成本最小互惠原则③框架协议目标一致性原则④总体优化原则12.在供应链管理的环境下,企业的采购方式和传统的采购方式的不同点:①从为库存而采购到为订单而采购的转变②从采购管理向外部资源管理转变③从一般买卖关系向战略协作伙伴关系转变13.供应链绩效评价应遵循的原则:①应突出重点,要对关键绩效指标进行重点分析②应采用能反映供应链业务流程的绩效指标体系③评价指标要能反映整个供应链的运营情况,而不是仅仅反映单个节点企业的运营情况④应尽可能采用实时分析与评价的方法,要把绩效度量范围扩大到能反映供应链实时营运的信息上去,因为这要比仅做事后分析有价值得多⑤在衡量供应链绩效时,要采用能反映供应商、制造商及用户之间关系的绩效评价指标,把评价的对象扩大到供应链上的相关企业14.供应链运作参考模型SCOR提供涵盖整个供应链的绩效评价指标:①物流绩效②柔性与响应性③物流成本④资产管理15.实施VMI的方法:①建立顾客信息系统②建立销售网络管理系统③建立供应商与分销商批发商的合作框架协议④组织机构的变革16.供应链风险的特性①动态性②复杂性与多样性/层次性③传递性④此消彼长性17.选择合作伙伴时考虑的主要因素:①价格因素②质量因素③交货周期因素④交货可靠性因素⑤品种柔性因素⑥设计能力因素⑦特殊工艺能力因素⑧其他影响因素供应链题型:1.单选 101 =102.多选 102 =203.判断题 201 =204.名词解释 53 =155.简答题 7小题共35分每题分值根据题目难易而定。







3 、供应商管理库存(Vendor Managed Inventory,VMI):是供应链管理实践的一种,它是指由供应商按照预期需求以及事先达成的最高和最低库存水平,代表买方组织对库存进行监督、规划和管理。

4 、客户关系管理:CRM的主要含义就是通过对客户详细资料的深入分析,来提高客户满意程度,从而提高企业的竞争力的一种手段。

5 、JI T:在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确的计划,消除一切无效作业与浪费为目标的一种管理模式。


或这样答:供应链管理就是指对整个供应链系统进行计划、协调、操作、控制和优化的各种活动和过程,其目标是要将顾客所需的正确的产品(Right Product)能够在正确的时间(Right Time)、按照正确的数量(Right Quantity)、正确的质量(Right Quality)和正确的状态(Right Status)送到正确的地点(Right Place)——即“6R”,并使总成本最小。

2、网络营销的特点(1).无限的运作时空; (2).公平自由的竞争环境;(3).便捷有效的沟通渠道;(4).营销目标定位准确; (5).经营成本降低; (6).缩短供应链,提高经营效率;(7).营销形式丰富多彩; (8).高技术条件支撑的营销手段.3、简述电子商务对物流的影响电子商务时代的来临,给全球物流带来了新的发展,使物流具备了一系列的新特点:信息化、自动化、网络化、智能化、柔性化。



1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.一个供应链仅包括直接参与提供所需的元件制造业的组织。

Answer: FALSE2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. Answer: TRUE供应链由所有各方,直接或间接参与,满足客户要求。

3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web. Answer: TRUE供应链可以更准确地描述为供应网络。

4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. TRUE每一个供应链的目的是生成的整体价值最大化。

5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain. Answer: FALSE每一个供应链的目标是最大化为供应链的制造组件生成价值。

6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages. Answer: FALSE每个供应链必须包括所有 5 个阶段。

7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. Answer: TRUE供应链周期认为供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。





供应链的翻译是Supply Chain。





计划(Production Planning)、销售预测(Sales Forecast)、物流管
理(Logistics Management)、库存控制(Inventory Control)等。









供应链 英文加翻译

供应链 英文加翻译

Leading a Supply Chain Turnaround领导供应链周转Five years ago, salespeople at Whirlpool said the company's supply chain staff were "sales disablers." Now, Whirlpool excels at getting the right product to the right place at the right time-while keeping inventory low. What made the difference?五年前,在Whirlpool的销售人员表示,该公司的供应链的工作人员“销售残疾人”。


