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如 何写 一篇英 文科技论文
◆尹小军 康健 刘永立 赵福 军 陈海 波

要 根 据形 成 英文科 技 论文 的模 式 I M A R D( 即引 言 、材 料和
件很 困难 的事 ,即便是对 英语 国家 的人,很 多时候 他们 的
论文 也 因为语 言 问题被 退稿 。即便英 语不 是母 语,科技 论
文也应符合标准英 语语 言的习惯 ( 句型 、语法 、拼写等 )。
英文科技论文 的句 子应该是完整 的,读者容 易理解 的。
英 文 科 技 论 文 的 撰 写 有 一 个 基 本 模 式 M A R D法
研 究有 多 好,都不会 产生 很大 的影响 英文 论文写 作是一
该 研 究领 域有 一个深 刻、全面 的理解 ,能够 给读 者 阐明研
究 是 多 么 重 要 。 引 言 部 分 应 该 说 明 的 一 些 基 本 问题 : 这 是

个什 么 问题 ?存在 一些解 决的方 法吗 ?哪个方 法 是最好 的?它 的主要 不足 是什么 ?期 待解 决哪些 问题 ?方 案是否 已经完 成 ?引言部 分的时态 应是一 般过 去时 ( 一般 的背景 内容 ,本 文 中将要 完成 的描述 )、现在 完成时 ( 过 去到现

定 的 专 业 知 识 , 尽 可 能 地 用 参 考 文 献 的 形 式 , 用 图 和 表
该 问题 是否新 颖 ,是 否有研 究价值 。引 言是反 映作者 对该
研 究领 域 熟 悉 程 度 的 一 个 标 志 。
来描 述和 分析 实验方 法。在该 部分 需要提 及研 究 的地 点和



• 结合你导师给定的课题查文献,列出相关 的文献:中、英文综述文章,中、英文博 士硕士论文、权威书籍、重要杂志文献。 • 查相关的专利、国内外目前开展的项目。
Brief CV of Zhenwei Su
• 2004-2009: Sichuan University, professor • 1997-2004: UK Universities visiting scholar,post-doc, research fellow • 1982-1997: Sichuan University, PhD, lecturer, associate professor • 1978-1982: Xian Jiaotong University, Mechanical Engineering Department • 1970-1978: Farmer or worker in Sichuan
如何了解我所在领域最具影响力 的研究人员?
当我们完成了某项研究之后,通常需要选 择一个合适的途径发表自己的研究成果, 那么怎样找到最合适自己研究领域的期刊 发表发表论文呢?您可以利用Web of Science数据库的检索结果分析功能 (Analyze)来解决这一问题。

眼睛犀利, 才能飞得高!
我们很多的时候,闷在实验室闭门 造车,实在不如稍抽出一点时间看看 文献。 我的大老板说,要想有成绩,别无 他法,只有读,读,大量的读文献, 尤其国外的。
• 学术期刊(中文、英文) • 博士、硕士论文(中文、英文) • 学术网站(中文、英文) • 专利网站(中文、英文) • 书籍(中文、英文) 对低级研究人员:中文第一 对高级研究人员:英文第一



评论研究问题: (1)看提出的问题是否有研究价值,研究内容有无指导意义,研究 结果能否应用到实践中。 (2)论文立意是否有创新,是否有重复别人的工作,即使是同一个 主题也要不断增加新内容、新方法。 (3)看研究问题的发生率是否高,问题是否带有普遍性。 (4)论文标题是否具体、鲜明、确切和具有吸引力。
3、科学性和准确性 、
所谓科学性,就是要正确地说明研究对象所具有的特殊矛盾, 并且要尊重事实,尊重科学。具体说来,包括论点正确,论据 必要而充分,论证严密,推理符合逻辑,数据可靠,处理合理, 计算精确,实验重复,结论客观,等等。 所谓准确性,是指对客观事物即研究对象的运动规律和性质表 述的接近程度,包括概念、定义、判断、分析和结论要准确, 对自己研究成果的估计要确切、恰当,对他人研究成果(尤其是 在做比较时)的评价要实事求是,切忌片面性和说过头话。
学术文章的标题主要有三种结构: 名词性词组(包括动名词),介词词组,名词词组+介词词组。 也用一个疑问句作标题(多用在人文社会科学领域)。 一般不用陈述句或动词词组作标题。
1、名词性词组 、
名词性词组由名词及其修饰语构成。 名词的修饰语可以是形容词、介词短语,有时也可以是另一个 名词。 名词修饰名词时,往往可以缩短标题的长度。 以下各标题分别由两个名词词组构成。例如: Latent demand and the browsing shopper (名词词组+名词词组) Cost and productivity (名词+名词)
1、创新性或独创性 、
某一篇论文,其创新程度可能大些,也可能很小,但总要有一 些独到之处。“首次提出”,“首次发现”,当然是具有重大 价值的研究成果,这毕竟为数不很多; 在某一个问题上有新意,对某一点有发展,应属于创新的范围。 在实际研究中,有很多课题是在引进、消化、移植国内外已有 的先进科学技术,以及应用已有的理论来解决本地区、本行业、 本系统的实际问题,只要对丰富理论、促进生产发展、推动技 术进步有效果,有作用,报道这类成果的论文也应视为有一定 程度的创新。



