2019年CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题及参考答案【第一篇】So where there is financial connection, we see that rapid improvements in quality of life can quickly follow. In our modern context, there are several important channels to achieving this greater financial connectivity. I want to highlight two today: increased capital mobility and increased financial inclusion.First, enabling capital to flow more freely. Allowing capital to flow across borders can help support inclusive growth. Right now, foreign direct investment —FDI — is only 1.9 percent of GDP in developing countries. Before the global financial crisis, it was at 2.5 percent. Making progress on major infrastructure needs will require capital flows to rise again and to be managed safely.Greater openness to capital flows can also bring down the cost of finance, improve the efficiency of the financial sector, and allow capital to support productive investments and new jobs.Challenges that come with opening up capital markets. Thankfully, we know from experience the elements that are required for success. These include sound financial regulation, transparent rules for investment, and attention to fiscal sustainability.We also need increased financial inclusion. A few numbers: close to half of the adult population in low and middle-income Asia-Pacific economies do not have a bank account. Less than 10 percent have ever borrowed from a financial institution.And yet, we know that closing the finance gap is an “economic must-have” for nations to thrive in the 21st century. IMF analysis shows that if the least financially inclusive countries in Asia narrowed the finance gap to the level of Thailand — an emerging market economy — the poverty rate in those countries could be reduced by nearly 4 percent.How can we get there? In part, through policies that enable more women and rural citizens to access financial services. The financial gender gap for women in developing countries is about 9 percent and has remained largely unchanged since 2011.There is no silver bullet, but we know that fintech can play a catalyzing role.In Cambodia, for example, strong public-private partnerships in supporting mobile finance has led to a tripling in the number of micro-financial institutions since 2011. These institutions have now provided loans to over 2 million new borrowers, representing nearly 20 percent of the adult population. Many of these citizens had never had a bank account. Now they can save for the future and perhaps even start a business of their own.These are ideas that can work everywhere. But countries have to be willing to partner and learn from each other.That is one of the major reasons why last October, the IMF and World Bank launched the Bali Fintech Agenda. The agenda lays out key principles — from developing financial markets to safeguarding financial integrity — that can help each nation as it strives for greater financial inclusion.【第一篇参考答案】哪里形成了金融联系,当地的生活质量就会很快改善。
赏析:将"alternations of mood" 掰开译为"一会儿一种情绪",后面跟上叫伊坦时而如何,时而如何,自然,流畅。对比原文和译文,自能体会译者翻译手段的高超。
Is it necessary to shout ?
These alternations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome.(Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome)
Thptied of all its gold. Dusk spread over it, abruptly darkening the Seven Hills.
2019年6⽉Catti英语⼆级笔译真题与精编翻译答案2019年6⽉Catti英语⼆级笔译真题与精校翻译答案⼀、英译汉⾸篇⽂章In 2009, Time magazine hailed an online math program piloted at three New York City public schools, as one of the year’s 50 best innovations. Each day, the software generated individualized math “playlists” for students who then chose the “modality”in which they wished to learn —software, a virtual teacher or a flesh-and-blood one. A different algorithm sorted teachers’specialties and schedules to match a student’s needs. “It generates the lessons, the tests a nd it grades the tests,” one veteran instructor marveled.2009年,美国《时代》周刊对三所位于纽约市的公⽴学校所试⾏的⼀项在线数学课程盛赞不已,并将其称为是该年度的50⼤最佳创新成果之⼀。
catti三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(二)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。
In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题More has been learned about the Moon than any other of the Earth''s neighbors in space because of the Apollo program, which enabled men to walk on the Moon and bring back hundreds of pounds of________.A rocksB rockC stoneD stones【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】近义辨析。
第2题________the variety that the average family has in beef, fish, poultry, and vegetarian recipes, they find most meals unexciting.A In spiteB InspiteC Despite ofD Despite【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】习语辨析。