是什么产生了这样的区别?Things would be very different today-for me, my colleagues, and my company- if the votes of Whirlpool's North American leadership team had swung in a different direction on May 3, 2001. It was a move I hadn't expected; Mike Todman, our executive vice president at the time, decided to go around the table and ask each member of his staff for a thumbs-up or thumbs-down on the investment that Paul Dittmann and I had just formally proposed. Did I look worried? I can't imagine I didn't, even though we'd spent hours in individual meetings with each of them, getting their ideas and buy-in. We thought we had everyone's support. But the facts remained: Our proposal had a bigger price tag than any supply chain investment in the company's history. We were asking for tens of millions during a period of general belt-tightening. Some of it was slated for new hires, even as cutbacks were taking place elsewhere in the company. And Paul and I, the people doing the asking, were coming from the supply chain organization.如果惠而浦在北美的领导团队在5月3日,2001年投票朝向不同的方向上,那么今天,对我来说,我的同事,我的公司,事情变得非常不同的。



1.1Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be made in a successful supply chain.Answer: The 3 decision phases that occur within a supply chain are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisions relate to the flow of information, product and funds. The difference between categories depends upon the frequency of each decision and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a company determines what the chain’s configurations will be, how resources will be allocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish the structure of the supply chain for several years. Supply chain planning deals with decisions with a time frame from 3 months up to a year. The planning phase must work within the constraints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisions include which markets to supply from which locations, subcontracting of manufacturing, inventory policies and timing and size of marketing promotions. The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisions concerning individual customer orders.Difficulty: Hard1.2.Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The cycle view divides the supply chain into a series of 4 cycles between the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturing cycle and procurement cycle. The customer order cycle occurs at the customer/retailer interface and includes all processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer. The replenishment cycle occurs at theretailer/distributor interface and includes all processes involved in replenishing retailer inventory. The manufacturing cycle typically occurs at the distributor/manufacturer (or retailer/manufacturer) interface and includes all processes involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer) inventory. The procurement cycle occurs at themanufacturer/supplier interface and includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materials are available for manufacturing according to schedule.Difficulty: Moderate1.3.Explain the push/pull view of the processes within a supply chain.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processes into two categories based on whether they are executed in response to a customer order or in anticipation of customer orders. Pull processes are initiated in response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed in anticipation of customer orders. The push/pull boundary separates push processes from pull processes. This view is very useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it forces a more global consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.Difficulty: Moderate1.4.Explain the three macro processes within a supply chain.Answer: All processes within a supply chain can be classified into three macro processes which are Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between the firm and its customers such as marketing, sales, call center management and order management. Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM) includes all processes that are internal to the firm such as preparation of demand and supply plans, preparation of inventory management policies, order fulfillment and planning of capacity. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) includes all processes that focus on the interface between a firm and its suppliers such as evaluation and selection of suppliers, negotiation of supply terms and communication regarding new products and orders.Difficulty: Moderate1.5.Explain why supply chain flows are important.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows (product, information, and cash) and the success of a supply chain. The success of many companies can be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supply chain. The failure of many businesses can be linked directly to their inability to effectively design and manage supply chain flows.Difficulty: Moderate2.1.Discuss the two keys to the success or failure of a company.Answer: A company’s success or failure is thus closely linked to the following keys:1. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to form acoordinated overall strategy. Each functional strategy must support otherfunctional strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.2. The different functions in a company must appropriately structure theirprocesses and resources to be able to execute these strategies successfully.Difficulty: Hard2.2.List and explain the three basic steps to achieving strategic fit.Answer: There are three basic steps to achieving strategic fit:1. Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertaint y. First a companymust understand the customer needs for each targeted segment and theuncertainty the supply chain faces in satisfying these needs. These needs helpthe company define the desired cost and service requirements. The supply chain uncertainty helps the company identify the extent of disruption and delay thesupply chain must be prepared for.2. Understanding the supply chain capabilities. There are many types of supplychains, each of which is designed to perform different tasks well. A company must understand what its supply chain is designed to do well.3. Achieving strategic fit. If a mismatch exists between what the supply chain doesparticularly well and the desired customer needs, the company will either need to restructure the supply chain to support the competitive strategy or alter itsstrategy.Difficulty: Moderate2.3.List the attributes along which customer demand from different segments can vary. Answer: In general, customer demand from different segments may vary along several attributes as follows:•The quantity of the product needed in each lot•The response time that customers are willing to tolerate•The variety of products needed•The service level required•The price of the product•The desired rate of innovation in the productDifficulty: Moderate2.4.List the abilities included in supply chain responsiveness.Answer: Supply chain responsiveness includes a supply chain’s ability to do the following:•Respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded•Meet short lead times•Handle a large variety of products•Build highly innovative products•Meet a very high service level•Handle supply uncertaintyDifficulty: Moderate3.1.List and define the four major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: Facilities are the places in the supply chain network where product is stored, assembled, or fabricated. The two major types of facilities are production sites and storage sites.Inventory is all raw materials, work in process, and finished goods within a supply chain. Inventory is an important supply chain driver because changing inventory policies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency and responsiveness.Transportation entails moving inventory from point to point in the supply chain. Transportation can take the form of many combinations of modes and routes. Information consists of data and analysis concerning facilities, inventory, transportation, and customers throughout the supply chain. Information is potentially the biggest driver of performance in the supply chain as it directly affects each of the other drivers.Difficulty: Moderate3.2. Explain the basic trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency for each of the major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: The fundamental trade-off when making facilities decisions is between the cost of the number, location, and type of facilities (efficiency) and the level of responsiveness that these facilities provide the company’s customers.The fundamental trade-off when making inventory decisions is between responsiveness and efficiency. Increasing inventory will generally make the supply chain more responsive to the customer. This choice, however, comes at a cost as the added inventory decreases efficiency. Therefore, a supply chain manager can use inventory as one of the drivers for reaching the level of responsiveness and efficiency the competitive strategy targets.The fundamental trade-off for transportation is between the cost of transporting a given product (efficiency) and the speed with which that product is transported (responsiveness). The transportation choice influences other drivers such as inventory and facilities. When supply chain managers think about making transportation decisions, they frame the decision in terms of this trade-off.Good information systems can help a firm improve both its responsiveness and efficiency. The information driver is used to improve the performance of other drivers and the use of information is based on the strategic position the other drivers support. Accurate information can help a firm improve efficiency by decreasing inventory and transportation costs. Accurate information can improve responsiveness by helping a supply chain better match supply and demand.3.3.Explain the role of each of the major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: Facilities are the where of the supply chain if we think of inventory as what is being passed along the supply chain and transportation as how it is passed along. They are the locations to or from which the inventory is transported. Within a facility, inventory is either processed or transformed into another state (manufacturing) or it is stored before being shipped to the next stage (warehousing).Inventory exists in the supply chain because of a mismatch between supply and demand. An important role that inventory plays in the supply chain is to increase the amount of demand that can be satisfied by having product ready and available when the customer wants it. Another significant role inventory plays is to reduce cost by exploiting any economies of scale that may exist during both production and distribution. Inventory isspread throughout the supply chain from raw materials to work in process to finished goods that suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers hold.Inventory is a major source of cost in a supply chain and it has a huge impact on responsiveness. The location and quantity of inventory can move the supply chain from one end of the responsiveness spectrum to the other.Inventory also has a significant