第一部分科技论文英文写作技巧第一节词汇1 概述1.1 生物医学英文论著写作要点用中文和英文写作论著的基本原则是一致的。







1.2 单词(word)单词是英文中最基本的单元。





1.4 段落(paragraph)段落是若干个句子的排列组合,用以表述1个主题(或信息)。


1.5 节(section)按论著格式,若干段落组成节(section),如摘要、引言、材料和方法、结果讨论等。


1.6 全文(paper)论著全文除了上述的各节内容外,还有题目、作者姓名、单位、地址、参考文献、致谢等内容。





如何写好英文科研论文作文英文,Writing a good research paper in English requires careful planning, thorough research, and clear communication. Here are some tips for writing a successful research paper.First and foremost, it's important to choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to your field of study. This will not only make the writing process more enjoyable, but it will also ensure that your paper contributes meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge.Once you have chosen a topic, it's time to conduct thorough research. This may involve reading academic journals, books, and other scholarly sources, as well as conducting experiments or surveys if necessary. It's important to take detailed notes during the research process, as this will make it easier to organize and structure your paper later on.When it comes to actually writing the paper, it's crucial to maintain a clear and logical structure. This typically involves an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section should flow smoothly into the next, and all arguments and claims should be supported by evidence.In addition to a strong structure, it's important to pay attention to the language and style of your writing. This means using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly technical terms, and ensuring that your paper is free from grammatical and spelling errors.Finally, it's essential to properly cite all sources used in your paper. This not only gives credit to the original authors, but it also helps to strengthen the credibility of your own work.In conclusion, writing a good research paper in English requires careful planning, thorough research, clear communication, and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood of producing asuccessful and impactful research paper.中文,写好一篇英文科研论文需要仔细的规划、深入的研究和清晰的表达。


注意:阐述已有工作局限性时,评价必须客观公正、摊子不要铺太大 (一两个创新性或亮点可深入解决足矣)。
❸挖掘和强调自己研究的重要性或创新性可从以下角度。 如:(1)时间问题;(2)研究手段问题;(3)研究区域问题;(4)存在不确定性; (5)研究的完全创新性(We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved with our proposed method (approach). )
3.2 Proton transfer dynamics control the mechanism of O2 reduction by a nonprecious metal electrocatalyst. (Nature Materials, 2016, 15,754–759 )
3.3 Femtosecond control of electric currents in metallic ferromagnetic heterostructures. (Nature Nanotechnology 2016, 11,455–458)
4.4 Optimized quantum sensing with a single electronspin using real-time adaptive measurements. (Nature Nanotechnology, 2016,11,247–252)
有些表征手段或者研究方法生来就是让人膜拜的,特别是一些原位的表 征手段,能够直观地告诉人们以前得不到的一些信息。











第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。






科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如“To investigate the mechanism of……,we performed……”(为了探索……的机制,我们做了……),“These results support the former,but not the latter,hypothesis……”(这些结果支持了前面的观点,而不是后面的,假设……),“Despite recent progress,how……remains to be elucidated……”(尽管最近的进展,如何阐明……)等等。






介绍科研经历英文作文英文:During my time as a researcher, I have had the opportunity to work on several interesting projects that have allowed me to expand my knowledge and skills in the field of science. One of the most memorable experiences I had was when I was involved in a study on the effects of climate change on marine life. This project required me to spend several months conducting fieldwork on a remote island, where I had the chance to observe and collect data on the behavior of various marine species.The experience was both challenging and rewarding. I encountered numerous obstacles, such as inclement weather and equipment malfunctions, but I also had the chance to work alongside a team of dedicated and passionate scientists who were equally committed to the project's success. Together, we overcame these challenges and were able to gather valuable data that contributed to theunderstanding of how climate change is impacting marine ecosystems.In addition to this project, I have also been involvedin research that focused on the development of new medical treatments. This work allowed me to collaborate withexperts in the field and gain a deeper understanding of the process of translating scientific discoveries intopractical applications that can benefit society.Overall, my experiences as a researcher have been incredibly fulfilling. I have had the chance to work on projects that have not only expanded my knowledge but also allowed me to contribute to the advancement of scientific understanding. I look forward to continuing my work in this field and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.中文:在我作为研究人员的时候,我有机会参与了几个有趣的项目,这些项目让我扩展了在科学领域的知识和技能。







