JVC摄像机 GZ-E245 GZ-E208 GZ- E205 详细用户使用指南说明书
摄像机LYT2431-026A详细用户使用指南GZ-E245/GZ-E208/GZ-E205目录表入门指南 (4)充电 (4)录制 (4)播放 (4)拍摄提示 (4)节假日/圣诞节 (5)婚礼 (6)旅行 (7)游乐园 (9)入门核对附件 (11)连接核心过滤器 (12)电池充电 (13)握带调整 (14)使用手带 (14)插入SD卡 (14)可以使用的SD卡类型 (15)使用触屏 (16)液晶监视器上的按键名称和功能 (17)时钟设定 (18)重设时钟 (19)更改显示语言 (20)握住本机 (20)安装三脚架 (20)在海外使用本机 (21)在海外给电池充电 (21)旅行期间按当地时间设置时钟 (21)设置夏时制 (22)备选附件 (22)录制在自动模式下拍摄视频 (23)变焦 (25)在视频录制过程中捕捉静像 (25)在自动模式下拍摄静像 (26)变焦 (28)手动录制 (28)根据场景(被摄体)进行拍摄 (30)手动调整聚焦 (31)调整亮度 (32)设置白平衡 (33)设置背光补偿 (34)拍摄特写镜头 (35)带效果录制 (36)带动画效果录制 (37)清楚地捕捉被摄体(触摸优先AE/AF) (39)自动捕捉笑脸(笑脸拍摄) (40)显示选定脸部的放大视图期间进行录制(脸部子窗口) (41)登记人脸个人认证信息 (43)设置笑脸%/名称显示 (45)编辑登记的脸部信息 (46)减轻相机振动 (48)间隔录制(延时录制) (48)通过感应动作自动录制(自动录制) (50)拍摄集体照(自拍定时器) (51)带日期和时间录制视频 (53)查看剩余录制时间 (53)播放播放视频 (55)快速查看视频内容(摘录播放) (57)播放管理信息不完整的视频 (58)播放静像 (58)幻灯片播放 (60)按日期搜索特定的视频/静像 (60)连接电视机并在电视机上观看 (61)经由HDMI迷你接口连接 (61)经由AV接口连接 (62)播放播放列表 (63)播放在本机上创建的DVD或蓝光光盘 (63)在蓝光或DVD播放机上摘录播放 (63)编辑删除不需要的文件 (64)删除当前播放的文件 (64)删除选定的文件 (64)保护文件 (65)保护/取消保护当前显示的文件 (65)保护/取消保护选定文件 (66)在播放过程中,在视频中捕捉静像 (67)结合以无缝记录录制的影片(GZ-E245) (67)捕捉视频中的需要部分(修剪) (68)捕捉要上传到YouTube的视频 (69)从录好的视频中创建播放列表 (71)用所选文件创建播放列表 (71)按日期创建播放列表 (72)编辑播放列表 (73)删除播放列表 (74)复制用DVD刻录机刻录光盘 (75)准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD3) (76)准备DVD刻录机(CU-VD50) (76)创建光盘 (77)用DVD刻录机播放 (81)用外置蓝光驱动器刻录光盘 (82)准备一台外置蓝光驱动器 (82)创建光盘 (83)用外置蓝光驱动器播放 (88)通过连接蓝光录像机刻录光盘 (88)连接DVD录像机,将文件复录到光盘上 (89)连接VCR,将文件复录到VHS磁带上 (89)用USB外部硬盘驱动器复制文件 (90)准备USB外部硬盘驱动器 (90)复制所有文件 (91)播放USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件 (92)删除USB外部硬盘驱动器中的文件夹 (92)格式化USB外部硬盘驱动器 (93)从USB外部硬盘驱动器导入文件 (93)把文件复制至SD卡(GZ-E245) (94)把文件移动至SD卡(GZ-E245) (95)复制到 Windows PC (97)核对系统要求(指引) (97)安装随附软件(内置) (98)备份所有文件 (99)组织文件 (100)把视频录制到光盘上 (101)在不用随附软件的情况下备份文件 (103)文件和文件夹列表 (104)复制到Macintosh电脑 (105)菜单设定操作菜单 (106)操作捷径菜单 (106)操作主菜单 (107)操作共用菜单 (107)录制菜单(视频) (108)场景选择 (110)FOCUS (110)调节亮度 (110)白平衡 (110)背光补偿 (110)近拍 (110)触摸优先AE/AF (110)光源 (110)2增亮 (111)风声消除 (111)动画效果 (112)慢速录制 (112)自动录制 (112)日期/时间记录 (112)脸部子窗口 (112)笑脸拍摄 (112)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (112)面部登记 (112)视频质量 (112)变焦 (113)无缝录制(GZ-E245) (113)变焦麦克风 (114)录制菜单(静像) (115)场景选择 (117)FOCUS (117)调节亮度 (117)白平衡 (117)背光补偿 (117)近拍 (117)触摸优先AE/AF (117)光源 (117)自拍 (118)增亮 (118)自动录制 (118)快门模式 (119)笑脸拍摄 (119)笑脸%/ 名称显示 (119)面部登记 (119)图像大小 (120)播放菜单(视频) (121)搜索日期 (122)显示时间/日期 (122)摘要播放 (122)播放列表 (122)编辑播放列表 (122)保护/取消 (122)复制(GZ-E245) (122)移动(GZ-E245) (122)修剪 (122)上传设置 (122)播放其他文件 (122)无缝录制控制(GZ-E245) (122)K2 TECHNOLOGY (123)播放菜单(静像) (124)搜索日期 (124)幻灯片放映效果 (125)保护/取消 (125)复制(GZ-E245) (125)移动(GZ-E245) (125)共用菜单 (126)时钟设定 (128)日期显示样式 (128)LANGUAGE (128)监视器亮度 (128)视频记录媒体(GZ-E245) (129)图像记录媒体(GZ-E245) (129)操作声音 (130)静音模式 (130)自动关机 (131)快速重启 (131)演示模式 (132)触屏调节 (132)在电视机上显示 (133)视频输出 (134)HDMI输出 (134)HDMI控制 (135)出厂前预设值 (135)更新 (135)格式化内存(GZ-E245) (136)格式化SD卡 (136)删除内存(GZ-E245) (137)零部件名称正面 (138)背面 (138)底部 (139)内部 (139)液晶监视器 (140)液晶显示器上的显示常见录制显示 (141)视频录制 (141)静像录制 (142)视频播放 (142)静像播放 (143)故障排除本机不能正常工作时 (143)电池 (144)录制 (144)卡 (145)播放 (145)编辑/复制 (146)电脑 (146)画面/图像 (147)其他问题 (147)错误字样? (148)维护规格3充电0参阅详细用户使用指南显示中的操作说明。
摄像机手册camera Manual(2)说明书