impact on the material flow time in a supply chain. Material flow time is the time that elapses between the point at which Another important area where inventory has a significant impact is throughput.Inventory and flow time are synonymous in a supply chain. Managers should use actions that lower the amount of inventory needed without increasing cost or reducing responsiveness, because reduced flow time can be a significant advantage in a supply chain.Transportation moves product between different stages in a supply chain. Like the other supply chain drivers, transportation has a large impact on both responsiveness and efficiency. Faster transportation, whether in the form of different modes of transportation or different amounts being transported, allows a supply chain to be more responsive but reduces its efficiency. The type of transportation a company uses also affects the inventory and facility locations in the supply chain.Information could be overlooked as a major supply chain driver because it does not have a physical presence. Information, however, deeply affects every part of the supply chain. Its impact is easy to underestimate as information affects a supply chain in many different ways. Information serve s as the connection between the supply chain’s various stages, allowing them to coordinate and bring about many of the benefits of maximizing total supply chain profitability. Information is also crucial to the daily operations of each stage in a supply chain. For instance, a production scheduling system uses information on demand to create a schedule that allows a factory to produce the right products in an efficient manner. A warehouse management system uses information to create visibility of the warehou se’s inventory. The company can then use this information to determine whether new orders can be filled.Difficulty: Hard3.4.Explain the role of each of the major drivers of supply chain performance in the competitive strategy.Answer: Facilities and their corresponding capacities to perform their functions are a key driver of supply chain performance in terms of responsiveness and efficiency. For example, companies can gain economies of scale when a product is manufactured or stored in only one location; this centralization increases efficiency. The cost reduction, however, comes at the expense of responsiveness, as many of a company’s customers may be located far from the production facility. The opposite is also true. Locating facilities close to customers increases the number of facilities needed and consequently reduces efficiency. If the customer demands and is willing to pay for the responsiveness that having numerous facilities adds, however, then this facilities decision helps meet the comp any’s competitive strategy goals.Inventory plays a significant role in a supply chain’s ability to support a firm’s competitive strategy. If a firm’s competitive strategy requires a very high level of responsiveness, a company can use inventory to achieve this responsiveness by locating large amounts of inventory close to the customer. Conversely, a company can also use inventory to make itself more efficient by reducing inventory through centralized stocking. The latter strategy would support a competitive strategy of being a low-cost producer. The trade-off implicit in the inventory driver is between the responsiveness that results from more inventory and the efficiency that results from less inventory.The role of transportation in a company’s competiti ve strategy figures prominently when the company is considering the target customer’s needs. If a firm’s competitive strategy targets a customer that demands a very high level of responsiveness, and that customer is willing to pay for this responsiveness, then a firm can use transportation as one driver for making the supply chain more responsive. The opposite is true as well. If a company’s competitive strategy targets customers whose main decision criterion is price, then the company can use transportation to lower the cost of the product at the expense of responsiveness. As a company may use both inventory and transportation to increase responsiveness or efficiency, the optimal decision for the company often means finding the right balance between the two.Information is a driver whose importance has grown as companies have used it to become both more efficient and more responsive. The tremendous growth of the importance of information technology is a testimony to the impact information can have on improving a company. Like all the other drivers, however, even with information, companies reach a point when they must make the trade-off between efficiency and responsiveness.Difficulty: Hard4.1.Explain the measures of customer service that are influenced by the structure of the distribution network.Answer: Response time is the time between when a customer places an order and receives delivery.Product variety is the number of different products/configurations that a customer desires from the distribution network.Availability is the probability of having a product in stock when a customer order arrives. Customer experience includes the ease with which the customer can place and receive their order. It also includes purely experiential aspects, such as the possibility of getting a cup of coffee and the value that the sales staff provides.Order visibility is the ability of the customer to track their order from placement to delivery.Returnability is the ease with which a customer can return unsatisfactory merchandise and the ability of the network to handle such returns.Difficulty: Moderate响应时间是从客户下订单到接收交付之间的时间。