3、英文字体和行间距:在“Western字体”中使用“Times New Roman”,1.5行间距。



































1,5下面是关于撰写醒目标题的一些参考步骤(包括示例):回答几个问题:我的论文是关于什么?使用了什么技术/设计?谁/什么研究?结论是什么?∙My paper studies whether X therapy improves the cognitive function of patients suffering from dementia.∙It was a randomized trial.∙I studied 40 cases from six cities in China.∙There was an improvement in the cognitive function of patients.用答案来列出关键词∙X therapy∙Randomized trial∙Dementia∙ 6 Chinese cities∙40 cases∙Improved cognitive function1. 使用关键词造句:This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved c ognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in Japan; it reports im proved cognitive function. (28字)2. 删去赘字(如:study of、investigates)以及重复字;连结剩下句子。













(二)科技论文各项内容的写作要点科技论文写作应该分为:标题,摘要,引言,正文,结论,讨论和 __几大部分。



作者的姓名和地址写在标题的正下方,中 __姓名和地名均按照汉语排序用汉语拼写书写即可。


如何提高研究生科研和实践能力 英文作文

如何提高研究生科研和实践能力 英文作文

如何提高研究生科研和实践能力英文作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Be a Great Researcher and Do Cool ExperimentsHi friends! Today I want to talk about being a graduate student. Graduate students are really smart grown-ups who go to an extra special school after college called graduate school. At graduate school, they learn tons of new things and do lots of research and experiments to make amazing discoveries!Being a graduate student is super hard work, but also really exciting. You get to study whatever you're most interested in and passionate about. Maybe you love chemistry and want to find a new way to make medicines. Or perhaps you're obsessed with galaxies and stars and want to explore outerspace. As a graduate student, you get to follow your biggest dreams and curiosities!To be a successful graduate student researcher, you need to have some key skills. First off, you have to be really really good at studying and learning. In graduate school, you'll read hundreds of books and papers on your topic to learn everything there is toknow about it. You have to pay close attention, take good notes, and work hard to understand all the details and background info.It also really helps to be creative and able to think outside the box. The best researchers come up with brand new ideas that no one else ever thought of before. You have to let your imagination run wild and not be afraid to think differently than others. Don't just believe everything you read – question it! There are always new possibilities to explore.Another important skill is being patient and persistent. Experimenting and doing research takes a very long time. You might spend weeks or even years running test after test before you find the result you're looking for. You have to keep trying and never give up, even when it's frustrating. The greatest scientists are the ones who don't quit.On top of brains and hard work, you need excellent practical skills too. Graduate students have to be experts at using all kinds of complex tools and technologies like microscopes, telescopes, computers, and lasers. You can't be afraid to get your hands dirty in the lab! The best way to get good at equipment is practice, practice, practice.It's also crucial to have strong math, writing, and public speaking abilities. Researchers need math for analysis, writing forpublishing papers, and speaking for presenting findings. Communications skills make sure you can share your work with others.One of the most fun parts of being a graduate student is going out into the field to collect data and samples. You might travel to rainforests, deserts, oceans, or even outer space! Fieldwork lets you explore the world while doing hands-on science. Just make sure to pack plenty of snacks!Running experiments is exciting but can also be kind of scary sometimes. What if your hypothesis is wrong? What if your test fails? The most important thing is to not be afraid of mistakes. Incorrect results don't mean you're a failure - that's just how science works! Every error is an opportunity to learn something new.Overall, becoming an amazing graduate student researcher just takes passion, curiosity, commitment and hard work. It's challenging but so rewarding when you finally make a breakthrough that could help or even change the world. If you've got the brains and guts for it, go for it! Graduate school can be the adventure of a lifetime.I hope you enjoyed learning about what it takes to be a great scientist. Maybe one day you'll discover the cure for a disease,build a new rocket ship, or just get really really smart about your favorite topic. The key is to never stop wondering, thinking and experimenting. Happy researching, friends!篇2Title: Becoming a Super Smart Researcher in Grad SchoolHi there, friends! Today, I'm going to share some tips on how to become a super smart researcher during your time in graduate school. Being a grad student is tough, but if you follow these ideas, you'll be unstoppable!First up, let's talk about reading. As a grad student, you'll have to read a ton of books and research papers. But reading can be fun if you find topics you're really interested in. Look for papers and books about the coolest new discoveries orlife-changing inventions. That'll make reading feel like an adventure!When you read, take notes on the most important points. You can use colored pens or pencils to make your notes more fun and easy to understand later. Don't be afraid to ask your professors questions if you don't understand something. The best researchers are always eager to learn more.Speaking of learning, going to classes and seminars is super important too. Pay close attention, and if you have a chance, ask the speakers lots of questions. You never know what amazing new ideas you might discover just by being curious!Another key to being a research rockstar is practicing your skills as much as possible. If you're studying chemistry, spend time in the lab