目录前言 (3)关于本手册 (3)安全与使用注意事项 (3)使用本菜单 (4)简介 (5)系统要求 (5)主要特征 (5)包装明细 (6)相机视图 (7)相机按钮 (8)触摸屏按钮 (9)相机存储 (9)开始使用 (10)连接相机吊带 (10)安装电池 (10)插入 SD/ SDHC 存储卡 (11)为电池充电 (11)打开/关闭电源 (11)初始设置 (12)模式 (12)使用触摸屏 (13)触摸屏布局 (13)更改液晶屏幕显示 (18)拍摄照片、录制视频和声音 (18)拍摄照片 (18)使用防抖功能 (19)设置变焦控制 (19)使用闪光灯 (20)设置对焦模式 (20)设置拍摄模式 (21)设置自动对焦区域/脸部对焦/触碰拍摄 (22)使用录制菜单 (23)设置场景模式 (23)使用录音功能 (30)设置照片大小 (30)设置质量 (31)设置曝光补偿 (31)设置白平衡 (31)设置 ISO (32)设置测光 (32)设置包围曝光 (32)设置自动对焦区域 (33)1设置自动对焦灯 (33)设置锐利度 (33)设置饱和度 (34)设置对比度 (34)设置闪光灯 (35)设置拍摄模式 (35)设置对焦模式 (35)设置色彩模式 (35)设置数码变焦 (36)设置日期印记 (36)设置自动查看 (37)录像 (37)播放 (39)文件导航 (39)单个导航模式查看 (39)以照片流模式查看 (39)以缩略图模式查看 (40)以日历模式查看 (40)缩放图像 (41)播放视频 (42)播放录音 (42)播放语音备忘录 (42)音量控制 (43)播放菜单 (43)使用设置菜单 (53)设置声音 (53)设置节能方式 (53)设置 LCD 节能 (54)设置日期时间 (54)设置语言 (54)设置文件编号 (54)设置电视输出 (54)设置 LCD 亮度 (55)设置内存工具 (55)全部重置 (55)建立连接 (56)连接相机与电视 (56)连接相机与计算机 (56)连接相机与打印机 (57)设置打印模式菜单 (58)附录 (59)关于文件夹和文件名 (59)故障排除 (59)规格 (60)2前言关于本手册本手册旨在帮助您使用新的数码相机。
RunCam 3 摄像机使用手册说明书
3·包装内容电源/快门键工作状态灯麦克风 1microSD卡槽1234WiFi 状态灯WiFi/模式切换键Micro-USB接口麦克风 25678RunCam 3X 1Micro-USB线X 1USB视频电源线X 1说明书X 157861243充电状态(红色)DC 5-17VRunCam 3 电池是内置的,开机后当电池电量高于50%工作状态灯(绿色) 闪烁5次,低于50%工作状态灯(绿色) 闪烁10次,低于15%工作状态灯(绿色) 持续闪烁。
如果录制过程中电量降到0% ,摄像机将存储文件并关机。
RunCam 3 USB接口支持DC5-17V供电,建议使用手机充电器(输出5V 1A)为RunCam 3 充电。
充电时工作状态灯(红色) 常亮,约2小时充满;满电后,充电状态灯熄灭。
要在低温条件下延长电池寿命,请在使用摄像 机前将其置于温暖的地方。
警告:切勿将RunCam 3当做行车记录仪使用,会导致摄像机电池受损、引发安全隐患。
microSD卡(单独出售)要求:·microSD,microSDHC或microSDXC·10级,UHS-I级或UHS-II级·最高支持microSD 64GB卡注意事项:装卸microSD卡时请务必小心。
为谨慎起见,插 入或取出microSD卡前请关闭摄像机。
请参照microSD卡制造商的说明指示, 在可接受的温度范围内使用。
注意:连接电脑后若不能识别,请确认RunCam 3内有microSD卡;如不能正常读取 microSD卡内信息,请更换USB线或电脑USB接口重试。
·操作指引开机:长按电源/快门键 3秒(提示音“哔”3次)关机:长按电源/快门键 3秒(提示音“哔”5次)模式切换:开机后长按WiFi/模式切换键 ,可循环切换录像、拍照、OSD设置等三种工作模式。
移动电源摄像机说明书The PowerCamconsists of two parts of functional unit: power bank unit and cameraunit. It can be used to charge the battery of DC-5V products, and also be used to recordhigh definition video and take photos. Power Bank Features Using high quality Li-ion battery cells, stable performance and long operation life.Multiple protection circuit, including overcharge, discharge protection, overload protection, etc.IR LED or LED torch function.Small and lightweight design, easy to carry, to meet emergency charging.Camera featuresSuper image sensor for low illumination video recording, quick light response.Full HD 1080P up to 30fps,720P up to 60fps.H.264 compression.Support up to 32GB micro SD card.RF remote control, easy operation.Integrated compact design, suitable formeeting recording, evidence recording, andoutdoor sports scenes, etc.Easy download to PC/MAC with USB plug.PowerCam LayoutPower Bank Operation1.Charging the PowerCamUse the micro USB cable to charge the PowerCam.The battery can be charged by following ways:(1). Charging from your computer’s USB.(2). Charging fromadapter’s USB.Ifthe red lightturns on, that means the PowerCam is in charge.Please wait for the red light turns off, which means the PowerCamis full of power. NOTE: When connecting with computer or adapter, it is recommended that the PowerCam is switchedoff.2.To Charge Other DevicesThe PowerCam fit for charging digital devices with DC-5V:(1).Connect your device to the USB outletof PowerCam.(2).Turn on the power of PowerCam to startcharging the device.When PowerCam’s battery close to low limit, the red indicator will light.3.Turning IR or LED Torch On/Off NOTE:This product has two configuration types: IR LED type and white-light LED type.