供应链管理外文翻译文献供应链管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)Supply Chain ManagementThe so-called supply chain, in fact, from suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, istribution centers and channels, and so constitute a logistics network. The same enterprise may constitute the different components of this network node, but the situation is different from a corporate network in different nodes. For example, in a supply chain, companies may not only in the same manufacturers, storage nodes, and in distribution centers, such as possession node location. In the more detailed division of labor, the higher the rofessional requirements of the supply chain, different nodes are basically composed by different enterprises. In the supply chain flows between the member units of raw materials, finished products, such as inventory and production constitutes the supply chain of goods flow.That is, to meet a certain level of customer service under the conditions, in order to make the whole supply chain to minimize costs and the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and channels, and so effectively organized together to carry out Product manufacturing, transport, distribution and sales management.From the above definition, we can be interpreted to include supply chain anagement of rich content.First of all, supply chain management products to meet customer demand in the process of the cost implications of various members of the unit are taken intoaccount, including from raw material suppliers, manufacturers to the warehouse distribution center to another channel. However, in practice in the supply chain analysis, it is necessary to consider the supplier's suppliers and customers of the customers, because their supply chain performance is also influential.Second, supply chain management is aimed at the pursuit of the whole supply chain's overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of the system as a whole, always trying to make the total system cost to a minimum. Therefore, the focus of supply chain management is not simply a supply chain so that members of the transportation costs to minimize or reduce inventory, but through the use of systems approach to coordinate the supply chain members so that the entire supply chain total cost of the minimum so that the whole supply chain System in the most fluent in the operation.Third, supply chain management is on the suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers and organically integrate the channel into one to start this problem, so many businesses, including its level of activities, including the strategic level, tactical and operational level Level, and so on.Although the actual logistics management, only through the organic supply chain integration, enterprises can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels, but in practice the supply chain integration is very difficult, it is because: First of all, in the supply chain There are different members of different and conflicting objectives. For example, providers generally want manufacturers to purchase large quantities of stable, and flexible delivery time can change; desire to the contrary with suppliers, although most manufacturers are willing toimplement long-term production operations, but they must take into account the needs of its customers and to make changes Positive response, which requires manufacturers choice and flexibility in procurement strategy. Therefore, suppliers and manufacturers to the goal of flexibility in the pursuit of the objectives inevitably exist between the contradictions.Secondly, the supply chain is a dynamic system, with time and constantly changing. In fact, customers not only demand and supply capacity to change over time, supply chain and the relationship between the members will change over time. For example, the increased purchasing power with customers, suppliers and manufacturers are facing greater pressure to produce more and more personalized varieties of high-quality products, then ultimately the production of customized products.Research shows that effective supply chain management can always make the supply chain of enterprises will be able to maintain stability and a lasting competitive advantage, thus increasing the overall supply chain competitiveness. Statistics show that, supply chain management will enable the effective implementation of enterprise total cost of about 20 per cent decline in the supply chain node on the enterprise-time delivery rate increased by 15 percent or more, orders to shorten the production cycle time 20 percent to 30 percent, supply chain Node on the enterprise value-added productivity increased by 15 percent or more. More and more enterprises have already recognized that the implementation of supply chain management of the great benefits, such as HP,IBM, DELL, such as supply chain management in the practice of the remarkable achievements made is proof.Supply chain management: it from a strategic level and grasp the overall perspective of the end-user demand, through effective cooperation between enterprises, access from the cost, time, efficiency, flexibility, and so the best results. From