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(2012 届)






1. Introduction: Scent of a woman (1)

2. The personality of Frank (2)

2.1. Conceited (2)

2.2 Strong self-respect (2)

2.3. Lecherous (3)

2.4. Compassionate (4)

2.5. Brave and fragile (4)

2.6. Lose confidence in life (4)

2.7 have a sense of justice (5)

3、The tendency to commit suicide (6)

3.1 Several signs of suicide in the film (6)

3.2 The analysis of his suicide psychology (6)

4. Frank’s role in the film (7)

5. Conclusion (8)

6. References (9)

7. Acknowledgements (10)

The Analysis of the Character of Frank in Scent of a Woman

Abstract:Lieutenant Colonel Frank stars in the movie Scent of a Woman. As we all know, he plays so important a role that he makes the movie such a great success. In the film, he is conceited, cruel and lecherous but actually he is full of enthusiasm about life. He just couldn't bear the sharp change of position from a colonel in power into a blind man. So he grows cold towards anyone and cynical towards the whole world. He always passes himself off a hedgehog and hurts others on purpose or by accident. After enjoying the decent life for the last time, he finds there’s no reason to live on and would like to commit suicide. Fortunately, he meets Charlie, the one who is able to awaken his desire and hope for life. From then on, his life is renewed.

Key words: personality; suicide psychology; position




1. Introduction: Scent of a woman

Scent of a woman, unlike its topic, is a story happens between two men, Lieutenant Colonel Frank and student Charlie. The film describes the precious friendship between them and they help each other for salvation.

Charlie is an outstanding poor student of Baird, who is shy but frank. However, he is involved in a small trouble. He has no intention of having seen several friends nearby prepare to play jokes on the president. The president knows he is one of the two witnesses, so he alternates intimidation and bribery. If he tells who’s in charge of the joke, he would be free recommended to the Harvard University, but if not he will be expelled from school. However, Charlie does not want to betray his friends and he is determined not to say who directs the practical joke. The president promises to give him two days to make a decision. According to the original plan, Charlie came to v eteran Frank’s home to take care of him in order to earn his plane fare home for Christmas. Frank is one of Lyndon Johnson’s staff, who is blind in an accident. He feels that there’s no hope in life and decides to use all his savings and energy to travel the last time and then commit suicide. On the way, Charlie always stays by his side. They live in luxury hotels, eat delicacies, tango with a beauty, and race the Ferrari... In the view of Frank, he wants to have a look at the world once more. Both of them live in constant strife, but the more is consideration. Consequently, it turns out to be the relationship between father and son.

When he finishes his entire plan, Frank feels there’s no need to live on and want to shoot himself. Fortunately, Charlie detects his intention timely and he is able to persuade him into giving up such a foolish idea. Frank is so impressed by Charlie’s pure nature and integrity that he regains the courage and the hope to survive.

Charlie returns to school as expected. A trial is waiting for him. There’s no doubt that he will be expelled from the Baird if he doesn’t tell the truth. Lieutenant Colonel Frank appears at the council without expectation. He defenses for Charlie with his eloquence and military aggression on behalf of Charlie’s parents. He debunks the president’s selfish purpose and his inappropriate behavior. Thanks to Frank, Charlie wins widespread sympathy and gets away with punishment.

Frank finds his value in the society and is full of enthusiasm about life. At the same time, he finds his sense of belonging to both the society and his family.

Frank plays such an important role in Scent of a Woman that he is the one who makes the
