Unit11 lesson1 world news教学设计
北师大版 高一英语 《World News》优质课教学设计

课堂教学设计表课程名称 《World News》设计者单位(学校)授课班级班章节名称«高中英语» Unit11 Lesson 1 World News学时1课程标准:普通高中英语课程标准(2017 版)本节(课)教学目标:Language ability: To talk about what is in the news.To improve students’ ability of IT.教学目标 Process and method: Make the students talk about news whichhappened recently.Value/emotion: Catch the main idea through skimming and get the specific information. 本人所教班级为普通班,56 人,年龄大约在 15—17 之间, 大约 一半的学生在我校良好英语环境熏陶下,有一定的英语基础, 听力和阅读能力尚可,基本上能听懂英语授课;基本上能阅读 生词量不超过 5%的简易文章;能简单造句,却不能通顺表达, 学生特征 表达复杂的意思有一定的障碍。
该班学生有一部分学生具 有一定的表现欲,愿意和教师配合开展课堂活动。
高中学 生功课负担繁重,英语学习也只局限在课堂和完成英语作业 上, 除此之外, 基本没有时间更高程度地提升自己的英语水 平。
本课之前的 warm up, 通过视听说各活动,对于媒体各个形式有了一定的了解。
对于 world news 获得的媒体形式比较熟悉。
按照新课标的要求,遵循语言教学规律,结合本课的课型,主 知识点 学习 要确立以下教学目标,并选用多媒体,录音等教学设备。
2.在正确理解新闻基础上,口头复述新 学 编 号 目标 闻摘要。

Lesson 1 World NewsTeaching Objectives:■ Topractise using the Passive.■ Topractise identifying the type of newspaper an article is from.■ To talk about what is in the news.Teaching difficulties: To practise using the PassiveTeaching Aids:computer; cassetteTeaching procedures:I. Warming up: (T:) Do you care about what’s going on in the world? How do we know the news? With the development of communicating technology, we not only read words, listen to the sound but also see the pictures. World news plays an important in role in our life. What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment? Why? Now let’s read two stories of world news then learn to write world news as a reporter.(S: We know what’s going on in the world by radio, new spaper, TV, or Internet at once.) II. Reading: Read the text and do the exercise True or False.1. G8 stands for eight presidents of the world’s wealthiest nations2. The Group of Eight will be reformed this year.3. G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.4. At 12:45 UK time today London’s name has been announced twice.5. Prince William in New Zealand ask British to celebrate activities for the news6. The topic of the meeting of G8 is about Africa.Answers: 1F 2 F 3 F 4F 5F 6TIII. Listening and Reading: First listen to the cassette to improve your listening ability and correct your pronunciation. Read aloud again then do the exercise2 to answer the questions.Answers:1 Because scientists believe there will soon be a large volcanic explosion in that area.2 They were moving to a safe zone in the north of the island.3 They are going to give financial help to the islanders.4 Because the government should have acted sooner and also because the people are being evacuated to areas that are still dangerous.5 It measured 6.3 magnitude.6 China, Germany, Russia and Spain are involved.7 Because further quakes cannot be ruled out.8 A special fund to rebuild the cities and towns which be announced.IV. Language points1. agenda n. pl. (常当单数用)议程,节目单;应办之事the first item on the agenda 议程上的第一项The agenda has not yet been drawn up. 议程尚未拟妥。
Unit 11 THE MEDIA Lesson 1 World News 教学设计1-优质公开课-北师大必修4精品

UNIT 11 THE MEDIALesson 1 World News教学设计Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:A. To know something about G8 and the coming 2012 Olympic Games.B. To catch the main ideas through skimming and get the specific information;C. To pay attention to the Passive while you are reading.Ⅱ. Teaching Important Points:Learn to catch the main ideas and specific information through fast reading and careful reading.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points:Learn how to grasp the specific information from a piece of news or article quickly and efficiently.Ⅳ.Teaching Aids:Multi-media computer; OHP (overhead projector); software: PowerPoint.Ⅴ. Teaching Procedures:Step 1Greetings and show them the objectives for this period.Step 2 Lead inWhat areas of the world are often in the news at the moment?Show the students a video about a piece of world news at present.Step 3 Fast ReadingToday we are going to read two pieces of world news. Now give the students several minutes to read the articles quickly.And do some true or false questions:1. The Group of Eight was formed in 1988.2. In Africa, sex education and health care administration are really important.3. People from all over the world don’t want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africa’s poorest countries.4. The name of the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games was being announced by the United Nations.5. In London, cheering people only can be seen in pubs.Then, let’s check exercise 3 on the previewing paper.A.The topic of Africa will be discussed in meeting.B.London won the city to hold the 2012 Olympic Games.C.Some information about G8.D.The celebration of London.E.The world asks the G8 to cancel the debt of Africa’s poorest countries.F.Other cities also competed to win the right to hold the