raw materials to end-users of all activities, the whole chain of process management.SCM (supply chain management) is to enable enterprises to better procurement of manufactured products and services required for raw materials, production of goods and services and their delivery to clients, the combination of art and science. Supply chain management, including the five basic elements.Plan: This is a strategic part of SCM. You need a strategy to manage all the resources to meet our customers for your products. Good plan is to build a series of methods to monitor the supply chain to enable it to effective, low-cost delivery of high quality for customers and high-value products or services.Procurement: you can choose the products and services to provide goods and services providers, and suppliers to establish a pricing, delivery and payment processes and create methods to monitor and improve the management, and the suppliers to provide goods and services Combined with management processes, including the delivery and verification of documentation, transfer of goods to your approval of the manufacturing sector and payments to suppliers and so on.Manufacturing: arrangements for the production, testing, packaged and ready for delivery, supply chain measurement is the largest part of the contents, including the level of quality, product yield and productivity of workers, such as the measurement.Delivery: a lot of "insider" as "logistics", is to adjust the user's orders receipts, the establishment of the storage network, sending and delivery service delivery personnel to the hands of customers, the establishment of commodity pricing system, receiving payments.Return: This is the supply chain problems in the handling part. Networking customers receive the refund of surplus and defective products, and customer applications to provide support for the problem.Source70 in the late 20th century, Keith Oliver adoption and Skf, Heineken, Hoechst, Cadbury-Schweppes, Philips, and other contact with customers in the process of gradually formed its own point of view. And in 1982, "Financial Times" magazine in an article on the supply chain management (SCM) of the significance, Keith Oliver was that the word will soon disappear, but "SCM" not only not disappeared, and quickly entered the public domain , The concept of the managers of procurement, logistics, operations, sales and marketing activities sense a great deal.EvolutionSupply chain has never been a universally accepted definition, supply chain management in the development process, many experts and scholars have putforth a lot of definition, reflecting the different historical backgrounds, in different stages of development of the product can be broadly defined by these For the three stages:1, the early view was that supply chain is manufacturing enterprises in an internal process2, but the supply chain concept of the attention of the links with other firms 3, the last of the supply chain concept of pay more attention around the core of the network links between enterprises, such as core business with suppliers, vendors and suppliers, and even before all the relations, and a user, after all the users and to the relationship.ApplySupply chain management involves four main areas: supply, production planning, logistics, demand. Functional areas including product engineering, product assurance, procurement, production control, inventory control, warehouse management, distribution management. Ancillary areas including customer service, manufacturing, design engineering, accounting, human resources, marketing.Supply Chain Management implementation steps: 1, analysis of market competition environment, identify market opportunities, 2, analysis of customer value, 3, identified competitive strategy, 4, the analysis of the core competitiveness of enterprises, 5, assessment, selection of partners For the supply chain partners of choice, can follow the following principles:1, partners must have available the core of their competitiveness.2, enterprises have the same values and strategic thinking3, partners must Fewer but Better.CaseAs China's largest IT distributor, Digital China in China's supply chain management fields in the first place. In the IT distribution model generally questioned the circumstances, still maintained a good momentum of development, and CISCO, SUN, AMD, NEC, IBM, and other famous international brands to maintain good relations of cooperation. e-Bridge trading system in September 2000 opening, as at the end of March 2003, and 6.4 billion yuan in transaction volume. In fact, this is the Digital China from the traditional distribution supply chain services to best reflect the changes. In the "distribution of services is a" concept, Digital China through the implementation of change channels, expansion of product and service operations, increasing its supply chain in the value of scale and specialized operations, to meet customer demand on the lower reaches of the In the course of the supply chain system can provide more value-added services, with more and more "IT services" color.供应链管理所谓供应链,其实就是由供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等构成的物流网络。