running experiments. If you're into computer science, write tons of code and build awesome programs. The more you practice, the better you'll get!When you're working on a research project, keep an open mind and think creatively. The coolest discoveries happen when people aren't afraid to try new things or look at problems in a different way. Don't be scared to take risks and explore uncharted territory. That's how the greatest inventors and scientists make their mark!It's also crucial to stay organized. Use calendars, to-do lists, and folders to keep track of all your assignments, experiments, and notes. Being messy will only slow you down and make it harder to do your best work.As you're working away, remember to take breaks now and then. Go for a walk, play a game, or hang out with friends. Givingyour brain a rest will help you recharge and come back to your research feeling refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Turn to your professors, classmates, or even researchers at other schools if you're really stuck on something. Collaboration and teamwork are huge parts of doing great research.Finally, have fun and stay curious! Science and research are full of amazing mysteries just waiting to be solved. If you keep an open, playful mindset and work really hard, who knows what incredible things you might discover or create?Well, those are my tips for becoming a research superstar in grad school. It'll take a lot of hard work, but if you follow this advice, you'll be well on your way to changing the world with your brilliant mind! What are you waiting for? The future of science awaits!篇3How to Be a Super Smart Researcher and Do Really Cool ExperimentsHi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about how to be a totally awesome researcher when you go to graduate school.Being a graduate student researcher is fun but it's also really hard work. You have to study a ton, do experiments in the lab, and write papers and reports. It's like being a scientist or explorer discovering new things!The most important thing is to pick a great topic that you really really like. If you choose something boring, you'll get tired of it super fast. But if you pick something you think is fascinating, you'll wake up every day excited to learn more about it! My older sister is getting her master's degree in marine biology because she's obsessed with sharks. How cool is that?Once you find your topic, you have to learn everything you can about what research has already been done on it. That means reading through old books, scientific journals, and online articles. Take notes as you read so you don't forget important stuff. If there's something you don't understand, ask your professor for help. That's what they're there for!After you learn about all the previous research, it's time to come up with your own questions that no one has answered yet. What are you curious about related to your topic? What knowledge gaps can you try to fill in? Coming up with the right research questions is seriously hard, so take your time.Brainstorm a bunch of ideas and then pick the best ones to investigate.Now the really fun part starts - doing experiments and collecting data! You get to be like a detective using all sorts of scientific methods and equipment to find answers. Depending on your field of study, you might run trials in a lab, conduct surveys, observe things in nature, or dig through historical records. Whatever you do, you have to be extremely careful, follow all the safety rules, and log everything in your notebook.Experimenting can be frustrating because stuff often goes wrong and you might not get the results you expect. That's normal though! Real research is all about trying new things, making mistakes, and learning along the way. The most successful researchers are the ones who don't get discouraged easily.Once you gather all your data, you have to analyze it very systematically using statistics, visualizations like graphs and charts, and critical thinking. Look for patterns, trends, and anything surprising or unexpected in your results. Then try to explain what you found in a clear way that helps answer your original research questions.The last big step is to share your research with others by writing reports, giving presentations, or maybe even publishing papers. This is important because Contributing new knowledge helps make the whole world smarter! Use diagrams and pictures to explain your methods and findings. Be honest if there were any limitations in your study. And don't forget to cite your sources properly.Doing research can be a slow, difficult process with lots of challenges. But it's also incredibly rewarding to systematically examine something no one else has looked at before. You'll become an expert in your topic and could potentially make groundbreaking discoveries that change people's understanding! How amazing is that?In addition to researching, graduate students usually get to put their knowledge into practice through internships, teaching, or working on applied projects. This gives you invaluablereal-world experience using what you've learned in your studies. It's a chance to get out there and explore different career paths you might want to pursue later on.For example, maybe you'll get an internship at a forensic science lab if you're studying chemistry and criminology. Or if you're getting a degree in environmental engineering, you couldtry remediating pollution at contaminated sites. Students in educational psychology programs often work as teaching assistants to get classroom experience.No matter what kind of practical work you do, it will help you develop critical professional skills like communication, teamwork, time management, and problem-solving. You'll gain moreself-confidence in your abilities. And you'll make important