Olympics.Africa on G8 AgendaParagraph 1 _________Paragraph 2 _________Paragraph 3 _________London WinsParagraph 1 _________Paragraph 2 _________Paragraph 3 _________Step 4 Careful ReadingRead in detail and fill in the blanks.Africa on G8 Agenda1st paragraph The full name of G8: ________________It is made of: _________, __________, ________, ________,__________ _________, __________, ________, ________How often is the meeting held? _____________________Discussion about: major problems that ____________________2nd paragraph 1) ______________________Many people cannot get the ______, _____, _____, _______ or__________ ________.2) ___________________ and _____________ are extremely important.3rd paragraph 1) Demand:The debt of _____________________ should ____________.__________ 2) Belief:This is the only way to _______ their _______ pasts.London wins1) The name of the host city:____________Where is the IOC? __________________Details 2) The four applications:_________, __________________, _________3) Where can you see the cheering people?___________________________________Step 5 Group WorkNow you are in four groups, and you will see some national flags. Then choose one and answer a question. Your group will get a point when your answer is right. The group which loses the game will read the new words loudly for us all.Step 6 Homework1. Underline the sentences that contain the Passive in the articles.2. Finish exercise 3 and 5 on page 22 and 23.。
高一英语 Unit11 The Media Lesson 1 World News导学案 北师大版

Unit11 Lesson1 World news (学案)Task1: Identify the types of the two news reports and predict what will be talked about in the text.Task2: Skimming for the main ideas. 1.Choose the best answer.The first news mainly tells us ________.A.what G8 is.B. how to reform G8.C.Africa’s problems will be discussed in detail.D.what problems Africa faces.2.Match the headlines with every paragraph.a. what’s G8b. suggested solution----cancel the debtc. historical meeting to discuss the topic of AfricaTask3: Scanning for the specific information.Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1. Why is this year’s meeting unusual?2. What are some of the major problems in Africa?3. How can the G8 nations help Africa’s poor est countries?Task4: Read the newspaper again and analyse the elements of a news report.Important Event Memo CardTopic:When:Where:Who:What:Why:How:Task5: What is the structure of a news report?Task 6: What is the language characteristic in a news report?1.Pay attention to the passive voice in the sentence.2.Review the passive voice and finish the table.Task7: Rewrite the newspaper report below using the Passive where possible. (Page23) Task8: Read a latest news report.(1)Analyse the structure.(2)Get the main ideas.(3)Pay attention to the passive voice.(4)Enjoy the news report by showing a video.Olympic flame lighting ceremony held for Rio OlympicsThe flame for this year's Olympics Games has been lit. Now that the torch has been ignited, it will travel through its modern home -- Greece for the next week, before it is handed over to this year's host of the Summer Games -- Brazil, as it prepares to light the cauldron in Rio on August 5th. The moment, the Olympic flame for Rio 2016 was lit.The official lighting ceremony was established 80 years ago and is based on a ceremony from Ancient Olympia where the games were held for more than 1,000 years. Keeping to the tradition, the high priestess lit the flame using the midday sun in the temple of Hera in Olympia. The ceremony was accompanied by a choreographed display. A white pigeon was released to symbolize peace. And then the torch could begin its journey.Greek world champion gymnast Eleftherios Petrounias was the first torchbearer. Rio 2016 will be the first Olympics to take place in South America.New words: cauldron大锅;establish创建;priestess女祭司;accompany陪同;choreograph设计舞蹈动作;release释放;torchbearer火炬手Ex: Read the text and fill in the table.Task9:Discussion and Writing(1)Choose one topic from the two topics and discuss in group.(2)Write a news report about the event.(3)Report your writing.Topic1:The fifth chorus competition in Liucheng Middle SchoolTopic2:The fourth Student Football League in Liucheng Middle SchoolSome information for the students:Topic1:柳城中学于5月13日晚举办第五届校园合唱节比赛。
北师大版高中英语必修四Unit 11《Lesson 1 World News》教案 2