名词解析:1、Bullwhip effect(牛鞭效应):营销过程中的需求变异放大现象被通俗地称为“牛鞭效应”。



2、Components of a demand forecast(需求预测的组成部分):需求预测的组成部分有系统需求和随机需求两部分。





3、Time Series Forecasting Methods (预测的时间序列法):预测的时间序列法通过编制和分析时间序列,根据时间序列所反映出来的发展过程、方向和趋势,进行类推或延伸,借以预测下一段时间或以后若干年内可能达到的水平。





4、A ggregate Planning(总体计划):总体计划是一个有关全局性的决策。



5、Supply chain responsiveness(供应链的反应能力):供应链的反应能力主要体现在:对大幅度需求变动应变能力,较短供货周期要求的能力,提供多种产品多批量的能力,生产具有高度创新性产品的能力,满足特别高的服务水平的能力。







供应链管理以同步化、集成化生产计划为指导;以各种技术为支持,尤其以Internet/Intranet 为依托;围绕供应、生产作业、物流、满足需求来实施;以信息共享为平台。













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1、综合计划在哪些行业尤其重要?这些行业有哪些特征?What are some industries in which aggregate planning would be particularly important?综合计划对于一些制造业和服务业来说很有用。



2、运用综合计划的行业有哪些特点?What are the characteristics of these industries that make them good candidates for aggregate planning?综合计划对于那些交付周期相对长和容量数额有限的行业非常有用。


3、综合计划策略之间的主要不同是什么?What are the main differences between the aggregate planning strategies?三个纯粹的总体规划策略是追赶策略,劳动力或产能的时间柔性策略,以及均衡策略。










4、哪些行业或情况最适合使用追赶策略?哪些最适合使用柔性策略?哪些最适合使用均衡策略?What types of industries or situations are best suited to the chase strategy? The flexibility strategy? The level strategy?追赶策略适用于库存成本较高,而改变设备产能和劳动力数量成本较低的情况。






5、综合计划需要输入哪些类型的成本?What are the major cost categories needed as inputs for aggregate planning?正常人工成本和加班人工成本;转包成产成本;产能变更成本(包括招聘或解聘工人的成本和增加或减少机器产能的成本);库存持有成本;缺货或延期交货的成本;原材料的成本6、转包的可获得性将如何影响综合计划?How does the availability of subcontracting affect the aggregate planning problem? 转包给综合计划者提供了另一个选择去使生产和需求一致。



7、如果公司目前使用追赶策略并且培训成本大幅增加,这将会如何影响公司的综合计划?If a company currently employs the chase strategy and the cost of training increases dramatically, how might this change the company’s aggregate planning strategy?随着培训成本的增加,提高劳动力水平的成本变高,使用追赶策略的成本也会增加。


8、在选择综合产品单位时,需要考虑的一些关键因素有哪些?What are some key issues to consider when picking an aggregate unit of analysis? 生产实施中的瓶颈环节;预计生产时间;生产准备活动和生产维护活动;没个产品系列占销售量的百分比;产能、成本、收益的计算;设备调整时间;9、综合计划如何在需求不确定性很大的环境中使用?How can aggregate planning be used in an environment of high demand uncertainty?思考的范围从单个企业拓展到整个供应链使计划具有柔性,因为预测总是不精确的当新数据出现时,重新制定综合计划当产能利用率提高时,使用综合计划在需求不确定性很大的环境里,计划者必须定期更新计划,更加经常地与供应商和其他的向计划提供输入信息的人交流,当新数据出现时,重新制定计划。

10、使用柔性劳动力的优势是什么?障碍是什么?What are some obstacles to creating a flexible workforce? What are the benefits?柔性劳动力具有这样的能力:在不明显破坏生产的前提下学习新任务或者转换任务,通过超出或者空闲的时间来扩大或缩小生产力,雇佣和解雇季节性工人,或转包,并且适应不同的计划表。




11、讨论为什么转包商通常能够以低于企业自制的成本为企业提供产品和服务?Discuss why subcontractors can often offer products and services to a company more cheaply than if the company produced them themselves?转包商有大量的理由来提供更为低价的服务。





12、双重成产设施(一些设施专门生产某种类型的产品,另一些设施可以生产多种类型的产品)在哪些行业最常见?在哪些行业应用较少?为什么?In what industries would you tend to see dual facility types (some facilities focusing on only one type of product and others able to produce a wide variety)? In what industries would this be relatively rare? Why?任何行业,生产利润丰厚的产品都需要独特的劳动技能和生产设施,这是双重设施操作的主要候选因素。








Discuss how you would set up a collaboration mechanism for the enterprises in a supply chain.供应链的协作机制应该从供应链建立之时就开始最初的合作过程。






14、哪些产品线通常使用通用零部件?这样做的好处是什么?What are some product lines that use common parts across many products? What are the advantages of doing this?有很多生产者,在制造和服务中,在许多产品上使用通用零部件。






并且相互合作以实现利润最大化?Discuss how a company can get marketing and operations to work together with the common goal of coordinating supply and demand to maximize profitability.营销通常有基于收入的激励机制,而操作的激励机制则基于成本。