(1).Turn on the power of PowerCam.(2).Keep push the remote control button○A 2 seconds to turn DV unit on.(3).Keep push the remote control button○C2 seconds will turn IR LED or LED torch on;and keep push the button○C2 seconds again, the IR LED or LED torch will be turned off.DVRecorder Operation1.Turning DVUnit On/OffSwitchon the power of PowerCam, Keep push the remote control button○A2 seconds will turn DV unit on. The blue indicatorwill light.Keep push the button○A 2 seconds again, theDV unit will be turned off.2.RecordingVideoTurn on the DV unit as in step 1. Keep push the remote control button○B2 seconds will start video recording, the green indicatorwill flash several times and then turn off.Keep push the button○B2 seconds again, the DV unit will stop recording, the blue indicatorwill lightand the PowerCam is in standby mode. The video streaming is divided into one file every 10 minutes.NOTE:(1). When the battery power is low, the bluelight will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically. (2). When the memory is full, both the blue and green light will flash for seconds, and then the PowerCam will shut downautomatically.4.TakingPhotoBe sure the DV unit is turned on, short press the remote control button○B once to take a picture, the blue indicatorwill flash twice to indicatethat the picture was taken successfully.5.Setting the PowerCamConnect the PowerCamwith your computer USB port, a new removable disk will appear on the computer screen. Open the removable disk, you will find the file setup.exe under the root directory, double-click the file to run it, following window will appear:You can set date/time, frame size, videoimage quality, audiovolume, etc. After finishinglower left to save the settings. ClickdefaultSettings.Aftersafely removing the PowerCam from the computer and turn on the DV unit, the settings willtake effect.Specifications:Caution:ThePowerCam may become fairly hot during recording – this is normal. To ensure proper cooling do not block the flow of air to thecover of the PowerCam.No crash, do not open orknock thePowerCam. Do not expose them to fire, high temperatures, or water.We suggest charge with the qualifiedadaptor, if you find there is bulge or otherfaulty phenomena on PowerCam or charged device, pleasestop using it.Important:All jurisdictions have specific laws and regulations relating to the use of cameras and voice recorders. Before using any camera and/or voice recorder for any purpose it is the buyer′s responsibility to be aware of all applicable laws and regulations that prohibit or limit the use of cameras and voicerecorders, and to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.PowerCam是一款移动电源和摄像机合二为一的产品。
数码摄像机 说明书
MP4 播放器、录音和录音播放功能,自带 FLASH 存储器,支持 SD/MMC 卡. 拍照、摄像操作快捷、方便。本机既可以使用锂电池,也可以使用四节干 电池供电,使用更方便,LCD 屏可以实现 270 度旋转,图像角度自动调整,想 怎样拍就怎样拍. 1.1 系统需求 z 系统:Windows Vista/XP/2000/98 z CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz 处理器或以上 z 内存: 512MB 及以上 z 显卡:64MB 以上 z 接口:标准或 USB 1.1 以上 1.2 特点 .本相机提供多样的特点与功能,包括: .高画质数字摄影 .数码相机(可插值到 1 千 2 百万像素) .4 倍数码变焦,USB 移动磁盘,及 SD 卡存储. .电视输出显示 .即拍即看,多角度拍摄 1.3 包装和配件: 摄像机
按 键选择照片,按确认键浏览照片,按
键调整音量,长按 键快退或快进`,再按确认键暂
2.1 插入 SD 卡 1) 开启电池盖
2) 插入 SD 卡,确定金属接触面朝上.