connections with people already working in your desired field.So in summary, here are the main tips for being an awesome researcher and practitioner in graduate school:Study something you find fascinating, not boring.Read tons about previous research to learn what's already known.Come up with new, interesting research questions to investigate.Carefully design and conduct experiments to collect data.Analyze the data thoroughly and see what interesting things you discovered.Share your findings by writing reports and giving presentations.Get hands-on, practical experience through internships, jobs, or applied projects.Don't get discouraged - research is hard but also super rewarding!If you work really hard and follow these steps, you'll become a true expert in your topic. You'll gain valuable knowledge and research abilities. And you'll contribute exciting new discoveries to make the world a smarter, better place!Being a graduate student researcher is challenging for sure. But it's also an amazing way to explore your passions, think critically, and solve mysteries about how things work. If you stick with it and never give up, you can achieve anything!篇4How to Be a Super Scientist: Tips for Grad StudentsHi friends! Today I want to talk about being a great scientist when you grow up and go to graduate school. Graduate school is where you can study really cool and important things to make the world better. But it's also really hard work! Here are some tips to help you become a super scientist:Read, read, read!If you want to learn about your favorite science topics, you have to read a ton. Read books, journals, websites - anything you can find! The more you read, the smarter you'll get. It's like exercise for your brain muscles.Ask millions of questionsThe best scientists never stop asking "Why?" You should always be curious and question everything around you. Why is the sky blue? Why do birds have feathers? Why does your little brother stink so bad? Asking questions leads to amazing discoveries!Observe the worldAlong with asking questions, you need to observe the world very carefully. Scientists use their five senses - seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching - to notice details others might miss. Observing helps you find mysteries to solve.Experiment! Experiment! Experiment!The funnest part of science is doing experiments. You get to put on a white lab coat, use weird tools, and mix chemicals together. Sometimes experiments go wrong and you make a gross mess - but that's okay! Failed experiments teach you just as much as successes.Take tons of notesWhenever you read something, observe something new, or do an experiment, write it all down. Good notes help scientists remember important details and see patterns over time. Your notebook is like a scientist's best friend!Practice presentingAs a scientist, you'll need to share your work by writing papers and giving presentations. Practice explaining your ideas clearly to family and friends. Use simple words they'll understand and lots of pictures or demos to make it interesting.Work as a teamScience is collaborative - you'll work with other scientists on big projects. Practice listening carefully, compromising when you disagree, and letting others share their ideas too. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!Never give upPursuing science takes hard work, patience, and perseverance. You'll face many challenges like failed experiments, rejected papers, and mean critics. But remember - every famous scientist faced setbacks too! As long as you keep trying, you'll achieve great things.Stay curious and creativeThe greatest scientists think outside the box and imagine impossible things. Read science fiction, daydream about future inventions, and explore new realms of possibility. There's still so much in the universe left to discover!Do what you loveAbove all, make sure to study a science topic that you feel passionate about. If you truly love your subject, studying and researching it will be fun, not work. When you wake up excited to learn more each day, you'll go on to change the world.So there you have it - my top tips for becoming an amazing scientist one day. It won't be easy, but if you follow this advice, you'll join the ranks of geniuses like Einstein, Curie, and Newton. Study hard, stay curious, and never stop exploring our wondrous universe! Science rules!篇5How to Be a Great Researcher and Practice Maker in Grad SchoolHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about how to get really good at doing research and making things if you are a graduatestudent. Maybe you are thinking "But I'm just a kid, why do I need to know about that?" Well, it's never too early to start learning! Who knows, maybe one day you'll want to be a scientist or engineer when you grow up. The skills I'm going to share will help you get ready for that. So let's jump right in!The first thing you need to be an awesome researcher is curiosity. You have to really want to learn new things and find out how stuff works. Don't just take everything for granted. When you see something cool or weird, ask "Why is it like that? How does it do that?" Then you can dive deeper to understand it better. Looking at the world with curiosity is step one.Next, you have to be patient and keep trying when things don't work right away. Research is hard and it takes a long time to figure things out sometimes. The greatest scientists in history all failed a zillion times before they made their big discoveries. If your experiment doesn't work out, don't get frustrated! Think about what went wrong, make some changes, and try again. Being persistent is really important.Another big part of research is being able to read, write, and communicate well. You have to study a lot about your topic by readingbooks, papers, and