2019-2020学年英语北师大版必修4习题:模块综合检测 Word版含解析
AWhen going through major life changes,like changing careers,I would change the people with whom I spent the most time。
We’ve all gone through periods when the people in our lives have changed-graduation,moving to a new city,getting a new job,joining a new club,etc.I don’t think I need to convince you just how much influence other people can have over your identity.If you’ve ever experienced a major switch in your people environment,then you know that you change as well.Most people don’t make these choices consciously(有意识地) though。
You might consciously decide to spend more time with a certain friend,or you may ask someone out on a date to begin a new relationship.But few people choose their existing friendships deliberately。
粤教版语文必修4 模块综合检测
B项的“膀”读bǎnɡ,“谤”读bànɡ,“滂”读pānɡ,“磅”读pánɡ;A 项的“谵”“瞻”都读zhān,“檐”读yán,“赡”读shàn; C项的“饶”“娆”都读ráo,“挠”读náo,“绕”读rào;D项的“偌”“箬”都读ruò,“诺”读nuò,“惹”读rě。
Module4 模块综合检测听力部分一、将听到的英文排序。
A. Lingling’s socksB. her clothesC. my trousersD. your sports shoesE. my new kite________→________→________→________→________二、翻译听到的单词和词组的意思。
( ) 1. A. 打架 B. 争吵 C. 麻烦( ) 2. A. 运动鞋 B. 运动袜 C. 皮鞋( ) 3. A. 丢失的帽子 B. 找到帽子 C. 丢失帽子( ) 4. A. 找到包 B. 寻找包 C. 看见了包( ) 5. A. 你们的T恤衫 B. 丢失的T恤衫 C. 一件新T恤衫三、根据录音判断下列图片与录音内容是“√”否“×”相符。
( ) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.笔试部分一、读一读,连一连。
(1) 上周 A. find(2) 昨天 B. lose(3) 丢失 C. yesterday(4) 找到 D. wash(5) 洗 E. last week(6) 袜子 F. trousers(7) 短裤G. socks(8) 裤子H. short(9) 鞋I. T-shirt(10) T恤衫J. shoes二、判断正“√”误“×”,把错误的地方改过来。
( ) 1. Did you lost bike yesterday? __________( ) 2. Mum bought for me a new T-shirt. __________( ) 3. I didn’t washed my T-shirt yesterday. __________( ) 4. I found my lose bike at school yesterday. __________( ) 5. Let’s go and fly kite together. __________三、根据问句选择答语。
2013江苏省高考物理一轮精品专项训练: 模块综合检测 选修3-4
江苏省高三高考物理一轮复习精选精练跟踪练习模块综合检测(选修3-4)(时间60分钟,满分100分)1.(8分) (1)机械波和电磁波都能传递能量,其中电磁波的能量随波的频率的增大而________;波的传播及其速度与介质有一定的关系,在真空中机械波是________传播的,电磁波是________传播的(填“能”、“不能”或“不确定”);在从空气进入水的过程中,机械波的传播速度将________,电磁波的传播速度将________.(填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”)(2)如图1所示复合光经过半圆形玻璃后分成a、b两束光,比较a、b两束光在玻璃砖中的传播速度v a________v b;入射光线由AO转到BO,出射光线中________最先消失;若在该光消失时测得AO与BO间的夹角为α,则玻璃对该光的折射率为________.解析:(1)电磁波的能量随波的频率的增大而增大;电磁波的传播不需要介质,可以在真空中传播,而机械波不能在真空中传播;从空气进入水的过程中,机械波的传播速度增大,而电磁波的传播速度减小.(2)由折射率n=sinθ1sinθ2n a>n b,又n=cv故v a<n b;根据sin C=1n可知,a光的临界角较小,当入射光线由AO转到BO时,出射光线中a最先消失.玻璃对a光的折射率n=1sin(90°-α)=1cosα.答案:(1)增大不能能增大减小(2)<a1 cosα2.(8分)麦克斯韦在1865年发表的《电磁场的动力学理论》一文中揭示了电、磁现象与光的内在联系及统一性,即光是电磁波.一单色光波在折射率为1.5的介质中传播,某时刻电场横波图象如图2所示,求该光波的频率.解析:设光在介质中的传播速度为v ,波长为λ,频率为f ,则f =v λ,v =c n ,联立得f =c n λ从波形图上读出波长λ=4×10-7m , 代入数据解得f =5×1014Hz. 答案:5×1014 Hz3.(8分)(1)如图3所示是双缝干涉实验装置的示意图,S 为单缝,S 1、S 2为双缝,P 为光屏.用绿光从左边照射单缝S 时,可在光屏P 上观察到干涉条纹.则:①减小双缝间的距离,干涉条纹间的距离将________; ②增大双缝到屏的距离,干涉条纹间的距离将________;③将绿光换为红光,干涉条纹间的距离将________.(填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”) (2)如图4甲所示,横波1沿BP 方向传播,B 质点的振动图象如图乙所示;横波2沿CP 方向传播,C 质点的振动图象如图丙所示.两列波的波速都为20 cm/s.P 质点与B 质点相距40 cm ,P 质点与C 质点相距50 cm ,两列波在P 质点相遇,则P 质点振幅为( )A .70 cmB .50 cmC .35 cmD .10 cm 解析:(1)由Δx =l λd可知,当d 减小,Δx 将增大;当l 增大时,Δx 增大;当把绿光换为红光时,λ增长,Δx 增大.(2)波1和2的周期均为1 s ,它们的波长为:λ1=λ2=vT =20 cm.由于BP =2λ,CP =2.5λ.t =0时刻B 质点的位移为0且向上振动,经过2.5T 波1传播到P 质点并引起P 质点振动12T ,此时其位移为0且振动方向向下;t =0时刻C 质点的位移为0且向下振动,经过2.5T 波2刚好传到P 质点,P 质点的位移为0且振动方向也向下;所以两列波在P 质点引起的振动是加强的,P 质点振幅为两列波分别引起的振幅之和,为70 cm ,A 正确.答案:(1)①增大 ②增大 ③增大 (2)A4.(8分)如图5所示是一个透明圆柱的横截面,其半径为R ,折射率是3,AB 是一条直径.今有一束平行光沿AB 方向射向圆柱体.若一条入射光线经折射后恰经过B 点,则这条入射光线到AB 的距离是多少?解析:设光线P 经折射后经过B 点,光路如图所示.根据折射定律n =sin αsin β= 3 在△OBC 中,sin βR =sin α2R ·cos β可得β=30°,α=60°, 所以CD =R sin α=32R . 答案:32R 5.(8分)某实验室中悬挂着一弹簧振子和一单摆,弹簧振子的弹簧和小球(球中间有孔)都套在固定的光滑竖直杆上.某次有感地震中观察到静止的振子开始振动4.0 s 后,单摆才开始摆动.此次地震中同一震源产生的地震纵波和横波的波长分别为10 km 和5.0 km ,频率为1.0 Hz.假设该实验室恰好位于震源的正上方,求震源离实验室的距离. 解析:设地震纵波和横波的传播速度分别为v P 和v S ,则v P =f λP① v S =f λS②式中,f 为地震波的频率,λP 和λS 分别表示地震纵波和横波的波长.设震源离实验室的距离为x ,纵波从震源传播到实验室所需时间为t ,则x =v P t ③x =v S (t +Δt ) ④式中,Δt 为摆B 开始摆动的时刻与振子A 开始振动的时刻之间的时间间隔.由①②③④式得:x =f Δt1λS -1λP代入数据得x =40 km. 答案:40 km6.(8分)机械横波某时刻的波形图如图6所示,波沿x轴正方向传播,质点p 的坐标x =0.32 m .从此时刻开始计时.(1)若每间隔最小时间0.4 s 重复出现波形图,求波速.(2)若p 点经0.4 s 第一次达到正向最大位移,求波速.(3)若p 点经0.4 s 到达平衡位置,求波速.解析:(1)依题意,周期T =0.4 s ,波速v =λT =0.80.4 m/s=2 m/s.(2)波沿x 轴正方向传播,Δx =0.32 m -0.2 m =0.12 m .p 点恰好第一次达到正向最大位移.波速v =Δx Δt =0.120.4m/s =0.3 m/s. (3)波沿x 轴正方向传播,若p 点恰好第一次到达平衡位置则Δx =0.32 m ,由周期性可知波传播的可能距离Δx =(0.32+λ2n )m(n =0,1,2,3,…) 可能波速v =Δx Δt=0.32+0.82n 0.4m/s =(0.8+n ) m/s(n =0,1,2,3,…).答案:(1)2 m/s (2)0.3 m/s (3)(0.8+n ) m/s(n =0,1,2,3,…)7.(7分) (1)在“探究单摆周期与摆长的关系”的实验中,两位同学用游标卡尺测量小球的直径如图7甲、乙所示.测量方法正确的是________(选填“甲”或“乙”).(2)实验时,若摆球在垂直纸面的平面内摆动,为了将人工记录振动次数改为自动记录振动次数,在摆球运动最低点的左、右两侧分别放置一激光光源与光敏电阻,如图8甲所示.光敏电阻与某一自动记录仪相连,该仪器显示的光敏电阻阻值R随时间t变化图线如图乙所示,则该单摆的振动周期为________.若保持悬点到小球顶点的绳长不变,改用直径是原小球直径2倍的另一小球进行实验,则该单摆的周期将________(填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”),图乙中的Δt将________(填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”).解析:(1)小球应放在测脚下部位置,图乙正确.(2)小球摆动到最低点时,挡光使得光敏电阻阻值增大,从t1时刻开始,再经两次挡光完成一个周期,故T=2t0;摆长为摆线加小球半径,若小球直径变大,则摆长增加,由周期公式T=2πlg可知,周期变大;当小球直径变大时,挡光时间增加,即Δt变大.答案:(1)乙(2)2t0变大变大8.(8分)20世纪80年代初,科学家发明了硅太阳能电池.如果在太空设立太阳能卫星电站,可24 h发电,且不受昼夜气候的影响.利用微波——电能转换装置,将电能转换成微波向地面发送,太阳能卫星电站的最佳位置在离地1100 km的赤道上空,此时微波定向性最好.飞机通过微波区不会发生意外,但微波对飞鸟是致命的.可在地面站附近装上保护网或驱逐音响,不让飞鸟通过.(地球半径R=6400 km)(1)太阳能电池将实现哪种转换________.A.光能—微波 B.光能—热能C.光能—电能 D.电能—微波(2)微波是________.A.超声波 B.次声波C.电磁波 D.机械波(3)飞机外壳对微波的哪种作用,使飞机安全无恙________.A.反射 B.吸收 C.干涉 D.衍射(4)微波对飞鸟是致命的,这是因为微波的________.A.电离作用 B.穿透作用C.生物电作用 D.热效应解析:(1)太阳能电池实现光能与电能的转换,C对,A、B、D错.(2)微波是某一频率的电磁波,C对,A、B、D错.(3)飞机外壳可以反射微波,使飞机安全,A对,B、C、D错.