3) 将电池盖向内推关紧
. 2.2 装入电池 本摄像机是针对使用可充电的锂电池而设计.请使用制造商或经销商提
供或建议使用的电池. (注:装入电池的方法错误可能导致本相机损坏并造成起火!)
• 盡可能的遠離電視機或收音機。
• 改變電視機或收音機等的天線方向。
• 使用其他的插座。
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Microsoft、Windows、Windows Vista、Windows 7™、Internet Explorer是美國Microsoft Corporation在美國及其他國家登錄的註冊商標。
Macintosh及Mac OS為Apple Inc.在美國與其他國家的註冊商標。
Adobe、Adobe標誌和Adobe Reader是Adobe Systems Incorporated在美國與其他國家的商標。
特点:●隐蔽性很强●一键操作简单方便●大容量电池支持长时间录像●HD 720p和H.264压缩,节省内存●方便携带,也可做家庭安防使用●支持移动侦测录像及边为其他产品充电边录像安装Micro SD卡和镜面按照图示方向将有芯片的一侧朝左下方,将内存卡放在入口处,然后滑入卡槽内存卡安装完毕后开机录像测试工作正常后,将外壳的后镜面粘贴上去。
体验您的移动电源1.修改时间●首先关机●将设备用USB线连接到电脑●在我的电脑里打开可移动磁盘(TF卡)●创建txt文件并命名为time.txt●按照下面格式修改时间:2013.01.01 01:01:01●保存并退出●与电脑断开,开机完成设定2.开机长按功能键3秒钟直至红灯亮后松手3.录像红灯亮待机状态下短按功能键一次红灯闪2次并熄灭开始录像4.保存录像在录像状态下短按功能键一次,红灯亮保存录像并进入待机模式5.移动侦测模式在待机模式下长按功能键3秒钟松手,此时蓝灯闪2次熄灭,同时红灯也会熄灭进入移动侦测模式。
品胜 TS-DV001-QM91D电池指示灯说明
品胜 TS-DV001-QM91D电池指示灯说明关于充电时间:
松下 HDC-Z10000GK 高清摄像机 说明书
使用说明书高清摄像机型号HDC-Z10000GK 使用前,请完整阅读本说明书。
注意!≥为了确保良好的通风条件, 请勿将本机安装或置于书柜、壁橱或其他密闭的空间里。
要从AC 电源上完全断开本设备,请从AC 插座上断开电源线插头。
钮扣型电池60o C 电池组60o C注意如果更换电池的方法不正确,会有发生爆炸的危险。
产品位置高清摄像机底部电池充电器底部AC 适配器底部3VQT3V13-如果看到此符号的话-∫特点本机是一体式双镜头3D 高清摄像机。
通过采用双镜头方式,可以在本机内调整汇聚点,可以录制出自然、深度感协调的3D 视频。
(l 34)∫关于录制动态影像的录制格式使用本机,可以以AVCHD 录制格式录制动态影像。
(l 31,111)≥支持AVCHD 3D 和AVCHD Progressive 。
AVCHD 3D:可以录制充满临场感的具有震撼力的3D 全高清影像。
1.开机长按B键2秒钟红蓝灯长亮红灯熄灭蓝灯长亮进入待机状态2.夜视功能在待机状态下短按B键一次红灯闪一下开启夜视功能,再短按B键一次红灯闪2闪关闭夜视功能3.录像待机状态下短按A键一次蓝灯慢闪3次熄灭开始录像,暂停录像,再短按一次A键,蓝灯慢闪4次保存录像并进入待机状态4.移动侦测模式待机状态下长按A键2秒钟松手,此时红蓝灯慢闪3次熄灭,进入移动侦测模式(当侦测到移动物体自动录像,没有则不会录像)关闭移动侦测,长按A键2秒, 红蓝灯慢闪4次熄灭,退出移动侦测模式5.关机在任何模式下,长按B键红灯快闪并熄灭关机6.复位当机器死机时,点击复位键进行复位重启7.充电使用USB连接电脑或者充电器充电,充电大约4-6小时,充电中蓝灯长亮8.录像时间配置持续录像模式下每15分钟一段,移动侦测下3分钟一段9.时间修改关机连接电脑,新建文本文件time.txt.格式如下:2013.01.01 01:01:01产品规格:清晰度 1920*1080格式 A VI帧速 30fps角度 90°移动侦测距离直线2米左右低照度 1LUX电池容量 3000毫安录像时间 8小时左右移动侦测时间 48小时左右声音面积 40㎡耗电量 150MA/3.7V温度 -20-80℃操作温度 -10-60℃湿度 15-85%RH内存卡 TF 卡最大支持 32GB播发器迅雷看看,暴风等USB接口 USB1.1/2.0操作系统 2000/XP/Visat32/Win7内存损耗 10GB/小时充电时间 4小时左右。
二、基本操作指南1. 打开电动摄像机按下电源按钮,等待片刻,电动摄像机的显示屏将会亮起。
2. 调整镜头通过转动镜头环,您可以调整摄像机的焦距。
3. 自动对焦大部分电动摄像机都配备了自动对焦功能。
4. 开始录像按下录像按钮即可开始录像。
5. 拍摄照片大部分电动摄像机也可以拍摄照片。
三、注意事项1. 稳定拍摄为了获得较为稳定的拍摄效果,建议使用三脚架或手持稳定器。
2. 保护镜头电动摄像机的镜头是非常重要的部件,应当小心保护。
3. 合理利用存储空间电动摄像机的存储空间通常是有限的。
4. 注意拍摄环境在选择拍摄环境时,要注意光线和背景的影响。
用说明书A:电源按键B: 电量指示灯C: 镜头D: MICE: 录像指示灯F: TF卡插口G:摄像按键H: 电源充电口(Micro USB)I: 摄像机数据口/充电口(DC 5V 2A)J: 照明灯K:电源输出口(DC 5V 1A)感谢您使用我公司的便携微型录像产品,在使用本产品之前,请认真阅读本使用说明书。
注意事项:1. 请不要在高,多尘和潮湿的环境中使用本机;2. 尽量避免在特别干燥的环境下使用本机,以防静电;3. 不要让本机与硬物摩擦撞击,否则会导致外观磨花或其他硬件损坏;4. 本机在格式化或正在进行文件的上传下载时请不要突然断开连接,否则可能会导致程序错误;5. 本机被作为移动磁盘时,请按正确的文件管理操作方法存储导出文件,重要数据请做好备份,任何错误操作方法导致文件丢失,本公司概不负责;6. 请不要拆解本机,本机可以通过USB口充电;一、本机特色:1. 移动电源与摄像机结合的独特设计,TF卡槽外置2. 高清晰1000万摄像头3. 高清AVI格式,音视频同步录制;4. 录像分辨率: 1920*1080 10帧 1280*720 30帧 640*480 30帧 320*240 30帧可选5. 单独拍照功能照片质量达到4032*3024,像素为1200万.6. 内置高容量可反复充电聚合物锂电池.二、操作说明:摄像部分操作说明:1、开机:短按摄像开机键一次,蓝灯长亮,机器进入待机状态。
Guide of Easy-UseCatalogueProducts and ponents (1)Start to use (1)Installment of hardware (2)Installation and use of mobile App (3)Install ation of video camera (6)Setting of Wi-Fi network (11)Point-to-point mode (13)FAQ (14)Products and ponents1.Camera2.Power adapter3.Installation stent4.Guide for quick start5.DiscStart to use1. Download and install BVCam, download IOS in iphone store, search for Android system in GooglePlay. For convenience of installation, please scan the below two-dimension code to download BVCam installation. If your device can not be connected to GooglePlay, please scan the below APK two-dimension code for installation. Note: it is suggested to use the QR code Scanner self-contained by browser or from the third party to scan and download App, while direct downloading and installation of App file is not supported by the function of WeChat scanning.2. Clik “+〞to add a new camera. Clik and add the networked camera to enter into the added page of camera, fill out UID or add camera. Note: when the camera is initially used, please set camera to connect with your router referring to the part “setting camera to connect WIFI network〞in the instructions, then add camera3. Two methods for fast input of UID for camera: A, by scanning of two-dimensional code incamera, B, by searching camera in local area network.4. Filling in the name of camera and password of P2P . Default P2P password: 8888, click OK if confirmed. Successfully add camera. You are suggested to revise P2P visiting password for camera after camera is set.5. After displayed that camera is online, click camera which you just add to watch real time video, click at video interface, you can open the control disc of video.Add device, add networked device Name UIDNew cameraNew camera Add device, add networked deviceNameUID6. The icon and button of the pages in videoPTZ control Slide your