articles. Take good notes and try to understand everything deeply. Then you need to share your ownideas by writing reports and giving presentations. If you can't explain your work clearly, nobody will understand it!Of course, you also need some smarts in things like math, science, engineering, and computer stuff depending on what kind of research you want to do. Don't worry if you aren't a brain genius - you can study hard and get better at those subjects. Just keep practicing and don't give up when it gets tough.Okay, now let's talk about the practical making side of things. Grad students have to be able to design, build, and test out their ideas in the real world. You can't just think about stuff theoretically, you have to get your hands dirty too!One of the most important skills is learning how to use tools properly and safely. Things like soldering irons, drills, saws, 3D printers, and all sorts of other gadgets. Don't play around with them unsupervised when you're a kid. But pay attention when teachers show you how they work so you can be skilled with tools later on.You also need to work on your hands-on building abilities. Take things apart and put them back together again. Snap together Lego models. Make arts and crafts. Bake cookies. Any kind of practical making experience will help! The more youpractice, the better you'll get at figuring out how to design and construct things that actually function right.As well as building stuff, you have to test it out thoroughly to make sure it works properly and safely. Be really systematic and make sure to document everything with notes andphotos/videos. Change one thing at a time and see what happens. That way you can identify problems and improve your creations. Testing is a huge part of getting things right.The last skill I'll mention is about working well as part of a team. Most big research projects involve lots of people collaborating together. You have to learn how to communicate respectfully, divide up tasks fairly, keep updating each other, and cooperate nicely. If everyone works together, you can accomplish way more than going solo!Phew, that was a lot to cover! Let me summarize the main points again:Be curious and want to understand how things workBe patient and keep trying if experiments failRead, write, and communicate clearlyStudy hard subjects like math and scienceUse tools safely and properlyPractice hands-on building and makingTest your creations thoroughly and systematicallyCooperate well as part of a teamIf you can develop all those abilities, you'll be an amazing researcher and maker when you grow up! It takes a lot of hard work, but it's such a fun and rewarding experience. Maybe you'll cure a disease, build a giant rocket, or program asuper-intelligent robot someday. The possibilities are endless if you dedicate yourself. Just always stay curious, keep practicing, and never give up! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇6How to Be a Super Scientist: Tips for Grad StudentsHi there! Are you a graduate student who wants to become a master researcher and problem solver? Well, you've come to the right place! In this essay, I'll share some secrets on how to boost your science skills to the next level. Get ready to become a super scientist!First up, let's talk about research. As a grad student, you'll be doing lots of research projects and experiments. To be a researchrockstar, you need to be really curious and ask tons of questions. Don't just accept what you're told – keep digging deeper to understand things better. It's like being a detective, always searching for clues and explanations.Another crucial skill is observation. You need to have sharp eyes to notice even the smallest details in your experiments. It's like playing a game of "I Spy" but way more important! Closely watch what happens and write down everything you see. The more you observe, the more you'll learn.When you're doing research, you'll probably face some challenges along the way. That's okay – in fact, it's great! Challenges help you grow and become stronger. Don't get discouraged; instead, put on your thinking cap and get creative with solutions. It's like solving a big puzzle, and the more you practice, the better you'll get.Speaking of practice, that's huge when it comes to research. The more experiments you do, the more comfortable you'll become in the lab. It's kind of like learning to ride a bike – a bit wobbly at first, but soon you'll be zipping around like a pro! Practice also helps you learn from your mistakes, which is super important in science.In addition to practical research skills, you'll need to work on your writing abilities. As a scientist, you'll be sharing your findings through research papers and reports. Clear writing is key so that others can understand your work. Pretend you're an author writing a bestselling book – you want your readers to be hooked from the first page!Another vital skill is public speaking. You'll probably have to give presentations about your research, so it's important to speak clearly and confidently. Imagine you're a teacher explaining a tricky concept to your class. Use simple language, speak slowly, and don't be afraid to repeat things for clarity.Finally, let's chat about teamwork. A lot of science happens through collaboration these days, so you'll need to be a team player. Listen to your labmates' ideas, compromise when needed, and always lend a helping hand. It's kind of like being part of a super sciency club – you all want to make incredible discoveries together!Whew, those are a lot of skills to master! Don't worry though, you've got this. Just remember to stay curious, practice a ton, and never give up when you face a roadblock. Before you know it, you'll be a bonafide super scientist, amazing the world with your awesome research abilities!。