Nowadays, college students bear great/heavy academic pressure. You will find all of them, except seniors who are beginning to look for a job, always too busy with their studies to join campus organizations or clubs, to take part in sports and other extracurricular activities, to play with their friends, and to pay attention to anything unconnected with their studies. In short, they are just like a robot. They are under great pressure to do too much work in too little time. If they go to a movie while their roommates are studying in the library until it closes at midnight, they will feel guilty. The very idea of doing nothing during the day will make them uncomfortable and sleepless all night. They study so hard that they hardly have time to savour life and to pursue other interests to grow as all/well-rounded people. The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal happiness and health.英译汉In Beijing, there are numerous hutongs. The life of common people in hutongs brings endless charm to the ancient capital, Beijing. The hutong in Beijing is not only theliving environment of common people but also a kind of architecture. Usually, there is a courtyard complex inside hutong, with rooms shared by 4 to 10 families of about 20 people. Therefore, life in hutongs is full of friendlinessand genuine humanity. Nowadays, with rapid social andeconomic development, many hutongs are replaced by new tall buildings. I hope hutongs can be preserved.北京有无数的胡同(hutong)。
2019 年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析61. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river--and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers, "Pluff! Pluff!" A hundred and eighty-five kilograms."[ 参考译文] 但当我们先是从注释中得知某诗行讲述了一个土耳其军官和一个保加利亚军官在桥上动手打架并双双掉进河里,而后却发现该行诗中不过只充斥着"扑通,扑通,185公斤重"这类对他们落水时的动静以及对军官们体重的描写时,我们不免感到困惑不安。
2. The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male- domiated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Janpan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.[ 参考译文] 战后婴儿潮一代的步入成年以及女性打入男性主导的劳动力市场使得青少年的发展机会变得极为有限,他们已经在不停地质疑为了爬上日本国内那通往优秀学校和体面工作的严酷的社会阶梯而做出的巨大的个人牺牲。
金钱,爱情,婚姻,家庭1. 跟别人要钱mooch off someone我最讨厌跟别人要钱得人了。
I feel sick of those who mooch off others.2. 钱挣海了coin money这几年老张的钱挣海了。
Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles like this!3. 钱多得花不完have money to burn老李的钱多得花不完,要不他敢这么挥霍?Lao Li has money to burn. Otherwise, how could he splash his money about like anything?4. 钱能生钱money begets money钱能生钱。
没本钱又怎能挣大钱那?Money begets money. Without money in hand, how can you make bundles?5. 没钱be broke我手头没钱了,咱们别到外面去吃了I don’t want to eat out today. I’m broke.6. 钱来之不易money doesn’t grow on trees你不应该如此挥霍。
钱来之不易阿!You should not splash your money about like this. Money doesn’t grow on trees.7. 敲竹杠a clip joint那可是一家漫天要价,大敲竹杠的商店阿That shop is plain a clip joint!8. 生活很富裕be well fixed自从中国对外开放以后,有些农民也成了企业家,而且大部分农民的生活都富裕起来了。
2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析61. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river--and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers, "Pluff! Pluff!" A hundred and eighty-five kilograms."[参考译文] 但当我们先是从注释中得知某诗行讲述了一个土耳其军官和一个保加利亚军官在桥上动手打架并双双掉进河里,而后却发现该行诗中不过只充斥着"扑通,扑通,185公斤重"这类对他们落水时的动静以及对军官们体重的描写时,我们不免感到困惑不安。
2. The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male- domiated job market havelimited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Janpan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.[参考译文] 战后婴儿潮一代的步入成年以及女性打入男性主导的劳动力市场使得青少年的发展机会变得极为有限,他们已经在不停地质疑为了爬上日本国内那通往优秀学校和体面工作的严酷的社会阶梯而做出的巨大的个人牺牲。
”解析:首先,正确理解“Time magazine”应该是“Time周刊”,不是“时代杂志”。
其次,在翻译时要注重语境,确保单词或短语的指代清晰,如“the are”指代前文提到的“在线数学授课程序”;“flesh-and-blood one”指代真人在线授课。
最后,要注意词语的选择,如“different algorithm”可以翻译成“独特算法”,而不是简单的“不同的计算程序”。
”原文中没有格式错误或明显有问题的段落)XXX’s future。
The report called for a series ofreforms that XXX school days and years。
higher standards and more testing。
It also called forschools to adopt “computer-based XXX.” This reportset the stage for a new era of school XXX.Andrea Gabor's book。
1. ⾸先我们讨论“为⼈”和“⾮⼈”的问题,2015年的真题中也出现过“⽆是⾮之⼼,⾮⼈也”这样的句⼦。
许多同学(包括很多参考书)都将其翻译为non-human,这是值得商榷的:儒学讨论的“⾮⼈”并⾮是在强调物种意义上的界限,⽽是“⼈(或君⼦)作为具有精神与⽂明的动物,与寻常动物(或⼩⼈)有着本质的区别”,因此这⾥⽤civility, civilized, educated, well-mannered, well-behaved等强调精神素养(⽽⾮⽣物属性)类的词汇都是可以的。
2. 这句话的另⼀个难点在于处理“爱”、“情”、“理”、“⼼”和“德”这四个概念,可以说,这四个关键词都属于抽象层⾯的形⽽上概念,本⾝就⾮常虚⽆缥缈,还要两两安排修饰关系,难度很⼤。
不过同学们可以采⽤递进式的选词策略处理这⼀难题:3. 在“恻隐”这⼀概念有明确对应词sympathy的基础上,我们将“恻隐”上⾯⼀层的“爱”朝着感性的⽅向翻译,反之,将“恻隐”下层的“情”和“理”逐级朝着理性的⽅向翻译:to love is to sympathize, and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren.4. 其次是处理“天地”这样的传统⽂化词汇,⼤家只要挑出字⾯意思,不要机械地翻译成sky and earth这样具体特指之物就好,⽽应选择nature, universe等更具抽象意味的概念参考翻译Zhu Xi, another Confucian philosopher in the Song dynasty, agrees with Cheng Hao and, further, claims that ren is the li (principle) of benevolence and the essence of mental betterment (literally, heart). Zhu Xi thinks to love is to sympathize and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren. Human being is different from other creatures because we hold the same li and qi (literally air and breath, meaning spirit and vigor in Chinese) with that of the universe.译⽂备注1. universe的其中⼀个义项就是“a person's life, including all of the people, places, and ideas which affect them”。