fingers up and down, left or right on the video page, and you can control camera cradle head rotation, and the distance of cradle head rotation depends on the distance of your finger-sliding (need to be supported by the camera purchased)Allow the user to listen to the voice of camera and two-way voice inter (need to be supported by the camera purchased)take snapshot and record video filelevel of cradle head and vertical cruise (need to be supported by the camera purchased)images of horizontal and vertical turnoveradjust brightness and contrast6.Other functions on the pagesWatch current real time video picturesVideoCheck screenshot taken by the cameraScreenshotCheck the recording file in your mobile deviceVideotapeCheck the record of alarming events in the cameraAlarmingSet the camera1. Long press the list item for about three second or click the gear-like button to open the advanced configuration page of the camera.Video Screenshot Video recording Alarm2. Change the WIFI connection of the camera. Select “WIFI connection configuration〞, the camera will display available Wi-Fi hotspot. Select the name of your Wi-Fi (SSID), enter the passwords of Wi-Fi, and then press “OK〞to connect Wi-Fi. Note: after saving, if the camera has connected with WIFI, it will switch off the current connection and try to connect the new WIFI network, so that in App, the camera will be off-line temporarily for about 1 minute.4. SD card video-recording setting: set the mode of SD card video-recording and the frame size.5. Alarm configuration: Turn on or off motion detection alarm and set the interval time of alarm.Connect the camera with Wi-Fi networkIn case of a new camera or in case that your camera is installed at a new location, please reset the camera to factory settings (after the camera starts, press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds), AP mode is on after the camera is restarted, wifi indicator flashes slowly (every 3 seconds). And then open the setting of phone, connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as camera UID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera.1.Connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as cameraUID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera2.Choose “Add camera +〞in App3.Chose “connect the camer a with WIFI networkAdd device4. Scan QR code of camera UID, click “next〞, and then confirm that the name of WIFI network displayed is right, enter the correct WIFI passwords and click “Start〞to configure Wi-Fi.5. Wait until App prompts that Wi-Fi connection settings are pleted and the camera is online, click “add a new camera〞to add a cameraNotes: if APP always display failure, please check the following items:A. Before starting to configure Wifi, the indicator of camera does not flash slowly, AP isnot turned onB. The phone does not connect with AP of the camera, and it is necessary for configuration to connect your phone with AP hotspot of the cameraC. Support mon router but do not support public router for which login page authentication is needed.D.During configuration, check whether the network name, passwords and UID are right.E. In current, Chinese Wifi name and passwords are not supported.F Do not support 5G Wifi signalG. Check whether Wifi indicator is always on, if yes, the camera is connected with thenetwork, please directly add online camera, App may not detect that the camera issuccessfully configured due to network mask.H. If WiFi is in WEP encryption mode, please change it to WPA mode.Watch a video in point-to-point modeIn case that there is no a Wifi router, you can directly watch a view and operate the camera in point-to-point mode.Steps:1. Reset the camera, turn on AP mode until the camera restarts,2. After starting the camera, find Wifi configuration page in your phone with the name same as Wifi network of camera UID, without passwords, which is not encrypted.3. Connect your phone with the Wifi network, wait for Wifi signal symbol which suggests that your phone is successfully connected.4 Slimmer to router mode, directly add online camera, and then it can be used normally. If the camera has been added, it can be added directly.5. Open and watch a video after successful connection.FAQ1. Why the search tool cannot find the camera?Answer: Please confirm that the network is normal, close the firewall and security software, ensure that the camera is connected with the router.2. Why the camera always ask for the user name and passwords, in other words, the use nameis not right?Answer: The default passwords are 8888, if you forget the user name or passwords, you can reset the camera to factory settings to gain the default user and passwords.3. How can I recover the camera to the factory settings?Answer: Please press and hold the Reset button for about 5 seconds until the camera restarts.4. Why the image is not clear?Answer: Please remove the protective file of lens, if the question is not solved, please rotate the lens for focusing, and then the image will be clear.。