(4)微波是频率很高的电磁波,在生物体内可引起热效应,由于太阳能卫星电站的功率很大,产生的热量足以将鸟热死.答案:(1)C (2)C (3)A (4)D9.(9分) (1)下列说法中正确的是________.A.水面上的油膜在阳光照射下会呈现彩色,这是由光的衍射造成的B.根据麦克斯韦的电磁场理论可知,变化的电场周围一定可以产生变化的磁场C.狭义相对论认为:不论光源与观察者做怎样的相对运动,光速都是一样的D.在“探究单摆周期与摆长的关系”的实验中,测量单摆周期应该从小球经过最大位移处开始计时,以减小实验误差(2)如图9所示,一个半径为R 的14透明球体放置在水平面上,一束蓝光从A 点沿水平方向射入球体后经B 点射出,最后射到水平面上的C 点.已知OA =R2,该球体对蓝光的折射率为 3.则它从球面射出时的出射角β=________;若换用一束红光同样从A 点射向该球体,则它从球体射出后落到水平面上形成的光点与C 点相比,位置________(填“偏左”、“偏右”或“不变”).(3)一列简谐横波沿x 轴正方向传播,周期为2 s ,t =0时刻的波形如图10所示.该列波的波速是________m/s ;质点a 平衡位置的坐标x a =2.5 m ,再经________s 它第一次经过平衡位置向y 轴正方向运动.解析:(1)水面上的油膜在阳光照射下会呈现彩色,这是薄膜干涉的结果,A 错;均匀变化的电场周围产生的磁场是恒定的,B 错;根据狭义相对论的光速不变原理知,C 正确;对D 项,为减小实验误差,测量单摆周期应从小球经过平衡位置处开始计时,D 错. (2)设∠ABO =θ,由sin θ=12得θ=30°,由n =sin βsin θ,得β=60°设红光从球面射出时的出射角为β′sin β=n 蓝sin30°,sin β′=n 红sin30°由于n 蓝>n 红,故β′<β,所以红光从球体射出后落到水平面上形成的光点与C 点相比,位置偏右.(3)因为T =2 s ,λ=4 m , 所以v =λT=2 m/s质点a 第一次经过平衡位置向y 轴正方向运动所经过的时间Δt =Δx v =(2.5-2)2 s =0.25 s.答案:(1)C (2)60° 偏右 (3)2 0.2510.(8分)有一种示波器可以同时显示两列波形.对于这两列波,显示屏上横向每格代表的时间间隔相同.利用此种示波器可以测量液体中的声速,实验装置的一部分如图11所示:管内盛满液体,音频信号发生器所产生的脉冲信号由置于液体内的发射器发出,被接收器所接收.图12所示为示波器的显示屏.屏上所显示的上、下两列波形分别为发射信号与接收信号.若已知发射的脉冲信号频率为f =2000 Hz ,发射器与接收器的距离为x =1.30 m ,求管内液体中的声速.(已知所测声速应在1300~1600 m/s 之间,结果保留两位有效数字)解析:设脉冲信号的周期为T ,从显示的波形可以看出,图12中横向每一分度(即两条长竖线间的距离)所表示的时间间隔为Δt =T2 ①其中T =1f②对比图12中上、下两列波形,可知信号在液体中从发射器传播到接收器所用的 时间为t =(Δt )(2n +1.6),其中n =0,1,2… ③液体中的声速为v =x t④ 联立①②③④式,代入已知条件并考虑到所测声速应在1300~1600 m/s 之间,得v =1.4×103 m/s.答案:1.4×103m/s.11.(10分)在桌面上有一个倒立的玻璃圆锥,其顶点恰好与桌面接触,圆锥的轴(图中虚线)与桌面垂直,过轴线的截面为等边三角形,如图13所示,有一半径为r 的圆柱形平行光束垂直入射到圆锥的底面上,光束的中心轴与圆锥的轴重合,已知玻璃的折射率为1.5,则光束在桌面上形成的光斑半径是多少? 解析:当光线到达玻璃圆锥的侧面时,根据几何关系,相对于 玻璃和空气的界面,入射角为60°,因光线在玻璃中发生全反射的临界角的正弦值sin C =1n =23,而sin i =sin60°=32>23,故光线在侧面发生全反射,然后垂直射向另一侧面,并射 出圆锥.如图所示,由几何关系可知,△ABC 为等边三角形,△ACD 也为等边三角形,故光束在桌面上形成的光斑半径为2r . 答案:2r12.(10分)如图14所示,一列沿x 轴正方向传播的简谐横波,波速大小为0.3 m/s ,P 点的横坐标为96 cm ,从图中状态开始计时,求:(1)经过多长时间,P 质点开始振动,振动时方向如何?(2)经过多长时间,P 质点第一次到达波峰?(3)以P 质点第一次到达波峰开始计时,作出P 点的振动图象(至少画出1.5个周期) 解析:(1)开始计时时,这列波的最前端的质点坐标是24 cm ,根据波的传播方向,可知这一点沿y轴负方向运动,因此在波前进方向的每一个质点开始振动的方向都是沿y轴负方向运动,故P点开始振动时的方向是沿y轴负方向,P质点开始振动的时间是t=Δxv=0.96-0.240.3s=2.4 s.(2)波形移动法:质点P第一次到达波峰,即初始时刻这列波的波峰传到P点,因此所用的时间是t′=0.96-0.060.3s=3.0 s.(3)由波形图知,振幅A=10 cm,T=λv=0.8 s,由P点自正向最大位移开始的振动图象如图所示.答案:(1)2.4 s 沿y轴负方向(2)3.0 s (3)见解析图。
2024-2025学年模块综合检测卷-【勤径学升】高中化学必修第一册同步练测(人教版2019)1.下列各组物质按照单质、化合物、混合物顺序排列的是A.石墨、Fe(OH) 3胶体、澄清石灰水B.氮气、干冰、冰水混合物C.液态氧、CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O、浓盐酸D.硫粉、碘酒、含氧40%的氧化镁2.下列说法正确的是()A.金属钠能导电,所以钠是电解质B.碱性氧化物一定是金属氧化物C.“农夫山泉”矿泉水,外包装上印有:从不添加任何人工矿物质,从不使用任何添加剂。
由此说明农夫山泉里面装的是纯净物D.FeO通常是白色固体物质3.用光洁的铂丝蘸取某无色溶液在无色火焰上灼烧,直接观察时看到火焰呈黄色,下列判断正确的是A.只含Na +B.可能含有Na +,可能还含有K +C.既含有Na +,又含有K +D.一定含Na +,可能含有K +4.下列有关化学用语表示正确的是( )A.的结构示意图:B.质子数为53、中子数为78的碘原子:C.N 2的结构式:N≡ND.H 2 O 2的电子式:5.下列说法正确的是A.常温常压下,将20gNaOH溶于500mL水中,所得溶液物质的量浓度约为1.0mol·L -1B.石墨和金刚石均互为同位素C.相同物质的量的D 2 O和H 2 O含有的电子数之比为1:1D.12 C和14 C互为同位素,化学性质不同,但物理性质几乎完全相同6.下列方框中的物质或溶液之间发生的反应分别是①②③④,下列有关这些反应的说法错误的是A.①置换反应,反应的离子方程式为B.②是复分解反应,反应的离子方程式为C.③是化合反应,但不是离子反应D.④中反应的离子方程式可能是7.“嫦娥五号”成功着陆月球,用增强铝基材料钻杆“挖土”,并于2020年12月17日带回月球土壤样品,实现了中国首次月球无人采样返回。
2. 综合实践活动作为综合程度最高的课程,它不是其他课程的,而是具有自己独特功能和价值的相对独立的课程,它与其他课程具有。
5. 学校对综合实践活动的管理,必须从(组织建设)、(人员建设)和(制度建设)等方面着手,从开发、实施到评价加强综合实践活动的全过程管理。
二、选择题(第1、2小题为单选题;第3、4小题为多选题)1.综合实践活动课程四大指定领域中处核心地位是( )A.研究性学习B.社区服务与社会实践C.劳动与技术D.信息技术教育2.综合实践活动课程区别活动课的一个重要特征是()A.开放性B.生成性C.自主性 D.探究性3.在综合实践活动中要培养学生的独立思考和独立完成任务的能力、人际交往能力、组织管理及协调能力、搜集信息能力、实验操作能力外,还培养了学生下列哪些能力( ) A.逻辑计算能力 B.语言表达能力C.写作能力D.以上都对4.在综合实践活动实施过程中教师扮演着重要角色,教师既是活动的组织者、协作者、参与者、研究者、指导者,还是活动的( )A.学习者 B.指挥者 C.促进者 D.以上都对三、判断题1.综合实践活动的课时必须集中使用,这样有利于提高学生学习效率。
()2. “研究性学习”、“社区服务与社会实践”、“信息技术教育”、“劳动与技术教育”,是国家为了帮助学校更好地落实综合实践活动而特别指定的几个领域,而非综合实践活动内容的全部。
()3. 研究性学习、社区服务与社会实践、劳动技术教育三大指定领域以融合的方式设计与实施是综合实践活动的基本要求。
第四模块综合检测试题一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(10分)1. I need to buy a new watch f___your brother.2. We don’t need to buy a____ videos.3. What shops will you go to i______the shopping center?4. I prefer the ones t_____the blue belt.5. I agree w____what they are doing.6. Do you have them i_______my size?7. Would you like to try o____the jeans first?8. The changing rooms are o___ there.9. -I want to get a new p______of shoes today.-Why ?You have plenty of them already.10. Let me write a shopping l____ first.二、单项选择(30分)1. -Whose painting is this? It’s really wonderful!-Oh, it’s not____.It’s_____.A .hers, your B. mine, else’s C. yours, he’s D. his, your2. —What do you need to buy _____the shop?—I need to buy a new watch.A. at B .from C. over D .with3. —This pair of jeans ____too big for me .—Try this one.A. areB. isC. wearD. wears4. —What’s on TV tonight? Is there ____ interesting?—I’m afraid not.A. somethingB. anything C .nothing D. everything5. I usually come to this fruit shop to ___.A buy some bananas B. have a mealC. post a letterD. see a doctor6. He___ living in the country to the city.A. likesB. prefersC. enjoysD. loves7. —Why don’t we have a rest?—Didn’t we just have ____?A. itB. thatC. oneD. this8.I think people here are friendly. Do you ____me ?A. got on withB. agree withC. laugh atD. play with9. —Would you like some coffee?—Yes, and please get me some milk, too .I prefer coffee ___milk.A. toB. withC. thanD. of10. —Would you please bring me the jeans with the blue belt?