英文科研论文写作简介1. 引言英文论文写作的前提是有创新研究成果,创新研究成果的关键是选题。

“An acceptable primary scientific publication” must be “the first disclosure”.科研论文写作常出现的一个误区是:以为好论文是“写”出来的,只要会写,论文总能被接受发表。






The goal of scientific research is publication. Scientists, starting as graduate students, are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, and certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.A scientific experiment, no matter how spectacular the results, is not completed until the results are published.Thus, the scientists must not only “do” the science but must “write” science. Bad writing can and often does prevent or delay the publication of good science.2.科研论文的一般格式。



Abstract:The increasing global concern about climate change and the depletion of fossil fuel resources have led to a growing interest in renewable energy technologies. This article summarizes the recent advances in renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. The challenges and future prospects of these technologies are also discussed.1. IntroductionRenewable energy technologies have become a crucial part of the global energy landscape in recent years. The continuous development and improvement of these technologies have led to increased energy efficiency, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact. This article aims to provide an overview of the recent advances in renewable energy technologies and their potential impact on the future of energy supply.2. Solar EnergySolar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. Recent advances in photovoltaic (PV) cells have led to higher efficiency and lower costs. The development of thin-film solar cells, which are more flexible and less expensive than traditional crystalline cells, has further expanded the application of solar energy. Additionally, the use of concentrated solar power (CSP) systems has increased, which allowsfor the storage of solar energy for use during non-sunny periods.3. Wind EnergyWind energy is another significant renewable energy source. The recent advancements in wind turbine technology have led to higher efficiency and lower noise levels. The use of larger and more efficient turbines has increased the capacity of wind farms, making them more competitive with traditional fossil fuel power plants. Furthermore, the integration of wind energy with other renewable energy sources, such as solar and hydroelectric power, has improved the stability and reliability of the power grid.4. Hydroelectric EnergyHydroelectric energy is one of the oldest and most established renewable energy sources. Recent advances in small-scale hydroelectric power plants have made them more accessible and cost-effective. Additionally, the use of run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants, which do not require large reservoirs, has minimized environmental impact. The development of hydrokinetic energy, which harnesses the energy of flowing water, has also gained attention.5. Geothermal EnergyGeothermal energy is a renewable energy source that utilizes the Earth's internal heat. Recent advancements in geothermal power plants have led to increased efficiency and reduced costs. The development of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) has expanded the potential for geothermal energy production, allowing for the exploitation of areas with low-grade geothermal resources.6. Challenges and Future ProspectsDespite the significant advancements in renewable energy technologies, several challenges remain. The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources requires the development of energy storage solutions, such as batteries and pumped storage systems. Furthermore, the integration of renewable energy into the existing power grid requires careful planning and management to ensure stability and reliability.The future of renewable energy technologies looks promising. With continued research and development, the efficiency, cost, and environmental impact of these technologies are expected to improve. As governments and private sectors increasingly invest in renewable energy projects, the global energy landscape is likely to shift towards a more sustainable future.7. ConclusionThe recent advances in renewable energy technologies have brought us closer to a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future. Aswe continue to overcome the challenges associated with these technologies, the transition to renewable energy sources is inevitable. The global community must collaborate and invest in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.。



科研创新英文作文英文:In my opinion, scientific research and innovation are crucial for the progress of society. As a researcher myself, I believe that the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to create new solutions to problems are what drive us forward.One of the key aspects of scientific research is collaboration. By working with other researchers, we can combine our expertise and knowledge to make breakthroughs that would be impossible on our own. This is particularly important in fields like medicine, where amultidisciplinary approach is often necessary to solve complex problems.Another important factor in scientific research is funding. Without adequate funding, it can be difficult to conduct the necessary experiments and studies to make progress. This is where government agencies and privateorganizations can play a crucial role in supporting research and innovation.Ultimately, the goal of scientific research and innovation is to improve the lives of people around the world. Whether it's developing new medical treatments, creating more efficient technologies, or finding solutions to global challenges like climate change, science has the power to make a real difference.中文:在我看来,科学研究和创新对社会的进步至关重要。