UNIT 11 THE MEDIALesson 1 World News教学设计Objectives■ To practise using the Passive.■ To practise identifying the type of newspaper an article is from.■ To talk about what is in the news.Resources usedWorld map (Before you start), Grammar Summary 5, a selection of the day’s newspapers (in Chinese).Possible problemStudents should have no great difficulties with the form of the Passive, but need to be aware that the Passive is used more in English than in other languages (which use other impersonal structures instead).BackgroundMontserrat (population about 15,000) is a British colony in the Caribbean. Its capital and main port is Plymouth. It is a mountainous island with active volcanoes. In 1997 there was a major volcanic eruption in the south of the island and most of the inhabitants had to be evacuated. Routes through the materialIf you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework (e.g. Exercises 9) and omit Exercise 8.If you have time, do the Options activities.If you have two lessons for this unit, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 5.Language PowerMini-grammarReadingBefore you startTeaching procedure■ As a whole class, students discuss what areas of the world are in the news at the moment and why. If you have a large world map on the wall, have students come and point to the areas of the world they are talking about.Read to learnExercise 2■ Stud ents work individually answering the questions■ They then compare their answers in pairs before checking them as a class.Answers1 Because scientists believe there will soon be a large volcanic explosion in that area.2 They were moving to a safe zone in the north of the island.3 They are going to give financial help to the islanders.4 Because the government should have acted sooner and also because the people are being evacuated to areas that are still dangerous.5 It measured 6.3 magnitude.6 China, Germany, Russia and Spain are involved.7 Because further quakes cannot be ruled out.8 A special fund to rebuild the cities and towns which be announced.Exercise 3■ Students work in pairs, asking and answering the questions.■ Have some students report their partner’s decision to the class and give reasons for his/her decision.Language Power: the Word Corner on page 67 practises vocabulary (news stories).Language StudyTHE PASSIVEExercise 4■ Read through the first sentence in the table (Present Simple) with the class and do the next two sentences (Past Simple, Present Continuous) with the whole class.■ Students then work in pairs completing the sentences.■ Check students’ answers by having them read the sentences aloud.Answers2 was3 are being4 were being5 has not been6 had been7 will be8 cannot be9 are going to be Exercise 5■ Read the sentences with the whole class and discuss who the “doer”is in each action and whether the “doer” is important or not.Answers1 The doer is “the UK’s minister of the island” and the doer is important because he represents the authority and he has to be responsible for what he says.2 The doer is “scientists at the Montserrat V olcano Observatory” and the doer is important because they are experts and what they say is believed to be true and reliable.■ Students then find more examples of the Passive in the text and read them aloud, e.g. The region of Qasvin, Western Iran, was hit by a huge earthquake. Later this week, a special fund to rebuild the cities and towns which were destroyed by the earthquake will be announced by officials at the United Nations.Exercise 6■ Students do the exercise individually, then compare their answers in pairs before checking them as a class.■ Check the answers by having students read the sentences aloud ...Answers1 has just been offered2 was reported3 will gradually be replaced4 was voted5 is being publishedExercise 7■ Students read the newspaper report individually.■ Ask students to rewrite the report paragraph by paragraph and compare their answers in pairs. ■ Check the answers by having students read their sentences aloud.AnswersA group of children from Montserrat, aged between 10 and 16, arrived in Cuba on Friday. These children have been affected by the stress from the volcanic eruptions. Many homes on the island has been destroyed.The children were taken by us to a holiday camp by the Red Cross workers. Leisure activities will be organised for the children.The trip was organised by the Cuban Red Cross last month. The camp at Tarara has been used, which in the past cared for children from the Ukraine and Russia. These children were affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.Language in UseExercise 8■ Students work in groups of four, discussing and noting down what activities and details may be included in the camp during the week.■ Students then write a short report of the camp activity in groups.■ Have some of the groups to read their report alo ud to the class.OptionsPracticeWrite on the board: write, compose, direct, produce, film, make, sing, play. Students work in pairs, making sentences in the Passive about a film, TV series or musical they know well. Tell the students not to say the name of the film in their sentences. Give them some examples to start with, e.g. ‘The hero in this film is played by … .’