—______.A. Give it to youB. It’s hereC. Here it isD. Here they are ()11.Mr Zhang has got three questions us answer.A. to; toB. for; forC. for; toD. to; for()12.What when the ice melts?A. happenB. happensC. happeningD. happened()13.Reporters always write reports the news.A. aboutB. toC. forD. of()14.The nurse is friendly. She keeps to us.A. s mileB. smilesC. to smileD. smiling()15.Water turns into when it .A. ice; boilsB. steam; freezesC. ice; freezesD. steam; boil()16.Grandma should stop because he is sick.A. smokingB. to smokeC. smokeD. and smoke()17.We usually find the sigh “Fishing is not allowed” reservoirs and piers.A. inB. atC. onD. near()18.The well water is not suitable for .A. drinkB. drinkingC. to drinkD. drinks()19. is not allowed in the swimming pool.A. DiveB. DivingC. DivesD. Diveing()20. the bowl is , it contains 50 millions of water.A. When; emptyB. What; fullC. What; emptyD. When; full三、完形填空(10分)All parents love their children. Many parents want their kids to(1)____well-known people when they(2)____.Most of them want their kids to live better than others. Many of them (3)_____their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can(4)______money easily in our country. When they appear in the advertisement, they will get (5)______money which a farmer or a worker can't make all his life.Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen(6)_____ doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several(7)_____.Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns. They don't (8)______them to work in the countryside. People who work in the cities and towns can get money after the (9)______.If you are a famous man, especially an actor, you'll get much but pay a little. A farmer is (10)_____---he gets little but pays much.(1) A. do B. become C. like D. work(2) A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up(3) A.make B.like C.love D.hope(4) A.lose B.make C.remember D.take(5) A.many B.a little C.much D.a few(6) A.or B.and C.but D.else(7) A.days B.weeks C.years D.moths(8) A.paly B.need C.enjoy D.want(9) A.retire B.leave C.die D.move(10)A.happy B.different C.rich D.lucky四、阅读理解题(30分)APeople sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes.One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention (注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend.1.How many people are there in this story?______.A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four2.Jack______.A.is a close friend of mine B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon C.has many close friends D.enjoys talks in the room3.Jack was worried because______.A.he wanted to eat something B.it was Sunday afternoon againC.he was not feeling well D.he wanted his master (主人) to take him for a walk 4.Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that______.A.I should leave the house at once B.he liked my hat very muchC.he was hungry and he tried to eat it D.he wanted to have a rest5.Which of the following is true?______.A.When Jack and I were talking, my friend didn't pay any attention to usB.When I was talking to my friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to usC.When my friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to JackD.When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to themBPeter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.1.Peter lived with his______.A.sisters B.brothers C.uncles D.parents2.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning.A.the table B.the wood C.the door D.the window3.______, so he could not put out the fire.A.Everybody was asleep B.He couldn't shout loudlyC.The kitchen was very big D.there was no water tap in the house4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______.A.to wake the people up B.to get some waterC.to find his classmates D.to visit them5.______hurt in the fire.A.People in other houses were B.Peter's parents wereC.Nobody was D.Peter was五、补全对话(10分)A: What can I do for you, sir?B: I’m looking for a white T-shirt.A: ___1___B: Size L.A: Sorry. __2___B: Have you got any other colour?A: Yes. __3___ It is very popular this year.B: Well, it looks nice ___4__A: Sure, Look!It fits you well.B:I think so. _5___A: 128 yuan.B: I really like it. Though it is a bit expensive, I’ll take it.六、书面表达(30分)暑假马上就要到了,你准备暑假干什么,马上制定一个计划请以My plan为题写一篇作文。
( )1.A. 水( )2.A. 帮助( )3.A. 些( )4.A. 跟;和( )5.A. 食物二、捕捉到句子中出现的单词。
( )1.A rice( )2.A.China( )3.A.some( )4.A.we( )5.A.also B.冰B.可以B.买B.非常B.水果B.niceB.chairB.sameB.IB.weC.想要C.需要C.请C.也;还C.中国的C.liveC.ChineseC.soC.heC.with三、根据录音内容给下面图片排序。
A. B.C.________→________→________→________四、能根据问句,选出答句。
( )1.A.I want some rice.( )2.A. I’m making dumplings.( )3.A.Noodles with potato.( )4.A.It’s8yuan.( )5.A.Thank you.笔试部分一、根据要求完成下面各题。
D.B.No,thank you.B.He is making dumplings.B.Yes,please.B.Can I help you?B.Of course!1.egg(复数)__________3.dumpling(复数)__________ 5.too(同义词)__________二、翻译下面的单词。
2.make(ing形式)__________ 4.do(ing形式)__________2.also__________4.ice__________6.tomato__________(1)noodles with tomato and egg A.(2)some rice B.(3)make dumpling C.(4)buy some eggs D.(5)some milk E.(6)make noodles F.四、将下面句子翻译成汉语。
外研版初中英语九年级上册 Module 4 模块综合检测题(含答案)