一些常见的英文文章语言技巧1如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如:However, little information..little attention...little work...little datalittle researchor few studiesfew investigations...few researchers...few attempts...or nonone of these studieshas (have) been lessdone on ...focused onattempted toconductedinvestigatedstudied(with respect to)Previous research (studies, records) has (have)failed to considerignoredmisinterpretedneglected tooverestimated, underestimatedmisleadedthus, these previus results areinconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial..Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ...这种引导之后一般会提出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。

如果研究的方法以及方向和前人一样,可以通过下面的方式强调自己工作的作用:However, data is still scarcerareless accuratethere is still dearth ofWe need toaim tohave toprovide more documentsdatarecordsstudiesincrease the datasetFurther studies are still necessary...essential...为了强调自己研究内容的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等。






二、文献综述(Literature Review)



三、研究方法(Research Methods)



四、结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)









收稿日期:2003-08-09作者简介:万灵(1970— ),女,湖北浠水人,汉族,讲师,主要从事大学英语的教学与研究工作。

用英文写作科技论文的一般格式万 灵(黄石高等专科学校公共课部,湖北黄石435003)摘 要:文章从论文题目、作者姓名、摘要、关键词、正文、致谢、参考文献、附录,作者简介等几个方面详细介绍了用英语写作科技论文的一般格式,对用英语进行科技论文写作的科研人员具有借鉴作用。

关键词:英语;科技论文;写作;格式中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-8245(2004)01-0030-04G eneral Writing Form at of Scientif ic Paper in E nglishW an L i ng(Department of Basic Courses ,Huangshi Polytechnic College ,Huangshi Hubei 435003)Abstract The article narrated the general writing format of scientific paper in English Particularly by the paper ’s Title ,Author ’s name ,Abstract ,K ey words ,Body ,Acknowledgements ,References ,Appendix and Resume.It has use for reference to people who work on scientific research and write paper in English.K eyw ords English ;scientific paper ;writing ;format1 引言随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,与国外学者进行学术交流的机会越来越多,其中的一种方式就是在国外专业英语刊物上根据自己的实验结果或科研成果发表学术论文,以便接受国外同行的检验,提高科研水平。

提出科研问题 英文project范文

提出科研问题 英文project范文

提出科研问题英文project范文As we delve into the realm of scientific research, it is crucial to identify relevant and thought-provoking questions that can lead to significant contributions in our respective fields. 作为科研工作者,我们深入探索科学研究的领域时,必须确定相关且发人深省的问题,这将有助于在各自领域做出重大贡献。

One pressing research question that has piqued my interest is the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. 随着气候变化对海洋生态系统的影响逐渐加剧,这是一个迫切的研究问题,也引起了我的兴趣。

Another intriguing question revolves around the potential therapeutic applications of stem cells in regenerative medicine. 另一个引人注目的问题是关于干细胞在再生医学中的潜在治疗应用。

Furthermore, the question of how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be leveraged to improve healthcare outcomes is a topic worthy of exploration. 此外,人工智能和机器学习如何被利用来改善医疗结果的问题也值得探讨。

In addition, the question of how to mitigate the impacts of urbanization on biodiversity and ecosystems is of great importance in today's rapidly urbanizing world. 此外,如何减轻城市化对生物多样性和生态系统的影响的问题在当今迅速城市化的世界中至关重要。



用英文介绍科研经历I would like to share my research experience with you. In my undergraduate studies, I was exposed to various research opportunities in neuroscience and psychology. My research journey started with a summer internship at a local research institute where I assisted in a project investigating the cognitive deficits in individuals with schizophrenia. This experience ignited my interest in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders.Following this, I joined a research lab at my university where I worked on a project investigating the effects of early-life stress on the brain and behavior of animals. I was involved in various aspects of the project, including animal handling and behavior testing, histological techniques, and data analysis. This experience provided a deeper understanding of the mechanics of research and allowed me to develop various practical skills.During my senior year, I undertook an independent research project which focused on investigating the relationship between empathy and social anxiety in college students. This project involved designing and distributingonline surveys, analyzing data, and presenting findings at a departmental conference. This experience gave me a sense of autonomy and helped me to develop project management skills.Overall, my research journey has allowed me to delve into the intricacies of science and has given me a better understanding of the importance of research in understanding complex phenomena. I have learned a great deal about various research techniques, the importance of attention to detail, and effective communication of research findings. This experience has also helped me to build critical thinking skills and has encouraged me to continue exploring research opportunities in the future.以上是科研经历的英文介绍。

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第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。






科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如“To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remai ns to be elucidated …” 等等。