2019年catti 三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析((二)catti 三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析((二)一、一、Vocabulary Vocabulary Selection Selection(本大题(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。
In Inthis part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase the word or phrase which best completes each which best completes each which best completes each sentence. There is sentence. There is sentence. There is only one only one right answer. right answer. ))第1题More has been learned about the Moon than any other of the Earth''s neighbors in space because of the Apollo program, which enabled men to walk on the Moon and bring back hundreds of pounds of________.A rocksB rockC stoneD stones【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:【本题分数】:1.01.0分【答案解析】近义辨析。
2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1评价,疑虑和问询1. 崭新的 brand new.他买了一台崭新的轿车He bought a brand new car.2. 太便宜了 be dirt cheap这块手表才花了30美元,真是太便宜了。
You bought this watch only for 30 dollars? It’s dirt cheap.3.费事儿 take a lot of doing做鱼特别费事儿,我可不愿意洗阿,淹阿,钝阿什么的。
It takes a lot of doing to cook a fish. I wouldn’t like to spend a lot of time washing, salting, stewing and whatnots for the cooking of it.4.知道底细have someone’s number别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。
No big talk with me, I have your number.5.精品 the choicest goods这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。
This shop sells a wide range of watches, all of which are the choicest.6. 了解一下情况 get the lay of the land经理说他想让我们先去海南了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的事。
The manager said that he would like us to go to Hai Nan and get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment.7.掌上明珠the apple of someone’s eye玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa’s eye.8.让人恶心turn one’s stomach / make one sick听她讲话,看她和男人讲话的那股劲头儿真让我恶心。
【参考译文】China’s reform originated in rural areas with the purpose of adjusting the relationship between farmers and land. Before 1978, hundreds of millions of Chinese people were struggling to meet their basic daily needs. After 40 years of development, more than 700 million people in rural areas of China were lifted out of poverty. From 1978 to 1985, the profound reform of China’s rural economic system provided a strong impetus for economic growth and dramatic reduction of the poverty-stricken population. According to the standards at that time, 50 percent of the rural population in poverty met their basic needs during this period. And even according to the poverty alleviation standards at present, more than 100 million ruralpeople were lifted out of poverty during the period. This not only laid a solid foundation for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, but also made great contributions to poverty alleviation and development for all mankind.In 1978, farmers from 18 households in Xiaogang Village of Fengyang County, Anhui Province took the first step of China’s rural reform. By removing many constraints of the planned economic system and conducting family management based on the household responsibility system, farmers received contracted land they could freely decide what to grow, which greatly stimulated their enthusiasm for agricultural production.焚题库,是基于大数据的人工智能算法研发而成的考试题库,专注于根据不同考试的考点、考频、难度分布,提供考试真题解析、章节历年考点考题、考前强化试题、高频错题榜等。
2019年6月CATTI二级笔译实务参考答案及全面解析(1)第一篇英译汉In 2009, Time magazine hailed an online math program piloted at three New York City public schools, as one of the year’s 50 best innovations. Each day, the software generated individualized math “playlists” for students who then chose the “modality” in which they wished to learn — software, a virtual teacher or a flesh-and-blood one. A different algorithm sorted teachers’ specialties and schedules to match a student’s needs. “It generates the lessons, the tests and it grades the tests,” one veteran instructor marveled.解析:不是《时代杂志》,而是《时代周刊》。
the software generated individualized math “playlists” for students who then chose the “modality” in which they wished to learn 在这里看到the software前面的the就要知道指代前文提到的在线数学授课程序。
2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析71. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for a mateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespreadintroduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.[参考译文] 这样一来总的结果便是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊…卜发表文章就更难了,而被广泛使用的论文评审推荐制度又进一步强化了这个结果,该种制度先是出现在19世纪的刊物上,后又在20世纪被几家地方级地质学刊物所使用。
2. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.[参考译文] 一个颇为相似的分化过程已经导致专业的地质学家走到一起组成一到两个全国性的专科学术社团,而业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么也以另一种方式组成全国性机构。
3. Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low--level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head--scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.[参考译文] 遗憾地讲,这次新闻机构可信度调查计划结果只获得了一些十分低层次的发现,比如新闻报道中的事实错误,拼写或语法错误(和这些低层次发现)交织在一起的还有很多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么。