Module 4模块综合检测(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的图片(5分)1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______(Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 判断句子正误(T/F)(5分)()6. Jim lives in an apartment alone.()7. Jim’s father went to another city on business.()8. Jim’s friend knocked at the door last Saturday.()9. Jim realized that someone might be knocking at the wrong door.()10. A strange man rushed to Jim’s house in the end.Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)1. —Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?—______. I cleaned it all by myself.A. NobodyB. EverybodyC. SomebodyD. Anybody2. ______they arrived early at that train station, they nearly missed their train.A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. BecauseD. If3. Look! Your room is a real mess. You should ______as soon as possible.A. give upB. cut upC. make upD. tidy up4. Most of the students went out of the classroom. Only __________boys are waiting for you.A. couple ofB. lot ofC. a littleD. a couple of5. —Zhou Ming likes reading English magazines.—______. It’s good for English learning.A. So do IB. So am IC. So I doD. So I am6. The students had a good time in the winter holiday.A. enjoyed themB. had funC. were sadD. had a good trip7. Teresa is ______nervous ______she can’t talk in front of the class.A. such; thatB. too; toC. so; thatD. enough; to8. I thought the actor was famous, ______none of my friends has ever heard of him.A. andB. orC. soD. but9.I’m a Singer is ______an interesting TV show ______many people like watching it.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. so; asD. such; as10. —I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.—What a lucky boy! ________ And don’t forget to send me a postcard.A. That sounds good.B. Have a good trip!C. Good luck!D. Can I go with you?Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)It was Sunday afternoon. My younger brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my younger brother. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My younger brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the 1 quickly.A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and he 2 politely, “Are your parents at home? ”Without thinking, my younger brother said, “No. ”Then the man asked, “Would you like to 3 some story books? ”I told him we didn’t want to buy. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed(推)the door very heavily and came into our house. He took out a 4 and ordered me to tie(绑)up my younger brother’s hands with a rope(绳子). I tied up his hands in a special way so my younger brother could untie 5 easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked 6 of us in the kitchen. Soon, he went upstairs to 7 money.I taught my younger brother to untie the rope on his hands. He then untied me. I rushed to thetelephone to call the police, 8 the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man 9 to lock the kitchen window. So we got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the 10 pay phone to call the police.Soon the police came to our house and the man was caught by the police. By that time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were happy that we were not hurt. They told us that we shouldn’t open the door to strangers. We learnt a lesson on safety.1. A. window B. door C. book D. TV2. A. asked B. ask C. answered D. answer3. A. lend B. borrow C. sell D. buy4. A. kiss B. knife C. gift D. pen5. A. himself B. itself C. herself D. themselves6. A. most B. some C. both D. all7. A. look at B. look after C. look like D. look for8. A. and B. so C. or D. but9. A. wanted B. liked C. forgot D. tried10. A. farthest B. nearest C. largest D. smallestⅣ. 阅读理解(10分)Jenny was a student in my class. She lived in a happy family. She had three sisters and she was the youngest. She seemed to be glued(粘合)to her mother’s skirts. Her three older sisters took the bus to school every morning, but she was always driven to school by her mother.One Friday, Jenny’s mother said to me, “My husband and I have to be away to Europe on business for two weeks. I am very worried about Jenny. She is so young and weak. Will you please help me look after her while we’re away? ”As a mother of a kid, I knew how worried a mother would be if she was away from her child.“Don’t worry! I’ll try my best to take good care of her, ”I said. I even volunteered to say that I would wait for Jenny at the school gate every morning to give her a familiar(熟悉的)face.On the next Monday morning, I waited at the school gate to meet Jenny. When the bus arrived, Jenny and her three sisters got it off. I was surprised to see a happy girl, not a sad, tearful girl. I called Jenny over to ask her how the bus ride went. “Very interesting! ”she said, “I always wanted to take a bus with my sisters, but Mom was always together with me. You see there isn’t any baby in our family now. I can take a bus without Mom. I’m no longer a kid. ”1. How many people were there in Jenny’s family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.2. What does the underlined part mean in the first paragraph?A. Jenny liked her mother’s skirts.B. Jenny’s mo ther liked Jenny best.C. Jenny stayed with her mother all the time.D. Jenny wore a skirt which was similar to(与……相似)her mother’s.3. Jenny’s mother wanted the writer to ______while she was away.A. be serious with JennyB. give Jenny more attentionC. pick up Jenny every dayD. meet Jenny at the school gate every day4. What do you know from the passage?A. Jenny’s mother would go to Europe for a trip.B. Jenny went to school with her sisters every day.C. The writer has a son or a daughter.D. The writer drove Jenny to school when Jenny’s mother was away.第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. The class __________(meet)is very important, so you shouldn’t be late for it.2. Lisa was in a hurry __________(open)her gift.3. We are planning __________(visit)France this summer.4. It was late at night. My sister __________(shut)the door and went to sleep.5. Lucy was unable __________(find)out what had happened.Ⅵ. 完成句子(20分)1. 她父母太忙了, 很少有时间陪她。
秋外研版英语七年级上册单元测试题(Modules 4)
模块综合检测(四)Module 4(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。
(5分)(Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 补全所缺单词。