pentacon摄像机说明书1. 摄像机电源。
按说明书二块 NP-1B 电池 M3A 摄像机可工作一小时,一块 NP-1B 电池可供DXC-537 工作一小时,但有时由于电池使用时间长,蓄电能力下降,可能不会用太久,要根据经验,做好准备,较远的地方拍摄应带上充电器。
当电池不足时,寻像器上的“ BATTRY ”会闪烁告警。
2. 话筒。
有些摄像机机内没有话筒电源,如M3A ,这时必须用话筒电池,原装的C-74 话筒电池较贵,可用钮扣电池代替。
3. 摄像机电缆。
连接摄像机和录像机的多芯电缆有14 芯,26 芯等,不要忘带,最好能检查完好。
4. 三脚架。
(三脚架高度的调整,水平的调整,水平、垂直转动的锁扣)5. 录像机及磁带。
6. 彩色监示器。
Guide of Easy-UseCatalogueProducts and components (1)Start to use (1)Installment of hardware (2)Installation and use of mobile App (3)Installation of video camera (6)Setting of Wi-Fi network (11)Point-to-point mode (13)FAQ (14)Products and components1.Camera2.Power adapter3.Installation stent4.Guide for quick start5.DiscStart to useInstallation of mobile App1. Download and install BVCam, download IOS in iphone store, search for Android system in GooglePlay. For convenience of installation, please scan the below two-dimension code to download BVCam installation. If your device can not be connected to GooglePlay, please scan the below APK two-dimension code for installation. Note: it is suggested to use the QR code Scanner self-contained by browser or from the third party to scan and download App, while direct downloading and installation of App file is not supported by the function of WeChat scanning.2. Clik “+” to add a new camera. Clik and add the networked camera to enter into the added page of camera, fill out UID or add camera. Note: when the camera is initially used, please set camera to connect wi th your router referring to the part “setting camera to connect WIFI network”in the instructions, then add camera3. Two methods for fast input of UID for camera: A, by scanning of two-dimensional code in camera, B, by searching camera in local area network.4. Filling in the name of camera and password of P2P .Default P2P password: 8888, click OK ifAdd device, add networked device Name UIDPasswordNew cameraNew cameraconfirmed. Successfully add camera. You are suggested to revise P2P visiting password for camera after camera is set.5. After displayed that camera is online, click camera which you just add to watch real time video, click at video interface, you can open the control disc of video.6. The icon and button of the pages in videoAdd device, add networked device NameUIDPassword6.Other functions on the pagesVideoScreenshotVideotapeAlarmingSet the camera1. Long press the list item for about three second or click the gear-like button to open the advanced configuration page of the camera.Video Screenshot Video recording Alarm2. Change the WIFI connection of the camera. Select “WIFI connection configuration”, the camera will display available Wi-Fi hotspot. Select the name of your Wi-Fi (SSID), enter the passwords of Wi-Fi, and then press “OK” to connect Wi-Fi. Note: after saving, if the camera has connected with WIFI, it will switch off the current connection and try to connect the new WIFI network, so that in App, the camera will be off-line temporarily for about 1 minute.4. SD card video-recording setting: set the mode of SD card video-recording and the frame size.5. Alarm configuration: Turn on or off motion detection alarm and set the interval time of alarm.Connect the camera with Wi-Fi networkIn case of a new camera or in case that your camera is installed at a new location, please reset the camera to factory settings (after the camera starts, press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds), AP mode is on after the camera is restarted, wifi indicator flashes slowly (every 3 seconds). And then open the setting of phone, connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as camera UID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera.1.Connect the phone with AP hotspot of camera (WIFI network is named as cameraUID), turn on APP until the phone is switched to WIFI network of camera2.Choose “Add camera +” in App3.Chose “connect the camera with WIFI networkAdd device4. Scan QR code of camera UID, click “next”, and then confirm that the name of WIFI network displayed is right, enter the correct WIFI passwords and click “Start” to configure Wi-Fi.5. Wait until App prompts that Wi-Fi connection settings are completed and the camera is online, click “add a new camera” to add a cameraNotes: if APP always display failure, please check the following items:A. Before starting to configure Wifi, the indicator of camera does not flash slowly, AP isnot turned onB. The phone does not connect with AP of the