(吴哥)(题源:)Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. For several centuries, Angkor was the centre of the Khmer Kingdom. With impressive monuments, several different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a unique concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization. Temples, exemplars of Khmer architecture, are closely linked to their geographical context as well as being imbued with symbolic significance. The architecture and layout of the successive capitals bear witness to a high level of social order and ranking within the Khmer Empire. Angkor is therefore a major site exemplifying cultural, religious and symbolic values, as well as containing high architectural, archaeological and artistic significance.The Angkor complex encompasses all major architectural buildings and hydrological engineering systems from the Khmer period. All the individual aspects illustrate the intactness of the site very much reflecting the splendor of the cities that once were. The site integrity however, is put under dual pressures: endogenous: exerted by more than 100,000 inhabitants distributed over 112 historic settlements scattered over the site, who constantly try to expand their dwelling areas; exogenous: related to the proximity of the town of Siem Reap, the seat of the province and a tourism hub.Angkor is one of the largest archaeological sites in operation in the world. Tourism represents an enormous economic potential but it can also generate irreparabledestructions of the tangible as well as intangible cultural heritage. Many research projects have been undertaken, since the international safeguarding program was first launched in 1993. The scientific objectives of the research (e.g. anthropological studies on socio-economic conditions) result in a better knowledge and understanding of the history of the site, and its inhabitants that constitute a rich exceptional legacy of the intangible heritage. The purpose is to associate the “intangible culture”to the enhancement of the monuments in order to sensitize the local population to the importance and necessity of its protection and preservation and assist in the development of the site as Angkor is a living heritage site where Khmer people in general, but especially the local population, are known to be particularly conservative with respect to ancestral traditions and where they adhere to a great number of archaic cultural practices that have disappeared elsewhere.Moreover, the Angkor Archaeological Park is very rich in medicinal plants, used by the local population for treatment of diseases. The Preah Khan temple is considered to have been a university of medicine and the NeakPoan an ancient hospital.【参考译文】吴哥是东南亚地区最重要的考古遗址之一。
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1. 跟别人要钱 mooch off someone
I feel sick of those who mooch off others.
2. 钱挣海了 coin money
Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles like this!
3. 钱多得花不完 have money to burn
Lao Li has money to burn. Otherwise, how could he splash his money about like anything?
4. 钱能生钱 money begets money
Money begets money. Without money in hand, how can you make bundles?
5. 没钱 be broke
I don’t want to eat out today. I’m broke.
6. 钱来之不易money doesn’t grow on trees
You should not splash your money about like this. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
7. 敲竹杠 a clip joint
That shop is plain a clip joint!
8. 生活很富裕be well fixed
Since China opened to the outside world, some farmers have become entrepreneurs and many are well-fixed, living a much more comfortable life.
9. 吃了上顿没下顿 not know where the next meal comes
In spite the fact that many have now become well-fixed, some people still remain in a state that they do not know where the next meal comes.
10. 发财 rake it in
He made bundles in Hai Nan. He was unexpectedly raking it in.
11. 太宰人了 cost an arm and a leg
Eating in this restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg. You’ ll have to pay tens of yuan for even a soup of cabbage and beancurd
12. 跟别人比阔 keep up with the Joneses
I’m no t your sort who like to keep up with the Joneses.
13. 养家糊口bring home the bacon
Some one has to bring home the bacon in the family.
14. 与……私通 have an illicit love affair with
The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star.
15. 婚外恋 a double life
People around here all feel that he’s leading a double life.
16. 深深爱上be head over heels in love with
I hear Xiao Li is head over heels in love with an old
man who is 30 years older than her. Love is really a mystery.
17. 与门第比自己低的人结婚marry with the left hand
The son of the Emperor gave up his stewardship as King an d married with the left hand. He’s now on their honeymoon abroad.
18. 嫁妆marriage portion
On the point of their divorce, she demanded on his returning to her all the lot she has brought as her marriage portion.
19. 外快side money
Lao Zhang has made a huge sum of side money in the past few years.。