(5分)Mary has6and hamburgers for breakfast, 7and dinner. Many boys and girls like them, too. They have them8meal. But that’s not good. They should eat healthy food everyday. They should eat more9and fruit. They also should10more water. They are good for them.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)1. Tony has eggs and vegetables for breakfast.A. aB. anC. anyD. many2. Jimmy can’t get into the room. He a key(钥匙).A. doesn’tB. isn’tC. hasn’t gotD. aren’t3. Lucy is not good at dancing, but she can sing.A. goodB. niceC. badD. well4. —What’s in the fridge?—some milk in it.A. There areB. Have gotC. There isD. Has got5. Look! Some oranges on the table and there some orange in the bottle.A. is; isB. are; areC. is; areD. are; is6. It’s good for us a glass of milk every day.A. to eatB. to drinkC. drinkingD. drink7. There is no at home. Let’s go and buy some beef, chicken and fish.A. drinkB. eggsC. meatD. fruit8. (2012·六盘水中考)The man was so tired, he still went on working.A. soB. butC. orD. and9. —Do you have colour pens?—Yes, I have.A. many; muchB. much; someC. any; someD. some; any10. —How about eating some rice?—A. No, I can’t.B. Thank you.C. Good idea.D. I’m hungry.Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)The boy in the photo is my cousin Dave. He is a basketball star(明星)at our1. He often plays basketball2his friends after school. Dave knows how to be3. He does sports every morning and he eats4every day. Now, let’s look at5eating habits(习惯). Dave6an egg and some bread for breakfast. He usually drinks a lot of 7in the morning. Hamburgers8our health, 9he never(从不)eats them. For dinner, Dave has chicken soup or tomato soup. It’s important for him10healthy food.1. A. hospital B. hotel C. shop D. school2. A. for B. in C. with D. of3. A. healthy B. delicious C. tired D. fat4. A. good B. well C. nice D. fine5. A. its B. your C. his D. her6. A. plays B. eats C. wants D. helps7. A. water B. coffee C. cola D. tea8. A. is good at B. are good forC. is good withD. are bad for9. A. but B. too C. or D. so10. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eatsⅣ. 阅读理解(10分)Liu Li, a thin girl, likes French fries, fruit and ice creams. Shedoesn’t like rice. She often feels tired and the doctor suggests that sheshould eat some more meat.Chen Yang, a fat boy, likes hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas. Chocol ate is his favourite. But his parents don’t want him to eat too much, especially ice creams.Li Qi, a tall girl, likes swimming a lot. Her favourite food is hamburger. She does sports a lot and eats a lot. She likes coffee very much.Deng Lei is a 15-year-old boy. His family don’t eat pork. He likes fish and potato chips. His favourite drink is orange juice.1. The underlined word “suggests” means in Chinese.A. 要求B. 说服C. 告诉D. 建议2. What’s Chen Yang’s favourite food?A. Hot dogs.B. Hamburgers.C. Pizzas.D. Chocolate.3. What does Li Qi look like?A. She is thin.B. She is fat.C. She is tall.D. She is beautiful.4. Whose family don’t eat pork?A. Liu Li’s family.B. Chen Yang’s family.C. Li Qi’s family.D. Deng Lei’s family.5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. Liu Li doesn’t like rice.B. Chen Yang’s parents let him eat ice creams.C. Li Qi likes swimming very much.D. Deng Lei’s favourite drink is orange juice.第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)(Ⅰ)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
(时间:50分钟 满分:60分)1.(15分)(全国甲卷)(1)(5分)关于电磁波,下列说法正确的是________。
每题选错1个扣3分,最低得分为0分)A .电磁波在真空中的传播速度与电磁波的频率无关B .周期性变化的电场和磁场可以相互激发,形成电磁波C .电磁波在真空中自由传播时,其传播方向与电场强度、磁感应强度均垂直D .利用电磁波传递信号可以实现无线通信,但电磁波不能通过电缆、光缆传输E .电磁波可以由电磁振荡产生,若波源的电磁振荡停止,空间的电磁波随即消失 (2)(10分)一列简谐横波在介质中沿x 轴正向传播,波长不小于10 cm 。
O 和A 是介质中平衡位置分别位于x =0和x =5 cm 处的两个质点。
t =0时开始观测,此时质点O 的位移为y =4 cm ,质点A 处于波峰位置;t =13 s 时,质点O 第一次回到平衡位置,t =1 s 时,质点A 第一次回到平衡位置。
求(ⅰ)简谐波的周期、波速和波长; (ⅱ)质点O 的位移随时间变化的关系式。
解析:(1)电磁波在真空中的传播速度等于光速,与电磁波的频率无关,选项A 正确; 周期性变化的电场和磁场可以相互激发,形成电磁波,选项B 正确;电磁波传播方向与电场强度、磁感应强度均垂直,选项C 正确;电磁波可以通过光缆传输,选项D 错误;电磁波波源的电磁振荡停止,波源不再产生新的电磁波,但空间中已产生的电磁波仍可继续传播,选项E 错误。
(2)(ⅰ)设振动周期为T 。
由于质点A 在0到1 s 内由最大位移处第一次回到平衡位置,经历的是14个周期,由此可知T =4 s ①由于质点O 与A 的距离5 cm 小于半个波长,且波沿x 轴正向传播,O 在t =13 s 时回到平衡位置,而A 在t =1 s 时回到平衡位置,时间相差23 s 。
两质点平衡位置的距离除以传播时间,可得波的速度v =7.5 cm/s ②利用波长、波速和周期的关系得,简谐波的波长 λ=30 cm 。
七年级英语外研版下册模块综合检测题(Module5 My hometown and country)(详细解析)第5模块知识总结本模块话题是“家乡”,内容围绕方位、位置及形容词的比较级等语言现象展开听、说、读、写的语言实践活动。
词汇Hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill, island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region, wide, fact词组Be famous for, bigger and bigger, on the River Thames语法形容词的比较级。
1. What’s __________ (人口)Shanghai2. It’s a small city__________(在……东部) England.3. It’s __________(在康河河畔).4. He is a man__________(很有钱的).5. It__________(以……著名) Big Ben.6. He__________(来自)America.思维分析:本题考查本单元的语言点。
答案:1. the population of 2. in the east of 3. on the River Cam 4. with a lot of money5. is famous for6. comes/is from规律总结方法点拨:学英语的一个重要方面就是要学会从课文中提炼出语言点,记住并能灵活运用,做到“书越读越薄”。
外研社九年级英语【高分突破】九年级上册 Module 4 综合能力检测
听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。
( C )6.How long is Jack's parents' business trip?
A.3 days.
B.6 days.
C.9 days.
听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。
( A )7.Who cooked yesterday?
B.Cindy's mother. C.Cindy's father.
C.a strange man to them
D.听填信息(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 你将听到一篇短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短 文听两遍。
What Happened?
In 1955
Bill was born in Washington.He was a(n)26._c__l_e_v__e__r_ boy.
听第七段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。
( A )13.Where will the visitors come from?