camera, and it is necessary forconfiguration to connect your phone with AP hotspot of the cameraC. Support common router but do not support public router for which login pageauthentication is needed.D. During configuration, check whether the network name, passwords and UID areright.E. In current, Chinese Wifi name and passwords are not supported.F Do not support 5G Wifi signalG. Check whether Wifi indicator is always on, if yes, the camera is connected with thenetwork, please directly add online camera, App may not detect that the camera issuccessfully configured due to network mask.H. If WiFi is in WEP encryption mode, please change it to WPA mode.Watch a video in point-to-point modeIn case that there is no a Wifi router, you can directly watch a view and operate the camera in point-to-point mode.Steps:1. Reset the camera, turn on AP mode until the camera restarts,2. After starting the camera, find Wifi configuration page in your phone with the name same as Wifi network of camera UID, without passwords, which is not encrypted.3. Connect your phone with the Wifi network, wait for Wifi signal symbol which suggests that your phone is successfully connected.4 Slimmer to router mode, directly add online camera, and then it can be used normally. If the camera has been added, it can be added directly.5. Open and watch a video after successful connection.FAQ1. Why the search tool cannot find the camera?Answer: Please confirm that the network is normal, close the firewall and security software, ensure that the camera is connected with the router.2. Why the camera always ask for the user name and passwords, in other words, the use name is not right?Answer: The default passwords are 8888, if you forget the user name or passwords, you can reset the camera to factory settings to gain the default user and passwords.3. How can I recover the camera to the factory settings?Answer: Please press and hold the Reset button for about 5 seconds until the camera restarts.4. Why the image is not clear?Answer: Please remove the protective file of lens, if the question is not solved, please rotate the lens for focusing, and then the image will be clear.。
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一、外型、按键(图片仅供参考,请以实物为准)1:摄像头、2:指示灯孔、3:开\关机键、4:电源工作指示灯、5:USB、6:电源指示灯、二、产品简介本产品具有高清数码摄像MINI DV,TF卡存储器,可拍摄照片和高画质视屏,本产品操作简便,小巧精致,美观实用,便于携带,是家庭安防、生活等领域必备的实用工具,深受各用户的青睐。
1.3、插座说明:USB插座(图示5),用于连接电脑,进行数据传输和DC 5V输出。
按住开机键,连接电脑,本机进入PC Camera(网络摄像头)模式,在该模式下,你可以方便的与好友视频聊天、拍摄大头贴了,等等。
打开time文件夹,设置时间格式如:2000.01.01 00:00:00,年、月、日与时、分、秒之间用空格分开。
Multifunctional video charger specificationFirst, you use the products of this company said thank you! Before use, please read this instruction, correct use of this product.In order to better service, the user's manual content may change. Because the product's performance and function and happen to change without prior notice.Appearance, key(photos are for reference only, please in kind prevail)1: camera, 2: lamp hole, 3: open \ off key, 4: power supply work lamp, 5: USB, 6: power light, Second, the product introductionThis product has high definition digital camera MINI DV, TF card memory, can shoot photos and full hd videos, this product is simple operation, a small fine, beautiful and practical, easy to carry, is thefamily security, life etc the necessary practical tools, well received by the customers.Three, operating instructionsEach component description:Light description: state light (graphic 2).Boot: the red light.Shutdown: red light flash twice extinguishedUSB state: read, write U disk, red light flash. ,The motion detecting video mode: start video: red light flashes 2 times, the light out. Video pause: red light long bright.1.2, button description: open and shut down key (graphic 3) : used for startup, shutdown and camera.1.3, socket description: USB socket (chart 5), used for connecting a computer, data transmission and DC 5 v output.1.4, camera: (graphic 1), used to pickup camera signal.2, switch machine, camera:The machine to insert the 110 v - 220 v ac power, machine namely boot (light), initialization after automatic into the camera (red light flash two lights). In video short process according to boot key, save documents suspended camera, machine in standby state (light long light), long according to boot key is turned off.Note: - machine for cycle camera, please pay attention to the preservation of the disk file, in order to avoid the loss.3, mobile disk:Use this machine designed with USB extension cord directly connected to your computer's USB interface, the computer will pop up moving plate identification, you can also in the "my computer" find "mobile disk" plate character. When the machine connected to the computer, the computer