/‘The story was written by … .’The pairs then read their sentences to the rest of the class who have to guess the title of the film, TV series or musical.ExtensionBring in some copies of the day’s newspapers. In small groups, students choose one of the stories and translate it into English for an English-speaking reader.TapescriptPhil: Hey, liz. Have a look at this.Liz: Mm?Phi l: It’s really a sweet advert for Mother’s Day.Liz: Don’t you see this is an advert for selling flowers?Phil: Really? Oh, I see. Very smart. But I still like ...Liz: (interrupts) I can’t stand adverts like that. Honestly, nochild of that age is going to go and buy her mum flowers I bet the person who...Phil: (interrupts politely) Can I say something?Liz: All right.Phil: I think you’re overreacting although you have a point.Many adverts try to create an image of a perfect world or life but...Liz: (interrupts) Of course they do! They think that we’re all stupid and are going to believe that if we buy their shampoo then we’ll look like supermodels or if we buy flowers from their shop then we’ll have perfect relationships within our families!Phil: (interrupts politely) Can I interrupt a moment?Companies have to sell their products. They do try to maketheir products appealing but it’s up to us whether we’ll buy their products or not. If you ...Liz: (interrupts) Rubbish! That’s not true. J ust think of all the people who are persuaded by fast food adverts to eat more junk food!Phil: Well, I have to disagree with you there. People can’t blame adverts for what they buy. It’s their decision and ...Liz: (interrupts) You’re wrong. I’m against all adverts because they use false promises to get people to buy things.Phil: (interrupts politely) I’d just like to show you this advertLiz. It’s for environmental protection. Surely you agree that ...Liz: (interrupts) Nonsense! All adverts are trying to get your money in some way or other。

Unit 11 Lesson 1 World newsStep 1. Lead-in (2 mins)T: Good morning, boys and girls. Before the lesson, I have a question for all of you. How do you usually get to know about the outside world without stepping out of your houses?S: From the Internet, TV, newspaper, magazine…T: Yes, you’re right. They are called the media. Media is a method of giving information, and the most common ones are Internet, TV, and newspapers. Then do you know about…? I got the news from our local newspaper Nanfang Daily. Did you know about it?S: No.T: I’m sorry to hear that. As a matter of fact, I think it very important for us to keep pace with the changing world. There is no doubt that newspapers are still very useful for us to learn what’s happening in the world. Therefore, as an English learner, it’s very necessary for us to learn how to read and catch news reports written in English. So please turn to Page 22.Step 2. Pre-reading (3 mins)T: Look at the title. Yes, today we’re going to read two pieces of world news. Before reading, let’s look at the picture and the headline. Can you guess what the first piece news is about?S1: Maybe they are holding a meeting.T: Yes, a good guess. Then who are holding the meeting?S2: Some people from different countries, because we can see flags of some certain countries.T: I agree with you. Then do you know what they are talking about in their meeting? Now, let’s read the text quickly to check our guess and then try to complete the following table.Step 3. While-reading:Task 1. Complete the following table according to the first piece of news. (5 mins) The Group of Eight:What they do:Topic this year:Problems of Africa:Solution:Task 2. Read the second news report and try to decide whether the following statements are true or false. (6 mins)1.The Olympic Games will be held in London for the second time in 2012.2.Four cities had applied to host the 2012 Olympic Games.3.People are all excited at the news.4.Prince William from New Zealand was delighted about the news.Step 4. Summary (3 mins)Complete a summary of the text.The Group of Eight, or G8, ____________ by eight of the world’s wealthiest nations in 1998, whose political leaders meet every summer ___________ major problems that concern the whole world. In this year’s meeting, the topic of Africa ______________ in detail.London has become the first city ___________ the Olympic Games three times. The news is _____________ by crowds in the streets and cheering people can also _________ everywhere.Step 5. Post-reading: GrammarTask 1. Complete the sentences in Ex. 3 on Page 22 according to the text. (3 mins) Task 2. Try to write or complete sentences according to the example sentences in Ex.3. Sum up the tenses and usages of the Passive. (5 mins)Task 3. Finish Ex. 5 on Page 23. (3 mins)Task 4. Rewrite the newspaper report using the Passive. (8 mins)Step 6. Writing (2 mins)Prepare to write a newspaper report according the Chinese instructions. Try to use the Passive if necessary.Step 7. HomeworkWrite down the newspaper report in your exercise book.。