( A )14.When will the visitors come? A.At the end of May.
B.In the middle of June.
( C )1.What does the speaker ask for?
( B )2.How did Mike feel?
( C )3.What will leave in a few minutes?
Module 4测试卷一、选出不同类的一项。
(5分)( ) 1. A. send B. ask C. film ( ) 2. A. project B. wrong C. heavy ( ) 3. A. CD B. e-book C. dear( ) 4. A. dictionary B. card C. find ( ) 5. A. in B. shelf C. on二、根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。
(5分)1. We can ________(找到) some boys in the classroom.2. Let’s _______(成立) a home library.3. That book is ______(容易的) to read.4. They are in the _________(错误的) place.5. They’re very __________(重的).三、单项选择。
(20分)( ) 1. Where are the books _______ animals?A. atB. toC. about( ) 2. They are ________ Shelf C.A. ofB. onC. at( ) 3. Here _________ your book.A. areB. isC. any( ) 4. Where __________ I find books about science?A. amB. isC. can( ) 5. Mr Chen ________ these books to us.A. sendB. sentC. sending( ) 6. I haven’t got books _________ you.A. forB. ofC. in( ) 7. Let’s _______ these books on the shelf.A. putsB. to putC. put( ) 8. They are __________ the wrong place.A. inB. toC. about( ) 9. We can find _________ from books.A. informationsB. informationC. a information( ) 10. They’re _________.A. an e-bookB. e-bookC. e-books四、将下列句子与其汉语意思连起来。
Module5 模块测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
( ) 1. A. light B. night C. tonight ( ) 2. A. hard B. card C. guide( ) 3. A. shirt B. skirt C. T-shirt ( ) 4. A. broken B. heavy C. hard( ) 5. A. nice B. easy C. great二、听一听,选出与所听内容一致的图片。
( ) 1. A. B. C.( ) 2. A. B. C.( ) 3. A. B. C.( ) 4. A. B. C.( ) 5. A. B. C.三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词的对应词或反义词。
( ) 1. A. take B. put C. give( ) 2. A. card B. hard C. cold( ) 3. A. high B. heavy C. bright( ) 4. A. old B. short C. small( ) 5. A. write B. white C. right四、听录音,根据听到的语句给下列答语排序。
( ) The green one.( ) It’s blue.( ) No, it isn’t.( ) Yes, we have.( ) You’re welcome.笔试部分一、找出每组中不同类的一项。
( ) 1. A. coat B. shirt C. shoe D. CD( ) 2. A. dictionary B. newspaper C. tiger D. book ( ) 3. A. easy B. difficult C. photo D. lovely( ) 4. A. take B. buy C. give D. department ( ) 5. A. pocket B. hard C. heavy D. big二、单项选择。
外研版七年级英语下册Module 4单元检测卷
模块综合检测(四)(Module 4)(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ) 录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听一遍后, 选择与其内容相符的图片。
(5分)Ⅱ) 录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 判断正误(T/F)。
(5分)()6. I will live in London, England.()7. I will be a fashion designer in ten years.()8. I will have some pets.()9. I will have a sports car.()10. I like taking the bus.Ⅱ. 单项填空(10分)1. Put your hands behind your back. Don’t speak. We ______ in ten minutes.A. will be backB. be backC. was backD. are back2. We will ______ a computer ______ pictures.A. use; to drawB. use; drawC. with; drawD. with; to drawing3. (2013·泰州中考)—Don’t keep water running when you wash hands.—________.A. I hope soB. I’m afraid notC. Sorry, I won’tD. It’s nothing4. —________will the meeting begin?—In three minutes.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How fast5. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?—There ______ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.A. will beB. will haveC. is going to haveD. are going to be6. Which of the following weather signs(标志)means “rainy”?7. ______Jenny is kind, ______we all like her.A. Because; soB. So; becauseC. /; becauseD. /; so8. ________my father ________ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one.A. Neither; norB. Both; andC. Either; orD. Not only; but also9. —Just a minute, Tom. Is this the report you need to hand in today?—Oh, yes, Mum. I thought I had put ________ in my schoolbag. Thank you.A. everythingB. somethingC. nothingD. anything10. —________in the future?—It will be better and better.A. How life will be likeB. How will life be likeC. What life will be likeD. What will life be likeⅢ. 完形填空(10分)Today is Sunday. Mike and Peter 1 go to school. Listen! They are talkingabout the life 2 in the room.“ 3 will the world be like? ”Peter asks. “I think that the world will be a 4 place to live in. And we will 5 machines and robots at home. They will help us do lots of 6 , ”says Mike.“The robots will help7 cook dinner, clean the houses and 8 old people. I think there will be a kind of medicine(药) 9 it can make us live more than 100 years, ”Peter says.“What will you do then? ”says Mike.“Then I will10 my great-grandchildren(曾孙)to the moon, ”says Peter.“The moon? I will go to the Mars(火星)with my wife, ”says Mike.1. A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t2. A. in the future B. at the momentC. in the pastD. last week3. A. When B. Why C. What D. How4. A. bad B. difficult C. better D. well5. A. be B. have C. has D. are6. A. work B. works C. job D. thing7. A. them B. us C. we D. they8. A. care for B. look for C. look like D. looks for9. A. and B. but C. because D. so10. A. use B. bring C. take D. getⅣ. 阅读理解(10分)What do you think the future will be like? Here are some answers from some students.Mary:If we don’t take good care of the earth now, our children and grandchi ldren will be born into a world with much pollution(污染). There will be fewer trees and more buildings, because there will be more people.Jack: I agree with Mary. Things will be worse(更糟). The weather in the future will be much hotter. Humans(人类)won’t be able to live on the earth. They will have to look for another planet to live on.Linda: I think the life in the future will be better. Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020, so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years old. As for(至于)space travel, I would say, we will visit Mars(火星)in about fifty years.1. They are talking about________.A. pollutionB. weather in the futureC. life in the futureD. Mars in about fifty years2. What does Mary think life will be like in the future?A. There will be fewer trees.B. Everybody will have a car.C. People will live longer.D. People will live on Mars.3. What does the underlined word “planet” mean in Chinese?A. 沙漠B. 岛屿C. 星球D. 海底4. Why does Jack think humans will have to look for another planet to live on? Because________.A. there will be too many buildingsB. the earth will be too hot to live onC. there will be too many peopleD. the earth will disappear(消失)5. How many things does Linda predict(预测)?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. Ten yuan for a coat! That’s too________(便宜的).2. ________(工作的)hour is too long and it isn’t good for health.3. The books are too heavy. I can’t________(拿; 带)them.4. Somewhere the________(交通)is heavy in Beijing.5. What can we get from forests and________(陆地)?Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)1. 我们的老师下节课要检查书写。
模块综合检测(四)Module 4(45分钟100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ.听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择与其相符的图片。
(5分)6.Where does Mary live?A.In Shanxi.B.In Yunnan.C.In Beijing.7.How much is the train fare from Beijing to Shandong?A.About 140 yuan.B.About 1,700 yuan.C.About 600 yuan.8.Wha t’s the most expensive way to travel from Beijing to Yunnan?A.By train.B.By plane.C.By bus.9.Why does n’t Mary go to Yunnan by coach(长途公共汽车)?A.Because it is expensive.B.Because it is unpopular.C.Because it is uncomfortable.10.Who will have the shortest journey?A.Peter.B.Mary.C.Sam.Ⅱ.单项选择(10分)1.—Did you get there by______bus?—No,I took______taxi.A.a;aB./;aC.the;theD.a;the2.(2012·宿迁中考)—______do you go to school every day?—By bus.A.HowB.WhyC.WhereD.When3.Jane jumped the______of the six students in the sports meeting.A.farB.fartherC.farthestD.further4.Remember________the door when you leave the room.A.closeB.closedC.closingD.to close5.I live______the market.So I have to drive to buy vegetables and fruit.A.far awayB.near toC.far fromD.close to6.(2012·荆州中考)—Do you know sound travels very fast?—Yes.But light travels______sound.A.as fast asB.a little faster thanC.much faster thanD.slower than7.—This dress looks beautiful on you.How much is it?—It________me more than a thousand yuan.A.spentB.costC.tookD.paid8.(2012·兰州中考)—All the workers went home yesterday________Mr.White.Why?—Because he was on duty.A.exceptB.besidesC.except forD.beside9.—I t’s so cold today.—Yes,i t’s______colder than it was yesterday.A.someB.moreC.veryD.much10.(2012·黄石中考)The______you work at your lessons,the______results you will get.A.hard;goodB.harder;goodC.hard;betterD.harder;betterⅢ.完形填空(10分)Getting to places can sometimes be difficult,especially(特别)when you are going to a place for the__1__time.In big cities,many people take buses,trains or subways to getfrom__2__to another.Taking buses is a popular__3__to go somewhere.But you need to know__4__bus to take and where you can get on.You__5__need to be able to(能够)read the timetable right,so you can take the right bus and__6__your place on time.At last,you need to know__7__to get off and__8__the driver the name of the station.In the countryside,transportation can be much simpler.In some places,people get to school or work__9__boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school.In__10__places,students walk to school.1.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth2.A.one place B.the placeC.placesD.the places3.A.ways B.way C.answerD.answers4.A.what B.where C.which D.why5.A.too B.as well C.also D.either6.A.get to B.arriveC.reach inD.arrive to7.A.why B.where C.when D.how8.A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell9.A.on B.in C.by D.at10.A.other B.others C.another D.elseⅣ.阅读理解(10分)The world’s longest high-speed rail line goes through halfof China.It began operating on December 26,2012.To celebratethe opening of the 2,298 kilometers line,two trains departedfrom stations in Beijing and Guangzhou at 9 a.m.and 10 a.m..Running at an average speed of 300 kilometers an hour,the new route cuts travel time between Beijing and Guangzhou from over 20 hours to about eight.A total of 155 pairs of trains run on the new line every day.And there will still be 183 pairs of trains running daily on the old Beijing—Guangzhou line that runs parallel to the high-speed line.We know that the new line will increase passengers’travel costs.If you go from Beijing to Guangzhou,a first-class seat on the new high-speed line will cost 1,383 yuan,and a second-class seat will cost 865 yuan.Chen Yabing is one of the architects(设计师).He said that the new line is one of the four north-south lines,and it is important for the country’s high-speed railway network,which also features(起主要作用)four east-west lines.With the opening of the Beijing—Guangzhou high-speed line,China now has more than 9,300 kilometers of high-speed rails in operation.The new line is the world’s longest operation mileage(营运里程)high-speed railway.It is also one of the great wonders of China.1.The Beijing—Guangzhou high-speed line began operating on______.A.December 26,2012B.December 25,2012C.November 26,2012D.November 25,20122.This high-speed rail line is about______kilometers.A.300B.430C.865D.2,2983.Your parents and you will go to Guangzhou from Beijing.Your mother will take the first-class seat,your father and you will take the second-class seat,it’will take______yuan.A.2,595B.3,113C.3,631D.4,1494.If you take the new line from Beijing to Guangzhou at an average speed of 300 kilometers an hour,it will reduce about______hours than before.A.8B.10C.12D.145.What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?A.To tell people the longest High-Speed Railway began operating.B.To give us something about the ticket price of the longest High-Speed Railway.C.To describe some rail lines.D.To tell how the architect builds the new line.第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ.词汇运用(20分)(Ⅰ)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。