as the mobile disk has already started to work, you can be very convenient through the computer to check, transmission, copy, deleting files. This machine image file save record for: * disc \ _DCIM \ 100 dscim. Need to uninstall this unit, please click on the lower right corner of the task bar icon can be mobile devices, in unloading the removable storage devices, to confirm the safety system can draw hardware, then off the machine and computer connectionNote: according to computer configuration or system difference, identify moving disk time will be slightly different, please be patient, and this period had better not to camera operation, in order to avoid computer hardware to identify impact, if long time not to recognize moving disk, please try to insert, if still cannot identify the hardware, please confirm your operating system, drivers, USB interface, connecting line is is normal;4, computer network camera function:First of all you must install on your computer CD accompanied with the camera driving. The random incidental disc into your computer cd-rom, run the disc STK03N. Exe for camera driver installation, installed cameras drive after they can use the computer camera. Hold the boot key, connect the computer, the machine into PC Camera (web Camera) model, in this mode, you can convenient and close friends to chat, video shooting photo, and so on. Open the web camera picture: double-click my computer -.5, time changes:The video camera provides in the video file display video time function, you can according to the actual needs, set up time, time format for years. Month. Day: points: seconds. Setting method as follows, connecting the computer, find the mobile disk, disk space right click the mouse to move the popup menu "new", "text document" to the document named as "time" (letters must belowercase), its extension is called ". TXT ". You can also in the computer desktop, in accordance with the above method to build such a folder then copy to disk folder. Open time folder, setup time format such as: 2000.01.01 00:00:00, the year, month, day and, points, seconds between separated by Spaces. Then save. Save the file after safety exit hardware, boot, time setting finish. Time set, video file time with you to set a time to. Note: time set good, must not go into effect until after the boot.6, exception handling:Don't boot: machine and power contact is good.Don't league computer: please make sure your operating system, drivers, USB interface, connecting line is is normal.Four, the relevant parametersBuilt-in TF 4 gb 4 gb - 32 gbVideo format AVIVideo coding M - JPEGVideo resolution 640 * 480, 720 * 480, 1280 * 960 VGAVideo frame rate 30 FPSPlay software operating system bring or mainstream video player softwareImage ratio 4:3 urbanusSupport system Windows me / 2000 xp 2003 / vista: MInterface type 5 pin USBCell type high capacity polymer lithium electricitySpecifications could escalate, update, will change, please in kind prevailFive, the matters needing attentionSet usage scenario: please strictly abide by the relevant state laws, not this product is used for any illegal purposes, otherwise the consequence is proud.About battery: with the use time of growth, cell working time is shorter, long not to use, please prior to the use of full of electricity.Player practical capacity is slightly less than nominal capacity, is a normal phenomenon.File security: this product non-professional storage devices, is no guarantee that the internal storage file integrity and security, please immediately in the computer or other storage equipment backup your important documents.Video quality: this product non-professional video equipment, do not guarantee all video file effect can come up to your expectation.Working temperature: 0 - ℃Work humidity: 20% 80%, do not send products in damp working environment, the product does not have waterproof function.Shooting illumination: please in a well-lit environment use, please do not please camera directly to the sun strong illuminant, in order to avoid the optical device hurt.Cleaning requirements: do not in the dust density big environment use, in order to avoid lens and other components infected with dust, affects the camera effect, lens can be used to wipe mirror paper or glasses cloth wipe gently, keep clean.Other items: this product belongs to precision electronic products, please do not make it by strong shock, vibration: do not in strong magnetic field, high voltage off the use.Waste treatment: please pay attention to environmental protection, don't throw them away this product. The ban this product throwing in fire, for preventing explosion.Footnote: other unknown matters please contact with local dealers.。