北师大版必修四Unit11 lesson1 World News教案

Unit 11 The MediaLesson 1 World News教案Teaching aims:1.To practise using the Passive.2.To talk about what is in the newsTeaching difficulties:To practise using the PassiveTeaching Aids:computerTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming up:T: This is a changing world. Various things are happening now . Do you think so? S:T: How do we know these news?S:T:. What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment?S:T: Why?S:T. Now let’s read two stories of world news then learn to write world news as a reporter.ⅡReadingRead the text and do the exercise True or False.1.G8 stands for eight presidents of the world’s wealthiest nations2.The Group of Eight will be reformed this year.3.G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.4.At 12:45 UK time today London’s name has been announced twice.Answers: 1.F 2 F 3 F 4FⅢListening and ReadingFirst listen to the cassette to improve your listening ability and correct yourpronunciation. Read aloud again then do the exercise 2 to answer the questionsⅣLanguage points1.demand2. 2. delightede down to4.concernⅤGrammar: The PassiveDo the exercises 3, 4 and5ⅥPractise writingDo the exercise 6Homework: Language in Use.International organization has provide a one-week camp for some African children with AIDS. Write a short 100-word news report for a local newspaper。
高一英语 Unit11 Lesson1 World News 第一课时学案 北师大版必修模块4

高一英语 Unit11 Lesson1 World News 第一课时学案北师大版必修模块4I. Warm-up:1. Read and tell your partners about yourself.1) Do you listen to the radio much? Which programmes?2) How many hours of TV do you watch each week? What are your favourite TVprogrammes?3) What magazines do you read regularly?4) Do you sometimes use the Internet? What for?5) Do you often read a newspaper? If so, which one?2. Word bank:TVProgrammesmagazines________________newspaper the Internet ______________________________II. Pre-reading:1. Listen to the beginning of a radio programme and answer the following questions.1) What is talked about in the programme? The _____ summit in __________.2) What does G8 stand for?3) What issue is going to be discussed on the summit?How to deal with _______________.III. While-reading:1. Read the news and answer the following questions.1) What is talked about on the meeting?The topic on the agenda this week in _________ among the G8 leaders is how to ___________________________.2) Why is this year’s meeting unusual?3) What are some of the major problems in Africa?4) How can the G8 nations help Africa’s poorest countries?2. Read in detail and fill in the blanks.1st paragraph The full name of G8: ________________Formation: _________, __________, ________, ________,__________ _________, __________, ________, ________How often is the meeting held? _____________________Discussion about: major problems that ____________________2nd paragraph 1) ______________________Many people cannot get the ______, _____, _____, _______ or __________ ________.2) ___________________ and _____________ are extremely important.3rd paragraph 1) Demand:The debt of _____________________ should ____________.__________ 2) Belief:This is the only way to _______ their _______ pasts.III. Post-reading: Grammar – the Passive。
Unit 11 Lesson1 World News

T 5. The topic of the meeting of G8 is
about Africa. F 6. Prince William in New Zealand asked the British to celebrate for the news. T 7. Paris is London’s strongest competitor in hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
• Purpose: to get students easily involved in
the new lesson and prepared for the learning of the text.
1. Lead-in: How do you get the news information? over the radio News on TV from newspaper
2. look forward to + n (高兴地)盼望,期待 I’m looking forward to the weekend. look forward to + v-ing We are looking forward to seeing you again. 3. come down to sth. 可归结为 What it comes down to is, either I get more money, or I leave. 归结起来就是不给我加薪我就辞职。
Reading Skills
Skim the passage to get main ideas
Choose the best answer. 1. The first news mainly tells us _____. A. what G8 is B. how to reform G8 C. Africa’s problems will be discussed in detail D. what problems Africa faces

poorest countries?
1. Why is this year’s meeting unusual?
Because the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail this year.
What areas of the world are often in the news at the moment ?
The issue about nuclear problem between Iran and the USA.
Iraq problem
Oil price
the rest part behind the lead which
are extremely important.
Read in detail and fill in the blanks.
1) Demand:
Africa’s poorest
The debt of _c_ou_n_t_r_ie_s_________
should _b_e_c_a_n_c_el_le_d___
No water! No crops! No food!
What does the picture remind you of?