1.广东沿海地名多有“澳”字,“澳”字代表()A.海峡B.岛屿C.滩涂D.海湾2.我国海南先民精确绘制该作业线路图,主要运用了()A.罗盘和燃香B.罗盘和洋流C.星象和燃香D.星象和洋流【答案】1.D 2.A【解析】1.根据材料“西南风急则居东澳,东北风急则居西澳,凡南洋海艘俱由此出口”可知东澳和西澳均为海上船只的出口,即港口。
3.巴拉望岛红树物种数量较少的主要原因是()A.海水温度较高B.河口和滩涂少C.洋流影响较小D.火山和地震多4.夏季红树种子在图中虚线段海域传播规模小,主要是因为该段海域()A.西南季风受阻B.离岸风影响大C.洋流推力减弱D.潮间带面积小【答案】3.B 4.C【解析】3.根据材料信息可知,红树林主要生长在热带和亚热带淤泥深厚的潮间带,巴拉望岛位于环太平洋第一岛弧链上,为板块碰撞挤压形成的岛屿,整体地势较高。
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模块综合检测(四)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分;满分30分)ACamp FriendshipJoin our summer Camp Friendship 2019.Who:Children age 3-14 who need to work on social,communication,and friendship skills.What:A super-fun summer program with tons of indoor & outdoor playtime,games,arts & crafts,water play,sports,and more!Kids will also work on school preparedness skills such as following the timetable,working with a group,waiting nicely,etc.Where:210 East Broad Street in Falls Church,V A!When:Hours are 9 am-3 pm;aftercare is provided (for an additional cost) from 3-5 pm.Session(期)1:July 10-14 & 17-21Session 2:July 24-28 & July 31-Aug 4Why:Making friends isn't always easy!At our program,kids will have tons of fun working on friendship skills while doing all kinds of fun camp-like activities.Children who apply should be both verbal and conversational.We always have at least a 1∶4 adult to child ratio.Children under age 6 as of July 10,2019 may attend no more than 2 consecutive(连续的)weeks of camp.How to sign up:1)Complete the application form.2)We will contact you to set up a “get to know you” intake playdate (for younger kids) or meet and greet (for older kids) with other applicants.You may choose preferred dates on the application form.3)Attend the intake with your child.*There is a $120 fee for the meeting,during which we will find if our program is a good fit for your child and develop goals for him/her to work on while at camp.After each intake playdate,we will inform you of our decision either during the intake orwithin one week of the date you attend.If your child is accepted,you must then place your deposit(订金)to reserve your child's spot.Tuition:1 session(2 weeks)=$14002 sessions(4 weeks)=$2800Aftercare(3 pm-5 pm):$100/per week/per child*You can enjoy a 5% discount when registering(登记)/paying for two sessions at the same time.Things to bring:Lunch,water bottle,change of clothes,sunscreen,bathing suit and towel.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。
1.What's special about the camp?A.It runs 6 hours a day.B.It is mainly for kids under 6.C.It builds campers' social skills.D.It focuses on outdoor activities.C[细节理解题。
根据Who部分的“who need to work on social,communication,and friendship skills”可知,该夏令营可以帮助孩子提高社交技能。
]2.What should parents do before attending the intake?A.Call the staff.B.Meet other kids.C.Pay some fees. D.Put down a deposit.C[细节理解题。
根据How to sign up部分的“Attend the intake with your child.There is a $120 fee for the meeting”可知,家长需要交一定的费用。
] 3.How much will you be charged for one session?A.$1330. B.$1400.C.$2660. D.$2800.B细节理解题。
根据Tuition部分的1 session(2 weeks)=$1400和*You canenjoy a 5% discount when registering/paying for two sessions at the same time可知,参加两周的活动价格上没有优惠,仍应付$1400。
]BIt is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon Rain Forest.Without it we would not have grown into primates(灵长类动物).Or we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four legs in search of meat.Without competition,Columbus wouldn't have discovered America and Edison would never have invented the light bulb.Friendship,like all relationships between two people,involves competition.It isn't competition in a traditional sense because there are no goals to be scored and no prize at stake.Perhaps the ecological definition-the simultaneous(同时的)demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources,such as nutrients,living space,or light-better explains it.As in nature,high school life is governed by a set of laws,similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution,overpopulation,and competition.There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them,ranking and categorizing take place.In high school,friendships learn to coexist with competition even though at times the relationship is rough.In fact,in some circumstances,competition is too much of a burden for a friendship to bear,causing it to fall apart.College admission is the final high school objective.Four years of hard work is to achieve good grades,and a student's fate is determined not only by these achievements,but by the records of thousands of other seniors trying to achieve a similar recognition.Nevertheless,by necessity,competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life.It sets and improves the standards in everything from sports to schoolwork.A healthy,friendly competition can have only benefits,but when it becomes too fierce,jealousy(妒忌)can tear friendships apart.Yet,despite all this,without competition,we would be lost.【语篇解读】竞争,对人的发展和社会进步有促进作用。