announce 宣告
celebrate 庆祝
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教学设计Unit11 Lesson1 World news作者姓名:王艳工作单位:滁州中学教学设计Unit11 Lesson1 World news教材(Material)本课课型是阅读课,是整个单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生语言学习提供了载体,并且是学生获取信息的重要来源。
它主要由两篇新闻报道构成,一个是Africa on G8 Agenda,,另一个报道了伦敦2012 年奥运会获得成功,标题为London wins.既然是阅读课,所以整个课堂要体现阅读课的特点。
教学目标(Objectives)1、从阅读技能的角度通过运用scanning, skimming等阅读方式,进一步训练学生的阅读技能,并获取文章信息,尤其是新闻报道类文章的信息。
3、从情感价值的角度鼓励学生要关心国事,关心天下事, 不仅要读圣贤书,两耳也要闻天下事,要具有开阔的视野和人文情怀。
教学过程(Procedures)Step1. Pre-reading1.热身活动前一天已开始,每位同学搜集至少一条当前的热点新闻,课堂上邀请同学与大家分享他们的新闻,然后用一个问题进一步导入What areas are often in the news at the moment? Why? (Brainstorm).(本课教学活动为2015年9月5日)2.展示两张图片在9月3日叙利亚3岁男孩在偷渡过程中溺亡,并浮尸土耳其海滩(天真的面孔,悲伤地死亡)What caused the tragedy?Because of wars and riots, people in Syria are living in misery, and they fled to other countries, during which a lot of refugees died.So Syria is often in the news. Also European countries .Because they will accept a number of refugees.3.两段链接视频播放1./a/2015-09-08/0017082972.shtml2./a/2015-09-08/0017083840.shtml?ptag=vsogou(教师结束语:The war must be ended, and peace is needed.)Step 2 While-readingText 11.Do you know what happened on July5, 2005?Africa on G8 Agenda。
(图片和文字共展示)e the reading skill of skimming to get the main idea of each paragraph.A. The present situation of AfricaB. Basic information of G8C. Argument about the problems in AfricaD. The way to solve the problems主要训练学生获取文章和段落主要意思的能力,试题中常见,是学生的薄弱点,考查学生总结概括能力3.Read the first news report , and complete the background information of G8 . (达到重视文化背景的目的)Background information about G8The full name of G8: ________________Formation: _______, _______, _______,________,________, _________,________, ________How often is the meeting held?_____________________Discussion about: major problems that___________________________在文章答案展示过程,配有图片,加深学生什么对内容的理解.4.Listening 纠正发音,进一步熟悉巩固课文内容。
Text 21. What event else happened in 2005?Read for main idea of each paragraph using the reading skill of skimming.Paragraph1:Paragraph2:Paragraph3:同样的阅读任务read for main ideas and details ,但为了避免教学活动的单调重复,要改变活动的形式,获取main idea上,加深难度,由原来的给答案的搭配任务,改为用自己的语言总结。
2.Design-ask-answer: work in pairs. One student designs a True-or-false question, his/her partner answers and the exchange their roles. Listen to the tape to get information in the second news as much as possiblee.g. Prince William in New Zealand asks the British to celebrate activities for the news.(F)(教师示例,并给出原因,找出原文出处。
)Step 3 GrammarRead the two texts for the passive (read aloud freely and find out the sentences with the passive voice in the texts.此活动既是课文阅读的延续又是被动语态的学习预热,此时这一课时结束。
被动语态学习步骤:1.课文中相关句型呈现3.使用情境分析(1). 不知道谁是_______________或没有必要如:Paper is made from wood.The house is quite old. It was built in 1950.He was wounded in the fight.(2).需要____________________时如:Calculator can't be used in the maths exam.Books and newspapers in the reading room mustn't be taken away.He was awarded first prize in that contest.(3). 为了使____________,避免提及自己或对方而使用被动语态,或由于修饰的需要,使用被动语态,使句子得以更好的安排。
如:The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month.Electricity is used to run machines.4.习题操练(逐层推进,不断加大难度)单句被动语态填空高考题实战英文报导改为被动语态(分析被动语态在新闻报道类文章中的优势)ex.6Step5 post-readingGroup work时事新闻翻译(采用被动语态)1.在天津爆炸事件(exolosions)中,最后一名失联消防战士被找到。
2.据说日本渔民不敢再到钓鱼岛(the diaoyu islands)捕鱼,害怕见到中国船只。
6.一群俄罗斯科学家正被困(be trapped in)北极,因为研究站下面的冰在迅速融化(此活动将新闻与被动语态巧妙地结合起来,但学生在任务的完成上有一定的困难,因此,可以采取小组讨论的方式)Homework (try to use the passive)Write choosing from the following two.(1)An international organisation has provided a one-week camp for some African children withAIDs. Write a short 100-word news report for a newspaper.(2)Write a news report at the world championships. Ning Zetao wins 100m freestyle.两项作业任选其一,各有优点:第一个选题,内容虚构,不感兴趣,但内容较简单,生词少;第二个选题,宁泽涛是奥运英雄,国民男神,学生喜欢,但生词量大,需查阅资料。